commencement - Michigan State University
commencement - Michigan State University
2.0\ COMMENCEMENT 2002 FALL SEMESTER. • \ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT FALL 2002 Conferral of Graduate Degrees Friday, December 6, 7:00 P.M. Conferral of Baccalaureate Degrees Saturday, December 7, 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. The Jack Breslin Student Events Center East Lansing BOARD OF TRUSTEES MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY The Honorable DONALD W. NUGENT, Chairperson ......................................................................... ............. Frankfort The Honorable JOEL FERGUSON, Vice Chairperson ....... .................... .................. ................. .............. .......... ...Lansing The Honorable DOLORES M. COOK .................................................................................. ........ ..... .................. Greenville The Honorable DOROTHY GONZALES ...................... ........................................ ..... .......... .. ... ..... ................. East Lansing The Honorable COLLEEN M. MCNAMARA ............... ................................................. ............................ ............ Okemos The Honorable RANDALL L. PITTMAN.................................. .......................................... ..... ... .......... .............AnnArbor The Honorable DAVID L. PORTEOUS ................................................ ..... .................. .. ..... ..... ............................ .Reed City The Honorable G. SCOTT ROl'vlNEY .................. ...................................................... .....................................Birmingham For nearly 150 years, Michigan State University has been advancing knowledge and transforming lives. MSU, one of the nation's leading land-grant universities, was founded in 1855 as the first agricultural college with only six faculty members and three buildings to provide youths with an education in farming. Today, MSU continues to strive for excellence in providing a diverse student body with a broad and rich combination of liberal and practical education. PETER MCPHERSON, Ex Officio, President ... .................................................................. ......... ......... ...... .East Lansing LOU ANNA KIMSEY SIMON, Provost ............................................. ................................ ............................ East Lansing SUE CARTER, Secretary ................................................................................................................ ................... ...... Lansing THE COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE LINDA O. STANFORD, Chairperson CASSANDRA BOOK KATHRYN MOEN, Student Representative JOHN JOBSON ULREHMOSTOSKY DEBORAH KINNEY HEATHER STOWE, Student Representative KAREN KLOMPARENS SCOITVAUGHN PAULA KOPPISCH BETSY WHITE TED MINNICK THOMAS WOLFF On the cover is Beaumont Memorial Tower, constructed in 1928, a gift of John W. Beaumont, class of 1882. Restoration of the tower, carillon, and clock was completed in 1996, reviving the bells which had been silent since 1987. Beaumont Tower once again is a functioning symbol of the beauty and strength of Michigan State University. DIPLOMAS WILL BE MAILED TO DEGREE RECIPIENTS APPROXIMATELY ONE MONTH AFTER THE END OF THE SEMESTER FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE SENIOR CLASS GIFT, PLEASE SEE http://www.givingto.msu.edulseniorgift The East Lansing campus looks quite different than it did in 1855. More than 5,200 acres ofland encompass more than 400 buildings, and more than 4,000 faculty and staff are engaged in teaching, research and public service. More than 40,000 students -85 percent from Michigan-attend the University'S main campus. Our student body represents every county in the state, every state in the nation, and more than 100 nations from around the globe. Minority students comprise more than 15 percent of the campus population, and our campus includes the largest number of African American students among all Big Ten schools. Michigan State University's commitment to diversity and multiculturalism in its student body, faculty, staff, curriculum and outreach programs is exemplified through world-wide services in numerous research, extension, and international programs. MSU's Study Abroad program, which offers 180 programs in 57 countries, is the third largest of any single-campus university in the nation. More than a century after its agricultural beginnings, MSU has a Graduate School and 14 colleges: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Letters, the Broad College of Business, Communication Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering, Human Ecology, Human Medicine, James Madison, Natural Science, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, Social Science and Veterinary Medicine. Today, three colleges represent the central academic disciplines which most universities refer to as the liberal arts and sciences: Arts and Letters, Natural Science, and Social Science. These colleges offer outstanding undergraduate and graduate degree programs with majors in traditional disciplines while also providing special programs that enable students to obtain a broad, multidisciplinary education. The College of Education collaborates with the colleges to help prepare students to become teachers in the secondary schools of Michigan as well the nation. Our residence hall system is designed to complement and enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Honors College, which attracts fine young scholars nationwide, enables students to waive standard graduation requirements and undertake enriched academic programs. MSU has produced 16 Rhodes Scholars, six Marshall Scholarship winners, 14 Churchill Scholarship recipients, one Mitchell Scholar, and one recipient of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship. These scholarships are among the most distinguished and prestigious academic awards a student can receive. Multimillion dollar, sponsor-funded programs support a wide array of outstanding research activities at MSU. Major facilities include the Plant Research Laboratory, operated with the U.S. Department of Energy as a national plant biology center; and the MSUIW.K. Kellogg Biological Station, home to one of the National Science Foundation's long-term ecological sites. In collaboration with both the National Science Foundation and the U.S . Department of Energy, the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at MSU is able to study the nuclei of the heaviest elements. The public significantly benefits from the University through University Outreach, MSU Extension Service, and the Agricultural Experiment Station which provides technical information and course work for many Michigan citizens. The Kellogg Center, one of the finest hotel and conference centers nationwide, annually hosts some 500,000 adults who come to the campus for approximately 1,400 conferences and other educational meetings. Service to the international community is equally important. Supported by grants from the federal government and private foundations, MSU sustains educational and research assistance projects internationally. These projects have given many faculty members overseas experience and have added new dimensions to their teaching. Michigan State University is a member of the Association of American Universities, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, American Council on Education, American Council of Learned Societies, International Association of Universities, Association of Graduate Schools, Council of Graduate Schools, and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution. 2 3 ACADEMIC COSTUME In 1895, the Intercollegiate Commission, a group of leading American educators, introduced an academic costume code which by design of gowns and hoods would indicate the valious degrees, and which by colors would identify the various faculties. orange and white for the University of Texas; blue and gold for UCLA). If the institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to introduce the second color. Colored velvet or velveteen binds the hoods and indicates the department of faculty to which the degree pertains. Three types of gowns are indicated by the code. Those worn by the bachelors have long, pointed sleeves. Those worn by masters have long, closed sleeves with the arc of a circle near the bottom. Doctoral gowns are faced with velvet. The sleeves are full, round, and open with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars on the sleeves may be black or the same color as the binding of the hood. The color of the velvet of the hood is distinctive of the subject to which the degree peltains. For example, the trinuning for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture should be maize, representing agriculture, rather than golden yellow, representing science. Generally, the code for the velvet of the hood is the same as listed below for tassels. Hoods are made of material identical with the gown and are lined in the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree (e.g., green and white for MSU; burnt COLLEGE OFAGIDCULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ......................... Maize Forestry, Packaging ........ ....... .. ....................... Russet COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS ..................................................... White Fine A1ts ... ... ....... ... .... ........... ........................... .Brown Music ..... ...... ......................... ... ..................... ...... ..Pink Philosophy......................... ....................... D ark Blue THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS .....................................Drab Economics .......................... ............................. Copper COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES .........................PeacockBlue Journalism ............ ......................................... .Crimson Speech .... .............. .......... ......................... .Silver Gray At Michigan State University, it is customary to identify the candidates graduating from the different departments of study by tassels of the official department color as established by the Intercollegiate Code. ELI BROAD Your driving concern for the quality of education led you to become an important supporter of Michigan State University and K-12 public education. Recognizing that the land-grant concept makes superior learning opportunities accessible to future business leaders from diverse backgrounds, you endowed the College of Business at Michigan State University with the largest gift ever at that time to a public business school. Today this college bears your name: The Eli Broad College of Business and the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management. Your counsel has helped guide its MBA curriculum to become one of the nation's best graduate management programs. You are convinced that public education is the key civil rights issue of the 21st century: Unless young people from all backgrounds receive the education necessary to become knowledge workers, the nation risks an ever larger gap between its middle class and its poor. You established the Broad Foundation with the goal of improving K-12 urban public education through better governance, management, and labor relations. In its first three years, the foundation made more than 40 major grants, convened two retreats, and launched three flagship initiatives. You also have an avid interest in contemporary alt. You and your wife Edythe al'e among the top art collectors in the world, with a personal collection of nearly 400 contemporary works . You pursued art and collecting not only as an inspiring avocation but also to give back to your community. You did this through your roles as patron and board member of museums and art institutions as well as founding chair of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. To address growing costs, shrinking supPOlt, and a fast-paced alt market, you established the Broad Alt Foundation, which lends pieces from its collection to museums. The son of Lithuanian immigrants who settled in Detroit, you earned your accounting degree at Michigan State University and went on to build two Fortune 500 companies during a long business career. Today you are chairman of one of them, AIG SunAmerica Inc., and serve on the board of its parent company, American International Group, Inc. For your support of education and art as well as your success in business, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities, from Michigan State University. COLLEGE OF HUMANECOLOGY ... ..... .................................... .. . Maroon COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE ................................................ Green HONORARY DEGREE MARK M ALLOCH BROWN JAMES MADISON COLLEGE ................................. Citron COLLEGE OF NATURALSCIENCE .. ........................ ........ Golden Yellow COLLEGE OF NURSING ................ ..... ................ ... Apricot COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE ............ ... ... ... ...... ........... Green COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ............................. Citron COLLEGE OFEDUCATION ...................... .Light Blue COLLEGE OFENGINEERING ........................ 'Orange HONORARY DEGREE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ............................... Dark Gray As Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), you oversee a comprehensive international agency and raise $1 billion a year for programs that promote democracy, fight poverty, and aid refugees. promote gender equality as essential to ensuring political participation and accountability, economic empowerment, effective development planning, crisis prevention, and conflict resolution. You are leading the strategy to achieve the Millennium De- Under your leadership, democratic governance has become one of the agency's core areas. You believe that one of the best ways to address development needs is to ensure a political voice and access to personal security, justice, and essential services for all. For you, democracy is both a means to assure that governments address the needs of the poor and an end in itself as a vital component of human development. In 2001, your agency carried out democratic governance programs in a record 145 countries, spending $800 million worldwide. You provide developing countries with knowledge-based consulting services and build national, regional, and global coalitions for change. You strive to ensure that assistance leads to sustainable support to these communities. velopment Goals agreed to by world leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000, especially the overarching goal of cutting extreme poverty in half by 2015. To do this, you challenge nations and individuals to develop partnerships on a scale adequate to address the needs of more than three billion peoplethe billion who live on less than $1 a day and do not have clean drinking water or sanitation as well as the two billion who do not have electricity. You are working closely with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to rebuild Afghanistan, targeting the most pressing needs from clearing mines to helping farmers plant crops. For your commitment to eradicating world poverty and pro- The UNDP advocates for the protection of human rights and especially the empowerment of women. As its leader, you 4 moting democracy, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities, from Michigan State University. 5 HONORARY DEGREE HONORARY DEGREE ELEANOR MARY JOSAITIS SHIRLEY K. PAS ANT To rebuild inner city Detroit and reduce racism, poverty, and injustice, you and the late Father William Cunningham established Focus: HOPE in 1968 to provide food for infants born to poor women. Other early successes included low-interest mortgage and automobile loans for African Americans, a race relations training program for desegregated schools, and the Walk for Justice, an annual march through Detroit to show interracial harmony. Today Focus: HOPE provides food to more than 44,000 mothers, children, and senior citizens each month. With a staff of nearly 900, well over 50,000 volunteers, and a 40-acre complex, it also operates the internationally recognized Centers of Opportunity education and training programs, Hope Manufacturing, a community arts program, a business conference facility, and the Center for Children. That growth reflects the businesslike approach you took to enact social change and the principles you relied on: think big, demand results, and invite people to help. You created computer-assisted courses on communication and computer skills as well as reading and math. You set high expectations for the students, challenging them to reach their potential while respecting their dignity. You launched the Machinist Training Institute to teach high-level technology skills. The Center for Advanced Technologies, a teaching factory that combines classes with work at your engineering company, awards associate's and bachelor's degrees in manufacturing engineering. Focus: HOPE's innovative education program gave motivated inner city students the prospect of successful careers. You have made important contributions to public awareness of hunger and malnutrition, chairing the Commodity Supplemental Food Program Steering Committee and hosting the White House Conference on Aging. You willingly share what you have learned in developing Focus: HOPE. Each year tens of thousands of visitors find ideas and sources of inspiration for their own communities. You are a role model in your dedication to supporting education, the arts, and your community. As president of the Athanese and Shirley Pasant Foundation, you exercise leadership that reflects your humanistic values and your sense of civic responsibility for using your resources to advance these values and responsibilities. You value education. You are the matriarch of a three-generation Michigan State University family. Your late husband earned a bachelor's degree here; two of your sons and a grandson fol- You are a community benefactor, too, volunteering your time and providing generous financial support to local organizations such as Ele's Place, Critter Alley Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, and the Nokomis Learning Center. For your community efforts, the Capital Region Community Foundation named you Philanthropist of the Year in 2000. lowed him to MSU, and now your granddaughter is a student here. Your personal commitment to Michigan State University is evident in your service on the President's Campaign Cabinet as well as in your endowment of scholarships and the American Indian Studies Program. You have also made possible a chair in Focus: HOPE has changed the lives of thousands of people in metropolitan Detroit by linking minds, hearts, and wills in intelligent and practical actions. For your commitment to developing a just and integrated society, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities, from Michigan State University. one of the best finance departments in the country. MSU students have also benefited significantly from your support of the arts in education through public broadcasting and the Pas ant Theatre in the Wharton Center for Performing Arts. finance that has helped the Eli Broad College of Business develop You are a generous benefactor of a variety of causes and services that support Michigan State University and this community. For your altruism in giving back to your community in so many ways, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Management, from Michigan State University. HONORARY DEGREE HONORARY DEGREE DELIA Z. F. KOO You are a strong supporter of education and a leader in reducing barriers for international students. Your own education began in your native China where you excelled in English, French, and German, and particularly enjoyed chemistry and math. You were named to the top academic honor society in China. You came to the United States for graduate studies on the last passenger ship to sail out of Shanghai during World War II. Despite arriving after classes began at Radcliffe College, you surmounted the challenges and excelled at your studies, quickly earning a master's degree. With two fellowships from Radcliffe, you went on to earn a doctoral degree. When your husband joined the faculty at Michigan State University, you enrolled in the math department to pursue a subject you loved and, again with top honors, earned a master's degree. You then taught at Eastern Michigan University for twenty years and wrote two math books. Because of your own experiences as a student coming from 6 China to the United States, you recognized the special needs international students often confront. You founded the Volunteer English Tutoring Program at MSU and continue as its coordinator and as one of its tutors. You established the program as an informal and highly personalized means of helping newly arrived international students, spouses, and visitors adapt to life in an unfamiliar country. From the beginning you not only taught language skills but also shared knowledge about American culture and life in the United States. To support the program, you endowed an expansion of the academic wing of the International Center so that tutors and students would have adequate office and classroom space. You also established a grant program to provide scholarships to students from the People's Republic of China. For your commitment to international education and your generosity and integrity, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities, from Michigan State University. SYLVAN H. WITTWER You are a world-renowned horticulturist committed through your teaching, research, and service to making the world a better place. Students who took your classes at MSU consider you an inspiring teacher who taught them to think. Your research accomplishments launched entire areas of study. Your work has significant implications for controlling plant growth and development and for increasing the quantity, quality, and wholesomeness of the food supply. With more than 750 scientific publications, you have demonstrated your commitment to communicating your research findings. Working with commercial vegetable growers, you contributed significantly to development of the vegetable industry in Michigan. Abroad, you provided technical assistance to agricultural research and development projects in the Near East, Africa, Southeast Asia, South and Central America, China, and the Far East. Your partnership with Chinese agricultural scientists led to the highly acclaimed book, Feeding a Billion, which documents the success of the Chinese in food self-sufficiency. Because of your experience with international agriculture and your research on the effects of climate on food production, you were named chair of the National Research Council's Board of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Your expertise in many aspects of global agricultural issues permeated discussions about the growing environmental impacts of some agricultural technologies. You capped your career as director of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, where you introduced several innovations including a peer review system for in-house grants that prepared faculty for competitive national grant programs. You love your work, your family, and your church and are most content when you are engrossed in these professional and personal responsibilities. For your enormous energy, your integrity, and your intense focus on using your scientific expertise for the benefit of humanity, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree, Doctor of Agriculture, from Michigan State University. 7 aq ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degree Morning Ceremony Presiding Afternoon Ceremony Presiding PETER MCPHERSON, President, Michigan State University PROCESSIONAL PETER MCPHERSON, President, Michigan State University PROCESSIONAL The MSU Jazz Band I RODNEY WHITAKER, Conductor STAR-SPANGLED BANNER.................................................................. ................... ......................................... Key TheMSU Jazz Band I RODNEY WHITAKER, Conductor STAR-SPANGLED BANNER .................................................................. ..... .. ........ ....... .............. ......... .. ..... ........ Key ASHTON MOORE, Sophomore, Jazz Studies, MSU School of Music The MSU Jazz Band I MOMENT OF SILENCE MOMENT OF SILENCE PRESE NTATION OF HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES P AUL M. Hu ASHTON MOORE, Sophomore, Jazz Studies, MSU School of Music TheMSU Jazz BandI PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES PAUL M. HUNT, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Michigan State University T, AssociateVice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Michigan State University ADDRESS EUBROAD Chairman, AIG SunAmerica Inc. Founder, The Broad Foundation Los Angeles, California SPECIAL MUSIC Harlem AITshaft. ..... ...... ............ .......... .......... ................................ ............................. ......... ..............................................Duke Ellington TheMSU Jazz Band I RODNEY WHITAKER, Conductor INTRODUCTION AND REMARKS DONALD W. NUGENT, Chairperson, MSU Board of Trustees SENIOR CLASS REMARKS CHRISTINE MARIEALTIMORE ADDRESS ELEANOR M. JOSAITIS Chief Operating Officer and Cofounder Focus: HOPE Detroit, Michigan SPECIAL MUSIC Three in One .............................................................................................................................................................. .............. Thad Jones The MSU Jazz Band I RODNEY WHITAKER, Conductor INTRODUCTION AND REMARKS DONALD W. NUGENT, Chairperson, MSU Board of Trustees SENIOR CLASS REMARKS SHARONE R. SENK PRESENTATION OF CLASS GIFT LAURA F. SPENCE AND PAUL R. RAGE PRESENTATION OF CLASS GIFT LAURA F. SPENCE AND PAUL R. RAGE CONFERRING OF DEGREES CONFERRING OF DEGREES PETER MCPHERSON President, Michigan State University PETER MCPHERSON President, Michigan State University PRESENTATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES' AWARDS PRESENTATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES' AWARDS RECOGNITION OF HONORS AND HIGH HONORS RECOGNITION OF HONORS AND HIGH HONORS PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ALMA MATER................................................................................................................................................................................................ Traynor ALMA MATER ......... ............................ ..... ... ............................ ............. ... .. .......... .... ....................................... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight iJence falls, Flu hing deep and omy paling O'er ivy-covered hal'!. . Benealh the pilles we 11gather To give ollr faj th '0 lrue, Sing our l ov~ for Alma MareI' And Ihy prruse , M .. U. (The Band, Mr. Moore and Auclienc ) RECESSIONAL The MSU Jazz Band I 8 We would like to express our appreciation to the Senior Class Council and staff for their assistance at the commencement exercises. The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving the arena. M.S.U., We love thy shadows Wheniwilight ilence fa.ll ·, F lushing deep and softly paHng O'er ivy-covered ha.lls. B eneath the pin we ' ll gather To give our faith so true Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The Band, Mr. Moore, and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Jazz Band I We would like to express our appreciation to the Senior Class Council and staff for their assistance at the commencement exercises. The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving the arena. 9 4 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES JEFFREY D. ARMSTRONG, DEAN DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agribusiness Management Stephanie Lelo Agriscience * Aaron G. Gearhart Walter Joseph Iciek Andrew Douglas Johanns ** Melinda Lee Klockziem Heidi Marie Schneider Environmental Studies and Applications ** Nathan Robert Geisler Justin F. Knoll Heather L. Oberlin Natalie Kim Penkszik Amy Catherine Prais Katherine Terese Stavale Jessica Renee Thelen Dustin Arthur Young Animal Science H Margaret Anne Closs H** Tracy Leigh Copenhafer Elizabeth Mae Corder Rebekah Eckrich Fahey Sheila Javaheir Fath-Azam David A. Gebhardt Jenni Lynne Himebaugh Amanda Rene Kremer Erica Leigh Peyton Matthew William Scramlin Kristina Ann Yee Fisheries and Wildlife Stephanie A. Baker Kathleen Grace Campbell Andrew Thomas Clapper Andrea Lee Hayes Vern Oscar Moore Kristin Marie Wildman Food Industry Management Kodjo Akaah Pierre LaQuantez Burt Hyung-Jun Cho Christy Dawn Coleman Patrick Peter Gallavin Pang Hang Alexis L. Johnson Matthew Robert La Marre Yung Ung Lee Paul N. Merandi Brian Michael Mielnicki Building Construction Management Daniel J. Cole Nicholas M. Cunningham Christopher A. Rau Joel Michael Tate Crop and Soil Sciences Robert Noah Wenger Richard Paul Monk Cassandra E. Palmer LaKeyia D. Rogers J anakee J. Shah Lillian Kathleen Vinson Food Science FueCheng ** Mavis Tan Wei Kim Maija Leigh Napierkowski Forestrv Paul Emil Krueger James Robert Parker Brian Thomas Pattullo Brian David Verhougstraete Horticulture * Aaron G. Gearhart Matthew Guentter Jennifer Marie Spagnuolo Packaging Kena U. Broach Tracie Anne Cree Amy K. Gusfa Ryan Denton Jones Amanda Jayne Kiefer Ryan William McMullen John Christian Onderko Karen L. Pawloski Joseph Vernon Rake Abigail Susanne Rutledge Brian David Satwicz Scott Alan Sedick Richard Duane Snoddy Joshua James Stalsonburg Scott John Wellard Park. Recreation and Tourism Resources Valarie Dannette Cassette Ashleigh Renee Collier Derek James Daniels Vanessa Ryan Fazzalari Jeffrey A. Hotchkiss Colleen Elizabeth Lyon Sandra J. MacDonald Brian Matthew Maher Jennifer Rigterink DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH THE COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Tami Jo Bruin CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agribusiness Management Jeremy K. Arend Kyle Andrew Huff ** Brandt Daniel Keilen Nicholas J. Monigold Brian Michael Rajzer Jeffrey Allen Root Agriscience Matt S. Burdick Darcy Jean Dorr Ryan Paul Sanders Eric A. Whitford Animal Science Chad J. Braden Kayse Lynn Chubb Julie Ann Couch ** Kristy Marie Daniels H* Jessica Lynn Dorr Christi Lynn Dunkelberg Carianne M. Endert Aimee Michelle Faner Audrey L. Fletcher Terra Dionne Goff Jill Lorraine Grimberg Jennifer Marie Hart Michael Gordon Hogberg H Honors College * With Honor With High Honor ** 10 Lisa M. Knickerbocker Joy E. Kwapis Jilanne Bea Lange Karin Maye Leefers Jeffrey Michael Lehnert Kimberly Mary Maier * Jason D. Mertens Stephanie M. Miller Lauren E. Moran Shauna Lynne Ormiston Jamey Lynn Patterson Christina M. Pinkston Jill Suzanne Rinkel Kristen R. Seifferlein Katie Marie Smock Susan Marie Swanebeck Nicole Marie Tremain Charles R. VanHusan H* Kathleen Elizabeth Werden Katie Lynn Westfall Building Construction Management David John Bertolini Jeffrey Stephen Caligiuri Daniel R. Chizek Nicholas Shane Phillip Ellis David Joseph Farhat John Thomas Gardocki Robert John Gumber Andrew Allen Holman Kevin C. Kaslatas Justin J. LaFee William Charles Davidson MacKay Daniel J. Marth Aaron Miller Patricia Ann Moses Jeremiah John Nakfoor Eric James Parsons Nicholas John Shepherd Kevin M. Spiess Crop and Soil Sciences Justin Eric Bickel Scott Goniwiecha Michael J. Mitosinka Randall James Moses Jonathan A. Scott Kameron Lee Southworth Environmental Economics andPolicv Jeffrey Allen Austhof Erin Leigh Markle Lydia Kay Scholle Environmental Studies and Applications Christine M. Battiste Shannon M. Burnett Mariah Centrone Amanda Lou Hightree Shannon L. Horgan Marcus Lloyd Kramer * John W. Lemke Ann C. Munsell Scott Jared Waldenmyer Fisheries and Wildlife (Continued) John Whitlock Sarah Ann Wills Tasha Marie Wymer Food Industry Management Jason Allan Ahrens Matthew P. Bilunes Reasha Renee Byrd Michael Juan Cantu Craig Allen Cargill Sakuntala Tuni Chatterji Patrick W. Donaldson Chaunda Michelle La'Teicha Downer Sarah Lynn Dullinger Michael Peter Eberz Brian J. Feldman Andrew John Fly Virgil Walter Humphreys IV Steven Herlambang Irawan Valentin Ivezaj Sun-Oak Kim James William Lafranca Joseph M. Lyons G. Casey Mann Courtney Nudelman Patrick Brian O'Connor Travis N. Parkinson Saengtawan Prasittisuk Daniel Satut Erin M. Schafer John C. Schroeder Kevin Scott Tenney Angela L. Thomson Kimberly Tukia Underwood Geoffrey Abbott Wilson Jr. Thomas Witkowski Matthew Allen Witten Young Wook Won David Christopher Yeager Food Science Christina Marie Malenfant Forestry Elisa Terese Collins Erin Michelle Devine Paul Andrew Filary Eli P. Harz Corrie Ann Meyers Aaron David Moorhead Jeremy Smith * ** * ** Horticulture Cesar Alamillo Kaori Ando Steven Richard Baillie Jeannette Marie Bishop Susan Marie Bubak Andrew Burmeister Autumn Dawn Deer-Beyer Stephanie A. Estes Teresa A. Graham Adam Stanton Hoffman Brooke Merritt Hughes Michael David Hutchinson Brian Michael Kevany Jason A. King John A. Ross David Brett Schultz Jamie Allen Scott Laura Jeanne Thiel Timothy Jacob Vandenberg Leah Marie Van Vels Packaging Pasquale Alessi * Jonathan L. Almas Gregory Matthew Alvarado Kathryn Alexandra Bailey Ryan Michael Beard Joseph Aaron Beaudry Elyes G. Ben-Mlouka David Matthew Bennett Anthony Russell Bernardi Corey Jacob BeVier Henry Lee Birton II Andrew Michael Brown * Lori B. Burleson Lorna E. Camp Michael Alan Carrier Daniel Dana Caverly Bradley G. Cech ** Christopher Michael Cetnar Adam Cheney Cleveland ** Erin Katherine Clugston Robert E. Coleman Matthew James Danhof Andrew Patrick Dee Bradley Alan Dieffenbacher * Susan J. Donnelly Shannon M. Duff H* Andrew Ansel Ehret Jeremy James Elwell Kevin Galdes Jonathan Russell Gipperich Ryan Michael Goodrich Michael L. Harris Chanila Anise Hines AiHua Kurt Jason Jaworski Michael David Jonson Lauren M. Kaufman Curtis Alan Kieler Kevin J. Klein Steven T. Lang Randy Ryan Langohr * Nicholas J. Layman Jill A. LeBlanc Malcolm X. Leniar Mary H. Lister Aaron Raymond Loomer Marcy Beth Magnuson Kevin Lee Mason Jarod Allyn Mayer Joseph Marvin McKinney III Thomas J. Nowak ** Nicholas A. Palmreuter Mathew Partin Jenny Elizabeth Pullis Kathryn Anne Rennells Derek J. Ring Ian James Rogers Jennifer B. Salame Joseph Warren Samotis Kevin N. Sattazahn Aaron P. Schroeder Eric D. Schuetzler Sara Seifert Dragoljub Sirnic Marko M. Simic Jason L. Smith Charles Edward Solano Brian T. Turbin Jeffery Vajen * Kirk Alan Valko Benjamin Lee Vandlen Joseph Drew Vargo Christopher B. Vogel Whitney C. Voshell Benjamin Wahl Melissa Anne Melomet Walden Erica Lynne Watson Lindsay Michele Weaver Richard Paul Wisniewski Jf. * John Manuel Zamora II Sarah Anne Zeid Stephanie A. Zervogiannis Nicholas James Ziegler Jonathan Paul Zurek Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources Christina Behta Nicole Celeste Casper Brian T. Dunn Michelle Lynn Fink Sara Harris David Joseph Krause Kathleen Anne Lepley James W. MacGregor Eric Patrick Peterson Scot Reisner Kyle Allyn Roberts Eric A. Roe Mark Andrew Schurke Jason Matthew Scott Peter J. Scott Nicholas Seguin Heather Lynn Vandecar Garry C. Veit Kelley Robert Watson Nancy Elizabeth Young DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH THE COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES * Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Jamie Marie Gasper Kiha Michelle Marshall Timothy A. Rogers Julie Ann Vanlerberg Andrea Lynn Zeeb Fisheries and Wildlife Amy L. Belson Kimberly Berenter Melissa Michael Burkholder Brian Joel Cenci H Rebecca JoAnn Farrington * Peter Jonathan Hrodey H Jennifer Lyn Kolasa James Gabriel Lloyd II Melinda Ann Malek Michelle Marie McIntosh Joshua C. Middleton Adam Ray Mittino Nathan John Nye Jonathan Carlos Pettit H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 11 G College of Arts and Letters ARTS AND LETTERS WENDY WILKINS, DEAN CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * * ** * * * * English Allison Joy Barber Andria Paige Barberi Jennifer Lyn Barker Heather Danielle Beachy Aimee Celeste Benoit Catherine J. Bettinghouse Ty ler Mitchell Blakslee William Branch Josh Ray Brown Jessica Jo Burger Kelly C. Cashen Jane Elizabeth Cavanagh Ian Nicholas Coote Robert Jr. Dantzler Kistilan Jerah Dark Bradley Scott Davidsen Bretton John Dennis Sean Michael Devlin Kathryn S. Elliott Sam Evalt Erin Elizabeth Finnegan Erica Christine Fistler Heather Lynn Floros Christina Louise Fulmer Daniel Harding Monica Renee Harris Andrea Marie Hewitt Alicia D. Jackson Bronwen Leigh Jesswein Katherine Myett Kopin Christopher S. Kuhlman R. Jess Lavolette Yvonne Denise Lewis-Mustafa Melissa Lee Malone Cara Elizabeth Munsell Paula Lynn Norton Catherine Joanne Povilaitis Denielle Ramos Beth Marie Ruggiero Megan Elizabeth Schirmer David M. Schmidt Melissa Margaret Schopieray H** CaruilliaSmith Amanda J. Steger Dalania R. Stewart Erin Marie Stradtner Marisa Renee Swystun ** Elizabeth E. Taylor H** Tina Melissa Urbain Ryan Patrick Walsh Jessica Dawn Wertz Elizabeth Whitcher Brett Joseph Yezic Sandra Kay Youngs Christopher D. Maack J. Paul Marlowe * James Earle Martinez Nichole Lynn Parish H* Robert Matthew Romashko Micah J. Schmidt Adam Joseph StGeorge David Anthony Testa History of Art Michael David Martin Audra Janine Pieknik Humanities-Prelaw Chad Thomas Cruz H** Valerie Lynn Rust Matthew Edward Walsh French Susan Elizabeth Godard Kristina Kosnick * Kristen Ann Kowalczyk H** CamilliaSmith German Nicole Marie Lowe History ** Jason Robert Bowers Brian K. Budowick David R. Carducci William P. Chambers Patrick Tyrus Collins Daniel A. Dalrymple * Jennifer Marie Demsky Timothy Grinnell Frakie Rachel Marie Hohloch Philip N. Jordan Mark Allen Klassen ** * * H** Interdisciplinary Humanities Mark Philip Baxter Sara C. Bennett William Charles Brick Derek Allen Brown Ilana Deborah Bruton Alicia Lynette Buggs Kevin Michael Busch Kathryn Lea Donaldson Erin Nicole Earhart Elizabeth Lynn Eby Tracey Lynne Fetzer Timothy Michael Heuer Meghan Michelle