Eco architektūra
Eco architektūra
12/28/2014 Normatyvai Eco architektūra Mada ar laikmečio būtinybė ........ SISTEMOS,KRITERIJAI Energinio efektyvumo klasės BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method The BREEAM assessment process was created in 1990 with the first two versions covering offices and homes. Versions are updated regularly in line with UK Building Regulations and different building versions have been created since its launch to assess various building types. A energinio efektyvumo klasės namas lyginant su C klasės namu statyba pabrangtų iki 10 %, o sutaupyti galima apie 80 % energijos sunaudojamos šildymui. Skaičiuojant konkrečiomis kainomis papildomos išlaidos atsiperka per mažiau kaip 10 metų. GREAT BRITAIN 1990 1 12/28/2014 LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design The development of LEED began in 1993 and was spearheaded by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) senior scientist Robert K. Watson DGNB The German Sustainable Building Council In contrast to comparable systems,the GeSBC label takes all three sustainability dimensions in account in its assessment structure,examining ecological,economic and socio-cultural aspects. The rating systems address eight major areas: Location and Planning Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation and Design Process Regional Priority USA 1998 GERMANY 2007 Saulės energijos potencialas 2 12/28/2014 STACIONARIOS SISTEMOS: Pasvirimo kampas 35° optimalus Lietuvoje; 90° ant pastatų fasadų; 20° ant pietinio stogo šlaito; -20° ant šiaurinio stogo šlaito; 3° ant plokščio stogo dangos. Canadian Waste Plant Will Power Itself Using Soda and Beer We know what you’re thinking – you’re thinking why would anyone waste perfectly good beer and soda to run a power plant? Rest assured because this beer and soda would only be poured down the drain anyway. A pilot project for the Great White North, this intoxicating to power a plant in Atlantic Canada, in project will see the use of waste soda and beer Plastic bags have been the enemy of environmentalists for pretty much as long as they have existed. Not only are they made from oil, but they clog our landfills for hundreds of years. Many cities, states and countries have banned plastic bags altogether, but for most of the world, they'll be hanging around for a while longer. In an attempt to deal with the millions and millions of plastic bags used every year, created a machine that can turn plastic bags into fuel in a carbon negative process. The machine, which is now being sold by the inventor's Blest Corporation, heats the plastic and traps the vapors in a system of pipes, where the vapors ethanol plant for their own internal use. “What sort of changes can we make to this initial pilot plant that we’re going to put up, to make it so it can operate economically at a small scale,” Kevin Shiell, scientific director for New Brunswick Community College asked. “This may be too small, but maybe a million liter plant we can actually get it so that it is feasible.” As you all know, ethanol is a much greener fuel than fossil fuels as it burns cleaner, and if made from waste using only one kilowatt of electricity. Obviously, once the fuel is burned, it will release CO2 into the atmosphere, but it's allowing the oil that created the plastic to be used twice instead of just once and then sent to a landfill. That cuts down on the amount of oil we need to extract and keeps plastic out of landfills. The machine is meant for households, but it emissions. produces zero CO2 A new study published in the journal Energy Policy says that we could achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, and not just U.S., but the world. The study says that we have access to all the necessary technology, but strong political would have to exist for it to happen. Japanese inventor Akinori Ito has order to keep its ethanol fuel tanks maintained.The $500,000 plan is being spearheaded by New Brunswick Community College’s Bio-energy and Bio-products Applied Research and Technology facility in Grand Falls, Canada. The research team will use Milco Industries’ waste soda and beer for the trial. Traditionally the unwanted liquid is deposited in landfills, which can cost the company between $100,000 and $200,000 in disposal costs. However, with the plant’s new ethanol system, this beer and soda will be converted into 250,000 to 500,000 gallons of ethanol yearly. If the pilot project is a success, it is believed that Milco Industries will acquire an even larger-scale organic products 100 Percent Renewable Energy Possible by 2030 are cooled and condensed into crude oil. The crude oil can be used in generators and even some