Preach the Gospol, Euen at Funerals
Preach the Gospol, Euen at Funerals
A monlhly fournol publlshed by WestVirginio School of Preoching under lhe overslght of fhe elders of Hillview Tenoce Church of Chrisl, Moundsville,Wv 2604l (888) 41H573 Vol. 4 No. "Debol4 onfuemountntns L, thefeet ofhtu who Mngs good ttdlngs, wbo poclalms pea&L," Nahum 1:15) 6 June 20//,8 Preach the Gospol, Euen at Funerals The apostle Paul says, "Preach the word; be in/* 0r,""Ar'*,7u* stant in season, out of season. . ." (2 Tim.4:2).Brother Marshal Keeble would have said, "When they like it and when they don't like it." To preach a funeral is not usually an easy task, but one which is most important in our society. What to preach is often even more difficult. Many years ago I had the task of preaching a funeral service of a very young, innocent girl. Her father and mother, though good people, had not obeyed the Gospel. The little girl was playing by the side of a swollen stream. Rushing waters caught her and carried her down stream very rapidly. Her father saw it occur and dived in trying to reach her and pull her to safety. He failed. Though the parents had paid little attention to preparing for eternity, their eyes were now turned toward something spiritual. We had the opportunity to teach them and they were receptive. They remained faithful and years later I was called on to preach a mate's funeral. Words I heard as I stood at the casket with the other mate made me realize how important it was to preach to the living. The mate said to me, "if we had not heard the Gospel at the funeral of my little girl, this day might have been totally different in my life." How often a story just like that could be repeated. Surely one needs to be considerate of the sorrow of many who are touched on that occasion, but when an opportunity to tell lost ones what they need to know, and perhaps will never hear what they need to hear in order to go to heaven. What an opportunity to let the audience know that a sweet, innocent child has gone to be with Jesus. She did not need forgiveness because she had not reached that age of accountability. Tactfully, to be sure, the preacher can speak words of truth which will help someone to think more seriously than ever before. So many attend funerals where the truth is not preached at all. At a recent funeral of one who had never been at all interested in religion, the audience was informed by the preacher that though the deceased had professed no religion in his lifetime, that at his bedside he, the preacher, had leaned over the dying person and asked, "Do you believe in Jesus?" The sinner whispered a reply, "Yes." The preacher told the audience of about 100 people that he knew that the deceased was in heaven. How many in that audience do you suppose went home believing they were ready because they had confessed Christ on some occasion? Preacher friend, many of the funerals which you will have the opportunity to preach will be graced wittr.a good number of people who have never heard the Gospel. Though the deceased one is a faithful member of the church, one out of Christ may be influenced by a faithful proclamation of the Gospel to give attention to what God has said. Do not let the opportunity get away from you! To you who are yet out of Christ, be assured that the preacher who is delivering the message is greatly interested in seeing you saved if he is a Gospel preacher. He feels the weight of the responsibility of saving your soul and is interested only in getting the word into your heart. Young preacher, remember, one day you will be face to face with the Lord and need to tell him why you did not tell those lost ones what to do to be saved. What will you say? O \ 'IlN su \,,*ffi* "h, N htblishing joint-heir with Jesus Christ to the glories that are to come, he has peace in his soul that defies description. This is made possible by the feet of him who brings good tidings, who proclaims peace. It is our devout prayer that every person in the world will one day know the peace that passes all understanding. Peace D. Gene West dgw'e s t0 2 @ +,e ri zo n. n e t Hpffi'*tr' #*tr : .n : ;?:xT ". " WVSOP is based on the first part of Nahum 1:15 which reads as follows: "Behold, otr the mountains the feet of him who brings good tidings, who proclaims peace. . . ." It is the business of our school to prepare men to go out into a world that is wallowing in sin to proclaim peace to them. This is done by the proclamation of "good tidings," which is another way of saying the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For if there are any good tidings to be found in this old world it is in the words of the glorious Gospel of Christ. Of this great Gospel Paul wrote, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'The just shall live by faith"'(Rom. 1:16-IJ). The Gospel of Christ is a message of peace. Since it contains the revelation of the righteous will of God, it contains all one needs to come to know the God of the universe in which we live. It is the Gospel that must be preached if the sin-stricken human soul is to find peace with God, man and itself. There are many who are crying, "Peace, peace," when there is no peace in the message they would present to the world. There is no peace in a message of health and wealth, for like everything else that is time-bound health and wealth must be surrendered to death! There is no peace to be found in a religious message that is filled only with entertainment-a message of "food, frolic and fun" as one "Pastor" put it when condemning such a message. The world needs a message of peace. We do not refer to a message of peace between nations, though that would come if the Gospel of Jesus Christ were taken seriously by enough people. We refer to the peace that passes all understanding-that internal peace that eomes from knowing Christ as Savior, Redeemer and Friend. Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" (Matt. 5:9). Jesus spoke not of those peacemakers who force peace on people by bearing arms against them, as in the case of the so-called UN peacemakers. Rather He spoke of those who make it possible for mankind to have peace deep in the soul by preaching the Gospel to them. Preachers of the Gospel are the peacernakers of whom our Lord so eloquently spoke. When one is saved from sin, when he is a Christian, a Oh, God send us more feet! O Come study the Bible with us ! West Virginia School of Preaching 2Year Program 2600+ Class Hours Tuition Free Bible & Related Subjects Qualified Faculty Approved for VA Benefits Director: Denver E, Cooper Hillview Terrace Church of Christ PO Box 785 Irloundsville W 26041 Toll Free: BBB.41 8.4573 West Virginia School of Preaching Victory lectures Books of past lectureships are still available at reduced prices. Contact the school to order your copy. & 1996 SOLD OIIT r9g7 soLD 1gg8 soLD 1999 SOLD OUT 199s our our $3.00 $3.00 2000 Faitlt, Hope, Love $3.00 2001 The Book of Mark $3.00 2002 Srudies from the Book of Zechariah $3.00 2003 The King & the Kingdom in Matthew $3.00 2004 Minor Prophets: /onah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk 2005 2006 2007 SOLD OUT The Minor Prophets Ephesians: The Glorious Churclt of the Glorious Christ $3.00 $10.00 $10.00 fla,clrftv T',a-ta;.€ Abraltam Commanded His Ilousehold John Board j ohn. b ao rd @ I<v ne t. o r g Male leadership-how often we find it lacking in our homes and in the church. Such was not the case with Abraham. On the pages of Scripture we find testimony to the fact that Abraham was the type of man of whom God approved. Sixteen of the thirty-nine Old Testament books mention Abraham. Seven of the eight New Testament writers refer to him. In I Peter 3:6 the inspired writer reveals how Sarah, Abraham's wife submitted to her husband; such was pleasing to Sarah in as much as she called him lord. Moses through inspiration recorded that Abraham commanded his household (Gen.18:19). C-onsider some characteristics of this man of God. First God "had knowledge" of Abraham. Abraham was a man of faith. His trust in God had led him on numerous occasions to obey even when he did not know where his obedience would lead him. His faith would later lead him to choose to worship God rather than worshipping the son God had given him (Gen. 22). But there is more to the knowledge spoken of in Genesis 18:19. God's knowledge of Abraham here was similar to God's knowledge of Jeremiah (1:5) and his knowledge of Israel as a nation (Amos 3:2). Such knowledge involves a setting apart and that is why some translations have rendered the first part of Genesis 18:19 as "I have chosen Abraham." It was based upon this knowledgel choosing of Abraham, first recorded in Genesis 12 that God chose to reveal to Abraham His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God revealed the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham so that he could direct his descendants to walk in the ways of God and do what was right. It would be based upon this continued walk with God that God would fulfill His promise to Abraham's descendants. God gave the responsibility of teaching the principle that reward from God only comes through faithfulness to Him, to the head"of the household. Men still have the same responsibility placed upon them today. A part of loving your wife often missed in reading Ephesians 5:22ff is caring, enough to see that she is "nourished" physically-aqd more importantly spiritually. It is to fathers that Paul writes and admonishes'". . .[P]rovoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4). Men are to provide the spiritual headship in the home. Much like in Abraham's day, the responsibility of teaching our households to do right and keep the ways of the Lord, will have a determining role on whether our households ever receive from God the promise he has made possibleheaven. Do you as a husband and father command your household to keep the way of the Lord? Notice where commanding the household starts. In Genesis 18:19 we read that Abraham commanded his household after him. Like Abraham of old, men must first have a relationship with God that can be seen by other family members. Does your household see you read your Bible? Does your family know you to be a man of prayer? Is it obvious that you are a "friend of God?" If not this is where you must start to make the necessry corrections before you will ever be able to cornmand your household in the ways of God. If you already have a relationship with God, how is your spiritual relationship with your wife? Are you providing the spiritual nourishing that she needs? There is no substitute for God's plan for building self-esteem in women. Too often marriages fail because the man has not been attentive to the needs of his wife. The wife, contrary to God's will, then seeks fulfillment of her needs elsewhere. What greater insurance could