Hom Julia Valerie Katz Mary Ellen Keathley Ayanna Michelle Keyes Sabah Z. Khan Gretchen B. Lees Adrienne Renee Long Sara Marie Sandborn Evan Mathew Smale Justin Jared Stewart * Soh Suzuki Rhonda Kay Wice Jaclyn E. Young Music Evette Atkin Amy S. Mulder Religious Studies * RanaChang Erin Elizabeth Finnegan Michael B. Munerantz * * * * H Spanish Tera Danielle Bias Jennifer Albrycht Boes Ashley Elizabeth Hall Jeneen Y. Hatoum Brooke Michele Klecha Kyleen Kay Murphy Nicole Lynne O'Brien Keith Michael Richards Kassandra A. Whitaker Studio Art * Benjamin James Gaydos Theatre Krista Marie Akmon Alexandra Duggelin H* Andrew John Hungerford Sarah Jane LaJoye Shaun Christopher Meoak Emily Mickelson Mary H. Schneider Karen Elyse Weberman DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Audrey Christie Shyu Charles Ryan Teunis Karen Dee Whitmyer Art Education Nicholas A. Candela Elizabeth Denise Cummings * Erika Louise Martinez Studio Art Colleen Melissa Bennett Aimee Marie Cameron Andrea Rose Driscoll Michael Patrick McComb * Eric Edward Paul Megan Lynn Rhodes Thomas Ro Jill Marie-Slane Weykamp Ji-eun Yun DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Music Peiformance Kyle Marcus Anderson * Brian Christopher Carl Lateena Vernette Dinkins H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 12 Music Therapy Patricia Jayne Appleby Vocal-General Music Education * Rebecca Dale Winder DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Instrumental Music Education Jeremy Stephan Rugenstein Jonelle Marie Tichnell * Vocal-General Music Education Kristina Marie Caswell English Melissa Ann Biermann Carly Marie Bircham Erika Brette Bohnenstiehl Jill Lauren Bousson Mary Carolyn Bozym Tracy L. Broomfield H** Robin Elizabeth Christensen Jennifer Downey Kristina Geno John McLeod Griffin Anastasia J. Gulkewicz Bridget Marie Hagerty Marjorie Marie Harkema Kristin Nicole Herrin Heidi Hines-Shattuck Angela Frances Houck James William Hull Raven L. Jones Curtis John King Jr. Brian Palmer Lick Matthew James Loch Michael S. Mashinter Honey Minkowitz Daira Ruta Moruss Shelly A. Neveau Karen D. O'Connor Benjaruin Gordon Oliver Julie A. Pitsonis Victoria Lynn Rariden ** Catherine C. Ricard Benjamin N. Ross Melissa J 0 Scott Angela Marie Semifero Tersaem Soldan Sharma Bryan Patrick Smith Temple Day Smith Julie Anne Stein Lila Tillman Gabrielle Heather Tisdall Erik N. Toth Tracey M. Underwood Gillian Suzanne VanStratt Alyson Paige Warren Alisa Anne Williams Alison Rose Woidan Robyn Jennifer Yob Historv of Art Devon M. Akmon * Kelli Lynn Bodle * Andrew Robert Keast Mary Elizabeth Schulte Carey L. Sperl French Heidi Ann Banninga * Elizabeth Ann Curry Susana Lopez De La Cruz Louis Paul Rabaut Humanities-Prelaw Murat Bashelvaci Edward Andrew Gieselman German * Amy Elizabeth Goryl Darrin Evan Miral Traci Lynne Wightman Interdisciplinary Humanities Stephanie Alicia Aberlich Heather Marie Alsip Benne Eunice Baker-Smith Adam Scheidt Lee James Thomas History Anthony S. Brabb Michael R. Bruno Benjamin J. Chmielewski Karrie Helen Cloudman Adam J. Costakes * Rebecca Elizabeth Dent Alicia Anne Gardner Nathan Dean Hall Shad Karl Hanselman * Matthew Hans Hubinger Annmarie L. MacDonald Nathaniel C. Michno Thomas John Mitchell Religious Studies Michael David Xavier Press Stephen Louis Reyner * Christopher Michael Osmar Chad Alan Ozias Esmeralda Ester Perez * Megan J. Senk Douglass Gilbert Weeks Linguistics Abigail Fisher H* Sarah B. Kurzhals * * * * Spanish Rae Paul Allen Sally Gray Anthony Christine Marie Baese Kristy L. Bies Jennifer Evelyn Dicker Tianna Marie Ferris Jennifer Marie Giller Alison Elizabeth Gould Kristin Erin Graw Christy Grace Gurley Kristin Nicole Herrin Tamika Renee Johnson Katherine Elizabeth Nath Adelle Marie Pizzala Ashlea Anne Rothgeb David Howard Stowell Melanie Ann White Studio Art * Mark Alan Benglian LornaE. Camp * Michelle K. Leyrer * Yoko Shibata Music Nathan R. Gulash Theatre Bradley Charles Etheridge Deborah Karlik Jessica Ann Pfalzer Tiffanee Rena Phillips Cheyenne Rebecca Pinson Philosophy H* Paul Charles Jackson Brent Cameron Mellis DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Art Education Robert John Jaruzel Anne Elizabeth Yambor Studio Art Timothy James Gale Jihyun Lee H** Dustin London * Mila Noemi Theroux Eric Jason Wathen Andrew Christopher Wilder Rebecca Marie McMath * Tara I. Shively * Jeanette Marie Strezinski DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Composition and Music TheoD' Alexander Gordon Amato Instrumental Music Education Leann D. Fruin Ryan Andrew Gonder Music Performance Jason W. Alder Benjamin Lee Morse Stringed Instrument Music Education H** Karen Lynn Smith * Vocal-General Music Education Patricia Randi-Ann Bolding Music Therapy * Cecile Marie Dysangco Marc E. Wilson H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 13 4 BUSINESS THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 ROBERTB. DUNCAN, DEAN DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS ** H * * * * * * * * H* H * Accounting Bryan Adam Arbut Joel I. Arthur Michelle R. Aschenbrenner Jeremy Scott Bobo Trevor James Booth Kristy Lynn Burke Meaghan Elizabeth Carron Yoon-Sun Choi Andrew Frank Clouser Leonard Lavell Davis Jeffrey Thomas Dawson Jason W. DeGroot Kelicia D. Dorsey Melissa Fagerman John Joseph Fraas Melanie Renee Hava M. Bjorn Jakobsen Christopher Lee Johnson Tomislav Jurcic Matthew Charles Kammann Jae Kwak LiLi Karen Jing-Wen Liang Chii-Chang Lin Matthew A. Loeding Conor Sullivan Macfarlane Patrick J. Mahoney Joel T. Marogil Deborah Elizabeth Morabito Myra Olubunmi Olaopa Ahrum Alice Pahk Elizabeth M. Poploskie Emily S. Reetz Elizabeth Ann Ryon Kadek H. Santi Dennis Joseph Schneider Evan Edward Sonntag David Robert Strait Natalia Tiemann Economics Brent Cornell Beauchamp Adam R. Crawford Christopher Maluchnik * Melissa Ann Savard Andrew Tocco Finance * Chad Arthur Anga Marjorie L. Beasley Amy Briana Berlenbach Dae Andre Yaukee Blair Stephen L. Brown Stacy Oldham Buss Eleana Kam-Yan Chau Steven R. Christie H* Timothy M. Dixon Matthew William Donnellon * Trinidy Duong Jason Daniel Gorton Brian Thomas Griffin H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 14 * ** ** * * * * H* * * Daniel Edward Hamlin Sean Hanthorn Karri Lee Herman Vivian W. Ho WeishengHo Chad Grant Hoffmeyer Fred Jake 1m SeemaJanveja Timothy Scott Jenkins Brooke A. Johnston Olaf C. Kroneman IV Kyle William Lindley Michael J. Maitland Kelly Lynn Matz Rupa Mehta Jamie Nicole Moffatt Courtney Murphy Christopher James Nachtman Yen TyngNg Tiffany Leigh Peters Andrew William Prain Linda Ramli Jayne Elizabeth Rossie James B. Ryan Jeffrey J. Schluentz Karen M. Shanghai Charles Anthony Stein Joel Randle Szirtes Yvonne Aileen Thomas Nicholas Joseph Vagnetti Neil C. Vajda Erich L. Weinlander Andrew Jay Weitz Brandon Dale Welling Deanne Carrie-Lee Williams Saviya Markeit Wills Nicholas G. Wolinski Kai-Yu Yang General Business Administration-Prelaw Gregory Patrick Bierl * Jennifer Lea Bruneel Brian A. Cherry * Erik Alan Eklund Mark Francis Genovese Andrea Jeanne Goldsworthy Kevin James Gordon Marisa A. Lenhard H Erica Kay Manning Robert Joseph Orosz General Management Alan Charles Blackney * Sarah Lynn Chandler Zackary Ryann Douglas David Ehrlichman Scott Daniel Epstein Christopher M. Ferrans Lauren Malloy Francisco Kerry-Ann Alicia Green Jayne Clare Jaeger Kyle Steven Klingenberg Kimberly Joy Lindensmith * Thomas James Marshall Miles D. H. Miller Shawna Kay Niceley Sean Gregory Patchell Daniel Alan Paulson Brooke Anne Shepard Brooke Ann Torgeson * Kelsey Elizabeth Zollar Hospitality Business Denise Nicole Bavery Christina L. Surre Cardenas Min Su Cho Leonard M. Feingold Kathleen Ann Hellrung Rosalie Ann Hunt Elizabeth Kathleen Mooney Tracy M. Okoniewski Sun woo Ginny Pack Aftab Patanwala Nicholas Reeser * Blair Robert Wills Human Resource Management Amanda Nicole Adams * Michelle Renee Bonello * Nicole P. Goetschy Mary Beth Kusza * Christopher Cutler Margol Holly Ann Rossell Jennifer L. Tarrant Marketing Whitney M. Anderson Ara John Atesian Douglas J. Bandol Melissa Lee Bott Jennifer Marie Bowen ** Laura S. D'Epifanio Emmeline B. Davis Lauren Alexis Dawson Benjamin Jensen Disney Michael David Durham Prentis Edwards Jf. Molly Lynn Garris Natasha Sherise Gray * Sara M. Griffon Megan E. Groesbeck Brianne L. Hajec Matthew Richard Heroux Ta'Wana Risa Jackson Anthony Michael Jacob Meaghan Elizabeth Kinsella * Leah Rachel Kowalski Robert W. Krass Dana Lorraine Laskowsky Hoi Yue Jeffrey Lau Brent Allen Leciejewski Kathryn Rose Lister Bradley Charles Lutz * Kristy Lynn MacIver Camillia Sherlon Moore Regina Renee Patterson Chauncey Nichole Samuel * Hollis Paul Tate Jf. * WaLynda Lanette Thompson * Yen-Fang Amy Tung Leyla F. Umana Moncada * David M. Whalen Kelly Maureen Wilde Policy and Applied Economics Milan Vladimira Cvetkovic Supply Chain Management Raychel Coleen Anderson Kendra Irene Avery Georgia Bakalis J. Richard Beshore * Charles Allen Bliss Amy Rebecca Broglin Harold E. Brown Jessica Erin Brunt Bryan Patrick Butler James Randolph Carlisle Jason Michael Chang Melissa A. Davis Paul Michael-Hug Diehl Jason William Fabaz Calvin J. Feng Matthew A. Field Melissa R. Frankish Matthew J. Froehlich Daniel R. George Jennifer Goldblatt Todd Matthew Grafton Mario Antoine Harper * Erin Michelle Herd Lynsey Erin Hochstetler Charles Nicholas Jaeger Adam Joseph Koenigsknecht Zhen Liu Jennifer Ann Marshall Michael Lawrence Oden Brienne Colleen Olsen Brian Douglas Ottinger Kyle George Peckens Jesse Reinke H* Ryan James Renner Deon Kowan Roberson Jennifer S. Schultz Jeffrey Ryan Sutton Kathryn Elizabeth Szymanski Joseph Andre Tardif II Neal Turner Brandon Wagner Leon Weberman Nicholas Robert Zech Accounting * Maggie Janiece Bierlein Brandy Lynn Brink Christopher Gabriel Cole ** Laura Elizabeth Cook Jonathan E. Cooley Ryan DeCook Travis John Dunigan Nelson Lowell Emerson Elon Friedman Jaime Lynn Green Kelly Ann Hammill Sean Jeong-Kyu Han Tiffany Herrold Brian Eric Hultin Eustace 1. Kigongo Jr. * Hoikab Kim Adam Daniel Kirklin H** Jeff LaMirand Erin J. Lange ** Jamie Paul Lemke Christina Marie McGuire Sara Elizabeth McKechnie H** Danielle Marie Hoisington McNally Rose Marie Powers Kristy Jean Roeder Nathan Andrew Sanford ** Michael James Schury * Shanna K. Seelye Ian Russell Stuut Takahiro Suzuki Raj S. Thiruvengadam Sirividiya Tr Nathan E.c. Whitaker * * ** ** * * Economics Maggie Janiece Bierlein Kristy L. Bies Matthew Paul Clarke Natalie Lora Feldpausch Jeffrey Eric Flynn Japbir Singh Gill Desmond Colin Jones Rizwan R. Maknojia Jeffrey Frank Mason Ryan Aaron Michalik Derek B. Payette Chadwick Alan Perrine Jeremy William Rolinski Tae-Yoon Shon Erik Tilly Derek J. Werner Amo C. Yurk Finance Robert Anthony Allan * Aaron Walch Bawol Julie Ann Bergdolt Deonne Lehte Billups Aaron Joseph Brown William Michael Buhrfiend Mitchell Anthony Byrnes Christopher James Carnes Melanie R. Casey Branden L. Collins Graham Alexander Currie Kenneth James Davis Jr. George A. Drosis * * * H* ** * * * * * Cherita Edmondson Ashley Lim Geers Japbir Singh Gill Michael John Guoin Jon Thomas Michael Hansen Dennis Hicks Matthew D. Horwitz Steven J. Hynek Steven Patrick Jackson Julie A. King Kelly Lynn Kopf Cara Danielle LaCroix Megan L. Larmee Sean Lasko HinHangLau Jonathan S. Lund Jill Michelle Pline Martinez Christopher Hursh McCuiston Chad Maurice Meints Steven M. Merenda Starlett A. Moore Matt D. Mrozinski David Allen Nedorezov Ifeoma Okoroafor Michael Onesko Wade R. Perry Bryan Gary Phillips Michael P. Redies Jeremy William Rolinski Sean R. Secord Nomit Ashwin Shah Jeffrey Scott Siefman Andrew J. Smith Lisa Marie Spigoda Anthony D. Stubbs Jonathan W. Swegles David A. Warrington Dan Michael Weeks Blair Robert Wills Mark William Wills Russell R. Young Isma Rani Zubair General Business Administration-Pre law Moira Roisin Duffy Adam Edward Gutowski * Nathan Christopher Johns Desi Johnson II Michael Scott Owen Denesha Rene Price Anne Lisa Scherman Amber Michelle Thomas Andrew John-Thomas Uher Jessica Ann Walsh * Gregory John Wolenberg General Management ** Ali Mohammed A. Basamh Timothy Daniel Beckett Rebecca Anne Burkholder James Victor Caudy * Michael Eric Conrad David Covell Adam Benjamin Dawson Bradley Earl Day Meghann Doorley Nicole L. Dunlap Jeffrey A. Grey Dennis F. Hall Christy Marie Hilker Steven Louis Howson Tamar Jourian Drew Scott Kelly Jane Kim Sueyeon Kim * * William David Lacy YushinLee Carol Angela Mann Kevin Rene Miyamoto Jason Greig Pelletier Steven Curtis Rahman Jacqueline Suzanne Rompel Angela Kristin Schrader Ryan S. Schram Margaret R. Seavey Katherine A. Shannon Erik D. Smith Josh Edward Sommers * James L. Starnes Jieun Yoo Hospitality Business Juli Ann Babcock H* Diego Heman Cepeda Warren D. Dodson Matthew R. Foster Abigail Suzanne Gaugler Elizabeth Anne Kanistanaux Alba Odeetth Lara Gina Ashley McKay Keri Elizabeth McKelvey Dustin D. Mudrak Emily Rose Patrick David Matthew Price Martha Ann Stanichuk Kristi Lynn Turcheck Cara Suzanne Van Kalker Ya-Hsuan Yang Human Resource Management Heather Leigh Baehr Kristy N. Chappelle Natalie Dwana Clark Candice LaRaye Crawford Sarah L. DeLeeuw Ryan Patrick Hart * Melissa Ann Konal Michael W. Koren Andrew James Manning Meghan Molloy Amanda Anne Pruneau Kristina Marie Shue * Kelly Lynn Thomas Angelita Marie White Courteney Lynn Wieczorek Marketing Heather Lynn Allen Naimah Noelle Allen-Ratliff Renee Yvonne Babin Roger Nicholas Bollier * James W. Bryant Jr. Rachel Anne Ciccone * Sarah Pauline Cohn * ** * ** * * Cari Marie Crane Khow la Denha David M. Emig Staci Marie Flinchbaugh Victor Andrew Fricano Jennifer Marie Giller Jeffrey L. Goers Jason Michael Greb Marc Groulx Jennifer Lynn Hammer Abigail M. Hammond Matthew Flynn Kaczor Jennifer Kernen Mark Kirkpatrick Tracey Lynn Knowles Sean P. Kozak Marc Edward Labadie Michael Todd Lebow Thomas D. Lee Mickey Stanley MacNeill Elizabeth Ann Mastee Erin K. McCarthy James M. McNamara Gabriel Miller Steven D. Miller Kristin Michelle Motz Angela Marie N aseef Lynn Marie Pallister Zachary S. Person Marlene Marie Petrucci Kimberly Ann Polito Jamie Rahmberg Kimberly J. Rathsburg Troy David Rector Jeffrey E. Smith Joni Marie Smoker Earle Andrew Spohn Elsa Marie Tiedeck Adam Lang Wiesley Supply Chain Management George Abraham III Jessica Michelle Abrams Christine Marie Altimore Kristyn Lynn Anscomb Chad Stephen Bandilla Maxwell Christopher Bolton Jonathan Michael Bracci Ryan Patrick Case Sean Philip Casey James Austin Cinglie Melanie Christine Cole Kathryn Sarah Conklin Katie Lynn Copp Jennifer Lyn Cruz * Elizabeth Ann Curry Joseph Francis Cyzeska Bridget Lynn Drury Shane Tyson Eddy YiTzuFang Corinne Marie Farley H* Gregory G. Gagnon David W. Gammill Raeanne Guilloz Alexis Nina Gulliver Hussein Sherali Haji Matthew Douglas Halliday * Michael Reginald Haw H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 15 < COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES BUSINESS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Supply Chain Management (Continued) Marc L. Hodges Craig Kenneth Hoot Evan Hamilton Horstman Shan Huang * Paul R. Husse * Matthew William Hytinen Stephen Duff Ihrig II Christopher Jacobson Michael David Johnson Jennifer Jones Candice Marie Karns Reid W. Kinde ** William Gilbert Knibloe III Brian Charles Kraegel Brian Paul Krzyzaniak Adrienne M. Lessard Arshia Loloee Kevin Michael Lukasik Andrew Michael Lyons Mark H. Maki Christopher Kevin Martin Brian Patrick McGinnis Gregory David Mercer Christa Jeanne Miller Carsten William Mitchell Derek Eugene Mitchell Aaron H. Mottaghi Vishnu Priya Naidu * Brooke Anne Nienhuis Christopher John Nowicki * Matthew Scott O'Connor Jeffrey Michael Owen Joseph Charles Pajak Brent K. Patterson Inez Reyes Perez Yvette D. Pettus Jason Phillips Joseph Parsons Reiss Justin Gregory Ringler Marisa Kelly Rose ** Chui Ki Suen Jerome Emil Tabb Joshua Robert Tait ** Michael D. Tucker Eric Scott Tuson Jacquelyn Ann Upton Jelsomina Acierno Valencia Christopher John Wages Chad Douglas Weisgerber Pamela Witulski Eddie L. Wright II Andrea Lynn Yeager College of Communication Arts and Sciences JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Advertising Mary Elizabeth Adcock Michael Paul Adomatis Delia Melanie Alfafara Sarah Janel Amiel Damon A. Anderson Eric Lee Andrews Melissa L. Bergstrom Sara Boardman Thomas Clement Bovio Holly Kay Bowen Brandi Kathleen Brown Jason Alexander Callender Rachel Louise Carlson Wei-Shin Chiang Ryan Patrick Conway Sommer Joy Coon Nathan D. Crews Aaron Scott Crumbaugh Todd D. Custer Renee Lea Dobson Michael A. Donnay Erin Leigh Edge Ryan D. Edwards Brian Engelhardt Erika Fischer Kellee Ruth Fournier Sarah Elizabeth Frizzell Scott Anthony Galetto Katherine Gawlik Michael T. Hassett Eric David Hauss Lindsay Nicole Hill Julie Christina Hite Courtney Colette Hoover Ranee Amanda Hyde * Meghan Ann Jenzen H* Kelly Kamm Julia Robyn Karasik Justin Michael Kawa KwangOhKim Kenneth S. Kosiorek Nathan John Kryscynski Glenn S. Lott H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 16 Mark Andrew Lundquist Amy N. Marion Lauren Kaylyn McClain Rebecca Lynn McLuckie Emily Alice Mead Jeffrey T. Miller Margaret Lynn Miller Lisa Monica Nino Stacey Pauline Ostervik Christina L. Page Steven Frank Pauli Daniel Thomas Pembroke Rachel M. Penick Gregory Aaron Peppler * Nathan Francesco Perna Erin Tracy Proctor Andrew Pauli Prysby Elizabeth Ann Regan Bryan Michael Roy Rebekah Joan Schneider Tamico Michelle Scott Brooke E. Shaw Kimberley G. Sikes Ishita Sinha ** Jeffrey David Steadman Jonathan James Tallinger * WaLynda Lanette Thompson John M. Thompson II Brandon M. Tomburrini Darshan D. Vadodaria Walter Ward III Rachel Ann Warner Eyren Dierdre White Allyson Carole Wilson Ashley Alexsandra Wolff Allison Margaret Worman Juliana Marie Zalewski Audiology and Speech Sciences * Christina Lee Cannon Amber Angela Grzelak Lindsay Alyson Hill Amanda Kimberly Kylie Erin Krentzin * Elizabeth Jane Novak Jenniffer Lynn Schaible Communication Keith J. Babiasz Tamesha Nicole Beamon Rachel Anne Biocchi Matthew David Bladzik Mary Elizabeth Braz Mark Dale Brewer Joseph J. Brown Jason Lee Bruneel Sarah Elizabeth May Bullock Elizabeth Anne Bunting Alexander David Call George Edward Cassis Dennis Joseph Caviston Eleana Kam-Yan Chau Anne Catherine Crouse Andrea Lynn D' Alessandro Krista Kempe Dallavecchia Kevin Andrew Daugherty Kathleen Diane Devereux Jessica E. Dillingham Holly R. Dudley Mark Richard Dunphey Jennifer Ann Fechik Jennifer Jean Fudge Molly Katherine Gall Nicole Marie Gayeski Julie Ann Gleason * Alison Nicole Gould John Charles Grimaldi Lisa Nelle Grutza Bethany Lynn Hall LaSheenya Fawn Henderson Steven James Hoffmann Nicole L. Home Jonathan R. Horowitz Rebekka L. Hughes * H** * H Sharon Margaret Isenberg Michelle L. J alaba Justin Tyler-Garnett Jarvie Nathan Paul Jorgensen Mark Michael Kassa Courtney Anna Kendall Stephen Harry Kendall Jeffrey Devon Kilpatrick Eboni A. King Jill Elizabeth Klingler Salena KaShon Kountz Leah R. Kowalski Aleksander Samuel Kruzel Tiya Marie-Natacia Kunai yi -Akpanah Laura Ann LaDuke Nicole M. Lemmer Monica Kathryn Lewis Brooke Danielle Little Alysa Ann Lucas Heidi Lundquist Dinita Inez Mack Samuel M. Mada Meredith Gretz Marten Dan Martinez