final program MEET US ON BOOTH H4 BEAUTY IN YOUR HANDS Anteis offers the ideal & complete Aesthetics Solution to provide an unique experience to your patients. For more information, visit 10TH ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS 2012 As Scientific Directors, it is a great privilege to invite you to participate to the 10th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte-Carlo to be held under the High Patronage of s.a.s. le prince albert ii de Monaco. We have prepared an outstanding program in line with our commitment to innovation, expertise, and excellence, sharing a wealth of experience as well as teaching-skills. This year, aMWc will be honouring Japan. The Scientific Committee of the aMWc designed a large and mature program with international faculty members from over 95 countries to contribute to the improvement of your everyday practice. In addition, following the development of the Preventive and Anti-Aging medicine the aMWc 2012 will propose numerous advanced academic and clinical sessions with lectures presented by prominent experts in the field as well as from research centers and universities. We also hope and are confident that you will enjoy your visit of the very exclusive and elegant principality of Monaco! We look forward to welcoming you to the aMWc 2012. En tant que Directeurs Scientifiques, c’est pour nous un grand privilège de vous inviter à participer au 10ème Congrès Mondial de Médecine Anti-âge (aMWc) à Monaco qui se tiendra sous le Haut Patronage de s.a.s. le prince albert ii de Monaco. Nous avons élaboré un programme de grande qualité, conforme à notre engagement face à l'innovation, à l'expertise et à l'excellence, afin de partager avec vous contenu scientifique et expérience. Cette année, le pays mis à l'honneur sera le Japon. Le Comité Scientifique de l’aMWc a conçu un programme très diversifié et de haut niveau réunissant des professionnels de plus de 95 pays, ceci afin de toujours mieux contribuer à l'amélioration de votre pratique quotidienne. De plus, pour suivre l’évolution de la médecine de Prévention et Anti-âge, l’aMWc 2012 proposera de nombreuses sessions académiques et pratiques en Anti-âge présentées par des experts réputés dans ce domaine ainsi que des Centres de Recherche et Universités. Nous espérons également que vous apprécierez votre séjour dans l’unique et élégante principauté de Monaco ! pierre andrÉ, claude dalle, patrick trÉVidic scientific directors / Directeurs scientifiques ELITE SPONSORS DIAMOND SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS international accreditation: 15 cMe credits The AMWC is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Please check the website for any further information: In Europe, this accreditation concerns all the specialists, who should turn to their national authorities in order to validate the CME points in their home European countries. In America, EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA through their website: At the end of the conference, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance. In France, AMWC is accredited by the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOFCPRE). The course has been certified "FMC-Collège" under the reference KPAQ77LBGW. It is now possible for contributing members of the college to report their enrollment to this course online and to validate it to obtain the corresponding FMC Credits. For more information: VEN UE Grimaldi Forum 10, avenue Princesse Grace 98000 Monaco Principality of Monaco WWW.AMWC-CONGRESS.COM EuroMediCom 29 bd de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - FRANCE Tel. +33 1 56 837 800 Fax. +33 1 56 837 805 ORGA NIZA TION SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS ANTI-AGING, WELL-BEING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY International Advisory Board International Advisory Board Pierre ANDRÉ France Claude CHAUCHARD Christophe de JAEGER Hong-Kong / France France Claude DALLE France Patrick TRÉVIDIC France Anthony BENEDETTO Andreas KATSAMBAS Brian KINNEY USA Greece USA David LAI China MEDICAL SPA HONORARY PRESIDENTS Daniel PELLA Slovakia Ascanio POLIMENI Italy AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Argentina Julio FERREIRA, MD Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD Ruben MULHBERGER, MD Belgium Koenraad de BOULLE, MD Georges MOUTON, MD Didier VOCHELLE, MD Brazil Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD International Advisory Board Alfred WOLF Germany Yoshinori NAGUMO Yukio SHIRAKABE Hidekazu YAMADA Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA Japan Japan Japan Japan Nabila AZIB Nicolas BACHOT Ashraf BADAWI Philippe BERROS Thierry BESINS Jean-Christophe BICHET Pierre BOUHANNA Frédéric BRACCINI Isabelle CATONI Olivier CLAUDE Philippe GARCIA Eckart HANEKE Fabio INGALLINA Oliver P. KREYDEN Jacques LAGIER Marc LEFEBVRE-VILLARDEBO Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF Thierry LEMAIRE Guy MAGALON Leonardo MARINI Xavier NOEL Armand PARANQUE Ch. ROWLAND-PAYNE UK Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Oculoplastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Cervico Facial Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Oculoplastic Surgeon Vascular Surgeon Cosmetic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Canada Vince BERTUCCI, MD Wayne CAREY, MD Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD China & Hong Kong David MC CHAN, MD Claude CHAUCHARD, MD David LAI, MD Colombia William MURILLO, MD Czech Republic Monika GOLKOVA, MD Egypt Ashraf BADAWI, MD France Nicolas BACHOT, MD Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof. Patrick CHERIN, Prof. Ph. BLANCHEMAISON Mario KRAUSE France Germany Pakpilai THAVISIN Thailand SCIENTIFIC COORDINATORS Rabat, Morocco Paris, France Cairo, Egypt CHPG Monaco Nice, France Paris, France Paris, France Nice, France Neuilly, France Paris, France Paris, France Friburg, Germany Catane, Italy Muttenz, Switzerland Nice, France Paris, France Buenos Aires, Argentina Paris, France Marseille, France Trieste, Italy Bordeaux,France Paris, France Germany Eckart HANEKE, Prof Mario KRAUSE, MD Alfred WOLF, Prof. Greece Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD Hungary Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof. India Anoop CHATURVEDI, MD Israel Ines VERNER, MD Italy Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof. Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof. Japan Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof. Antoine PARASKEVAS Michèle PELLETIER Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI Eric PLOT Hervé RASPALDO Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE Mario TRELLES Inès VERNER Charles VOLPEI Christopher ZACHARY Sabine ZENKER Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Facial Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Paris, France Toulon, France Bangkok, Thailand Paris, France Cannes, France London, UK Cambrils, Spain Kiryat Ono, Israël Nice, France Irvine, USA Munich, Germany ANTI-AGING MEDICINE Monika GOLKOVA Gianluca PAZZAGLIA Daniel PELLA Ascanio POLIMENI Octavio VIERA Bernard WEBER Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA, Prof. Luxembourg Bernard WEBER, Prof. Malaysia Dato HARNAM, MD Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD Monaco Philippe BERROS, MD Morocco Fahd BENSLIMANE, MD The Netherlands Martino NEUMANN, MD Emar VOGELAAR, MD Philippines Roland ANGELES, MD Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD Poland Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof. Neurologist Oncologist Prof. of Cardiology Neuroendocrinologist Pediatrist Biologist Ryszard RATAJCZAK, Prof. Barbara WALKIEWICZ, MD Romania Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD Catalin ENACHESCU, MD Russia Lev BERSTEIN, Prof. Irina DMITRIEVA, Prof. Slovak Republic Daniel PELLA, Prof. South Africa Duncan CARMICHAEL, MD Spain José MARQUEZ-SERRES, MD Mario TRELLES, MD Ocatvio VIERA, MD Switzerland Oliver KREYDEN, MD Prague, Czech Rep. Perugia, Italy Kosice, Slovakia Roma, Italy Palma, Spain Junglinster, Luxembourg Phillip LEVY, MD Thailand Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD Turkey Cemal SENYUVA, Prof. United Kingdom Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE, MD Sohail MANSOOR, MD USA Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof. Michael KAMINER, Prof. Bruce KATZ, MD Suzie SCHUDER, MD Christopher ZACHARY, MD AMWC 2012 - PARTNER SOCIETIES World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine • European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Argentine Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Association Monégasque de Médecine Anti-Âge • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • Associazone Medici Italiani Anti-Aging • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Acupuncteurs Associés • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • British Anti-Ageing Medical Association • British Longevity Society • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Egyptian Society Plastic Surgeons • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • European Society of Aesthetic Surgery • European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Society of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology • French Society of Aesthetic Surgery • French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hong-Kong College of Anti-Aging Medicine • HUEM • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • Indonesian Society for Anti-Aging Physician • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Anti-aging Medicine • Japanese Society for Aesthetico-Medical Technology • Kazakhstani Society of Mesotherapists • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Latin American SPA Associety • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagen Fundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Morocco Society of Plastic Reconstructive & Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Pacific Academy of Aesthetic Specialists • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatry, Ana Aslan • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Russian Association of Laser Medicine Specialists • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Spanish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine of Canari Island • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Societé Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Vieillissement • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Society Brazilan of Plastic Surgery • Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia • Society for Preventive Gerontology and Geriatrics • South African Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento • World Anti-Aging Medical Association, and many more... Scientific sessions lecturers and faculty ABITBOL Jean ENT Specialist Paris, France HIBINO Sawako ACCURSIO Wilmar Endocrinologist Sao Paulo, Brazil HUMBERT Philippe Anti-Aging Physician ADATTO Maurice Dermatologist AMSELLEM Jean Pierre Cosmetic Surgeon ANAND Chytra Dermatologist ANDRE Pierre Dermatologist Paris, France IMANILOV Alexander Plastic Surgeon AUDION Michel Plastic Surgeon Nice, France INGALLINA Fabio Plastic Surgeon AZIB Nabila Plastic Surgeon Rabat, Morocco JAKUBIETZ Raphael G. Hand Surgeon BACCI Pierantonio Cosmetic Surgeon Arezzo, Italy JAUFFRET Jean Luc Plastic Surgeon BACHOT Nicolas Dermatologist Paris, France JIANG Xiaoyan Ass prof of Genetics Vancouver, Canada PLOT Eric Plastic Surgeon BADAWI Ashraf Dermatologist Cairo, Egypt JIANU Dana Plastic Surgeon Bucarest, Romania POIGNONEC Sylvie Cervico Facial Surgeon BANIGE Oleg Plastic Surgeon Paris, France KANE Michael Plastic Surgeon New York, USA POLLACK Sheldon BARAF Patrick Plastic Surgeon Paris, France KANODIA Raj Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, USA POLIMENI Ascanio Neuro-Endocrinologist Roma, Italy BAROLET Daniel Dermatologist Laser Therapist Moscow, Russia POULAIN Bernard Research Director CNRS Paris, France Geneva, Switzerland IBAÑEZ Ivan Pessac, France IBLHER Niklas Bangalore, India IDE Hisamitsu Kyoto, Japan PAVICIC Tatiana Besançon, France PAZZAGLIA Gianluca Oncologist Anti-Aging Physician