1999 distinguished alumni award
1999 distinguished alumni award
COMMENCEMENT 1999 SPRING SEMESTER MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT SPRING Thursday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, May 6 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 15 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 1999 Wharton Center Wharton Center Breslin Center Auditorium Breslin Center Wharton Center Breslin Center Auditorium Breslin Center Auditorium Breslin Center Wharton Center Auditorium Breslin Center Breslin Center Wharton Center Osteopathic Medicine Nursing Undergraduate Student Convocation Arts and Letters Communication Arts and Sciences Veterinary Medicine Advanced Degree Education Natural Science Human Ecology Social Science James Madison Engineering Business Agriculture and Natural Resources Human Medicine • BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Honorable DOROTHY GONZALES, Chairperson ................................................................................... East Lansing The Honorable BOB TRAXLER, Vice Chairperson ...................... .............. ...................................... ............ Bay City . The Honorable DOLORES M. COOK , ......... ..... ............. ........ ..... .................. ............... .. ... ..... ...... .......... .... Greenvtlle The Honorable JOEL FERGUSON ............................................................................................................................. Lansing . The Honorable COLLEEN MCNAMARA ............. ........................................................................................... East Lansing The Honorable DONALD W. NUGENT ...................... .......... ... .................. .... ..... ........... ....... ................. ... .. Frankfort The Honorable DAVID L. PORTEOUS ......................................... .... ......................................... .. ............ ... Reed City The Honorable ROBERT E. WEISS ...................................................... ········· .. ···· .................................. Grand Blanc PETER MCPHERSON, Ex Officio, President ·· ........ · .. ... ...... .. ........... ......... ............................................ East Lansing LOU ANNA KIMSEY SIMON, Provost .................................................................. ..... ........... .............. East Lansing . NANCY H. POGEL, Secretary ....................................................................................................................... Okemos THE COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE BARBARA C. STEIDLE, Chairperson NANETTE ALTON ULREH MOSTOSKY HARRY CARSWELL LINDA LOU SMITH REBECCA GARCIA, Student Representative SCOTT VAUGHN KAREN KLOMPARENS BETSY WHITE TED MINNICK EILEEN WILSON ANGELA MASSINGILL, Student Representative On the cover is Beaumont Memorial Tower, constructed in 1928, a gift of John ~'. Beaumont, cias.s of 1882. Restoration of the tower, carillon, and clock was completed in 1996, revIVmg the bells whIch had been silent since 1987. Beaumont Tower once again is a functioning symbol of the beauty and strength of Michigan State University. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Michigan State University, one of the nation's leading land-grant universities, was founded in 1855 as the first agricultural college with only six faculty members and three buildings to provide youths with an education in farming. Now, 140 years later, MSU continues to strive for excellence in providing a diverse student body with a broad and rich combination of liberal and practical education . Today, the East Lansing campus looks quite different than it did in 1855. More than 5,200 acres ofland encompass more than 400 buildings, and more than 3,000 faculty and staff are engaged in teaching, research and public service. More than 40,000 students - 85 percent from Michigan - attend the University's main campus. Our student body represents every county in the state, every state in the nation, and 107 foreign nations. Minority students comprise more than 14 percent of the campus population, and our campus includes the largest number of African American students among all Big Ten schools. Michigan State University's commitment to diversity and multiculturalism in its student body, faculty, staff, curriculum and outreach programs is exemplified through world-wide services in numerous research, extension, and international programs. More than a century after its agricultural beginnings, Michigan State has a Graduate School and 14 colleges: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Letters, the Broad College of Business, Communication Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering, Human Ecology, Human Medicine, James Madison, Natural Science, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, Social Science and Veterinary Medicine. Today, three colleges represent the central academic disciplines which most universities refer to as the liberal arts and sciences: Arts and Letters, Natural Science, and Social Science. These colleges also provide outstanding undergraduate and graduate degree programs with majors in traditional disciplines while also providing special programs that enable students to obtain a broad, multidisciplinary education. The College of Education collaborates with the colleges to help prepare students to become teachers in the secondary schools of Michigan as well the nation. Our residence hall system is designed to complement and enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Honors College, which attracts fme young scholars nationwide, enables students to waive standard graduation requirements and undertake emiched academic programs. MSU has produced 13 Rhodes Scholars, six Marshall Scholarship winners, and 11 Churchill Scholarship recipients. These British scholarships are among the most distinguished and prestigious academic award that an American student can receive. Multimillion dollar, sponsor-funded programs support a wide array of outstanding research activities at MSU. Major facilities include the Pesticide Research Laboratory, operated with the U.S . Department of Energy as a national plant biology center; and the MSUIW.K. Kellogg Biological Station, which has been designated as a National Research Preserve. In collaboration with both the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at MSU is able to study the nuclei of the heaviest elements. The public significantly benefits from the University through University Outreach, MSU Extension Service, and the Agricultural Experiment Station which provides technical information and course work for many Michigan citizens. The Kellogg Center, one ofthe fmest nationwide, annually hosts some 30,000 adults who come to the campus for approximately 600 conferences and other educational meetings. Service to the international community is equally important. Supported by grants from the federal government and private foundations, MSU sustains educational and research assistance projects internationally. These projects have given many faculty members overseas experience and have added new dimensions to their teaching. Michigan State University is a member of the Association of American Universities, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, American Council on Education, American Council of Learned Societies, International Association of Universities, Association of Graduate Schools, Council of Graduate Schools, and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation. DIPLOMAS WILL BE MAILED TO DEGREE RECIPIENTS APPROXIMATELY ONE MONTH AFTER THE END OF THE SEMESTER. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE SENIOR CLASS GIFT, PLEASE SEE http://www.msu.eduJ-senior98 MSU is an affinnative·action, equal·opportunity institution. 2 3 • ACADEMIC COSTUME In 1895, the Intercollegiate Commission, a group of leading American educators, introduced an academic costume code which by design of gowns and hoods would indicate the various degrees, and which by colors would identify the various faculties . orange and white for the University of Texas; blue and gold for UCLA). If the institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to introduce the second color. Colored velvet or velveteen binds the hoods and indicates the department of faculty to which the degree pertains. Three types of gowns are indicted by the code. Those wom by the bachelors have long, pointed sleeves. Those worn by masters have long, closed sleeves with the arc of a circle near the bottom. Doctor's gowns are faced with velvet. The sleeves are full, round, and open with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars on the sleeves may be black or the same color as the binding of the hood. The color of the velvet of the hood is distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains. For example, the trimming for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture should be maize, representing agriculture, rather than golden yellow, representing science. Generally, the code for the velvet of the hood is the same as listed below for tassels. Hoods are made of material identical with the gown and are lined in the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree (e.g., green and white for MSU; bumt At Michigan State University, it is customalY to identify the candidates graduating from the different departments of study by tassels ofthe official department color as established by the Intercollegiate Code. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ... .... .. .. .......... ...Maize Forestry, Packaging ........... ............ ...... ... ......... Russet COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS ... ....... ... ..... ... .. ... .... .... ... ............ .. White Fine Arts ........ .. .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ...... ... .... ... ...... ... ..Brown Music ........ ........ .... ........................ ........... ........... Pink Philosophy ... .... ... .... ... ..... .................. ... ..... .Dark Blue COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGy ........ .... .. ..... ................ .. .... .. Maroon COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE .................... ..... ........... ....... ... Green JAMES MADISON COLLEGE ........................ ...... Citron COLLEGE OF THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS .... .............. ... ............ .Drab Economics ......... .. ............... ... ............ .. ... ....... Copper COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES ...... .... ........... ....Peacock Blue J oumalism ..... .... . ,.. ,.. ,... . " ... .. .. ........ ............. . Crimson Speech ... ... ... ..... .. .... ...... .. ........ .. .... .. ...... ...Silver Gray NATURAL SCIENCE .. .. ............. ............. .. Golden Yellow COLLEGE OF NURSING ........ ....... ............ ...... .... Apricot COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE .......... .......... .............. Green COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ........................ Citron COLLEGE OF EDUCATION .............. ....... Light Blue COLLEGE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING .............. ........ Orange 4 VETERINARY MEDICINE .................. ... ....... Dark Gray HONORARY DEGREE FREDERICK S. AnDY Your long and successful career in corporate finance, your support of education, and your significant contributions to your community identify you as a citizen of the world. You earned two degrees at Michigan State University-a bachelor's degree in business administration and an MBA in marketing-and then joined the Amoco Corporation in Chicago. At Amoco, you held a series ofpositions with increasing responsibility, including vice president and treasurer, and retired as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Director. During your long career you were known for your integrity and your mastery of the challenging intricacies of corporate finance on a global scale. Through your efforts, Amoco achieved and maintained a coveted Triple-A debt rating and gained a reputation in the financial community for strength and stability. You were also a key player in such major transactions as Amoco's acquisition of Dome Petroleum Company. This extensive and complex transaction was, at the time, the largest business merger in Canada. You have shared your business knowledge and acumen by serving on boards of investment firms and community and educational organizations. You have been a strong and consistent supporter of Michigan State University. In recognition of your distinguished record of achievements, Michigan State University is pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities. HONORARY DEGREE JEAN CHRETIEN You have served your country for more than three decades with a strong commitment to improving the quality of life for Canadians. Throughout your career, your hallmark has been an ability to bring people together to work toward a common purpose. You were first elected to the House of Commons in 1963. On your reelection in 1965 you were appointed Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s you held numerous posts, including Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, President of the Treasury Board, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, and Minister of Finance. After being reelected with an unprecedented majority in 1980, you were appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Minister of State for Social Development. You also served as minister responsible for constitutional negotiations and Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources. In 1984 you became Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs. As a member of the Opposition you were appointed Critic for External Affairs. In 1990 you were elected Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and were sworn in as Prime Minister in 1993. Since then your government has achieved a remarkable economic recovery in Canada and balanced the budget. Economic indicators in Canada point to continued prosperity. You have worked to promote open trade in the Americas, in the Pacific, and around the world. To continue improving the quality of life for Canadians, you have encouraged investment in what you have called "brains and health": education, cutting-edge research and development, the national health care system, and information technology. Canada is a pioneer in connecting schools and public libraries to the Internet and in electronic commerce. You have continued Canada's distinctive role in the international arena and worked creatively to maintain Canada's complex national identity. For your commitment to making Canada a better place to live for all its people and an example to the world, Michigan State University is pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. 5 .,- • - HONORARY DEGREE LORETTA L. Your contribution to the discovery oftwo successful anti-cancer medications has improved the lives of thousands of people. Your diligence and careful attention to detail in the complex laboratory experiments you conducted helped isolate, characterize, and test the compounds that form the important drugs cisplatin and carboplatin. Your careful observations, biological knowledge, and aptitude were vital to the success of this research. Your concern for the patients who would take those drugs led to your active exploration of the side effects they might experience. Even after your retirement you continued to probe the mechanism of anticancer drugs at the cellular level and to study the possible toxic side effects as well as antidotes. Through your commitment to the highest standards of experimentation in the laboratory you coordinated at Michigan State University, you served as an exceptional mentor for thousands of graduate and undergraduate students. You are known for your technical skills, passion for science, rigorous commitment to the pursuit of truth, and strong concern for intellectual integrity. You have been a strong supporter of Michigan State University, using your success to continue research activities you helped begin. For your service, your example, your dedication to education, and your commitment to science, Michigan State University is pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. CATHY OBERG BLIGHT Cathy Oberg Blight received three degrees from Michigan State University-a bachelor's degree in 1971, cum laude; a master's degree in 1973; and a doctor of medicine degree in 1977. Since 1997, Blight has been the Director of Pathology for Hurley Medical Center. She is also the Chief Deputy Medical Examiner for Genesee County. Still associated with Michigan State University, Blight serves as an assistant clinical professor, Department of Pathology, College of Human Medicine. Blight also served in a series of assistant and associate director appointments at Hurley Medical Center prior to her present position. Her professional affiliations are many, including being the Immediate Past President of the Michigan State Medical Society. Blight has also held active leadership positions with the Michigan Society ofPa- thologists, serving as president in 1990-1991. She is also involved with the American College of Pathologists and the American Medical Association, serving as a delegate and as chair of several committees. In public service, Blight has served in leadership roles on the Boards of Directors for the Genesee County Humane Society, the Michigan Hospice Organization, the United Way of Genesee and Lapeer Counties, Michigan State University Development Fund, and the Flint Area Health Coalition. She has received awards of distinction including the Outstanding Alumni Award from Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine, in 1993; the Herbert Lansky Award, College of American Pathologist's Foundation, 1991; and Distinguished Alumni Award, Oxford Area Community High Schools, 1990. HONORARY DEGREE 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD ELIEWIESEL WILLIAM BREIT Concern for the oppressed and neglected of the world has marked your life's work. You have defended the cause of Soviet Jews, Nicaragua's Miskito Indians, Argentina's "disappeared," Cambodian refugees, the Kurds, South African apartheid victims, famine victims in Africa, and more recently the victims and prisoners in the former Yugoslavia. Your first-hand experience of oppression and torture led to that commitment. In 1944 when you were fifteen, Nazis took over your village, in what is now Romania, and transported you and your family to Auschwitz, where your mother and younger sister perished. You and your father were later transported to Buchenwald, where your father died. Only you and your two older sisters survived the concentration camps. You went on to study at the Sorbonne and become a journalist in France. When you interviewed Nobel laureate Francois Mauriac, he encouraged you to speak about your Holocaust experiences. Your response was the novel, Night. Published in 1958, it was the first of more than forty books to explore Judaism, the Holocaust, and the ethics 6 VAN CAMP 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD and morality of human rights. In addition to your writing and speaking, you are a teacher who has held posts at several universities. Since 1976 you have been the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University where you also hold the title of University Professor. Your humanitarian efforts earned you the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Building on the prize, you and your wife established The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity to advance the cause of human rights and peace throughout the world. You continue to receive numerous honors. In the United States you have received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal of Achievement, and the Medal of Liberty Award. You hold the rank of Grand Officer in the French Legion of Honor. You are founding chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and founding president of the Paris-based Universal Academy of Cultures. For your advocacy of human rights around the world, Michigan State University is pleased to award you the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities. William Breit received his doctorate in economics from Michigan State University in 1961. A distinguished scholar, Breit is E.M. Stevens Distinguished Professor of Economics, at Trinity University. He is also currently an adjunct scholar at America Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. Breit's previous appointments included professor of economics (1970-1983) and associate professor (1965-1970) at the University of Virginia. Before an appointment as Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics at Louisiana State University, Breit was an instructor of economics at Michigan State University for three years. An accomplished author, Breit has served as editor on a number ofprofessionaljoumals including the Social Science Quarterly, the Journal of Economic Issues, Research in the History ofEconomics, and the International Social Science Review. He was a co-editor with Kenneth Elzinga, of the Political Economy and Public Policy: an International Series of Monographs in Law and Econom- ics, History ofEconomic Thought and Public Finance. He has also authored many notable publications including an article on the markets for the Encyclopedia International. Breit's many awards and recognitions include sharing with Kenneth Elzinga the 1977 Phi Beta Kappa Book Prize for The Antitrust Penalties: A Study in the Law of Economics. He also was recognized as a Sesquicentennial Associate, Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia; a senior research associate, Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy, University of Virginia. He was a member of the Advisory Board to the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, Washington, D.C., and he served as president of the Southern Economic Association. Breit has also been honored as the commencement speaker at Trinity University in 1983, and he presented the Trinity College Honors Convocation Address in 1992. Breit will share the Michigan State University Distinguished Alumni Award with his colleague Kenneth G. Elzinga. 7 • 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD KENNETH G. ELZINGA CHOSEI KABlRA Kenneth Elzinga received two degrees from Michigan State University, his master's degree in 1966 and his doctorate in economics in 1967. Since 1974, Elzinga has been professor of economics at the University of Virginia. His previous appointments have included the Cavalier's Distinguished Teaching Professorship at the University of Virginia, a Thomas Jefferson Fellow at Cambridge University, a visiting professor of economics at Trinity University, a fellow in Law and Economics at the University of Chicago, and a special economic advisor to the Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice. His many awards and recognitions include the Templeton Honor Roll Award for Education in a Free Society, John Templeton Foundation, 1997; the Kenan Enterprise Award for Teaching Economics from the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, 1966; the Phi Eta Sigma Teacher of the Year Award in 1992; and the Distinguished Professor Award from the University of Virginia in 1979. A distinguished author, Elzinga shared with Will- and edited many articles for professional journals including the Social Science Quarterly, the Antitrust Law & Economics Review, the Journal of Law and Economics, and the Harvard Law Review. In addition, Elzinga has authored books including Economics: A Reader and Murder at the Margin , a mystery novel. Elzinga and coauthor William Breit, created this mystery novel in which the protagonist uses economic analysis to solve the crime. His many professional affiliations include memberships on the Advisory Committees: PEW Evangelical Scholars Program; the Council of Scholars for the foundation for Economic Education; the Board of Trustees, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; the Board of Trustees for Hope College; and the American Bar Association Special Committee to Study the Federal Trade Commission. Elzinga will share the Michigan State University Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumni award with his colleague William Breit. Chosei Kabira received a bachelor's degree in 1956 and a master's degree in communication in 1960. A career in broadcasting led to his current position as professor and Vice President of Liberal Arts, and member of the Board of Trustees of Showa Women's University, Tokyo, Japan. Kabira's many professional accomplishments include leadership positions with the Okinawa Public Broadcasting System, Inc. and the Japan Broadcasting Corporation. He has also been instrumental in the leadership as Executive Secretary of the Hoso Bunka Foundation, the Cultural Foundation for Broadcasting. He has also served as instructor for Broadcasting Man- agement Seminar, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Government of Japan. A distinguished author, Kabira has published articles in professional journals about the broadcast industry and international communication issues. In 1995 he delivered the IIC Kyoto Annual conference address entitled, "Is Multimedia Society Heaven or HellT His many awards and recognitions include the Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, MSU. He is a founder and past president ofthe Michigan State University Alumni Association of Japan. 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD RICKINATOME JOHN C. KORNBLUM Rick Inatome received his bachelor's degree in business economics from Michigan State University in 1976. Currently chairman ofInacom Corp, a Fortune 500 company, Inatome has been instrumental in the company's growth into a major information systems provider. In 1989, he also founded Computer City, one of the country's leading computer superstore chains. A leader and visionary in business, Inatome founded a venture capital firm, creating market leaders in industries including entertainment and media, automotive retailing, and printing and communication services from its investments into resources and technology. In 1993, Inatome became principal shareholder and co-chairman of American Speedy Printing Centers, Inc., the nation's fourth largest quick-printing chain. He is also chairman of Liberty Business and Industrial Development Corporation, Michigan's larg- 8 iam Breit, the Phi Beta Kappa Prize for The Antitrust Penalties: A Study in Law and Economics. He has also written est BIDCO, which has provided more than $40 million of growth capital to Michigan entrepreneurs; a principal of II Ventures, venture capitalists; and copresident of Michigan Future, Inc., a think tank of Michigan industrial leaders helping to advance a progressive vision of Michigan's economic future. His many recognitions include appointment by Governor John Engler to the Michigan Jobs Commission Board and to chair the advisory board ofthe Michigan Information Network, which enables Michigan infrastructure to access global information. Inatome holds board positions for numerous national and regional companies and community based civic and charitable organizations. The recipient of numerous awards, Inatome received INC Magazine's Entrepreneur of the Year and Fastest-Growing Companies in the U.S. recognition. John Kornblum received a bachelor of arts degree in history from Michigan State University in 1964. Since 1997, he has served as U.S. Ambassador to Germany. Over the past three decades, he has been the U.S. State Department' s leading European specialist, having served in Hamburg and twice in Berlin, the second time as U.S. Minister and Deputy Commandant in 1985. Both Presidents William Clinton and George Bush have recognized Kornblum's skills as negotiator and his desire to promote peace. In 1991, President Bush named Kornblum as the top American at the 1992 Helsinski Review Conference. In 1996, President Clinton named him assistant Secretary of S tate for European and Canadian Affairs and special envoy to Bosnia. For his outstanding service on the Balkan crisis, Kornblum won the Secretary's Award in 1996 and was made an honorary citizen of Sarajevo in 1997. 