ARP EC Agenda Package - FMPA Member Portal
ARP EC Agenda Package - FMPA Member Portal
Florida Municipal Power Agency Executive Committee Meeting August 25, 2016 9:45 a.m. Executive Committee Howard McKinnon, Havana - Chairman Lynne Tejeda, Key West – Vice Chairwoman Bruce Hickle, Bushnell Lynne Mila, Clewiston Fred Hilliard, Fort Meade Clay Lindstrom, Fort Pierce Robert Page, Green Cove Springs Allen Putnam, Jacksonville Beach Larry Mattern, Kissimmee Patrick Foster, Leesburg Bill Conrad, Newberry Mike Poucher, Ocala Tom Ernharth, Starke Meeting Held 9:45 a.m. Thursday, August 25, 2016 Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 407-355-7767 Page 1 of 223 TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Nicholas Guarriello DATE: August 16, 2016 RE: Executive Committee Meeting Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 9:45 a.m. (Or Immediately Following the FMPA Executive Search Committee Meeting) PLACE: Florida Municipal Power Agency, 8553 Commodity Circle, Orlando, FL Board Room, Orlando, Florida DIAL-IN INFORMATION: 866-411-8247 or 321-239-1100 ACCESS CODE 91583# (If you have trouble connecting via phone or internet, please call 407-355-7767) Chairman Howard McKinnon, Presiding AGENDA 1) Call to Order, Roll Call, Declaration of Quorum ..................................................................... 4 2) Set Agenda (By Vote).................................................................................................................. 5 3) Recognition of Guests .................................................................................................................. 6 4) Public Comments (Individual Public comments to be limited to 3 minutes) ......................... 7 5) Comments from the Chairman (Howard McKinnon) ............................................................. 8 6) Report from the General Manager (Nick Guarriello).............................................................. 9 7) Sunshine Law Update (Jody Finklea) ...................................................................................... 10 Page 2 of 223 FMPA Executive Committee Meeting August 16, 2016 Page 2 8) Consent Agenda a) Approval of Meeting Minutes– Meeting Held July 22, 2016; ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop Minutes – Workshops Held July 7, 2016.................................................................................. 12 b) Approval of Treasury Reports – As of June 30, 2016 .............................................................. 19 c) Approval of the Agency and All-Requirements Project Financials as of June 30, 2016 ......... 23 d) Acceptance of Fuel Position Portfolio Report June 2016 (previously known as the Hedge Position Portfolio Update) (Rich Popp) .................................................................................... 25 9) Action Items a) Approval of Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract (Joe McKinney/Frank Gaffney) .. 29 b) Approval of ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols (Fred Bryant/Jody Finklea/Frank Gaffney) ........................................................................................ 94 10) Information Items a) Results of Swap Advisory RFP (Ed Nunez) ........................................................................... 110 b) Wells Fargo Credit Agreement for Line of Credit (Mark Larson) ......................................... 113 c) ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants (Fred Bryant/Jody Finklea/Frank Gaffney) ...................................................................................... 116 11) Other Information a) FYI – Invoice Summary Report from Spiegel and McDiarmid ............................................. 221 12) Member Comments…………………………………………………………………………….222 13) Adjournment……………………………………………………………………………………223 One or more participants in the above referenced public meeting may participate by telephone. At the above location there will be a speaker telephone so that any interested person can attend this public meeting and be fully informed of the discussions taking place either in person or by telephone communication. If anyone chooses to appeal any decision that may be made at this public meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings and should accordingly ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the oral statements and evidence upon which such appeal is based. This public meeting may be continued to a date and time certain, which will be announced at the meeting. Any person requiring a special accommodation to participate in this public meeting because of a disability, should contact FMPA at (407) 355-7767 or 1-(888)-774-7606, at least two (2) business days in advance to make appropriate arrangements. Page 3 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 1 – CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, DECLARATION OF QUORUM Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 4 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 2 – SET AGENDA (By Vote) Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 5 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 3 – RECOGNITION OF GUESTS Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 6 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 4 –PUBLIC COMMENTS (INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS TO BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Executive Committee Meeting August 25, 2016 Page 7 of 223 VERBAL REPORT VERBAL REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5 – COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 8 of 223 VERBAL REPORT VERBAL REPORT AGENDA ITEM 6 – REPORT FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 9 of 223 VERBAL REPORT VERBAL REPORT AGENDA ITEM 7 – SUNSHINE LAW UPDATE Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 10 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 8 – CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Meeting Minutes – Meeting Held July 22, 2016; ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop Minutes – Workshops Held July 7, 2016 Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 11 of 223 CLERKS DULY NOTIFIED……………………………………………....….July 13, 2016 AGENDA PACKAGES/CDS FEDEXED TO MEMBERS…..…………….. July 13, 2016 MINUTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THURSDAY JULY 22, 2016 FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY 8553 COMMODITY CIRCLE ORLANDO, FL 32819 PARTICIPANTS PRESENT Bushnell Clewiston Fort Pierce Havana Jacksonville Beach Key West Kissimmee Leesburg Newberry Ocala Starke - Bruce Hickle (via telephone) Lynne Mila Clay Lindstrom Howard McKinnon Allen Putnam Lynne Tejeda Larry Mattern Patrick Foster Bill Conrad Mike Poucher Tom Ernharth Fort Meade Green Cove Springs - Fred Hilliard Robert Page PARTICIPANTS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT David Anderson, Ocala Brad Hiers, Bartow George Forbes, Jacksonville Beach Karen Nelson, Jacksonville Beach Terry Atchley, Wauchula Donna Painter, nFront Consulting Steve Stein, nFront Consulting Paul Jakubczak, Fort Pierce Elizabeth Columbo, Nixon Peabody Barry Rothchild, Nixon Peabody Thomas Geoffroy, Florida Gas Utility Page 12 of 223 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes July 22, 2016 Page 2 of 4 STAFF PRESENT Nick Guarriello, General Manager and CEO Fred Bryant, General Counsel Jody Finklea, Deputy General Counsel and Manager of Legal Affairs Mark McCain, Assistant General Manager, Public Relations & Human Resources Mark Larson, Assistant General Manager, Finance and Information Technology and CFO Frank Gaffney, Assistant General Manager, Power Resources Michelle Pisarri, Administrative Coordinator Sue Utley, Executive Assistant to the CEO/Asst. Secy. to the BOD Rich Popp, Contract Compliance Audit and Risk Manager Joe McKinney, System Operations Manager Tom Richards, Executive Consultant Denise Fuentes, Accountant II Edwin Nunez, Assistant Treasurer/Debt ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, AND DECLARATION OF QUORUM: Chairman Howard McKinnon, Havana, called the FMPA Executive Committee meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. on Friday, July 22, 2016 in the Boardroom, Florida Municipal Power Agency, 8553 Commodity Circle, Orlando, Florida. The roll was taken and a quorum was declared with 11 members present out of a possible 13. ITEM 2 – SET AGENDA (BY VOTE): MOTION: Mr. Putnam, Jacksonville Beach, moved to set the agenda as presented. Mr. Foster, Leesburg, seconded the motion. Motion carried 11-0. ITEM 3 – RECOGNITION OF GUESTS: Chairman McKinnon recognized FMPA Board of Directors members Terry Atchley of Wauchula and Brad Hiers of Bartow. ITEM 4 – PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. Page 13 of 223 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes July 22, 2016 Page 3 of 4 ITEM 5 – COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN: Chairman McKinnon expressed his appreciation of the honest conversation that the Board of Directors had the previous meeting and he looks forward to working with Jacob Williams. He also stated that Nick’s retirement party will be held on August 24, the night before the August 25 meetings. ITEM 6 – REPORT FROM GENERAL MANAGER: Nick Guarriello, General Manager and CEO, reported on ARP Contract Section 29 protocols; recent FERC actions; and joint action solar efforts. ITEM 7 –SUNSHINE LAW UPDATE IN A MINUTE: Jody Finklea, Deputy General Counsel, provided a verbal report on a public records exemptions. ITEM 8 –CONSENT AGENDA: Item 8a – Approval of Meeting Minutes– Meeting Held June 23, 2016; Telephonic Rate Workshop Minutes – Workshop Held June 9, 2016 ARP Item 8b - Approval of Treasury Reports - As of May 31, 2016 Item 8c – Approval of the Agency and All-Requirements Project Financials as of May 31, 2016 Item 8d – Acceptance of Fuel Position Portfolio Update (previously known as the Hedge Position Portfolio Update) – May 2016 MOTION: Mr. Putnam, Jacksonville Beach, moved approval of the consent agenda as presented. Mr. Poucher, Ocala, seconded the motion. Motion carried 11-0. Page 14 of 223 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes July 22, 2016 Page 4 of 4 ITEM 9 – ACTION ITEMS: Item 9a— Election of Executive Committee Officers MOTION: Mr. Mattern, Kissimmee, moved to nominate and retain the current slate of officers, Mr. Howard McKinnon of Havana as Chairperson and Mrs. Lynne Tejeda of Key West as ViceChairperson. Mr. Conrad, Newberry, seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. Vote was taken to accept the nominations and elect the nominees as the Executive Committee Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Election was approved 11-0. ITEM 10 – INFORMATION ITEMS: a. b. c. d. e. f. ARP Cost Cutting Measures Update Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract Natural Gas Update KEYS TARP O&M Amendment ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols Notice of Annual 2016 Continuing Disclosure Report for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2015 Discussion with the Executive Committee as to the above items was taken in turn. ITEM 12 – MEMBER COMMENTS: Mr. Mattern commented on the good and healthy discussions had. ITEM 13 – ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:51 a.m. Howard McKinnon Chairperson, Executive Committee Approved: Sue Utley Assistant Secretary Seal Page 15 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGES SENT TO MEMBERS ................................................. July 7, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE SENT TO CLERKS ..........................................................June 27, 2016 MINUTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ALL-REQUIREMENTS POWER SUPPLY PROJECT TELEPHONIC RATE WORKSHOP THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY 8553 COMMODITY CIRCLE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32819 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Clewiston Fort Pierce Green Cove Springs Havana Leesburg Newberry Starke - Lynne Mila (via telephone) Clay Lindstrom (via telephone) Robert Page (via telephone) Howard McKinnon(via telephone) Patrick Foster (via telephone) Bill Conrad (via telephone) Ricky Thompson (via telephone) COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Bushnell Fort Meade Jacksonville Beach Key West Kissimmee Ocala - Bruce Hickle Fred Hilliard Allen Putnam Lynne Tejeda Larry Mattern Mike Poucher OTHERS PRESENT David Anderson, Ocala (via telephone) STAFF PRESENT Nick Guarriello, General Manager and CEO Frank Gaffney, Assistant General Manager, Power Resources Mark Larson, Assistant General Manager, Finance and IT and CFO Mark McCain, Assistant General Manager, Member Services, Human Resources and Public Relations Rich Popp, Contract Compliance Audit and Risk Manager Jim Arntz, Senior Financial Analyst Jason Wolfe, Financial Analyst and Power Supply Contracts Administrator Michelle Pisarri, Administrative Coordinator Page 16 of 223 EC ARP Rate Telephonic Workshop Minutes July 7, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Jody Lamar Finklea, Deputy General Counsel and Manager of Legal Affairs (via telephone) Item 1 – Call to Order Chairman Howard McKinnon called the Executive Committee All-Requirements Telephonic Rate Workshop to order at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 2016, via telephone. A speaker telephone for public attendance and participation was located in the Board Room at Florida Municipal Power Agency, 8553 Commodity Circle, Orlando, Florida. Item 2 – Information Items Mr. Popp gave a verbal update on the natural gas markets. Mr. Larson gave a verbal update on ARP liquidity. Mr. McKinney provided a verbal report on Florida Municipal Power Pool Operations for June. Mr. Arntz reviewed the loads, costs and ARP rate calculations for the month of June and estimated rate ranges for July 2016 and August 2016. Item 3 – Member Comments None. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Approved ML/JA/mlp Page 17 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 8 – CONSENT AGENDA b) Approval of Treasury Reports - As of June 30, 2016 Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 18 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Gloria Reyes DATE: August 14, 2016 ITEM: EC 8(b) – Approval of the All-Requirements Project Treasury Reports as of June 30, 2016 Strategic Relevance FMPA’s Relevant Strategic Goals 1. Be the lowest cost, sustainable wholesale power provider in Florida 2. Foster a positive communication culture Policy Decisions/Implications • To report operation and effectiveness of asset management • To report on the current opportunities and risk environment affecting FMPA Introduction • This report is a quick update on the Treasury Department’s functions. • The Treasury Department reports for June are posted in the member portal section of FMPA’s website. Debt Discussion The All-Requirements Project has fixed, variable, and synthetically fixed rate debt. The variable rate portion is 1.18%. The fixed and synthetic fixed rate percentages of total debt are 72.56% and 26.26%, respectively. The estimated debt interest funding for fiscal year 2016 as of June 30, 2016 is $59,450,368.75. The total amount of debt outstanding is $1,054,103,000. Page 19 of 223 EC 8(b) – Approval of the All-Requirements Project Treasury Reports as of June 30, 2016 August 14, 2016 Page 2 Hedging Discussion The Project has 16 interest rate swap contracts. As of June 30, 2016, the cumulative market value of the interest rate swaps in the All-Requirements Project was (74,001,164). The Swap Valuation Report is a snap shot of the mark-to-market values at the end of the day on June 30, 2016. The report for June is posted in the “Member Portal” section of FMPA’s website. Investment Discussion The investments in the Project are comprised of debt from the government-sponsored enterprises such as the Federal Farm Credit Bank, Federal Home Loan Bank, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), as well as investments in U.S. Treasuries, Municipal Bonds, Commercial Paper and Money Market Mutual Funds. As of June 30, 2016, the All-Requirements Project investment portfolio earned a weighted average rate of return of 0.78%, reflecting the AllRequirements Project need for liquidity given its 60-day cash position. The benchmarks (SBA’s Florida Prime Fund and the 10 year US Treasury Note) and the Project’s yields are graphed below: All-Requirement's Weighted Average Yield 5-Year History 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% FL Prime 10 YR Treas Page 20 of 223 All Req Jun-16 Mar-16 Dec-15 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Sep-11 Jun-11 0.00% EC 8(b) – Approval of the All-Requirements Project Treasury Reports as of June 30, 2016 August 14, 2016 Page 3 Below is a graph of U.S. Treasury yields for the past 5 years. US Government Treasury Securities Interest Rates 5-Year History 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 2-Yr Treasury Yield 5-Yr Treasury Yield 10-Yr Treasury Yield The Investment Report for June is posted in the “Member Portal” section of FMPA’s website. Recommended Motion Move approval of the Treasury Reports for June 30, 2016 Page 21 of 223 6/30/2016 3/31/2016 12/31/2015 9/30/2015 6/30/2015 3/31/2015 12/31/2014 9/30/2014 6/30/2014 3/31/2014 12/31/2013 9/30/2013 6/30/2013 3/31/2013 12/31/2012 9/30/2012 6/30/2012 3/31/2012 12/31/2011 9/30/2011 6/30/2011 0.00 AGENDA ITEM 8 – CONSENT AGENDA c) Approval of the Agency and All-Requirements Project Financials as of June 30, 2016 Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 22 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Rick Minch DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: EC 8c – Approval of the Agency and All-Requirements Project Financials for the period ended June 30, 2016. Discussion: The summary and detailed financial statements of the Agency and All-Requirements Project for the period ended June 30, 2016 are posted on the members’ only FMPA website. ____________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Motion: Move approval of the Agency and All-Requirements Project Financial reports for the month of June 30, 2016. ______________________________________________________________________ RM/DF Page 23 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 8 – CONSENT AGENDA d) Acceptance of the Fuel Position Portfolio Report June 2016 (previously known as the Hedge Position Portfolio Update) Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 24 of 223 TO: Executive Committee FROM: Rich Popp DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: EC 8d-Acceptance of Fuel Portfolio Position Report June 2016 Strategic Relevance FMPA’s relevant strategic goals • Be the lowest cost wholesale electricity provider in Florida through strategy to identify, understand and manage risk responsibly. Policy decisions/implications • The Natural Gas and Fuel Oil Risk Policy requires that specific information be reported at each Executive Committee and Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meetings (“AROC”). Introduction The Policy requires the Agency Risk Manager to report the following at each AROC and Executive Committee meeting: 1. Current hedge position (if approved hedging program by the EC) 2. Monthly hedge position gain or loss (if approved hedging program by the EC) 3. Monthly liquidity exposure (if approved hedging program by the EC) 4. Fuel storage activity both natural gas and fuel oil 5. Physical natural gas commitments Explanation The following information illustrates the All-Requirements Project’s fuel positions on June 30, 2016 unless otherwise noted. Physical Hedge Limits The Policy allows staff though FGU to commit to physical natural gas volumes of no more than 75% of the monthly-expected burn. ARP had physical gas commitments equal to 33% of June 2016’s actual gas burned for Net Energy for Load. Natural gas storage The ARP has contracted for 1,000,000 MMBtu of natural gas storage. The Policy sets minimum storage levels for reliability purposes at 50% of maximum available storage during hurricane season (June through January) and 10% of maximum available storage for all other months. The following exhibit shows actual storage inventory volume for the past twelve months compared to the minimum levels. Page 25 of 223 Fuel Portfolio Position report Page 2 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 MMBtu 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 Gas in storage Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul 0 Policy minimum The storage volume on June 30, 2016 was 642,456 MMBtu at a weighted average cost of $2.57/ MMBtu. The total value of gas in storage was $1,652,939. The storage agent (Florida Gas Utility) provides an updated storage optimization report at each AROC meeting. Gallons Fuel oil storage As of June 30, 2016, fuel oil storage levels at ARP generation resource locations are presented below: 2,200,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 - Stock Island Fuel Oil Cane Island TCEC Oleander 5 Staff Action Plan needed The Policy requires that fuel oil storage at each generation site strive to maintain a minimum 50% of fuel oil capacity. When fuel is below the 50% capacity threshold, FMPA staff will develop a plan to bring inventory levels above 50% capacity. Treasure Coast Energy Center is 49.9% of capacity. Do to the infrequent use of oiled at TCEC, staff has no plans on purchasing additional supply fuel oil at his time. Page 26 of 223 Fuel Portfolio Position report Page 3 Hedge program results The following table shows the gains or (losses) resulting from the hedge program. Fiscal Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-YTD Version 8 $ (3,844,385) $ 6,211,729 $ 19,254,388 $ 482,038 $ (32,303,698) $ 11,136,570 $ (140,564,807) $ (41,347,894) $ (17,402,281) $ (20,474,986) $ (16,883,175) $ ( 2,679,175) N/A N/A Version 9 (FST) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ (6,236,892) $ (1,424,568) $ (1,554,448) N/A N/A N/A Total $ (3,844,385) $ 6,211,729 $ 19,254,388 $ 482,038 $ (32,303,698) $ 11,136,570 $ (140,564,807) $ (41,347,894) $ (23,639,173) $ (21,899,554) $ (18,437,623) $ ( 2,679,175) $ 0 $ 0 Life-to-date $ (238,415,676) $ (9,215,908) $ (247,631,584) Blended Cost Blended Cost represents the weighted average of hedge costs, if approved hedging program by the EC, and market priced gas for each month, excluding transportation costs. Projected Blended Natural Gas Cost $2.59 Actual June Natural Gas Market Price* $1.96 % Over/(Under) Market 32% Projected Natural Gas Transportation Cost $0.43 The following graphic illustrates the projected Blended Cost, actual Blended Cost, and the natural gas market prices (NYMEX). $6.00 $5.50 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 Recommended Motion Projected Blended Cost Actual Blended Cost NYMEX Settlement NYMEX-Forward Curve Move to accept Fuel Portfolio Position Report for June 2016. Page 27 of 223 Jun-16 May-16 Apr-16 Mar-16 Feb-16 Jan-16 Dec-15 Nov-15 Oct-15 Sep-15 Aug-15 Jul-15 Jun-15 May-15 Apr-15 Mar-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Dec-14 $1.50 AGENDA ITEM 9 – ACTION ITEMS a) Approval of Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 28 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Joe McKinney DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: EC 9a – Approval of Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract Strategic Relevance FMPA’s Relevant Strategic Goals 1. As a wholesale power provider, become and remain competitive in the Florida Market. Introduction • Staff discovered a billing discrepancy during a review of the Peoples Gas System (PGS) Gas Transportation Agreement invoice. PGS had been calculating the rate for gas delivery incorrectly and Staff determined this had been ongoing since May 2008. The error had resulted in FMPA being overcharged approximately $1,100,000. • PGS has agreed with Staff’s calculation and has been working with Staff to resolve the overpayment. PGS has repaid $250,000 to FMPA and Staff and PGS have renegotiated the Gas Transportation Agreements and Pipeline Capacity Agreements that provides FMPA almost double the value of the remaining balance over the next four years. The key revisions to the agreements provide for a discounted rate on gas transportation for 4 years, an extension of the term of the agreements, and more favorable termination provisions for FMPA. • The PGS agreements save FMPA approximately $6 MM per year by allowing us to avoid a fixed pipeline capacity cost. We pay for the capacity when we use it and can buy delivered gas if delivered gas is less expensive. • Staff is requesting approval of the Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement and the Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Agreement between FMPA and PGS. Explanation FMPA has a Gas Transportation Agreement with PGS to deliver gas to the Treasure Coast Energy Center. The agreement specifies the distribution charge will be $0.102 per MMBTU for the first 10,000,000 MMBTU per year and then change to $0.02 per MMBTU for the remainder of the year. PGS failed to implement this reduction in their billing. Staff discovered this error during a Page 29 of 223 EC 9a – Approval of Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract August 16, 2016 Page 2 review of the invoice to the agreement terms and determined FMPA had been overcharged $1,081,369.26. In addition to the Gas Transportation Agreement, FMPA and PGS have a Pipeline Capacity Agreement to provide firm gas pipeline capacity to the Treasure Coast Energy Center. This agreement provides FMPA, through our agent Florida Gas Utility (FGU), the opportunity on a daily basis to use this capacity or release it back to PGS at no cost and replace it with delivered gas purchased on the daily market. The terms of this agreement require the Gas Transportation Agreement to remain in effect or PGS has the right to terminate the pipeline capacity agreement. FMPA has a similar set agreements with PGS for gas transportation and pipeline capacity to serve the Cane Island and Oleander generation facilities. The Pipeline Capacity Agreements have been extremely beneficial to FMPA. Staff estimates we save $6,000,000 annually under these agreements by not incurring fixed capacity charges on the pipeline(s) and instead only pay for the pipeline capacity when we use it, being able to purchase delivered gas in the daily market, while still having the right to the firm capacity from PGS if needed. Analysis PGS has agreed with Staff’s analysis of the overcharges and has been working with Staff to resolve the matter. PGS has repaid FMPA $250,000 of the overcharges and has worked with FMPA to renegotiate the agreements for both Treasure Coast Energy Center and Cane Island/Oleander. The key revisions to the agreements are: Legal Review • The two separate Gas Transportation Agreements have been combined into one agreement and the two separate Pipeline Capacity Agreements have been combined into one agreement. • The term of the agreements have been extended 10 years to better match the expected life of our units and FMPA has an option for an additional 5 years extension at FMPA’s sole discretion. • FMPA has the option to reduce service under the agreements if units are retired or the Oleander PPA expires. • The distribution charges under the Gas Transportation Agreement are reduced for a four year period. FMPA staff estimates savings from the reduced rates to be at least $1,255,000 to FMPA over a four year period, 2017 through 2021, gaining about one and one half times the value we are owed. The Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement and the Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Agreement are complete and have been reviewed by FMPA’s Office of General Counsel and external FERC counsel. A redline to the Page 30 of 223 EC 9a – Approval of Amended and Restated Peoples Gas Contract August 16, 2016 Page 3 agreements provided in the July agenda package are attached, along with the clean final documents. Recommended Motion Move for approval of the Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement and the Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Agreement and authorize their execution by the General Manager and CEO. JRM Page 31 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT AMENDED AND RESTATED PIPELINE CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT This Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of this 1st day of September, 2016, by and between Peoples Gas System, a Division of Tampa Electric Company, a Florida corporation (“PGS”), and Florida Municipal Power Agency (All-Requirements Power Supply Project), a governmental legal entity created and existing pursuant to Florida law (“Customer”). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, PGS has contracted for certain transportation capacity pursuant to agreements with Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“FGT”) and Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C. (“GS”), a Delaware limited liability company (FGT and GS, collectively, the “Pipelines,” and each a “Pipeline,” and said agreements and any amendatory or superseding agreements being hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Pipeline Agreements”) granting PGS certain rights to firm receipts of Gas into and firm deliveries of Gas out of each Pipeline’s system (“Firm Transportation Capacity Rights”); WHEREAS, the continuing effectiveness of the Pipeline Agreements or successor agreements thereto is a condition precedent to PGS’s obligations hereunder in the manner set forth herein; WHEREAS, each Pipeline’s FERC Tariff (as hereinafter defined) permits the release of rights to firm transportation service on the Pipeline’s system; WHEREAS, PGS desires to release temporarily to Customer a portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the Pipeline Agreements in order to permit Customer to ship Gas purchased from various suppliers to Pipeline Delivery Point(s) on PGS’s distribution system; WHEREAS, PGS and Customer desire to set forth the rights and obligations of the parties pertaining to, and the terms and conditions of, the release of such Firm Transportation Capacity Rights; and WHEREAS, PGS and Customer entered into (i) that certain Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of June 1, 2008, and (ii) that certain Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012 (collectively, the "Prior Agreements"), and desire to amend, restate and combine the provisions of said Prior Agreements in order to reflect the additional agreements of the parties as set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: “Adverse Order” means an order, ruling or decision (a) issued by the FERC if such order, ruling or decision has a material adverse effect on the ability of Customer, in its sole judgment, to receive firm transportation service on the Pipelines using the Pipeline Capacity (without regard for the rates charged for such service by the Pipelines 1 Page 32 of 223 Style Definition: Normal AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT pursuant to their respective FERC Tariffs), or is otherwise materially adverse to PGS in its sole reasonable judgment, or (b) issued by the PSC if such order is adverse to Customer in its sole judgment or if such order, ruling or decision (i) increases or decreases, has the same effect as an increase or decrease in, or requires PGS to increase or decrease, the distribution charge payable by Customer to PGS under the Gas Transportation Agreement, (ii) requires (or has the same effect as requiring) any portion of the distribution charges paid by Customer to PGS pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement to be used to reduce PGS’s cost of purchased gas or pipeline transportation, or (iii) disallows (or has the same effect as disallowing) recovery by PGS from its ratepayers other than Customer of the difference between the distribution charge set forth in Section 6.1 of the Gas Transportation Agreement and the distribution charge which would otherwise be payable by Customer to PGS in the absence of the Gas Transportation Agreement, or is otherwise materially adverse to PGS in its sole judgment. “Agent” means any person or entity designated as such by Customer by written notice to PGS and who or which (i) meets the creditworthiness requirements of a Pipeline’s FERC Tariff and, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, (ii) agrees in writing to assume and be responsible for all obligations of Customer under this Agreement, Customer’s Service Agreement, Pipeline’s FERC Tariff or any applicable FERC regulation, order or policy. As between PGS and Customer, Customer shall remain responsible for all performance required of it by this Agreement notwithstanding its designation of an Agent to perform any or all of its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that performance by Customer’s designated Agent of a Customer obligation under this Agreement shall be deemed performance by Customer of such obligation. “Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point” has the meaning given in subsection 3.2(f). “Business Day” means “working day” as defined by NAESB. “Cane Island Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Customer’s Service Agreement” means any firm transportation service agreement between Customer or Agent and a Pipeline covering the use of the Pipeline Capacity released (i) by PGS to Customer or Customer’s Agent pursuant to Section 3 hereof or (ii) by Customer to Agent pursuant to subsection 3.2(g) hereof, as such agreement(s) may be amended from time to time. “Customer’s Reservation Charge” means the effective Reservation Charge that capacity released to Customer pursuant to this Agreement will be based upon, the same being (i) for the TCEC Capacity, the cost of the TCEC Capacity paid to FGT under the FGT Agreement at the rate set forth in Rate Schedule FTS-1, and (ii) for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, the weighted average cost of capacity paid to the Pipelines by PGS for PGS’s existing portfolio of capacity released to Customer as of the date of this Agreement. Customer’s Reservation Charge for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity will be subject to change as the Reservation Charges applicable to the PGS portfolio of capacity on the Pipelines occur from time to time in such Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Customer’s Pipeline Delivery Point” means the Pipeline Delivery Point listed on Appendix B. “Day” means “Delivery Gas Day” as defined by NAESB. “FERC” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor agency. “FGT” means Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. “FGT Agreement” means, collectively, (a) the Rate Schedule FTS-1 Service Agreement for Firm Transportation Service between FGT and PGS dated August 27, 1999, and (b) the Rate Schedule FTS-2 Service Agreement for Firm Transportation Service between FGT and PGS dated March 8, 1994, as amended and/or extended including (i) FGT's currently effective Rate Schedules FTS-1 and FTS-2 and (ii) General Terms and Conditions filed with the FERC (and incorporated in said agreements by reference), as such agreements, rate 2 Page 33 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT schedules and general terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, and any successor firm agreement(s), firm rate schedule(s) or general terms and conditions applicable thereto. “Force Majeure” means causes or events, whether of the kind hereinafter enumerated or otherwise, not within the control of the party claiming suspension and which by the exercise of due diligence such party is unable to prevent or overcome, including, but not limited to, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, sinkholes, lightning, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, washouts, arrests and restraints of governments and people, civil disturbances, and explosions; such term shall likewise include the inability of either party to acquire, or delays on the part of such party in acquiring at reasonable cost and by the exercise of reasonable diligence, servitudes, rights of way, grants, permits, permissions, licenses, or required governmental orders, necessary to enable such party to fulfill its obligations hereunder. “Gas” means natural gas meeting the quality specifications which a Pipeline requires with regard to deliveries into its system at the Pipeline Receipt Point(s). “Gas Transportation Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of even date herewith between PGS and Customer, as the same may be amended from time to time. “GS” means Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. “GS Agreement” means the Rate Schedule FTS firm transportation service agreement between GS and PGS dated June 4, 2010, including GS’s currently effective Rate Schedule FTS and General Terms and Conditions filed with the FERC (and incorporated in said agreement by reference), as such agreement, rate schedule and general terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, and any successor firm agreement(s), firm rate schedule(s) or general terms and conditions applicable thereto. “Month” means “Delivery Month” as defined in Pipeline’s Tariff. “NAESB” means North American Energy Standards Board, its successors and assigns. “Oleander Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Party” or “Parties”, as the context requires, means PGS and/or Customer (or Customer’s Agent to the extent Customer’s Agent is responsible for the performance of Customer’s obligations hereunder). “Pipeline Capacity” means, as appropriate, either or both of: (a) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the FGT Agreement designated as TCEC Capacity, from the Pipeline Receipt Point(s) identified in Appendix A for the TCEC Capacity, to the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) identified in Appendix B for the TCEC Capacity, and expressed in MMBtu (or Dth) per Day of MDTQ (as defined in the Pipeline Agreement as of the date of execution of this Agreement), subject to modification by PGS from time to time as provided in subsection 3.2(i); and (b) either or both of (i) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the FGT Agreement designated as Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, or (ii) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the GS Agreement designated as Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, from the Pipeline Receipt Point(s) identified in Appendix A for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, to the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) identified in Appendix B for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, and expressed in MMBtu (or Dth) per Day of MDTQ (as defined in the Pipeline Agreement as of the date of execution of this Agreement), subject to modification by PGS from time to time as provided in subsection 3.2(i). 3 Page 34 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT “Pipeline Delivery Point(s)” means the point(s) identified in Appendix B. Customer understands and agrees that such point(s) shall be identical to the point(s) listed from time to time as points of delivery in the applicable Pipeline Agreement, and that Appendix B hereto shall be deemed to have been amended (without any further action by the parties to this Agreement) upon the effective date of any amendment to a Pipeline Agreement which changes the points of delivery listed therein. Immediately following any such amendment to a Pipeline Agreement, PGS shall furnish to Customer, for attachment to this Agreement, a revised Appendix B hereto, which shall reflect the effective date thereof. “Pipeline Receipt Point(s)” has the meaning given in subsection 3.3. “Pipeline’s FERC Tariff” means, as to the applicable Pipeline Capacity, either (i) FGT’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the FGT Agreement, or (ii) GS’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the GS Agreement, in each such case as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “PSC” means the Florida Public Service Commission or any successor entity. “Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s)” means the Pipeline Delivery Point(s) shown on Appendix B, subject to modification by mutual agreement of the parties, as provided in subsection 3.2(i). “Reservation Charge” means the amount (expressed in dollars per MMBtu) which is equal to the maximum reservation charges chargeable by the Pipelines to Customer for firm transportation service for the Pipeline Capacity under Customer's Service Agreement, together with all applicable surcharges and other charges, as set forth in the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Right of First Refusal Mechanism” means the provision for the exercise of the right of first refusal of Firm Transportation Capacity Rights on a Pipeline’s system as included in the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Summer” means the Months of May through and including October. “TCEC Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Winter” means the Months of November through and including April. 2. Term and Early Termination. 2.1 Term. This Agreement shall become effective on September 1, 2016. The term of this Agreement shall commence at the beginning of the Day commencing on said date, and continue, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, through the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2033 (the “Initial Term”). Not less than one (1) year prior to the expiration of the Initial Term, Customer shall have the unilateral right to extend the term of this Agreement for a period of five (5) years by executing and tendering to PGS for execution an amendment to this Agreement so extending its term (which amendment shall be binding on PGS whether or not PGS executes the same). Subsequent to the expiration of any such additional fiveyear extension of the term, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to agree on a mutually beneficial agreement for a subsequent term, if any, as mutually agreed. In connection with any such further extension of the term, the agreement of neither party hereto shall be unreasonably withheld. 2.2 Early Termination. This Agreement may be terminated prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any extended term in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement If either 4 Page 35 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT party determines an Adverse Order has been received, such Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with ten (10) calendar days notice to the other party contingent upon the concurrent release (without recall rights) to Customer of the Pipeline Capacity for the remaining term of this Agreement and any permitted subsequent extensions thereof by Customer pursuant to Section 2.1; provided that any such termination shall not affect the obligation of either party to pay amounts due and owing hereunder as of and prior to the date of such termination. A party’s delay in exercising its right to terminate pursuant to this subsection shall not be deemed to be, nor shall it constitute, a waiver of such right as long as such right is exercised within 15 calendar days of the effective date of the final, non-appealable Adverse Order. 2.3 Maintenance of the Gas Transportation Agreement. PGS shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the Gas Transportation Agreement is terminated for any reason other than a material breach thereof by PGS, such termination to be effective as of the date specified in the notice of termination delivered by PGS to Customer, which date shall be not less than ten (10) Days after the date of such notice and such termination date shall coincide with the end of the calendar month. 2.4 Options to Reduce Service. At any time after April 30, 2023, if FMPA permanently retires either: (i) TCEC, or (ii) both of Cane Island Units 3 and 4 along with termination of the Oleander PPA, then FMPA has the one-time option to reduce service related to the retired assets. That is, if FMPA retires TCEC, then service to TCEC will no longer be provided under this Agreement. Or, if FMPA retires Cane Island Units 3 and 4, and terminates the Oleander PPA, then service to Cane Island and Oleander will no longer be provided under this Agreement If Customer exercises the aforesaid option to reduce service to the retired assets, then PGS will recall the Pipeline Capacity associated with the provision of service to the retired assets. 3. Release of Pipeline Capacity. 3.1 Releases. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, PGS agrees to provide to the Pipeline(s) in accordance with the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff a Relinquishment Notice (as such term is used in a Pipeline’s FERC Tariff) with respect to the Pipeline Capacity, within a time sufficient for Customer to commence the use of the Pipeline Capacity (in the manner provided in this Agreement) on the date on which the term of this Agreement commences. Such Relinquishment Notice shall offer to relinquish temporarily, as a prearranged transaction, at Customer’s Reservation Charge, and on the terms set forth in and for the term of this Agreement, the Pipeline Capacity (hereinafter, “release”). Customer agrees to acquire the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff and this Agreement. (b) PGS agrees to (i) temporarily recall, for each Day during the term of this Agreement, such portion of the Pipeline Capacity as Customer, not less than thirty minutes before FGT’s and/or GS’s timely recall notification deadline, specifies in writing to PGS, and (ii) not after 10:00 a.m. Eastern Clock Time sell to Customer pursuant to Section 4.6 of the Gas Transportation Agreement that quantity of Gas Customer needs up to the difference between (x) the maximum available capacity for the applicable month under this Agreement and (y) the quantity retained by Customer after the actions taken pursuant to paragraph (b)(i) above. Such Gas will be sold by PGS to Customer at FGT Zone Platts Gas Daily Index for the corresponding zone for the applicable Pipeline Receipt Point in Appendix A plus, based on the type of capacity (FTS-1, FTS-2 and/or GS) utilized, the maximum applicable reservation, usage and fuel rates. The order of capacity made available to Customer shall be from the least cost reservation charge to the most expensive reservation 5 Page 36 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT charge (up to maximum contract quantity). (c) All temporary recalls made by PGS pursuant to paragraph (b) above shall be made in such a manner as to: (i) first recall all released FGT FTS-2 Pipeline Capacity until Customer has none remaining, then (ii) unless and to the extent that Customer has exercised its rights pursuant to the next sentence, begin recalling all released GS Pipeline Capacity until Customer has none remaining, and (iii) lastly, recall all released FGT FTS-1 Pipeline Capacity. In the event Customer or Customer’s Agent requests to retain released GS Pipeline Capacity, then PGS shall recall all released FGT FTS-1 Pipeline Capacity prior to recalling any released GS Pipeline Capacity. (d) If PGS temporarily recalls the Pipeline Capacity (or any portion thereof) as permitted by this Agreement, upon the expiration of such temporary recall, the temporarily recalled portion of the Pipeline Capacity shall automatically revert to Customer; provided, however, that if necessary upon the expiration of the temporary recall to enable Customer to again have the use of the temporarily recalled portion of the Pipeline Capacity, the parties hereto shall, immediately following the expiration of such temporary recall, comply with the provisions of paragraph (a) above. 