stoves, but with one more refining step, it can be used in gasoline. The very efficient machine can process two pounds of plastic (including polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene) into a quart of oil currently costs $10,000, which is pretty steep. Ito hopes that the cost of the machine will drop as production increases. So, how can we get to 100 percent renewables by 2030? Well, to be exact, the study says we'll need: four million 5 MW wind turbines(2013 jau yra 300 000 MW,2015-425 000 MW) 1.7 billion 3 kW roof-mounted solar PV systems, 90,000 300 MW solar power plants (including PV and concentrated solar), and a smattering of geothermal, wave and tidal power plants. The calculations leave out biomass because of pollution and land use issues, as well as nuclear power. The wind turbines are larger than most currently operating today, but a few 5 MW offshore turbines have been built. Two major hurdles to this plan are finding ways to interconnect the various power sources based on output and variability (wind being high output but high variability, tidal and geothermal being low output but low variability), and a supply bottleneck of rare earth materials. For those materials, mining would have to increase by five times the current rate and recycling would have to be introduced. The authors say political roadblocks to such a massive build-up of renewable energy would be the largest challenge of all. 3 12/28/2014 Naujos medžiagos, SolTech'ai Saulės sistema veikia pašildytu oru po skaidraus stiklo čerpėmis. Pagrindo juodo nailono drobės sluoksnis sugeria saulės šilumą ir perduoda ją į orą, o tai savo ruožtu šildo vandenį, kuris vamzdynais tiekiamas į akumuliatorius -boilerius +/ - ECO ? Langam naudojamas ekologiškas, netoksiškas polimeras, kuris keičia savo molekulinę struktūrą, atsižvelgiant į temperatūrą. Tinklelis filtras dedamas tarp stiklo lakštų ir ji galima pakoreguoti atsižvelgiant į skirtingą aplinkos oro temperatūrą. Tai reiškia, kad langai gali būti konfigūruojami,pagal konkrečias vietos sąlygas bei orientaciją pasaulio šalių atžvilgiu. What if you had a swimming pool that could change shape according to your needs? Enter the Hydrofloor, a multitasking pool floor that can actually rise and lower to different levels. The pool can even disappear entirely to form a floor! This neat disappearing trick is also a huge energy saver, as the pool water is insulated and retains heat when not in use. Graphene Could be Key to Better, Cheaper Organic Solar Cells Researchers at MIT believe that the use of graphene as an electrode material in organic solar cells could make them cheaper to produce and could open up a host of new As is the case with EnSol’s technology, SolarWindow incorporates a spray-on photosensitive film. It is applied at room temperature, allows the window to remain transparent, and is capable of generating electricity from both artificial and natural light – the company's intention is that it would be used primarily on the exterior of windows, where it would be exposed to sunlight.While the details of how the system works aren’t being fully disclosed, the company has stated that the film “replaces visibility-blocking metal [used in most solar panels] with environmentally-friendly and more transparent compounds." applications The 16 sunrises that the 3D-textured solar cells will encounter each day will provide a significant test for the cells key efficiency-enhancing attribute. Coated with a copper-zinc-tin-sulfur mixture, the cells appear as “millions of tiny skyscrapers when viewed under a microscope,” providing a texture which enables the cells to trap sunlight, rather than having the light reflect off the cells, as is the case with standard 2D, flat solar cells.As a result, while flat solar panels often under-perform at sunset, Ready’s textured cells actually prove more efficient at this time, as sunlight hits the coating at a sharper angle. Tests on earth have so far supported the 3Dtextured cells efficiency improvements over conventional flat cells. for the technology. Organic solar cells are constantly improving and have great potential, but some issues are still holding them back from really taking off. The efficiency of such cells still lags behind that of traditional silicon cells and, so far, the only electrode material that has been successful is Hua Qin we were giddy with excitement. These window panes, which were unveiled at Taipei’s International Optoelectronics Week, do double duty to block out the elements and create energy for your home. With these solar windows one could generate electricity not on the roof of an electric car, but through the sun roof or the window pane. This solar glass