9 • 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD RICHARD MICHAEL LESLIE LORD WILLIAM H. MORGAN Richard Lord received his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering in 1953. He is currently an engineer, administrator and consultant specializing in Immigration Adjudication. His professional experience includes serving as a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Lord also was principal consultant for Richard Lord International Immigration Consultants, Inc. At one time he was president of Canafric Development Corporation Ltd., promoting Canadian Engineering in Africa. Lord's humanitarian involvement includes William H. Morgan received a bachelor's degree in social science from Michigan State University in 1952. Currently he is senior executive vice president of Elias Brothers Restaurants and Big Boy International and has worked with the company for 45 years. He is also a member of the Elias Brothers Board of Directors. Morgan joined Elias Brothers in January 1954, after serving in the army. He worked his way from the kitchen to the executive offices, serving in every capacity in the restaurant business. He held the position of Director of Personnel for 17 years. As Senior Executive Vice President and Director, Morgan is involved in the Big Boy Restaurant Franchise System, parent company to more than 700 Big Boy Restaurants worldwide; as well as stadium contracts at the Pontiac Silverdome, the Michigan International Speedway, the Buick Open Golf Classic, Detroit's Grand Prix Road Race, the Detroit River Boat Races, and the Firestone World Series of Golf in Akron, Ohio. He was instrumental in instituting the service club system of operations at the Silverdome, which has annually returned over $25 million to the community. His community involvement includes serving as founding Director of the NCAA sanctioned Cherry Bowl Football Game and as a charter member of Detroit's New Motor City Bowl Committee. He was instrumental in bringing the 1982 NFL Super bowl Game to the Silverdome. Morgan is also past president of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce and of the Clinton Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America. He currently serves on the Executive Board of the Michigan State University Development Council, the Board of Directors of the Bank ofRochester, and is the past chairman and charter director of the Rochester Crittenton Hospital Development council. His many awards and recognitions include the Michigan Restaurant Association Distinguished Service Award in 1998. Morgan was a director of and vice president of the Michigan Restaurant Association. 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD DONALD W. MAINE DONALD C. SAWYER Donald Maine received two degrees from Michigan State University-a bachelor's degree in elementary education in 1965 and a master's degree in reading instruction in 1971. Maine serves as Chancellor of the Davenport Educational System, Inc., the largest independent college system in Michigan and one of the largest in the nation with 26,000 students. While serving as president of Davenport College for two decades beginning in 1977, he spearheaded the college's growth from a two-year associate-degree college to a four-year baccalaureate-degree college. In 1998, he launched an MBA program for the college, moving it to a new plateau. Active in community and professional affairs, Maine is chairperson of the Metropolitan Hospital Board and vice chair of the Metropolitan Health Cor- 10 leadership roles at the Vanier Institute of the Family, the National Family Institute of Canada, and serving as a research consultant and community liaison officer for the special Senate committee on Poverty. His professional affiliations include membership in the Order of Engineers of Quebec, the Michigan State University Chemical Engineering Alumni Board, and the Michigan State Varsity Alumni Association. Lord's many recognition and awards include the Service to the Community Award from the Royal Canadian Legion Hospital in Montreal. poration Board, a member of the Metropolitan Hospital Foundation Board, the Opera Grand Rapids Board, and the Salvation Army Campaign Cabinet. He also served as past chair of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Board. He is also a member of the Grand Rapids Economics Club Board and ofthe Grand Action Executive Committee, which is planning a new $200 million convention center. Maine's professional activities include being a member and past chairperson of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan. He has served as a consultant/evaluator for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and was a member of the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority for eight years, serving as chairperson in 1990. Donald Sawyer received two degrees from Michigan State University-a bachelor's degree in 1959 and a doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1961. Sawyer is currently president of Donald Sawyer Education Services, Inc. A Michigan State University professor emeritus since 1997, Sawyer held many positions with the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine's including an adjunct professor to the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, coordinator of Outreach, Chief Anesthesia Section, Professor of Anesthesia, Acting Assistant Dean, and professor of Small Animal Surgery and Medicine. Sawyer's many research grants include studies in subacute toxicity, anesthesiology, and other studies for the relief of pain and suffering in animals. In 1989 he went to Alaska to help salvage sea otters injured during the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez and received worldwide recognition for his efforts. Following this experience he wrote extensively on his experiences and lectured on disaster medicine. A distinguished author, Sawyer has written or presented many professional journal articles and re- search papers in the areas of his expertise. He has been an invited and sought after lecturer to professional colleagues around the world. His many awards include MSU Distinguished Veterinary Alumnus Award in 1992, the American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists Founders Award, the Merck Agvet Award for Creativity, the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners Founding Fathers Award, and the Award of Appreciation for "A Decade of Service to the Michigan Veterinary Conference" from the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association. Sawyer's professional affiliations include leadership roles with the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association and the American Veterinary Medical Association. He is also the President and Co-founder of the International Association of Fly-Fishing Veterinarians. He is a founding member of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists, and cofounder and honorary diplomat of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. 11 • 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD JOHN T. SCOTT FRED C. TINNING John Scott received his master of fine arts degree in arts and letters from Michigan State University in 1965. Since 1965 he has been a member of the Xavier University of Louisiana Art Department where he is currently professor of fine arts. His teaching areas include sculpture, modeling, wood and stone carving, casting, printmaking, design, drawing papermaking, and calligraphy. An accomplished artist, Scott has many commissioned art pieces and has had exhibits in galleries in New Orleans, Atlanta, and in Santa Fe. Recent exhibitions have included Inspirations: The Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA; Arthur Rogers Gallery, Urban Warriors; Jazz "A Montage of a Dream" Kansas City Jazz Museum; Beyond the Vail - The Art of African American Artist at the Century's End, Trop Exhibit Rollins College Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Winter Park, Florida; Renderings, Kennedy Center Library, Washington, D.C.; and See- Fred C. Tinning received three degrees from Michigan State University- a bachelor's degree in 1959, a master's degree in 1961 and a doctorate in philosophy in 1973. Currently President Emeritus of Kirksville, MO College of Osteopathic Medicine, Tinning served as president for 12 years. Prior to that appointment he was Assistant Dean for Planning and Program Operations at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He also served as a professor in the Department of Counseling, Personnel Services and Educational Psychology, College of Education, and in a variety of other administrative and teaching positions at Michigan State University. He is also currently an adjunct professor for Department of Health Administration, University of South Carolina. Tinning served as a member of the Advisory Panel to the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment's for the Rural Health Care Study. Tinning had international consulting experiences with the University Cen- ter for International Rehabilitation, a federal center established at MSU by the U.S. Congress. Tinning served on a special task force on Medical School Cost Study as the vice chairman for the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science Model, and as a representative for the Senate Fiscal Agency. He was appointed to the Governor's Planning Systems for Michigan in 1966. In Missouri he was appointed by the Governor to several task forces and commissions. Tinning's professional affiliations include serving as chair for the Board of Governors for the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, and as a member of the Bureau of Professional Education, American Osteopathic Association. The City of Kirksville, Missouri proclaimed Fred C. Tinning Day on October 10, 1997. He has also received numerous recognitions from his professional colleagues and from the Missouri Senate and House of Representatives. 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 1999 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD SURAT SILPA-ANAN SHIRLEY A. WEIS Surat Silpa-Anan received a doctor of philosophy degree in education from Michigan State University in 1972. Since 1997 Silpa-Anan has served Thailand as a Senator in the National Parliament's House of Senate and is currently chairman of the Thailand Education Reform Committee. Prior to that, he was permanent secretary in Thailand's Ministry of Education. A lifelong educator, he has served his country as teacher, director, and member of the Teachers' Civil Service Commission. Since 1975 he has been a member of several other government posts within Thailand's Ministry of Education. Silpa-Anan has championed many causes in education, including the establishment of 58 public libraries, as well as the establishment of the Sirinthorn Institute for Continuing and Development Education, and the establishment ofthe Center ofVocational Training for broader areas around Thailand. 12 ing Jazz, Artists and Writers on Jazz, Smithsonian Institute Traveling Exhibition, Washington, D.C. Scott has been visiting artist/teacher at numerous colleges and universities including Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the University of Georgia, Arizona State University, University of Minnesota, University of Massachusetts, Howard University, and the Washington Proj ect for the Arts in Washington, DC. An accomplished author, Scott has published work in Art in America, Artweek, the New Orleans Art Review, Art News, and other professional and popular magazines and journals. His community and professional involvement include serving on the Audubon Institute Artist Selection Panel and on the Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities. He is a member ofthe Board of Directors ofthe New Orleans Cultural Foundation, Inc. and the Board of Directors of the Southern Arts Federation. Very active in national affairs, he served as chairman for the Committee on the Amendment ofthe Teachers' Civil Service Act. He also served as executive committee member for the Resettlement of Disadvantaged People in Northeastern Thailand; the Committee on Policy Establishment for Science and Technology; and on the United Nations' Development Program's Basic and Occupational Education and Training Program. Special honors include the Chakrabarti Mala Medal in 1988, the White Elephant (highest level of all) of the most exalted order of the White Elephant. In 1997, he received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Srinakarinwiroj University and the Boy Scout Citation Medal (Special Class) from the National Scout Council. He has also received the Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, in 1992. Shirley Weis received a bachelor's degree in nursing from Michigan State University in 1975. Currently she chairs the Department of Managed Care for the Mayo Foundation. Prior to this appointment, Weis held other management positions at Mayo Foundation and Mayo Management Services where she directed all activities for HMO, TP A and medical management services for 115,000 lives and supervised more than $185 million in paid claims. Until August 1995, she was the chief operating officer for the Blue Care Network Health Central in Michigan. Previously she was manager of energy department and outpatient services, and emergency room nursing and supervision. She also has taught management courses for health care professionals. Weis's professional affiliations include membership on the Minnesota Council of Health Plans, Minnesota Regional C Coordinating Board, Region 6; the Lansing Community College Foundation; the HMO Association of Michigan; the American Association of Health Plans; and the American Managed Care and Review Association. Weis has received numerous recognition and awards including the Diana Award for Outstanding Business Women in 1982 and in 1988. She has published numerous articles in professional journals. 13 '4 HONORS ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees FOR 1998-99 MSU BACCALAUREATE GRADUATES Major National and International Scholarship and Fellowship Awards THE BARRY M. GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP ANDREW S. MIENALTOWSKI DANIEL J. THORNHILL THE HOWARD HUGHES PREDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP BRAD A. CHAPMAN THE HARRY S. TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP AND THE BRITISH MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Presiding WILLIAM W. TAYLOR, ACTING DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band JOHN MADDEN, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER......................... .... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .... ... ....... .. ..... ... .. .. .. ..... ....... ..... ... ..... Key (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience, led by Sarah Hibbard) JENNIFER ELAINE SYKES THE MORRIS K. UDALL SCHOLARSHIP WASEYA ALICIA CORNELL MEEGAN LEAH MAHAN THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP KATHLEEN T. LUCHINI 1998-99 BOARD OF TRUSTEE'S AWARDS FALL CHRISTINA J. Bos JIM L. BROWN KATHLEEN MOE DA VID I. SCHULZ AARON T. WESTRICK TRACI A. WOLBRINK STUDENT ADDRESS BREEPOPP Environmental Studies and Applications CONFERRING OF DEGREES WILLIAM W. TAYLOR, Acting Dean College ofAgriculture and Natural Resources Michigan State University SPECIAL RECOGNITION Outstanding Scholarship Award DANIEL P . WALSH Fisheries and Wildlife AMy STEFFEY Animal Science Outstanding Leadership Award BREEPOPP Environmental Studies and Applications PRESENTATION OF GRADUATES SPRING DAVID R. ALLTON ANGELA L. DIFRANCESCO BENJAMIN A. HAUSMANN JEREMIAH J. HORTON HEATHER L. HOUWELING MARK M. NAKAMOTO BRADLEY J. PAYNE KRISTINE N. TUMA GREGORY S. WASHINGTON THE LOUIS SUDLER PRIZE IN THE ARTS BENJAMIN A. HAUSMANN TRISHA MILLER ALMA MATER.................................................. ........... ...... ............. ...................... ............................................... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 14 15 ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Presiding WENDY K. WILKINS, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER .............................................................................................. .... ... .. ....Key (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience, led by Jeffrey D. Brown) Presiding JAMESB.HENRY,DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN WHITWELL, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER.............................................. ....... ... .............................................. .....Key (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) ADDRESS PETER F. SECCHIA, Ambassador Chairman of the Board Universal Forest Products, Inc. PRESENTATION OF MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: EUGENE FARNUM President Michigan State University Alumni Association National Board ofDirectors Recipients: MR. JOHN C. KORNBLUM Ambassador to Germany B.A. History, 1964 MR. JOHN T. SCOTT SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU Songs............................................... ........ ............... ............. .... ......... ................. ........ Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony CONFERRING OF DEGREES JAMES B. HENRY Dean, The Eli Broad College of Business Michigan State University Distinguished Visual Artist MF.A. Studio Art, 1965 PRESENTATION OF COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: TERRY MCKENNY-PERSON PRESENTATION OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: LYNDA ASHFORD-SCALES Chairperson Michigan State University Alumni Association National Board Awards Committee Vice-President, College of Arts and Letters Alumni Association Board of Directors Recipient: MR. JIM HARRISON Distinguished Author B.A. English, 1960 STUDENT SPEAKER MS. TRISHA MILLER Department of Theatre Recipients: WILLIAM BRElT, PH.D. E.M. Stevens Dist.ingui.s hed Professor of Economics Department of Economics Trmity University KENNETH ELZINGA PH.D. Cavaliers Professor of Economics University of Virginia RICK INATOME SPECIAL MUSIC The MSU Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor Chairman, Inacom Corporation Troy, Michigan STUDENT REMARKS CONFERRING OF DEGREES WENDY K. WILKINS Dean, College ofArts and Letters Michigan State University RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING GRADUATES Outstanding Senior Awards Peer Recognition Awards ALMA MATER ... ........................... .. .. ..................... .... .................. .. ......................... ............................................. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we ' ll gather To give our faith so true Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praISes, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience) ALMA MATER .......................... ...... ... ... ........ .................................. .............................. .. ......... ... ..... .. .. ............. .. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O' er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we ' ll gather To give our faith so true Sing our lov.e for Alma Mater And thy pralSes, M.S.U (TIle MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 16 The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. After the recessional of the platfonn party students and guests may leave via any exit. 17 • ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Presiding Presiding CAROLE AMES, DEAN JAMES D. SP ANIOLO, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN WmTWELL, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................ ........ ..... .... ..... ......................................... .. .......... Key (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Sarah Hibbard) MOMENT OF SILENCE SENIOR CLASS ADDRESS JENNE D. MYERS, Communication SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy onMSU Songs ............................... .. ........... .. ........................................ ... ............................. ... Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ....... .................... .......................................... ............ ............................ ... .. ....... ...Elgar The Michigap 8tate University Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor AMERI CA ......................... ................... .... .... ............ .... ..... ........... .............. ....... .. ........ ............ ........ .Smith Led by Jeffery Brown with the Michigan State University Symphony Band and Audience MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU 800gs ......................................................... ...................... ...................................... .....Curnow The Michiga_n State University Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor CONFERRING OF DEGREES JAMES D. SPANIOLO, lD Dean, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University ADDRESS DR. BARBARA MIERAS, President Davenport College, Grand Rapids, Michigan College of Education Alumna PRESENTATION OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: KEITH A. WILLIAMS, Director, Michigan State University Alumni Association Recipient: CHOSEI KABIRA RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING GRADUATES PRESENTATION OF MSU ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD Recipient: EDWARD DEEB PRESENTATION OF OUTSTANDING ALUMNI AWARDS ANNE READETT, President of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences Alumni Association Recipients: BRENDA LEWIS DEHORN PETER GENT REv. KAREN WOODSON MORROW GARY TOPOLEWSKI WILLIAM EDWARD WENDOVER SPECIAL RECOGNITION RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES ALMA MATER.. ......................... .. .............. ............................. .. .. ................. .. ... ........ .. .. ....... .. ...................... ... .... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) CONFERRING OF DEGREES CAROLE AMES, Ph.D Dean, College of Education Michigan State University SENIOR RESPONSE WELCOME TO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MICHAEL SHIBLER, Ph.D. President, College ofEducation Alumni Association ALMA MATER........................................ .............................................................................................. ........ ....... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (Led by Jeffery Brown with the Michigan State University Symphony Band and Audience) RECESSIONAL The Michigap State University Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. Sign language interpretation is provided by Ginger Martz. 18 The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional. Sign language interpretation is provided by Maureen Walton and Donna Leahy. 19 • ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY Presiding Presiding GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN, ACTING DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor AMERICA .................................................................... ................................... ............................ ..... Smith (The MSU Symphony Band and Audience) WELCOME GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN Acting Dean, College of Engineering Michigan State University SENIOR CLASS ADDRESS, 1999 Ms. KRISTY AINSLIE, Chemical Ellgineering MR. ERIC BACHELDER, Chemical Engilleering Ms. Nw AMAKA DALLAH Engineering Arts 1999 CLAUD R. ERICKSON DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD Presentor: MR. MARTIN E. KOLKA, Chair, College of Engineering Alumni Association Board of Directors Recipient: MR. LEROY R. DELL, B.S. Civil Engineering 1966 MSUAA DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: Ms. LIZ SCHWEITZER, Michigan State University Alumni Association National Board, Executive Committee Recipient: R. MILLER, DEAN PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ............ ......... .. .. .... ............... .... .......................................... .... ........ .. ......... ....... ...Elgar STAR SPANGLED BANNER........................... ... .... ......... .. ........ ... ....... ·· ...... · .......... · ................. ...... Key Ms. VICKI MCCULLEN OPENING OF CEREMONIES JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College of Human Ecology Michigan State University STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Ms. NINA GARGOVIC Department of Human Environment and Design Ms. AMy Jo RENO Department of Family and Child Ecology Ms. TANYA ALKHAZOVA Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition MR. RICHARD LORD, B.S. Chemical Engineering 1953 SPECIAL RECOGNITION Outstanding Student Awards Faculty Excellence in Teaching, Research, Public Service CONFERRING OF DEGREES GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN Acting Dean, College ofEngineering Michigan State University RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Dean, Department Chairpersons, and Associate Deans ENGINEERS' OATH STACY L. HENRY, Electrical Engineering, Class of 1999 ALMA MATER ..................................................... ..... .................................................... '" ........... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. ( Audience) CLOSING GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN Acting Dean, College of Engineering Michigan State University RECESSIONAL The MSU Symphony Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving the Auditorium. 20 JULIA REMARKS JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College ofHuman Ecology Michigan State University OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARDS MARY ELLEN ZABlK, Ph.D Associate Dean for Academic Affairs College of Human Ecology University Distinguished Professor RECOGNITION OF DEGREE RECIPIENTS JULIA R. MILLER, Ph.D Dean, College of Human Ecology Michigan State University ALMA MATER ........................ ....... ......... ............................... .................... ... .. .... ................. .... ..... ............. .. ..... .. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Symphony Band) RECESSIONAL The MSU _Symphony Band JOHN T. MADDEN, Conductor The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 21 • ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees JAMES MADISON COLLEGE Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE Presiding Presiding NORMAN GRAHAM, ACTING DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Faculty Jazz Quartet ANDREW SPEIGHT, Conductor GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL (The MSU Faculty Jazz Quartet and Audience) PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance ......................................................... ..... .......................... .. .... .. .......................... .Elgar The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN WHITWELL, Conductor WELCOME NORMAN GRAHAM Acting Dean, James Madison College Michigan State University AMERICA .................................................................... ........ ...... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..................... .. .... ...... ..Smith (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS DR. SHERMAN GARNETT Dean-designee, James Madison College 1978 graduate ofJames Madison College Introduction by Professor Richard Zinman, James Madison College COMMENTS MICHELLE R. KApUSCINSKI Graduating Senior SPECIAL MUSIC The MSU Faculty Jazz Quartet MOMENT OF REFLECTION PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES ERlC PETRlE, Professor CONFERRING OF DEGREES NORMAN GRAHAM Acting Dean, James Madison College Michigan State University STUDENT SPEAKER MARK MOON· Introduction by Professor Michael Schechter, James Madison College CLASS GIFT ANNOUNCEMENT CANDICE PROGLER ERlCA SCHMID Introduction by Professor Katherine 0 'Sullivan See, James Madison College SPECIAL PRESENTATION JAMES MADISON COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LANCE BOLDREY, President TRIBUTES TO PROFESSORS ZINMAN, DORRAND EVANS PROF. KENNETH WALTZER, James Madison College CHARGE TO CLASS OF 1999 NORMAN GRAHAM Acting Dean, James Madison College Michigan State University ALMA MATER ................. .. ..................... ............................................. .. .... ....... ....... ..... ........ .. .............................Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Faculty Jazz Quartet and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Faculty Jazz Quartet SPECIAL MUSIC Fantasy on MSU Songs ........................................................................................................ ................. Curnow The MSU Wind Symphony RECOGNITION OF AWARDS ESTELLE J. MCGROARTY, Associate Dean College of Natural Science Michigan State University RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES ANTHONY D' ANGELO, President College of Natural Science Alumni Board Michigan State University PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS GEORGE E. LEROI Dean, College of Natural Science Michigan State University ALMA MATER..... .............. ....... ................................. ............................ .... ........ ........... .............................. .... .... Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. The audience is requested to remain seated while those in the processional are entering and leaving. 22 23 .. ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees COLLEGE OF NURSING COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Presiding Presiding MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The Lansing Concert Band KEVIN CULLING, Conductor STAR SPANGLED BANNER........................................... .............. ... .... ... ......... ........ ............... .. ... ... Key (The Lansing Concert Band and Audience) ADDRESS JEAN CHABUT, B.S.N.,M.P.H., Director Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control Michigan Department of Community Health SPECIAL MUSIC The Lansing Concert Band CONFERRING OF DEGREES MARILYN ROTHERT, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. Dean and Professor College ofNursing Michigan State University SIGMA THETA TAU RECOGNITION LOUISE SELANDERS President, Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Psi Chapter COLLEGE OF NURSING ALUMNI ASSOCIATION A. J. JONES, N.D., M.S., R.N. President STUDENT ADDRESS AMy GAWURA, G.N. ALMA MATER .................. .. .......................................................... .. .. ... ........... ...... .. .............. .............................. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling 0' er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The Audience) MICHIGAN STATE FIGHT SONG ................................... ..... ................ .. ........ ....... ............ ........ Lankey The Lansing Concert Band and Audience RECESSIONAL The Lansing Concert Band The audience is requested to remain seated while those in th e processional are entering and leaving the Auditorium. 24 KENNETH E. COREY, DEAN PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN L. WHITWELL, Conductor OPENING OF CEREMONIES KENNETH E. COREY Dean, College of Social Science Michigan State University STAR SPANGLED BANNER ........................................................... .... ...... ... ............ .. ..... ....... ... ..... .. ... ... Key (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience, led by Sarah Hibbard) PRESENTATION OF THE 1999 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Presentor: EUGENE FARNUM, 1998-99 Chairperson of the Michigan State University Alumni Association National Board ofDirectors Recipient: WILLIAM H. MORGAN, Senior Executive Vice President and Director Big Boy Restaurant Franchise System PRESENTATION OF THE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE OUTSTANDING ALUMNUS AWARD FOR 1998-99 SANDRA M. COTTER, President College of Social Science Alumni Association REMARKS LUTHER P. CHRISTMAN 1998-99 College of Social Science Outstanding Alumnus Founder and Dean Emeritus of the Rush Univeristy College of Nursing SPECIAL MUSIC Aztec Dance ...... ............................................................................................................................... .. .. fl. Owen Reed The MSU Wind Symphony CONFERRING OF DEGREES KENNETH E. COREY Dean, College of Social Science Michigan State University STUDENT RESPONSE BRIAN O. WALTERS ALMA MATER...................................... ...... ............ ............................................................................. ... ..... ............... .. Traynor M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) RECESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional. 25 • AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES College of Agriculture and Natural Resources DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FRED L. POSTON, VICE PROVOST AND DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Agribusiness Management Rebecca Ann Bordner Barbara Anne Byrum Scott E. Helmore Matthew S. Keefer Chad Kreeger Renzie R. Milarch ** Abraham John Pasch Kara May Reinbolt * Peter Traylor Rudolph Tyler E. Wegmeyer ** Lisa Jean Winkel Agriscience Anthony Melvin Boughton * Travis Matthew Horkey Kevin C. Nugent Christopher Allen Rader Erikka Marie Traverse * Nicholas V. VanDenBrink ** ** ** * ** * * H* ** Animal Science Nicholas Henry Alt Donna Jean Barnes Stacey Renee Berden Joseph 1. Bonczynski Jr. Kendra 1. Burmeister Lisa Marie Burnham Marci Rene Charest Amanda Katherine Deyo AmyE. Drury Heather Hamilton Miah Marie Hardman Christine M. Kessler Charity May Koons Lynn Marie Micklatcher Theresa A. Piotter Julie Ann Robinson Jaime M. Robison Robin Kay Sackevich Danielle Renee Sandel Amy Caroline Shelle Pepper Jolene Shepherd William Michael Sickner Heather Rochelle Skrzypek Alexis Mietz Soutter Heather Maureen Stearley Amy Lynn Steffey Philip Garrett Stern Nicole L. Steward James Daniel Storey Katherine Charlotte Thompson Jason Lee Van Lente Virginia Gail VanTiem Elizabeth L. Wells Jacqueline R. Yelland Andrew Michael Zagata Building Construction Management Timothy 1. Audretsch Luke B. Augspurger Amy Lynn Bauer David William Beardsley II H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 26 Maximilian Bachman Boortz Reginald E. Carveth III John Lambros Chilimigras Thomas Farley Colthurst David Andrew Dickins Scott Dolata * Yvon Marcel Dufour Daniel Charles Duncan II Matthew Michael Eggleton H Adrienne Olivia Evert Michael John Fennell Brian Patrick Fredline Sean Michael Hollister Ryan Douglas Husted Eric D. Johnson Kenton Jeffrey Knapp Miea DeVaughn Lamb Gerard G. Lambert ** Christopher W. Lattak David Wilson Link Andrew John Lynch Timothy Richard Makar Vincent Maselli Jf. Richard C. Maynard Deirdre Nora McLinden Adam Brentley Meek Kyle Jeffrey Mosteller Michael Robert Ostrowski Jason Jon Poag John R. Quillen II Sean Michael Ramsdell Christopher A. Rau Lorenzo Rivera Jr. Jason Jonah Rusch John G. Sollenberger Jeffrey Thomas Stover Matthew R. VanDyke Aaron Jay Warner Brian MacKerroll Watson Matthew Mark Wesolowski Valerie A. Woodard Ryan R. Woodruff John Glen Wright Paul James Yambor Douglas John Zimos Jason M. Zorn Crop and Soil Sciences H** Joonu-Noel Andrews Sheryl Lynn Diegel Loren Curtis Kaeb Mark 1. Loos Kelly Michelle Miller Robert Lawrence Schafer Brian Scherdt Scott William Schulte Molly M. Sklapsky Joel Thomas Tyrpak Jill Marie Wildman • Ryan Christoper Zelinko Environmental Studies and Applications Amy Lynn Adami Jaimee Michelle Bale * * * * * * * * * H* Cynthia Louise Beerbower Nickie Renee Corley Dana Lynn Debel Ryan Robert Gallavin Christy Suzanne Gerges Courtney Alysia Gray Jessica Spring Hearn Ryan P. Higuchi Matthew Hoffman Jason Dean Imm Ellen Oxana Iwanow Justin Fay Knoll David Michael Lazar Carrie Ann Lenz Joseph C. Lystad Elisa Mattice Michelle A. Meisner Michael John Mirto Joel 1. Mishler Laura St. John Morford Rick L. Murgittroyd Melanie Rose Nance Scott Edward Nelsen Danyle L. Ordway Emily G. Owens Richard C. Peresky Sarah E. Phillips Bree Michelle Popp Jeffrey 1. Robinette Chad E. Rogers Sherry Lynn Schlientz Jason Tyler Shimkos Sara Ellen Simmonds Jason Patrick Tobin Joel Ralph Underwood Betsy Suzanne Wilshere Nicole M. Zacharda Michelle Lynn Ziewacz Fisheries and Wildlire Zachary Dale Aho Beth Ann Apple Nolan Paul Banish Bradley David Barker Tiffany Roberta Baron ** Eric James Bassett Meagan L. Bataran Shannon D. Beaucaire Alison Beck Christopher P. Benes Craig Kenneth Bloomquist Kristine Ann Brown Julie Ellen Burch Justin J. Cardenas Lisa Lynne Cunkle Karon Elizabeth Eva * Jennifer Lynne Fettinger Tina Anne Frankenberger H* Cary Marie Gardner Cas sondra Lynn Giroux Andrea Ranee Gleason James R. Gormley Hannelore Emily Grome Kristin Ann Hasselbring Brandi Danielle Hughey Sara Beth Kirshman * Matthew E. Kleitch ** Samuel Vincent Latra Joyce Lau Jason Christopher Lowrie Laura Ann Lukomski William L. Martin IV Amy Marie Matusz Macon 1. Mauchmar Mamie Korinn McCormick Carolyn Marie McKune Holly Noelle Miller * Jennifer Noerdlinger Morgan DeWitt Notestine * Daniel Mark O'Keefe Timothy Andrew Polonkey Karen Elizabeth Rauschert Stephanie L. Roudebush Christopher Paul Salaniuk * Brandon Charles Schroeder Carrie Martha Smith Jason L. Stiner Randy James Szwast Jacqueline R. Tucker Anthony James Wallace Jeffery Charles Wetherby Hadiya Danielle White Ann Marie Wisinski James Chester Yake Food Industry Management David Paul Altesleben Jack Hayes Carter III Christopher Jay Caszatt Josh C. Davis Julie Anne Fuller Marlena S. Hyde Michael William Machleit Jr. John Alexander Mendoza Issac Lee Miller III Cortni Farrah Parks Kacey Leigh Piet Michelle Lynne Postema James Schofield Remke Christina Chris Root Robert L. Ruona Marlon D. Sharpley Jonathan Thomas Sturtz Amanda Dawn Szymanski R. Alison Vaughn Ja Nika Za Kia Watts Eric Wayne Zaddock Food Science Betsy Lyn Booren Kevin Scott Covert Denise Lynn Gillisse FOr eSln! Jenni fer Lynn Adams * Molly Beland Nicole Lynn Cai rns Christopher Gregory Finn Lisa Joyce Gallinari Mark T. Handsy Kari Ni cole Rozmarek Matthew Albert Smith * * * H** Horticulture Jason Roger Andrzejewski Jason Robert Armbruster Andrea Becker-Grimm Emily Katherine Black Liberty Blain Erik William Brasher Nathan M. Brown Cheryl Lynn Burkhead Kelly William Bustraan Jeremy Rance Christianson Jeffrey Alan Courtney Shawn Gene de la Foret John DeLisle Kaitlin Donohue Tera Elen Fowler Marika Eve Furgeson Debra Ann Greene Frederic Bruce Harsh Chris Ryan Hedrick Christina Leigh Huggins Sheila M. Hutton David C. Joeright Sarah M. Keathley Jamison Paul Kibbe Chad Arthur Kull Katherine L. Lisowski Sarah Elizabeth Michelon Karen Suzanne Odden Kara Irene Opperman Ryan C. Payment Amy Lynn Pearson Adam M. Peterson Alan E. RummIer Elvira L. Segura Nathan M. Sell Lesley Senkowicz Abigail Jean Skinner Stephanie Shalon Stanek Patricia Swartz D. Jannes Szyren Kevin Charles Westrick Peter Michael White Brad Anthony Wortman Ann Elizabeth Wroblewski Kevin A. Zittel * ** * * * Packaging Amy Katherine Aagesen Eric Daniel Abraham Michael 1. Anderson Tike Frederick Anderson Susan Marie Austin Trevor James Austin Christopher A. Bagozzi Brad Paul Baranowski Stephen A. Barry Jr. Scott Robert Belt Jason Patrick Bowen James S. Brooks Lo D. Bui Andrea Lee Campau Margaret Jean Ciolek Andrew James Corlett Brian Csordas Michael D. Derr Jeffrey Earl Dineen Daniel 1. Dowling Stacey D. Droncheff William Jacques Dubuque Gabriel Carl Dyer Eric Nathan Engel Douglas Elliot Ericson Seth Williams Fellin David Scott Filer Eric 1. Frederickson Michael William Freeman Tricia Marie Frick Lynette Bautista Garcia Aric Harmony Getty Jacob William Glick Wendy Suzanne Graves William S. Hensley Aaron F. Heyniger Daniel I. Hill Chad Hitchens Michael R. Jacob Theodore Gerald Hubert Kerkau Hajung Kim-Gifford Jeremy A. King CANDIDATES - * * * * * Laura Ann Konrad Benjamin David Krebs Emily 1. Kuhn Hyunjung Hannah Lee Eric Lemanski Marla Lynn Lowery Joseph Michael Lozon Todd Andrew Marshall Kathleen Marie McEwan James Godfrey McQueen IV Christopher James Meier Jonathan Rexford Moe Aaron Nicholas Nelkie Jared P. Norder Brandon Matthew Paluszak Donny de Leon Quinones John Daniel Rarog Nicole Ann Reb Peter A. Rospino Stephanie Lynn Sachs Kathryn I. Scalabrino Stacy F. Schluckbier Paul Achilles Serra Cristopher Michael Shiffler Kerri K. Smith Ryan Wells Spike Erin M. Sumners Michael T. Tokar Michael Edward Turowski Cory K. VanLoocke Shena M. Walker Andrew Terrence Wollam Jeffrey F. Zieziula Hollie Elaine Loghry Angela K. Matheson Saiful Bahri B. Mohd Kamal Mika Nakamura Erin Nicole Newell Sarah Elizabeth Patt Joanna Paul Christina Ann Pratt Karl A. Ruiter Katherine Leigh Saelzler Dana Michele Santi * James Wesley Scofield Virgil Allen Sedlak ** Brandon Paul Stadt * Christine Jennifer Tabor Todd Nathan Tarnutzer David Daniel Wisniewski Steven Woodrow Witzke Park. Recreation and Tourism Resources Jason Paul Davis Nadia V. DeColumna Daniel 1. Diedrich Nancy Lee Forester Nicole Frampton Deanna Marie Halsey Nicole R. Higgason Colleen Rochelle Kaufman Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Darron Martin Birchmeier Jeffrey Nolan Cooke Shannon Sue Fisher Jamie Rochelle Florian Darrin Blake Gursky Cathryn D. Koster H* Callista B. Ransom Public Resource Management * Denise M. DeGroot Amy Lynn Knudsen Denise L. Mahoney Tracy Erin Malinowski Jessica Ann Nowik DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH THE COLLEGE OF COMMUNICA nON ARTS AND SCIENCES SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Jenelle Jo Allen Angela NaShelle Anthony Jennifer Noelle Barrett Jennifer Lynne Bartlett Erin Gail Beckway Valerie Aleta Bolvari LaKeith Decody Bradford Jason Mark Bragiel Kelly Kristine Burnison Ashley Roche Butterworth ** Laurie Macdonald Carpenter James C. Chmielewski Michael Robert Dannecker Alicia Coleen Dawson Elizabeth M. DeRose Marcy Jean Doozan Bryan Michael Dziuban Erin Elizabeth Ford Ethan Joseph Fraley Ryan Robert Gallavin Kevin Patrick Gardiner Sharon Marie Godzik Shantana Sheree Goerge * Carrie Lynn Griffith Felicia Harmon Laura Beth Henne Corinna Maria Hernandez David Milo Herring Jf. ** Stephen Edward Hesselink Jr. * Bryan W. Imhoff Brandi Sue Irion Derek Anthony Jelinek Scott Andrew Johnson Todd Douglas Johnson Ingrid M. Joost Kelly Marie Keith Kevin G. Kelly Robert James Kerry Stephanie Suzanne Koller Michael Wade Konecny Cathryn D' Ann Koster Anne Marie Lambert Michael Lesinski H* Patrick Jeremy McCallion Anthony Nicolai McRoberts Jenna Megalizzi Sarah Jean Miller Matthew Louis Mollicone Eric Kingsley Moore Holly K. Mueller Tiffiny Ann Murrell * Yuko Nakahara Robert Lee Newkirk Jr. Lori Ann O'Rourke J. Scott Oshea Erin Jean Parker Matthew Thomas Pawlak April Anne Philipp Leah Kristin Piwinski Carrie Ann Powell Javier David Quiroga Matthew David Ramsey Jason Michael Rancour Teresa Kay Raslich Bryan Frederick Reynolds H** Corey Catherine Risch Ebony Monique Rivers Donna Marie Rose ** April LilaAnn Schneider Kellie June Sergent H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 27 ARTS AND LETTERS AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS BACHELOR'S DEGREE Kristine L. Szurna Matthew Allen Thunell Conrad Van Dyke Lakshmi Arun Wakade Frank J. Walker III Aaron Thomas Seymour * Colleen Mary Seymour Harold D. Shanks Matthew Stephen Shelby Michael John Stewart ** Daniel Paul Walsh Kevin Charles Walsh Rachel Rose Wandel Melanie Yvonne Wayne Katrina Rochelle Wheeler Joshua James Wollan Richard A. Younger Jr. Leon Edward Zastrow Colleen Elizabeth Zook College of Arts and Letters WENDY WILKINS, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Ancient Studies Mia Christina Boger East Asian Langua~s and Cultures * Kevin Dean Brooks * Soo kyung Chang Daniel Douglas Eschtruth Patricia Chiyoko Miki * * * * * * * H** * * ** * * * English Amy Bess Acton Brenna Maureen Adams Seong Hyun Ahn Dayna Jean Amboy Elizabeth Anders Stacy London Angus Tracee Elaine Arbogast Virginia Therese Baker Rebecca Marie Bardel Audrey LaShonda Qwendolyn Tamiko Barney Lindsay Alysse Bayer Rebecca Michele Beheler Sarah Marie Behnke Tami Bennett Jennifer Renee Bielskis Jamie Elaine Boyce Derek Bradley Kimberley Loren Brooks Amy Elizabeth Brown Nathan Zachary Burgan Stacy M. Burson Heather L. Bustraan Ahrann L. Chee Amanda Marie Christoffersen Jennifer Noel Crall Rebecca Marie Dapra Miriam R. Davis Margaret Emily Denbow Nicole Marie Dewitt Debra A. Dombrowski Jennifer Lynn Donajkowski Pamela A. Dorton Matthew Ryan Duke Michael S. Dutcher Christie Mae Edwards Elizabeth Elaine Essien Lisa Marie Evangelista Eric James Federspiel Michael L. Forton Andrew Joseph Frye Jessica Lynn Fuller Herbert Paul Gaylord H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 28 * H* H** * * H** H* * H** ** * H** * Martha Frances Glover Mindy Goldstein Tara Good Chey Davis Granroth Davin R. Granroth Jaime J. Grant Ashley Elizabeth Grashoff Abigail Jordan Grove Cary Lee Hattery Faith Erin Helma Brent W. Hodge Mindy Marie Hoover Kara Kathlene Hughes Patrick A. Humphrey Sarah Elizabeth Ingram Stephen Keams Jordan Laura Tabor Keiser Alison Michele Kleiner Mark Alan Kobernik Mark Joseph Koller Tamira Leigh Kotula Krista Korinne Lash Robert Edward Liddle Carrie Ann Lixey Kathryn Rose Locano Amanda Jane MacLachlan Julie Zo Maraffio Molly Ellen Marden Eric Russell Mattison Paul McDermitt Christine Margaret McMahon David John Meninga Kimberly C. Merriman Lula Elizabeth Milner Tiffany Renee Mis Sarah Beth Moggo Ellen Alyce Soo Moll Jacqueline Suzanne Morelock Amanda Renee Morgan Christina Marie Morton Katherine Cronin Muth Lisa Marie Nuyens Susan Lynn Olszewski Alexandra Helene Olzark Amanda 1. Pasonen Bradley Glenn Patterson Marty C. Patterson Lindsay Fay Pavek Matthew Payok Melanie Rose Plenda Riva Adele Pollard Erin Christine Powers * Alicia Ann Prisk ** Erin Marie Pushman Michael David Ramm Shayne Robert Reckling Amanda L. Ritter Sarah Ellen Rorabaugh Kimberly Ann Rust Kathleen Mary Anne Scalzi Scott Edward Schopieray H** Rebecca Sue Sheppard Terry M. Shultz Dawn Lanell Sims H** Jason Jeffrey Smith * Steven Craig Sternicki Julianne Elaine Stickel * Amy Lynn Sumerton ** Deborah Louise Terry * Nichole Georganne Thieda Amy Lauren Valentine Yolanda Ann Wade Robert Paul Warunek Jr. Teresa Joan Waterkuetter Lauren A. Zamler * Richard Eugene Ziegelmann * * * * ** French Caroline Kristin Allmen Shelley J. Bollivar Lindsay Rebecca Donaldson Brian James Garvey Dawn Michelle Hillberg Kara Kathlene Hughes Teresa L. Kent On KyongKim Nicole Rhae Limberg Nicole Patricia Lyon Jamie Lynn Vrable Ann Louise Wilcox German Scott M. Austin Marci Lynn Bolger Omari Vinson Bouknight Matthew David Diamond Amy Marie Dyer Jennifer Ann Hammerle Heather DeAnn Iden * Angela M. Kranz ** Amanda Kremer H** Kelli Allison Mineard Ryan Douglas Thomas ** * H** H* * ** * ** * ** H** ** * ** * H** * * H** * * History Nicholas Adkins Richard John Antosh Matthew Robert Joseph Arrol Jason F. Bever Lisa Ann Black David Benjamin Blair Michael William Bohner Bryan Blaine Bolling Carrie Ann Bricker Damon Storm Burg Emily Lynn Burgee James T. Clark Pamela Lynn Collette Kevin Joseph Dew Nicholas Jeremiah Diehl Donald Flynn Philip J. Gallant Jarrad Louis Grandy Michael Richard Greve Mindy Marie Hoover Michael James Jocks Andrew Stephen Koziol Nicholas William Kritselis Jeffrey J. Machesky Darnell Marcellus Macon Shanetta Latrise Martin Tracy L. McDermaid Brent R. McKellar David Joseph Miller Thomas John Mitchell Karen Marie Nagel Andrew Abellanosa Ouano Heidi Marjean Petersen Jessamyn A. ResslerMaerlender Remo A. Roncone Joshua Joseph Rychlicki Michael Samson Todd Frederick Simon Marshanda Ann Latrice Smith Nathaniel Webb Smith Brian Kenneth Spink Joshua 1. Taylor Matthew Bryan Taylor Jessica Maude Trotter Michael Waurio Sarah Priscilla Wirth 1. Kevin Wright Timothy Jon Wulf History afArt Amy Marie Batkins Julie Janise Coates Jennifer Elaine Cooley Emily Aileen Duggan Shawn Marie Moloney Sheri Ann Stolnack Carolyn S. Wolfe Humanities-Prelaw Jasmine Annettra Anderson Cristin Leigh Carlson Thomas Paul Champine * Daniel Perry Finley Scott Randall Frump Lashana Gilmer * Brandie Francine Groggins Jennifer Elaine Kaiser * Jill Christine Knight Tiffany Dawnelle Madison Shanetta Latrise Martin John Stanley Prush Kathryn Marie Reid Sarah Stuart Rittner David 1. Saie Ryan David Woodward ** Evelyn K. A. Yaeger H* * H* * ** Interdisciplinary Humanities Marjory Tiffany Alston Shannon Leigh Barense Leah Hasselback Barrett Steven P. Berger Lucinda M. Briones Jennifer Lynn Drayton Melissa Ann Farrar Christopher Adam Gruits Holli Marie Guzzardo Kristin Renee Heemstra Keri Michelle Lemasters Kathleen D. Merlino Jennifer Ann Miltich Erin Drew Mullally Peter Dustin Nolan Colleen Lynnette O 'Neill Justin Ryan Peru ski Laura M. Pleva Stephanie Ann Powers Ari B. Reis Elise Suzanne Schimeck Brenda L. Schuster David Joseph Seagull Marie D. Simmons Melinda Smith Heiki Danielle Williams Latin H** Jeremy Richard Heis H* Linguistics ** Christine M. Ewen * Kelly Leverne Flores H Music ** Elizabeth Ann Magennis * * * H** H* H* Philosophy Alicia Anne Hall Jeremy Richard Heis Matt Merski William M. Rand William 1. Sullivan Religious Studies * Jennifer Jane Gade Michael 1. Murphy Russian Crystal Jean Smith Spanish Sarah 1. Ash William Pearson Brede II Christina M. Cain H** Lori Ann DeWitt Linda Sue Dornbush Joshua Aaron Falcon Kristine Mary Grillo Denise Ann Kingstrom David Michael Kraszewski Charles R. Krawczak Angela Lynn Rendall Kamilah Rodgers Jill Marie Smith Marc Nathan Smith Studio Art Ju-Won Chung Ward John Donovan David Alexander Navarro Erin Elizabeth Scollon Joanna Lynn Yang Theatre Anthony J. Bellomo David Victor Bendena Jodi Jana Hart H* Michael Thomas Merritt * Katherine Anne Mingle Kenneth Edward Pierson * Sheila Marie Westfall Rebecca Noel Zellar Women 's Studies Mandee Suzanne MIcek Tatum Lynn Ryan Amy Schroeder DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Art Education Scarlett Lee Beck * Jordan Christopher BTUn Kateri Marie Forbes * Anne Marie Beaulieu Holmes * Molly Kay Person Erin Kristina Schmidt Studio Art * Stefanie Deandra Bethuy Zachary Gene Betz Jennifer Leigh Blastic Ryan Thomas Chase * Janie Elizabeth Cinzori * Nicolina H. Curcuru Deon Charles Foster III * Ann Marie Johnson Jarvis Omar Johnson Christopher James Mallory Melissa Kaye Pendell ** Nicole Sandra Pomaranski Ryan David Powers Chad William Schedeler Casey Andrew Sorrow H** Courtney Michelle Stevens Charles Jesse Bogen Stover DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Composition and Music Theory * Jeffrey Lyle Edmonds H Timothy A. Hunt * Heide Elisabeth Young Instrumental Music Education David R. Cheney * Christopher James Conaton H** Patricia Kelly Floeter Amanda Kathleen Garlock Matthew James Gonzales * Tawnya A. Hicks Mary Catherine Houhani sin Lawrence Jay Rizzuto Jeffrey C. Stimson Laura Marie Taylor * James J. Trimpe Andrew-Nathan Charles Wendt David F. Wullaert * ** * ** ** Music Performqnce Sean Patrick Brady Tamara Rae Comer Colin Scott Ferguson Benjamin Adam Hausmann Christian Robert Hebel Hannah E. Heis Tess Anissa Miller Maki Ochi Debra Kay Pajtas Kirsten Keirn Shah Margaret Anne Sippey Leslie Joyce Young Music Therapv Karin Akamatsu Miranda May Cianek Holly Renee Ewing Tamara Lynn Glotfelty An Bok Lee ** Julie Lynn McGlinnen * Kristine Jane Swenson Jill Marie Washer Vocal-General Music Education * Melissa Kaye Nott Seon E. Oh * Sara L. Quigley H Honors Coll ege * With Honor ** With High Honor 29 BUSINESS ARTS AND LETTERS CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS BACHELOR'S DEGREE ** Anne-Marie Adams * Benjamin T. Adams Michael Altamore * Chad Douglas Badgero H** Aryn Elisabeth Weisswasser Bartley Jason D. Benjamin Shannon Nicolle Bitterle Kristi Lynn Black Courtney Parks Bray ** Robert Michael Brazier * Julie Evelyn Brochert James Paul Brunk Paula B. Campbell Kelly Renae Caruso Nicholas Catanzarite Steven Peter Chereson Sarah Maria Chmielewski Marcus A.D. Cornelius Chad Michael Darling Carrie Elizabeth Davis Todd Joseph Day Michael John DeFrancesco Steven James Eastin Corinne Beth Featherly Miguel Angel Fernandez Jr. Mary E. Finlan Jennifer Rebecca Flanigan Stephanie K. Flinchbaugh Erin Kathleen Ford ** Amber M. Gebrowsky Simona Gelsi James A. Gilmer Charles William Gladhill Jr. Jeff Thomas Greetis Kelly Marie Handorf Tavaris 1. Hawkins H** Daniel 1. Hesse Julianne Marie Hintz Marcus David Huyck Jessica Margaret Jones * Stacey Renee Jones Scott Wayne Joyner Stephanie Denice Kindle Martin Luther King Gregory Ryan Kippe Katrina Ellen Kniep H** Trevor John Koski Daniel Joseph Laird Jr. Todd Jeffrey LaMont Na-young Lee Kathryn Shea Leins ** Rachel 1. MacDonald Amy MacIver Jeffrey Scott MacMullen Tiffani Marie Mangapora Jill Catherine McKillips Trisha Lynn Miller Jessica Lynn Montgomery Shawn Lee Mulder William B. Murray Marina Eve Nelson Heather Ann Nicoll Erin Elizabeth Noble Sharon Suzanne Oselin ** Marlena 1. Palma Dana Brooke Partrich ** Brett Alan Ramseyer Stephen L. Reyner * Scott William Roberts Rebecca Ann Rosen * Stephen Kirk Savage Carrie Faye Schartzer ** Suzanne Denise Smith * Mark Joseph Sosnowski Becky M. St.John ** Daniel Sullivan Tomoko Takenaka Cortney Anne Timmer Kevin Allen Tolan James Michael Toth II Christopher Joseph Tucker H Jessica Anne Turza Sarah Lynn VanderLaan Frederick Michael Vincent Jr. Sarah Jean Warren Lynese Sherie Watkins Andrew John Watson Joel Charles Weir Christiane Corinne Woiderski Daron Michael Wojnowski Amber E. Zumstein THE ELI BROAD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS JAMES B. HENRY, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Accounting ** Jonah M. Allen Caroline Kristin Allmen Kathleen Elizabeth Andry Victoria M. Anumel Julie Ann Ashburn Steven A. Baer H** Aaron Douglas Beachnau Cindy Sue Bloomer David Wayne Brendum Edward 1. Brickner * Jeremy Steven Brochhagen Susan Marie Budzyn Michelle Lisa Campanelli Bridgette Ilene Carriere Jeremy Ryan Cnudde Mary Theresa Cole Michelle Brandy Cole ** Angela Lee DiFrancesco * Joseph Colin Dineen * Molly L. DiStefano Sarah Jane Dowgiallo Jeffrey S. Draher Kathleen A. Etue Erin Elisabeth Fagan ** Jennie Lee Feldman * Jeffrey L. Ficks * Steven S. Fisher Lauren Lee Foster Amy Beth Frick ** Dawn Marie Frontera * Nicole Marie Fuller H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 30 * ** ** ** H** H ** ** * * * ** David Michael Gann Anirban Ghose Michael Edward Giancotti Yvonne Gluchowski Ryan Alan Gnagey Bradley Eric Goldsmith Jennifer Haberstroh Mano Richard Hardies Lisa Christine Haw David Mason Hildebrand Stephanie Gwyn Hillman Carrie Suzanne Hinshaw Kendra Kay Hoffman Andrew L. Huber Michelle Anne Hudak Richard Allan Hungerford Jr. Richard 1. Hunt Sheila Simone Jackson Issam Reda Jadaoun Mark D. Jenkins Ryan Lynnell Johns David L. Kauppila Charles Richard Kelly III Gregory Christopher Kolvoord Sarah Lea Kosanke Bradley Larence Kozma Tarig Kozouz Richard A. Kuzich JeffR. Lamb Jaime N. Lanzotti Jen Hoi Van Lau ** Chiyuen Lee Jason Tyler Lee Ying Lee H* Mandy Nicole Leneschmidt William Charles Lentine Jason Edward Lommel ** Stacy A. Lowder Katherine E. Luplow Kimberly A. Martinek * Meredith A. Matthews Jessica Joann McKnight * Wesley James Meckstroth Todd M. Menard Kofi Oduro Mensah Giuseppe Saluatore Migaldi * Adrienne Raye Miriani ** Ted Dennis Morgan Scott Lawrence Mueller * Elaine Marie Oberlin Jessica Elaine Orlicki ** Julie Lynn Pavlus Melissa M. Pound * Daniel S. Pratt Jamie Lynne Prevo H** Joseph Andrew Probasco * Jennifer A. Ptak * Kevin Ronald Raade ** Christopher Michael Rewekant ** Mark Lane Ritter Craig Joseph Roush ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** * * ** * Renee Susan Rubenfaer Sarah Marie Rueger Yang Su Ryu Scott Philip Sarnacke Jason Peter Schafer Mary Terese Schultz Daniel D. Schwark Christine Morgan Scott Tonya LaTrise Scruggs Guy E. Serumgard L. Andrew