Andrew P. Massimino Michelle Rita Matta Molly Katherine McCue Allison Marie Miller Arthur Joseph Miller III Elena Marie Moeller Brook Evan Monticello Sarah Michele Murphy Alexander P. Nefouse Steve Nicklow Lisa Marie Nieddu Nicholle Lynn Olson William Kahler Ort Scott Alexander Perlman Jessica Gwynn Persichini Shani Vanessa Peters Marta Costa Richardson Regan Cochrane Riley Cynthia Renee Samson Communication (Continued) Christopher William Schell Johanna Lynn Schulte Marc Schumaker * Anna Joyce Schwartz Ryan C. Scranton Kristen Michelle Sexton Angela Theresa Silvani * Angela Marie Sittaro Richard Lee Smith Lindsay Lee Spaak Gina J. Spinazze Nichole Elizabeth Sternberger Charles Joseph Stott Tiffany Renee Street Vanessa Christine Sylva Andrea Rae Tarry Daniel Loring Tata Giovannie L. Thomas Daniel J. Thompson Jf. Meaghan Suzanne Trojanowski Kimberly Marie Vagt Russell Wade Tecumseh Valentine Jamie Nicole Wallace * Lindsay Kay Ward Shekinah Glory Wheeler Alicia Anne Wiaduck Trinette Meakea Wilder Katie Lynn Williams Nichole Marie Williams Valerie Therese Wingert Danielle Lynne Winkler Dominique Woods Christina Ann Zigulis Journalism Adam Michael Arscott Christopher Edward Behnan Angela Lauren Bochenek Julie Ann Crowley Robin Marie D' Angelo Lauren Elizabeth Jacobs Cheuk Wing Lee Aaron Thomas Prince Michael T. Rose Steven Edward Sold wedel Pamela E. Spencer Justin Jared Stewart Jacqueline Nichole Tripi Telecommunication Michael James Anderson Daniel Atkinson * Philip Lee Bergman Gary W. Bernadel * Matthew R. Beuckelaere H Eric Bjornstad Leslie Broughton Jeffrey E. Clark Chad Michael Connell John Matthew Crutchfield Jessica Erin Erlich David Lee Erwin II Michael Jonathan Farkas Zorinah Y. Figueroa Allison G. Fisher Jesse Elreese Ford Siddharth Gujral Joshua Michael Hakes Leslie Ann Hein YangK. Her James August Hoppe David Henry Keating Brian Hyungkwon Kim Sarah Hyosil Kim Andrea Nicole Kulikowski Mandy Erin Lawson Gregory E. Longo Patrick Lee McKee Pedro Ki-Chun Miu * Jesse R. Page Kongsoun Soun Pongphimkham Jarod Rhys Pratt Ronnie M. Rifai Kevin Michael Robinson Matthew Michael Rouhan Bryan Michael Roy Jeremy Todd Sawdy * Matthew James Sebenick Hyuk-Joon Seo Vincent P. Smiertelny II Cedric A. Smith Aaron Snapke Frank Soborowski David Spencer Ying Tat Sung Matthew Brooks Sweitzer Alexander TG Voss Jeffrey A. Weaver Vi'Nessa Joiette Webster Joshua G. Wilson Karen Louise WilsonTremble Nicholas Reed Zeidler CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Advertising Adam T. Acheson * Chad J. Amo Marshall Anggalino David Alan Anspaugh Kevin Scott Babcock Shawn Frances Bacony Michael D. Bauer Nancy Hazel Bey Aaron James Bloem Robert J. Budreau Arielle Johanna Burgess Nathan Scott Castiglione Amy Lynne Cerullo Andrea M. Colegrove Christopher John Cretu Robert Howard Daitch . Patrick Curtis Dally Christopher James Dawkins Kathleen Erin Delehanty Maria Kathleen DeLorenzo Brandie Jane Dixon Fadia Virginia EI-Asfahani Jennifer Lynnette Engram * Kathryn Devere Erickson * Jennifer R. Foose Dennis Owen Forth Jf. Zoe Kanellos Frantzis Jillian Dawn Gibson Heather Marie Gorney Heather Nicolett Greer Susan A. Groshek * Catherine Anne Hershey * Kimberly Ann Hofer Emily Jane Horcha Andrea Nicole Howard * * Nigel Omar James Raymond Javenkoski Mark Andrew Johnston Teak-Joon Jung Kiran Vijay Karwande Mary Anne Kieliszewski Lauren Carlisle Kinsey Maia Lenore Knox Megan Catherine Leja Lisa Lynn Levandowski Michelle Lynn Lewandowski Michelle K. Leyrer Daniel William Marvin John Dellivan Maynard IV Patricia Leetice McCarthy Sara Ann McCreary Ryan Lonnie McDevitt Cynthia Marie Morrison Jackee Aaron Moss Amber Rachel Neely Heather Day Noteboom Regina Yvonne O'Rear Jennifer Leigh Oberski Aaron Peabody William Charles Pekarek Scott Alan Plachta David L. Plafchan Steven Craig Porterfield Kimberly J. Rathsburg Dena Catherine Riccio Jonathan Bernard Ricks Jr. Jason A. Saarm Diana L. Sarkisian Jason R. Sawicki W. Nicolas Schemm Lindsay Christine Schwarz Jill Noel Sciba Sharone Rebecca Senk Lucas Christian Shelton Nick Short Jeffrey Israel Silvarman-Green Marc J. Singer Jackie Renee Smith Kristin Ann Smith Un YongSong Benjamin Alan-Douglas Starr Marianna Strickler Erik Robert Stubenvoll Jennifer J. Styles Craig Anthony Suchodolski Brad S. Sutika Anna J. Swanson Michael Gary Swiantaniowski * Christopher James Tatman Todd Curtis Tolbert Corey L. Utley Rick E. Van House II Morgan Danielle VanTongeren VanM. Vu Keyheatia Maxine Walker Larry Weaver Jr. Jamell Deon Williams Lindsey Emily Witman H* Maria Elizabeth Wygnal Jesse James Young Audiology and Speech Sciences Lauren Denise Bommarito Lisa Bujel April Beth Fish Elizabeth A. Hensel Robyn Renee Householder Lisa Simone Washington Melanie A. York H* Catherine Liz Yrlas * Communication Vertrice Marnica Allen Hillary Gail Andersen Julie Alexis Bagley Timothy Thomas Beard Sara Joan Bush Hanne K. Chanange Sarah Pauline Cohn Bridget Betsy Cooper Jeffrey Scott DeWeerd Nina Dominique DiNatale Erica Lynn Dutcher Adam Easterbrook Erin L. Ecklund Brian Scott Eisen Christopher Conley Farrish Max John Feldpausch II Megan Elissa Fike Erecenia M. Friday Erin Noel Glupker Jericho Frances Groenland Michelle Lynn Harrison Laura M. Hatfield Julie Nicole Holtzman H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 17 COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES EDUCATION DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * * * Communication (Continued) Howard Sokjoo Hong Sara Suzanne Hornik J. Michael Hughes II Jessica L. Hurst Mamie Annette Huss Sarah Ellen Ingrassia John O. Johnson Marsha L. Surdam Johnson Lawrence S. Joseph Catherine Marie Jursenas Leslie Ann Kaplan Aika T. Kendrick Kristle Rose Khoury Jennifer Marie King David Thomas Kniivila Beth Renee Kramer Amelia Jo Kroon Erin M. Law less Melissa Anne Leger Lori Michele Lofman Scott William Lowry Sarah Elizabeth Malovey Silvana Martinov Brandon William Mason Kevin Adam McLaughlin Kellee Marie McNamara Nikole M. Meier Michael H. Mering J. R. Mikulak Lesley Ellen Miller Matthew David Miner Megan Terese Monti Alecia Mayree Mundy Touyen Thi Nguyen Kristal L. Norwood Beth L. Oberle Monica Maria Pintean Corinne Nicole Popoff Laura Elizabeth Potter Tamara Raman Puthoor Patrick Eugene Racette Allison Reed Carly Ann Riegler Megan Terese Rose Kristin Nicole Samuelsen Kristen Lee Sargent Lea Elaina Sheffer Anne Marie Shelburg DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Christan David Sherban Amber M. Shinn Rebecca A. Shulman Michelle Nicole Sikora Alison Elizabeth Snyder Tyson Hill Snyder Lauren R. Stecker James Patrick Stepanian-Bennett Nicolette Lynn Steyskal Melissa S. Thibideau Virginia Deanna Tovar Maria Ann Trupiano Davis Lucan Vader Alison Suad Vertregt Sarah Alisha Wahab James D. Wambold Kevin William Watson Angela Marie Watters Lauren Michelle Wawrzyniak Kimberly Ann Wolford Natalie Sebra Wood Adam Wesley Young Journalism Lindsay Christine Bago Carol Joy Beck Ryan James Coe Tanee L. Elston Martin Anthony Finn H Lindsay Nicole Frederickson Marisa Anne Fusinski Drew Mudget Harmon Sheena Marie Harrison Daniel A. Julian * Juliana L. Keeping Julie Ann Kennedy * Krista Ann Latham Jeffrey Richard Latinen Brooke Bishop Lotz Mary E. Marco * Michelle Ann Matthews Ebuni Nicole Mosley Laura F. Pohl LindaS. Salemka Justin Schneider H** Marisa Amber Schultz * Nicole L. Sclafani Melissa Ann Steinhofer Christina M. Stolarz Mark Roy Trifilio Michael Valenti Ryan DeWitt Wallace Kristin Walmsley Melissa Aren Mcintosh Wilde Telecommunication Daniel C. Anderson Michael E. Beether Edward M. Bobak Joshua C. Booker Tracy Rochelle Bradley KaRon D'andre Brown * Jason M. Chafin Ashish Krishen Chand Ching Yu Chen Yoon-Jung Cho Aaron Cohen Aaron Hudson Craig Carrie A. DeCormier Alexander James Deneau Kevin Descoteaux Scott Brandon Dodoro Charles Joseph Doherty IV Jason L. Eady Michael Embrey Bradley Charles Etheridge Steven Paul Faist Wendell L. Ford Justin David Gailitis Edward James Glowacki Brian Anthony Hathaway Jared S. Heck Tiesheko Houston Andrea Nicole Howard Anthony DeWayne Howard Kyle Huhn Bryan Michael Joffe Michael David Johnson Tifani G. Jones Ryan Joseph Kelemen Cindy Marie Hein Keirn Nasser Jahangir Khan Jee Young Kim Nam-hyung Kim Jeremy Matthew Korchak Kenny Lee Thomas D. Lee Ying Kei Leong Lazerick Qishon Lever Evan A. Linnert Donald V. Lovell Jr. Maria Elisa Valino Lucas Kevin Michael Matteson Jamicka Lynett Mays Michael Patrick McCay Bryan D. McLean Daniel Louis Mercadante Steven Milkiewicz Tiffin C. Mingus Cynthia Marie Morrison David Aaron Mueller Yoo-Young Nham Mark Nosek Chad A. Nowak Hyun-Woo Park Joo-Hyun Park Gina Marie Pasfield Lauren Ellen Petre Evan T. Pickering Erik Potzmann Thomas Gust Poulos Zachary David Remington Renee M. Ridsdale Ryan William Roberts Evan Rouls Ryan R. Ruhl Palwinder Saini Siobhan Terese Sanders Mathew E. Sherwood Ronald Kerner Siegel Jr. Jacquelyn M. Smith Kevin A. Smith David Steenwyk Melissa Ann Steinhofer Andrew Robert Sutton Ryan M. Tarrant Matthew Scott Toburen Brooks James Tomlinson Ryan Scott Torre James A. Turner II * Scott S. Wainstock Jason Matthew Walencik Bedria-Faith Monzelle Wells Darnel M. White Michael B. White Syreeta L. Williams * Education Leann E. Abbott David Weston Adams Holly Ann Aittama Sarah E. Avery David Joel Beamer Meredith M. Brown Tonya Rochelle Buehler Meaghan Ellen Cain Collette M. Callahan H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 18 * Julie Kay Stafford Sarah Elizabeth Stanuch Laura Ann Steckman Gregory John Steele Jessica N. Suarez Amy Lynn Teriaco Shelley Nadine Thomas William Angelo Tuma Lindsay Jeanne Weaver Teresa Marie Weaver Samantha J. Wright Kristina Lynne Wyrick Rebecca Ann Zaidel Adrianna Nadija Zarewych Special EducationDeaf Education * Abbey Elizabeth Belleau Emily Cay Harrington Valerie Ann Nordstrom Melissa Kimiyon Waller Anne Louise Heinen Kimberly Erin Linden Dana M. McKeever Michelle Lynn Sturm-Gonzalez Nelia A. Van Goor Special EducationLearning Disabilities Robin Joy Boulter Holly S. Chambers Kristin Nicole Daiza Jennifer Susan Hawley Steven James Hayes Special EducationVisual Impairment Michelle Elizabeth Cormier Daryl M. Dawe Jason Michael Kelsey Matthew J. Koy I Jill F. Krzyzewski John Loren Lesneski Kathleen Elizabeth Livingston Sarah Ann Machemer Miles D. H. Miller Michael Beau O'Neill Kiwundi Antwan Perrin Jonathan Richard Terrell Paul J. Tibaldi Taryn Michelle Van Rhee DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kinesiology Ryan M. Bancroft Catherine Jean Bartz Breanne Hershey Blissett Nathan Bohy Jennifer Lynn Cass Cynthia Lynn Chavez * Jason GeeGong Chen Meredith A. Crawford Brent Edward Cummings Patrick Ryan Dunafin Laurie Lynne Elve Nicole Carrie Grucz Kati Carine Hart * CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Education Jenny Marie Berlin Jill Ann Bowers Rachel Jane Coohon Special EducationDeafEducation Laura Ann Barnes Kristy Renee Dusseau Emily S. Kaunelis Elizabeth Anne Keusch ** Paul M. Rossi Marc William Ray Wilson Special EducationLearning Disabilities ** Katherine Charlotte Syswerda Steven Michael Young DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kinesiologv Ashby Lyn Baldock Jason S. Chen Kimberly Cosbey Kevin T. Crews Kristen Mae Deane Jonathan William DecRer * Amanda J. Dittmer Peter James Geerling Matthew Michael Hardesty Michael Charles Haynes Laurie Kathleen Jacob Deborah L. Kennedy Nathan Andrew Kovalchik * Aaron Levi Lightner Sadie Jane Lovall Aaron Thomas Mahaney Renaldo Romero McCray Elizabeth Ann Mieras Theresa Piirala Meredith Lynn Reavill College of Education College of Engineering CAROL AMEs, DEAN JANIE M. FOUKE, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Education (Continued) Laura Ruth Quitmeyer * Laura J. Reed Jennifer Lynn Richert Mary Jeanne Scallen Meagen Marie Schroeder * Christina Lynn Nichole Serafm Meredith Christine Shepherd Jennifer Lynn Sherrell * Laura Beth Shields Adrienne Rose Simon Catherine Amanda Slaughter Linley Beth Reichelt Coleen Jennifer Reilly Heather Marie Richards Nicole Jean Sidebottom Molly Simons Sarah Diane Steele Karen Danyelle Stewart DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Cristy Lynn Christensen Jeffrey James Clark Amanda Lin Colvin Kevin Michael Conte * Kristina Ann David Alyssa M. DeMattos Emily Anne Dixon Lorie Marie Fox Jasmine Nicole Frazier Emily Catherine Grajek Rebecca Ellen Gray Corinne E. Guider Jessica Ann Howlett Kari Anne Huttenlocker Amanda Beth La Pointe Ronald Brian Levin Angela Kristin Lowery Kelly R. Marble Kristy Lynn Markillie Keiana Marie Martin * Sarah Marie Martinez Chye Alana Messner Julie Moder Rachel Jean Opland Christina Grace Palazzolo Jessica Lynn Parolari Jennifer M. Popma Joanna Kate Porco Gillian Nicole Portwood Alexa L. Prutch Biosvstems Engineering Lindsey Beth Brown * Chemical Engineering John Daoud Michael James Jaworski Carl Anthony Johnson Jr. Megan North Raymond Ryan Paul Sullivan Amanda Jean Zadorski Civil Engineering * Kurt Robert Ahlgrim * Daniel W. Bartlett Jr. Carissa Dale Berglund Erik John Carlson William James Curry III Sean Patrick Duffett Jason M. Emerine Nathan William Galer Jennifer Ann Hodges * Sara Ann Kloosterman Keith Joseph Kowalkowski Dana LeClaire Edouard Charles LeMay Jr. Rodney Nettleton Laurel Powell Bradley D. Pries Amber Christine Rogers Sarah Jean Rozema Susan Jo Rozema Sean C. Saddler Ryan D. Slattery Michael Gayne Szumigala Daniel Joseph Tiltges Kristin Colleen Turner Matthew Thomas Wilk Computer Engineering Carl J. Denslow James Isaac Jackson Michael Joseph LaGrange H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 19 ENGINEERING DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Computer Science Andy Dale Lee Yong-Soo Lee H* Martin Douglas Porcelli John Mark Schlueter Electrical Engineering Michael J. Alberty * Jason Ryan Ausmus Yeshitila Bekele Steven John Besonen Daniel W. Capps Derrick Dwayne Cooper Parissa Elizabeth Fathi Ashish Abraham Gollapalli Matthew Thomas Harrison Christopher L. Hiler SooYenLee Brianna W. Leonard Jamie D. Mckeever ** * H* ** H** * Blain F. Levitt Trevor Levitt Nicole Marie Mousseau Ceaser James Norfleet II Marcus Lee Reason Michael Leonard Thornton Minh Van Tran Yohei Tsuji John David Ward Jeffrey L. McKenzie Grace Elizabeth Ott Nicholas Joel Rosik Carl Johann Sauer Joshua Kurt Schwannecke Peter Hung Ton Nicholas Paul Trombly Amber Thao Vanness Engineering Arts * Michael P. Barry II Benjamin J. Bolduc Nicholas John Freund Sarah Kate Henderson John Michael Herald Courtney L. Hunt Gabriel Nii-Odartey Lawson Megan Marie Leiss Engineering Mechanics Eric G. Meyer ** Timothy P. Wilde Manufacturing Engineering Luke Christopher Bokas Jayson Robert Harris Nancy Elizabeth Weiss Materials Science and Engineering James Patrick Corgan ** Kenneth John Ferguson Keegan Derrick James * Sara Beth Pschigoda Mechanical Engineering Scott Timothy Babinski Dominic Lawrence Cobb Victor Alden Monticello Jr. Christopher Shawn O'Neill Gary Robert Osterberg II H** Jeffrey Frederick Rhoads Daniel Thomas Torongo Engineering Arts (Continued) Candice E. Moore Aaron C. Nephew Joshua Pang Steffani N. Penman Barbara Symie Smith Pierre Anthony van HeIden David Wang Brad D. Zapalowski Evan Peter Zillich Engineering Mechanics * Rob Michael Beaudry * Jeffrey A. Meganck DawnL. O'Sullivan Manufacturing Engineering Shingirirai Rukuni Materials Science and Engineering Brian T. Bratney Michael Edward Connell IT. Biosvstems Engineering Brandon D. Glaza * Kirsten Amber Losse * * Danielle Nichole McEachin Lawrence Michael Morden Thomas Richard Nixon Shannon Marie Sweeney Carrie Lynne Wing Maryn Elizabeth Zengerle Chemical Engineering H Elena Lavern Bond * Majed Rachid Hammoud * Michael Lloyd Hines H** * * * H* * * * ** Civil Engineering Michael E. Banks Nicholas Ward Barnitz Treea Monique Belton Matthew John Emde Bethany S. Erfourth Nicholas Wayne Fransted Fredrick Emmett Heine Christopher M. Hover Michael A. Kamlay Dean Christopher Kanitz Jaeyoung Kim Andrew William Kozelouzek Rachel Nicole Laderach Nensi Lakrori Ryan Paul Lefere Landon Mark Lovelace Jeremy Leslie Mansell Michael Charles Morphey Adam Keith Mudge Justin Matthew Muller Timothy Scott Nylen Jonathan Ian Page Amit J. Patel Michael Patrick Phillips Carrie M. Quint Susan A. Quiring Adam Michael Racette Thomas W. Roberts Jr. Michael John Ruelle H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 20 H* Kara Ellen Sharp Peter Arthur Silvia Daniel J. A. Siminski Alina Rachel Sokolowski Samuel S. Tuy Jeffrey James Yakel H** * * H* ** * Computer Engineering Christopher Owen Austin David Adam Bordoley Aaron Thomas Brandenburg Nicholas Albert Bugajski Michael Jason Buntin Mike Long-Hoang Dinh JihadS. Eid Gabe David Elert Martin Gardner Murphy Gardner Matthew A. Goshgarian Garrett Heraty Yancy Daryl Johnson Chad Gaylord Lincoln Walter Daniel Macklem Elizabeth Lee McGovern Phuong Thanh Nguyen Benjamin Richard Outwater Mitchell Douglas Parr Karthik Sundara Raghavan Deepak Sharma Jamilia LaShon Simon Computer Science Stephen Arthur Beckman Eric Brent Blackwell * Shaun Christopher Brennan Jeff H. C. Cherng Chun Ho Choy James Christian Dennig Bryan J. DeZeeuw * Joel Clinton Diana Jason John Dirkx Leah English Moses Fetters Edward James Glowacki Matthew A. Goshgarian Chequela Green Brenda Marie Harvey * Paul Andrew Heyniger ** Sheela Elizabeth Hiremath Bianka Marie Iliev Kristina Marie Johnson * Hyun-soo Kim Seon-Mee Kim Daniel James Knauf Christopher Keith Kondos David Benjamin Korthuis ** SimonK.Lam H* Brian Lawnichak PuLi Rizwan R. Maknojia Shunte McMillian Gonzalo Mogollon * Brian Nett Roger Ostrander Lauren Ann Palmer ** Ketankumar Bhogilal Patel Michael A. Prince * Andrew Stafford H* Ryan Stephenson Peter N. Tirrell Mai Tuyet Trinh Frank Louis Tuma David Rolan Wartell Korrie Lynn Weisenberger * Jonathan Felix Wierzba * H* ** H * H** * * * * * * * H** * Electrical Engineering FahadSulaimanAI-Dalali Ebony Dashawn Anderson David Frederick Bellairs Stephen Micheal Bohan David Adam Bordoley Anthony James Calati Jr. Jeffrey Daniel Casault Donald Allen Chorman Jr. Keith Parrish Connolly Charisse Monteiro Corcega Robert John Day Andrew W. Deacon Lindsay Ann Dow Michael Allen Griffith Shawn Duane Henn * Gilbert Jose Hidalgo Omar N. Hijazi Young Kyoo Hwang Joseph Michael Jabour Martin Jagoda IV Andrew T. Kim Nicholas John Kreucher Dawn Marie Krol Jennifer J. Laidlaw Larry K. Larson Ethan John Marlow Scott L. Marshall Stephen Richard May Rashid Akil-Davis Neighbors Michael John O'Farrell Dustin Lee Ondovcsik Joseph M. Reinhart Seung Hwa Jason Rhee Brent Gregory Ritzke Scott Michael Schaberg Derek Howard Semp Jarrod L. Short Erik M. Swonder Christopher M. Thelen Mai Tuyet Trinh Ihuoma Ngozi Ugenyi Justin D. Varner Joshua Ned VerHage Jonathan Felix Wierzba Dennis Raymond Woycehoski Engineering Arts Tahiti Arsulowicz Rebecca Lynn Broadbent Sehansheel Shelly Chawla Calvin F. Chen Michael Anthony Cooke Elizabeth Ann Derkowski Samantha Erin Eichenberg Terry Joseph Filice Thomas Harold Forshee Michael P. Healy Daryl Hunt Lauren M. Kaufman Amy Shawn Gray Michael P. Rourke Gregory Joseph Staskowski Mechanical Engineering ** Nicholas Charles Bofferding Christopher Thomas Booms Ryan Allen Buccafurri * Rachel G. Cacossa Nicolas Cerneka * Jason Steven Christoffersen ** James