College - Michigan State University
College - Michigan State University
CO·MMENCEMENT 2001 SPRING SEMESTER ;).b ) MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT SPRING 2001 Thursday, May 3 Friday, May 4 Friday, May 4 Friday, May 4 Friday, May 4 Friday, May 4 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Saturday, May 5 Sunday, May 6 Saturday, May 12 11 :00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Wharton Center Wharton Center Breslin Center Auditorium Breslin Center Breslin Center Auditorium Breslin Center Wharton Center Auditorium Breslin Center Wharton Center Breslin Center Breslin Center Breslin Center Wharton Center Osteopathic Medicine Veterinary Medicine Student Convocation Arts and Letters Communication Arts and Sciences Advanced Degree Education Social Science Nursing Human Ecology Natural Science James Madison Business Agriculture and Natural Resources Engineering Human Medicine BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Honorable COLLEEN MCNAMARA, Chairp erson .. ......... ... .................................... ..... ... ..... .. ..... .............. Okemos The Honorable DONALD W. NUGENT, Vice Chairperson ........ ............ ..... ..... .. ....... ....... .... .... ................. ...... Frankfo rt The Honorable DOLORES M. COOK .......................... ..... ............... .......... ........ ... ......... ........... ... .................. Greenville The Honorable JOEL FERGUSON ...... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .... ....... .. ... .. ... ... ........ ......... .. ..... .... ... ..'" ........ .. .. ... ... ..... .. ... .... Lansing The Honorable DOROTHY GONZALES ......... .... .. .. .. .. ... ....... .............................. .. .... .. .. .. ................... ...... .East Lansing The Honorable DAVID L. PORTEOUS ......... ... ...... ......... .. ......... .. ........... ....... ...... .... ... .... ... ............ ... ............... Reed City MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Michigan State University, one of the nation's leading land-grant universities, was founded in 1855 as the first agricultural college with only six faculty members and three buildings to provide youths with an education in fanning. Now, 140 years later, MSU continues to strive for excellence in providing a diverse student body with a broad and rich combination of liberal and practical education. The Honorable G. SCOTT ROMNEY .. .. ... ...... .. .. ..... ..... ...... .. ........... .. ... ... .... ..... ..... .......... .... ... ..... .... ............. Birmingham The Honorable ROBERT E. WEISS .... ............ .... .... ..... .............. .............. ...... .. ........... ................... .... .. .. ...... Grand Blanc PETER MCPHERSON, Ex Officio. President ...... .............................. ... .. ..... ... ......... ... .. ... ......... ...... .. ... ... .. ...East Lansing LOU ANNA KIMSEY SIMON, Provost ......... ......... ..................................... .. ............ .. .......... .. ... ............... East Lansing NANCY H. POGEL, Secretary ................ ... ...... .... .. .. ...... ................ ............ ................... .. ............................. ....... Okemos THE COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE BARBARA C. STEIDLE, Chairperson CASSANDRA BOOK TED MINNICK SHELIA HIGGS BURKHALTER ULREH MOSTOSKY KAREN KLOMPARENS LINDA O. STANFORD PAULA KOPPISCH SCOTTVAUGlIN ANDREW LOSINIECKI, Student Representative GENEVIEVE WEBB, Student Representative JEFFERY MILLER BETSY WHITE THOMAS WOLFF On the cover is Beaumont Memorial Tower, constructed in 1928, a gift of John W. Beaumont, class of 1882. Restoration of the tower, carillon, and clock was completed in 1996, reviving the bells which had been silent since 1987. Beaumont Tower once again is a functioning symbol of the beauty and strength of Michigan State University. DIPLOMAS WILL BE MAILED TO DEGREE RECIPIENTS APPROXIMATELY ONE MONTH AFTER THE END OF THE SEMESTER. Today, the East Lansing campus looks quite different than it did in 1855. More than 5,200 acres of land encompass more than 400 buildings, and more than 3,000 faculty and staff are engaged in teaching, research and public service. More than 40,000 students - 85 percent from Michigan - attend the University's main campus. Our student body represents every county in the state, every state in the nation, and 107 foreign nations. Minority students comprise more than 14 percent of the campus population, and our campus includes the largest number of African American students among all Big Ten schools. Michigan State University's commitment to diversity and multiculturalism in its student body, faculty, staff, curriculum and outreach programs is exemplified through world-wide services in numerous research, extension, and international programs. More than a century after its agricultural beginnings, Michigan State has a Graduate School and 14 colleges: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Letters, the Broad College of Business, Communication Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering, Human Ecology, Human Medicine, James Madison, Natural Science, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, Social Science and Veterinary Medicine. Today, three colleges represent the central academic disciplines which most universities refer to as the liberal arts and sciences : Arts and Letters, Natural Science, and Social Science. These colleges also provide outstanding undergraduate and graduate degree programs with majors in traditional disciplines while also providing special programs that enable students to obtain a broad, multidisciplinary education. The College of Education collaborates with the colleges to help prepare students to become teachers in the secondary schools of Michigan as well the nation. Our residence hall system is designed to complement and enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Honors College, which attracts fine young scholars nationwide, enables students to waive standard graduation requirements and undertake enriched academic programs. MSU has produced 13 Rhodes Scholars, six Marshall Scholarship winners, and 11 Churchill Scholarship recipients. These British scholarships are among the most distinguished and prestigious academic award that an American student can receive. Multimillion dollar, sponsor-funded programs support a wide array of outstanding research activities at MSU. Major facilities include the Pesticide Research Laboratory, operated with the U.S. Department of Energy as a national plant biology center; and the MSUIW.K. Kellogg Biological Station, which has been designated as a National Research Preserve. In collaboration with both the National Science Foundation and the U.S . Department of Energy, the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at MSU is able to study the nuclei of the heaviest elements. The public significantly benefits from the University through University Outreach, MSU Extension Service, and the Agricultural Experiment Station which provides technical information and course work for many Michigan citizens. The Kellogg Center, one of the finest nationwide, annually hosts some 30,000 adults who come to the campus for approximately 600 conferences and other educational meetings. Service to the international community is equally important. Supported by grants from the federal government and private foundations, MSU sustains educational and research assistance projects internationally. These projects have given many faculty members overseas experience and have added new dimensions to their teaching. Michigan State University is a member of the Association of American Universities , National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, American Council on Education, American Council of Learned Societies, International Association of Universities, Association of Graduate Schools, Council of Graduate Schools, and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation. Honors designations are based on the GP A attained through the semester prior to graduation. Honors designations for Summer Candidates therefore will require recalculation. FOR INFORMA nON ABOUT THE SENIOR CLASS GIFT, PLEASE SEE MSU is an affirmative-action. equal-opportunity institution. 2 3 ACADEMIC COSTUME In 1895, the Intercollegiate Commission, a group ofleading American educators, introduced an academic costume code which by design of gowns and hoods would indicate the various degrees, and which by colors would identify the various faculties. orange and white for the University of Texas; blue and gold for UCLA). Ifthe institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to introduce the second color. Colored velvet or velveteen binds the hoods and indicates the department of faculty to which the degree pertains. Three types of gowns are indicted by the code. Those worn by the bachelors have long, pointed sleeves. Those worn by maste;s have long, closed sleeves with the arc of a circle near the bottom. Doctor's gowns are faced with velvet. The sleeves are full, round, and open with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars on the sleeves may be black or the same color as the binding of the hood. The color of the velvet of the hood is distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains. For example, the trimming for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture should be maize, representing agriculture, rather than golden yellow, representing science. Generally, the code for the velvet ofthe hood is the same as listed below for tassels. Hoods are made of material identical with the gown and are lined in the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree (e.g., green and white for MSU; burnt At Michigan State University, it is customary to identify the candidates graduating from the different departments of study by tassels of the offical department color as established by the Intercolegiate Code. ""'" HONORARY DEGREE WENDY BALDWIN You are one of the nation's most distinguished and effective research administrators. With vision and tenacity you have refined the National Institutes of Health research enterprise and provided leadership to a large and scientifically diverse national research community. You are an effective researcher yourself, an authority on adolescent pregnancy who has worked to increase understanding of public health issues. You managed a nationally recognized program on adolescent pregnancy and childbearing at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. You have made significant contributions to research on behavior and health and helped negotiate legislation to include women and minorities in clinical research. You have written extensively for public health journals, frequently testified before congressional committees, and been active in professional societies. Now, as Deputy Director for Extramural Research at NIH, you are developing and implementing standards and policies for an enterprise that makes up more than 80 percent of the NIH budget and involves scientists in over 2,000 universities, research institutions, and small businesses. In this position, you have pioneered important management innovations that include award-winning information systems. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ........................Maize Forestry, Packaging .........................................Russet COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS ................................................... White Fine Arts .................. ....................................... .Brown Music ........................ ...... ...................... .............. Pink Philosophy .......................... .. .. ... ..... ........ ...Dark Blue THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ........................... ...... .Drab Economics ......... ..................... .. ................ ..... Copper COLLEGE OF COMMUNICA nON ARTS AND SCIENCES .........................Peacock Blue Journalism .. .................. ....... ... ... .. ......... ... ..... Crimson Speech ..... .................. ... ... .. .......... ... ... ......Silver Gray COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE ............ .................................. Green For your dedication as a public servant and your commitment to high standards as an administrator and a scientist, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from Michigan State University. JAMES MADISON COLLEGE .... ............ .. .. .......... Citron COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE ... ............................. Golden Yellow COLLEGE OF NURSING .................................... Apricot COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE .................. ..... .. ......... Green COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ...... .................. Citron COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ... .. ... ... ................ Dark Gray HONORARY DEGREE CHUCK CLOSE You are one of America's leading painters, known for very large portraits that have been exhibited at major museums throughout the world. Over the past two decades, several museums have organized major retrospectives of your work, recognizing you as an internationally influential contemporary artist. The very large scale of your portraits-up to nine feet high-challenges viewers to consider the physical and psychological factors that alter, compensate, or diminish the things we see. You ask us to question what is real and what is artificial. You have described your work as "impersonal and personal, arm's-length and intimate, minimal and maximal." You have depicted the faces of the famous and the non-famous in a variety of techniques and mediums, beginning with explorations of the relation of photography to painting in unrelenting detail. You have continued to experiment with techniques that reveal your imagination and skill. Your art uses sprayed ink dots, round dabs of oil paint, spots of pastel, layers of papier-mache pieces, and 4 Your expertise is also recognized internationally. You represent the United States on the Board of Trustees for the International Human Frontier Science Program and on the Committee on Health Research that advises the Director General of the W orId Health Organization. As an educator, you are on the advisory board of a Pew Charitable Trusts project that is developing a national dialogue on the role of the Ph.D. degree in the 21st century. COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGy ................................... ... ... .. Maroon COLLEGE OF EDUCATION .....................Light Blue COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ...................... Orange Your leadership and vision have changed NIH's approach to the important and growing area of biomedical engineering. As chair of the Bioengineering Consortium of representatives from the NIH institutes and centers and other federal agencies, you have initiated communication and collaboration that has led to increased research support and training for biomedical engineering. This is a remarkable accomplishment given the diversity in members' missions, funding, and operations. other techniques to extend the ways in which repetitive, grid-organized painting transforms into the image of a face. You have been asking important questions for many years and providing visually exciting images to use in exploring these questions. One critic described your innovative approach to the human face as a "blitzkrieg of factual recording, but. .. masterful and sensitive." It provides a completely new way to experience other human beings. A sp.inal blood clot in 1989 left you paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Undaunted, you found a way to continue you.r work using paint brushes attached in mechanical fi xtures to the ends of your arms. If anything, your paintings have become stronger and richer, drawn on a brighter, fuller palette. Friends and art critics alike applaud your determination and passion for your work. For your artistic accomplishments, your ability to make us see individuals in new ways, and your determination, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts from Michigan State University. 5 HONORARY DEGREE HONORARY DEGREE THOMAS M. 1zz0 y ASUYUKI YAMADA You have linked classroom, community and the basketball court to create a culture of excellence and success at Michigan State University during your six years as head men's basketball coach. Your values and goals are consistent in every way with the mission o fa land-grant university. You are driven, above al\, to seek qual ity and provide opportunity for those w illingto workin order to reach their potential- as student-athletes and as citizens in our community. Alth0ugh you are best known as a coach, clearly you are a talented teacher of young people as you en cour~ age them to be leaders on and off the court. As a teacher, you demand that each student-athlete strive for academic excellence. Eight of the last nine players on your teams who completed their eligibility have also earned their undergraduate degrees. This year alone, two were nominated as Academic All Big-Ten team members. In the classroom, they work with their fellow students to anticipate and solve the challenges of today-and tomorrow. You insist that your athletes know they are students first. Your student-athletes have been recognized as "Champions in the Classroom," for their academic progress. As a teacher, you also expect that your athletes be engaged with their communities. Your players participate along with other Spartan athletes in initiatives that reach into elementary school classrooms and urban community centers through personal visits and Internet interaction, giving youngsters personal contact with the players in a way that encourages those youngsters to seek excellence in their own endeavors. You insist that your athletes know they are role models. They acknowledge that, and contribute from the heart. As a coach, your drive to succeed has drawn the community together in a way that showcases the positive impact that can accompany collegiate athletics. This year you coached the team to a fourth consecutive regular-season Big Ten championship, a feat accomplished by only three other teams in history. Your team reached the National Collegiate Athletic Association Final Four for the third consecutive season-an accomplishment only eight teams have matched. This year the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) named you All-District 11 Coach of the Year for the second time in three years. For your commitment to excellence, not only on the court, but in the classroom and in the community, and in recognition of your contributions as a teacher and coach of the next generation of leaders, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Education from Michigan State University. You are internationally recognized as a pioneer in plant chemistry and plant tissue culture techniques, a respected senior science advisor to the Japanese government, an educator, and a leader in fostering international cooperation on critical scientific problems. After earning your degrees in agricultural chemistry at Kyoto University, you received a postdoctoral Fulbright Fellowship to study at Michigan State University. Your research during that fellowship marked the beginning of your distinguished career. Perhaps your greatest scientific achievement was recognizing the potential of specific plant cells to produce unique chemicals and developing culture systems to use such cells as "manufacturing plants" for synthesizing compounds of pharmacological importance. You not only developed unique technology but also elucidated the biochemical pathways, isolated important genes, developed transgenic plants, and optimized systems for commercial production of alkaloids and related intermediates now used in the pharmaceutical industry. In this area of secondary metabolism, you have no peers. After a long and productive academic career at Kyoto University, where you developed the world-renowned Cen- ter for Cell and Tissue Culture, you were elected president of Nara Institute of Science and Technology, one of two new Japanese graduate schools specializing in science and taking a nontraditional approach to graduate education. There you are advocating self-evaluation and external evaluation of the institute's educational activities, encouraging lifelong learning, and forging links with industry. In its first decade, the Nara Institute has become the leader among Japanese universities in annual research grants per faculty. In advisory positions on boards and government agencies you are known for your candor and for the long-term and global perspectives you bring to issues. You are one of only a few scientists invited to present a lecture to the Japanese royal family. Your peers around the world have recognized your accomplishments with numerous honors. Among the most prestigious are your election to the Japan National Academy of Sciences and to Foreign Membership in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Sciences in Sweden. For your accomplishments as a plant scientist, educator, science advisor, and proponent of international collaboration, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from Michigan State University. HONORARY DEGREE RONALD H. MASON After 35 years as a hockey coach, yours is a career distinguished by a steadfast commitment to the sea rch for perfection-and the pred ictable achievemen t of success. Indeed, success-in athletics, but also in academics and in community activities--defines you, your studentathletes and your program. That success across several dimensions reflects very positively on Michigan State University. You have inspired your student-athletes to recognize that their lives demand an invigorating balance of challenges and responsibilities. Your MSU players have been Central Collegiate Hockey Association all-academic winners 44 times. You have coached 11 Academic All-Americans and eight Big Ten Medal of Honor winners. This season alone, six of your players were Academic All-American nominees. They are consistently high acl1ievers academically. They reflect the hi gb standards that you have set and that so many of your student-athletes have met over the years. In your respect for academ ic as well as athletic achievement, you are a role m odel for other coaches and an exemplar in the MSU community. 6 Your student-athletes have been honored as "Champions in the Classroom," in recognition of their academic accomplishments and their encouragement of children to succeed. Your players read to school children, skate with them and encourage them to reach for the stars. Your student-athletes are constantly reaching out to the community, practicing the values that you teach. Your career, including 22 years as MSU's head coach, is marked by 897 wins, the most in history of college hockey, and 608 of those are Spartan victories. Indeed, under your watchful eye, Spartan hockey has become a national power. Under your leadership, MSU has won seven Central Collegiate Hockey Association regular-season titles and ten tournament titles. Your teams continually seek the next level of achievement, reflecting a commitment to excel that you establish and in which your players delight. For your dedication to excellence and your commitment to your players in all of the roles that they fill as ex. traordinary student-athletes, I am pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Education from Michigan State University. 7 HONORS FOR 2000-2001 MSU BACCALAUREATE GRADUATES Major National and International Scholarship and Fellowship Awards THE BARRY M. GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ANDREW S. MIENALTOWSKI BRIANH. NGO Presiding WILLIAM W. TAYLOR, ACTING DEAN THE CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE JUNIOR FELLOWSHIP ANDREW K. KREpps PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor THE GEORGE J. MITCHELL SCHOLARSHIP KATHLEEN C. ROMIG STAR SPANGLED BANNER ............................................................... ........................ ... .... .. ......... .. Key (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience, led by Andrew McLemore) THE HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE PREDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP ERIC J. PETERS THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP TODD A. GORMLEY JANE A. HOWELL LAUREL C. KUXHAUS MARCUS A. WORSLEY STUDENT ADDRESS MEGAN L. WHEATON Agribusiness Management and Animal Science CONFERRING OF DEGREES WILLIAM W. TAYLOR, Acting Dean College ofAgriculture and Natural Resources Michigan State University 2000-2001 BOARD OF TRUSTEES' AWARDS FALL DAVID A. HARTMAN DYANE P. HAWKINS CALEB J. LOWE REENA SACHDEV ERIC D. SCHLEGEL NATHAN J. WHITAKER SPRING BRIANF. BASCH NATHANAELS.BRADY SHEELA M. DOSHI TODD A. GORMLEY ANNA K. JOHNSON BRIANH. NGO ERIC J. PETERS TROY K. TAKAGISHI PRASHANT V AISHNAV A ELIZABETH A. VANWORMER THE LOUIS SUDLER PRIZE IN THE ARTS JASON THOMPSON JOAN V ANDESSEL SPECIAL RECOGNITION Outstanding Scholarship Award REBECCA L. BEAN, Animal Science SARAH J. KRIpPES, Animal Science KRISTY L. ROGERS, Fisheries and Wildlife Outstanding Leadership Award MEGAN L. WHEATON, Agribusiness Management and Animal Science PRESENTATION OF GRADUATES ALMA MATER ............. .. .............. ............................ ........... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .... ............ ........ ............................. ...... