improving students` vocabulary mastery trough crossword puzzle
improving students` vocabulary mastery trough crossword puzzle
IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY TROUGH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (A Classroom Action Research of the First Year Students of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010) GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in the English And Educational Department By : FELLA NURUS SHOFA NIM : 113 06 077 ENGLISH AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA 2010 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail: DECLARATION In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the most Merciful. Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other “people” ideas except the information from the reference. The writer capable account this for thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved of containing others idea or in fact the writer imitate the other thesis. This declaration is made by the writer to be understood. Salatiga, August 9th, 2010 Researcher FELLA NURUS SHOFA NIM 113 06 077 ii MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website : E-mail : Norwanto, M.Hum The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case Salatiga, August 9th, 2010 : Fella Nurus Shofa’s Graduating Paper Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Fella Nurus Shofa’s Graduating Paper entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY TROUGH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Classroom Action Research in the First Grade of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. Consultant, Norwanto. M. Hum NIP. 19751015 200212 1 006 iii MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website : E-mail : STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY TROUGH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Classroom Action Research in the First Grade of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010) FELLA NURUS SHOFA NIM. 113 06 077 Has been brought to the board of examiners in August, 31 th 2010 M / Romadlon, 21 th 1431 H, and hereby considered to completely fullfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in The English and Educational Faculty. August, 31th 2010 M Salatiga, Romadlon, 21th 1431 H Board of examiners Head Secretary Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag NIP. ……………………….. 1st examiner Drs. Rahmad Hariyadi NIP. …………………….. 2nd examiner Ari Setiawan, M.Pd NIP. ……………………….. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.pd NIP. …………………….. Consultant Norwanto, M.Hum NIP. …………………….. iv Motto Help Your Self, And God Will Help You Don’t Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today No Gain Without Pain v DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to: 1. My beloved father (Imam Muhdi) and my beloved mother (Mutmainnah), you are my sun in my world, thanks for your support, trust, finance, encouragement and everlasting prayer. 2. Mr. Zoemri RWS and Mrs. Umi Lathifah, thanks for your knowledge and your prayer. 3. My beloved old brother Miftahul Huda, you are my motivation and my spirit and my beloved young sister and brother: Fenni Ariska Nur Azizah and Abdul Mu’id Ardiansyah , thanks for your kindness, togetherness and your prayer. 4. My friends in TBI 06, especially TBI C. 5. Special thanks to my best friend “Azaq, Zaqie, Ella, Atik and Kaif”. I hope our friendship is never end together. 6. My friend and partner Kukuh, thanks for your support and cooperation to finish my thesis. 7. All STAIN Salatiga lecturers especially for those who have taught in my class. 8. The big family of MTs NU Salatiga. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Educational faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. This paper entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Crossword Puzzle (A Classroom Action Research of the First Year Students of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)” is presented as partial fulfillment for the Sarjana Degree at English Department of the Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN). In writing this paper, the writer is guidance and support by several people, so it can be finished, although there are still many mistakes. Hence, the writer would like to thank to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag, as a chief of Education Faculty. 3. Ruwandi, S. Pd. MA, as a previous chief of English Department, and Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, S. Pd.I. MA, that continues as chief of English Department. 4. Norwanto, M. Hum, as a consultant who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. 5. All of the lecturers in English department. vii 6. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of thesis administration. 7. My beloved father (Imam Muhdi) and mother (Mutmainnah), thanks all support, trust, finance, encouragement, and everlasting prayer. 8. Mr. Zoemri RWS and Mrs. Umi Lathifah, thanks for all knowledge and prayer. 9. My beloved brother and sister, thanks all support, care, accompanying, and praying. 10. The big families of MTs NU Salatiga. 10. All of my friends who have help me to finish this thesis. Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers, and the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the thesis. Salatiga, August 9th , 2010 Writer viii ABSTRACT Fella Nurus Shofa, IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY TROUGH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Classroom Action Research in the First Grade of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010) This study analyzed the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery trough Crossword puzzle. The objectives of the study are to know the influences of Crossword puzzle to the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery, to know the process of teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle, and to know the teaching and learning situation when Crossword puzzle is implemented in vocabulary instruction. The methodology of the study is collaborative classroom action research; that is the writer as a teacher in the teaching and learning process, and she has a partner as observer notes all of the process in learning activities. To find out the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery she used test, namely pre test and post test. She used two cycles. Each cycle comprised of two meetings. Each meeting consists of planning, implementation of the action, observation and reflection. The result of this research shows that the using of Crossword puzzle can improve the motivation, interest and especially students’ vocabulary mastery. It could be alternative game to attract student active learning. It is can be seen at the result of the score verbal of pre test and post test in each cycle that is the mean score of pre test in cycle I is 5,5, the mean score of pre test in cycle II is 6,2, the mean score of post test in cycle I is 6,15 and the mean score of post test in cycle II is 7,5 Keyword: Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary, Action Research ix TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ...................................................................................................... i DECLARATION...................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ......................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................... iv MOTTO ................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ......................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGENMENT ..................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ x LIST OF TABLE …………………………………………………………. xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.. The Background of the Study................................... 1 B. The Statement of the problem .................................. 3 C. The Objective of the Study ...................................... 4 D. The Significant of the Study..................................... 4 E. The definition of Term............................................. 6 F. The Review of Related Literature ............................ 8 G.. Hypothesis............................................................... 10 H. Methodology ........................................................... 10 I. The System of the Thesis Presentation ................. … 14 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW x A. The Definition of Vocabulary.................................. 16 B. The Kinds of Vocabulary ........................................ 17 C. Teaching Vocabulary .............................................. 18 D. Testing Vocabulary ................................................ 24 E. The Definition of Crossword Puzzle........................ 25 F. The Definition of Classroom Research .................... 30 G. The Characteristic of Action Research..................... 31 CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A. The General Description of MTs NU Salatiga 1. The General Situation of MTs NU Salatiga …….. 33 2. The Identity of School ……………………………34 B. The Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools.... 34 C. The Situation of the Teachers and Staffs ................. 35 D. The Situation of the Students................................... 37 E. Organization Structure of MTs NU Salatiga ............ 38 CHAPTER IV THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STUDY A. Field Note 1. Cycle I ............................................................... 39 2. Cycle I ............................................................... 55 B. Score Verbal of Students Achievement 1. Score Verbal of Cycle I …………………….68 2. Score Verbal of Cycle II …………………….71 xi CHAPTER V CLOSURE B. Conclusion............................................................. 76 C. Implication............................................................. 77 D. Suggestion ............................................................. 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX xii LIST OF TABLE TABLE 3.1 Educational Facilities and Tools in Mts Nu Salatiga in Academic Year of 2009/2010 TABLE 3.2 The Situation of the Teacher and Staff of Mts Nu Salatiga in Academic Year of 2009/2010 TABLE 3.3 The Situation of the Students of Mts Nu Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010 Figure 4.1 Organization Structure of MTs NU TABLE 4.4 Score of Pre Test in Cycle I TABLE 4.5 Score of Post Test in Cycle I TABLE 4.6 Score of Pre Test in Cycle II TABLE 4.7 Score Of Post Test in Cycle I xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study English is considered as an international language. It is used to communicate by people in internationals events. Moreover, English is also used to develop science and technology. Since English becomes the first foreign language in Indonesia and it is used as a major subject in junior and senior high school, students are expected to master four English skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. English is also taught in elementary and Pre School although it is only an introduction for the students. Generally, to master four English skills, a student has to master the elements of English language, such as vocabulary, structure, sociolinguistics etc. In fact, to use the foreign language, firstly students must master vocabulary, because it is important element to master foreign language. Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral in written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners from learning a foreign language (Fauziati, 2002:155). 