would be perfect for greenhouses, capturing light from panes of glass that already magnify the sun. The opportunities with solar glass are endless, let’s hope Hua Qin sets to work manufacturing them soon. rare and expensive indium-tin-oxide (ITO). The researchers have begun experimenting with inexpensive and readily available graphene, a form of carbon where the atoms form a flat sheet just one atom thick, arranged like chicken-wire, as an electrode. The use of graphene has lots of benefits over ITO, Kyosemi-Sphelar-cells namely transparency. Because it's transparent just like the organic solar cells themselves, the cells could be applied to windows or even on top of other solar panels, boosting overall electricity output. Graphene is also flexible, where ITO is rigid, meaning cells could be applied to irregular wall or rooftop surfaces the and folded or rolled for easy transportation. And, just as importantly, the graphene's performance as an electrode material is very similar to the ITO, making it a suitable replacement. 4 12/28/2014 Medžiagos ir technologijos Aerogelis turi patį mažiausią tankį – 1 mg/cm3, žinomą žmogui. (Jei gerai paskaičiavau, tai 1000 kubinių metrų tūrio(tokio tūrio būtų kubas, kurio kraštinė 10 m.) Aerogelio gabalas svertų tik 1 kilogramą.) Padengus metalinę plokštelę 6mm storio Aerogelio sluoksniu, ji buvo beveik nepažeista tiesioginės dinamito sprogimo bangos. Kuriama nauja Aerogelio versija, kuri galėtų sutraukti šviną, bei gyvsidabrį iš vandens. Anne Parmenter – Britų alpinistė įkopusi į Everesto viršūnę su batais turinčiais viduje Aerogelio, teigė jog pagrindinė bėda, jog kojoms buvo per karšta. Hugo Boss sukūrė žieminių striukių liniją su Aerogeliu, tačiau jas teko išimti iš prekybus gavus nusikandimų, jog su jomis per karšta. 18 mm Aerogelio sluoksnis gali apsaugoti kosmonautus nuo -130 C temperatūros. + - ECO ? UAB HOTA <> 1 cm - 40 eur/m2 Šiluminis laidumas λ 0,013 (W/mK) Gamo Šilumos sulaikymas (%) Apšiltinimo storis δ (cm) Šiluminė varža R (m2K/W) 5 1,30 90 10 2,36 94 20 5,26 6,58 7,90 97 98 98 25 30 Šilumos laidumas 0,038 W/mK 5 12/28/2014 Termovizija KANAPĖS 20 cm 7 cm 6 12/28/2014 12 kWh / (m2 . a) / With the Pisee-technique the silt and earthen mixture is compressed periodically in horizontal layers of roughly 12cm thickness in the mould. The crumbly, soil-damp mixture is poured in layers and is compressed with air compression beaters and vibration rolls. After every third layer, a mortar layer is mounted on the mould edge and also compressed into the mixture. Alternatively stone or brick sheets can be used. A working section and mould section is 15 m to 20 m long at the maximum and not higher than 2,8 m. The vertical alignment splices to the next wall section come up in an angle of 40°. At a storey-high mould the wall thickness is usually at 60cm, as the mould has to be accessible for the compression procedure. On smaller mould sections the thickness of the load bearing walls can be reduced, according to the structural purpose, to 20 or 40 cm. Thermal conductivity: according to Material 0,64W/mK up to 0,93W/mK We’ve all heard about buildings powered by solar or wind energy, but an algae-powered building? Splitterwerk Architects have designed just such a structure, dubbed BIQ, which will be the very first of its kind. Covered with a bio-adaptive façade of microalgae, the distinctive building has been designed for the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg and is slated to open this month!To create the algae façade, the building is covered in bio-reactive louvers that enclose the algae. These louvers allow the algae to survive and grow faster than they would otherwise while also providing shade for the interior of the building. Additionally, the bio-reactors trap the heat energy created by the algae, which can then be harvested and used to power the building Hamburg International Building Exhibition in 7 12/28/2014 GREEN BOX, in New York city The architect Luis de Garrido is presenting his latest sustainable home prototype,. The home will be built in Barcelona to celebrate the Construmat 2009 International Construction Fair GREEN BOX is the first modular Garden-House that is prefabricated, reusable, transportable, has an infinite life cycle, is bioclimatic, has zero energy consumption, and does not generate waste. 1. Foundations.Prefabricated reinforced concrete panels. 