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band, McLemore and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 8 9 I -1 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Presiding Presiding WENDY K. WILKINS, DEAN DONALD 1. BOWERSOX, INTERIM DEAN PROCESSIONAL PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER............................................................. ....... ..... .... .... ...... ....................Key AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. .... ................ ... ........... .. ............ ...... .. ....... ........... ........ ... ............ ..... .Smith (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Maureen Carlson) (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience, led by Andrew McLemore) ADDRESS STUDENT SPEAKER MR. TIMOTHY CARMODY LLOYDD. WARD Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, iMoto rs Department of Philosophy SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU Songs .......................................................................................................................... Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony SPECIAL MUSIC The MSU Symphony Band WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor CONFERRING OF DEGREES WENDY K. WILKINS Dean, College ofArts and Letters Michigan State University ALMA MATER .....................................................................................................................................................Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band, McLemore and Audience) CONFERRING OF DEGREES DONALD J. BOWERSOX Interim Dean, The Eli Broad College of Business Michigan State University STUDENT REMARKS Lucy NUNEZ, Finance major RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING GRADUATES Outstanding Senior A wards Peer Recognition Awards ALMA MATER ..................................................................................................................................................... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony, Carlson and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 10 The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. After the recessional of the platform party students and guests may leave via any exit. 11 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Presiding Presiding JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor CAROLE AMES, DEAN PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ................................................ ...... ............ ......... .. ................... ............ ... ... .......... .Elgar The MSU Symphony Band DR. WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................................. ............ ... .. .. .. .... ............. .. ... ............... Key (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Maureen Carlson) AMERICA .. .. ..... ... ... ......... ... .. ......... ........ ........... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. .. ...... ... ..... ...... .................................... .Smith Led by Andrew McLemore with the MSU Symphony Band and Audience MOMENT OF SILENCE MOMENT OF SILENCE SENIOR CLASS ADDRESS KARAKURZYM Advertising SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU Songs .. ........... ...................................................... ... ............. ..... .. .... .. .... .. ..... ............ ..Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony CONFERRING OF DEGREES JAMES D. SPANIOLO, J.D. Dean, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University PRESENTATION OF OUTSTANDING ALUMNI AWARDS WILLIAM CASTANIER, President of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences Alumni Association Recipients: WANDA 1. HERNDON BYRON B. REEVES, Ph.D. MICHAEL J. VOGEL W. SCOTT WESTERMAN III MARGARET LORRAINE WYNN-DANCY SPECIAL RECOGNITION RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES ALMA MATER...... .......... .. ... .... .. ... ........... .. ... .. .. ............. ........................... .... ........... .. ...... ... ... ......... ......... ... ........ Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony, Carlson and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony 12 The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. Sign language interpretation is provided by Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities. ADDRESS DR. E. SHARON BANKS, Superintendent of Schools, Lansing School District, Lansing, Michigan SPECIAL MUSIC Frultasy onMSU Songs .............................. ............................... ... .. ........ ................................................. Curnow T he MSU Symphony BaJld DR. W ESLEY BROADNAX Conductor RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING GRADUATES CONFERRING OF DEGREES DR. CAROLE AMES Dean, College of Education Michigan State University SENIOR RESPONSE CRISTI DIKEOU, Kinesiology TRISH LOPUCKI, Elementary/Special Education WELCOME TO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DR. ROBERT SPENCER President Elect, College of Education Alumni Association ALMA MATER............................................................................... ................. ..... ................................ ..... ....... .. .. .Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band, McLemore and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band DR. WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional. Sign language interpretation is provided by Donna Leahy and Leah Porter. 13 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY Presiding Presiding JULIA JANIE M. FOUKE, DEAN R. MILLER, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band DR. WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor PROCESSIONAL POD1P and CircuOlstance .... ....... ..... ................. .. .... ................. ..................... ......................................... ..... Elgar The MSU Symphony Band DR. W ESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor AMERICA .................................................................................................................... .................... Smith (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience, led by Professor Gary Cloud) STAR SPANGLED BANNER....................................... ....... ....... ... .. ........ ..... .. ... .............................. Key Ms. MELISSA MARIE DOUGLAS WELCOME JANIE M. FOUKE Dean, College ofEngineering Michigan State University OPENING OF CEREMONIES JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College of Human Ecology Michigan State University SENIOR CLASS ADDRESS, 2001 MR. ERIC M. WILLIAMS, Mechanical Engineering STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Ms. COLLEEN RENEE NAUSZELSKI Department of Family and Child Ecology 2001 CLAUD R. ERICKSON DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD MR. RICHARD H. BROWN, B.S. Mechanical Engineering 1971 SPECIAL RECOGNITION Outstanding Student Awards Faculty Excellence in Teaching, Research, Public Service CONFERRING OF DEGREES JANIE M. FOUKE Dean, College ofEngineering Michigan State University RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Dean, Department Chairpersons, and Associate Deans ALMA MATER ........................................................................................................................ .... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. ( Audience) CLOSING JANIE M. FOUKE Dean, College of Engineering Michigan State University RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving the Auditori urn. 14 Ms. DAWN MICHELLE HUFNAGEL Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition MS. ANDREA CARYN GOLDING Department of Human Environment and Design REMARKS JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College of Human Ecology Michigan State University OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARDS WON O. SONG, Ph.D Associate Dean for Academic Affairs College of Human Ecology RECOGNITION OF DEGREE RECIPIENTS JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College of Human Ecology Michigan State University ALMA MATER ......... ............................................ ........................................... ...... .... ... .. ... ..... ....................... ... ... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling 0' er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band, Douglas and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band DR. WESLEY BROADNAX, Conductor The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 15 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees JAMES MADISON COLLEGE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE Presiding Presiding SHERMAN W. GARNETT, DEAN PROCESSIONAL MSU School of Music Jazz Quartet MY COUNTRY, 'TIS OF THEE MSU School of Music Jazz Quartet and Audience WELCOME SHERMAN GARNETT Dean, James Madison College Michigan State University COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS RICHARD CORDRAY (JMCD '81) Attorney and Adjunct Professor ofLaw, The Ohio State University College of Law Introduction by Prof Richard Zinman, James Madison College JAMES MADISON COLLEGE ALUMNI AWARDS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS - RICHARD CORDRAY (JMCD '81) HONORARY ALUMNA - DIXIE PLATT (JMC Director of Academic and Student Affairs, 1969-1996) Presented by Christopher Iamarino and Sean Britton - JMC Alumni Association SPECIAL MUSIC MSU School of Music Jazz Quartet PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES PROF. ERIC PETRIE James Madison College CONFERRING OF DEGREES SHERMAN GARNETT Dean, James Madison College STUDENT SPEAKER BARBARA TELCK, Class of2001 Introduction by Prof Gene Burns, James Madison College SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT ANDREA HOPKINS, COLLEEN MCLENNAN, Class of2001, Senior Class Council Introduction by Prof Katherine 0 'Sullivan See, Jam es Madison College CHARGE TO CLASS OF 2001 SHERMAN GARNETT Dean, James Madison College ALMA MATER ............ .......... .......................................................... .. ................. .......................... .. .. ...... ....... ....... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. MSU School of Music Jazz Quartet and Audience RECESSIONAL MSU School of Music Jazz Quartet The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 16 GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ............ ............................................................................ ................................ .... Elgar The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor AMERICA ..................................................................... ... ... ....... .. ...... .. ...... .. ... ................ ..... ...... .. ...Smith (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) COMMENTS CATHERINE KULP Graduating Senior MOMENT OF REFLECTION SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU Songs .......................... ............... .. ... .......... .............................. ............... ............. ....... Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony RECOGNITION OF AWARDS DOUGLAS W. ESTRY, Associate Dean College of Natural Science Michigan State University RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES JANET EYSTER, President College of Natural Science Alumni Board Michigan State University PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS GEORGE E. LEROI, Dean College of Natural Science Michigan State University ALMA MATER............................... ................................. .... ... ................................................. .............. .... ...........Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling 0' er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 17 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF NURSING COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Presiding Presiding MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The Lansing Concert Band KEVIN CULLING, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER ........................... .. .. ....... ................. .. .. ............ ..... ....... .... ... ......... .. .. .... Key (The Lansing Concert Band and Audience) ADDRESS LORNA H. HARRIS, Ph.D, R.N., F.A.A.N. Professor and Former Dean North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State GARY A. MANSON, ACTING DEAN PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ............................................................................................................ ........................ .Elgar The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor OPENING OF CEREMONIES GARY MANSON Acting Dean, College of Social Science Michigan State University AMERI CA ......... ...................... .... ... ..... ... ........ .... .... ..... .. ....... .. .... ... .. ...... ........ ........ ······· ········· .. ·········· ··· .. .Smith (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Maureen Carlson) SPECIAL MUSIC The Lansing Concert Band CONFERRING OF DEGREES MARILYN ROTHERT, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. Dean and Professor College of Nursing Michigan State University SIGMA THETA TAU RECOGNITION LINDA KEILMAN, R.N., C.S., M.S.N. President Elect, Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Psi Chapter COLLEGE OF NURSING ALUMNI ASSOCIATION KATHLEEN A. SCHWARTZ, R.N.,M.B.A. President STUDENT ADDRESS KATHRYN PROVENZANO, G.N. ALMA MATER............................................ .. .. ..... .... ...... .................... ...... .. ... ..................... ..................... .............. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The Lansing Concert Band and Audience) MICHIGAN STATE FIGHT SONG ............... ..... ........................ ........ .. ... ... ....... ... ..................... ... Lankey The Lansing Concert Band and Audience RECESSIONAL The Lansing Concert Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving the Auditorium. 18 RECOGNITION OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS PRESENTATION OF THE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE OUTSTANDING ALUMNA AWARD FOR 2000-2001 ERIC PELTON, President College of Social Science Alumni Association REMARKS DONNA HRINAK u.s. Ambassador to Venezuela SPECIAL MUSIC Academic Festival Overture ............................................................... ..... ...................................... ................. Brahms The MSU Wind Symphony Arranged by Joseph Spaniola CONFERRING OF DEGREES GARY MANSON Acting Dean, College of Social Science Michigan State University STUDENT RESPONSE TIMOTHY MCCARTHY Graduating Senior, Psychology ALMA MATER ................................................... ........ .......... ........................................... ...... ... ............... .. ............. ....... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony, Carlson and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional. 19 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources WILLIAM w. TAYLOR, INTERIM DEAN CANDIDATES - AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 * DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agribusiness Management ** Jennifer L. Anderson Natalie Ashley Erin Cornish Emily Beth Dargus Joseph John Fabus III Jessica Sue Hackert Michael Andrew Houseworth Thomas Kenneth McMahon Benjamin Stanley Schilling Jeffrey 1. Wallace Kenneth James Washburn * Megan Lee Wheaton Agricultural Technology and Systems Management Jesse Cabell Jr. Agriculture and Natural Remurces Communications * Aiko Takazawa * * H* * H* ** * H* ** * Agriscience Jennifer Lyn Barnes Torey 1. Birchmeier Matthew Joseph Bozung Matt Wesley Davis Nathanael Edison Desjarlais Alisa Amy Kowalski Brian Sanford Matchett Amanda Ruth Moore Brian Edward Sobecki Jessica Lynn Spry Animal Science Gregory S. Baker Jason Allen Bihl Celeste A. Blumerich Dawn D. Bonnici Michele Lynn Christopher Joel O. Crespo Michelle L. Curell Sean Patrick Engel Sarah Renae Flesher Audrey L. Fletcher Jesse Paul Gabbard Kimberly Gillhespy Jennifer Lenea Hall Melissa Lynn Hamlin Lacy Johanna Hiles Kelly Ann Hill Kathleen Bella Holcomb Bobbie Jo Jaakkola Shanna Michele Jack Claire Louise James Amanda 1. Karsten Julie Anne Elizabeth Lanivich Stephanie M. Lessnau Tara Marie Long Brian Alan Maddaford Nicholas James Mauck Melissa Kathleen Miller Sara Michelle Moyer Crystal Gayle Parsons H Honors College * With Honor .. With High Honor 20 Lacy Lynn Peck Mary Ann Poronsky Jill E. Preston Andrea Reinowski Ashley Lynn Roseberry Roberta Jo Shriver Rhonda Joy Stagray H* Miranda Susan Stoddard H* Katherine Therese Swartz Laurie Ann Tolan Susan Kathleen Turcott Heather Glenna Vezino Holly Eva Weldon John A. Whitmore ** Carissa Lee Wickens Carrie Lynn Porritt H Shivaugn M. Rayl Heather Michelle Rehm Wendy Lynn Reilly * Tracie Elizabeth Rexer Frank Edgar Rhodes Emily Sills Andrew Doonan Stuart Jeffrey Allen Sumerix Jonathan Veeneman Autumn Brook Wyzlic H Building Construction Management Todd C. Ayres Bradley Wallace Baker J. Adam Barker Jeffrey D. Barns Jerome Nathan Hasbrook Chwalek April Dawn-Ethel Hoskins Thomas Morgan Hughes Kim Kenneth Kramar * Jonathan Kayne Laureto Jonathan Mitchell Nelson Ryan Conor O'Toole Daniel Ward Pardee * Michael Anthony Scappaticci Jeffrey M. Trudell Crop and Soil Sciences Justin Busick James Robert Collom Jay Danek Christopher Lee Fahrner Derek James Fordos Timothy Michael Gagnon ** Trevor J. Gruesbeck Jeffrey M. Hendricks Michael Kent Houghtaling Christian Jacob Kapp Robert Dean Lang Jr. Patrick Daniel O'Boyle Mark Anthony Seyfried Environmental Studies and Applications Molly Laraine Adkin Carrie Lynn Berger E. Lindsay Butler * Sabrina O. Genter * Kristen Mae Halsted Nathaniel Gregory Lambertson Melissa Luyk * Stephanie Ann Marchbanks Ronald H. Massow Gregory Niewiadomski James Adam Patton Stephanie Margaret Plummer H * * Fisheries and Wildfire Darryl Corey Albert Julie Ann Ansell Kimberly Marie Baker Edward Glenn Bissell Paul Michael Bisson Nicholas John Charles Brown Andrew Alan Cole Jeffrey Alan Cowdrey Cindy Downing Bryan Lynn Grant William Christopher Green Mignon E. Griffin Kevin Jeremy Hoffman Lance Michael Irving Jacob Carl Kangas David M. Kovacs Ricky D. Larion Autumn Nichole Larkins Linda Mary LeAnnais Nicole B. Lieberman Abby Lynn Mahan Jody Beth Malinowski Jeremy F. Maranowski Mark R. Maruszak Thomas 1. Muller Scott Alan Nienhuis Steven Joseph Nimcheski Emily Jean Pearce Ryan J. Postema Stacy Lee Price Craig Kenneth Pullins Julie A. Rose Robyn Denise Russell Glen Philip Schmitt Matthew Edward Stagray Leslie R. Vanhoose Cynthia Marie Wardlow Eric Jon Weimer Food /ndustlJ! Management Jennifer Rose Adams David Philip Collie Matthew 1. Copeland Karletta Jean Griffin Roman Antoni Gumul Kasey Jo Hamilton Nancy Elizabeth Havens Jessica R. Hickman Chanila Anise Hines Melisa Ann Hoodhood Rianne L. Jones Alissa Corinne Klees Philip M. Kozdron Kyle M. Krueger Kyle 1. Long Michael Peter McCauley Ian Thomas McCloskey Benjamin S. Rapal Teresa LaToya Riley Nicole Lynn Robinson Cheryl Alyse Rothschild Mandifadza Mbengo Rukuni Contessa M. Shouneyia Darrin Joseph Siemen Jem L. Tankersley Catherine Ann Tipton Christopher Hing Tom Olivia Bao-Chau TranHuynh Damen Trebilcock Sarah Alice Vlasic William Wyatt West rate Jeffrey B. Williams Kevin Woehler Food Science Ablawa Nina Agbota Heather Marie Beaufait H Agnesia Gunterus Scott Chisholm Hale Angela Jean Lounds Kara Kimberly Lukomski Minh Chan Ngo Christina Marie Parr ForestlJ! Christopher Lee Bont Michael M. Butcher * Sara Lynn Deuling Derek Owen Hansen Heidi Ann Hug Bradley Edwin Hunt Geoffry R. Kegerreis Andrew T. Klein Michael Alexander Lawrence Nicholas Joseph Lisuzzo Thomas Edward Loren z Jonathan Meier Dana Lee Mesler * Melissa Beth Simons William Michael Smith Cody N. Stevens Dana Matthew Watkeys Gregory John Wood Horticulture April Elizabeth Accetta John Bauer Kimberly Joy Bradley David James Brock Lincoln Daniel Coale Leslie J. Crosby Susan Marie Dunmore ** Andrea Kay Fox Anthony Gary Garland Patricia A. Green H* H** * * * ** H* Horticulture (Continued) Rachelle Elise Humphrey Ryan Michael Jach Steven Michael Johnston Brian David Kazak Tyson Timothy Lemon Rachelle Lenore Lewis Joshua Paul McPherson Sarah Michelle McQueen Matthew James Mellema Todd J. Miller Elizabeth Ann Monroe Beverly Kaye Oros Meredith Elaine Phares John Vincent Rasch Emelee A. Reifschneider Todd Andrew Robbins Susan Marie Rosa Alyssa Chod Singhanath Danielle Renee Smith Sarah Joann Suchovsky Jeanette C. Tauer Emily Brooke Termaat Shannon Erica Thurber Patrick Jacob Tumey Daniel 1. Wampfler Ronald Michael Wik Diane M. Zimmerman Packaging H** Prakash Anantaraman Jason Peter Beier James N. Bezy * Amy Elizabeth Brent Melissa Lou Clemente Briones Brian D. Bugaiski Heidi Jay Bunker Matthew R. Cain Richard Thomas Chalmers Demita Joe Clark Kristen Nicole Denton Angela N. Dodge * Jeremy John Douglas * Lynne D. Ferrera Andrea L. Fontana Mark A. Froehlich Travis M. Funk * Alyson L. Garcia Darren Gene Gazzola Jason R. Gibson Michael M. Girard Joyel 1. Goodson Brian G. Hall * Tomas Heinrich Haracourt Jeffrey N. Hinderer Joshua Lee Hoting Shawn Adam Holland Kenji David Inoue Mark Alan Johnston * Elaine May Jung Samantha Lynn Keeney Eun JinKim Brent C. Knight Michael George Kolassa Michael Peter Korenkiewicz Steven Richard Krampe Jeffrey Kubica Andrew Michael Kuclo Clay P. Ladd Michelle Ann Landis Mindy Renee Latulippe Jessica W. Lavis Eric Philip Lawrence Nguyen Minh Le Bart Anthony Leonard Benjamin James Mayo * Heather Marie McLeod Gerald Jordan Montgomery Jr. Ryan D. Motter Brian Steven Mygal Charles M. Navratil III Jasen Allen Nolff Theresa Lynne Oegema Stephen D. Ostendorf CANDIDATES - ** * * * Robert Dale Overbeek Michael R. Patton Stephen Vincent Peltier Corey Robert Perez Nikole Marie Reblin Andrea Rose Rinaldi Jason M. Roman Rosalind 1. Rome Eric Thomas Rood Adam Keith Rosender Nicholas M . Schlaud Jamie L. Schulte Rosemary Michelle Schwan Jason 1. Schwark Courtney Anne Shaw Mark Emil Sluka Carson Rhoades Smith Kelly Ann Smith Nathan Daniel Smith Albert Jin-Szen So Guy R. Taylor RithyThach Andrew T. Tilton Gabriel Hatle Tinti April Marie Vickery Jessica A. Wallace Christopher Melvin Westrick Donald Joseph White James Patrick White Shana C. Whitmore Colleen Erica Wolter Brad Patrick Yapo Janelle Lynn Zervan Park Recreatioll and Tourism Resources April Lynn Adamczak Kelly A. Arcello Rebecca Lynn Atkinson Kristin Block Amber deSheyne Bunting LaKita Kenyatta Collins Rachel Marie DeGue Jennifer Elizabeth Dudley Hazel Ann Fields Andrew M. Goss Justin T. Green Elizabeth Mary Hewson ** Christiane Carol Hinterman ** Monica Kaak Andrew Casey Kennedy Alison Joy Leonard Kathleen Marie McGlashen Meredith A. Murray Lisa Catherine Nagy Nicole Elizabeth Payne Tabatha R. Rook * Emily Jane Shipley Nebiat H. Tessema Hector Manuel Valdez III Public Resource Management Aidan Robert Brady Christopher Lawrence Hildebrand Sally Ann Himebaugh DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH TH E COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES Agriculture and Natural Resources Communicatiolls Colleen M. Bowman Gina Marie Burnham Benjamin L. Church H* Amanda Marie Dykstra John Wesley Hicks III Michelle Elizabeth Hyde Jason Donald King Shari Jayne Ladd Kristie Mae McElhaney Joy Lynn Ross Leslie Ann Siefka Jacqueline R. Swihart SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Kristen Kay Adams Tanya R. R. Aldred Jodi Lyn Anderson Christopher Michael A vani Julia Kathleen Baron ** Rebecca L. Bean Trevor Scott Bosack Zeonaca B. Boyd H* Nicole Jeannine Boyland Sarah Katrina Bradley Anne Catherine Brewster Nakiche Scherae Carter Gabriel Joseph Corey Patrick Michael Cotant Sara E. Cozat Jason Bradley Crowe * Dennis R. Danville Jr. Aaron Robert De Young Sarah Nichole DeKubber Jennifer Devine Tim DeVries Nathan Andrew Ellis Kellie A. Ferguson Shane Eric Forshey Darren Michael Fron Melisa A. Gerould Staci Michelle Gibson Jessica L. Godley Tameka E. Gray Jason Kenneth Gross Adam 1. Herford Heather Ann Taylor Hesselberg * Jason Alan Hojsak Shand ria Holmes Stephanie Kay Hughes Michael Craig Jablonski Andris Karklins Jessica Elizabeth Kelly Anthony 1. Kipp Zachary Allen Klepchak ** Sarah Jean Krippes H Margaret Ann Kurcz Sarah Ann LaMarra Robert Edward Lee Jessica A. G. Martinson Patricia Lucia Mazzola Elisabeth Anne Dusseau McMurtrie Megan C. Moskwa Caroline Patricia Neale Bradford Cameron Ordell Amy Lynn Ott Maria Dolores Peraza Perez Ryan Maxim Polinsky Lisa Dawn Posthumus Kristen Ranville Terrence D . Reese II H** Kristy Lynn Rogers * Jill Elizabeth Schulz * Danica Amelia Seczney Rachel Miriam Shelton Marcia Christine Short Jonah K . Sjoquist Matthew Dean Stersic Michelle Elizabeth Stokes Michael Ryan Taberski * Jennifer S. Talbot Jeffrey Lawrence Teague Patricia Mae Teasdale Lynn Ellen TenHarmsel Tamara Vernee Thomas Nicholas Michael Thompson Traca Lee Tuthill Stacey L. Walker * Christopher Ryan Warsow Jennifer L. Watkins Rachel Ann Weyer Emilly Suzanne Wilson Tyler C. Wilson H* Kathryn Margaret Yost Erin L. Young Adam Mark Zylka H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 21 College of Arts and Letters ARTS AND LETTERS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS WENDY WILKINS, DEAN CANDIDATES - Religious Studies ** Allison Annette Andre Jeffrey Bruce Cozzens SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS American Studies H Robert James Peplinski Ancient Studies Rebecca Ann Turnwald East Asian Languages and Cultures Debbie Kim * H* ** * H** H** H* * H H** H* H** * * ** * English Nancy Setara Alamy Basim Khazaal Aljazi Grace Elizabeth Arnold Tiffany Ann Bale Dawn Bezy Molly M. Billette Annie Laurie Blakeney-Glazer Stephanie