1 The status of vocabulary within the curriculum has varied considerably over the years, it suffered significant neglect during the 1950 and 1960s when Audiolingualims had a dominant influence on methodology, but made something of a comeback during the1970s under the influence of communicative language teaching (Nunan, 1991:116). Usually, the first material to teach to children is vocabulary. As we know that the beginners in learning English always find difficulties in learning and mastering the new vocabularies. It can be understood because they have never used the language before and English language is decided to become the foreign language and as the second language. Teacher also find the difficulties on the teaching and learning process in making the students understand the vocabulary that they learn. Most of the English teachers always use the traditional method in teaching vocabulary. They usually read the new words or write them on the blackboard and ask the students to repeat some of word after the teacher. The teacher expects the student to be able to memorize the words as soon as possible and as many as possible. The problem that commonly appears is that the students easily forget the words and will make the students get bored while they are reading some reading materials. According to Hadfield (1999:4), remembering new words is hard. Words are slippery things, before people know it, they have wriggled away and are gone. Students have to go through three distinct processes. They have to fix the meaning 2 of the word in their minds, they have somehow to make the word their own and they have to use the word creatively in context from themselves. Based on the explanation, students need new technique or new method in their English teaching and learning. One method that can make the students interest in learning English language is through games. The games provide a variety of techniques and varieties is important in language teaching. The games will make students enjoy to following the materials. Based on the explanation above, the researcher tries to combine the lesson in the classroom which is boring with the game which interest children. That is the reason why the researcher has chosen the title of this thesis “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY TROUGH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (A Classroom Action Research Of The First Year Students Of MTs NU Salatiga In The Academic Year Of 2009/2010)” B. The Statement of the Problem. Based on the background of the study, many problems arise. Some problems that can be identified are as follows: 1. Does technique or model with using the crossword puzzle influence the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery of the First year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010? 2. How is the process of teaching vocabulary using the crossword puzzle of the First year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010? 3 3. How is the teaching and learning situation when Crossword puzzle is implemented in vocabulary instruction? C. The Objective of the Study. Related with above assumption, the researcher aims to know: 1. To know some influences of the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery of the First year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010 using the games technique, which is with crossword puzzle. 2. To know the process of teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle of the First year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010. 3. To know the teaching and learning situation when Crossword puzzle is implemented in vocabulary instruction. D. The Significant of the study The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information about the level of the students’ vocabulary mastery. Inferentially, the result of this research can give information about the intensity of the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through the crossword puzzle, and the researcher hopes that the research of the using of crossword puzzle in teaching and learning vocabulary will be useful for both, for the teachers, the students and the school of MTs NU Salatiga in academic year of 2009/2010. 4 1. For the Teachers The positive result of this research can support the English teachers to apply this technique in teaching vocabulary, and the teacher can change their traditional methods in teaching English language especially in teaching vocabulary. They can use the new methods to make the student enjoy and relax in teaching learning process, and teachers not are confused anymore in choosing the appropriate technique to the student. 2. For The Students. The positive result of this research can support the students to increase vocabulary mastery. Teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle can make the students relax in teaching learning process, because with this game students can improve their learning vocabulary mastery easily without any difficulties and they can get the fun. 3. For the School. The positive result of this research can support the school to develop the mediums of English teaching and learning such as add the some pictures, puzzle or the other medium to increase the students’ English skill. School can give the recommendation to the teachers in order to use the appropriate methods, and the more effective methods in learning vocabulary, than they will master the English skill and it can give the great effects to the school. 5 E. Definition of Terms 1. Improving Improving is the process of becoming or making to the better (Oxford University press, 2003:216). In other dictionary, we can find the word improve which means to make better in quality or to make more productive (Danbury, 2004:487). Some theories give the definitions about “improves” as the activities to rise on the productivity or value of land or property (, 16 January 10:55). 2. Students On the teaching and learning process, there are some elements to support the process of teaching and learning. Some elements of this process are such as teacher, students, material etc. The once of crucial elements are students. Student is a person attending an educational intuition, for example high school or collage, one studying anything, one devoted to careful and systematic study (Grolier, 1974:972). Meanwhile, there are some definitions about the word of students. Student can give the meaning of one who enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university or a learned person (especially in the humanities), someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines (, 16 January 11:00). 6 3. Vocabulary Vocabulary is the stock of words used by people, or a particular uses or person, or a list of collection of the word of a language, book, author, and branch of science or the like, in alphabetical order and defined (Webster, 1981:2560). Other definition says that vocabulary is a collection of word alphabetized a dictionary and the collection of word one knows and uses (Http: //, 16 January 11:10). Grolier also says that vocabulary is a list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated a lexicon or glossary. All the word of language, the sum of word used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular person, social group, profession, trade or the like (Grolier, 1981:112). 4. Crossword. Crossword is one game that can be used in teaching and learning process, because this game will make brain get the stimuli trough the letters that becomes the some words. Crossword is a puzzle in which checkered square with blank spaces must be filled in with interlocking words (reading horizontally and vertically) deduced from clues (Danbury, 2004:231). 7 In other words, a crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or rectangular grid of white and shaded squares (http://en /crossword, 16 January 11:30). 5. Puzzle Puzzle is to perplex with a question, to discover or resolve by long cogitation. Puzzle also can give the definition as a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to solve by ingenuity or patient effort (, 16 January 11:35). F. Review of Related Literature. In this research, the writer takes two previous researches. Susiani is the first one, when she was made a thesis to finish her study. The purpose of that research project is to find out students English achievement on reading using mind-mapping method in the classroom. She chooses classroom action research in her research. Untitled “The Use of Mind-Mapping to Improve English Achievement on Reading of the Second Year Students of Mts Al-Ittihad Pabelan in the Academic Year of 2008/2009 (Classroom Action Research)”. She chooses collaborative action research, which the role of the teacher is carrying out of action plan on classroom, and she as observer notes all of the process in learning activities. She uses qualitative and quantitative approach. She use qualitative approach to explain and described student interest and student motivation toward English lesson, and use quantitative approach to find out the student achievement 8 toward English lesson. Therefore, she use Pre test and Post test to knowing the result of student achievement toward her English lesson. She uses two cycles with four meetings in the classroom. In each meeting, when the teacher taught the students, she just as observer and make notes of all the process of teaching and learning. The result is the majority of students’ achievement in English lesson especially in reading had improved with the using of mind-mapping method than before using that method. The second study had been done by Joko Nugroho Edy Santosa untitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Trough Ostensive Means”. The objectives of his research are to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery and to find out whether the students are active or not in teaching learning process. His reason to chosen those title is he looked the students in junior high school that he done his research also passive in teaching and learning process. He also chosen collaborative action research, and also used Pre-test and Post-test to find the mind score of the students. He used three cycles in this research. The result of this action research is the using of ostensive means can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery and make the students more active then before. 9 G. Hypothesis The researcher tries to determine the hypothesis of the research. The hypothesis of this research is “There is an improvement toward the students’ vocabulary mastery using the Crossword puzzle.” H. Methodology 1. The setting of the Research The research will be conducted at MTs NU located on Jl. Kartini No 2 Salatiga. The object of this research is the students of first grade in academic year of 2009/2010. The students are from various areas with various level economic families. Most of the students have the difficulties in vocabulary score and they have under average ability. 2. The Methods of Research The research method used in this study is action research. There are some definitions of action research. The first definition is given by Kemmis that action research is from of collective self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order to improve the rationally and justice of their own social or educational practices, as well as understanding of this practices and the situation in which these practices are carried out (Wibawa, 2003:7). The second definition of action research is the research which is done by the teachers on their class through self reflective inquiry with the aim to 10 make the better work to improve the result of students learning (Aqib, 2009:3). 3. The Procedures of Research This study used classroom action research, so in this case the writer used some steps as kemmis stated. There are two cycles in this action research and in each cycle, there are four steps. The procedures are as follows: a. Planning The activities the planning is: 1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the action. 2) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring. 3) Preparing teaching aids. 4) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied) 5) Preparing a test (to know whether students’ vocabulary improve or not) b. Action 1) Giving pre test. 2) Teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle. 3) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problem. 