Smith Stacy L. Smith Michelle Lynn St. Ours Gary Robert Stark Susan Marie Stauffer Philip L. Steele Mary Raechel Stevens Jeffrey L. Taylor Jill Marie Trepkoski Nicholas George Truza Brian Curtis Van Hall Marcia K. VanDragt Robin Lynn Wardell Jana Lynn Weeks Tanya Jean Wilcox Sarah Wilson Timothy E. Wilson Jerry Paul Winfield Jf. Tracie L. Wood Ping Xu Elizabeth Zimkiewicz Economics Rohini Buddharaju Chi Hang Cheng Kent 1. Coenen Joseph John Davis Bergljot Engen Jason Bryan Filie Robert Dennis Gray Jr. Walter G. Kowalewski H** Case R. Lancaster Nicole Rhae Limberg Thomas A. Lindsey Peter Milic Myles Lee Mosher Shu Nakatsuru Prince Jamal Nazir * William Bryan Polston Craig C. Przygoda Jason Elliot Schore Brian Scott Smith Tyree Williams H* ** ** * ** Finance Mark Richard Adams David Paul Adams Jr. * Kimberly Michelle Agan * SaifMohamed Alnoumani H Steven John Andriola * Natalie Aon Taal M. Ashmann Brian Robert Babiarz Jason D. Baird ** Kristin Heid Barstow Jamie Lynn Becker Jessica Leah Bercaw * Amber Ann Berglin Rebecca Anne Bertin * Mark S. Bieri Anthony John Bonner ** James M. Bounds Travis Lee Brininstool * S. Brian Carbone Michael Cale Cherry ** Amy Nicole Chulig Thomas D. Chung William M. Clark Larisa Cobb Jason Ryan Colthurst * Ryan Paul Conzelmann Anthony Neal Cook Joseph M. Cossman H* Matthew Allen Covalle Kara C. Cundari Kenneth GervaIs Davis Richard Douglas Dennett Steven 1. Dunkelberg Jf. Tracy Lynn Dunning Julie Marie Duquin Scott L. Evans * Bryan Neil Fingeroot * Sarah Anne Fischer Stephen Karl Fischer Jenny S. Foran David W. Force Jason Scott Fournier Esther Gamer Mathias L. Goebel JeffD. Gorsline H** Michael Duane Gorsline * Michael Paul Gross Cheri Ann Hauk Jill Susan Hawkins Joel Thomas Heath Brian John Herc * Matthew Hoffman * Steven Christopher Holmes * Eric Jon Hornberger Joshua Allan Hoppe Matthew Alan Hoppe Erin Lynn Houser Timothy Bruce Hubmeier * Samir Dutt Jasuja Cynthia L. Jatkoe David Michael Johnson Anita LaTrice Jones Nathan Laurence Kaleel Ho Kang Edwin R. Kaput Kimberly Ann Klein * Susan Nicole Kline Rachel E. Kolenda Kevin Jason Kovachevich Mark R. Kuschinski Demetris Panayioni Kyriacou * Steven Campbell LaBarre Curtis John Lawler Michael James Leamy Michael Raymond Lefurge Paron Lekhakul Shane Gerald Lemke * Scott Ryan Leshinski ** Kingguan Lim Jeremy Michael Lindner Kevin Liong ** Robert John Listman David Jiuner Liu Jeffry Scott Lobbezoo Chad David Lowrey Julie Rachel Lubner * Christian R. Lueth Scott H. MacGregor Kelly Anne Martin H** Andrew Paul Mass ** Ryan K. Maxey Kristi Lynne Meabon * Paul Douglas Minder Paul Vincent Ministrelli Robert D. Mitus Rakshat Singh Mohil Cortney Anne Morse Steve Charles Morse Shawn Marie Najbaroski Janet Marie Nikolovski Sean Allen Noteboom H* Scott Michael Page Jeffrey 1. Patton Erin JoAnne Peters ** Megan Michelle Pfister * Bradley Jospeh Podraza Beth Ann Prohow Robert Daniel Putnam Robert William Reblin David Richards Erin Rachelle Rohlfs Eric A. Romanuk Joseph D. Rusin Daniel E. Rutledge Gregory Delbert Ryan Jason P. Ryder David A. Sarnhat Deepali Sangwan Janette Leigh Schlicht H** Travis David Schultz H* H** ** ** * * * * * * * H ** H** David 1. Seeterlin Joseph Andrew Semany Mark D. Shay Corey Adam Siegrist Jason D. Smiley-Thibodeau Matthew Nicholas Steele Daniel Jeffrey Stein Neil Steinkamp Heather 1. Sturgis Stacey Renea Sutka Pravin Arjan Talreja Luke Douglas Terry Michael James Tobin Pooi Mun Tong Michael G. Totzke Todd T. Trbovich Courtney Verschuren Jeffrey G. Wisniewski Melissa Ann Wolschlager Kandi Marie Wombles Andrea Louise Wozniak Mark Charles Wright Wendy Marie Zehnder David B. Zietz Steven Jared Zimmerman General Business Administration Andrew Farris Ajluni Jennifer L. Aukeman William Kyle Baker Michael Christopher Boynton Brian 1. Ciccotelli Randy Cardenas Covert Kristin Michelle Davis Linda Sue Dornbush Renee M. Dubay Michael L. Duffie Richard Earl Firman III Sara Felicia Gomez Amy A. Gougeon Young-Oh Ha Trenton John Hancock Brent A. Horvath Bryan R. Howard Theodore C. Johnson Jeremy T. Jones Koichiro Kawaguchi Hannah Kim Richard Charles King Ryan John LaRose Angel Kristina Ka Kei Lau Alan James Mackey Elizabeth Rose Mazzola Brian James McRoberts Mark Joseph Miller Steven A. Millman Thomas Gilbert Morgan Salah Zafer Nahawi Jeffrey Brian Olson David M. Powers Angela Lynn Rendall Leonard Alan Ruffner John Richard Schmidt Laura K. Siegrist Edmund Alexander Sims Melissa Elizabeth Smith Sabrina Ann Spencer Theresa Jean Spencer Jason Todd Steinhebel Dianne Tammany Alissa Marie Tempero Matthew James Terech Gregory John Turbeville Andrea Vitiello Jenni Kathryn Wiljanen Robert 1. Williams Rebecca Marie Withey ** ** * * ** H* * * * ** General Business Administration-Prelaw Christopher James Bellinger Justin Israel Columbus Andrew Reid Goodrich Robert 1. Herald Benjamin S. Herrick Jonathan Neal Jilek Ryan O'Connor Lawlor Marisa Lenhard Joseph Eric Lessard Alaina K. Miller James L. Mouton John Francis Newberry Erin Kathleen Perkins Michael Alan Richey Jason Michael Rodgers Reeva Sapra Jennifer Alice Savage Michael Dennis Saviano Matthew Louis Schafer Slater L. Shroyer Scott A. Wiseman Hospitality Business Denise Michelle Anchill David Linsey Askwith Megan Ann Baity Joseph Lloyd Bauer III Sharon Anne Belfi Eric Terrell Bell Gokhan Niyazi Beydagli Samantha Jo Bickley Amber Lynn Bielby Kelly Lynn Borys Nkenge Saran Cook Kimberly Ann Corse Robert Edmund Dallaire Jr. Amy Janette Deford Daniel A. Dziwanowski Scott C. Felts Jeffrey David Fisch Robert Dennis George Erik W. Goerke Seth Cameron Goerke Seung Woo Han Erin Katherine Hitchins Yat-Mei Hsiang Kelly A. Huntley Makiko Ellen Iwata Kimberly A. Jackson SeungShin Kang Kirby Bruce Kiner Christopher John Kowske Seoki Lee Bryna Merle Lifshitz David Jiuner Liu Rebecca Lopez Michael John Loveland Maxwel Griffin Luna Sara A. Maciag Meghan Frances Malloy Lance C. Margrif H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 31 • BUSINESS BUSINESS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Hospitalitv Business (Continued) Dana Lynn Marteeny john S. McGill Jr. Rachel A. Mirves Melanie Rebecca Mraz Tracey Ann Mueller Peter Joseph Osterhout Berna A. Ozsoy * Alexis Lynne Pearson Christopher Pirok Richard Marino Porco LeRoy Bobby Prince n >I< Heidi Ann Pugh Kerri Lynn Reynolds Stacy Renay Roman Jennifer Mlada Rozsypal Pat Daniel Spagnuolo Gregory Stephan Spyrou Rachel M. Tater Jason Albert Tonelli Wade A. Towns Jennifer Lynn Tracy Melanie Christine Valint Terry L. Vidal Shelly Suzanne Warner Jody Katherine Whitenight Ryan J. Will Ryan Robert Williamson Rhiannon Novak Wolfe ** * * ** H* Human Resource Mana~ement * * * * Jennifer Lynn Anderson Rebecca Anne Ashburn Vanessa Bowser Lindsey Dawson Marie Clayton Catherine Ann Connor Rachel Elizabeth Curfman Kristi Angela Deel Sarah Kathryn Diebel Carrie Ann Elder Keri Marie Forbes Allison Brooke Foulds Dwight Anthony Halstead Nicole Lee Heinisch Jacque Lynn Hengesbach Victoria Husada Amy Lynn Jackson Ellen Grace Jernstadt Cassandra Marie Johnson Ronald G. Kish Jason Allen Mallory Michelle Marie Marchetti Melissa A. Marks Jennifer Lynn Nowicki Lisa Oshinsky Stacey L. Pavlos Elizabeth Ann Pizzo Jessica A. Raabe Sarah Jane Rusch Courtney Noelle Sorensen Carrie Anne Tiemann Matthew James Zablocki Marketin~ Khaled M. A. Al-Ajlan Nicholas Michael Arends Ngamjit Asiralertsiri Jill Kristin Bayer Jonathan David Becker H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 32 H* * ** * * * * * * >I< * Jennifer Gayle Bennick Laura Lynn Billmeier Karen Marie Boehm Eric Rolanden Braggs David Zoltan Brieger Kelly Beth Burgess Mark William Burley Jeffrey L. Bush Elizabeth Jane Cecil Katie Ann Centrella Beth Danielle Clos Kyle Coffinger Desiree Denise Davis David Hagop DerKevorkian Christopher Craig DiCicco James D. Diesing Amy Lynn Dobecki Matt Matthew Drzewicki Karyn A. Duba Hillary Anne Duff Richard Baart Duffield JT. Ernesto Soriano Duterte Jr Ryan Carter Eckert Christopher Scott Emerine Tina Marie Ferranti Matthew Friday Marcie Marie Gerlach Eric John Griswold Kenny Demetrice Gunn Jennifer L. Haines Jacquelyn M. Hamberg Terrah Scarlett Hanks David Lapp Harns Heather Ann Harper Danah Anne Henriksen Emily Christine Hoey James Robert Holman Erika K. Honerkamp Melissa L. Hopper Allison June Hurd Bridget Maureen Hyde Evan P. Johnesee Dianna Lynn Johnson Shannan R. Johnston Lori Jennifer Kaplan Jennifer L. Kaye Heather Lynn Kazmierczak James Joseph Kelly IV David 1. Kennedy Stephen D. Keuten Jared Avery Kiesel Sun-Gyu Kim Charles Martin Klask Angela M. Kranz Sungho Kwon Chad James LaVallie David Joseph Lawless Dale Andrew Lee Tin Fu Patrick Leung Eric Keith Levin Lynn Ling Hui Liew Kelly Ann Lyons Scott Richards MacInnis Suzanne Marie Major Amy Catherine Manardo Kari Lynn Mangan Derek M. Mattison Meghan Alyssa Mavity Rebekah McIntosh Matthew Robert Mikiciuk Daniel Claude Miller ** * * * * ** * Laren Therese Molinari David S. Montgomery Erin J. Moore Christy Moyer Jonathan Michael Mutter Thomas Patrick Olman Sabrina A. Olson Frederick Michael Pace Shane Alan Patzer Adelaine Delphine Pramana Jody Beth Reimer Owen Justin Rohrer Karin Christina Roye Ericka R. Savage Kevin Andrew Schad Bryon August Schillaci Jacqueline G. Schivley Jeremy Andrew Schlosser Kiley A. Schoenfelder Thomas 1. Schultz Stephanie Terese Serra Michael John Sloan Steven M. Smith Sean Michael Stevenson Lisa Lynn Streng Nicole Marie Teller Stephanie Lynn Theisen Ratana Caroline Therakulsathit Amy Lynn Thomas Amy Marie Tisdale Ronald H. Trumbull II Daniel 1. Urbon Jill Elizabeth Valentine David L. Vander Linde Jr. Steven Eric Vill alta Damien Lemarr Waller Mark R. West Seth Andrew Wiersma Corey Demond Williams Sara Marie Winn Kathryn E. Wirth Kevin D. Woodman Linda S. Wyman H. Muge Yucel Brian W. Zama Marcus C. Zimmerman PrQfessional Accountin~ Daniel Glenn West SupplY Chain Mana~ement * * Karan Agarwal Jason Ahti Christopher James Alsup Tiesha Shavonn Armstrong Erik Glen Arnold Bobby E. Arrowood JT. Angela Lynn Baca Nicole Kristen Bacon ** Julie Michelle Ball Brian 1. Baroky Jennifer Helena Baydoun Eric Charles Belanger Mitchell C. Bender Lee Ann Berra * Robert William Bishop Daniel Albert Bissot JT. Michelle Lynn Block * Jason Michael Bolduc H** Omari Vinson Bouknight Jennifer R. Bowman Wendy A. Brundirks H** Lia Buman Kate Butler Juan 1. Calixto Matthew Thomas Canoy Toni Lynn Cappella Nicholas Howard Caragher Robert D. Carson Eduardo Cedillo David Terrence Centers Christopher Michael Chandler JoAnna Marie Childress Nicole Justine Clark * Anthony R. Clevio Michael James Collins Jamie Elizabeth Colliton Jason F. Coulter Matthew 1. Cox Jarrod Joseph Dambro Ryan James DeBora Robert Anthony DeClercq Kevin T. Dejager Tiffany Leigh DeVore John Fisher Dingeman * Cara Margaret Dominick Sharon Dorfman Andrew William Doyle Michael Jerome Dragan Kristen Marie Dressel Lisa Edelstein Craig Allen Fabus Natalie Marie Firestine Tracy L. Fischer Scott Thomas Fitzpatrick * Carol France Gary W . Francis Mark Joseph Galasso Anthony Joseph Georgeoff Holly Maxine Gray Robert Dennis Gray JT. ** Kavita Gunda Tara Ann Hall Robert William Harness Eric Hawke Ryan Samual Hebert Steven Miles Hecksel * Jeffrey M. Henige Michael Lynn Holstine Kristy Holly Hulber David Jethrokusumo Daniel Roy Johnson Lila Ann Joseph Stephen Joseph Jost James Jurcevich II David Imad Kashat Michael Philipp Keller Jennifer Lynette Kern Sheryl Marie Kill Jeremy Ray King H* Denise Ann Kingstrom Dina Lynne Kowalewicz David Michael Kraszewski Chia-Kang Kung Kimberly A. Lang Sharon Rena Lawson Alexander Ping Lee * Jeffrey W. Lenca Marcus Grant Leon Teresa Li Adam Jay London Robert L. Love III Supply Chain Mana~em ellt (Continued) Gregory Scott Luck Jason C. MacIver Matthew John Maddox Richard Jay Mansilla Wendy M. McCaul Kelly Ann McKay Nicole Ann Mead April Ede Mellendorf Christopher E. Melton Sarah Maren Michelsen James Michael Miller Kelli Teresa Milliken Thomas Edward Misiewicz John Allan Mogelnicki Jr. Emily Anne Monteith Jill Samantha Monteleone Elijah W. D. Muhammad * Bryan Keith Musialowski John Christopher Muskett Kristi A. Myers Robert 1. Myers Shruti Manhar Nandani Ashlee Suzanne Nelson Stacie Ann Nelson Stefanie Rene Noffsinger Farrah Lynn Norburg Eric Novetsky Mark M. O'Connell Adam Kristian Olson Kristine M. Otway Ivan L. Paredes Mark Matthew Paull Stacey E. Peters Erin N. Phelps Lindsay Louise Purdy James T. Reder CANDIDATES - Nate Riegler London Joel Robinson * Ericka C. Rome ** Randall David Romeo Kenneth L. Ryan Michelle C. Rydzewski Kathryn Ann Scallen Ryan A. Schroeder Holly Rachelle Scott Ryan William Scott Nichole Monique Seymore Amit B. Shah Brenda Shah Brian William Shepard Christopher Daniel Short VII Jennifer Lynn Sist * Jill Marie Smith * Kimberly Lynn Smith Emon Sobhan Nicholas John Spindler Marie M . Stark Justin Wayne Stephens Rajan Nagji Sutariya * Stanley Myles Syrek David Robert Tallieu William Kent Torncala Maggi W. Tong Justin M. Topolski Richard L. Trepanier Elizabeth Anne Ulrych Scott Andrew Voisinet Sara Megan Walker * David A. Welch Timothy Oliver Wenger Rhonda Lea White Jason Richard Wolff Regina Renee Wright Stephanie Ann Wright SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE * Craig David Aaron Madhvi Acharya Steven Thomas Ainsworth Opeyemi Amos Ajani Lukia Alexander Vaughn Douglas Allen Angela Renee Allman Stacy L. Andrews Kelly Lynne Bardelline Aimee M. Barry John Edgar Beckstedt Jr. Rebecca Ann Bell Kristi Elizabeth Bernhardt Monique S. Berry Jaron Everett Bettis David Joseph Bieniek Jay R. Binnebose Bethany L. Biskupski ** Donald R. Blair Justin Stewart Blumer Joshua Richard Bolt * Christopher James Bouma Elizabeth Ann Briegel Jerry Dale Brown JT. Christopher Geoffrey Bryan Matthew John Burskey Kevin Lee Butler Danielle C. Carmi sino David Anthony Cevallos Sharifa Chamie Lay Theng Chan Casey R. Chapman Jack L. Chau * Yu-Ling Sonia Chen Ryan 1. Chittaro Jinyoung Cho H** Apryl C. Clark Natalie Dwana Clark Shannon Marie Coates Kathryn A. Collins Matthew A. Cook Jeremy Scott Coolidge Molly Suzanne Copeland Christine Frances Coscarelli Brian H. Covington Eric M. Cronander Daniel Patrick Curtin Christopher A. Darnell Mishira Lynna Alumani Davis Mark James Dennis Angel Marie Diener Lila Dinata Janine Nicole Dominick Michael Corbett Driver Marion Kasaan Dryden Lawrence K. Duda II Randi D. Edwards * Janet 1. Elwart Nicole Renee Endress James C. Enright Christopher Michael Feldman James Ryan Fellabaum Matthew D. Fisher * Daniel 1. Fitzpatrick Robert Kenneth Fleming Amy Gaynor Florin Michael Joseph Ford Kevin Paul Fraser * Janet Michele Freyman Tammie Marie Friedly William R. Geake Curtis Cameron Gemmel Osama David Ghannam ** Daniel E. Goldstein Sheila Marie Granda Jeffrey L. Greskowiak Catherine J. Guitar Sabrina Hare AnnaMaria Harutunian Renae Michelle Heibeck H** Benjamin Adam Hesse Sarah Elizabeth Hiller Katherine A. Hodi Courtney Lynn Hoeft Chad Matthew Hoge Matthew 1. Holmes Dennis M. Hong Heather Alyse Hunter F. J. 1m Daniel James Jackson Anmol Jain Candice Trishaea January Chester Jeanes III Erica L. Jensen Terri Lynn Jensen Nadia Charise Johnson Jaquetta Lakeisha Jones ** Kimberly Renee Jones Cherie 1. Jorgensen * Jessica Marie Kaniowski Matthew James Keifer Jeffrey Alan Keller Dwan Lea Kemery * Sung loon Kim Davlyn Sue King Lance C. Kingsbury Andrew Ryan Klassen Brian K. Kloeckner Kelley Lynn Klug Brian L. Koepsell Lisa Marie Kostaroff Veronica E. Krohn Matthew M. Krysiak Jason Bjorn Kuechle Noel X. Kurtz ** Jennifer Rose Ku za Byung Ho Kwon Erin M. LaBuda Angela Marie LaFrance Paul Lee Laidler Oludolapo Lambo Robert Gustav Langkawel Tracey Lynn Lapchak Brian D. LaVoie Aeju Lee Seth Charles Leik * Catrin Lenfers Foong Kam Leong Jordan Levin * Chii-Horng Michael Lin David James Lincoln Geoffrey Jonathan Lincoln Kirk Edward Linna Anne Marie Linsmeier En-Hsien Liu Yvonne Cheung Min Lo Mark Arthur Loeding * Kevin L. Loudon Sheng-Tay Luo Rehanny Lusiana Quan Xuan Luu * Erin Rose Mallon * Nathan Melchizedek Margol * Debra Lynn Marulis * Jason Andrew Masherah Tonya Shelane Matthews Christina R. Mattson Tayvon Shad May Kisha Marie Mays Benjamin John Kerwin McGuire Nicklas J. McLaren * Colleen Kent Meagher * Gregory T. Meehan * Christine Ellen Merrill Effie Mihalatos Aaron R. Mikoleizik Pamela Samantha Miles Eric Ryan Millay John C. Miott Matthew Adam Mitchell Patricia M. Molloy Stephen Scott Montanye II Juan B. Morales Zambrano * Dominic Raymond Mozingo H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 33 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES BACHELOR'S DEGREE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Christopher Robert Mudloff * Atsushi Murai Michael T. Murphy Daniel Christopher Murray Meredith Margaret Myers ** Amanda E. Nash * Vivek Kepul Nayak Frank Charles Nedock Lisa Ann Nemeth Edward Russell Newberry Ka Yan Karin Ng Dang-Quang H. Nguyen * Benjamin John Nobis * Takao David Noda Ellen Anne Osmer Kathryn H. Ostien Tye Jeremy Otto Lisa Sue Oyer * Noel Alan Palma Dae HaPark Erica Denise Partee Brian D. Petitpren Barbara Petrous * Adam Joseph Phillips Frank Patrick Phillips Jermontae D. Ponder Kevin M. Pote Marc Pristawa Jason Abraham Pullukat Matthew John Pusateri Nikai Reeves Piper Cheire Reynolds Jacqueline A. Riddle Stephanie Jean Rieger Eric Miloslav Riesner ** Sarah Alice Ringstrom Christine A. Robinson Nakita RachelJe Robinson Jessica D. Robitaille Heidi Anne Roux Victoria E. Runyon Matthew A. Ryle Victoria Elizabeth Saal Lisa Ann Samulak Melissa Ayano Sanders Alison Jean Sarver * Kevin L. Schenck Karl Nicholas Scheribel Andrew Jacob Schueller Christian C. Schultz * Kristin Diane Schultz Paul Anthony Schultz Shulawn Latreace Scott ** Joon-Ho Seo Khimberly Kae Shearer Heather Lynn Sherry Fathy Hatim Shetiah Brook Alison Shinsky * Sussan Maryam Shushtari Charles Anthony SignorelJo Julie Marie Simon Dave E. Sivits Gabriel S. Slominski Stacey Leigh Smith Suzanne K. Smith Tanya L. Smith Michael Paul Snyder William Allen Snyder Matthew N. Sproul Nandini Srinivas Elizabeth Anne St. Jacques Steven M. Stack Bradley M. Stepp * Richard Bryan Stone Brent R. Straitiff John Michael Suchodolski Peter Kevin SulJivan * * H** ** H** * Fahad Tasleem Menghua Taur Ryan David Thies Jennifer Marie Tithof Greg A. Tomasik Matthew Ryan Ustruck Geoffrey G. VanGoethem Marjorie Jeanne Vogel Matthew J. Walton Precious Lashawn Walton Adrian Wang Hsinty Wang Lisa Mary Way Whitney Laura Wegner Renae L. Werbish Amy D. Whitman Kasey Wilson Alex Dean Wisecup Mark Andrew Woltman Winnie Kim Wong Yik Kae Wong Chin-Kuei Wu Jongkoo Yo Jayne H. Yoo Toya J. Young College of Communication Arts and Sciences * * ** * ** ** * * * ** ** SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Advertising Jessica Shea Anderson David Jonathan Baldwin Rachael Marie Balsamo Laura Renee Bertalan Lindsay Erin Blau Brad Michael Boatin Christine Marie Bonaguidi Wayne W. Bradley II Lisa M. Brinker Kyra Latrease Brown * Nathan Zachary Burgan Jaimee Marie Callupe Charles Carpenter Carden Kristine Ann Cerbin Eric Wesley Coleman Jf. George Ryan Curis Barbara Nicole Davis Julie Rena Davis Brian J. Eggleston Steven Matthew Ellis Lori Elayne Fluker Kristin M. Freeman Louis Boyd Freeman III Justin Richard Fuller Melissa Virginia Gardner Timothy M. Garrity ** Alana Michelle Goldman Mark Arron Grundland Christina Hall Jeffrey Daniel Hauter H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 34 * Sandra Michelle Heikkinen H** Bonnie Ann Hoag Rachel Patrice Hoffman * Erika K. Honerkamp Joshua T. Howard ** Jason Francis Jager Kimberly Love Jones Timothy Richard Kapustka ** Kristin Rose Kebbe * Erin Kathleen Keeley Byung-Chan Kim Andrea Renee Kirchen Jill Gari Kirschner * Elizabeth Ann Klatt Melissa A. Kneser Jeffrey M. Knysz Kristi Marie Korbut Laura Marie Kramer Sara Beth Law Dale Andrew Lee Kimberly Maczuga Jennifer Ann Malinowski Marcus Todd-Russel Martin Matthew James Martin Jonathan Clayton Maue Bryant Scott Mazurek * * Allison L. McAuley * Marlene L. McDonald James Patrick McKenna Raphael D'Angelis Mendes * * H * H** ** Katie M. Meyers Matthew Scott Michalski John P. Monaco Jason Wiley Naffziger Stefanie Rene Noffsinger Matthew Todd Ostrowski Jennifer Lynn Peters Jennifer L. Peterson Lindsey Ann Piel Carrie A. Plachko Renee Melanie Ralsky Kerry Lynn Rance Jennifer Rose Rizzo Christina M. Rodriguez Mary Leigh Ronan Michael Andrew Roscoe Michael William Rouech Carrie Anne Ruggero Brad Thomas Russell Byron Keith Schartzer Bryan Jeremy Schulz Kathryn Smock Shawn Michael Stankewich Braden Louis Ian Stein Dennis Lee Stevens Richard E. Sumampow Jennifer Jeanne Sutherland Patrick Joseph Szuba Tennille Rene Teague Ratana Caroline Therakulsathit Amy Michelle Thomas Aimee Marie Thompson John Philip Topacio Kelly Ann Vallender Amy Brooke Vanderheyden * Elizabeth Marie Walker Robert McDowell Ward Steven Kurt Waskiewicz Lindsey Marie Weaver Robert C. Webb Harvey T. Wheeler Jr. * Laura Lynn Wilker Andrew Terrence Wollam Holly Guerin Wright Audiology and Speech Sciences April Rene Bailey Courtney Elizabeth Coats Melissa Marie Colvin Susan K. Crowley Janet Kathleen Florian * Lyndsay Lee Goeman * Melinda Jo Hagen * Tonya L. Hansknecht Beth Michelle Hubbard Jennifer Marie Jeffery Bobbie Jean Johnson Kimberly Ann Johnston Natalie Mary Koczara Jill Kotlarczyk * * * * ** ** ** JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN CANDIDATES - Audiology and Speech Sciences (Continued) Sarah Suzanne Laity Lisa Lynn Lamont Nicole K. Lusczakoski Gina Marra Keri Lynn Meteer Cindy Lynn Mulder Sandra Lynn Neper Anastasia Sara Nicholas Kristin Ann Plater Tracie Lauren Ratiner Nora K. Sailor Amanda Leigh Sandera Katherine C. Smith Jennifer L. Springs Jody Lynn Thomas Melanie Suzanne Vettori Lisa Anne Vine Andrea Abigail Wingard * Communication Monique Char Abiraji Jill Renee Adams Emily R. Allen Ryan William Arrnbrustmacher Shirley Au Michelle Marie Auger Lise-Marie Bailey Thomas Michael Baird William Kyle Baker Rachel Melanie Berg Laura Lee Bishop Jacelyn Noelle Bokor Pamela Sue Burch Paula Ann Burch Amy Renee Charboneau Beth Ann Cosby Mary Marie Crawford Darryl Patrick Daoust Kelly Anne Davis Kelly Dawn Dudley Sherry Lynn Early Lee Erika Eriksson Lisa Nicole Fife Sara Jean Fiorenzo Adell Flourry Jf. Kelly S. Flowers Jon Peter Fredrickson Jennifer Jane Fry Kimberly Ann Gurzell Jessica Danielle Hansen Joel Thomas Hindley Kathryn C. Hogaboam Amy Lynn Jackson Charlotte Ann Jackson Jamar Cortez Jones Ryan Karlstrom Jennifer L. Kaye Elizabeth P. Kealoha Thomas DaShawn Kelley Brad David Kelly Beatrice Veronica Kerver Steven Kim Jason Robert Klein * ** * * ** H* Rafal Korkis Jeffrey John Kozakowski David James Kramer ErnestW. Kuo Pierre Napoleon La Voie Melissa R. Laine Kristin Elizabeth Leland LamLim Nichole Lloyd Demetries Marquis Luckett Mindi Denell Mach Andrea Brennen Marrs Kelly Ann Mastin Kirk Brennon Mayes Kathleen Marie McKenna Shannon Michele McVey Laura Karyn Mesack David Aaron Migdal Nicole Marie Molenaar Christina A. Montague Jenne Dion Myers Karen Elizabeth Newton Takanori Nishiyama Daniel R. Pascucci Noella Kay Prechtl Courtney Erin ProtzSanders Kristin Louise Pruski Michael Justin Redisch Jane Elizabeth Rockwood Tracey McCall Roemer William Chapoton Roney IV Rebecca Anne Rouhan Emily R. Rubin John Lyons Shrader Sherry I. Smith Collette Irene Soles Jennifer Ann Somerville James L. Spagnuolo Jf. Mark L. Stackpoole Bradley Steel Amy Joyel Stewart Jason Lee Stirling Lisa Urbanich Ingrid Wadel Elizabeth Marie Walker Meghan Ailene Welsh Dana Phyllis Winshall Jenna Lynn Wrobel Hyo-Jin Yoo Colleen Mae ZeIt Journalism Jennifer Renee Alberico Ryan Gregg Andrews Norman James Baker II Lindsay Anne Birkett Eric Alan Bishop John Joseph Block Jennifer M. Bresnahan Deirdre R. Bums Laura E. Butler Jaimee Marie Callupe Christine Marie Carlon Jeanette R. Casarez Erin Whitney Cogswell Christina Elizabeth Cookson * * * * Susan J. Cooper Amanda B. Cud a Ryan John Currie Craig Thomas Custance Carrie M. Ellett M. Nicole Faricy Ryan Patrick Field Nikole Kristina Ford Stephanie Fordyce Bree Jessica Fowler Janel Maline Grzywacz David Hall Bradley J. Hileman Annette Leona Marie Hohl Celeste Jackson Rachelle Yvonne Julien Geoffrey Christian Kimmerly Jennifer J. Lavis Sally A. Marchand Kathryn Eileen Matvias Joseph Jason Mitchell Christopher Thomas Noonan Patrick Louis Paterno Matthew Payok Lynette Marie Pone Jeannette Therese Porter Jessica Ann Puchala Jon Michael Ross Eric George Rothert Jennifer Ann Ryan Nathan William Saunders Caprice Anita Shepard Alysia Dawn Sofios Christopher Anthony Solari James Allen Sovia Allison Toby Erin Elizabeth Toner Stephan Grayland Trouten Steven Lee Uldriks Michael S. Vitale Jason E. Weatherbee Paul Wheatley Veronica L. Williams Jeromie Allen Winsor ** H** * ** H* ** ** Telecommunication Carissa Marie Androkites * Alexander Damian Ayala Jesse Sean Ball Eric K. Beller Heather Ann Boughey Adrian Bye Mark David Campbell Harry J. Carollo * Carey Elizabeth Casey Kyung Sook Cho Anthony James Chojnowski Robert J. Christenson Hyejung Chung Mikaela Rene Crosby Shanise Antoinette Davenport Eric Matthew DeVito Brad Austin Dixon Andrew MitchelJ Downing * * * Matthew Joshua Dyer Richard Scott Ernsberger III Michael Kenneth Evans Kristin Aileen Fitzpatrick Marikah Zereh Gill Trina Christine Gray Ebony DelJa Green Gordon A. B. Greenaway David Jeremy Greenhut Aaron Alexander Hahn Jeffrey W. Hamlin Natalie Marie Harbison StelJa Latoya Holmes David D. Hughes Jessica MichelJe James Joshua Michael Janowiak So-Jung Jun Nathan Gabriel Key Michael Allan Kiewicz Bradley Kyle Kik Junghoon Kim Michael Allen Kukulski Isidoros Kyrlangitses Kevin Michael Lange Kevin Michael Larson Yen Hong Lew Joseph R. Lynn IV Andrew Paul MacMillan Kelly Shawn Markle Matthew Douglas Martin David Harrison-Pipes McAdoo Justin R. Merritt Douglas M. Moede Jonathan Muller Ramon Nayar Richard Allan Olsen II Donald Cope Oskin II Ryan James Petteys Evan D. Pittman Michael Sykora Reed Andrena Monique Reid Kevin Jerome Rusch Jun Shiina John David Sias Nicole Lanette Sillmon Hoon Chan Sim Eric Gustau Sjue Kevin Skytta Matt Smith Aaron Snapke Brandon Matthew Spence Racquel LaDon Spencer Mistene Michelle Stuban James Julian Suprinski Michael R. Taweel Keith David Thompson Daniel G. Tines Mark Tippmann Mark Aaron Troth John Matthew Turner Joel Daniel Wicks Kathleen Elizabeth Wiegand Wesley Robert Woodhull Jen-Nien Yang Brittney Trayce Yuille H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 35 u EDUCATION COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE * ** * * * ** John Lawrence Altomaro Audrey D. Austin Jennifer Michelle Bareis Sarah Ruth Beeskow Robert Samuel Beresh Amy Lauren Berlin Kimberly Ann Bialek Shaun Patrick Black Kaci Patricia Blume Bradley Hayden Boivin Elizabeth Louisell Bourke Jamil Omar Buie Christina M. Burger Jeremy P. Burmeister Anthony Campbell Eric Charles Campbell Annette Priscilla Cannon Sarah Beth Carter Michael J. Caulfield Nicole Elizabeth Chuminatto Janna Kay Clark Peter Tobias Clay Cameron Christine Clemens Angela Maureen Clifford Julie Ann Cooper Kenneth Albert Danes Andrew Davila Stuart J. Davis Jennifer T. Derks Nisha D. Dhamecha Jaime C. Dibean Sarah Jane Farrell Janet Susan Felice Ricardo Lapastina Fernandez Erin Ann Finnerty Mary Margaret Fisher Heather Fitch Amy Christine Flavell Katherine Cassidy Fleck * * * * * * Kimberly Camille Fry Mamie Michelle S. Galbraith Denise Ann Geiger Melissa Giannini Chad Alexander Gillen Jamie Manya Golding Ahmande R. Grimes Jennifer M. Halpern David L. Handsor Stacy E. Hart Kaley Michelle Hayman Beverly Lynn Herber Ana Lilia Hernandez Ethan Zebadiah Hill Heather L. Hopson Matthew Christopher Horn Charles M. Howard Lucinda Jane Hudson Francis Xavier Irwin Karen Ann Jaczkowski Kathryn Rose Jakubowski Kathryn Elizabeth Johnson Keith Alan Jones Eric J. Kaczander Michael Kim Min-Jeong Kim Se-Eun Kim Emily Klifman Sandra Nicole Klusek Dustin Basil Kowalski Maria Anne Lahti Gerald Dale Laming Kenneth William Langdon Amy Elizabeth Lee Sang H. Lee Kathleen M. Lehman Jennifer Leigh Lehtola Jason Matthew Levering Baron Jay Littleton Jr. Chanda E. Long * * * ** * Sherri Colleen Longfellow Angela Maria Lopez Nathaniel Lucas David Lukasik Tara A. Mahaney Veronica E. Marrero Ana Lisa Marina