K. H. Bost Tracy Ann Branson David Robert Bullio Emerald M. Burk Catherine Ann Capy Nancy Ann Christensen Annemarie Cirka Abigail Anne Cloud Krista Kay Cook Gavin James Craig Sheri Kay Crutcher Craig Ryan Culbert James Ryan Cunningham Chad Jason Dally Sarah Katherine Dalton Heather Marie Dean Jesse James Draper Erin M. Drzewicki Paul Stuart Dykstra Elonda Latrice Elson Robert James Emond Michelle Laura Evans Gina Filias Rachel M. Foreman Corinne Isabel Forstot Katherine Lynn Foster Carolyn Jeanette Furlong Jessica Lynn Gaus Rachell Madoka Gautz Courtnie Marie Geisert Elijah Lee Greenman Jennifer Beth Gross Holly Marie Haines Dana Montgomery Hales Traci Lynn Hamilton Corinne Bethany Hathaway Lisa Lorraine Hayes Charlotte A. Hedke Elizabeth M. Hicks Matthew Joseph Hickson Katie L. Howk Scott Allen Huff Anne L. Jacoby Dessie Marie Johnson Justin Charles Johnson Joy Ann Johnston Mark S. Julien Jeffrey Mark Kawa H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 22 * Elizabeth June Kendall Steven Charles Kitchen Dawn Marie Koenig Melissa Renee Kuznar David Louis Kuznia Joseph Langford Jr. Matthew David Lawless ** Anne Catherine Lewis Jason Brian Ley H** Angela Marie Lilly Allison Renee Lyons Sarah Elizabeth Mackowiak Corey Paul Markos Christopher James Maurer Amanda Michelle McClintock H Megan Julia McClure Keith Andrew Medlin Laura Blanche Millard Allisyn Brooke Miller * Melissa Anne Miller Daniel Rees Mills Jeremy Nelson Mills H* Heather Lynn Moreland Tara Weld Nelson Nicole Christina Newell Autum Mae Norris Kristy Leigh O'Connell Daniel Patrick O'Neill ** Kathleen Anne O'Neill Ryan Corry Parrish Gina Marie Pasfield Natale Elaine Patterson H** Alton John-Paul Pelowski Michelle Jean Pitrone Catherine J. Preston H** Michelle Lynnette Renn a Melissa Frances Rivest Jessica Leigh Rorai H* Heidi D. Rosekrans Nicole Marie Rowley * Sandra Beth Schmalenberg ** Lisa Lynn Schmoldt Beth Ann Schneider Tammy Louise Schrader * Jonathan Schulz Erin Meredith Schwartz Naveen Paul Singh H Elizabeth A. Smalley * Bradley Thomas Smock Manda Marie Szpondowski Kandace Marie Tabor * Jennifer Marie Tapper Lilaree Jeninne Tillman Christina K. Tower H** Elizabeth Ann Townshend Kathryn Cyria Treadwell Stephanie Truax Jennifer Lee VanJaarsveld JoAnn Melissa Vulcano Melissa Ann Walker David W. Ward Michelle Elizabeth Watkins H* Nicole Lynne Wieber H Damon Christopher Williams Julia C. Wimberley Lesley M. Zager Ryan Gregory Zernec French Andrea M. Faes Jamie Melisa Whitfield History orA rt Jennifer Lynn Alfredson Melissa Gayle Blumer H Lynn Anne Clement H** Sarah A. Kraus Autum Mae Norris Melanie N. Talaga German H* Sarah Beverly Blakeslee Kristal Lynne Casarez Amy Marie Cooke Matthew Dennis Ganster Rebecca Marie Gensterblum ** Jeremy Howard Switzer H* Brandan Ann Vida ** Andrew Robert Yoder * * ** H* ** H* * * * * * * History Amy Marie Barnard Danielle L. Bitner Sean Patrick Bowen Warren Michael Call Heather M. Camps Chad Arthur Clements Ellen Kay Closs Michelle Ranee Dawe Douglas Gerald Dowland II Kathryn Marie Feeley David Scott Gavlinski Matthew D. Hamilton Joseph Leo Haskell Ian Michael Hunter Taquish Electra Robin Jenkins Kristyn Marie Keener Matthew Everett Lamb Andrew Lendrum Timothy Paul McCormick Jf. David Ali McGhee Rachel Marie Miller Conor Brian Moore Christopher R. Norred Aaron Tyler Preston Petrina Marie Rancilio Joshua Michael Reiniche Amy M. Reynolds Adam Ries Sarah Riha Hayley Elaine Schollenberger Jamie Michael Schott Lindsey Sarah Seaton Jocelyn Shasteen Mark Donald Sowle Rebecca Ann Stanichuk Jonathan Andrew Stewart Andrew Jon Stibitz Mimi Marlies Sundstrom Jon A. Taylor Matthew D. Theisen Timothy Allen Trouten Melissa Witcher Brian 1. Worgess Humanities-Prelaw Joshua Steven Allerding Ryan G. Beale Syed Muhammad Yasir Hasnain Bukhari Christa Marie Duque-Ribeiro Brandon Eastman Gadbury Aisha Itzel Henry Amy Marie Olgren Jennifer M. Wisniewski H** H * ** * * Interdisciplinary Humanities Nicholas Cooper Blaine Scott Francis Bobick Margaret R. Breclaw Catalina A. Burillo Matthew Robert DeVey Matthew 1. Erxleben Kathryn Irene Garvale Lori Jeanne Garza Clary Rain Gasper Brian Thomas Gasperosky Andrea Gabrielle Gillis Matthew Charles Golzynski Amanda Grace Koch Julie Marie Matway Karin Anne Maue Daniel John Messina Jutta Renner Jennifer Lynn Roszel Ryan 1. Schoenbeck John Charles Versical Ir. Linguistics H Shelly Armstrong Houghton * Joel Mathew Johnson H** Jennifer L. Leadbetter Michael D. Licavoli Lindsay Rebecca Nadeau Masataka Toshima Jessica Anne Turza Music H* Laurel Kuxhaus ** * * * Philosophy Erick Todd Andry Joel R. Bush Timothy Brendan Carmody Nathan Louis Germay Jo A. Hagstorm Zahra Mahjoory Mark R. Mersman Martin Adam Steiger Russian H* Allison Ann Burke ~ Juan Gabriel Alfaro Ugalde H Elizabeth Marie Aubrey * Jennifer Lauren Cabrelli Samantha Catherine Clore ** Scott David Evans Kamahra Ewing Marisa Jeanne LaForest Halloran Nickole Ann Hines ** Susan Kay Huffman Lisa Marie Michalczuk H Matthew David Oeffling * Brianne Elizabeth Orr Katherine Elizabeth Pullin Michelle S. Ruffini David Howard Stowell Theatre Carolina Adele Di Cesare Rebecca A. Faix Gregory Lee Gietzen Kelly L. Kaufmann Steven Michael Neumann John P. Sundholm Jason Harold Thompson Stephen Mark Stypinski David Allen Upell ** Scott A. Van Til Millecent Marie Weigandt Emily Anne Wierzgac Studio Art Genevieve Linnea Bearss ** Elizabeth Anne Dillon Lula Elizabeth Milner Robert A. Sedlak Women's Studies Heather L. Brooks Arnece Edna-Rozanne Johnson DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Art Education * Benjamin Watson Brus * Emily Kathryn Fait Charles Thomas Garling ** Holly M . Grover Jennifer Leigh Kenyon Emily Marie Oleinick * Carla Ann Perroud * Meghan Ashley Runkle Studio Art * Joshua Proctor Ardis Jessica Marie Bellile Elizabeth Jessica Berg Elizabeth Emily Blocki Marie Chris Castro Kristen Marie Chard Kate Elizabeth Cosgrove Kelly Anne Curran AnneMarie Czolgosz * Angela N. Fisk Ryan M. Foldie Nuel Friend * Gavin Brant Gould Veronica Daniela Ibanes Andrea Marie Karmeisool Karen Liora Katsir H** Melissa S. Ketz Emily Anne Maddigan Matthew Edwin McDonald H Laura E. Morris * Shannon Nieman Randall Jacob Pellett * David Rice Jose Romero Jr. Stacy Rosenthal Julie Elizabeth Tigner Tracy Marie Young Gary Alan Zsigo DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Composition and Music I!J&m!. Thomas R. Elliott H** * * * Instrumental Music Education Anthony J. Bush Adam Douglas Carter Arthur Conrad Ebert Allen Ronald Fisher Silviafio Trevino Fulgencio Stephanie Marie Harrington Donald N. Hyvarinen Jr. Susan Kathleen Keener * H ** ** Ibrahim Hatem Khalaf Eric Thomas Knechtges Timothy Paul Nadeau Carrie Mae Pierce Casimir A. Rakowski III Michael Ronald Sauer Jennifer Sloan ** Brandon James Ulrich Adam Wetzel Regina Elizabeth White Music Performance Christopher Hoyt Butler * Dana Teryce Groat CANDIDATES - Hakeem Holloway H* Marina Cristina Ionescu ** Diana Lynn Larson H Brent Mondoskin Alison Rene Peck ** Meghan Schaut Robinson ** Susan Elizabeth Ruggiero Robert L. Zimmennan Jr. Hindi M. Linkimer ** Julie L. McGlinnen Jennifer Schofield Music Therapy * Laura Janette Avers ** Jin-Hi Choi ** Minako Hata Vocal-General Music Education ** Kathryn Ann DePriest Stringed Instrument Music Education * Mary Leigh Crosser Sophia Hsieh SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Alisa Jessica Berhorst Katheleen Louraine Bernhard Amy M. Bond-Nelson Marella Briones Luke Charles Brown Andrea Marie Bundon Michelle Caillouette Corinne Virginia Cates Sarah-Beth Censoni Chance C. Chapman Sarah Anne Cheek Carly Bree Clemens Abigail Stilwill Colton Jennifer R. Cooper Carrie Elizabeth Victoria Copeland H** Erin Lee Crowe Chad Thomas Cruz Nathan Allan Day Angela Marie Dedenbach Susan Jeanette Dover Allison Denise Doyle H* Kelin A. Emmett Kelsey Marie Erickson Deanna Eskie Juan M. Febres-Cordero L. Hilary Lyn Fein Merideth Adel Foster Roynell Gambrell Adelita Garcia Christopher Ryan Garth Sarah E. Gibbons H Ginger D. Gibbs Jill Marie Graeber Meagen Alisha Greenman Barbara Ann Grekowicz Tabitha Guttery * Ashley Elizabeth Hall * * * ** H* Timothy R. Hall Misty Marie Handy Elizabeth Marie Heinen David Michael Hinkle Lindsay Michelle Hoerner Jennifer Lynn Howard Michael Scott Hunter Angela Marie Hupka Kristen Marie Hurst Hiromi !toh Erika Kathleen Jackson Elizabeth Ann Jenkins Dana Nicole Jerabek H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 23 BUSINESS ARTS AND LETTERS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS BACHELOR'S DEGREE H** * H ** * Tyeshiea L. Johnson Erin Moriah Jones Melanie Rose Kemmerling Rebecca L. Knudtson Bridgett A. Krohn Yoo Min Lee Michael P. Leitheim Daniel Eric Limmer Aaron Malcolm Lindsey Adam J. Lovgren Colleen A. McGee Marcia Rosa Menendez Elizabeth Ann Miller Todd Alan Milligan Meghan Leigh Monroe Patrick Ryan Morrison Ruth Hart Mowry Barbara Jane Murphy Donna Kay Murrell David Andrew Nassar Stephen Lok Ming Ng Dana Marie Olson Paul A. Papworth Sarah Paterson ** Benjamin Samuel Pena Kristie Joyce Petipren * Anna K.M. Plaskett Monica Lynn Pomaville * Nathaniel Alan Ponstein Tanya Denise Poole Shari Lynn Poucher 1. Layne Ryan Proctor Deanna Kay Raab Karma Louise Ramos Sara Maricela Holguin Ramos Shawn Marie Rappuhn Michele Elaine Reed * Kelly Anne Reynolds Grant Merrideth Reynolds III * Molly Ann Richard Joshua Charles Richmond Grace Anne Rivera Courtney Heather Roberts Felicia Arnee Roberts Diondraie Ledale Robertson Tanya Krischele Robinson Donald Emanuel Rollack II Matthew David Rossi Erica Saelens Molly Margaret Sheckell Richard L. Shepich Clint W. Shires Jeffrey S. Sievert Rebecca Simonson Neil Singh Finance (Continued) Juanita June Smith Carey L. Sperl MaLeea Nashawn Standfield Penelopi Jeanne Steortz Joseph P. Sweeney Jillian Leah Swisher Christopher Leif Tweiten ** Joan Elizabeth VanDessel Emily Elizabeth Vass Julia Ann Ver Hage Andrea L. Warring Bradley David Waters Kassandra Ann Whitaker Aaron Dean White H* Deborah White Amy R. Williams Jayalakshmi Yegnaswamy Sandra Kay Youngs * Heather Lorraine Zeh "'''' The Eli Broad College of Business DONALD J. BOWERSOX, INTERIM DEAN CANDIDATES - * SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Accounting * * H** *'" H H'" '" * '" Jennifer Marie Andrews Nicholas Justin Anson Jack Paul Banka Kristal Anne Barrett Ryan Jerome Bengel Michelle Bennett Brian Neal Bitanga Linsey Joy Black Bryan Matthew Blood Nicholas John Bohac Jill Alma Ann Bokemeier Jennifer Lynn Bonanno Rebecca Leigh Bullock Samuel Byron Cavnar Kyoung Ho Chang Veronica Lea Collins Angela Michelle Cottone Joseph Clinton Courtney Lisa Louise Coye William Howell Crandall Erin K. Cummins Lori Michelle Curran Leslie Ann Curtis Michelle Marie DeSchryver Jason David Distelrath Lindsay Ann Dlouhy Brian R. Durda Tommy O. Ebanks Heather Marie Fedewa Kimberly Renee Feiock Allison Ferries Jeffrey Hall Filer Amy Lynn Freidinger Julie Elizabeth Glover Harry Lee Gruits H Honors College '" With Honor ** With High Honor 24 H* * H* * ** "'* '" '" H'" *'" '" * * Sharonna Elaine Gunn Michelle Lynn Halgren Mindi Marie Harr Diana Anne Harris Mark T. Herzog Elizabeth Lynn Hicks LeAnn Celeste Hill Shilpa A. Hingwe Rachel Grace Holman Lisa Marie Howell Li-Chen Hsi Steven Ryan Hunt Melissa Anne Irving Stacie Ruth Jehl Matthew A. Johnson Kylee Renae Kalisiak Laura Lee Keast Darrell Alan Kennedy Eustace I. Kigongo Jr. Timothy Daniel Korbutt Joshua James Kramer Amber Marie LaGrow Emily Susan Lamberts Scott Lamar Layton Michael R. Lee Soonhee Lee Ryan Gabriel Linski Alicia Marie Mack Leslie Ann Matuschka Katie Jo McFarland John McLenaghan Russell Alan Meyers Jennifer Lynne Moody Jon Thomas Moore Beth Anne Morgan Daniel Brandon O'Meara Christopher C. Oosterhoff H** Elizabeth Anne Ostin * Arlisa K. Owen Shannon Marie Pacella Chrystie 1. Paul Kevin Michael Perlin Kevin Michael Peterson Michael Andrew Petroske Tanya Sue Philo Benjamin Robert Reynolds Eric P. Roberts H* Richard Allen Robrahn Jr. * Jenee Susan Roosa Ryan Scott Rosevear H* Jocelyn Kristine Roy Michael Andrew Ruman ** Nicole Marie Runyon * Joel Michael Scieszka Amy Elizabeth Scott Kathryn Liana Scott Teresa L. Shinew Daniel J. Shockley * Georgina Adenike Smith Jennifer L. Smith Robert B. Sommerfeld Jason Thomas Staples Joshua 1. Tice Jim Quoc Tran Aimee Van Houton * Peter Jacob Vasell Anna Deloris Vitale Brett Norris Ward Bradley Norgate Watson Tammy Lynn Wheelock Kelly Sue Wilson H** Stephanie Anne Winiarski Randall Scott Winn Darrell James Winningham * Tracy Ann Wolven Heather Renee Wooden * Economics Brian Apostolovski * Christopher Stephen Cotton * Ryan D. Driscoll H** Todd A. Gormley Pooja Gupta Erik James Hansor Timothy L. Hood Shinkuk Kim Christopher D. Krumrei Michael Vincent Lang H* Nhan H. Nguyen H** Tara E. O'Dowd Carla Denice Owens Terry Francis Sloan Geoffery Karanja Thande * Jonathon Eric Trionfi John Robert Trumble David Henry Wood H"'* Finance ** * Kamal M. Adawi Jeffrey A. Addison Autumn Michelle Aggeler Andreas T. Agung Vance Patrick Allen Sam M . Alshehri Andrew C. Alsip Michael Julian Asaro Thomas 1. Bailey Elizabeth Anne Baisley * Abbey Jane Beardslee Edward Mark Berger Samuel Perry Berman Shaun Pravin Bhagwan Igor Bilmes Matthew Raymond Boelema Sandra Anne Bogart Steven R. Bolhuis Jr. Michael Donald Botka Michael Dejuan Brooks Brandon D . Brown Tai Mattingly Brown Christopher John Bulos Christopher Elton Burnett Jennifer L. Call Marcie M. Cashman Jason James Catana Kori Nicole Chrestensen Mark Desmond Chubb Chris Terry Connolly Patrick Michael Curran Joseph Edward De Ponio III David D. Dismondy Geoffrey E. Dockham Mark R. Dominick Kelly Lynn Dreske Prashant Dutt Sarah J. Dygulski Andrea M. Eason Imran Faridi Shaun Felton Patrick Gavin Anthony Diemond Gemolas Heather Anne Girard Ishan Girdhar Ryan Rudell Green Ashleigh M. Hamstra Jeffrey Leland Harger Patrick David Haywood Jason Norman Hesano Brandon James Hinkle Brian Joseph Hurtekant Andre Davon Hutson Jeffrey Hadi Huyer Rheami Brooke James Brad Anders Johanson Marcus Jordan Richard A. Kanaby Andrew James Keimig Mi-Jeong Kim Steve Kim Thomas Carlton Kirkpatrick Ezra D. Kramer Hans Joseph Karl Kronsbein Nikhil Lala Steven Geoffrey Lane Edmond August Langhorst Benjamin David Largent Peter Benjamin Latvaitis Richard D. Law Min Lee YueLing Lee Craig Allen Leppien Walter R. Lorang III Jimmy Raad Lousia Laura Rae Malinowski • Anthony James Mandarino Joseph Allan Marzano Scott Benson Mason Brent A. Masucci Michael Joseph Mazzola '" Gregory Scott McGowan Steven Jon McKone Michael Nicholas Megerian H** Art yom Milov Starlett Akilah Moore Jon Patrie Morgan Dawn Marie Morgulec ** Matthew Michael Moskalik H'" Nhan H. Nguyen Shawn-Xuan Thanh Nguyen '" Thuy-Phuong Thi Nguyen Kimberly B. Niehaus Lucy Nunez '" Brian Stephen Nuno Brad 1. Oswald Aesha C. Payne '" Michael W. Pisani Joseph Paul Pittel III Jermontae D. Ponder John Paul Przytulski Adrienne Anne Radakovic * Yalile Ramirez * Matthew D. Reasner * Heather Ann Richards Laura Marie Roble Tara L. Rodriguez Jennifer L. Rolka * Lila Murphy Roy * Michael Anthony Scappaticci David M. Schaefer Joshua William Schlicht Taryn Anne Schmidt Jason John Scholl Kara L. Schulwitz Randell A. Scurlock William Edward Sell JT. William M. Serenko Jr. Joseph Donald Shepherd Stephen 1. Shumlas Terry Francis Sloan Kai Thomas Sorensen Heather Leanne Stenholm Bradley Scott Stermer Gregory Blake Taunt Thomas Nathaniel Thielen Bartley David Thrower Stephen Matthew Thurnlon Peter Anthony Torrice Timothy T. Trego * Ali Imran Trimzy Heather Anne Truszkowski H* Roger Chuin-Hung Tsai * Kristin Marie Vonck Michael Todd Weber * Paris S. Wells Aaron Michael Williams Ryan Earl Woody * Pi Zheng * General Business Administration-Prelaw Paul L. Cazers Aaron Joseph Dikos Shelley Lynn Eckelberry H Mark Andrew Endreszl Courtney Colleen Fitzpatrick David A. Gosselin Serenity A. Harding Justin P. Hulett Ryan 1. Ketner Christopher James Kubiak Scott Drury Lundberg * Patrick Ryan MacQueen Andrew Ryan Martin Kazuaki Mita ** Jeffrey C. Pienta General Management * Solomon Lawrence Amster Robert James Bauchat III Ian Sean Bolton Nicholas 1. Bond Kevin Andrew Davis Jeremy Lars Dunn Brandon Winfield Easler * Diann Marie Endres Jessica Ann Engelsma Maxwell J. Faison Joel Denver Fredette Christopher Zachary Fry Darren James Gentner Gary Willard Jackson Bradley Joseph Kaminski ** Brett David Kiley Mickey Koendiantara Amy Michelle LaGrow Katherine Mary Leleszi Robin Marie Lileikis Alan D. Matza * Jeffrey Claude McCoy Katharine Ann Moore Robert Campbell Morgan * Matthew Albert Opsommer David John Petrie * Stephanie E. Price Alexander R. Ried Meredith Colleen Rushford Derek Gregory Smith Alison Kasayo Stawicki Kathleen Erin Tomshack Joshua David Van Camp H* Matthew Rudman Vogel Karen Michelle Weever Amanda M. Wright Hospitality Business Kelly Jean Aldrich Franchot Scott Barnes Scott Michael Bishop Kristy Lynn Bolling Erika Rose Breitfeld Stephen Dennis Brophy Melissa Chantelle Brower Sarah Rebecca Bugg Kristine Le Cao Tony Choi Kyung Woon Chung Case Andrew Cicchelli Gretchen Marie Crispin Victoria Jean Damiani Jennifer Marie DeNapoli Patrick Brown Duthie IV Jill Renee Eurick Jason A. Fant * Matthew 1. Finnerty Carrie Rae Geer Cassie Anne Geer Marcio Hamerschlak Alan Leonard Harris Colby D. Harvey ** Darci Anne Hock Phillip Bradley Jahnke Katee Grace James Ritesh M. Jariwala Katherine E. Johnson Brent W. Johnston Hillary Arlene Jones Justin Jay Jones * Jeffrey D. Kehoe Joung-Eun Kim Jennifer Kaye Kozachik Ezra D. Kramer Ryan Jacob Lane Andrew D. Ledger Penelope P. Lewis Nalee Lim Eric Quentin Manning Kyla Renae Markowitz * Nicole Anne Marshall Marc Richard Maurer Bridget Camille Lee Maynie Robert Joseph McHale Patrick Stephen Noon an Carolyn Rachelle Piesko Julie C. Polk Nathanael Wayne Raby Tadarious S. Rachal Russell H. Rybolt III Fred James Scharmer Jessica Lynn Sherman Elizabeth A. Silverman H Jessica E. Somers Tyler R. Spielman Shana Patricia Rau Stephen Noel Christine Thomas Bartley David Thrower Amy Louise Ullrich Todd A. Wabeke ** Timothy Robert Washer Rebecca Anne Wetmore Eliza Wong Megan Ann Yates Amanda Ann Zacharzewski Human Resource Management Sarah Jean Baumgartner Jamie Lynne Brockhahn Adam Stephen Brown Adrienne Nicole Burns Steven T. Champine Carla Inez DeCaria Erik James Fielbrandt Andrea Leigh Garland * Stephanie Yvonne Garner Theresa Ann Golski Chester Lee Heeger Ryan James Hitsman H Julie Marie Howell Marianne Elizabeth Hughes Sarah Joyce Kovach Amy Elizabeth Lundberg Jennifer Lynn Mather Abigail Elizabeth May H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 25 BUSINESS BUSINESS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Human Resource Management (Continuedl Danielle Elizabeth Megel Kimberly Beth Misplon Nicole M. Mosher Lori Ann Paeth Amy L. Peters Christine M. Pung Scott Reed Alan Wayne Robertson Cassie Marie Runyon Stasi Lea Schlenker Shannon Q. Sharp H Elizabeth A. Sheen David Charles Spruit Kendra Lee Sredzinski Courtney Elisabeth Swoyer Christopher C. Watts * Sarah Jean Woodworth James Bradley Yonemura * * ** ** Marketing Arti Prahlad Acharya Karen Marie Artabasy Matthew Maxwell Baier Tyler Benjamin Berg Angela M. Brasseur Dominick 1. Brookes Julie Ann Brundirks Catherine M. Bunker Scott Edward Burlingham Terence Michael Burns Brian Scott Campo Kyle Thomas Cey Kimberly R. Church Steven Lee Cooper Thomas Ryan Corey Leona Maria Curry Ann Louise Damron Christopher M. Denner Mary Carol Dennis Natalie Jadwiga Derylo Nicole M. Devereux Maureen Elizabeth DeWildt Allison M. Diener Ronald Elliott Jf. Cullen Robert Franek Matthew Dennis Ganster Adam Clinton Geenen Brent 1. Goik Jamie Elizabeth Goodman I1ana Gorback Erin Michelle Gossett Sarah Ellanore Guevara Amy Michelle Guzak Harry Harmarli Lisa Nicole Heim Riann Elizabeth Henkel Stephanie Anne Hoefferle Scott Edmund Holloway Edmund H. Idhe Jeremy Michael Jakary Kristina Elizabeth Janssens Lori Gale Jensen Beom-Joon Jung Nicole Rose Kalish Benjamin M. Kamm Jennifer A. Keller Rakesh N. Kesliker Darius 1. Kirksey Yee Chong Koh H Honors College ,.. With Honor ** With High Honor 26 CANDIDATES - * H* * * * * * ** * H** ** ** Sharla Kathryn Krasun Joshua Joseph Kreger Stephanie Lynn Kresky John Andrew Larson Cheryl R. Lepo Vincent Joseph Maccani Brandon Michael MacShara Marie Therese Manley Stephanie Lynn Massucci Heather Ann McKellar Amanda Kay Meek Andrew Robert Melcher Kyle Todd Mesack Kristy Ann Millbauer Paul A. Mitchell Laura Michelle Montecillo Andrea Marie Moore Matthew C. Moss Emily Alyce Murray Molly Rebecca Nelson Robert Joseph Niekamp Eric Scott Novak Michael Anthony-Paolo Novara Jacqueline Deanne Nowicki Shelby Qwynn Owczarzak Steven M. Pipala Mark Edward Pletz Trisha R. Pond Tracie Michelle Pope Jeffrey S. Popp Matthew Scott Randall Jarrett Winston Russell Sommer Nicole Rustem Amy Christine Sackrison Jessica Marie Saputo Christin Jennifer Sauve Chad D. Schafer Carla Marie Schlitt David Lawrence Scott Joseph Michael Seckora Jaime L. Sekerke Melissa S. Shock Nicholas James Sifnotis Jansen Siregar Steven Michael Smith Cara Perrotta Sommerfield Shilo Dawn Spencer Desiree J. Stachowicz Matthew Richard Stone Barbara Jean Telck Joseph W. Thompson Tara Marie Timm Lisa Lynn Topley David Alan Toth Francisco Trinidad Casahonda Jennifer Ilo VanNuil Stephen A. Walenczak Christopher James Walker Jami M. Walsh Rachel 1. Warrington Scott David Watkins Elizabeth Jean Watson Jammar Edward Sanders Watson Eric Paul Wecker Kelly M. Widzinski Garet Clark Wright Christina N. Wynns Melissa Ann Yee Edwin Yeung * Colleen Ann Zemke Stacie Lauren Zipser Jason David Zoscsak Jasmine Jinnell Zumbrink Polic)! and Applied Economics Kelly Ann Kovicak James W. Zwada Jr. H** * * H* H** ,.. * oil Suppl)! Chain Management Sarah Lynn Ahti Prakash Anantaraman Joel David Anderson Amanda Catherine Ashworth Jessica Lynn Ausman Toyia Denise Baker Ryan Russell Barber Geoffrey Douglas Barbier Kelly Ann Barker Eric Benton Alexander J. Biedron Matthew Alan Bodine James Anthony Brimm II Scott Michael Campbell Christopher Michael Canary Jason Thomas Canfield Keith Alan Cannon Jennifer Ann Carson Hsin-yi Daphne Chang Shaun David Chappell Ryan Michael Coe William Clayton Conover Christopher Robert Cook Justin C. Cox William Croner Meghan Jaclyn Custer Amanda Laura Davis Brian John Dean Gregory David Durckel Gina Brienne Duso JeffM. Duthie Timothy Pancrazio Farago Adam L. Fehervary Justin Ellis Fink Matthew Allen Fleet Michael Clifford Fournier Jennifer Lynn Gibbons Brian K. Hall Paul Edgerton Hathaway Nina Rachelle Hobson Jamie Nicolle Hoeh Michael S. Hollinger Shannon Kay Hoppe Harry Daniel Houck Jf. Sean David Howe Ryan Daniel Huddle Amy Marie Hurrell Jennifer Jakubiak Tomas Anthony Janusis Sam Jenio Jf. Rachel Ann Johnson Valencia Rochelle Jones Kristy L. Kahn Margaret A. Kalchik Elizabeth K. Kaminske Natalie Renee Kane Brian Charles Kay Chad E. Keenoy * * * * * ** * * Casey Keil Iftikhar Ahmad Nasir Khan David Victor Killewald Kimerly Oneaveious King Carolyn Terese Klimaski Erika L. Knoth David Russell Kowatch Jenny Renee Kozlowski Mark Jon Krawczak Guy Richard Langenburg Donghoon Lee April Janel Lewis Simon Yu-Fon Liang Timothy 1. Lieckfelt Keri Ann Linton Michael Isaac Lipsitz Joseph Anthony Locricchio II Aimee Christine Ludwig William A. Lyons Kathryn M. Maddux Gregory Alan Malewska Robert Noel Mansilla Christopher 1. Martin Sarah Kathleen Matthews Sean Michael McBroom Michael James McGinnis Molly Bird Medon Rupal Dilip Mehta Laura Diane Miller Aron Mills Nicholas Jm:nes Norburg Ryan James Norwood Gloria Ann Pace Jason E. Peppel Aaron David Perrault Thomas G. Pfeifer II Thomas John Pniak Heather Renee Popma Matthew Thomas Richter Michael W. Robins Lauren Margaret Roderick Douglas Bruce Roginson Ryan Thomas Rohlman Marla Suzanne Rositch Megan Ilene Rupsis Nikole Lynn Rutterbush Dena Lynn Ryan Carrie Ann Sackett Rochelle Marie Savel Andrea Michele Scarpace Oliver T. Scott Jeffery Lee Simon Bethany Michele Sompels Matthew E. Spence Marion Steele Aaron Warren Stephan Benjamin Joseph Sullivan Robert Donald Swanson Ryan Michael Tatar Gregory Anthoni Tomasik Christian D. Tourre Thomas R. Van Den Beldt Tiffany Lyn Vandelaar Marc Alan Vendrame Courtney Elizabeth Vince John Earl Walker Timothy M. White Marybeth Wiktor Charles 1. Woodruff Danielle Denise Zuhlke SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE * H ** ** * * * * * * ** * Faisal Aftab Joseph W. Albring Andrew John Allen Caroline Aloo Milam Samuel Elton Andrews III Bokchiam Ang Troy 1. Angell DeAnn Rae Asher Carmen Ruth Baas Ed D. Bailey Christopher Aaron Beck Jared Thomas Belka Paul Walter Bender Jon Asimwe Bennett Michael David Bergstrom Jeffrey M. Bertram Donald L. Best Betina Marie Black Anita Daniela Blaj Richard Lee Blost Jf. Danielle Marie Boles Laura Marie Botsis Marissa L. Burack Daniel R. Burns Anette Danielle Burrow Michael Andrew Burton Sarah Kidd Butterfield Crystal Michelle Butts Lakeisia Ronette Caldwell Christopher J. Campau Jennifer Joy Carlson Michael Thomas Carlson Brian Stanley Carmichael Andrew Michael Carroll Tamira Tunice Cason Can Ceylanoglu Hyunwoo Chang Ah-Rham Cho Latisha M. Claxton Sarah Leslie Collins Shaun M. Connolly Shelly Ann Costello Jami Nicole Davis Julien Daniel de Coster Melissa Renee Dean Laura Leigh Deer Carrilyn Maegan Deist Lance Thomas Denha Abby Drummond DenUyl Anthony DiMambro Dayna Michelle Dion Allison Renae Duceatt Jenny Dudek Regan Christopher Duval Jennifer Jo Eckman Angela Michelle Edison ** * * * ** Ashley Elizabeth Edwards Leslie Amanda Edwards David K. Enslin Kateshia A. Faulkner Jennifer Marie Fedon Jenelle Renee Ferance Marc Lawrence Fields Shanna M. Fischhaber Christa Marie Fisher Shane M. Fraley Liam A. Fraser Melodie Mae Fratt Jennifer Marie Frederick Jan Eric Fris Darren Michael Fron Heisha Aidia Greenlee Nicholas A. Grice Richard Grosfield Erin Leann Haight