3.2 Conditions to Release. Any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS provided for in subsection 3.1 above shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Customer shall, in accordance with the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, enter into a firm transportation service agreement with Pipeline for the Pipeline Capacity acquired pursuant to subsection 3.1 (“Customer’s Service Agreement”), and shall have sole responsibility for complying with (i) all provisions of such agreement and (ii) all applicable provisions of Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. (b) PGS shall retain the sole right (i) to affirmatively exercise, at the time required by the applicable Pipeline Agreement, Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, Customer’s Service Agreement, or any FERC rule or order, any Right of First Refusal Mechanism (however denominated), including the option to extinguish such right, applicable to the Pipeline Capacity, and (ii) to exercise or fail to exercise any right to extend a Pipeline Agreement as it pertains to the Pipeline Capacity; provided, however, that PGS may not exercise any such right in a manner which would impair Customer’s right to use, in the manner provided herein, the Pipeline Capacity during the term of this Agreement and all subsequent extensions pursuant to subsection 2.1 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing proviso, PGS shall have the right to temporarily recall the Pipeline Capacity in the event such recall is necessary to enable PGS to exercise the rights set forth in this paragraph (b), or to construe the release of the Pipeline Capacity to Customer pursuant to this Agreement as a temporary, as opposed to a permanent, release. In the event that PGS would elect to turn back a portion of or all of the Pipeline Capacity to the pipelines under the provisions of this paragraph, PGS shall negotiate with Customer (which negotiation shall not be unreasonably conditioned, withheld or delayed by either party) for the permanent release to Customer of the respective Pipeline Capacity prior to such turn back. (c) Customer agrees to make all payments to Pipeline required by Customer’s Service Agreement, by Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, or by any applicable FERC rule or order, within the time and in the manner provided in such service agreement, tariff, rule or order. If Customer fails to make such payments in such manner, PGS may make payment directly to Pipeline on behalf of Customer (in a manner which preserves any rights which Customer may have to dispute the nature or amount of the charges so paid), and Customer shall reimburse PGS for such amounts pursuant to the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement. (d) If, subsequent to any release provided for in subsection 3.1, PGS is not released by 6 Page 37 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT Pipeline from the obligation to pay the full amount of the Reservation Charges attributable to the Pipeline Capacity, and PGS is required to make payment of amounts payable by Customer to Pipeline associated with Customer’s holding the right to use (or Customer’s use of) the Pipeline Capacity, Customer shall reimburse PGS for such amounts pursuant to the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement. (e) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, Customer shall not seek or consent to (except as provided in paragraph (i) of this subsection) any amendment or modification of Customer’s Service Agreement in a manner that is adverse to the exercise by PGS of its rights hereunder, or under the Pipeline Agreements, which would change the quantity or term thereof, the Pipeline Receipt Point(s), or the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s), without the prior written consent of PGS (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). The foregoing provisions of this paragraph (e) shall not prevent Customer from using alternate points of receipt into or within the Pipeline system in connection with Customer’s use of the Pipeline Capacity. (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (e) above, Customer may nominate to Pipeline a Pipeline Delivery Point other than Customer’s Pipeline Delivery Point (an “Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point”) for use by Customer in receiving deliveries of all or any portion of the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to Customer’s Service Agreement. Subject to the foregoing requirements and the other provisions of this Agreement, PGS will confirm quantities so nominated by Customer for delivery at such Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point if (i) deliveries identified in Appendix B in the quantities nominated by Customer can be effected at such point and (ii) PGS determines, in its reasonable judgment, that to do so will not adversely affect its ability to effectively implement curtailment or interruption in order to maintain service to high priority customers pursuant to its tariff and curtailment plan on file with the PSC from time to time. (g) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, Customer shall not, during the term of this Agreement, release the Pipeline Capacity (or any portion thereof) to a third party unless the term of such release ends on or before the date on which Customer's right to use such Pipeline Capacity hereunder expires and unless such release, in a manner permitted by the Pipeline's FERC Tariff and/or applicable FERC regulations, prohibits the re-release of the portion of the Pipeline Capacity so released by Customer. In addition, if Customer desires to release all or any portion of the Pipeline Capacity released to Customer on a temporary basis, Customer shall provide written notice to PGS (a "Release Notice") specifying (1) the quantity of the Pipeline Capacity Customer desires to release, (2) the time period for which such quantity is to be released, and (3) the portion of the Reservation Charge it desires to be paid for the quantity desired to be released. Except in the case of a release by Customer to Agent, PGS shall have, in the case of a proposed release for a period of one Month or less, not less than one Business Day (and in no event less than 24 hours), and in the case of a proposed release for a period of more than one Month, not less than two Business Days (and in no event less than 48 hours), from the time of its receipt of a Release Notice within which to respond thereto by offering in writing to pay all or that requested portion of the Reservation Charge for the portion of the Pipeline Capacity and the term specified in the Release Notice. If PGS fails to timely respond to a Release Notice, then Customer’s offer to temporarily release the Pipeline Capacity (in the quantity and on the terms set forth in the Release Notice) may be posted on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board in the manner provided by the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. If PGS timely responds to a Release Notice by offering to pay all or any portion of the Reservation Charge for the portion of the Pipeline Capacity and the term specified in the Release Notice, then Customer’s offer to temporarily release the Pipeline Capacity (in the quantity and on the terms set forth in the Release Notice) shall be posted on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board in the manner provided by Pipeline’s 7 Page 38 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT FERC Tariff. In either of the above cases, following the posting on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board of Customer’s offer, the temporary release of the Pipeline Capacity specified in the Release Notice shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. (h) Subsequent to the release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, and subject to the provisions of subsection 3.1(b), PGS may temporarily recall, after providing Customer or Customer’s Agent reasonable notice, such portion of the Pipeline Capacity as has not been (at the time of PGS’s recall) scheduled by Customer or Customer’s Agent for the purpose of a Pipeline’s making deliveries at a Pipeline Delivery Point or an Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point, if PGS determines in its reasonable judgment that such temporary recall is required in order to maintain PGS’s ability to (i) maintain service to high priority customers, or (ii) effectively implement curtailment or interruption of service pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement in order to maintain service to high priority customers pursuant to its tariff and curtailment plan on file with the PSC from time to time. (i) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, and subject to the provisions of subsection 3.1(b), PGS may temporarily recall, after providing Customer or Customer’s Agent reasonable notice, the FGT Capacity for the purpose of modifying the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) (and the amount of firm transportation capacity at such point(s)) in such manner as PGS deems necessary, in its reasonable discretion, for the purpose of maintaining its ability to manage its distribution system as set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (h) of this subsection 3.2. To the extent permitted by Pipeline, PGS will implement such temporary recall rights in a manner that does not cause any lapse in Customer’s right, or if the Pipeline Capacity or any portion thereof has been re-released by Customer to a third party, such third party’s right, to use the Pipeline Capacity. To the extent permitted by FGT, PGS will implement such temporary recall rights in a manner that does not cause any lapse in Customer’s right to use 20,000 MMbtuMMBtu per Day of the TCEC Capacity. (j) Customer shall have the right to designate an Agent to whom or which (i) Customer may direct, in writing, PGS to release the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to subsection 3.1 of this Agreement, or (ii) Customer may release the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to paragraph (g) above. Customer may, on thirty (30) Days’ written notice to PGS, change the person designated as Agent hereunder. 3.3 Pipeline Receipt Point(s). The primary point(s) of receipt on the Pipeline system from which PGS agrees to release capacity as provided in subsection 3.1 (“Pipeline Receipt Point(s)”), together with the maximum quantity of Gas which may be tendered by Customer (or for its account) at each such point, are identified on Appendix A. Appendix A shall be amended through mutual agreement to reflect any change in the quantity of the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 Refunds. If, after the effective date of any PGS release of the Pipeline Capacity to Customer pursuant to subsection 3.1, Customer receives from a Pipeline any refund of any charges previously paid by PGS to the Pipeline under a Pipeline Agreement, including but not limited to Reservation Charges (or portions thereof), Customer shall, in the Month following its receipt of such refund, pay to PGS the amount of such refund (or, where PGS owes Customer funds, PGS shall provide Customer with a credit). If, after the termination of this Agreement, PGS receives from a Pipeline any refund of any charges previously paid by Customer to the Pipeline pursuant to the terms of this Agreement (or the terms of Customer’s Service Agreement), including but not limited to Reservation Charges (or portions thereof), PGS shall pay or credit to Customer the amount of such refund, such payment or credit to be made or effected, to the extent practicable, in the Month 8 Page 39 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT following PGS’s receipt of such refund. The obligations of each of Customer and PGS under this subsection shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 4. Billing and Payment. (a) In the event it is necessary that either party hereto bill the other party for amounts payable by such other party pursuant to this Agreement, then the billing party shall, as soon as practicable after such amounts are determined, deliver a bill to the other party for such amounts. Such amounts shall be due on or before the tenth Business Day following the billing party’s mailing (as signified by the postmark) or other delivery of such bill. All sums not so paid by the other party shall be considered delinquent. If the other party fails to pay any such amounts when due, interest shall be calculated on the overdue amount at an annual rate of interest equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., published in New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated from the date that such payment was due until the date that it is paid. If Customer fails to make any payment when due and such failure is not remedied by or on behalf of Customer within five (5) Days after written notice by PGS of such default in payment, then PGS, in addition to any other remedy it may have, may without damage and without terminating this Agreement, suspend further deliveries of Gas to Customer pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement until such amount is paid; provided, however, that PGS shall not suspend deliveries of Gas to Customer pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement if (i) Customer’s failure to pay is the result of a bona fide dispute, (ii) Customer has paid PGS for all amounts not in dispute and (iii) the dispute is being resolved in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Section 4. (b) In the event of a bona fide billing dispute, Customer or PGS, as the case may be, shall pay (or credit) to the other party all amounts not in dispute, and the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the amount in dispute as soon as reasonably practicable. If a party has withheld payment (or credit) of a disputed amount, and the dispute is resolved in favor of the other party, the non-prevailing party shall pay to the other party the amount determined to be due such other party, plus interest thereon at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due until paid (or credited). (c) If an error is discovered in any bill rendered (or credit given or payment made) hereunder, or in any of the information used in the calculation of such bill (or such credit or payment), the billing party shall, within two years and to the extent practicable, make an adjustment to correct such error in the next bill rendered after the date on which the error is confirmed. The provisions of this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 5. Regulatory Jurisdiction over Transactions. 5.1 PSC Jurisdiction. Customer recognizes and agrees that PGS is a public utility subject to regulation by the PSC. Compliance by PGS with any rule or order of the PSC or any other federal, state or local governmental authority acting under claim of jurisdiction issued before or after the effective date of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a breach hereof; provided, however, that PGS will use all commercially reasonable efforts (which are consistent with its status as a public utility) to mitigate any material adverse effect which its compliance with the terms of any such rule or order would have on the rights of and costs to Customer as contemplated by this Agreement. 6. Limitation of Liability and Force Majeure. 9 Page 40 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT 6.1 Force Majeure. The obligations of each party under this Agreement, and the performance thereof, other than a failure or delay in the payment of money due hereunder, shall be excused during such times and to the extent such performance is prevented by reason of Force Majeure. 6.2 Resumption of Performance. The party whose performance is excused by an event of Force Majeure shall promptly notify the other party of such occurrence and its estimated duration, and shall promptly remedy such Force Majeure if and to the extent reasonably possible and resume such performance when possible; provided, however, that neither party shall be required to settle any labor dispute against its will. 6.3 Limitation of Liability. Neither PGS nor Customer shall be liable to the other or to any person claiming through the other for special, indirect or punitive damages, lost profits, or lost opportunity costs relating to any matter covered by this Agreement. 7. Events of Default; Remedies. (a) The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute an event of default (“Event of Default”) as to the non-performing party under this Agreement: (i) failure by (1) either party to make any payment required to be made hereunder or (2) by Customer to comply with the requirements of subsection 3.2(g), and such failure shall continue for five (5) Days after notice from the other party of such failure; or (ii) failure by either party to comply in any material respect with any material term or provision of this Agreement, other than a failure specified in clause (i) above, and such failure shall continue for thirty (30) Days after written notice thereof has been given to the non-performing party; or (iii) the dissolution or liquidation of a party; or the failure of a party within sixty (60) Days to lift any execution, garnishment or attachment of such consequence as may materially impair its ability to carry on its operations; or the failure of a party generally to pay its debts as such debts become due; or the making by a party of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or the commencement by a party (as the debtor) of a voluntary case in bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Code (as now or hereafter in effect) or any proceeding under any other insolvency law; or the commencement of a case in bankruptcy or any proceeding under any other insolvency law against a party (as the debtor); or the appointment or authorization of a trustee, receiver, custodian, liquidator or agent, however named, to take charge of a substantial part of the property of a party for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of creditors; or the taking of any corporate action by a party for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing. (b) Upon the occurrence and continuation of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting party may, at its option, and in addition to and cumulatively of any other rights and remedies it may have hereunder, at law, in equity or otherwise, terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) Days' prior written notice to the defaulting party, or enforce, by all lawful means, its rights hereunder, including without limitation, the collection of sums due hereunder without terminating this Agreement, and should it be necessary for such party to take any legal action in connection with such enforcement, the defaulting party shall pay such non-defaulting party all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees so incurred. 10 Page 41 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT 8. Notices. (a) All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed duly given on the date of delivery if delivered personally, by electronic mail (if confirmed with a read receipt), by facsimile (if receipt is confirmed by telephone) or by a recognized overnight delivery service, or on the tenth (10th) day after mailing if mailed by first class United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the party as set forth below. PGS: FMPA: Administrative Matters: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Vice President – Fuels Management Telephone: (813) 228-4526 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Administrative Matters:: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: AGM – Power Resources Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5794 E-mail: With a Copy To: With a copy to: Florida Municipal Power Agency Peoples Gas System 2061-2 Delta Way 702 N. Franklin Street Tallahassee, FL 32303 P. O. Box 2562 Attention: General Counsel Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Telephone: (850) 297-2011 Attention: General Counsel Facsimile: (850) 297-2014 Telephone: (813) 228-1556 E-mail: Facsimile: (813) 228- 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices and Payment: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Director, Accounting Telephone: (813) 228-4191 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices and Payment: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: Accounts Payable Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5795 E-mail: (b) Each of Customer and PGS shall designate in writing an individual to act as its “Contact Person”, which individual shall be (i) duly authorized with respect to all operational matters arising under this Agreement and (ii) accessible to PGS or Customer (as the case may be) at all times during each Day during the term of this Agreement. In the performance of its obligations hereunder, PGS and Customer shall be entitled to rely, respectively, upon any instruction, consent or acknowledgement given by such Contact Person with respect to operational matters arising hereunder or under the applicable Pipeline Agreement. 9. Miscellaneous. 9.1 Independent Parties. PGS and Customer shall perform hereunder as independent parties and neither PGS nor Customer is in any way or for any purpose, by nature of this Agreement or otherwise, a partner, joint venture, agent, employer or employee of the other. Nothing in this Agreement shall be for the benefit of any third person for any purpose, including without limitation, the establishing of any type of duty, standard of care or liability with respect to any third person. 11 Page 42 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT 9.2 No Waiver. No waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision whether similar or not. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding on a party unless executed in writing by that party. 9.3 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which enforcement of the amendment is sought. A change in (a) the place to which notices hereunder must be sent, or (b) the individual designated as a party's Contact Person shall not be deemed nor require an amendment hereof provided such change is communicated pursuant to Section 8(a). 9.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Pipeline Capacity and Customer’s use thereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings between the parties with respect thereto. 9.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns; provided, however, that neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and the assignee's written assumption of the assigning party's duties and obligations hereunder. Upon any such assignment and assumption, the assigning party shall furnish a copy thereof to the other party. 9.6 Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without giving effect to provisions which would cause the law of another jurisdiction to apply, and shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and orders of any federal, state or local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the parties, their facilities or the transactions contemplated. Venue for any action, at law or in equity, commenced by either party against the other and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be in a court located in the State of Florida in Leon County and having jurisdiction. 9.7 Severability. If any term or provision hereof is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be, or becomes under applicable law, illegal, unenforceable or invalid, such illegality, unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said term or provision; provided, however, that if such severability materially changes the economic benefits of this Agreement to either party, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner (further provided, however, that the inability of the parties to agree after good faith negotiations to a mutually acceptable modification shall not make this Agreement voidable or terminable by a party). 9.8 Inspection. Each party hereto shall have the right during the term hereof and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, upon reasonable prior notice and during normal business hours, to examine the books, records and documents of the other party to the extent necessary to verify the accuracy of any statement or charge made hereunder. Each party shall keep each such record and document for a period of three (3) years from the date the same is created or any entry or adjustment thereto is made. 9.9 Project Agreement. This Agreement is a liability and obligation of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project only. No liability or obligation under this Agreement shall inure to or bind any of the funds, accounts, monies, property, instruments, or rights of the Florida Municipal 12 Page 43 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT Power Agency generally or any of any other "project" of FMPA as that term is defined in the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Florida Municipal Power Agency, as may be amended or supplemented pursuant thereto. 9.10 Prior Agreements. This Agreement shall supersede and replace, as of the date first written above, the Prior Agreements; provided, however, that the obligations of a party that have accrued as of the date first written above shall survive the termination of the Prior Agreements. 9.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first written above. PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, a division of TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY (All-Requirements Power Supply Project) By: ____________________________ Gordon L. Gillette President By:____________________________ Nicholas P. Guarriello General Manager & CEO 13 Page 44 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Bold PIPELINE RECEIPT POINT(S) FGT RECEIPT POINT(S) FTS-1 DRN 337605 241390 314571 24229 255292 23422 32606 454599 23703 6490 50026 Description Refugio-Crosstex Destin ANR St. Landry Amoco Judge Digby Tejas Calhoun Sabine Pass Plant NGPL Vermillion Markham – Gulf Shore NGPL Jefferson TX Gas Eunice Trunkline Manchester Oct 0 5,000 0 7,453 1,226 0 3,647 5,000 3,774 0 0 Nov-Mar 0 5,000 2,955 1,650 1,120 5,000 7,045 0 0 2,000 1,880 Apr 0 5,000 3,732 3,040 0 5,000 4,878 5,000 0 0 0 May-Sep 1.992 5,000 6,550 1,236 0 0 3,314 8,008 0 0 0 DRN 179851 10034 24229 157553 11224 241390 FGT RECEIPT POINT(S) FTS-2 Description Oct Nov-Mar Columbia Layfayette 0 3,350 Gulf So St. Landry 0 0 Amoco Judge Digby 3,900 0 Trans Citronelle 0 2,500 SNG Franklinton 0 0 Destin 5,000 2,500 Apr 3,350 0 0 0 0 5,000 May-Sep 1,246 2,654 0 0 5,000 0 Apr 5,000 May-Sep 9,000 GULFSTREAM RECEIPT POINT(S) DRN 9000126 Description Mobile Bay/Destin Oct 9,000 Nov-Mar 5,000 14 Page 45 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT The above point(s) may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. 15 Page 46 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT APPENDIX B – AMENDED AND RESTATED PIPELINE CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT PIPELINE DELIVERY POINTS All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Appendix B shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement. FGT DELIVERY POINT(S) FTS-1 DRN 2984 475724 127438 2988 Description Dania Treasure Coast 1 Lake Blue North Miami Oct 8,700 8,500 2,800 6,100 Nov-Mar 8,700 8,500 2,800 6,650 Apr 5,000 8,500 6,500 6,650 May-Sep 5,000 8,500 6,500 6,100 Apr 2,897 2,995 2,458 May-Sep 8,257 0 643 Apr 5,000 May-Sep 9,000 FGT DELIVERY POINT(S) FTS-2 DRN 2988 3281 3152 Description North Miami Daytona Palm Beach Oct 8,257 0 643 Nov-Mar 2,897 2,995 2,458 GULFSTREAM DELIVERY POINT(S) DRN 9000040 Description So. Hillsborough Oct 9,000 Nov-Mar 5,000 The above point(s) may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties 1 15,000 MMBtus per Day primary delivery capacity and 5,000 MMBtus per Day secondary delivery capacity. As of the date of this Appendix B, the Treasure Coast delivery point listed above is included under PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. Customer shall have the right to remove such delivery point from PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement upon thirty (30) Days’ written notice to PGS. 16 Page 47 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT This Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the 1st day of September, 2016, by and between Peoples Gas System, a Division of Tampa Electric Company, a Florida corporation (“PGS”), and Florida Municipal Power Agency (All-Requirements Power Supply Project), a governmental legal entity created and existing pursuant to Florida Law (“FMPA” or “Customer”), who hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below. Capitalized terms used herein, but not defined below, have the meanings given for such terms in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Actual Takes” means for a specified period of time, the quantity of Gas passing through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Points(s) identified in Appendix B of this Agreement. “Adverse Order” means any amendment to any statute or rule, or any order or rule Issued by any regulatory authority that prevents either Party from performing its obligations under this Agreement. “Agent” means any person or entity designated as such by FMPA by written notice to PGS, who or which will act as FMPA’s Agent for matters concerning nominations and scheduling of volumes on the Pipelines and, if so designated, for billing related matters of all costs due under this Agreement, or any subsequent person or entity named by FMPA in its sole discretion. As between PGS and FMPA, FMPA shall remain responsible for all performance required of it by this Agreement notwithstanding its designation of an Agent to perform any or all of its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that performance by FMPA’s designated Agent of an FMPA obligation under this Agreement shall be deemed performance by FMPA of such obligation. “Alert Days” means “Alert Days” as defined in the respective Pipeline’s Tariff. “Business Day” means “working day” as defined by NAESB. “Cane Island” means the electrical generating facility located in Osceola County, Florida from which FMPA has the right to receive all electrical capacity and energy output. “Capacity Release Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Capacity Release Agreement dated as of even date herewith between PGS and FMPA, as the same may be amended from time to time. “Confirmation Quantity” has the meaning given in Section 4.5. “Contract Year” means the period of twelve (12) consecutive Months commencing on the date first written above, and each successive period of twelve (12) consecutive Months thereafter during the term of this Agreement. “Daily Imbalance Amount” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Day” means “Delivery Gas Day” as defined by NAESB. “Distribution System” means the interstate pipeline interconnections, and the pipes (mains and service lines), valves, regulators, meters and appurtenant facilities comprising the system used by PGS to provide Gas Service to its customers. “FGT” means Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. 1 Page 48 of 223 Style Definition: Normal AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT “FGT’s FERC Tariff” means FGT’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the FGT Agreement(s) as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “FMPA Facilities” means Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander. “FPSC” means the Florida Public Service Commission or any successor agency. “Gas” means natural gas meeting the quality specifications which a Pipeline requires with regard to gas delivered into its system, as applicable. “GS” means Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., its successors and assigns. “Imbalance Level” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Maximum Delivery Quantity’” or “MDQ” means the maximum amount of Gas that PGS is obligated to cause to be delivered to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to this Agreement on any Day at the PGS Delivery Point(s), and is stated in Appendix B. “Maximum Transportation Quantity” or “MTQ” means the maximum amount of Gas that PGS shall be obligated to receive pursuant to this Agreement on any Day at the PGS Receipt Point(s), and is stated in Appendix A. “MMBtu” means one million (1,000,000) British Thermal Units or Btus. “Month” means “Delivery Month” as defined in the respective Pipeline’s Tariff. “Monthly Imbalance Amount” has the meaning given in Section 5.2. “NAESB” means North American Energy Standards Board, its successors and assigns. “Nominate” means to deliver a completed Nomination. “Nomination” means a notice delivered by FMPA or its Agent to PGS in the form specified in PGS’s FPSC Tariff, specifying (in MMBtu) the quantity of Gas FMPA desires to purchase, or to have PGS receive, transport and redeliver, at the PGS Delivery Point(s). “Oleander” means Unit #5 of Southern Power Company’s electrical generating station located in Brevard County, Florida which FMPA has contractual rights to dispatch under the terms of a Power Purchase Agreement dated February 23, 2006, as amended. “Oleander Gate” means the interconnection between FGT and the Distribution System constructed by FGT to enable PGS to provide deliveries of Gas to Oleander with the transportation service contemplated by this Agreement. “Party” or “Parties”, as the context requires, means PGS and/or FMPA (or FMPA’s Agent to the extent such Agent is responsible for the performance of Customer’s obligations hereunder). “PGS Delivery Point(s)” means the FMPA power generating facilities identified in Appendix B. “PGS Receipt Point(s)” means the point(s) of physical interconnection between the Pipelines, and PGS listed in Appendix A where PGS receives Gas for the benefit of FMPA pursuant to this Agreement. “Pipelines” means FGT and GS, collectively. “Pipeline’s FERC Tariff” means, as applicable, either FGT’s or GS’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service, as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “Remaining Imbalance” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. 2 Page 49 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT “Sales Quantity” has the meaning given in Section 4.2. “Scheduled Quantities” means, for a specified period of time, the amounts of Gas confirmed by PGS for transportation hereunder. “Supplier(s)” means person(s) (other than PGS) from which FMPA purchases Gas transported hereunder. “TCEC” means FMPA’s Treasure Coast Energy Center, an electrical generating facility located in St. Lucie County, Florida. “Transportation Quantity” has the meaning given for such term in Section 4.3. “Unit Price” has the meaning given in Section 5.2. ARTICLE II - TERM Section 2.1 Term. This Agreement shall be binding on the date it is executed on behalf of both of the Parties hereto. The term of this Agreement shall commence at the beginning of the Day commencing on said date, and continue, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, through the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2033 (the “Initial Term”). Not less than one (1) year prior to the expiration of the Initial Term (or any extended term following the Initial Term), FMPA shall have the unilateral right to extend the term of this Agreement for up to two (2) periods of five (5) years each by executing and tendering to PGS for execution an amendment to this Agreement so extending its term. Subsequent to the expiration of any such additional five-year extension of the term, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to agree on a mutually beneficial agreement for a subsequent term, if any, as mutually agreed. In connection with any such further extension of the term, the agreement of neither party hereto shall be unreasonably withheld. If an Adverse Order is issued during the term of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate; provided, however, that the obligation of each party to make payment of amounts due as of the date of such termination shall survive such termination. In addition, if the Agreement is terminated as the result of an Adverse Order affecting PGS prior to the end of the Initial Term, PGS shall convey title to the facilities constructed pursuant to the Construction Agreement between Customer and PGS dated June 8, 2006 to FMPA, and FMPA shall pay to PGS the actual cost of the facilities and meter station, less all accumulated depreciation, plus a reasonable mark-up for expected revenue through the end of this Agreement as mutually agreed. Section 2.2 Buyout Option. At any time after February 1, 2017, FMPA by giving PGS not less than one (1) year’s prior written notice, shall have the option to buy-out PGS’s interest in the Oleander Gate and/or terminate this Agreement. The purchase price to be paid to PGS by FMPA for the Oleander Gate shall be the then net present value (calculated using an interest rate equal to the then most recent overall allowed rate of return for retail customers approved by the FPSC at the time notice is given by FMPA) of the sum of any remaining fixed Distribution Charges described in Section 6.1 of this Agreement as of the date of termination which would have otherwise been paid by FMPA to PGS absent FMPA’s exercise of the aforesaid buyout option and the termination of this Agreement. Section 2.3 Options to Reduce Service. At any time after April 30, 2023, if FMPA permanently retires either: (i) TCEC, or (ii) both of Cane Island Units 3 and 4 along with termination of the Oleander PPA, then FMPA has the option to reduce service related to the retired assets. That is, if FMPA retires TCEC, then service to TCEC will no longer be provided under this Agreement, and the charges associated with that asset under this Agreement, including those pursuant to Section 6.1(a), 3 Page 50 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT shall cease. Or, if FMPA retires Cane Island Units 3 and 4, and terminates the Oleander PPA, then service to Cane Island and Oleander will no longer be provided under this Agreement, and the charges associated with those assets under this Agreement, including those pursuant to Section 6.1(b), shall cease. ARTICLE III - SALES AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Section 3.1 Services. Both FMPA and its Agent, if applicable, hereby accept, and PGS hereby agrees to provide the service to receive Gas for FMPA's or its Agent’s account, up to the MTQ, at the PGS Receipt Point(s), and to cause an equivalent quantity to be redelivered to FMPA. PGS also desires to sell and FMPA or its Agent desires to purchase at a negotiated price per MMBtu from PGS, from time to time, Gas in quantities which, at FMPA’s or its Agent’s request, PGS may, in its reasonable discretion, agree to sell Gas to FMPA or its Agent, it being understood and agreed that PGS will not contract for Gas supply to provide the services contemplated by this Agreement. The transportation and any such sales shall be governed by PGS’s FPSC Tariff and this Agreement. If there is a conflict between the tariff and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. PGS shall have no obligation to make sales to FMPA or its Agent in lieu of the transportation of Gas contemplated by this Agreement. Section 3.2 PGS’s FPSC Tariff. For purposes of this Agreement, the following provisions shall supersede those provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff covering the same subject matter: (a) Definition of “Retainage”. The definition of “Retainage” set forth in Special Condition 1 of Rider ITS shall have no application to the service provided by PGS pursuant to this Agreement. (b) Correction of Imbalances. Correction of imbalances shall be governed by Section 5.2 of this Agreement; provided, however, that FMPA shall be entitled to book out all or a portion of the sum of Daily Imbalance Amounts for any Month among the PGS Receipt Point(s) in order to determine the Monthly Imbalance Amount referenced in Section 5.2. (c) Allocations and Penalties. If PGS gives notice to FMPA or its Agent that the Alert Day provisions of Special Condition 12 of Rider ITS are in effect for a Day as a result of an Alert Day called by the Pipelines (as applicable) for such Day, FMPA shall be permitted a tolerance (based on Scheduled Quantities for such Day) equal to the greater of a) the applicable tolerance established by the Pipelines (as applicable) for such Day for the FGT Delivery Point(s) or GS Delivery Point(s) listed on Exhibit A or B) the posted applicable PGS alert day tolerance; provided, however, that FMPA or its Agent shall reimburse PGS for any Alert Day Charges or other penalties provided by the aforesaid Special Condition 12 only if charges are actually imposed on PGS by the Pipelines (as applicable) for the FGT Delivery Point(s) or GS Delivery Point(s) listed on Exhibit A for the Day for which such charges or penalties would otherwise be imposed. (d) Curtailment and Interruption. (1) The Oleander Gate will be used by PGS solely for the purpose of providing gas transportation service to Oleander, and no other customers of PGS will be served using the Oleander Gate. Therefore, notwithstanding the provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff and curtailment plan, PGS shall not interrupt or curtail deliveries to Oleander or TCEC pursuant to this Agreement with FMPA or its Agent, or for the account of either, except when a curtailment order is issued by FGT. 4 Page 51 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT (2) In the event of a curtailment by FGT or GS, PGS shall not be required to deliver to FMPA or its Agent more than the quantities of Gas which would otherwise be allocated by FGT or GS to FMPA or its Agent in the absence of this Agreement. (e) Full Requirements. During the term hereof, all Gas used at Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander will, at FMPA's or its Agent’s option, either be purchased from or transported by PGS on PGS’s Distribution System, except to the extent FMPA's or its Agent’s requirements for Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander are not delivered by PGS in accordance with this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - NOMINATIONS Section 4.1 General. Unless otherwise agreed, for each Day FMPA desires service hereunder, FMPA or its Agent shall provide a Nomination to PGS pursuant to Sections 4.2 and/or 4.3 for each PGS Delivery Point. All Nominations shall be made to PGS through its web site ( provided that, in an emergency, a Nomination may be delivered via facsimile using the form set forth in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. Quantities confirmed by PGS for delivery shall be Scheduled Quantities. If requested by FMPA or its Agent, PGS will allow increases or decreases in Scheduled Quantities after the Nomination deadlines set forth in this article, if the same can be confirmed by PGS, the Pipeline(s) and Suppliers, and can be accomplished without detriment to services then scheduled on such Day for PGS and other shippers. The maximum quantity PGS shall be obligated to make available for delivery to FMPA or its Agent on any Day (which shall not exceed the MDQ) is the sum of (a) the Transportation Quantity and (b) the Sales Quantity established pursuant to this article. Section 4.2 Nomination for Purchase. Unless otherwise agreed, FMPA or its Agent shall Nominate Gas for purchase hereunder not less than two (2) Business Days prior to the first Day of any Month in which FMPA or its Agent desires to purchase Gas. Daily notices shall be given to PGS at least one (1) Business Day (but not less than twenty-four (24) hours) prior to the commencement of the Day on which FMPA or its Agent desires delivery of the Gas. If FMPA or its Agent has timely Nominated a quantity for a particular Month, PGS shall confirm to FMPA or its Agent the quantity PGS will tender for purchase by FMPA or its Agent (the “Sales Quantity,” which shall also be a “Scheduled Quantity”) no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time on the Business Day immediately preceding each Day during such Month. Section 4.3 Nomination for Transportation. Unless otherwise agreed, FMPA or its Agent shall, for each Month, and each Day during such Month that FMPA or its Agent seeks to change any aspect of any prior Nomination, notify PGS by providing a completed Nomination. Daily Nominations for Gas to be made available for delivery for FMPA’s or its Agent’s account shall be given to PGS by the deadline for nominations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions of the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, except that there shall be no intra-day nominations unless the interstate pipeline capacity used for the delivery of such intra-day quantity at the PGS Receipt Point(s) is other than that committed to FMPA by PGS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement under the Capacity Release Agreement. PGS shall confirm to FMPA or its Agent the quantity PGS will make available for redelivery on such Day (the “Transportation Quantity,” which shall also be a “Scheduled Quantity”) as soon as practicable, but not later than one hour after receiving confirmation from the Pipeline(s). Section 4.4 Other Responsibilities. FMPA or its Agent shall promptly notify PGS in writing of any change in the Sales Quantity or Transportation Quantity for any Day, and PGS will use 5 Page 52 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT commercially reasonable efforts to accept any such requested change as soon as practicable, but not later than one hour. PGS shall facilitate the addition of the points listed on Appendix A as primary delivery points under PGS’s applicable Pipeline firm transportation service agreement, assume all responsibilities as the delivery point operator for such points under the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, and name FMPA or its Agent as PGS’s designee under the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff for the purpose of nominating Gas for delivery to such points. Section 4.5 Confirmation. If Transporter asks PGS to verify a nomination for FMPA or its Agent’s account, PGS shall confirm the lesser of such nomination or the Transportation Quantity (“the Confirmation Quantity”). As a normal course of business, PGS shall use the Confirmation Quantity provided by Transporter as FMPA’s or its Agent’s applicable Nomination pursuant to this Agreement. PGS has no obligation with respect to verification or rejection of quantities not requested by FMPA or its Agent. Section 4.6 Mutually Beneficial Transactions. FMPA and its Agent recognizes that PGS maintains the operation and system integrity of the PGS Distribution System on a daily basis, and that PGS, as the delivery point operator for its points of interconnection with interstate pipelines, is subject to the rules and regulations of such pipelines with regard to operational flow rates, pressures and penalties. As such, PGS may from time to time need FMPA or its Agent to vary its Nominated quantities of Gas to be delivered at the PGS Receipt Point(s). On such occasions, PGS may in its sole discretion request, and FMPA or its Agent may agree to, a change in the quantity of Gas to be delivered for the account of FMPA or its Agent at the PGS Receipt Point(s). No such change in the quantity of Gas to be delivered shall be made pursuant to this section without the consent of FMPA or its Agent. Terms and conditions of any such transaction will be agreed upon between the parties at the time of the transaction and will be recorded and confirmed in writing within two Business Days of the transaction. Section 4.7 PGS Diversion Option. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, PGS shall have the right, for up to six (6) Days of each Month during the term of this Agreement, to direct FMPA or its Agent to nominate to FGT up to the lesser of (i) fifteen percent (15%) of FMPA’s FGT Scheduled Quantities or (ii) 20,000 MMBtu on each such Day for delivery to a pipeline delivery point that is not listed as a PGS Receipt Point for FGT listed on Appendix A to this Agreement. For quantities so nominated by FMPA or its Agent, PGS shall pay to FMPA a fee of $0.10 per MMBtu. In the event FMPA or its Agent fails to so Nominate quantities as directed by PGS, FMPA agrees to hold PGS harmless from any documented pipeline penalties PGS incurs as a direct result of such failure. Such documentation shall be provided by PGS to FMPA or its Agent at the time of the PGS bill, invoice, or other notification to FMPA or its Agent for reimbursement. Any fees payable to FMPA pursuant to this section shall be reflected as credits on PGS’s bills rendered pursuant to Section 7.1. ARTICLE V – DELIVERIES AND IMBALANCES Section 5.1 Deliveries of Gas. All Gas delivered hereunder shall be delivered at rates of flow as constant as operationally feasible throughout each Day. PGS has no obligation on any Day to deliver on other that a uniform hourly basis in relation to the Scheduled Quantities. PGS will provide FMPA with like service to that delivered to PGS by the Pipelines (as applicable) (e.g., pressure and deliverability to FMPA from PGS is contingent on service delivered to PGS by the Pipelines, as applicable.) The point of delivery for all Gas confirmed by PGS for delivery hereunder shall be at the outlet side of such billing meter(s) as shall be installed at the PGS Delivery Point(s). Measurement of the Gas delivered shall be in accordance with PGS’s FPSC 6 Page 53 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Tariff. Section 5.2 Correction of Imbalances. All Daily Imbalance Amounts shall be resolved as of the end of each Month. The sum of all Daily Imbalance Amounts incurred during a Month for the FMPA Facilities (the “Monthly Imbalance Amount”) shall be resolved as set forth below. (a) If a Monthly Imbalance Amount is Positive (i.e., Scheduled Quantities exceed Actual Takes): (1) the portion of such Monthly Imbalance Amount which does not exceed 45,000 MMBtu (not to exceed 25,000 MMBtu at TCEC, and not to exceed 20,000 MMBtu in the aggregate at Cane Island and Oleander), or a greater amount as to which PGS has consented, will be carried by PGS as a credit toward Gas deliverable to FMPA pursuant to this Agreement during the next succeeding Month, and the first Gas through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Point(s) in such next succeeding Month shall be used to eliminate or reduce the credit so carried by PGS, and (2) PGS shall purchase the Remaining Imbalance from FMPA (and FMPA shall sell the same to PGS) at a price per MMBtu (the “Unit Price”) in accordance with the cash out provisions in FGT’s FERC Tariff. The total amount due FMPA or its Agent pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be the product of the Unit Price (calculated as set forth herein) and Remaining Imbalance. The Imbalance Level shall be calculated by dividing the Remaining Imbalance by the Scheduled Quantities for the Month in which the Monthly Imbalance Amount accumulated. (b) If a Monthly Imbalance Amount is Negative (i.e., Actual Takes exceed Scheduled Quantities): (1) the portion of such Monthly Imbalance Amount which does not exceed 45,000 MMBtu (not to exceed 25,000 MMBtu at TCEC, and not to exceed 20,000 MMBtu in the aggregate at Cane Island and Oleander), or a greater amount as to which PGS has consented, will be carried by PGS as a debit toward Gas deliverable to FPMA or its Agent pursuant to this Agreement during the next succeeding Month, and the first Gas scheduled through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Point(s) in such next succeeding Month shall be used to eliminate the debit so carried by PGS, and (2) PGS shall sell the Remaining Imbalance to FMPA or its Agent (and FMPA or its Agent shall purchase the same from PGS) at a price per MMBtu (the “Unit Price”) in accordance with the cash out provisions of FGT’s FERC Tariff. The total amount due PGS pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be the product of the Unit Price (calculated as set forth herein) and the Remaining Imbalance. The Imbalance Level shall be calculated by dividing the Remaining Imbalance by the Scheduled Quantities for the Month in which the Monthly Imbalance Amount accumulated. (c) PGS shall, on PGS’s bill rendered to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to Section 7.1 for the Month following the Month in which the amount payable by PGS to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to subparagraph (a)(2) was incurred, credit to FMPA or its Agent such amount. 7 Page 54 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT All amounts not so credited by PGS shall be considered delinquent, and subject to the Late Payment Charge. (d) Within fifteen (15) Days following the end of the Month in which the amount payable by FMPA or its Agent to PGS pursuant to paragraph (b) was incurred, PGS shall bill FMPA for the amount payable by FMPA or its Agent, and FMPA or its Agent shall pay such bill in accordance with Section 7.2. All amounts not so paid by FMPA or its Agent shall be considered delinquent and subject to the Late Payment Charge. Section 5.3 Pipeline Operator Accounts. FMPA shall have the option, by providing PGS written notice, to have PGS Receipt Points listed on Appendix A to this Agreement added to the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s). While on the PGS FGT and/or GS Operator Account(s) (if FMPA has exercised the aforesaid option), balancing of deliveries, alert days, operational flow orders and any penalties associated therewith shall be governed by the provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff and the provisions of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement. If the PGS Receipt Points have been added to the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s) pursuant to FMPA's written notice, FMPA shall have the right to require the removal of the PGS Receipt Points from the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s) by giving PGS written notice of not less than three (3) months. At any time that the PGS Receipt Points are not on the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s), balancing of deliveries, alert days, operational flow orders and any penalties associated therewith shall be governed by the Pipeline FERC Tariff(s), as applicable, and Section 5.2 of this Agreement shall not apply. ARTICLE VI - TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER CHARGES Section 6.1 Distribution Charge. (a) For Transportation Service to TCEC. FMPA or its Agent shall pay PGS each Month for transportation service rendered by PGS to FMPA at TCEC, and/or for Gas purchased from PGS for use by FMPA at TCEC, in accordance with Rate Schedule CIS of PGS’s FPSC Tariff; provided, however, that the Distribution Charge for service under Rate Schedule CIS shall be: (1) For the period from the date of this Agreement through and including the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2016, (i) $0.0102 per Therm for up to and including 100 million Therms per year and (ii) (a) if there are up to two natural gas fired combined cycle or other intermediate or base load generating units at TCEC that are intermediate or base loaded (e.g., each with a 25% capacity factor or higher over a calendar year), $0.0020 per Therm for all quantities over 100 million Therms per year or (b) if there are more than two combined cycle or other intermediate or base load generating units at TCEC, $0.0030 per Therm for all quantities over 100 million Therms per year; and provided further, however, that the minimum annual aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA to PGS for transportation service to TCEC shall be $750,000. If the aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA or its Agent to PGS during any Contract Year for transportation service to TCEC is less than $750,000, PGS shall invoice FMPA or its Agent and FMPA or its Agent shall pay to PGS the amount of the shortfall in accordance with the terms set out in Section 7.2 of this Agreement. (2) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2017, through and including December 31, 2020, (i) $0.0075 per Therm for up to and 8 Page 55 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT including 100 million Therms per year and (ii) $0.002 per Therm for quantities greater than 100 million Therms; provided that the minimum annual aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA to PGS for transportation service to TCEC shall be $750,000. If the aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA or its Agent to PGS during any Contract Year for transportation service to TCEC is less than $750,000, PGS shall invoice FMPA or its Agent and FMPA or its Agent shall pay to PGS the amount of the shortfall in accordance with the terms set out in Section 7.2 of this Agreement. (3) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2021, and continuing through the end of the Initial Term (or any extended term), the Distribution Charge provided in subparagraph (1) above. (b) For Transportation Service to Cane Island and Oleander. FMPA or its Agent shall pay PGS each Month for transportation service rendered by PGS to Cane Island and Oleander, and/or for Gas purchased from PGS for use by FMPA at Cane Island and Oleander, in accordance with Rate Schedule CIS of PGS’s FPSC Tariff; provided, however, that the Distribution Charge for service under Rate Schedule CIS shall be: (1) For the period from the date of this Agreement through and including the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2016, (i) $750,000 per year plus (ii) $0.01000 per Therm for all quantities over 50 million Therms per Contract Year delivered to any FMPA Delivery Point (other than TCEC) listed on PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. (2) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2017, through and including December 31, 2020, (i) $750,000.00 per year plus (ii) $0.0075 per Therm for all quantities over 50 million Therms per Contract Year delivered to any FMPA Delivery Point (other than TCEC) listed on PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. (3) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2021, and continuing through the end of the Initial Term (or any extended term), the Distribution Charge provided in subparagraph (1) above. This Section 6.1 shall apply during the entire term of this Agreement whether or not the PGS Receipt Points have been removed from the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s). ARTICLE VII - BILLING AND PAYMENT Section 7.1 Billing. PGS will bill FMPA or its Agent each Month for all Actual Takes during the preceding Month, and for any other amounts due hereunder. If, during the preceding Month, PGS has purchased Gas from FMPA or its Agent pursuant to a curtailment order, such bill shall show a credit for the estimated amount, based upon information provided by the Pipelines, due FMPA or its Agent for such purchase(s). If the estimated amount owed by PGS to FMPA or its Agent exceeds the amount FMPA or its Agent owes PGS, PGS shall pay FMPA or its Agent the net amount estimated to be due FMPA or its Agent at the time PGS bills FMPA or its Agent. Section 7.2 Payment. FMPA or its Agent shall pay such bills, minus any disputed amounts, at the address specified in the invoice by the 20th Day following the date of FMPA’s or its Agent’s receipt of the bill. All sums not so paid by FMPA or its Agent (or credited or paid by PGS) shall 9 Page 56 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT be considered delinquent. Section 7.3 Billing Disputes. In the event of a billing dispute, FMPA, FMPA’s Agent or PGS, as the case may be, shall pay (or credit) to the other party all amounts not in dispute, and the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the amount in dispute as soon as reasonably practicable. If a party has withheld payment (or credit) of a disputed amount, and the dispute is resolved, the non-prevailing party shall pay to the other party the amount determined to be due such other party, plus interest thereon at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due until paid (or credited). Section 7.4 Errors or Estimates. If an estimate is used to determine the amount due FMPA or its Agent for purchases by PGS pursuant to a curtailment order, PGS shall make any adjustment necessary to reflect the actual amount due FMPA or its Agent on account of such purchases in the next bill rendered to FMPA or its Agent after determination of the actual amount due. An error in any bill, credit or payment shall be corrected in the next bill rendered after the error is confirmed by both PGS and FMPA or its Agent. ARTICLE VIII - FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT Section 8.1 Late Payment Charge. Charges for services due and rendered which are unpaid as of the past due date are subject to a Late Payment Charge at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due. Section 8.2 Other Remedies. If FMPA or its Agent fails to remedy a delinquency in any payment within ten (10) Days after written notice thereof by PGS, PGS may, in addition to any other remedy, without incurring any liability to FMPA or its Agent and without terminating this Agreement, suspend further deliveries to FMPA or its Agent until the delinquent amount is paid, but PGS shall not do so if the failure to pay is the result of a billing dispute, and all undisputed amounts have been paid. If PGS fails to remedy a delinquency in providing a credit (or making payment) to FMPA or its Agent for PGS purchases pursuant to an interruption or curtailment order within ten (10) Days after FMPA or its Agent’s written notice thereof, FMPA or its Agent may, in addition to any other remedy, without incurring liability to PGS and without terminating this Agreement, suspend PGS’s right to retain and purchase FMPA or its Agent’s Gas pursuant to a curtailment order, but FMPA or its Agent shall not do so if PGS’s failure to provide a credit (or make payment) is the result of a billing dispute, and all undisputed amounts have been credited or paid by PGS. ARTICLE IX - MISCELLANEOUS Section 9.1 Assignment and Transfer. Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and the assignee’s written assumption of the assigning party’s obligations hereunder. Upon any such assignment and assumption, the assigning party shall furnish a copy thereof to the other party. Section 9.2 Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Florida and shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and orders of any Federal, state or local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the parties, their facilities or the transactions contemplated. Venue for any action, 10 Page 57 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT at law or in equity, commenced by either party against the other and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be in a court having jurisdiction, located within Leon County, Florida. Section 9.3 Severability. If any term or provision hereof is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be, or becomes under applicable law, illegal, unenforceable or invalid, such illegality, unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said term or provision; provided, however, that if such severability materially changes the economic benefits of this Agreement to either party, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner (further provided, however, that the inability of the parties to agree after good faith negotiations to a mutually acceptable modification shall not make this Agreement voidable or terminable by a party). Section 9.4 Entire Agreement; Appendices. This Agreement sets forth the complete understanding of the parties as of the date first written above, and supersedes any and all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings with respect to the subject matter hereof. The appendices attached hereto are an integral part hereof. All capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined in the appendices shall have the meanings given to such terms herein. Section 9.5 Waiver. No waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision whether similar or not. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding on a party unless executed in writing by that party. Section 9.6 Notices. (a) All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed duly given on the date of delivery if delivered personally, by electronic mail (if confirmed with a read receipt), by facsimile (if receipt is confirmed by telephone) or by a recognized overnight delivery service, or on the tenth (10th) day after mailing if mailed by first class United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the party as set forth below. PGS: FMPA: Administrative Matters: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Vice President – Fuels Management Telephone: (813) 228-4526 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Administrative Matters:: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: AGM – Power Resources Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5794 E-mail: With a Copy To: With a copy to: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Florida Municipal Power Agency 2061-2 Delta Way Tallahassee, FL 32303 Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (850) 297-2011 11 Page 58 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (813) 228-1556 Facsimile: (813) 228- 228-4643 E-mail: Facsimile: (850) 297-2014 E-mail: Payment: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Director, Accounting Telephone: (813) 228-4191 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: Accounts Payable Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5795 E-mail: Section 9.7 Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed by both PGS and FMPA. A change in (a) the place to which notices hereunder must be sent or (b) the individual designated as Contact Person shall not be deemed nor require an amendment hereof provided such change is communicated pursuant to Section 9.6. Section 9.8 Project Agreement. This Agreement is a liability and obligation of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project only. No liability or obligation under this Agreement shall inure to or bind any of the funds, accounts, monies, property, instruments, or rights of the Florida Municipal Power Agency generally or any of any other "project" of FMPA as that term is defined in the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Florida Municipal Power Agency, as may be amended or supplemented pursuant thereto. Section 9.9 Prior Agreements. PGS and FMPA entered into (i) that certain Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of June 8, 2006, and (ii) that certain Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012 (the “TCEC Gas Transportation Agreement”) (collectively, the “Prior Agreements”), and desire by this Agreement to amend, restate and combine the provisions of said Prior Agreements in order to reimburse FMPA for PGS overbillings between May 2008 and April 2014 under the TCEC Gas Transportation Agreement through extensions of the terms of the Prior Agreements and of the Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of June 1, 2008, between PGS and FMPA, and the Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012, between PGS and FMPA, and modification of the rates set forth in the Prior Agreements, and to reflect the additional agreements of the parties as set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement shall supersede and replace, as of the date first written above, the Prior Agreements; provided, however, that the obligations of a party that have accrued as of the date first written above shall survive the termination of the Prior Agreements. Section 9.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first above written. PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, a division of FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER 12 Page 59 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY AGENCY (All-Requirements Power Supply Project) By: ____________________________ Gordon L. Gillette President By:__________________________ Nicholas P. Guarriello General Manager & CEO 13 Page 60 of 223 GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT APPENDIX A – AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT PGS RECEIPT POINT(S) Maximum Transportation Quantity: PGS Ft. Pierce Meter Station 154,000 MMBtu per Day FGT or PGS Meter at Oleander 50,000 MMBtu per Day FGT Meter at Cane Island: GS Meter at Cane Island: 90,000 MMBtu per Day 20,000 MMBtu per Day Page 61 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT APPENDIX B – AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT PGS DELIVERY POINT(S) Maximum Delivery Quantity* TCEC 154,000 MMBtu per Day Up to 9,000 MMBtu per Hour @ 475 psig Oleander 50,000 MMBtu per Day Cane Island (FGT): Cane Island (GS): 90,000 MMBtu per Day 20,000 MMBtu per Day * PGS will provide FMPA with like service to that delivered to PGS by FGT or GS, as applicable (e.g., pressure and deliverability (including hourly tolerance) to FMPA from PGS is contingent on service delivered to PGS by FGT or GS, as applicable) Page 62 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT AMENDED AND RESTATED PIPELINE CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT This Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of this 1st day of September, 2016, by and between Peoples Gas System, a Division of Tampa Electric Company, a Florida corporation (“PGS”), and Florida Municipal Power Agency (All-Requirements Power Supply Project), a governmental legal entity created and existing pursuant to Florida law (“Customer”). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, PGS has contracted for certain transportation capacity pursuant to agreements with Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“FGT”) and Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C. (“GS”), a Delaware limited liability company (FGT and GS, collectively, the “Pipelines,” and each a “Pipeline,” and said agreements and any amendatory or superseding agreements being hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Pipeline Agreements”) granting PGS certain rights to firm receipts of Gas into and firm deliveries of Gas out of each Pipeline’s system (“Firm Transportation Capacity Rights”); WHEREAS, the continuing effectiveness of the Pipeline Agreements or successor agreements thereto is a condition precedent to PGS’s obligations hereunder in the manner set forth herein; WHEREAS, each Pipeline’s FERC Tariff (as hereinafter defined) permits the release of rights to firm transportation service on the Pipeline’s system; WHEREAS, PGS desires to release temporarily to Customer a portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the Pipeline Agreements in order to permit Customer to ship Gas purchased from various suppliers to Pipeline Delivery Point(s) on PGS’s distribution system; WHEREAS, PGS and Customer desire to set forth the rights and obligations of the parties pertaining to, and the terms and conditions of, the release of such Firm Transportation Capacity Rights; and WHEREAS, PGS and Customer entered into (i) that certain Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of June 1, 2008, and (ii) that certain Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012 (collectively, the "Prior Agreements"), and desire to amend, restate and combine the provisions of said Prior Agreements in order to reflect the additional agreements of the parties as set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: “Adverse Order” means an order, ruling or decision (a) issued by the FERC if such order, ruling or decision has a material adverse effect on the ability of Customer, in its sole judgment, to receive firm transportation service on the Pipelines using the Pipeline Capacity (without regard for the rates charged for such 1 Page 63 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT service by the Pipelines pursuant to their respective FERC Tariffs), or is otherwise materially adverse to PGS in its sole reasonable judgment, or (b) issued by the PSC if such order is adverse to Customer in its sole judgment or if such order, ruling or decision (i) increases or decreases, has the same effect as an increase or decrease in, or requires PGS to increase or decrease, the distribution charge payable by Customer to PGS under the Gas Transportation Agreement, (ii) requires (or has the same effect as requiring) any portion of the distribution charges paid by Customer to PGS pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement to be used to reduce PGS’s cost of purchased gas or pipeline transportation, or (iii) disallows (or has the same effect as disallowing) recovery by PGS from its ratepayers other than Customer of the difference between the distribution charge set forth in Section 6.1 of the Gas Transportation Agreement and the distribution charge which would otherwise be payable by Customer to PGS in the absence of the Gas Transportation Agreement, or is otherwise materially adverse to PGS in its sole judgment. “Agent” means any person or entity designated as such by Customer by written notice to PGS and who or which (i) meets the creditworthiness requirements of a Pipeline’s FERC Tariff and, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, (ii) agrees in writing to assume and be responsible for all obligations of Customer under this Agreement, Customer’s Service Agreement, Pipeline’s FERC Tariff or any applicable FERC regulation, order or policy. As between PGS and Customer, Customer shall remain responsible for all performance required of it by this Agreement notwithstanding its designation of an Agent to perform any or all of its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that performance by Customer’s designated Agent of a Customer obligation under this Agreement shall be deemed performance by Customer of such obligation. “Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point” has the meaning given in subsection 3.2(f). “Business Day” means “working day” as defined by NAESB. “Cane Island Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Customer’s Service Agreement” means any firm transportation service agreement between Customer or Agent and a Pipeline covering the use of the Pipeline Capacity released (i) by PGS to Customer or Customer’s Agent pursuant to Section 3 hereof or (ii) by Customer to Agent pursuant to subsection 3.2(g) hereof, as such agreement(s) may be amended from time to time. “Customer’s Reservation Charge” means the effective Reservation Charge that capacity released to Customer pursuant to this Agreement will be based upon, the same being (i) for the TCEC Capacity, the cost of the TCEC Capacity paid to FGT under the FGT Agreement at the rate set forth in Rate Schedule FTS-1, and (ii) for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, the weighted average cost of capacity paid to the Pipelines by PGS for PGS’s existing portfolio of capacity released to Customer as of the date of this Agreement. Customer’s Reservation Charge for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity will be subject to change as the Reservation Charges applicable to the PGS portfolio of capacity on the Pipelines occur from time to time in such Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Customer’s Pipeline Delivery Point” means the Pipeline Delivery Point listed on Appendix B. “Day” means “Delivery Gas Day” as defined by NAESB. “FERC” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor agency. “FGT” means Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. “FGT Agreement” means, collectively, (a) the Rate Schedule FTS-1 Service Agreement for Firm Transportation Service between FGT and PGS dated August 27, 1999, and (b) the Rate Schedule FTS-2 Service Agreement for Firm Transportation Service between FGT and PGS dated March 8, 1994, as amended and/or 2 Page 64 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT extended including (i) FGT's currently effective Rate Schedules FTS-1 and FTS-2 and (ii) General Terms and Conditions filed with the FERC (and incorporated in said agreements by reference), as such agreements, rate schedules and general terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, and any successor firm agreement(s), firm rate schedule(s) or general terms and conditions applicable thereto. “Force Majeure” means causes or events, whether of the kind hereinafter enumerated or otherwise, not within the control of the party claiming suspension and which by the exercise of due diligence such party is unable to prevent or overcome, including, but not limited to, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, sinkholes, lightning, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, washouts, arrests and restraints of governments and people, civil disturbances, and explosions; such term shall likewise include the inability of either party to acquire, or delays on the part of such party in acquiring at reasonable cost and by the exercise of reasonable diligence, servitudes, rights of way, grants, permits, permissions, licenses, or required governmental orders, necessary to enable such party to fulfill its obligations hereunder. “Gas” means natural gas meeting the quality specifications which a Pipeline requires with regard to deliveries into its system at the Pipeline Receipt Point(s). “Gas Transportation Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of even date herewith between PGS and Customer, as the same may be amended from time to time. “GS” means Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. “GS Agreement” means the Rate Schedule FTS firm transportation service agreement between GS and PGS dated June 4, 2010, including GS’s currently effective Rate Schedule FTS and General Terms and Conditions filed with the FERC (and incorporated in said agreement by reference), as such agreement, rate schedule and general terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, and any successor firm agreement(s), firm rate schedule(s) or general terms and conditions applicable thereto. “Month” means “Delivery Month” as defined in Pipeline’s Tariff. “NAESB” means North American Energy Standards Board, its successors and assigns. “Oleander Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Party” or “Parties”, as the context requires, means PGS and/or Customer (or Customer’s Agent to the extent Customer’s Agent is responsible for the performance of Customer’s obligations hereunder). “Pipeline Capacity” means, as appropriate, either or both of: (a) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the FGT Agreement designated as TCEC Capacity, from the Pipeline Receipt Point(s) identified in Appendix A for the TCEC Capacity, to the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) identified in Appendix B for the TCEC Capacity, and expressed in MMBtu (or Dth) per Day of MDTQ (as defined in the Pipeline Agreement as of the date of execution of this Agreement), subject to modification by PGS from time to time as provided in subsection 3.2(i); and (b) either or both of (i) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the FGT Agreement designated as Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, or (ii) that portion identified on Appendix A of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights under the GS Agreement designated as Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, from the Pipeline Receipt Point(s) identified in Appendix A for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, to the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) identified in Appendix B for the Cane Island and Oleander Capacity, and expressed in MMBtu (or Dth) per Day of MDTQ (as defined in the Pipeline Agreement as 3 Page 65 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT of the date of execution of this Agreement), subject to modification by PGS from time to time as provided in subsection 3.2(i). “Pipeline Delivery Point(s)” means the point(s) identified in Appendix B. Customer understands and agrees that such point(s) shall be identical to the point(s) listed from time to time as points of delivery in the applicable Pipeline Agreement, and that Appendix B hereto shall be deemed to have been amended (without any further action by the parties to this Agreement) upon the effective date of any amendment to a Pipeline Agreement which changes the points of delivery listed therein. Immediately following any such amendment to a Pipeline Agreement, PGS shall furnish to Customer, for attachment to this Agreement, a revised Appendix B hereto, which shall reflect the effective date thereof. “Pipeline Receipt Point(s)” has the meaning given in subsection 3.3. “Pipeline’s FERC Tariff” means, as to the applicable Pipeline Capacity, either (i) FGT’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the FGT Agreement, or (ii) GS’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the GS Agreement, in each such case as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “PSC” means the Florida Public Service Commission or any successor entity. “Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s)” means the Pipeline Delivery Point(s) shown on Appendix B, subject to modification by mutual agreement of the parties, as provided in subsection 3.2(i). “Reservation Charge” means the amount (expressed in dollars per MMBtu) which is equal to the maximum reservation charges chargeable by the Pipelines to Customer for firm transportation service for the Pipeline Capacity under Customer's Service Agreement, together with all applicable surcharges and other charges, as set forth in the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Right of First Refusal Mechanism” means the provision for the exercise of the right of first refusal of Firm Transportation Capacity Rights on a Pipeline’s system as included in the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. “Summer” means the Months of May through and including October. “TCEC Capacity” means that portion of PGS’s Firm Transportation Capacity Rights identified as such on Appendix A. “Winter” means the Months of November through and including April. 2. Term and Early Termination. 2.1 Term. This Agreement shall become effective on September 1, 2016. The term of this Agreement shall commence at the beginning of the Day commencing on said date, and continue, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, through the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2033 (the “Initial Term”). Not less than one (1) year prior to the expiration of the Initial Term, Customer shall have the unilateral right to extend the term of this Agreement for a period of five (5) years by executing and tendering to PGS for execution an amendment to this Agreement so extending its term (which amendment shall be binding on PGS whether or not PGS executes the same). Subsequent to the expiration of any such additional fiveyear extension of the term, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to agree on a mutually beneficial agreement for a subsequent term, if any, as mutually agreed. In connection with any such further extension of the term, the agreement of neither party hereto shall be unreasonably 4 Page 66 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT withheld. 2.2 Early Termination. This Agreement may be terminated prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any extended term in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement If either party determines an Adverse Order has been received, such Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with ten (10) calendar days notice to the other party contingent upon the concurrent release (without recall rights) to Customer of the Pipeline Capacity for the remaining term of this Agreement and any permitted subsequent extensions thereof by Customer pursuant to Section 2.1; provided that any such termination shall not affect the obligation of either party to pay amounts due and owing hereunder as of and prior to the date of such termination. A party’s delay in exercising its right to terminate pursuant to this subsection shall not be deemed to be, nor shall it constitute, a waiver of such right as long as such right is exercised within 15 calendar days of the effective date of the final, non-appealable Adverse Order. 2.3 Maintenance of the Gas Transportation Agreement. PGS shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the Gas Transportation Agreement is terminated for any reason other than a material breach thereof by PGS, such termination to be effective as of the date specified in the notice of termination delivered by PGS to Customer, which date shall be not less than ten (10) Days after the date of such notice and such termination date shall coincide with the end of the calendar month. 2.4 Options to Reduce Service. At any time after April 30, 2023, if FMPA permanently retires either: (i) TCEC, or (ii) both of Cane Island Units 3 and 4 along with termination of the Oleander PPA, then FMPA has the one-time option to reduce service related to the retired assets. That is, if FMPA retires TCEC, then service to TCEC will no longer be provided under this Agreement. Or, if FMPA retires Cane Island Units 3 and 4, and terminates the Oleander PPA, then service to Cane Island and Oleander will no longer be provided under this Agreement If Customer exercises the aforesaid option to reduce service to the retired assets, then PGS will recall the Pipeline Capacity associated with the provision of service to the retired assets. 3. Release of Pipeline Capacity. 3.1 Releases. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, PGS agrees to provide to the Pipeline(s) in accordance with the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff a Relinquishment Notice (as such term is used in a Pipeline’s FERC Tariff) with respect to the Pipeline Capacity, within a time sufficient for Customer to commence the use of the Pipeline Capacity (in the manner provided in this Agreement) on the date on which the term of this Agreement commences. Such Relinquishment Notice shall offer to relinquish temporarily, as a prearranged transaction, at Customer’s Reservation Charge, and on the terms set forth in and for the term of this Agreement, the Pipeline Capacity (hereinafter, “release”). Customer agrees to acquire the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff and this Agreement. (b) PGS agrees to (i) temporarily recall, for each Day during the term of this Agreement, such portion of the Pipeline Capacity as Customer, not less than thirty minutes before FGT’s and/or GS’s timely recall notification deadline, specifies in writing to PGS, and (ii) not after 10:00 a.m. Eastern Clock Time sell to Customer pursuant to Section 4.6 of the Gas Transportation Agreement that quantity of Gas Customer needs up to the difference between (x) the maximum available capacity for the applicable month under this Agreement and (y) the quantity retained by 5 Page 67 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT Customer after the actions taken pursuant to paragraph (b)(i) above. Such Gas will be sold by PGS to Customer at FGT Zone Platts Gas Daily Index for the corresponding zone for the applicable Pipeline Receipt Point in Appendix A plus, based on the type of capacity (FTS-1, FTS-2 and/or GS) utilized, the maximum applicable reservation, usage and fuel rates. The order of capacity made available to Customer shall be from the least cost reservation charge to the most expensive reservation charge (up to maximum contract quantity). (c) All temporary recalls made by PGS pursuant to paragraph (b) above shall be made in such a manner as to: (i) first recall all released FGT FTS-2 Pipeline Capacity until Customer has none remaining, then (ii) unless and to the extent that Customer has exercised its rights pursuant to the next sentence, begin recalling all released GS Pipeline Capacity until Customer has none remaining, and (iii) lastly, recall all released FGT FTS-1 Pipeline Capacity. In the event Customer or Customer’s Agent requests to retain released GS Pipeline Capacity, then PGS shall recall all released FGT FTS-1 Pipeline Capacity prior to recalling any released GS Pipeline Capacity. (d) If PGS temporarily recalls the Pipeline Capacity (or any portion thereof) as permitted by this Agreement, upon the expiration of such temporary recall, the temporarily recalled portion of the Pipeline Capacity shall automatically revert to Customer; provided, however, that if necessary upon the expiration of the temporary recall to enable Customer to again have the use of the temporarily recalled portion of the Pipeline Capacity, the parties hereto shall, immediately following the expiration of such temporary recall, comply with the provisions of paragraph (a) above. 3.2 Conditions to Release. Any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS provided for in subsection 3.1 above shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Customer shall, in accordance with the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, enter into a firm transportation service agreement with Pipeline for the Pipeline Capacity acquired pursuant to subsection 3.1 (“Customer’s Service Agreement”), and shall have sole responsibility for complying with (i) all provisions of such agreement and (ii) all applicable provisions of Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. (b) PGS shall retain the sole right (i) to affirmatively exercise, at the time required by the applicable Pipeline Agreement, Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, Customer’s Service Agreement, or any FERC rule or order, any Right of First Refusal Mechanism (however denominated), including the option to extinguish such right, applicable to the Pipeline Capacity, and (ii) to exercise or fail to exercise any right to extend a Pipeline Agreement as it pertains to the Pipeline Capacity; provided, however, that PGS may not exercise any such right in a manner which would impair Customer’s right to use, in the manner provided herein, the Pipeline Capacity during the term of this Agreement and all subsequent extensions pursuant to subsection 2.1 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing proviso, PGS shall have the right to temporarily recall the Pipeline Capacity in the event such recall is necessary to enable PGS to exercise the rights set forth in this paragraph (b), or to construe the release of the Pipeline Capacity to Customer pursuant to this Agreement as a temporary, as opposed to a permanent, release. In the event that PGS would elect to turn back a portion of or all of the Pipeline Capacity to the pipelines under the provisions of this paragraph, PGS shall negotiate with Customer (which negotiation shall not be unreasonably conditioned, withheld or delayed by either party) for the permanent release to Customer of the respective Pipeline Capacity prior to such turn back. (c) Customer agrees to make all payments to Pipeline required by Customer’s Service Agreement, by Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, or by any applicable FERC rule or order, within the time and 6 Page 68 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT in the manner provided in such service agreement, tariff, rule or order. If Customer fails to make such payments in such manner, PGS may make payment directly to Pipeline on behalf of Customer (in a manner which preserves any rights which Customer may have to dispute the nature or amount of the charges so paid), and Customer shall reimburse PGS for such amounts pursuant to the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement. (d) If, subsequent to any release provided for in subsection 3.1, PGS is not released by Pipeline from the obligation to pay the full amount of the Reservation Charges attributable to the Pipeline Capacity, and PGS is required to make payment of amounts payable by Customer to Pipeline associated with Customer’s holding the right to use (or Customer’s use of) the Pipeline Capacity, Customer shall reimburse PGS for such amounts pursuant to the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement. (e) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, Customer shall not seek or consent to (except as provided in paragraph (i) of this subsection) any amendment or modification of Customer’s Service Agreement in a manner that is adverse to the exercise by PGS of its rights hereunder, or under the Pipeline Agreements, which would change the quantity or term thereof, the Pipeline Receipt Point(s), or the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s), without the prior written consent of PGS (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). The foregoing provisions of this paragraph (e) shall not prevent Customer from using alternate points of receipt into or within the Pipeline system in connection with Customer’s use of the Pipeline Capacity. (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (e) above, Customer may nominate to Pipeline a Pipeline Delivery Point other than Customer’s Pipeline Delivery Point (an “Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point”) for use by Customer in receiving deliveries of all or any portion of the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to Customer’s Service Agreement. Subject to the foregoing requirements and the other provisions of this Agreement, PGS will confirm quantities so nominated by Customer for delivery at such Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point if (i) deliveries identified in Appendix B in the quantities nominated by Customer can be effected at such point and (ii) PGS determines, in its reasonable judgment, that to do so will not adversely affect its ability to effectively implement curtailment or interruption in order to maintain service to high priority customers pursuant to its tariff and curtailment plan on file with the PSC from time to time. (g) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, Customer shall not, during the term of this Agreement, release the Pipeline Capacity (or any portion thereof) to a third party unless the term of such release ends on or before the date on which Customer's right to use such Pipeline Capacity hereunder expires and unless such release, in a manner permitted by the Pipeline's FERC Tariff and/or applicable FERC regulations, prohibits the re-release of the portion of the Pipeline Capacity so released by Customer. In addition, if Customer desires to release all or any portion of the Pipeline Capacity released to Customer on a temporary basis, Customer shall provide written notice to PGS (a "Release Notice") specifying (1) the quantity of the Pipeline Capacity Customer desires to release, (2) the time period for which such quantity is to be released, and (3) the portion of the Reservation Charge it desires to be paid for the quantity desired to be released. Except in the case of a release by Customer to Agent, PGS shall have, in the case of a proposed release for a period of one Month or less, not less than one Business Day (and in no event less than 24 hours), and in the case of a proposed release for a period of more than one Month, not less than two Business Days (and in no event less than 48 hours), from the time of its receipt of a Release Notice within which to respond thereto by offering in writing to pay all or that requested portion of the Reservation Charge for the portion of the Pipeline Capacity and the term specified 7 Page 69 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT in the Release Notice. If PGS fails to timely respond to a Release Notice, then Customer’s offer to temporarily release the Pipeline Capacity (in the quantity and on the terms set forth in the Release Notice) may be posted on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board in the manner provided by the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. If PGS timely responds to a Release Notice by offering to pay all or any portion of the Reservation Charge for the portion of the Pipeline Capacity and the term specified in the Release Notice, then Customer’s offer to temporarily release the Pipeline Capacity (in the quantity and on the terms set forth in the Release Notice) shall be posted on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board in the manner provided by Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. In either of the above cases, following the posting on Pipeline’s electronic bulletin board of Customer’s offer, the temporary release of the Pipeline Capacity specified in the Release Notice shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Pipeline’s FERC Tariff. (h) Subsequent to the release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, and subject to the provisions of subsection 3.1(b), PGS may temporarily recall, after providing Customer or Customer’s Agent reasonable notice, such portion of the Pipeline Capacity as has not been (at the time of PGS’s recall) scheduled by Customer or Customer’s Agent for the purpose of a Pipeline’s making deliveries at a Pipeline Delivery Point or an Alternate Pipeline Delivery Point, if PGS determines in its reasonable judgment that such temporary recall is required in order to maintain PGS’s ability to (i) maintain service to high priority customers, or (ii) effectively implement curtailment or interruption of service pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement in order to maintain service to high priority customers pursuant to its tariff and curtailment plan on file with the PSC from time to time. (i) Subsequent to any release of the Pipeline Capacity by PGS to Customer as provided for herein, and subject to the provisions of subsection 3.1(b), PGS may temporarily recall, after providing Customer or Customer’s Agent reasonable notice, the FGT Capacity for the purpose of modifying the Primary Pipeline Delivery Point(s) (and the amount of firm transportation capacity at such point(s)) in such manner as PGS deems necessary, in its reasonable discretion, for the purpose of maintaining its ability to manage its distribution system as set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (h) of this subsection 3.2. To the extent permitted by Pipeline, PGS will implement such temporary recall rights in a manner that does not cause any lapse in Customer’s right, or if the Pipeline Capacity or any portion thereof has been re-released by Customer to a third party, such third party’s right, to use the Pipeline Capacity. To the extent permitted by FGT, PGS will implement such temporary recall rights in a manner that does not cause any lapse in Customer’s right to use 20,000 MMBtu per Day of the TCEC Capacity. (j) Customer shall have the right to designate an Agent to whom or which (i) Customer may direct, in writing, PGS to release the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to subsection 3.1 of this Agreement, or (ii) Customer may release the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to paragraph (g) above. Customer may, on thirty (30) Days’ written notice to PGS, change the person designated as Agent hereunder. 