11 4) Asking the students some questions orally and students have to answer orally in the empty space of crossword puzzle about the theme. 5) Giving post test. c. Observation Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the data observation can be systematically used to observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling, thinking and something they do in teaching learning process. The researcher plans this observation fixable and writes something that happened in the classroom (Sukandarrumidi, 2004:69). d. Reflection Reflection seeks to make sense of process, problems and real issues in strategic action. It took account of the comprehending the issues and circumstances in which they arose. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, it asks the writer to weight the experience, to judge whether effects were desirable, and suggest ways of proceeding. The writer’s reflection is done by discussing with his collaborator. Then the next cycle can decided or designed. 4. Technique of Collecting the Data. a. Observation Observation plays a crucial role not only for classroom research, but also more generally for supporting the professional growth of teachers 12 and in the process of school development. The writer (teacher) and the observer choose partnership observation or collaborative observation. In this observation the writer uses one technique, which is using field note. b. Test Test in simple term is a number measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3). The writer using pre test and post test. Pre test is given to the student before the teacher use her method in the teaching and learning process, and post test is given after the students receiving the method from the teacher. Pre test and Post test used to knowing the differences of the students’ ability before and after the teacher use her method. 5. Data Analysis Method The writer analysis data by using the following techniques: 1. Test The test is first conducted before getting data, the writer uses pre and post test. Pre test is used to know the student ability by using the same test material and same level of difficulty, and post test is given after they were given different treatment to know the result of the different treatment. 2. Technique of Data Analysis To analyze the data of the research, the writer uses Mean formula 13 M = Σx Ν Explanation: M = Mean x = the sum of students’ value N = the number of subject I. The Outline of the Research This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter I contains of introduction which covers the background of the study; the theoretical framework, hypothesis, the methodology of research, the procedures of research that there are 3 cycles which consist of planning, action, observation and reflection, than technique of collecting data and technique of data analysis. In chapter II, the writer presents the review of related literature of the study be describing theoretical foundation and research hypothesis, which consist of the meaning vocabulary, the kinds of vocabulary, how to teaching and testing vocabulary, the meaning of Crossword puzzle, the using of game or crossword puzzle in the process of teaching and learning, the strengths and weaknesses of the using of crossword puzzle, and the definition of classroom action research. 14 In chapter III the writer present about the brief report of research that consist of general situation of MTs NU Salatiga. The histories of the school, geographical placed the education condition of teacher and students, the condition of the medium and the infrastructure. In chapter IV the writer presents the data analysis of the data interpretation that discusses the result of the test. In chapter, V the writer ends the thesis by giving conclusion and suggestion. Appendixes Bibliography 15 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED THEORY A. The Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is a list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated a lexicon or glossary. All the words of language, the sum of words used by, understood by, or the command of a particular person, social group, profession, trade or the like (Grolier, 1981:112). Based on Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary (2003:482), vocabulary is all the words that a person knows or uses, all the words in a language, list of words with their meanings. While based on the New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of English language, vocabulary is the stock of word used by a people, or a particular uses or person, or a list of collection of the word of a language, book, author, and branch of science, or the like, in alphabetical order and defined (Darnbury, 2004:). However a new vocabulary item may be more than a single word, for example: post-office, mother-in-law, etc, which are constructed of more than one word but expressing one single meaning unit. The beginners often manage to communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words. 16 A learner, recognizing the communicative power of vocabulary, might reasonably aim to acquire a working knowledge of large number of words. But getting to be on familiar terms with vocabulary is quite difficult. In learning vocabulary, it is important for the students to understand the meaning of the new language that they are learning and the teacher also need to know whether the students have understood the new language, so that they can organize their teaching accordingly. An important consideration for teachers planning vocabulary work is the distinction between productive and receptive vocabulary. We all understand many more words than we actually use in everyday situation. The receptive vocabulary is the set of words that recognize and understand, but tend not to use ourselves (Scrivener, 1994:74). B. The Kinds of Vocabulary According to Harris (1969:48) teacher usually used active or passive vocabulary to test the students’, those are the words they should use in their speech and writing or those they will need merely to comprehend, especially in their reading. Scivener (1994:74) divide vocabulary into two kinds, namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Receptive or passive vocabularies are words that the students recognize and understand when they occur in a context, but which he can not produce correctly it means in reading or 17 listening. On the other hand, productive or active vocabulary is the set of words that student recognize and understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking or writing. The kinds of vocabulary are needed in the advanced level, for example, written passage such as newspaper, literature, textbook, etc. the readers of those are asked to get the message of information by understanding but not to reproduce speech or written such as conclusion. The teacher can decide which words he should on the basis of how frequently they are used by the speaker of the language. The words which are commonly used are the one he should teach first. Like the word “table” which means a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one more legs is more commonly used for the first language learners than the word “table” which means list of facts or figures systematically arranged, especially in columns. The decision about what vocabulary to teach and learn will be heavily influenced by information that people get concerning with it is frequency and use. But this information will be assessed in light of other consideration such as topic, function, structure, needs and wants. C. Teaching Vocabulary According to Fauziati (2002:155) vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical language learners. It is important for students 18 to master English Vocabulary because it will support the students’ ability to master the four language skill that is reading, speaking, writing and listening. Teaching is a very personal activity, and it is not surprising that individual teacher being to teaching very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes the effective teaching (Richard, 1994:36). In the process teaching and learning of second language, especially English language, usually terms of this language is taught separately. For example, teachers have the different time to teach vocabulary or to teach the others basic skills of the target language. Teaching vocabulary is very important in the studying second language, because vocabulary is the basic material to master the four language skills that is speaking, reading, writing and listening. Without understanding the new words, the students will get the difficulties to studying English language. The other reason is vocabulary is the central of language and of critical importance to typical language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, some one can not communicate effectively or express his ideas in both of oral and written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners from learning a foreign language. The status of vocabulary within the curriculum and a attitude of foreign language teachers toward vocabulary instruction have varied considerably over the years. Some teachers usually using the Grammar Translation Method or Direct Method to teaching vocabulary (Fauziati, 2002:157158). 19 In teaching vocabulary, teacher should make the students to always keep their memorization and ask the students to always replay and practice the new words, because memory is very important in language learning especially vocabulary. Memorization and seriousness are the basic element in the teaching and learning vocabulary. The teacher can activate these notions, provide the essential vocabulary for them, and discover gaps in the learner’s knowledge. This is a typical form of pre-teaching of vocabulary before say, reading a text, or listening to a tape on a new subject. The presentation of vocabulary in the classroom is very much from the teacher’s point of view, but success in the vocabulary lesson crucially depends on the interaction between teachers and learners and on the work the learners themselves put in the assimilation and practicing of new words. The process of teaching and learning vocabulary is consider the mechanism of teacher-learners interaction in the transmission of new words and new meanings, the strategies adopted by learners to achieve their goals in vocabulary learning, and the ways in which they put their limited lexical resources to use (McCharty, 1990:121). There are some problems in learning foreign language especially English language. In Indonesia English language used as foreign language, and students almost never use English language in their activity. This is giving some effects in the process of teaching and learning English language that is some students feel difficulties in learning English language. 20 The once problem in teaching vocabulary According to Thornburry (2002:23) is the students easily forget the new word have just learned, because English is the foreign language in our country, and learning process, so students have the some problem to remembering the new words, to achieve the kind of outcomes described in the but to remember them. In fact, learning is remembering. Unlike the learning of grammar, which is essentially a rule-based system, vocabulary knowledge is largely a question of accumulating individual item. In the process of teaching and learning vocabulary not only the teacher that must be active, but also the students must be more active in the teaching and learning process. According to McCharty (1990:181) active learners seem to make similar contribution to those of the teachers in classroom interaction, they accept to organize new words in relation to words already known, they define and paraphrase words and try using words in example. Learners adopt a number of strategies for coping with new vocabulary, but not all learners are equally good at maximizing their strategic resource. Medani (1998) studied a range of strategies, including what students did to memorize words, how they used dictionaries, how they used the teacher as informant, how they practice using new words and how they took notes. Fauziati said that there are some classroom techniques in teaching and learning vocabulary depend on the teacher in the using of their method in the classroom. The some technique that usually used in the classroom is: 21 1. Semantic Network A semantic network consists of word which share semantic features or semantic component. The word are introduced within a network in which the enlargement takes place by means of grids, words from some semantics field are subjected to a modified componential analysis. 