Terrell Kasean Hale Darci Shea Hammer Jennie Irene Hanson Jason Lee Hartmann Nana Hattori Richard A. Heise II Christopher M. Hengstebeck Catherine M. Hermann John Jacque Herrold Erin Ann Hinsley Lindsay Starrett Holmes Katie Ann Horgan Elizabeth Anne Horgea Shannon Kay Houseman Alicia F. Hunady Staci Lynn Huyser Fred 1m Courtney Lynn Jahn David Wayne Jennings Rohit Kumar Jha Keith Delmont Johnson Erik Ferguson Johnston Jeremiah Richard Jones Hak-Jae Jung Jennifer Lynn Kadzielewski Amy Ann Kalarickal Erica Ann Kammann Sean Kelly Rahsheen Tia Kelsey Kelly Catherine Killian Leah Marquita Knott Jocelyn E. Kooyers Daisuke Kosugi Ben Krill Yi-Hui Kuo Mark Andrew LaBrosse ** Jeremy John Lara Nancy Lee * Linda Louise Lehman Nicole Joy Leipprandt Matthew Adam Levin Brian Daniel Levinson Heidi Marie Lewis * HuaLi Kristin Anne Light * Kelly Noelle Loeffert David Charles Lucas Lauren Margaret Luft * Melissa Anne Mahan Amy Colleen Malson ** John Walter Marynowski Ryan James Masterson H* Wheaten Eli Mather Gregory Michael Matlock Elizabeth Ruth McCarthy H Kathleen Linnea McClain Elizabeth Lisa McLaury Michael John McNally Christopher B. Misiak Ryan Lee Moeggenberg Aubrey Megan Moir Jared Ryan MontBlanc Terra Morrison Robert Albert Muiter III Timothy Ryan Nadeau Bethany Nadobny John M. Nail Chie Nakajima Kalpana Nanda Zachary Phillip Natonek * Jon Naudi Daniel A. Nelson II * Irene Elizabeth Ostberg Jeffrey M. Oswald Troy Christopher Otto Matthew Curtis Owens Sunwoo Ginny Pack Matthew G. Parilla Christine E. Parker Jenica Joy Pastalaniec Kory Eugene Pawlowski * Darick Alexander Peplinski Benjamin Aaron Powell Joshua Noah Anthony Purcell Kristen Michelle Quaine Benjamin Evan Reid Connor Patrick Reid Ryan Scott Ribel H Theodore Mendel Rodgers Adam Michael Roose H* * * * Katherine Rae Rust Fadey Talal Omar Samhan Katherine Elizabeth Schumann Andrea Mae Schworm Jeffrey Alfred Setlock Faisal Bin Shahjahan Michael G. Sharpe II Kimani Shillingford Johanna Shum DaRon Gamar Sims Jonathan David Soffin Shaun Andrew Soria Jonathon Andrew Steuwe Shannon Virginia Stevens Richard Keith Strohmaier Jr. Priscilla F. Suiter Kelli L. Surma Martin Sutanto Marta Lee Man Sze Matthew James Tamborini Addissu Fisseha Tebeje Marques Allen Tibbs-Brewer Sherrie Tillman Joshua Howard Timmons Leah Dalena Tiseo Nolan Lawrence Treadway Aian S. Tsui William I. Tucker IV Jeffrey 1. Tully Nicolle Danielle Turnbull Steven Louis Urli Kim-Marie Veronica VanCleef Andrew D. Vella Tia Ann Vilums Michael R. Vogt Benjamin Gilbert Weaver Kerry S. Wegener Marc Howard Weiss Donnell R. White Renell Elizabeth Wieber Nicholas J. Wilkins Carrie Anne Williams Christopher L. Williams Kevin Francis Wilson Timothy Glen Wiseman Derek Todd Wolff Darren Tuen Wong Brandy Marie Yelencich Wai-lung Alfred Yeung Pau Suan Y 00 Matthew Jay Zweering H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 27 College of Communication Arts and Sciences COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * * ** * H* t * ** Advertising Celia Rose Alcumbrack Aubree Elizabeth Anderson Mindy Marie Arndt Kari Jo Bank Richard E. Barch Megan Elizabeth Barstow Dylan James Bawulski Sara Renee Beard Charlie Will Bell III Sarah Watkins Bigford Justin James Bilicki Emily A. Bischoff Amy Catherine Black Laura Nicole Blodgett Brent Thaddeus Bosnyak Samara Kai Bradley Scott Andrew Brent Peter Jacob Bronsnick Alec Scott Brown Angelia Marie Brown Brienne M. Budzinski David Charles Calkins Stephanie Ann Carlson Sarah Carter Niccole Champagne Charles F. Chapman Jr. Ken-Ge Chiu Kristy Church Nathan D. Crews Jason Michael Curis Charles Robert Dattilo Joe L. Davis III Jonathan Upton Day Jessica Ann Deibel Matthew Steven Demos Nathan Bradley Dill Robert James Domol Anndrea Michelle Draves Matthew D. Droz Shannon Rose Drypen Jennifer Marie Dudek Stacey Marie Dunn Gregory Michael Evangelista Stacy L. Faber Benjamin 1. Flecha Lisa Fotenakes Melissa Ann Fowler Jennifer Autumn Furdak Katie Maureen Gengle Alyssa Ann Georgeoff Brian Gregory Grace Chad Michael Greer Laura Grey Tyler Harmon Guenther Jennifer Laura Haeusler Scott Patrick Hagley Shara Michelle Haight Ronald Holloway Hatch Andrew John Hazy Gerald Lawrence Heath Amy Lynn Henry Michael Edward Hill Nicole Lynette Hill Daryn Leann Hindman Christopher James Hoag t Posthumously H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 28 * Diana Kathleen Hoehne Christina M. Hogan Kevin F. Horton Kelly A. Hoyt Stacy Nicole Hughes Andrea Renee Huth Natalie Rae Hutter Sami Farid Jano Nicole D. Jarvis Laura 1. Johnson Ryan D. Johnston Eric Paul Juergensen Genevieve Marie Knappen Kate Elizabeth Knorring Jennifer L. Koelzer Richard Michael Korach Caroline Kyteen Kuo Kara Wanda Kurzym Christine Elizabeth Labadie Scott Edward Landheer Brian J. Leavitt Leslie Tyish Long Kristin Alexandra Lukos John Paul Gatmaitan Madlangbayan Sara Jeanne Maher Jonathan M. Maiolatesi Kelly A. Manning Kelly Leah Martin * Traci Anne Mason Austin Ward McMackin Rita A. McMorris Andre Wyse de Mello Hayley Renee Minton Robyn Ann Mohr H* Melisa Renee Mowry H** Emily Jane Moyer * Jennifer Marie Murawski Elizabeth Adele Murphy ** Susan Amanda Murphy Stephanie Jo Myers Anitrah Jennel Nelson Anthony Nicola Paparelli Adam Gelman Parrish Katie Elizabeth Parsons * Cristina Maria Iturrino Paterson Richard W. Phee Scott E. Pickett Joshua C. Pinwar Rebecca Jane Pranger Dena Michelle Pruitt Bradley L. Romines Erin Ellen Roy Stacey A. Rutherford Scott Gerald Ryan Elizabeth Catherine Ryder David Anthony Sacco Jessica Marie Saputo Lisa Ann Scantamburlo Aaron David Schey Stephanie Ann Schierbeek Benjamin Thomas Schoff Amy Pauline Schwartz Melissa Miriam Shubert Tyson Harris Skinner Jr. Peter Joseph Smith * H* H* * * * * * * * ** * * H** ** Kathryn Therese Smolenski Keith James Soljacich Joy P. Souder Cristina Bulkeley Steele William Charles Stentz Amanda M. Stevens Audree Lee Sutton Katherine Marie Talik Leah Thelen David Barrington Stanley Thomas William John Toth Jr. Brian Van Eerden Tia Ann Vilums Brandon Thomas Vince David Barrett Vorce Sandy Vue Jami M. Walsh Brian G. Wilson Cheryl Wolan Jennifer Lynn Young Elizabeth Ann Zang Audiolo',{Y and Speech Sciences Michelle Beland Amy Patricia Buchanan Elizabeth Kay Busch Brandy Jan Dennis Sarah Beth Dunkerley Brenda Christine Eid Julianna Cristina Filice Holly Anne Folkema Amy Rose Forbes Denise Paola Acosta Franco Nekea L. Fritz Kate Robine Halsall Abby Nicole Haxton Gina Louise Hetherington Rachel L. Janowiak Raechel Kearns Elizabeth Ann Knott Kelly Jean Lynch Cheryl Alene May Melissa Marie Mazur Alisabeth Mohr Sarah A. Orjada Stacey Lee Phillips David Clifford Richardson Kimberly Kay Rose Rachel Renae Spencer Jenny A. Spoelman Rachel Lindsay Stern Kara Van Haaften Sara Ann VanTubbergen Kristina Marie Voorhees Shaunna Beth Wallis Gretchen Walraven Communication Cara Lyn Abraham Jaclyn Nicole Adray Stacy L. Adrianson Joseph Patrick Albaugh Patricia Ann Almquist Jerry Douglas Ammerman II * H* * ** * * * * * * Bryan N. Baker Elizabeth Bronwyn Barricklow Jamie Paul Bauer Kevin L. Blitz Nerissa Jane Bona Melissa Nicole Boyd Shannon L. Breen Stephanie Lynn Breese Jillian Marie Brown Andrea Lea Bruneel-Cabana Erica R. Bullock Seth Robert Burroughs Kellie Elisabeth Carlyle Kelly Ann Carr Stacy Nicole Carwan Jennifer L. Chakroff Jason Jaewon Choi Amber Lee Clark Tara A. Consolino Katherine Kelly Corcoran Leslie Michelle Deatrick Karen Adelaide Drummy Paul Michael Dunphey Ena J. English Chad Alan Ganden Jaclyn Michelle Giannangeli Renee Cherie Gougeon Bradley William Graham Michael Brian Guerity Sarah Mae Hager Sanna Lisa Hamilton Carl James Gregory.Hanlin Alison Marie Hiller Sarah Lynn Hoag Joseph S. Hopkins Janelle Lynn Horton Stacey Leanore Horton Takayuki Ide Amy E. Jackson Amy Elizabeth Jacobson Elizabeth Anne Jalovec Jamie Vedin Jawor Andrew R. Jester Charles Wesley Johnson Kelly Aisha Johnson Stacey Lynne Johnson Andrew C. Johnson Jr. Sean Patrick Jonaitis Staci Marie Joseph Letitia Colleen Kastura Mitchel Jay Katz Marceline Kienzle Tiffany Lyneal Kimble Adam Joseph King Rachel Lynn Kolarovic Adam Thomas Kowalski Keith Christopher Kraegel Valerie Krasny Jason Leonard Kromirs Sarah Catherine Kuper Lisa Michelle Langlois Dana Leigh Langolf Margaret Leigh Laureto Kelly Anne Leep * * * * * * ,. * * * Communication (Continued) Stephen D. Lehrman Rebecca Ann Levine Kaci Lynn Lyons Anthony Thomas Maggiano Ellen Patricia Mahon Carolyn E. Manney Joseph Jacob Manzardo Jessica Jade Martin Andrea Denike Martinez Bridget Suzanne McClain Donald R. McKeown Kristin Alison Mefford Pamela Merissa Mercado Carla Mitri Brook Evan Monticello Sarah Jean Mudler Marisa Victoria Nedock Rachel Quinn Newcomb Jamie Renee Norman Erika Lee Nuerenberg Erin Kathleen O'Dea Amy Beth Ortwein Jason Anthony Osborn Kelsey Ewart Overbey Elizabeth-Ann Christine Pandzich Colleen Marie Paveglio Anastasia Frances Pavlis John Federico Perri Melisa Beth Platte Tara May Plunkett Cory N. Posey Amanda Lynnette Pulido Lindsey Danielle Rafferty Brian Matthew Rice Jennifer Michelle Richardson LaVaile Darnell Richardson Elissa Riger Kelly Roberts Annette Marie Rowley Chad Anders Rumminger Jordan William Schneider Joseph A. Sermo Heidi Lynn Severyn Natalie Tara Shamoun Angela Jean Shinos Damon Patrick Sholtey Brittney Shae Smith Erin Lindsay Sprink Nichole Rene Stephens Kelly Rae Stevenson Rachelle Stobbe Allison Michelle Stone Heather Joan Swinford Gretchen E. Taylor Melissa S. Thibideau Amara Kathleen Truax Tonya Marie Upthegrove Donald James Wessels Jr. Damon M. Whitten Jacquelin Elizabeth Wick Nicole Therese Winn Elizabeth I. Witzman Jasmine Jinnell Zumbrink * * * * * * ** H H** H* ** * Journalism Nicole Francesca Babb Jeffrey 1. Balagna Kimberly Paige Burcar Kirsten S. Buys Lauren Nicole Campbell Kevin Michael Caufield Corie Ann Costello Anne Marie Danko Daniel Adrian DeCapua Maria Theresa Del Zoppo Cynthia Joy Drake Beth Anne Duiser William K. Dunlap Vincent G. Estes William Zachary Fricke Brooke Nicole Gaston Kristyn Marie Hausauer Mary Elizabeth Hauxwell Elizabeth A. Herendeen Akiko Hirabayashi Alicia N'Kai Ingram Cindy R. Jacobs Julie M. Knapp Amanda Renee Kowal Amy Lynne LaHaie Christen Lee Lewis Colleen Marie McLennan Jennifer Jule Meese Carrie Lynn Melchiorre Jennifer M. Mesko David Lawrence Miller Karalee Sue Miller Melanie Dianne Milonas Timothy David Mosley Patrick Davidson Muir Eugene Richard Nelson Jr. Cory William Palm Angelo G. Parlove Jr. Gloriane Megan Brink Peck Daniel Alan Pepper Ioana Pop Douglas Alan Pratt Leslie Reinbold Heather Marie Scollon Jessica Lucille See Andrea Stewart Randy James Stine Kaitlyn Marie Sullivan Sharon Ann Terlep Angela Noel Torongo Colleen Marie Tvorik Jason P. Vargo Lauren Alissa Wishnow Jill Ann Zechmeister Jaclyn M. Zelmanski * Karen Amanda Zeit Telecommunication Basim Khazaal Aljazi John Christopher Amos Rachel Lea Archibald Patrick Scott Armstrong Daniel H. Assell Michael Thomas Barnes Joseph Matthew Berger Mark Thomas Bergeron Keith M. Bil1ik * Cliff M. Biram III Aaron Scott Bleyaert Marlo Bodzick Christopher M. Brooks Sean Lane Brown Tai Mattingly Brown Kevin Robert Brownlow Jennifer Sharon Camp Anthony Paul Caperton Craig John Carlen Christopher Stephen Cates Christopher LaMonne Caudle Ashish Krishen Chand Ryan Charles Charbonneau LeAnne 1. Charland Felix Wai-Chung Cheung Peter Anthony Chopp Matthew Churches Ryan Paul Clynes Howard Deonandre Collier Peter Corriveau Steven Vincent Crippin Ollie B. Day Jr. Jeffrey Michael Duby Brad Alan Edwards Martha Anne Fincher John W. Fisher II Matthew Mark Fox Anne Catherine Gabriel Quentin Keith Garland Christopher Nickolas Garyet Adam C. Germaine Jaclyn Leigh Gilbert Jason Peter Grasshoff David 1. Green Murad Shahnawaz Habibi Ketasha Annette Handberry Kareem A. Hares H Jamie M. Harris Joseph Fletcher Harris Michael Ryan Hernacki Siuchi Hung * Tara Ann Jelnicki Christopher Alan Johnson Kevin L. Johnson ** * * H ** H* * H** ** * * * ** Tara Christine Joyce Christopher 1. Kirby Seung Hoon Koh Edward Kraft Michael Shing-Ling Kueh Michelle Marie Lamb Tammy H. Lee John Patrick Leen Dana Joseph Marcum Audra Leigh Marks Timothy Miles McCurdy Kasey Lynn McDonald Charles Kristopher McPike Jeffrey Lee McWherter Leong Wai Ming Melvin Nathan L. Miller A. Ben Moore Eric Scott Novak Aaron Andrew Ohrt Adam P. Ott Jong Hyuk Park Sang Min Park Soon-Won Park Yoonhee Park Katherine M. Peterson Kevin Michael Phillips Paul James Phipps Daniel James Pipkorn Kimberly R. Putman Jeremy David Radvansky Anthony Christopher Ranville Shannon Marie Redinger Melissa T. Reeck Jonathan Seth Reich Glen Gerald Reid Jr. Jason Michael Resmer Ryan Patrick Rice Jacqueline Elizabeth Scally Shane Francis Scanlon Kelly Marie Schleicher Jill Marie Schwartz Brian E. Sexton Kristen M. Simony Colin Michael Simpson Rebecca Skousen Jennifer Lynne Slabaugh Camille W. Sneed Michael William Spina Tiffany 1. Steed Jamie Marie Steinbrenner Erica Moira Thomas Aaron James Thompson Yang Tong Tracie Lynn Webb Philip Anthony Wrobel Hsin Yeh Christophe Zajac-Denek Mark Daniel Zambito Thomas Frederick Zorwick H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 29 COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES CANDIDATES - College of Education SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 CAROLE AMES, DEAN CANDIDATES - BACHELOR'S DEGREE Jimena Golubcik Acosta Kristy Adarnkiewicz Mary Elizabeth Adcock Nicholas Ryan Allison Angela Lynn Ames Neerja Sanjay Amin Vicki Melinda Anderson Marci Lynn Anstandig Ray M. Ashba Laura Michelle Atkinson Nayiri Bardakjian Shawn Robert Barker Jennifer Ann Barrett Matthew Arlo Norton Basinger Trisha D. Batterson Charles Russell Beaupre Emily E. Beiermeister Allison K. Bell Brandon Blake Bernier CliffL. Bingham Rachel Anne Biocchi Brandie Joe Bisig Tyree LaRonze Blackamore Randy B. Borregard Celeste Marie Boudreau Andrea Elizabeth Braun Colleen Elizabeth Buchanan Jennifer Ann Buckman Kristin Diane Carroll O'neil Christopher Cespedes Andrew M. Chorkey * Samantha 1. Choryan Matthew Kenneth Christopherson Micah Lee Clack John Vincent Cleland Andrew H. Cohen Jayme Anna Cohen Katherine M. Coulombe Griselda T. Cubitt Rebecca N. Cummings Adam Robert Daniel Jeffrey Christopher DeBin Marc Thomas Dedenbach II * Carrilyn Maegan Deist Jacquelyn Mary DePlanche Julie Michelle Donegan Megan Anne Dongvillo Michael P. Drury H Honors College * With Honor ** With Hi gh Honor 30 James Patrick Dugan * Dike O. Enyia II Seth Daniel Erskine Jessica E. Evans Keiona La'Tina Janelle Evans Meghan M. Evert Patrick David Fealey Evelyn Daniell Feaster Tamara M. Felder Angela Maria Fichera Jennifer Marie Fincannon Vanessa Renee Flood Kendra Lauren Freedman Linda Noelle Gaetani Lauren Therese Giffen Lindsay Anne Glickstein Jennifer C. Goklani Marsha Golod Bradley Erik Goodstein Jennifer Noelle Graef Jeffrey Thomas Graham Michael Dennis Grammatico Edward S. Grant * Ian 1. Gray Elizabeth Ann Greschaw Jerome L. Griffieth Jared Anthony Groth Angela Rene Grover * Kristina Lynn Gurney * Sarah Arlyn Gustin Mona Bahi Habib Anasia Elizabeth Hairston Danielle J. Hammerle Tiffany Leah Harrington Amanda Kathryn Hedlund Gregory Michael Hein Jonathan D. Heller LaSheenya Fawn Henderson Kristen Ann Hileman Jonathan Thomas Hoad ** Sara Kathryn Holaly Katie Ann Horgan Meghan Thorpe Jaris Katherine Anne Jarvela Jerame Scott Johnson Robert W. Kain Jr. Jason M. Karayanes Daniel Arthur Katona Nathaniel Robert Keu sch Scott Kienzle Olivia R. Kilbane Jung Ho Kim Sun Ah Kim Suzanna Maria Kiteley William Joseph Koch Melinda R. Konya * Bree Ann Kowalski Tracy Lorraine Kretz Sean Robert Lalley Pui San Lam Katrice Renae Larkins Mark Erich Joseph Laschinski Eunsun Lee Wing Suet Michel Lee Damian 1. Lerma Brandi Lewandowski Eric Lin Jocelyn Noel Lorenger Alan Thomas MacMillan Allyson Marie Majeske Felix James Malinowski Jeremiah L. Mankopf Lawrence Peter Marasco III Matthew Marino Mark Daniel Markh am Tarah Elizabeth Martin Brian Vincent Mauch Dwayne Nicholas McCray Douglas R. McDonald II Casey Jo McVay Kathryn Ada Mellor Alane M. Millar Timashian R . Mitchell Vijay K. Mony Katie Olivia Moore Catherine Moreau Holly Corinne Morgan Jeffery Scott Morin Theodore Doyle Moss IV * Ryan Joseph Mulvaney Leila Anne Munoz Alexander P. Nefouse Van Hong Nguyen Shannon Rae Niedling Melissa A. Nufer Jeffrey M . Oswald Daniel Thomas Pembroke Kimberly Dawn Pitsch Kelly Marie Pitts Jarod Rhys Pratt Robert Michael Preseau Geoffrey Scott Prichard * Daniel A. Pruzinsky Shannon Rose Resch Kyle Michael Rice Jamie Eli zabeth Riffel Chrystie Ann Rollwagen Jillian Marie Ruona Andrew Zebulon Ryan Molly Eli zabeth Ryckman Brent A. Ryk se Ryan Ed ward Salesman Cassandra Ann Sanford Katherine Anne Schoen Louie Darnell Sharp Jr. Brooke Eli zabeth Shaw Jeffrey Alan Shaw Megan M . Shuboy Deeona Ann Sicora Melissa Ann Skruba Samuel S. Slattery Amanda Jane Smith Jennifer Leigh Smith ** Katherine Arden Spencer * Desiree 1. Stachowicz Andrew Robert Sutton Devin McClintic Swanson Christopher Thomas Swartout Frank Sweet Tamara Joy Sytsma Charese Danielle Tay lor Yvonne Claire Th om pso n Amy Lisa Trudeau Andrea L. Tuttle Joseph John Vaug hn /I Jennifer Lynn Vincent Daniela Maria Vinci Jill Marie Waegenaere Andrea Sharlene Wahr Lynntoia Waynnisha Webster Helen M. Widener Megan Coresha-M aureen Williams Qiana Diane Williams Heather Janelle Wilson Gregory Scott Wofsy Jennifer Lee Wozni ak Melissa A. Young David Zachary Zorn Brandon Benjamin Zurvalec SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Education * Heather L. Allman * Helena Maria Alves * Nichole Brianne Anter Olivia Eva Ballesteros H* Lauryn Hilary Best * Heather Anne BeVier Michael Lee Billing Jeffrey Mark Brown Amy Patricia Buchanan Jennifer Ann Carlotti * Anne Marie Chamberlain * Katie 1. Collias ** Kelly Anne Colombo H** Allison A. Crooks Laurie Ann Denby H** Kristina A. Derhammer Jamie Renee Dodge * Erica Kathleen Donovan Jamie Ann Magic Downes Tamara Jeanne Dres H** Katie Jane Drury Melissa F. Dunwell * Erica Darai Etheridge ** Erin Ann Evans Ami Ann Ewald * Nicole Lynn Ferguson ** Kelly Leigh Fiedler Lindy Marie Fike Amy Nichole Finney Angela Leona Fitzpatrick * Christopher John Fizzell * Jennifer Ann Fletcher Susan G. Fletcher * Lisa Marie Forzley * Renee Eli zabeth Fox * Karen Elizabeth Fritz Heather Lynn Fuja * Delia Louise Gaumer Krista Jean Goetz Chad M. Gorski Lauren Graves Janie Nicole Groome * * * ** * H* * * * * * * H** H* Amy L. Hammond Jennifer Mary Hannah Danielle Hasan Lee Haselschwerdt Kelli Elaine Hayes Alyssa Janel Hedberg Joshua James Heethuis Stacy Susan Hengehold Megan Ann Hetchler Sarah Elizabeth Hipps Tory Belinda Hoard Stacy Lynn Horgan Alissa C. Hughes Katherine Marie Hughes Nicole Marie Jacobs Kristine L. Jaworski Maureen McLaughlin Juett Lauren Therese Klemm Neil Robert Kohler Marissa Christine Kowall Cheryl A. Krohn Kathryn Suzan Krupansky Stephanie Merrily Lampi Jennifer Kay Lawrence Amy Sue Liscombe Brian Lee Livingston Laura Ann Loose Sarah Kay Maloney Jill Dianne Manley Renee Marie Markel Kacey Lynne McDonald Kathleen McGrane Kelly Michelle McKenzie Cheri Dawn Messerknecht Kelly Jane Meyer Lisa Marie Miller Leah A. Mollett April Marie Morel Sadie June Mugford David P. Murphy Jennifer Kathlene Murphy Julie Lynn Nourse Kathryn Jayne Patria;·che H* Jacqueline E. Pecora Matthew David Pedersen Joslyn Ann Prezzato Stacy Lee Price Katie Rose Rasanen Andrea Michelle Redman Meghan Lindsay Reinacher Jennifer Lea Richardson Kelly Lynn Roe Candice Chavice Ruff H** Jaime Ruggero Andrea Nicole Saia Joyce Ann Sandie * Melody Marie Saroki Ashley Elizabeth Schwikert * Kimberly Anne Shannon Laura Ann Sheridan Eryka Ann Smith Katherine Anne Smith * Rebecca Jane Smith * Kimberly Snyder Adam J. Spina Sarah Anne Starr Abby Michele Stevanus * Laura Renee Stevens Melissa Mae Sumption Margaret Lesley Surma * Adrienne Nicole Tash Michelle Marie Thornell Lindsay Beth Treharne H* Michelle Sharon Tremberth * Elizabeth Jean Vachon Sonul D. Vaghela Stacy Brandon Van Norman H Nicholas Frank Vanderhyde Danielle Simone Ventura Lisa Victorson Genevieve Tara Webb Katherine A. Wendt H* Rebekah Rhys Wertz Amanda Kate Wilkie Sarah Elizabeth Willi ams Shelley Lynn Williams Melissa Margaret Young * Angela M. Younglove Special Education-Dear Education H** Devorah R . Adler Laura Katherine Bertolini * Stephanie Anne Geske * Valerie Anne Kraai Trish Marie Lopucki Lisa Michelle Moceri * Melanie O'Regan Kelly A. Riley * Cynthia Anne Udell Amanda Marie Vereecke Special EducationEmotional Impairment H* Amy Lin Cunningham * Rebecca Collins Ford * Nicole Siroskey Erin Kathleen Wright Special Education-Learning Disabilities Stacey 1. Bortman * Sarah Beth Bugeaud Rachel Sarah Diebel H** Cynthia Jo Green Lisa L. Grzywacz * Angela Holly Elizabeth Grace Rebeka Kristina Suzanne Roberts Wendy Denise Seida Elizabeth 1. Smetanka ** LeeAnn Stephan ** Jacklyn Sue Theisen Special Education- Visual Impairment Dorothy M. Miller * Jennifer Ann Nagarah Kimberly Anne Watson DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kinesiology Rachael Lynn Allison Julie Melissa Banaszak Shante N . Burke Mark Anthony Cavataio Brian A. Charlton Christa E. C. A. Faiver Staci Anne Galarowicz-Villarruel Deborah S. Gershune James Scott Giammarco Amy R. Gibala Jocelyn Carlita Gorman Alison M. Grieme Joshua Bryan Heinig Justin Lee Johnson Tameka D. Jones Ingrid Ann Klarstrom * John Thomas Krzemienski * Brian A. Laurila Frederick Joseph Ligrow Patrick Michael McNamara Mark Cameron Mering H* Michelle Merrifield Shannon Mae Mertes Ryan Scott Miller Jason Lance Mucha Amanda K. Musgrave * Matthew Frederick Navarre H* Rick David Nielsen H* Anne Marie O'Meara * Arianne Marie Petersen Jennifer Lea Picard at * Mark Alan Russell Jennifer R. Schultz Krista K. Snow Brian Lee Tass Christopher David Thuman Courtney Ren ae Troost Tammy Sue Vonderheide Tassa Lorane Wallace H* Jill T. Williams Nicole Therese Winn Summer S. Yee H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 31 J ENGINEERING EDUCATION CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE H ** * * Cristina Dimitra Alexander Natalie Sheree Allen Nicole Marie Anderson Julie Elizabeth Arends Erika Marie Badgero Lauren Kimberly Baker Cynthia M. Berberich Nathan Bohy David Benjamin Braymer Amy Suzanne Briolat Andrea Nicole Brunett Rebecca L. Bufton Carmon Joy Bytwerk Angela Christi Caudill Chad Matthew Caudill Jarrett Nicholas Cogswell Sarah L. Cotton Ryan Michael Cullen Megan Marie Czarnopys Cristi Lynn Dikeou Rachel Elizabeth Dory Lisa Catherine Estry Gretchen Elise Faber Amy Kay Fleischmann Mark Robert Floria Hallie Nicole Fox Rebecca A. Fraser Nathan John Fuller Lori L. Goldammer ** Myra Aman Goodrich Angela Susan Gottschling Katie Marie Gould Cary Robert Grimm Meghan Ryle Groves Elizabeth Anne Heinrich Jennifer Renee Heymes Caroline Greening Hoey Tiffani Joi Hoffman Elisabeth Anne Hopkins Julie Anne Horn Christina Catherine Hug Crystal N. Humphries Mercede Elizabeth Hurt Julie McKinnon Hutt Christina Lynn Huyck Michelle Lynn Ignash Julie B. Jablonowski Kandace N. Jenkins Brooke Nicole Johnson Craig Eric Johnson * Nathaniel Raymond Jost Kristie L. Kelly Laura Anne Klancnik * Kathryn Nicole Kremski * Shannon Elizabeth Kroll Amanda Vivian Machovsky Jennifer Ann Macuga Darin A. Martin Lindsay Marie Matz * Erin Anita McGeachy * Elisa Rachel McKinney * Thomas Michalski Jennifer Ann Mikolajczak Leonard Jean-Todd Milburn Anna K. Miller Kimberly M. Moorhead Andrea M. Moretti Denishea L. Neal Toni L. Nelson Jamie A. Newberry Stephen Lok Ming Ng Aimee Lynn Olger * Lisa Renee Olinger * ** * * * * Gina Marie Palmeri Patricia Ann Quaglia Julie K. Redd-Jones Matthew Ryan Schwartz Karolyn Ann Schweitzer Kara Sevensma Kera Marie Sinclair Jill Suzanne Smith Edgar-Alan Mojica Soliman Kara N. Stephenson Jamie L. Taylor Carmela Margaret Tocco Sandra M. Trofholz Robyn Renea Vestal Jillian Stacy Wagenheim Sarah Wagman Amanda Brooke Way Catherine Mary Weber Laura Beth Weener Kelly G. Whalen Casey Barnhart Williams Lindsey Erin Wood Elizabeth Ann Zeko Jane Elizabeth Zuchowski * H H* H H H** * H** College of Engineering JANIE M. FOUKE, DEAN CANDIDATES - ** SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 * DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Biosystems Engineering Daniel Mark De Boer Daniel Patrick Grant Matthew David Hall Brian John Jacobs Molly Erin O'Flaherty David Christian Smith H* Maria Suparno Chemical Engineering * Aaron M. Allen Clinton L. Allen Sara Kathryn Armstrong Jeff J. Bacholzky Miguel Antonio Barron Mark Alan Bewernitz Rachel Elizabeth Blaauw H** Laura Michele Booms Jonathan Brook Dan Calder * Florin Radu Danca * Amy Lorinda Fisher Elizabeth Ann Grulke LaToya Harris Beverly Maria Hinds H* Kristin Michelle Huntoon H** Anna Kulju Johnson Carrie Lee Jones Marcelo Kascheres H Charles V. Licata Angela Kay Lound H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 32 H** * * H** H H** H* * ** H* * * H* H** Heather M. Majewski Aaron Jacque Matrone James Jerry McCloud JI. Gregory A. McColley Jason M. McGregor Nicole M. McMillan Scott McQuiston Paul Istvan Mikowski Kelly Anne O'Connell Mlynarek Brian Hanh Ngo Mark James Niesen Jessica Lea Okonkowski Oluwayemisi Oluwi Oluwole Yudith Indaryani Opel Joseph Charles Piccard LeRon Powell Stephanie C. Ptasnik Matthew J. Roelant Michael Romein Jessica Ann Roth Andrew Lee Rusnak Victoria Anne Sanocki Stacie Linn Schwartz Kelly M. Shimko Christine Marie Slifko Marion M. Strzalkowski Elena Ngoc Tran Sara S. Treder Jordan Edward Van Guilder R. Arief Cahyo Wibowo Paul M. Wolven H** Marcus Andre Worsley ** Andrew Robert Yoder * * * * H * Civil Engineering Nicholas Frederick Baker Nicki Alyssa Berndt Bridget T. Black Thomas Robert Boom James Bowden IV Robert Alan Britton Craig Matthew Brown Nell Vivian Irene Caviness Rebecca Marie Cline Scott William Colvin Timothy Damon Dalby Nicole Mary DeMott Benjamin Louis Wickes