APRIL 2010 LongIsland NEWS


APRIL 2010 LongIsland NEWS
massapequaNEWS.com & amityvilleNEWS.com
Because Everybody is Somebody
5023 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758
(516) 799.NEWS (6397)
APRIL 2010
Volume 4 Edition 38
Circulation 10,004
Point your Browser to http://www.LongIslandNEWS.info
Each Week in April as we Feature Internet-Based Videos:
Susan Martin, Certified Public Accountant
April 4th – 10th
Goal Setting Video IX April 18th – 24th
Long Island Women in Power
April 11th – 17th
Wyld Chyld Tattoo & Coffee House
April 25th – May 1st
From the Editor’s Desk:
massapequaNEWS.com’s Print Edition is back this spring, bringing you
your monthly fix of local web-based news! April brings us a surplus of new
videos, events, promotions, business solutions, etc. This time of “renewal”
is a time for new growth of all things living dormant.
Additionally, April is one of my favorite months because it is National Poetry
Month. As a writer of prose-poetry, I take great strides to write a great deal
and encourage as much poetry reading and writing as possible. To
inaugurate this month, I encourage you all to read Sanskrit of the Body, a book
of poetry by W.B. Keckler published by Penguin Books for the 2002 National
Poetry Series. Gorgeous flowing work that I recommend to all poetry lovers.
-Carah A. Naseem
Assistant Editor, APRIL, 2010
JOIN the 9,422 recipients of FREE Weekly Digital NEWS
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CALL: (516) 799.NEWS (6397) or e-mail:
Events Calendar (details on the web)
Long Island Women in Power Membership Drive 640.8618
Chamber of Commerce Membership Drive 541.1443
American Legion Membership Drive 795.1504
3rd County Executive Mangano Launches Summer Program 571.4226
7th Goal Setting Video X Shoot 3-5pm 5023 Merrick Rd. 799.6397
7th Schedule Spring Clean-outs with (1-800) Got-Junk
7 Women in Power at Marie Richards Jewelry (631) 675.9234
10th Wyld Chyld Video Shoot, 1708A Sunrise Hwy in Merrick 208.9714
11th Mid Island Y JCC Camp Open House (516) 822-3535
12th Aqua Zumba at the Mid Island Y JCC 822.3535, Ext. 353
12 Tutor Time Summer Camp at 100 Grand Avenue, Massapequa 799.1234
13th LIWP at In Touch Hand Therapy 690 Broadway, Massapequa 798.1722
14th Drug Free Massapequa (“DFM”) Monthly Meeting, 5023 Merrick Road, Massapequa 308.4068
15th Schedule American Legion Hall Rentals with Banquet Manager Jack Hipp 795.1504
15th Senator Hannon’s Big Storm Preparedness 11 a.m. at Adelphi 739.1700
16 Consult with Sensei Arango about Summer Fitness through Martial Arts at 593 Broadway, Massapequa 241.4275
17th Schedule Landscape Designs with Dean at D&D Landscape, 5640 Old Sunrise Hwy, Massapequa 795.8359
20 Schedule FREE Orthodontic Exam & Consult with Dr. Capogna, 1023 North Broadway, Massapequa 752.9060
22nd Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at Asian Moon, 4922 Merrick Road, Massapequa Park 799.8800
24th Contact Mike to Schedule Private Parties at Sergio’s, 5422 Merrick Road, Massapequa 541.6554
27th Women in Power at Verizon 340D West Jericho Tpke in Huntington (631) 470.9370
28 Sweet Sound Band Broadway Hall “One Stop Wedding Center” – Desk Space Rental 541.9154
29th Drug Free Massapequa Roller Skating for Kids from 6:30 – 9 p.m. 308.4068
MAY 13th Mid Island Y JCC Community Health Chat w/Amy Cardito at Plainview Old Bethpage Library 822.3535
MAY 28th Chamber of Commerce Annual Community Festival – Sponsorships & Vendor Space Available 541.1443
Guaranteed Event inclusion in May Print Edition Deadline: 4/15/10 at 12:00 noon 799.6397
April 2010
Who’s Who & When
By Andrew Malmgren
Launching the April line-up of power videos airing on
LongIslandNEWS.info’s News Page, from the 4th through the 10th
is Certified Public Accountant Susan Martin speaking on
camera about financial services she provides to Nassau County
residents on both the corporate and individual levels.
Following the Women in Power is Goal Setting Video IX. Airing on
Susan discusses on camera the current economy and how most
the LongIslandNEWS.info News Page from April 18th through the
people are “working harder with less to show for it.” As a
24 is the final cut of the video we shot on location in the NEWSroom
knowledgeable, professional, and proactive certified public
in March. On camera this month is Ciaran Smith, Justin Goldberg,
accountant, Susan helps Long Islanders empower their decision
Jose Gil, Adam Carrella, Sam Gaudio, Rachel Mando, Jen Haynie,
making to benefit and blossom professionally and personally.