2. Memorization Language scholars have a long been concerned with the important role of memory in second language learning. The more often or the more intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association will be and the more likely it will be recalled. Vocabulary card system and games seems to be the most effective and practical way of memorization to accomplish new vocabulary. It is a technique which relies on repetitive rote memorization to combat forgetting, and recently this technique more practice in the classroom activity in learning and teaching vocabulary. 3. Context Developing vocabulary can be managed through inferring word meaning from context. Since guessing word meaning from its context is quite possible. 4. Definition Clues The obvious type of context slue is a direct statement of the meaning of a new term by an author. Usually this occurs in text book writing when he is aware that the word is new to the reader and takes time to give an accurate 22 definition of the term. Students should notice the various types of definition clue, such as sentence using be synonym and etc. A simple vocabulary lesson at beginner or elementary level might involve the teacher using techniques such as to introduce the learners to a short list of new words if the words are related to each other in same way. The teaching of new vocabulary would probably be followed by a practice activity in which the learners could find ways to use the words that they had just met or revised (Scrivener, 1994:80). According to Scrivener, there are some roles of vocabulary in the classroom, five initial conclusions: - Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with systematically in its own right; it is not simply and adds on to grammar or skills lessons. - Teachers job does not finish as soon as a learner has first met some new vocabulary, teacher need to help students’ practice, learn, store, recall and use the items. - Training in the use of English-English dictionaries provides learners with a vital tool for self-study. - Teacher need to distinguish between vocabulary for ‘productive’ use and for ‘receptive’ recognition and adapt teacher’s classroom work appropriately. - Teacher need to deal not only with single word lexical items, but also with longer, multi word items. 23 D. Testing Vocabulary Test in simple term is a number measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3). Once of the ways to knowing the students’ development or students’ understanding about the material is through test. In any consideration of educational testing, a distinction must be drawn between the rather informal, teacher made test of the classroom and those formal. Classroom tests are generally prepared, administered, and scored by one teacher (Harris, 1969:1). There are many published exercise on vocabulary. These include: - Matching pictures to words - Matching parts of words to other parts - Matching words to other words, example: synonym, opposites, sets of related words, etc. - Using prefixes and suffixes to build, new words from given words. - Using given words to complete a specific task. - Filling in crossword, girds or diagrams. - Memory games Many such tasks seem to be designed for students working on their own, but can easily be used in class. For the better, teacher should give some test to students appropriate with their situation and their skill in order to can get the good result in the learning of English language. 24 E. The Definition of Crossword Puzzle According to the New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English language, crossword puzzle is a puzzle in which checkered square with blank space must be filled in with interlocking words (reading horizontally and vertically) deduced from clues. In teaching and learning process, this game can be practiced by ask the class to look back over words that they have studied in the class to or three days. This could now continue as a competitive team game or as a class effort, trying to make the grid as big as possible. The students could take over the writing once the rules have been established. It might help to divide the board up into squares beforehand, through the game work well enough without, so long as the writing is clear (Scivener, 1994:108). This game can use in teaching vocabulary, because through crossword puzzle, the students can think and playing the letters to make some words and to improve their vocabulary mastery. Using games is an activity with rules a goal and an element of fun. In teaching vocabulary, the using of games in the methodology of language teaching is very important and interesting, this is caused by many teachers still use the traditional words and expect the students to memorize the words as soon as possible and as much as possible (Hadfield, 1999:4). Research on teaching and learning process suggests that the notion of activity is a central to an understanding of teaching. It influence both how 25 teachers conceptualize teaching as well as the ways they organize their lesson (Richard and Lockhart, 1994:161). Besides crossword puzzle, according to Hadfield (1999:5) there are some kinds of games that can be used in teaching and learning process, some of them are: 1. Guessing games, the player with the information deliberately withholds it, while others guess what it might be. 2. Search games are another variant, involving the whole class. In these games everyone in the class has once piece of information. Players must obtain all or a large amount of the information available to fill in a chart or picture or to solve a problem. Each student is thus simultaneously a giver and a collector of information. 3. Matching games are based on a differ principle, but also involve a transfer of information. These involve matching corresponding pairs of cards or pictures, and may be played as a whole class activity, where everyone must circulate until they find a partner with a corresponding card or picture. 4. Role play games players are given the name and some characteristics of a fictional character. 5. Labeling games involve matching labels to items in a picture. Besides those games there are many others games that can be used by the teacher in their teaching and learning English language. 26 In the other hand, besides the using games as a method, the using of crossword in teaching and learning medium is give the crucial rules, because it is as the server of stimuli of information, attitude, and others. Medium is also giving the role to arrange the steps of development to give the stimulus and response (Asmawir and Usman, 2002:13). The using of Crossword puzzle also can make fun learning to the students. According to Norwanto (2006:36) fun learning can be an alternative for language teacher to overcome this inconvenient class. It will create natural like condition in language learning and reduce psychological threat. Even though fun learning gives great advantages, the teacher have to still work hard to keep the class runs on the rail. The teachers have to remind the students to speak on the target language; the students, especially foreign language ones, use their native language frequently. There are some ways to run fun learning games. Dobson (1987) gives some suggestions in order to insure the maximum success with any games teachers select. They are: 1. Make thorough preparation for the games. 2. Before introducing a game to the class, ask the students if they think hey would enjoy this kind of activity. 3. Choose a game that allows as many students as possible to participate. 4. Be sure that the game you select is within the range of your student’s ability. 27 5. Give the directions to the game very clearly, making sure that every one exactly how to play. And the other ways that can be appropriated with the students and the condition of class. Crossword puzzle also include in the simulation game. Simulation game is a situation game either physical and or social that is a smaller scale form of a large operation or system. Its main purposes are to motivate and involve students in real life situations (Zenger, 1977:126). Logically, the teaching of English will not by boring anymore if the teacher uses the interest mediums in order to student have the more spirit to following the teaching and learning activities. The using of crossword puzzle is once of medium and methodology that will make students can playing with the words. By using crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary, the researcher expects that it will be interesting, so the problem of teaching vocabulary can be solved. Designing a review test as a crossword puzzle invites immediate engagement and participation. A crossword puzzle can be completed individually or in teams. According to Silberman (1996:162) there are some procedures in the using of crossword puzzle in teaching and learning process of English language. The procedures are: The first step is to brainstorm several key terms or names related to the course of study you have completed. 28 1. Construct a simple crossword puzzle, including as many of these items as you can. Darken spaces you do not need. (Note: if it is too difficult to create a crossword puzzle with these items, include fun items, no related to the class, as fillers). 2. Create clues for the crossword items. Use any of the following kinds: - A short definition - A category in which the items fits - An example an opposite 3. Distribute the puzzle to students, either individually or in teams. 4. Set a time limit. Award a prize to the individual or team with the most correct items. Besides the procedures, there are some variations in the using of crossword puzzle. 1. Have the entire group work cooperatively to complete the crossword puzzle. 2. Simplify the puzzle by deciding on one word that has been key to the entire course. Write it in horizontal crossword squares. Use words that summarize other points in the training session and fit them vertically into the key words. In fact, some methods or games in the teaching and learning process have the strength and weaknesses. The advantages of the using of Crossword Puzzle in the teaching vocabulary are: 1. In teaching vocabulary the using of Crossword puzzle is effective, because students can feel relax and enjoy in the teaching and learning process. 29 2. Every student can memorize some words quickly in the short time without feeling borrowed. 3. Requires each student to become actively involved. 4. Teach to the student to think quickly, active and responsive. 5. Can aid students in learning how to think critically and objectively. 6. Easy to play. Besides have the more advantages, the using of Crossword puzzle also have some disadvantages. That is: 1. May be only fun with no planned objectives in mind. 2. Can be difficult to evaluate individuals. F. The Definition of Classroom Research More than ten years ago, classroom action research was known and spoken in educational world. To know the meaning of classroom action research, according to Arikunto (2008:2-3) there are three words that make those means. So, there are three definitions that can be explained. 