Drake Carlos Foulquie Echevarria Adam Dominick Falkowski Anna Terese Griffin Alfred John Gutz Mark Bradley Hoos Sylvia Jorgensen Troy Daniel Kelts Andrew Paul Kerrigan Andrew David Konkle Joseph Robert Lehning Scott A. Lenhart Chris R. Logan Douglas F. McCune Shane Michael Morris * Tam Trinh Nguyen H Melissa Anne Pelkey Todd Joseph Rozycki Michael Robert Schorsch Jill N. Schultz Robert M. Shrier Mark Russell Stevenson Therese Rose Sutphen Andrew Carl VanWormer Frederic Charles Witter JI. Christopher Edgar Zull Computer Engineering Jacob Nabil Alamat Jeffrey Michael Blank Kyhia Marie Bostic Christopher Dale Bryant * Jung-Yoon Choi Kyle Ellard Michael Sean Goppold von Lobsdorf Philip J. Lee III Mario A. Mendizabal Christopher Paul Stackable Mark P. Szymczak Anh N. Trinh H* H* H** H** * H Computer Science Ethan Aubin Dustin Hans Bettendorf Anthony Beyers Grant Joseph Birchmeier Christopher William Bowron Kevin A. Brown John Thomas Cumbow Joshua R. Davis Theodore John Demetral Charles E. DeWald III Ryan Paul Dhuse Marc A. DiMaggio Jake Diner Conan Alexander Dombroski Paul J. Donahue Matthew Peter Ebrom Stephanie Lynn Edelson Joel Colin Fields Richard McIlvaine Ford Christopher L. Freeman Ian J. Gray Andy Gibb Halim Eric Anthony Hamilton Derek Owen Hansen Ramon Hernandez Joel William Hill Michael Glenn Hom Thomas Richard Inglis Jeremiah Johnson Robert P. Karaban Jr. John Thomas Koerner Yin Mei Lau Mark Jason Luchini David Thomas McCreery Corey Alan Miller ArifMomin Matthew Dennison Morgan Eric A. Nash Daniel Nhiem Nguyen Brad Allen Pirochta Ben Rhodes John Lawrence Ross David Paul Seavey Zak Sesti Eric Stephen Severance Jason L. Stanis Marc Geoffrey Stevens Daniel R. Taylor Kyle William Taylor Stephen Karpi Van Neste Nicholas Robert Vavra Prairie Venners Brandi Elise Walker Justin Michael Welsch Kin Man Felix Wong Electrical Engineering Sean Michael Balcom * Sarah L. Barrie H** Brian Frederick Basch * Dustin Hans Bettendorf Andrew Eric Bogle Timothy Michael Breining ** Jabbar Sandy Briggs Michael Lucas Burgess Stephen Michael Cichy Thomas R. Cook Steven M. Davis Michael Shawn Easton * Brian Joseph Evangelista Timothy Wayne Evans Jason M. Gnyp Kadek Wardika Hemawan .. Jeremy L. Huber Nao Kawano Cory Joe La Count Sun-Leung Tommy Lam Justin Alan Lancaster Gie Lee Daniel Anthony Lemieux James A. Lott Melissa Ann Magee Ellen Marie McKenzie Robert J. Miller II Corey L. Minous Matthew J. Molinets Michael R. Monson Jeffrey C. Moomaw Phuong H. Nguyen * Stephen Jay Orris Jr. Esosa Victor Osaigbovo H** Bradley Thomas Perry H** Ben Pfaff Thomas Pham * John Thomas Popielarski Kristopher D. Porter James David Quesenberry H** Alan Paul Ray Cecilia La-Kisha Richardson Jason Matthew Robins ** Naovarat Sajjapongse H** Matthew B. Schallhorn Eric N. Sendelbach * Kelly Lynn Shanks Ian R. Singer Samson Makonnen Tefera Roger Thomas Thorn Vanessa Lynn Truong ** Matthew Joseph Vestrand Derick Ian Wall Emily Anne Wierzgac ** Brian Todd Womack Charles Woolard * Bradley Shawn Wynri David Alexander Young * ** ** * H* Engineering Arts James Edward Beam JI. Jennifer Lynn Binoniemi Daniel David Brow Shawn Kevin Carlisle Daniel A. E. Cortright Reyna Michelle Crane Henri Edward Creed Michael Vincent Csizmadia John David Dertian Jeffrey John Dunn Martha Joy Frary Christina Marie Freund Jacob Joseph Gole Daniel Alexander Grant Amanda Claire Gray Jeffrey Lyle Grondin Nicole C. Guseila Aaron R. Harris Paul Armon Hertlein Todd William Hoppe Eric Glenn Iseler Sarah Elizabeth Jones Tracy Ann Kerkmaz Heather Marie Kleinhardt Brian D. Koitz Kimberly A. Loewen Kaustubh Prabhakar Nadkarni Matthew M. Nieszel Mona Jayantilal Patel H** Jacqueline Lisa Philipp H** Michelle Lee Shumaker Corey Brandon Tross Eugene E. Tucker Jf. Adam L. Tuttle Sameer Arun Varde Gary S. Witkowski II Brandon D. Wright Matthew James Yanke * Sean Frederick Ziegenhagen Engineering Mechanics Noah Jacob Bartsch Jean Anne Gullickson Genevieve Lucille Hobart Kelly Ann Holliday Michael J. Hurd H* Laurel Kuxhaus Christie Jean Schiller Ana Soporean * H** * * H** H** * * Manufacturing Engineering Jennifer Marie Cody John Dressler William Michael Durbin Andrew Davis Elms Jennifer Diane Larson Charles Conklin Newell III Todd William Ohme Braeden T. Reif Materials Science and Engineering Shelley Agarwal H James G. Cross Katherine Lee Ellsworth Scott Y oon Hill H** Jane A. Howell Keegan D. James Krystin H. Keene Andrea Rose Ledy Brian John Lovato Rebecca A. McMullen Nickolas M. Meyer Ian Orland Smith Rebecca J. Stefanski Matthew Scott Walp Mechanical Engineering Walter Vincent Baker Robert Walter Bartus Kristy Lyn Beasley Nicholas J. Bechtel ** David Jon Bellmore Owen Douglas Browne Blank Neil David Brinker Jeffrey S. Bullock Timothy M. Buurstra William H. Campbell * Marcie Ellen Clay Douglas Lee Clewley * Joseph Charles Conley * Damon Courtney Dance Paul Juan DeLaRosa Todd William Dishman Jason Ryan Durand Jon Eppler Deanna Marie Faro * Noelle Jeanne Frerichs * Lisa Anne Golek * Alissa Karyn Gottesman Sam Thomas Hines Nicholas Allen Hnatiw Charles Colin Louis Hoffman Viorel Ionita Matthew John Johnson Leon Michael Kashawlic * Kyle Patrick Kearney John Daniel Keefe Jeremy Jason Klobucar Kenneth Glen Kopf Gary T. Kraus Jf. Jason Michael Lambert Matthew P. Lavigne Susan Jane Lindh Andrew John Luther Nicholas F. Lynn Tara Christina Makar Kristy Lynn Malinowski Domonique M. Martin H** Jared J. Martin Jason Kenneth Mazur Amanda Tei Mcintyre Jacob James Meadows Jason Scot Munger Shane P. Murray * David S. Nielubowicz Jf. ** Trieu Pham Loc Van Phan Benjamin Michael Plouff * Taryn Helene Price Jason Prone H* Jonathan James Pung Jennifer Lynne Ragone Casey Q. Reader Timothy J. Rechtien * Drew R. Reichenbach Julie Ann Richards Jeremy J. Rivard Michael Lewis Roudabush Stephen C. Rusnock Curt Anthony Ryan ** Brian Scott Santhany H* Andrew Alan Sasak * Peter M. Schmitz * Bryan James Sieber H** Jason Ronald Smith Kevin Michael Spica David C. Stchur H* Bryan Anthony Stramecki Matthew J. Tiefenback * Christopher C. VanBuren Noah Daniel Webster Scott CJemens Weeks Darrnell M. Welch Quentin Stanley-Nelson Welch * Adam David White * Eric Matthew Williams Matthew Nathan Zuehlk H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 33 ENGINEERING HUMAN ECOLOGY CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR'S DEGREE * ShareefFathi Alshinnawi Takashi Amaki Ryan Amman Keith Ybarra Arnold Stacie LaShawn Arlette Bacon Darin Joseph Beauregard Rajesh K. Bishnoi Michael C. Bishop Brian Joseph Brubaker Jamie N. Caskey Keping Chang Yuan Ju Ann Chen ** Chi Ho Fredrek Choi Casey Jay Collings * Christopher W. Conrad * Heather Joy-Lynn Craig Alex D. Csepregi Warren Joseph D'Souza Timothy John DeCarlo Carrie A. DeCormier * Molly Elizabeth Desjardins Clyde Metcalfe Downer Jf. ** Deanne 1. Draeger * Paul A. Duce Todd Duane Edmonds Nicholas Matthew Fedesna Andrew N. Ford H Ginger D. Gibbs Kenneth Edward Gillespie Jf. Nicholas Edward Goerke Kelvin L. Gray Kimberly Anne Hafner Greg 1. Halfmann Marc E. Halliburton Jessica Emily Hanchett Bryce Hauptman * Andrew James Held H* Matthew John Hill H Mona YuenLam Ho H* Lisa Marie Huntington * Payam Abrishami Kashani Wataru Kato Johnni Marie Keck Jonathan Paul Kish ** Masaya Kitagawa Vinson Donnail Lewis Laura Anne Luckscheiter Jason C. Marcath * Michael R. Markey * Brian Edward McCarthy Evan Paul McMurray H Nike Medahunsi H* Matthew Mercieca Kevin Andrew Moore Ryan T. Myles Hoon Namgung Keith M. Noblett * Ann-marie O'Donnell Nnamdi Gerald-Agunze Oputa Aaron Douglas Osler Randal Bernard Pagel Jr. Sargam Patel Katharine Phelps Courtney M. Preston Kari Lynne Prochazka Vincent Charles Rabaut III Lecedra Patrice Randolph-Welch * Christopher Jackson Ritchie Michael Kenneth Rose Charles T. Russ Jf. Abhishek Sahi Ricky G. Samona ** Craig Dennis Sommer Joseph Anthony Sopoliga Shanda Nakish Stevens Michael Russell Stewart Tomika R. Summers Robert Joseph Svoboda Daniel C. Thayer Philip Daniel Thisse Sarah Beth Tobias Thanh-Binh Nguyen Tran Kelly G. L. Waldrep Peter Lorentzo Walker Christopher William Garth Weedon Neil Anthony Weghorst Andrew Nelson Wood Shang Zhang * * ** * H* * College of Human Ecology JULIA R. MILLER, DEAN CANDIDATES -- SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 ** DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Interior Design * Amanda Kathleen Bailey Sara Bailey Della Estelle Bentley Joshua James Bogle-Brown Kelly Ann Brown Christina Marie De Ridder Lisa Ann DeCaire Jaimee Marie Eichorst * Amanda 1. Gale * Amy Elizabeth Garber * Megan Leigh Gricar * Dana Teryce Groat Stephen Michael Hall Shanna Kristin Henry Sarah 1. Isenga Scott James Jarzynka ** Emi Kano Elizabeth A. Kipke ** Melanie Danielle Kohn .. Theresa Michelle Krol Nicole Marie LaPointe Edwina Helene Rose LeNet Rebecca Ann McLennan * Kortney C. Nosakowski Laura J. Preston Karen Ann Redmond H** Michelle Renae Ringelberg * Jennifer Lynn Schlosser ** Marilyn K. Miller Smith Katherine Stirk Jenica Marie Swantek * Kelly Noreen Tiede Katherine Ann Tomko Thomas Gerard Tunk H Nicole Marie Villa Jennifer L. Weber * Amy Marie Williams NonaA. Zink Krista M. Zumbrink H** Dietetics Kristee Lou Arklie Melinda Kay Bess Tracie Jane Bock Laura Joann Budnik Marlene D. Caillouette Arianne Marie Coffman Meagen Ann Elms Danette M. Gilling Heather Renae Gittins Michael Todd Glasgow Erin Marie Gottry Michelle Lynn Hagerty Molly Kaye Hansen Sabrina Elisabeth Hathaway Jill L. Hirdes Meghan Elaine Hoffman Nicole B. Jacobson Milissa Jo Jonker Bridget Anne Kanitz T. David Koshizawa Emily Jeanne Kuilema Suk Ting Liu Laura Beth Martz Kelly Elizabeth McGraw Diana D. Mead Jessica Denise Miller Danielle E. Murray Susan Brooke Naboychik Rick David Nielsen Emily Susan Paxton Cynthia Frances Therese Pitz Carolyn Anne Reynaud Kristen Michelle Samulak Melanie Ann Shaffer Holly Noel Sharp Lesley Ann Shiery Billie Ann Silverthorn Nicole Marie Varady Lisa DeAnne Willis Jennifer Lee Wood Marisa Lynn Wright Anne Marie Yoder Family Community Services Michelle Lynn Adams Montrelle L. Baldwin * * * ** * * Darlese Louisa Barnes Nicole Saavedra Bradley Elizabeth Ann Buddenborg Jessica Erin Cain Elizabeth Louise Carter Steven Matthew Cato Shannon Elizabeth Cummings Kristen S. DeVries Garrett D. DeWitt Bonnie 1. Drzewicki Rebecca Jane Duncan Toni Minyon Evans Stephanie Lynn Feldpausch Courtney Leigh Fix Shamethia M. Fluker Alison Lynn Foote Kandace Friend Paula Lynn Ginther Cathy Ann Hargrove Ayesha R. Hill Dana JoAnn Holdsworth Stephanie Jo Hoxsey Amy Kathleen Jacobs Jill A. Jonatzke Cara M. Kane La Shonia Renee Leonard Colleen M. Lynch Briget Margaret-Colleen MacDonald Caralyn L. Margolis Pamela Rose Minifee Kristy Owens Nadia Leigh Perez Jamie Elizabeth Perry Yvonne Phillips LaKecia Michelle Powell Stacey Michelle Prange Maryann M. Pretko Gary Trafton Rogers Katherine L. Ross Nicole Tresa Sartor Lori Nicole Schaefer Janel Alison Shafto Niki Jo Spadafore Valerie M. Steele Kristina Marie Supanich Kari Ann Tucker CANDIDATES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Apparel and Textile Design JoLynn Michele Brubaker Joey Melissa Buchholz Rachael Meredith Carew ManHo Chow Laurie Ann Cornell Melanie Amerine Cumming Sarah Kathleen Dusseau Gretchen Marie Golnek Amanda Elizabeth Jewell ** Alison Michelle Mayer * Amy Elizabeth Olsen Cynthia Lanae Pannell * Amy Michelle Pautz Rebecca Lynn Schlosser Zinnia Miave Velez H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 34 * * * * * H** * * Child Development Melissa Rae Armstrong Jessica Marie Ash Janna Lynne Bainbridge Maytinee Bunluaphob Kathryn Ann-Marie Ciceri Liza Renee Crescentini Melissa Ann Cyrus Jessica Regina Dawood Laura Marie Diepenhorst Danielle Kay Emmi Julie Beth Falick Meghan Renee Flint Tricia Marie Lucy Forton Michelle Mary Gies Melissa Ann Gillespie * ** * * * Erin Leslie Gottleber Jennifer Marie Grabowski Molly Lind Jorgensen Melissa Sue Kabelman Kristin Mae Kelley Karen Lynn Knight Abigail Lyn Kolb Caroline Marie Liddil Kristin Sue Lorey Jessica Kay Malczyk Kerry McGill Hilary Lisa Lehman McKee Kristen Marie McKenzie Carrie Lynn Murphy Suzie Marie Murphy Michelle Lynn Murray * Colleen Renee Nauszelski H** Genevieve Ann Nordmark Erin MacDonald Peacock Valarie Ann Proudfoot Kate Lindley Purdy Aliina K. Puumala Raniah Samhan Jami Lyn Scott Laura Jennifer Skalsky Melissa Irene Stabler * Amy Marie Stajninger Michelle Leigh Sterner * Jennifer Nicole Towne * * Laura Ruth Truesdell * Abigail Noelle Williams Sarah Elizabeth Lillian Vandermissen LeKina MeSha Vaughn Shanita Lashelle Wade Home Economics Shauna Lynn Barge Jeanette Marie Gildersleeve Abbie Rebecca Stark Melissa Anne Tatu Julie Ann Warren Merchandi3ing Management Michael Lee Austin Sean Keith Bentley Matthew Paul Bonito Stacy Sue Boucher * Melinda Lea Burmeister Merideth Leigh Chopper April Joy Clark Jennifer Nicole Daniels Joyce Joanne Dauskurdas Shannon Leigh Dobrenick Cheryln Marie Drapiza Shenetta 1. Dudley Amanda Christine Dwyer Derek D. Ellison Madeline Marie Emery Emily Kristine Evatz Kathryn Marie Fase Jennifer Jordan Geiger * Jennifer L. Gerling Benjamin Thomas Glime Andrea Caryn Golding Elizabeth Sarah Gray Shawn Nicole Greenstein Jill Ann Halligan James D. Hayes John Baldomero Hoffschneider David Stephen Horvath Ryan Christopher Jager Jennifer Kay Jastrzebski Sorie Alpha Kanu Diane Kathy Kilianek Kimerly Oneaveious King Kellie 1. Kintigh Jason Ephraim Klein Kelly Ann Lennan Courtney Elizabeth Lisik Yi-Wen Liu Jacqueline Diane Lucas Paula M. Lutz Lemar Willie Marshall Kelly S. McCallum Ann Marie Mellenberger Jennifer Marie Melody Helen K. Oh Rachel Ann Queen Kyle R. Rance Carol A. Robertson Jason Allen Schaufele Amy Lynn Sklarczyk Valerie Lynn Slade Sarah Anne Somers Michael Robert Thomas Natalie Deniece Thomason Erin Kathleen Vranich Rosalyn Rochelle Williams Jill Elizabeth Wilson * Janna Michelle Wizen berg Jody Marie Wojcikiewicz Denise Erin Wrightman Sara Meghan Zonder H* H* * * H* H* Nutritional Sciences Shannon Monique Arana Kristen Danielle Bennett Louis Billet Neil Patrick Birmingham Jessica Ellen Byers Lindsey Elaine Corey Emily Anne Font Elizabeth Ann Gignac Richard Eric Hawes Dawn Michelle Hufnagel Milissa Jo Jonker Kristina Lynn Kelly Kelly Ann Misch Nicole S. Pefley Elana Leanne Pottorff Michael Edward Sarzynski Sean Donald Vandenboss Margaret Susanne Wolff SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Christie Ann Achenbach Sarah Elizabeth Adams Hayley Elyse Alekman Katie A. Allan Paige M. Allen Christie Louise Baranic Alles Nicole Lynn Amicangelo Dana Antoun Kofi Antwi Jf. . Kimberly Tina Austin Rebecca Elaine Barnhill Dorothy Benham Courtney L. Bentschneider Rachel Lynne Bertin Brigida B. Beverly Jaime Bisnack Kristina Marie Blotkamp Michelle Ann Bonacorsi Katharine Theresa Bowers Cedric Desmond Brown Myisha DeAnn Brown Mary Evelyn Brus Sarah Elizabeth Buckley Kelli Ann Burton Nina Michelle Buscemi Sarah Elizabeth Carley ** Kimberly Ann Carpenter Kathleen E. Carter Claudine M. Castanon David Michael Caulfield Samantha Sung-Me Choi Kathryn Kay Clark Sharon L. Mays Cole Jill Leigh Cox Amanda Martina De La Cruz Brittney Elizabeth Dipert Patricia Miles Dizon Season Megee Dlugoss * Sarah Kathleen Dodge Gretchen Lee Doherty H* Melissa Marie Douglas Jennifer Anna-Marie Dragt Tausha A. Drain Terri A. Eddy Dawn Marie Eingle Kelly Renee Farley Heather A. Fisher Katharine Collins Fitzpatrick Stacy Ann Freeman Jessica L. Fuller Audrey M. George Holly Hassler Giannestras Rebecca Louise Giffin Melanie Latashia Gilbert Katie Elizabeth Gorbach Amy Christine Griffin Meghan Ryle Groves H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 35 JAMES MADISON HUMAN ECOLOGY CANDIDATES - BACHELOR'S DEGREE Michelle Grunfeld Rebekah Michal Gute Jennifer Marie Hall Alana Rose Hanson Malinda Elizabeth Hawk Joy Marie Hecksel Erica L. Henn Elizabeth Anne Henry Dawn Hickey Shawna Marie Homan Jamelia Rose Hussin Nicole James Terri Lynn Johnson Tamiko Latoya Jones Olivia Patricia Kashat Amanda Morales Kennerly Jacqueline Kim Tiffany Renee Lake * Emily Brooke Lawrence My Jade Lien Lu X. Lin Colleen Renee Lindsay Sarah Elizabeth Losee Angela Eva Macias Rochelle Janae Mack Jill Renee Marshall Ivory R. McCoy Lisa M. McCoy Lisa May McCurdy Juanita D. McLemore H Hilary Miller Meagan M. Miller Lynn Cecilia Miner * Stacie Renee Mullins Jamie Ann Nix Kathleen A. O'Brien * Kristina Ann Paison Sarah Elizabeth Peer Melissa Ann Perry Christina Alexis Plonka Angela S. Porter Katherine Ann Renner Jeremy Charles Reuter John Bennett Rodgers Christie Marie Rokos Renee L. Rosenau * Nicole Suzanne Secord-Mozingo Erin Elizabeth Monya Semer Erin Michael Skelly Nicole Anne Smith Frank J. Snyder Stephanie Lynn Stoddard Tracy Strait Annemarie Strom Michelle Lynn Terpening Sejal Anosh Thakkar Stacy Lynn Tippen * Elizabeth Jeanette Tylawsky Leah Dawn Van Buren Gina Marie Ventura Melanie Nicole Verdell Carolyn Anne Vessechia ** Corie Lundy Vitton ** Kristen Leigh Wieferich Megan M. Witt Nicole May Wong Rachel N. Yensz SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE * Sol N. Anderson Luciana Furtado Bezerra Kristi E. Chernoff Gina Christine Dawson Shevon C. Elam Jennifer Marie Fincannon Jordan Michael Harris * Jeffrey David Hyslop Melissa Iqbal Amy Ann Kalarickal Laura Christine Khalil Kendra Jo Kimbirauskas Courtney Elise Leh Steven J. Luck Kathryn Elizabeth Milz H* Paul Mircea Orzea * Darick Alexander Peplinski Jayce Charles Pilar Sydney Dionna Plant * Jill Ann Schrems Rebecca Alison Shea Cheri Nicole Simmons * Mark Allen Spykerman Carolyn Marie Werschler Evan Louis Wight College of Natural Science GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS James Madison College H** SHERMAN W. GARNETT, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 ** DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Michelle Therese Aaron H* Pamela Lynn Abbey Melissa Marie Anderson H** Emily Ballenberger Bryan Mather Barnard Matthew Ryan Barnes H* Alyssa Marie Baumann Jennifer A. Benkarski Lance T. Binoniemi Kimberly Anne Bishop * Jonathan Franklin Bockelman Mark Bookholder Jennifer Lynne Buckman Amanda Dawn Bunker Amber Nicole Burke H** I Jun Catherine Chen Abby Beth Churilo Akilah Masani Clarke Matthew L. Classens Steven Lewis Cole Joshua Carlos Curd Alissa Katherine DeGrow Emily Margaret Eshenroder H* Amanda Leigh Espitia Kamahra Ewing Andrea M. Faes Dawn Fleminger H** Shonda Michel Gilliland Melissa Diane Green Laurel Kathleen Greenwood Matthew Groen * Christina Marie Grossi Jeremy Andrew Haines H* Jason Xavier Hamilton Kristin L. Hartgrove * Jodi Lynn Hascher Joshua Andrew Hearshen Christene Binh-An Pham Henning Sarah Katherine Hodges Andrea M. Hopkins Carolyn Ann Hribar Alicia N'Kai Ingram Emily Therese Jackson Karen Michelle Kampa Joshua Ryan Keagle Carolyn Ann Kendall * Scott Thomas Keys Kersten Kimmerly Margaret Ellen Klaviter Annie Kobliska-Becker * Kathryn Louise Koenig H* Andrew Karl Krepps H Frank Michael Kunz Jr. H** Luke Alan Lantta Kristine Rose Lawless Sean Patrick Leidigh Whitney Logsdon * Shana Elizabeth Long Joshua David Madlinger Rita Mant Noah Marshall-Rashid Jennifer E. Matthew Julie Miriam Mazrum Colleen Marie McLennan Kendra Leigh Meyer H H* H* H** * H* * Jaclyn A. Miel-Uken Tiffany Charlet Mixon Kelly Anne O'Connell Mlynarek Ryann Opal Moore Kevin Patrick Murphy Tiffany C. Parker Jason Michael Parko Mehridith Ann Philips Amanda Diane Phillips Traci Ellen Pichler Luseni Joe Pieh Joseph Paul Pittel III James Taft Polson III Jeanne Elizabeth Raven Dana Aaron Rice Lindsey Rene Robbins Amy Michael Roemer Kathleen Coletta Romig Elissa Anne Rossetti Jeffrey Donahue Roth Dena Ursula Saines Benjamin Todd Salba Meghan Anne Schlicher Jason Christopher Schoenborn Joy Posey Seletsky Timothy Senk Jeong Hoon Seo Mandy Danielle Shellnut Stephanie Mandeville Shepherd Aubri Nicole Sheremet Brooke Sabrina Sherline H** Joshua Harry Siegel H Jessica Joy Snowden Hilary Abigail Starks Michael Alan Sternberg Rahsaan Khurron Stone Jacquelyn Sutherby Erin JoAnn Swihart * Michael Patrick Swistak Kendall Omar Sykes Seema Rani Taneja Bonni L. Taylor H** Barbara Jean Telck * Jonathon Eric Trionfi Jennifer Leone Vallier Ellen Marie VanCleave Sarah A. Vander Wal * Ryan Zackary Vilnius Hans David Vreibel Wesley William Wade Frank Chase Wade IV Shane N. Waller Tasha Helen Washington-Taylor Scott David Watkins Michael James Webber Lisa Beth Weinstein Tracy Samantha Weiss Erin Dolores Wenglekowski BernaDeane Ann Wing Robert J. Wise Jennifer Michelle Wood H** Adam LaFerriere Wright H** * Chemistry Shannon Beth Carpenter Eric Lawrence Dane Jennifer Suzanne Doss Melissa L. Ducker Jeffrey Norman Dzingle Justin Colby Ford Natalie Rose Gassman Jennifer Lee Grose Jason Adam Jucius 36 Scott Richard Smith * Joseph Norman Trommater Suzanne R. Tudor Uchenna E. Turner Paris DeVon Vaughn Mathematics Julie Marguerite Archer ** Megan Helene Clarke Kerry Elizabeth Colenso Timothy Joseph Fleming Jennifer Houchard * Robert George Su Brian Mark VanderBee Physics Charles Belinsky ** Brian Kenneth Williams DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Astrophvsics Jessica Anne Fournier Brent C. Hickmott Troy Allen Holcomb Ana Maria Rosas H** Stelios Andreou Tsangarides H Dave Vuletich H Christopher Z. Waters H* H H** H* H* Biochemistry Fauzi Ateeq Alhumaidi Mark Alan Bewernitz Catherine J. Book Stacey Michelle Carbeno Signe Christian Carlson Alison Clare Domzalski Kristen Adam England Alia Vashti Hecht Hinz C. Alan Kachel Robert Raymond Kehrer Piro Lito ~ Andrew John Losiniecki Curtis Reid Pickering Sarah Ann Ranke Stacey Cathleen Smith Sophia Toi Williams Kevin James Wright Biochemistry/Biotechnology H** Andrew James Antczak Emma K. Barnafo H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor * Zachary Aaron-Francis Kistka Jamie Lee Kober Michelle Lynn Langone Allison Lynn Larson Brian Thomas Mainguy Todd Duane Marsh Melissa Anne Salenbien Fontaine Jacob Sheffey III Stephen Matthew Kidd Yuichirou Okawa * Benedikte Rosenlund Ryann Loren Russell H* Brook Andrew Woolley ** * H* H H Biological Science Ryan Robert Anderso11 Kathleen Mary Belanger Matthew Joseph Bozung Reana L. Chope Melissa Jill Fischer Matthew Robert Goebel Margene Ellen Goecker Laura Elizabeth Holen Leah Claire Howard David Michael Larrabee Adrianne S. Lyon Margaret Erin Milligan Tracy L. Ross Aaron Robert Tallman Botany and Plant Pathology H* Jo Ann Elizabeth Asselin * * Amanda Alane Borel Allison Louise Hopkins * Dawn Ann Langdon Carolyn Louise Omana Michael Lawrence Robbins Lindsay Lee Stafford Zachary J. Teachout Jon D. Treloar Chemical Physics H Dave Vuletich * H* H* H* * Chemistry Lydia Pandza Beaudrie Rodney Ervin Goller Jr. Molly Patricia Kraus Kelly Christine Le Boeuf Julia N. Letoutchaia Michael S. Mackert Kristy Ann Malak Amy Catherine McAdam Chad Douglas Moore Christopher Michael Pavlos Richard M. Peterson Samantha May Shore Christina Marie Strautman Robert Topalo Clinical Laboratory Sciences Jeremiah E. Betron Sara A. Jones Kristin L. Kantz Jason D. Kretchman Deleah Nicolle Samuel * Kristine W. Smith * Erica Michelle Westley Computational Mathematics Roshonda Denise Brown Matthew David Engler Ebony Lakika Peebles Christopher Lee Tyler Earth Science Lori Ash Stephen Christopher Barr Diane M. Franklin Jerad J. Konwinski Chadwin Edward Kotke Tara L. LaPointe William Michael Logan ** Amy Lynn Maurer Curtis E. Refior Heather Lynn Wilson Entomology * Erik Scott Foster * Charles Henry McKeown Environmental Biology! Botany and Plant Pathology * Bethany C. Hanna Benjamin Robert Ryan Munn Environmental Biology! Microbiology Joel Ralph Underwood H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 37 NATURAL SCIENCE NATURAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Environmental Biolof:J!lZooloflJ! Wade Aaron Bauer Michael L. Belcher H* Denise L. Blakely Jessica Rose Briggs Amy Sue Francisco Derek William Freridge ** Matthew William Ingram Lynn Knapp Theresa E. Kubish Brandi A. LaVack Ian Robert Olsen Jeri Michelle Pickens Courtney L. Schulte E.nvironmental Geosciences Carmen Rose Bourne Michael Adam Castillo H** John Michael Ranck Robert Steven Rybinski Troy Stuart Sclafani Gregory Anthoni Tomasik General ScienceInterdel2artmental Jean Elizabeth FantleLepczyk Geological Sciences Paul Justin Dockweiler Gregory Anthoni Tomasik H ** * H* * H** H* * * * * * H* Human Biology. Corey L. Allen Dani Aronoff Eric Andrew Barstad Valerie Marie Behrenwald Lisa Marie Beverwyk Jonathan Carl Bixby Kent Calvin Bowden Michael Charles Brenner Jennifer Rachael Brown Matthew David Brown Jeneita Marie Caldwell Ann Marie Cieszkowski Nicole Ellen Collins Yvette Adrienne Copeland Schvon Leigh Cummings Laura Marie Dinger Jamie Evangeline Ecker Kathryn Elizabeth Edwards Kelly Allison Evans Joshua Ross Farthing Andrea Claire Gaines Charise Dawnette Gerdes Emily Elizabeth Gibson Dorian Delynn Hackney Robert A. Hale Sean M. Hanley Bradley Edward Heth Jaime Lynn Hope Carolyn Elizabeth Hornyak Todd Horowitz Kenneth A. Learn Keith Alfonso Alvarez Llanto Charles Ludeke Loredo Adam Ryan Mandziuk Marcus John Marlow Lisa Ann Maul H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 38 H Sarah Kelly McCann Ryan Callahan McKennon Casey Anne Messinger Lon Barton Robert Murphy ** Becky Ann Myers Derrick Nnabuife Okonmah Nicole Lee Palmer H** Zachary Scott Peacock Navin Joe Penvari Timothy Wallace Pike Pegah B. Rachedi LaReina Emma Reid Angela Marie Rekuc H Amy Nicole Rice H Natasha Chang-Yu Skogerboe Lee Ann Stewart Wendy Nicole Stratton H** Paul Henry Sufka Stephanie Rose Sumner Jessica Lynn Ward Brian Alexander West H** Alanna Joy Wiarda * Alan Scott Christopher Wilson Rebecca Geralyn Woodford LYP1an Briggs School H James Michael Anderson H** Christine M. Babcock H* Brian Joseph Bakofen Michael Harry Beasley John Edward Bechill III Kristin Kay Beckner Wendy Elizabeth Bennett Stacy Nichole Bienkowski H** Matthew Scott Blessing H