Willenhall_Wonderful - WillenhallAyWe.co.uk
Willenhall_Wonderful - WillenhallAyWe.co.uk
WILLENHALL is wonderful Spring 2013 Tulips - Taken by Trev Latham at Willenhall Memorial Park “Nature is my favourite subject and is always available in abundance at our lovely park.” inside... Willenhall is changing Community services Shop Smart Shop Local Information services in bloom Willenhall Shopping Guide Please mention Willenhall is Wonderful when calling advertisers WILLENHALL Traders and Community Support Group in bloom Willenhall in bloom Willenhall is changing Willenhall Heritage Trail W illenhall heritage trail was completed late last year, and launched at the Willenhall Christmas event on 1st December 2012. The event was well attended, with visitors enjoying the opportunity for a tour of the history of Willenhall as well as being shown around the Bell Inn and Locksmith’s House. The leaflets which accompany the trail are available to pick up at Willenhall Library, the Memorial Park Pavilion, the Locksmith’s House, Black Country Museum, and from the Willenhall Local History Society. The leaflet and further information can also be found at the website www.willenhallhistory.co.uk/trail. !"#$%&'(&)#%*"&+,'-&'-"&& (International Dance Teachers Assn.) Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz & Musical Theatre as well as Streetdance /Gymnastic Dance and also RAD Ballet From ages 3 years to Adults “HOT NEWS” – RESERVATIONS NOW TAKEN FOR SUMMER SCHOOL “Joseph and the Amazing Techni-colour Dreamcoat” Plus there is our shop on the premises for all your dancewear requirements We are open every evening after 5pm and all day Saturday 3-3a Upper Lichfield Street, Willenhall WV13 1PB (just over the road – opposite Morrisons) Telephone 01902 633115 Lots of fun for children of all ages 2 34. St Giles CE Primary School. 35. St Giles Church. 33. Cholera Burial ground. e Th 18 K ey w ay 54 A4 Somerford Pl 19 16 B4464 17 Willenhall Memorial Park 15 r lve Wo ton p ham 14 et Stre 13 New Road tr ld S Fie eet 24 26 et 1 12 4 5 6 s Cro age Pass Angel lley Bell A 11 28 Hall 7 9 10 s St Street St Joh w Bo et Stre 8 eet n Str d Woo Wood Street Cemetry New Morrisons Supermarket Bilston Street 29 33 rs Docto 35 St Giles Parish Church 34 31 Street 30 St Giles C of E Primary School 32 Piece Riley en Willenhall is changing 3 2 St ne se La n Stre Unio ou Malth od Little Wo B4464 27 25 l 32. A Lewis & Sons Lock Factory. 21 tP rke Ma 31. Toll house. 20 22 rd St 30. Purbright Castings Ltd. 28, 29. Wood Street Cemetery. ne La St 27. Malthouse Lane passageway. e os No ld 26. B.E. Wedge Ltd (Galvanizers). 25. National schools and Little London School. 24. War Memorial. 23. Fibbersley Nature Reserve. 22. Memorial Park. 21. Memorial Park. 20. Willenhall Football, The Pickwicks, Swifts & Willenhall F.C. 19. Memorial Park. 18. Mineral Lines. 17. Memorial Park. 16. Memorial Park. 15. Willenhall Memorial Park 14. Pinson Road. 13. The Locksmith’s house, Hodson’s locks and the Hodson shop. 12. Toll House, New Road. 11. Dale Cinema. 10. Dale House. 9. WH Tildesleys Ltd. 8. Dr Richard Wilkes 1690 - 1760 7. Cross Street. 6. Dr Joseph Tonks 1855 - 1891 5. Number 33 Market Place. 4. The Bell Inn and ‘The Great Fire of Willenhall’. 23 d 3. Angel Passage & the Unionist building. Roa son Pin Gre Cha pel 2. Willanhalch Anglo Saxon Town origins. St g Str e 1. James Carpenter and John Young. fie ll Staffo ch sa Temple Bar i Upper L W al ad 4 Ro Gower 46 d B4 Roa Kin etr y et Cem 3 Willenhall is changing Town Shops Restored W illenhall Town Centre is benefiting from a Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) – a £1 million pound grant scheme to help with the cost of repairing, restoring and reusing historic buildings. The THI scheme is being funded by Heritage Lottery Fund and VIEW (Visionary Investment Enhancing Walsall), and due to the high level of interest in the grant scheme Walsall Council have also agreed to contribute £50,000 towards the THI. Four projects are now complete after the owners successfully applied for a grant towards the cost of repair and restoration works. Blunts at 30 Market Place has had historic features reinstated such as its chimney and repairs have been carried out to the 19th century frontage. JR Holyhead at 32 Cross Street and RS News at 57 Wolverhampton Street have both had new shopfronts installed based on a traditional design. RS News had its Upvc windows replaced with those of a timber frame based on the original window profiles. 