there be of marriage as intended by God, than making God the focus of that marriage. IVho is to take the lead in seeing that God is the focus of the marriage? The Bible teaches it is the Christian husband. How is your relationship with your children? Do you love them? We often show our children we love them in many ways except in the most important way of allteaching them to walk in the ways of the l,ord and do right. The value God has placed upon early training of children in His ways cannot be overstated. Deuteronomy 6:4ff still should be practiced today by all parents, but especially fathers. Reading secular books aloud to our children is an excellent way to help them grow in their ability to read but have you ever considered how that principle could be applied to Bible reading? Please do not fall into the trap of thinking the church will provide the spiritual instruction for your children. God has always placed that responsibility upon the parents, and ultimately upon the father. Abraham commanded his household. This enabled them to enjoy the blessings of the promises of God. If we command our household we can help mold hearts to choose to follow God and receive eternal promises. S) OhioValleyChurch l.enfirres G.^ Augusf r'-z.',zoo8 .Gk^^^ ftffiI. Eostd | fir E[armarHill Ohurch of Ohrist &M&dgewood Drive Marietta, Ohio 740.373.1350 STEM CELLS AruO A SNruCTIFIED LIFE Van Sprague (2006) In Psalm 139 David's language is not only beautiful and poetic, it is inspired. Therefore, any implications of his writing are authoritative since they are from God. Before David was born, God knew the days 'Tashioned" for him (vv. 13-16). While, directly, this section is dealing with God's power and knowledge, it makes the point that God had a plan for David's life before David was born. This was not only an attestation to God's foreknowledge, but along with other Scripture, this shows that the time at which one is considered a living being is conception. Isaiah and Jeremiah wrote of themselves as being "called," or "sanctified," "to be His Servant" (Isa. 49:1, 5; Jer. 1:5;) before their births. Isaiah specifically wrote of being called 'Trom the womb." Someone might object that these verses are simply exaggerations and they cannot be used to determine the time at which one becomes a living being. Perhaps there would be an area of doubt if it were not for the events that happened to Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist. It was said of John that he would "be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb" (Luke 1:15). Further, when Mary went to visit John's mother, Elizabeth, 'the babe Fohnl leaped in her womb" (Luke l:41). Babe here is a term that is interchangeably used of young children, before or after birth. What is the point? God chose to call Elizabeth'sfttus a child. Here we have it, though the term "stem cell" may put you in the mind of hot political issues, this subject can only be correctly handled by the unchanging mind of God. Before this research even entered into the thoughts of men, God had already given us the information we needed to know to understanri our moral limits. Men cloud correct understanding of the topic by including things that are not truly related to the point. If one opposes a single part of stem cell research, he is considered to be against science, ignorant or opposed to change. What is the true issue and what does it have to do with us? The problem is in the source of the stem cell. A stem cell is a cell that still has the ability to renew itself through splitting again and again. It can be derived either from adult or embryonic (fertilized egg) cells. Adult stem cells are reported to lack the 'Tlexibility" of the embryonic cells in their ability to mimic different tissues. So, there is a push to endorse and further support embryonic stem cell research. It is this particular area that should be unacceptable to the Christian. Why? To obtain an embryonic stem cell, the embryo is destroyed (despite attempts other wise). Therefore, as noted above, someone who is removing a stem cell from an embryo is, by definition, committing murder! To further press the point, imagine if it were true that destroying embryos was the only means of curing various diseases. Would the end justify the means? Perhaps it would be better to illustrate it this way. Would it be acceptable for a person in need of a heart transplant to seek a living donor, murder him and take his heart? He would be cured! However, he would be destroying the life of another to preserve his. How would using embryonic stem cells be any different? In reality, we find that adult stem cells are just as usable as embryonic. As a mater a fact, by April of last year adult stem cells were being used to treat 73 diseases or conditions. Compare that to embryonic cells' score: zero ( So what does this have to do with you? Obviously, it may sway your politics, but morg importantly, it should have a bearing on your life. God, throughout history, set aside people for specific tasks for him, before their births! What does God have in mind for you? Are you developing in your sanctified, new man, or have you aborted Christ's cause to seek your own? riopreach@hotmail.corn Sl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t'vlez,#}\;?HHunoN 89'oN llurad nM'oll!^spuno]/\ OIVd e6elso6 g1-1 0rg ryord uoN Eupqcoa"ad{o loocps o?u?Er?tt $a/n, +s[t13 lo tlcJnqo ecPJJel /v\o!All!H