1. Research is an activity to observe the object by using of ways and methodologies to get the useful data or information to improve the quality of thing and that is necessary for researcher. 2. Action is a movement activity deliberately with a specific purpose. 30 3. Class in this case is not bound by the terms of the classroom, but in a more specific sense. The means of class in this case is a group of students who are in the same time; receive the same lesson from the same teacher as well. According to Aqib (2009:3), classroom action research is the research which is done by the teachers on their class through self reflective inquiry with the aim to make the better work to improve the result of students learning. In the other definition says that action research is a type of applied of social research differing from other varieties in the immediacy of the researcher’s involvement in the action process. Some social scientists have differentiated action research from the larger field of applied research by the existence of a client with a problem to be solved (Rudduck and Hopkinds, 1985:56). G. The Characteristic of Action Research The fundamental aim of action research is to improve practice rather than to produce knowledge. The production and utilization of knowledge is subordinate to, and conditioned by, this fundamental aim. The kinds of join reflection about the relationship in particular circumstances between processes and products is a central characteristic of what schon has called reflective practice and others, including myself, have termed action research (Elliot, 1991:50). According to Aqib (2009:3) there are some characteristics in the classroom action research. Some of them are followed as: 1. An inquiry of practice from within 31 2. Self-Reflective inquiry 3. The focus of research is teaching and learning activity 4. The aim of classroom action research is to improve teaching and learning activity In the other hand, besides have some characteristic, classroom action research also have some benefit. It is useful to the teacher, students and school. The benefit of classroom action research to the teacher is: - to help the teacher to improve their teaching and learning process - to help the teacher to develop professionally - improving teacher’s confidence - give the opportunities to the teacher to developing their knowledge and skills actively The benefit of classroom action research to the students is to increase the process of study and give the critical attitude toward the result of their study. The benefit of classroom action research to school is helping the school to developing their quality, because there are some improvement on the teacher and education in the school. Besides have some advantages, classroom action research also have disadvantages, that is the validity of data is still give the great questions and impossible to doing generalization, because the sample is only classroom from the teacher that become teacher and researcher. 32 CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A. The General Description of MTs NU Salatiga 1. The General Situation of MTs NU Salatiga The name of this school is MTs NU Salatiga that was opened in 1956. The location is at Jl Kartini No. 02 Salatiga, Sidorejo lor, kecamatan Sidorejo, Salatiga, Central Java 50174. This location was strategic, because in the middle of Salatiga town. The wide of this institution location is about ± 4697 m², with the details of building is 1214 m², yard is 186 m², sport field is 400 m², garden 600 m², and others is 2.297 m². The limit of the region of MTs NU are north borders on the road Kartini, east borders on the Maju Jaya iron store and south borders on trench. When viewed from strategic location, MTs NU have the plenty of excess. The excess is accessible from all directions. Besides the advantages, of course, also have a deficiency that is less conducive to teaching and learning process because it is close to the hustle and noise of the highway. MTs NU Salatiga is permanently subsidized by the government. The facilities are text books, teachers and officials. The students of MTs Nu Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010 are 246 pupils. They consist of 82 students of the first year, 59 students of the second year and 105 students of the third year. 33 MTs Nu has eight classrooms, which cover the first grade has 3 classrooms, 2 classrooms for second grade and three classrooms for third grade. 2. The Identity of School 1. Name : Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nahdlotul Ulama (MTs NU) Salatiga 2. Address : Jl. Kartini No. 02 Salatiga 3. Phone Number : (0298) 324255 4. School Status : Private 5. Established : 1956 6. Head Master : Drs. Muh Syamsul B. The Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools TABLE 3.1 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AND TOOLS IN MTs NU SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009/2010 Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Facilities Classroom Administration room Head master room Teacher room Library Computer lab Musholla Health room Skills space Total 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 Condition Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine C. The Situation of The Teacher And Staff TABLE 3.2 THE SITUATION OF THE TEACHER AND STAFF OF MTs NU SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009/2010 Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 Name Drs. Muh Syamsul Nur Majid Siti Fatimah, S. Pd Suharman Busyaeri Kartini, SS Iin Indah Kurniawati Status Uswatun Hasanah, S.PdI Arzuqoh, S.Ag Sri Supadmi, S.Pd Tulus Mono, S.Pd, M.Si Su’udi Mahbub, S.Ag M. Sidiq AS Muhtadi, S.Pd Ali Munabah, S.PdI Luluk Mudiarti Zahara Lu’luah, S.Pd Paini Tasdikul Choiri, S.Ag Rio Abinowo Lamidi Ngatman Mugiono 35 Head master Teacher of Ke-NU-an Teacher of Physic Teacher of Arabic language Teacher of Literacy of Al Qur’an Teacher of Javanese language Teacher of Informatics and Communication Techniques Teacher of English Language Teacher of Skill and Civic Society Teacher of Arts and Culture Teacher of Mathematics Teacher f Indonesian Language Teacher of Morals Teacher of Sports Teacher of Biology Teacher of the History of Islam Teacher of Self Development Teacher of Mathematics Librarian Teacher of Hadist and Holy Qur’an Head of Administration Security Guard Gardener D. The Situation of The Students TABLE 3.3 THE SITUATION OF THE STUDENTS OF MTs NU SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009/2010 Number 1. 2. 3. Class I II III Total Total Class 3 2 3 8 Male 39 32 61 115 Female 43 27 44 112 Total 82 59 105 246 E. Organization Structure Figure 4.1 Organization Structure of MTs NU Salatiga Religion Department YAYASAN Educational Department Head Master Commitee Official Head Vice Head Master of Curriculum Vice Head Master of Students Affair Public Relation Data & ADM Elder Members of Students’ Organization Supervisor Conseling Coordinator Library PMR Scout Teacher STUDENTS 36 CHAPTER IV THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STORY A. Field Note In this implementation, we (researcher and observer) has arranged two cycles. In each cycle, the steps are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. 1. Cycle I a. Meeting I 1) Planning The first activity in this research is planning. The activities prepared: a) Materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action. b) List of the students’ name c) Teaching aids (e.g. flash card, picture, real thing, real thing model, crossword puzzle, etc). d) Sheet of the classroom observation e) Test (pre test and post test) 2) The Implementation of the Action On Monday, 03 May 2010 the teacher (the writer) entered her English class, and greeted students, introduced her self, gave some 37 information about the activities that would be done and introduced the mode of presentation in studying vocabulary. The steps were students as follows filled in the crossword puzzle that was prepared by the teacher and played game together. Before starting the lesson, the teacher gave pre test for about 30 minutes. After having pre test, she began to teach vocabulary. She told the students: “Okay students, you will study vocabulary with theme kitchen and sub theme kitchen tools and all of thing in the kitchen. I have some words related to the theme, and before you mentioned some words we will played with the words. You must fill in the blank in this crossword puzzle with some letters according to the clues. Do you understand?” Yes Mom… (Students answered the teacher’s question together), and then there was a student who asked to the teacher. “Tapi siapa saja yang bisa mengisi teka teki silang ini bu? (But, who can fill that crossword puzzle mom?)” and then teacher said:” To the students that knew the answers, please raise your hand and then I will choose who will answer, okay… are you agree?”. “Okay mom…” Students answered together. All of the students then kept silent, and took a look at the teacher carefully. Then the teacher (writer) began reading a clue. Teacher read some clues or questions with English language to add the students’ vocabulary. 38 Teacher read the first question:” Listen carefully… what the thing that used to fry?” Then one of the students asked to the teacher about what the meaning of fry, and teacher explained to all students that the meaning of “fry” is “menggoreng”. “Come on who can fill the empty box in the white board please raise your hand, there are nine letters” teacher said. There was a student who raised his hand and then teacher asked him to write his answered in the white board. Then teacher said “Okay… very good, the answer is frying pan.” She asked to the students to read that word together and the students said “frying pan” together. Then teacher asked to the students: “what the meaning of frying pan?” the students answered together:” Wajan atau penggorengan…” “Very good” teacher said. The students looked enthusiasm and enjoyed with this game. Even they were struggled with their friends to fill the crossword puzzle but the teacher gave explanation that all of them would get the opportunity to fill the crossword puzzle. The teacher then read the second clues;” Okay students…. It is the second question, what is it? It is used to eat!” Almost all students raised their hand for filling the crossword puzzle. Then the teacher pointed one of the students and then he filled the empty box in the white board and wrote “plate”.” Is this true or false?” Teacher asked to the students and the students answered “True” together. 39 Almost of the students answered the teacher’s questions, they were very crowded and active to fill the Crossword puzzle. They were active to think about the answer of the question and they were also active to raise their hands in order to get the opportunity to fill that puzzle. Teacher took a rest for a moment to prepare the next question. “Cepat dong bu, saya sudah tidak sabar (Quickly please mom… I’m not patient to play it.)” one of the students said to the teacher. Then the teacher read the next question. Teacher :” Attention please…! It is the next clues. It is the thing to cut some foods. What it is? Okay please raise your hand if you can answer this question, there are five empty boxes in the white board.” Almost of the students raised their hands, but the teacher chose one of the students that kept silent. “Okay, can you try to answer this question?” Teacher asked to that student, and he just said “yes” to the teacher. Then that student filled the puzzle with “Knife”, and then teacher asked to all of the students. “Benar atau salah? (Is this true or false?)”. Then almost all of the students said,” True mom…” Then the teacher asked to that student to come back to his chair and teacher continued game. Then students found the word “glass, oven, grater, sifter, spatula, grill, match”. 