Michael Crane Matthew David Dean Todd William Dishman ** Scott Michael Douglas Nicholas Evan Dye * Kate Louise Feight Isis L. Fernandez-Torres Jason Robert Ford William B. Foster V Adam M. Fowler Matthew R. Fox Quinton C. GoForth II ** * H** * ** * * * David Andrew Gorajek Shawn Gorman Anna Theresa Graf Jeffrey Daniel Healy Adam Randall Heintzelman Bradley Joseph Hittle Keith Allen Int Veld James A. Jacobson Cameron L. J onckheere Alicia Lynne Kacel Mark Ernest Kluesner Matthew P. Knippenberg Steven C. Kowalski JI. Jason John Krosnicki DinhBao Le Derek Wilson Leggitt Mario Alberto Marquez Garcia William James Martin III Kevin Lee McCollum Erin C. McLogan Dane L. Miller Seth Nathaniel Napper Rebecca Ann Oemke ** Matthew D. Palomaki Juan Ramon Reyes Nicole Deanna Rott Kristy M. Sampson Shane Clinton Schulze Michael E. Schwartz Samaneh Shahidehpour Garrett Austin Sheffer Erika M. Simonsen H* Suzanne Aimee Smyth Sean J. Steiner Ellen Marie Stemmer Royeterrell Stewart Jason Alexander Tabor Sara Lynn Toth Thong Huy Vu Donald J. Whiteside III Stacey Anne Yankovich Muhannad Abdulsalam Yousef Christopher James Zielesch Katherine R. Zielinski College of Human Ecology JULIA R. MILLER, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Interior Design Jennifer J. Buckingham Julie Marie Van Camp DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Apparel and Textile Design * Nina Nicole Kassarjian Tricia Lange HueLe Amanda Lynn Misuraca J ana Claire Owens Melinda Elizabeth Serafin Yvonnda Michelle Shelton Meghann Jo Ziegler Child Development * Erin Levell Brennan Lindsey Jean Crowe Jill Nicole Danek * Amanda Holzwarth Meghann M. Koyl Amy E. Martin Kristin Martin * Rachel Marie Matt Amanda Mead Laura Michele Miedlar * Kyleen Melissa Mosner * Stacey Marie Ninemeier Marissa Lauae Nitura Nicole Marie Smith Amy Lee Songer * Lauren Renee Stovel Jennifer Lynn Summers Moon Ny Vue Amber Mae Wallace Dietetics * Lauren Alana Bethell Shannon Marie Bloodworth ** Mindara M. Fehsenfeld Nicole Freiburger Angelia Vernee Harris ** Debra Lynn Hollon Crystal Maria Holmes * Jennifer Diane Loxterman Krista Marie Mohl Candice Worrell Family and Consumer Sciences Katherine Miller Melissa Marie Rypma Family Community Services Stacey Michelle Allen Christie Louise Alles Shawni Vered Amit Michelle Ann Assaff Leah Angela Baratta Alisha Marie Billingsley Ulish K. Booker Charles Lawrence Borgert Janine Patricia Bosman Maria Beth Brummel Candra Michelle Bunce * Julie Mara Cohen Allison Jean Coppens Shannon Kay Coultas Laura Marie Dale Keri Joy DeJong Sara Christa Dorman Julie Anne Ehle Amanda J. Eicher Lorelei Lynn Ennis Carmen Mercedes Fernandez Tanya Leigh Flees Veronica Maria Flores Elizabeth Jane Gilbert Christina Goodin Kimberly Ann Hall Heidi Leigh Harrington Tiffany Shomarie Heard Jennifer Lynn Jankowski Terri Lynn Johnson Lindsey Erin Jones Joy Louise Jusick Annette Marie Kent Krystal Lynn Key * Katrina Krakowiak Stacie Lynn Kubiak Melissa Ellen Lumkes H** Kelly Marie Mather * Donna Brantley Megdell Jaclyn Marie Misuraca Elizabeth A. Montemayor Christine E. Mrozek Angela Nichole Neumann Amee Dinesh Patel Shannon Marie Payton Amanda Shannon Phelps Valerie J. Pohl Benjamin John Post Nicole Marie Potenga Arteria Latrice Puckett V nemina Renee Reese Doris Marie Reynolds Meagan Noelle Richards * Lindsey L. Riggin Stephanie Laura Riley Jordana A. Sager Alyssa M. Samsel Erin Michelle Samuels Laura Elizabeth Smith Rae-Ann Beth Squires Tracy Ann Staniszewski DeMario Suggs Gina Elise Tremonti Melody A. Vincent Julia Christine Weeks Amy Rachele Zimmerman H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 21 4 HUMAN ECOLOGY JAMES MADISON CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Merchandising Management Elizabeth Johnetta Bell Lindsey Ann Brennan Rashad Scott Carroll Andrew G. Cascaddan Michelle Lyn Ciborowski Zaneta A. Coleman Philip James Cosens ** Laura S. D'Epifanio Henry Neal Frost III Leigh Ann Hindelang Lauren Lynn Lacks Krista LeBlanc Frank Constantine Lutfy Roy James McColgan IV Brooke Lampi Morris Michael Robert Nette Tara Marie Patalon Melissa Lynn Pittwood Emily A. Sampeer Elizabeth Ann Schueler Eva Victoria Greta L. von Berg Nutritional Sciences Steven Frederick Allen Jr. Katherine Anne Arndt Colin Matthew North DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * * CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 * * DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Interior Design Joshua James Bogle Rebecca Ann McLennan * Michelle Therese Aaron Kristin Gayle Aulie Aaron Duncan Berlin Renee L. Chovanec Keith David Cronovich Christopher Patrick Desmond Gina Mae Dusseau Kathryn Devere Erickson Amy Elizabeth Goryl Andrew Russell Francis Gwinnell Gregory Wilhelm Hose ** H* * * Zenovyj Nicholas Hotra Bret 1. Jackson James Lawrence Johnson IV Matthew Ryan Keuten Cara Danielle LaCroix Erin 1. Lange Mary E. Marco Alexander J. Miraski Kizzi E. Montgomery Melissa Ann Moody Matthew John Mora Barrett Sidney Morris Alberto E. Nickerson Jacob Edward Nysson James C. O'Leary H* Natalie A. Oldani Derek B. Payette Liliana Pernice Crystal L. Price H* Angelina Marie Pudvay H Christine Jennifer Reading Robert J. Ross Jessica Ruth Schupack Sarah Anne Sickman Lori L. Sonefeld Thomas Patrick Sperti Amanda Ann Standish Kathryn L. Thompson Amy Renee Van Coppenolle Zachary Thomas Vandermeer Bradley Edward Wever Evan L. Wight Traci Lynne Wightman Nicole Karen Wilson * Isma Rani Zubair DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Apparel and Textile Design Nekia L. Morris Angela S. Porter Brigette Anne Rudland Courtney Faye Tobin H** Anne Elizabeth Utech Julie Elizabeth Whitehead Child Development Christine Elizabeth Frcka * Alison L. Towne * Andrea Marie-Roesner VanSickle Dietetics Julie M. Biggar Kimberly Sue Brock Janee Caldwell Jennifer A. Carbott Kimberle Ellen Cork Jessica Daly Carolyn Jan Elenich Naomi Lakeya Gauldin Kristine Cheryl Haggarty Jennifer E. Kukielka Barbara Hanna Nowik ** Jamie kay Rahrig Jessica Rae Silber Erin Catherine Smith Brent Tannin Tabata Family and Consumer Resources * Lauren Melissa Kirsch Sun-HaPark Family and Consumer Sciences Stephanie Leigh Gordon Kendra Dawn Matheney Family Community Services Cathy L. Billingslea Rachel Katherine Blair Kimberly Ann Boehmer Candice Lee Buffenbarger * DaCia Nichole Carter Megan C. Chapman Teresa Michelle Church Toniah M. Colson Melissa Sue Dies Matthew F. Foster Lacey Mae Fournier Heather Erin Gartrell Melissa M. Gibson Barbara A. Grajek Sherri Lashawn Hartwell Tenita LaKeisa Hedgespeth Torri S. Hicks Amber Lynn Hoyt Erin Darcie Kessell Jennifer Lynn Kopazna Jennifer L. Martin Samakia Chantee Patmon ** Keith Michael Pokrefky Kirk Phillip Reifinger Stacie Ann Rice Courtney Lynn Robinson Heather Ann Seidel Bianca Malia VanMeter * Claudia Ruth Wallen Dana Emily Weiner Merchandising Management Aimee Rose Abbuhl Sarah Rachelle Anderson Jason M. Bell Megan Kyle Boetsch Lisa Brethauer Carlos Raul Rosales Cortez Deanna Lind Criscuolo Anne Elise Gladstone Sydney Brooke Glasscoe Danielle A. Grumet * Laura Kristin Hayward Lawrence Charles Jackson Jacqueline La' Shawn Esperanza Joyce Derrick Lee Rhiannah Jae Luedeke Molly Anne McAllen Jessica Lynn McCall Kristi-Lynn Marie Merrill Antonia L. Murphy Katy Michele Neal Tasha Louise Nejad Sarah E. Richardson Curtis Roy Sandtveit Andrea N. Sbrocca Jessica Ann Tremonti Tomecka Antionette Vance LaNika Rozell Wise Corey Aileen Wolowiec College of Natural Science GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Chemistry Daniel MacDonald Bonine * Theresa R. Burks Astrophysics Jeffrey R. Bowes H* Andrew John Hungerford Beth Anne Purdue Biochemistry and Molecular Biolo gylBiotechnolo gy Robin Kathleen Goodwin Brent Allen Leonard BiochemistrylBiotechnology Kathryn Antoinette Bembas Biological Science Annie Marie Howard Jason Thomas Johnston Kristen Brooke Marklevitz Chandra Dael Nielson ** Caner Sakin * Alison Mae Schewe Jonathon Milo Smedes SHERMANW. GARNETT, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Diana Lynn Bartlett H Margaret Closs Stephanie Anne DeFouw Elisha Nichole Demido Khowla Denha William Fritz Denner * Giovanni DiLuca Natalie Anne Donnellon H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 22 Christene Binh-An Pham Henning Kirt M. Herronen Allison Lugo-Saenz Jamila Kai Mathis Erin Ivy Mills Nancy Morgan Nemeth Jon Preston Nichols II Olivia Nikolic Karen Ann Plant Michael John Plowman Brian Andrew Quint William Richard Restis II Angela L. Ripinski Diab Hanna Rizk Brooke Sabrina Sherline H Joshua H. Siegel Cheri Nicole Simmons Shavon 1. Smith Lori Marie Stone H* Joel Randle Szirtes Kye Scott Tidey * Megan A. Volk Cindy Lyn Wachowski J aneile Lynae Wilhelm Gretchen May Wilkins * Justin Lee Winslow Candace Rene Storgoff Brett Ryan Whitbread Scot E. Ziegenfelder Computational Mathematics Harold Leatherman Hunt II John Andrew Wesley Human Biology Adwoa Senam Among Michelle L. Bizon Ryan Douglas Blissett Sheryl Joy Brown Kathleen Antonietta Caradonna Kylee J. Dhyse Shellye R. Elswick Stephen George Heneveld Priyanka Kalsi Joseph Adam Katakowski Aaron Thomas Lawwill Aron Kyle McCloud Sarah Kate Nerreter Summer Elizabeth Marie Outman Sericka Ann Rice Felicia Rae Schwartz Kelly JoAnne Smith Jessica Anne Stege Adam Clark Updegraff Richard Jacob Van Dam Mathematics Robert L. Mehrhof Jr. Kristine Ann Rider DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Nutritional Sciences Nicole Dawn Joseph * Courtney Kaye Verellen James Madison College Maricela Flores Sheila M. Jackson Bryan Matthew Plasters * Chemistry Jonathan Thomas Lyon Clinical Laboratory Sciences Rebecca Marie Grulke April M. Poling Deleah Nicolle Samuel Jeffrey Martin Shemanski H * Earth Science Heather B. Alonge Karen Diane Baugh Rebecca Maurin Kimberley Anne Wright ** Environmental Biology! Botany and Plant Pathology Clint J. Richmond * Environmental Geosciences * Paul Christian Bojesen Nichole Eileen Cedillo Jonathan Clark Monasmith General ScienceInterdepartmental * Angela Sue Golder Ballmer Dawn Elaine Barron Julie Pauline Felix Barbara Nees Rebecca Lynn Simko Geological Sciences Jennifer Mary Reese AdamB. Shinabarger * Lyman Briggs School Mason L. Brown III Kareem Rozanne Campise Marisa M. Cruz * Lisa Lynn Dancey Keith Wesley Eaton II Sheila R. Feaster Colleen K. Geyer * Holly Nicole Hoffman Misia Susan Howell * Jessica Kay Kitchen Matthew J. Koyl Bradley J. Kozel * Lindsay Michelle Martin Melissa A. Miyamoto H Moraa K. Mogaka H Kim M. Pfotenhauer Michael Francesco Poma Michael Joseph Sobran Mathematics * Amy Garey Burke Scott William McGaw ** Jeremy Charles Robydek Medical Technology Jennifer Michele Charchan John Eugene Chesebro Kathryn Anne Haag JohnL. Wong Microbiology Christina M. Herring Sarah L. Izdebski Kathryn Marie Kolasa Valeria M. Musetti Dennis Robert Thorpe Physical Science James Lawrence Di Dio Jr. Matthew James Santala H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 23 NATURAL SCIENCE NATURAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Physiology H Lance Michael Brinks Andrew Richard Drerup Kal J. Farah Eric James Foster Jordan Michelle Frizzo Kristina Kosnick Trisha Marie Leask Melissa Anne Macieczni Elizabeth Margeson * Matthew Glenn Reynolds Douglas James Seybert Monicia LaNe Summers Zoology Dawn M. Ackron Theodore C. Annis Varisha Camille Cavin * Jason W. DeGroot * Myria Jo Dennis Tammy Kay Eteo Aaron Fortin ** Stacy Lynn Gilbertson Jill C. Hafelein Tomoko Hattori Jonathon Edward Heath Courtney Lynne Heck Glenda Simone Holland Olaf C. Kroneman IV Joseph Richard Kubin Thomas P. Loch Rebecca Sue McCarty Marilu Mead H Christen E. Merte Scott Thomas Mueller H* Megan Hope Murphy Gretchen Nicole Pitser H Shannon Noel Shaw Laura Beth Vanderlinde Jamie Marie Whitley Zoology (Continued) H Hillary Lynn Noyes Rhiannon P. O'Brien Denise Patricia Packer Eileen Marie Soutar Melissa Suzanne Szymanski Barbra Themm Michelle Anne Pifer Karen Lynn Samas Jessica Lynn Schultz * Shannon A. Soltysiak Patrick Trepanowski Jillian Ann Vanco Todd C. White H* Nathan John Woiwode College of Nursing MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Chemistry Vanessa A. Monday Rick Wayne Brummette Monica Mone't Cranford Pia Michelle Love Jessica Rose Williams Cynthia A. Wilsher DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Astrophysics Ronald William Wardlaw Environmental Biology/ Microbiology Michael Kramer Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Alia Vashti Hecht Hinz Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology ** Bonnie Ellen Ebendick Andrew J. Koshorek Todd Andrew Lydic Brandon A. Pabst Alicia Weldon Biological Science Ryan Michael Gamo Joseph Robert Miller Jr. Jeffrey W. Swehla Botany Sarah B. Dickinson Susan M. Frappier Chemistry Tyson Paul Dubnicka Kevin M. Francis H** Steven Joseph Guillaudeu Clinical Laboratory Sciences * Sarah E. Burns Jessica Eberly Curtis B. Howard * Katie M. Powers Kimberly Dawn Raleigh Brian Edward Schantz Computational Mathematics Atinuke A. Kembi Brian John Mathews Human Biology ** Jillan Marie Bellows Hilary Anne Berlin Kari Elizabeth Brown Kristin Anne Byron Jennifer Evelyn Dicker James R. DuRall III Timothy M. Edwards Tamara Rose Ellison H Tracie Nicole Howland Maria Jessica Hyatt Ashley D. Jackson Alexander Thomas Mera David Scott Muir Andria Yvonne Reynolds * Tonya Laura Smith Aimee Nicole Stewart Mark C. Vanneste Dawn Noelle Wojack ** * Earth Science Jenna Lynn Adamek H * Entomology Elisa Terese Collins ** * H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 24 Environmental Biology! Zoologv Brent D. Campau Shawn P. Grice Michelle Marie Tacia Jason Thomas Zalack Lyman Briggs School Michael Ryan Beckley Kristen Chapple Jason Michael Deveau Joshua Sean Faley Jennifer Leigh Gutscher David Gregory Hernandez April Ann Hodnicak Curtis Benjamin Howard Rebecca E. Kolar Jennifer Lynn Kosto Jeremy Arnold Krueger Sarah Lydia Lebeis Amy Michele Maxson Elizabeth Ruth McIntosh Emily A. Moll Philip William Moore H Mehul B. Patel H** Aashish Ajit Shah ** Amy Kathryn Spray Jeanette Anne Sutkowi Landon C. Weiss Shaun Berry Williams Amy Marie Wren Sarah Ann Wycoff Jamie D'Laine Youness Mathematics Joseph John Boza * Molly L. English Yoonkyung Lee Zachary J. Lovelace H** Brian J. Meuser Aaron Thomas Mosier Evonne Ibrahim Pedawi Robert C. Tyson Medical Technology Julie Alaga Kai Kinyell Bowers Renael L. Glover Beth Ellen Nash Erika Renee Reinhardt Kenetra Chylanda Stevenson Gerry Vander Velde Microbiology Eric D. Belk * Laura A. Green H** Rebecca Lynn Ives LaToyia Denise Johnson Amanda Kovach Aimee Elizabeth Marceau Matthew David Morse * Susan J. Myers Laurie Michelle Welch Physics Brian R. Bezanson H* Brian Nett Physiology * Nichole A. DeLaPlante David Figueroa Renita Rai Keels Deanna Lyn Locklear H* Maureen K. McNeely Elizabeth Hale Montague Kyle R. Nelson Francesca Rachel Vallin Shanna Brynne Williams H Christina Ann Willner David L. Wilson Trisha Marie Wood H* * * H Zoology Edwin Alan Abbey Christine Elizabeth Austin Mary E. Bacon Carolyn Marie Baker Steven Gerald Baker Sinead Anne Byrne Kellie Sue Canini Kathleen Susanne Carney Matthew Guild Caterino Nancy Clarke Sarah Cooper Erik Scott Dayrell Brian Paul Diffenderffer Kerry Lea Dotson Katherine Marie Doyle Sarah Lynn Foote Anne Kinney Frakie Devorah Beth Freilich Jennifer Fritz Matthew Thomas Gates Randi Daley Genung Natali Alana Gut Niklas Victor Harbachow Nicole Renee Houston Michelle Danielle Hurd Karie L. Jackson Kristie Mae Johnson Leigh A. Kmet Renay Heather Koos Lisa Christine Kowalski Audrey Celine Lefler Katherine Theresa Maier Keri A. Marchand Joshua Lundy Minor Erin C. Montgomery Eric Muntian CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING * Courtenay Louise Beattie Margaret T. Bishop Laura Lea Brutsche Tammy Jo Caron Debra Lynn Daly Karen Ann Daniels Lynn Deweese Teresa M. Dollman-Jersey Tina Renee Drake Melissa Geralyn Erber Deborah Sue Feldpausch Cynthia L. Fitzgerald Jennifer Lynn Gardner Laura E. Gavril Tanya Elaine GeleffWaschak Penny E. Green-Halverson * * Lynda Kay Heinig J ana Lynn Helkaa-Tenbrink Joy LeeAnne Holey Rhonda K. Jones Shelley Ann Lahanas Angela Christine Lindeman Deborah Ann Maitrott Albert O. Mammah * Theresa L. Martin David A. Ogden Anne Marie Patrick Lisa Michelle Paul Lisa R. Singleterry Susan Diane Sweeney Kathryn Wheeler Keith Donald Zastrow College of Social Science MARIETTA L. BABA, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Anthropology Kevin Cornelius Cooney Rebecca Ruth Daly Erick W. Hosner H** Meredith Gretz Marten Brian S. McNea * Jesse Laberteaux Mills Jeremiah Steven Ordiway * William John Peiffer Carmen Virginia Saur Criminal Justice Bridget Michelle Alexander Kelly Christine Alexander Lisa Rochelle Blaszczyk Amanda Lynn Cabanas Kelley Anne Cichon Caryn Marie Coller Elizabeth Joy Connor * Terra Lauren Follick Chantele Lin Fuson Ashley L. Gentile Sarah Jeanne Graham Travis W. Hannnond Isaac Preston Haywood Michael Richard Hess Nicholas Van Hopkins Sarah Marie Huber Laura Tiffany Javorcky Seok-Jin Jeong Troy Robert Johnston Stephanie Rose Kirk Matthew Robert Laskowski Laura Mae McKinney Caryn Marie Michalak Amanda Kay Miller * Gretchen Ginell Moore Kristopher Allen Murdock Allen Victor Nerkowski Paul James Nicholas * Kimberly Marie Parsons Andrew Lee Peck Kelly Lynn Rueckert Laura L. Russom Sarah Anne Sadow Jamee Lyn Steed * Daniel Paul Stein Harlan 1. Stiefel Dennis Edward Thrasher Ross Barron Valstyn Shiela D. Vande Bunte James Paul Wawrzyniak Rosa Ahquiee Weaver Donna Anne Woodman Adam Wright Erin Marie Yankovich Economics Darius Elijah Adams Thomas O'Brien McKouen Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceCommunity Relations Laura Elizabeth Goddeeris Monique Danye Gray Angela Therese Grzemkowski Amanda Louise Haskin Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science Human Aging Sherry A. Eckelberry * Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Societv Jeremy Matthew Barkey Jaime L. Beebe Elizabeth Sugar Beresh Anne Marie Birchmeier Alexander Charles Brown Megan K. Cantrell Christopher 1. Cardenas Cheleane T. Chambers Robert Earl Crouch Jf. Carly Rae Gullekson Christin Gunawan Katrina LaTrice Keeley Sean Michael Kidd Geena Rose Kunnummyalil H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 25 p SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society (Continued) Ryan Michael Lintner Kathren L. Montani Daniel James Murphy La Chaunte Antoinett Piernas Christine Ann Rutter JaVonne Marie Smith Ted Strzelecki Jeannine Tayeh Ericka Sheronn Ward Ian Hugh Doran Welsh Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Ryan Robert Bladzik Charles Defever Heidi Susan DeVooght Camesha Monique Heard Marianne M. Karadshi H Christen E. Merte Cara Rana Moore Emily Katherine Morgan Faustine' Amara Onwuneme McKenzie Lee Scott Daniel Paul Stein Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Alex John Beachum Ryan Michael Dempsey John Stephen Dolembo Tina Nicole Pharr DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies Jessie Brooks Abraham C. Climo Stacy Elizabeth Dugan Sarah Katheryn Szwejda Political Science Kathryn Irene Batchelder De'Von Marguerite Brown Stephen Paul Draft-Peppin Joshua Chay Frever Erin D. Londo Jason W. Matz Kevin Bennett Miller Kimberly Joy Neir