Barcelona, Spain PELLA Daniel Cardiologist Plastic Surgeon Friburg, Germany PELLETIER Michèle Dermatologist Tokyo, Japan PENNA Vincenzo Urologist Montreal, Canada KARU Tiina Marseille, France KERSCHER Martina Aesthetic Physician Dermatologist Moscow, Russia Pesce Alain Catane, Italy PETIT Philippe Marseille, France PICCERELLE Philippe Hamburg, Germany PRAGER Welf Dermatologist Hamburg, Germany Hagueneau , France Dermatologist Philadelphia, USA KHAN Mohamad Plastic Surgeon Occuloplastic Surgeon CHPG, Monaco KHOURI Roger K. Plastic Surgeon Key Biscane, USA RAYDAN Mazen BEUT Javier Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Seoul, South Korea REDAELLI Alessio Vascular Surgeon BERTOSSI Dario Facial Plastic Surgeon Verona, Italy KONTUREK Peter Prof. Internal Med/Gastro Erlangen, Germany RIVEST Robert Industry BESINS Thierry Plastic Surgeon Nice, France KRAUSE Mario Anti-Aging Physician Hannover, Germany ROBARD Isabelle Lawyer BICHET Jean-Chistophe Plastic Surgeon Paris, France KUBATOVA Andrea Aesthetic Physician BIOULAC Bruno Cosmetic Surgeon BJERRING Peter Dermatologist BLANCHEMAISON Philippe Phlebologist Paris, France LAGIER Jacques Oculoplastic Surgeon BOISNIC Sylvie Dermatologist Paris, France LAI David Anti-Aging Physician BONNEFON Alain Plastic Surgeon Montpellier, France LAMBOLEY Denis Anti-Aging Physician BOONEN Robert Phlebologist Muttenz, Switzerland ROUGIER André Paris, France ROUGIER Yann Vejle, Denmark LAFARGE-CLAOUE Béatrice Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Toronto, Canada Dermatologist BERROS Philippe Prague, Czech Republic Rodriguez Filiberto Paris, France Dermatologist BENEDETTO Anthony Jeddah, Saudi Arabia RASPALDO Hervé Marseille, France Dermatologist Facial Plastic Surgeon Nice, France PUSEL Bertrand Köln, Germany Prof. Pharmaco/Dermatology Munster, Germany KESTEMONT Philippe Dermatologist Bordeaux, France Wuersburg, Germany PHILIPP-DORMSTON Wolfgang Dermatologist PhD Medical Biology Rotterdam, Netherlands LANDAU Marina Monte Carlo, Monaco Mesotherapist Dermatologist Dermatologist Toulon, France Friburg, Germany Prof. of Geriatrics BAUSSET Olivier Freudenstadt, Germany KREYDEN Oliver Perugia, Italy Kosice, Slovak Republic Plastic Surgeon BEE Kristina Palma de Mallorca, Spain KIM Sang Duck Munich, Germany Facial Plastic Surgeon Cannes, France Industry Tokyo, Japan Milan, Italy Coppet, Switzerland Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Brownsville, USA Pharmacologist Paris, France Nutritionist Nice, France Nice, France ROWLAND-PAYNE Christopher Dermatologist Hong Kong, China RUBIN Alexej I. Paris, France SABATIER Henry Herzlia Pituach, Israel SADICK Neil S. Paris, France (TBC) SAYAG David Plastic Surgeon London, UK Moscow, Russia / Berlin, Germany Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Dermatologist New York, USA Ophtalmologist Paris, France Paris, France SERDEV Nikolay Plastic Surgeon Sofia, Bulgaria Paris, France SÉRÉE Eric Researcher BRACCINI Frederic Facial Plastic Surgeon Nice, France LANTIERI Laurent Plastic Surgeon BUI Patrick Plastic Surgeon Paris, France LATOUCHE Xavier Surgeon BUYANOVA Elena Dermatologist CARMICHAEL Duncan Anti-Aging Physician CAREY Wayne Dermatologist Montreal, Canada LEVY Jean-Luc Dermatologist Marseille, France SCHAEUFELE Eva MD and Psychoanalist Munich, Germany CATONI Isabelle Dermatologist Paris, France LEVY Joel Plastic Surgeon Montpellier, France SCHOMBURG Lutz Prof. of Endocrinology Berlin, Germany CECCARELLI Maurizio Aesthetic Physician Milan, Italy LEIBASCHOFF Gustavo Cosmetic Surgeon CERESINI Graziano Endocrinologist Parma, Italy LEMAIRE Thierry Plastic Surgeon Paris, France SHIGA Daniela CHAUCHARD Claude Anti-Aging Physician Plastic Surgeon CHATURVEDI Anoop Anti-Aging Physician Plastic Surgeon Moscow, Russia LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO Marc Vascular Surgeon Cape Town, South Africa LEVI Francis Paris, France / Hong Kong, China LIEW Steven Sugarland, USA MAGALON Guy CHIGNON-SICARD Bérengère Plastic Surgeon Nice, France MAGGIONI Cristina Gynecologist CLAUDE Olivier Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MANNELLA Paolo Gynecologist COHEN Joel Dermatologist Englewood, USA MANTUROVA Natalia CORTEY Anne CNRHP Director Paris, France MANTZOURANI Theodora General Physician COTTE Sylvain Romain Pharmacist/Cosmetologist Paris, France MARCHADIER Albertine Plastic Surgeon CUMBO Peter Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MARCHAL Alfred CEO Auriga Toulouse, France MARAZZITI Donatella Psychiatrist DAHAN Serge Dermatologist DALLARA Jean-Marie Dermatologist DALLE Claude Anti-Aging Physician DE BENITO Javier Plastic Surgeon DE BOULLE Koenraad Dermatologist DE JAEGER Christophe Geriatrist, Gerontologist DEQUESNE Jacques Gynecologist Paris, France (TBC) SCAPAGNINI Giovanni Oncologist Dallas, USA SHETTY Rashmi Strasbourg, France MARINI Leonardo Dermatologist Paris, France MARTIN Eric Hand Surgeon Aalst, Belgium MAZER Jean Michel Dermatologist Paris, France MAZZOLA Riccardo Plastic Surgeon Lausanne, Switzerland MESA Jose Luis DESOUCHES Christophe Plastic Surgeon DIERICKX Christine Dermatologist DMITRIEVA Irina Dermatologist EKMEKCIOGLU Cem Physiologist FRANK Markus Pediatrist & Dermatologist FRASER John Phd Head School of Med. Sciences FRATILA Alina Dermatologist GALADARI Hassan Dermatologist GANSS Christoph CEO Ticeba GARCIA Philippe Plastic Surgeon Saint Petersburg, Russia MONTAKHAB Hamid Pisa, Italy THAVISIN Pakpilai Trieste, Italy TRELLES Mario Villeurbanne, France TREVIDIC Patrick London, UK VAN DER LUGT Claudia Anti-Aging Physician Bonn, Germany MUSARELLA Paul Milan, Italy VEDRINE FEYS Nathalie Granada, Spain VERNER Ines Mulhouse, France VIEAU Didier Nice, France VIERA Octavio Plastic Surgeon Cardiologist Facial Plastic Surgeon Anti-Aging Physician Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Cosmetic Surgeon Physiologist Anti-Aging Physician Castres, France Furiani, France Buenos Aires, Argentina VITALE Gilbert Zeist, Netherlands VOLPEI Charles Tokyo, Japan WALDMAN S. Rondolf Bordeaux, France WALDORF Heidi A. Rotterdam, Netherlands WEBER Bernard Cosmetic Surgeon Nice, France