Advanced Program
Advanced Program
Advanced Program 10TH ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS 2012 Dear Colleague, dear Participant, As Scientific Directors, it is a great privilege to invite you to participate to the 10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte-Carlo to be held under the High Patronage of S.A.S. Le Prince Albert II de Monaco. We have prepared an outstanding program in line with our commitment to innovation, expertise, and excellence, sharing a wealth of experience as well as teaching-skills. This year, AMWC will be honouring Japan. The Scientific Committee of the AMWC designed a large and mature program with international faculty members from over 95 countries to contribute to the improvement of your everyday practice. In addition, following the development of the Preventive and Anti-Aging medicine the AMWC 2012 will propose numerous advanced academic and clinical sessions with lectures presented by prominent experts in the field as well as from research centers and universities. We also hope and are confident that you will enjoy your visit of the very exclusive and elegant Principality of MONACO! We look forward to welcoming you to the AMWC 2012. Pierre ANDRÉ, Claude DALLE, Patrick TRÉVIDIC Scientific Directors ELITE SPONSORS DIAMOND SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: CME CREDITS (number of CME to be announced) The AMWC is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Please check the website for any further information: In Europe, this accreditation concerns all the specialists, who should turn to their national authorities in order to validate the CME points in their home European countries. In America, EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA through their website: At the end of the conference, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance. In France, AMWC is accredited by the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOFCPRE). For more information: ORGA NIZA TION VEN UE! Grimaldi Forum 10, avenue Princesse Grace - 98000 Monaco Principality of Monaco WWW.AMWC-CONGRESS.COM EuroMediCom 29 bd de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - FRANCE Tel. +33 1 56 837 800 Fax. +33 1 56 837 805 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS ANTI-AGING, WELL-BEING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY International Advisory Board International Advisory Board >C&D#%(>E!8>E!A6 >1$9'02?1%(#%(@!4.4A E2"FG)2"F(H(B$&"/% B$&"/% L9%$$%(!56AP B$&"/% 6&<9#(=!: >19"& >C&D#%(6!==4 B$&"/% L&0$9/M(*APN:6:> B$&"/% !"012"3(-45464**7 !"#$%&'()!*+!,-!+ -$9&"():554; 8+! .$%%/% 8+! MEDICAL SPA HONORARY PRESIDENTS 6&"9%C(L4==! +C2<&M9& !'/&"92(L7=:,45: :0&C3 International Advisory Board !CI$%#(J7=B .%$K&"3 ;2'19"2$9(5!.8,7 ;DM92(+E:A!)!-4 R)%*S1J8&^252?2 H"/=)S1J8&^9'R-T2!2 @&?&" @&?&" @&?&" @&?&" AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY Nabila AZIB Nicolas BACHOT Ashraf BADAWI Philippe BERROS Thierry BESINS Jean-Christophe BICHET Pierre BOUHANNA Frédéric BRACCINI Isabelle CATONI Olivier CLAUDE Philippe GARCIA Eckart HANEKE Fabio INGALLINA Oliver P. KREYDEN Jacques LAGIER Marc LEFEBVRE-VILLARDEBO Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF Thierry LEMAIRE Guy MAGALON Leonardo MARINI Xavier NOEL Armand PARANQUE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Argentina Julio FERREIRA, MD Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD Ruben MULHBERGER, MD Belgium Koenraad de BOULLE, MD Georges MOUTON, MD Didier VOCHELLE, MD Brazil Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Oculoplastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Cervico Facial Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Oculoplastic Surgeon Vascular Surgeon Cosmetic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Canada Vince BERTUCCI, MD Wayne CAREY, MD Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD China & Hong Kong David MC CHAN, MD Claude CHAUCHARD, MD David LAI, MD Colombia William MURILLO, MD Czech Republic Monika GOLKOVA, MD Egypt Ashraf BADAWI, MD France Nicolas BACHOT, MD Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof. Patrick CHERIN, Prof. L1O(-=!5>E4,!:+75 ,&$92()A!8+4 B$&"/% .%$K&"3 SCIENTIFIC COORDINATORS Rabat, Morocco Paris, France Cairo, Egypt Nice, France & Monaco Nice, France Paris, France Paris, France Nice, France Neuilly, France Paris, France Paris, France Friburg, Germany Catane, Italy Muttenz, Switzerland Nice, France Paris, France Buenos Aires, Argentina Paris, France Marseille, France Trieste, Italy Bordeaux,France Paris, France Germany Eckart HANEKE, Prof. Mario KRAUSE, MD Alfred WOLF, Prof. Greece Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD Hungary Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof. India Anoop CHATURVEDI, MD Israel Ines VERNER, MD Italy Damiano GALIMBERTI, Prof. Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof. Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof. Antoine PARASKEVAS Michèle PELLETIER Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI Eric PLOT Hervé RASPALDO Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE Mario TRELLES Inès VERNER Charles VOLPEI Christopher ZACHARY Sabine ZENKER Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Facial Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist L&M?9C&9(*E!N:+:5 *1&9C&"# Paris, France Toulon, France Bangkok, Thailand Paris, France Cannes, France London, UK Cambrils, Spain Kiryat Ono, Israël Nice, France Irvine, USA Munich, Germany ANTI-AGING MEDICINE Monika GOLKOVA Georges MOUTON Gianluca PAZZAGLIA Daniel PELLA Ascanio POLIMENI Octavio VIERA Bernard WEBER Japan Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof. Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA, Prof. Luxembourg Bernard WEBER, Prof. Malaysia Dato HARNAM, MD Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD Monaco Philippe BERROS, MD Morocco Fahd BENSLIMANE, MD The Netherlands Martino NEUMANN, MD Emar VOGELAAR, MD Philippines Roland ANGELES, MD Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD Neurologist Sports & Functional Medicine Oncologist Prof. of Cardiology Neuroendocrinologist Pediatrist Biologist Poland Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof. Ryszard RATAJCZAK, Prof. Barbara WALKIEWICZ, MD Romania Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD Catalin ENACHESCU, MD Russia Lev BERSTEIN, Prof. Irina DMITRIEVA, Prof. Slovak Republic Daniel PELLA, Prof. South Africa Bruce MUIR, MD Spain José MARQUEZ-SERRES, MD Mario TRELLES, MD Ocatvio VIERA, MD Prague, Czech Rep. Burgos, Spain Perugia, Italy Kosice, Slovakia Roma, Italy Palma, Spain Junglinster, Luxembourg Switzerland Oliver KREYDEN, MD Phillip LEVY, MD Thailand Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD Turkey Cemal SENYUVA, Prof. United Kingdom Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE, MD Sohail MANSOOR, MD USA Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof. Michael KAMINER, Prof. Bruce KATZ, MD Suzie SCHUDER, MD Christopher ZACHARY, MD AMWC 2012 - PARTNER SOCIETIES !"#$%&'"()*+,&-.+*#%)/()0$).1#,&2.+)324).4&5*%)().*&6&78#"0*1.&9#41.)/1+)".&:"#&'()*.+);(&2.+)324).4&5*%)().*&6&78#"0*1.&2(1%*<,&":&2.+)324).4&1.