Ozgur Onay Saengdow Prasittisuk Jamie M. Read Ronnie M. Rifai Tiffany Ann Ruttkofsky Elizabeth Ann Ryon Political Science-Prelaw Bilal Yusuf Allateef Andrew Joseph Banyai * Dwayne D. Cherry H* Nathan Robert Kielhorn Robyn Nicole Novak Rinia L. Shelby Jessica Frances Taylor Tanisha Tompkins Sara L. Wiest Erin Patricia Wilmoth Psychology Jennifer Lee Anderson Le-Toya Nyre Emily Booker Staci Jo Borths Jennifer G. Burley Daniel Adam Bums Danielle Alayne-Taqiera Chaney * Kristina Childs Misty DeGarmo Elinor J. Domol Darcia Louise Emerson Amanda Maureen Foster Nathaniel E. Foster Suzanne Kathleen George Zahalla Nichelle Gill Yolonda Ruth Graham Jennifer Robyn Granat Angela Therese Grzemkowski Rachel Lynn Gunter Lisa Lynn Haire Nicholas Russell Tully Hakeos Monira Louise Hallaway Sarah Elizabeth Hannagan Kristen Renee Harper Lindsay Alyson Hill Elizabeth Ann Humphrey Judy Colleen Hunt Jennifer J. Johannesen Lisa Marie Johnson Natalie Nicole Kincaid Alexander Clayton Lepola Kristin Ane Marr * Jennifer 1. McCue Heather Anne McNeil Caryn Marie Michalak Joel Edward Miller Casie Marie Miltz Lisa Ann Moiles Jamie R. Myrick Jacqueline M. Nicastri Kendra J. Niemi Jacob Cole Rosin Cari Ellen Rothenberg Melanie Anne Shingledecker Robin May Smith Lori Wilma Stuit Fatema M. Sultanali Christina Marie Thorpe Chad A. Toth * Lisa Marie White Andrew Martin Wineman Kathleen Mary Zamoyski Public Administration and Public Policy Sara Ann Bryce Stephen Paul Davis Social Work Jason M. Gilliam Judy Colleen Hunt Sociology Megan Marie Allen ** Sarah Marie Campbell Todd Jameson Fenton Andy Dale Lee Tarrah Lynn Lennert Rachelle Kaye Leppink Rachel Nicole Muenchen Cristina Bravo Olmo * Rondrell Tayvan Taylor Michael M. Temple Psychology (Continued) Jeremy Todd Sawdy Megan Elizabeth Schoene Carl W. Seabold Florin Selagea Nichole K. Sierra-Smith CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * ** * H* H* * DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anthropology H Lance Michael Brinks * Jessica Brown * Sara Anne Fellows Stephen Robert Kuncaitis Amanda Ann Wenn Geography Kyle Lawrance Watson Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceCommunity Relations Stacey Anne Drypen ** Jamie Lynn Slear Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Jay Wesley Anderson Justin F. Badini Jessie M. Mitchell Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Jillian Anne Blazek Nahala Seven Buycks Jenine R. Clements Margie Davis Rachel Lanette George David D. Grant H* Nathan Robert Kielhorn * Eric D. King * Samantha Ann Reid Amy Lauren Roselle Janille Anice Watkins Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society Jenny Lyn Brooks Mindy Lea Buckland Jodi Leigh Church Aaron Robert Furtaw Brian Thomas Keck Irene Lembesis Adam Richard Lloyd Kou Ly Mindy S. McConnell Michelle L. O'Kelly Derrick Andre Owens Jr. Edward Prybys Cheryl Lynn Rink Scott David Shafer Marc Allen Stanley Amrita Amar Vakil Vanda VanValkenburgBailey Bridget Villeneuve Joseph S. Wotlinski Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Thomas Jason Andre Douglas G. Belles Laura Lynn Monkiewicz Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Brandon William Whitbread Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies Autumn Kay Kniel Psychology J ameel Ahmad Aftab Samantha Jo Baker Edmund Brent Beach Sean Raymond Beaudoin * Michele Renee Boogaart Jamison Alan Boyd Natalie Obana Capina Fadi Youssef Chehayeb Richard Cassidy Dwyer Shauna Marie Fite Stephanie Marie Fuehring * Ruth Elizabeth Hill H** Amanda Jane Hirsch * J arnie Suzanne Hughes Jon Leon Ide Matthew Richard Jackson * Tracy L. Johnson Paige Jones * Christopher Cutler Margol * Jessie M. Maynard Zachary Jordan Menges Mark Aaron Moss H** Kathryn Eastwood Paquette Joi Eileen Perry Daniel Thomas Pijnappels Eboni Rashel Pritchard * Sandra Michelle Robinson Crystal L. Ross * Erin Elizabeth Rothney Keri Lynn Rumsey * Lindsay Sage * * H* * H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 26 Urban and Regional Planning Timothy D. Harms Michael Patrick Kazak Laura Anne Wisniewski Sociology Jayne Elizabeth Guy Harry D. Shin Santrell Love Thomas Brianna M. Ziola Anthropology Christopher Richard Crain Cheryl Janine Cross Michael D. Griggs Kevin Robert Heuer Meghan Maureen Kelly Linda Elizabeth Knispel Stacie Marie Ludwig Amy Joy Pierce Heidi Anne Weber Jenelle Leigh Wierenga Criminal Justice Jonathan J. Alberta Julie Arcaute Charles J. Aro John Ray Babcock Robert D. Backus Bradley John Barkel April Michele Bjorge Jordan Michel Braciszewski Kimberly Renee Bressman Dustin Lawrence Brown Jerrid Louis Card Hilary Frost Carter Robert Charles Chapuran Jr. Jonathan R. Cook Aaron Matthew Culloty Steven M. DePestel Patricia Lynn Elicerio Thomas Blane Emery Megan Marie Engel Marla Ferrera DeRhonda Sharee Flournoy Andrew T. Franklin Vincent C. Gilchrist Loree Godfrey Carlyn Rhea Gregory Krista Louise Hirr Andrew James Holowicki Leanne M. Hosking Kathryn Carnille Jordan C'na Duana Justice Matthew Richard Kreft James Michael Lancaster Jason D. Lewis Colleen Margaret Lonergan John Paul Minarish Jonathan Paul Minerick Anthony F. Nagel IV Christopher Michael O'Brien Lola Dashell Odunuga Matthew Justin Parente James R. Pratt David Steven Price John K. Price Marissa Erin Ritz Andrew R. Robb Mason James Samborski Blake A. Schar Melissa Sucharski Michelle Marie Taylor Tony J. Trevino Philip John Vernengo Morgan Lea Scheid ChadR. Sell Zachariah Sepulveda * Chad Arthur Sharp David B. Smith Jason James Spoelma David Jon Spoelstra Lloyd W. Williams Jr. Kandace M. Wright Levi Joseph Zagorski Matthew B. Zemaitis Economics Kriskorn Asavanich James Edward Brittain Nathaniel Louis Oliver Geography Sarah C. Gerstenberger Jason Andrew Krawczyk Stephen Lewis McQuillan Lawrence Joseph Pytleski II Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceCommunity Relations Kendrah Eve Nguyen TeGene't Ridgeway Jaclyn J. Sauve Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Shanika Chapman Taquanda Framae Muldrow Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society Mark J. Allen Geoffrey Allen Bak Drew R. Baldwin Trevor N. Carah Joshua A. Freeman Timothy Jay Garcia Christopher Michael Glover Katherine S. Green Jonathan Curtis Huizinga Melissa Ann Kieda Joseph Anthony Maiullo IV John Charles Miller Kira Frances Motley Douglas Michael Newport Jill JoAnn Rowley Mpho Seema Michael J. Shafran Shannon F. Shavers Kevin Douglas Stelzer * * * * * Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Molly Moulder Barrett Abby T. Bond Lisa Feng-Yi Guo Matthew Hans Hubinger Dyan Paige Knapp Marion B. Smith Trisha Leigh Strine Ildiko Szekely Kristi L. Viets Marissa Lee Wengrow Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Alexis Chantal Bastedo Elizabeth Mary Fessler Bradley Jason Friedman Monica Iacovone Tamala Leonard Donald Ray Leonard Jr. Christopher Dennis Schimke Shauna K. Spurgess Kasongo Kalumbula Suzanne M. Krohn Andrew J. Kulich Robert L. Lopez Anthony J. Madonna Tonya Lynn Mann H** Alissa Marie Nann Amy Marie Pasternak Jonathan Junior Rene * Chad Arthur Sharp Scott Benjamin Shifman H** ** Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies Amanda Florence Beekman Susana Lorena Cabrera-Valdez Jeffrey Michael Donofrio Carly Anne Lamb * Policy and Applied Economics Abdullah Fadzil Hamn Political Science Joel Robert Coffey ** Daniel James Furton H** Misty Ann Kooienga Benjamin David McCamey Patrick Michael O'Reilly Matthew Michael Turner Kelly J. Zuckowsky Political Science-Prelaw Devon Paul Allard Lorelei Elizabeth Brown Primitivo Joan Castro Blane Thomas Emery Bradley Thomas French * ** ** * H** * * Psychology Nicholas Jonathon Aiello Erika Lynn Alford Ronald Harlan Bayes M. Daniel Ben-Meir Alicia Caroline Bosnyak Sara Maria Braccio Stephanie Marie Bruce Kathleen Anne Brunelle Adriza Vanessa Caesar Holly Sue Davey Carla LaShell Dean Ty lease Takisha Fitzgerald Joseph Edwin Gawronski Michelle Denise Gisi Pamela Dianne Green Martin Gross Alyssa R. Hamlin Tory Marie Hanson Nicole Susanne Ide Heeyoun Jeong Amanda Laurel Johnson John Russell Kauffman Kayo Kawamura Christina Adia Kemp Steven James Korzeniewski J ames Gardner Madaski Christine Catherine Martin Blair Alexander Matejak Angela H. Miller Kristen Nicole Miller John Paul Minarish Renee Marie Nichols Dalton Ashley Peacock Ricardo Paul Pellafone Jr. Elizabeth Ann Pyle Beth Ann Scott Roberts Joseph M. Roth Michael James Schury Adam Newton Squires Michael Aaron Stein Samantha Joanne Strate Wanda Swenson Shannon Melissa Taylor Julia Alison Toth Marc E. Van Grinsven Justin Moore Walker Kelly Zukowski H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor ... Reserve Officers Training Corps SOCIAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Public Administration and Public Policy Amy Beth Anderson Christiana Angelique Bradford Kimberly Leigh Brosky * * Heather L. Grobaski Laureen Kay Thornhill Sociology Sara Agosa Lindsay Marie Aven Anne Christina Bennett Momany Stephanie Carol Buchanan Alicia Anne Cousineau Kevin James Ferguson Social Work Lyndon R. Torres ** The following students have completed their ROTC education at Michigan State University and have received their commissions as reserve officers of the United States Air Force or the United States Army in the branches indicated. Kelly L. Goetzinger Darrell Gwinn Lauren Hess Shaun Michael McParland Karen A. Murrell Erin Michelle Stohl Charissa Townsend GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AEROSPACE STUDIES Dewitt John Henry Melanie Anne Shingledecker DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ** ** ** Interdisciplinarv Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society Jenny Lynn Alexander Mark Norbert Bontomasi Brandie Rose Boucher Julie Cass David Cormier Jill A. Dukes Terri Lynn Flowers Jeffrey Charles Hall Adeline Marie Kara Tracy Ann Monique Kendall Michael Arthur Kraft Dana L. Lemay Jason Manley Dominic John Marzolino Daniel James Ruese Anthropology Amberlee Bardon Jennifer Lauren Dowgiert Magdalena Menezes Abigail M. Ramseyer Christopher G. Stafford InterdisciplinaD,Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Kelly J. Hamilton Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Janet Ann Bodiford Sauncha Deneese Brooks Michelle Buckner Maritza Cantarero Monica Lynn Gruber Shantel Ja'Mario Hardaway Jac1yn Ann Jackson Laura Elaine Martin Michael Monroe Claudette M. Ponton Heather Lynette Rayford Kristin Michelle Rosenthal SapnaShah Timothy Todd Stack Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Riki W. Marriott Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Dakota Shane Dennison * * ** * ** Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies Jair F. Kollasch David Andrew Shaffer Psychology Justin Howard Bayer KianaL. Bogan Jordan Michel Braciszewski Sauncha Deneese Brooks Karen A. Buckley Sarah Elizabeth Castine Aaron Bernard Cilwa Scott Currier Michael Joseph Czerkes Jeanne Marie Esguerra Richard Thomas Eutsler Joshua D. Finch Gary Roger Ford John Walter Gladkowski III Evangeline Elaine Goulas Nicole Marie Gregus Michael Patrick Hagen Holly Herta Vinh HyHo Justin Gregory Johns Loyd David Johnson Jennifer J. Kingsford Lucus Michael Lienau * ** * ** * * Lisa Carol Lowman Ernest Dean McCallum Jf. Lauren C. Miller Shellie Cecelia Morton Robert Kim Nelson Melanie Lynne States Elizabeth Michele Stump Carolynne Teschler Jennifer Marie Torres Brian Jeffrey Turk Jacqueline S. Urban Katie Jo VanSolkema Johanna Hill Vogel Kristin Emily Wagner LaKeysh Kenyatta Watkins Heather L. Wiederhold Andrew James Zillgitt Sociology Chad William Brooks Lori Ann Covell Daniel Steven Gibson Syuhei Kimura Taquanda Framae Muldrow Urban and Regional Planning Bobbie Jo Bosch Erin Anne Bowdell Joanne E. VanDusen Daniel Kennon Zwolak MILITARY SCIENCE Air Defense Artillery Jason Robert Bowers Chemical Corps Brandon Wagner CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 AEROSPACE STUDIES Kathryn Camille Jordan Stephen Lewis McQuillan Brent Gregory Ritzke MILITARY SCIENCE Chemical Corps Laura Elaine Martin Infantry Zachariah Sepulveda Erik Tilly College of Veterinary Medicine LONNIE J. KING, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Veterinary Technology Shawn Marie Cosgrove Leah Marie Larscheidt Sara Margaret Sloma CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Veterinary Technology Rhonda Lee Lillywhite H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 28 29 .. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ORDER OF CEREMONIES GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 Graduate Degrees Presiding PETER MCPHERSON, President, Michigan State University DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS Music Conducting Gregory James Wolynec MAJOR PROFESSOR F. Tims PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band WESLEY J. BROADNAX, Conductor STAR-SPANGLED BANNER................................................................................. ...... ........... ....... ................... .. Key LARA K. TROYER, Doctoral Student, Music Peiformance, MSU School of Music The MSU Symphony Band MOMENT OF SILENCE PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES PAULM.HUNT Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Michigan State University ADDRESS MARK MALLOCH BROWN Administrator United Nations Development Programme New York, New York SPECIAL MUSIC Academic Festival Overture ............................................................................................................ ........................ .lohannes Brahms The MSU Symphony Band Arranged by Joseph Spaniola WESLEY J. BROADNAX, Conductor INTRODUCTION AND REMARKS DONALD W. NUGENT, Chairperson, MSU Board of Trustees CONFERRING OF DEGREES PETER MCPHERSON President, Michigan State University ALMA MATER................................................................................................................................................................................................ Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling 0' er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U (The Band, Ms. Troyer, and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band WESLEY J. BROADNAX, Conductor DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Agricultural and Extension Education F. Whims Hal Curtis Hudson F. Brewer Nicole Sheree Webster Counseling Psychology Barbara Gormley Douglas M. Neil Agricultural Economics Agustin Lopez Arcenas Brady J. Deaton Jr. R. Bernsten A. Schmid Counselor Education Delila Lashelle Owens R. Steward American Studies Anthony Joseph Michel Christopher York D. Brunner & D. Rehberger B. Gross Crop and Soil Sciences Caleb D. Dalley Thomas A. Nikolai J. Kells P.Rieke Anatomy Gail A. Shafer-Crane J. Rechtien Animal Science Kadir Kizilkaya R. Tempelman Applied Mathematics KaiHuang G. Bao MAJOR PROFESSOR F. Lopez R. Steward Curriculum. Teaching. and Educational Policy Hend Ahmad Almaian T. Bird C. Englert KaiLonnie Dunsmore C. Rosaen Daniel Steven Katz C. Cherryholmes & L. Fendler Kaustuv Roy Rodney Williams L. Anderson Economics YongsuCho Heeseon Choi Jason R. Davis KiwonKang Hoon Kim Jing-I Lu Facundo Sepulveda Pizarro Yuri S. D. Soares David Larson Wetzell P. Schmidt J. Biddle J. Goddeeris C. Ballard R. Baillie R. Pecchenino R. Pecchenino J. Strauss D. Neumark Botany and Plant Pathology and Ecology. Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Heather E. Hallen G. Adams Educational Psychology Lorinda Marie Sheppard S. Yelon Business Administration Rosanna Garcia Sangphet Hanvanich Michael J. Wesson YiZhang R. Calantone C. Droge A. Barber C. Hadlock Chemical Engineering Shuangjie Zhou Electrical Engineering UngsikKim Jeong-Seog Lee Mark Alan Perrin Pedro Arturo Torres-Carrasquillo Jizhong Xiao J. Deller N. Xi M. Hawley Engineering Mechanics Antonio Pantano R. Averill English Jennifer Ruby Dawson Nevin B. Leder Wilma Hook Romatz Paula M. Rosinski S.Arch P. Stock & D. Preston K. Geissler D. Brunner & D. Rehberger Environmental Geosciences Robin L. Sutka P. Ostrom Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wayne A. Hicks D. Gage Botany and Plant Pathology Julie A. Greyerbiehl Jeffrey Michael Stein Chemistry Randall Wayne Hicks Stacy L. Hovde Igor Pastirk Joseph Samuel Ward III R. Harnrnerschmidt W. Kirk T. Pinnavaia J. Geiger M. Dantus R. Maleczka College and University Administration A. Ortiz Dorothy Ann Reed Communication Arts and Sciences-Mass Media N. Rifon Sejung Marina Choi P. Whitten Jennifer L. Gregg David Weinstock L. Davenport Computer Science Nasser Assem Rein-Lien Hsu Dmitri D. Perkins Vibhavasu Vuppala S. Pramanik A. Jain H. Hughes L. Ni D. Aslam D. Nyquist J. Asmussen Environmental Geosciences-Environmental Toxicology Jennifer Therese McGuire D. Long Family and Child Ecology Donna Edwards Neumark B. Ames Food Science-Environmental Toxicology J. Pestka Laura Jean Clifford Genetics Xiaofeng Wang R. Grumet We would like to express our appreciation to the staff for their assistance at the commencement exercises. The audience is requested to remain at their seats while those in the processional are entering and leaving the arena. 