Plastic Surgeon Lexington, USA Dermatologist Biologist Bordeaux, France WIERNSPERGER Nicolas Diabetologist Dermatologist Amerino, Italy Ohjimi Hiroyuki Plastic Surgeon HANEKE Eckhart Dermatologist HASE Michael Psychiatrist HE Wei Ophtalmologist HERZOG Briant OBS/Gynecologist AMIR Ruthie BARANOVA Elena BEDIN Valcinir BESSASSI Mohamed CASTAGNETTA Fabrizio CUVELIER Pierre D’ALLESSIO Patricia DE GOURSAC Catherine DUNCAN Diane FERRARO Giuseppe FINE Anne Marie Research Scientist Yokneam Illit, Israel FORENZA Annamaria Anti-Aging Physician Monte Carlo, Monaco FUNK Wolfgang Dermatologist & Hair Specialist Sao Paulo, Brazil GIESE Sharon Y. Psychiatrist Caen, France HAQ Syed Plastic Surgeon Roma, Italy HOFFMANN Klaus Aesthetic Physician Loverval, Belgium HUSS Gertrude Biologist/Biochemist Paris, France IONESCU John Aesthetic Physician Paris, France IONITA Lavinia Plastic Surgeon Fort Collins, USA LINDE Nikolaus Plastic Surgeon Naples, Italy LUTHRA Amit Environmental Medecine Scottdale, USA MAIZETOVA Zulya ALSOUFI Aref AZIZYAN Erik BALLESTEROS Jesús F. Bartholomeusz James BEILLE Laurence BELFKIRA Fouad BELMONTESI Magda BERNE Fredrik BRAZ André BRIN Mitchell CHICHAKLI Najib COHEN Sarit COSTA Adilson DAVID Jacques André DE MAIO Mauricio Delonca Denis ENGMAN Marie FIGUEIREDO Vitor FILIPOVA Zlatina M. Plastic Surgeon Bad Homburg, Germany Plastic Surgeon Moscow, Russia Pharmacologist Rayelound, Spain vp global product development Boston, USA Dermatologist Meylan, France Plastic Surgeon Lyon, France Dermatologist Vigevano, Italy Plastic Surgeon Avedalen, Sweden Dermatologist Ipanema, Brazil Neurologist Irvine, USA Plastic Surgeon Vienna, Austria Plastic Surgeon Tel-Aviv, Israel Dermatologist Sao Paulo, Brasil Maxillo Facial Surgeon Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Sao Paulo, Brazil Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux, France Professional Clinical Trainer Hennigsdorf, Germany Aesthetic Physician Lisbon, Portugal Dermatologist Dubai, UAE Maxillo Facial Surgeon Paris, France PAI Jamuna Aesthetic Physician Freiburg am Breisgau, Germany PALMIERI Beniamino Beijing, China PARK Huynh Van Dallas, USA PAUL Malcolm Nice, France YAMADA Hidekazu Prof. of Gynecology Dermatologist New York, USA Junglister, Luxemburg Lyon, France Munich, Germany Ulm, Germany Nara, Japan Mumbai, India YONEI Yoshikazu Anti-Aging Physician Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Modena, Italy YOSHIMURA Kotaro Plastic Surgeon Facial Plastic Surgeon Marseille, France ZACHARY Christopher Dermatologist Irvine, USA Aesthetic Physician Sydney, Australia ZENKER Sabine Dermatologist Munich, Germany Plastic Surgeon Bad Bevesen, Germany PARIS Jerome Fukuoka, Japan WOLF Alfred Lyon, France Plastic Surgeon Montreal, Canada WIEST Luitgard Radiologist Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Palma de Gran Canaria, Spain Aesthetic Physician Houston, USA VINCENTELLI Emanuelli A. Plastic Surgeon GUERINI Henri Zurich, Switzerland St Paul de Vance, France Nutritionist, Psychotherapist London, UK PADEY Hervé Paris, France Meijel, Netherlands Plastic Surgeon Modena, Italy O’HARE David Surgeon/Nutritionist Cambrils, Spain Nice, France Dermatologist Cosmetic Physician Bangkok, Thailand Savyon, Israel Gynecologist GIORGETTI Amadeo Paris, France Lugano, Switzerland Dermatologist GASSIA Véronique GOUT Uliana Hiroshima, Japan Plastic Surgeon GENAZZANI Alessandro Toulouse, France NOEL Xavier Rouen, France Prof. Cellular and Molecular Biology Dermatologist Heidelberg, Germany NARBONNE Jean-François Prof Environement/Toxicology Dermatologist Rockville, USA Seoul, South Korea VILLEDIEU René Plastic Surgeon Paris, France NEUMANN Martino Tokyo, Japan Dermatologist Winterthur, Switzerland VIGNERON Jean-Luc Anti-Aging Physician Dubai, UAE NAGUMO Yoshinori Plastic Surgeon Paris, France van LIMBURG STIRUM John Anti-Aging Physician Neurologist Auckland, New Zealand MUHLBERGER Ruben Tokyo, Japan Marseille, France TARRAGANO François ENT Specialist Boston, USA MORALES Rodrigo Tokyo, Japan Prof. of Aging Control Syst. Braine d’Alleud, Belgium TENENBAUM Alain Dermatologist Chinese Medicine Vienna, Austria MOON Hyungjin Tokyo, Japan Plastic Surgeon Staines, UK TAHARA Hidetoshi Dermatologist Boom, Belgium MINICONI Marie-Jeanne Mumbai, India Marseille, France SHIRASAWA Takuji Moscow, Russia SURLEMONT Yves Physiologist Marseille, France MICHAUD Thierry Cosmetologist Sydney, Australia SHIRAKABE Yukio Pisa, Italy SUNDARAM Hema Barcelona, Spain MARTINEZ del Campo Miguel Gynecologist Molise, Italy Researcher Aging Control Syst. Milan, Italy SOYANO Shinichi Plastic Surgeon Marseille, France Clinical Biochemist Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach, USA contributing lectures speakers Aesthetic & AA Physician Rome, Italy Plastic Surgeon Munich, Germany Plastic Surgeon New York, USA Intern./Anti-Aging/Wellness Medicine London, UK Dermatologist Bochum, Germany Dentist Jersey, UK Biologist/Biochemist Neukirchen, Germany Anti-Aging Physician Paris, France Aesthetic Surgeon St. Gallen Switzerland Dermatologist Delhi, India Dermatologist London, UK NESSER Karl PETRIKOVSKY Boris M. RAPPL Thomas ROVERI Giampiero SADYKOV Rasul SALTI Giovanni STABILE Marco TURKEVYCH Alexander WEISS Xanya ZDINAK Lisa A. Anti-Aging Physician Gynecologist Surgeon Aesthetic Physician Plastic Surgeon Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist CEO Arasys Perfector Plastic Surgeon Bangkok, Thailand New York, USA Graz, Austria Rome, Italy Tashkent, Uzbekistan Florence, Italy Cremona, Italy Lviv, Ukraine Honolulu, USA New York, USA Workshops speakers FOUQUE Linda FRATTER Andrea FRITZ Klaus GARSON Sébastien Goldie Kate GRAND-VINCENT Anne KIM Beom Joon Kreiner Christine F. LAPIDOTH Moshe Lampert-Favre Anne LEVY Phillip MAHADI Hamed MALONEY Ryan MOREAU Guillaume NEDIC Sly ODDOU Laurent Özüntürk Erçin PAOLI Antonio POLLA Luigi Dermatologist Nice, France Aesthetic Physician Padua, Italy Dermatologist Landau in der Pfalz, Germany Plastic Surgeon Senlis, France Dermatologist London, UK Aesthetic Physician Paris, France Dermatologist Seoul, South Korea CEO, S&V Technologies