3.3 Pipeline Receipt Point(s). The primary point(s) of receipt on the Pipeline system from which PGS agrees to release capacity as provided in subsection 3.1 (“Pipeline Receipt Point(s)”), together with the maximum quantity of Gas which may be tendered by Customer (or for its account) at each such point, are identified on Appendix A. Appendix A shall be amended through mutual agreement to reflect any change in the quantity of the Pipeline Capacity pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 Refunds. If, after the effective date of any PGS release of the Pipeline Capacity to Customer pursuant to subsection 3.1, Customer receives from a Pipeline any refund of any 8 Page 70 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT charges previously paid by PGS to the Pipeline under a Pipeline Agreement, including but not limited to Reservation Charges (or portions thereof), Customer shall, in the Month following its receipt of such refund, pay to PGS the amount of such refund (or, where PGS owes Customer funds, PGS shall provide Customer with a credit). If, after the termination of this Agreement, PGS receives from a Pipeline any refund of any charges previously paid by Customer to the Pipeline pursuant to the terms of this Agreement (or the terms of Customer’s Service Agreement), including but not limited to Reservation Charges (or portions thereof), PGS shall pay or credit to Customer the amount of such refund, such payment or credit to be made or effected, to the extent practicable, in the Month following PGS’s receipt of such refund. The obligations of each of Customer and PGS under this subsection shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 4. Billing and Payment. (a) In the event it is necessary that either party hereto bill the other party for amounts payable by such other party pursuant to this Agreement, then the billing party shall, as soon as practicable after such amounts are determined, deliver a bill to the other party for such amounts. Such amounts shall be due on or before the tenth Business Day following the billing party’s mailing (as signified by the postmark) or other delivery of such bill. All sums not so paid by the other party shall be considered delinquent. If the other party fails to pay any such amounts when due, interest shall be calculated on the overdue amount at an annual rate of interest equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., published in New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated from the date that such payment was due until the date that it is paid. If Customer fails to make any payment when due and such failure is not remedied by or on behalf of Customer within five (5) Days after written notice by PGS of such default in payment, then PGS, in addition to any other remedy it may have, may without damage and without terminating this Agreement, suspend further deliveries of Gas to Customer pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement until such amount is paid; provided, however, that PGS shall not suspend deliveries of Gas to Customer pursuant to the Gas Transportation Agreement if (i) Customer’s failure to pay is the result of a bona fide dispute, (ii) Customer has paid PGS for all amounts not in dispute and (iii) the dispute is being resolved in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Section 4. (b) In the event of a bona fide billing dispute, Customer or PGS, as the case may be, shall pay (or credit) to the other party all amounts not in dispute, and the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the amount in dispute as soon as reasonably practicable. If a party has withheld payment (or credit) of a disputed amount, and the dispute is resolved in favor of the other party, the non-prevailing party shall pay to the other party the amount determined to be due such other party, plus interest thereon at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due until paid (or credited). (c) If an error is discovered in any bill rendered (or credit given or payment made) hereunder, or in any of the information used in the calculation of such bill (or such credit or payment), the billing party shall, within two years and to the extent practicable, make an adjustment to correct such error in the next bill rendered after the date on which the error is confirmed. The provisions of this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 5. Regulatory Jurisdiction over Transactions. 5.1 PSC Jurisdiction. Customer recognizes and agrees that PGS is a public utility subject to regulation by the PSC. Compliance by PGS with any rule or order of the PSC or any other federal, state or local governmental authority acting under claim of jurisdiction issued before 9 Page 71 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT or after the effective date of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a breach hereof; provided, however, that PGS will use all commercially reasonable efforts (which are consistent with its status as a public utility) to mitigate any material adverse effect which its compliance with the terms of any such rule or order would have on the rights of and costs to Customer as contemplated by this Agreement. 6. Limitation of Liability and Force Majeure. 6.1 Force Majeure. The obligations of each party under this Agreement, and the performance thereof, other than a failure or delay in the payment of money due hereunder, shall be excused during such times and to the extent such performance is prevented by reason of Force Majeure. 6.2 Resumption of Performance. The party whose performance is excused by an event of Force Majeure shall promptly notify the other party of such occurrence and its estimated duration, and shall promptly remedy such Force Majeure if and to the extent reasonably possible and resume such performance when possible; provided, however, that neither party shall be required to settle any labor dispute against its will. 6.3 Limitation of Liability. Neither PGS nor Customer shall be liable to the other or to any person claiming through the other for special, indirect or punitive damages, lost profits, or lost opportunity costs relating to any matter covered by this Agreement. 7. Events of Default; Remedies. (a) The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute an event of default (“Event of Default”) as to the non-performing party under this Agreement: (i) failure by (1) either party to make any payment required to be made hereunder or (2) by Customer to comply with the requirements of subsection 3.2(g), and such failure shall continue for five (5) Days after notice from the other party of such failure; or (ii) failure by either party to comply in any material respect with any material term or provision of this Agreement, other than a failure specified in clause (i) above, and such failure shall continue for thirty (30) Days after written notice thereof has been given to the non-performing party; or (iii) the dissolution or liquidation of a party; or the failure of a party within sixty (60) Days to lift any execution, garnishment or attachment of such consequence as may materially impair its ability to carry on its operations; or the failure of a party generally to pay its debts as such debts become due; or the making by a party of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or the commencement by a party (as the debtor) of a voluntary case in bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Code (as now or hereafter in effect) or any proceeding under any other insolvency law; or the commencement of a case in bankruptcy or any proceeding under any other insolvency law against a party (as the debtor); or the appointment or authorization of a trustee, receiver, custodian, liquidator or agent, however named, to take charge of a substantial part of the property of a party for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of creditors; or the taking of any corporate action by a party for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing. 10 Page 72 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT (b) Upon the occurrence and continuation of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting party may, at its option, and in addition to and cumulatively of any other rights and remedies it may have hereunder, at law, in equity or otherwise, terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) Days' prior written notice to the defaulting party, or enforce, by all lawful means, its rights hereunder, including without limitation, the collection of sums due hereunder without terminating this Agreement, and should it be necessary for such party to take any legal action in connection with such enforcement, the defaulting party shall pay such non-defaulting party all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees so incurred. 8. Notices. (a) All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed duly given on the date of delivery if delivered personally, by electronic mail (if confirmed with a read receipt), by facsimile (if receipt is confirmed by telephone) or by a recognized overnight delivery service, or on the tenth (10th) day after mailing if mailed by first class United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the party as set forth below. PGS: FMPA: Administrative Matters: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Vice President – Fuels Management Telephone: (813) 228-4526 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Administrative Matters:: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: AGM – Power Resources Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5794 E-mail: With a Copy To: Florida Municipal Power Agency 2061-2 Delta Way Tallahassee, FL 32303 Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (850) 297-2011 Facsimile: (850) 297-2014 E-mail: With a copy to: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (813) 228-1556 Facsimile: (813) 228- 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices and Payment: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Director, Accounting Telephone: (813) 228-4191 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices and Payment: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: Accounts Payable Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5795 E-mail: (b) Each of Customer and PGS shall designate in writing an individual to act as its “Contact Person”, which individual shall be (i) duly authorized with respect to all operational matters arising under this Agreement and (ii) accessible to PGS or Customer (as the case may be) at all times during each Day during the term of this Agreement. In the performance of its obligations hereunder, PGS and Customer shall be entitled to rely, respectively, upon any instruction, consent or acknowledgement given by such Contact Person with respect to operational matters arising 11 Page 73 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT hereunder or under the applicable Pipeline Agreement. 9. Miscellaneous. 9.1 Independent Parties. PGS and Customer shall perform hereunder as independent parties and neither PGS nor Customer is in any way or for any purpose, by nature of this Agreement or otherwise, a partner, joint venture, agent, employer or employee of the other. Nothing in this Agreement shall be for the benefit of any third person for any purpose, including without limitation, the establishing of any type of duty, standard of care or liability with respect to any third person. 9.2 No Waiver. No waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision whether similar or not. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding on a party unless executed in writing by that party. 9.3 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which enforcement of the amendment is sought. A change in (a) the place to which notices hereunder must be sent, or (b) the individual designated as a party's Contact Person shall not be deemed nor require an amendment hereof provided such change is communicated pursuant to Section 8(a). 9.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Pipeline Capacity and Customer’s use thereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings between the parties with respect thereto. 9.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns; provided, however, that neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and the assignee's written assumption of the assigning party's duties and obligations hereunder. Upon any such assignment and assumption, the assigning party shall furnish a copy thereof to the other party. 9.6 Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without giving effect to provisions which would cause the law of another jurisdiction to apply, and shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and orders of any federal, state or local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the parties, their facilities or the transactions contemplated. Venue for any action, at law or in equity, commenced by either party against the other and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be in a court located in the State of Florida in Leon County and having jurisdiction. 9.7 Severability. If any term or provision hereof is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be, or becomes under applicable law, illegal, unenforceable or invalid, such illegality, unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said term or provision; provided, however, that if such severability materially changes the economic benefits of this Agreement to either party, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner (further provided, however, that the inability of the parties to agree after good faith negotiations to a mutually acceptable modification shall not make this Agreement voidable or terminable by a party). 12 Page 74 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT 9.8 Inspection. Each party hereto shall have the right during the term hereof and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, upon reasonable prior notice and during normal business hours, to examine the books, records and documents of the other party to the extent necessary to verify the accuracy of any statement or charge made hereunder. Each party shall keep each such record and document for a period of three (3) years from the date the same is created or any entry or adjustment thereto is made. 9.9 Project Agreement. This Agreement is a liability and obligation of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project only. No liability or obligation under this Agreement shall inure to or bind any of the funds, accounts, monies, property, instruments, or rights of the Florida Municipal Power Agency generally or any of any other "project" of FMPA as that term is defined in the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Florida Municipal Power Agency, as may be amended or supplemented pursuant thereto. 9.10 Prior Agreements. This Agreement shall supersede and replace, as of the date first written above, the Prior Agreements; provided, however, that the obligations of a party that have accrued as of the date first written above shall survive the termination of the Prior Agreements. 9.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first written above. PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, a division of TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY (All-Requirements Power Supply Project) By: ____________________________ Gordon L. Gillette President By:____________________________ Nicholas P. Guarriello General Manager & CEO 13 Page 75 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT PIPELINE RECEIPT POINT(S) FGT RECEIPT POINT(S) FTS-1 DRN 337605 241390 314571 24229 255292 23422 32606 454599 23703 6490 50026 Description Refugio-Crosstex Destin ANR St. Landry Amoco Judge Digby Tejas Calhoun Sabine Pass Plant NGPL Vermillion Markham – Gulf Shore NGPL Jefferson TX Gas Eunice Trunkline Manchester Oct 0 5,000 0 7,453 1,226 0 3,647 5,000 3,774 0 0 Nov-Mar 0 5,000 2,955 1,650 1,120 5,000 7,045 0 0 2,000 1,880 Apr 0 5,000 3,732 3,040 0 5,000 4,878 5,000 0 0 0 May-Sep 1.992 5,000 6,550 1,236 0 0 3,314 8,008 0 0 0 DRN 179851 10034 24229 157553 11224 241390 FGT RECEIPT POINT(S) FTS-2 Description Oct Nov-Mar Columbia Layfayette 0 3,350 Gulf So St. Landry 0 0 Amoco Judge Digby 3,900 0 Trans Citronelle 0 2,500 SNG Franklinton 0 0 Destin 5,000 2,500 Apr 3,350 0 0 0 0 5,000 May-Sep 1,246 2,654 0 0 5,000 0 Apr 5,000 May-Sep 9,000 GULFSTREAM RECEIPT POINT(S) DRN 9000126 Description Mobile Bay/Destin Oct 9,000 Nov-Mar 5,000 The above point(s) may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. 14 Page 76 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT APPENDIX B – AMENDED AND RESTATED PIPELINE CAPACITY RELEASE AGREEMENT PIPELINE DELIVERY POINTS All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Appendix B shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Amended and Restated Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement. FGT DELIVERY POINT(S) FTS-1 DRN 2984 475724 127438 2988 Description Dania Treasure Coast1 Lake Blue North Miami Oct 8,700 8,500 2,800 6,100 Nov-Mar 8,700 8,500 2,800 6,650 Apr 5,000 8,500 6,500 6,650 May-Sep 5,000 8,500 6,500 6,100 Apr 2,897 2,995 2,458 May-Sep 8,257 0 643 Apr 5,000 May-Sep 9,000 FGT DELIVERY POINT(S) FTS-2 DRN 2988 3281 3152 Description North Miami Daytona Palm Beach Oct 8,257 0 643 Nov-Mar 2,897 2,995 2,458 GULFSTREAM DELIVERY POINT(S) DRN 9000040 Description So. Hillsborough Oct 9,000 Nov-Mar 5,000 The above point(s) may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties 1 15,000 MMBtus per Day primary delivery capacity and 5,000 MMBtus per Day secondary delivery capacity. As of the date of this Appendix B, the Treasure Coast delivery point listed above is included under PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. Customer shall have the right to remove such delivery point from PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement upon thirty (30) Days’ written notice to PGS. 15 Page 77 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT This Amended and Restated Gas Transportation Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the 1st day of September, 2016, by and between Peoples Gas System, a Division of Tampa Electric Company, a Florida corporation (“PGS”), and Florida Municipal Power Agency (All-Requirements Power Supply Project), a governmental legal entity created and existing pursuant to Florida Law (“FMPA” or “Customer”), who hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below. Capitalized terms used herein, but not defined below, have the meanings given for such terms in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Actual Takes” means for a specified period of time, the quantity of Gas passing through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Points(s) identified in Appendix B of this Agreement. “Adverse Order” means any amendment to any statute or rule, or any order or rule Issued by any regulatory authority that prevents either Party from performing its obligations under this Agreement. “Agent” means any person or entity designated as such by FMPA by written notice to PGS, who or which will act as FMPA’s Agent for matters concerning nominations and scheduling of volumes on the Pipelines and, if so designated, for billing related matters of all costs due under this Agreement, or any subsequent person or entity named by FMPA in its sole discretion. As between PGS and FMPA, FMPA shall remain responsible for all performance required of it by this Agreement notwithstanding its designation of an Agent to perform any or all of its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that performance by FMPA’s designated Agent of an FMPA obligation under this Agreement shall be deemed performance by FMPA of such obligation. “Alert Days” means “Alert Days” as defined in the respective Pipeline’s Tariff. “Business Day” means “working day” as defined by NAESB. “Cane Island” means the electrical generating facility located in Osceola County, Florida from which FMPA has the right to receive all electrical capacity and energy output. “Capacity Release Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Capacity Release Agreement dated as of even date herewith between PGS and FMPA, as the same may be amended from time to time. “Confirmation Quantity” has the meaning given in Section 4.5. “Contract Year” means the period of twelve (12) consecutive Months commencing on the date first written above, and each successive period of twelve (12) consecutive Months thereafter during the term of this Agreement. “Daily Imbalance Amount” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Day” means “Delivery Gas Day” as defined by NAESB. “Distribution System” means the interstate pipeline interconnections, and the pipes (mains and service lines), valves, regulators, meters and appurtenant facilities comprising the system used by PGS to provide Gas Service to its customers. “FGT” means Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns. Page 78 of 223 1 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT “FGT’s FERC Tariff” means FGT’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service under the FGT Agreement(s) as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “FMPA Facilities” means Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander. “FPSC” means the Florida Public Service Commission or any successor agency. “Gas” means natural gas meeting the quality specifications which a Pipeline requires with regard to gas delivered into its system, as applicable. “GS” means Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., its successors and assigns. “Imbalance Level” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. “Maximum Delivery Quantity’” or “MDQ” means the maximum amount of Gas that PGS is obligated to cause to be delivered to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to this Agreement on any Day at the PGS Delivery Point(s), and is stated in Appendix B. “Maximum Transportation Quantity” or “MTQ” means the maximum amount of Gas that PGS shall be obligated to receive pursuant to this Agreement on any Day at the PGS Receipt Point(s), and is stated in Appendix A. “MMBtu” means one million (1,000,000) British Thermal Units or Btus. “Month” means “Delivery Month” as defined in the respective Pipeline’s Tariff. “Monthly Imbalance Amount” has the meaning given in Section 5.2. “NAESB” means North American Energy Standards Board, its successors and assigns. “Nominate” means to deliver a completed Nomination. “Nomination” means a notice delivered by FMPA or its Agent to PGS in the form specified in PGS’s FPSC Tariff, specifying (in MMBtu) the quantity of Gas FMPA desires to purchase, or to have PGS receive, transport and redeliver, at the PGS Delivery Point(s). “Oleander” means Unit #5 of Southern Power Company’s electrical generating station located in Brevard County, Florida which FMPA has contractual rights to dispatch under the terms of a Power Purchase Agreement dated February 23, 2006, as amended. “Oleander Gate” means the interconnection between FGT and the Distribution System constructed by FGT to enable PGS to provide deliveries of Gas to Oleander with the transportation service contemplated by this Agreement. “Party” or “Parties”, as the context requires, means PGS and/or FMPA (or FMPA’s Agent to the extent such Agent is responsible for the performance of Customer’s obligations hereunder). “PGS Delivery Point(s)” means the FMPA power generating facilities identified in Appendix B. “PGS Receipt Point(s)” means the point(s) of physical interconnection between the Pipelines, and PGS listed in Appendix A where PGS receives Gas for the benefit of FMPA pursuant to this Agreement. “Pipelines” means FGT and GS, collectively. “Pipeline’s FERC Tariff” means, as applicable, either FGT’s or GS’s effective FERC gas tariff applicable to firm transportation service, as such tariff may be amended from time to time. “Remaining Imbalance” has the meaning given in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. Page 79 of 223 2 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT “Sales Quantity” has the meaning given in Section 4.2. “Scheduled Quantities” means, for a specified period of time, the amounts of Gas confirmed by PGS for transportation hereunder. “Supplier(s)” means person(s) (other than PGS) from which FMPA purchases Gas transported hereunder. “TCEC” means FMPA’s Treasure Coast Energy Center, an electrical generating facility located in St. Lucie County, Florida. “Transportation Quantity” has the meaning given for such term in Section 4.3. “Unit Price” has the meaning given in Section 5.2. ARTICLE II - TERM Section 2.1 Term. This Agreement shall be binding on the date it is executed on behalf of both of the Parties hereto. The term of this Agreement shall commence at the beginning of the Day commencing on said date, and continue, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, through the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2033 (the “Initial Term”). Not less than one (1) year prior to the expiration of the Initial Term (or any extended term following the Initial Term), FMPA shall have the unilateral right to extend the term of this Agreement for up to two (2) periods of five (5) years each by executing and tendering to PGS for execution an amendment to this Agreement so extending its term. Subsequent to the expiration of any such additional five-year extension of the term, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to agree on a mutually beneficial agreement for a subsequent term, if any, as mutually agreed. In connection with any such further extension of the term, the agreement of neither party hereto shall be unreasonably withheld. If an Adverse Order is issued during the term of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate; provided, however, that the obligation of each party to make payment of amounts due as of the date of such termination shall survive such termination. In addition, if the Agreement is terminated as the result of an Adverse Order affecting PGS prior to the end of the Initial Term, PGS shall convey title to the facilities constructed pursuant to the Construction Agreement between Customer and PGS dated June 8, 2006 to FMPA, and FMPA shall pay to PGS the actual cost of the facilities and meter station, less all accumulated depreciation, plus a reasonable mark-up for expected revenue through the end of this Agreement as mutually agreed. Section 2.2 Buyout Option. At any time after February 1, 2017, FMPA by giving PGS not less than one (1) year’s prior written notice, shall have the option to buy-out PGS’s interest in the Oleander Gate and/or terminate this Agreement. The purchase price to be paid to PGS by FMPA for the Oleander Gate shall be the then net present value (calculated using an interest rate equal to the then most recent overall allowed rate of return for retail customers approved by the FPSC at the time notice is given by FMPA) of the sum of any remaining fixed Distribution Charges described in Section 6.1 of this Agreement as of the date of termination which would have otherwise been paid by FMPA to PGS absent FMPA’s exercise of the aforesaid buyout option and the termination of this Agreement. Section 2.3 Options to Reduce Service. At any time after April 30, 2023, if FMPA permanently retires either: (i) TCEC, or (ii) both of Cane Island Units 3 and 4 along with termination of the Oleander PPA, then FMPA has the option to reduce service related to the retired assets. That is, if FMPA retires TCEC, then service to TCEC will no longer be provided under this Agreement, and Page 80 of 223 3 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT the charges associated with that asset under this Agreement, including those pursuant to Section 6.1(a), shall cease. Or, if FMPA retires Cane Island Units 3 and 4, and terminates the Oleander PPA, then service to Cane Island and Oleander will no longer be provided under this Agreement, and the charges associated with those assets under this Agreement, including those pursuant to Section 6.1(b), shall cease. ARTICLE III - SALES AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Section 3.1 Services. Both FMPA and its Agent, if applicable, hereby accept, and PGS hereby agrees to provide the service to receive Gas for FMPA's or its Agent’s account, up to the MTQ, at the PGS Receipt Point(s), and to cause an equivalent quantity to be redelivered to FMPA. PGS also desires to sell and FMPA or its Agent desires to purchase at a negotiated price per MMBtu from PGS, from time to time, Gas in quantities which, at FMPA’s or its Agent’s request, PGS may, in its reasonable discretion, agree to sell Gas to FMPA or its Agent, it being understood and agreed that PGS will not contract for Gas supply to provide the services contemplated by this Agreement. The transportation and any such sales shall be governed by PGS’s FPSC Tariff and this Agreement. If there is a conflict between the tariff and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. PGS shall have no obligation to make sales to FMPA or its Agent in lieu of the transportation of Gas contemplated by this Agreement. Section 3.2 PGS’s FPSC Tariff. For purposes of this Agreement, the following provisions shall supersede those provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff covering the same subject matter: (a) Definition of “Retainage”. The definition of “Retainage” set forth in Special Condition 1 of Rider ITS shall have no application to the service provided by PGS pursuant to this Agreement. (b) Correction of Imbalances. Correction of imbalances shall be governed by Section 5.2 of this Agreement; provided, however, that FMPA shall be entitled to book out all or a portion of the sum of Daily Imbalance Amounts for any Month among the PGS Receipt Point(s) in order to determine the Monthly Imbalance Amount referenced in Section 5.2. (c) Allocations and Penalties. If PGS gives notice to FMPA or its Agent that the Alert Day provisions of Special Condition 12 of Rider ITS are in effect for a Day as a result of an Alert Day called by the Pipelines (as applicable) for such Day, FMPA shall be permitted a tolerance (based on Scheduled Quantities for such Day) equal to the greater of a) the applicable tolerance established by the Pipelines (as applicable) for such Day for the FGT Delivery Point(s) or GS Delivery Point(s) listed on Exhibit A or B) the posted applicable PGS alert day tolerance; provided, however, that FMPA or its Agent shall reimburse PGS for any Alert Day Charges or other penalties provided by the aforesaid Special Condition 12 only if charges are actually imposed on PGS by the Pipelines (as applicable) for the FGT Delivery Point(s) or GS Delivery Point(s) listed on Exhibit A for the Day for which such charges or penalties would otherwise be imposed. (d) Curtailment and Interruption. (1) The Oleander Gate will be used by PGS solely for the purpose of providing gas transportation service to Oleander, and no other customers of PGS will be served using the Oleander Gate. Therefore, notwithstanding the provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff and curtailment plan, PGS shall not interrupt or curtail deliveries to Oleander Page 81 of 223 4 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT or TCEC pursuant to this Agreement with FMPA or its Agent, or for the account of either, except when a curtailment order is issued by FGT. (2) In the event of a curtailment by FGT or GS, PGS shall not be required to deliver to FMPA or its Agent more than the quantities of Gas which would otherwise be allocated by FGT or GS to FMPA or its Agent in the absence of this Agreement. (e) Full Requirements. During the term hereof, all Gas used at Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander will, at FMPA's or its Agent’s option, either be purchased from or transported by PGS on PGS’s Distribution System, except to the extent FMPA's or its Agent’s requirements for Cane Island, TCEC and Oleander are not delivered by PGS in accordance with this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - NOMINATIONS Section 4.1 General. Unless otherwise agreed, for each Day FMPA desires service hereunder, FMPA or its Agent shall provide a Nomination to PGS pursuant to Sections 4.2 and/or 4.3 for each PGS Delivery Point. All Nominations shall be made to PGS through its web site ( provided that, in an emergency, a Nomination may be delivered via facsimile using the form set forth in PGS’s FPSC Tariff. Quantities confirmed by PGS for delivery shall be Scheduled Quantities. If requested by FMPA or its Agent, PGS will allow increases or decreases in Scheduled Quantities after the Nomination deadlines set forth in this article, if the same can be confirmed by PGS, the Pipeline(s) and Suppliers, and can be accomplished without detriment to services then scheduled on such Day for PGS and other shippers. The maximum quantity PGS shall be obligated to make available for delivery to FMPA or its Agent on any Day (which shall not exceed the MDQ) is the sum of (a) the Transportation Quantity and (b) the Sales Quantity established pursuant to this article. Section 4.2 Nomination for Purchase. Unless otherwise agreed, FMPA or its Agent shall Nominate Gas for purchase hereunder not less than two (2) Business Days prior to the first Day of any Month in which FMPA or its Agent desires to purchase Gas. Daily notices shall be given to PGS at least one (1) Business Day (but not less than twenty-four (24) hours) prior to the commencement of the Day on which FMPA or its Agent desires delivery of the Gas. If FMPA or its Agent has timely Nominated a quantity for a particular Month, PGS shall confirm to FMPA or its Agent the quantity PGS will tender for purchase by FMPA or its Agent (the “Sales Quantity,” which shall also be a “Scheduled Quantity”) no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time on the Business Day immediately preceding each Day during such Month. Section 4.3 Nomination for Transportation. Unless otherwise agreed, FMPA or its Agent shall, for each Month, and each Day during such Month that FMPA or its Agent seeks to change any aspect of any prior Nomination, notify PGS by providing a completed Nomination. Daily Nominations for Gas to be made available for delivery for FMPA’s or its Agent’s account shall be given to PGS by the deadline for nominations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions of the Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, except that there shall be no intra-day nominations unless the interstate pipeline capacity used for the delivery of such intra-day quantity at the PGS Receipt Point(s) is other than that committed to FMPA by PGS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement under the Capacity Release Agreement. PGS shall confirm to FMPA or its Agent the quantity PGS will make available for redelivery on such Day (the “Transportation Quantity,” which shall also be a “Scheduled Quantity”) as soon as practicable, but not later than one hour after receiving confirmation from the Pipeline(s). Page 82 of 223 5 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Section 4.4 Other Responsibilities. FMPA or its Agent shall promptly notify PGS in writing of any change in the Sales Quantity or Transportation Quantity for any Day, and PGS will use commercially reasonable efforts to accept any such requested change as soon as practicable, but not later than one hour. PGS shall facilitate the addition of the points listed on Appendix A as primary delivery points under PGS’s applicable Pipeline firm transportation service agreement, assume all responsibilities as the delivery point operator for such points under the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff, and name FMPA or its Agent as PGS’s designee under the applicable Pipeline’s FERC Tariff for the purpose of nominating Gas for delivery to such points. Section 4.5 Confirmation. If Transporter asks PGS to verify a nomination for FMPA or its Agent’s account, PGS shall confirm the lesser of such nomination or the Transportation Quantity (“the Confirmation Quantity”). As a normal course of business, PGS shall use the Confirmation Quantity provided by Transporter as FMPA’s or its Agent’s applicable Nomination pursuant to this Agreement. PGS has no obligation with respect to verification or rejection of quantities not requested by FMPA or its Agent. Section 4.6 Mutually Beneficial Transactions. FMPA and its Agent recognizes that PGS maintains the operation and system integrity of the PGS Distribution System on a daily basis, and that PGS, as the delivery point operator for its points of interconnection with interstate pipelines, is subject to the rules and regulations of such pipelines with regard to operational flow rates, pressures and penalties. As such, PGS may from time to time need FMPA or its Agent to vary its Nominated quantities of Gas to be delivered at the PGS Receipt Point(s). On such occasions, PGS may in its sole discretion request, and FMPA or its Agent may agree to, a change in the quantity of Gas to be delivered for the account of FMPA or its Agent at the PGS Receipt Point(s). No such change in the quantity of Gas to be delivered shall be made pursuant to this section without the consent of FMPA or its Agent. Terms and conditions of any such transaction will be agreed upon between the parties at the time of the transaction and will be recorded and confirmed in writing within two Business Days of the transaction. Section 4.7 PGS Diversion Option. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, PGS shall have the right, for up to six (6) Days of each Month during the term of this Agreement, to direct FMPA or its Agent to nominate to FGT up to the lesser of (i) fifteen percent (15%) of FMPA’s FGT Scheduled Quantities or (ii) 20,000 MMBtu on each such Day for delivery to a pipeline delivery point that is not listed as a PGS Receipt Point for FGT listed on Appendix A to this Agreement. For quantities so nominated by FMPA or its Agent, PGS shall pay to FMPA a fee of $0.10 per MMBtu. In the event FMPA or its Agent fails to so Nominate quantities as directed by PGS, FMPA agrees to hold PGS harmless from any documented pipeline penalties PGS incurs as a direct result of such failure. Such documentation shall be provided by PGS to FMPA or its Agent at the time of the PGS bill, invoice, or other notification to FMPA or its Agent for reimbursement. Any fees payable to FMPA pursuant to this section shall be reflected as credits on PGS’s bills rendered pursuant to Section 7.1. ARTICLE V – DELIVERIES AND IMBALANCES Section 5.1 Deliveries of Gas. All Gas delivered hereunder shall be delivered at rates of flow as constant as operationally feasible throughout each Day. PGS has no obligation on any Day to deliver on other that a uniform hourly basis in relation to the Scheduled Quantities. PGS will provide FMPA with like service to that delivered to PGS by the Pipelines (as applicable) (e.g., pressure and deliverability to FMPA from PGS is contingent on service delivered to PGS by the Pipelines, as applicable.) The point of delivery for all Gas confirmed by PGS for delivery Page 83 of 223 6 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT hereunder shall be at the outlet side of such billing meter(s) as shall be installed at the PGS Delivery Point(s). Measurement of the Gas delivered shall be in accordance with PGS’s FPSC Tariff. Section 5.2 Correction of Imbalances. All Daily Imbalance Amounts shall be resolved as of the end of each Month. The sum of all Daily Imbalance Amounts incurred during a Month for the FMPA Facilities (the “Monthly Imbalance Amount”) shall be resolved as set forth below. (a) If a Monthly Imbalance Amount is Positive (i.e., Scheduled Quantities exceed Actual Takes): (1) the portion of such Monthly Imbalance Amount which does not exceed 45,000 MMBtu (not to exceed 25,000 MMBtu at TCEC, and not to exceed 20,000 MMBtu in the aggregate at Cane Island and Oleander), or a greater amount as to which PGS has consented, will be carried by PGS as a credit toward Gas deliverable to FMPA pursuant to this Agreement during the next succeeding Month, and the first Gas through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Point(s) in such next succeeding Month shall be used to eliminate or reduce the credit so carried by PGS, and (2) PGS shall purchase the Remaining Imbalance from FMPA (and FMPA shall sell the same to PGS) at a price per MMBtu (the “Unit Price”) in accordance with the cash out provisions in FGT’s FERC Tariff. The total amount due FMPA or its Agent pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be the product of the Unit Price (calculated as set forth herein) and Remaining Imbalance. The Imbalance Level shall be calculated by dividing the Remaining Imbalance by the Scheduled Quantities for the Month in which the Monthly Imbalance Amount accumulated. (b) If a Monthly Imbalance Amount is Negative (i.e., Actual Takes exceed Scheduled Quantities): (1) the portion of such Monthly Imbalance Amount which does not exceed 45,000 MMBtu (not to exceed 25,000 MMBtu at TCEC, and not to exceed 20,000 MMBtu in the aggregate at Cane Island and Oleander), or a greater amount as to which PGS has consented, will be carried by PGS as a debit toward Gas deliverable to FPMA or its Agent pursuant to this Agreement during the next succeeding Month, and the first Gas scheduled through the meter(s) at the PGS Delivery Point(s) in such next succeeding Month shall be used to eliminate the debit so carried by PGS, and (2) PGS shall sell the Remaining Imbalance to FMPA or its Agent (and FMPA or its Agent shall purchase the same from PGS) at a price per MMBtu (the “Unit Price”) in accordance with the cash out provisions of FGT’s FERC Tariff. The total amount due PGS pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be the product of the Unit Price (calculated as set forth herein) and the Remaining Imbalance. The Imbalance Level shall be calculated by dividing the Remaining Imbalance by the Scheduled Quantities for the Month in which the Monthly Imbalance Amount accumulated. Page 84 of 223 7 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT (c) PGS shall, on PGS’s bill rendered to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to Section 7.1 for the Month following the Month in which the amount payable by PGS to FMPA or its Agent pursuant to subparagraph (a)(2) was incurred, credit to FMPA or its Agent such amount. All amounts not so credited by PGS shall be considered delinquent, and subject to the Late Payment Charge. (d) Within fifteen (15) Days following the end of the Month in which the amount payable by FMPA or its Agent to PGS pursuant to paragraph (b) was incurred, PGS shall bill FMPA for the amount payable by FMPA or its Agent, and FMPA or its Agent shall pay such bill in accordance with Section 7.2. All amounts not so paid by FMPA or its Agent shall be considered delinquent and subject to the Late Payment Charge. Section 5.3 Pipeline Operator Accounts. FMPA shall have the option, by providing PGS written notice, to have PGS Receipt Points listed on Appendix A to this Agreement added to the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s). While on the PGS FGT and/or GS Operator Account(s) (if FMPA has exercised the aforesaid option), balancing of deliveries, alert days, operational flow orders and any penalties associated therewith shall be governed by the provisions of PGS’s FPSC Tariff and the provisions of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement. If the PGS Receipt Points have been added to the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s) pursuant to FMPA's written notice, FMPA shall have the right to require the removal of the PGS Receipt Points from the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s) by giving PGS written notice of not less than three (3) months. At any time that the PGS Receipt Points are not on the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s), balancing of deliveries, alert days, operational flow orders and any penalties associated therewith shall be governed by the Pipeline FERC Tariff(s), as applicable, and Section 5.2 of this Agreement shall not apply. ARTICLE VI - TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER CHARGES Section 6.1 Distribution Charge. (a) For Transportation Service to TCEC. FMPA or its Agent shall pay PGS each Month for transportation service rendered by PGS to FMPA at TCEC, and/or for Gas purchased from PGS for use by FMPA at TCEC, in accordance with Rate Schedule CIS of PGS’s FPSC Tariff; provided, however, that the Distribution Charge for service under Rate Schedule CIS shall be: (1) For the period from the date of this Agreement through and including the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2016, (i) $0.0102 per Therm for up to and including 100 million Therms per year and (ii) (a) if there are up to two natural gas fired combined cycle or other intermediate or base load generating units at TCEC that are intermediate or base loaded (e.g., each with a 25% capacity factor or higher over a calendar year), $0.0020 per Therm for all quantities over 100 million Therms per year or (b) if there are more than two combined cycle or other intermediate or base load generating units at TCEC, $0.0030 per Therm for all quantities over 100 million Therms per year; and provided further, however, that the minimum annual aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA to PGS for transportation service to TCEC shall be $750,000. If the aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA or its Agent to PGS during any Contract Year for transportation service to TCEC is less than $750,000, PGS shall invoice FMPA or its Agent and FMPA or its Agent shall pay to PGS the amount of the shortfall in accordance with the terms set out in Section 7.2 of this Page 85 of 223 8 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Agreement. (2) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2017, through and including December 31, 2020, (i) $0.0075 per Therm for up to and including 100 million Therms per year and (ii) $0.002 per Therm for quantities greater than 100 million Therms; provided that the minimum annual aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA to PGS for transportation service to TCEC shall be $750,000. If the aggregate of the Distribution Charges paid by FMPA or its Agent to PGS during any Contract Year for transportation service to TCEC is less than $750,000, PGS shall invoice FMPA or its Agent and FMPA or its Agent shall pay to PGS the amount of the shortfall in accordance with the terms set out in Section 7.2 of this Agreement. (3) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2021, and continuing through the end of the Initial Term (or any extended term), the Distribution Charge provided in subparagraph (1) above. (b) For Transportation Service to Cane Island and Oleander. FMPA or its Agent shall pay PGS each Month for transportation service rendered by PGS to Cane Island and Oleander, and/or for Gas purchased from PGS for use by FMPA at Cane Island and Oleander, in accordance with Rate Schedule CIS of PGS’s FPSC Tariff; provided, however, that the Distribution Charge for service under Rate Schedule CIS shall be: (1) For the period from the date of this Agreement through and including the end of the Day commencing on December 31, 2016, (i) $750,000 per year plus (ii) $0.01000 per Therm for all quantities over 50 million Therms per Contract Year delivered to any FMPA Delivery Point (other than TCEC) listed on PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. (2) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2017, through and including December 31, 2020, (i) $750,000.00 per year plus (ii) $0.0075 per Therm for all quantities over 50 million Therms per Contract Year delivered to any FMPA Delivery Point (other than TCEC) listed on PGS’s FGT Delivery Point Operator Agreement. (3) For the period from the beginning of the Day commencing on January 1, 2021, and continuing through the end of the Initial Term (or any extended term), the Distribution Charge provided in subparagraph (1) above. This Section 6.1 shall apply during the entire term of this Agreement whether or not the PGS Receipt Points have been removed from the PGS Pipeline Operator Account(s). ARTICLE VII - BILLING AND PAYMENT Section 7.1 Billing. PGS will bill FMPA or its Agent each Month for all Actual Takes during the preceding Month, and for any other amounts due hereunder. If, during the preceding Month, PGS has purchased Gas from FMPA or its Agent pursuant to a curtailment order, such bill shall show a credit for the estimated amount, based upon information provided by the Pipelines, due FMPA or its Agent for such purchase(s). If the estimated amount owed by PGS to FMPA or its Agent exceeds the amount FMPA or its Agent owes PGS, PGS shall pay FMPA or its Agent the net amount estimated to be due FMPA or its Agent at the time PGS bills FMPA or its Agent. Page 86 of 223 9 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Section 7.2 Payment. FMPA or its Agent shall pay such bills, minus any disputed amounts, at the address specified in the invoice by the 20th Day following the date of FMPA’s or its Agent’s receipt of the bill. All sums not so paid by FMPA or its Agent (or credited or paid by PGS) shall be considered delinquent. Section 7.3 Billing Disputes. In the event of a billing dispute, FMPA, FMPA’s Agent or PGS, as the case may be, shall pay (or credit) to the other party all amounts not in dispute, and the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the amount in dispute as soon as reasonably practicable. If a party has withheld payment (or credit) of a disputed amount, and the dispute is resolved, the non-prevailing party shall pay to the other party the amount determined to be due such other party, plus interest thereon at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due until paid (or credited). Section 7.4 Errors or Estimates. If an estimate is used to determine the amount due FMPA or its Agent for purchases by PGS pursuant to a curtailment order, PGS shall make any adjustment necessary to reflect the actual amount due FMPA or its Agent on account of such purchases in the next bill rendered to FMPA or its Agent after determination of the actual amount due. An error in any bill, credit or payment shall be corrected in the next bill rendered after the error is confirmed by both PGS and FMPA or its Agent. ARTICLE VIII - FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT Section 8.1 Late Payment Charge. Charges for services due and rendered which are unpaid as of the past due date are subject to a Late Payment Charge at an annual rate equal to the prime interest rate of Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, plus one percent (1%), calculated on a daily basis from the date due. Section 8.2 Other Remedies. If FMPA or its Agent fails to remedy a delinquency in any payment within ten (10) Days after written notice thereof by PGS, PGS may, in addition to any other remedy, without incurring any liability to FMPA or its Agent and without terminating this Agreement, suspend further deliveries to FMPA or its Agent until the delinquent amount is paid, but PGS shall not do so if the failure to pay is the result of a billing dispute, and all undisputed amounts have been paid. If PGS fails to remedy a delinquency in providing a credit (or making payment) to FMPA or its Agent for PGS purchases pursuant to an interruption or curtailment order within ten (10) Days after FMPA or its Agent’s written notice thereof, FMPA or its Agent may, in addition to any other remedy, without incurring liability to PGS and without terminating this Agreement, suspend PGS’s right to retain and purchase FMPA or its Agent’s Gas pursuant to a curtailment order, but FMPA or its Agent shall not do so if PGS’s failure to provide a credit (or make payment) is the result of a billing dispute, and all undisputed amounts have been credited or paid by PGS. ARTICLE IX - MISCELLANEOUS Section 9.1 Assignment and Transfer. Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and the assignee’s written assumption of the assigning party’s obligations hereunder. Upon any such assignment and assumption, the assigning party shall furnish a copy thereof to the other party. Page 87 of 223 10 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT Section 9.2 Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Florida and shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and orders of any Federal, state or local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the parties, their facilities or the transactions contemplated. Venue for any action, at law or in equity, commenced by either party against the other and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be in a court having jurisdiction, located within Leon County, Florida. Section 9.3 Severability. If any term or provision hereof is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be, or becomes under applicable law, illegal, unenforceable or invalid, such illegality, unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said term or provision; provided, however, that if such severability materially changes the economic benefits of this Agreement to either party, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner (further provided, however, that the inability of the parties to agree after good faith negotiations to a mutually acceptable modification shall not make this Agreement voidable or terminable by a party). Section 9.4 Entire Agreement; Appendices. This Agreement sets forth the complete understanding of the parties as of the date first written above, and supersedes any and all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings with respect to the subject matter hereof. The appendices attached hereto are an integral part hereof. All capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined in the appendices shall have the meanings given to such terms herein. Section 9.5 Waiver. No waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision whether similar or not. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding on a party unless executed in writing by that party. Section 9.6 Notices. (a) All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed duly given on the date of delivery if delivered personally, by electronic mail (if confirmed with a read receipt), by facsimile (if receipt is confirmed by telephone) or by a recognized overnight delivery service, or on the tenth (10th) day after mailing if mailed by first class United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the party as set forth below. PGS: FMPA: Administrative Matters: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Vice President – Fuels Management Telephone: (813) 228-4526 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Page 88 of 223 11 Administrative Matters:: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: AGM – Power Resources Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5794 E-mail: AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT With a Copy To: With a copy to: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (813) 228-1556 Facsimile: (813) 228- 228-4643 E-mail: Florida Municipal Power Agency 2061-2 Delta Way Tallahassee, FL 32303 Attention: General Counsel Telephone: (850) 297-2011 Facsimile: (850) 297-2014 E-mail: Payment: Peoples Gas System 702 N. Franklin Street P. O. Box 2562 Tampa, Florida 33601-2562 Attention: Director, Accounting Telephone: (813) 228-4191 Facsimile: (813) 228-4643 E-mail: Invoices: Florida Municipal Power Agency 8553 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 Attention: Accounts Payable Telephone: 407-355-7767 Facsimile: 407-355-5795 E-mail: Section 9.7 Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed by both PGS and FMPA. A change in (a) the place to which notices hereunder must be sent or (b) the individual designated as Contact Person shall not be deemed nor require an amendment hereof provided such change is communicated pursuant to Section 9.6. Section 9.8 Project Agreement. This Agreement is a liability and obligation of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project only. No liability or obligation under this Agreement shall inure to or bind any of the funds, accounts, monies, property, instruments, or rights of the Florida Municipal Power Agency generally or any of any other "project" of FMPA as that term is defined in the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Florida Municipal Power Agency, as may be amended or supplemented pursuant thereto. Section 9.9 Prior Agreements. PGS and FMPA entered into (i) that certain Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of June 8, 2006, and (ii) that certain Gas Transportation Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012 (the “TCEC Gas Transportation Agreement”) (collectively, the “Prior Agreements”), and desire by this Agreement to amend, restate and combine the provisions of said Prior Agreements in order to reimburse FMPA for PGS overbillings between May 2008 and April 2014 under the TCEC Gas Transportation Agreement through extensions of the terms of the Prior Agreements and of the Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of June 1, 2008, between PGS and FMPA, and the Pipeline Capacity Release Agreement dated as of February 10, 2012, between PGS and FMPA, and modification of the rates set forth in the Prior Agreements, and to reflect the additional agreements of the parties as set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement shall supersede and replace, as of the date first written above, the Prior Agreements; provided, however, that the obligations of a party that have accrued as of the date first written above shall survive the termination of the Prior Agreements. Section 9.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Page 89 of 223 12 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first above written. PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, a division of TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY FLORIDA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY (All-Requirements Power Supply Project) By: ____________________________ Gordon L. Gillette President By:__________________________ Nicholas P. Guarriello General Manager & CEO Page 90 of 223 13 GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT APPENDIX A – AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT PGS RECEIPT POINT(S) Maximum Transportation Quantity: PGS Ft. Pierce Meter Station 154,000 MMBtu per Day FGT or PGS Meter at Oleander 50,000 MMBtu per Day FGT Meter at Cane Island: GS Meter at Cane Island: 90,000 MMBtu per Day 20,000 MMBtu per Day Page 91 of 223 AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT APPENDIX B – AMENDED AND RESTATED GAS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT PGS DELIVERY POINT(S) Maximum Delivery Quantity* TCEC 154,000 MMBtu per Day Up to 9,000 MMBtu per Hour @ 475 psig Oleander 50,000 MMBtu per Day Cane Island (FGT): Cane Island (GS): 90,000 MMBtu per Day 20,000 MMBtu per Day * PGS will provide FMPA with like service to that delivered to PGS by FGT or GS, as applicable (e.g., pressure and deliverability (including hourly tolerance) to FMPA from PGS is contingent on service delivered to PGS by FGT or GS, as applicable) Page 92 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 9 – ACTION ITEMS b) Approval of ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 93 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Fred Bryant, Jody Finklea, and Frank Gaffney DATE: August 16,, 2016 ITEM: EC 9b – Approval of ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols Strategic Relevance FMPA’s Relevant Strategic Goals • EC Strategy A2: Identify, understand and manage risk responsibly. • EC Strategy A3: Maintain sound financial policies and practices. Introduction On October 15, 2012, Vero Beach provided FMPA with notice pursuant to Section 29 of the ARP Contract to terminate its ARP Contract and withdraw from the ARP effective September 30, 2016. While FMPA has previously provided estimates of Section 29 withdrawal costs to various ARP Participants, including Vero Beach, staff has developed a protocols that it is requesting that the Executive Committee formally adopt as business practices for staff to follow in calculating Section 29 withdrawal payments. These protocols would guide the calculation of the official Section 29 withdrawal payment for Vero Beach and future estimates of such payments for all other ARP Participants. The proposed protocols are attached to this memo as Attachment 1. Discussion Section 29 of the ARP Contract allows for a Project Participant to terminate its ARP Contract and withdraw from the ARP with at least three years notice. In order for the withdrawal to be effective, among other conditions, the Withdrawing Participant must pay to FMPA on the anticipated withdrawal date a cash withdrawal payment as set forth in Section 29(c) of the ARP Contract (the “Section 29 Withdrawal Payment”). The intent of the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment is to protect bondholders, credit support providers, and non-withdrawing Participants from financial harm. There are two components to the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment, which are summarized as follows: • Section 29(c)1. requires that the withdrawing Participant pay “the amount necessary to call… a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date.” Page 94 of 223 EC 9b – Approval of the ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols August 16, 2016 Page 2 • Section 29(c)2. requires that the withdrawing Participant pay the "additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant.” Unlike Section 2 (c)1., Section 29(c)2. provides FMPA some latitude in how to calculate the portion of the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment not related to Bonds. While the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment is a one-time calculation and payment, Section 29 does not include a “claw-back provision.” So, if the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment is later determined to be insufficient to pay the ARP’s actual incurred stranded costs, FMPA cannot later recover the shortfall from the withdrawn Participant. FMPA must “identify, understand and manage risk responsibly” by calculating the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment using the standard of what a reasonable utility would do to prevent under-recovery of these costs. In order to establish a “roadmap” for the calculation of the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment in accordance with the ARP Contract, and to provide for transparency in that process, staff has developed a protocols document that proposes how the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment will be calculated. Staff’s proposed protocols are compliant with Section 29 of the ARP Contract, and they are accordant with the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment estimates that we have provided to members since at least 2010. As part of the development of this document, we have retained both Baker Tilly and Nixon Peabody (as Bond Counsel) 1 to review and provide input, and both parties have agreed to our proposed approach. The proposed protocols are attached to this memo as Attachment 1. FMPA is requesting that the Executive Committee adopt the proposed protocols. If adopted, these protocols will remain open to be revised from time to time by vote of the Executive Committee to address changed or unanticipated events or circumstances or a truly unique or otherwise specific situation involving a withdrawing Participant. Staff would use the protocols in the calculation of the actual Section 29 Withdrawal Payment for Vero Beach, which we are bringing before the Executive Committee for information in August and intend to bring for approval in September (note that Vero Beach had been provided an estimate in June of 2014). 2 Additionally, FMPA proposes to develop estimated Section 29 Withdrawal Payments for each Participant on a biennial basis beginning in 2016 based on these protocols and provide these estimates to the Executive Committee as an information item. 1 Art McMahon, who was one of the drafters of the ARP Contract, provided input as part of the Nixon Peabody review. 2 Vero Beach must pay the Section 29 Withdrawal Payment to FMPA no later than September 30, 2016, as one of the conditions required for it to withdraw from the ARP and terminate its ARP Contract. Therefore, we must have an approved Section 29 Withdrawal Payment prior to this date. The Section 29 Withdrawal Payment for Vero Beach that is being presented this month for information is an estimate and remains subject to change. Page 95 of 223 EC 9b – Approval of the ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols August 16, 2016 Page 3 Recommended Motion Move approval of the proposed ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Methodology attached to this memo for use by FMPA staff as protocols for calculating estimated and actual Section 29 Withdrawal Payments for ARP Participants. Page 96 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe how FMPA presently intends to calculate the Withdrawal Payments commensurate with the withdrawal provisions provided for in Section 29 of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project (ARP) Contract (ARP Contract). The “Withdrawal Payments” are as described in Section 29(c) of the ARP Contract, as quoted below (in relevant part): “(c) The Project Participant shall, on the anticipated withdrawal date, pay to FMPA an amount in cash equal to: 1. the amount necessary to call (including payment of any required call premiums and interest to the call date or dates), on the first permissible call date or dates, a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Such amount shall be calculated on the assumption that the Bonds to be called will be the applicable percentage of each series of such Bonds and of each maturity within each such series.[…]; and 2. an amount equal to the present value on the Withdrawal Date, calculated at the rate of 6% per annum, of all of the additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant, over the term specified in such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract (as determined on the anticipated withdrawal date). Such costs shall be determined on the assumption that, during the remaining term of such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract, FMPA was unable to make use of or sell any generating, transmission or other resources (or portions thereof) which FMPA had anticipated would be used to supply, or had acquired with the intention of supplying, all or any portion of the withdrawing Project Participant's electric load.[…]” Since Section 29 operates for the life of the ARP Contract and attempts to deal with costs and expenses which may change from time to time in the future or may arise at unknown future dates, FMPA anticipates that it may determine, in its sole discretion, that it is necessary to amend Page 97 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols or modify this document from time to time to address changed or unanticipated events or circumstances or a truly unique or otherwise specific situation involving an individual withdrawing participant in order to maintain the intent of Section 29 to protect bondholders, credit support providers, and non-withdrawing participants without unduly disadvantaging the withdrawing participant. A complete copy of Section 29 is attached to this document as Appendix A. 2. Introduction FMPA currently has what has been described as one of the most lenient 1 early termination provisions amongst Joint Action Agencies (JAAs). In this regard, most JAAs do not allow their participants to withdraw early while there is outstanding debt or other outstanding costs. The original ARP Contract did not provide for separate withdrawal rights. The withdrawal provisions were later added to the ARP Contract at the request of certain cities with generation facilities who were considering joining the ARP. The withdrawal provisions of Section 29 were negotiated and then discussed with both the rating agencies and the bonds insurers prior to their inclusion in the ARP Contract. In accordance with these provisions, FMPA allows its ARP participants to withdraw from the ARP early, with at least three (3) years notice, as long as the withdrawing participant pays up-front its pro rata share of FMPA ARP’s outstanding Bonds and other Stranded Costs 2 that would otherwise be left with the remaining participants. For purposes of this document, Stranded Costs are defined as: “The withdrawing participant’s pro rata share of costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred for the ARP, assuming that FMPA is unable to make use of or sell any resources from which FMPA had anticipated or acquired to supply the withdrawing participant, that would otherwise be additional costs to the remaining ARP participants if not for the Withdrawal Payments collected from the withdrawing participant.” 3 The Section 29 withdrawal provision was designed to protect the interests of the ARP’s bondholders, the remaining ARP participants, and the withdrawing participant. This is done through a two-step process: 1. Share of debt and other Stranded Cost payments by the withdrawing participant - The withdrawing participant must pay (“Withdrawal Payments”) for its load ratio share of the According to the Florida State Auditor General’s audit of FMPA conducted in 2015. Please note that the term Stranded Costs in this document, although used in regulatory proceedings, is not intended to have the same meaning as that term is used in various regulatory proceedings. Rather, it is meant to be a short description for the intent for which the Withdrawal Payments are collected as described in the ARP Contract. 3 Compare with the Congressional Budget Office paper “Electric Utilities: Deregulation and Stranded Costs”, dated October 1998, page 7: “Many researchers and state public utility commissions (PUCs) have identified separate categories of Stranded Costs. Ultimately, costs become stranded because the price of electricity or the quantity marketed drops ...” (emphasis added). When a participant withdraws, the quantity of electricity marketed drops, stranding costs to the remaining participants. 1 2 Page 2 of 9 Page 98 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols outstanding debt (Section 29(c)1) and for a pro rata share 4 of other Stranded Costs (Section 29(c)2). The calculation methodology for determining these Withdrawal Payments is the subject of this protocol document. It is notable that there are no clawback provisions to collect from the withdrawing participant any more funds after it has withdrawn; as such, the contract gives FMPA discretion in determining the costs paid by a withdrawing participant to meet the contract’s overall objectives. Section 29(c) Withdrawal Payments are deposited into two accounts, one for debt (“Section 29(c)1 Account”), and the other for Stranded Costs other than debt (“Section 29(c)2 Account”). FMPA staff proposes that both accounts be interest bearing 5 to help mitigate risk of unforeseen costs that a lack of a claw-back provision would cause the remaining participants to incur, to manage interest rate risk to remaining participants as a result of the time delay to retire bonds, and to manage the risk associated with the 6% discount rate required for the present value analysis of the Section 29(c)2 calculation. Management and use of the Section 29(c)1 and Section 29(c)2 funds will be a subject for a proposed future protocols document. 2. Benefits (Additional Benefits)6 from the stranded assets are paid to the withdrawing participant - The contract also provides that any Additional Benefits actually received resulting from the withdrawal of the participant are paid to the withdrawing participant, capped at 90% of the total funds collected from the withdrawing participant and deposited in the Section 29(c)2 Account to reflect administrative burden and risk/uncertainty to the remaining participants due to the lack of a claw-back provision. The methodology by which Additional Benefits will be calculated will be the subject of a future protocols document. 3. Section 29(c)1 – Stranded Bond 7 Indebtedness Calculation Approach Section 29(c)1: “the amount necessary to call (including payment of any required call premiums and interest to the call date or dates), on the first permissible call date or dates, a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) Note that, for Stranded Costs other than Bonds (Section 29(c)2), a pro rata share of costs can be determined using other formulas than a load ratio share. 5 Investments of the Section 29(c)1 Withdrawal Payment are limited to investments meeting the requirements for a defeasance escrow under the ARP Bond Resolution. Investment of the Section 29(c)2 Withdrawal Payment should be limited to very secure highly rated instruments. 6 For purposes of this document, Additional Benefits is capitalized whereas in the ARP Contract the term is not. However, here, the term Additional Benefits is being used consistent with its description in Section 29(f) of the ARP Contract: “an amount equal to the additional benefits actually received by FMPA during the preceding year as a result of (the withdrawing participant’s) withdrawal.” 7 “Bonds” is a defined term in the ARP Contract which essentially means all debt (except leases). 4 Page 3 of 9 Page 99 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Such amount shall be calculated on the assumption that the Bonds to be called will be the applicable percentage of each series of such Bonds and of each maturity within each such series.[…].” The ARP Contract prescribes stranded Bond indebtedness as the most important component of the types of Stranded Costs to be paid by a withdrawing participant. That is, the Stranded Costs associated with Bonds are put into a separate account for purposes of retiring Bonds, or paying capital costs to avoid additional debt. The underlying intent is that the Section 29(c)1 collection will be used to retire Bonds equal to the withdrawing participant’s load ratio share as determined on the date of receipt of notice of withdrawal, or the Withdrawal Date. Treasury provides calculations for the Section 29(c)1 payment amount based on the pro rata share of each series and each maturity with a series of outstanding bonds related to the Participant. Any bonds FMPA committed to after the receipt of a Participant’s withdrawal notice will not be included as outstanding bonds for purposes of this calculation. The Participant’s share is based on the coincident peak of the Project (for either the Fiscal Year that includes the Withdrawal Date 8 or the Fiscal Year within which the withdrawal notice was received whichever produces the higher number) and the portion of that peak attributable to the Participant. This “share” is then multiplied by each maturity of the bonds and rounded to the nearest $5,000 (the bonds can only be redeemed in $5,000 increments). Once the principal share of the amount of bonds is determined, then the interest on those bonds and any premium that would be required to pay off the bonds at the first permitted early call date or maturity date can be determined. 4. Section 29(c)2 – Stranded Costs other than Bonds Calculation Approach Section 29(c)2: “an amount equal to the present value on the Withdrawal Date, calculated at the rate of 6% per annum, of all of the additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant, over the term specified in such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract (as determined on the anticipated withdrawal date). Such costs shall be determined on the assumption that, during the remaining term of such Project Participant's All- Requirements Power Supply Project Contract, FMPA was unable to make use of or sell any generating, transmission or other resources (or portions thereof) which FMPA had anticipated would be used to supply, or had acquired with the intention of supplying, all or any portion of the withdrawing Project Participant's electric load.” (emphases added) 8 As defined in Section 29(a) of the ARP Contract. Page 4 of 9 Page 100 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols 4.1. Present Value of Stranded Costs Other than Bonds Over the Stranded Term For purposes of this document, “Stranded Term” means the time between the Withdrawal Date and the date the withdrawing participant’s ARP Contract would have otherwise terminated. 9 The ARP contract specifies a 6% discount rate to determine a present value of Stranded Costs other than Bonds, that is: “additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant,” over the Stranded Term. 10 4.2. Examples of Stranded Costs other than Bonds Generally, Stranded Costs are ARP committed costs 11 reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred. Since stranded Bond indebtedness is recovered in the Section 29(c)1 Withdrawal Payment as described above, then the stranded Section 29(c)2 costs are ARP committed costs other than Bonds, but generally not costs that vary with generation output, such as fuel burned, for which the ARP will not be burdened because those costs decrease with the withdrawal of the withdrawing participant. Stranded Costs other than Bonds include, but are not limited to: • Operating and Maintenance (O&M) costs for generation owned by FMPA (including, planned maintenance agreements, O&M staff, inventory, physical and cyber security, etc.) • Committed cost components of power purchase agreements (PPA), such as demand rates or minimum-take amounts. This includes the capacity component of Capacity and Energy Sales Contracts for participant owned/entitled capacity. • Committed fuel costs such as firm pipeline capacity, railroad transportation reservations for coal, fuel minimum take amounts. • Losses as a result of selling fuel from a must-take fuel production facility at a loss. Section 2 of the ARP contract, as amended in January 1999, provides for the Term of the ARP Contract, which is until at least October 1, 2030 and evergreen thereafter with automatic 1 year extensions each October 1st unless an ARP participant provides notice to not extend before that date. This essentially provides for a 30+ year notice to terminate. Hence, the “Stranded Term” is the time between the Withdrawal Date as defined in Section 29 and the end of the Term as defined in Section 2. 10 Note that, to the extent the 6% discount rate exceeds the return on investment of the Section 29(c)2 Account, the remaining participants bear the risk of the loss of time value of money in paying for actual Stranded Costs other than Bonds from that account over the Stranded Term. 11 For purposes of this document, “committed costs” are those costs that FMPA ARP has a responsibility to pay regardless of the withdrawal of the withdrawing participant, such as contractual requirements or non-fuel O&M necessary to maintain an asset over its useful life. 9 Page 5 of 9 Page 101 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols • Firm Point to Point transmission service. • Committed costs associated with transmission ownership, such as O&M costs of transmission owned by FMPA or for which FMPA has the contractual obligation to contribute (including, the Keys STATCOM and series capacitor project). • General and Administration (G&A) costs12 such as insurance, G&A staff, bank fees (such as costs for letters of credit). • Required payments in lieu of taxes. • Decommissioning and other retirement costs at asset retirement. 13 • Capital expenditures reasonably projected to be incurred, such as reasonably projected renewal and replacement 14, and major capital additions in response to new environmental regulations (such as the Clean Power Plan). Staff will take care to ensure that Stranded Costs that could be categorized in more than one category are not double-counted. Firm Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) costs are not included in Stranded Costs calculations even though they are fixed costs because the withdrawing participant would no longer be included under FMPA’s network service and FMPA is billed through FPL’s and DEF’s transmission tariffs for NITS based on monthly peak load, which would not include the withdrawing participant’s load; hence, costs for NITS to FMPA is reduced as a result of the withdrawal and the costs are not stranded. 4.3. Approach to Calculating Stranded Costs Other than Bonds 4.3.1. Existing Resources at time the Withdrawing Participant Joined the ARP For those resources that existed when the withdrawing participant joined the ARP, the pro rata share at the Withdrawal Date, or on receipt of the application to withdraw, whichever is greater, is used to determine Stranded Costs other than Bonds associated with those resources. Section 29(c)1 is prescriptive as to the dates and methodology used to determine the pro rata share. Section 29(c)2 is silent concerning what dates are used and the methodology used to determine the pro rata share. The key phrase for existing resources in Section 29(c)2 is “which FMPA had anticipated would be used to supply …” which is silent as to when FMPA anticipated using existing resources. To be consistent with Section 29(c)1, the Withdrawal Date, or the date of receipt of the withdrawal request, whichever results in a greater pro rata share, is used. The pro rata share is determined using the load ratio share at FMPA’s coincident peak. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (“Baker Tilly”) recommendation. Baker Tilly recommendation. 14 Baker Tilly recommendation. 12 13 Page 6 of 9 Page 102 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols 4.3.2. New Resources Acquired After the Withdrawing Participant Joined the ARP For those resources that FMPA acquired after the withdrawing participant joined the ARP, the pro rata share is determined using the load forecast depended upon to make the commitment for the acquired resource at the time the commitment was made (for those participants who had given their CROD notice before the commitment to acquire was made, the pro rata share would be in proportion to the forecast of the CROD amount at the time the resource commitment had been made), with updates to the pro rata share each time a new participant joined the ARP after the commitment to that new resource was made. Since the last ARP Participants to join were in 2002, for practical purposes, unless and until a new participant joins the ARP, this means: a) For those resources acquired after the withdrawing participant joined the ARP, but before 2002, use the 2002 load forecast to determine the pro rata share. b) For those resources acquired after 2002, use the load forecast utilized to justify the acquisition at the time of the commitment to that acquisition (e.g., date of signature of the Engineer-Procure-Construct contract, or date of execution of a Power Purchase Agreement). The key phrase in Section 29(c)2 for resources acquired after the withdrawing participant joined the ARP is “which FMPA … had acquired with the intention of supplying”. This phrase provides some guidance as to when the pro rata share is to be calculated because the language implies that the “intention of supplying” was at the time of the acquisition of the new resource. However, to reflect that those newly acquired resources would also be used to supply new participants who joined after the commitment to acquire that resource was made, there is an update to the pro rata share made to reflect the addition of the new participant(s). 4.3.3. Treatment of Capacity Ownership/Entitlement by “Generating Cities” The pro rata share of a withdrawing participant is not reduced by the capacity and energy brought to the ARP by a “generating city” (a participant who owned or was entitled to resources before joining the ARP) as a result of joining the ARP (for instance, a participant’s entitlement share of a Stanton project is not used to reduce the pro rata share of that participant). 15 5. Periodic Estimates to ARP Participants for Informational Purposes FMPA will biennially provide Withdrawal Payment estimates to its ARP participants using the approach described in this protocol document. In order to provide those estimates, a Withdrawal Date will be assumed even though no withdrawal notice has been provided. This is different from the section 3 provision of the ARP Contract addressing contract rate of delivery. A generating city’s capacity and energy resource brought into the ARP becomes an ARP system resource through the Capacity and Energy Sales Contract (C&E Contract). However, upon effectiveness of that generating city’s withdrawal, the C&E Contract terminates by its own terms, eliminating all obligations of both FMPA and the generating city, one to the other, for that resource in the future. 15 Page 7 of 9 Page 103 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols 6. Estimates and Final Determination of Withdrawal Payments for a Withdrawing Participant The ARP Contract causes the final determination of the Withdrawal Payment to not occur until after the September 30th peak load hour of the withdrawal year because the pro rata share for both Section 29(c)1 and 29(c)2 can be that as of the Withdrawal Date (which is a September 30th date), for instance: Section 29(c)1: “the amount necessary to call … a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds … equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date.” (emphasis added) The determination of a “Withdrawal Date” and the withdrawal notice requirements are provided in Section 29(a) and (b): “SECTION 29. Withdrawal By Project Participant (a) Notwithstanding Section 2 of this Contract, a Project Participant may terminate this All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract and withdraw from the All-Requirements Power Supply Project only as provided in this section. The date on which any such termination becomes effective, which must be a September 30 date, shall be known as the "Withdrawal Date." (b) The Project Participant shall notify FMPA and all other Project Participants in writing of its intention to terminate this All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract and to withdraw from the All-Requirements Power Supply Project at least three years prior to the Withdrawal Date ...” As such, a final determination cannot be made until after the peak hour of September 30th because it is feasible that a new coincident peak can be set for FMPA as late as September 30th which could result is a higher pro rata share of committed costs allocable to the withdrawing participant. Note that although the contract is silent as to time of day when withdrawal becomes effective, it is clear that the intent is to align withdrawal with the Fiscal Year. Hence, withdrawal is effective on September 30th immediately prior to midnight of October 1st (e.g., 11:59:59 PM). However, the withdrawing participant must pay the Withdrawal Payment to be able to withdraw. As such, FMPA will provide estimates to the withdrawing participant such that the withdrawing participant can raise funds to pay the Withdrawal Payment based on good faith estimate(s). At least two estimates will be provided to the withdrawing participant as follows: • FMPA will provide for at least one estimate during the biennial process described above in Section 5 during the 3 years notice period required for withdrawal. • FMPA will provide an estimate in August immediately prior to the Withdrawal Date (see discussion below). Page 8 of 9 Page 104 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Calculation Protocols • The withdrawing participant can request an estimate at any time during the notice period. FMPA will use reasonable best efforts to accommodate such a request. The estimate provided in August immediately prior to the Withdrawal Date will be brought to the Executive Committee for information at the committee’s August meeting. The calculations will be updated in September (based on a new coincident peak if such a peak were to occur, or any other necessary adjustments) and presented to the Executive Committee for approval at the committee’s September meeting with the understanding that the final determination may change if a new FMPA coincident peak occurs after the Executive Committee approval and before October 1st. The Executive Committee delegates to FMPA staff through this Executive Committee approved protocol document the authority to update the final determination of the Withdrawal Payments if such a new FMPA coincident peak were to occur between the September Executive Committee meeting and October 1st. Revision Date Version 0 July 22, 2016 Version 1 August 25, 2016 Page 9 of 9 Approved By Executive Committee Page 105 of 223 APPENDIX A SECTION 29. Withdrawal By Project Participant (a) Notwithstanding Section 2 of this Contract, a Project Participant may terminate this All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract and withdraw from the All-Requirements Power Supply Project only as provided in this section. The date on which any such termination becomes effective, which must be a September 30 date, shall be known as the "Withdrawal Date." (b) The Project Participant shall notify FMPA and all other Project Participants in writing of its intention to terminate this All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract and to withdraw from the All-Requirements Power Supply Project at least three years prior to the Withdrawal Date; provided that such notice may not be given prior to October 1, 2000. Such notice shall be deemed given when mailed by U. S. Mail, Certified-Return Receipt Requested or sent by overnight delivery service to FMPA and each Project Participant and shall be deemed irrevocable. (c) The Project Participant shall, on the anticipated withdrawal date, pay to FMPA an amount in cash equal to: 1. the amount necessary to call (including payment of any required call premiums and interest to the call date or dates), on the first permissible call date or dates, a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Such amount shall be calculated on the assumption that the Bonds to be called will be the applicable percentage of each series of such Bonds and of each maturity within each such series. Unless all or any portion of such cash is needed at any time to cure any deficiency in any fund or account under the Bond Resolution, FMPA will deposit such amount in a separate account in the General Reserve Fund (as defined in said Bond Resolution) and will retain such amount in such account pending its application to actually redeem Bonds, to purchase Bonds in the open market, or to pay other capital costs of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project; pending the decision as to such application, such cash may be invested only in securities which could be deposited in an escrow fund to defease Bonds under the Bond Resolution. FMPA must determine its use of the cash received from the Project Participant pursuant to this clause 1 by action of its Board of Directors taken within three months after the Withdrawal Date or it shall be conclusively presumed that such cash shall be used to redeem or purchase Bonds; and 2. an amount equal to the present value on the Withdrawal Date, calculated at the rate of 6% per annum, of all of the additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined 1 Page 106 of 223 APPENDIX A by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant, over the term specified in such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract (as determined on the anticipated withdrawal date). Such costs shall be determined on the assumption that, during the remaining term of such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract, FMPA was unable to make use of or sell any generating, transmission or other resources (or portions thereof) which FMPA had anticipated would be used to supply, or had acquired with the intention of supplying, all or any portion of the withdrawing Project Participant's electric load. Such amount shall, unless all or any portion thereof is required at any time to be used to cure any deficiency in any fund or account under the Bond Resolution, be deposited into and retained in a separate account in the General Reserve Fund to be applied to pay any such costs actually incurred and/or to make any payments required to be made to such withdrawing Project Participant described below. If and to the extent that any amounts received by FMPA pursuant to either clause 1 or clause 2 of this condition (c) are applied to cure any deficiency in any fund or account under the Bond Resolution, FMPA shall be required to restore to the separate account under clause 1 or clause 2 the amount so applied from the Revenues (as defined in the Bond Resolution) of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project, and FMPA shall treat such obligation to restore as an expense of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project in determining Revenue Requirements. In addition, at the end of each fiscal year of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project, FMPA may, in its sole discretion, remove from either the separate account provided for payments received under clause 1 of this condition (c) or the account provided for payments received under clause 2 of this condition (c), or both, such amounts determined by FMPA to be in excess of the amounts needed to make the payments anticipated to be made from such accounts and deposit such excess amounts into the General Reserve Fund itself. (d) If FMPA has Bonds outstanding which are secured by some form of credit support, any required approvals of such credit support provider shall have been obtained within six months of receipt by FMPA of notice of withdrawal given as provided in condition (b) of this section. If FMPA has any Bonds outstanding which are not so secured and which are rated by a national rating agency, the rating in effect prior to the receipt by FMPA of notice of such withdrawal shall be confirmed by the rating agency within six months of such notice of withdrawal. FMPA shall use its best efforts to obtain the consents or confirmations provided for in this condition (d) and shall keep the Project Participant reasonably advised of its efforts to this end. (e) FMPA shall receive the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel that such withdrawal does not adversely affect the federal and/or State of Florida tax-exempt status on any Bonds then outstanding or which FMPA may issue in the future. If such withdrawal would require 2 Page 107 of 223 APPENDIX A FMPA to obtain a private activity bond allocation to issue any future Bonds, such requirement shall be treated as adversely affecting the federal and/or State of Florida tax-exempt status of Bonds or future bonds, (f) Within 180 days after the first anniversary of the Withdrawal Date and annually thereafter for the remaining term of the withdrawing Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract (as such term is determined on the Withdrawal Date), FMPA will pay to the withdrawing Project Participant an amount equal to the additional benefits actually received by FMPA during the preceding year as a result of such withdrawal as calculated by FMPA in its sole discretion. The net amount of payments to the withdrawing Project Participant hereunder may not exceed 90% of the payment to FMPA by the Project Participant under condition (b). To the extent that the amounts remaining on deposit in the separate account referred to in clause 2 of condition (c) are, or are anticipated to be, insufficient to make any payment required by this paragraph, the amount required to make such payment shall be treated as an expense of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project to be recovered as a Revenue Requirement. (g) If all of the foregoing conditions have not been satisfied on the anticipated Withdrawal Date, the Project Participant shall continue as a Project Participant in the All-Requirements Power Supply Project. In such event, the Project Participant shall pay all costs incurred by FMPA as a result of the Project Participant's anticipated withdrawal and subsequent continuance in the AllRequirements Power Supply Project, and FMPA shall have no obligation to make any payments to the Project Participant under the preceding paragraph. 