Levi D. Boldt Jennifer Lynn Bommarito * Vincent Daniel Borla Gina Louise Brooks H* Gregory Roger Brown Alexis R. Burns * Bridget Lynette Bushon Tracy Jean Casault H** Emily Marie Daligga ** Natalie Anne Debernardi Valerie A. Decker H** Kristina A. Derhammer H Rosanne C. Dobrzelewski Pearl Dua Melissa L. Ducker Jennifer Elizabeth Dudley Steven David Dworman Erika Lynn Dyke * John Michael Fallucca H** Erin Michele Finn Jeanette L. Flick H** Tyra Lynn Frazier Dena Rae Galgoci H Sarah Marie Garbrecht ** Daniel A. Gawne H Tracey Marie Haslitt Terrell Lee Holland Chad Steven Holovach Carrie Lee Huber Emilie Elizabeth Kahn Ana Maria Kelly Andrew Harry Kotsis H David M. Kovacs * Jeremy Louis Kramer Nathan A. Kuhl H** Catherine A. Kulp H** Jennifer Susan Kushion Lisa Marie Labadie Kathleen M. MacLauchlan Stacie Aubrey Maddock H* Joseph John Maleszewski H** Denise Kathleen Malkowski * Christopher Michael Manley * Amber L. McLean Trisha Marie McNair Mark Cameron Mering John Miller Jr. H* Toni Lyn Morelli H Lisa Maureen Mullen Hideyuki Nakajima H** Aaron Lane Alexander Nelson Sarah Nicole Nickles H* Joanna Lynne Nigrelli H Mathew S. Owens * Nathaniel Alan Ponstein H* Andre G. Pulford Jeremy David Raleigh Steven Ray Jeremy Michael Roberts * James R. Roede Kelly Corinne Ross * Scott Eric Schwartz H Pete Serbedzija Sarah Lynne Shupe H Meghan K. Smith Michelle Leanne Smith Felicia Michelle Sperber * Jason Mark Stryd H* Teresa Sophia Taylor ** Aaron James Trionfi H** Prashant Vaishnava Rachel Andis Valley Michael Joseph Vespremi Kerri Ann Walsh * Barbara Ann White Denise Marie Wyatt Matthew R. Ziemke H** H* * * ** H* Mathematics Emily Anne Bennett Nina Carolyn Brown Bradley A. Brundage Andrew Norman Burch Karla Dingman Jeffrey David Elgas Brent Richard Goode Angela Bree Inman Regina Latrice Mallett Brad Joseph Marinich Jennifer Renee Whipple Marsh Ruth Moore Lan Thi Kim Nguyen Nicholas Mark Niederquell Ryan Michael Ruhala Dana Jane Stapleford Christopher Ray Swart Kathy Suzanne Uptigrove Sarah Elizabeth Wendling Timothy Michael Wildey ** ** H * ** H* H** * H** * * Medical Technology. Ngozi Amanze Keshia Yolanda Bell Sharon Ann Berger Katherine Theresa Bida Keisha Rene Bowman Christina Rosa Bozzo Brian D. Bugaiski John-Raul Peter Buison Howard James Burgess III Angie Marie Curtis Melodee Therise Dudley Devon Rapaport Glass Sara Gean Heeg Nikki Vernique Johnson Casey Edward Kandow Beverly Ann Kasler Bart Anthony Leonard Melinda D. McGhee Angela Marie McGregor Michelle A. McGregor Angela Katherine Myers John Matthew Parent Aaron M. Pokorny Marisol Sanchez Jennifer Lynn Schlais Sonia Serrano Jeff Edward Shettler Trang Thu Tran Hue Ngoc Vuong Erin Marie Ware Hadi Hasan Yahya Rosanna Yu Microbiology. Milton Ballard Heather R. Beers Ross Alan Duliban Nicole LeeAnn Frantz Cody Alan Frasz Lora Eileen Hanson Paul Richard Himes Cory Anthony Jones Shoshanna Ruth Kesten Anthony Joseph Meram Roxie Marie Nelson Obianuju Helen Nnama Michelle Leigh Pariseau Eric James Peters Amy Lorraine Reamer Elizabeth Ann Reimbold Andrew J. Riddle Caryn R. Rothrock Kristina Lynn Scott Ralph B. Smith Jessica Kate Snyder Physical Science Scott Allen Meade Daniel Guillermo Rich Physics Jason Boyer James R. Gervasi Bryan Nicholas Harris Desmond Wayne Kursinsky H** Scott R. Lawton Daniel Anthony Lemieux H** Joshua Lee Roebke H* Brian Thomas Roeder Carissa Ann Stark ** H** H* * H* H** H* ** H** H H* ** H** PhvsioloflJ! Scott Anthony Barnes F. Michael Bechtel Jeremy Scott Bedtelyon Nathanael Steven Brady Amanda J. Bular Eric Scott Colby Michael Douglas Connor Christopher M. Coppins Andrea Eve Craparotta Trevor Matthew Cummings Jacqueline Sue Dascola Andrew David Egger Carrie Leigh Elston Kathryn Anne Evans Christina M. Felcyn Justin Colby Ford Michelle Marie Fuerst Regina Patrice Grove Lee Rodney Haselhuhn Wendy Marie Holmes Patrick J. Hook Jason Shaun Inman Elizabeth Ann Irish Sara Marie Jehl Karitsa Eileen Koski Joseph George Kovacic Ferry Lili John Richard Ludtke Kelly M. McKinney Reena Raj Modi Heather Elizabeth Patzer Nathan George Potance Emily Suzanne Quackenbush Danielle Theresa Rafols Tiffany M. Ramsey H** Jennifer L. Rogers Christine Marie Stell * Jennifer Lynne Stump Dana Elise Sumida Angela Marie Sutton Doraine Marie Swift ** Troy Kuhio Takagishi Timothy Joseph Tobolic II Michael John Trembowicz * Kelley Nash Wachsberg Janice R. Williams H* Stephen A. Young Eva M. Zobian Statistics ** Yin Mei Lau Zoo 10 flJ! H* Kelly Anne Atchison H Cassondra Ann Bauer Alyssa Renee Beher Tiffany Kathleen Bender Kristine R. Bennett H Christina Ann Besonen H* Gretch en J. Bl uett Andrew Michael Brinker David Andrew Buist Elliott Bruce Burton Elizabeth Ann Dawson Sara Beth Demlow H** Sheela Marie Doshi Arnie Michelle Elve H** Jessica Ann Emerson Luke Anthony Fedewa Tammy Elizabeth Fogler * Jessica Lynn Forshee Dorothy Bertron Foy Troy Michael Percival Frayer ** Michelle Marie Fuerst Thomas Bryce Gawel H* Kevin R. Guse Kelly Michele Hardy Angie Renee Hastings Fredrick Karl Hingst III Corinne Danielle Hughes Megan Diane Hughes Denise Ann Hutchins H* Andrea D. Jenkins Justin Curtis Jones Darren Bradley Kalis H* Karen Marie Kapheim H Aimee C. Kiefer * Aubrie Anna King H* Jason Russel Koopman Margaret Rose Levigne H Fatema M. Mamou Nicole Marie Mastropietro Patrick Michael McKenney H* Courtney J. McKenzie Elisha Ann McNamara Abigail Elizabeth Meiers * Jason Alan Mishal Stephanie Alana Mott ** Jennifer Elizabeth Muehlhaus Joshua Newth Beth Robyn Nudelman Julie Kay Nye Denise Elaine Rose Olle H** Sarah Anne Oros * Kimberly Jo Parks Aaron Charles Patrick Kellie Lee Putney Erin S. Quinn La' Kisha Marie Randolph Jason Thomas Ratkowski H** Emily Marie Reamer Jerry Ray Redding II Kelli Marie Richmond Amanda Sue Rivette Garry Whalen Rogers H** Heather Elizabeth Ross * Robin Marie Roth Robert M. Shrier Samuel D. Sischo Kevin Christopher Snow * Sarah Anne Stella Jill Marie Stepnitz * Gregory Paul Stromberg Michele Marie Sturgeon ** Kana Takahashi Billeta Gwenel Taylor Rebecca M. Teahen Beth Alise Tetrault Meghan Elizabeth Umstead H** Harper C VanSteenhouse H** Elizabeth Anne VanWormer Rachel Lynne Walega Sara Elizabeth Weaver * Carl J. Weideman Erin Kerry Welsh Frank Joseph Williams Robbie Jade Wong Kelly Joyce Yeager Hilary Ellen Zettel CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Laura Albin Zikar Ali Robin Jason Allen Ryan Amman Erika Joy Archer Christopher Lawrence Arne H Ed D. Bailey David Richard Beck Kathryn Antoinette Bembas Tricia Lynn Bennett George L. Bennett V Douglas Charles Biehl II Marie Lynn Blanch Danielle M. Bowling H** John P. Brandenburg Matthew Robert Brereton Julie Marie Brock Michelle Diana Brown Jessica Marie Burtrum Amy Lynn Campbell Sunandana Chandra Yik-Hang Cheung Mary Rebecca Chomas Karen Marie D' Andrea Benjamin Franklin DeHoog Naida Didic Elizabeth L. Doe Tanaya Celise Everson H H H** * Robert H. Fessler Anna Willette Fleischman Brian J. Galdis Robert Andrew Gardula Christopher Ryan Garth Timothy Aaron Gendler William Bradley Francis Gerbe Michelle Anne Giangacomo Renael L. Glover Kenya Gray Angela K. Gribble Elina M. Grigsby Jill Ann Gudding Kelli L. Hammond John Herman Kri sta L. Hindman Errett C. Hobbs Glenda Simone Holland Elizabeth Mary Holmes Alexander Hosser Carrie Ann Hubbarth Erin Amanda Hunt Elizabeth Grace Idzikowski Natasha Margaret Isaacs Jason Rodger Jabara Sheila Marie Jackson Jeffrey Louis Kagan Doris Nkatha Kalweo Erin Kathleen Kelly Jennifer Elizabeth Kent Amber Victoria Kewin Shannon Dawn LaLonde Courtney M. Lee John William Longcore Monica Ann MacCarroll Nathan A. Mann Heather Lynn Maul H* Amy Catherine McAdam Kyle Patrick McGill Michael L. Meyer Dawn Meyka Tomoko Miyakawa Kelly Marie Moore H Allison Ray Myers Damon La Var Nesby Jason Newman Emily Anne Nitsch Sarah Ann Norris Lester V. Ostrander III Ryan Ross Otter Melinda Dianne Oxender KwanYoung Park Sharon Kaye Parks Thomas M. Parsons Kelli Marie Pearce H Danielle C. Pellek * * * * H* H** Gia Phung Thi Pham Jessica Alane Portolese Kristine L. Rajzer Shannon Marie Rauner Andria Yvonne Reynolds Christopher Jackson Ritchie Richard Steven Schultz Michael Scott Shaker Kevin D. Shearer Rayne M. Sherman Meghan K. Smith Janaia Stegger Jessica Michelle Styles Kurt C. Swendsen Stacy L. Szappan Jillian Lynne Taylor Kyla Nichelle Taylor Rachel Leigh Thompson Brian Michael Topping Cheryl D. Trevino Keo Vai1g Vincent Russell Vatter Lori Elizabeth Viculis Justin Thomas Whitney Christopher P. Wilkinson Wade A. Williams Scott Tennent Wilson Nicole Marie Woods Rebecca Lauren Zader H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 39 College of Nursing SOCIAL SCIENCE MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING ** * * * * Elizabeth Mary Alling Marcia Monique Andrews Julie Nadine Baerman Jill Renae Baker Cecily Anne Barnes Jennifer Lynn Behmlander Jaime Lee Bera Michelle Beth Bivens Holly Beth Blake Natalie Jane Cordero Stephen R. Cousineau Caroline Ann Curtin Emily Beth Cyberski Jennifer Sue Daly Leisa E. Davis Nicole Ruth Eisenbeis Lindsay Nicole Fisher Angela Christine Fortunato ** Celeste Leigh Gaiser Patricia Ann Geiger Paula Lynn Ginther Lindsay Renee Glassner Dawn Gonzales * Christine Ann Gordon Erin Marie Gottry * Erika A. Greene Nicole Lynn Hatchew Patricia Hodskins Rebecca Jean Hubble Michael R. Jalaba Deborah Ann Jones Meghaen Jordan * Carly Rose Kaminski Ehron Joseph Kaska Kendra Grace Kipp Nicole Elizabeth Knippenberg CANDIDATE - Emily Marie Knoll Jennifer Lynn Kowalski Ryan T. Krafft * Faith Michelle Krymis H* Angela Anne Lang David Robert Loveland Rebecca L. Loveland Adam Jacob March Theresa Jae Matusik Amanda D. McCrumb * Alana Marie McManus Erin Kathleen McNulty Tara Lynn Meredith Sarah JoNam Miller Heather Lynn Mills * Marie Lyn Nielsen Carrie Anne Pappenheimer Gina Marie Peruchietti * Karen Jane Peterson * Amanda K. Poling Kathryn A. Provenzano Rebecca Lynne Riggs Michelle Marie Rolland * Sarah Christine Rose H Karen Gail Schulz H* Sarah Ruth Shill air Jennifer Lynn Smith * Yolanda H. Solis Darcey Lynne Stewart Kristin Michelle Tebbetts Karina Torres Chau Thi Tran * Jena Rae Wantor * Laura B. Wozniak * Tracie Lynne Yost SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 Laura Elaine Draft GARY A. MANSON, ACTING DEAN Illterdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Torrie Javon Bernard Todd Michael Grooten SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * ** H** H** H* * H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 40 Criminal Justice Theresa Ozobiara Achusim Joy Marie Allen Scott Michael Bae Quaylynn C. Barden John James Beecher Jr. Tom Jordan Berman Anthony David Berthiaume Jason J. Biddington James Joseph Blackburn Lisa Lynn Bos Ryan Duane Bostain Milam Jerome Brooks JoAnn Brown Michelle Mary Brya Stephanie R. Buckner Denice Marie Burns Jason Earl Burroughs Michael John Caminidi Scott William Campau Daniel John Christenson Brian Czubak * Stephanie R. Dennocenzo Caryn Anne DeWitt David P. Dilland Broderick V. Dwyer Lael Hunter Eason Karen Elo Kevin Douglas Farnham Kevin Andrew Frey Amanda R. Gilson Eric S. Godlewski Scott Michael Goings Richard M. Green Amanda Renee Grube Brian William Hagler * Bradley Ryan Hall Elizabeth A. Hallberg Andrew Don Hartwig Mark Peyton Hayes Alan William Heath II Thomas Michael Hill Thomas William Hudson Marcus Edwin Johnson Megan Elise Kanakis Edward Francis Kardelis H Aimee C. Kiefer Jammie L. Kincaid * Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Chadwick Ryan Olson College of Social Science Anthropolof:Y Dana Nicole Abro Jason Freeman Bever Barbara Sue Bordener Lisa M. Buckner Jennifer Michelle Dale Howard Douglas Fan Julie Ann Farr LaVera Kay Fish Jessica Gross Nathan D. Harbison Jody M. Harnish Jaclyn Elizabeth O'Toole Lillis John P. Lorinskas Jennifer Jerusha Marcy Sarah A. McIntyre Leah Elizabeth Merz Lisa Anne Patterson Erin Elizabeth Salisbury Angela Marie Swider Kelly Nicole Urbaniak Katarzyna Agnieszka Zebrak * Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Communitv Relations Jill Elaine Behnke Juliana N. Crenshaw Kristin Ann Forster Michelle Jacobsen Bonnie Crysta Maschke Durriyyah Renae McGee Megan Lee Nekola Erin Renee Veliquette David Alexander Yankech BACHELOR'S DEGREE CANDIDATES - * * Criminal Justice (Continued) Katherine Elizabeth Scully Emily Suzanne Shipley Joshua Ryan Smith Tamaran Brooke Smith Todd Christopher Smith Edward F. Smith III Nicole Marie Strachan Stephen Mark Stypinski Angela Marie Swider Krystal Renee Teamer Shauna Amy Trompeter Richard Allen VanGessel Jr. Brandon M. Welch Brian Lewis Wells Mark Steven Wells Cherro L. West Mary Ann Williams Daniel Robert Young Cynthia Renee King Christy Nichole Kloack Angela Rae Kortman Lindsey Anne Kotarski Katherine A. Kovach Sarah A. Latta Daniel Jean LeBlanc Okey M. Manning Jr. Scott Harold May * Bryan Thomas McPherson Patrick Richard McPherson Joseph Matthew Melcher Beth Ann Marie Miller Andrew J. Ozanich Erik Michael Pink Joshua William Plummer * Stacy Prescott * Chrystal Charice Price Jeffrey Mark Rolf Martina Roth Stacey R. Rowland Ryan Corbin Ruttan Matthew Scott Schaberg Brian R. Sciberras Illterdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciellce-Human Resources and Societv * Leslie Nicole Barner Robert Edward Batterham Lesley-Anne Brager Patrick J. Casey Michael Chappell Veronica Renee Cribbs Karen S. DeVault Tabatha Denise Dixon Thomas Eugene Enterline Clenetta Marie Frazier Julie M. Hanson Wendy Lynn Harms Heather Starr Heeren Nicole Renee Huey Andrew Harvey Hunt * Kelerin Elizabeth Jerden Jennifer Lynn Keenan Jessica Lin Krajniak Jennifer Marie Lasky Jared N. Lawton Nicole Marie Lewinski Kristina Ann Monett Jamie Beth Neeland Lisa Mae Ochmanek Suzanne K. Ogbu Jenny Rebecca Pease Kelly M. Rankin-Gomez Kari Michelle Roberts Joseph A. Roeder Judy A. Roys Von yea Nicole Ruff * Melanie Anita Siler Sharonda D. Tinsley Mary Colleen Topolinski Robert Paul Tremp Jr. Matthew Joseph Vosburg * Robert E. Wood Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Pooja Adhikary Nathaniel Joseph Bell H* Sarah Beverly Blakeslee HAnna S. Desmarais Annette Mary Drummelsmith Michael Francis Adam Ehlers Kyle Nicholas Lafler * Lindsay Marie LeClair Keiko Mizota Kendra J. Soule John Raymond Welch H** Toby Adam White Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Law and Society Joseph M. Albosta Lisa A. Brownridge John Stephen Dolembo Tamia Nicole Edwards Kelly Ann Flahive Marcella J. Kirk Ronald Robert Kotrba Sean David Melville ** William Timothy Pruitt Robin Michelle Rumpf Jill Banbury Sestok Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Public Policy Studies * Zachary Martin Bremer Todd L. Church * Stacy L. Fisher William C. Hunter Sara Brianne Katona ** Laura Lynn Bobrowicz Romzek Political Science Mary Katherine Brown Joshua Robert Courval Jamie L. Curtis Robert Charles De Nio Devon Elizabeth Hill Paul Robert Hoffer Erin E. Hogarth William C. Hunter John William Inhulsen Kurt D. Isler Melissa Elisa Johnson * Theodore J. Lawless Cassandra Elizabeth Mandas Ryan Jon Olds Adam Benjamin Scheinfield Amy Lynn Sedlar Jessica Stauffer Thomas Linn Stroble Sarah Elizabeth Trimner Lewis A. Wood III * * * * H** * * H** H* Political Science-Prelaw Delia Christine Allen Jessica Ann Barber Robert James Blackwell Shaun R. Blake Matthew John Bratsburg Kevin Michael Burns Jordan J. Carriveau Brian John Catanese Colleen Rene Cleary Stephanie R. Dennocenzo Amy Beth Fajnor-Strong Victoria Louise Geddis Zita Anne-Kathleen Gregg Ahmed Makzum Hassouna Dario Demetrius Ianni Joshua Reese Lounsbury Stephanie Marino Sarah Lynn Moss Seiji A. Murakishi Benjamin A. Newman Rebecca Ann Olsen Stacy Prescott Mark G. Pritzlaff Ryan James Riehl Hassan A. Shad Michael Paul Shepherd Derrick Deshawn Smith Douglas W. Voigt Heather Marie West Kristin L. Zolnoski Psycholof:Y Sarah Elizabeth Abbott Jessica Ruth Ahlstrand Branden L. Alvarez April Ann Ayers Janna Frances Bartalone Crystal M. Barwick Claudia Ann Blasen Jaime Aracely Blunden Jennifer Lynn Boyd Robert Douglas Boyd Karimah Sharifa Brown Denice Marie Burns Rachel Anne Calcaterra Julia Marie Carafelli Ellen Ann Carncross Adrienne N. Chapman Abby Danielle Cypher Michelle Ann Davis H* Robert A. Dietzel * Kristian Paul Dunn Heather Susann Ezell Brian Findlay Heather Joelle Fleming Angela S. Flintoft Dylan Rose Foster-Duel ** ** ** * * ** * ** * ** * * * Daydra Ann Fraley Jamie L. Furst Damon Richard Gardner Benjamin Joseph Gawle Ebony Latreice Gladney Nerissa Rae Goodrich Sarah Marie Goodyear Lisa Marie Grescowle Todd Michael Grooten Carolyn Marie Harnick Aaron Robert Holmes Jenny L. Howell Amanda Marie Hudgens Latoria Johnson Hudson Lindsey A. Janz Tiffany Lynn Karol Lindsay Marie Keener Kristopher Charles Kleinschmidt Julie Anne Korhonen Sarah Joyce Kovach Neo Oddette Kowa Julie A. Krum Katie Ann-Elizabeth Kuck Emily Anne LaMar Sarah Elizabeth Lambarth Sarah Elizabeth Lantzy Michelle Ann Loeffler Ann Marie Lundberg Emily Jean Maloney Timothy Henry McCarthy Jr. Jessica H. McDonald Stephanie Meagan Merkey Gordon Tracy Miles III Sarah Ann Mueller Kenneth M. Nufiez Martin Passeggiato Stephanie Michele Peralta Heather Maureen Porro Kyle Stephanie Pund Jeremy James Rexford Courtney Ruoff Ana Lucia de Azevedo Senna Mindy Jo Seyka Eric Edward Silk Meredith Tisell Smith Patrick Snyder Jill Blythe Sprague Sarah E. Steinbauer Paul Angelo Talerico Cristina Marie Toner Anna Arminda Voss Beth Ann Wamback Andrea Rene Elizabeth West Cherro L. West Jennifer Marie Williams Renee Lourdes Yaldoo Melissa Elizabeth Yonker Kathryn Lea York Public Administration and Public Policy Stacey Lyn Beduhn Patrick H. Hamacher Sean Matthew Hogan Jacquelyn Dougletta Miller Judy A. Roys H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 41 F SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Social Work Rhonda Mae Atkins H** Melissa Ranee Bailey Amanda Rae Batenburg Melissa Lynn Bauman Janelle Renee Beckman Christine Adeline Bell Rachel Leigh Bellaver * Bradley William Brus Julie Christine Burgess ** Kelly Lynn Butkowski Emily Marcene Campbell Akilah Masani Clarke DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Karen R. DeMots Stacy L. Fisher Erin Elizabeth Hahn Ahnuh Lynn Hayes Rachel Hood Stacie Iezzi Tara A. Jones Octavia D. C. Love H* Susan Mickelson ** Diane Elizabeth Pizzo Kellie Nicole Podehl Sandra K. Schaefer Kelly Lynn Schripsema Joshua Mark Smith Kristy Lynn Stenzel Ronnie Tyson Yvonn Candic VanArsdale Jessica C. Warren Christina Zapata * * * H* * Sociology Robert James Blackwell Michelle R. Boeving * Thomas Franklin Daugherty Traci Ann Ellicott Erin M. Halfmann Megan K. Ingber * Dayle Lee Jackson Michael E. Kaminsky Rudi Mauch Rachada Milan D'Shay Page H** Juliana Beth Pierce Stephanie Ann Schmidt Jill Banbury Sestok Suneil Singh Theresa Szokola Psychology (Continued) Mark Steven Wells * William W. Willingham Sara Marie Wright * Eric M. Young Sociology Erik M. Boone Charles Arthur Carter Jeanette Kay Nowacki CANDIDATES - Urban and Regional Planning * Stacy Marie Cibula Sean Colin Gambrel Matthew James Herrnen Bradley Joseph Musinski Rodolfo Nino Jr. Eric 1. Schermer Helen Marie Sharpley Christopher Eric Strayer Jared Timothy Voice SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 BACHELOR'S DEGREE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Annette Cimaroli Keith Edward Demchinski ** Kristin Marie Glass * Andrew Thomas Heffner Matthew John Horney Phillip John Hutchinson Charles W. Jacobs Kelly Lee Karp Daniel Edward Miller III Maggie Sue Murawski Kei Osada * Christina Marie Ratkos Michelle Marie Rentner Joshua Michael Richards Aaron T. Shier * Tiffany Ann Smith * Amy Tomion Transue Kurt Charles Vomfell H** * DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anthropology Ghausia Masood Ali Stephen M. Andris Shana Lynn Clemente Pang Cheng Xeng Hang Christine Michelle Pink Geographv H* Leah Elizabeth Merz Matthew James Mitroka Darin Geoffrey Parent Lynn Marie Ray Michael P. Woods Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Community Relations Jasmin Martell Alverson Theresa Michelle Bass Katherine Jayne Delaney * Carey Lynn Haller Samuel Chace Wakefield III Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Cheryl Anne Bashur Luke Louis Lori * Heather Eve McLeod Scott Michael Nigoff Jason Matthew Pflaum * Barry Louis Stiefel Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Ghausia Masood Ali Elizabeth Lynn Battaglieri Lakisha Jeanette Burton H* Teresa Marie Evans Caryn 1. Flowers Kenyatta Garner H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 42 Genah Michelle Guevara H** Kathleen Ann Hecksel Shaw Timothy Locke H* Shonnailia K. Nash ** Jennifer Michelle Reynolds Dana Kristin Rose Lisa Michelle Rossbach * Brienne Lynn Szymanski Jaynell Karina Thomas H* Donna Joy Tiejema Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies Sarah Anne Bowman Amy Marie Ellen Sprik Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHuman Aging Erik Richard Gagnon Charisse Michelle LaVell Patrick Joseph Patterson Psychology Debra Diann Antczak Maresa C. Baker Steven James Banaszak Darcy Ann Bavery Susan T. Bazzi Christine Ann Beecher Todd Michael Berens Christina Nicole Bokenkamp Malinda Lee Bradley Damon Paul Bryan Leigh Anne Burger Katie Elizabeth Burke Sheretta Butler Rebecca Ann Clemens Sarah McKenzie Cobb Bridget Kathleen Constant Darcy Ann Daenzer Rose M. Dasaro Kristina Katharine Davis Kristy Kay Dean Aaron John Defrang James David DeMercado Samantha Leslie Dettloff Jeffrey Mark DeVries Deidre Lyn DeYoung James Patrick Douglas Heather Joy Dull Michael Dun Jennifer Therese Eagle Shauna Elizabeth Ettinger Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society ** Christopher Gerard Addy Anthony P. Alfano Christopher Robert Brandenburg Jessica R. Cavazos Andrew R. Chewning * Rena Lynn Corum Jessica C. Davanzo Thomas Joel Fehrenbach Noemi P. Ford Brandon Frederick Grimm Kimberly Nicole Levy Karyn A. Low Ryan William Noyes Sarah Susan Pazarena Ryan Anthony Perniciaro Donald Lagar Phillips Donald Michael Rosati Sarah Emily Stachowski Heather Katherine Stanford Russell Jabez Thomas IV Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Law and Society Jay Cameron Kakaty * H** * ** H** ** H* ** Monica Rose Filipkowski Philena Beth Foote * Thomas K. Friedrich * Lindsay Farrell Fromm Gretchen Reese Gindorff Julie Marie Havens Kathryn E. Haverlock * Jon L. Ide Tekea Shawaun Jackson Mandy Jo Jeffrey Anita Ann Kadarjan Michael Ryan Kotowski Kelly Elizabeth Lancaster Jessica Rarae Louth Kari Danielle Lowe John Charles Maakaron Richard James McGeehan H** Andrew Scott Mienaltowski Roxanne Angelie Monti Michele Avis Moody Jaclyn Denise Novak * Jennifer Lynn Pawlowski Robert L. Peterson * Chrystal Charice Price Karyn M. Price H* Robin Anne Pulford H** Mark George Rabbat Laura Jean Reed Brandon Glenn Richmond Stephanie Lynn Robinson Jodi D. Rupp ** Casey B. Schurkamp Mathew R. Secord * Sarah Elizabeth Sheaffer Carrie Sue Shearer Mark Angelo Spano Christopher M. Stickney H** David Andrew Swender Nicole Dawn Swetnam Christopher D. Tabor H* Donna Joy Tiejema * Nicole Marie Varady Heather Lynn Walker * * ** * * Lori M. Aceti Aileena Otha Acoff Sarah Susan Acton Devorah R. Adler Courtney L. Auer Kimber Ayerdi Seth Benjamin Baker Todd Matthew Balog Sally Andrea Barber Bethany Ann Basirico Justin Howard Bayer A. 1. Beachum Ethan Bentley Jeffrey D. Bittner Lisa Rochelle Blaszczyk Angela Rose Bonofiglio Ann Ruth Borden Adrienne Camille Boyd Meiko DeShawn Bragg Alexander C. Brown Megan Esther Brus Marissa L. Burack Todd William Burkhardt Brandi Lee Burns Neil Alan Byerle Amanda Lynn Cabanas Annie Jane Campbell Michael Farah Canasi Jennifer Lynn Cantu Moses T. Cantu Julia Ann Caprathe JoAnn Carpenter Avonna M. Carr Andrea 1. Carroll Jelane Marie Cashero Adolphus Luvert Cast Jr. Melissa Marie Cazas Natthita Chaiphiphat Cheleane T. Chambers Matthew Patrick Chambers Arnie M. Channell Jonathan Charles Chapman Adam David Chaprnka Mary Chen Cho Katherine Lynn Clark Anthony Cobb Lauren Beth Coe Kayleen Marie Cook Kevin Cornelius Cooney Amber Marie Curry Angela D. Dadzie Anthony Robert Daunt Erin Elizabeth Davis Rachel DeHaan Alyson DePriest * * H * * ** Sheevani 1. Desai Lisa Marie Dinolfo Jessica Lynn Doty Kevin Bryce Downey Amanda C. Durant Robin Nicole Dyer Jennifer Therese Eagle LaKisha Easley Nancy 1. English Nicholaus Lee Erber Jennifer Anne Ernst Alexia A. Evangelodimos Matthew R. Flatley Joy Ellen Flynn Vanessa Frassetto Ryan E. French Douglas M. Frimodig Jason Nathaniel Gabriel Susan J. Gade Brian 1. Galdis Matthew Warren Gast Joseph M. Geluso Christina Marie Gilbert Amy Theresa Gill Janine Mary Grajewski Jacqueline Marie Gray Emily A. Green Katie Ann Gregory Paula Frances Hall Andrew 1. Harbaugh Amy Lyn Harneck Erin Denise Hassler Rene Jane Haswell Matthew D. R. Haugh Jennifer Leigh Hayes Karlotta Marie Heard LaTanya Nikole Hicks Erika Michelle Hofstetter Margaret Elizabeth Holda Shantele LaShaun Arlena Hosea Angela Marie Hossinger Derek James Huntley Elizabeth Kay Hurbanis Vennishia L. Jackson Paul Jackson III Stephanie Erin-Maria James Emily Brooke Jarvi Joye M. Jay Jennifer 1. Johannesen Amanda Olivia Johnson John R. Johnston Andrea Suzanne Kal Ryan Michael Kane Jeffrey Edward Kaufman Ken Keeton Lindia Charla Kelley Traci Renae Kennedy Laura Beth Kerns Kristopher Carl Keyton Elizabeth 1. W. Kiambi Sanghee Kim Alison Marie Kimball Jill Diana Kinaschuk Tyler 1. Kitchel Kelly Leigh Kmit ** HopeAnne Koskey Peter M. Langenfeld Corey M. Larkins Elizabeth Ann Lenden Corey Allen Lewis John David Lewis Amy E. Lipset Danita Marie Love Monkeida Phalet Luckett Jody Lynn Malburg Joan Lileska Marquez Maldonado Jessica Anne McAleavey H** Maura Kathleen McCartan Jennifer Lyn McClure Lisa Kathleen McElwain Michael Anthony McEwen Kara Liane McGrath Michael G. McKenzie Diana R. Menefee Michelle Lynn Menghini Tina Menzie