%&2*/+=*+)(&5*%)().*&6&2<*#)(1.&2(1%*<,&":&2*/+=*+)(&5*%)().*&6&2<*#)(1.&2(1%*<,&":&>"/<*+)(&'8#4*#,&6&2<*#)(1.&2(1%*<,&":& 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Physician Dermatologist Dermatologist Occuloplastic Surgeon Paris France Geneva Switzerland Paris France Rabat Morocco Paris France Cairo Egypt Paris France Paris France Monaco Montreal Canada Philadelplia USA CHPG, Monaco Besins Thierry Bessassi Mohamed Beut Javier Bichet Jean-Chistophe Bioulac Bruno Bjerring Peter Blanchemaison Philippe Boisnic Sylvie Bonnefon Alain Braccini Frederic Buyanova Elena Calderhead R. Glen Plastic Surgeon Psychiatrist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Cosmetic Surgeon Dermatologist Phlebologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Facial Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Laser Scientist Nice France Caen France Palma de Mallorca Spain Paris France Freudenstadt Germany Vejle Denmark Paris France Paris France Montpellier France Nice France Moscow Russia Tochigi-Ken Japan Carey Wayne Cartier Hugues Catoni Isabelle Chauchard Claude Chignon-Sicard Bérengère Ciais Gaston Cotte Sylvain Romain Dahan Serge Dalle Claude Day Doris De Boulle Koenraad De Jaeger Christophe Dermatologist Dermatologist Dermatologist Anti-Aging PhysicianParis Plastic Surgeon Prof. Dental Surgery Pharmacist/Cosmetologist Dermatologist Anti-Aging Physician Dermatologist Dermatologist Geriatrist, Gerontologist Montreal Canada Arras France Paris France France / Hong-Kong Nice France Nice France Paris France Toulouse France Paris France New York USA Aalst Belgium Paris France Dierickx Christine Dmitrieva Irina Ekmekcioglu Cem Fratila Alina Garcia Philippe Glogau Richard Gout Uliana Guerini Henri Jakubietz Raphael G. Haneke Eckhart Hibino Sawako Horie Shigeo Humbert Philippe Humbert Ibhler Niklas Imanilov Alexander Ingallina Fabio Jauffret Jean-Luc Kane Michael Kanodia Raj Karu Tina Katsambas Andreas Katz Bruce Kauvar Arielle Kerscher Martine Kestemont Philippe Khouri Roger K. Kim Sang Duck Konturek Peter Krause Mario Kreyden Oliver Lagier Jacques Lamboley Denis Landau Marina Lefèbvre-Vilardebo Levi Francis Levy Jean-Luc Leibaschoff Gustavo Liew Steven Lemaire Thierry PROGRAM Dermatologist Boom Belgium Dermatologist Saint Petersburg Russia Physiologist Vienna Austria Dermatologist Bonn Germany Plastic Surgeon Paris France Dermatologist San Francisco USA General Physician London UK Radiologist Paris France Hand Surgeon Wuersburg Germany Dermatologist Freiburg am Breisgau Germany Anti-Aging Physician Kyoto Japan Urologist Tokyo Japan Dermatologist Besançon France Plastic Surgeon Friburg Germany Plastic Surgeon Moscow Russia Plastic Surgeon Catane Italy Plastic Surgeon Marseille France Plastic Surgeon New York USA Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills USA Laser Therapist Moscow Russia Dermatologist Athens Greece Dermatologist New York USA Dermatologist New York USA Dermatologist Hamburg Germany Facial Plastic Surgeon Nice France Plastic Surgeon Key Biscane USA Dermatologist Seoul South Korea Prof. Internal Med/Gastro Erlangen Germany Anti-Aging Physician Hannover Germany Dermatologist Muttenz Switzerland Oculoplastic Surgeon Nice France Anti-Aging Physician Paris France Dermatologist Herzlia Pituach Israel Marc Vascular Surgeon Paris France Oncologist Paris France Dermatologist Marseille France Cosmetic Surgeon Buenos Aires Argentina Plastic Surgeon Sydney Australia Plastic Surgeon Paris France Lupo Mary Magalon Guy Maggioni Cristina Maizetova Zulya Manturova Natalia Marchal Alfred Marazziti Donatella Marini Leonardo Marmur Ellen Marmur Jonathan Martin Eric Matts Paul Miniconi Marie-Jeanne Modchiedler Thomas Montakhab Hamid Nagumo Yoshinori Narbonne Jean-François Neumann Martino Noel Xavier O’Hare David Padey Hervé Paraskevas Antoine Paris Jérôme Park Huynh Van Pavicic Tatiana Pelletier Michèle Penna Vincenzo Petrikovsky Boris M. Piccerelle Philippe Plot Eric Polimeni Ascanio Pollack Sheldon Quinodoz Pierre Rapin Jean-Robert Raspaldo Hervé Redaelli Alessio Robard Isabelle Rowland-Payne Christopher EXPERT TO EXPERT s OPENING COURSE AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 MANDIBULAR LINE: THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF FACIAL REJUVENATION FATIGUE: VARIOUS ORIGINS AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP - Exhibit opens at 13:00 !"Mandibular line as youth source !"Anatomical structures that determine this area !"Mandibular line and fillers injection !"Universal angle of beauty concept for the lower face and universal beauty template (the Liew LIFT) Mandibular line and surgery 25-year experience with extended silastic chin implants: Indications, precautions and technique !"Chronic fatigue syndrome: Is there a real solution? !"Fatigue and stress determinants !"Cancer-related fatigue diagnostic criteria and treatments !"Adrenal fatigue !"Fatigue & central hypothyroidism !" !" !"What is it? – An anatomical explanation !"Medical treatments HA & Botulinum toxin injections !"Surgical treatments 19:00 - 21:00 !"Fillers complications !"Botulinum Toxin complications !"Peels complications !"Laser hair removal complications !"Laser complications in Asian skin !"Complications of non-ablative fractional resurfacing !"Complications of ablative GLYTONE PALOMAR MEDICAL CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN ANTI-AGING MEDECINE CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC MEDECINE "WORLD AWARDS SELECTION" "WORLD AWARDS SELECTION" VIVACY LABORATORIES PRIMEQUAL FILORGA LABORATORIES Q-MED GALDERMA CO MD SKIN SOLUTIONS SYNERON MAC PHARMA CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC MEDECINE COFFEE BREAK TEAR TROUGH (3D VIDEOS) 17:30 18:30 WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PHYSICIANS (IN DERMATOLOGY) resurfacing 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 17:30 Pharmacologist Paris France Plastic Surgeon Moscow Russia / Berlin Germany Dermatologist Berlin Germany Plastic Surgeon Nice France Internal Medicine Paris France Dermatologist New York USA Clinical Biochemist Catania Italy MD and Psychoanalyst Munich Germany Cosmetologist Mumbai India Researcher Aging Control Syst. Tokyo Japan Plastic Surgeon Tokyo Japan Prof. of Aging Control Syst. Tokyo Japan Neurologist Houston USA Nutritionist Vergèze France Dermatologist Rockville USA Prof. Cell. and Molecular Biology Hiroshima Japan Anti-Aging Practitioner Bangkok Thailand Plastic Surgeon Paris France Dermatologist Stockholm Sweden Plastic Surgeon Nice France Dermatologist Savyon Israel Dermatologist Paris France Dermatologist St-Paul-de-Vence France Aesthetic Physician Furiani France Aesthetic Surgeon Lyon France Plastic Surgeon Nice France Plastic Surgeon Lexington USA Dermatologist New York USA Neurologist Tokyo Japan Dermatologist Munich Germany Prof of Gynecology Ulm Germany Dermatologist Nara Japan Anti-Aging Physician Tokyo Japan Internal Med., Pres. of the JAAM Kyoto Japan Plastic Surgeon Tokyo Japan Dermatologist Irvine USA Plastic Surgeon New York USA Dermatologist Munich Germany s 3UCCESSFUL ,IP %NHANCEMENT s (YALURONIC !CID &ULL FACIAL TREATMENT WITH LIGHT lLLING s ª 2EVIEW OF 0ERI /RBITAL 4REATMENT s . FOR .OSE s $ORSAL (ANDS 2EJUVENATION 0LANES INVENTORY AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 9:00 - 13:00 15:00 16:00 Rougier André Rubin Alexej I. Rzany Berthold Sabatier Henry Safar Michel Sadick Neil S. Scapagnini Giovanni Schäeufele Eva Shetty Rashmi Shiga Daniela Shirakabe Yukio Shirasawa Takuji Soto Claudio Souccar Thierry Sundaram Hema Tahara Hidetoshi Thavisin Pakpilai Trévidic Patrick Troilius Agneta Vedrine Feys Nathalie Verner Ines Verschoore Michèle Vigneron Jean-Luc Vincentelli Emanuelli Andrea Vitale Gilbert Volpei Charles Waldman S. Randolf Waldorf Heidi A. Watanabe Shaw Wiest Luitgard Wolf Alfred Yamada Hidekazu Yonei Yoshikazu Yoshikawa Toshikazu Yoshimura Kotaro Zachary Christopher Zdinak Lisa A. Zenker Sabine !"