2. Horizontal structure.Prefabricated reinforced concrete panels, assembled together by .means of screwed-in metal profile sections. Screwed-in metal profile sections.3. Interior coverings.Wood panels, panelate,polycarbonate, ECO panels, methacrylate, and GEA ecological paints.4. Layout features.Polycarbonate, methacrylate and reinforced concrete panels.5. Fasade.Ventilated fa?ade using extrusion-molded ceramics held in place by means of folded metal plate profile sections. Fasade installations made of recycled paper towels from aeroplanes, and plastic bottles.6. Floorings.Ecological parquet treated with oils and FSC wood. ECO panels.7. Paints.GEA ecological paints with water dissolvent, without biocides, organic pigments and high CPV.8. Insulation.Fa?ade installations made by recycling paper towels from aeroplanes, and plastic bottles. Insulation of sheep’s wool, hemp and wood fiber.9. Outside coverings and sunshades for the windows IPE wood treated with Borax salts and finishings based on lasures.10. Outside carpentry.Hazelnut laminated wood carpentry.11. GlassDouble-glazing (6-10-4) with an air chamber.12. Roofing Landscaped roofing with insulation made of wood fiber (8cm), waterproofing Sopralene sheet, a filter sheet of unweaved syntheticfiber, geo-textile drainage sheet, and a substratum of vegetation (40% sand, 60% plant waste).13. Finishings and guttering Galvanized plate lacquered in red.14. Vertical garden structure 50 X 50 cm net panels that can be taken down, to hold vegetation and the hydroponic watering system.15. Vertical garden Vegetation species adapted to the Mediterranean, with hydroponic watering.16. Sloping garden (of the roof garden) Species of vegetation that are native to the Mediterranean, with no need for watering (lavender, rosemary, thyme,…)17. Lighting Exclusively LED lighting shall always be used. 18. Plumbing facilities Polypropylene pipes.19. Bathroom fittings Polyethylene pipes.20. Electrical installations Polypropylene pipes and cables free of halogenous material.21. Solar heating system Solar heat collectors for producing S.H.W..22. Boilers and solar-heated floor Condensing boilers and high performance solar collectors..23.Geothermal system.Geothermal system by means of piles, integrated with a solar system and condensing boilers.The most notable innovations in GREEN BOX An infinite life cycle.All of the components of GREEN BOX have been designed to be dryassembled using screws, nails and by applying pressure. They can thus be easily extracted from the building in order to be repaired, reused or replaced. In this way, the building can last ad infinitum, at a very low energy cost.Transportability. By separate pieces.All of GREEN BOX’s features (even the sloping garden and the vertical garden) have been designed so as to be easily assembled and taken apart indefinitely. This is why these features can be transported anywhere to be easily assembled (in less than a week) as many times as necessary.Complete elimination of waste.The GREEN BOX components have been factory-made, without generating any waste. In the same way, it is assembled without generating waste and dismantled without generating waste. The keys to achieving this are: Absolute industrialization, the design of the assembly system, and the compositional layout system employ ed in designing the architecture as a whole..All of GREEN BOX’s features (even the sloping garden and the vertical garden) have been designed so as to be easily assembled and taken apart indefinitely. Extreme flexibility.Due to its design, GREEN BOX can be extended, reduced, or even adopt other kinds of architectural configurations. Similarly, GREEN BOX’s interior is diaphanous and has been designed to adopt any possible compartmental layout and spatial reconfiguration. Total industrialization All of GREEN BOX’s components have been made in different factories. These components have been put together at the building’s location, to create the building. Not one component has been made “in situ”. Of course, this means its is essential to carry out a good architectural project.High degree of bioclimatism GREEN BOX has been designed to have the best possible bioclimatic behavior. That is to say, the building heats up as much as possible by itself in winter, and cools down as much as possible by itself in summer. All of this is achieved without apparatus. It simply occurs because of the architectural design and at no additional cost..Energy selfsufficiency GREEN BOX consumes zero conventional energy.GREEN BOX heats up in winter by means of a combination of 3 different systems:Proper bioclimatic design Incorporation of a system of solar collectors (for the S.H.W and heating via radiating floor) Incorporation of an economical and ingenious architectural system of geothermal energy.Similarly, GREEN BOX cools down in summer by means of a combination of 2 different systems:Proper bioclimatic design Incorporation of an economical and ingenious architectural system of geothermal energy.The extraordinarily