3 Page 108 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 10 – INFORMATION ITEMS a) Results of Swap Advisory RFP Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 109 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Board of Directors FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Edwin Nunez DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: BOD 8a; EC 10a – Results of Swap Advisory RFP Introduction • Staff put together a request for proposals (RFP) for Swap Advisory services. • The RFP was presented to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee for their information at their meetings on June 23, 2016. • On June 27, 2016, the Agency sent the RFP to the current swap advisors and seven other firms that provide this type of service. • The Agency needs to select a provider that will offer quality service at reasonable costs. Background Finding No. 10 of the Auditor General operational audit was that the Agency had not recently used a competitive selection process to select bond professionals. As quoted from the Operational Audit: “The GFOA recommends that issuers selecting financial advisers, underwriters, and bond counsel employ a competitive process using a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ). A competitive process allows the issuer to compare the qualifications of proposers and to select the most qualified firm based on the scope of services and evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP or RFQ. A competitive process also provides objective assurance that the best services and interest rates are obtained at the lowest cost possible and demonstrates that marketing and procurement decisions are free of self-interest and personal or political influences. Furthermore, a competitive process reduces the opportunity for fraud and abuse and is fair to competing professionals. The GFOA’s best practice further recommends that debt issuers review their relationships with bond professionals periodically.” The last time FMPA competitively selected a firm for swap advisory services was in 2009. Swap Financial Group, LLC is the current provider of the Agency’s swap advisory services and has been since 2009. Swap Financial Group, LLC’s contract with the Agency expires on October 1, 2016. Page 110 of 223 BOD 8a – EC 10a – Results of Swap Advisory RFP August 16, 2016 Page 2 Analysis We received complete responses from the following firms: Cityview Capital Solutions, LLC PFM Asset Management, LLC HilltopSecurities, Inc. Swap Financial Group, LLC Each proposal was compared in the following areas: pricing, staff experience, analytical tools and systems used by each of the responding firms. ___________________________________________________________________ Documents Some of the proposals include information, including pricing terms, that the proposing firms have deemed to be their confidential proprietary business information. Therefore, to enable FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee members to view this information staff has established a separate FTP site, to which the following documents have been uploaded: Copies of each of the 4 proposals; and A grid showing a pricing comparison among the proposers. Directions on how to access the FTP site will be sent to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee under separate cover. The Finance Team will have a recommendation for the top three ranked proposals in September when presented for action. Recommended Action For information only. No action required. Page 111 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 10 – INFORMATION ITEMS b) Wells Fargo Credit Agreement for Line of Credit Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 112 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Mark Larson DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: EC10b – Wells Fargo Credit Agreement for a Line of Credit Strategic Relevance FMPA’s Relevant Strategic Goals As a wholesale power provider, become and remain competitive in the Florida market. Background The All-Requirements Project currently has a $100 million line of credit with JPMorgan, approved via Resolution 2016-EC2 at the May 19, 2016 meeting of the Executive Committee (EC). In the staff memo that supported this action, agenda item EC 9b, staff noted that efforts were ongoing to obtain interest from a second bank to provide some portion of the total Line of Credit of $100 million. Wells Fargo has stepped up since then and is working with staff on a $25 million Line of Credit, which if approved by the EC would be coupled with a $25 million reduction in the Credit Agreement with JPMorgan. The Wells Fargo Credit Agreement (Agreement) is in substantial form, closely following the current one executed with JPMorgan. There are a few remaining points to work out the wording on, all of which we believe will be settled in time to present this item back to the EC for action in September. This discussion is at “Comparability” below. The effort of having two banks involved in providing Lines of Credit is in support of maintaining the All-Requirement Project’s credit rating which has the effect of helping to maintain cost competitiveness. The Finance Team is in full support of this objective. Comparability The current language of the draft Agreement with Wells Fargo differs from the current JPMorgan Credit Agreement but on the whole, the differences do not alter the overall substantive comparability of the documents. Page 113 of 223 EC 10b – Wells Fargo Credit Agreement for a Line of Credit August 16, 2016 Page 2 1. Language on the pass-through nature of certain costs, taxes and fees is being reviewed. FMPA seeks to reduce its future exposure to increases in these. 2. FMPA seeks agreement between the banks and itself on how the new credit agreement with Wells Fargo could be adopted by JPMorgan (pursuant to applicable, so-called “Most Favored Nations” clauses); and vice-versa. Before staff and the Finance Team recommends a Wells Fargo Agreement to the EC, we will know how such acceptance will impact the current JPMorgan credit agreement language. 3. Language in the sections on Letters of Credit are different as are the costs associated with usage, with both versions acceptable to FMPA. We don’t currently use Letters of Credit, nor currently see a need to use them. Based on the terms in the current JPMorgan Credit Agreement, JPMorgan may elect to revise certain of its existing terms to be consistent with the Wells Agreement. Also being considered is the potential for Wells Fargo to take from the JPMorgan Credit Agreement if it considers the language more favorable. ARP Cost Both the undrawn use fee and borrowed interest rates, at the ARP’s current credit ratings, under the proposed Wells Agreement, are lower than they were under Wells Fargo’s prior Credit Agreement with FMPA. At the ARP’s current credit ratings, the undrawn use fee and borrowed interest rates for taxable borrowings will also be lower than those of the current JPMorgan Credit Agreement. Borrowed interest rates on tax-exempt borrowings would be higher under the Wells Agreement. It is expected that the total cost of the combined $100 million in Lines of Credit will be approximately $25,000 less annually than having the entirety of the Line with just JPMorgan. Like in the JPMorgan Credit Agreement and as one would expect, rates and fees increase in the Wells Agreement as the credit rating of the ARP declines. EC Next Step Staff, with the recommendation of the Finance Team, will present the Wells Fargo Agreement for approval at the EC’s September meeting. This will include an updated EC Resolution authorizing the action. Recommended Action No action at this time. For information only. ___________________________________________________________________ Page 114 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 10 – INFORMATION ITEMS c) ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 115 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: Fred Bryant, Jody Finklea, and Frank Gaffney DATE: August 16, 2016 ITEM: EC 10c - ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants Strategic Relevance Introduction FMPA’s Relevant Strategic Goals • EC Strategy A2: Identify, understand and manage risk responsibly. • EC Strategy A3: Maintain sound financial policies and practices. While staff has historically provided estimates of Section 29 withdrawal costs to any Participant that has requested it, FMPA has also committed to provide to each ARP Participant an estimate of its Section 29 withdrawal costs at least biennially. This memorandum provides the first biennial estimates to all ARP Participants. Additionally, in October 2012, the City of Vero Beach issued its notice pursuant to Section 29 of the ARP Contract of its intent to withdraw from the ARP effective September 30, 2016. This memorandum also provides an estimate of Vero Beach’s Withdrawal Payment for information. The Executive Committee will be asked to approve a substantially final estimate at the September EC meeting. Discussion Among other conditions required for a Participant to withdraw, Section 29 (c) of the ARP Contract specifies that the Participant must pay to FMPA on the withdrawal date an amount in cash equal to: 1. the amount necessary to call (including payment of any required call premiums and interest to the call date or dates), on the first permissible call date or dates, a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Such amount shall be calculated on the assumption that the Bonds to be called will be the applicable percentage of each series of such Bonds and of each maturity within each such series; and Page 116 of 223 EC 10c - ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants August 16, 2016 Page 2 2. an amount equal to the present value on the Withdrawal Date, calculated at the rate of 6% per annum, of all of the additional costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred by FMPA (as determined by FMPA in its sole discretion) as a result of the withdrawal of the Project Participant, over the term specified in such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract (as determined on the anticipated withdrawal date). Such costs shall be determined on the assumption that, during the remaining term of such Project Participant's All-Requirements Power Supply Project Contract, FMPA was unable to make use of or sell any generating, transmission or other resources (or portions thereof) which FMPA had anticipated would be used to supply, or had acquired with the intention of supplying, all or any portion of the withdrawing Project Participant's electric load.” Attached to this memorandum as Attachment 1 are the current estimated Section 29 withdrawal costs for all ARP Participants, which have also been summarized in the following table: Estimated Section 29 Withdrawal Costs by Participant as of August 2016 ARP Participant Estimated Section 29(c)1. Withdrawal Payment [2] [3] [4] Assumed Section 29 Withdrawal Date [1] Estimated Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment [2] [3] Total Estimated Section 29 Withdrawal Payment [2] [3] Bushnell 9/30/2019 $ 4,849,242 $ 9,844,261 $ 14,693,503 Clewiston 9/30/2019 $ 16,449,619 $ 35,985,574 $ 52,435,193 Fort Meade 9/30/2019 $ 7,760,135 $ 13,502,124 $ 21,262,259 Fort Pierce 9/30/2019 $ 76,138,802 $ 176,869,932 $ 253,008,734 Green Cove Springs 9/30/2019 $ 18,284,547 $ 35,209,075 $ 53,493,622 Havana 9/30/2019 $ 4,055,413 $ 9,684,126 $ 13,739,539 Jacksonville Beach 9/30/2019 $ 121,962,501 $ 310,506,115 $ 432,468,616 Key West 9/30/2019 $ 109,600,887 $ 223,446,066 $ 333,046,953 271,577,739 KUA 9/30/2019 $ Lake Worth 9/30/2019 $ $ 604,091,445 $ 875,669,184 $ 39,215,680 $ 39,215,680 Leesburg 9/30/2019 $ 87,403,628 $ 184,977,511 $ 272,381,138 Newberry 9/30/2019 $ 6,598,515 $ 15,186,336 $ 21,784,851 Ocala 9/30/2019 $ 241,474,160 $ 554,032,778 $ 795,506,938 Starke 9/30/2019 $ 11,614,546 $ 17,440,914 $ 29,055,460 Vero Beach 9/30/2016 $ $ 33,411,871 $ 33,411,871 0 [5] 0 [6] [1] The withdrawal date for Vero Beach of September 30, 2016, is fixed pursuant to the City’s October 2012 notice. For all other Participants, the September 30, 2019, date shown represents the earliest possible withdrawal date for each Participant assuming it gives notice of its Section 29 withdrawal on or before September 30, 2016. Page 117 of 223 EC 10c - ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants August 16, 2016 Page 3 [2] Amounts shown are estimates and are subject to change. Amounts shown also do not include any additional contractually obligated payments specific to individual Participants (for instance, pursuant to the TARP agreement, Key West would be required to purchase from FMPA the generating units and all associated and other facilities and equipment owned by FMPA and physically located within Key West’s system if it undertook a Section 29 withdrawal). [3] Because the estimated withdrawal cost for each Participant was developed using the assumption that it is the only Participant to withdraw, the amounts shown in each column cannot be summed to represent total Stranded Costs for the ARP. (see infra discussion of the Bushnell example on pages 3-4) [4] Amounts shown were developed based on the principal amount of Bonds (as defined in the ARP Contract) projected to be outstanding after October 1, 2019. [5] Based on the methodology specified in Section 29(c)1. of the ARP Contract, and because Lake Worth established a Contract Rate of Delivery of 0 MW effective January 1, 2014, the Section 29(c)1. Withdrawal Payment for Lake Worth would be $0, as Lake Worth's share of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the assumed date of receipt of its withdrawal notice (on or before September 30, 2016) and its share on the assumed withdrawal date (September 30, 2019) would both be 0%. [6] Based on the methodology specified in Section 29(c)1. of the ARP Contract, and because Vero Beach established a Contract Rate of Delivery of 0 MW effective January 1, 2010, the Section 29(c)1. Withdrawal Payment for Vero Beach will be $0, as Vero Beach's share of the AllRequirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of its withdrawal notice (October 18, 2012) and its share on the withdrawal date (September 30, 2016) are both 0%. Staff developed these estimates in accordance with the proposed protocols that were provided to the Executive Committee as information in July and are being brought for approval this month. With the exception of Vero Beach, which has a fixed withdrawal date of September 30, 2016, each Participant’s estimate was developed assuming that it would give its Section 29 withdrawal notice no later than September 30, 2016, which would result in a withdrawal date of September 30, 2019. For those Participants that have also previously given their notice pursuant to Section 2 of the ARP Contract to stop the automatic annual extension of their ARP Contract, Stranded Costs 1 were computed through their established ARP Contract termination date 2; otherwise, Stranded Costs were computed through September 30, 2050. Further, each Participant’s estimate was developed using the assumption that it is the only Participant to withdraw. Because of this, each Participant’s estimate should be viewed as being mutually exclusive; in other words, summing the columns in the table will not produce a meaningful estimate of withdrawal costs if multiple Participants withdrew. For example, Bushnell’s estimate includes an allocation of Stranded Costs associated with Starke’s Power Entitlement Shares in the Stanton and Stanton II Projects, which entitlements have been assigned to the ARP. However, if Starke also withdrew at the same time, Starke would take its Stanton 1 For purposes of these calculations, Stranded Costs are defined as the withdrawing participant’s pro rata share of “costs reasonably paid or incurred, reasonably anticipated to be paid or incurred, or reasonably projected to be incurred for the ARP, assuming that FMPA is unable to make use of or sell any resources from which FMPA had anticipated or acquired to supply the withdrawing participant, that would otherwise be additional costs to the remaining ARP participants if not for the Withdrawal Payments collected from the withdrawing participant.” For such purposes, this term is not intended to have the same meaning as would be used in regulatory proceedings. 2 The cities of Starke, Green Cove Springs, Fort Meade, and Vero Beach have each given their Section 2 notice; their ARP Contracts will terminate effective September 30 of 2035, 2037, 2041, and 2046, respectively. Page 118 of 223 EC 10c - ARP Contract Section 29 Withdrawal Payment Estimates for All ARP Participants August 16, 2016 Page 4 and Stanton II entitlements with it upon its withdrawal, so those costs would not be included in the Stranded Cost calculation for Bushnell. Finally, the estimates do not include any additional Participant-specific costs that would also need to be paid by the withdrawing Participant on the withdrawal date. For example, pursuant to the TARP agreement between FMPA and Key West, Key West would be required to purchase from FMPA the Stock Island generating units and all associated and other facilities and equipment owned by FMPA and physically located within Key West’s system at Net Salvage Value (as defined in the TARP agreement) in the event that it undertook a Section 29 withdrawal. An estimate of such purchase price is not reflected in the estimate for Key West. However, any such Participant-specific costs would be included in the actual calculation of Section 29 withdrawal costs for that Participant. It is important to recognize that these estimates are only that – estimates – and were developed based on information that was known and assumptions of future conditions that staff believed to be reasonable at the time the estimates were developed. As the underlying information and assumptions change in the future, or to the extent the proposed protocols are revised, the estimated withdrawal costs will also change. For all ARP Participants, these estimates have been developed and are being provided for informational purposes only. Vero Beach Estimate As shown in the table and Attachment 1, staff’s current estimate of the Section 29 withdrawal payment that Vero Beach will be required to make on September 30, 2016, in order for its Section 29 withdrawal from the ARP to be effective is $33,411,871. Staff plans to bring the substantially final estimate of Withdrawal Payments for Vero Beach for approval at the September 2016 Executive Committee meeting. However, because the estimate cannot be finalized until September 30, 2016 (e.g., the ARP could set a new coincident peak demand that would need to be considered in the calculation), staff also intends to ask the Executive Committee for authority to adjust the Vero Beach substantially final estimate, in accordance with the protocols if approved by the EC, between the date of the September Executive Committee meeting and September 30, 2016, if it becomes necessary. Recommended Motion For information only. No action requested. Page 119 of 223 ATTACHMENT 1 SECTION 29(C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT ESTIMATES BY PARTICIPANT Page 120 of 223 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF BUSHNELL AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 121 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Bushnell Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Bushnell Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Bushnell Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Bushnell 5.601 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.000 5.601 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Bushnell share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 0.483% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 27,862.98 11/1/2019 30,000 131 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 29,216.25 11/1/2019 30,000 131 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 17,302.60 11/1/2019 20,000 88 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 18,220.89 11/1/2019 20,000 88 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 14,523.55 4,567.31 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 15,000 5,000 59 22 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 10,608.71 3,044.87 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 15,000 5,000 59 21 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 17,302.60 11/1/2019 20,000 83 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 32,526.95 11/1/2019 35,000 146 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 1,788.26 29,651.24 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 30,000 22 125 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 1,909.09 31,584.49 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 35,000 22 146 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 2,634.05 43,159.83 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 45,000 22 188 705,989.40 11/1/2019 710,000 2,367 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 122 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 135,327.56 11/1/2019 140,000 529 2 202,991.34 11/1/2019 205,000 1,051 2 202,991.34 11/1/2019 205,000 769 2 35,000 58 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 31,971.14 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 4,833.13 25,301.42 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 5,000 30,000 200 1,500 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 31,584.49 10/1/2021 35,000 3,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 33,179.42 10/1/2022 35,000 5,250 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 34,822.68 10/1/2023 35,000 7,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 36,562.61 10/1/2024 40,000 10,000 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 6,041.41 10/1/2025 10,000 1,800 6,695,000 5.000% 32,357.79 10/1/2025 35,000 10,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 40,187.45 10/1/2025 45,000 13,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 8,385.48 10/1/2025 10,000 1,950 7,000,000 5.000% 33,831.89 10/1/2025 35,000 10,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 44,174.78 10/1/2025 45,000 13,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 46,373.86 10/1/2025 50,000 15,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 48,693.76 10/1/2025 50,000 15,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 51,134.49 10/1/2025 55,000 16,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 185,664.58 10/1/2025 190,000 9,500 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 194,920.02 10/1/2025 195,000 19,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 129,141.16 10/1/2025 130,000 19,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 135,206.73 10/1/2025 140,000 28,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 141,876.45 10/1/2025 145,000 36,250 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 21,749.07 10/1/2025 25,000 6,000 18,375,000 5.00% 88,808.71 10/1/2025 90,000 27,000 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 131,751.05 10/1/2025 135,000 40,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 218,022.37 10/1/2025 220,000 66,000 Page 123 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 234,285.84 10/1/2025 235,000 70,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 248,156.92 10/1/2025 250,000 75,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 96,662.54 10/1/2025 100,000 18,000 46,260,000 5.00% 223,580.47 10/1/2025 225,000 67,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 24,165.64 4,210,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Bushnell: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 4,234,166 615,076 4,849,242 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 124 of 223 3 ? 615,076 Estimated Bushnell Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $9,844,261 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 339 149 211 51 137 558 517 101 229 414 19 2,725 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 1,036 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,378 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 103 208 312 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 947 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,485 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 1,596 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 331 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Bushnell Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 35 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,844 2020 164,147 154,856 642 2021 168,410 149,884 622 2022 167,905 140,976 585 2023 222,078 175,907 727 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 125 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 508 2025 165,228 116,479 488 2026 167,132 111,152 465 2027 164,442 103,173 431 2028 153,829 91,051 382 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 360 2030 157,696 83,072 349 Estimated Bushnell Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $9,844,261 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 339 149 211 51 137 558 517 101 229 414 19 2,725 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 1,036 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 35 1,378 2040 2041 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 103 208 312 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 947 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,485 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 1,596 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 331 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Bushnell Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,844 2031 160,792 79,909 335 2032 164,180 76,974 323 2033 167,550 74,107 311 2034 171,256 71,459 300 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 126 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 282 2036 171,390 63,648 266 2037 170,019 59,565 249 2038 173,519 57,350 240 2039 177,097 55,220 231 2040 180,755 53,170 222 2041 184,496 51,199 214 Estimated Bushnell Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $9,844,261 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 339 149 211 51 137 558 517 101 229 414 19 2,725 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 1,036 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 35 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 1,378 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 2049 2050 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 103 208 312 - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 947 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,485 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 1,596 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 331 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Bushnell Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,844 2042 174,366 45,648 189 2043 160,017 39,521 163 2044 163,561 38,109 157 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 127 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 151 2046 170,891 35,437 146 2047 174,680 34,173 141 2048 167,416 30,898 128 2049 178,888 31,146 128 2050 158,081 25,966 109 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF CLEWISTON AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 128 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Clewiston Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Clewiston Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Clewiston Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Clewiston 21.263 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 1.908 19.355 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Clewiston share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 1.670% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 96,284.23 11/1/2019 100,000 438 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 100,960.65 11/1/2019 105,000 459 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 59,791.42 11/1/2019 60,000 263 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 62,964.71 11/1/2019 65,000 284 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 50,188.05 15,782.93 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 55,000 20,000 218 88 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 36,659.82 10,521.95 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 40,000 15,000 158 63 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 59,791.42 11/1/2019 60,000 250 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 112,401.19 11/1/2019 115,000 479 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 6,179.56 102,463.79 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 105,000 44 438 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 6,597.10 109,144.39 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 110,000 44 458 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 9,102.32 149,144.52 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 150,000 44 625 2,439,640.20 11/1/2019 2,440,000 8,133 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 129 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 467,642.38 11/1/2019 470,000 1,775 2 701,463.57 11/1/2019 705,000 3,616 2 701,463.57 11/1/2019 705,000 2,645 2 115,000 192 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 110,480.51 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 16,701.51 87,432.42 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 20,000 90,000 800 4,500 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 109,144.39 10/1/2021 110,000 11,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 114,655.89 10/1/2022 115,000 17,250 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 120,334.41 10/1/2023 125,000 25,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 126,346.95 10/1/2024 130,000 32,500 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 20,876.89 10/1/2025 25,000 4,500 6,695,000 5.000% 111,816.63 10/1/2025 115,000 34,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 138,873.09 10/1/2025 140,000 42,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 28,977.13 10/1/2025 30,000 5,850 7,000,000 5.000% 116,910.60 10/1/2025 120,000 36,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 152,651.83 10/1/2025 155,000 46,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 160,251.02 10/1/2025 165,000 49,500 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 168,267.75 10/1/2025 170,000 51,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 176,702.01 10/1/2025 180,000 54,000 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 641,588.65 10/1/2025 645,000 32,250 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 673,572.04 10/1/2025 675,000 67,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 446,264.44 10/1/2025 450,000 67,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 467,224.84 10/1/2025 470,000 94,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 490,272.93 10/1/2025 495,000 123,750 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 75,156.81 10/1/2025 80,000 19,200 18,375,000 5.00% 306,890.31 10/1/2025 310,000 93,000 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 455,283.26 10/1/2025 460,000 138,000 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 753,405.28 10/1/2025 755,000 226,500 Page 130 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 809,605.87 10/1/2025 810,000 243,000 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 857,539.22 10/1/2025 860,000 258,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 334,030.27 10/1/2025 335,000 60,300 46,260,000 5.00% 772,612.02 10/1/2025 775,000 232,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 83,507.57 14,275,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Clewiston: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 14,358,508 2,091,112 16,449,619 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 131 of 223 3 ? 2,091,112 Estimated Clewiston Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $35,985,574 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 1,275 515 750 180 488 1,981 2,093 368 882 1,424 70 10,024 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 3,800 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 121 2029 2030 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 5,017 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 419 716 1,135 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,446 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,433 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 5,810 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 Firm Transmission Costs 1,199 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Clewiston Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,986 2020 164,147 154,856 2,349 2021 168,410 149,884 2,275 2022 167,905 140,976 2,141 2023 222,078 175,907 2,665 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 132 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 1,848 2025 165,228 116,479 1,773 2026 167,132 111,152 1,692 2027 164,442 103,173 1,567 2028 153,829 91,051 1,392 2029 153,531 85,731 1,313 2030 157,696 83,072 1,272 Estimated Clewiston Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $35,985,574 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 1,275 515 750 180 488 1,981 2,093 368 882 1,424 70 10,024 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 3,800 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 121 2040 2041 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 5,017 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 419 716 1,135 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,446 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,433 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 5,810 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 Firm Transmission Costs 1,199 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Clewiston Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,986 2031 160,792 79,909 1,224 2032 164,180 76,974 1,179 2033 167,550 74,107 1,135 2034 171,256 71,459 1,094 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 133 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 1,029 2036 171,390 63,648 973 2037 170,019 59,565 910 2038 173,519 57,350 876 2039 177,097 55,220 844 2040 180,755 53,170 812 2041 184,496 51,199 782 Estimated Clewiston Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $35,985,574 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 1,275 515 750 180 488 1,981 2,093 368 882 1,424 70 10,024 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 3,800 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 121 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 5,017 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 419 716 1,135 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,446 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,433 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 5,810 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 Firm Transmission Costs 1,199 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Clewiston Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,986 2042 174,366 45,648 694 2043 160,017 39,521 600 2044 163,561 38,109 578 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 134 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 558 2046 170,891 35,437 538 2047 174,680 34,173 519 2048 167,416 30,898 474 2049 2049 178,888 31,146 474 2050 2050 158,081 25,966 405 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF FORT MEADE AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 135 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Ft. Meade Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Ft. Meade Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Ft. Meade Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Ft. Meade 9.353 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.291 9.062 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Ft. Meade share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 0.782% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 45,080.22 11/1/2019 50,000 219 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 47,269.72 11/1/2019 50,000 219 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 27,994.31 11/1/2019 30,000 131 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 29,480.04 11/1/2019 30,000 131 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 23,498.02 7,389.56 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 25,000 10,000 99 44 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 17,164.11 4,926.37 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 20,000 5,000 79 21 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 27,994.31 11/1/2019 30,000 125 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 52,626.17 11/1/2019 55,000 229 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 2,893.27 47,973.49 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 50,000 22 208 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 3,088.76 51,101.34 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 55,000 22 229 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 4,261.70 69,829.38 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 70,000 22 292 1,142,238.15 11/1/2019 1,145,000 3,817 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 136 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 218,949.90 11/1/2019 220,000 831 2 328,424.85 11/1/2019 330,000 1,693 2 328,424.85 11/1/2019 330,000 1,238 2 55,000 92 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 51,726.91 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 7,819.64 40,935.81 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 10,000 45,000 400 2,250 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 51,101.34 10/1/2021 55,000 5,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 53,681.82 10/1/2022 55,000 8,250 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 56,340.50 10/1/2023 60,000 12,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 59,155.57 10/1/2024 60,000 15,000 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 9,774.55 10/1/2025 10,000 1,800 6,695,000 5.000% 52,352.48 10/1/2025 55,000 16,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 65,020.30 10/1/2025 70,000 21,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 13,567.07 10/1/2025 15,000 2,925 7,000,000 5.000% 54,737.47 10/1/2025 55,000 16,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 71,471.50 10/1/2025 75,000 22,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 75,029.44 10/1/2025 80,000 24,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 78,782.86 10/1/2025 80,000 24,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 82,731.78 10/1/2025 85,000 25,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 300,391.44 10/1/2025 305,000 15,250 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 315,366.05 10/1/2025 320,000 32,000 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 208,940.76 10/1/2025 210,000 31,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 218,754.41 10/1/2025 220,000 44,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 229,545.51 10/1/2025 230,000 57,500 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 35,188.38 10/1/2025 40,000 9,600 18,375,000 5.00% 143,685.87 10/1/2025 145,000 43,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 213,163.36 10/1/2025 215,000 64,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 352,743.92 10/1/2025 355,000 106,500 Page 137 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 379,057.01 10/1/2025 380,000 114,000 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 401,499.37 10/1/2025 405,000 121,500 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 156,392.78 10/1/2025 160,000 28,800 46,260,000 5.00% 361,736.51 10/1/2025 365,000 109,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 39,098.20 6,735,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Ft. Meade: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 6,774,098 986,036 7,760,135 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 138 of 223 3 ? 986,036 Estimated Fort Meade Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $13,502,124 2019 2041 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 423 191 274 55 210 844 730 128 282 611 23 3,771 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 1,506 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,744 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 197 361 558 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,389 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,177 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 1,927 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 417 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Meade Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 12 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 13,502 2020 164,147 154,856 1,024 2021 168,410 149,884 991 2022 167,905 140,976 932 2023 222,078 175,907 1,163 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 139 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 801 2025 165,228 116,479 768 2026 167,132 111,152 733 2027 164,442 103,173 681 2028 153,829 91,051 601 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 566 2030 157,696 83,072 549 Estimated Fort Meade Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $13,502,124 2019 2041 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 423 191 274 55 210 844 730 128 282 611 23 3,771 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 1,506 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 - - - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 12 1,744 197 361 558 2040 2041 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,389 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,177 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 1,927 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 417 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Meade Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 13,502 2031 160,792 79,909 528 2032 164,180 76,974 509 2033 167,550 74,107 490 2034 171,256 71,459 472 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 140 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 444 2036 171,390 63,648 421 2037 170,019 59,565 394 2038 173,519 57,350 379 2039 177,097 55,220 365 2040 180,755 53,170 352 2041 184,496 51,199 338 Estimated Fort Meade Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $13,502,124 2019 2041 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 423 191 274 55 210 844 730 128 282 611 23 3,771 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 1,506 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 12 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 1,744 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 197 361 558 2049 2050 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,389 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,177 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 1,927 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 417 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Meade Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 13,502 2042 174,366 45,648 ‐ 2043 160,017 39,521 ‐ 2044 163,561 38,109 ‐ [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 141 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 ‐ 2046 170,891 35,437 ‐ 2047 174,680 34,173 ‐ 2048 167,416 30,898 ‐ 2049 178,888 31,146 ‐ 2050 158,081 25,966 ‐ ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE FORT PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 142 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Ft. Pierce Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Ft. Pierce Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Ft. Pierce Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Ft. Pierce 103.412 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 13.174 90.238 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Ft. Pierce share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 7.787% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 448,901.89 11/1/2019 450,000 1,969 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 470,704.58 11/1/2019 475,000 2,078 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 278,763.01 11/1/2019 280,000 1,225 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 293,557.69 11/1/2019 295,000 1,291 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 233,989.62 73,584.09 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 235,000 75,000 930 328 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 170,917.54 49,056.06 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 175,000 50,000 693 208 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 278,763.01 11/1/2019 280,000 1,167 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 524,043.31 11/1/2019 525,000 2,188 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 28,810.70 477,712.59 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 30,000 480,000 131 2,000 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 30,757.37 508,859.29 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 35,000 510,000 153 2,125 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 42,437.39 695,350.19 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 45,000 700,000 197 2,917 11,374,231.58 11/1/2019 11,375,000 37,917 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 143 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 2,180,269.35 11/1/2019 2,185,000 8,252 2 3,270,404.02 11/1/2019 3,275,000 16,798 2 3,270,404.02 11/1/2019 3,275,000 12,286 2 520,000 867 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 515,088.63 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 77,866.76 407,632.50 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 80,000 410,000 3,200 20,500 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 508,859.29 10/1/2021 510,000 51,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 534,555.32 10/1/2022 535,000 80,250 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 561,030.02 10/1/2023 565,000 113,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 589,062.06 10/1/2024 590,000 147,500 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 97,333.45 10/1/2025 100,000 18,000 6,695,000 5.000% 521,317.97 10/1/2025 525,000 157,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 647,462.13 10/1/2025 650,000 195,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 135,098.83 10/1/2025 140,000 27,300 7,000,000 5.000% 545,067.34 10/1/2025 550,000 165,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 711,702.21 10/1/2025 715,000 214,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 747,131.59 10/1/2025 750,000 225,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 784,507.63 10/1/2025 785,000 235,500 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 823,830.35 10/1/2025 825,000 247,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 2,991,251.68 10/1/2025 2,995,000 149,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 3,140,366.53 10/1/2025 3,145,000 314,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 2,080,599.89 10/1/2025 2,085,000 312,750 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 2,178,322.68 10/1/2025 2,180,000 436,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 2,285,778.81 10/1/2025 2,290,000 572,500 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 350,400.43 10/1/2025 355,000 85,200 18,375,000 5.00% 1,430,801.76 10/1/2025 1,435,000 430,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 2,122,647.94 10/1/2025 2,125,000 637,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 3,512,569.65 10/1/2025 3,515,000 1,054,500 Page 144 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 3,774,591.31 10/1/2025 3,775,000 1,132,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 3,998,068.91 10/1/2025 4,000,000 1,200,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 1,557,335.25 10/1/2025 1,560,000 280,800 46,260,000 5.00% 3,602,116.43 10/1/2025 3,605,000 1,081,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 389,333.81 66,065,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Ft. Pierce: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 66,454,334 9,684,468 76,138,802 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 145 of 223 3 ? 