#$%&'()*'$+"),- s Morning 9:00 to 13:00 AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC Half-day E2E expert advanced course E2E course on Thursday, March 29th 2012, from 9:00 to 13:00 *To attend the E2E sessions, it is necessary to register. Access with AMWC PASS “2” or “3” 14:00 15:00 Dermatologist New Orleans USA Plastic Surgeon Marseille France Gynecologist Milan Itlay Dermatologist London UK Plastic Surgeon Moscow Russia CEO Auriga Braine d’Alleud Belgium Psychiatrist Pisa Italy Dermatologist Trieste Italy Dermatologist New York USA Cardiologist New York USA Plastic Surgeon Villeurbanne France Res. Fellow for P&G Beauty London UK Dermatologist Nice France Plastic Surgeon Nice France Chinese Medicine Winterthur Switzerland Plastic Surgeon Tokyo Japan Prof Environment/Toxicology Bordeaux France Dermatologist Rotterdam Netherlands Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux France Nutritionist, Psychotherapist Montreal Canada Stomatologist Nice France Plastic Surgeon Paris France Facial Plastic Surgeon Marseille France Aesthetic Physician Sydney Australia Aesthetic Physician Munich Germany Dermatologist Toulon France Plastic Surgeon Friburg Germany Gynecologist New York USA Prof. Pharmaco/Dermatology Marseille France Plastic Surgeon Paris France Neuro-Endocrinologist Rome Italy Dermatologist Toronto Canada Plastic Surgeon Geneva Switzerland Pharmacologist Dijon France Facial Plastic Surgeon Cannes France Aesth. Pract. & Vasc. Surgeon Milan Italy Lawyer Paris France Dermatologist London UK DETOX : THE REAL SCIENTIFIC FACTS & EVIDENCE !"New genetic panel to optimize detox !"Rhythmic and chronobiology applied to detox !"Detox & hormones ? How to do? !"Glutathione, a crucial guardian !"2012 Update in pollution LASERS & LIGHTS TREATMENTS SPECIFIC TREATMENTS !"Fractional radiofrequency !"Hair removal: Which systems and why? !"Pigmentation and IPL system !"Striae management combining fractional infrared wavelengths !"Leg veins: Invasive and non invasive laser techniques !"Rejuvenation with fractional Erb:YAG Laser !"Rejuvenation with fractional CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN ANTI-AGING MEDECINE Erb:YAG Laser and PDT WELCOME COCKTAIL IN THE PRESENCE OF H.S.H. THE PRINCE ALBERT II OF MONACO CUTERA "WORLD AWARDS SELECTION" Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery PROGRAM Anti-Aging & Preventive Medicine .$/&'()*'$+")01 AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 BEAUTY & HEALTHY SKIN 9:30 10:30 s What’s in a look? The emerging role of human skin as a signaling organ s Ageing skin: fundamental mechanisms s Comparison between Asian and Caucasian beauty s Ethnic skin and ageing skin: which differences and why? s Skin and diet s Skin and environmental factors s How to maintain a healthy face? s Melasma: Is it still hard to treat? JAPAN SPECIAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES 12:00 13:00 ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 FACIAL REJUVENATION SKIN AND ANTI-AGING: TRANSVERSAL SESSION Enhancing and resurfacing the face (without or almost no downtime) s Clinical aspects and indications s LEDs: a review of literature Change in the body shape of Japanese people over 400 years and s Aquarejuvenation® : where do we stand? its causes s Which superficial peel I like to use? Japanese way of lifting and s Micro dermabrasion alone or blepharoplasty combined for improving the skin’s texture s IPL systems enable us to enhance the skin s Fractionated face’s rejuvenation: a review !" !" ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 THE AGING LIP: A DIFFICULT AREA s Lips anatomy: Orbicularis Oris vascularisation s How lips age? s Why fillers should be injected in certain areas? s Wrinkles reduction: Direct approach or transversal coating with cannula s Is botulinum toxin efficient? s Peels and aging perioral area s Lasers and aging perioral area s Errors to be avoided: Clinical cases and analysis JAPAN SPECIAL DERMATOLOGICAL SESSION !"Anti-aging and beauty !"Perceived age as clinically useful biomarker of ageing: cohort study !"Caloric restriction delays disease onset and mortality in rhesus monkeys Factors Contributing to the Facial Aging of Identical Twin !" ADODERM Aesthetic Workshop AQTIS MEDICAL Q-MED GALDERMA CO ALLERGAN ALLERGAN INTERCONTINENTAL FACIAL BEAUTIFICATION WITH INJECTABLES: PART 1 14:00 15:00 Different approaches in Asia, India & Europe correlated to ethnic specificities and beauty standards (including how they manage and treat celebrities in their countries) 15:00 16:00 s Botulinum toxin in Europe, in Africa, in India, in Asia s Fillers in Europe, in Africa, in India, in Asia NEW GYNECOLOGY WITH ANTI-AGING APPROACH !"A novel approach of gynecology in a preventive and Anti-aging prespective JAPAN SPECIAL: TELOMERES AND LONGEVITY IN JAPAN: "TELOMERES, BIOLOGY, AND LONGEVITY" !"Telomere and Aging !"Telomere and Longevity !"Telomere and Lifestyle !" !" !" !" !" !" !" TEOXANE LABORATORIES ALLERGAN ALLERGAN TEOXANE LABORATORIES ALLERGAN ALLERGAN ALLERGAN ALLERGAN ANTEIS ALLERGAN ALLERGAN CROMA AESTHETICS ALLERGAN ALLERGAN Q-MED GALDERMA CO SOLTA MEDICAL FILORGA LABORATORIES OBVIELINE LABORATORY JEISYS MEDICAL REGEN LAB SENSES & AGING !"Voice changes while aging: Are there potential efficient treatments? Olfactory dysfunction : Smell and neurodegenerative diseases Aging vision prevention Skin as social organ Traditional medicine, senses & modern Anti-aging Women’s voice changes depending on cycles’ impact on sexual attractiveness Emotions and anti-aging !" !" !" !" !" !" LED’S ACADEMY HAND REJUVENATION: FROM ANATOMY TO TREATMENTS !"From history of hand !"Tissue reparation, wound healing rejuvenation: what's wrong? and anti-aging: Wavelength quality !"Hand rejuvenation or !"Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in beautification? Aims and dermatology: New concepts! limits -Photo reparation by LLLT !"Hand dorsal skin: from -New approach to amplify topical histology to treatment active ingredient efficacy !"Anatomical keys for correct -Preconditioning for the prevention filling of erythema and scars !"Ultrasounds findings for hand !"Photobiomodulation as a novel rejuvenation antiaging method: the cellular !"Do we have adequate fillers mechanism for hand rejuvenation? !"Photodynamic rejuvenation’s !"Updated local anesthesia for evidence hand rejuvenation !"Wound healing process by LLLT !"From body to hand: PRP or fat? COFFEE BREAK 16:00 - 16:30 INTERCONTINENTAL FACIAL BEAUTIFICATION WITH INJECTABLES: PART 2 Live demonstrations s Botulinum toxin in Europe, in Africa, in India, in Asia s Fillers in Europe, in Africa, in India, in Asia 17:30 18:30 18:30 - 20:00 20:00 - 23:00 FACIAL REJUVENATION Enhancing and resurfacing the face (more invasive techniques) Enhancing and resurfacing the face (more invasive techniques) Indications and results of mediumdepth peels Indications and results of deep peels Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing vs C02 laser resurfacing Fractional Erb/Yag resurfacing vs Erb/yag resurfacing Photo-dynamic therapy and IPL Combined treatments LUNCH BREAK 13:00 - 14:00 16:30 17:30 s Skin treatments and international legislation s Easy and practical skin hormonal regulation s Genetic skin testing for collagen, elastin and aging s Is your skin a mirror of inner health? s LED functioning update COFFEE BREAK 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 12:00 ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP 7:00 8:30 9:30 Workshops JAPAN SPECIAL: “JAPANESE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE" !"Men's Anti-Aging in Japan !"Nutrition and Anti-Aging in Japan !"Anti-Aging Dock System in Japan !"Placenta & Anti-Aging in Japan FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS: THE BODY PAIN MANAGEMENT IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE !"Breast aesthetic surgery in Young women (16-20 years old) !"Breast implants: Plea for the round ones !"Implants and breast lift !"Management of the old breast implants !"Polyurethane implants: Indications !"The big liposuctions !"Ultrasounds assisted liposuction !"Laser lipolysis and radiofrequency !"Clinical cases and discussion !"Painful areas !"Has lidocaine changed anything ? !"Has canula changed anything? !"Which products use the injectors to relieve the pain? !"Pain management of hyperdrosis treatment by injection WOSIAM MEETING FOR MEDICAL SOCIETIES REPRESENTATIVES SPEAKERS OFFICIAL DINING COCKTAIL Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery PROGRAM AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 BOTULINUM TOXIN – PART 1 (THEORETICAL) Smart management of the units to inject !"Anatomy and Botulinum Toxin injections (3D video) !"Smart management of the units to be injected according to the area to treat. How to still be efficient and stay “economical”? - upper face - mid face - lower face Meso-injection vs muscular injection !" DOES CHRONOTHERAPY EXISTS? IMPORTANCE OF BIOLOGICAL CLOCK VASCULAR DISEASES FAT AND BREAST – INJECTION s Angiomas: clinical aspects AND LIPOSUCTION and latest treatments s Science of new treatments Fat injection in the breast for Rosacea and facial around the world: Good or erythema s Telangiectasia of the legs: bad idea? etiologies and medical Fat injection in breast in treatments Japon s Aesthetic vein surgery of Fat injection in breast in legs Asia s How to treat unsightly periFat injection in breast in ocular veins? s How to treat dilated hand France veins? Fat injection in breast in USA COSMETOLOGY – WHAT’S UP? s The next steps in cosmetology: Is there any revolution? s Antioxidants, retinoids and peptides: What’s new? s Nanotechnology in cosmetology: Pro and cons s Vitamin K and cosmetology: Where do we stand? s Topical botulinum toxin: utopia or reality? !" !"Chronological aspects of food intake and weight regulations !"Can HRV prevent diseases linked !" to the clock disturbances? !"Do circadian clocks control !" cancer? !"Biological rhythms, from the !" life in the womb till death : !" Modifications and practical suggestions !"Optical fiber, depression and Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 9:30 10:30 BOTULINUM TOXIN – PART 2 (PRACTICAL) Smart management of the units to inject Live Demonstrations 11:00 12:00 !"Smart management of the units to be injected according to the area to treat. How to still be efficient and stay “economical”? - upper face - mid face - lower face RUSSIAN EXPERTS – NON INVASIVE METHODS OF FACIAL REJUVENATION Minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation complex. Where Secrets of female brain are we today? Gender differences in Neck rejuvenation by cardiovascular risk: PROTEGER botulinum toxin and by fillers study Combined full rejuvenation of the face Increased risk of lung Lipofilling as an ancillary diseases depending on gender procedure for the correction of differences aging changes of the face Why men age faster but Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid reproduce longer than women? vs. Poly-l-lactic acid Combination of laser with New gender-based model of injection therapies in mid face disease preventions for the rejuvenation XXIst century IMPACT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES ON ANTI-AGING MANAGEMENT !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" FUTURE OF ANTI-AGING Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop LAB DOM Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop TEOXANE LABORATORIES ANTEIS PHYSIOQUANTA RENOPHASE ANTEIS JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS MERZ AESTHETICS REVITACARE LABORATORY PRIMEQUAL MERZ AESTHETICS CYNOSURE Aesthetic Workshop HIGH TECH CELLS AND TISSUE IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY !"PRP, Fat Stem Cells etc. CELLULITE AND FAT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Truth and untruth in the cellulite and localized obesity treatment 1 The new physiology of the fat - different fats, fats evolution - What is Lypolisis? The adipose organ - Lypolitic vs Lipoclastic action - Difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat Hormonal changes - Fat & gender - Fat functions, advantages & risks What are the differences between lipolytic and lipoclastic treatments? !" !" !" !" CELLULITE AND FAT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Truth and untruth in the cellulite and localized obesity treatment 2 !"Mesotherapy !"Carboxitherapy !"Endermology !"Radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic fields !"Focalized ultra sounds !"Pressotherapy and Infrared !"Cryolipolysis !"Low level laser emission !"Liposculpture future goal COFFEE BREAK INJECTABLES - PART 2 (PRACTICAL) !" Factors that influence the results !" !" !" !" !" !" Live Demonstrations 20:30 FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS : THE FACE !"Stem cell therapies: Status & evolutions !"Facial aging analysis and !"Potential risk in stem cell practical applications therapies !"Facial ptosis - Medical !"Metabolic syndrome & approach, Surgical approach diabetes considering fetal origin of adult disease (FOAD) !"Hollow face - Medical approach, Surgical approach hypothesis !"Wrinkled face - Medical !"Can pregnancy prepare cardiological disease in approach, Surgical approach adults? !"Rhinoplasty: Medico surgical !"Possible advantages of approach nanotechnology in Anti!"Eyes and periorbital area: Aging medicine Medico surgical approach !"Is Androstadienone a pheromone? !"Mitochondrial biogenesis, a 16:00 - 16:30 17:30 18:30 ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 LUNCH BREAK INJECTABLES - PART 1 (THEORETICAL) Factors that influence the results Intrinsic properties of hyaluronic acid, rheology, viscosity, lidocaïne Adapting hyaluronic acid injections to anatomy The areas to treat and the chosen technique : From classical wrinkles treatment to medical rhinoplasty and more Upper face and periorbital injections Cheek and midface injections Medical rhinoplasty Lower face injections How to train the injectors? !" !" 