58 Wolverhampton Street has undertaken roof repairs. Other grant funded schemes are on site or due to start works shortly. Look out for the project banners that indicate the works are being funded through the Willenhall THI. For further details about the Willenhall THI grant scheme please contact Mandy Hall, Regeneration Officer, Development and Delivery, Regeneration, Walsall Council, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1DG 4 Telephone: 01922 654757 5 Community services Community Services Find out all the up to date information, events, discounts and offers on: Find us on Facebook Lighthouse Childrens Centre is based at Heath Road, New Invention, Willenhall, WV12 5EF. Do you live within our area and have a child under the age of 4 years 11 months? If so come along and register and access our services. We offer a variety of services ranging from baby massage, child health clinic, councillors and police surgery, domestic violence support, family support, trips/outings, job centre information, Sandcastles crèche, stay and play sessions, just to name a few. For further details, pop along to the centre or telephone us on 01922 402544. 6 Search Willenhall Traders and Community Support Group @Willenhall TCPG 01922 654321 Mobile: 07736 388424 The MOVE Truck is an innovative mobile solution delivering many activities, projects and tailored sessions in a fun, interesting and exciting way for all age groups. Internet Wii Basketball net P A system Hydraulic Stage e or m h uc m and Community Services To book the MOVE Truck contact us on: Want to know more? Simply call or check out our website: www.walsall.gov.uk/community_development Take your event to the next level We are now taking bookings Are you up for the challenge? Whatever your event emorable impact. creates a is an amazing mobile climbing tower with a challenging difference. So don’t delay... Want to know more? Simply call or check out our website: Telephone: 01922 654321 Mobile: 07736 388424 www.walsall.gov.uk/community_development An exciting, crowd pulling attraction for all ages. 7 Information Services Willenhall and Short Heath Area Partnership Update: Changes to policing in Walsall have seen a new management team in Willenhall Neighbourhood Team with Inspector Lisa Robson and Sgts Mo Shaid, Dave Lonsdale and Kelvin Rowlands now in post focusing on neighbourhood issues and working with partner agencies to ensure crime and anti social behaviour is reduced. In order to ensure local people have an opportunity to raise concerns, report issues to either Walsall Council or Police a number of surgeries have been arranged. The Council’s First Stop Express Bus – a one stop shop of services – will be in Willenhall Town Centre from 10am – 2pm on the following dates: 5th, 11th & 18th April, 9th, 16th & 28th May and 4th, 13th & 20th June. The bus will be on either Morrisons car park or in the town centre by the clock. A series of surgeries have been arranged for 2013 in partnership with Willenhall Sikh Gurdwara on the following dates: 4th March 10am - 12pm 11th July 4pm - 6pm 1st October 3pm - 5pm 10th May 4pm - 6pm 9th August 11am - 1pm 18th December 10am - 12pm These will take place at Willenhall Sikh Gurdwara, Walsall Road. To report any incidents please use the following helpful contacts: 8 WM Police for non emergencies - 101 Anti Social Behaviour (WHG customers) - 0300 5556666 Anti Social Behaviour (other) - 01922 648291 Environental Health - 01922 653030 Walsall Council - 01922 650000 Young people Willenhall’s Got Talent 2013 took place in March building on the success of last year’s fantastic performances. Sophie Rose was this year’s winner out of fifteen acts, the competition was fierce with all acts being of real star quality. First prize was kindly donated by A Flat Studio’s; a professional studio session and recording for the winner with Willenhall Rotary Club donating 2nd and 3rd voucher prizes. Photo’s of the event can be found on www.willenhallaywe.co.uk A local Willenhall’s Got Talent Fund has been set up with money raised from both year’s events for talented young people to apply for up to £250 to assist with achieving their dream. Money can be used for travel expenses for example to help get to performances, to buy much needed equipment, for training and so on. For more information contact Diane Coughlan on coughland@walsall.gov.uk for an application pack. Information Services A dedicated service is now in place for people in Willenhall with drug / alcohol related issues. 9 Information Services Changes to the benefit system and supporting people back into work. A helpful guide has been produced to for Willenhall with a list of all the local support services in place to help people get back into work. ‘One Stop’ Employment Shop Make a visit to your local ‘One Stop’ Employment shop for support with improving your employability through training, mentoring, C.V. compilation, interview techniques and financial support* New Invention Library – Jobs Club and online advice every Tuesday 2pm-3pm Part of the Department for Work and Pensions JobCentre Plus – Willenhall Jobcentre Plus, Upper Lichfield Street, Willenhall, WV13 1DH - Offers work focused support and in work benefit advice for working age customers. Log onto www.gov.uk to search for a job, get benefit advice and make your claim to Jobseekers Allowance all without having to visit or phone the Jobcentre. Nova Training 3 Lower Lichfield St – Willenhall based training provider for 16-65 yr olds offering a range