Martinez Amy Sue Masternak Chizuko Matsuoka Richard J. Matthieu Samantha Saloes Mattos William Michael Maurer Tracey Nichelle McCaskill David Todd McCullough David M. McIsaac Shaun Thomas McNally Rachel Lynn Miller Meredith L. Monchilov Heather Lee Montei Daniele Michelle Moore Denetra Raell Moore Joel Brandon Moore Tanya Morales-Rivera Sarah Jane Morgan Yusuke Murakami Shareen Jane Nazareth Jamie S. Nelson Tricia Lynn Nelson Jennifer Marie Niester Lori Marie Noll Joseph John O'Donnell Rashida Nicole Outen Dawn M. Parmentier Jamie Lane Pattullo Melanie Lynn Paul Summer Danielle Peake Kelly Marie Penney Jonathan William Petersen Stephanie Danielle Petrow Neal Alan Phillips Andrea Susan Pirochta * * ** * ** H** * * Valerie F. Pohutski Regina Ann Pope David Randall Preston Robert Lawrence S. Reid Nicholas G. Rice Amanda Lynn Richardson Deborah Caren Rochen Emily R. Rubin Kevin Jerome Rusch Nicholas C. Sawabini Drew Ryan Sayer Matthew Gregory Schaden Jennifer M. Schulert Amy M. Scrimger Shannon Lynne Shelton Jason Patrick Skiba Mark Gregory Smith Amy Lyn Soper Jennifer S. Steinhilber Jaime Kristin Stickle Tammarie Sutherland Rose Szalay Shaoky K. Taraman Bridget Starr Terrell Justin Thomas Trapp Cortney Lyn Turner Brian Matthew Usimaki Christopher Roe Van Fossen Joshua Paul Vidro Rebecca Lynn Waack Laura Lynn Walbert Brittany Lynn Warehall Matthew Eugene Warner Dana Marie Watson Jerome Andre Watson Daniel James White Colleen Nicole Wiedbusch Kathy Ann Wildeboer Melissa N. Yonemura Amy L. Zielinski College of Education • *' ** * H** ** * ** * * * * * Education (Continued) Michele Marie Kacy Kris Edward Kaczor Catherine Moya Kinzey Lindsay Beth Krueger Lisa Marie LaFranca Vincene LaRosa Seung Hee Lee Bethany Lenz Tisha Denise Lewis Gretchen Elizabeth Locker Stephanie M. Lorfel Curtis Anthony Martin Elizabeth Ashley Martin Karin Grant McCormick Bradley Ray McNeil Alexis Sue Megyesi Kelly M. Melrose Jill Bethany Micklash Jessica A. Milne Peter Russell Milne Jill Suzanne Mozdzen Paul Michael Murphy Sheri A. Neidig Sara Marie Oesterle Nancy Lynn Page Katherine Jane Patterson Amy Michelle Payne Tiffany Nicole Penn Maria R. Petersen Kristina Marie Phillips * * H* H** * * * * ** ** * * * TinaM. Pike Jennifer Lynn Platukas Kara Alicia Pluff Adam Patrick Porth Cristie Lynn Praeger David Craig Pruden Brandy Susan Quirk Holly A. Reno Kerrie Lynn Robison Jennifer L. Rohr Cortney H. Rumsey Jocelyn Beth Rydel Martha Jane Sacks Janis Marie Salomon Jodi Michele Sampson Jill Renee Schafer Amanda Kay Schluentz Stacie M. Schmidt Amy Elizabeth Schulkins Meggan Anne Schumaker Carrie Louise Sebastian Suzanna Rose Sejfula Ann Marie Severance Erin M. Shiery Laura Beth Shultz Tara Patrice Sinnott Kathleen Louise Smith Teya Smith David M. Stafford Meredith A. Swearengin Paula Kris Tarachas Tennille Lynn Tchozeski * Tamra Donnelly Thomas Jennifer A. Thurlow Shayla Wright Tiller * Matthew Thomas Topham * Tonya Elizabeth Trombley Sara Renea Uschwald Kim D. VanAken ** Carrie Jo Vermander Jamie Kathlene Vidt Theresa J. Voshel Jill Lindsay Walro Elizabeth Ann Washburn Allie S. Watkins IV * Jessica Lee Weiss Kathryn Lori Wells Diane M. West Megan Lynn Noreen Whitman Megan Elizabeth Wolsefer Terry-Ann J. Wright Brian J. Wyckhuyse Kari Marie Zakalata * Kara Cobb Zaremba Tricia D. Zerlaut Kimberly Dawn Zieman Special EducationDeafEducation Julie Kristen Hallman Molly Lee McCann * Sarah Jane McDonald Heather L. Porter Kathleen Elizabeth Porter Wendy Denise Seida ** Kimberly Ann Wolbers Special EducationEmotional Impairment Christine E. Clark Margaret Alison Duffy Andrea Leigh Fitch Katherine Ann Haywood Colleen Ann Jennings * Kristina Diane Weidenfeller * * ** * * Special EducationLearning Disabilities Melissa Beth Hayes Kathryn A. Humphreys Stacey Ann Kenyon Katie Renee Kephart Stephanie Lynn Kimble Shannon Marie O'Connor Stacy Amanda Rayner Carrie Anne Sepesi Stephanie Joyce Sichta Vikki Marie Swidorski Tanya Lynn Vance Special EducationVisual Impairment Suzanne Jessica Grooms ** Tammy Marie Walker DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kinesiolof:)! Brian Marshall Adams Elyse Beth Adelson * Amy Lyn Archer Orie Asakawa Jennifer Lisa Baldwin * Kristin Nicole Barron Catherine Cavell Becker Brian Wayne Bounds Stacy Ranae Buhs Anthony P. Burdick ** Kelli Elizabeth Carnecki Brian Matthew Chapin Karin Joy Chrostek ** Sean Patrick Cleveland Jennifer Pearl Colombo * Zena Marie Cummings Heather Lynn Czernel Mondray Curtis Gee Heather A. Geisz Robert Lawrence Goldman ** Jacqueline V. Hall Kerry Louise Harnisch * Eric Steven Hart * Gregory Khoren Karapetian Melissa Marie Kettner SoomanKim * Matthew Albert Kolar Trisha Marie Leask Michael James Longo Jill Marie Lusher Eric Daniel McClellan Kelly Patricia Mocock Dawn Marie Nalepa Isabell H. Oelze Nathaniel J. Patton Kelli Renee Polidan Corie Michelle Richard Jeffrey R. Robbins La Tanya Lovella Josephine Robinson David James Starr Sbraccia * Stacy Anne Schroeder David Lee Scott David William-Andrew Searfoorce Cortney Ann Surato Matthew P. Tafelsky Ryan Jason Taylor Jeffrey Aaron Torok Sarah Tyler Walker Elizabeth L. Wells Jennifer Whitehead Christina Nicole Witulski CAROLE AMES, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * * * * * H* * Education Kristie Lynn Ackerman Peggy Dawn Barker Bryan Wayne Besaw Jason Douglas Brooks Georgette Brunson Jennifer Alicia Butcher Keri Anne Buttermore Tanya Rita Cannon Jennifer Marsha Carlson Sonya Rani Choudhury Sarah Bernyce Cleveland LaKeisha Michelle Collins H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 36 Staci Marie Constant Erin M. Cooney Sarah Renee Cox Jeffrey Michael Cusmano Michael Patrick Daraskavich Jr. Marcus Gerard Davenport Laura M. DeMaria Elizabeth Grace DiBucci Elizabeth Joy Duncan John Benjamin Eastman * Carrie Lynn Eliuk Heather Suzanne Fites David Flores Heather Mary Ford Stacie E. Foster Todd Jeffrey Frazier Erica Ann French Christina Marie Helmer Frost Christopher James Gardner Andrea Karen Garfield Danielle Marie Greene Karen Anne Greiner Robert Lawrence Grekowicz H* Samantha Heather Gross Christopher Andrew Haddad * Elizabeth Sara Hartson Kristina Marie Hayes * Shelli Headley Stacy Marie Heitman Jenifer Margaret Hicks Karen Louise Houghton Tracey Mericka Hunt Brad Raymond Jaskolski Stefanie Katharine Johnson Elizabeth Louise Joure SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Alyn Kristin Abbs Kara J. Ardern Alan Jeremy Asiala Kimberly Lane Atkins Kari Anne Atkinson Jamie Renee Baker Marissa Andrice Barnes Brian Donald Barr ** Christopher Lee Bates Tanya Marie Bennethum Ted A. Berryhill Shannon Marie Borrow Elizabeth Ann Brasseur Paula Helena Buchalski Keeley A. Carson Tyson Avery Carter * Cassandra Leigh Chappel Rebecca Lee Collins Michelle Marie Conklin Karen Lizabeth Costanza Sheila A. David James A. Decker Sarah M. Dieterman Karen Suzanne Doty Jacqueline M. Duke Andrea Jessica Dundas ** Elizabeth Mary Durocher Chasity E. Dyer Lauren Elizabeth Friske * Paul Jeffrey Frost Elizabeth Christina George Jason Carr Gillespie Jeffery J. Gower Robin Leigh Hale ** Sherri Sue-Lynn Hammons Alison Joy Hansen * Kelly Ann Hardy ** Nichole M. Hernandez ** Lisa Marie Hicks Tara Colleen Hogan Kelly Renee Hulkoff Scott Robert Jeffrey Kathy Lyn Johnson Jonathon R. Kandes Douglas S. Kennedy Jennifer Elizabeth Kennon Heath N. Kent Min Sun Kim H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 37 • ENGINEERING EDUCATION DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR'S DEGREE Lorri Joann Kingsbury Jocelyn Michelle Kirk * Erin Marie Koning Jeff Krauss Tiffiney L. Lee Kenya Tayelle Lowe Catherine Suzanne Lunsford Jaime Angela Marino * Kimberly Sue McCallister MeganC. Menendez Christy Elaine Merrill Amy Lynne Miller Kristy Ann Mincel Scott Ryan Mitton Katherine Thelma Sarah Nebel Bobbi L. Nehring Greta Nicole Newman Kelli Lynne Nordeen Deborah Lynn Pelton Kiwundi Antwan Perrin Erin Christine Phillips Lorie Ann Pierce Jennifer L. Pitsch Theresa Anne Ponzetti Krista Leigh Posthumus Kelli Tenice Pruett Matthew E. Pumford Patricia Renee Ragsdale Felicia Monique Rembert * Katherine S. Reschke Kathy Dawn Richards Michael Sean Satawa Heather Lynn Saxton ** Margaret Ann Simpson Patricia Slack Rhonda Marie Smale Jamie Marie Soltis Christina Marie Spadafore * Pamela A. Switzer Marie Therese Toburen Sarah Brown Veenstra Jonathan Anore Walker Sara Kristine Walker * Melissa Sue Warrington Robert Michael Wentz Stephanie A. Wiersma Todd James Wilson Lisa Jane Young H* H* H H* * College of Engineering GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN, ACTING DEAN CANDIDATES - * SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ** * * * ** H** ... H* * H* ** * * H** * * ** * ** H* Bios)!.stems Engineering Sarah Lynn Baird Jaclyn Suzanne Conklin Julie Melissa Coyle Dale Frederick Ehinger John Paul Ingleright Joseph Kresse Maynard Steven Francis Moore Mary Sue Musial Murrianna Lea Neessen Heather Michelle Nix Joseph M. Otis Adam Eric Segerlind Renee M. Szymborski Caroline Rose Tobey Kristin Marie Vallieu Carolyn Marie Vultaggio Kyle E. Weidmayer Jennifer Wuotinen Amanda Beth Yager Chemical Engineering Gregory R. Acker Kristy Marie Ainslie Saad Abdullah Al-Shahrani Kirk Edward Anderson Joseph B. Avore III Brian M. Awad Eric Michael Bachelder Mark Gregory Ballman Scott Douglas Barnett Erick Joseph Beauchamp Scott James Biedron Sarah Jane Blech Jason I. Bogroff Timothy David Boisvenue Jason Todd Bowen Justin Eliot Buchhop Jason Leonard Budd Colleen Lea Burns Andrew H. Campbell Kristin Kimberly Cinglie David Robert Clark Torrey D. Clark H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 38 * * H** * * * H * * H** H** * ** ** ** Heather Anne Crandall Kimberly Lynn DeBorde Aaron 1. Deckrow Louis DiSanto Jeffrey Thomas Dupart Kenneth M. Dusseau Nathan James Genova Aaron Jacob Goldfarb Adam William Harant Gloria Anne Harris James Richard Heckman Jeremy W. Hoeh Josh Randall Holmes Kristopher K. Hulliberger Justin David Huschke Daniel Robert Hyduke Adam W. Joseph Angie Marie Keezer Tina Marie Kiley Jamil Joseph Kirk Julian A. Kirkland Chaley John Larson Karen Las Marias Edward Joseph Masters Jr. Amy Marie McMillan Todd M. Menzie Dana Meyka Thomas Andrew Miller Saleha Rumana Mohamedulla Scott Allen Moorhead Elena Gloria Pacania Michelle Susan Periat Heidi 1. Pixley Angela S. Rienas David Ellis Russell Todd H. Russell Adam Salowitz Paul Michael Schmidt Steven Daniel Shebuski Jason Kimball Shellnut Christoph Thomas Shuster Jason 1. Smith Ryan Douglas Steinhaus * Marcella Roxana Tringali Anh Ngoc Trinh Carrie B. Willyard David Anthony Zdurne Xiao Zhao * Robert L. Zuzula II * H ** * ** * ** * * * ** Civil Engineering Amanda Ruth Ackerman Christopher Jerrald Bosserd Michael Jay Clyne Matthew L. Darr Kevin Leonard Endres Adrienne Olivia Evert Karam Sami Faddoul Jerry E. Feighner Jr. Timothy Jordan Gates Brian Edward Gombos Eric A. Gray Scott-George C. Greene Zeid Khalaf Haddadin Lisa Kristen Harrison Dirk Miros Heckman Jeremiah Jon Horton Christopher Carl Johnson Jolene Gail Johnson Peter Erik Johnson Thomas Edward Jones Jr. Catherine Kriegbaum Susan Marie Lound Scott E. Maier Heather Annee Marek Matthew Paul Martus Nicholas D. Mascia Katherine Ann Misteravich Marcus Joseph Navetta Nathan Daniel Otto Anthony Christian Pascal Gregory Andrew Perry Jesus Ramon Plasencia Charles M. Rolfe Sean Matthew Romanowski Sarah Eve Salenski David Joseph Schoonbeck * Anthony Louis Sesti Stephen A. Skalski * Timothy Jackson Smith Malgorzata 1. Solarz Michael D. Spitz Michael James Stanbrough Philip Ray Strunk Long Thanh Tran Christopher Allen Tremberth ** Ernest A. West Trisha Marie Wiltfang Computer Engineering Carlo Indra Adinata Jonathan T. Decker Jamie Eldon Francek Torrin Jones Ali Khan Michael David Kramarczyk H* Marc Alan Krevinghaus H** Keith Lui Aaron P. Olds H* Joel William Ross Zendre Necole Simmons Brent Edward Smith Computer Science ** Robert C. Anderson Jamee Lyn Cushman Paul 1. Danielski David J. Desrochers Jennifer Amelia Dorris Jennifer Lynn Duby Michael Joseph Gauthier Nikolai Valeryevich Gevorkyan Thomas P. Gresham * Gavin Fukuo Hewitt ** David W. Holley Jason Robert Hotra Douglas Joseph Hudson H Brian Davis Hunter William John Johnston Jr. ** * ** ** * H* ** Computer Science (Continued) Manu Kaushish Timothy Francis Lauster Jf. Nathan Leeds Kristi J. Loe Kathleen Tamara Luchini Robert Eric Nemeth An Phuoc Nguyen Duan Nguyen Charles Thomas Parker Karthick Pattabiraman Tammie N. Philpott Arthur James Poe Robert A. Post Jr. Christopher Alan Pyles Jeremy Mark Raben William M. Rand Adam Romatz Paul Robert Saxman Eric Schwenter David Clark Shelton Andrew James Spencer Timothy John Tesch Gerald Van Tran Randal White Jamie Darcell Wilson Electrical Engineering Steven C. Bennett Jil M. Bobbitt Kevin R. Bremer Ozan Cakmakci Man Kit Chan Chien Fat Chau Brian Robert Cunningham Frank Morris Currie Aubrey Walter Downs Jf. Matthew T. Dutton David W. Flint David A. Fox Sue Hung Fung John Robert Gulick Ursula Lynn Hall David Derell Hamilton Michael Handoko Jeffrey Anton Hassan Stacy Lee Henry Tamara Dashawn Hepburn Carrie Ann Hildinger Mark Michael Housepian Humayun Kabir Ketan Kadiwala Tanisha Latrice Kennard Kenneth M. Kinter Ziad Ghassan Kobty Christopher Michael Kurpinski * Roy Harold Laird Leonard Bardeloza Lee * Mark Joseph Lenkner ** Sim YeanLoo Michael Jay McAlpine * Kevin Douglas McLean ** Daniel John Mellinger Marc David Miller Iskias Naizghi * Tu D. Nguyen Leyla Parvizi Nicholas Santi Pellegrini ** Nhi Phan Tamika Lashona Pinson Scott Michael Powell Andrew Michael Rang Nicolas Sanabria Jf. William Hal Schmidt ** Daniel Carl Schroeder * David R. Sopha Anthony Joseph Sumcad Jeneace Andrea Thrasher H** Melvin M. Tsai * Obinna U. Ugenyi Julie Celeste Uzelac John A. VanHouten Phonexay Vathanaphone Parag Wadhawan Jennifer Lynn Walker Ricardo K. Walker Daniel Joseph Wallington ** Jeremy James Warmbier James Layne Worthing ** Wesley Gerard Zanardelli ** Ryan Patrick Zombo * * H ** En gineering Arts Heidi Anne Abraham Cody Shane Bennett Laura Jo Burgan Kevin Ray-Yuan Chen Jack Allen Conser Amanda Meadow Cunningham Carolyn Ann Gersabeck Danielle Erin Gorback Jeffrey Edward Gorgas Thomas M. Grigg Brian E. Gruber Matthew Thomas Herek Daniel P. Hernandez Jason Kelvin Honeycutt Kiyo Lynn Inoue Russell Dean Jensen Karen Marcella Kulik Julie Lynn Kussmaul Courtney 1. Kylman CANDIDATES - Amy Kathleen LaDuke Gloria Lauzon * Lindsay Elaine Maddix Matthew Valentine Mathers Daniel Mark McKervey Michelle Lynn Milczynski Candice Raquel Moore David A. Morehead Ryan Austin Noel Zachary D. Pearce * Mary Elizabeth Quirk Kevin Walter Reid Kevin David Rucinski Anne M. Sisco Andreas H. Smyrillis Christopher Tankersley Jennifer Claire Visos * Renae Lynn Wehrwein Engineering Mechanics Melissa A. Baetz * Robert David Erfurt Michael C. Kokolakis * Brian Thomas Weaver * Sarah Catherine Wolf Manu[acturing En gineering H* Shannon Heather Murphy ** * ** * H** H* ** * Materials Science and Engineering Robert A. Baxter Eric Walter Corbett Jeffrey Alan Goodman George G. Gorospe Matthew Porter Henley Julien Pierre Mourou Huy Nguyen Heather Marie Pesek Brian David Przeslawski Michael James Thelen Jessica Danielle White Leanne Leslie White Mechanical Engineering Corey James Anderson Kimberly S. Anderson Brian Robert Babiarz Jason J. Barczyk Andrew M. Bentz Shannon Renee Bodine Dale A. Boone Jill Kristen Brunner Anthony Brendan Christie Matthew 1. Cibor Todd A. Cisler Kenneth B. Cowan * * H* * * ** ** * ** ** H** ** ** * * ** * * * ** * * H** * * H* ** ** Robert Leo Cox Scott Eric Lee Crandall Sara Michelle Dashkovitz Scott Andrew DeVries Matthew David Diamond Todd Kevin Estes Paul Reuben Foster Lisa Nicole Freismuth Gena Lynn Ghiardi Alvin Chun Hun Goh Gary Joseph Gosciak Garett William Gould Joaquin L. Gracia Scott Austin Herz Daniel YosafHodges Laura Michele Hudy Michael D. Johnson Nicholas Michael Jordan Aaron Richard Keller Chee Kuang Kok Gerald S. Krupp Justin J. Laborde Jf. Julie Ann Larson Thomas M. Lewis Chee Leong Lum Lindsay Elaine Maddix Scott Frederick Meyers Mandy Marie Miller Thomas Owen Mills Brian John Olson Phenella Porfirey Paras Jason Thomas Pavlak Kirk R. Pebley Khoa Anh Pham Jonathan C. Pruyne Gurutejas Rao Daniel Martin Reese Libby Rinck Michael D. Ruffino Sonali Sangwan Ryan Michael Schilling Brennan Arthur Sicks Endea S. Smith James R. Smith Alan H. Sommer Jason Thomas Spettel Correna M. Springer Daryl James Stacer Thomas Edward Suchecki Steven Dennis Tomlinson Ryan D. Van Noord Andrew 1. Vander Werf James Lewis Vendlinski John Theodore Veremis Matthew Wayne Victor Daniel N. Wehrwein Charles Chandler White SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Naveen Aggarwal Abdulkhaleg Abdullah Al-Humailis Jami Archambault Jeremy Brent Barge ** Ryan Harvey Bishop ** Chiew-Ping Bong Michael D. Brown Rickey Alfred Caldwell Jf. Matthew Shannon Edward Cangemi Douglas Charles Caron Jf. Andrew Benjamin Cole Eric Talbott Cole Nwamaka Nkolika Dallah Francis Edmund del Rosario H Stephanie Susan Draeger Matthew Duffy Matthew E. Dumas Jeffrey Aaron Enzinger Christopher Michael Fleck Michael F. Foess * Thomas R. Fowler Jr. Brian Ronald Goodman Andrew Paul Grech Michael E. Gruber Traci R. Haut H Honors College ... With Honor ** With High Honor 39 pi ENGINEERING HUMAN ECOLOGY BACHELOR'S DEGREE Gretchen Marie HeHmann Chad P. Holley Kenya O.D. Howard * Jesse 1. Hull Laura Gene Hurtubise Matthew William Jantz * Juan M. E. Jimenez-Ramos Christopher Steven Kolodz John Hansen Laird CoHin D. Lampman ** Yee Fey Loh James Anthony Lung Lori J. Lusk Keng Ly DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ** Adam Paul Matheny Peter Anthony MattarellaMicke Justin Mark Monson ** Kevin P. Mullins Peter August Munoz Marvin G. Neumann III Mimi D. Nguyen Jonathan Frederick Papa Jeffrey R. Peterson Nathaniel Joel Radcliffe ** Kori L. Rivard Chad F. Rogers Brent Michael Schlack Theresa Katherine Sepkoski ** May tal Ryan Shamir Stephen 1. Shaughnessy Theron U. Shaw Joseph Allen Shifflett Michael Andrew ShorteH Donald 1. Smith Phillip Daniel Smogoleski ** Craig Clayton Snow Erika J. Sova Jason R. Spano Andrew Sutherland Warren Michael Sutherland Malinda R. Swanson * Maosung Taur Bradley William Trembath * Jason Eric Tyner Jermaine Edwin Vaughn ** Robert Michael Verschaeve Jonathan Khuong Vu Gregory Matthew Walker Nicole Elizabeth Walker * Eric Alan Warmbier Robert Ray Webb Joshua James Wollan H Jonathon James Woodard Jung Suk Yun * * ** * * * College of Human Ecology * JULIA R. MILLER, DEAN CANDIDATES - ** SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 Familvand Consumer Resources Ola Elizabeth Latimore Holly Lynn Sietsema DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Interior Design Amy Sue Bravata Amber Danielle Calo * Soo Kyung Chang Kimberly Alice Chauvin * Melisa L. F. Cullen * Melynda 1. Daley Shelby Danielson Andrea Lynn Delaney Tammy Elizabeth Dobrez Shannon M. Duncan * Gregory S. Eggleston * Elisabeth Anne Emerson Lori Marie Emrick Susan Kay Fowler Mighael M. Halabu Aaron Wilson Hayes * Jaime Elizabeth Hibbert * * Jida Kalai * Kira F. Kaltschmidt * Jeong Hye Kim Jennifer 1. Kopp * Cheryl Kostosky * Erica Langhorst Amy Elizabeth Linick Sandra Lea Lotts Sheri Marie McVay ** Therese Marie Menghini ** Jamie Marie Nicolai Sara Therese Ongena Shawn a L. Pastor Erika Leslie Putnam * Adrienne Renee Rasmussen Lizabeth Lowry Reilly ** Alvita Riemenschneider * Emily Kathryn Smith Jacob William Spence ** Grace Elizabeth Swink Kimberly Ann Toth * Jessica Lorraine Waltmire Catherine Elizabeth Whitney ** Shelli Lynne Williams * Emily Louise Woodman Child Development Kristin Joy Armbruster Melvin Bernard Atkins II Stephanie Dawn Bain Cristy Lynn Bawol Heather Elaine Howell Boyes * April Dawn Brnabic Jennifer Marie Bryant lenna-Marie Caron Laura A. Cirella Kimberly Ann Comilla H Megan M. Connell * Molly Ann Cummings Kathryn M. Demski Kathryn Anne Dorow Michelle Lee DuBois Jill Suzanne Duerbeck H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 40 * * * * H** Kristin Lea Eiseler Colleen Margaret Finn Kimberly 1. Fischer Michelle Ruth Frankenberger Rebecca Lynn Freier Rachel Linsey Gorman Heather Lynn Hartman Lori Ann Hebert Melanie Ruth Helmer Julie Aletta Holmes Kristen L. Howard Amy Allyson Huszczo Jana Elizabeth Jilek Heidi L. Jordan Alecia Christine Joseph Megan Marie Kelley Kimberly Anne Krzisnik Laura Lyn Langohr Rebecca Lynn Laursen Melissa Jane Lind Stacey Lovelace Robyn Joy Lynch Brandi 1. McCook Shawna Melinda McGhee Keri Suzanne Mickelson Hannah R. Miller * * * ** * H* * * * * * Jodi Barnett Miller Jennifer Linn Mills Kimberly Ann Morrow Corene Renee Ohlert Toko Oshio Barbara M. Owen Michelle A. Pisarek Amy Jo Reno Erin Michelle Ruble Shera F. Rysztak Laura Ann Saarela Elizabeth E. Sanderson Diane Michele Scharnweber Karlie Alanne Selig Kellie Elizabeth Slominski Amy Renee Smith Eva Raquel Soltan Jennifer E. Steele Cathy Christine Thompson Cynthia Leigh Tinunons LaCrecia Ann Tyus Brandi Anitra Weems Erica Linn Willard Sarah Y oches Sarah Katherine Yoder Jennifer A. Yokuty Food: Technology and Management * Katherine Marie DeVriendt * Laura Marie Muncie Home Economics Meggean Leigh Bos Angela Christine Hovermale * Jennifer Ann Sneed * Danielle Rene Wren * Merchandising Management Emily Jo Anderson Joseph Edward Applebee Jeffrey Compton Beaumont Hilary Judith Beck * Jill Lynn Bridgland Jennifer A. Brom Kelly Lynn Clayton Jada A. Ellinwood Hillary M. Eschels Nina Gargovic Jill S. Gerds Jean Marie Ingersoll Kelli Jagutis Sorie Alpha Kanu Lori Jennifer Kaplan Maggie Ann Lewis Paul Andrew Liebler Christina Andrea Liedtke Michelle Martha Malotke Jessica Lynn McCall Holly Noel Olthouse George Papageorgiou Tisha K. Polen Jennifer Marie Roth Carrie Lindsay Shimkos Allison Lynn Strukel Adam D. Targosz Jennifer Marie Trent ** Anne Marie Winkler Sophia Woo Angela M. Zlydaszyk Nutritional Sciences Anthony James Driscoll Marcella Feenstra Jeffrey Alan Kelly Kristen Mary Kubichek Lisa Brooke McDaniel Kathleen Ann Marie McKenney * Julia Adriana Mulder Mrugesh Pravin Patel Lara Michelle Pevzner Robert Michael Romanski * * Mary Margaret Scheer H** Ann Marie Timmer Sarah M. Winkler * Kari Lyn Young SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE * Carrie Kay Zahner Leslie Ann Zamonski Dietetics * Tanya Alkhazova Carleton Gregory Arrington Jamie Kristine Beller * Melissa Lynn Berkimer Timary Drashell Brewer Emily Jeanne Burritt Maria Corallo Heather E. Dusseau * Joanna M. Farhat Marissa Elaine Good * Megan Anne Hatch * Kimberly Erin Jacobs Julianne Marie Jeffery * Tesia Gabrielle Kaczmarek Laurie Michelle Kaplan Carie Lynn Kiersey Angela Marie Klun Andrea Marie Kriscovich Michael Anthony Krukowski Joy Ann Leppala Kelly C. Loeffler Tamara Vanessa Loper Family Community Services Tara Latrice Bates Julie A. Bergman Amy Jean Conklin Andrea Dawne Evans Amy Sue Fischer Kenneth Michael Gorney Nancy Marie Hixson Irma Jenkins Amy 1. Johnson Cassandre Pierre Joseph MiraR. Kang * Lisa McGlone Kathryn A. McGroarty Annette Hawthorne Merrill * Marianne L. Pilar Melita Porter Rachel Ann Pugsley Karyn Elizabeth Rizzuto Kelly Michelle Robinson Edward John Roth Mary Jo Schlicklin Lauren H. Schmidt Nicole Yvette Slater Jamie Lyne Wesley Aimee Elizabeth Yatcko CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Apparel and Textile Design Leisha Young Ran Charmoli Sharryl Lenise Cross Vanita DeJenne Hill Alison Grace Janson * Michael Anthony King Trudie Myrtle Wilson Dietetics (Continued) Vicki Carolyn McCullen Kathleen Ann Marie McKenney Nancy Joy Michalski Julia Adriana Mulder Katrina Nadobny Erin Lynn Neville Nettie Ngai-Ka Ng Tricia E. Novak Elise Susan Olender Karen Sue Osentoski Mrugesh Pravin Patel Sheryl L. Polidan Cheryl Ann Rockett Rachel Ann Rosenbaum Naomi G. Schepke Leah Marie Sembler Amy Kathleen Shaw David Allan Shuler Christine Smyth Jennifer Marie Wirsing Laura A. Wroblewski Jennifer Lizabeth York * * * * * * ** Shana Lee Adkins Ricarla Elizabeth Allen Laura Marie Arnold Meredith Eileen Baker Allana S. Barnes Monae Sheriee Berry Dragana Bjelobrk Sarah Lynn Bloomfield Christopher G. Bogas Megan Emily Bonnema Kathleen Marie Bowen Sarah Stephanie Bowne Melissa Lashea Branch Clinton Andrew Bublitz Shywana S. Buchanan Natalie Kyle Bumgarner Maya Natasha Calloway Elizabeth C. Calo Julie Ann Carter Barbara Elizabeth Clute Camarin Lynn Compton Shannon Marie Cooper Kaitlyn Elizabeth Dangel Sarah Danielle Davis Melissa Courtney Dentry Farah Dharshi Alissa Marie Ditta Tausha A. Drain Colleen Beverly Duhm Lisa M. Edmondson Stacey A. Eichenberg Heather Lynnann Emmert Tracey Yolanda Epperson Marianna Rosina Finazzo * Jennifer Lynn Findley * Sarah Danielle Fischer Damon 1. Ford Stacey Lynn Frost Erin Jensen Gladstone Jamie L. Goetzinger Lisa Marie Gotwalt Kelly L. Greathouse Bill Gordon Greene Janet 1. Hansen Nichole Andrea Hardin * Chelsea Dawn Hare Jamie Marie Hart Jennifer Leigh Hepp Tara Jean Herman Melissa Hernandez Nichole Lynn Hinspeter Barbara Ellen Holt Rebecca Ann Hoppe Jennifer Jaminet Joel R. Rivera Jimenez Katheryn Rae Kaminski Stacy Leigh Ketchum Rola R. Khoury * ** * ** * * Amy Kathleen Kleinhenz Kathryn A. Kleppert Angela Marie Klotz Susan Elizabeth Kornegay Dana M. Kowalewski Stacy Lynn Kyro Destiny Grace Laczkowski Susan Yvonne Lean Courtney M. Ledyard Melissa Ann Long Leigh Ann Lozano Abigail Janice Madsen Jennifer Ann Mehall Filomena Menna Ann-Marie Therese Miller MicheHe Ann Mullins Michelle Lynn Nobach Margaret Elizabeth Nolan Jennifer M. Paeth Jennifer Ann Peffer Paulina Petrovic Courtney Marie Peurasaari Amy C. Place Casey Lyn Plummer Karen La'Shawn Porter Alisa Cora Pounds Angela Marie Psaros Catherine A. Ramsdell Jill K. Raymond Amber Lynn Redmond Danielle Renee Reid Greta Lynn Reinhard Sarah Elizabeth Ripley Rebecca Lynn Roberts Jessica Lynn Rosenick * Jodie Michelle Shiffman Patricia Slack Kellee Jo Smith Samantha Caren Solomon Russell Eric Spicer Lea Michele Sterly Lisa Marie Stevens Keyonda Moneak Stokes Danielle Marie Thompson April Townsend ** Jennifer Eileen Trepkoski Jennifer Lynn Tschirhart Kristin Lynne Tuohy Alysia Marie Venettis Michele Lynne Wasserman Brandi Anitra Weems Carrie Ann Marie Wells ** Nicole Angelique White Alyssa H. Wideman Michelle Lynn Wilson Wendy Marie Woodruff Gesela Renee Woods * Brooke Elizabeth Yarabek Jaime Lynn Zollman * H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 41 • James Madison College College of Natura! Science NORMAN A. GRAHAM, ACTING DEAN GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * Tarek 1. Anandan Ai Ando Daniel James Andoni H* Matthew Nolen Andres Kathleen Elizabeth Andry Gwyn Anne Atkinson Vanessa L. Atty Tynae Noel Austin H* Lisa Dawn Baragar Karin Lynne Bauman Mary Elizabeth Bayne * Melissa Kay Berquist Ana-Jeanne Bisno H** Omari Vinson Bouknight Claire L. Brady Randy Jay Brennan Danielle L. Brinn Philip David Brohn ** Rachel Elyse Brown Damon Storm Burg H* Brent Michael Bushey Meghan Kathleen Buslepp Laura Colleen Carter Jordan Emerson Case Kristen Leigh Caswell Greggory Stuart Chopper Molly Lizabeth Clark Jocelyn M. Cleary Laura M. Coatta H Elizabeth June Cotter Marcia Lynn Cunningham * Michael D. Cyran Mathew J. DeLamielleure * Timothy Allen Diemer Bryn Alexandra Drescher DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS * H* H** * ** H** H** Daniel Douglas Eschtruth Jevona Cheri Fudge Yvonne M. Gibbs Rachel Johanna Ginsburg John Renard Girdwood Dereth Britt Glance David John Godin Nathan R. Green Kristine Mary Grillo Robert Hampton Nathan Frederick Harris Jeffrey Steven Hengeveld Neil Edward Henne Stephanie Elizabeth Higdon Tammy Jeanette Hillis Catherine M. Holiastos Rachel M. Hood Kelly Anne Hough Shaun Thomas Hughey Sean T. Hyland Stephanie Renee Ignash Michael Patrick Ivers Patrick A. Izzo Aaron David Jackson Cleopatra Mistine Jeffries Megan Marie Jewett Tiffany Anne Kaiser LaNetra Denise Kellar Patricia Anne Kemp Brace Edward Kern Cheryl D. King Rasey Kobliska-Becker Ariel Kohen Ryan Mark LaHousse Mary Beth Lake CANDIDATES - H** ** H* H* H** H** H* H** H** H** H* Sarah Anne Lively Phuc Hong Lu Kathleen Tamara Luchini Nathan Michael Macek Terra L. Markey Kimberly A. Martinek Dustin Webster Campbell May Gavin M. McLaughlin Jaime Lynne Millard Jennifer