40 Teacher :” Okay students… Time is up. Attention please! Apakah kalian ingin bermain puzzle seperti ini lagi? (Do you want to play this game again?)” Students :” Bu…Besok main kayak gini lagi ya bu… (Mom… tomorrow plays this game again… okay mom?) Teacher :” Okay… tomorrow we will play this game.” Teacher encouraged for them to always memorize the words that were studied, and teacher asked to the students to practice those words in their daily activities. Teacher :” Thank you for your attention, I hope you will be ready yet more for tomorrow, see you again.” Students :” See You!” 3) Observation In the first meeting writer and observer (collaborator) observed teaching learning process. By monitoring the students’ activity in this action we can see that the students were not ready yet when the teacher (writer) come to class. It can be seen for the students’ attitude that confused when the teachers (writer) explained about the activity that would be done. They were not familiar with the new teacher and the English lesson is after break, so they looked busy and the condition was noisy. 41 After teacher gave Pre test, students looked enthusiastic. Students who knew the answer actively filled the crossword puzzle. The male students were more active than female students, so the male students answered the questions more. Most of the students did enthusiastically and they were struggled with their friends to answer the clues. They looked happy and enjoyed with the teaching and learning process. Firstly, the class was not conducive; after the teacher gave Pre-test the class was conducive until the end of the lesson. A good point is when the teacher was closed the meeting they asked to the teacher and hoped to use crossword puzzle again for the next meeting. 4) Reflection After analyzing the result of meeting I, the teacher (writer), and observer can conclude that teacher (writer) should give brief explanation about the game and how to play it, because there are some students confused and did not understand. Students were motivated. They were crowded and active to answer some questions and to fill the crossword puzzle. However, they were less interesting at the early meeting especially when the teacher gave Pre-test to them. They were not ready yet when the teacher came and started lesson, and there are some of the students were noisy but they also could answer and fill the crossword puzzle. 42 To solve the problem above the teacher should ask the students to mention some words before starting the lesson. It can be concluded that meeting I does not give good result. It is important to continue to the next meeting. The second meeting is carried out as follow up. b. Meeting II 1) Planning The activities prepared: a) Material, and designing the steps in the doing action. b) List of the students’ name. c) Teacher aids (ex. Crossword puzzle). d) Sheet of the classroom observation. e) Preparing Crossword puzzle f) Test, Post test. 2) The Implementation of the Action On Tuesday, 04 of May 2010, the teacher (writer) entered the English class to continue the previous meeting. Teacher :”Good morning students” Students :”Good morning mom…” Teacher :”How are you today?” Students :”’I’m Fine, and you?” 43 Teacher :”Very well, thank you. Okay students, in this meeting we continue the lesson or the game that we have studied yesterday, do you remember?” Students :”Yes mom… (Many of students do not answer the teacher’s question) Teacher :”Okay kemarin kita sudah bermain kata-kata dengan menggunakan teka teki silang. Apakah kalian ingat kata apa saja yang kita dapatkan kemarin? (Okay, yesterday we have played some words using Crossword puzzle; do you remember what words we have got yesterday?)” Students :”Tentu bu…, kita masih ingat (Of course mom…, we still remember it)” Teacher :”Okay please mention the words we have got yesterday one by one!” Students :”Frying pan, knife, plate, glass, and oven, grater, sifter, spatula, grill, and match”. (Almost all of the students answer the teacher’s question). On the previous meeting the students got ten words to play because much of their time was used to do pre test and to explain the game. “Okay, very good almost of you still remember the words that we have played yesterday. Now do you ready to play this game 44 again?” Teacher said to the students. “Of course mom… we are ready now”. Students answered the teacher’s question. Teacher :”Okay, petunjuk selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan permainan kemarin (Okay, the next clue to continuous the game yesterday). It is a food that mouse very like it. What it is?” Teacher read the next clue and for a moment the students just kept silent to thought the answer and a moment later, three male students raised their hands. They were wanted to fill the crossword puzzle. Then teacher chose one of them to answer the question and he asked to the teacher. ”Berapa kotak yang kosong bu? (How the many empty boxes mom?)”. Then teacher said:” Six Empty boxes.” Then that student comes in front of the class to fill puzzle and then he filled the empty box with “Cheese”. Then teacher asked to all of the students. “Is this true or false?” Student said:” True mom…” Teacher :” Okay, very good, now please read those word, repeat after me! Cheese… Students :”Cheese (almost of the students follow the teacher). Teacher :”Okay, what the mean of Cheese?” Students :”Keju bu…” Teacher :”Very good, sekarang saya akan membacakan pertanyaan selanjutnya (Now, I will read the next 45 question) Listen carefully! It is the thing to cooking foods. What is it? Okay please raise your hand! After teacher reading that question the students just kept silent. Then one of the male students asked to the teacher. ”Ndak kompor bu jawabane (Jawa = apakah kompor bu jawabannya?)”. “Ya coba dihitung dulu ada berapa kotak yang kosong.” Teacher said, and then students calculate the empty box in the white board. “Five empty boxes mom.” Almost all of the students answered together. Teacher :”That’s right, there are five empty boxes, and what is the answer?” One of the students asked to the teacher “Kalau kompor bahasa Inggrisnya apa bu? (What is the English of kompor mom..?).” Then teacher ask to all of the students about it, but no students answered. Then teacher asked to the students to opening their dictionary and look for the English of kompor. Teacher :”Okay, now open your dictionary and please looking for the English of kompor.” Students :”Yes mom...” All of the students opened their dictionary, they were looking for that word and a moment later one of the students found the answer. “Stove mom...” the male student said to the teacher. Then the teacher 46 asked to that student to fill the puzzle and the answer was very good. Then teacher continued the next question. Teacher :”Attention please! This is the next clue. It is the thing to stir of food and to eat. What is it?” Students :”Stir artinya apa bu? (What the meaning of stir mom?) Teacher :”Stir is mengaduk. Jadi alat apakah yang digunakan untuk mengaduk makanan dan juga untuk makan”. Once of the students automatically come to the teacher and he took the marker to filled puzzle. Teacher :”Kamu mau menjawabnya, apa jawabanmu? (Do you want to answer, what is your answer?)” Student :”Sendok mom...” Teacher :”Okay, very good please fill this puzzle.” After the students answered the puzzle teacher asked to the students about their feeling to know the students condition. Teacher :”Apakah kalian bosan atau capek dengan permainan ini? (Are you boring or tired with this game?)” Students :”Tidak bu… kita senang dan semangat dengan permainan ini (No mom… we are happy and enjoy with this game).” Teacher :”Okay, if you are enjoy it, I will continue the game, are you still ready, this is the next clue. It is the thing to 47 drinking tea or coffee. What is it? This word is finished by letter “P”. There are just three letters.” Some of the students were thought about the answer and some of them were opening their dictionary to look for the answer. After they found the answer many of them raised their hands. Some of them were struggled with their friends to fill the puzzle and the class was noisy. Then teacher showed the students that raised his hand which never getting opportunity to answer the puzzle and that student filled the puzzle with word “Cup”. “That’s right”, said teacher. After the students answered that question, then teacher read the next question without took a rest and the students enjoyed the game. Almost all of them getting the same opportunity to fill puzzle, and they also could answer the teacher’s questions. They answered with the words “Bowl, bread, peeler, rice cooker, fork” and etc. Teacher :” Okay, listen carefully! This is the last question, siapa yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan ini, dia akan mendapatkan kesempatan terakhir dari game ini (who can answer this question, they will get the last opportunity from this game) do you understand?” Students :”Okay mom…” All of them just kept silent and they looked seriously to answer the teacher’s question. 48 Teacher :”Okay, this is the last question, and it is the one of spices. It has red and white color, what is it?” Students :”opo yo ( Jawa = apa ya) ( What is it?) Teacher :”Come on, almost all of the food uses this spices.” Then one of the students asked to the teacher.” What the meaning of spices mom?” Teacher said “spice is bumbu.” Teacher :”Okay, who can answer the question, please raises your hand.” Students :”Sulit bu… (It is so difficult mom).” Teacher :”Okay, I will give you a clue again, biasanya dalam cerita yang berwarna merah menjadi orang jahat, dan yang berwarna putih menjadi orang baik (Usually in the story the red color is devil, and the white color is kind).” Students :”aku ngerti bu… (jawa = Aku tahu bu) (I know mom).” Teacher :”Okay, what is it?” Students :”Bawang merah, bawang putih.” Teacher :”What the English language of bawang. One of the students raised her hand quickly. Students :”Aku bu… aku bisa jawab.” Teacher :”Okay, please fill the empty box!” 49 Then that student filled the empty boxes with word “Onion” and she asked to all of the students. ” Is this true or false?” “True mom…” (All of the students answered together). The game was finished, and then teacher gave post test to the students. Teacher :”Okay, we were played crossword puzzle, now I will give you post test to knowing your ability in the lesson today.” Then teacher divided the post test to the students and gave 15 minutes to do the test. After students received post test, all of them did the test seriously and there were some students who was still noisy with their friends. Sometimes there were some students asked to the teacher about the same questions that they did not know the meaning. After 15 minutes students finished their test and teacher was took their test. Time was up and at that time English lesson was the last subject so the students were not patients to go home. Teacher :”Okay, time is up, tapi sebelum kita mengakhiri pelajaran, kita ulangi lagi kata-kata yang kita dapatkan kemarin dan hari ini, beserta artinya, biar kita dapat mengingat dan tidak lupa setelah itu kalian bisa pulang kerumah masing-masing. Kalian setuju? (Okay, before we finish this lesson, lets repeat the words that we have 50 gotten for two days with the meaning of those words in order to memorize and did not forget those words, and then you can go home. Do you agree? )”. Students :”Okay mom... cepat bu kita sudah lapar. (Quickly please mom, we are hungry).” Teacher :”Lets we start what words that we have gotten yesterday?” Students :”Frying pan (penggorengan), Plate (piring), Knife (pisau), Glass (gelas),oven (oven), grater (parutan), sifter (ayakan), spatula (sutil), grill (panggangan),and match (korek api)”. Teacher :”Very good, and what the words that we have got today? Students :”Cheese (keju), Cup ( cangkir), Bowl ( mangkuk), bread (roti), peeler (Pemotong), Rice cooker (penanak nasi), Fork (garpu), and Onion (Bawang). (Not all of