January 2016 Newsletter
January 2016 Newsletter
“God Bless our Servicemen and Women and America.” The Bugle NEWSLETTER OF MERRICK POST NO. 1282 AMERICAN LEGION VOL. 8 Editor: Richard M. Ambrosino January 2016 Website: merrickpost1282.org ISSUE 4 Email: amlegionpost1282@gmail.com Commander’s Corner Dear Legionnaires, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and the beginning of the New Year. I hope I have served the veterans of Merrick Post 1282, American Legion, well, in this past calendar year. Here is a recap of some of the things I was involved in during the past year (2015). Putting up of membership drive signs at the Merrick Post 1282 and Merrick's Veteran Memorial Park, worked the summer and winter Veteran Standdowns for homeless veterans, five weekends fund raising at the Holms service station in Merrick, fund raising at Merrick Fall Festival. Made visits to Northport Veterans Nursing Home three times and to the Stony Brook Nursing Home. I attended dinners for the National Commander, State Commander, Nassau County Commander and his newly elected officers, and Past County Commander’s Retirement and three Legislative breakfasts. I also attended Merrick Post No. 1282 Installation, Law and Order Ceremony, St. Pat’s Party, Holiday Party, and BBQ for Stony Brook Veterans held at our Post. At Eisenhower Park attended Veterans Memorial Ceremony, Wall of Honor, Nassau County Salute to Veterans and Vet to Vet BBQ. I attended a three day Levittown Hall Nassau County Elections meeting, Nassau County Membership workshop, three school district tax relief meetings, Color Guard at The Small Businessperson of the Year, three Eagle Scout ceremonies, and a Dedication of new ramp at our Post, and Paraded at the ceremony for keys to the house for member Kevin Vaughan, USMC. Lead the Memorial Day Parade, commencement speaker at The Veterans Day Ceremony held at Merrick’s Veteran Memorial Park and attended the Veterans Day Recognition Mass at Cure of ARS church. Attended eleven Nassau county meetings and commenced over twelve Merrick Post 1282 meetings. I am looking forward to a new and prosperous year as your third term Commander. God Bless and Stay Safe. Kenneth J. Braun, Post Commander Page 1 MERRICK POST NO. 1282 AMERICAN LEGION 160 WEST MERRICK ROAD MERRICK, NY 11566 516-521-6989 2015-2016 American Legion Merrick Post 1282 Officers Commander First Vice Commander Second Vice Commander Third Vice Commander Adjutant Treasurer Chaplain Sergeant at Arms Judge Advocate Historian Service Officer Kenneth J. Braun James W. O’Neill Bernard H. Hoffman, PC Jim V. Anatra Harold K. Gribbin Michael S. Elliott John Murphy, PC Joseph T. Ambrosino Vincent J. Gabriele, PC Eugene E. Lowenberg Leonard T. Tucker Trustee Barbara Byrne Trustee Joseph T. Ambrosino Trustee Robert Dishman Trustee Bernard H. Hoffman, PC Trustee Robert C. Wieboldt, PC ________________________________________________________________________________ 2015-2016 American Legion Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282 Officers President Florence Hoffman First Vice President Laura LaHood Second Vice President Patricia Tropea Historian Florence Hoffman Recording Secretary Palma Fasano Corresponding Secretary Palma Fasano Treasurer and Membership Sharon Williams Chaplain Betty Tucker Sergeant At Arms Sharon Ferst Executive Board Toni Uberti, Lucy Murphy, Betty Tucker ________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Reader, Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, is trying to form a contact e-mail list in case we have to contact you due to changes in our schedule or with important information. If you are a Post member or an organization that receives our Newsletter, please e-mail us (if you have not done so already) your e-mail address with your name or name of organization to our e-mail address listed on the front cover of this Newsletter. Page 2 Stony Brook Veterans Home Visit by Post Members Post members, Frank Pedagno and Richard A. Mecabe Jr., via the Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, purchased a number of electronic items from P.C. Richard & Son for Veterans at the Stony Brook Veterans Nursing Home. On Thursday, December 10, 2015, a number of Merrick Post 1282 Veterans brought these items to the Stony Brook facility for the disabled veterans there. In the picture, from left to right, are Post members: Harry Gribbin, Jim