of courses and qualifications. www.novatraning.co.uk 01902 366278 Prince’s Trust – opportunities for young people aged 16-25. A twelve week course including qualifications, outdoor pursuits and volunteer placements. Contact m.foster@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk or call 0345 1135000 ext 7884 6620 / 07917 084410 Bridging the Gap – 79a Stafford St, Willenhal. Debt Counselling, completing and printing CV's, doing on-line applications - jobs, benefits,outreach support, benefits advice, form filling, money management as well as a food bank. Contact 01902 606615 orm.batchelor922@btinternet.com DARLASTON JET @ Fibbersley Park Drop In Shop – Citizens Advice Bureau are at Willenhall CHART Centre, Gomer St, Willenhall every Wednesday from 10-1 and 2-4 (appointments can be made at 9am on the Wednesday morning by calling 01902 368199 Every Tuesday between 12pm and 2pm by appointment only. Jobseekers from Willenhall can access the following support: Walsall Works – Apprenticeship opportunities for 18-24 year olds in Walsall in a range of work place settings. Call 01922 653151 walsallworks@walsall.gov.uk ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Support with universal jobmatch / job search Help using the internet Help with completing online job applications / registrations Helping with CV’s, cover letters and application forms Interview techniques, advice and support Call 01902 366220, option 2 Re-training, advice on courses and new career paths Drop in shop contact: 01902 634217 Signposting to other services Childcare available The service is provided from 89 Stafford St – Fibbersley Park Children’s Centre shop (opposite Boots) Willenhall Town Centre. Willenhall CHART Centre – Room hire available for, adult education, fitness & health and other activities. Willenhall Community Hub Willenhall Library is also hosting and providing support every 2nd Thursday between 11am and 1pm or appointments can be made via the library. Support available includes: ● ● ● ● ● Free internet use and help Help with online applications Help with job searching Help with CV’s and job searching Signposting to other services Willenhall Library also offer – IT taster sessions, one to one help on computers including internet support and advice. 01902 650771 Pool Hayes Community Association – Castle Drive, Willenhall – offer a wide range of adult education courses, including jobs club. For more information call 01902 368613 Walsall Adult Community College – Beeches Rd, Walsall – hundreds of courses available including specialist in courses for people with learning difficulties / disabilities. Call 01922 654510 Rathbone – specialist support for 19-24 year olds In2Work Programme offering apprenticeships and support into work. Contact 01902 425555 www.rathboneuk.org Walsall Housing Group – offer a number of training courses and support via their Skills Centre and also offer support to work schemes, benefits advice and grants up to £500 for individuals needing support getting into work. Visit www.whguk.com or call 0300 555 6666 Links2Work – Electrium Point, Willenhall – employment and training support for people with disabilities or who are disadvantaged. Offering work related training, skills development, work placements and job opportunities. Contact 01902 365031 or watkinsa@walsall.gov.uk Age UK also offer support for older adults. Education and training available, courses, benefit advice and much more 01922 638825 Walsall Voluntary Action – for local volunteer opportunities in Walsall or to advertise for volunteers – 01922 619840 Lighthouse Children's Centre – Jobs club and online advice every Tuesday 2-3pm Walsall Welfare Rights service – expert support in benefits advice. Call 01922 627247 Find out more about what’s going on. There are lots of ways of finding out what’s going on in Willenhall. You can join the What’s On Willenhall? Facebook page, follow @nicolaareamgr on Twitter. There are some great new websites that have been set up too in the area. www.willenhallaywe.co.uk www.willenhallchart.org.uk www.poolhayesca.co.uk 10 Area Partnerships Shop Smart Shop Local KST Accountancy LLP Accountants to Individuals and Small to Medium Sized Businesses Services include: • Personal Tax • Corporation Tax • VAT • CIS • Payroll • Bookkeeping Fixed fees Free initial consultation www.kstaccountancy.co.uk Telephone: 01902 630877 Graphic House, New Road, Willenhall, WV13 2BG 11 Police ll Ha t Stree t Stree ree St t ide ps ea Graphics House John Clock Tower Cross PH P.O. Ch Gomer Street Peel Str eet uth ce Willenhall Shopping Guide So et re St Pla WHG treet field S r Lich Lowe lley Bell A t rke PH PH Church ge assa el P Ang Ma E ad PH Upper Lichfiel d treet Toilet PH Church Union S eet pton Str et Wood Stre Morrisons Centre Ma Community Centre am Wolverh D Ro Street PH Street Job e lthouse Lan Cemetery ry Gower Little Wood Health Centre PH New Road Walsall Street The 99p Store Lidl Accountants, Banks and Lending Agents Barclays Bank plc.............................. C4 Barnett & Co. .................................... E3 Cheque Centre................................... C4 Gravestoak and Owen Chartered Accountants.................... D5 HSBC Bank plc.................................. E5 KST Accountancy LLP........................ E3 Lloyds TSB plc................................... D5 Santander......................................... D5 Scordis & Co Accountants.................. C5 The Ch£qu£ C£ntr£........................... B4 Builders and DIY Direct Security Systems...................... C8 Griffiths Gates and Gardens................ B5 H and B Joinery................................. E3 Jeffrey’s DIY...................................... C1 Roy Birch Blinds ................................ C6 S & P Joinery .................................... C8 Willenhall Bathrooms.......................... E8 Willenhall Hardware........................... D5 12 Street Croft Street Stafford PH B ete Moat Street treet Field S C m Ce A 1234567 Cafés and Takeaways Domino’s Pizza.................................. D6 Gregg’s............................................. C4 M & N Fish Bar.................................. C3 Market Place Fish and Chips.............. C4 Library PH PH Mediterranean Fish Bar...................... E5 Pizza Pan........................................ C10 Pizza Power....................................... B4 Royal Kitchen Chinese........................ E5 Swiss Oven........................................ B4 The Cottage Pantry............................ D5 The Greedy Pig.................................. E8 The Pig Out....................................... B4 The Sandwich Box............................. E6 The Sandwich Stop............................ C3 The Sandwich Shop........................... C4 Tin Wah............................................. E6 Tom’s Corner Café............................. C4 Vinay’s.............................................. D6 Zorba’s Grill....................................... D6 Entertainment and Travel Betfred.............................................. D5 J R Holyhead Travel............................ D6 Ladbrokes......................................... D5 Quicksilver......................................... D5 William Hill ....................................... C6 Engineering, Distribution, Printing and Manufacturing A Lewis & Sons Ltd.......................... B10 Adraburgh Ltd................................... E3 AFM Precision Die & Tool Co. Ltd...... B10 Albion Metals & Waste Ltd.................. A6 BE Wedge Holdings Ltd...................... A4 Bloxwich Environmental Services Ltd... A1 Blue Chameleon................................ E3 Croft Architectural Hardware Ltd......... B9 Dyna Tech......................................... B9 John MacNab Services....................... A9 KHS Engineering Co. ....................... B10 KNK Brickwork................................... E7 M D Installations Ltd.......................... C3 Manifestation Designs & Signs ........... D9 P.B.R. Abrasives Ltd........................... C3 Paget and Glover............................... B2 PP Screeds Ltd.................................. C3 Richmond Press ................................ D4 Samuel Field ..................................... A1 T C Morris......................................... D9 Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd............. A3 WH Tildesley Ltd................................ E7 Faith Establishments and Community Organisations Army Cadets ..................................... D9 Classic Academy of Dance.................. C6 Gospel Meeting Room........................ D7 Life and Light Christian Centre............ B5 New Testament Church of God............ C5 Salvation Army .................................. B1 St Giles Church ............................... D10 St Giles Church of England School.... D10 Shops & Businesses Services ay ce W le Pie Midd Petrol Station ld fie ich L er w Lo Churches t e re St P Parking Disabled Parking et re Froysell St Pedestrian Area (10am - 4pm) One Way System rs Docto PH Piece Public Houses Cash Point Main Bus Stops Lev eL ane Bus Routes et tre S all als W St Giles Church PH sy yp G ne La West Mids House N St Giles Youth Centre........................ C10 Willenhall CHART Centre ................... B2 Willenhall Christian Fellowship/ School of Hope .............................. A3 Florists Buttercups and Daisies....................... D5 Dale Flowers...................................... E4 The Flower Cellar............................... D5 Food and Drink Black Country Wines ......................... E6 Butler’s Butchers............................... D6 Conway’s........................................... D5 Cooltrader......................................... B4 Harps................................................ D6 Kelvin Bland and Sons........................ C5 Lidl................................................... E2 Market Place Convenience Store......... D5 Morrisons.......................................... B6 Newsagents Greens .......................... C4 R.S. News......................................... C3 Rosehill Wines .................................. E6 Select Xpress..................................... B4 Select Xpress..................................... E4 Sidney Watts Butchers....................... C4 Suni’s General Store........................... D5 Sidney Watts Deli............................... D4 The Market Shop .............................. C4 529 : Wolverhampton to Walsall via Willenhall 341/342 : Willenhall to Walsall 327 : Willenhall to Wednesbury The information in this brochure has been supplied by the featured establishments and is believed to be correct at the time of going to print. However no responsibility can be accepted by Walsall Council for loss or disappointment arising from its use and inclusion in this brochure does not imply a recommendation. Hair, Beauty, Fitness and Body Art American Nails.................................. C4 Arena Gym & Fitness.......................... D6 Blondie’s........................................... C4 Bojangles.......................................... D5 Bronze Bay........................................ D5 Chic Hair & Beauty Salon.................... D5 Express Barbers................................. C3 Fosters Fitness Centre........................ A9 Hair by Claire..................................... B4 HeadBangers..................................... B4 Health and Beauty Salon.................... D9 House of Hair..................................... D6 Jas Hair Studio.................................. E6 Jimmy’s Trims.................................... C3 Kim Averall Chiropodist & Podiatrist..... B4 Loca Hair........................................... B4 Scissors Hair Design.......................... D5 Shepherds Hair and Beauty................ A3 Shimmer & Slimmer........................... A4 Sportsline.......................................... D5 Storme Tanning.................................. E3 Tams Tattoos..................................... B4 Vincenzo........................................... C6 Health, Personal Care and Pharmaceuticals 8PM Chemist..................................... D3 Bhandal Dental Surgery...................... B4 Willenhall Shopping Guide Superstores 89 10 Boots the Chemist.............................. B4 Dr C R Pandit..................................... C3 Scrivens Optical & Hearing Centre....... D6 Supa Specs Express Ltd..................... D5 Superdrug Stores plc.......................... C4 Vantage Pharmacy............................. C4 Vision Care Direct Opticians................ B4 Willenhall Medical Centre (3 practices).. B2 Household Goods, Furniture and Home Appliance £1 Pound City.................................... B4 Budget Homestores............................ D5 Camberley Curtains & Blinds............ A10 Crazy Wicks....................................... D6 Direct Carpet Warehouse.................... D9 Furniture 4 Less................................. D2 Home City......................................... C4 Long Tall Lacey.................................. D5 MIS electrical .................................... D5 Panache............................................ C4 Sofa and Furniture Direct.................... D5 Square Deal Carpets & Bedding.......... C4 Wash-Vac Electrical........................... C4 Continued next page... 13 Willenhall Shopping Guide Housing & Insurance Baron Duke Property Services Ltd....... E4 Black Country Property Services......... A5 HV Amos........................................... C6 Paul Dubberley Estate Agents............. E4 Skitts................................................ E4 WHG Offices (open to the public)......... E2 Motor Vehicles A & J tyre service............................... A1 A & S Motors..................................... A9 B & J Bikes Ltd.................................. C8 Car Changers.................................... E7 George’s Auto Body Repairs................ D8 Morrisons garage .............................. B9 Phoenix Engines ............................... E2 SAS Bodyworx................................... A9 Sovereign Motors .............................. C8 The Reliant Centre........................... B10 Pet care 2 Cheep 4 Pet Food........................... B4 Animal Concern ................................ C3 Lockwood Animal Hospital.................. B9 Pubs & Restaurants Bengal Relish .................................... E6 Gilberts............................................. C1 Prince of Wales.................................. D9 Royal George..................................... E6 The Castle ........................................ E1 The Chamberlain Club Ltd.................. C5 The County........................................ E8 The Crown......................................... E7 The Falcon Inn .................................. C1 The Jewel Restaurant......................... E6 The Malthouse (Wetherspoons)........... E5 The Ring o’ Bells ............................... C8 The Three Crowns.............................. B3 Workers Rest..................................... C5 Ye Olde Toll House............................ C10 Services A - Z Private Hire............................... A4 ABC Day Nursery .............................. E8 Clean Care Centre.............................. C3 Computer Repair Centre .................... D6 Elegant Dry Cleaners ......................... D5 Post Office......................................... D7 Primrose Day Nursery ....................... C2 The Co-operative Funeral care............ D5 Unite Union........................................ D2 Willenhall Library............................... E7 Willenhall Police Station .................... D7 Shoes, Clothes and Accessories Arcs N Sparks Corporate Clothing....... E5 Bibby’s.............................................. B4 Blunts Shoes..................................... C4 Bridging the Gap................................ B4 Cancer Research UK.......................... B4 Cash 4 Clothes.................................. C2 Golden Girl........................................ D4 Isabella’s Wardrobe............................ C5 Lucie Mae Baby and Children’s........... D5 Olympic Shoes................................... D5 Paradise Babies and Children’s Fashions......................... C4 Ruffles.............................................. C4 Sara Lou Bridal & Men’s Formal Hire... E7 SL Jewellery/ DL Computers/ video games................................... D5 Sue Ryder Care.................................. B4 Tots & Teens...................................... C3 Walsall Hospice................................. C4 Solicitors, Legal & Mortgage Services FBC Manby Bowdler LLP.................... E3 Ian Henery Solicitors.......................... E5 J D Soliciors...................................... D9 MH Solicitors..................................... C6 Training and Recruitment Services Nova Training .................................... D6 Jobcentre Plus................................... B5 Reliant Recruitment............................ E3 Staff Select ....................................... D6 WHASAC........................................... D2 Miscellaneous AJ North Photography........................ A4 Fibbersley Park Children’s Centre........ C4 My Phone World................................. D5 Phone Shop..................................... C10 Prism Computer Solutions.................. B4 Tender Moments................................ D6 West Midlands House......................... E8 Wolverson X-ray............................... C10 Please mention “Willenhall is Wonderful” when contacting advertisers, thank you FRIENDS OF FIBBERSLEY LOCAL NATURE RESERVE The Friends of Fibbersley Local Nature Reserve, would like to bring you up to date with developments over the winter months. Litter, which is always a problem, has been kept under control, as the foliage allows this job to be completed with greater ease than when everything is in full bloom. Luckily we have a lady who never goes without her carrier bag, and almost always fills it, she does a wonderful job. Lots of litter gets ‘blown’ onto the reserve, but we do still get fly tipping occasionally. This means the council help with the disposal, but out team do the removal to a ‘pick up’ point. We also have a ‘Fund Raising’ lady, who organised a very successful stall on the Christmas Market in Willenhall, raising a goodly sum despite the cold weather. We have other members who have been busily erecting Bird Boxes, in good time for the nesting season. They not only erected them but made them too, all following the RSPB’s guidelines for hole sizes and positioning. 14 Special Newt Habitats have been made in a couple of spots, this with the guidance of the Ranger from the council’s Green Spaces section. If you would like to get involved please email glenicek@virginmedia.com for more information. Shop Smart Shop Local speed, agility and lightning reactions... everything you need to protect your business. From CCTV and Alarm monitoring, manned security to mobile response, consultancy and a whole lot more You only need dial one number... 0844 85 666 85 www.cougarmonitoring.com info@cougarmonitoring.com AD A5 GreyCat March2013_R1.indd 1 TM Cougar House Sapcote Trading Centre Powke Lane Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 5QR Security Guarding Key Holding 14/03/2013 16:27:30 15 Summer Spring into at HOT LS DEA Solar Lights 99P From NEW DESIGN Garden Sets Lay-Z-Spa Vegas Edition Fast Set Pool 8’x26” £399.99 £99.99 £29.99 From NEW FOR THIS YEAR Large Aluminium & Poly Carb Greenhouse £199.99 Large Walk In Greenhouse with Shelves £19.99 Arriving Mid March Tents From £9.99 New Cam& Improv Dep ping ed artm ent Visit our Newly Refurbished 60ltr Multi Purpose Compost £ 3.99Each or 3 for £9.99 10cm Primrose Pansies 89P Each or 3 for £2.00