the students answered together, many of them just keep silent because they may forget those words). Teacher :”Okay, you should read again those words and don’t forget to practice it in your daily pronunciation, and don’t forget to study in your home. Okay..! Students :”Okay mom.” 51 Teacher :”Okay, time is up. And it is time to go home. Dan saya masih punya satu tema lagi, jadi kita akan bermain puzzle lagi minggu depan, setuju? (I still have one topic, so we will play this game next week. Do you agree?”) Students :”What is the topic mom? Teacher :”It’s surprised to you okay... See you next week!” Students :” See you…” 3) Observation In the second meeting, observation is also carried out during the implementation of the action. There were many students who are enthusiastic to play the game. However, there are also some students who were less perfect, even there was two students who are passive in the classroom, and never speak up in the class. They just kept silent and looked at their friends when played puzzle. We can see that almost of the students very active and enthusiastic to fill the puzzle and they always struggled with their friend to answer the questions. It can be known when teacher asked about their feeling when crossword puzzle played and they said that they were very happy and enjoyed. It is an evident that they are motivated and attracted to the lesson. They were always did not patients to waited the next questions or the next clues. It can be seen when the students asked to the teacher to read the next question quickly. It indicates that students have 52 motivation to learn English and interest in it. We can looked at the students progress they are better than the day before. However, some of them looked tired and not patients to go home, because at that time English was the last subject. 4) Reflection By analyzing the result of meeting 2, we were found that almost all of the students were active in the teaching and learning process. However, we also found two students who did not active and just kept silent when teacher asked them to fill puzzle in the white board they just answered “not yet or I can’t do it”. To solve that problem teacher asked to all of the students to mention some words that they have got in order to make students more active. For other activities (playing Crossword puzzle, result of post test, and etc), it gave enough result. 2. Cycle II a. Meeting I 1) Planning The first activities in this research are planning. The activities prepared: a) Materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action. b) List of the students’ name 53 c) Teaching aids (e.g. crossword puzzle). d) Sheet of the classroom observation e) Test (pre test) 2) The Implementation of the Action On Sunday, seventeenth of May of 2010, the teacher (writer) entered his English class. It was a half past eight a.m. All of the students are ready to study. The situations as follows: As usual the teacher gave greeting to the students. Teacher asked who was absent that day. There was two students absents because they were sick. After that, the teacher asked to the students. ”Okay, do you ready to play this game again?” Students :”Okay mom…” Teacher :” Okay class… at this time, we will play some words again, and the topic for this moment is about school tools. I believe that all of you were know and nothing difficulties in this topic, that’s right?” Students :”Of course mom…” Teacher :”Coba sebutkan alat-alat sekolah ataupun barang yang berada di dalam kelas (please mention some of the school tools or the things in the classroom).” Then almost of the students mentioned the things in the classroom, “papan tulis, meja, kursi, pulpen, buku, murid, guru, and 54 etc. (They were mention with the Indonesian language).” Then teacher said:” In English please!” then students replayed their answer with English language, but they were only can mentioned the words “Pen, book, teacher, students, and black board”, than they thought for a long time. Teacher :” Baik, seperti kemarin, sebelum pelajaran dimulai saya akan memberikan Pre test untuk kalian (Okay, such as yesterday, before I’m starting the lesson, I will give Pre test to you) now help me to distribute it. Tolong bantuin mbagi exercise please! Kalian harus mengerjakannya dengan serius ya!” After all of the students were accepted pre test, they did test seriously. Class situation is enough quite. Some times there was a student who walked around to his friends to asked about the test. Teacher monitoring students’ activities, students did pre test for about twenty minutes. After finishing test they were submitting it. Teacher :”Gimana…? Gampang atau susah soalnya? (How about the test, it is easily or difficult?)” Students :” Ono sing gampang ono sing angel bu (Jawa=ada yang gampang dan ada juga yang sulit bu).” Teacher :”Never mind, nanti setelah kalian bermain dengan puzzle ini, nanti kalian akan mudah mengerjakan post 55 tets dan juga mudah untuk mengingat kata-kata tersebut (After you are play this game, you will feel easy to did post test and to memorize those words)”. After teacher put on Crossword puzzle in the white board, there are ten questions consist of five horizontal words and five vertical words. Then teacher start game with reading the first question. Teacher :”It is the first question, listen carefully! There are ten empty boxes in the white board. The clue is it is the thing to write in the front of the class, and it has the black color. Baik siapa yang bisa angkat tangan (Okay, who can answer, please raise your hand).” Almost all of the students raised their hands because they were known about the answer. There were three female students that not raised their hands. Even they were struggled with their friends to filled puzzle in front of the class. Then teacher asked to one of male students to fill puzzle. He was looked very happy when teacher gave opportunity to him although his friends were feeling disappointed. Teacher :”Okay, never mind, all of you will get the same opportunity to filling the puzzle, so don’t worry…!” Then teacher asked to students to came back and sat down to his place. A moment later teacher read the second question. All of the 56 students feel nervous and enthusiastic to wait the question and to answer it. Teacher :”This is the second question, what it is, it is the thing to write some notes or lesson, notes is catatan jadi sesuatu yang digunakan untuk menulis catatan atau pelajaran, please raise your hand!” Students :”Kotak yang kosong berapa bu?” Teacher :”There are four empty boxes in the white board and this word starting with letter “B.” Almost all of the students raised their hands again and teacher chose the students who rarely feel the puzzle in order to all of them getting the same opportunity to fill puzzle. That student answered with word “Book” and the answer is true and a moment later teacher read the next question. Teacher :”Okay, siap… ini pertanyaan selanjutnya (Okay, ready… this is the next question). It is the thing to give some color in the picture. Ini adalah benda untuk mewarnai gambar, starting with letter “C” and there are six empty boxes”. Students kept silent for a moment, and there was a student said:” Spidol bu… benar tidak (The answer are marker mom… is this true or false?)” No… not spidol, this is starting by letter “C”. Teacher 57 said to that student. “Oh iya…” that student said. “Ini juga digunakan sebagai judul film kartun (This is also used as the title of once of the cartun movie) said teacher to the students. “saya bu…” One of the students who sat down in the corner of class raised his hand and he come in front of the class quickly and took a marker from the teacher. Teacher :”Wow… you are very enthusiasm, apa jawaban kamu? (What is your answer?)” Student :”Crayon Sinchan (that student answer the teacher’s question with give a smile).” Teacher :”Without Sinchan lho ya…!” Then that student fills the puzzle with word “Crayon”. Teacher :”Okay, the next question, what it is... It used to make a line in the book. Ayo apa jawabannya, benda ini digunakan untuk membuat garis. There was a student filled the puzzle but he made a mistake. He wrote “Roler” in the white board. Then teacher asked to all of the students “Is this true or false?” True mom….” (Students said together). Then teacher said:” That’s right this is true??” Then there was a female student raised her hand and she said:” Bu… bukan pakai O tapi pakai U”. “Nah… itu baru benar , coba maju dan betulkan, tulis kata yang benar “ said teacher to that student. 58 Teacher :”Okay next... what it is… it is someone who teach a lesson (hayo apa jawabannya seseorang yang mengajar pelajaran?)” One of the students filled the puzzle, but there was a mistake again. That student wrote “teacer” in the white board. “Salah bu…” one of the male students said to the teacher. Then teacher said to all of the students:” Who want to write the right answer?” There was a student wrote the right answer, he wrote “teacher”. The game is going smoothly and the class condition is enough conducive. Almost all of questions were answered although sometimes there were some mistakes and then teacher continued the game again. Teacher :”Okay, next question, ini adalah sejenis pen tapi ini digunakan untuk menulis .di papan tulis yang berwarna putih (it is a kinds of pen, but it is used to write in the white board)”. Students :” Spidol bu…” Teacher :” That’s right… spidol. What is the English of spidol?” (All of the students just keep silent, and think the answer).Okay students, please open your dictionary and look for the English of spidol.” Students opened their dictionary and looked for the word spidol. Teacher :”Okay… what is the answer?” 59 Students :”Marker mom…” Teacher :”Very good, comes on fill this puzzle.” Then one of the male students fill the puzzle with the word “Marker”, and the answer are true. The students play game very enjoy and enthusiastic. After a moment teacher continued the next question, and as usual students answered the teacher’s question one by one. They were mentioned the words “student, table, pencil, and the last is chair”. Then time was up, teacher said to the students to continue the game tomorrow. Teacher :”Okay class! Time is up, tomorrow we will continuous this game again, do you agree…?” Students :”Yes mom…! (All of the students answer together). Teacher :”Okay, don’t forget to study hard and see you!” Students :”see you…!” 3) Observation In the second cycle it’s mean in the third meeting, teacher (writer) and observer as usual carried out the implementation of the action. In this cycle teacher has the new topic, almost all of the students very known about the topic. It can be seen when teacher asked them to mention some of words about the topic before the game was played. Almost the entire students can mentioned the some words, but they mention in Indonesian language. 60 All of the students very enjoy and enthusiasm in this game with the new topic they can answered the questions one by one. However, there were some mistakes that students done that are one of them having the problem in their spelling. Although they have that problem they still happy and enjoyed with the game and teacher also gave the same opportunity to them. It can be seen when teacher was pointed the student who has sat down in the corner of the class and rarely filled the puzzle. We can looked the students motivation to learn English are improved and the result of students’ vocabulary are increased than before, but to get the best result teacher will do the next meeting. 