16:30 17:30 !" !" !" !" 13:00 - 14:00 15:00 16:00 ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 - 11:00 14:00 15:00 ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP 7:00 12:00 13:00 Workshops 2'3#$&'()*'$+")04 Auditorium Prince Pierre Level -2 8:30 9:30 Anti-Aging & Preventive Medicine PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IN 2012 Does Alzheimer’s disease have an infectious profile? Latest studies Legislations of genetics in Europe and USA Melatonin and prevention of metabolic syndrome Inflammaging, an urgent prevention The best cardiovascular prevention in 2012 Significance of bone quality in relation with other organs How to evaluate brain aging ? MEDICAL RHINOPLASTY !"Anatomy and medical rhinoplasty !"Fillers in medical rhinoplasty !"Botulinum toxin in medical rhinoplasty !"Injectables to use and those to avoid !"Complications and their management !"Medical vs surgical rhinoplasty: How to choose? !"Clinical cases CELLULITE AND FAT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Cellulite: is it a fat problem? !"Physiopathology of Cellulite !"Diagnosis !"Hormonal evaluation !"Genetic profile !"Treatments COMBINED TECHNIQUES !"When and how to propose them to your patients? !"Mesotherapy / Hyaluronic Acid !"Lifting / Peelings !"Lasers "FOREVER YOUNG" GALA EVENING AT THE SPORTING CLUB OF MONACO - DO NOT MISS THIS UNFORGETABLE EVENT! Aesthetic Workshop CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC MEDECINE Aesthetic Workshop With the official support of the WOSIAM (World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine) Dresden International University Unique Degree Worldwide! International University Master in Preventive, Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine According to the Bologna Process (European Higher Education Area) 2-Year Program Total of 518 Hrs Seven 5-day seminars (280 Hrs) + E-Learning (38 Hrs) + Self-Learning (200 Hrs) !"#$%&'()#*#&+)#,-%#$%+%.-#/.'%,00,().-#)1%2,(345#4'%),% ,6)+#-%+-%7**#&#+3%8-#9'($#)1%:';(''%+&&,(4#-;%),%)"'% <,3,;-+%=(,&'$$%>?.(,0'+-%@#;"'(%?4.&+)#,-A%&,9'(#-;% ,9'(%BC%?.(,0'+-%D,.-)(#'$%#-&3.4#-;%+33%)"'%??D%,-'$% 555E'"'+E#-!" DETAILS & REGISTRATION AT: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM Scientific Director: Prof. Alfred S. Wolf Modules and Learning Program: !" !"'%*#($)%,**#&#+3%F-)'(-+)#,-+3%8-#9'($#)1% DEGREE %DELIVERED & RECOGNITION OF THE DIU MASTER OF G+$)'(%,*%H&#'-&'%#-%=('9'-)#9'I%J-)#KJ;#-;% SCIENCE (ACCORDING TO THE BOLOGNA PROCESS) % +-4%L';'-'(+)#9'%G'4#&#-'%#-%)"'%2,(34 This first World international “Master program in Preventive, Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine” is a 2-year program. After completion of the full program,!a%?-(,33M'-)%+33%1'+(%(,.-4% Master’s thesis will have to be defended orally to obtain the University Degree, Master of Science in Preventive Medicine. !" =+()#�+-)$%&+-%(';#$)'(%$'0+(+)'31%),% Admission requirements: % '+&"%$'M#-+(E "$"%&.*$3&26*3&.&/54&-*(*#*-*5: !%?+&"%CK4+1%$'M#-+(%>N%",.($%0'(%4+1A%O%PNCQ%€ 5IFGPMMPXJOHEPDVNFOUNVTUCFQSPWJEFEVQPOSFHJTUSBUJPO 1 2 Official DIU Application form for postgraduate education to be !%?K3'+(-#-;%G,4.3'$%>:R:$%K%SN%"($A%O%SCQQ%€ dowloaded from on Master DIU page EuroMediCom Registration Form with personal information (birth date and place, nationality) to be downloaded at !%H'3*%H).41%T%!"'$#$%$.0'(9#$,(%O%PQQQ%€ 3 Copy of University Study level (Minimum of 4-year study, equivalent to !%PKU'+(%D7G=V?!?%G+$)'(%H).41%*''$%+('%6')5''-% 240 CERTIFIED European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System or ECTS) % PWEXSQ%€%),%PCEBCQ%€ 4 Curriculum Vitae (Summary of academic and professional experiences) % >4'0'-4#-;%,-%)"'%0+1M'-)%M,4+3#)#'$A 5 Copy of passport (Minimum validity of 6 months) "%%*5*0/"-/05."/%"503: 6 Copy of Professional License (if applicable, only for MDs) 7 High school/junior college diploma (corresponding to your degree after High school/Secondary school, attesting the ability to follow studies at the university level) MODULES AND LEARNING PROGRAMME t#BTJDTPGTDJFOUJöDXPSLJOH t"DUVBMHMPCBMTJUVBUJPOPG1SFWFOUJWF.FEJDJOFBOEQFSTQFDUJWFT t-FHBMTJUVBUJPOPG1.JOQSBDUJDBMNFEJDJOF t0SHBOJTBUJPOBOEFDPOPNJDCBTJTPG1.QSBDUJDFJOTUJUVUJPO RVBMJUZNBOBHFNFOU t1IZTJPMPHZPGBHJOHBOEMPOHFWJUZBOUJBHJOHTUSBUFHJFT t(FOFUJDTBOEFQJHFOFUJDTBOEJNQBDUPOBHJOHBOEEJTFBTF t3FHFOFSBUJWFNFEJDJOFTUFNDFMMUIFSBQZ Scientific Director t'VODUJPOBMBOEMBCPSBUPSZEJBHOPTJT t/VUSJUJPOBMNFEJDJOF t4QPSUTNFEJDJOF t1SFWFOUJWF0ODPMPHZSJTLUFTUTHFOFSBMBOETQFDJöDNFUIPET t1SFWFOUJWF$BSEJPMPHZ t4USFTTOFVSPTUSFTTDPOTFRVFODFTSFMBUFEEJTFBTFT t1SFWFOUJWF1TZDIJBUSZEFQSFTTJPOBOYJPVTOFTTBEEJDUJPO t$PBDIJOHBOENFOUPSJOHJO1. t1SFWFOUJWFPTUFPMPHZPSUIPQFEJDT t.FO}TIFBMUIBOEQSFWFOUJWFVSPMPHZ Prof. Alfred S. Wolf t8PNFO}TIFBMUIBOEHZOFDPMPHZ t)PSNPOFTJO1.FOEPDSJOFQSFWFOUJPO t*NNVOFTFOFTDFODFBOEJOøBNNBHJOH Gynecology and Obstetrics, t&OWJSPONFOUBM1. Endocrinology and Reproductive t1SFWFOUJOHOFVSPEFHFOFSBUJWFEJTFBTFT Medicine and Laboratory Medicine t4LJOBHJOH1SFWFOUJWF%FSNBUPMPHZ t0SBMBOENBYJMMPGBDJBMQSFWFOUJPO First World Premiere! Note: Only Medical professionals (but not only MDs) can register to the Master program in Preventive, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, justifying a minimum of 4-year university level study. Program structure: The Dresden International University (DIU) and EuroMediCom Verification: To confirm their eligibility, potential registrants must submit Complete training: 518 Hours consisting of: their application files to have joined tobe performed establish first International On-site seminars: 280 Hrs (aStudy minimum offor physicalthe presence to Once validated, the first payment shall in order tothe officialize the registration to the Dresden International University. 4 on-site seminars are mandatory) Master of Science in Preventive Medicine, including Anti-Aging Seven 5-day seminars in two years, 40 hrs each NON-DEGREE SEEKING PARTICIPANTS Participants to only one or several seminars do not have to fulfill the and Regenerative Medicine. E-learning Lectures: 38 Hrs above requirements and will obtain a “Certificate of Participation” issued by the %SFTEFO*OUFSOBUJPOBM6OJWFSTJUZ%*6 which will be delivered after each seminar. DVDs of lectures (equivalent to a total of 38 hrs) or webstream lectures will be available for the students corresponding to 5 days of lectures. Self Study: 200 Hrs For more information, please contact EuroMediCom Tel: +33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 Email: Website: Homework including Master Thesis preparation Special events & activities at AMWC 2012 AMWC 2012 AWARDS! PROPOSE A SCIENTIFIC LECTURE AND GET AWARDED FOR IT AT THE WORLD CONGRESS! An international jury of AMWC experts will select three of the most innovative oral presentations in Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine, presented in the “Contributing