Jennifer Lynn Mercer Marta Meverden Kerry Anne Michalak Aaron Lee Minnis Jessica Beth Misner Victoria Mojica Laura Lynn Monkiewicz Catherine Joy Moravec Melissa L. Morris Carmen Lynetta Muhammad Karen A. Murrell Christine Teresa Nagy Heather Nicole Neeley Kimberly 1. Neir Carey Andrew Northrop Tiffany Lynn Nunnally Kyle M. Olson Robyn Renee Olson Brian Michael Oppmann Melanie Ann Pavle Susan Payok Veatriki Anna Petinaraki La Tedra Donyea Phillips Thelma Cherie Phillips Kevin David Polston Ronn-Vey Cortez Robinson Price Kathryn Lynn Pries Sandra Elizabeth Prokurat Lauren Claire Dittmer Radke Steven W. Rauser LaKesha K. Rawls * Kevin Charles Raycraft Jennifer L. Reddy Kent A. Rehmann Raquel T. Reyes Melissa Ivy Ringer Arthur L. Robinson II Lagonia Latise Mancill Rogers H** Julia Catherine Rosebush Bradley M. Rozen Christopher Marc Rozman Ryan P. Sage Annemarie O. Scanio Jennifer Schimke Scarlata Lisa Marie Schwartz Rudy Jose Serrato Jr. Deah Janyce Shaw Shane Thomas Sheets Matt Sherman Stacy Rebecca Shifman Elissa Ann Shires Raymond Heinrich Rahman Siegmann Matthew 1. Smith Robert Smith Jeffrey Michael Smoger Sara Beth Speckin Jacquese Renaye Squirewell H** Charlotte Sophia Steele Michelle Anne Stefani Sonia Lannette Stegink Penelopi Jeanne Steortz Tricia Robyn Styles Frank Sweet Gary Michael Szpotek Jason Tack David Jan Tamm Blanca Catherine Treanor Scott Arthur Trombley Ching-Yun Tsai Chukwuma K. Umeh Jennifer C. Van Singel H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 43 Reserve Officers Training Corps SOCIAL SCIENCE BACHELOR'S DEGREE Amy S. VanPortfiiet Aron Richard Vartabedian Linda Janice Vaznonis John Paul Vicari Kasey Christine Viles Michael Villerot Katherine Rose Vollman ** Meridith Kathleen Walsh Troy Matthew Ward Brandy M. Watson Tracey Anne Weatherwax Kevyn Marie Welter Cory R. Werner Angela Marie Willbur Jason Anders Williams Theodore F. Wilson II Brandalynn Rosa Winchester Andrew Martin Wineman * The following students have completed their ROTC education at Michigan State University and have received their commissions as reserve officers of the United States Air Force or the United States Army in the branches indicated. Jennifer Lee Winstead Erin Brooke Winther Willion Wong Kristina Renee Woods Kelly Lynn Yaroch Andrew Young CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 AEROSPACE STUDIES Matthew John Bratsburg Timothy Damon Dalby College of Veterinary Medicine Patrick J. Hook Scott Harold May Ian Norman Walker BernaDeane Ann Wing Lewis A. Wood III LONNIE J. KING, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MILITARY SCIENCE * * * * * Veterinary Medicine Rachel Emily Ancrile Heather Marie Bieke Elizabeth Ellen Cebelak Sam Ciatto Rebecca Marie Harder Lynn A. Harrison Geoffrey G. Heffner Jennifer Lynn Herdon Corey Rae Hermoyian Christopher Bothwell Hoppe ** * * * ** * ** Elizabeth Ann Kauffman Eric D. Keilen Kara Ann Maas Nicole Marie Mangiapane Philip E. Penfold Jill Renee Peterson Harland Renshaw Jr. Justin Read Schlanser Gayl R. Schneider Katherine Eleanor Slavin Laura Anne Strickland CANDIDATES BACHELOR'S DEGREE * * Trisha Marie Ferrier Jamie Lyn Smith ** * ** * * Giovanni Edoardo Ticcony Alison Barbara Verhaeghe Misty D. Vore Amy Lynn Webb-Kallin Joshua D. Webster Veterinary Technology Teresa Bason Danette R. Beattie Sarah M. Breen Erica Marie Helgesen * Rycki Ellen Hull Amy Lynn Leech Stacie Kaye Lewis Shannon R. Maynard Kristin Joy Reibling Susannah M. Sant Kristen M. Smith Elisha Anne Vorhees Leah R. Westhouse Rebecca L. Wheelock Deanna Marie Williams Air Defense Artillery William C. Hunter Joel Mathew Johnson Aviation Joshua David Madlinger Field Artillery Jeffrey Donahue Roth Military Police Corps Nicholas Stephen Pottratz In(antry Lael Hunter Eason Signal Corps Thomas Eugene Enterline Unassigned Shaw Timothy Locke CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 AEROSPACE STUDIES Jason Nathaniel Gabriel Seanna Marie Less Andrew Robert Swickle Chemical Corps Sharon Kaye Parks Field Artillery Christopher L. Arne MILITARY SCIENCE Armor Todd Matthew Balog Ordnance Corps Neil Alan Byerle Patricia Mae Teasdale * With Honor ** With High Honor 44 45 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ORDER OF CEREMONIES Graduate Degrees Presiding PETER MCPHERSON, President, Michigan State University PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS Music Conducting Dana L. Eckensburg Raphael Jimenez Scott Charles Lubaroff Gary Thomas Sullivan MAJOR PROFESSOR L. Gregorian L. Gregorian 1. Whitwell 1. Whitwell THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER................................................. ............................................. Key Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proofthru the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Maureen Carlson) MOMENT OF SILENCE PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES ROBERT J. HUGGETT Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Michigan State University ADDRESS WENDY BALDWIN Deputy Director of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland SPECIAL MUSIC Academic Festival Overture ......................................................... .................... .Johannes Brahms The MSU Wind Symphony Arranged by Joseph Spaniola CONFERRING OF DEGREES PETER MCPHERSON President, Michigan State University INTRODUCTIONS AND REMARKS The Honorable COLLEEN McNAMARA Chairperson, MSU Board of Trustees ALMA MATER .............................................................. ................. .......... .. ............. ............. .. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twlight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony, Carlson and Audience) Music PerfOrmance Paul H. Abegg Jesus Alfonzo JiaAn MihwaChang Andrea L. Cheeseman Se-Young Choi Sergei A. Kvitko I-Shan Lee Jan Wea Yeo MAJOR PROFESSOR R. Dan R. Dan y. Moon y. Moon E. Verdehr y. Moon R. Votapek B. Stees R. Dan 1. Frost M. Dantus 1. Frost R. Maleczka G. Blanchard G. Baker R. Hollingsworth K. Dunbar G. Baker K. Dunbar M. Davis DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Agricultural and Extension Education Sister Innocentia Marie Ononiwu C. Wamhoff Agricultural Economics Agustin Lopez Arcenas Cynthia A. Phillips Lorie Srivastava A. Schmid 1. Oehmke S. Batie American Studies Jeanne Gazel R. Thomas Chemistry Jessica Lane Barker Emily 1. Brown Sunil S. Chandran Feng Geng Scott Nelson Goldie Gao Liu Hussen Mohammed Jennifer Ann Smith Micah K. Stowe Paul S. Szalay Jr. Anatomv Hao Chen A. Weber College and University Administration Sharon Lynn George A nimal Science Roy Patrick Radcliff Kent Eric Tjardes H. Tucker D. Buskirk Anthropology Laura Cahue Mariaelena del Socorro Jefferds Francisco Javier Tellez Ortega Julie Anne Reyes David Lee Ruggles N. Saur A. Millard S. Whiteford L. Goldstein W. Lovis Biochemistry Tong Hao S0ren Ottosen Michael John Theisen Sridhar Venkataraman L. Kroos S. Trieznberg M. Garavito N. Raikhel Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology James Paul Kastenmayer P. Green Botany and Plant Pathology Julie A. Greyerbiehl Kurt Haas Lamour Kerry F. Pedley Daniel George Zarka R. Hammerschmidt M. Hausbeck 1. Walton M. Thomashow Business Administration Frank Montabon Henry K. Moon Kok YeeNg Christopher O.L.H. Porter Anthony Sterling Roath Stefanie Lara Tate Yushan Zhao S. Melnyk 1. Hollenbeck L. Van Dyne 1. Wagner S. Cavusgil K. Petroni R. Calontone Chemical Engineering Robert James Dombrowski C. Lastoskie Communication Arts and Sciences-Mass Media Euijin Ahn F. Boster Preston Armond Blakely G. Williams Melissa Camacho G. Barbatsis Luiz Guilherme Duarte T. Muth Myung-Hyun Kang T. Baldwin Hugh 1. Martin S. Lacy H. Bossen Quint Bryce Randle Kuo-Feng Tseng B. Litman Karan J. Wyre B. Vanden Bergh Computer Science Iliana Martinez Bermudez Salil Prabhakar Stephen K. Wagner J. Sticklen A. Jain E. Torng Counseling Psychology David B. Derr K. Rice Counselor Education Nancy E. Bodenhorn R. Steward Crop and Soil Sciences Ann-Marie Fortuna Muhammad Aslam Khan Merry Shannon Riley-Buckley R. Harwood R. Freed 1. Tiedje Curriculum. Teaching and Educational Policy Jennifer Irene Berne S. Florio-Ruane C. Rosaen David M. Carroll Timothy Mark Frusti H. Featherstone Tangeni Cornelius Kakweno Iijambo D. Campbell Gwendolyn Michele Thompson McMillon P. Edwards Lillian Tendani Muofhe L. Paine S. Feiman-Nemser Patricia 1. Norman Pamela Louise Ross S. Melnick Teka G. Wakjira 1. Schwille RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony Please remain seated during the processional and recessional. 46 47 ,... THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE GRADUATE SCHOOL DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Economics Julie Anne DeCourcy Chirok Han Y oon Sang Kim Suyeol Ryu Educational Psvchology James Alma Erekson Mark Girod Mark Robert Gover Kara L. Lycke Michael J. Pardales Lina Wu Electrical Engineering Michael John Havrilla Ali Khurram Mark Alan Perrin David Barnard Pierce Nayda Grisel Santiago Santiago Engineering Mechanics Benjamin James Ewers III English Kevin G. Asman Maher Ben Moussa Debra K. Courtright-Nash Mark J. Galik Eric John Grekowicz Gael E. Grossman Nancy Gail Patterson Marcia Lee Ribble Steven James Robinson Jin Sunwoo Paul W. Wise Environmental Engineering Kyung-Hyuk Lee Familv and Child Ecolor;y Joseph M. Hoedel Chantel Laran Sawyer Lumpkin Maresa Janee Murray Judith A. VanderWal John Paul Walker Jason Brown Whiting Fisheries and Wildlife Annelise Carleton Mark Stephen Garner Daniel Thomas Rutledge Food Science Han-Seung Shin 48 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY MAJOR PROFESSOR C. Davidson P. Schmidt C. Ballard J. Meyer D . Pearson D . Wong K. Beach D. Pearson D . Wong J. Smith D. Nyquist E. Strangas J. Asmussen D. Rover D. Rover R. Haut V. Paananen A. Athanason M. Wilson S. Arch K.Harrow M. Wilson M. Wilson D. Brunner M. Wilson L. Matheson J. McClintock S. Masten D.lmig F. Villarruel H. McAdoo D. Borland-Hunt R. Lee R. Lee T. Dobson S. Winterstein J. Liu G. Strasburg Forestry Gem B. Castillo David Michael Jones James Robert George McQueen Marcelo Sergio Souza Wiecheteck Joseph D. Zeleznik L. Leefers L. Leefers K. Potter-Witter K. Potter-Witter D. Dickmann Genetics Sheldon Se-Chung Leung Chao Li D. Koslowsky A. Raikhel Geography Mark Benjamin Guizlo Charles Manyara Alison E. Philpotts MAJOR PROFESSOR D. Campbell D. Campbell J. Olson Higher Adult and Lifelong Education Joseph J. Brocato D. Scott Dixon Janet Ellen Gray Linda S. Gross Jessica Trumbull Kovan J. Greg Merritt Kevin Alexander Pollock Apipa Prachyapruit J. Dirkx A. Austin J. Dirkx R. Rhoads J. Dirkx A. Austin J. Fairweather A. Austin History Kevin Kodric Brown Michael Ian Carignan Fikru Negash Gebrekidan Elizabeth MacGonagle Jacqueline Allison McLeod Jayne Morris-Crowther Edward Ramon Paulino Matthew Corey Whitaker H. Marcus P. Vinten-Johansen H. Marcus E. Eldredge D. Clark Hine M. Flanagan P. Beattie D. Clark Hine K-12 Educational Administration Karen Lynn Miller Estep Cheryl Lynn King Randy Allen Liepa Michael Gerard Marshall E. Renee Sanders-Lawson Maribel Alves Fierro Sevilla Kinesiolor;y James Albert Afremow Claudia Alejandra Angeli Marjorie Kathleen Ellis Lori A. Gano-Overway Roop Chand Jayaraman Sally Eaves Nogle Lorenzo Parker Large Animal Clinical Sciences Lawrence James Judge M. Benham P. Cusick D. Plank M. Benham P. Cusick D. Plank D. Feltz R. Soutes-Little G. Dummer M. Ewing J. Foley G. Dummer G. Dummer Music Mary Bernadette Berthelotte Ronald 1. Herrema David Willis Luce C. Conway M. Sullivan F. Tims Neuroscience-Psychology Russell D. Romeo Packaging Jong-Koo Han Rujida Leepipattanawit C. Sisk S. Selke B. Harte Park Recreation and Tourism Resources D. Stynes Wen-Huei Chang Pathology Roslyn E. McQueen Susan Michelle Williams Pharmacology and Toxicology Tong-Rong Jan Barbara Lee Faubert Kaplan Susan Carol McKarns Physics David John Bercik Viktoria Augusta Greanya Jian Huang II-Kyoung Jeong Freddie J. Landry Charles Edward Moreau Pavel M. Nadolsky Lamya Ahmad Saleh Tatyana Sharpee Robert Douglas Slater Alex Zhukov C. MacKenzie W. Reed N. Ka minski N. Kaminski N. Kaminski R. Stein R. Li u N. Birge S. l3 illi nge R. Brock N. Bi rg e W. Tung T . Beers M. Dykman W. Prott M. Dykman P. Bartlett D. Preston D. Preston Materials Science and Engineering Hua-Tang Chen Won-SikKim Jason E. Lincoln A. Lee P. Kwon R. Morgan R. Fintushel C. Weil C. Wang Measurement and Quantitative Methods Diane R. Garavaglia J. Lehmann Elena C. Papanastasiou M. Reckase Mechanical Engineering YunbaeKim Hooman Rezaei Joga Dharma Setiawan Robert W. Vance MAJOR PROFESSOR J. McCormick T. Schmidt Plant Breeding and Genetics-Horticulture Ekaterini Papadopoulou R. Grumet Linguistics Betsy Erin Evans Michael David Pasquale Mathematics Scott Jeremy Baldridge Alica Miller Ling-Huang Yu Microbiology April Alison Taggie Hoffman Joel Albert Klappenbach A. Engeda A. Engeda R. Mukherjee J. Wichman Political Science Jenhei Chen Gregory Allen Cline Somadoda Fikeni Elizabeth Rebecca Kaufer Junhan Lee Kimberly Lynn Ludwig Brad Jeffrey Reno B. Silver C. Weissert M. Bratton W. Dannhauser B. Silver M. Bratton 1. Weinberger Psychology Nicole Elizabeth Allen Timothy James Carbary Peggy Pui Kei Chin Douglas J. Davidson Michael Horvath P. Foster-Fishman L. Harris L. Messe R. Zacks A. Ryan MAJOR PROFESSOR B. A. B. A. Psycholor;y-Urban Studies Pamela Paulette Martin Karon Bogat Karon Levendosky H. McAdoo & P. Foster-Fishman Rehabilitation Counselor Education Chandra Monique Donnell Ronald James Harkness M . Leahy N. Crewe Resource Development Maria E. O. Arnaiz Susan Marie Corcoran Pigg William Scott Rizzo Karen E. Vigmostad Anne Elizabeth Wilson J. Bingen D. Bronstein F. Fear C. Fridgen P. Kakela Russian Lanf:Uage and Literature Beyhan Asma M. Sendich School Psycholor;y Elizabeth Ann Rose B. Becker Social Science Nejib Belhedi Hoan N. Bui Jessica S. Davis Jannifer Lynn Gregory Wendy L. Hicks Min-chieh Lin Jennifer Palthe Celeste Sturdevant Reed D. Campbell M. Morash C. Corley E. Montemayor V. Hoffman C. Corley E. Kossek M. Moore Sociolor;y Thomas Andrew Andersen Renee Branch Canady Dung Thi Kieu Vu C. Harris C. Broman R. Gallin Sociofor;y-Urban Studies Chun-Hao Li B. Mullan Spanish Lanf:Uage and Literature Norma H. Richardson G. Mansour Special Education Ruth A. Wiebe Berry C. Englert Zoology Craig Allen Stricker T. Burton Zoolor;y and Ecolor;y. Evolutionary Biolor;y and Behavior Erin E. Boydston K. Holekamp Vesna Gavrilovic J. Smith D. Beaver Steven J. Vieira DEGREE OF EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST Rebecca Alene Buxton Jennifer Anne Craft Linda Hoxie-Green Inger Monique Kent Sandra Dawn-Gruizenga Knottnerus Kelly Elizabeth McIlvain Julia Moorhead Reynolds Deborah Elvira Riolo 49 MEDICAL DEGREES THE GRADUATE SCHOOL CANDIDATES - College of Human Medicine SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 CHRISTOPHER C. COLENDA, ACTING DEAN DOCTORAL DEGREE Deborah Lisa Abber Bishwa Bhakta Adhikari Jennifer Ann Aitken Adam Daniel Alban Saidon Amri Deborah C. DePoole Bailey Bonaventure Balla Omgba Sandra Bencic James John Biles Dilson A. Bisognin Christopher Bond Blackwood Glenda Ann Breaux Laura C. Broughton Todd Robert Bryden Kelly L. Butler Sunglak Choi Jae-Eun Chung Nicholas Matthew Creary Sean Pringle Cumming Zoltan Daroczi Scott B. Darragh Terry M. Daugherty Gaston Dembele Sigrid Julian Dixon Sherry L. Dollhopf Jennifer Laura Donovan Lili Duan Matthew S. Eastin Gloria D. Elliott Jennifer Butler Ellis Bela Erdelyi Anne Magner Farrell Rosamari Feliu-Baez Cristian Saul Campos Fernandez Christopher Ian Freigang Carmela 1. Garritano Haiping Geng Xubin Gu Fu Guo Steven L. Haeseker Jeremy James Harris Jennifer Marie Heisler Jens Hoefkens Paul Bryan Hoke Wei Hong Hal Curtis Hudson Yasuhiro Inoue Shun-jie Ji Hongying Jiang Evan Louis Kaplan Daniel David Karanja Jong-Pil Kim UngsikKim David R. Knop Figen Lacin Paula Jeannette Lane Paul Melvin Larson Doseung Lee Joo-Won Lee Junho Lee David William Lounsbury Deborah B. Luyster Kristine Dawson Lynch Pattra Maneesin Brent McCusker Gerad D. Middendorf Yiannis Christos Miralis Peter 1. Morano Jr. Simona Murgia Wei Pan Jongsuk Park George Patrick Alexander Parris Patricia Ruth Payette Peter F. Peterson Elena Polverejan Mihai Polverejan Rebecca Jennifer Reinsch Amanda L. Robinson Francis J. Saroki Joseph Bayne Schroeder Eunjong Shin Rene Revis Shingles Mark Richard Sislo Wai Cheong Siu Christopher F. Steiner Meghan Sarah Stroshine Micaela Szykman Scott Szymendera Marguerite Belt Tonjes Wayne C. Tonjes Panayiotis Vacratsis Edward Peter Van Wesep Xinyan Wang Nancy 1. Whitmore Yvonne Marie WillMurphy Rodney Williams Robert Douglas Workman DiWu Jinsheng Xu Madhuri Venugopal Yagalla Marjorie Lynne Yambor Majd Zayzafoon CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE John Joseph Gorman Jr. LaTai Ebrette Grant Stacie Lynn Griemsman William Carl Harris Bettina Herbert April L. Holmes Jennifer Kristine Minarcik Hwang Rajeev Kumar Jain Jerry M. John Angela N. Jones Sean Alan Josephs Amit Shantilal Kalaria Heather Marie Klaus Andrea Clair-Baker Kort Beth Anne Kurt Ian Edward Kurth Angel Anthony Lake Marykay Lehman Mohan Chand Madala Lisa M. Madden Anurag N. Malani William Michael Ahrens Darrell Eugene Reliford Alley Francisco 1. Alvarez Albert Joseph Arias Frank Gary Artinian II Monique Rae Averil! Amy Neda Banooni Tanneisha Shiwonna Barlow Brian Michael Bosscher David Henry Bruining Erica Levack Canales Mark Richard Carey Grace Crawford Douglas A. Dobecki Jr. Nicholas Thomas Dutcheshen Aaron Thomas Eggebeen Susan Lee Millett Ervine Stephanie Irene Johnson Fleming CANDIDATES - Robin Lynn Maniurski Amy Lynn McIntosh Sarah 1. McKenna Sarah Elizabeth McMillan Monika Mohan Jason Frederick Moy Michael J. Murphy Ravi Varma Nadimpalli Henry H. Ng Kim Loan Thi Nguyen Anita S. Ninan Aaron Reid Palmer Mitva 1. Patel Matthew Scott Pillsbury Sharda Devi Ramsaroop Jayne Alison Rauwerda Pamela Sue Reed Sharon Lynn Roble Christina Kathleen Rubio Patricia Lynn Schafnitz Andrew Shin Balaji Singaracharlu Jill Anne Slominski Antje Southwick Margaret Denise Taha Evelyn Louise Thomas Therese Kay Tomasoski Marc A. Travis Aniefiok Imeh Uyoe Omma G. Vaidya Steven James Vance Carrie Leah Wagner Patrick Marvin Webb Jeffrey Nathan Wentzloff Jennie Rose Wentzloff Peter D. Wilkinson Brooke Renee Wilmot Loren Marie Wise Sharon A. Wood Traci Danette Woodard Patrick Michael Zietz Matthew Jacob Zimmie SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Anthony George Bozaan Matthew Wesley Brown Mark Stephan Byland 50 Bridget Lovery Cole Scott DeRuiter Stephanie Ann Escamilla Susan Marie Holt Cassondra Lynn Kovach Howard Nigel Murray Nathan Eric Van Houzen Anthony R. Whitaker Sr. Madhuri Venugopal Yagalla 51 College of Osteopathic Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine ALLEN W. JACOBS, DEAN LONNIE J. KING, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Sami Abbasi Kevin Alan Agrest Abel Alfonso Joel Elmer Anhalt Krista Stransky Anhalt Jay Dean Baker Robert Bryan Balbis Richard Anthony Baszler II Robert Louis Bauer Claire Yun-Chun Bei Kristin Powondra Beougher Scott Jon Beougher James Hugh Berry Shariff Kamal Bishai Hisham A. Bismar Daniel Ivan Bober Andrew Scott Boyce Patrick R. Brennan Faryal Darvishsefat Brousseau Bennie Brown Paul William Brown Jr. Sara L. Burga Gail Burke Claudio M. Carvalho Lorri 1. Cerva Stephanie L. Crain John Keith Crisler Helen Maria D'Sa-Barash Andrew Joseph Dettore DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Dorovenia N. Hawkins-Koch DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Michael Blair DeYoung Frank Anthony DiPonio Jf. Linh K. T. Doan Shirin E. Doshi Erinn Patricia Downs-Kelly Jacky Thuvan Duong Susan Ruth Dupree Julie Kay Dutton Tate John Egger Brett Jason Eli uk Walid Amin Faraj Matthew Charles Farrugia Scott Christopher Felter Vladimir Ferrer Timothy John Francisco Mark F. Grenquist Nicholas Richard Groch Hamada Hamid Todd Adam Helfman April Alison Taggie Hoffman Christopher 1. Hummel Heather Anne Ingram Michael L. Keil Kristi Sue Kern Rita Rani Khaneja Seema Rani Khurana Roger Stanley Kilbourn Edward Sukjoon Kim Joshua Cheol-Hong Kim CANDIDATES - Joshua Marc Rycus SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 Amy Michelle Kodrik Joshua Scott Kooistra Russell John Lampen Dale Gordon Leffler David Machnacki Deepa Malineni Gregory Trent Matlick Holly Erin McKelveyLorigan Dennis Michael McMahon Mark Robert Mikols Jeffery Scott Morrill Tamara Jo Moutsatson Jossie Aliyah MuhammadBurton Luis A. Murrain Jf. Sam 1. Nassar Princewell Ugojinta On were Frank William Pavlovcic III Lauren Sloan Piper Kimberly Kay Poglese Steven Michael Pray Darush Rahmani Ruth Ann Rassel Aurelia Silvas Reyna TanyaD. Rip Daniel Luis Rivas Joel Adam Robinson Katie Elizabeth Rosenfeld Brandon Aaron Russell Andrew Neil Russman Jayaraj Salimath Andrew 1. Schorfhaar Katherine J. Schrage James Anthony Schultz Colleen M. Scott Aisha Siddiqui Andrea Freya Sneider John Lincoln Snell III Jennifer Elaine Sommer Michael William Spagnuolo Bruce A. St. Amour Jr. C. David· Stoddard Tommy Swiney Layla Raven Townsend Xuan Thi Thanh Tran Elizabeth Lynn Tvedten Chad K. Uptigrove Bruce A. Van Dop Edward Anthony Vanek Jr. Mary Georgia Veremis-Ley Joseph Lister Warren Shana Renae Weber Russell Gordon Williams Michael John Williamson Jf. Jamie William Wright Tracy Lynn Wyckoff Angela Christine Zanotti * ** * * Carl Fry Agnello Jennifer Lee Arcand Jennifer A. Aschenbrener James J. Averill Shannon Michelle Axiak Rachele J. Baker Carrie Elizabeth Barkham Jennifer Marie Barratt Sarah Ann Sobol Beard Richard A. Bell Jf. Tara Kristine Hansen Benes Lori Alice Bidwell Rachel Sarah Boltz Kari Anne Budday Matthew Franklin Bullock Ronald Lloyd Burke Robert L. Chung Brian R. Covert Jennifer Jo D' Agostino Michael James Dark Kerry Anne Doerfler Kristyn Elizabeth Donnelly Sarah Ann Edford SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 ** * ** ** * * Jacqueline Elise Erlich Julie Estell Michele Marie Finateri Laura Ann Fisher Kristen Marie Galante Kathleen M. Gannon Erica Dorothy Hawker Carrie A. Hendricks Sharon Rose Henn Natalie Terase Horner Annalisa Perry Horton Virginia Osgood Hudson Laura A. Kennedy Shea Lynn Klawitter Robin Elizabeth Krieger Timothy M. Krone Peter Andrew Kunoff Ellen A. LaFramboise Jacob William Langendorfer Christine C. Lieggi Robert Paul Malinowski Michael 1. Mazzei CANDIDATES - * * * * Michael Patrick McCarthy Jeannette Sophia Messer Michelle Joanne-Bowman Meyer Luke Vaughn Miller Tanja Carina Molby Brandy Jennifer Morenko Holly Marie Neff Karen Lynn Niemiec Leslie Leigh Ortlieb Darlene Marie Ottolini Gregory John Paplawsky Christopher L. Persing Kristen Laura Pikul Colleen McNeely Porter Ashley Sara Reynolds Laura A. Rickner Alexis Anne Roberts Gretchen Joyce Rochow Katherine Ann Roggenbeck Todd Michael Russell Michelle Mari Rutledge- Walker ** * * * Jill R. Savage Todd Erik Shaarda Jennifer Lorraine Sharbowski Tina Louise Shoemaker Leslie Ann Shoksnyder Nicholas A. Skarich Thomas Andrew Smith Angela Smith-Bonczynski Lisa A. Soash Robert Dale Sprik Bethany R. Stanger Deborah Jutta Steinke Andrea Faye Estrada Stickland Jennifer Pamela Suss Daniel Glenn Todd Kent James Vince Michelle Marie Wadel! Holly Ann Lanasa Way Ashley Kate Weinberg Jennifer L. Wells SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE * Michael John Berecz Terri Anne McCormick Madalyn Spoon ** Suzanne Rene Walmsley • With Honor ** With High Honor 52 53 F College of Agriculture and Natural Resources College of Arts and Letters WILLIAM W. TAYLOR, INTERIM DEAN WENDY WILKINS, DEAN CANDIDATES - CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Agricultural and Extension Education Janet c. Cornell Rebecca Jess Lincoln Kristin L. Linderman Jari Sanae Sugano Janice Kay Wilcox Agricultural Economics Pedro Arlindo Rui Fan Arnie Lynette Hightower Kadidia Konare Melody Rebekah Mc Neil Biosystems Engineering Heather Anne Crandall Cynthia A. Meeusen Jennifer L. Maurer Robyn Lynn Reynolds Foreslly Michael Allen Abbott Christopher Lee Antieau John Philip Gerlach Erik Fridthjov Ronneberg Kevin Todd Sayers Building Construction Management Aravind N. Chabbi Kwangwook Cho Seyoung Kim Karun Malhotra Alfred J. Miller Packaging Crop and Soil Sciences John Patrick Burk David Vernon Pratt Animal Science Veronica Janileth Berrocal John Philip Buchweitz Dana M. Dvoracek-Driksna David Bowen Edwards John D. Heller Carlton Phillip Jones Juliana Perez Laspiur Wesley Hoyt Singleton Nuesch Emily Rae-Dianne Otto SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 Fisheries and Wildlife Laura Faitel Cimo Sarah Laggner Cook Christopher Benjamin Rees James Barrett Saxton Alicia May Wells Alan Elliott Wilson Food Science Carlos Gustavo Castro Izaguirre Geeta Govindan Kata Kitsommart Shelli Marie Lee Bridgette Johnson Motley Matthew Aaron Neumann Adam M. Pawlick Hussain A. Qurashi Palarp Sailabada Ramalingam V. Sellapareddy Jurmkwan Suemag Jea Eun You Julie Krista Branch Satoko Kajiwara Park Recreation and Tourism Resources Sarah Lynne Boonstra Chia-Ju Cheng Peter S. Melsness Coryn Elyse Saltsman Jennifer Lynn Schumann Catherine Stauffer American Studies German Studies Literature in English Spanish John William Dally Jennifer Lee Robbins Edgar Dan Hornback Kevin Scott Neitzert Kari Ann Richards Carla Shelley Anderson David 1. Carlson Huang-hua Chen Amy Elizabeth Himes Dong Li Su Penn Kristin Ann Cole Matthew Joseph Pettway Ramon Jaime Rodriguez Comparative Literature Sergio Roberto Massagli Health and Humanities Critical Studies in the Teaching o(English Park. Recreation and Tourism ResourcesUrban Studies Wendy Lynn Byard Mark Robert Mikols Bridget Mary Morales Deborah A. Randall-Hlubek Sarah Stuart Rittner French Linguistics Young-Rae Kim Amena Moinfar