9,684,468 Estimated Fort Pierce Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $176,869,932 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 6,292 2,836 3,698 936 2,539 9,770 10,530 1,903 4,484 9,435 347 52,768 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 20,290 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 16,106 15,100 16,081 16,318 21,542 16,826 17,073 16,685 12,885 10,513 10,890 11,266 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 2,107 4,747 6,854 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 17,016 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 29,387 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 28,674 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 5,078 3,804 3,887 3,972 4,059 3,268 3,339 3,412 3,486 3,655 3,735 4,720 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Pierce Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 696 Grand Total 4,974,267 2,239,237 176,870 2020 156,299 147,452 11,647 2021 159,995 142,395 11,246 2022 159,361 133,803 10,568 2023 208,626 165,251 13,036 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 146 of 223 2024 153,569 114,756 9,108 2025 156,215 110,126 8,740 2026 158,205 105,215 8,349 2027 156,913 98,449 7,810 2028 147,068 87,050 6,877 2029 2030 2029 146,517 81,815 6,455 2030 150,442 79,251 6,253 Estimated Fort Pierce Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $176,869,932 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 6,292 2,836 3,698 936 2,539 9,770 10,530 1,903 4,484 9,435 347 52,768 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 20,290 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 16,106 11,491 11,860 12,135 12,586 12,581 12,327 12,605 12,888 13,178 13,475 13,778 2,107 4,747 6,854 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 17,016 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 29,387 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 28,674 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 5,078 4,824 4,930 5,138 5,251 5,367 5,396 5,601 5,724 5,851 5,980 6,112 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Pierce Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 696 Grand Total 4,974,267 2,239,237 176,870 2031 153,392 76,231 6,015 2032 156,547 73,395 5,791 2033 159,770 70,666 5,575 2034 163,136 68,071 5,371 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 147 of 223 2035 162,702 64,047 5,051 2036 163,101 60,570 4,773 2037 161,489 56,577 4,457 2038 164,796 54,467 4,290 2039 168,178 52,439 4,131 2040 2041 2040 171,636 50,488 3,977 2041 175,172 48,611 3,829 Estimated Fort Pierce Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $176,869,932 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 6,292 2,836 3,698 936 2,539 9,770 10,530 1,903 4,484 9,435 347 52,768 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 20,290 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 696 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 16,106 14,088 14,405 14,729 15,061 15,399 15,746 16,100 16,463 16,833 2,107 4,747 6,854 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 17,016 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 29,387 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 28,674 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 5,078 6,247 6,385 6,526 6,671 6,818 6,969 7,123 7,281 7,443 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Fort Pierce Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 4,974,267 2,239,237 176,870 2042 164,831 43,152 3,400 2043 150,268 37,113 2,936 2044 153,593 35,787 2,831 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 148 of 223 2045 156,993 34,509 2,730 2046 160,470 33,276 2,632 2047 164,024 32,088 2,538 2048 156,520 28,887 2,273 2049 2049 167,747 29,206 2,307 2050 2050 146,690 24,094 1,879 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 149 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Green Cove Springs Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Green Cove Springs Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Green Cove Springs Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Green Cove Springs 23.061 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 1.522 21.539 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Green Cove Springs share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 1.859% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 107,148.85 11/1/2019 110,000 481 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 112,352.95 11/1/2019 115,000 503 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 66,538.23 11/1/2019 70,000 306 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 70,069.58 11/1/2019 75,000 328 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 55,851.22 17,563.86 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 60,000 20,000 238 88 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 40,796.48 11,709.24 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 45,000 15,000 178 63 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 66,538.23 11/1/2019 70,000 292 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 125,084.43 11/1/2019 130,000 542 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 6,876.86 114,025.70 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 115,000 44 479 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 7,341.51 121,460.14 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 125,000 44 521 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 10,129.42 165,973.84 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 15,000 170,000 66 708 2,714,926.91 11/1/2019 2,715,000 9,050 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 150 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 520,410.71 11/1/2019 525,000 1,983 2 780,616.06 11/1/2019 785,000 4,026 2 780,616.06 11/1/2019 785,000 2,945 2 125,000 208 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 122,947.03 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 18,586.10 97,298.22 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 20,000 100,000 800 5,000 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 121,460.14 10/1/2021 125,000 12,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 127,593.55 10/1/2022 130,000 19,500 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 133,912.83 10/1/2023 135,000 27,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 140,603.82 10/1/2024 145,000 36,250 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 23,232.62 10/1/2025 25,000 4,500 6,695,000 5.000% 124,433.92 10/1/2025 125,000 37,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 154,543.39 10/1/2025 155,000 46,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 32,246.88 10/1/2025 35,000 6,825 7,000,000 5.000% 130,102.68 10/1/2025 135,000 40,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 169,876.92 10/1/2025 170,000 51,000 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 178,333.60 10/1/2025 180,000 54,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 187,254.92 10/1/2025 190,000 57,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 196,640.90 10/1/2025 200,000 60,000 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 713,984.91 10/1/2025 715,000 35,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 749,577.28 10/1/2025 750,000 75,000 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 496,620.50 10/1/2025 500,000 75,000 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 519,946.06 10/1/2025 520,000 104,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 545,594.87 10/1/2025 550,000 137,500 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 83,637.44 10/1/2025 85,000 20,400 18,375,000 5.00% 341,519.53 10/1/2025 345,000 103,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 506,657.00 10/1/2025 510,000 153,000 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 838,418.82 10/1/2025 840,000 252,000 Page 151 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 900,961.04 10/1/2025 905,000 271,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 954,303.14 10/1/2025 955,000 286,500 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 371,721.93 10/1/2025 375,000 67,500 46,260,000 5.00% 859,792.83 10/1/2025 860,000 258,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 92,930.48 15,870,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Green Cove Springs: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 15,962,930 2,321,616 18,284,547 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 152 of 223 3 ? 2,321,616 Estimated Green Cove Springs Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $35,209,075 2019 2037 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 1,100 499 681 141 625 2,175 1,782 334 697 1,489 60 9,584 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 3,934 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs 36 2029 2030 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 4,659 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 557 1,010 1,567 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,804 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,597 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 4,968 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 Firm Transmission Costs 1,061 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Green Cove Springs Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,209 2020 164,147 154,856 2,981 2021 168,410 149,884 2,886 2022 167,905 140,976 2,715 2023 222,078 175,907 3,388 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 153 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 2,336 2025 165,228 116,479 2,242 2026 167,132 111,152 2,139 2027 164,442 103,173 1,985 2028 153,829 91,051 1,757 2029 153,531 85,731 1,656 2030 157,696 83,072 1,605 Estimated Green Cove Springs Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $35,209,075 2019 2037 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 1,100 499 681 141 625 2,175 1,782 334 697 1,489 60 9,584 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 3,934 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - Decommissioning Costs 36 2040 2041 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 4,659 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 557 1,010 1,567 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,804 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,597 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 4,968 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 Firm Transmission Costs 1,061 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Green Cove Springs Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,209 2031 160,792 79,909 1,544 2032 164,180 76,974 1,487 2033 167,550 74,107 1,431 2034 171,256 71,459 1,380 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 154 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 1,298 2036 171,390 63,648 1,229 2037 170,019 59,565 1,149 2038 173,519 57,350 ‐ 2039 177,097 55,220 ‐ 2040 180,755 53,170 ‐ 2041 184,496 51,199 ‐ Estimated Green Cove Springs Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $35,209,075 2019 2037 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 1,100 499 681 141 625 2,175 1,782 334 697 1,489 60 9,584 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 3,934 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 36 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 4,659 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 557 1,010 1,567 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 3,804 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 5,597 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 4,968 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 Firm Transmission Costs 1,061 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Decommissioning Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Green Cove Springs Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 35,209 2042 174,366 45,648 ‐ 2043 160,017 39,521 ‐ 2044 163,561 38,109 ‐ [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 155 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 ‐ 2046 170,891 35,437 ‐ 2047 174,680 34,173 ‐ 2048 167,416 30,898 ‐ 2049 2049 178,888 31,146 ‐ 2050 2050 158,081 25,966 ‐ ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE TOWN OF HAVANA AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 156 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Havana Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Havana Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Havana Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Havana 4.637 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.000 4.637 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Havana share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 0.400% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 23,067.42 11/1/2019 25,000 109 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 24,187.78 11/1/2019 25,000 109 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 14,324.61 11/1/2019 15,000 66 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 15,084.85 11/1/2019 20,000 88 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 12,023.87 3,781.22 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 15,000 5,000 59 22 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 8,782.83 2,520.81 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 5,000 40 21 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 14,324.61 11/1/2019 15,000 63 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 26,928.66 11/1/2019 30,000 125 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 1,480.48 24,547.90 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 25,000 22 104 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 1,580.51 26,148.41 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 30,000 22 125 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 2,180.70 35,731.50 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 40,000 22 167 584,480.06 11/1/2019 585,000 1,950 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 157 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 112,036.05 11/1/2019 115,000 434 2 168,054.07 11/1/2019 170,000 872 2 168,054.07 11/1/2019 170,000 638 2 30,000 50 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 26,468.52 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 4,001.29 20,946.74 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 5,000 25,000 200 1,250 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 26,148.41 10/1/2021 30,000 3,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 27,468.84 10/1/2022 30,000 4,500 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 28,829.28 10/1/2023 30,000 6,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 30,269.74 10/1/2024 35,000 8,750 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 5,001.61 10/1/2025 10,000 1,800 6,695,000 5.000% 26,788.62 10/1/2025 30,000 9,000 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 33,270.71 10/1/2025 35,000 10,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 6,942.23 10/1/2025 10,000 1,950 7,000,000 5.000% 28,009.01 10/1/2025 30,000 9,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 36,571.77 10/1/2025 40,000 12,000 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 38,392.35 10/1/2025 40,000 12,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 40,312.97 10/1/2025 45,000 13,500 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 42,333.62 10/1/2025 45,000 13,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 153,709.46 10/1/2025 155,000 7,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 161,371.92 10/1/2025 165,000 16,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 106,914.40 10/1/2025 110,000 16,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 111,936.02 10/1/2025 115,000 23,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 117,457.79 10/1/2025 120,000 30,000 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 18,005.79 10/1/2025 20,000 4,800 18,375,000 5.00% 73,523.66 10/1/2025 75,000 22,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 109,075.10 10/1/2025 110,000 33,000 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 180,498.08 10/1/2025 185,000 55,500 Page 158 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 193,962.41 10/1/2025 195,000 58,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 205,446.10 10/1/2025 210,000 63,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 80,025.75 10/1/2025 85,000 15,300 46,260,000 5.00% 185,099.56 10/1/2025 190,000 57,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 20,006.44 3,520,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Havana: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 3,540,006 515,407 4,055,413 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 159 of 223 3 ? 515,407 Estimated Havana Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $9,684,126 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 332 150 179 49 134 545 598 100 230 403 18 2,739 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 1,049 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,308 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 120 203 322 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 898 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,501 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 1,514 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 320 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Havana Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 34 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,684 2020 164,147 154,856 634 2021 168,410 149,884 614 2022 167,905 140,976 578 2023 222,078 175,907 720 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 160 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 497 2025 165,228 116,479 477 2026 167,132 111,152 455 2027 164,442 103,173 422 2028 153,829 91,051 374 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 353 2030 157,696 83,072 342 Estimated Havana Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $9,684,126 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 332 150 179 49 134 545 598 100 230 403 18 2,739 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 1,049 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 34 1,308 2040 2041 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 120 203 322 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 898 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,501 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 1,514 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 320 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Havana Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,684 2031 160,792 79,909 329 2032 164,180 76,974 317 2033 167,550 74,107 305 2034 171,256 71,459 294 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 161 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 277 2036 171,390 63,648 262 2037 170,019 59,565 245 2038 173,519 57,350 236 2039 177,097 55,220 227 2040 180,755 53,170 218 2041 184,496 51,199 210 Estimated Havana Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $9,684,126 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 332 150 179 49 134 545 598 100 230 403 18 2,739 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 1,049 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 34 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 1,308 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 2049 2050 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 120 203 322 - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 898 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 1,501 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 1,514 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 320 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Havana Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 9,684 2042 174,366 45,648 187 2043 160,017 39,521 161 2044 163,561 38,109 156 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 162 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 150 2046 170,891 35,437 145 2047 174,680 34,173 140 2048 167,416 30,898 127 2049 178,888 31,146 128 2050 158,081 25,966 108 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 163 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Jacksonville Beach Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Jacksonville Beach Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Jacksonville Beach Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Jacksonville Beach 151.007 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 6.350 144.657 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Jacksonville Beach share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 12.483% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 719,617.01 11/1/2019 720,000 3,150 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 754,568.06 11/1/2019 755,000 3,303 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 446,874.05 11/1/2019 450,000 1,969 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 470,590.83 11/1/2019 475,000 2,078 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 375,099.59 117,959.77 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 380,000 120,000 1,504 525 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 273,991.21 78,639.85 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 275,000 80,000 1,089 333 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 446,874.05 11/1/2019 450,000 1,875 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 840,073.29 11/1/2019 845,000 3,521 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 46,185.31 765,802.32 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 50,000 770,000 219 3,208 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 49,305.94 815,732.38 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 50,000 820,000 219 3,417 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 68,029.71 1,114,688.63 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 70,000 1,115,000 306 4,646 18,233,584.72 11/1/2019 18,235,000 60,783 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 164 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 3,495,104.31 11/1/2019 3,500,000 13,218 2 5,242,656.47 11/1/2019 5,245,000 26,902 2 5,242,656.47 11/1/2019 5,245,000 19,677 2 830,000 1,383 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 825,718.39 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 124,825.15 653,459.68 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 125,000 655,000 5,000 32,750 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 815,732.38 10/1/2021 820,000 82,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 856,924.68 10/1/2022 860,000 129,000 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 899,365.23 10/1/2023 900,000 180,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 944,302.29 10/1/2024 945,000 236,250 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 156,031.44 10/1/2025 160,000 28,800 6,695,000 5.000% 835,704.41 10/1/2025 840,000 252,000 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 1,037,921.16 10/1/2025 1,040,000 312,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 216,571.64 10/1/2025 220,000 42,900 7,000,000 5.000% 873,776.08 10/1/2025 875,000 262,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 1,140,901.91 10/1/2025 1,145,000 343,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 1,197,697.35 10/1/2025 1,200,000 360,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 1,257,613.43 10/1/2025 1,260,000 378,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 1,320,650.13 10/1/2025 1,325,000 397,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 4,795,158.29 10/1/2025 4,800,000 240,000 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 5,034,198.46 10/1/2025 5,035,000 503,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 3,335,328.12 10/1/2025 3,340,000 501,000 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 3,491,983.68 10/1/2025 3,495,000 699,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 3,664,242.40 10/1/2025 3,665,000 916,250 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 561,713.19 10/1/2025 565,000 135,600 18,375,000 5.00% 2,293,662.20 10/1/2025 2,295,000 688,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 3,402,733.70 10/1/2025 3,405,000 1,021,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 5,630,862.70 10/1/2025 5,635,000 1,690,500 Page 165 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 6,050,899.34 10/1/2025 6,055,000 1,816,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 6,409,147.53 10/1/2025 6,410,000 1,923,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 2,496,503.08 10/1/2025 2,500,000 450,000 46,260,000 5.00% 5,774,411.62 10/1/2025 5,775,000 1,732,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 624,125.77 105,825,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Jacksonville Beach: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 106,449,126 15,513,375 121,962,501 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 166 of 223 3 ? 15,513,375 Estimated Jacksonville Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $310,506,115 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 11,088 5,247 6,817 1,634 4,435 18,012 17,404 3,469 6,977 13,967 569 89,620 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 34,160 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 Decommissioning Costs 1,140 - - - - - - - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 40,678 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,483 7,026 10,509 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 27,949 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 48,527 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 47,106 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 Firm Transmission Costs 10,817 4,390 4,489 4,590 4,693 3,919 4,007 4,097 4,190 4,434 4,534 5,540 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Jacksonville Beach Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,250,356 2,359,610 310,506 2020 164,037 154,751 20,254 2021 168,299 149,786 19,615 2022 167,795 140,884 18,454 2023 221,968 175,820 23,063 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 167 of 223 2024 162,323 121,297 15,971 2025 165,118 116,401 15,328 2026 167,021 111,079 14,629 2027 164,331 103,104 13,583 2028 153,719 90,986 12,021 2029 2030 2029 153,421 85,669 11,328 2030 157,585 83,014 10,984 Estimated Jacksonville Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $310,506,115 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 11,088 5,247 6,817 1,634 4,435 18,012 17,404 3,469 6,977 13,967 569 89,620 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 34,160 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 Decommissioning Costs 1,140 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 40,678 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,483 7,026 10,509 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 27,949 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 48,527 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 47,106 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 Firm Transmission Costs 10,817 5,664 5,792 6,022 6,157 6,296 6,348 6,632 6,782 6,934 7,090 7,250 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Jacksonville Beach Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,250,356 2,359,610 310,506 2031 160,682 79,854 10,566 2032 164,070 76,922 10,178 2033 167,439 74,059 9,800 2034 171,146 71,413 9,450 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 168 of 223 2035 170,698 67,194 8,885 2036 171,279 63,607 8,409 2037 169,909 59,527 7,856 2038 173,408 57,314 7,564 2039 176,986 55,185 7,283 2040 2041 2040 180,645 53,138 7,013 2041 184,386 51,168 6,753 Estimated Jacksonville Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $310,506,115 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 11,088 5,247 6,817 1,634 4,435 18,012 17,404 3,469 6,977 13,967 569 89,620 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 34,160 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 Decommissioning Costs 1,140 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 40,678 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,483 7,026 10,509 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 27,949 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 48,527 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 47,106 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 Firm Transmission Costs 10,817 7,413 7,580 7,750 7,925 8,103 8,285 8,472 8,662 8,857 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Jacksonville Beach Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,250,356 2,359,610 310,506 2042 174,255 45,620 5,998 2043 159,906 39,493 5,155 2044 163,451 38,084 4,971 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 169 of 223 2045 167,075 36,725 4,794 2046 170,781 35,414 4,623 2047 174,570 34,151 4,458 2048 167,306 30,877 4,041 2049 2049 178,777 31,127 4,066 2050 2050 157,971 25,947 3,410 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 170 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Key West Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Key West Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Key West Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Key West 129.977 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.000 129.977 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Key West share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 11.216% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 646,589.25 11/1/2019 650,000 2,844 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 677,993.41 11/1/2019 680,000 2,975 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 401,524.63 11/1/2019 405,000 1,772 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 422,834.60 11/1/2019 425,000 1,859 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 337,033.94 105,989.04 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 340,000 110,000 1,346 481 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 246,186.19 70,659.36 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 250,000 75,000 990 313 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 401,524.63 11/1/2019 405,000 1,688 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 754,821.44 11/1/2019 755,000 3,146 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 41,498.36 688,087.60 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 45,000 690,000 197 2,875 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 44,302.30 732,950.69 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 45,000 735,000 197 3,063 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 61,125.96 1,001,568.42 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 65,000 1,005,000 284 4,188 16,383,214.37 11/1/2019 16,385,000 54,617 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 171 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 3,140,416.11 11/1/2019 3,145,000 11,877 2 4,710,624.16 11/1/2019 4,715,000 24,184 2 4,710,624.16 11/1/2019 4,715,000 17,688 2 745,000 1,242 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 741,923.31 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 112,157.72 587,145.65 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 115,000 590,000 4,600 29,500 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 732,950.69 10/1/2021 735,000 73,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 769,962.74 10/1/2022 770,000 115,500 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 808,096.36 10/1/2023 810,000 162,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 848,473.14 10/1/2024 850,000 212,500 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 140,197.15 10/1/2025 145,000 26,100 6,695,000 5.000% 750,895.92 10/1/2025 755,000 226,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 932,591.43 10/1/2025 935,000 280,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 194,593.64 10/1/2025 195,000 38,025 7,000,000 5.000% 785,104.03 10/1/2025 790,000 237,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 1,025,121.54 10/1/2025 1,030,000 309,000 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 1,076,153.31 10/1/2025 1,080,000 324,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 1,129,989.01 10/1/2025 1,130,000 339,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 1,186,628.66 10/1/2025 1,190,000 357,000 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 4,308,538.74 10/1/2025 4,310,000 215,500 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 4,523,320.78 10/1/2025 4,525,000 452,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 2,996,854.23 10/1/2025 3,000,000 450,000 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 3,137,612.17 10/1/2025 3,140,000 628,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 3,292,389.82 10/1/2025 3,295,000 823,750 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 504,709.73 10/1/2025 505,000 121,200 18,375,000 5.00% 2,060,898.07 10/1/2025 2,065,000 619,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 3,057,419.40 10/1/2025 3,060,000 918,000 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 5,059,434.67 10/1/2025 5,060,000 1,518,000 Page 172 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 5,436,845.39 10/1/2025 5,440,000 1,632,000 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 5,758,738.04 10/1/2025 5,760,000 1,728,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 2,243,154.36 10/1/2025 2,245,000 404,100 46,260,000 5.00% 5,188,416.04 10/1/2025 5,190,000 1,557,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 560,788.59 95,100,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Key West: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 95,660,789 13,940,098 109,600,887 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 173 of 223 3 ? 13,940,098 Estimated Key West Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $223,446,066 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 8,775 3,954 3,941 1,305 3,541 10,413 13,844 2,654 10,158 483 59,067 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 6,483 243 36,288 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 6,628 248 37,105 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 6,778 254 37,940 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 6,930 259 38,793 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 7,086 265 39,666 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 7,245 271 40,559 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 7,408 277 41,471 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 7,575 283 42,404 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 7,746 290 43,359 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 7,920 296 44,334 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 8,098 303 45,332 Capital Additions Costs 22,232 11,240 12,555 12,838 54,452 13,422 13,724 14,033 14,349 14,671 15,002 15,339 - - - - - - - - - - - 27,094 17,857 19,061 19,342 26,520 19,959 20,257 19,825 15,456 12,744 13,211 13,672 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 2,770 5,110 7,880 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 23,702 19,068 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 35,581 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 39,988 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 7,110 4,003 4,090 4,180 4,271 3,486 3,561 3,639 3,719 3,918 4,004 4,995 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Key West Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 793 Grand Total 4,879,526 2,203,995 223,446 2020 154,591 145,840 14,753 2021 158,581 141,136 14,289 2022 157,892 132,569 13,430 2023 209,009 165,555 16,630 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 174 of 223 2024 152,004 113,586 11,539 2025 154,595 108,983 11,069 2026 156,433 104,037 10,560 2027 154,462 96,911 9,807 2028 144,189 85,345 8,655 2029 2030 2029 143,613 80,193 8,137 2030 147,506 77,704 7,888 Estimated Key West Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $223,446,066 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 8,775 3,954 3,941 1,305 3,541 10,413 13,844 2,654 10,158 483 59,067 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 8,280 310 46,352 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 8,467 317 47,395 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 8,657 324 48,461 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 8,852 331 49,551 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 9,051 339 50,046 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 9,255 346 49,856 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 9,463 354 50,978 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 9,676 362 52,125 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 9,894 370 53,298 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 10,116 379 54,497 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 10,344 387 55,723 Capital Additions Costs 22,232 15,684 16,037 16,398 16,767 16,492 15,478 15,826 16,182 16,546 16,919 17,299 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 27,094 13,945 14,396 14,718 15,294 15,271 15,079 15,418 15,765 16,119 16,482 16,853 2,770 5,110 7,880 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 23,702 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 35,581 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 39,988 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 7,110 5,105 5,217 5,432 5,552 5,674 5,710 5,939 6,070 6,204 6,341 6,481 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Key West Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 793 Grand Total 4,879,526 2,203,995 223,446 2031 150,383 74,736 7,585 2032 153,497 71,965 7,303 2033 156,642 69,283 7,030 2034 160,004 66,764 6,774 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 175 of 223 2035 159,421 62,756 6,347 2036 159,747 59,324 5,976 2037 158,075 55,381 5,560 2038 161,306 53,314 5,352 2039 164,609 51,326 5,151 2040 2041 2040 167,987 49,414 4,958 2041 171,441 47,576 4,773 Estimated Key West Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $223,446,066 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 8,775 3,954 3,941 1,305 3,541 10,413 13,844 2,654 10,158 483 59,067 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 10,576 396 50,238 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 10,814 405 49,003 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 11,058 414 50,105 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 11,307 423 51,233 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 11,561 433 52,385 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 11,821 442 53,564 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 7,152 452 49,834 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 463 43,643 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 473 44,624 Capital Additions Costs 22,232 14,339 13,486 13,789 14,099 14,417 14,741 12,979 10,169 10,397 793 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 27,094 17,232 17,620 18,016 18,422 18,836 19,260 19,693 20,137 20,590 2,770 5,110 7,880 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 23,702 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 35,581 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 39,988 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 7,110 6,625 6,771 6,921 7,074 7,231 7,391 7,555 7,723 7,894 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Key West Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 4,879,526 2,203,995 223,446 2042 161,016 42,154 4,248 2043 146,367 36,149 3,722 2044 149,604 34,858 3,589 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 176 of 223 2045 152,914 33,612 3,460 2046 156,299 32,411 3,337 2047 159,760 31,254 3,218 2048 152,160 28,082 2,915 2049 2049 163,288 28,430 2,934 2050 2050 142,131 23,346 2,457 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 177 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated KUA Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 KUA Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. KUA Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for KUA 330.474 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 8.148 322.326 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: KUA share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 27.814% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 1,603,456.96 11/1/2019 1,605,000 7,022 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 1,681,335.18 11/1/2019 1,685,000 7,372 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 995,728.69 11/1/2019 1,000,000 4,375 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 1,048,574.63 11/1/2019 1,050,000 4,594 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 835,800.20 262,839.00 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 840,000 265,000 3,325 1,159 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 610,509.63 175,226.00 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 615,000 180,000 2,434 750 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 995,728.69 11/1/2019 1,000,000 4,167 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 1,871,858.69 11/1/2019 1,875,000 7,813 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 102,910.51 1,706,367.47 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 105,000 1,710,000 459 7,125 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 109,863.92 1,817,622.07 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 110,000 1,820,000 481 7,583 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 151,584.40 2,483,759.00 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 155,000 2,485,000 678 10,354 40,628,233.88 11/1/2019 40,630,000 135,433 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 178 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 7,787,822.18 11/1/2019 7,790,000 29,419 2 11,681,733.26 11/1/2019 11,685,000 59,934 2 11,681,733.26 11/1/2019 11,685,000 43,836 2 1,840,000 3,067 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 1,839,872.99 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 278,136.51 1,456,044.61 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 280,000 1,460,000 11,200 73,000 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 1,817,622.07 10/1/2021 1,820,000 182,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 1,909,407.12 10/1/2022 1,910,000 286,500 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 2,003,973.53 10/1/2023 2,005,000 401,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 2,104,102.67 10/1/2024 2,105,000 526,250 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 347,670.63 10/1/2025 350,000 63,000 6,695,000 5.000% 1,862,123.91 10/1/2025 1,865,000 559,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 2,312,705.05 10/1/2025 2,315,000 694,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 482,566.84 10/1/2025 485,000 94,575 7,000,000 5.000% 1,946,955.54 10/1/2025 1,950,000 585,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 2,542,167.67 10/1/2025 2,545,000 763,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 2,668,719.78 10/1/2025 2,670,000 801,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 2,802,225.30 10/1/2025 2,805,000 841,500 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 2,942,684.24 10/1/2025 2,945,000 883,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 10,684,613.89 10/1/2025 10,685,000 534,250 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 11,217,245.30 10/1/2025 11,220,000 1,122,000 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 7,431,807.45 10/1/2025 7,435,000 1,115,250 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 7,780,868.76 10/1/2025 7,785,000 1,557,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 8,164,697.14 10/1/2025 8,165,000 2,041,250 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 1,251,614.28 10/1/2025 1,255,000 301,200 18,375,000 5.00% 5,110,758.30 10/1/2025 5,115,000 1,534,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 7,582,001.16 10/1/2025 7,585,000 2,275,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 12,546,737.80 10/1/2025 12,550,000 3,765,000 Page 179 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 13,482,667.14 10/1/2025 13,485,000 4,045,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 14,280,918.92 10/1/2025 14,285,000 4,285,500 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 5,562,730.13 10/1/2025 5,565,000 1,001,700 46,260,000 5.00% 12,866,594.78 10/1/2025 12,870,000 3,861,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 1,390,682.53 235,640,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of KUA: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 237,030,683 34,547,056 271,577,739 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 180 of 223 3 ? 