low energy lighting (leds) and the highly efficient electrical appliances are supplied by the electricity generated by the photovoltaic collectors.The energy necessary to heat the radiating floor and sanitary hot water comes from a combination of a geothermal system and a solar system. It is not necessary to use any other system, nor a connection to the electrical grid. GREEN BOX is a self-sufficient building.Double vertical garden (on both sides of one wall)\This is the first example of a vertical garden on both sides of a wall. Apart from the attractive shapes, the system provides a perfect balance between insulation, heat capacity, breathability, oxygenation, and lighting. In fact, this is an early step in how to handle features of live vegetation as architectural surrounds and structural architectural compositional features.Vertical garden that can be dis-assembled and transported by modules.The double vertical garden has been built from cellular polyethylene panels, screwed to a metal structure that holds it. Thus, each panel of vegetation can be composed separately in the greenhouse (to control its design and stimulate growth of the species of vegetation), and moved to the building when necessary (with the plants fully grown). Similarly, each vegetation panel can be taken away from the building in order to be moved elsewhere, repaired and reused as many times as one should wish.Design of the landscaped roof’s autochthonous garden.The landscaped roof has been planned based on autochthonous plant species, which will hardly consume water. The garden’s design is inspired by the eternal fight between Tiger and Dragon, the balance between the Yin and Yang that symbolizes human activity on Earth. It is a hint that symbolizes GREEN BOX’s desire to provide a sensible road towards achieving another kind of architecture. This architecture should enable a balance between living beings, and the balance of living beings with the planet.Design of the sloping landscaped roof as continuity of the surrounding grounds (100% edification – 100% green zone).One of the aims of GREEN BOX’s design is to give the home a landscaped roof that can be passed by as if it were continuing the land. This is why a landscaped roof has been planned at a 12? inclination that stretches to ground level. Thus, passers-by can walk comfortably and even have access to the roof. In other words, GREEN BOX enables building a construction that occupies land 100% and at the same time guarantees a 100% green zone.Reversible interior design All of GREEN BOX’s indoor finishings are reversible. That is to say, they can easily be withdrawn, recuperated and replaced. All of the fittings have been put together under pressure or with screws. Hence they can easily be repaired and replaced. This concept is also extended to the bathroom and kitchen fittings, sanitary fittings and kitchen furniture.The interior design has been inspired by the 12 signs of the European zodiac and the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. This hint symbolizes the desired balance between the Earth and the Cosmos that one aims to achieve with this prototype. The signs of the zodiac have been illustrated by means of backlit perforations on the inner surfaces. The golden light from the finishings contrasts with the blue of the indoor sky, creating a dreamy, mystic atmosphere that welcomes meditation and reflection. A perfect frame for the “Artificial Nature VI” exhibition.Use of new ecologicalproducts.In constructing GREEN BOX, new recently manufactured products have been used that are very innovative (insulation from recycled aeroplane towelettes, insulation from recycled glasses, insulation from recycled glass bottles, ECO panels from recycled glass, screws, scrap metal,…panelate, polycarbonate panels molded by extrusion, ecological GEA paints, etc.A transportable structure made with concrete panels and metal plate profiles.The construction system used in GREEN BOX based on screwed-in structural features (concrete panels, metal plate profiles) allows it to be transported with no need for special transport.Transportable foundations.The prototype’s very foundations have been made by means of a double layer of reinforced concrete slabs. The reinforced concrete slabs are joined to one another by means of screwed together metal plate profiles. In this way, two things are achieved. Firstly, an underground air chamber is created that allows ventilation air to be cooled in summer (and ventilation air to be heated in winter). Secondly, if it is decided to take down the building, it allows for the building to be moved to another place. No trace is left of the building, since even the foundations can be