Lectures” sessions. The members of the jury will announce the winners of this challenge during the “AMWC Welcome Cocktail” on Thursday, March 29, 2011 at 7:00 pm. The three nominated presentations will be awarded with a certificate of excellence and one of the following Prizes: st * 1 PRIZE: AMWC 2013 full package (3 nights’ accommodation in Monaco – 4 stars hotel + 1 VIP pass + 2 gala tickets) - Value: 3000 ! nd * 2 PRIZE: AMWC 2013 package (1 VIP Pass + 2 gala tickets) - Value: 1800 ! rd * 3 PRIZE: AMWC 2013 – 1 VIP Pass - Value: 1200 ! You can submit your abstract here then click on “Submit your abstract” link or by sending an email to The DEADLINE for ABSTRACT submission is: December 20th, 2011 EXPERT 2 EXPERT OPENING COURSE AMWC MONACO 2012 / MARCH 29th, 9:00 am until 12:30 pm E2e For the 1st time, international experts = 1 smart topic & 2 experts Experts / Dr Xavier Noel, France, Dr Hema Sundaram, USA, Dr Tatjana Pavicic, Germany, Dr Hervé Padey, France, Dr Fabio Ingallina, Italy, Dr Frederic Braccini, France, Dr Philippe Berros, France,Dr Christopher Rowland-Payne, UK, Dr Marc Lefebvre-Vilardebo, France, Dr Uliana Gout, UK « IN STEREO » « in stereo » on stage Scientific director / Dr Patrick Trévidic, France « IN STEREO » PRESENTATION OF 2012’S EXPERT 2 EXPERT‘S OPENING COURSE SUCCESSFUL LIP ENHANCEMENT - Dr Tatjana Pavicic with Dr Xavier Noel Objective / Natural & balanced lips, sitting pretty on the face Theory How to achieve full and beautiful lips and avoid the « duck lip » look How to treat vertical upper lip lines : my tried and tested technique Botulinum toxin and lips Tips on aging lips Live demo / Treatment of vertical upper lip lines by Dr Xavier Noel HYALURONIC ACID / Full facial treatment with light filling - Dr Hema Sundaram with Dr Herve Padey Objective / How to select the right HA for the right treatment; how to achieve an instant radiant look. Theory Rheological Properties of Viscosity and elasticity in Hyaluronic acid Combined injections paired with new mesotherapy Light filling : micro bolus and micro papules Live demo / Midface treatment by Dr Hervé Padey 360 ° REVIEW OF PERI ORBITAL TREATMENT - Dr Philippe Berros with Dr Fabio Ingallina Objective / Anatomy (tear-trough, eyebrow, temples) Theory Anatomy of the region How to handle eyebrow corrections with cannulas Successful deep-injection, tear-trough treatment with cannulas Temple treatment with the « gun-shot » technique Live demo / Tear-trough, eyebrow and temples by Dr Philippe Berros and Dr Fabio Ingallina N FOR NOSE - Dr Frederic Braccini and Dr Christopher Rowland-Payne Objective / Definition; do’s and don’ts, accuracy when injecting hyaluronic acid in this region Theory Definition Nose corrections with hyaluronic acid : which plane, which product, which area to achieve expected results Live demo / Injecting the nose with hyaluronic acid by Dr Frederic Braccini DORSAL HANDS REJUVENATION / Planes inventory - Dr Uljana Gout with Dr Marc Lefebvre -Vilardebo Objective / How to achieve pain-free hand rejuvenation using soft-filler injections Theory Myths and truths of the region Bibliography review How to perform a simple regional anesthesia of the dorsal hand ? Which technique ? Live demo / Dorsal hands rejuvenation with cannula injections by Dr Marc Lefebvre-Vilardebo PROGRAMME 04.indd 5 07/11/11 09:31 GENERAL INFO _________________“AMWC 2012 GRAND PRIX” LOTTERY__________________ An entertaining LOTTERY will offer the participants of the AMWC 2012 the ______________________CONGRESS LOCATION______________________ possibility to win prizes (like full supported Congress Packages 2013 including hotel and registration). The Principality of Monaco is located on the French Riviera, _____________WOSIAM MEETING_________________________ about 25 minutes from Nice. Its exceptional location Open to Medical Scientific Societies and Associations Representatives allows it to enjoy 310 days of sunshine per year. Monaco’s exceptional location, between mountain and sea, its gardens, its entertainment, its athletic and cultural events The WOSIAM - World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine will all qualities which make it an unforgettable destination. organize a private meeting for representatives of all medical national and The Grimaldi Forum, close to all the hotels, is ideally located by the seaside. The International scientific associations involved in the field of Preventive & AntiAging medicine, on March 30th at 6:30 pm. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE IN -ARCH IS ª# AND THE WEATHER IS OFTEN SUNNY For more information, please connect to ________VISA INFORMATION AND OFFICIAL LETTERS OF INVITATION________ IMPORTANT: To join this private meeting it is necessary to be the President or an officially mandated representative of the medical or scientific Association. The passport and visa requirements for persons visiting Monaco as tourists To get your INVITATION, please send your request and personal information by are the same as for France. For further details, contact any French consulate fax: +331 56 837 805 or email: in your country. Official letters which may be necessary in some countries for administrative reasons (VISA) can be sent by e-mail: ___________________________HOTELS_____________________________ These letters do not engage the congress secretariat to any financial support Hotels close to Grimaldi Forum have been booked especially for neither obligation nor responsibility relative to the Visa. the AMWC delegates at negotiated prices through our partner. On-line reservation is available at __________________________EXHIBITION__________________________ Hotels informations: Conferencia Travel Over 6500 m2 of exhibition space (250 exhibiting companies) of interest in Aesthetic Dermatology and Medicine, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Tel: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - E-mail: Medicine, Nutrition, Well Being, Medical Spa, etc. will be on permanent display. For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates only available through our partner). _______________________AIR TRANSPORTATION______________________ Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment - All prices are breakfast and taxes included. Other hotels will be proposed later. Please regularly visit: INDENTIFIER CODE: 1068S Valid date range for discount: 24 March 2012 / 05 April 2012 The airlines of SKYTEAM, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer attractive ____________________REGISTRATION FORMALITIES____________________ airfares for participants. SKYTEAM comprises 10 leading international airlines: Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, Registration confirmation KLM, Korean Air, Northwest Airlines, serving 728 cities in 149 countries with Each attendee registered in advance will receive a confirmation of registration by the congress office. Please bring a copy of your registration confirmation over 15 000 flights daily. To benefit from these special offers, link up with letter at the on-site registration to speed up the process. If you do not have a globalmeetings and quote the Identifier Code. Through this site you can also confirmation letter