Caitlyn Buttigieg and Joe Talento.
Her full-service firm assists clients with the latest tax regulations.
However, her firm offers much more than tax filing. Susan Martin
The range of goals you will hear includes teaching, publishing poetry,
CPA offers assistance in tax management, estate and trust
singing in a screamo band and getting “opening up.” The footage is
planning, business succession planning, and more.
guaranteed to amuse and inspire you to tap into the dreams renting
space in your own head and join us in the NEWSroom on Wednesday,
Susan Martin’s firm has 15 years of experience and an
April 7th from 3-5 p.m. to share your dreams, your goals and
impeccable compliance track record. Every client’s accounting
needs are managed through diligence and preparedness. Susan is achievements. The continuation of Christine Sohmer’s artistic project
is designed to assist in defining a clear vision of wants, the
more than happy to answer any questions and explain how she
visualization of dreams and the achievement of goals.
has helped clients in the past. Stopover on the web at:
SusanMartinCPA.com to see how it provides many “tax tips” for
Witness how committing aspirations to film is synonymous with
individuals and businesses, as well as financial calculators and tax
a great leap of faith and ultimately leads to achievement. The
forms available for download. Her video will run for the balance
minute you speak your dreams out loud, you are beginning to achieve
of 2010 on LongIslandNEWS.info’s “Professional Services”
them. Remember, Legislator Peter Schmitt once said, “You would be
page. Visit Susan Martin CPA in person at 2116 Merrick Road,
surprised at how much you can do." Goal Set Video IX will run for
Suite 2006 in Merrick, and speak with Susan directly with any
the balance of 2010 on the “Education” page of
questions you may have via telephone at 379.8955.
LongIslandNEWS.info. Reach theNEWSroom to guarantee inclusion
at 799.6397.
Next up on the video trail is the Long Island Women in Power
(“LIWP”) video airing on the News Page from Aril 11th through
Finally, the “rEvolution” of all videos airs from April 25th through
the 17th. LIWP was established to unite and empower women
entrepreneurs across Long Island. From domestic engineering to May 1 on the News Page of LongIslandNEWS.info. View the video
footage we shot of Wyld Chyld Tattoo and Coffee House, the
chiropractic care, the power women discuss on camera how they
flagship store that models future shops across the United States. Are
provide networking opportunities to benefit women personally
you just a little curious about an industry of under-ground, counterand professionally.
culture body modification by “artists without attitude?” Experience
meeting place to sit with a cup of coffee and obsessively observe
Its founder and CEO, Christina Galeo, encourages women to
sensational subjects!
“trust your intuition and acknowledge what you think and feel”
and “be assertive” and always “push forward.” At each
We went up-close and personal with the tattoo artists, body piercers,
networking event, LIWP connects female entrepreneurs of all
trades and designates a beneficiary charitable group such as New coffee servers and support staff of Wyld Chyld to begin to understand
the man behind it all: Billy DeLuso. Starting out in an illegal tattoo
Eyes for the Needy, the Young Survivors’ Network and Drug
“ink-easy,” Mr. Wyld Chyld himself launched the epicenter of a
Free Massapequa. Also offered are educational events on a wide
cultural rEvolution. Billy characterizes each artist as “equal, unique
variety of business-related topics. Past events have included
and noteworthy.” Running for the balance of 2010 on
education topics such as “How to Develop a 3-Month Marketing
LongIslandNEWS.info’s “HOT Topix” page, you will meet on
Plan” and “Appreciation Marketing and How to Increase
camera, an artist that is as unpredictable as smoke; one that
Referrals to Your Business.” Members benefit from many
metaphorically bleeds through the needle into his art; and the
networking opportunities as well as discounts on products for
“shaman” un-named and only numbered: Syxx.
their professional and personal lives.
Throughout the entire month of April, LIWP is focused on its
annual membership drive and is extending its promotional rate of
$240 for an entire year. The power women video will run for the
balance of 2010 on LongIslandNEWS.info’s “Business
Solutions” page. Align yourself personally and professionally
with the Long Island Women in Power. Visit LIWP on the web
at LongIslandWomenInPower.com, or by telephone at 640.8618.
“Dante gave you eight circles of hell. We’re here to make sure you
have a good time getting there.” Find WyldChyldrEvolution.com on
the web; visit Wyld Chyld in person at 1708A Sunrise Highway in
Merrick or contact them via telephone at 208.9714.
May 2010 deadline: Monday, 4/19/10 at 12:00 noon 799.NEWS §
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