30 31 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE GRADUATE SCHOOL CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Geography Brian L. Becker MAJOR PROFESSOR D. Lusch Higher. Adult. and Lifelong Education Patricia Anne Kenney A. Austin K. Moore David Anthony Sam M. Davis Allyn Radcliffe Shaw Historv Julia Robinson Harmon Daniel Joseph Lerner History-Urban Studies VibhaBhalla Horticulture Robert Henry Cichewicz II D. Bailey M. Flanagan Physics Sen Cheng Khalid Fatthi Eid Declan Mulhall A. Cafagna S. Pratt J. Bass V. Zelevinsky M. Nair K-12 Educational Administration Catherine J. Ash P. Cusick D. Feltz R. Malina D. Preston Political Science Misa Nishikawa Mark A. Souva Jong-Tian Wang D. Patterson S. Gates D. Davis Political Science-Urban Studies Shun-jie Ji B. Silver Psychology Catherine Meige Arrington Bradford S. Bell Amani EI-Alayli Ruth Ellen Euchner Lisa B. Galasso Jessica Goodkind Alissa Christine Huth-Bocks Angela Mae McBride Carla Marie Monestere Reginae. O'Connell T.Carr S. Kozlowski L. Messe B.Karon R. Caldwell e. Sullivan A. Levendosky N. Abeles D. Thornton B.Karon Materials Science and Engineering Hyea-Weon Shin P. Kwon Rehabilitation Counselor Education Andrew A. Phemister N. Crewe Mathematics ElmasIrmak Chia Sien Lim Svetlana Roudenko William R. Vautaw Resource Development Melise D. Huggins Stephen R. Pennington Mechanical Engineering Douglas G. Bohl Tuhin Kumar Das Xubin Gu DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS Music Conducting John Stanley Ross Music Peiformance Larisa Arazovna Bairamova Jai WonChoi Jimena Grandon Jong-goo Kim SooJinLee Jorge Luiz Richter Ling-Yi Ou Yang MAJOR PROFESSOR J. Whitwell S. Bagratuni D.Lee D. Moriarty I. Wang D.Lee L. Gregorian S. Bagratuni L. Fine & L. Page Human Nutrition-Environmental Toxicology Soo-Young Kang L. Bourquin Linguistics Masahiro Hara Philosophy Sarah Black Jones Plant Breeding and Genetics-Horticulture Ekaterini Papadopoulou R. Grumet Human Environment: Design and Management Linda Swihart Niehm B. Sternquist Kinesiologv Lynette Leigh Craft Swee Kheng Tan Pharmacology and Toxicology MAJOR PROFESSOR Amy Kissiah Lynn Banes S. Watts J. McCarthy e. Rotthaus M. Frazier J. McCarthy M. Koochesfahani R. Mukherjee T. Shih Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Scott M. Doree M. Mulks HongweiGao R. Schwartz V. Maher Ziqiang Li S. Conrad Andrew J. Skildum V. Maher Xi-De Wang G. Rowan S. Witter DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Cell and Molecular Biology Michele Ann Battle Oscar Caballero Maria Fernanda Pino V. Maher J. Walton L. Olson Agricultural Economics Bishwa Bhakta Adhikari Anwar Naseem Geo. Arthur Young L. Cheney R. Bernsten J. Allen Chemical Engineering David R. Knop Darrell E. Marchant GuangdaShi M. Worden K. Jayaraman L. Drzal American Studies Peter M. Coogan Aileen O'Connor Cronin Kerry Anne Duff Mary P. Gardner Stephen Alan Jones G. Hoppenstand J. Ladenson S.Rachman J. Ladenson D. Bailey Chemical Physics Daniel Edward Groh P. Mantica Animal Science Jill Anna Davidson Hugo Roman-Rosario Luis Felipe Prada e Silva Jennifer Brigitte Wells Jacob D. Beede M. Yokoyama M. VandeHaar J. Burlon Anthropology Amy Jo Hirshman Julie A. Pelletier David J. Perusek H. Pollard S. Krouse D. Dwyer Chemistry Heather A. Bullen Jian-YangCho JinhuaDai John L. Dela Cruz Michael John Dorko Shannon Marie Haymond Mateusz Lukasz Hupert Xiangshu Jin Lee Kelepouris BoYoungKim Erik L. Ruggles Bradley J. Sieve JianWang Malgorzata Anna Witek Marina A. Zhuravleva S. Garrett M. Smith III M. Bruening G. Blanchard S. Garrett G. Swain G. Swain J. Geiger G. Blanchard M. Bruening R. Maleczka M. Kanatzidis G. Swain G. Swain M. Kanatzidis E.Loh J. Baldwin Social Science Todd Eugene Bricker Yung Hyeock Lee Karen S. Markel Meghan Sarah Stroshine Sean Patrick Varano P. Berg P. Manning T. Bynum Astrophysics and Astronomy Michael Wayne Davis Brian David Sharpee Sociology Shu-Fen Kao Nancy Jennifer Mezey M. Aronoff M. Zinn Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Rodrigo Antonio Gutierrez P. Green Soren Ottosen S. Triezenberg J. Kaguni Lyle Adair Simmons H. Koul D. Gilliland H. Koul A. Skorokhod & H. Salehi H. Koul e. Page & V. Melfi D. Carter F. Horvath Music James David Borst Donna Thomasson Emmanuel Tao-Bin Yang e. Conway C. Taggart C. Taggart Statistics FuxiaCheng Fanzhi Kong Linyuan Li Oleg V. Makhnin PingpingNi YichuanXia Packaging Cengiz Caner Jong-Koo Han Oranis Panyarjun B. Harte S. Selke H. Hughes Zoology and Ecology. Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Puja Batra F. Dyer Brian E. Keas T. Burton S. Hamilton David Francis Raikow Park. Recreation and Tourism Resources Kevin A. Nelson E. Mahoney MAJOR PROFESSOR Agricultural and Extension Education Timothy Alan Brannan S. Levine D. Krueger Julianne Price S. Levine Gary Alan Teja Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Physics Brandon Michael Hespenheide L. Kuhn Biosystems Engineering Md. Taufiqul Islam Chia-YiiYu Business Administration Lawrence H. Bajor Cynthia Elizabeth Devers Anne Magner Farrell Katrina Savitskie Ola Marie Smith ElifSonmez F. Bakker-Arkema W. Northcott E. Outs lay R. Wiseman M. Shields T. Stank M. Shields R. Calantone Chemistrv and Chemical Engineering Parrninder Agarwal K. Berglund & G. Blanchard Civil Engineering Mohamed A. Azim Elewa Mohamed Farouk Elzafraney Jong-Suk Park Ruihua Tao W.Saul P. Soroushian W. Taylor V. Sisiopiku Communication Dhaval Shantilal Patel Debra Lynn Frazier Peterson Kristen E. Salomonson K. Witte e. Atkin R. Tamborini Communication Arts and Sciences-Mass Media Linda J. Hofschire B. Greenberg Jay Newell R. LaRose Hyun Soon Park e. Salmon JoAnn Leigh Roznowski B. Reece DEGREE OF EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST Olena Bartkiw 32 Alissa J. Blaising Bronwyn Marie Cobb Francisca Garcia Kidder 33 ... THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE GRADUATE SCHOOL DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Computer Science Boris Gelfand Jinsheng Xu Baijian Yang YiluZhang Counseling Psychologv Ellen Berger Matthew Alan Miller James William Wyssmann Crop and Soil Sciences Mohamed Eldaw Mohamed Elwadie MAJOR PROFESSOR A. Esfahanian M. Chung A. Esfahanian J.Wang F. Lopez R. Steward F. Lopez V. Bralts Curriculum. Teaching. and Educational Policy Scott A. Ashmann C. Anderson Cynthia Louise Carver S. Feiman-Nemser S. Feiman-Nemser Amy Wallk Katz Angia Eilene Sperfslage Macomber S.Wilcox Deborah L. Sumner M. Conley Teka G. Wakjira J. Schwille Economics Scott B. Darragh Aisha Rafiqui-Masroor C. Ballard K. Boyer Electrical Engineering Imad Hanna Elhajj Hyon Sok Kay Jong Chan Oh Hyun Duk Park MengYue N. Xi H. Khalil E. Rothwell T. Hogan R. Schlueter Genetics SainanWei Julie Lynn Zwiesler-Vollick MAJOR PROFESSOR A. Norris R. Fisher S.He Genetics and Cell and Molecular Biology Eric W. Olle W. Kopachik German Studies Mitchell D. Place T. Lovik Higher. Adult. and Lifelong Education Andrea Langell Beach J. Fairweather Karen V. Busch A. Austin Barbara R. Hooper J. Dirkx Heather Mairi Irwin Robinson A. Austin Timothy M. Jackson J. Dirkx Olga V. Kritskaya J. Dirkx J. Greg Merritt A. Austin Nancy Lee Schmitt A. Austin Terry Brennan Viau M. Arney Hispanic Cultural Studies Marco V. Diaz-Munoz Adrian Flores-Barrera Daniel John Nappo J. Duran J. Duran J. Duran History D. Randall Gabrielse Timothy William Geysbeek Wm. Christopher Hamel Carmen Veneita Harris Jacqueline Allison McLeod Rose Carine Thevenin ShuoWang D. Bailey D. Robinson G. Stewart D. Hine D. Hine H. Reed L. Johnson Engineering Mechanics LiHou D . Liu English Leslie Elizabeth Campbell Heejeong Cho Regina VertellJones K. Harrow A. Goodson G. Smitherman Horticulture Fatih Ali Canli A. Zafer Makaraci R. Perry J. Flore Entomology Maria Felicitas Avendano H. Melakeberhan Human Nutrition Jean Marie Kerver W. Song Environmental Engineering Stephanie Luster-Teasley S. Masten Environmental Geosciences Mary Elizabeth Russ K 12 Educational Administration Saleh Sulaiman Alshaya P. Cusick Maribel Alves Fierro Sevilla D. Plank N. Ostrom Family and Child Ecology Kathleen Burns Jager Mary B. Mc Donald Stephen J. Yanca Fisheries and Wildlife Paul W. Keenlance Christopher Andrew Lepczyk Marc Alan Linderman Stacy A. C. Nelson Sarah Ann Thayer Food Science Yasmin Ibrahim Hilmi Dinlaka Sriprapundh M. Carolan J. Keith B. Ames K. Millenbah J. Liu J.Liu P. Soranno W. Taylor G. Strasburg J. Linz Food Science-Environmental Toxicology Ching-Hsun Chiou J. Linz J. Pestka Yong Joo Chung Li-WeiLee J. Linz Yu Seok Moon J. Pestka 34 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY French. Language and Literature Bonaventure Balla Omgba Kinesiology Lois Anne Kaminski Ji-Tae Kim Tina Michelle Magyar R. Malina C. Branta D. Feltz Large Animal Clinical Sciences Prawit Butudom H. Schott Andrew Miles Jefcoat E. Robinson Siriporn Khumsap H. Clayton Mechanical Engineering Cori L. Ignatovich FigenLacin A. Diaz M. Zhuang Microbiology Lakeisha Dianele Cunningham Ian Scott Gray Robin Jeanne Kastenmayer Daniel Zemke L. Mansfield V. Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan M. Mulks V. Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan MAJOR PROFESSOR Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Hector Luis Ayala del RIO J. Tiedje Benjamin Matthew Griffin J. Tiedje April Alison Taggie Hoffman J. McCormick Harry Sung Lee M. Bagdasarian R. Patterson Jung Woo Park Music Suzanne L. Burton Denise Marie Guilbault Julie Anne Scrivener C. Taggart C. Taggart B. Campbell Packaging Antonis Kanavouras Paweena Limjaroen Supachai Pisuchpen S. Selke B. Hart H. Lockhart Park. Recreation and Tourism Resources Ramon Benedicto A. Alampay J. Fridgen Azlizam Aziz E. Mahoney Omar Moufakkir D. Holecek Pathology Leann Michelle Hopkins J. Gerlach Pharmacology and Toxicology Michael Flink W. Atchison Yvonne Marie Will-Murphy K. Lookingland Pharmacology and Toxicology-Environmental Toxicology Belinda Sue Hawkins L. Fischer Steven Byron Yee R. Roth Physics Connie Rebecca Bednarski -Meinke Emil S. Bozin Radu Dobrin Paul R. Heckman Andrew J. Rader Richard John Shomin WanpengTan B. Golding S. Billinge P. Duxbury M. Thoennessen M. Thorpe W. Lynch W. Lynch Plant Biology Mursel Catal Brandon Joseph Horvath Luis A. Velasquez MAJOR PROFESSOR G. Adams J. Vargas R. Hammerschmidt Plant Breeding and Genetics-Forestry Eric R. Myers B. Epperson Plant Breeding and Genetics-Horticulture Sedat Serce J. Hancock Political Science Christopher William Bonneau M. Hall Psychology Lauren Michel Rosenkoetter Barton Julia Nicholson Crumrine Karen Renae Milner Edwin Poon Joshua M. Sacco H. Fitzgerald N. Abeles J. Ford N. Abeles N. Schmitt Resource Development Sherlyn L. Bienvenida Diane Marie Doberneck Michael Jerome Lang Jongyeul Moon Karen Elizabeth Vigmostad J. Bingen F. Fear D. Bronstein E. Dersch P. Kakela Social Science Somvadee Chaiyavej Cynthia Ozeki M. Morash E. Kossek Sociology Suzanne Marie Broetje Heather Elise Dillaway Teresa Ann Swezey Elisabeth Waeckerlin R. Gallin R. Gallin & M. Baca-Zinn R. Hamilton D. Wiley Special Education Tony Dale Bright Debra L. Lively Xiuwen Wu C. Englert D. Stewart C. Englert Zoology Wen Yue Hu J. Giesy Zoology and Ecology. Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Yi-Kuang Wang R. Stevenson Stefanie L. Whitmire S. Hamilton R. Stevenson Lei Zheng DEGREE OF EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST Michael Gary Lorenzen Learning. Technology. and Culture Lisa Kay Peru ski E. Oka Linguistics Boonjeera Chiravate Kiel Tobias Christianson C. Schmitt F. Ferriera Materials Science and Engineering Hiroyuki Fukushima L. Drzal Hong Geng M. Crimp Biman Ghosh M. Crimp Benjamin Andrew Simkin M. Crimp Lanhong Xu L. Drzal Jinping Zhang D. Grummon 35 .... MEDICAL DEGREES MASTER'S DEGREES College of Human Medicine College of Agriculture and Natural Resources GLENN DAVIS, DEAN JEFFREY D. ARMSTRONG, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Rebecca Lew Armour Naveen Cherukuri Stephanie Comrnings Timothy James Crone Regina Louise Edmond Tiffany Michele Hebert Christopher Edward Herald Christine Fouad Ibrahim Michele M. Johnson Michael A. King Stacia Gilda-Marie LaGarde Michelle Marie McLean Jennifer Anne Palamara Jennifer 1. Parks Jan Ruth Penvose-Yi James Patrick Picotte Jr. Gennaro Marc Polverino CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Sylvia Cota Castro Veronica Yvette Miller Delphine L. Walker College of Osteopathic Medicine Michael Allen Racine Melissa Sue Rayburg Heather H. Towery Bryan S. Williams Heather J. Zaluski Agricultural and Extension Education Jason Robert Griffith Lyndon L. Kelley Kelly E. MacGregor Tricia Lynn Marshall Gerald L. Piche Jr. Agricultural Economics Hikuepi B. Katjiuongua Chhime Tshering Animal Science Erin Gwen Brown Laurie Ellen Davis Martin F. Ledwaba Matthew John Ritter Jason Michael Scheffler Jeffrey Joseph Sindelar Biosystems Engineering Nicholas Robert Friant Scott C. Millsap Building Construction Management Kristin De Ridder Namita Mehrotra Reshma Sambare Crop and Soil Sciences Pingping Jiang Fisheries and Wildlife Laura Faitel Cimo Tameka N aMoi Dandridge Eric L. Heimerl Richard C. Mykut Todd Christian Wills Food Science Tausha Carlson Gwen E. De Yay Nancy A. Esterline James Gordon Kincaid Katherine Susan Nemeth Stephen James Vanos Roger S. Wenk Forestry-Urban Studies Kerry Marie Boris Horticulture Carmela M. Rios Charles L. Rohwer Packaging Bridgette Michele Johnson Kobdaj Vanichvarod Keith L. Vorst Plant Breeding and Genetics-Crop and Soil Sciences Karen Ann Cichy Resource Development Eleanor Wendell Ogilvie Christopher Michael Purdy WILLIAM STRAMPEL, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Lene Annette Heinlen Elina Vaysman Pales CANDIDATE - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Daniel Paul Cesario College of Veterinary Medicine LONNIE J. KING, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Antje Nicole Beth-Joslin 36 CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Agricultural and Extension Education Pamela Anne Bartholomew Delsa Denise Chapman Catherine Ann Courtade Rebecca A. Fowler McGuire Erin J. Parker Heather Anne Pratt Ernesto Restaino Abby Lynn Rubley Agricultural Economics Fernando Paulo Balsevich Prieto Yegros Arnie Lynette Hightower Tsitsi Makombe Juan Gonzalo Pefiaherrera Paredes Corey Catherine Risch Agricultural Technology and Systems Management Ann M. Shattuck Animal Science Jessica Eason-Butler Michael Willard Klunzinger Geetha Sanal Kumar Richard A. Longuski Gerry Ann McCully Matthew P. McCurdy Zachary H. Myers Brian C. Tooker Biosystems Engineering Benjamin Bowman Bailey Dana M. Kirk Kevin A. Kowalk Karina Gorostiaga Martino Zarini Muhammad-Tahir Alison Paige Omura Sharon A. Vennix Building Construction Management Vijay Krupal Reddy Chitla Alfred J. Miller Crop and Soil Sciences Daniel John Hudson Brian E. Leach Cindy Shiu Mai Wan Fisheries and Wildlife Matthew P. Balge Alexandra B. Felix Stacy A. Gilmore Katherine J. Kahl Melissa Hodges Koval Sarah L. Panken Erica Catherine Staton Carrie R. Steen Michael Anthony Monterusso Kari Ann Robinson Food Science RirongChen Julie Jean Dejongh Kerri Latrice Harris Tanisha Jordan Ijeoma O. Okpala Edmund John Tanhehco Packaging Melissa J. Holcomb Tatika Jones Anthony J. Kipp Dario M. Martino Corey Benjamin Mingerink Syed M. Peer Forestry Lee Scott Nancarrow Laura A. Schreeg Leigh Ann Spence Park. Recreation and Tourism Resources Stanley Janos Cindrity Susan Halsey Creagh Anne Mary Maasberg Ariel Rodriguez Renisha Sampract Brian Robert Valentine Forestry-Urban Studies Katherine Elizabeth Armstrong Jennifer C. Burick Horticulture Heather Renee Borden Marcus Wayne Duck Amy Lynn Enfield Marfa Alejandra Ferenczi Gardini Karen Luke Maguylo Plant Breeding and Genetics-Horticulture Chad B. Osborn Resource Development Laura Christine Bruhn Eric A. Cline Arun Neupane Paul Laurence Van Tongeren 37 College of Arts and Letters The Eli Broad Graduate School Of Management WENDY WILKINS, DEAN ROBERT B. DUNCAN, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Comparative Literature Veronica M. Barreto Olabode Ibironke History of Art Carolyn Sue Wolfe Linguistics MingXiang DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Literature in English Stephen Andrew Gaertner Amanda Z. McGuire Wendy Ann Fortson McHarris Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Alina C. Pajtek YanWang . Theatre Julia 1. Crawford Benjamin Phillip Sumrall Economics Ziyu Liu DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Russian Yulia Mikhailova Eron Wynell Butler Kenneth Donald Cameron Charles Douglas Cruce Jr. DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTS Ryan N. Derderian Miles Michael Logothetis John Oliver Mikkola Brian J. Niepoky Bernadette Ramos Raymundo JunYang Professional Accounting Yo on-Sun Choi Melanie Renee Hava Matthew Charles Kammann Karen Jing -Wen Liang Patrick J. Mahoney Megan S. Menkveld Xiaofeng Peng DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Studio Art YiranLin Manufacturing Management Jayson Robert Harris Nancy Elizabeth Weiss DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC Music Conducting Gregory James Black Sarah Jane Hintz Sheri Hila Tulloch Music Education Jeanna Ines Cervantes Barbara Jean Hendricks Steven Robert Lorenz Kristen Leigh Patee Music Therapy Karin Akamatsu Piano Pedagogy Yuko Kishimoto DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Critical Studies in the Teaching of English Amelia Pawlow History of Art Nicole Renee Bahl Angela Therese Horton German Studies AngelikaN. Kraemer Sara Richter Linguistics Ahmad AI-Rumaih Hsiang -Hua Chang History Geoffrey Todd Pippenger Christina Marie Hermann Pruett Marshanda Ann Latrice Smith Literature in English Renee Dabney Quincy T. Norwood Richard Eugene Ziegelmann Russian Marina Le Grand Spanish-Secondary School Teaching Matthew Carlton Bayley Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Vera Viktorovna Bondartsova Jonathan William deHaan Yu-LingHsu Jiyoun Nam DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC Music Conducting David Wesley Rogers Jason Arthur Thoms Music Education Jason Thomas Skube 38 CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 Integrative Management Mark E. Arrigan Jennifer L. Askew Leland Andrew Babitch Victoria Badics Michael D. Bennett Richard Bryce Bergethon Adam Desmond Bertoia Peter G. Boss Dale C. Bowman Jeffrey Nicholas Bremmer Timothy James Bridges Michele Justice Buckler Stanley Chan Walter A. Chiminski Marcus D. Christensen Michelle Jennifer Cobb Michelle L. Cook Denise Lynn Van Houweling Dahl Peter Darveau Jennifer Anastasia Daugherty Renato Domenic Dell' Osso III James A. DeVries Valentina Djokaj Mark Elliott Dunn Hagay Dvir Bruce Paul Eckert Tresa L. Fordham Laura A. Funk Kala 1. Gibson Stephan C. Glander Timothy Jay Grai Roger P. Gray II Clifford Schuyler Hale Nicholas Halopulos Christopher James Harper HuaHe Kristoffer 1. Hoffman Anil K. Ippalapelli Harish Jayaram Scot Lyn Johnston Dana Joseph Katinas Halil I. Kinaci Scott E. Krebs Nanda Kishore Lakkaraju Tuan T. Le Eero Leismann JingLing Thomas C. Longo Weiping Ma Robert D. McClelland Hugh A. Milne Hidemitsu Mizusawa Chad Michael Moriarty William M. Muir Brian D. Murray Alphonso Nickson Jr. Timothy J. Olthoff John Mark Otten Frederick Paul Pacheco Timothy J. Padot Hasmukh 1. Patel Mineshkumar N. Patel Daniel Mark Peplinski Kristen R. Rash Angela L. Reaume Bernard W. Reeves Jr. George Frederick Renaud Jr. Dean E. Roberts Michael L. Sampson Mary Ann Sattler Nathan Emil Schmidt Joseph A. Schudt Kevin A. Shaw Girish Shirhatti Lisa H. Sieradski Jason Thaddeus Smith Michelle Ann Speicher Robert D. Spinetto Kevin P. Springer Shaina Rebecca Tanner Craig M. Tedder Keith Edwin Toole Giuseppe Veller Venkateswara Sastry Vempati Robert A. Wade John G. Waechter III Melissa L. Warren Karen E. Wiant Michael Joseph Widgren Eric John Wieber Timothy Lee Woods Xiang Dong Mike Yu Chad A. Zollman Professional Accounting Matthew M. Flaminio Elon Friedman Adam Daniel Kirklin Jamie Paul Lemke Danielle Marie Hoisington McNally Aparna Mithal Shanna K. Seelye Sara Michelle Syrjamaki R. Adrianus Tirtarahardja James J. Walters Richard Jongkoo Yo JingZhang DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Music Peiformance Matthew Kyle Brown Rachael England JungWooLee Debra Kay Pajtas Music Theory Andrew Lane Hamric Piano Pedagogy Liudmila Bondar Debra Kay P~tas Lana Jarkas Sharif Foodservice Management Stephen M. Cherry Lucretia Marie Mansfield Anthony David Santuomo Lan Tong 39 > EDUCATION College of Communication Arts and Sciences DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Advertising Harshavardhan S. Gangadharbatla Lin Wang Donnareakica T. Holder Douglas A. Logel Jr. Kathryn Marie Phillips Stephen M. Reddick CommunicationUrban Studies Priyanka Banerjee Junko Takada Audiology and Speech Sciences Joanna Crawford Jennifer Marie Donnelly Communication Amy Christen Bauer Phyllis J. Kendrick-Wright Patrie Roy Spence Journalism Sooyoung Cho Public Relations Pattarajit Tantichusak Telecommunication Ching Ju Sunny Lee JaeSeokLim Janice Catherine Miller CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Advertising Guillermo Enrique Avila-Saavedra 1-Ting Cher Chang Sara Jenning Carol H. Y. Ko Caroline Kyteen Kuo Shu Ki Lau Catherine Margaret Powell Paolo A. von Nuremberg Hsinyu Yang Audiology and Speech Sciences Tamara L. Graham