and there is no record payment receipt by the congress office, access the schedules of all SkyTeam partners to plan your flights on the airline you will be required to provide payment on-site, even if you think a payment was remitted previously. Any duplicate payment resulting will be resolved following of your choice. AIR FRANCE: Discounts are applied to a wide range of airfares, in all classes of the meeting. travel Espace Première (First), Espace Affaires (Business) and Tempo (Economy) on all flights of the Air France worldwide network. To access the preferential On-site registration, badge and congress material pick-up fares granted for this event, use this link: The congress office registration desk will be located in the Grimaldi Forum at This event brochure serves to justify the application for the preferential airfare. the Diaghilev level. Please keep in mind that on-site registration can be time Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point during your journey. To consuming. Everyone is strongly encouraged to register at least 15 days prior to the congress. You are reminded to bring your confirmation letter with you when locate your nearest Air France sales point, consult: you pick up your badge and meeting material. We recommend that attendees _________________FREE GROUND TRANSPORTATION___________________ allow sufficient time to pick up their badges prior to the meeting, to avoid the missing of a session. s Between Nice and Monaco: a free shuttle service will be provided by the organization to all participants from Nice airport (Terminal 1 and 2) to Monaco Please wear your badge! on March 28rd (from 12.00pm to 10.00pm) and March 29th (from 7.00am to Attendees are required to pick up and wear their conference badges at all times 3.00pm). From Nice station and Monaco, many trains are available (20 minute- throughout the meeting. No access into the Venue and Congress sessions will be trip) every 15 minutes. Transfers by helicopter and private pick-up service are allowed without wearing the badge. This allows us to ensure adequate security arranged by Conferencia Travel. Taxis: 45 minutes to 1 hour trip (average cost: for your safety. If you misplace your badge, a 300 Euros fee will be charged to replace it. 70 to 100 euros depending on the traffic). s In Monaco: only showing their badge, AMWC delegates will have free access Cancellation to all bus networks in Monaco during all the meeting. We will refund the complete registration fee less 50 Euros processing fee if written cancellation reaches us +30 days prior to the congress, 30 % of the _____LANGUAGES - SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION___ total payment if cancellation made between 30 to 15 days before. No refund will be possible at less than 15 days prior to the event and in case of no-shows The official congress languages are English and French. Simultaneous translation in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Russian will be or early departure. provided in the 2 main rooms. French / English in the other rooms. !"#$%$#&'"()*+++,-$&*./.&$%$)0)*&'"(&10//&#$2$23$#444 For this 10th edition of the AMWC, we have again the exceptional pleasure of organizing the Gala Evening at the Salle des Etoiles of the Sporting Club of Monaco on Saturday March 30th. We have prepared for you an unforgettable show you will enjoy with a delicious dinner. After the Show, let’s dance.... and feel Forever Young!!! ! " # $ % " ! " # $ " % % " & $ " ' & ( " ) * + " * ' $ ! , " - ' $ ' & " the New Implant Philosophy of Dermal Filler Permeance™ Expandable Cohesivity into Tissues !"!#$%&' %()#&*(+'#&,+-) ./,0/-%1,* 2&,/$3&#-)&4-#&,+ !"#$%&'(&%)%*+!",-*%./,-.,0 . / , ( ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS & MEDISPA 2012 -/.!#/ s -!2#( 2%')342!4)/. &/2- 4/ "% 3%.4 "9 &!8 4/ (from America dial 011 33 1 56 837 805) Family Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use capital letters when completing this form First Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Specialty (obligatory field) ________________________________________________ Clinic / Company ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip code City Country ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Mandatory E-mail: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Your confirmation & invoice will be sent by e-mail - Please write as CLEARLY as possible REGISTRATION FORM Before 31/12/2011 Registration fees include: access to chosen sessions, workshops and commercial exhibit, coffee breaks, certificate of attendance, congress bag and conference book Before 01/03/2012 After 01/03/2012 & on-site PASS 1 : AMWC - 3 DAYS (March 29th - March 30th - March 31st) Includes: All AMWC sessions (Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery, Lipoplasty Symposia, Anti-aging Medicine, Medical Spa and workshops & Visit of the exhibition) - DELEGATE RATE 390€ 490€ 590€ - MEMBER OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY RATE &HUWL¿FDWLRQUHTXLUHG 350€ 450€ 550€ - STUDENT, NURSE, PHYSIOTHERAPIST, ASSISTANTE RATE * &HUWL¿FDWLRQ UHTXLUHG 300€ 390€ 500€ 690€ 790€ 890€ PASS 2 : AMWC + E2E - 3 DAYS (March 29th - March 30th - March 31st) Includes: All AMWC sessions & Visit exhibition. Opening Course Expert 2 Expert (Thursday March 29th from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm) - DELEGATE RATE PASS 3 : AMWC VIP PLATINUM PASS - 3 DAYS (March 29th - March 30th - March 31st) Includes: All AMWC sessions & visit exhibition. Opening Course Expert 2 Expert (Thursday March 29th from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm) - VIP dedicated counter for registration & bag pick up - Private lounge access + 1 guest (permanent snacking & soft drinks in a sea-view room) - DELEGATE RATE 850€ 940€ 1050€ 200€ 250€ 300€ 180€ 190€ 200€ PASS 4 : AMWC EXHIBIT & WORKSHOPS ONLY - 3 DAYS (March 29th - March 30th - March 31st) ,QFOXGHV$OOFRPSDQLHVZRUNVKRSVYLVLWH[KLELWLRQ8QLTXHUDWHIRUDOOSDUWLFLSDQWVGHOHJDWHVPHPEHUVWXGHQWVHWF - VISITOR PASS GALA DINNER - GALA DINNER «FOREVER YOUNG AMWC 10th ANNIVERSARY» Saturday March 31th at the Sporting-club of Monaco Limited Seats! Gala x .......... people = ................ € 2-YEAR FREE WOSIAM (World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine) & World MediSpa Association MEMBERSHIP offered with this registration (for MDs only): Advantages as member will start after this registration. If you do NOT wish to become a WOSIAM Delegate, please tick here PAYMENT Bank check in Euros enclosed, payable to AMWC Bank transfer in Euros to AMWC - ADD 15 € for bank charges !!! TOTAL TO BE PAID: ...................................................