Plant Breeding and Genetics-Crop and Soil Sciences German Carrie Lynn Campbell Hsiang-Hua Chang ChunhuaMa Karen Lynn Miller Karen Marie Nagel Nancy Jablonski Hellweg MusicoloffY Sean Michael Hamilton Wallace Philosophy Michael J. Reno Teaching English to Speakers o(Other Languages Burcu Ates Nesrin Bakir Linda S. Bosch He-Rim Kim Joyce Joohyon Lee Marie K. Matchett Glenn Alan Mathes II Russian Gulshod Mamadnazarova Theatre Judy R. Eberlein Maria-Carmela P. Macalincag Resource Development Dave Dempsey Gerald Thomas Hovis Jr. Kelly Rae Launder Julie C. Metty Resource DevelopmentUrban Studies DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTS Studio Art Debra Kay-Dow Bonello Kathryn T. Lookingland Theatre Elton Gregory Siler Julia M. Warner Deborah Draheim Valerie Marie Webster LaTonyia Undraynette Wade DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC Music Composition CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Jane Crawford Boles AmyL. Damon Laura Imbur Granack Y ongseong Ha Steven Martin Hanson Matthew H. Malone Christel Moons Kevin Scott Page Gerald L. Piche Jr. Tomeka Kenyatta Prioleau Huanying Qin Tokiaritefy Rabeson Corey Catherine Risch Vijayanand Hiranand Satyal Andreas Ch. Smyrillis Leigh Ann Spence Orathai Thongphisitsombat Allen Burke Larsen Mark Christian Reagan Kristen Leigh Patee Tina Marie Scott Hui-Lan Tsai Music Education Music Performance Mi-Young Choi Charles Norman Page II Jennifer Marie Parker Joseph M. Abramo Rhonda L. Bowen Brian Dennis Del Bianco CANDIDATES - Paul David Gronert Paul Derrick George Hartley Laura Anne Hawbaker Clayton B. Heuer Jaehee Kim Amanda Marie McCandless Kamen Gueorguiev Metchkov Tess Anissa Miller Brenda Nicole Rabbe Michael J. Sedki Leslie Helene Smith Scott Benjamin Solkofske Music Theory Joseph M. Abramo Seok Keng Loo SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Bonnie Jean Broughton 54 Richard Dean Erne Bernadette Marie Gongora Helga Rom 55 ,. The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DONALD J. BOWERSOX, INTERIM DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Economics Estibalitz Acedo Pimpaporn Apasiripol Chatree Chareonlarbnopparut Chi Hang Cheng Ilhan Kubilay Geckil Shuchun Liang You-Jen Pai MASTER'S DEGREES Elda Perna Iva K. Petrova Aparna Rajgopal Hulya Saygili Rungporn Tangseraneekul Julawadee Worasakyothin Elena Y. Korshunova Thomas Robert Kress Prashant Kripalani Matthew C. Kurko Thomas Loren Arthur LaBelle Michael Latash Bick H. Le Jung-Hwan Lee Tae-Kyu Lee Catrin Lenfers Hongyang Li Naxin Li Yuexin Liu Derek Jason Aleksandr Ludwig Christopher J. Lukas Thomas Michael Lynch Richard Brady Lytle Maria Elizabeth Madias John Samuel Marlin Vincent T. Mastrangelo Brian E. Maue Michael 1. McGann Greg David McGlaun Michael C. McIntyre Shikha Mehta Kathryn J. Michalak Kurt Mickelson Jordan Robert Miller Randall Eric Miller Jeffrey A. Moffa Oscar Monagas Luis C. Morais Rustin R. Murdock Alexandros Mylonas Michael R. Nelson Lucas E. Nieuwenhuis Joel B. Otting Paresh Patel Douglas E. Peot Arthur C. Piekutowski Peggy A. Pineau Kevin D. Plummer Matthew T. Pollick Dana R. Pososki Dario Michael Primo Jon Curtiss Richards Randall 1. Rolfsmeyer Tricia Ann Ronat Arjang Darious Roshan-Rouz Richard G. Ross Debra Ann Rowe Jose Francisco Saenz Miranda Nikhil Sagar Mutasim Salman Kumaraguru Sambandan Ferde Charles Sanders Samreet Sandhu Linda S. Savage Kristen Ann Sawka Carmel Mary Schwalm Stefan H. Schwarz Vernon James Scott Jf. Viswanath Seetharaman Amit Sethi Gary Charles Severn Ravi Shah Elease Dobyne Shelton Raymond Alton Signs JII Kanwar Tnder Singh Sanjeev K. Singh Joshua Patrick Smith George Alexander Sokolosky Jeffrey P. Steiner Catherine A. Stewart Frederick Joseph Sy Jonathan Bradley Tallman Rahul Teotia Susannah Jane Thomas Ellen M. Thompson Christine Truche Daniela Urrutia Ravi Vangipuram Anish Ashokkumar Verma Douglas Victor Wagner Jeffery Orie Weber David S. Whang Janine R. Woldt Jacqueline Helen Wright Michael Anthony Yakos Jian Yang Kevin Charles Yost Long Zhang Yu Zhang Joseph Florian Zima Anna A. Zubovskaya Foodservice Management Eun-Young Lee Seoki Lee Morgan Elisabeth Lucero Jeonghee Noh Manu(acturing Management Jennifer Marie Cody John Dressler William Michael Durbin Andrew Davis Elms Jennifer Diane Larson Charles Conklin Newell III Todd William Ohme Braeden T. Reif Professional Accounting Nicholas Justin Anson Linsey Joy Black Jill Alma Ann Bokemeier Angela Michelle Cottone Erin K. Cummins Jason David Distelrath Heather Marie Fedewa Amy Lynn Freidinger Mindi Marie Harr Donna Marie James Taejung Kim Thitiphol Komutphong Katherine Sindall Look Chrystie 1. Paul Nicole Marie Runyon Joel Michael Scieszka Amy Elizabeth Scott Bradley Norgate Watson Stephanie Anne Winiarski DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRA nON Raymond R. Adamczyk Daniel Lyle Adelson Mark Franklin Allen Hidefumi Aoyama Brian David Archbold Daniel Eduardo Aubele Mac-Quhae Meltem Didem A vsar Priya Balasubramaniam Michael S. Bastian Matthew Benjamin Becker Ruth Carolyn Benedict Stephen Matthew Bernard James R. Biddinger Sean W. Blitchok Casandra M. L. Brewton-Johnson Douglas Spencer Brown Jill E. Brueckheimer Kathy A. Buckley Kathryn Lynne Burda Megan M. Burke Tesha Burnett Timothy F. Burnett Ryan Lee Burns Jacquese Marie Burrell Aundrea Vashone Caldwell Heather Leigh Cameron Louis S. Carrio III Ancuta Cernat Barry E. Chesterman Madhav Venu Chitlu Scott Allen Cioe Janice E. Cote Stephen Michael Cunningham Rosario L. Curcuru Mark Gabriel D'Andreta Douglas Edward Darland Shubhendu Das William R. Dau Cornelia T. A. de Goffau Patricia A. Dirasian Michael Lawrence Dombrowski Peter G. Dunphy David H. Easley Grover M. Edie Tom A. Ellefson Alberto Emprin Manuel Esquivel Jr. 56 Timothy K. Fargo Matthew J. Foster Lawrence Michael France Ivanhoe Francis Guofan Gao Bruno Lima Ramos Gimenez Donald John Glen George Andrew Goddu Primo Robert Goffi Thomas David Grunwald Hongning Gui Beatriz Akinaga Hattori Steven C. Heinrich Daniel J. Henry III David F. Hensler Meredith Anne Hinkley Herbert Wang Ho Eric C. Hoffman Paul Scott Holman Andre Holztratner Ryan O. Howard Xiaofeng Huang Maria D. Huelga Boian Nikolov Ikonomov Jun Su Tm Masaki Ito La Toscia Rochelle James Myron Alexander Jarosewich Xin Jiang Brian W. Johnson Jan Delroy Johnson Ryan D. Johnson Vernita Rochelle Johnson Michael Joseph Jordan Alok Kastia John 1. Kay Noriyuki Kaya Joseph O. Keeley Karen R. Kellenberger William David Kennis Wook-Joong Kim Y ongkyoo Kim Christopher William Kitchen Robben Kniffen-Rusu Karyn Maryanne Knotek Akihiro Kobayashi Kyeongmo Koo CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Faisal Aftab Chunmeng Bai Dalana N. Brand Sarah Kidd Butterfield Linda Chairatana Stephanie D. Cruse Janet 1. Elwart Christa Marie Fisher Jon-David Gryzlo Kimberly Anne Hafner Samuel H. Johnson Roderick T. Kirwan Hassan Sultan Mela James T. Mullin Aaron James Murray Julianne M. Reyes Michael San cimino Robert L. Tolbert Jr. Eloy Joseph Trevino John Henry Windom III Yanqun Zhou College of Communication Arts and Sciences JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Advertising WonsukKim Rohini V. Kumar Joo Hyung Lim Jin-Bae Park Yen-Fen Tsai Susan Cothran-Fulmer Yates Fei Yuan AudiolofDI and Speech Sciences Michelle Rene Bass Courtney Elizabeth Coats Jodi Cohen-Babcock Kimberly Englishmen Gentry Anne Heermann Farrell Marcie N. Gilles Tamara L. Graham Beverly Lynn Herber Lisa Lynn Lamont Darci Lynn Licquia Sandra L. Neper Mary Kathleen Elizabeth O'Neill Monica S. Pesta Emily M. Rank Kathy 1. Scieszka Melodie Johanna Vander Pol Melanie Suzanne Vettori Lisa Anne Vine Lisa Wanek Jill Noelle Wilkerson Communication Lucia Alzaga-Soule 1. Alex Andros Merissa Hart Ferrara Kelly S. Flowers Ryan Christopher Goei Jennie M. Hwang Eun SikKim Byoungkwan Lee Misako Ohira Carolina Pomares Martin R. Van Valkenburg Jf. Xi Yin Communication- Urban Studies Nikki Michelle Davila Mikayla Hughes Health Communication Hsi-Ping Nieh Journalism Theresa A. Cameron Dawn M. Kettinger Ivona Lerman Public Relations Suweraya Lohavicharn Chiu-Wen Ting Telecommunication Devan L. Bissonette Albert J. Brewer Byeng Hee Chang Edison Isaias Del Rosario Camposano Malini Rao Gargeshwari Raghunatha R. Seth A. Hellmich Young-Mi Jeon Jun-Seok Kang Gulen Kilic Ying-Ju Lai Seung Eun Lee Kalyani Manohar Peter L. Maziak David Scott Rembiesa Hoon Chan Sim Jui-Wen Wang YuYingWu Constantinos Zampelas 57 ,., MASTER'S DEGREES MASTER'S DEGREES CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Isabel Cristina Botero L. Letticia Noelle Callies Eun Soo Chung Lynette Sherea Conner-Long Tamara Lea Dudinsky Jason Robert Dyke Anna Paula Gutierrez Su Ahn Jang Elizabeth Ann Kenaga Lisa Marie Klink Do-Young Lee Myung-Sook Lee Chien-Chih Harry Liu Janice C. Miller Jae Hee Oh Christa Marie Robinson Nora K. Sailor Krista Lee Schmidt Shanna R. Speakman-Spickard Alexandra Magalhaes Vilela Ami E. Weaver CANDIDATES - College of Education SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Counseling Connie L. Brady Jereme C. de Lara John F. Gillette II Deanna Lee Green Jennifer Jean King Min-chieh Lin Angela Suzanne Walsh Curriculum and Teaching Connie Ellis Altenbemt Dana Marie Anderson Alicia Marie Aniel Elana Lenise Backstrom Laura Michelle Baskins Lorrie Ann Becker Rachele Renee Beyerlein Michelle Lee Blatnik Jennifer Lynn Cicero Amy Marie Collins Jennifer Lynn Dalziel Kristi Lyn Darkowski Shannon Ellen Dickinson Tamara Monique Diton Carolyn Dolendo Doctora Lynn Marie Eichenberg Amanda L. Essenmacher Christine Alane Fankell Jill Therese Fausey Shannon Lyn Gilletti Jessica Lynn Grunow Anne Louise Hall Kimberly M. Hansen Connie Jo High Jill Marie Hillis Evege James III Dolores A. Keeley Lisa Ann Kenmuir Lara Lynn Kludy Kathryn F. Kowalewski 58 Nicole 1. Langevin Melinda J. Little Michelle Lynn McLennan Laurie Braver Mindell Kathleen A. Montville Jodi L. Mortensen Vuyisile Theophilus Msila Jennifer Anne Newman Nicole J. Nuckolls-Carter Kendra Louise Pfeiffer Cynthia Lynn Pittel Erin Christine Rauscher Sarah Marjorie Roth Lisa Lynne RozichKlingbiel Darryl L. Sawyers Matthew Scott Schaefer Pamela J. Shoemaker Kevin Di'Metrius Simpson Sherri Singer Emi Iy Sommer Dionne Stewart Lynne Marie Trupiano Steven Forbes Tuckey Denise C. Van Der Kolk Susanne Van Drunen Scott A. Weidner Mary Ruth Worthey Educational Technology and Instructional Design Joseph Chung-Li Chan Mark Pierce Coleman Lisa A. Czepiel Jackie Lynn Frens Grace Ann Haley Emily Christine Morford Xuefei Tang Elizabeth R. Vincent Debra Jean Wetherbee Higher. Adult. and Lifelong Education Carol Ann Harton Themba Ralph Mkhize Patricia A. Murray JeongHong Oh Wei-ni Wang K-J2 Educational Administration Tawny Rae Alvarado Amy Sue Badovinac Stephanie Lynn Bosman Terrel Lamont Boyd Christopher G. Cramer Lauret Pena Crowell Mary Ruth Davis Catherine Ruth Erickson Rick A. Folcik Christopher John Galloway Ronald Gorman Robert L. Greenhoe Susan Lynn Gutierrez Mary B. Huhn Hyun-Jun Joo Gary R. Kinzer Ryan Jeffrey Krueger Mindy J. Lange Zoe N. Marcus Dennis J. Niles Nathan Perry Kelly Ann Raeder Paula Sue Robison Erika Sue Rothwell Diane SmithVanderMeulen Allison Teri Stein Susan Lynn Tebbe Patricia Ann Waidknecht Susan Sara Warren Jill Nicole Nicholson Peter John Osmond Shenequika Simone Perry Jennifer Marie Rasmussen Alan Patrick Rutledge Christine M. Sabo Scot M. Schlesinger Edmund J. Siebel Miguel Angel Narvaez Silva Daniel G. Vickers SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE CAROLE AMES, DEAN CANDIDATES - Micah D. Jennings Mark C. Lathrop Lianna G. Lee David Aaron Morgan Jennifer A. Mroz Heather Rose Murphy Kinesiology Lisa Joy Ballenger Jennifer Leigh Brady Edward Henry Eaves Clifton D. Hawkins Daniel A. Holmes Literacy Instruction Dwight Blubaugh Marcy Dent Michelle A. Ellegood Michele M. Ellis Kristin M. Goff Kaliamma Ponnan Kathryn M. Riegal Angela Seagren Arlene Ritter Sharkey Lynette R. Z. VandeKieft Rehabilitation Counseling Antoinette Bonnie Candia Sherrill Kay Carter Meggan Marie Few Elham Abdo Jahshan Sharla Marie Kimmel Daniel Joseph Knisel Carrie Lynn Kolb Laurie Lynn Parker Jenelle Shantal Pitt Marci Fay Stern Rene Marie Teper Donald L. Green Jr. Melinda Ann Gudme Shelley Renee Hakala Gloria A. Halligan Lynn Henderson Traci Lee Heuhs Marcia Salow Hickey Richard N. Hilts Christina M. Hilyard Christine Cleland Hursey Baha Rita Issa Christopher Allen James Debra Jess-Isenegger Jessica Marie Justus Julie Patrice Kasprick Maureen M. Keenan Laura Kay Kennett Ghazala Anwar Khan Waheeda Aslam Khan Donald Raymond Killingbeck Jr. Becky Marie Kley KokKhai Koh Daniel Edward LaDue Lisa Marie LaFranca Khia Juwana Lawson Lisa Marie Lindsay Darcy Lynn Mackenzie Rebecca Rene Malczyk Kelly A. Martin Jennifer Lynn Allen Mamadou Balde Paul James Ballard Mary Barbot Franklin Jerry Barker Dawn Griffin Bentley Jodi Lynn Bigg Sandra Lynn Blagbome Jennifer Morey Bowden Kirsten Ann Brownell Tanya L. Burton Carl Vincent Clark Kathleen M. Cramer Jason R. D'Amelio Benardo Jerrold Dargan Rachel Marie DeKuiper Lisa Ann Del Vecchio Victoria Lee Derks Kathleen Jane DiPisa Sherri L. Eddowes-Plummer Jeannie Carpenter Ellis Rob Thomas Ellis Kimberly Ann Fogg Leeann M. Linley Fountain Jennifer Lynn Frabis Katherine Louise Gilchrist Martha Frances G lover -Gam ett Julie L. Goodyke Mary M. Masten Benjamin L. McAdoo Megan Derbes McCarthy Cheralyn Winetta McCarver Jodi Lynn McDonald Lori A. Meddaugh Colleen L. Mercier-Smith Veronica Lynn Moreno Michelle Jean Newton Shantel Niederstadt Sheryl Lee Offenbecker Stephanie Parkes-Hofmann Karin Margaret Pearson Nicole Norgart Peters Steven W. Pfannes Becky L. Plude Michael J. Prelesnik Debra A. Prindle Julie Elizabeth Ravitch Kathleen D. Reinhard Ann Marie Rice Jason M. Riggs Jeremy Blair Roark Isabella Hsiu-Chen Roark-Lin Aleen R. Rose Michael Rumisek Judy A. Ryan Linda Lee Sam Katrin Sandel Holly Anne Shannon Dana Shapiro Amy Lyn Sharrar Andrew R. Shaw Jennifer S. Shearer John Robert Sherman Janel Ann Smith Kathleen Ann Berry Smith Anne Marie SomervilleStella Liberty Erin Sompels Tiffany Lynn Temple Kathryn Mary Thompson Joi Lisette Thrash Terry A. Tiberg JeriLynn Marie Tonnos Shannon N. Tuggle Melissa Marie Usiak Susan W. Voshell Renee Lynn Walker Karen Elizabeth Washer Joseph Arthur Westra Gaye Lee White Kelly Lynn Widener Paul Cory Widener Christian Elizabeth Wiegand Michelle Lynn Zander Special Education Laura Lee Hannahs Ellen Kerr-Dunsmore Krista Sherman Nobis Student Affairs Administration Sherry Lynn Early Olin Shiro Eaves Matthew Thomas Herek Kamala Christina Kiem Kimberly Tomorrow Lane David Johnson Ondercin Candice L. Progler Motoe Lucy Yamada College of Engineering JANIE M. FOUKE, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Chemical Engineering Chinh T. Nguyen Benjamin Hans Njus Chirag Ashokkumar Shah Civil Engineering Awais Jamil Chaudry Ivette Cruzado Jonathon Leo DeMond Chessa D. Faulkner Jeremiah Jon Horton Syed Zahid Hussain Nadejda V. Kholodova Malik Saqib Mahmood Ahmad Muntasir Hamid Tariq Chuti Vimolchalao Kaenvit Vongchusiri Trisha Marie Wiltfang Ka-KitYip 59 p MASTER'S DEGREES MASTER'S DEGREES DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Computer Science Chetan Ahuja Vaughn Wayne Anderson John Andrew Brown Arun Kumar Chippada Feng Ge Feng-I Liu Erin Scott McGarrity Udiyan Ilanjeran Padmanabhan Tejasvini Prasad Ramy Abdel-Rahman M. Shahin Tajindrapal Singh Chirantana Sriram James Nathan Vanderhyde Pradeep Vincent Gang Wang Lei Wang YingWang Xiaohui Xiong Yuanxi Yu Electrical Engineerinr: Nimesh Prakash Ambeskar Nestor Andres Aponte C. Muneesh R. Arora Aravind B. Asam Sameer Balgi Brian James Barksdale Vinay Bhanage Arun Kumar Biswas Kai-Wen Chin Sravanya Chunduri Jerome Ainsley Crocker Stephen C. Curtin Xiaobing Fan Matthew R. Feusse Miguel A. FigueroaVillanueva Brian Scott Foulds Nishant Ghelani Amit Yogesh Goradia John Robert Gulick Aparna R. Gurijala Radhika Iyer Sonia B. Kallumkal Amod Mukund Khandekar Ziad Ghassan Kobty Prajakt Vivek Kulkarni CANDIDATES - Cheng-Yu Lee Jonathan Lopez-Morell Derik Clayton Love Mandar Dinkar Mulay Tamika Lashona Pinson AmarPrabhu Chun Qian AkshayRao Kapil A. K. Sabharwal Peter L. Semig Jr. Kamlesh B. Shah Lei Song Jose Jagadish Thota Rahul Tikoo Jingliang Wang Eric Alan Warrnbier Shari Renee Watson MingQuan Wu Aman Yadav Engineering Mechanics Thomas Craig Hartley Jr. Chee-Kuang Kok Nathaniel Joel Radcliffe Environmental Enr:ineerinr: Michelle A. Barnaby Mark Walter Loerop Shawn Patrick McElmurry Anthony Louis Sesti Materials Science and En r:ineerin g Lisa Prokurat Franks Susheel Ganeshrao Jadhav Thomas Bradely LaGrange Raymond Joseph Simpkins II Pradeep Uttam Sonje Richard Stabley Mechanical Engineering Stephanie Julie Bonin Anthony Brendan Christie Boon-Keat Chui Gary Joseph Gosciak Lisa Marie Oravecz Hou Kit Sam Dogan Seyyar Community Services Karen Ann Beaudreault Julie Runnels Bum Dana Nichole Chatman Jillane H. Downs Shannon M. Earls Dwayne Andrew Gray Kimberly Lynn Gray Christopher Marshall Hansborough Jr. Kathleen Leora Hoffman Mary Janet Stauffer Look Rebecca L. Meszaros Erin C. Widener CANDIDATES - Merchandising Manar:emenl Yinghong Wang Eun-Kyung Yi SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Janet Mary Franey Baughman Carol Ann Beard Diane Louise Elton Kristin M. Ferer Darlene Jean Guiang Hester M. Hughes Byung Chan Kim Ericka Gabrielle Page Polly Carter Paulson Deanna Marie Ramirez Alva C. Randall Rebekka Jo Sharpe Mary Theresa Skwara Mary Lynn Smock Sunni D. Ward Venetta Watt College of Human Medicine SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 CHRISTOPHER C. COLENDA, ACTING DEAN MASTER'S DEGREE Chang-Ho Ahn Raelynn Dee Deller Alvin Chun Hun Goh Laura Michele Hudy Harsha Gordhan Jagasia Nicole L. Kurant Human Nutrition Laura Hangen Eunhee Lee Michelle A. McGregor LaShon Damien Miller Elizabeth M. Seymour Guojian Lin Chee Leong Lum Tao Luo Mohsin Mir Arunkumar Narayanan Brian John Olson Paul A. Papworth Muhammad Mukarrum Raheel Gurutejas Rao Shalaka M. Sankpal Zeyong Shan Wai Cheong Siu Brian Thomas Weaver Jinghua Zhang Junwei Zhou CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Epidemiology Elisa S. Arfianti Plamen Stoianov Dirnitrov Suiying Huang Lucy Wanjiru Karanja Sung G. Lee Susan Elaine McIntosh Lisa Ann Peters TanyaD. Rip Julia Jennifer Wirth College of Human Ecology College of Natural Science JULIA R. MILLER, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Apparel and Textiles Young-A Lee Kate Elizabeth Smith Child Development Kathy Jean Belill Michele Fay-Swarthout Chalmers 60 CANDIDATES Janel Lorraine Dancy Cristin Ann Graham Jennifer Antonia Incammicia Heather M. Lewis Cynthia Susan Macks Victoria R. Martinez Helen McDuffie Jessie Jean Psink Familv Studies Yu-Chien Chang Carol Lynn Johnson Kimberly Latice Kimbrough Colleen Brennan Martell Stephanie Lee Niemela Tracey A. Weidner Marriage and Familv Therapy Jin-Young Sim Shannon Rae Wood SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS FOR TEACHERS General Science Michelle Dee Piecuch Mathematics Michael L. Robison 61 College of Social Science MASTER'S DEGREES GARY A. MANSON, ACTING DEAN DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Applied Mathematics Ken Fujita John Robert Gulick Scott C. Morris Jie Fang Bhagyashree A. Khunte Shawn Marie Mehrens Kirk L. Olson Applied Statistics Ken Fujita Clinical Laboratory Sciences Roger Alan Herr Astrophysics and Astronomy Ralph Ryan Christopher Clement Biochemistry Jeremiah Benjamin Frueauf Botany and Plant Pathology Nicole A. Werner Chemistry Michael Joseph Claus Jasminka CorrnarkovicDragovic Computational Statistics Jianwei Bi XiaoweiXu Robert Anthony Stiegemeyer Gregory Alan Thull Jeremy Walthers Huseyin Yuce Geological Sciences Melissa S. McLean Erica Lyn Bonkosky Shipman Lisa Beth Whitenack Microbiology Feng Han Laura Kaye Oestereicher Industrial Mathematics Xiaohui Xiong Entomology Andrea Biasi Coombs Osvaldo Hernandez Eric James Hoffmann Diana Marie McKenzie Chad Thomas Pastor Breana Lee Simmons Lukasz L. Stelinski CANDIDATES - Environmental Geosciences John S. Linker JT. Colleen Frances Masterson John D. Moss Hilary Jane Thatcher Mathematics Cara Dylyn Brooks Michael Lynn Clinesmith Christopher Andrew Donnelly Stephen Hwang Nicolae Smoc Richard Stabley Physics Michael Simpson Crosser Paul Thomas Hosmer Mark Sidney Wallace Tatiana Zhukova Statistics Onur Baser Anandamayee Majumdar Christopher Parrett Zoology Bryan C. Carstens Cong Ding Sarah F. Lamerato DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Anthropology John Howard Beverly JT. Gwynne Masae Osaki Daniel Machado Padilha Saida Prasla Robert W. Reid Political Science Sarah Rene Corp Psychology Cori Anne Davis Stephanie A. Jacobson Kelly Michelle Lewis Joshua David Newhouse Aaron M. Schmidt Bradley J. West DEGREE OF MASTER OF LABOR RELA nONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES Erric Lamar Beasley Angela Marie Bowen Cheryl A. Cerqueira Elizabeth Catherine Champagne Cheston Chan Ta-Hong Chen Kimberly Ann Deck Nathaniel Ezra Deily Renee Lynn Fisher Stephanie J. Gonea Magda Marie GonzalezRodriguez Elizabeth Ann Bethard Yvonne K. Fleener Meghan Suzanne French Dina L. Grayson Steven L. Haeseker Christopher John Hoard SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 Robert K. Hampton Renee Lynn Harrell Jill Marie Heilstedt Tauny L. Histed Catherine M. Holiastos Nathan F. Johnson Galit Kassif-Ziv Kyoko Kato Ee Lyn Khoo Hyondong Kim Jennifer Louise Kite Jeffrey F. Krautkramer Paul Kuiper Jeffrey David Lemons Christine M. Lisak Thomas John Mattern Charles DeSean Mays Bernadette Angelic McDuffie Rebecca A. Nollar Michelle L. Olk Mark Lee Passick William D. Ruth Rebecca Ann Sajdak Yuka Sakamoto Sarah Ann Schulz Jason A. Scott Ronald D. Stablein JT. lona D. Tersiyska Jantina Ninette Thomas Melissa Joy Tyler Jennifer Lynne Waldo Jennifer Ann Yurenka Kelly Sue Klumpp Reiko Niwa Alissa Kay Parks David Michael Eyl Melinda Kay Ferguson Renee S. Hathaway Kaleo Conley Kaluhiokalani Ronald Wesley Kinch Teri Lynn Lawton Matthew Alan Marner Timothy J. Metz Janette Emelio Morra Nicholas Stephen Pottratz Elizabeth Reeves Rachel Katharine Scott Jessica Faye Smaagaard Matthew E. Wlodarczak Marcia J. Wood Kevin Scott Yates James Franklin Loree Jessica Margaret Louisignau Melany A. Mack Myria Samuels Major Bonnie Christine Martinez Pamela J. Masci Marilyn Ruth-Coombs McLane Michelle Marie Miller-Hogan Jody Jon Nelson Carrie Aine O'Toole Kristi Leathers Pitchford Kimberly D. Porter Laura Michelle Potie Bernadine Marie Pulver Julie K. Rexroth Kathleen Lois Blunt Roberts Shannon Marie Robertson Erin M. Rose Lynn Therese Schramm Lorraine Kay Siegrist Theresa Annette Smith Laura Marie Sokol Lisa Ann Solomon Roxsanna Stenuis Trent N. Toney Sara Lynn Valentine Joanne Christine Winters Janis Woods Jeremy Scott Worsley DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRA nON SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Cheri! Lin Downs Abeel Kristine R. Bennett Marko Kleine Berkenbusch Deanna A. Eby CANDIDATES - RalfToenjes Wade A. Williams Yi Yang DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Criminal Justice Michael Ian Alper Sally Ann Amos Bethany D. Annett Andrew J. Barborak Christopher R. Bommarito Jennifer Brown Scott Glisson Clark Criminal JusticeUrban Studies Bernard L. Crawford JT. Ainsley Errol Owens College of Nursing DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Kathleen Ann Bates Julie Ann Bekius Pamela K. Bolek Beverly Ann Bond Heidi Elizabeth Clippard Judy Kay Crouch Jami Michelle de Varona Renita L. Diehlman Christina Lynne Cornfield Donley Geraldine A. Farley Kristi Jo George Gale A. Hufnagel Kima Lee Johnson Traci Lin Jones Tressa Lynne Kellogg Martin 1. Ruiter Annette Lynn Spindler Hermina Hendrika Taylor Norma Jean VanTol Paul William VanTol Janice Lynn Walcott Christy Marie Willard Administration and Program Evaluation Joann M. Blanchett Martha Elena Castillo Gutierrez Lisa Ann Jacques Debra Lynn Miller Ashaki Ayodele Akosua Robinson Kimberly Steed Colleen Marie Tracey Clinical Social Work Cherie Ann Basye Molly Kathryn Billideau Aimee Lyn Blanke Christopher J. Brandt Erin Nicole Buchanan 62 Joy Annemarie Chicklas Shalaine Kay Davis Jessica Laurel Dombrowski Susan Kathryn Drummond Jennifer Leigh Farley Kay L. Ferrier Victoria Ann Fitton Sarah Jane Gabis Karina Marie Gongora Chastidy Harvey Catherine Ann Holland Tracey Morgan Jaeger Candace A. Johnson Catherine Anne Kattula Rebecca L. Kronberger Jacqueline N. LaHaie Cynthia Lou LaMont Chung Eun Lee Clinical Social WorkUrban Studies Jeffrey N. Frommeyer 63 MASTER'S DEGREES DEGREE OF MASTER IN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Gregory Carl Grootendorst Matthew E. Dugener CANDIDATES - Zhaoyan Zheng SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 MASTER'S DEGREE Cheryl Jean Bobo Jennifer Zophy Carr Rosalie Corliss Cherry Frederick Dale Cotterman Felicidad Noemi de la Rocha de Creagan Chelsea Lynn Haring Youngsoo Jang Donovan Lewis Jones Kimberly Lynn Keilen BongwonKim Denise Muller Lake Timothy George Lauxmann Kimberly Ann Lay Chang-Hun Lee Gena Marie Lott SeongJae Moon Tiffany M. Newsome Sang-Soo Park Catherine Anderson Phillips Jamie Ann Picardy Amanda Burgess Proctor Wondoo Pyo College of Veterinary Medicine LONNIE J. KING, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 2001 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Large Animal Clinical Sciences David Elyezer Bialski William Raphael Small Animal Clinical Science~ Megan Strohmeyer Albertelli George Steven Coronado Jf. CANDIDATE MASTER'S DEGREE Bedriye Bilge Yondem 64 SUMMER SEMESTER, 2001 Jason R. Russell Cindy Marie SharlandDeguise Oseela Nadine Thomas Eric Nathan Trotter Petra Edonna Waters Beth N. Weisenborn Jennifer Lee Werner •
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