Barbara Elizabeth Holmes Communication Esragul Bayraktar Jonathan Michael Bowman Nithyakalyani Muthuswamy Melissa Steelman-Okenka Communication Urban Studies Diona Evette Williams Health Communication Linda Wefel Shankland Journalism Audrey LaShonda Qwendolyn Tamiko Barney Arvind Diddi Maria Elena Gil Kristen M. Tuinstra Public Relatiom Betty En-ying Hsia Cheng-se Hsu Petros Kettenis Vivien Jijeong Kim Justin L. Lacey Wei-LinLai Alison Kraai McKee Heather Michelle Meyers Jiyoung Seo Rosemalin Sirikanjanapong Shih-Ping Nancy Wang Telecommunication Kyounghee Cho Murad Shahnawaz Habibi Kelly Christine McCabe Harold Mondol Jeremy David Radvansky Victoria A. Sawyer IndeokSong MingTang XuemeiWang Yung-Te Wang College of Education CAROLE AMEs, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Counseling Wen-Hsin Chen Miki Shirai Kimika Tashima Tiffanye Michelle Tonsing Curriculum and Teaching Charles L. Alberts Dala S. Alderman Lisa Michele Alkemade Hassiatou Amadou Hamidou Sarah Emelie Angott Karen B. Antwan Anne M. Arnold Denise Basdekis Aungst Neville Avery Carrie L. Baic Sara Baquero-Garcia Karrie M. Beachum Jessica M. Benavides 40 Sara Lynn Benner Christine Joy Beno Lisa Gay Bignall Marcia Bishop Kristi Lynn Black Marie-France Blais Amy Elizabeth Bocian Carolyn Bolduc Melissa M. Braman Jason Douglas Brooks Kirsten Ann Brownell Jennifer Marie Bryant Erica Joyce Buchanan Catherine Ann Bumstead Michele Lee Burt Jemlifer Lynn Runyan Buskirk Evelyn H. Cahoon Anly Lynn Cannon Sundus Cebecioglu Nian-Nian Chen Michelle Renee Choe Lorraine J. Christenson Amber Marie Chumley Michael John Cieslak Maria Anna Cini Linda Marie Clark Michelle Leigh Clark Cristin Colbert Pamela Jo Collins Julie Beth Colthorp Katherine Coveyou Kristi Lee Craig Molly Ann Cummings Michael Patrick Daraskavich Jr. Brad Michael Davies Janice E. Davies Laura M. DeMaria Melissa C. Dentry Carrie L. EIiuk Erin M. Etue M . Nicole Faricy Camille Marie Ferrera Margaret Vinnetta Foley Kelly Lynn Fortier Danielle Renee Foss Stacie E. Foster Bethany Gilbert Dimitra Glystra Trevor Scott Goedert Michelle L. Goldsworthy Brandy Christina Gottman Robert Levi Gould Deborah Sheaffer Grant Christina Marie Gravel Robert L. Grekowicz Jennifer L. Guenther Kelly Jean Halvorsen Terry Beth Ham Judith E. Hart Lori Jean Hart Lisa Marie Haugh Curriculum and Teaching (Continued) Martha Runkel Hauser Denise Lynn Hazen Lynell M. Hemphill Patrice Jean Hill Jennifer Joy Himebaugh Marcie Marlene Hintz Tara Colleen Hogan Erin Leigh Howe Mary Elizabeth Hubert Amy Allyson Huszczo Freddie Allan Hutchinson Heather Ann Idalski Nekeya Marie Irby Jillian Nicole Isaac Maura A. J ary Jennifer Anne Javor Rhonda Louise Jenks Starr Lynn Kroes Jensen Kelly Ann Johnson Rita M. Jolly Andrea Kay Jones Michelle Marie Kalchik Sherry Elaine Ray Kamm Steven David Keller Amy Lynn Kelly Courtney Kipke Conrad Glen Klima Heather Leatte Kronemeyer Kimberly A. Krzisnik Meredith Ann Kuhlman Joel D. Lake Brian Richard Langley Joshua Adam Leader Catherine Anne Leon Stephanie May Livingston Lucy M. Logsdon Michele Ann Lozen Kimberly Anne Lund Delli1is MacKinnon Mary Ann T. Manatlao Amy Suzette Martin Kimberly Sue McCallister Shoup Angela Marie McCauslin Ann McDonough Katherine A. McIntosh Karrie E. McLean Daniella Medford Tracy Elizabeth Menard Brett Leigh Meteyer Hannah R. Miller Nicole Alane Modrzejewski Scott Edward Modrzejewski Robin Ann Moritz Stephen Michael Mon·is John Michael Mott Carl H. Moyer Jr. Kimberly Ann Mrozinski Jessica Rae Mueller Lori Ann Mullet Alexis S. Mullin Colleen Theresa Murray Angela N. Novotny Jennifer Ann Oleksiak Emily Jean Parker Stacie L. Patten Tiffany N. Penn Stefanie A. Pennington Gregory David Petrilli Tricia L. Picklo Bradley Jay Porter Cristie Praeger Ryan Dunn Ray Christine Marie Reeves Eric Ryan Retan Alyssa Ann Rickard Marian Ida Riedel Robert E. Rizkalla Jessica L. Rogers Daria Chiara Rose Renee Maia Sarafin Naomi R. Schimm Cathy L. Schneider Melissa M. Schouman Carrie Jamal Schwinnen Mary Ann Scott Laura Kristen Shingle Jamila Aisha Simmons Jacob I. Slodki Kellie Elizabeth Slominski Catherine N. Smith Jamie Marie Soltis Lissa Ann Steffey Elizabeth Waters Stevens Sara Jean Strozewski Kara Thompson Michele Ann Thompson Tamara Lynn Thomsen Gaye Frances Tomaszewski Emily Jill Tompkins Heidi Toole Dianna Lynn Topper Dena Michele Treadwell Libby Held Turpin Erin VanAntwerp Jill Kenyon Vigneau Jill Louise Walker Jennifer A. Wangerow Lysti A. Weatherly Joel Charles Weir Jessica Weiss Amy L. Werner Amy C. West Pamela Diane West Joseph Arthur Westra Kristin D. W. White Kenneth John Wicker Megan Elizabeth Wolsefer Michael Kevin Wright Bridget Joan Zahradnik Denise Diane Zeeman Laura Lynne Beckman Julia Erin Bertrand Nicholas Edward Counts Barbara Ann Fardell Cathy Jean Flickinger Lauren Sue Hutchins Gonzalez Ann Marie Gorney William Henry Greer Eric Marshall Hillstrom Michael Him Christine Lynne Host Marion Gerarda Maria Keijzers Laura Elizabeth Kelly Bradley Kurtz David Alan Legg Russell L. Long Soha Hassan Kamel Mahmoud Wendy Thompson Martin Khader Mah'd Abdel-Razzaq Matarieh Linda C. Maxwell Barbara Messenger Ian Maurice Delacy Nixon Kathryn Ortman Michelle L. Poertner Jane Bowles Powell Valerie Kae Poynter Sara Lynn Quigley Carrieann Quinn Ryan P. Ranger Jodi Elizabeth Riegel Gregory Alan Rosenberger Bobbette Michelle Ross Kevin Matthew Rossiter Suzanne Marie Shermak Steven Raymond Sickle Jennifer E. Spate Paul Ley ton Stanley Dorothy Lee Steward Jennifer Sullivan-Brown Jeffrey Alan Swanson Joel D. Tallman Michele Lynn Thomas Jennifer Susan Williams Higha Adult. and Lifelong Education Saleh Ibrahim M. Ali Christopher M. Conzolo Morgan Marie Nelson Michelle Marie Shields Nadya Mohd H. Zainal Educational Technology and Instructional Design Mark F. Arnold Thomas Frederick Auch K-12 Educational Administration Paul James Ballard Bruce Wayne Bennett Jr. Brian Patrick Byars Margaret Mary Clifford Jennifer Lynn DeBruyn Susanne Marie DeWolfe Jasen James Filipiak Lorenda Leigh Jonas Matthew David Ferrell Maureen K. Hamlin Eric Paul Horning Ethel Ruth Leslie Chad Michael Paton David William Converse Prout Heena S. Shah Education Robin M. Kyburg Erin John MacGregor Marcy Ellen Kinzer Cynthia D. Mahar Heather Lynn McClintic Mary M. Ombonga Daniel P. Parent Brent Allen Pohlonski Rochelle Anne Rogers Roy M. Stallworth Emily Ruth Tims Literacy Instruction Linda L. Baughan Sarah R. Ellis Yu-LiHuang Rehabilitation Counseling Aimee Marie Gross Delile G. Langeni Special Education Dawn Renee Fillhard Eric K. Hofschire Julie A. Tueros Student Affairs Administration Jennifer Lynn Avery Benardo len·old Dargan Christina Davis Felicity Kaluke Ntwanano Mawila Rebekah Leigh Starkenburg Teaching and Learning with Technology Cally Marissa Betts Jennifer L. Block Deborah A. Burks Colleen Ruth Carmody Allison Marie Cosgrove April Lynn Dodd Heather Marie Dolby Elizabeth Manette Goepfert Cynthia Marie Goff Ann Elizabeth Goodman Shelley Marie Havera Melissa Louise Koronka Kristopher T. Lodge Robert Carl Losinger Daniel Scott Love Kimberly Ann Makel Lonnie H. Mitchell Linda Mondol Pamella A. Pilant Mark Ryan Ponstine Moriah N. Richardson Laura Marie Seal Marlene A. Segal Amy Anne Smith Dawn Marie Stark Patricia L. Stewart Joseph Melvin Tinsley Michelle Patti Villerot Amiee Marie Vondrasek Melissa Walter Jeremy Zu bal DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Kinesiology Angela Leigh Charsha Erin Primrose Connors Maegan Marie Dibble Miguel Angel Narvaez Silva Michael Richard Swift 41 ;::as EDUCATION ENGINEERING CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Adult and Continuing Education Amy Lynn Sides Curriculum and Teaching Kristine Diane Arney D. Stephanie Barish Nevada Breniser Brett B. Butcher Karen Lee Campbell LaKeisha Michelle Collins Susan Gail Deeb Jennifer Ann Evenson Karensa Corlee Fitch Christopher James Gardner Kimberly Ann Gardner Jennifer Eileen Grivins Jennifer Ann Hadden Jennifer Ann Hammerle Chao-Jui Judy Huang David A. Landers Melissa Helen Leffler Ching-Chun Lin Lesa N. Louch DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Robin L. Murphy Corrine B. Nastasi Desha Elizabeth Perkins Samuel Thomas Potts Martha E. Rogers Heather Suzanne Verbaan Carrie Lynn Wandless Higher. Adult. and Lifelong Education Teresa Renee Parker Tina Y. Johnson Davis Suzanne M. DeAngelis Jaime A. Dominguez Rachel Kathleen Freeman Charles Arthur Hutzler Michael A. Judd Katina M. Kuhn Bonnie L. Maddalone Thomas Patrick Maloney Dannielle Julia-Marie McGuire Wendy Ham-Wing Mok Karen Mrowka Michael W. O'Hagan Hilda Nyougo Omae Carl James Perino Elaine Rogers Justin L. Smith Peter D. Spencer Robert Louis Williams Jr. K-i2 Educational Administration Julie Baldree Andrew John Ball Dragana Bjelobrk Kimberly D. Carnahan Michelle Moore Coles Jeremy Aaron Cramer Deanne K. Crowley Molly Elise Darnell Cheryl Rae Davis Literacy instruction Young Oug Kang Kristy Burchett Anderson Mary Joleen Barron Adam Michael Coughlin Jason R. D' Amelio Matthew Robert Green James C. Harmon II Rehabilitation Counseling David A. McCaughna Special Education Sheila David Melinda A. Derby Sara Ann Jeisy Aimee M. LeTarte Therese Ann Milam Kelly Jean Nevison Douglas Eldon Penfield Student Affairs Administration David P. Turner Teaching and Learning with Technology Matthew David Backus Darren Roger Frechette Ghazala Anwar Khan Chemical Engineering La Keya Ann Belcher Madhu Namani Civil Engineering Kamran Ahmed Shakeel Ahmed Kedar M. Bhide John Randolph Elliott Jr. Peter Erik Johnson Rahul Mohan Kowli Hyoungzoo Lee Tam Trinh Nguyen Vladimir Vladimirovich Oulevski Andreanne Simard Atiq Ur-Rehman Syed Uday Bhaskar Tallapragada Christopher Edgar Zull Computer Science Jonathan Paul Babbage YunduanBao Karunkumar N. Biyani Anthony Leroy Broomes Gautam Chakrabarti Litian He David Wayne Holley Brian Lee June Brian Richard Kellogg Naveed Sarfraz Khan Khattak Anthony Lambert Michael Joseph Malinak Manish Mehta Paul W. Middlin Yonggang Qin Aarthi Rishi Ahmad R. Shahid Electrical Engineering Jeffrey H. Ahrens Syed Irtiza Ali Shweta Bapna Ramesh Bollempalli Sriramya Bommareddy Akshay Narayan Dhavle Adam D. Downey Venkat Ram Dukkipati Ameet V. Joshi Nao Kawano Aaron J. Kelley Syed Ali Khayam Akiko Kubota Raghu B. Kumbharathi Uma Pandit Muhammad Rashid Ul Haq Qazi Ricky G. Samona Nelson Sepulveda-Alancastro Ajay Sivakumaran YuxingTang Chun-I Wu Qi Zhu ShengxiZuo Enginee ring Mechanics Tae-Wan Park Steven D. Thelander Environmental Engineering Soheil Afshari Yejide Safiya Mack Carlos A. Sanlley Pagan Rajnish Sharma Erik James Sunday Materials Science and Engineering David D. Hokens Mechanical Engineering Ahmad Aizaz Anthony Brendan Christie Sriharsha Chunduru Ramcharan Kumar Dhondi Daniel D. Fickes YanbingLi Swaroop Mannepalli Douglas Richard Neal Richard James Prevost Jeffrey Larkin Quinby Aravindhan Ravisekar Drew R. Reichenbach Andrew Alan Sasak Manish Sharma J akob LaVerne Steffey YuzhiSun Deepak Tiwari Praveen K. Vasam Sean Nandakumar Vidanage Monica Widjaya Huseyin Yuce DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Kinesiology Julie Cummings Allanson Jeremy Christian Allen Christopher Wayne Herman Craig A. Payment Elizabeth Anne Stover College of Human Ecology JULIAR. MILLER, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS College of Engineering Child Development Barbara K. Ciffin Rachelle Davidson-Wheeler Toko Oshio JANIEM. FOUKE, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Chemical Engineering Johnny 1. Andraous Amit Sahoo Zhiwen Zou Civil Engineering Barbara J. Arens Qasim Ali Asghar Jeffrey S. Bagdade Antonio Cordero-Domenech Electrical Engineering Siddharth Ananthakrishnan Pedro Barba Brian Talanda Fath Xubin Gu Zhijian Huang Lilton Nathaniel Hunt Freddy Adi Kharoliwalla Iftikhar Haider Makhdoom Lambert Mathias Sharadha Parthasarathy Computer Science Xing Fang YiuChoLau Hondarangallage Don Kapila Moonesinghe Robert A. Post Jr. Abhishek Pramod Patil Bradley Thomas Perry Eduardo 1. Ortiz Rivera Abdul Rehman Tariq Benjamin R. Wilmhoff Xiangwei Zhu Engineering Mechanics JianweiBai YihongFan Alexander Macomb Rucker Environmental Engineering Saradhi 1. Balla Daewook Park Materials Science and Engineering Bejeir D. Brooks Mechanical Engineering Nader Elias Abedrabbo XingkaiChi Damien J. Fron Gregory Alan Goodall Matthew C. Maher Tyler Monroe Nester Michael K. Penner NaeemZafar Community Services Sonya Bey Pamela Lynn Conners Human Nutrition Christopher Scott Carlson Anna Luiza C. DeAraujo Merchandising Management Wan Zawiyah Wan Halim CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Child Development Lynne Kristine Dallmann Shannon E. Ellis Family Studies Robyn Lyn Corey Krista M. Surowiec Marriage and Family Therapy Melissa Anne Rogers Calvin B. Gardner Sr. Deborah Denise Harris Human Nutrition Shama Vasanthi Joseph DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Community Services Andrea Andrews Kimberlyn Rene Carroll 42 Mark A. Howell Cynthia Ann Jones Kazumi Toyozato Merchandising Management Jonathan Scott Mosier 43 F NATURAL SCIENCE College of Human Medicine DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE GLENN DAVIS, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Epidemiology Emily Taylor Murray CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 Deborah Banazak Wagenaar Julia Jennifer Wirth Botany and Plant Pathology Matthew Ryan Durkin Jason Scott Kilgore Carrie Leigh Woodrum Physical Science Kathryn Renaud Ebrahimi Physics Aws Abdo Jeremy Phelps Seitz Statistics Satish Challa Lacey LaRie Gunter Microbiology Magdi Mahmoud Ali College of Social Science GEORGEE. LEROI, DEAN MARIETTA L. BABA, DEAN GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 Kellie Kathleen Ruhno Clara L. Swihart Zoology Daniel Phillip Dembiec Samuel M. Goldstein Keron M. Greene Cynthia Lynn Koppen Hodges Nicole R. Houston Matthew Allen Rees James P. Thomas Sofia A. Wahaj DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Anthropology Catherine Anderson Phillips Mathematics Malini Vinita Samarasinghe Economics Vladimir Hlasny Monika Tothova Psychology Patrick Daniel Converse Lisa Marie Delano-Wood Sociology Mira M. Hidajat Corey Elizabeth Ray DEGREE OF MASTER OF,LABOR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Biological Science Nicole H. Norris Clarence E. Rudat Michael Matthew Sampson Marlo Dawn Wiltse Genetics Carri S. Duncan Maki Saitoh Plant Biology Susan Clark Butterworth Elizabeth Ann Dorman Amy Boline Reader Peterson Dunfee Steven P. Rewa Julianna Kristen Langdon Tuell College of Natural Science DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS FOR TEACHERS General Science Julie Mackay Sheryl J. Meisterheim Mathematics YuchenLuo Geological Sciences Leslie Renee Mikesell Erica Lyn Bonkosky Shipman Nicholas John Waterson DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Epidemiology Brian Joseph Biroscak Stacey Jane Elder Environmental Geosciences Joel D. Fett Amanda Leigh Field Brittany Syra Graham Adam J. Pitt Rodrigo J. Mercader Laura S. Palombi Linda K. Williams Geological Sciences Susanne Evelyn Biteman Jennifer Anne Wade Industrial Mathematics Ferit Kivanc Chemistry Kevin William Anderson Richard Praseuth Industrial Microbiology Charles Jesse Addison Christopher Lyle Moeller Entomology Alejandro C. Costamagna Kirsten Marie Fondren Anne Valdes Hanley Mathematics YinghuiLi Operations ResearchStatistics Georgia Savvas Hadjicharalambous Markus Hoinkis Elaine Kwan HeLin Tatiana Sevastianenko Physical Science Paul Barton Ciske David N. Dean Philip A. Ewing Matthew R. Tuckey Jeffrey G. Yoder Statistics Veronica Janileth Berrocal Zhewei Dai XiangLi YinghuiLi Yan Zhou Physics Mark Tobias Bollenbach Andrew David Davies Zoology Merritt Gale Gillilland III Jack L. Appleget William W. Gibbons AmeOlukemi Lambert -Aikhionbare Shin-YiLin Chang Ching Yeh DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Whelton R. Herron Kendra Ann Weller DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Criminal Justice Alison Jean Culpepper Kelly Jean Esslinger Eui-Gab Hwang Sarah Jo Kieckhafer Mirella C. Mendez Russell C. Stewart Myla Lynn Valor Lester Edward Whitt Jr. Cheri Lynn Quandt Jeannine Marie Rehberg Denise Anne Patton Shattuck Organizational and Community PracticeUrban Studies Susana Herrera Immaculata C. Osueke DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Applied Statistics YanZhang Astrophysics and Astronomy Ralph Ryan Christopher Clement 44 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jun Yang Biological Science Angela Lynn Alexander Chemistry Leah Gilpin Balko Srivatsan Kidambi Ronald J. Rahaim Jr. Norbert Varga Entomology Patrick Sudborough Bills Nathan L. Cottrell Tyler Bryce Fox Laura Lenore Lazarus Christian Michael LeSage Tammy K. Wilkinson Clinical Social Work Alyson Lucinda Burwell Kimberly Kaye Corts Bertha Deloris Fabin Robert V. Hetherton Janet R. Hool Nikki Marie Jubeck Marine R. Poroshin 45 SOCIAL SCIENCE College of Veterinary Medicine DEGREE OF MASTER IN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING LONNIEJ. KING, DEAN Gregory Carl Grootendorst Matthew William Simmont GRADUATED - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE CANDIDATES -FALL SEMESTER, 2002 Large Animal Clinical Sciences Christopher Robert Byron DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Anthropology Ann M. Kroll Suzanne D. Schneider Shylon Michele Smith Valerie Nicole Yavornitzky Economics Yelena Y. Nizalova Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science:Global Applications Seong Bong Cheon Sun Up Hwang Byeong Ju Kim Yong Mahn Kim Jong-HwanLee Jung-SamLee Jong-Hyun Park Soonkeun Yoon Political Science Monica Dorhoi Psychology Brendan Michael Baird Monica S. Castelhano Mei Chao Erika S. Dejonghe Kerry Lynn Kelly Sarah E. Livsey Kenneth N. Murray Ellen Marie O'Toole Patrick Scott Perkins Jennifer Sachek Eric 1. Sambolec CANDIDATES - FALL SEMESTER, 2002 Psychology-Urban Studies SineadNatasha Younge Sociology Wa YasakEzabele DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Large Animal Clinical Sciences Amy M. Green Microbiology and Public Health Stacey Renee Wilder DEGREE OF MASTER OF LABOR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES Linda Katherine Arens Erica Ann Bjornstad Sylvia Bobiarska-Trabka Jay Damon Davis Joshua W. E. De los reyes Michael A. Farmer Lindsay Farrell Fromm Jennifer Macbeth Gabel Shirin Zainab Ghazanfari Jiweon Jeong Anita LaTrice Jones Joby Jose Cynthia Renee King John Alan Klusinske Mauricio Antonio Lopez Megan Ruth McRill Christopher A. Rice Zarinah Na'ila Shaheed Jaclyn Kelly Slater Joshua Thomas Wood Criminal JusticeUrban Studies Norman Samuel Carter Geography Narumon Wiangwang DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Public AdministrationUrban Studies Alisha J. Earle DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Criminal Justice Bethany D. Annett Ann Elizabeth Chamberlain Catherine Marie Gamper Daryl Darwin Green Junseob Moon Rima L. Sanders Michelle Marie Stevens DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Clinical Social Work Yalana B. Bryant DEGREE OF MASTER IN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING II WooSuk Olatunbosun Tanimowo Williams 46 47 s 48 , \
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