Millington Mark Fredrick Moon Elizabeth Jane Nacy Renee Marie Nassif Meseret Kifle Negash Scott Michael Page Chintan Vijay Panchal Kamilah Aminah Parker Lindsay A. Petrie Anthony 1. Phillips Matthew Scott Phillips Kenneth Edward Pierson Stephanie Lynn Porter Candice L. Progler Melissa Bema Pryor Jenna K. Ravani I'Lanta Monet Robbins Jared Isaiah Rodriguez Kristin D. Rohde Deidra Rosenblatt Jamie N. Ruple Sarah L. Safnauer Daniel Aaron Sampson Marcus R. Sanborn Brian Christopher Sauer * * H* ** * H* H** H* H** H** H* H* H* H* Erica Mullen Schmid Jennifer Nicole Schultz Leyuna Della Shaw Marc Jeffrey Shefman Whitney Anne Sholler Amy Elizabeth Quinn Siegel Amy Lynne Sinclair Aun A. Singapore Robbyn M. Singer Douglas I. Skrzyniarz David K. Smale Amy Marie Smith Melinda Sofen Elizabeth Erika Ann Storm Michael Henry Strausz Jessica Marie Swartz Jennifer Elaine Sykes Elizabeth Ann Thompson Kristine N. Tuma Mandy Keeara Turnbull Brian Michael Uhelski Carlos Valdivia Camille Janice Vinson Francesco S. Viola II Jennifer Lynne Waldo Sarah Gallagher Warbelow Teresa Anne Ward Shannon K. Watson Liza Jenifer Weinstein Lauren L. Wells Andre N. Wiegand Robert e. Wright Erica Joy Yelensky Stacey Anne Young SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Jeffrey Alan Aenlle Amy Katherin Brown Chad Daniel DeKatch Erika Anne Della Santina Yvonne Dee Donohoe Nichole Anne Eberhardt Erin K. Garvin Molly K. Graves Louisa Keefe Erin John MacGregor Adam Michael McBride H* Katrinell Monya McClendon Letha A. Miller Misti Rue Morgan Jennifer Rebecca Ries Audrey L. Robinson Gretchen Leigh Schonfeld H** Shannon Lynne Shelton Mary Katherine Sperti Israil U. Steen Joann Marie Stotenbur Marjorie Jeanne Vogel Kelley Ann Wall Teresa Anne Ward H** Geoffrey M. Wyatt Chemistry Connie Lynn Bannick Anton M. Busuttil Rebecca Marie Forthoffer Crystal Neshall Harney * Mark Andrew Jonesku * Brian Langley Jason A. Logsdon Gwendolyn Sheree McCoy Jonne Mika McCoy 42 * William P. Metz Mary Frances Miller ** Adam Gatewood Perry Owen Angus Phillips Brian Dennis Pohl Melissa Lynn Rudzinski Katherine Elizabeth Selanders Mark Richard Sislo Scott Eric Thielbar Zachary Allan Welzein LaTonya Elaine Wright Mathematics H** Nicholas Jeremiah Diehl Jinnene M. Foster H** Michelle Renee Kapuscinski Patricia Anne McGrath Michelle Renee Nye H Kathryn Marie Rosseel Roger Daniel Smith Mamie Vi au-Hansen Zoology Mark Allan Herbert DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Astrophvsics ** Michele Ann Stark Biochemistry * Scott Alan Asakevich H** Sarah Elizabeth Endicott Bork H* Julie Marie Cadaret * Anney Che H** Sayeema Naz Daudi Rhonda Lynn Davis H Eric James Duffy ** Prashanti Bachu Franklin Tangela LaDawn Gaines Maganjit Kaur Gill Jacob Burton Griffin Tony Sudheer Grover Peter Gutenberg * Jamie Susan Hubert H Mary Beth Johnson * Daniel C. Kemp Damian Harry Kotsis H** Nancy Yuan Lin H* Matt Merski H* Stacy Anna Moss ** Sandra S. Munsters H Benjamin David Seebald Natasha Lyn Sefcovic * Georgia M. Watson ** Catherine Elizabeth Yurk Daniel Afton Zatkovich Biochemistry/Biotechnology Bahareh Azizi Tamara Ann Clark Robert Pennell Ericksen Belial Ali Joseph Beth Marie Mele Leary Keo Vang Biological Science Rebecca E. Brackon Uric Cameron Geer Natalie Gerenz Corrie Aletha Grasley Christopher Stuart Groenhout Troy Anthony Haney Robert Owen Harrison H** Tina Marie Kopinski H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 Stacey Suzanne Kulas Stephanie Ann Miller James Michael Nuechterlein Michael L. Phillips Rebecca E. Ruth ** Jason John-Paul Sowinski H Tracy Nicole Veresh Harper John Whinery ** Amy Therese Wiegand Botany and Plant Pathology Steven Francis Berkheimer H** Brad Chapman Carmencita Yolanda Diaz ** Khara Deanne Grieger * Susan Jill Kirt Rachel V. Loranger Jaimie T. Oatley LoriAnn Tschirhart John Charles Wellman Kelly M. Willis Chemical PhYSics Daniel P. Hogan H* Joseph Patrick Kenny H** ** H** H** H** Chemistry Paul Joseph Booth Anthony James Cochran Michael Joseph Consolmagno Jr. Heidi Lynn Gebauer Jennifer Lee Han Adam William Harant AmyL. Kopf Anthony G. Lupone Dana Meyka Cheryl Ann Myler Ferenc Pantaleone Nagy Michelle Christine Rini Joseph David Scheppe Kristin Kay Taylor Leah Christine Theisen Jaime M. Wisniewski Clinical Laboratory Sciences Sara Rebecca Ezell Kimberly T. Owens Michael D. Suhie Laura Urban Earth Science Heath Abram Alflen Victor Justin Bugni Christina Dobos ** Renee F. Fiott Erin Lee Kelley Entomology H Nicholas C. Krieger * Michael M. Philip Environmental Biology! Botany and Plant Pathology * Elizabeth Ann Webster ** ** ** * * Environmental Biolo~ Zoology Angela Michelle Conklin Tara Kristine Harmon Alan James Kennedy Heather Yvonne Medina Lori Carol Polkowski Michael 1. Ryan Rebekah Dawn Serbin Joshua J. Taylor Jason Tyler Wiersema Environmental Qf.Q~ciences Jennifer Marie Blicharz Joel D. Fett Jeffrey John Fischer Sharleen A. Getschman Ania M. Majewski Joseph M. Mattson Robert John Nagy Ryan Michael Smith Shane Thomas Snavley Amy Elizabeth Witten strom Qeological Scienr;;.~ Shane Thomas Snavley Human Biology Shannon Colleen Albrecht Kimberly Anne Brzezinski H* * ** H* * H** H** * * Brian Webb Coates Jami Jo Cole Adam Scott Daniels Marisa Anne Danville Cassie M. Earl Samuel Robert Epley IV Shannon e. Ferguson Melissa S. Kellogg Dorota Meller Cory Ryan Molenda Charles A. Pumklin Amber Marie Russell Mandeep Singh Angela Maria Szczepanek Kelley Faye VanLente John H. Weeks Melissa Ann Willy Scott A. Zulewski Lyman Briggs School * Sarah Linda Abernathy Lisa Marie Aenlle H** Craig Thomas Alguire H* KayaAygen H Christopher M. Bannigan * Brent Alan Becklin * Matthew William Benedix H Felicia Veronica Berryman H* Joshua Collin Bis Jason P. Brown H* Amy M. Burns ** Daniel J. Cantillon Michele Therese Charland H** Christa H. Chatfield Camille Ciesliga ** Andrea Jean Clark H* Jennifer Anne Clift H** Rodney Richard Corby Jenny Madeline Cordero H** Adame. Cox Amber Blaine Crim H** Jenny Lynn Folcik H** Olivia Grayce Fusillo * Myriah Michelle Gambrell * Erin Gatza * Michael Brent Griffen * Nancy Jane Harvey Marsha Lynn Henson ** Douglas Graham Hoppe Jason C. Hui H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 43 NATURAL SCIENCE NATURAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE H* H** H* ** H* H* H* ** H** H* H* * * ** ** H H ** H** H** * * * * ** * ** * L}!.man Bri f:.~s School (Continued) Charles Victor Hunt Jac!yn M. Jaglowski Eric Edward Janke Reba Elizabeth Johnson Teresa Dianne Kalinka Nicole Lee Kallewaard Brook Renee Kirouac Leighann Marie Koets Crista Michelle Kubinski Gregory Anthony Kust Sarah F. Lamerato Irene Mae Llanto Michael Harold Malone Jeffrey David Martin Daniel Dean McIntosh II Stephanie Ann Michael Cheryl Beth Miller Jit Subhra Mookerjee Christina Marie Morton Dean Jason Mourselas Jenifer Rose Myers Tory 1. Nash Julie Lynn Nelson Mark Robert Nelson Jennifer Lynn Nichols Stacey Lynn Olinger Kathleen Marie Pelikan Paul David Perring MaryAnn Pham Tracy James Pierce Jessica Lynn Puckett Marcus Alan Roman Catherine Michelle Rondelli Suzanne Manjula Samuel Matthew Carl Sardelli Indra Neil Sarkar Elizabeth Anne Schafer Janelle Dawn Sec! Bradley John Shires Douglas T. Simon Christopher Naresh Singh Benjamin Louis Skulnick Serena Rae Sloan Laura Marie Stack Jacob L. Standish James William Sterling Kelli Kay Swan Jeremy Jacob Swick Kendra Ann Szymczak Amanda Kae Tomich Marek Michael Ulicny Jennifer Lee VanderLaan Julia Marie Veresh Maria I. Vidal Gregory S. Washington Christopher Scott Watson Mark M. Williams Jason Christopher Charles Wills Cameron DeVon Wilson Megan Frances Wiswesser Hans 1. Wolslau Brian Joseph Yared Andrew Franklin Zink * Kimberly S. Dohm Angela Mary Duke * Dashika Delshan Ferguson H** Dawn Marissa Haney Matthew A. Johnson H* Ellen Alyce Soo Moll Coty L. O'Quinn H* Daniel Machado Padilha Paula Marie Piccone ** Adam Salminen Mark L. Sansoterra Chad Michael Smith Zachary Charles Stucky Bradley David Thornburgh ** * * * ** * ** ** ** H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 44 Ph}!.sics Kathleen A. Brook Brian L. Scott Ron Thomas Brian Jacob van Kuik Katherine E. Vander Wier H** * ** * H* H* H ** H** H* ** * ** ** * H** Mathematics H* Sean Patrick Carmody H* Matthew Allen Covalle Candice Crews Medical Technolof:.l!. Bryan Patrick Belanger Yolanda Marie Binkowski Tracet T. Bradley Kimberly Dian Breining Susan Leigh Caie Catherine Marie Castleberry Rashanda Nikole Corley Leslie Ann Curnow Kara Jane Cutshall Deborah S. Decker Constance Tennille Diggs Tami Joann Fowler Terrie L. Frazier Kara Alicia Gibb Michael Eugene Glass Nicole Marie Goedertier Humaira Habibi Erin B. Hachlinski Hannah Heather Harris Mariko Dawn Helton Demesha Marie Hines Diem Tuyet Hoa Heather Lee Houweling David Ming Yeh Hsieh Danielle Renee Hummel Matthew Carl Jacobs Mark G. Jersin Tina Monique Kelley Brandon John La Mere Jennifer Jo Lewis Elizabeth Ann Madej Pietro Stefano Molinari Corey Michael O'Brien Jaime Elizabeth Irene Perry Quirino Nino Persiconi Jason M. Rolka Stephanie Sue Schade Danielle Marie Schram Courtney A. Sych Miranda Lee Terrell Enovwo I. Wanogho Roziamo Zoulfikarbekova Sunni Dawn Goodall H* Amanda Marie Gorski Peter Gutenberg Jennifer Jane Keckeissen Chad H. Koonce Austin Weitar Kuo Eric R. Medaris Carla Merritt H* Cheryl Beth Miller H** Mark Masaichi Nakamoto Brian Thomas Pekarek Michael A. Pihalja Kathleen Marie Portman H* Carly Lynn Pratt Emily Susan Rea H Brian Edward Schickedanz H** Sara Ann Schugars Daniela Jean Shappee Jeanette Sue Skaluba Melody Lynne Sonnenberg Dan Strand Julie Elizabeth Vantine Zachary Wahl H** Amy Rachel Zalcman ** H* Microbiolof:.l!. Christi Ann Balsbaugh Aaron Matthew Berenter Nicole Marie Dawson Christina L. De Hayes Thomas Matthew Dole Renee M. Elizondo Sherry Kathleen Falk Kevin M. Franklin Danielle LaTrice Fuqua Jonathan Matthew Glynn Amanda Kathleen Goeman * " ** ** Ph}!.siolof:.l!. David Richard Allton Elias Joseph Antypas Dominique Estee Bancel Andrew Michael Boruta Christina Marie Brushaber Leonard Virden Bunting Angela Dawn Burgett Amy E. Cayemberg Elizabeth Kay Chamberlain Lisa Marie Coram Michael L. Cuson Eric James Duffy Deanna Marie Dunfield Kristi Fox Stephanie Ann Friedlund Julie Lynn Gasperini Sonia Godambe Barbara Jo Grant Jill Bianca Halonen Daniel Seth Heller Courtney Allen Holland Bounghwa Jun Stacy Lynn Kovacs Kristopher W. Krannitz Craig Donald Lewis Demetrios John Louis Angela Jean Massingill Jennifer 1. Mastropietro Renee Joyce Matthews Elizabeth Suzanne McDonald Tianna Renee McIntyre Karen Ann Metzler Amanda Marie Meulenberg Manoj Mohan Cory Ryan Molenda Angela Marie Moll Phillip Glenn Monroy Natalie Organek ** Kyle Stanley Pline Maria E. Pruss ** Katherine Rabaut Roger Arthur Racine ** Joel Michael Rawson Paul Renton * David Corina Rosales Gayle Elizabeth Ruhl H** Gianna Lynn Service Amy Melanie Shanks Jessica Lynne Sharon H** Shannon E. Short * Roxana I. Siles Rodney Nobbel Sizemore Amanda Smalley Ellen Elizabeth Smith ** Ethan Sterk Trevis Son-Thanh Tran Andrea Marie Treinen H* Josephine Grace Tsai ** Jeffrey Allen Waibel Jayson 1. Welter ** Jessica L. Williams * Jami Maree Wiseman Kristin Helgeson Yuille H** H* * H** * * H** * ** ** ** * * * ** Kimberley JoAnn Miller Laurie Elizabeth Miller Colleen Leslie Murphy * Jennifer Anne Nosakowski Chinedu D. Nriagu Robin Fromer Pongracz Jamie S. Pucher Lisa A. Robinson-La Barge Alan James Schmidt ** David 1. Schmitz Todd Ryan Schwenk Allison Scuderi CANDIDATES - ** Nidhi Deepak Shah H* Rebekah Marion Sharp Stephanie Elizabeth Sheppard Jason Michael Sims H* Carl Henry Smith Stephen Andrew Smith Meaghan Frances Splan * Karen Lynn Sproull ** Daniele Rebecca Stedman ** Sarah M. SwanbergThompson Cher Lynn Uppleger Kelly Lyn Van Wagoner Valerie Qureishi Velilla Christopher Nicholas Vlangos Katherine Margaret Walters Canequia Monequia Wardlaw Adrienne Catrea Wells * Gretchen Noel Yurk Joshua M. Zeluff SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE ** Statistics ** Russell Alan Ormiston Jr. Toni Marie Warner Zoolof:.l!. Christina M. Allen Jessica Anna Anthony Joyce Genevieve Arcay Carl H. Arens Brian Michael Balogh Rebecca Anne Bartel Brian Lawrence Beachy Karen Diane Benz Yolanda D. Betty Cory Michael Breen Kelly Michelle Brierley Susan M. Budnick Rachel Elizabeth Bump Amy Nicole Buss Christopher Michael Chapman Jason Robert Joseph Closs Jennifer Lynn Cooley Rebecca Anne Cunningham Jennifer Naoma Dandy Kristi Lynn Davis Mary Margaret DiOrio Kari Jo Divine Sara Jean Eastman Michelle Jean Eckman Stacey Jo Elliott Kirsten Hope Elzerman Susan Marie Gartland Tracy Lynn Garza Amanda Elizabeth Gillette Merritt G. Gillilland III Molly Marie Gross Co-Diem Thy Ha Tanoya Lynette Harris Jamaika Tammarie Hawthorne Karen Lisa Jagschitz Amy Nicole Jeross Stephen Edward Jukes Kari Jo Keefer Caitlin De Weese Kocsis Zoolof:.l!. (Continued) Stephen Thomas Koyle Melissa Catherine Krause Elizabeth Ann Kruttlin Tracey 1. Lee Brett Alexander Linsley Jennifer Lynn Maltby Jamie Denelle Mercer Michael 1. Mienaltowski Misty LeAnn Miles Justin Blair Miller * ** * ** Sarah Lyn Barnhill Beth Anne Barnosky Susan Anne Becker Ellen Jane Bishop Adam Ryan Biteman Jason Carl Britton Nina Carolyn Brown Leigh Katherine Butler Jack Samuel Calcut III Monica Marye Campbell Socheat Chau Justin Albert Church Terashawn Cigan Sheryl Lynn Courtney Sarah Rose Davis Gianni Sante DeCarolis Jeffrey P. Dombroski Charles A. Dorman Theresa Lynn Douglas Dolores Marie Drochner Ryan Lowell Dunlap Channing Duvall David Alan Ellsworth Justin Bruce Ellsworth Victoria Jean Enciso Jessica Fallucca Ayman Ahmad Salem Fayyad * Emma-Jane Fennell Daniel James Flores David Crooks Froemke * Rachel M. Frumkin Julie Ann Fulger * Anne Renee Gierlowski Michelle Lea Gittins ** Jonathan Matthew Glynn Shantana Sheree Goerge Jennifer Lee Hailey Stacey Anne Harden Whitney Lauren Herbert Timothy Allen Heyd Sarah M. Hicks Timothy Michael Johnson Scott Aaron Kearns * Elizabeth M. Keating William Michael Keusch ** Robert Vincent Klemmer * Kristina Marie Kosinski Belle Lau Carmen Lynn Lawes Jason S. Leff Adam Lee Levey Colleen Erin Lillie Lameitre Camille Lockhart Jason A. Logsdon Christine Marie Luczak H** * * * * * Odysseu Hermes Lupescu Shannon Marie Lynch Meegan Leah Mahan Cinzia Alida Mancini Rebecca Jean Mastee Lindsay Sarah McLeod Amy A. Meeker Courtney Melissa Mehock Andrew Michael Meloeny Grant Emerson Melville Jason Henry Miller Nikki L. Mlynarczyk Angelique Montgomery Kimberly D. Nault Allison Lee Nester Tarah Loree O'Keefe Philip Vincent Pacheco Cyrus S. Park Christopher Emmanuel Parker Tamika D. Payne Natae Monie Penn John David Perpich Thomas George Phebus Melinda Sue Place Michelle Ann Pratt Justin Thomas Purakal Cynthia Marie Rachol ** ** ** * Chhavi Simran Rai Traci Kaye Reinholt Keith A. Reynolds Benjamin Curtis Rogers Julie Rose Ruby Fatemeh Sabouri Jason Schrock Cynthia Susanne Scovel Jennifer Rebecca Shoskes Sara Susana Smith Anne Nichole Spaete Sara M. Spencer Steven M. Stack Jason Matthew Sucheck Leslie Ellen Swartz Rene Michelle Swiderski Eric James Tarcha David W. Taube Menghua Taur Ryan Douglas Thomas Theresa Thomas Greg A. Tomasik John David Trainor Michael Andrew Vallender Shannon Patrick Watters Lance Artiba Wells Khiana Keren Willis Marlene Lisa Zaremberg Melissa Kay Zochowski College of Nursing MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Glenda Lee Alverio ** Jacqueline Anderson H* Amanda Rae Beaudre * Amanda Ruth Boedeker * Janet Lynn Confer * Alicia Ruhl Cox * Erica Lynne Fielder Jean M. Fogle * Amy Lynn Gawura * Diana Lynn Gravel Carolyn M. Hansen Jacques Christopher Harris Justin Lee Harris * Kelly Jo Hope * Carrie Ann Kipina Lisa Clare Korpela Suzanne Marie Lee ** Jody Jean Lehn * Wendy Elizabeth Loder * Erica Paige Lucas Anne Elizabeth Morgan ** Melissa Ann Murawski * Julie Marie Neill * Laura Amy Nicholls * Jennifer Ann Opalek * Tamara Lynn Price * * Sarah Elizabeth Proffitt Phuong-Oanh Thi Ramon * Chad Michael Roberts * Melissa D. Rovoll H** Sarah Marie Yallup Schulz Erika Karese Smolinski ** Michelle Colleen Tasch Phung L. Tran ** Vicki Marie Wheeler Ann Phuong White Jeanne Marie Wolfe * Nichole Dion Wood * Margaret Rose Zebrowski H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 45 p SOCIAL SCIENCE NURSING CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceInternational Studies BACHELOR'S DEGREE Rhea Caroline Szymanski Debra S. Stampski ** Stacey Janette Klein * College of Social Science * * KENNETH E. COREY, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Anthropology * Ashley Erin Atkinson Dawn Marie Derouin Brian James Garvey Matthew Alexander Hard Dawn R. Hartley Clifford Russell Holm * Jennifer Kobrin John Thomas Thompson Gerald M. Wieczorek H** * Criminal Justice * * ** H** * * Natalie Mary Abram Allison Danielle Adams Flozell Justin Adams Todd Harrison Annis Peter A. Backaitis Kelvin Lamarr Banks Jennifer Christy Bayer Laura Ann Beldin Mamie 1. Beneson Chad Steven Bissegger Stephen R. Boehringer Cory Michael Boyer Aleksandra Brykalska Michael W. Bush Stanley Lacey Callender Jf. Steve Edward Calley Karen Rebecca Cantu Elizabeth Catherine Champagne Andrew L. D. Chirgwin Crystal R. Cinader C. Robert Clancy Kimberly R. Clementz Brian Wesley Cochran Carmen YaVette Coleman Daniel Joseph Cooper Daniel Joseph Cooper Donavan J. Davis Taj Anthony Davis Amanda J. Dettore Danielle R. Domrase Bryan M. Drake Bob Elias Daniel Thomas Emlaw Justin Duane English David Michael Eyl Heidi S. Feldman Amy Lynn Ferance Charlie W. Fields Jr. Evan Fitch H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 46 ** ** * ** ** ** * * * Timothy Dean Garcher Carolyn R. Giese Joseph Truell Glanton Elizabeth Marie Glynn Jeffrey Laurence Graus Kia N. Harris Matthew John Heintskill Dylan G. Hess Marc David Hoffman Sheila Hornyak Andrew Warren Hull Constance J. Hutchings Ryan Edward Jenner Rhonda R. Johnson Michael Andrew Jones Robert Alexander Khan Andrea Frances Kilby Michelle Irene Kitchen Catherine M. Klarstrom Amber Rene Koelsch Kenneth James Kovach Matthew A. Kramer Matthew M. Kuhn Brian S. Lanham Michelle A. Lindo Melissa Jane Mapes Matthew Oscar Martinez Lee Dreamaine Mays Scott Douglas McDougal Elizabeth Ann Merkle Michael Moore Matthew Mosier Tonya Lee Mueller Annette Marie Musky David C. Newby Paul J. Ochmanek Jf. Robert Hugh Olszewski Nicholas Andrews Ousley Joshua James Parsons Kimani Tader Pasha Melanie Rae Paulson Rochelle L. Perry Lynne M. Phillipi Daniel Lee Prather Jf. Christy Eileen Priebe Scott Michael Rancour Linda Marie Raterink David S. Reinfelder David Edward Ried Sherron Darnell Rimpson Victor Patrick Robelet Gregory Alan Roeske * H** * * Manuelita Romero Jason Paul Ronning Patrick Anthony Roti Jennifer Kay Roy Janice Ann Ruedisale Sarah Marie Rueger Amanda Lynn Schaefer Joshua D. Schley John C. Schwarz Chad Andrew Scott Stacy L. Sinke Carrie Lee Smith Lisa Anne Sobieralski Ellery Glendon Sosebee Nicole Marie Sterna Ryan M. Strong Michael T. Teachout Amber Lea Tolley Maria Janellen Trifiletti Christopher Robert Trudeau Ross Nelson Tyrell Amy Jayne Usher Ray Gene Vargo Lora L. Viselli Holli Jeanette Wallace Jeffrey Dennis Walsh Rashida Alia Walton Tia Marie Ward Dionne Monique Weathington Hope Renee Webb John Devereaux Whitty Keith Donald Wilkinson Kyle Aaron Williams Amy Renee Wistow Kristina Lee Worden La Wanda Mischelle Wyatt Rochelle Nicole Wyatt Michael M. Zinn Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Chad Earl Gransden Robert Roger Paul III Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Shawn T. Bible Laura Leigh Dice Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society * * Geo~raphy Jason Andrew Krawczyk * Danyle L. Ordway * Michael Moneir Zahabi Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceCommunity Relations Paulo Ricardo Gordillo Ann Marie Holmes Sharon Elaine Tulos ** ** Lindsay Alison Bacon Ryan Matthew Bennett Antoinette F. Biron Alice Ruth Brooks Michael Joseph Casby Lindsey Dawson Marie Clayton Richard C. Coming Jf. Dory A. DeMan Evan Thomas Dermidoff Chad M. Ellis Jessica Louise Everhart Aaron C. Fenberg Blythe Moneta Hare Eric J. Jefferies Melissa K. Blood Johnson Charles Scott Jozwiak Eric M. Kelch Angie Rebecca Lockhart Andrea Newberry Tara E. Nofziger Lindsay Marie Parsons Cherrita Yvonne Perry Lisa Ann Price Trisha Renee Ritter Angela Marcelle Roles Kimberly Said Bobbie Sebastian Kiersten Ann Katherine Soule Roxsanna Stenuis Judith Marie Weber * Meral Aly A. Kamal Badawy Andrew Ian Bennetts Dario A. Chiarini Janel Ferrin Thomas Roche Hamilton Kengo Hoshina Staci Jerrison Hubbell Subhash Shetty Kateel Kelly Erin King Karen Mary Klingler Heidi R. LaFata Ethan James McCallum Zachary Charles Morgan Takanori Nishiyama Erin Marie Paul Yuka Sakamoto Janis Marie Salomon Akua Kilolo Saulsberry Lisa Ann Stephenson Keith Turner April Lynn Wojewoda Joseph Preston Parke Adam Tyler Poe Craig Michael Ryan ** Kimberly Kay Shurlow Andrew Michael Tahy Michael John Underwood Political Science-Prelaw ** * * ** ** H* Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Jeffrey Carl Atkin Terri A. Booms Scott Charles Clements David A. Feldstein * Steven Richard Fox Sequara M. Henry Aaron Jay Katz * Sara Leigh LaFleur ** Lisa Marie Patrick David M. Phillips Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies * Sok Houng Be Jenifer Lorraine Esch ** Alisande Elizabeth Henry Political Science Garett D. Bell * Devan L. Bissonette Steve Edward Calley Reginald E. Carveth III Michael Ryan Cherba H* Amit Chugh Taj Anthony Davis * Michael W. Dyer Michael Paul Kunkler * Sarah Ann Lackey Mark Alan Linton Robert A. McCann Kristi Lynne Meabon Sarah Marie Miltz Andrew Nathan Mitin * Salah Zafer Nahawi ** ** * H Ryan Harris Beery Heather Brianna Boone De'Letra Lynn Brooks Stacy L. Campbell Kristi Renee Carrier Jessica R. Carter Sarah Rene Corp Kevin Jonathan Demeter Michael Joseph Dzubak Susan E. Flory Matthew Michael Hagerty Rachel Angeline Hilton Tashiba Monique Jones Yu-SeokKim Ian Klinkhamer Daniel William Langolf Mandy Nicole Leneschmidt Erin Kaye Martensen Danielle Yvonne Massie Mark Lawrence Nawrocki James Anthony Norris Kenneth Curtis Paulus Richard A. Racht Darin M. Rains Tameka N. Reeves Jacob Michael Rossie Benjamin A. Schock Brian Matthew Seelye Michael Edward Servitto Kurt M. Seyferth Hope Vance Shovein Lisa E. Sinclair Joseph Richard Styka Kevin T. Sutton Paul Nicholas VandenBussche Dylan T. B. Wagamon Brian o. Walters Jeffrey S. Weberman James Mathew Wilkins Elizabeth Wudyka Jason Paul Young '" H* * * H** ** * ** ** * Psychology Anysia Ivanovna Adamcio Kimberly Elizabeth Lynn Allen Bradley J. Backstrom Daniel William Ballenger Troy Aaron Barber * Shatal Nicole Bell H Nathan Eric Besonen Brittany Lorraine Biondo * Kelly Lynn Breault Daniel Scott Brinks Randall L. Brown H** ** Colleen Louise Burton Brian David Casai Catherine Ann Connor Erik Andrew Cornellier Daniel A. Damman Raynard D. Dennis Albert Alfred DePolo III Jessica Laurel Dombrowski Jeffrey Lyle Edmonds Sarah Michelle Emmert Julia Joy Finkel Melissa M. Foster Danielle Stephanie Gennette Scott Goldberg Michelle Sarah Goldenberg Jessica Rae Gorchoff Amanda J. Gregas Elizabeth A. Grego Paul S. Henderson Jessica Martine Hewitt Nina La Shaun Higgins Dana Rachel Hoffman John Philip Honea Marcy Ferree Hoopingarner Chanel Renee Hugan Bridget Maureen Hyde Michael Izzo Irma Jenkins Amy L. Johnson Kathleen Marie Johnson Catherine Anne Kattula Toni Nicole Kennell Shelley Rana Kivel Rebecca L. Kronberger Marc E. LaMay Gloria Torres Lanum Sharlene A. Lomibao Nicole Gabrialle Maak Jason Allen Mallory Tamera D. Martinek Ruth Anne Mason Christie Lynn Mastaw Meredith Elaine McMahon Ravi Mehendale Robert O. Morgner III Felicia Charnelle Murden Andrew T. Nalepa Heather Allison Norberg Robert Hugh Olszewski Danielle Marie Orr Neil Allan Parker Gregory James Pierman Genevieve Powell Megan L. Profit Brandon Mark Raudebaugh Carrieann Rekowski Jennifer Lynn Richardson Erin Maureen Roberts Carolyn R. Savage Susan Lynn Schnurr Kristin Marie Schumacher Ryan Nathan Sharma Cynthia A. Sherwood * Kimberly J. Slendak * Kristin Lea Smith Kelly Lynn Strzelecki Heather Lee Thomas Matthew B. Thomas Paul Andrew Tiseo * Erin Marie Vidler Sarah Anne Wallace * John A. Waugh Binay Wendy Wayburn Jeffrey M. Wiggerman LisaR. Wyma Public Administration Ryan Seth Boyk Shawn Matthew Cross Nicholas J. Infante Monique LaShawn Lyle Social Work * * H** * H** ** * * 01<* * H** * ** ** * ** * ** Marcy Lynn Behnke Jaclyn Marie Bennett Amanda M. Berthiaume Stacie Anne Bianchi Alyssa Holly Carl Sarah Ann Christensen Kimberly R. Clementz Teresa Louise Dyer Karen Elizabeth Everhart Julie Ann Fliss Jeffrey N. Frommeyer Chad Dee Hannahs Gayle J. Hatfield Kelly A. King Angela Lynn Knoll Jessica Ann Laffey Marilyn Ruth-Coombs McLane Amy Lynn Ozarski Sara Anne Peplinski Kay Lynn Reed-Gray Erin Faye Roelofs Amelia L. Shelton Chiffone Nicole Shelton Michael Burke Sullivan Erica Denise Swilley Christie M. Thompson Phuong Thi Tran Marcelina Trevino Michelle Lynn Walkowski Rebecca A. Wiersma Heidi Jeane Wortman Brandon W. Youker Sociology * Sok Houng Be Kirk Thomas Busch Ronald James Hough Amy Rochelle Liddell Jessica Mills * Tracy M. Ramirez Phillip DeSean Smith * Joseph Edward Stonchus Christopher Peter Thomson DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Eric Lloyd Bauer Jodi Ann Berlin * Corey W. Brooks Justin Philip Crable Jason Patrick Dunne * John William Grimberg David Brian Grossi * Jonathan Clark Jelinek * Burke Walter Jenkins ** Theresa Louise Kelly Jessica Dawn Nester-Elder * Courtney Renee Piotrowski Andrea Lynn Szymas ** Nathan Thomas Trevethan * Jamie van Ravensway H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 47 pi SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anthropology ** Jill Holly Bigelman Jason Eugene Bihler Bonnie Catherine Boden Jonathan Samuel Grant Stephen Edward Jukes Greg Kohuth Sonia Herminia Martinez Chandra Lynne Palmer H* Christine Radley Megan Marie Spohn Brian 1. Tillman ** Taryn Joy Wise-Harthorn H** H ** * H** Geographv Jason Erin Kaser * Andrew LeBaron Shane Alexander Pavlak Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society Andrew Paul Bellmore Laura Ann Bitnar Erika Kristina Davey Bullock Cheston Chan Diane K. Cheney Chineduh Rebecca Garcia Jennifer Gawracz Aviv Solomon Grinwald Frederick Lamarr McCoy Kevin James McMaster Emilthom Padilla Munar Smita R. Phatak Joseph o. Pintar Christopher James Waxweiler Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceCommunity Relations Carrie Ann Newberg Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceEnvironmental Policy Jessica Burns Constance 1. Cobley Kelly M. Hamann Jana L. Kilgore * Cara Jo Roelofs Molly M. Sklapsky * H** ** * BACHELOR'S DEGREE Susan L. Dean Carrie Sue Gray Susan 1. Marsiglia Thomas A. Mathew Sharlita Luecheryl McPherson Lora Leigh Picklo Jacob E. Roberts Clarice Bernadette Sage Tejal Ujjwal Vikram Shah Cynthia Louise Smith Felicia M. Sumpter Michelle Marie Vaughn William Ross Wadland Shatema Devon Williams Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceHealth Studies Jill M. Beyer Paul Andrew Brown Kathy Helen Carmody Jason Patrick Coles Waseya Alicia Cornell Jessica Maria Daniel Dominique Lenee Davis Interdisciplinary Studies in Social ScienceLaw and Society Adel Z. Attar Mary Lynn Csizmadia Richard Thomas Dabrowski Andrea L. Smith Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Amy Lynn Himebauch Natasha Kafia Jackson ** * Interdisciplinary Studies in Social SciencePublic Policy Studies * Debra S. Richardson * Matthew William Yageman ** * H* * * * H* * H H Psychology Yolanda Lynn Allen Kristin Jennifer August Melissa Lynn Biskner Ramon Jafari Black Shawn Anthony Bradford Natalie Rose Brasile Palmer E. Bunker III Karen Jean Campbell Amit Chugh Patrick Karl Cook Sean David Cunningham Majida Dastgir Amanda Joy De Graff Mark Allen Derr Craig Dyni Emalee Michelle Fields Melinda Brannan Fitzner Dion Trenell Flores Jenny S. Foran RaVonne 1. Foster Heather A. Fountain Julie Ann Fredricks Bryan Clifford Gillespie Melissa S. Hill Letiandrea Willette Rucker Hinton Kimberly Anne Hodge Tyson Flynn Howard Kathryn A. Humphreys Scott Ronald Jakob Steven G. Kaleta Jeffrey Alan Keller Shannon Mary Kelly * ** * ** ** ** H* * * * * * Christopher John Ketchman Sara S. Koehn Andrea Marie Koski Ann Marie Kusza Monique 1. Labadie Conrad Lamberts Chung Eun Lee Eric C. Ludwig Melissa A. Marks Christina Ann Mina JunnaMita Kari L. Oakley Carla Ann Olson Karin Amanda Orvis John Patrick Pajak Sonal S. Patel Christopher Allen Paul Bradley James Payne Angela Katherine Picot Jody Beth Reimer Margaret Ann Sheridan Ellen Elizabeth Smith Marci Fay Stern Adrienne Jacqueline Tank Rene Marie Teper David A. Terry Heather Christine Thorburn Mandy Lynn Tocco Kristina Marie Trammel Rebecca Sue Waite Sean Thomas Wolfington Darcy Kay Woods H** * * ** Sociology * Kevin Jason Post Mark Allan Stec Christopher Vance Lee Adrienne L. LeGendre Cari Lipke Shelley Anne Locke Kina Monique Love Brenda M. Lugo Lauren Marie Manning Eric K. Marogi Sylvester Marsh Jr. Jason L. Martin Kevin Thomas Marvin Ronald H. Massow Donald 1. Matson Christopher Duane McAnany Carrie Rene McCrory Thomas Christopher McDonald Bryan Patrick McKay Carla L. McLachlan Sharlita Luecheryl McPherson * Karen Michelle Merritt Valerie Jean Meyer Terilyn Montague Alycia Danica Monteiro Michelle Nichole Mosley Michio Seth Murakishi Rico Demond Neal Esther L. Nobles Fadyah Rita Nona Stephanie Ann Norris Valerie A. O'Brien Shawn Lind O'Connell Barbara Charlotte O'Grady Adrian Sprow Ojerio Christopher Olsen Bryan Dana Hawkins Amy Elizabeth Hedley Elyse Elaine Heeg Ross Richard Helmick Kimberly M. Henderson Marlone Deshaun Henderson Tiffany Lynne Hodge Keith R. Holmes Andre E. Howard Jawara Fati Jackson Kendra Renee Jacobs Jason A. Jakubowski Carol Ann Jatczak Gerald W. Jimmerson Robert D. Jones II Joel Allan Kaiser William Matthew Karkanen Heidi Michelle Karpach Stephanie Therese Kaufman John Ewen Kelley III Thomas Michael Kerr II Keith Edward Kiernicki Erin Aubrey Kilpatrick Sang Hee Kim Natalie Anne Kimble Carrie L. Kornoelje Todd Michael Kosta Michael B. Kwiatkowski David Scott Lane Michelle Iler Lange Melissa A. Langridge Rebecca Corene Lanier Kim A. Lawrence Michael A. Lawrence Bretta Leanne Leazier Urban and Regional Planning Retha Kay Byrd Laura Kaye Davis Adam T. Delaney Ericka Dreyer Carolyn Ann Gerstler Sean P. O'Neil Jeffrey Octavio Sust SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 48 ** Nichole Laine Buchalski Cheryl M. Burrows Jessica L. Busch Jennifer Anne Busenbark Kyle Brandon Butler Shannon B. Byberg Mark Matthews Caldwell Margaret M. Carbary Christian Michael Carpenter Christina L. Carra Elissa Mary Cartwright Jennifer Lynn Carwell Nicholas Anthony Castelucci Cody Blaine Chapman Maria Elizabeth Chickering Mandy Marie Closs Sha Juan 1. Colbert Teesha Kinte Conley Michael 1. Cooper Laura Corallo * Bruce M. Couling * Stephanie Ann Covert Andrew Thomas Cowall Victoria Morgan Coyne Jill Renee Crane Marissa D. Crawford-Harris Samantha A. Davis Melissa Vertrees Del Rio Katherine Marian DeVries Nathan Andrew Dodson Danielle R. Duncan * Kristian Paul Dunn Kari Lee Egan Shira Eisenberg Aurora Maria Elicerio Daniel Aaron Esquina Arnett Estersar Lamardre S. Evans * * * n H* * H** ** LONNIE J. KING, DEAN SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR'S DEGREE * Shelly S. Ackley Michael R. Aguilera Keith Roosevelt Anderson Rodney Christopher Anderson Noelle Lynn Andris Elizabeth Charity Barber H** Aryn Elisabeth Weisswasser Bartley * Nicolle Suzanne Bennett Seth William Berry Jamie Beth Bommarito Turkessia LaFaye Bracey Stephanie 1. Briggs Damon Jackson Brooks Melissa Lynn Brooks Michael DeShawn Brooks * Chandra Evon Brown Heather Lynn Brown Patricia Ilene Bryant * * William Charles Stanford LaToya Chana Staten Jessica Ruth Steed Carrie Gailing Stitt La Toria Mazola Strickland Woo Suk Kazuhisa Suzuki Jonathan Peter Szutarski Carianne Michelle Taylor Heather Marie TePastte Daniel Timothy Tetzlaff Danielle Marie Thompson David G. Thornburg John William Travis Diane Davy Tuy Kimberly Ann Ueberschar Conrad Van Dyke Kendra Lee Venzke Chris Martin Vlasich Zao Vue Heather Anne Wagar Justin Ernest Walker Tiffany Nicole Wallace Jennifer A. Warren Ward John Wasson Brandon John Waters Armen M. Weinrick Gregory Evan Weisswasser Alidea A. Welton Erica 1. Werpetinski Christopher Daryl Wilkie Ryan Kenneth Williams Heather Marie Woods Drew Yamanishi Elshivo Kenneth Yarbrough Brandon Eric Young Christine S. Zimmerman College of Veterinary Medicine CANDIDATES - CANDIDATES - * Misty Mary-Marie Pangborn Yeon-Jin Park Timothy Provan Parker Jamie M. Paszek Tasneem Abbas Patni Patrick Lehan Paulin Melanie Rae Paulson Nathan A. Payan Heather Colleen Pelon Annegret Marie Peters Thomas George Phebus Raena Candace Phillips Peter M. Pobocik Craig Thomas Poortvliet Jeffrey Michael Potts Shante L. Pumphrey Amanda B. Rabidue Chhavi Simran Rai Kalyan Rao Brooke Devon Reiss Mary Margaret Elizabeth Roszka Azal Marie Roumayah Jeniece R. Roy Lisa Marie Sabala Catherine Corey Sasfy Rachele Lynn SavoIa Peter Elias Sawabini Karen M. Schantz Adrienne Meredith Sewell Laurie Ann Shanahan Christine Marie Skelonc Steven Ronald Sopo Daniel Reyes Soza III PaulO. Spann Sarah Lynn Speaks * ** * * Chloe Amber Felix Lindsay 1. Ferlin Jessica A. Fields Andrew S. Fullerton Melissa A. Gaida John Nelson Garrett H. James Garrett III Marie Janine Garvin Joy Marie Goodman Raychael D. Green Victoria Lynn Greenberg Beth Ann Grzanka Jason Richard Hammond Amanda Bolton Hanley Kevin Peter Harding Jane Harrelson David W. Harris II Lucille Hart Danielle Leigh Hartley Ryan William Hathaway * * ** ** ** ** ** * * * Veterinmy Medicine James 1. Averill Carrie Elizabeth Barkham Richard A. Bell Jr. Michael John Berecz Angela Kay Bonczynski Michelle 1. Bowman Ronald Lloyd Burke Rachel Cezar Robert L. Chung Jennifer D' Agostino Michael James Dark Jacqueline Elise Erlich Julie Marie Evans ** Michele Marie Finateri ** Laura Ann Fisher Kathleen M. Gannon ** Natalie Terase Horner * Jennifer Helen Hunt Shea Lynn Klawitter ** Christine Camille Lieggi Michael Patrick McCarthy Kathleen Murphy * Laura A. Rickner Deborah Jutta Riutort ** Gretchen 1. Rochow Katherine Ann Roggenbeck ** Jill R. Savage CANDIDATE - * Todd Erik Shaarda Tina Louise Shoemaker * Leslie Ann Shoksnyder ** Nicholas Alan Skarich Thomas Andrew Smith * Lisa A. Soash * Annalisa Perry Tanner Jayne T. Tung Veterinary Technology Paulette Marie Baranek Timothy Alan Buck Stephanie Anne Clifford Denise Lynn Daley Nicole Marie Deal Adrianne Nicole Greene Jill Cora Groom Nicole L. Grosjean LaJuanda M. HaygoodCarter ** Wendy Katherine Hull Arnie Christine Johnson Kristin Renee KrammCates * Sarah Renee Marsh-Babiarz ** Jeanne E. McLelland Jennifer Sandra Olewinski Tammy Pierce Julie Christine Root SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 BACHELOR'S DEGREE Jessica A. Smith H Honors College * With Honor ** With High Honor 49 Reserve Officers Training Corps The following students have completed their ROTC education at Michigan State University and have received their commissions as reserve officers of the United States Air Force or the United States Army in the branches indicated. CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 AEROSPACE STUDIES Laura Lynn Billmeier Kathleen A. Brook John Fisher Dingeman Kimberly Kay Shurlow Timothy J. Smith Infantry Matthew M. Kuhn Robert Hugh Olszewski Michael A. Samson Quartermaster Corps Miah Marie Hardman MILITARY SCIENCE Adiutant General Corps Joel Thomas Health Corps o(Engineers Michael C. Kokolakis Air Defense Artillery Scott E. Helmore Field Artillery Matthew Robert Joseph Arrol *** *** Veterinary Corps Ronald Lloyd Burke Aviation Garett D. Bell CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 AEROSPACE STUDIES Adam Michael McBride MILITARY SCIENCE Military Police Corps Lucille Hart *** Distinguished Military Graduate 50 51 p ORDER OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF CEREMONIES Graduate Degrees Graduate Degrees Presiding (Continued) PETER MCPHERSON, President, Michigan State University PROCESSIONAL The MSU Wind Symphony JOHN WHITWELL, Conductor o CANADA ....... ....... ...................................................................................... .. ...... .... ..... ....... ....Lavallee o Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, 0 Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! o Canada, we stand on guard for thee. o Canada, we stand on guard for thee. (The MSU Wind Symphony and Audience) Lead Singer -- Sarah Hibbard SPECIAL MUSIC Aztec Dance from LaFiesta Mexicana................................................................................................. .H. Owen Reed The MSU Wind Symphony MSU Professor Emeritus CONFERRING OF DEGREES PETER MCPHERSON President, Michigan State University INTRODUCTIONS AND REMARKS The Honorable DOROTHY GONZALES Chairperson, MSU Board of Trustees ALMA MATER ............................................................................. ............................................................ ....... ...Traynor THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER.......................................................... .... ...................... ............... Key Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proofthru the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? (The Symphony, Hibbard, and Audience) M.S.U., We love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O'er ivy-covered halls. Beneath the pines we'll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, M.S.U. (The Symphony, Hibbard and Audience) RECESSIONAL MOMENT OF SILENCE The MSU Wind Symphony PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES ROBERT J. HUGGETT Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Michigan State University ADDRESS The Right Honourable JEAN CHRETIEN Prime Minister of Canada Please remain seated during the processional and recessional. 52 53 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE GRADUATE SCHOOL CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS Music Conducting Benjamin Douglas Kornelis David Jonathan Matthies MAJOR PROFESSOR C. Smith L. Gregorian Music PerfOrmance Jill Marie Ball N. Solen Dikener Charles Vernon Guy Colleen M. Hartung Ellen Pitts Manthe Carlos Eduardo Vianna de Mello Terry Robert Morris Joel E. Pugh Karen S. Roll Gardener Mark Alex Williams MAJOR PROFESSOR M. Johnson O. Carman P. Sinder E. Verdahr J. Gaboury-Sly C. Olsen M. Zara P. Sinder J. Lulloff B. Stees DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Adult and Continuing Education Janice Susan Zarza Brady Sandro Pinheiro de Oliveira Michael Edward Stone Agricultural and Extension Education Brima Fatorma-Ngombi Mark Francis Hansen Christopher Clomus Mathis Jr. Sister Maria Innocentia Ononiwu Agricultural Economics Hiba Mohamed Ali Ahmed Rev. Samuel Asuming-Brempong Cheryl Davida Danley Jones Govereh Patrick Sawasawa Kambewa Jing-Yi Lai Julie Caley Stepanek William David Walker American Studies Kouessi-Tanoh Remi Douah Michael T. Van Dyke Animal Science Colleen M. Brady David Norris Josep Garcia Sirera Anthropolofr)l Linda E. Dwyer Biochemistry Tong Hao Peter J. Hom Botanv and Plant Patholofr)l Isabelle Ann Kagan Lara Stoike Steben J. Dirkx A. Austin S. Wieland F. Bobbitt C. Wamhoff E. Moore C. Wamhoff J. Hoehn J. Staatz A. Schmid A. Schmid R. Bernstein R. Myers T. Jayne S. Batie H. Reed D. Bailey R. Fogwell 1. Mao D. Rozeboom Chemistry Vladimir Filipov Bouchev Jesse Edwards III Gary Marshall Finniss Wendy Christian Flory Christine Veronica Soha Hampton Joy M. Heising Gang Huang Guangfei Huang Dean R. Lantero Dale J. LeCaptain Xiang Ouyang Kenneth D. W. Roth Guijun Wang Lei Wang Wenzhong Zhang Civil Engineering Hyung Bae Kim Cyrus Safdari L. Kroos S. Triezenberg R. Hammerschmidt B. Sears A. Jarosz S. Tonsor College and University Administration Porntip Chaichanapanich Cynthia K. Helman Communication Michelle Lynn Campo Amy Janan Johnson Maria Knight Lapinski Wen-Ying Liu Monique Marie Mitchell F. Carter K. Petroni S. Melnyk R. Monczka B. Benet J. Anthony R. Calatone R. Noe J. McCracken J. Harrison K. Dunbar G. Blanchard W. McHarris M. Kanatzidis R. Hollingsworth R. Hollingsworth M. Smith K. Berglund K. Dunbar J. Watson R. Hollingsworth M. Kanatzidis T. Pinnavaia N. Buch W. Taylor S. Weiland K. Moore F. Boster S. Smith F. Boster K. Witte F. Boster Communication Arts and Sciences-Mass Media Xigen Li B. Mody Patricia Therese Whalen B. Reece Computer Science Ronald R. Sass 54 J. Hollenbeck B. Gallin BOll ia/IV and Pla.nt Palhologv Q/ld £C%il!'. Evolt/hOl/orv BiQlogy alld Behavior Anita L. Davelos Jeffrey Wellington White Business Administration Jason Alan Colquitt Alicia Diane Cooper BinKe Robert James Marsh James L. Patterson John Eric Richard Lydia Whitt Rosencrants Kim E. Schatzel Marcia Jeanette Simmering M. Mutka Counseling Psycholofr)l Amanda Lee Baden Judy K. Ferris Eric Martin Sauer Kimberly Marie Thomas MAJOR PROFESSOR R. Steward N. Crewe F.Lopez F.Lopez Food Science Jose Candace Jackson Alicia Orta Ramirez Manee Vittayanont MAJOR PROFESSOR M. Uebersax D. Smith D. Smith Forestry Kerry E. Vachta Marcelo Sergio Souza Wiecheteck M. McDonough J. Stevens French. Language and Literature Bernadette Marie Donohue J. Donohoe Genetics Yong Liang Anastasia Nikolaevna Nikolskaya Jon R. Stoltzfus Aihui Wang Sheng-Fu Wang Yuxun Wang T. Friedman J. Walton F. deBruijn R. Fisher A. Raikhel L. Kaguni Geography Alison E. Philpotts E. Mark Pires J. Olson D. Campbell Geological Sciences Rachael J. Walker J. Holman Higher Education Patty Jo James Oehmke M. Davis P. Schmidt P. Schmidt Higher Adult and Lifelong Education J. Greg Merritt Kumbirai Thompson Tsodzo S. Weiland S. Weiland L. Price J. Smith III C. Ames C. Clark Horticulture Mark Allen KeIrn BinLiu Leonardo Lombardini Konstantinos E. Vlachonasios Counseling Psycholofr)l and School Psycholofr)l Thomas Baez G. Smith David Aaron Stone N. Crewe Crop and Soil Sciences Ralph John DiCosty Jason Charles Fausey Ahmed Omar Jama Denise Patricia Kay Hongyu Liu Christy Leigh Sprague E. Paul K. Renner E. Foster S. Boyd L. Copeland J. Kells Curriculum Teaching and Educational Policy Phone-Mei Chou S. Wilson Scott Raymond Johnston J. Schwille L. Anderson Suseela Malakolunthu-Nagappan Cindy S. Marble D. Holt-Reynolds Mary Birgit McVee S. Florio-Ruane W. May Ellen Louise Schiller Pei-Fen Sung W. McDiarmid Economics Hirokatsu Asano Ching-yi Chiang Yangseon Kim Jen-Je Su Educational Psycholofr)l SeJin Chung Becky Wai-Ling Packard Steven B. Sheldon Susan Michelle Wallace-Cowell Electrical Engineering Bader Nasser Mohammad Al-Oliwi Ahmad Nazir Atassi David John Infante Manuel A. Jimenez Cedeno Yong-Beom Lee Shuzhen Liu Klaus Edmond Timmermann Ronnie Lee Wright R. Rasche R. Rasche H. Khalil H. Khalil D. Nyquist M. Shanblatt J. Deller R. Schlueter R. Nowak M. Shan blatt M.Nair R. Heins J. Flore D. Dilley Human Nutrition Zalila Mohd Shariff J. Bond K-12 Educational Administration Janice L. Hilliard Steven Charles McAnelly Margaret Maragathaselvi Solomon L. Romano F. Ignatovich G. Sykes Y. Smith R. Malina D. Feltz English Abdullah M. AI-Melhi M. Wilson KinesiolofD' Katherine M. Jamieson Shannon R. Siegel Rodney Carlton Wilson Entomolofr)l Bethany Johnston Marshall Jennifer Van Dine Donald Stuart Warkentin E. Walker E. Walker M. Sticklen Linguistics Chege John Githiora D. Preston Materials Science Biman Ghosh M. Crimp Mathematics Tangan Gao Larry Shu-Chung Liu Feraydoun Taherkhani T.Li B. Sagan N. Ivanov Measurement and Quantitative Methods Jimin Cho Xiaofeng Liu Shelly J. Naud Michael Clifford Rodriguez B. Becker K. Frank B. Becker S. Phillips Environmental Engineering Holly Anita Herner S. Masten Family and Child Ecolofr)l Edward Read Barton D.Imig Fisheries and Wildlife Maya Hamady Robert H. Holsman S. Winterstein B. Peyton Fisheries alld Wildlife and Ecolo'iJ,v. Evolutionary Bi%'lY alld Behaviol' Donald G. Uzarski T.Burton 55 ., THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE GRADUATE SCHOOL DEGREE OF EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Mechanical Engineering Zamel M. Al-Zamel Charles B. Birdsong Richard K. Cohn MAJOR PROFESSOR B Feeny C. Radcliffe M. Koochesfahani Mechanics Tamara Ann Reid Lorenzo Marco Smith R. Hubbard R. Averill Microbiology Ann Marie Gustafson Kirsti Maria Ritalahti M. Thomashaw R. Schwartz Music Harold Colin Cowherd Sharon Poulson Graf Scott Robert Harding Peter Lucas Hulen Young chang Jin Diane Marie Lange Nico Schuler M. Sullivan M . Largey 1. Hutcheson M . Sullivan A. LeBlanc C. Taggart B. Campbell Neuroscience-Zoology Yu-Wen Chung L. Clemens Packaginr: Matthew P. Daum G. Burgess Park Recreation and Tourism Resources Sherie Louise Brezina D. Holecek Hee Chan Lee D. Stynes E. Mahoney Yonghee Park Robert I. Ward Jr. D. Holecek 1. Fridgen Tsao-Fang Yuan Pharmacology and Toxicology Kenneth Hentschel Amy C. Herring Rosie Antionette Sneed Courtney Elizabeth Williams Sulentic K . Lookingland N. Kaminski P. Ganey N. Kaminski Pharmacology gild Toxicology-Environmental Toxicology Frederic Moulin R. Roth Philosophy Betina Bostick Henig Richard R. Sharp Joseph Charles Totherow Scot D. Yoder W. Wilkinson F. Gifford R. Hall M. Benjamin Physics Csaba Balazs Joseph Arthur Caggiano Katherine Chiyoko Frame Jon Justin Kruse Freddie 1. Landry Thomas D. Rockwell Timothy Maurice Paul Tait Jing Wang W. Tung R. Brock H. Weerts A. Galonsky R. Brock M . Abolins C. Yuan A. Galonsky Physiology Narayanan Parameswaran Patrick R. Sears W. Spielman P. Dillon Political Science Sara Catherine Benesh Chin-Lung Chang Seonjou Kang Brandon C. Prins Kwangho Sim Christopher Matthew Sprecher Wan-Ying Yang MAJOR PROFESSOR H. Spaeth S. Gates S. Gates S. Gates R. Lowry S. Gates M. Jones Political Science-Urban Studies Sameh M. Kamel C. Weissert Psycholof:Y Kenneth Guy Brown Christina Lynn Haemmerle Rosalind Binita Johnson Keith E. Niedenneier Jennifer Susan Paul Robert E. Ployhart Michele Ollie Poonnan Cheryl Ann Sutherland Geoffrey Raymond Twitchell J. Ford R. Caldwell H. Fitzgerald N.Kerr A. Levendosky A. Ryan S. Frank W. Davidson H. Fitzgerald Rehabilitation Counselor Education Margaret Mary Sebastian M. Leahy Resource Development Prapassara Nilagupta Won Park Karen E. Vigmostad John Charles Wise C. Fridgen G. Axinn F. Fear T. Eden School Psycholof:Y Dara Kearns-Psaronthakis Mary E. Scott H. Clarizio D. Hamacheck Social Science Jose Eduardo Gomez 1. Thomas Sociology Cynthia B. Struthers Chia-Huang Wang 1. Bokemeier R. Hill Sociology-Urban Studies Andrew James Jacobs Oswald Sephuinus Warner R. Hill R. Hamilton Special Education Kathi Louise Tarrant C. Englert Zoolof:Y Diana Bello-DeOcampo Kevin Shawn Henry Heather Jean Muenchen M . Webber 1. Giesy S. Aggarwal Richard D. Bologna Melissa R. DykemaVanderArk Ann Elizabeth Feyen Jacqueline R. FlorenceGonnley Kelly Marie Guthrie Cynthia A. Sager CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 DOCTORAL DEGREE Renee B. Agress Darcin Akin Abdallah Saleh M. Alsuwaiyan Todd Bryan Anderson Norma Irene Baptista Eugene A. Belchev Nancy Anne Berg Carole B. Borne Devon Glenna Brenner Cheng Hui Chen Hua-Tang Chen Hyunyi Cho Thomas Francis Cullen Jason R. Dahn Carrie M. Dale Bocar N. Diagana Edward Kent Drown Don Duggan-Haas Jill Lynn Mast Ellens James Alma Erekson Jennifer Imig Fenton Jennifer Anne Florian Lucia Maria Figueiredo Florido Bellandra Benefield Foster Barbara 1. Frazier Hong Geng Manelisi Genge Mark Benjamin Guizlo Joseph Christopher Harry Marilyn M. Higgins Anne Patricia Hubbell Rika Ito Carl Nicholas Iverson Loyiso Currell Jita Edward L. Jones II Mark Martin Kadrofske Richard Chemjor Kaitany Kei Kajisa Carol Jean Kapustka Fida Muhammad Khan Mohammad Jamal Khattak Francisca Garcia Kidder Bo Keun Kim Elizabeth Ansel Kirsch Lori Ann Kurth Kai Li Bin Lian Rebecca Saryll Marcus Bryan W. Marshall Mohamad Mdyusoff S. Ali Mirzadeh Thomas N. Moen Morell E. Mullins Jr. Colleen M. Novak Hillary M. Nunn Ann Marie Paulukonis Chunhong Peng Kenneth James Petersen Heather Mikkelson Pleasants Yunchang Qiu Lynn Ann Rampoldi-Hnilo Denise Mae Reiling Elizabeth Ann Rose Cory 1. Ruud Deborah Jeannine Safron David Alexander Sagula Phillip D. Schertzing Albert Martin Schwartz Lycely del C. SepulvedaTorres Stuart Vincent Settle Khodr Mahmoud Shamseddine Joseph William Skillen Deborah Alpert Sleight Jie Song Wei-Ling Song Nicole D. Stahl Karin M . J. Steffens Baolin Sun Tat Ming Sze Kathleen Sue Hanley Teunis Zakir Ullah Scarlett Anne Van De Wege Laurie A. Van Egeren Christine Vandervoort Kathleen H. Vogel Linda L. Warren Takashi Yamano Hyun-Oh Yoo Jun Zhang Zoology and Ecolof:Y Evolutionary Biolof:Y and Behavior Farida Vasi Attar R. Lenski K. Gross Melissa Kay McCormick Jessica E. Rettig G. Mittelbach Plal/t Breeding alld Genetits-Crop alld Soil Sciellces Kristin Ann Schneider J. Kelly 56 57 .. , College of Osteopathic Medicine MEDICAL DEGREES ALLEN W. JACOBS, DEAN College of Human Medicine CANDIDATES _. ~PRING SEMESTER, 1999 WILLIAM S. ABBETT, DEAN CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Brent J. Agin Yvonne Marie Agius Kathryn Bentley Alguire Adanna Chioma Amanze Anita K. Amlani Henok Araya Molly McKeough Austin Beatrice Elena Baez John P. Bartlett James V. Bodrie Jf. Jill Kristine Bultje David Jeongmin Choi Dwayne Lee Cook Rami Adnan Dakkuri Darius Vanier Davis Corey Richard Dean Param Dedhia Danielle DeLuca-Pytell Stephen James Durant Arthur John Escamillo Suzanne Therese Fenske Isabel Fernandez-Holtzman Anthony Milo Foster Mark Henry Gerold Sean Robert Goodwin Tonya Monique Grissam Priyanka Gupta John Warner Hamersma Sabrina Davina Harrison Sanford William HawkinsRivers Dana Marie Hocking Bradley R. Hoopingarner Roderick Landon Hubert Thomas J. Jeffries Harrison Willis Johnson Jf. Roopa P. Kadiwala Eduard Kagan Abdalmajid Katranji Jacob Howard Kennedy Jeffry Dirk Knibbe Aaron Lindsay Lane-Davies Nova Law Alane Marie Laws-Barker Elizabeth Ann Leary Joyce Elaine Leon CANDIDATES - Robert J. Lewandowski Susan Elizabeth Little Esteban R. Lopez Christina Lynn Maser Andola Chamberlain Mathis Laura Kelly Mavity Sandra Kay McCowen Deborah Anita McEwen Patricia L. McNally Gina Diane Montion Suresh Nagappan Pedro Rodriguez Navarro Pamela Jean Pardini Miguel Angel Park Dan Walker Tehle Peters Max 1. Pitlosh Jay Jonathan Prochnau Jeffrey T. Rado Peter Mike Ranta David Robert Riker Andrea Bobbie Roast Amy Osborn Robertson Alice Akosua Robinson Diane Elizabeth Robinson Christoper John Schoenherr Cynthia L. Schuler Paula Rae Simmons Bethel Sine John Andrew Skinner Timothy P. Spedoske Stephen Michael Tait Thi Hoang Oanh Constance Thai Daniel Matthew Torrez David B. Van Holla Karen Ann Vernier Martha Mary Walsh Marla Jo Warren Scott L. Weigold Anne Elisabeth White Tara Lynn Wilson Teri L. Wolf Amy Elizabeth Wolfe Richard John Wolfe Jonathan Dennis Zonca Thomas L. Adams Jr. M. C. Allison EmadAlmusa Jeffrey Kirk Anhalt Ryan Paul Arnold Michael D. Arsenault Lisa Leigh Baldridge Steven Theodore Bargwell Christopher Robert Barnes Jaret A. Beane Sophia Beyene Christopher Donald Blasy Charles A. Bloom Dominic Anthony Borgialli Candace A. BradleyMcDonald Cheryl DeVries Brantley Jeffrey T. Bucholz Michael J. Bultje David J. Castle Jeffery Earl Chapman Yeh Ping Chou Wayne Allen Christenson III Matthew Emanuel Citron Matthew Brendon Colligan William Thomson Correll Kevin H. Cowell Mary Helen Currier Michael Ryan Denike Prashant J. Desai Lori A. Dillard Loren A. Dominguez Douglas Arthur Doyle Tara Lynn Eding Dayna M. Elfont Jennifer Rebecca Ely Christopher F. Fennell Mark Evans Fleming Nancy Jean Frantz Feodor Juan Gloss Jerry Michael Greib Jeanne M. Haberer Angela Haliburda Deborah Havens Stephen V. Headley Patrice Lynnette High Francis Joseph Hinsberg Victoria E. J. Hoff Amy Lynn Hoffman Douglas M. Iddings Shawn M. Ingles Mara Mindy Isser Trenton Allan Janda Cynthia Lou Jensen Jennifer Lynn Joseph Anthony J. Joslin Christina Anne Joslin Nicole R. Kaczander Joanna A. Kala Julius Albert Kato Zachary J. Kerwin Frank Andrew Knechtl Stanley John Krolczyk Matthew Lars Kuiper Sunjoo Lee Eric Anthony Lewandowski Andrew Hamilton Lewis David Edward Lyon Rosa S. Maira Amaar Masood Malik Richard J. Martin Terry Merrill Matthews Samantha Anne McBee Jaime Jo McCallister R. Steven McDonald Melissa Ann McKenzie Shannon N. McMann David Paul Meeker Vickie Bissonnette Mello William Mohamed Merhi Shannon V. Mobley Erasmus G. Morfe Kyle D. Morgan Stacy B. Morgan Stephanie M. Morreale Mark Michael Morton Dean Richard Moscovic Jeffrey Scott Mueller Joseph W. Mullen Rachel Lynne Nixon Jessica Normile Christopher Michael O'Connell Amy Lynn Opperer Mark Robert Palazzolo Benjamin F. Papoi Matthew Allen Parlmer Molina Shashikant Patel Dorothy A. Pedtke Brandon C. Peltier Ryan Andrew Peters Khurmm Tanveer Pirzada Heather Marie Plumer Robert Boris Popovski Louis N. Radden II Sharon Denise Rouse Shani Syril Saks Matthew Warren Sevensma Poorvi Pravinchandra Shah Dean Afif Shoucair Troy Dewain Silvernale Dana Nicole Snell Jon Eric Sulentic Kimberley Nicole Tatum Tammy Sue Samuel Thompson Rosemarie Toarmina Tolson Harrison Wei-Cheh Tong Neelam Yogesh Trivedi Alechia Marie Trout Jodi Lynn Van Duinen Wendy Anne VanDyke Asha Jayanthi Veluswamy Sarah Elizabeth Vyskocil Angela Beth Wagner Scott M. Wendland Michael Thomas Wheeler Brent Michael Wiersema Eric L. Zimmerman SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Shivika Bafna Christine Cundiff Don Michael Fernandez Channing E. Finkbeiner Caroline Antoinette Greenidge Landi Frances Halloran Ryan Robert Hoenicke Mimi Judy Hwang Mark Martin Kadrofske Phil Michael Lugo Jacqueline D. Moses Colleen Frances O'Brien Elizabeth Hannah Peterson Matthew John Ptaszkiewicz Toby Aphisit Ratanasiripong Kimberly Ann Rice Yasmin Afroz Sahul Hamid Sattar Mark Stanley Thompson Renny R. Uppal Brian E. W oodmff CANDIDATES DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Setiawan Kamam 58 SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 Reginald Sanon 59 • College of Veterinary Medicine LONNIE J. KING, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE * Bonnie M. Averill * Rachel Catherine Barton * ** * * ** ** AmyE. Bauer Cari Ann Marie Bedore Amy Gardner Bennett Deborah A. Boehler Kimberly S. Boman Deborah Anne Bowden Karyn Kalis Briggs Lisa Jane Brossia Therese Marie Bums Kerry Mae Carnegie Lisa Y. Chiang Crystal L. Chiapuzio Charisse Janel Cuyjet Juan Carlos de Leon Dana Marie DePemo Kimberly A. Dodge Tracy Louise Dulak Michelle Kimberly Edwards Stephanie Leigh Fluga Carin Andrea Forberg * Alejandro Rafael Garcia * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** Amy Jeanne Gilbert Phillip Michael Gill II Heather Jean Goddyn Jonathan D. Hansche Ashley Dawn Harris Nichole L. Hawes Tamara Lynne Hay Amy Kathleen Hipple Jessica Susanne Hoane Kristen Renee Hobbie Jennifer A. Hoose Sean E. Hulsebosch Audrey Rae Janelle Sarah A. Jerick Kristie M. Johns Kathryn M. Jones Jane Kay Kapalczynski Tari L. Kern Sarah A. Killian Sara 1. Kingwill Kimberly Michelle Kirby CANDIDATES - Pamela Peidrienne Ko * Melanie Jean Koskovich Cynthia A. Kruske Gaye Dee Luedke Linda 1. Lueth Shannon Kelly Lynch * Jacqueline Jeanne Mair * Elda Sarah Martin Christy Anne McKnight Laura A. McLean Lara 1. McMahon Kelley Michelle Meyers Paula Irene Moore Robert Patrick Moore Nancy E. Moran Heather Lynn Murley Kathleen Murphy Deron P. Nelson John Patrick Pearce Lisa Michele Pelfrey-Carter * Jennifer Moran Pletcher Michael Robert Pletcher ** * ** * ** ** * Christopher James Polena Rhonda Lynn Pung Jennifer Michelle Rau Ann Marie Rizzo Chuck A. Roberts Rachel M. Shrader Rebecca S. Smith Jamie Lyn Snow Emily Elizabeth Soiderer Robin 1. Sommers Susan Ellen Springer Sandi Marie Stefanoff Ann Elizabeth Stolzman Megan Ann Strohmeyer Laura Ann Sweet Leslie Robin Szalla Jodi Nichols Torrez Bethany Lynn Waterbury Elizabeth Nyo Webster Lisa Sue Wiegerink Kristin Lynn Wilson Lisa C. Zeppa SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Jill Catherine Borgman * With Honor ** With High Honor 60 Stephen William Mantay Nicole Denise Siegel Richelle Lee Smith Monica Maria Wolf Turenne 61 p MASTER'S DEGREES College of Arts and Letters College of Agriculture and Natural Resources WENDY WILKINS, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 FRED L. POSTON, VICE PROVOST AND DEAN CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Agricultural