O’Neill, Joe Ambrosino, Frank Pedagno, Bob Weiboldt (PC), and Commander Ken Braun. Above picture courtesy of the Stony Brook Veterans Nursing Home. _______________________________________________________________________________ Northport Veterans Home Visit by Post Members for the Holidays On December 12, 2015, Post members visited the disabled veterans at the Northport Veterans Nursing Home. Post members sang Christmas Carols to the residents at the Nursing Home for the holidays and participated in helping out with the Day at the Races, in which 7 simulated horse races were run. In the picture from left to right, back row, were Post members: Frank Pedagno, Joe Ambrosino, John Weber (musician/piano player who led us in singing of the Christmas Carols), Jim O’Neill, Harry Gribbin, Bob Weiboldt (PC) and Commander Ken Braun. From left to right, front row, Auxiliary member Betty Tucker and Post member Lenny Tucker. Post member Al Garbarino also visited the Northport disabled veterans. Page 3 Post Holiday Party 2015 Post Member John Weber providing the entertainment for our Post Holiday Party on 12/13/2015. Post members Jim O’Neill (left) and Harold Gribbin (right) setting up Christmas lights at the Merrick’s Veteran Memorial Park on 11/28/2015. From left to right: Holiday Party Chairman Harold Gribbin, Commander Ken Braun and Holiday Party Co-Chairman Jim O’Neill at the Post Holiday Party. Lets Eat!!! Holiday Party Chairman Harold Gribbin (front right) with Holiday Party Co-Chairman Jim O’Neill (back right) and the American Legion Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282 members (left) at the food table at the Post Holiday Party. Thank you to the auxiliary members for helping with the serving of the food at this event. Page 4 Page 5 Chaplain Report Post Member Jeffrey B. Wortmann has reported to Post Everlasting. John Murphy, Post Chaplain ________________________________________________________________________________ Boys State Leadership Program Boys State is a leadership action program where qualified male high school juniors take part in a practical government course designed to develop in them a working knowledge of the structure of government. The qualified student must be in the top 50 percent of his class, be of moral character, a leader and in good health. These student candidates should be involved in physical training and organized sports along with their studies of and visits to various offices of state government. This program is held at the State University at Morrisville, New York, in the last week of June (6/26/2016 to 7/02/2016). Training course expenses, which include room, board and transportation, are paid by the Merrick Post No. 1282 of the American Legion. Any high school junior interested in the Boys’ State program and wishes to be considered and resides in the Merricks, is asked to send their name, address, phone number and school to the Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, 160 West Merrick Road, Merrick, NY 11566, to arrange for an interview to be considered as our representative to attend Boys State. James W. O’Neill, 1st Vice Commander ________________________________________________________________________________ Philip L. Williams Memorial Scholarship Merrick Post No. 1282 will be awarding a Philip L. Williams Memorial Scholarship to a deserving high school senior who best exemplifies the qualities of Philip L. Williams. Phil’s core values were focused on Strong Morals: Patriotism, Family Values, Community Service and a strong Work Ethic. Phil was an inspiration because he took every opportunity to exhibit and incorporate these morals in his life. He made a difference to his fellow veterans, his co-workers, as well as his family and friends by reminding us to integrate these beliefs into everyday life. The Williams Family wishes to find a senior who is committed to these same values and has a determination for making a difference. Donations for this Fund can be made out to American Legion Merrick Post No. 1282 earmarked Philip L. Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund and sent to: American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1282, 160 West Merrick Road, Merrick, New York 11566 Attention: Sharon Williams All high school seniors who are interested in applying and need further details on the $1000 Philip L. Williams Memorial Scholarship in June 2016 please send a request to plwmemorialscholarship@gmail.com. Page 6 American Legion Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282 On December 1, 2015, Mattea Saraceni, Eileen Weber, Sharon Williams and myself along with my husband, Bernard Hoffman from the American Legion, Merrick Post 1282, went to Northport Hospital to help the veterans there pick out gifts they could send to their loved ones. We also helped with wrapping the gifts to be mailed out for them. On December 7, 2015, I held an Executive Board meeting. Unfortunately, we were not able to give the veterans a Thanksgiving dinner at the Hempstead home they live in, but we hope to be doing this as a Christmas dinner for them. On December 8, 2015, Eileen Weber and I went to Chatterton School to bring apples and cookies for the teacher's lunchroom for all they do for us. On December 13, 2015, many of us attended the American legion, Merrick Post 1282, annual Christmas Party. As usual lots of good food and fun was had by all. Speaking for the American Legion Auxiliary, Merrick Unit 1282, we wish all Happy Holidays and a Safe and a Healthy New Year. For God and Country. Florence Hoffman, ALA, President ________________________________________________________________________________ Ninth Annual Military Ball/Post Commanders Night The Ninth Annual Military Ball/Commanders Night will be held on Saturday, February 20, 2016, at the Leonard's "La Dolce Vita", 555 Northern Blvd., Great Neck NY 11021 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The event begins with a cocktail hour with hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, followed by a full course meal. With unlimited brand name liquor and music for your listening and dancing pleasure. A ticket is $67. The Post will pay for your guest. The cutoff date to attend this event is February 1, 2016. Make checks payable to Merrick Post No. 1282, Memo: Military Ball. There will be the usual Pageant. The Auxiliary is invited to bring Their Colors and Parade with the Post. Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion Members, please contact the Post via email: amlegionpost1282@gmail.com and/or via phone: 516-521-6989 for more information about this event. ________________________________________________________________________________ Notes Post members meet the fourth Monday of each month, the meeting starts at 7:45 p.m. Refreshments are served after the meeting. In order to help pay for the costs of producing this Newsletter we will incorporate advertisements in all of our publications. Whenever possible, please patronize these local businesses that are helping to support the Legion. The cutoff date for articles in the next Newsletter must be submitted at our Post meeting on March 28, 2016. Page 7 Merrick Post No. 1282 The American Legion 160 West Merrick Road Merrick, N.Y. 11566-4232 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Address Service Requested PAID MERRICK, N.Y. 11566 PERMIT # 21 Dates to Remember JAN. 11 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM JAN. 19 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM JAN. 25 POST EXECUTIVE MEETING AT 7:45 PM POST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT 8:00 PM JAN. 29 COUNTY ADVISORY MEETING – MALVERNE POST AT 7:30 PM COUNTY MEETING AT 8:00 PM FEB. 1 FEB. 16 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM FEB. 20 MILITARY BALL/POST COMMANDERS NIGHT AT LEONARD’S “LA DOLCE VITA” 555 NORTHERN BOULEVARD, GREAT NECK, NY 11021. FROM NOON TO 5:30 PM CUTOFF DATE 2/1/2016. SEE ARTICLE ON PAGE 7 OF THIS NEWSLETTER. $67 PER POST MEMBER, THEIR GUEST GOES FREE. FEB. 22 POST EXECUTIVE MEETING AT 7:45 PM POST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT 8:00 PM FEB. 26 COUNTY ADVISORY MEETING – MALVERNE POST AT 7:30 PM COUNTY MEETING AT 8:00 PM MAR. 7 MAR. 13 SAINT PATRICK’S DAY 2016 PARTY AT THE POST AT 3:00 PM. PRICING FOR THIS EVENT TO BE DETERMINED AT A LATER DATE. MAR. 15 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM MAR. 25 COUNTY ADVISORY MEETING – MALVERNE POST AT 7:30 PM COUNTY MEETING AT 8:00 PM MAR. 28 POST EXECUTIVE MEETING AT 7:45 PM POST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT 8:00 PM AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE MEETING AT THE POST AT 7:45 PM Every Friday Night of the week is “Poker Night at the Post” at 8:30 pm (unless otherwise specified). Page 8