34,547,056 Estimated KUA Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $604,091,445 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 22,375 10,083 13,879 3,327 9,029 36,671 35,624 6,766 14,515 27,796 1,232 181,299 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 69,080 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 Decommissioning Costs 2,294 - - - - - - - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 51,366 12,077 12,998 13,189 21,386 13,675 13,897 13,727 11,358 9,947 10,340 10,710 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,564 13,984 17,548 3,972 8,826 12,798 4,079 8,826 12,905 4,189 8,826 13,015 4,302 8,826 13,128 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 60,490 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 98,043 28,110 27,396 24,662 25,320 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 101,966 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 22,006 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) KUA Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 4,950,699 2,213,421 604,091 2020 148,816 140,393 38,199 2021 152,368 135,607 36,915 2022 151,719 127,386 34,689 2023 203,836 161,457 43,860 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 181 of 223 2024 151,180 112,970 30,869 2025 153,818 108,435 29,630 2026 156,043 103,777 28,355 2027 156,200 98,002 26,761 2028 147,392 87,241 23,916 2029 2030 2029 146,877 82,015 22,506 2030 150,816 79,448 21,805 Estimated KUA Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $604,091,445 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 22,375 10,083 13,879 3,327 9,029 36,671 35,624 6,766 14,515 27,796 1,232 181,299 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 69,080 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 Decommissioning Costs 2,294 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 51,366 10,923 11,280 11,491 12,026 11,967 11,700 11,964 12,233 12,508 12,789 13,077 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,564 13,984 17,548 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 60,490 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 98,043 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 101,966 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 22,006 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) KUA Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 4,950,699 2,213,421 604,091 2031 153,774 76,421 20,972 2032 156,940 73,579 20,192 2033 160,120 70,821 19,434 2034 163,593 68,262 18,731 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 182 of 223 2035 163,128 64,215 17,602 2036 163,537 60,732 16,626 2037 161,990 56,752 15,519 2038 165,308 54,637 14,940 2039 168,702 52,602 14,383 2040 2041 2040 172,172 50,645 13,847 2041 175,719 48,763 13,332 Estimated KUA Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $604,091,445 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 22,375 10,083 13,879 3,327 9,029 36,671 35,624 6,766 14,515 27,796 1,232 181,299 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 69,080 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 Decommissioning Costs 2,294 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 51,366 13,372 13,672 13,980 14,295 14,616 14,945 15,281 15,625 15,977 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 3,564 13,984 17,548 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 60,490 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 98,043 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 101,966 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 22,006 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) KUA Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 4,950,699 2,213,421 604,091 2042 165,391 43,299 11,769 2043 150,840 37,254 10,056 2044 154,178 35,923 9,697 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 183 of 223 2045 157,591 34,640 9,351 2046 161,081 33,403 9,017 2047 164,650 32,210 8,695 2048 157,160 29,005 7,870 2049 2049 168,401 29,320 7,927 2050 2050 147,358 24,204 6,627 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF LAKE WORTH AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 184 of 223 Estimated Lake Worth Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $39,215,680 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 7,672 1,341 6,587 15,600 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 6,591 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - - 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 1,535 3,314 4,849 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - 22 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 11,749 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 - 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 155 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 250 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Lake Worth Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 39,216 2020 164,147 154,856 2,896 2021 168,410 149,884 2,765 2022 167,905 140,976 2,578 2023 222,078 175,907 3,377 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 185 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 1,915 2025 165,228 116,479 1,838 2026 167,132 111,152 1,761 2027 164,442 103,173 1,691 2028 153,829 91,051 1,331 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 1,208 2030 157,696 83,072 1,165 Estimated Lake Worth Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $39,215,680 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 7,672 1,341 6,587 15,600 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 6,591 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 - - - - - - - - - - - 22 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 11,749 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 - 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 155 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 250 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 1,535 3,314 4,849 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Lake Worth Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 39,216 2031 160,792 79,909 1,123 2032 164,180 76,974 1,083 2033 167,550 74,107 1,044 2034 171,256 71,459 1,007 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 186 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 978 2036 171,390 63,648 959 2037 170,019 59,565 925 2038 173,519 57,350 892 2039 177,097 55,220 860 2040 2041 2040 180,755 53,170 829 2041 184,496 51,199 799 Estimated Lake Worth Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $39,215,680 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 7,672 1,341 6,587 15,600 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 6,591 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 250 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - - 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 1,535 3,314 4,849 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Lake Worth Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 2050 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 11,749 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 - 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 155 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs 2049 22 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 39,216 2042 174,366 45,648 822 2043 160,017 39,521 822 2044 163,561 38,109 792 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 187 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 764 2046 170,891 35,437 736 2047 174,680 34,173 710 2048 167,416 30,898 563 2049 178,888 31,146 623 2050 158,081 25,966 359 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF LEESBURG AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 188 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Leesburg Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Leesburg Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Leesburg Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Leesburg 105.630 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 2.015 103.615 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Leesburg share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 8.941% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 515,447.69 11/1/2019 520,000 2,275 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 540,482.45 11/1/2019 545,000 2,384 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 320,087.21 11/1/2019 325,000 1,422 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 337,075.07 11/1/2019 340,000 1,488 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 268,676.55 84,492.29 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 270,000 85,000 1,069 372 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 196,254.59 56,328.20 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 200,000 60,000 792 250 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 320,087.21 11/1/2019 325,000 1,354 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 601,728.18 11/1/2019 605,000 2,521 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 33,081.64 548,529.33 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 35,000 550,000 153 2,292 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 35,316.88 584,293.26 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 40,000 585,000 175 2,438 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 48,728.36 798,429.82 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 50,000 800,000 219 3,333 13,060,362.66 11/1/2019 13,065,000 43,550 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 189 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 2,503,475.35 11/1/2019 2,505,000 9,460 2 3,755,213.02 11/1/2019 3,760,000 19,286 2 3,755,213.02 11/1/2019 3,760,000 14,106 2 595,000 992 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 591,446.05 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 89,409.83 468,060.48 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 90,000 470,000 3,600 23,500 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 584,293.26 10/1/2021 585,000 58,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 613,798.51 10/1/2022 615,000 92,250 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 644,197.85 10/1/2023 645,000 129,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 676,385.39 10/1/2024 680,000 170,000 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 111,762.29 10/1/2025 115,000 20,700 6,695,000 5.000% 598,598.84 10/1/2025 600,000 180,000 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 743,442.77 10/1/2025 745,000 223,500 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 155,126.06 10/1/2025 160,000 31,200 7,000,000 5.000% 625,868.84 10/1/2025 630,000 189,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 817,205.88 10/1/2025 820,000 246,000 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 857,887.36 10/1/2025 860,000 258,000 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 900,804.08 10/1/2025 905,000 271,500 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 945,956.04 10/1/2025 950,000 285,000 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 3,434,678.77 10/1/2025 3,435,000 171,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 3,605,898.60 10/1/2025 3,610,000 361,000 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 2,389,030.76 10/1/2025 2,390,000 358,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 2,501,240.10 10/1/2025 2,505,000 501,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 2,624,625.67 10/1/2025 2,625,000 656,250 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 402,344.25 10/1/2025 405,000 97,200 18,375,000 5.00% 1,642,905.70 10/1/2025 1,645,000 493,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 2,437,312.07 10/1/2025 2,440,000 732,000 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 4,033,277.60 10/1/2025 4,035,000 1,210,500 Page 190 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 4,334,141.69 10/1/2025 4,335,000 1,300,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 4,590,747.92 10/1/2025 4,595,000 1,378,500 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 1,788,196.68 10/1/2025 1,790,000 322,200 46,260,000 5.00% 4,136,098.91 10/1/2025 4,140,000 1,242,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 447,049.17 75,840,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Leesburg: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 76,287,049 11,116,579 87,403,628 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 191 of 223 3 ? 11,116,579 Estimated Leesburg Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $184,977,511 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 5,953 2,445 3,750 899 2,440 9,909 10,328 1,690 4,216 8,238 367 50,235 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 19,230 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 26,235 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 2,067 4,145 6,211 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 18,022 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 28,259 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 30,380 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 5,760 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Leesburg Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 646 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 184,978 2020 164,147 154,856 12,132 2021 168,410 149,884 11,743 2022 167,905 140,976 11,048 2023 222,078 175,907 13,706 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 192 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 9,561 2025 165,228 116,479 9,174 2026 167,132 111,152 8,749 2027 164,442 103,173 8,100 2028 153,829 91,051 7,150 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 6,733 2030 157,696 83,072 6,519 Estimated Leesburg Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $184,977,511 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 5,953 2,445 3,750 899 2,440 9,909 10,328 1,690 4,216 8,238 367 50,235 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 19,230 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 26,235 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 2,067 4,145 6,211 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 18,022 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 28,259 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 30,380 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 5,760 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Leesburg Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 646 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 184,978 2031 160,792 79,909 6,269 2032 164,180 76,974 6,039 2033 167,550 74,107 5,812 2034 171,256 71,459 5,605 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 193 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 5,270 2036 171,390 63,648 4,978 2037 170,019 59,565 4,663 2038 173,519 57,350 4,489 2039 177,097 55,220 4,322 2040 2041 2040 180,755 53,170 4,161 2041 184,496 51,199 4,006 Estimated Leesburg Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $184,977,511 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 5,953 2,445 3,750 899 2,440 9,909 10,328 1,690 4,216 8,238 367 50,235 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 19,230 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 646 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 26,235 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 2,067 4,145 6,211 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 18,022 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 28,259 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 30,380 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 5,760 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Leesburg Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 184,978 2042 174,366 45,648 3,555 2043 160,017 39,521 3,076 2044 163,561 38,109 2,966 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 194 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 2,860 2046 170,891 35,437 2,758 2047 174,680 34,173 2,659 2048 167,416 30,898 2,412 2049 2049 178,888 31,146 2,426 2050 2050 158,081 25,966 2,038 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF NEWBERRY AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 195 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Newberry Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Newberry Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Newberry Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Newberry 7.831 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.159 7.672 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Newberry share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 0.662% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 38,165.47 11/1/2019 40,000 175 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 40,019.12 11/1/2019 45,000 197 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 23,700.32 11/1/2019 25,000 109 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 24,958.16 11/1/2019 25,000 109 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 19,893.71 6,256.09 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 20,000 10,000 79 44 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 14,531.34 4,170.73 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 15,000 5,000 59 21 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 23,700.32 11/1/2019 25,000 104 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 44,553.96 11/1/2019 45,000 188 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 2,449.47 40,614.94 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 45,000 22 188 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 2,614.98 43,263.02 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 45,000 22 188 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 3,608.01 59,118.41 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 60,000 22 250 967,032.79 11/1/2019 970,000 3,233 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 196 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 185,365.66 11/1/2019 190,000 718 2 278,048.49 11/1/2019 280,000 1,436 2 278,048.49 11/1/2019 280,000 1,050 2 45,000 75 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 43,792.64 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 6,620.20 34,656.76 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 10,000 35,000 400 1,750 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 43,263.02 10/1/2021 45,000 4,500 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 45,447.69 10/1/2022 50,000 7,500 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 47,698.56 10/1/2023 50,000 10,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 50,081.83 10/1/2024 55,000 13,750 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 8,275.25 10/1/2025 10,000 1,800 6,695,000 5.000% 44,322.25 10/1/2025 45,000 13,500 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 55,046.98 10/1/2025 60,000 18,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 11,486.05 10/1/2025 15,000 2,925 7,000,000 5.000% 46,341.42 10/1/2025 50,000 15,000 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 60,508.65 10/1/2025 65,000 19,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 63,520.84 10/1/2025 65,000 19,500 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 66,698.54 10/1/2025 70,000 21,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 70,041.74 10/1/2025 75,000 22,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 254,315.07 10/1/2025 255,000 12,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 266,992.75 10/1/2025 270,000 27,000 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 176,891.80 10/1/2025 180,000 27,000 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 185,200.15 10/1/2025 190,000 38,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 194,336.03 10/1/2025 195,000 48,750 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 29,790.91 10/1/2025 30,000 7,200 18,375,000 5.00% 121,646.21 10/1/2025 125,000 37,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 180,466.71 10/1/2025 185,000 55,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 298,637.32 10/1/2025 300,000 90,000 Page 197 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 320,914.30 10/1/2025 325,000 97,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 339,914.28 10/1/2025 340,000 102,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 132,404.04 10/1/2025 135,000 24,300 46,260,000 5.00% 306,250.55 10/1/2025 310,000 93,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 33,101.01 5,725,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Newberry: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 5,758,101 840,413 6,598,515 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 198 of 223 3 ? 840,413 Estimated Newberry Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $15,186,336 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 542 244 261 81 219 888 838 164 332 596 30 4,195 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 1,616 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,133 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 168 300 467 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,465 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,278 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 2,470 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 509 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Newberry Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) 53 Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 15,186 2020 164,147 154,856 991 2021 168,410 149,884 960 2022 167,905 140,976 903 2023 222,078 175,907 1,126 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 199 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 782 2025 165,228 116,479 751 2026 167,132 111,152 716 2027 164,442 103,173 663 2028 153,829 91,051 589 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 556 2030 157,696 83,072 539 Estimated Newberry Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $15,186,336 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 542 244 261 81 219 888 838 164 332 596 30 4,195 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 1,616 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 - - - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 53 2,133 168 300 467 2040 2041 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,465 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,278 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 2,470 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 509 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Newberry Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 15,186 2031 160,792 79,909 518 2032 164,180 76,974 499 2033 167,550 74,107 481 2034 171,256 71,459 463 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 200 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 435 2036 171,390 63,648 411 2037 170,019 59,565 384 2038 173,519 57,350 370 2039 177,097 55,220 356 2040 180,755 53,170 343 2041 184,496 51,199 330 Estimated Newberry Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $15,186,336 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 542 244 261 81 219 888 838 164 332 596 30 4,195 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 1,616 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 53 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 2,133 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 168 300 467 2049 2050 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 1,465 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,278 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 2,470 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 509 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Newberry Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 15,186 2042 174,366 45,648 292 2043 160,017 39,521 250 2044 163,561 38,109 241 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 201 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 232 2046 170,891 35,437 224 2047 174,680 34,173 216 2048 167,416 30,898 197 2049 178,888 31,146 198 2050 158,081 25,966 169 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF OCALA AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 202 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Ocala Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Ocala Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Ocala Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Ocala 286.561 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 0.000 286.561 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Ocala share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 24.727% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 1,425,538.83 11/1/2019 1,430,000 6,256 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 1,494,775.76 11/1/2019 1,495,000 6,541 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 885,243.54 11/1/2019 890,000 3,894 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 932,225.74 11/1/2019 935,000 4,091 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 743,060.57 233,674.62 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 745,000 235,000 2,949 1,028 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 542,768.04 155,783.08 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 545,000 160,000 2,157 667 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 885,243.54 11/1/2019 890,000 3,708 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 1,664,158.95 11/1/2019 1,665,000 6,938 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 91,491.65 1,517,030.48 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 95,000 1,520,000 416 6,333 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 97,673.52 1,615,940.38 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 100,000 1,620,000 438 6,750 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 134,764.73 2,208,163.36 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 135,000 2,210,000 591 9,208 36,120,161.98 11/1/2019 36,125,000 120,417 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 203 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 6,923,692.51 11/1/2019 6,925,000 26,152 2 10,385,538.76 11/1/2019 10,390,000 53,292 2 10,385,538.76 11/1/2019 10,390,000 38,978 2 1,640,000 2,733 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 1,635,722.35 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 247,274.73 1,294,483.22 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 250,000 1,295,000 10,000 64,750 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 1,615,940.38 10/1/2021 1,620,000 162,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 1,697,541.04 10/1/2022 1,700,000 255,000 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 1,781,614.45 10/1/2023 1,785,000 357,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 1,870,633.35 10/1/2024 1,875,000 468,750 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 309,093.42 10/1/2025 310,000 55,800 6,695,000 5.000% 1,655,504.33 10/1/2025 1,660,000 498,000 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 2,056,089.40 10/1/2025 2,060,000 618,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 429,021.66 10/1/2025 430,000 83,850 7,000,000 5.000% 1,730,923.13 10/1/2025 1,735,000 520,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 2,260,091.05 10/1/2025 2,265,000 679,500 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 2,372,601.06 10/1/2025 2,375,000 712,500 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 2,491,292.93 10/1/2025 2,495,000 748,500 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 2,616,166.67 10/1/2025 2,620,000 786,000 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 9,499,058.84 10/1/2025 9,500,000 475,000 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 9,972,589.96 10/1/2025 9,975,000 997,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 6,607,180.85 10/1/2025 6,610,000 991,500 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 6,917,510.64 10/1/2025 6,920,000 1,384,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 7,258,749.77 10/1/2025 7,260,000 1,815,000 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 1,112,736.30 10/1/2025 1,115,000 267,600 18,375,000 5.00% 4,543,673.21 10/1/2025 4,545,000 1,363,500 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 6,740,709.20 10/1/2025 6,745,000 2,023,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 11,154,563.18 10/1/2025 11,155,000 3,346,500 Page 204 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 11,986,642.65 10/1/2025 11,990,000 3,597,000 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 12,696,321.13 10/1/2025 12,700,000 3,810,000 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 4,945,494.65 10/1/2025 4,950,000 891,000 46,260,000 5.00% 11,438,929.12 10/1/2025 11,440,000 3,432,000 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 1,236,373.66 209,520,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Ocala: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 210,756,374 30,717,786 241,474,160 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 205 of 223 3 ? 30,717,786 Estimated Ocala Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $554,032,778 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 16,963 6,922 10,696 2,564 6,958 28,261 36,577 4,795 12,569 26,144 1,054 153,504 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 59,090 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 Decommissioning Costs 1,942 - - - - - - - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 75,271 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 16,384 16,994 17,589 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 7,320 13,152 20,472 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 51,717 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 88,337 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 87,164 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 Firm Transmission Costs 16,535 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 4,544 4,644 5,650 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Ocala Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 554,033 2020 164,147 154,856 36,568 2021 168,410 149,884 35,374 2022 167,905 140,976 33,265 2023 222,078 175,907 41,374 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 206 of 223 2024 162,433 121,379 28,459 2025 165,228 116,479 27,307 2026 167,132 111,152 26,050 2027 164,442 103,173 24,150 2028 153,829 91,051 21,277 2029 2030 2029 153,531 85,731 20,025 2030 157,696 83,072 19,385 Estimated Ocala Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 $554,032,778 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 16,963 6,922 10,696 2,564 6,958 28,261 36,577 4,795 12,569 26,144 1,054 153,504 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 Capital Additions Costs 59,090 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 Decommissioning Costs 1,942 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 75,271 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 7,320 13,152 20,472 - - - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 51,717 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 88,337 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 87,164 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 Firm Transmission Costs 16,535 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Ocala Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 554,033 2031 160,792 79,909 18,645 2032 164,180 76,974 17,959 2033 167,550 74,107 17,287 2034 171,256 71,459 16,669 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 207 of 223 2035 170,808 67,238 15,696 2036 171,390 63,648 14,853 2037 170,019 59,565 13,930 2038 173,519 57,350 13,411 2039 177,097 55,220 12,912 2040 2041 2040 180,755 53,170 12,432 2041 184,496 51,199 11,971 Estimated Ocala Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 $554,032,778 2019 2050 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 16,963 6,922 10,696 2,564 6,958 28,261 36,577 4,795 12,569 26,144 1,054 153,504 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 Capital Additions Costs 59,090 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 Decommissioning Costs 1,942 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) 75,271 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 7,320 13,152 20,472 - - - - - - - - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 51,717 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 88,337 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 87,164 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 Firm Transmission Costs 16,535 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Ocala Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,253,778 2,361,148 554,033 2042 174,366 45,648 10,708 2043 160,017 39,521 9,345 2044 163,561 38,109 9,012 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 208 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 8,690 2046 170,891 35,437 8,380 2047 174,680 34,173 8,081 2048 167,416 30,898 7,308 2049 2049 178,888 31,146 7,365 2050 2050 158,081 25,966 6,145 ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF STARKE AS OF AUGUST 2016 ASSUMED WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 209 of 223 All-Requirements Estimated Starke Section 29(c)(1) Withdrawal Payment Calculation Date: 9/30/2016 Exit notice on or before 9/30/2016 Using Section 29 Withdrawal Effective Date of Withdrawal: 9/30/2019 Starke Pro-Rata Share of Debt Section 29(c)(1): a percentage of FMPA's then outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds issued to finance additions to the System which FMPA committed to after the receipt of the Project Participant's withdrawal notice) equal to the greater of the Project Participant's share of the the All-Requirements Power Supply Project's total electric load on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice or such share on the withdrawal date. Starke Pro-Rata Share of Bonds: coincident peak for Starke 15.556 (as of June 2015) St. Lucie excluded resources 1.919 13.637 coincident peak for All-Requirments Project less excl. resources: Starke share: 1,158.877 (as of June 2015) 1.177% as of 9/30/2019 to be determined Bonds Outstanding: Bond Maturity Bonds Outstanding Coupon Rate Bond Payment or Pro-Rata Share Redemption Date Bond Principal Liability Bond Interest Liability Series 2008A Bonds maturing on or after 10/1/2020 are subject to optional redemption at par on or after 10/1/18 10/1/2020 5,765,000 5.250% 67,839.21 11/1/2019 70,000 306 10/1/2021 6,045,000 5.250% 71,134.09 11/1/2019 75,000 328 10/1/2022 3,580,000 5.250% 42,127.39 11/1/2019 45,000 197 10/1/2023 3,770,000 5.250% 44,363.20 11/1/2019 45,000 197 10/1/2024 3,005,000 945,000 4.750% 5.250% 35,361.12 11,120.22 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 40,000 15,000 158 66 10/1/2026 2,195,000 630,000 4.750% 5.000% 25,829.50 7,413.48 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 30,000 10,000 119 42 10/1/2027 3,580,000 5.000% 42,127.39 11/1/2019 45,000 188 10/1/2028 6,730,000 5.000% 79,194.78 11/1/2019 80,000 333 10/1/2029 370,000 6,135,000 5.250% 5.000% 4,353.95 72,193.16 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 75,000 22 313 10/1/2030 395,000 6,535,000 5.250% 5.000% 4,648.13 76,900.13 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 5,000 80,000 22 333 10/1/2031 545,000 8,930,000 5.250% 5.000% 6,413.25 105,083.12 11/1/2019 11/2/2019 10,000 110,000 44 458 1,718,903.30 11/1/2019 1,720,000 5,733 59,155,000 Series 2008C (VRDO's) callable daily 10/01/35 146,073,000 daily variable Series 2011A-1 Private Placement Page 210 of 223 1 10/01/30 28,000,000 Variable Rate 329,487.94 11/1/2019 330,000 1,246 2 494,231.92 11/1/2019 495,000 2,539 2 494,231.92 11/1/2019 495,000 1,857 2 80,000 133 Series 2011A-2 Private Placement 10/01/25 42,000,000 Taxable Variable Rate Series 2011B Private Placement 10/01/30 42,000,000 Variable Rate Series 2013A bonds maturing on 10/1/23 are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to maturity 10/1/2023 6,615,000 2.000% 77,841.53 11/1/2019 Series 2015B bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 1,000,000 5,235,000 4.000% 5.000% 11,767.43 61,602.48 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 15,000 65,000 600 3,250 10/1/2021 6,535,000 5.000% 76,900.13 10/1/2021 80,000 8,000 10/1/2022 6,865,000 5.000% 80,783.38 10/1/2022 85,000 12,750 10/1/2023 7,205,000 5.000% 84,784.31 10/1/2023 85,000 17,000 10/1/2024 7,565,000 5.000% 89,020.58 10/1/2024 90,000 22,500 10/1/2025 1,250,000 3.000% 14,709.28 10/1/2025 15,000 2,700 6,695,000 5.000% 78,782.92 10/1/2025 80,000 24,000 10/1/2026 8,315,000 5.000% 97,846.15 10/1/2025 100,000 30,000 10/1/2027 1,735,000 3.250% 20,416.49 10/1/2025 25,000 4,875 7,000,000 5.000% 82,371.99 10/1/2025 85,000 25,500 10/1/2028 9,140,000 5.000% 107,554.28 10/1/2025 110,000 33,000 10/1/2029 9,595,000 5.000% 112,908.46 10/1/2025 115,000 34,500 10/1/2030 10,075,000 5.000% 118,556.82 10/1/2025 120,000 36,000 10/1/2031 10,580,000 5.000% 124,499.37 10/1/2025 125,000 37,500 98,790,000 Series 2016A bonds maturing after 10/1/25 are subject to optional redemption on 10/1/25 prior to maturity 10/1/2020 38,415,000 5.00% 452,045.69 10/1/2025 455,000 22,750 10/1/2021 40,330,000 5.00% 474,580.31 10/1/2025 475,000 47,500 10/1/2022 26,720,000 5.00% 314,425.64 10/1/2025 315,000 47,250 10/1/2023 27,975,000 5.00% 329,193.76 10/1/2025 330,000 66,000 10/1/2024 29,355,000 5.00% 345,432.81 10/1/2025 350,000 87,500 10/1/2026 4,500,000 4.00% 52,953.42 10/1/2025 55,000 13,200 18,375,000 5.00% 216,226.46 10/1/2025 220,000 66,000 10/1/2027 27,260,000 5.00% 320,780.05 10/1/2025 325,000 97,500 10/1/2028 45,110,000 5.00% 530,828.61 10/1/2025 535,000 160,500 Page 211 of 223 10/1/2029 48,475,000 5.00% 570,426.00 10/1/2025 575,000 172,500 10/1/2030 51,345,000 5.00% 604,198.52 10/1/2025 605,000 181,500 10/1/2031 20,000,000 3.00% 235,348.53 10/1/2025 240,000 43,200 46,260,000 5.00% 544,361.15 10/1/2025 545,000 163,500 424,120,000 Total Bonds Outstanding 846,753,000 ARP Line of Credit $100 MM 5,000,000.00 58,837.13 10,080,000 Estimated Payment Calculation for the City of Starke: Principal portion of all bonds and line of credit Estimated interest on all bonds through maturity or call dates 10,138,837 1,475,709 11,614,546 1 - This amount is estimated at 4% interest 2 - Bonds will be called as soon as practicable, interest collected to call dates. Interest calculated at estimated rates 3 - This amount can not be estimated in advance, it is based on what is drawn on the line at the time of exit. Page 212 of 223 3 ? 1,475,709 Estimated Starke Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 1 $17,440,914 2019 2035 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) 2020 2021 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs 563 254 313 71 349 993 812 170 354 664 31 4,575 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 Capital Additions Costs 1,901 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 16,415 16,784 17,162 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,404 21,719 23,210 23,551 33,301 24,325 24,694 24,211 19,101 15,949 16,541 17,120 279 490 769 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 1,863 1,863 - - TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 2,039 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 17,768 16,470 16,470 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,669 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 25,886 26,073 26,626 Direct Charges & Other 2,567 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 23,981 24,520 25,072 517 4,448 4,546 4,645 4,747 3,972 4,059 4,148 4,239 4,469 4,567 5,572 Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Starke Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) - Grand Total 5,243,836 2,354,758 17,441 2020 163,563 154,304 1,579 2021 167,783 149,326 1,530 2022 167,269 140,442 1,439 2023 221,074 175,111 1,787 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 213 of 223 2024 161,773 120,886 1,243 2025 164,557 116,006 1,193 2026 166,467 110,710 1,138 2027 163,882 102,822 1,054 2028 153,319 90,749 936 2029 2030 2029 153,002 85,435 882 2030 157,148 82,784 855 Estimated Starke Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $17,440,914 2019 2035 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2031 2032 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 563 254 313 71 349 993 812 170 354 664 31 4,575 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 1,901 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 18,773 19,196 19,628 - - - - - 4,931 - - - - - 17,462 18,027 18,417 19,162 19,123 19,553 19,993 20,443 20,903 21,373 21,854 - - - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 2 2,404 279 490 769 2040 2041 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 2,039 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 12,881 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,669 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 28,929 29,546 30,177 Direct Charges & Other 2,567 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 30,631 31,320 32,025 517 5,695 5,820 6,049 6,182 6,319 6,458 6,743 6,892 7,045 7,201 7,360 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Starke Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,243,836 2,354,758 17,441 2031 160,234 79,631 823 2032 163,604 76,704 792 2033 166,962 73,848 763 2034 170,643 71,204 735 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 214 of 223 2035 170,196 66,997 691 2036 171,390 63,648 ‐ 2037 170,019 59,565 ‐ 2038 173,519 57,350 ‐ 2039 177,097 55,220 ‐ 2040 180,755 53,170 ‐ 2041 184,496 51,199 ‐ Estimated Starke Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2019: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $17,440,914 2019 2035 2019 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2019 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs 2042 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 563 254 313 71 349 993 812 170 354 664 31 4,575 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 8,212 3,701 5,094 1,908 20,832 2,483 5,664 7,152 452 55,498 8,397 3,784 5,209 1,951 21,301 2,539 5,792 463 49,434 8,586 3,869 5,326 1,994 21,780 2,596 5,922 473 50,547 1,901 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 15,700 12,951 13,242 - 9,696 - - - - - - 24,247 - 2,404 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 25,537 26,112 26,700 - - - - - - - - - Decommissioning Costs Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs 081216.xlsx Page 3 279 490 769 2049 2050 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations 2,039 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 871 Fixed Gas Transportation Costs 2,669 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 23,805 18,236 18,629 Direct Charges & Other 2,567 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 37,422 38,264 39,125 517 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 8,582 8,773 8,968 Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Starke Costs (2019 Dollars - $000) Grand Total 5,243,836 2,354,758 17,441 2042 174,366 45,648 ‐ 2043 160,017 39,521 ‐ 2044 163,561 38,109 ‐ [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 215 of 223 2045 167,185 36,749 ‐ 2046 170,891 35,437 ‐ 2047 174,680 34,173 ‐ 2048 167,416 30,898 ‐ 2049 178,888 31,146 ‐ 2050 158,081 25,966 ‐ ESTIMATED SECTION 29 (C) WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR THE CITY OF VERO BEACH AS OF AUGUST 2016 WITHDRAWAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 ESTIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Page 216 of 223 Estimated Vero Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2016: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $33,411,871 2016 2046 2016 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2016 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2017 2018 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2,594 7,540 1,656 1,867 2,327 15,984 4,120 1,857 2,556 521 2,590 8,107 6,659 1,246 2,842 6,064 179 36,739 4,213 1,898 2,613 533 2,648 8,289 6,808 1,274 2,906 6,200 206 37,589 4,307 1,941 2,672 545 2,708 8,476 6,962 1,303 2,971 6,340 237 38,461 4,404 1,985 2,732 557 2,769 8,666 7,118 1,332 3,038 6,483 243 39,326 4,503 2,029 2,793 569 2,831 8,861 7,278 1,362 3,106 6,628 248 40,211 4,605 2,075 2,856 582 2,895 9,061 7,442 1,392 3,176 6,778 254 41,116 4,708 2,122 2,921 595 2,960 9,265 7,610 1,424 3,248 6,930 259 42,041 4,814 2,170 2,986 609 3,027 9,473 7,781 1,456 3,321 7,086 265 42,987 4,923 2,218 3,053 622 3,095 9,686 7,956 1,489 3,395 7,245 271 43,954 5,033 2,268 3,122 636 3,164 9,904 8,135 1,522 3,472 7,408 277 44,943 5,147 2,319 3,192 651 3,236 10,127 8,318 1,556 3,550 7,575 283 45,954 5,868 13,467 12,928 13,315 12,699 14,047 14,364 56,012 15,017 15,355 15,701 16,054 - - - - - - - - - - - - 27,401 30,298 27,452 22,251 23,783 24,133 34,250 24,928 25,307 24,816 19,600 582 1,536 2,119 7,334 8,826 16,160 7,532 8,826 16,358 7,735 8,826 16,561 7,944 8,826 16,770 8,158 8,826 16,984 8,379 8,826 17,204 8,605 8,826 17,431 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 8,826 11 19,738 19,738 19,738 19,236 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,689 19,614 19,614 8,424 31,221 31,098 29,475 29,294 28,573 25,715 26,397 25,018 25,547 26,088 26,641 - 18,774 19,197 19,629 20,071 20,522 20,984 21,456 21,939 22,432 22,937 23,453 882 4,217 4,309 4,404 4,500 4,599 4,700 4,803 4,029 4,118 4,208 4,300 124 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Vero Beach Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs Draft 081216.xlsx Page 1 Grand Total 5,257,659 2,361,366 33,412 2017 167,717 158,224 2,125 2018 171,514 152,647 2,009 2019 169,034 141,924 1,925 2020 164,147 130,020 1,825 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 217 of 223 2021 168,410 125,846 1,754 2022 167,905 118,367 1,643 2023 222,078 147,695 2,200 2024 162,433 101,913 1,430 2025 165,228 97,798 1,376 2026 2027 2026 167,132 93,325 1,324 2027 164,442 86,626 1,274 Estimated Vero Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2016: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $33,411,871 2016 2046 2016 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2016 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2028 2029 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2,594 7,540 1,656 1,867 2,327 15,984 5,262 2,371 3,264 665 3,308 10,355 8,505 1,591 3,630 7,746 290 46,988 5,381 2,425 3,338 680 3,383 10,588 8,696 1,627 3,711 7,920 296 48,046 5,502 2,479 3,413 696 3,459 10,826 8,892 1,664 3,795 8,098 303 49,127 5,626 2,535 3,490 711 3,537 11,070 9,092 1,701 3,880 8,280 310 50,232 5,752 2,592 3,568 727 3,616 11,319 9,297 1,740 3,968 8,467 317 51,362 5,882 2,651 3,648 744 3,698 11,574 9,506 1,779 4,057 8,657 324 52,518 6,014 2,710 3,730 760 3,781 11,834 9,720 1,819 4,148 8,852 331 53,699 6,149 2,771 3,814 812 2,681 12,336 10,233 1,860 4,242 9,051 339 54,288 6,288 2,833 3,900 915 13,209 11,208 1,901 4,337 9,255 346 54,193 6,429 2,897 3,988 936 13,506 11,460 1,944 4,435 9,463 354 55,413 6,574 2,962 4,078 957 13,810 11,718 1,988 4,534 9,676 362 56,659 5,868 16,415 16,784 17,162 17,548 17,943 18,347 18,759 18,529 17,561 17,956 18,360 - - - - - - - - 4,931 - - - 16,384 16,994 17,589 17,940 18,521 18,920 19,689 19,647 19,553 19,993 20,443 582 1,536 2,119 1,863 1,863 - - - - - - - - - - 11 17,768 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 16,470 15,304 12,881 12,881 12,881 8,424 25,886 26,073 26,626 27,191 27,769 28,360 28,964 28,611 27,158 27,735 28,326 - 23,981 24,520 25,072 25,636 26,213 26,803 27,406 28,023 28,653 29,298 29,957 882 4,544 4,644 5,650 5,775 5,902 6,132 6,268 6,406 6,458 6,743 6,892 124 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Vero Beach Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs Draft 081216.xlsx Page 2 Grand Total 5,257,659 2,361,366 33,412 2028 153,829 76,448 1,137 2029 153,531 71,981 1,073 2030 157,696 69,749 1,035 2031 160,792 67,093 998 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 218 of 223 2032 164,180 64,629 963 2033 167,550 62,222 928 2034 171,256 59,999 895 2035 170,808 56,454 869 2036 171,390 53,440 853 2037 2038 2037 170,019 50,012 823 2038 173,519 48,152 794 Estimated Vero Beach Section 29(c)2. Withdrawal Payment for September 30, 2016: Withdrawal Year Contract End Year Present Worth Base Year General Escalation Rate Discount Rate $33,411,871 2016 2046 2016 2.25% 6.00% Florida Municipal Power Agency All-Requirements Power Supply Project Projected Costs Allocated Costs (2016 $000) Operation & Maintenance Costs Stanton 1 [1] Stanton 2 Stanton A [1] Cane Island 1 [1] [2] Cane Island 2 [1] [2] Cane Island 3 [1] [2] Cane Island 4 [2] Indian River CTs [1] Stock Island CT 1-4, MSD 1-2, EP2, Common Treasure Coast 1 Other O&M Costs Sub Total O&M Costs Capital Additions Costs Decommissioning Costs 2039 Projected Annual Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000, Unallocated) Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2,594 7,540 1,656 1,867 2,327 15,984 6,722 3,029 4,169 979 14,121 11,982 2,033 4,636 9,894 370 57,934 6,873 3,097 4,263 1,001 14,439 12,251 2,078 4,741 10,116 379 59,238 7,028 3,167 4,359 1,023 14,764 12,527 2,125 4,847 10,344 387 60,571 7,186 3,238 4,457 1,438 4,555 16,219 2,173 4,956 10,576 396 55,194 7,347 3,311 4,558 1,707 18,639 2,222 5,068 10,814 405 54,071 7,513 3,386 4,660 1,745 19,058 2,272 5,182 11,058 414 55,287 7,682 3,462 4,765 1,784 19,487 2,323 5,299 11,307 423 56,531 7,854 3,540 4,872 1,825 19,926 2,375 5,418 11,561 433 57,803 8,031 3,619 4,982 1,866 20,374 2,429 5,540 11,821 442 59,104 5,868 18,773 19,196 19,628 16,720 15,920 16,278 16,645 17,019 17,402 - - - 9,696 - - - - - 20,903 21,373 21,854 22,346 22,849 23,363 23,888 24,426 24,976 - - - - - - - - - 11 12,881 12,881 12,881 3,941 871 871 871 871 871 8,424 28,929 29,546 30,177 26,200 25,133 25,665 26,209 26,765 27,333 - 30,631 31,320 32,025 32,745 33,482 34,236 35,006 35,794 36,599 882 7,045 7,201 7,360 7,523 7,690 7,861 8,035 8,213 8,396 124 Member Capacity Costs (Stanton Unit 1 & 2 C&E) Fixed Purchased Power Costs Stanton A - CC PPA Southern Oleander Sub Total Fixed Purchased Power Costs 582 1,536 2,119 TARP Capacity Credits & Other Obligations Fixed Gas Transportation Costs Direct Charges & Other Firm Transmission Costs Totals ARP Total Fixed Costs (Nominal Dollars - $000) ARP Total Fixed Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Vero Beach Costs (2016 Dollars - $000) Calculated 8/12/2016 ARP Termination Pmt Calcs Draft 081216.xlsx Page 3 Grand Total 5,257,659 2,361,366 33,412 2039 177,097 46,363 765 2040 180,755 44,643 738 2041 184,496 42,987 712 [1] Includes KUA's ownership share. [2] Includes allocated share of projected Common Facilities costs. Page 219 of 223 2042 174,366 38,327 583 2043 160,017 33,182 358 2044 163,561 31,997 346 2045 167,185 30,855 333 2046 2046 170,891 29,754 321 2047 2047 174,680 28,692 ‐ AGENDA ITEM 11– OTHER INFORMATION a) FYI – Invoice Summary Report from Spiegel and McDiarmid Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 220 of 223 AGENDA PACKAGE MEMORANDUM TO: FMPA Executive Committee FROM: DATE: Accounting Department ITEM: EC 11(a) – Invoice Summary Report of Spiegel & McDiarmid for July 2016. August 16, 2016 Introduction • Historically, the paid invoices for Spiegel & McDiarmid were included in the Agenda packages for review at the request of the members. At the July 30, 2002 FMPA Executive Committee Meeting at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, it was requested that a summary be developed and used in the Agenda package. • At the December 12, 2003 FMPA Executive Committee and Board Meeting it was requested that a brief description of the invoice charges be included in this summary. • The following summary schedule is the result of those requests. Invoice Number Invoice Date Description Amount Paid 210209201 June 10, 2016 FPL Transmission FKEC Losses/Key West 326.25 2175.00 210209229 June 21, 2016 General 1275.95 TOTAL PAID RM/DF Page 221 of 223 $ 3,777.20 AGENDA ITEM 12– MEMBER COMMENTS Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 222 of 223 AGENDA ITEM 13– ADJOURNMENT Executive Committee August 25, 2016 Page 223 of 223