and Extension Education Jane Marie Herbert Hiroyuki Hikawa Gary L. Loster James Michael Lucas Agricultural Economics Duane A. Banderob Youssouf Cisse Yuki Ishikawa Aivy Roxana Navarro Christopher L. Penders Alexander Rafael Quinones Animal Science Jennifer M. Barker Renee Ann Bell Chengfeng Li Douglas Gene Mashek Rachel Rebecca Mitchell Irina Kostadinova Peltekova Elissette Rivera Philip Mickey Weinstein JingXu Biosystems Engineering Brian J. Nelson Building Construction Management Tahir Saddigue Andrew W. Seidel Daryl Robert Soneral Horticulture Renee Rose Cloutier Andrew J. Erickson Alison Jean Frane Priscilla M. Hockin Crop and Soil Sciences Hristina Konstantinova Gueneva-Boucheva Julie Stachecki Johanningsmeier Tawainga Witman Katsvairo Beau James McSparin Goran Srnic Fisheries and Wild/ire Betsy S. Cook Hope Rene Dodd Ann E. Krause Michelle L. Niedermeier Natalie Helaine WaddellRutter Michael R. Wasilco Food Science Violet Katherine Moore Forestry Weena Narncharoensombut CANDIDATES - Packaging Shannon Patrick Adams Christine S. Block Jaemin Choi Aaron Frank Fitchko Zachary Grant Hays SangJin Lee Oranis Panyarjun Supoj Pratheepthinthong Dochan Seo Uruchaya Sonchaeng Krittika Tanprasert Delynne Vail Jeffrey J. Wolford Jea Eun You Park Recreation and Tourism Resources Katharine C. Bloom Nancy Ellen Knap Andrea Stephanie Smith David B. Smyth Sheng-Hua Su Amanda Marie Wilson Christine Lynn Wood Park. Recreation and Tourism ResourcesUrban Studies Erika Ann Cole Plant Breeding and Genetics-Crop and Soil Sciences Maria Teresa Ospina Audrey M. Sebolt Plant Breeding and Genetics-Horticulture Suzanne Lynn Downey Resource Development Roger B. Bairstow Yingprattana Keoplung DEGREE RECOMMENDED JOINTLY WITH THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Agricultural Engineering James E. Montross Matthew S. Thomas Svetlana Dobromirova Tzolova Jennifer Ann Wagester Kelly James Wessell Critical Studies in the Teachinr: a/English Tobin Timothy Buhk Elizabeth A. Lubbers Richard N. Swanson French Kevin M. Pajak History Tracy E. Culcasi History ofArt Lillian Amber Anderson Channagne Andrews Shannon Christine Bonner Karen L. Carlson Yen-Min Chou Carolyn M. Damstra Jeremy Todd Hockett Emily Marie Kinnemann Kathryn Elizabeth Sackett History Secondary School Teaching Robert Charles Parker Lin~istics Boonjeera Chiravate Keiko Matsuno Jinko Oyake Chiyuki Yahara Literature in English Charmaine Marjorie Benz Amanda Z. McGuire Alan Keith Newton Beth Ellen Patrinicola Philosophy Cheryl Ann Miner Allen Michael Ferguson Beltz Barry DeCoster Matthew Scott Ebert Elizabeth M. Lunstrum Brooke Meredith Sanders Purves James W. Sheppard Allison Brooke Wolf Russian Kelly-Ann Garceau Spanish-Secondary School Teaching Carlos Martin Velez Salas Teaching English to Speakers Qf Qther Lan~qges Michael Boyle Mi-Ok Chong Wendy Amelia Dierberger David Allen Krise Sarah Riegle Lemelin Beth Ann Queeney Theatre Yonghee Lee DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTS Studio Art Rozalinda Eva Borcila Music Conducting William Michael Bultman Randall William Burghart Joan M. deAlbuguergue Steven 1. Easterling Alfred Manuel James William Robert Petersen SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 Rita Florence Martin Pascale Pierre Rebecca J. Romsdahl Gretchen Christianna Sanford Michelle Renee Smiricky Comparative Literature Brian Edward Bums Yuwen Hsiung Health and Humanities Beth O'Donnell Linker Ramzi Mana Mansoob Jay Michael Shoaps Ernesto Montes Justin Robert Smith 'I.ImJill. Denise M. Vulhop Shawn Brinlee Young Music PerfOrmance Jesus Alfonzo Sherry Holbrook Baker Mi Jung Choe Christopher Charles Hahn Dagmar Hascher Elizabeth Christina Jones Nora Ann Knott Kevin M. Krentz David Michael Lamse Joong Hee Lee Sang Eun Lee Jon H. Luebke Kenneth Robert Marshall Dan Aaron Mitchum Mari Patricia Mosley Lauren Dale Murphy Mary 1. Procopio Nicole Andrea Riner Erin Marie Roberts Rodrigo Rojas Elise Towler Julie Jacobs Vandenboom Edward wen-chung Wang MinXie David Dwyer Carl A. Kline DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC MASTER'S DEGREE Maria Amparo Agnes Bertram Spencer L. Breidinger Syed Ageel Ahmed Kakakhel Julie M. Lemson American Studies Juan Antonio Sanchez Jimenez Esther Patricia Magana Emily Sue Meixner Joshua Carter Woodfork William 1. Whitbeck Chieko Yasuda Chia-Yii Yu Constance Zesaguli Fang Zhang Music Education Sue Ann Bulock Peter Owen Conniff Natasha 1. Dorman Eileen Susan Howe Michael Kevin Osborn CANDIDATES - Music Theory Douglas Raymond Spangler Kimberly A. Veenstra Michael Edward Zsoldos Music Therapy Thomas F. Cawood SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE So Young Chung 62 Helen Louise Davis Samuel Xavier Fleischer Ryan M. Hourigan Seok Keng Loo Brian Curtus Owen 63 p THE ELI BROAD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE JAMES B. HENRY, DEAN Business Management Q/ Man/i(acturinf; Shannon Heather Murphy CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Economics Katkate Bunnag Chien-Chih Chen Thomas Edward Davis MASTER'S DEGREES Spencer Eric Hays Jaeboong Hwang Sudchai Tantanaphaisanvanish Kyota Yamada Patricia Marti Ramon G. Martinez Pamela Elaine Mater Michael W. Maupin Dattaprasad A. Mauze Jeffery R. McNish Craig Vincent Mehall Houng-Yau Mei Marianne Fey Miller Paul S. Mona Amannda J. Monroe Bartley James Moore David Alan Moore Jeffrey D. Moretz Christopher W. Moses Linda Carol Muer Richard Joseph Myers Jin Hyun Nam Pauline Gathigia Nguyo John C. Nielsen Darryl S. Niven Sean Michael Nuttmann Ian Andrew Olson Massood Omrani Tracy Shelton Parks Prima B. Patel-Rinke Andrea Santos Della Piazza Tracey Lee Pilkinton Rahul Ashok Poddar Srinivasa Ramegowda Bandodkar Hemant Ratnakar Patrick Noel Reagan Cecilia Junling Ren Crystal MicheJle Reynolds Michael L. Rhoads Karen Alexandra GomezCornego Roath James T. Robnett Joseph Maximillian Rogers Steven Rop Stephen T. Rosetti Yaacov Rubin Robert D. Russell Dejsiri Sangsingkeo James Michael Schwartz Mark Samuel Schwartz Wa'il A. Selfo Jeffrey W. Sensmeier James W. Serenius Stanley Dana Sharik Jeffrey Arthur Shaw Devin C. Shepard Bei Shi Warren W. Siecke George Frederich Siegle Michael M . Slusarski Yanina Smelyanskiy Melinda Mei-Ling Smith Gursharan Singh Sodhi Michael G. Sowers Damon Andrew Stevens Leonard R. Stewart Neil B. Stirling Kyung Wook Suh Poping Sung Yerayong Suvanij Rungthum Tangseraneekul Tolga Tanguler Hidekazu Tani Prashant P. Thaker Lawrence Michael Tinskey Steven Craig Titherage Jin Tong Annette C. Tucker Jinyoung Uh Abhay Vishnu Vadhavkar Michele van de Walle Adam Van Deuren Beatriz M. Vargas Rajiv Varshney Kimberly Sarah Marie Vonk Thomas Voth Daniel T. Walker Anthony Lavren Westfall James Edward Whiteside Jennifer Ellen DeVries Whitfield Jason Thomas Whiting Susan L. Wright Yiao-Tien Albert Wu LinXia Van Xiao QinXie Angela Haiyan Yang Jibin Yang Khaja Zafarullah Daniel David Zemaitis Ziying Zhao Andrew Zhu Deborah H. Zuniga Foodservice Managem ent Charles Allen Baker-Clark Victor Lausell Melon Kristin St. Marie Chia-Ning Wu Professional Accounting Jonah M. Allen Angela Lee DiFrancesco Laurie J. Ewald Jennie Lee Feldman Ryan Alan Gnagey Bradley Eric Goldsmith Michelle J. Klein Jaime N. Lanzotti Jason Tyler Lee Stacy A. Lowder Tze Wei Loy Michael Shawn Mahaz Wesley James Meckstroth Elaine Marie Oberlin Julie Lynn Pavlus Steven Paul Piesko Catherine Lynn Preuss Mark Lane Ritter Daniel D. Schwark L. Andrew Smith Philip L. Steele Siriwan Voraprukpisut Timothy E. Wilson Elizabeth Zimkiewicz DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRAnON James Gerard Adamski Lisa D. Anderson Thomas Edward Anderson Eric Joseph Andrews Robert J. Anzaroot Stanley J. Arnold Gregg F. Averill Brian William A very Maria Victoria Badin Samuel R. Barna Sanjay Baskaran Thomas J. Bauer Douglas S. Bauss Sanjai S. Bhonsle Heather Bomsta Keith Alan Botner Howard Brian Bowersox Robert M. Brunhild Craig B. Bruschke Joseph A. Buckholz Cynthia M. Calvanese Amy Lynne Campos Prasenjit Chakma John Robert Chalifoux Christopher Paul Chan Rugang Chen Beisong Cheng Daniel G. Chien Michael J. Chummers Joy P. Clady Kenneth Lee Clark Elizabeth A. Clement Timothy S. Cmoluch James Randolph Cook II Tanzetta Dawn CopeLyn Kevin Scott Curtiss Gregory P. Cusick Yuelong Dai Bernadette M. DePillo Jiao Ding John Patrick Dolan Todd Dunn Phillip 1. Eckhardt Regina N. Exum Robert J. Fadool Scott Andrew Farabee Rebecca Flannery Allen D. Flowers Cynthia Teresa Gomez Frachi Ashford Allen Galbreath Xiaojin Ge Brian Paul Ghesquiere Ashish Keshav Goyal Richard William Grant Richard H. Gregory IV David S. Groenewoud Rahul Grover Vipul Gupta Shelley Gwathney 64 Gerald Hakala Stephen D. Halonen Mark Alan Hefner Andrew Jason Heilman Ethan Paul Hinkins Cynthia Carol Hitchcock Richard M. Hodgson II Stephen Wayne Hoedt Christopher James Hornberger William E. Hornberger Todd C. Houseworth Xiaohong Hu Tseng Huang Melissa A. Hudson-Nowak Wendy J. Hurst Gustavo L. Isaac Eric C. Jackson Sutthisit Jamdee Jinfei Jia Warit Jirapinyo Scott G. Johnson Timothy James Johnston Thomas L. Joliat George Antonio Jones KiYoung Jun James Kevin Kamsickas Sylvia Christine Karmanoff Mehrdad Ketabchi Young-Ae Kim Kazushige Kinameri William L. Knight Jr. Kraig Laurence Koehler Xianchen Kong Richard Todd Kozlowski Kevin S. Krause Kedar Kshirsagar Nang Yongchue Ku Judith A. Kudla Jeffrey S. Kuhlman Ajay Kumar David R. Lawson Thomas Daniel Laymac Hyeon-Cheol Lee J un W oong Lee Jung-Eun Lee Luis Guillermo Leiva G. Allyson Levitt Liang L. Liao Lyndon Robert Lie Rodrigo Nogueira Lima Yishi Lin Yu-You Ivy Lin Hui Liu Yang Liu Yi Liu James Peter Loch Zhixian Luan Lindsey R. Luttinen Anthony J. Manti Business Information Systems Deepak Thakurdas Tolani Finance Michael Keith Jennings II CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE Matthew Stephan Albin Samir C. Amin Ayse Serna Bahceci Karina Egloff Wenhong Ge Jingdi Gong Lixin Kong Angela Marie LaFrance Yuko Masuda Jose Luis Zamora College of Communication Arts and Sciences JAMES D. SPANIOLO, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Advertisinf; Dwaine Alan Anderson Scott L. Begley Curtiss Michael Clark Selen Imamoglu Samsup Jo SoHee Kim Akiko Kobayashi Jack Joseph Stout M. Adrian Valerio Audiology and Speech Sciences Joel Curtis Allchin Shana Mae Baker Kevin George Burkitt Theresa Elizabeth Clifford Jill S. Day Paula Christine Empey Laura Ann Ertman Diane M. Fairfield Allison Brooke Fyke Diane Michelle Glennan Jennifer M . Goergen Linda Kay Horne Darte A. Junker Lynn Anne Kellogg Laura Leigh Knott Susan M. Laskey Wendy Rebecca Leland Marcie Ann Potter Marie L. Rowe Julia Ann Sims Kimberly AJlen Smith Amy Lynn Wilkins Kimberly J. Ziegler Communication Michele V. Berger Ryoko Ebina Tyson Geoffrey Ferguson Yin-YinHo Esther W. Martin-Hayes Akiko Oyaizu Julianne Vivian Sutter Patru Stacy Jean Welch Journalism Allison Daniel Anders Rosalee Billingslea Karlyn D. Haas Jocelyn A. McCabe Steven Metcalf Nnedi Nkemdili Okorafor Aimee Rhodes Anne Michaeleen Sullivan Jotham P. Tausig Public Relations Paula M. Angelo Ya-Chun Chen Amy Lynn Hagerstrom Chi-Ting Ho Tad M. Mellen Telecommunication Damara Lynn Anderson Satoru Awano Zoo-Hyun Chae Shu-Hsuan Chang Ching-chi Jason Chen Ching-Sen Chen Amorelle J. Crossley Jeff G. Czischke Linda C. Jantzen Kimberly D. Kimel Han-Ching Liu Chia-ling Lu Dong-Jin Park Kuan-Yi G. She Jay R. Shell Shingo Sugawara Nozomi Taniyama Yahua Wu TelecommullicaliollUrban Studies Emmanuel White Hospitality Business Carey M. Byerrum Materials and Logistics Management-Logistics Kelly S. Willis Professional Accounting Daniel Glenn West CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE Seong-Hun Chang Chih-Hung Chen Lihua Chen Kerri Rene Davis Hao Tam Dinh Jane Louise Hilbrands Hee-Jung Kim Myoung Jin Kim Sunyoung Lee PeyinaLin Jaime Beth Loskey Hyuk-Jin Noh Stacy Ann Parsons Darren S. Pitzele Laurie Nickole Priestap Shrirekha Ramaswami Nitida Sangsingkeo Nudee Sermsrisuwan James D. Trapp Sabine Zielonka 65 p College of Education MASTER'S DEGREES MASTER'S DEGREE CAROLE AMES, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Adult and Continuing Education Robin Mari Elliott Joy D . Fenton Steven Frederick Gabriel Sheila Kathleen Gappy Becky Tundo Girling Christine M. Glanert Narmal Singh GurubakSingh Richard Leon Helder Chu-Chin Hsu Hao-Yi Hung Tyler J. Hursey Shelley Spagnuolo Jackson Ilyse Michelle Jacobs Elizabeth Marlene Lawrence Kari R. Leatch Jessica Louise Leiser Alisha L. Liddicoat Ana Lucia Milazzotto Lynette Fay Mogg Jane Elizabeth Mongillo Julie Ann Mosqueda Tabatha A. Otto Monica Panachao Suzanne M. Pouch Deborah Jean Rehfeldt Jessica Ann Rodgers Jenifer Carie Rosenwasser Maggie Sanders Jennifer Renee Schafer Lisa Marie SchulteSentgerath Sheri Lynn Seyka Brent Eric Southland Maria Isabel De J. Teixeira Elizabeth Tembras-Gardner Jennifer Rene Thomas Sharon A. Viol Kaye Marie Walsh Angela T. Walters Nancy Kathryn Warnica Mary Wendy BaringerHockley Benita J. Barnes Robert S. Chapla Kathryn Lynne Gervasi Colleen Gail O'Connor Leah Marie Stoddard Counseling Heather Diane Benton Katherine A. Bertolini Rebecca L. Brooks Tara Megan Chambers Kelly Eli zabeth Grondin Amy Rebecca Hart Natreece D. Hill Paul D. Kolarik Lisa M. Len Takuya Minami Sarah Ann Nehring Amber Roberts Rebecca Marie Slavin Carole J. Stephenson Corrine L. Walworth Curriculum and Teaching Jennifer Karen Ahonen Diana Leah Baldes Elizabeth Anne Bercaw Jennifer Lynne Bonkowski Heidi L. Whitmyer Bowers Hollie A. Bracken Deborah L. Brandt Dayna Michelle Britton Patricia M. Brown Fu-Chen Chou Jane Elizabeth Cook LaShawn Patrice Dillard Tricia Marie Donohue Susan Elizabeth DuHadway Robert Edward Watson Debra Lynn Weintraub Kathleen Ann Westerlund John Christopher Zielinski Karen Ruth Zoetewey Educational Psvchology Lupe Rickey Falcon Brown Toru Miyazawa Gina Marie Russell Hyunjoo Kang Yoo Edltcational Technology and Instructional Design Jeffrey D. Bailey Kellie Jo Borzenski Wendy Ann Golden Bonnie L. Haines Frederick Roy Harrington Jr. Mark Charles Hrit Yeonjae Lee Tamika Kai Lindsey Pamela Kaye Metcalf Shea Diane Nystrom Daniel Lee Rice Julie Anne Thomas Suzanne Marie Knezek Coretta Jean Smith Tammy Lynn Underwood Measurement and Quantitative Methods Anna Dee Fleeman Rehabilitation Counseling Amy Mary Daniel Deborah Jean Ford Karen Elizabeth Holtz Stacy L. Janusz Lori L. Miller Dayna M . Pletcher Richard Jay Shapiro Kimberly Anne Best Maureen Louise Monahan Cooper Linda Joyce Helder Michael Carlton Kellett Melanie Anne Kreider Yi-Jiun Lin John D . Metz Student Affairs Administration Mary Nell Wiese Baldwin Valarie D. Bleakley Anthony Duane Dixon Elissa C. Edwards Douglas R. Jenkins Kimberly S. Mossing Ronald J. Reed Jay Gerald Smith Cynthia Diane Spicer Sarah Christine Handspike Sandra Dee HildabridleTupper Abby Danielle Howard Kristen Amy Liddicoat Amy Beth Luchans Michele L. McCarthy Liliana Mina Richard Ronquillo James Capshaw Smith Oktay Unlu David Noel Wagner Luanne Rae Wait Tanyea Jaquawn Willis Julie M. Bellinger Kris Ann Ely Kim Richardson Hippler DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Kristy Burchett Anderson Emily Marie Bridson Judith Elaine Campbell Michael Anthony Dickens Barbara J. Mozen Jennifer A. Mroz Douglas C. Padron Md Arshad Sabdin Tracy Allan Saloka Lisa Marie Estes Jennifer Jane Jallo Ji-Tae Kim Christopher E. Lentz Steven Paul Moyer Michelle Lee Sharkey Salleth Mohamed Sheh Michael A. Spring Joseph Edward Vancik SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 CANDIDATES - 66 Carrie Lynn Carson Steven Cavazos Karen Courson Cynthia L. Cowan Brent Russell Crossman Karin Marie DeHaan Stacey Lynn Denewith-Fici Arelis Esmenilda Diaz Stephen Lewis Doerr Sheryl L. Doty Rockey William du Randt Penny L. Emeott SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Chemical Engineering Rajesh Baskaran Caroline J. Roush Aaron C. Smith Aaron D . Soule Kevin J. Worden Civil Engineering Haseeb Ahmad Ghumman Mary Margaret GoeJdel Brian Haas Farhan Haider Weerachai Harnchariyakul Hilary Lynn Owen Mukesh M . Parikh Mshadoni Smith Carlos Manuel Torres Vijay S. Akasapu Jose Mauricio Alvarez Henao Fariba Barez Andrew Shi-hwa Chen Karen Tay Cleveland Steven Bruce Dunham Sheryl-Ann R. Jennings Gopalakrishnan Kandalurajaram Yatin S. Kulkarni Juana Elias Nakfour Srinivas Nukala Matthew A. Pfeiffer Nithyalakshmi Sampathkumar Xiaozhong Wang FuminZhu Electrical Engineering Praveen Athmanath Roger Booth Sachin R. Doshi Imad H. Elhajj Bao Fu Karthik S. Gopalakrishnan Devang Y. Goradia Dale L. Grover Gang Guo Wajih Humayun Hashmi Keith J. Jones Srinivas Kanamata Reddy Seong Tae Kang Amir Halim Khan Rakshit Khosla Chia-Chang Liu Jeffrey D. Meese Charulata R. Pardhanani Hamesh Shirish Patel Masood Raza Francisco Javier Ruiz Rascon Akash Vishnu Varshney AmitM. Vora Kun Zhang Environmental En~neerillg Ana Ivanova Georgieva Subhash Laxman Kari Diane M. LickfeJt Andrea Yuki Satoh Va-fen Yeh Materials Science Alekh S. Bhurke Gregary T. Dowling Kenyatta Lata Johnson Zitao Liu Chinmoy Mukherjee Mechanical Engineering Munawar Hussain Chaudry Weiwen Deng Cori Lyn Ignatovich Sara H. Languet Wen Li Durgesh M. Rege Brian J. Vokal Mechanics Richard Franz Banglmaier SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE MASTER'S DEGREE Lisa Jane Bannon Kathy Lee Bergquist Melissa Jo Boilore Dominique Michelle Bowden Lisa Anne Bulat Johanna L. Pscodna Jennifer Lee Roth-Stockreef Karen Elizabeth Schillinger Regina Ona Fly Smith Shane David Snoap Yvette Ann Snopkowski Kristen Marie Socha Jennifer Ann Tremain Stacy Jennifer Vatne Jennifer Straith Vick Daniel K. Vos Alvin Lee Ward Jr. Jeffrey Brian Wasilewski James Andrew Weddle Amber Beth Wierenga John F. Zubek GEORGE M. VAN DUSEN, ACTING DEAN CANDIDATES CANDIDATES - Fook Wah Loh Emily Margaret Lumpp Duane Douglas Lyons Amy Lynn Mabin Davina Marques Jennean Suzanne Masters Jill Ellen Matuszewski Curt Owen McDowell Patricia A. Menoian Jan Elizabeth Merkle Karen Louise Meyers Karen Eileen Miller Barbara Joan Noirot Kathleen Tuttle Paff Tanya Place Linda Marie Poulisse College of Engineering Computer Science Kinesiology Tzung-Hsien Huang Lisa Lynn Jacobs Jennifer Marie Koppy Sally Margaret Koss Christopher Martin Kruzic Jeffery Arnez Lang Jeffrey Allen Larsen Carla Denese Lasater Susan Lee-Daugherty Melanie E. Lehman April Marie Leline Morris Kenard Lewis III Yahsin Lin Patrick Joseph Little Thomas Alan Livezey Special Education K- J2 Educational Administration Literacv Instruction Mary Ann Friar Joseph R. George Virginia Glass Taeko Gotoh Paul John Grabiel Amanda Eve Gray Sharon Lee Massie Greene John Erich Harmsen Heather Lee Harrington Ann Marie Harvey Richard Hatfield Eric Gilbert Henderson Susie Inez Hernandez Jane F. Hesse Timothy J. Hopkins Catherine R. Erickson Heather Leigh Bradshaw Erickson Ana Cristina Dos Santos Fernandes Lisa Marie Folsom Enas Abdel-Mohsen Mohamed Amin Anand Ananthabhotla Ahsan Zia Ansari Sairamakrishna A vasarala Sreenivasa Ravi Kiran Gollapudi Jennifer Christine Johannsen Uksun Kim Eric Keith LaShore Jonathan Michael Lopez Aaron Michael Malenfant Ling Mei Ravi T. Rao Esther Vera Vlna Reed Sekwang Seo Krishnanand K. Shenoy Qingyan Yang Weijiang Robert Yu 67 p MASTER'S DEGREES College of Human Ecology DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE JULIA R. MILLER, DEAN CANDIDATES DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Interior Design and Facilities Management Brian Gordon Grennell Heather Ana Hathaway Miranda Douglas Alan Todak Child Development Lisa B. Cusick Catherine Marie DeShambo Catherine Jessie Fink Susan G. Henry SaeHee Kang Familv Studies Delile Gertrude Langeni Vivienne Velez Valledor Marriage and Family Therapy Michelle Marie CrooksYared Christie Sue Eppler Monica Alicia Mouton DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Peter Winant Mortensen Holly Elizabeth Seymour Anthony Robert Williams Community Services Laura D. Bracali Ann Michelle Kopka Mindy S. McCaffrey CANDIDATES - Human Nutrition Susan Sheaffer Davis Clinical Laboratory Sciences Roger A. Herr Sharon Keely Palmer Jing Zuo Geological Sciences Karen Renee Stockstill David W . Szymanski Todd Erick Wallbom Ed C. Wilson Botany and Plant Pathology Brandon Joseph Horvath Carmen M . Medina Mora Brian Michael Noyle R. Scott Shaw Geoffrey Lloyd Williams EntomolofJY Sheila M. Ebert Palasubemiam Kaliannan Angela May Miller Ethan Jay Nedeau Mathematics Sheri Anne Knowles Christopher John Parrett Alana Joi Tuckey Chemistry Ancuta Cemat Environmental Geosciences Robert John Ellis Amy Nicole Macrellis Marcia Lynn Talicska Biochemistry Jinhai Gao Caroline Jill Rieke YongWang SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 Merchandising Management Eun Suk Chang Tetsuya Otsuka Microbiology Wei Guo Physics Savas Berber Ralph Ryan Christopher Clement Paul R. Heckman Eva-Maria Irrgang Peter F. Peterson Timothy Maurice Paul Tait Statistics Donald Arthur DeGroat ~ Julie Anne Blanchong Anne Marie Corrigan Stacy Margaret Epp Kristen S. Genet John A. Genet III Loren Donald Hayes Theresa E. Lamott Lauber Christine Michele Lewis Salmaan Taher Abdul Quader Mark William Scalabrino CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE MASTER'S DEGREE Judith Anne Snider Diane M. Sparks YanMa Jessica Ruth Rubner Donna Reid Caldon Christopher Michael Koscica Hong Yang Astrid Makowitz Kimberly D. Nault MinghuaNie Anika A. Odukale Jasma R. Pandya College of Human Medicine College of Nursing WILLIAM S. ABBETT, DEAN MARILYN L. ROTHERT, DEAN CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 CANDIDATES - DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Daniel Edward Harrison Erik D. Helms Epidemiology Stacey Reimer Armatti Laurinda Marie Bellinger Wai Fung Chiu Cathy Clark CANDIDATE - Gerakina H. SnevchelievaBelchev Nino Pio Soave SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING MicrobiolofJY Liqun Gu Cynthia D . Anderson Gail Madeline Bell Deborah Ann Bellows Gerri Lynn Blevins Mary J. Bloomfield Carrie Borowski Bollmann Margherita Procaccini Clark Michelle Louise Dalton Donna Jeanne DeMann Wendy Ann Ehnis SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE Mei Zhu Katherine A. Gravlin Debra A. Hansen Tamra Jo Harris Ashley Julia Allen Hartman Tamyra Anne Henigan Denise C. Hubert Patricia D. Koning Michele Karen Lafave Opal Patricia Lesse Joan Clark McHale Mary Susan McMahon Barbara Ann McNamara Larissa Erica Miller Cheryl Gillum Mills Cynthia Smith Munro Louise Ann Osbourn Luanne Parks Monica Patel Debra Sue Perry-Philo Eileen Marie Pizanis Laura Sova Brenda Lee Spach Donna G. Strawser Susan Kay Sugden Michael D. Tanis Ethel Tisdell Cindy Kay Tokarz Robert James Trout Ann Louise Truax Lisa M. Vigneau Kim Dittis Wilson College of Natural Science CANDIDATE - GEORGE E. LEROI, DEAN CANDIDATES - SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 MASTER'S DEGREE SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 Mary L. Pomerville DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS FOR TEACHERS Mathematics Javier Alvarez Guzman DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Applied Mathematics Matthew Brian Hall Jose Merodio 68 Applied Statistics Benrong Chen Kwesi Olutunde Adeleke Sandiford Astrophysics and Astronomy Michael Wayne Davis Daniel E. Polsgrove Jonathan Gail' Tourtellot 69 MASTER'S DEGREES College of Osteopathic Medicine DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK ALLEN W. JACOBS, DEAN CANDIDATE - Administration and Program Evaluation Khalid Yousef Bargawi Sandra Eagan-Hill John Richard Latham Yeo-Jin Lee Yeon-Shim Lee Deanna Sue Strong Karen Margaret Swinehart Lily Wen-Lie Wu SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Biomechanics David Charles White Administration and Program EvaiuationUrban Studies DeBrenna LaFa Agbenyiga James Duane Peralto Shontaye M. Witcher College of Social Science KENNETH E. COREY, DEAN CANDIDATES - Clinical Social Work Cristine Michele Alandt Meuiwaiola Mokiao Alohamanaloa Mechelle Ann Brazin Heidi Ann Bremer Gujuan Caver Cecil David Christo Julia Ann Clay Jenelle Joi Cleveland Mary Elizabeth Congdon Katherine Margaret Mullan Cordry Sheila Crowell-Henderson Jackie Loraine Dean Laurie Danielle deSilva Jennifer Marie Dodge Laree S. Drake Lori Ann Dunneback SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 Lizabeth T. Emineth Marjorie June Frederick Kelly Ann Gluszewski Bonnie Jan Good Karen S. Gorman Susanne Elaine Grewal Cristy Lynn Gross Amy Melissa Hall Marc Wade Karel Angela Marie Kelleher Tammy L. Koss Nicole Lynn Maison Derek Steven Mazur Karen Michelle McGee Jennifer Mae Nier Nancy Spanninga Perry Kimberly Ann Pleiness Karen Elizabeth Powell Dorothy Bensen Rasche Katherine Marie Reed Mary Katherine Richards Donna Jeanne Richardson Christopher Milo Root Aimee J. Sterk Janet Marie Tobolski Dana Dee Walcutt Jerry D. Walden Sally Louise Walker Laurie Linette Weber Amy Renee Wehner Mary Margaret Ann Wheeler Melissa Joy Wieringa Gregory Lynn Wortley D. Renee Wright Clinical Social WorkUrban Studies Cassandra J. Martin-Weiler DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Anthropology Sarah Linda Gee Cheryl Lynn Natzmer Randy John Peterson Political Science Jamie L. Carson Lu-huei Chen Charles Jeffrey Finocchiaro Shane P. Szalai Psycholo'lY Cynthia Leigh Huang Jennifer Greenis Kolarik Angela M. Wolf Sociology Beth Pennock Dunford Elizabeth Brooke Kelly Socioio'lY-Urban Studies Jiao Ding Geographv Eric Russell Fahrenkrog Eleanor Anne Waller DEGREE OF MASTER IN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Barbara S. Carroll Steven Joshua Cohen Amy Lynn Emery Kavi Maddula Craig Alan Phillips William John Schutt Michael Allen Sobocinski Robert A. Stanford Sirisha Uppalapati Urban and Regional Planning-Urban Studies Stephanie Denise Monroe Celestine Greer Starks DEGREE OF MASTER OF LABOR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES Craig John Abraham Tera B. Babcock James Henry Bailey III James Franklin Bleakley Jr. William E. Bogle Jr. Jennifer Leigh Brown Sean L. Carlson Lisa Ann Copeland Jeremy Jarrod Courval Kelly Marie Doonan Jennifer L. Eylens Migdalia J. Fernandez Jessica Eileen Ferrer Charles L. Gibbard David Joseph Gregory Allison Elizabeth Grieve Edward Stephen Grusnis Jason Robert Heme Michelle Christine Holloway Frank T. Howell Scott William Huller Kim Johannesen Karlene Elisabeth Kurtz Chun-hung Lin Fenwhe Lin James Joseph Malvaso Jr. Cecilia Marcano Mathison Cynthia Joanne Mudge Thakoon Nimsombun Gerald Michael Parker Monique Pinnock Michelle Renee Puccio Paula Ann Reynolds Neil Chadwick Scott Allyn Radcliffe Shaw Eunjong Shin Matthew Abrams Stoloff S. Renee Stormes Emma-Kristina Suprapto Timothy Chad Taylor Labor Relations and Human ResourcesUrban Studies Mary Tuesday Njeri Chege CANDIDATES MASTER'S DEGREE Marcellus Olis Anderson Hugh Alexander Atkinson Eunjoo Cho Eric Edward Cuneo Peter Charles Kidder Douglas B. Roberts Jr. Dawn Louise Del Rio Paul Elam Kristy Lynn Holtfreter Bhamornwal Janlekha Han-sung Kim Karen Ann Marks Mark Edmund McInerney Linda Gwenn Mohler Omara Rivera-Vazquez Maria F. Vijil College of Veterinary Medicine DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION LaWanda M. Byrd James Thomas DuRian SUMMER SEMESTER, 1999 LONNIE J. KING, DEAN Public AdministrationUrban Studies Shannon Elizabeth Hefter CANDIDATES - SPRING SEMESTER, 1999 DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Criminal Justice Glenn Edward Avena Jeanette L. Boggiano Stephen Gregory Borowski Jeanne Marie Brown Vinchenza A. Burney Mark James Catledge Warren Vernell Dukes Karen Robin Ellison 70 Melissa Dawn Felton Paul B. Galat JT. Eileen Michelle Hitch Beth Marie Huebner L. Frank Ivester Lawrence Alan Jackson Kyung Yon Jhi Michael David Keck John Francis Kennedy Aaron David Kielhorn Karen Michelle Kropp Andrew Roger Morrison Justin Allen Novak Rachel Ann Pelta Jacquelyn Marie Piantek Charles L. Pratt Cecil R. Queen Assanee Sangkhanate Regan Marie Suhay Addie Christina Thorsen Kristy K. Verch Seung-Young Yoon Large Animal Clinical Sciences An antachai Chaiyotwittayakun John Ferruccio Peroni Danielle D'Andrea Robinson Criminal JusticeUrban Studies James Earl Lyons II Renee Parker 71
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