€ VERY IMPORTANT: For administrative treatment purpose, BANK TRANSFER MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE CONGRESS. Passed this date, the registrant may have to pay on site his registration and will be eventually refunded after the congress. Administrative process may take up to 30 days to identify the transfer and proceed to the refund, after the event. OBLIGATORY: Do mention the registrant’s name + AMWC 2012 reference on all the bank documents. Paying bank: MON SDC MONACO Address: Place des Moulins - 98000 Monaco Account holder: AMWC Monaco Credit Card: Visa Bank code: 30002 Branch code: 03214 Account number: 0000060591D Eurocard / Mastercard Credit card number: ___________ ___________ American Express ___________ Dinners Key digits: 75 IBAN: MC03 3000 2032 1400 0006 0591 D75 BIC - SWIFT: CRLYMCM1 Signature: ___________ Cardholder’s name: __________________________________________________ Expiry date: ______ / ______ 3 digits code (obligatory): _____________ 4 digits code (AMEX) Cancellation policy: s DAYS BEFORE 4OTAL REFUND € s "ETWEEN AND DAYS 2EFUND s DAYS BEFORE .O REFUND Cancellation will be processed after written demand and one month after the Congress Please fill one form per registrant and send it (or copy) to: EuroMediCom - 29, boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne Colombes - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 56 837 805 - E-mail: ON-LINE REGISTRATION: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM (Secured Payment) . amwc2012_forms_ANGL.indd 1 18/11/2011 17:38:39 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM To be sent by fax to +33 (0)156 837 805 (from america dial 011 33 1 56 837 805) or by mail: HOTELS IN MONACO Hôtel de PARIS * * * * * Hôtel METROPOLE MONTE CARLO * * * * * MONTE-CARLO BEACH HOTEL* * * * * FULLY BOOKED Hôtel HERMITAGE * * * * With View to the sea only Hôtel FAIRMONT MONTE CARLO * * * * Deluxe rooms only Hôtel PORT PALACE * * * * Hôtel LE MERIDIEN BEACH PLAZA * * * * FULLY BOOKED MONTE-CARLO BAY & RESORT * * * * FULLY BOOKED NOVOTEL MONTE-CARLO * * * MARRIOTT RIVIERA LA PORTE DE MONACO * * * * COLUMBUS MONACO * * * VISTA PALACE * * * * LES TERRASSES D’EZE * * * * Hôtel AMBASSADOR-MONACO * * * RESIDENCE ADAGIO MONACO PALAIS JOSEPHINE * * * RESIDENCE ADAGIO MONACO MONTE CRISTO * * * Hôtel CAPITOLE * * * RESIDENCES LES HAUTS DE LA PRINCIPAUTE * * * RESIDENCES LES JARDINS D’ELISA * * * Hôtel FORUM * * * Hôtel LE VERSAILLES * * Hôtel VICTORIA * * * Hôtel MIRAMAR * * Hôtel NAPOLEON * * * QUALITY HOTEL MENTON MEDITERRANEE * * * ALL SEASONS MENTON CENTRE * * * Distance to the Grimaldi Forum 15 min walk 12 min walk 15 min walk 15 min walk 5 min walk 12 min walk 5 min walk 10 min walk 20 min walk 12 min by bus n°6 10 min by bus n°6 15 min by taxi or available shuttle 20 min by taxi or available shuttle 10 min by bus n° 4 15 min walk 20 min walk 15 min walk 10 min walk 15 min walk 20 min walk 10 min by bus n° 4 20 min. by shuttle included 20 min. by shuttle included 30 min. by shuttle included 30 min. by shuttle included 30 min. by shuttle included Breakfast Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Breakfast not included Breakfast not included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included SINGLE 310 € 310 € 235 € 340 € 320 € 235 € 235 € 235 € 195 € 185 € 185 € 175 € 175 € 170 € 125 € 125 € 115 € 112 € 112 € 100 € 95 € 105 € 96 € 100 € 115 € 115 € DOUBLE 330 € 330 € 260 € 370 € 345 € 260 € 260 € 260 € 195 € 195 € 185 € 205 € 205 € 190 € 145 € 145 € 145 € 115 € 115 € 115 € 135 € 140 € 114 € 135 € 130 € 125 € TWIN 330 € 330 € 260 € 370 € 345 € 260 € 260 € 260 € 195 € 195 € 185 € 205 € 205 € 190 € 145 € 145 € 160 € - - 115 € 135 € 140 € 114 € 135 € 130 € 125 € Family Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use capital letters when completing this form First Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City Country Zip code ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax _________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION Your confirmation will be sent by e-mail - Please write as CLEARLY as possible Fill out this form for less than 4 rooms only - If more than 4 rooms, contact Conferencia Travel for special payment conditions Reservation conditions: Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment. You will receive all you need for a successful check in - an invoice stating the amount already paid - a voucher which you must show at check in. All the necessary information concerning your stay will be clearly stated. The voucher sent, should be considered as a guarantee for you reservation. Upon check out you will be requested to settle with the hotel the remaining amount stated on your voucher. Of course all extras are to be paid separately (meals, minibar, telephone). Family name Type of room Arrival date Departure date 1st................................................ 2nd................................................ 3rd................................................... Hotel choice Nb of person(s) single double twin ____/____/____ ____/____/____ 1st................................................ 2nd................................................ 3rd................................................... single double twin ____/____/____ ____/____/____ 1st................................................ 2nd................................................ 3rd................................................... single double twin ____/____/____ ____/____/____ 1st................................................ 2nd................................................ 3rd................................................... single double twin ____/____/____ ____/____/____ Bank check of the total amount in Euros, enclosed, payable to Conferencia Travel (French residents) Bank transfert on request to Conferencia Travel - ADD 15 € (Bank charges) Credit Card: Visa Eurocard / Mastercard American Express Signature: Diners Credit card number: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Cardholder’s name: __________________________________________________ Expiry date: ______ / ______ 3 digits code (obligatory): _____________ 4 digits code (AMEX) TRANSFER NICE MONACO 1 person MONACO NICE 2 persons Round trip 3 persons 1 single trip by car (45 mn) 95 € 105 € 115 € 175 € 185 € 195 € Round trip by car HELICOPTER NICE MONACO MONACO NICE Round trip 110 € / pers. 95 € / pers. 195 € / pers. Please contact CONFERENCIA TRAVEL if you book transfers for more than 4 people from NICE to MONACO Kind of transfer By car from MONACO to NICE By helicopter Kind of transfer Date : Date : Society : Society : From : From : Hotel : Hotel : Reservation & cancellation policy: - Minimum stay : 2 nights - If you cancel before January 20, 2012 : no penalty - If you cancel more than 31 days prior to the arrival, you will be only charged 1 night By car By helicopter - If you cancel between 31 days (included) and the date of arrival, you will be charged 2 nights - Reduction to a minimum of 2 nights possible whithout any fees. - No refunds will be made for no- shows or early check out date. For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel. These special rates are exclusively available when you book with Conferencia Travel. Conferencia Travel Hotels information - Phone: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - Email: Send it (or copy) to: EuroMediCom - 29, boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne Colombes - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 56 837 805 - E-mail: ON-LINE REGISTRATION: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM (Secured Payment) . amwc2012_forms_ANGL.indd 2 18/11/2011 17:38:39
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