transported. This is a 100% sustainable building, which leaes no trace.The building system used enables construction costs to be cut by up to 50%. This makes it a construction model for the new social and economic order for the coming years. Three MIT designers – Mitchell Joachim, Lara Greden and Javier Arbona – created this living tree house in which the dwelling itself merges with its environment and nourishes its inhabitants. This home concept is intended to replace the outdated design solutions at Habitat for Humanity. Until now this house is just a concept, an a really cool one. Despite its odd exterior, the house will look normal on the inside. The walls, packed with clay and plastered over, will keep out the rain, and modern technology will be welcome. Nader Khalili's Cal-Earth Institute Of Earth Big Bear It’s a schematic of a home to be built in Palm Springs this winter Binishells, self-supporting made out of , Mojave Forty-nine miles from our place in the Desert town of Hesperia, is world-renowned architect and philosopher Nader Khalili's Cal-Earth Institute of Earth Architecture building site. Peggy and I visited the Cal-Earth site yesterday where we finally got to see, first-hand, the beautiful and structurally sound earth-friendly dwellings that have been constructed there over the past 16 years. concrete shells erected in hours using only air pressure. The technology was invented by architect Dante Bini in the 1960s, and received widespread attention in the era of Buckminster Fuller and Saarinen’s swooping TWA terminal.Now, Dante and his son Nicolo hope to re-introduce the Binishell as an efficient, low-cost and lowcarbon building technology to a world strapped for resources and concerned about pollution.The basic concept is simple: place an inflatable membrane (basically a balloon) on a concrete foundation, cover it with concrete, and then inflate it. When the concrete is lifted to the required height, it is allowed to set. The membrane is then removed and is ready for use in the next structure.Green - reducing carbon footprints by approx. 80% Fast - reducing construction schedules by between 67% and 75% Strong - able to resist hurricanes, earthquakes and floods Flexible - infinite variety of shapes, uses and finishesInexpensive - reducing construction costs by and average of 50% 8 12/28/2014 using a shipping container as its starting point the mobile dwelling unit by lot-ek, uses a series of protrusions to add space to the unit. the new york based studio of ada tolla and giuseppe lignano has designed the space so that the container itself remains open and the modules serve as the functions. one acts as an eating nook while the kitchen and bathroom are recessed into others. when the home needs to be moved, the modules slide back into the container, ready for shipping PADANGOS IR....... Michael Reynolds MEXICO City BNKR architects have designed an incredible 65-storey 'earth-scraper' which plunges 300 metres below ground.The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital.The subterranean building will have 10 storeys each for homes, shops and a museum, as well as 35 storeys for offices. http:// www.bunkerarquitectura. com/ 9 12/28/2014 Shaped like an abstract flower and amazing from any aerial view, this underground house is nearly invisible – a rolling hill in the landscape – viewed from on the ground and all around. From below it blends in seamlessly with the natural surroundings. From above it is a beacon in the night. And inside, well, the pictures show it all.At nearly ten thousand square feet, this house designed by Make Architects for all-star football player Gary Neville is as architecturally daring as it is eco-friendly – it aims to be the first carbon-neutral house in all of Great Britain.Local materials and traditional construction techniques will reduce transportation and technology waste while geothermal heat, solar roof panels and wind turbines will generate sustainable energy on the site. In short: this house is about as green as it gets on all fronts, inside and out.This may be the boldest, biggest and best modern underground home plan to date. Sometimes green architecture is makes grass-roots progress – but in other cases it takes someone eccentric with power, money and fame to push the envelop on environmental home construction. Earth House by Peter Vetsch The earth structure houses provide organic forms, their development requiring creativity and a strong sense of space and was designed by Peter Vetsch, are based on the interpretation of an environmentally conscious, ecological and progressive architecture. The earth- covered houses are grouped centered around a small artificial lake with the