4) Reflection After analyzing the result of cycle 2 on the third meeting, teacher concludes that the students began has the improvement in their vocabulary. They can answer the questions well although they have some problem in their spelling. One of them wrote “Roler” and “Teacer” which the right words are “Ruler” and “Teacher”. It is also easy for them to answer the questions and to fill the puzzle. They have the great spirits to play the game. It can be seen when they often struggle with their friends to fill the puzzle. Besides, by improving their vocabulary they are able to mentioned and fill the puzzle well, 61 and the result of this meeting is enough good than before. The teacher, therefore, continued to the next meeting. b. Meeting II 1) Planning The activities prepared: a. Material, and designing the steps in the doing action. b. List of the students’ name. c. Teacher aids (ex. Crossword puzzle). d. Sheet of the classroom observation. e. Preparing Crossword puzzle f. Test, Post test. 2) The Implementation of the Action On Tuesday, the eighteenth of May 2010 the teacher (writer) entered her English class, and then as usual she gave the greeting to the students and asked about their condition. A moment later, teacher told to the students to continue the game the day before. Teacher asked to the students to repeat what the words that they have got yesterday. Having finished some words, she continued to play others words. There are eleven words like yesterday. She continued to other words like “uniform, table, chair, shoes, and pen”. One by one of students filled the crossword puzzle, and at this time teacher was 62 pointed to the student one by one according to their sit place, that is started from front to the back. Sometimes teacher asked about the meaning of those words, she also asked to them to read those words together. If there were no problem, teacher continued to the other words (schedule, try out, examination, bag, school, and class). However, there was a problem in the word “schedule”. They can not answer the teacher’s question about that word, because they are not known that word in English. Then teacher asked to all of the students to open their dictionary to look for that word. After students found that word in English, then teacher asked to them to read all of the words that they have got in the white board together. After that teacher gave them post test and she gave time to doing it for about 25 minutes. Having finished post test, students submitted their post test to the teacher. Because at that time English lesson is in the last time, before students come back to their home teacher asked them to mentioned the school tools and the things have relation with school one by one according to their sit place, until the time was up. 3) Observation The teacher (writer) and observer observed in the fourth action where they were monitoring, teacher some times helped the students when they got difficulties. Teacher tried to activate the students who 63 were still quite in the game with asked them to read the words together and to mention the meaning of those words. The teaching and learning process in the second meeting in the second cycle was interesting. The students who were quite in action one, they looked confidence and enjoy to fill the puzzle. In the middle of game, there were some students who found difficulties. They don’t know about the English of once word. But this is can handle with the teacher. She asked to the students to look for that word in their dictionary. The teaching and learning process was very active (teacher and students) and the class condition was not nervous and noisy like the cycle before. By observing the teaching and learning process in the meeting 1, 2, 3 and meeting four, teacher concluded that the crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary. The improvement can be seen through the result of activity from cycle 1 and cycle 2. 4) Reflection After analyzing the result of second meeting in second cycle, it can be conclude that crossword puzzle can motivate the students to involve actively in learning vocabulary in the class, although there are some problems in their spelling or they do not knowing the English of the words. In this meeting the game is very smoothly, almost all of the 64 students can answered the questions and fill the crossword puzzle. There are some students have difficulties in the word “schedule”. They can’t fill the puzzle with English, but finally they can fill the puzzle after they look for that word in their dictionary. The result of this meeting is good. It is can be seen when teacher asked to them to mention of school tools and everything that have relation with school on the last time. Almost all of them can mentioned with the English language, and when teacher asked them to mentioned the words that they have got before, they still remembering those words in English. Then teacher decided that it is the last meeting, because crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, and it can be seen in the score of pre test and post test in each cycle. B. Score Verbal of Students Achievement 1. Score Verbal of Cycle I a. The result of Pre Test Cycle The mean of Pre test M = Σx Ν 65 TABLE 4.5 SCORE OF PRE TEST IN CYCLE I No Score 1. 5 2. 5 3. 5 4. 5 5. 6 6. 5 7. 6 8. 6 9. 6 10. 4 11. 7 12. 5 13. 6 14. 6 15. 5 16. 5 17. 6 18. 5 19. 6 20. 6 Total 110 66 M = Σx Ν Explanation: M = Mean x = the sum of Pre Test N = the number of subject Mean = 110 20 = 5, 5 b. The Result of Post Test in Cycle I The mean of post test M = Σx Ν TABLE 4.6 SCORE OF POST TEST IN CYCLE I No Score 1. 6 2. 6 3. 7 4. 4 5. 7 6. 7 7. 5 8. 6 67 No M = Score 9. 6 10. 5 11. 7 12. 6 13. 6 14. 7 15. 6 16. 7 17. 7 18. 6 19. 6 20. 6 Total 123 Σx Ν Explanation: M = Mean x = the sum of post test N = the number of subject Mean = 125 20 = 6, 15 68 c. Conclusion of Cycle I After comparing between the result of pre test and post test, it can be seen that the score of students is increased. Although on the observation the students have less motivation and interest in early. But, after several time they begin to active in the teaching and learning process. They active to filling crossword puzzle and they asked to the teacher to play the game again on the next meeting. In the second meeting they look enthusiastic and enjoy playing the crossword puzzle. 2. Score Verbal of Cycle II a. The result Of Pre Test Cycle II The mean of pre test M = Σx Ν TABLE 4.7 SCORE OF PRE TEST IN CYCLE II No Score 1. 5 2. 5 3. 6 4. 5 5. 7 6. 7 7. 7 8. 6 69 No M = Score 9. 5 10. 7 11. 6 12. 7 13. 7 14. 7 15. 6 16. 6 17. 6 18. 5 19. 7 20. 7 Total 124 Σx Ν Explanation: M = Mean x = the sum of pre test N = the number of subject Mean = 124 20 = 6, 2 70 b. The Result Of Post Test In Cycle II The mean of post test M = Σx Ν TABLE 4.8 SCORE OF POST TEST IN CYCLE I No Score 1. 7,5 2. 7 3. 8 4. 7,5 5. 8 6. 7 7. 8 8. 7 9. 6 10. 8 11. 8 12. 7,5 13. 8 14. 7 15. 8 16. 8 17. 8 18. 6 19. 7,5 71 M = No Score 20. 8 Total 150 Σx Ν Explanation: M = Mean x = the sum of post test N = the number of subject Mean = 150 20 = 7, 5 c. Conclusion of Cycle II Based on analysis on cycle II meeting 1 and meeting 2, the writer concluded that crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary. It can be seen from the verbal score, post test is higher than pre test. It can be concluded the crossword puzzle can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. 72 d. The Students Improvement in Cycle I and Cycle II TABLE 4.9 The Students Improvement in Cycle I and Cycle II No 1. 2. 3. Students Improvement Increase Decrease Constant Cycle I 60 % 10 % 30 % Cycle II 70 % 5% 25 % Based on this analysis the writer concluded that Crossword puzzle can improve and increase the students’ vocabulary mastery in the first year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010. it is can be seen in the table that students’ vocabulary mastery was increase between cycle I and Cycle II. 73 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion The result of the study shows that crossword puzzle is able to help the students improve their vocabulary mastery. It can be seen at the conclusion of this thesis that is: 1. Crossword puzzle can influence the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery of the first year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010. It is can be seen at the result of the score verbal of pre test and post test in each cycle. That is the mean score of pre test in cycle I is 5,5, the mean score of pre test in cycle II is 6,2, the mean score of post test in cycle I is 6,15 and the mean score of post test in cycle II is 7,5. 2. The process of teaching vocabulary using Crossword puzzle is going smoothly and almost all of the students are enthusiasm to fill the puzzle. It can be seen at the result of observation in the class that is almost all of the students fells enjoy and happy in the teaching and learning. 3. The teaching and learning situation when Crossword puzzle is implemented in vocabulary instruction is, firstly the class situation are very noisy. It may be caused almost all of students are confuse and not understand with the game, even they not familiar with the new teacher. However after the teacher explain about the game and gives instruction 74 how to play it, the students are understood and the class condition is very conducive. It is concluded that the mean score of pre test and post test to the next cycle is increase, so the using of crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery and the students are involved actively in teaching and learning process. B. Implication The result of the action shows that the using of crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The implementation of game mode it’s mean with crossword puzzle presentation is reasonable because it can give the students a great motivation in learning vocabulary, and in the application of the teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle is good in improving students vocabulary mastery. C. Suggestion Based on the result of the study and conclusion, the writer would like to suggest as follows: 1. To the Teacher The English teacher should improve their ability in the process of teaching and learning, and teacher should know toward students’ problem. So the students will feel happy and they will memorize the some words easily. The teacher should teach vocabulary effectively, and teacher should handle the class condition when the students were noisy or speak up by 75 their friends. The role of teacher in the process of teaching and learning can influence students in improving their skill. 2. To the Students Students should always be active in the process of teaching and learning and not afraid or lazy in the English lesson. Students should study English continually in the classroom and their house. The students should give the more attention and keep their attitude when teacher explained the lesson and teach them. Students should more add their vocabulary by read some book or read the picture dictionary to improve their vocabulary, and they also should practice the some words that they have got in their daily conversation in order to they not forget about those words. However, if the teacher gives some questions, they can answer the question although there are some mistakes in their spelling. 3. To the Other Researcher It has been known from the result of the study using crossword puzzle that it can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Hereby, it is hoped that the result of the study makes the English teacher use an appropriate teaching mode of presentation on improving students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on that explanation the writer would like to suggest other researcher, the result of the study can be use as additional reference for further research with the different sample and occasion. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aqib,Zainal. 2009. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: Trama Widya. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Asnawir, Usman. 2002. .Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta:PT Itermasa. Brown, Dougeas. 2004. Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practices. United States of America: Longman. Darnbury. 1994. 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