entrance well hidden and integrated at the side of the settlement.Located in Dietikon, Switzerland the Earth House Estate Lättenstrasse is build on the ground.The residential settlement consists of nine houses, three 3 bedroom, a 4 bedroom, a 5 bedroom, three 6 bedroom and a 7 bedroom house.The earth-house concept uses the ground as an insulating blanket that efficiently protects it from rain, low temperatures, wind and natural abrasion. An earth house does not have to be built under the ground, it can be placed onto naturally grown terrain. For more information of this project please check this. 10 12/28/2014 THOMA (AUSTRIJA) Ductal Experimentation with concrete mixes over the years resulted in innovations such as the use of pigments to create color and optics to create transparency. One recent innovation in concrete has provided architects and engineers with new opportunities and possibilities. This new type of concrete, Ductal, is just as versatile as regular concrete and, after 10 years of research, has proven to be not only stronger than regular concrete, but significantly more flexible, with a compressive strength as high as 30,000 PSI and a flexural strength of 6,000 PSI. Increased flexibility allows structures to stretch rather than crumble, creating safer and more stable structures. Ductal concrete’s strength comes from the 2% to 4% fiber composition in the mix. Along with being flexible, Ductal concrete is resistant to freezing, abrasion, and chemicals, and requires less maintenance then regular concrete. Ductal concrete allows builders to take advantage of prefabrication, thereby cutting costs and shortening construction schedules.Another successful Ductal concrete project is the Pont du Diable Footbridge, a walking bridge in France. By using Ductal concrete, the engineer and architect, Romain and Rudy Ricciotti, were able to create a bridge that spanned roughly 300 feet (70m) without a single support. The bridge was created out of fifteen prefabricated sections. The completed bridge is only four centimeters thick. Dendro light 11 NENDRĖS WWW.COFREEN.EU 12/28/2014 ŠIAUDAI +/- MOLIS Karkasiniai namai – skiriasi nuo modulinių ir skydinių namų tuo, kad jie yra statomi lauko sąlygomis. Ypač tinka sunkiai prieinamose vietose, kur negalima panaudoti kėlimo technikos. Karkasiniai namai pasižymi tomis pačiomis savybėmis kaip ir skydiniai namai. Namas (100m2) yra statomas per 5 savaites be apdailos. Karkasinius ir skydinius namus statome pagal individualius brėžinius, galimi patys įvairiausi namo architektūriniai – planiniai sprendimai. Skydiniai namai statomi iš gamykloje paruoštų skydų. Tokie namai nesideformuoja, apdaila galima daryti iškart po montavimo. Namo (100m2) konstrukcijos gaminamos 1 – 4 savaites, dalių komplektas išvežamas į statybos aikštelę ir sumontuojamas per 1 – 2 dienas. Toks namas nereikalauja sudėtingų, masyvių pamatų. Tai greitas ir ekonomiškas būdas pasistatyti jaukų ir šiltą namą. Moduliniai namai – tai gamyklinio išbaigtumo namai. Pagrindą sudaro – metalinis karkasas. Stogo konstrukcija pritaikyta įrengti terasą. Namai pasižymi greita gamyba ir greitu montavimu, nereikalauja sudėtingų pamatų. Namai yra mobilūs, pavyzdžiui po 2m. namą galima pervežti į kitą vietą, kas nedaro jokios įtakos konstrukcijai. Namo ( 100m2) konstrukcijos gaminamos 3-4 savaites, montavimas trunka 1-3 dienas. Moduliai yra montuojami krano pagalba. Modulinių namų sistema geriausiai pritaikoma didelėms vienodų namų serijoms, tinka individualiems ir daugiabučiams gyvenamiems namams statyti. DURISOL WWW.DURISOLGROUP.LT WWW.NAMOPROJEKTAI.LT 12 12/28/2014 Mediniai langai stiklinami dviejų stiklų vienkameriniais stiklo paketais su vienu selektyviniu stiklu , arba trijų stiklų su dviem selektyviniais stiklais dvikameriniais stiklo paketais. Vienkameriniais stiklo paketais stiklinami dažniausiai ploniausi – 68 mm. storio langai. Storesnio rėmo – 78 mm. langai stiklinami jau dvikameriniais (40 mm. storio) stiklo paketais ir tokie langai yra šilti. Storiausi – 92 mm. storio rėmų langai stiklinami tik dvikameriniais stiklo paketais, jų storis- 48 mm. Tokio paketo su dviem selektyviniais stiklais ir „šiltais“ rėmeliais šilumos laidumo koeficientas yra 0,5 (W / m² K) Langų įstiklintų tokiais stiklo paketais šilumos laidumo koeficientas (priklausomai nuo matmenų ir komplektacijos) yra nuo 0.7( W / m² K) iki 0,85 (W / m² K). Tokie langai tinkami pasyviam namui. PRADŽIAMOKSLIS 1A Š 1A 13 12/28/2014 2A 2A There is no ecological architecture, no intelligent architecture, no sustainable architecture — there is only good architecture. Eduardo Souto de Moura Winer the 2011 Pritzker Gintaras Klimavičius Architektūros studija „Suti“ Tel.: 8 698 49 877 el. p.: 14