Hennigsdorf, Germany Dermatologist Tel-Aviv, Israel Skinceuticals International Paris, France Dermatologist Geneva, Switzerland Engineer Lugano, Switzerland Medical Director, Cogent Medical London, UK Industry Montpellier, France Aesthetic & AA Physician Sandton, South Africa Plastic Surgeon Lyon, France Dermatologist Istanbul, Turkey Physiologist Padua, Italy Dermatologist Geneva, Switzerland PROEBSTLE Thomas SAAB Gabriel SHAATH Nadim Sabater Juan SALAHIA Sabet SEBBAN Sandrine SIGNORINI Massimo SMIT Rieke SPREITZER Doris SULAMANIDZE George SWIFT Arthur TAÏEB Maryna TARDELLI Henrique TOUBEL Gérard TEZEL Ahmet Van Loghem Jani WAHL Gregor WEILL David Yutskovskaya Yana Dermatologist Mannheim, Germany Plastic Surgeon Antelias, Lebanon Physician New York, USA Pharmacogenetics Physician Barcelona, Spain Plastic Surgeon Dubai, UAE Aesthetic Physician Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Milan, Italy Aesthetic and Sports Physician Pretoria, South Africa Plastic Surgeon Vienna, Switzerland Plastic Surgeon Moscow, Russia Plastic Surgeon Westmount, Canada Aesthetic Physician Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Rio Preto, Brazil Dermatologist Rennes, France Industry Santa Barbara, USA Plastic Surgeon Amsterdam Netherlands Dermatologist Berlin, Germany Industry Gland, Switzerland Plastic Surgeon Vladivostok, Russia keynote lecturers some of the famous lecturers of the aMWc 2012 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY BENEDETTO Anthony V. D.O., F.A.C.P is currently Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the founder and medical director of the Dermatologic SurgiCenter in Philadelphia, PA, where he supervises fellowship training in Mohs Surgery and Procedural Dermatology. He is currently the North American Vice President of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology; Secretary/Treasurer of the History of Dermatology Society; Vice President and Scientific Program Director of the North American Clinical Dermatologic Society and Secretary of the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery. He is on the Editorial Board of SkinMed, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. DIERICKX Christine C., MD is Director of the Boom Laser Clinic in Belgium; Consulting Staff at the University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium; Visiting Scientist in Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital/Wellman Labs, Boston. Her research interests include laser surgery, optical diagnostics, and photodynamic therapy. FRASER John, BSc, PhD, FRSNZ Deputy Director – Auckland, New Zealand. Prof Fraser is currently Head of School of Medical Sciences, at the University of Auckland. His research has focused on the modus operandi of bacterial superantigens; beginning with a seminal Nature paper in 1989. His research has focused primarily on the structural features of superantigens that make them so potent but with the advent of microbial genomics and the DNA sequencing of multiple bacterial genomes, his work has broadened to examine other potent pathogenicity and virulence factors whose genes are clustered in pathogenicity islands. KHOURI Roger K, MD, practices Plastic Surgery in Key Biscayne, FL with Miami Hand Center. Dr Khouri is a member of over 20 medical and scientific societies and has served on many of their committees. He has written more than 100 scientific medical articles and book chapters and has published two books on hand surgery and microsurgery. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and serves on the Editorial Board of four additional journals. Dr. Khouri developed the BRAVA Breast Enhancement and Shaping System. LIEW Steven (FRACS) is one of Australia’s leading plastic surgeons - and a global innovator in the development of new non-surgical facial techniques. Dr Liew specialises in cosmetic enhancement surgery of the face and breast. His pioneering research – including his Universal angle of beauty concept for the lower face and his universal beauty template (the Liew LIFT) – has placed him in high demand on the international lecture circuit. A consultant plastic surgeon at St Vincent’s Private Hospital in Sydney, Dr Liew is the founding director of Australia’s first medi-spa, Shape Clinic and Medi Spa – Darlinghurst, Australia. MANTUROVA Natalia, MD is Plastic Surgeon in Moscow, Russia. Dr Manturova is Head of the Chair of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cell technologies founded at the Faculty of Advanced Training Courses Russian National Medical research University after N.I.Pirogov. She is also member of the board of directors at the Clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology “Lancet”. NAGUMO Yoshinori, MD is Plastic Surgeon. Dr Nagumo is director of his own plastic surgery clinic, the Nagumo clinic, in Tokyo. His clinical interests are in breast plastic surgery and breast surgery. Dr Nagumo also contributes to the advancement of his field, through a variety of Japanese and international medical and scientific societies. He is the founder of the Japanese Association of Mammary Prosthesis. SADICK Neil, MD, FAAD, FAACS, FACP, FACPh, - New York, USA, is one of our most renowned dermatologists and researchers, and his multiple discoveries have strongly influenced and transformed the future of dermatology. Dr. Sadick's prestigious list of titles range from Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College, to President of the Cosmetic Surgery Foundation, Member of the Board of Examiners for the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, to Global Medical Advisor for Christian Dior Beauty, to name a few. SHIRAKABE Yukio MD, PhD is Professor of Plastic Surgery and Director of the SaphoClinic in Tokyo, Japan. WALDMAN S. Randolph, MD is a distinguished Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon and educator with an impressive range of professional credentials. With over 20 years experience Dr. Waldman brings expertise in cosmetic procedures of the nose, face and eyes. In 1983, Dr. Waldman elected to return "home" and open his own practice in Facial Aesthetic Surgery. He now has over twenty years of experience in Lexington. During those twenty years he has also managed to write a number of articles published in scientific journals and has recently been the editor for two medical books on facial plastic surgery. WALDORF Heidi Ann, MD is Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, New York, USA. As Director of Laser and Cosmetic Dermatology at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, NY and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Heidi A. Waldorf, M.D. is a respected expert in the field of dermatology, including skin rejuvenation and laser technology, as well as skin cancer prevention and treatment. YAMADA Hidekazu, MD, PhD is Professor at the Department of Dermatology - Nara Hospital Kinki University Faculty of Medicine in Osaka, Japan. Pr Yamada is Board member of JAAM. ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE & WELL-BEING MEDICINE ABITBOL Jean, MD . is Otolaryngologist, Head Neck surgeon, a Phoniatrician and a Laser specialist. He performs surgery of the voice and treats voice professionals since 27 years. He did his medical study at the “Faculté de Médecine de Paris (France)”. He was Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery at Stell Hospital (France) for 15 years He is in private practice in Paris since 1981. He was knighted in May 2005 “Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur” by the Ministry of Health on the behalf of the President of French Republic. FRANK Markus is Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Brigham & Women's Hospital-Transplantation Research Center, Harvard Medical School, USA. Dr. Frank entered transplantation immunology research training under the mentorships of Drs. Mohamed Sayegh and David Briscoe at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Transplantation Research Center at Harvard Medical School, as an Associate Physician in the Brigham and Women's Hospital Renal Division, and as Staff Scientist in the Division of Nephrology at Children's Hospital Boston and the Department of Dermatology at Brigham and Women's Hospital. GENAZZANI Alessandro, is Chief of the Section of Gynecological Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Modena, Italy. Associate Professor at the Dept of Ob/Gyn, University of Modena, Italy. Dr. Genazzani is author or co-author of 140 original papers on international peer reviewed journals and editor/co-editor of 14 scientific volumes, he is serving as an editorial board member of reputed journals and reviewer of 10 journals. Dr. Alessandro Genazzani’s research areas are: neuroendocrine/endocrine control of reproduction, hypothalamic dysfunctions, PCOS, obesity and hyperinsulinism, peri and postmenopausal disturbances. JIANG Xiaoyan, MD PhD – Associate Professor – Dpt. of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia – Vancouver, Canada. Pr Jiang is Senior Scientist in the Terry Fox Laboratory of the BC Cancer Agency. She is also Adjunct Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics – Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. KARU Tiina, Doctor of Sciences is world renowned laser researcher and Head of Laboratory for Laser Biomedicine in Moscow, Russia. KONTUREK Peter C. is Professor of Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology at 1st Dept. of Medicine, University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Erlangen, Germany. Since 2000 Head of Gastroenterology Research Group at the same place. Since 2006 Head of Nutrition Division and since 2008 Deputy Head of Endoscopy Unit. Current research interests include mechanisms of protection and healing of gastrointestinal mucosa, role of melatonin in gastrointestinal tract and molecular mechanisms of gastrointestinal carcinogenesis. Member of American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) and German Association of Gastroenterology (DGVS). MORALES Rodrigo, PhD received his doctoral degree from the University of Chile in 2009. His research interests are principally focused in three areas. The first one involves the transmissibility of Aβ aggregation in vivo and the pathological features that these events can cause. The second is related to the interaction between different misfolded proteins (specifically Aβ and PrPSc) and its implication as a disease mechanism. The third one comprises the study of both, prion strains and species barrier phenomena. His findings has been published in prestigious scientific journals such as Cell, Nature Methods, Journal of Neuroscience and EMBO Journal, among others. NARBONNE Jean-François is Professor in Food and environmental Toxicology at the University Bordeaux 1, France. The scientific and technical fields of work concern the application recent knowledge in molecular mechanisms of toxicity to development of biomarkers to biomedical, toxicological and environmental problems, bridging human health and environmental sciences : Toxicology of PAHs, PCBs, Dioxins, Pesticides ; Protective effects of antioxidants, vitamins and food micro components ; Biomarkers related to biotransformation, free radical metabolism and DNA alterations and endocrine disruption. He is Expert at the National Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) since 1999, Member of the Scientific Committee National Environmental Safety Agency (Since 2007). POLIMENI Ascanio, MD is Neuro-endocrinologist and Medical Dir. of Antiaging Center of Rome and Milan, Italy. He is also Scientific Director of ‘’Forever Venus Project’’, Member of Scientific Committee of WOSIAM and of IHS. His practice is dedicated to anti-aging medicine, focusing on bio-identical natural HR therapy, weight and stress management, holistic and integrative medicine, brain, immunological and sexual enhancement. He is author of five books and medical advisor in neuroendocrinology of many Italian health and wellness magazines. PICCERELLE Philippe, PhD is Biologist and Pharmacologist in Marseille, France. He is Expert in galenic and cosmetology at Aix / Marseille Pharmacy University & CNRS (National Scientific Research Center) Chemical Complex Sytems. SHIRASAWA Takuji, M.D. & Ph.D. is Professor in Ageing Control Medicine at the Juntendo University in Tokyo, Japan. Prof. Shirasawa is Director of the Japan AntiAging Association, of Japan Biogerontology and of the Biorehabilitation Association. His scientific interests are: Molecular Biology of Aging & Gerontology, Molecular Genetics of Alzheimer’s Diseases and Analysis of Athletic Gene. TAHARA Hidetoshi is Professor - Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Biomedical Science - Programs for Biomedical Research, Division of Integrated Medical Science at the Hiroshima University, Japan. His current research themes are Telomere and telomerase in cancer and Mechanism of cellular senescence, immortalization and cancer. Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery EXPERT TO EXPERT • OPENING COURSE auditoriuM caMille blanc Half-day E2E expert advanced course E2E course on Thursday, March 29th 2012, from 9:00 to 13:00 *To attend the E2E course, it is mandatory to register. Access with AMWC PASS “2” or “3” • Successful Lip Enhancement / L’embellissement réussi des lèvres • Hyaluronic Acid - Full facial treatment with light filling / Acide hyaluronique - Traitement intégral du visage avec un remplissage subtile • 360° Review of Peri Orbital Treatment / Examen du traitement péri orbital à 360° • N for Nose / N comme "Nez" • Dorsal Hands Rejuvenation - Planes inventory / Rajeunissement du dos de la main - Revue de techniques AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY MANDIBULAR LINE: THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF FACIAL REJUVENATION LA LIGNE MANDIBULAIRE : L’ÉLÉMENT LE PLUS IMPORTANT DU RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PHYSICIANS (IN DETOX : THE REAL SCIENTIFIC DERMATOLOGY) FACTS & EVIDENCE QUAND LES PROBLÈMES DÉTOXIFICATION : FAITS ET ARRIVENT AUX BONS ÉVIDENCES SCIENTIFIQUES MÉDECINS (EN DERMATOLOGIE) 16:30 17:30 TEAR TROUGH (3D VIDEOS) LA VALLÉE DE LARMES (FILMS 3D) SENSES & AGING LES SENS ET LE VIEILLISSEMENT 17:30 18:30 19:00 - 21:00 PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 8:30 9:30 BEAUTY & HEALTHY SKIN UNE PEAU BELLE ET SAINE 9:30 10:30 17:30 18:30 CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE "WORLD AWARDS SELECTION" IN AESTHETIC & ANTI-AGING MEDECINE EN MÉDECINE ESTHÉTIQUE ET ANTI-ÂGE COGENT MEDICAL PRIMEQUAL FILORGA A Q-MED, GALDERMA DIVISION MD SKIN SOLUTIONS SYNERON CANDELA MAC PHARMA CUTERA SOFTFIL WELCOME COCKTAIL IN THE PRESENCE OF H.S.H. THE PRINCE ALBERT II OF MONACO AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE JAPAN SPECIAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES SESSION SPÉCIALE JAPON LES PROCÉDURES CHIRURGICALES ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS FACIAL REJUVENATION Enhancing and resurfacing the face (without or almost no downtime) RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL Amélioration et relissage cutanés de la face (techniques peu invasives) FATIGUE: VARIOUS ORIGINS AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS FATIGUE : ORIGINES DIVERSES ET SOLUTIONS POTENTIELLES LABORATORIES VIVACY ALLERGAN ALLERGAN TEOXANE LABORATORIES ALLERGAN ALLERGAN TEOXANE LABORATORIES ALLERGAN ALLERGAN AQTIS MEDICAL ALLERGAN ALLERGAN ANTEIS ALLERGAN ALLERGAN CROMA AESTHETICS ALLERGAN ALLERGAN SOLTA MEDICAL FILORGA JEISYS MEDICAL SKINCEUTICALS A Q-MED, GALDERMA DIVISION COFFEE BREAK THE AGING LIP: A DIFFICULT AREA LA LÈVRE VIEILLISSANTE : UNE ZONE DIFFICILE JAPAN SPECIAL DERMATOLOGICAL SESSION SESSION DERMATOLOGIQUE « SPÉCIAL JAPON » : ANTI-ÂGE ET BEAUTÉ JAPAN SPECIAL: TELOMERES AND LONGEVITY IN JAPAN: "TELOMERES, BIOLOGY, AND LONGEVITY" SESSION SPÉCIALE « JAPON » : TÉLOMÈRES ET LONGÉVITÉ AU JAPON" TÉLOMÈRES, BIOLOGIE ET LONGÉVITÉ" LEDS ACADEMY HAND REJUVENATION: FROM ANATOMY TO TREATMENTS RAJEUNISSEMENT DE LA MAIN : DE L’ANATOMIE AUX TRAITEMENTS COFFEE BREAK INJECTABLES - PART 2 (PRACTICAL) Factors that influence the results Live Demonstrations LES PRODUITS INJECTABLES 2ÈME PARTIE (PRATIQUE) Les facteurs qui influencent les résultats Démonstrations en direct 20:00 - 23:00 SKIN AND ANTI-AGING: TRANSVERSAL SESSION PEAU ET ANTI-ÂGE : SESSION TRANSVERSALE LUNCH BREAK INJECTABLES - PART 1 (THEORETICAL) Factors that influence the results LES PRODUITS INJECTABLES 1ÈRE PARTIE (THÉORIE) Les facteurs qui influencent les résultats 18:30 - 20:00 FACIAL REJUVENATION Enhancing and resurfacing the face (more invasive techniques) RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL Amélioration et relissage cutanés de la face (techniques plus invasives) NEW GYNECOLOGY WITH ANTI-AGING APPROACH NOUVELLE GYNECOLOGIE AVEC UNE APPROCHE ANTI-ÂGE 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 17:30 PALOMAR MEDICAL Friday March 30 - Vendredi 30 mars 13:00 - 14:00 15:00 16:00 ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS PREVENTION OF AGING BRAIN PREVENCIÓN DEL ENVEJECIMIENTO DEL CEREBRO LASERS & LIGHTS CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN TREATMENTS ANTI-AGING MEDECINE SPECIFIC TREATMENTS LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES LASERS & LUMINOTHÉRAPIES EN MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE LES TRAITEMENTS SPÉCIFIQUES 10:30 - 11:00 14:00 15:00 ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP 7:00 12:00 13:00 ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS COFFEE BREAK 16:00 - 16:30 11:00 12:00 ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP - Exhibit opens at 13:00 9:00 - 13:00 15:00 16:00 WORKSHOPS Medical Spa Thursday March 29 - Jeudi 29 mars • Morning 9:00 to13:00 / Matinée 9:00 à 13:00 PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE 14:00 15:00 Anti-Aging & Preventive Medicine JAPAN SPECIAL: “JAPANESE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE" SESSION SPÉCIALE « JAPON » : MÉDECINE JAPONAISE ANTI-ÂGE FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS: THE BODY SOCIÉTÉ AZURÉENE DE MÉDECINE ET DE CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE ET PLASTIQUE (SAMCEP) : LE CORPS A PAIN MANAGEMENT IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE GESTION DE LA DOULEUR EN MÉDECINE ESTHÉTIQUE WOSIAM MEETING FOR MEDICAL SOCIETIES REPRESENTATIVES SPEAKERS OFFICIAL DINING COCKTAIL Q-MED, GALDERMA DIVISION OBVIELINE LABORATORY PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 9:30 10:30 AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY BOTULINUM TOXIN – PART 1 (THEORETICAL) Smart management of the units to inject LA TOXINE BOTULIQUE 1ÈRE PARTIE (THÉORIE) Comment gérer intelligemment les unités à injecter DOES CHRONOTHERAPY EXIST? IMPORTANCE OF BIOLOGICAL CLOCK LA CHRONO-THÉRAPIE EXISTE-T-ELLE ? L’IMPORTANCE DE L’HORLOGE BIOLOGIQUE FAT AND BREAST – INJECTION AND LIPOSUCTION LA GRAISSE ET LES SEINS INJECTION ET LIPOSUCCION 12:00 13:00 BOTULINUM TOXIN – PART 2 (PRACTICAL) Smart management of the units to inject Live Demonstrations LA TOXINE BOTULIQUE 2ÈME PARTIE (PRATIQUE) Comment gérer intelligemment les unités à injecter Démonstrations en direct IMPACT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES ON ANTI-AGING MANAGEMENT L’IMPACT DES DIFFÉRENCES ENTRE LES SEXES SUR LA PRISE EN CHARGE ANTI-ÂGE RUSSIAN EXPERTS – NON INVASIVE METHODS OF FACIAL REJUVENATION LES EXPERTS RUSSES ET LES MÉTHODES NON INVASIVES DE RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL 15:00 16:00 INTERCONTINENTAL FACIAL BEAUTIFICATION WITH INJECTABLES: PART 1 VISION INTERCONTINENTALE DE L'EMBELLISSEMENT FACIAL AVEC LES INJECTABLES : 1ÈRE PARTIE FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS : THE FACE SOCIÉTÉ AZURÉENE DE MÉDECINE ET DE CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE ET PLASTIQUE (SAMCEP) : LE VISAGE FUTURE OF ANTI-AGING L’AVENIR DE L’ANTI-ÂGE INTERCONTINENTAL FACIAL BEAUTIFICATION WITH INJECTABLES: PART 2 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IN 2012 Live demonstrations VISION INTERCONTINENTALE MÉDECINE PRÉVENTIVE EN 2012 DE L'EMBELLISSEMENT FACIAL AVEC LES INJECTABLES : 2ÈME PARTIE Démonstrations en direct MEDICAL RHINOPLASTY RHINOPLASTIE MÉDICALE AQTIS MEDICAL S&V TECHNOLOGIES VASCULAR DISEASES MALADIES VASCULAIRES HIGH TECH CELLS AND TISSUE IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY LES TISSUES ET LES CELLULES « HIGH TECH » EN DERMATOLOGIE ESTHÉTIQUE ET EN CHIRURGIE ADODERM OBVIELINE CELLULITE AND FAT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Truth and untruth in the cellulite and localized obesity treatment 1 SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL « CELLULITE ET GRAISSE » Vérités et mensonges sur les traitements de la cellulite et de l’obésité localisée 1 TEOXANE LABORATORIES ANTEIS PHYSIOQUANTA RENOPHASE ANTEIS JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS SILHOUETTE LIFT LABORATOIRES RÉUNIS CELLULITE AND FAT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Truth and untruth in the cellulite and localized obesity treatment 2 SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL « CELLULITE ET GRAISSE » La cellulite: est-ce un problème de graisse ? MERZ AESTHETICS REVITACARE LABORATORY PRIMEQUAL MERZ AESTHETICS CYNOSURE APTOS LTD BUSINESS AND CELLULITE AND FAT CONTRIBUTING ELECTRONIC INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM LECTURES IN MEDICAL Cellulite: is it a fat problem? AESTHETIC NOTORIETY COMBINED TECHNIQUES SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL MEDECINE « CELLULITE ET GRAISSE » LECTURES TECHNIQUES COMBINÉES La cellulite : CONTRIBUTIVES MEDICAL est-ce un problème SPA SESSION EN MÉDECINE de graisse ? ESTHÉTIQUE "FOREVER YOUNG" GALA EVENING AT THE SPORTING CLUB OF MONACO - DO NOT MISS THIS UNFORGETTABLE EVENT! th Boo C15 Au service de la médecine esthétique et de la chirurgie plastique For an immediate and extremely natural result SAFETY QUALITY Fr a n ce i Made i Made i n ii EFFICIENCY Fr a n c e 20:30 COSMETOLOGY – WHAT’S UP? COSMÉTOLOGIE email: n 17:30 18:30 ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS COFFEE BREAK 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 17:30 ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS LUNCH BREAK 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 15:00 ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS COFFEE BREAK 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 12:00 ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY REGISTRATION & BADGE PICK UP 7:00 8:30 9:30 Saturday March 31 - Samedi 31 mars Thursday March 29 Jeudi 29 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 14:00 - 16:00 AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 MANDIBULAR LINE: The Most Important Element of Facial Rejuvenation LA LIGNE MANDIBULAIRE : l’élément le plus important du rajeunissement facial CHAIR: XAVIER NOEL, PHILIPPE GARCIA, WAYNE CAREY • Mandibular line as youth source. Anatomica structures that determine this area La ligne mandibulaire – une source de jeunesse. Les structures anatomiques qui la déterminent • What can be done with fillers to enhance the mandibular line? Que peut-on faire avec les produits de comblement pour améliorer la ligne mandibulaire ? • Universal angle of beauty concept for the lower face (the Liew LIFT) / Le concept universel de la beauté pour le visage inférieur (le lifting du Dr Liew) • Mandibular line and surgery / La ligne mandibulaire et chirurgie • 25 year experience with extended silastic chin implants: Indications, precautions, and technique 25 ans d’expérience avec les implants silastiques étendus du menton : les indications, la mise en garde et la technique • Complex laser treatment and fat redistribution for mandibular line rejuvenation Traitement laser et redistribution graisseuse pour le rajeunissement de la ligne mandibulaire • The "V" effect: Combined techniques for nonsurgical restoration of the mandibular line L’effet V : techniques non invasives combinées pour le rajeunissement de la ligne mandibulaire • What can be done with botulinum toxin injections to enhance the mandibular line? Que peut-on faire avec la toxine botulique pour améliorer la ligne mandibulaire ? 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 - 18:30 Tear Trough La vallée de larmes PHILIPPE GARCIA, FRANCE GILBERT VITALE, FRANCE STEVEN LIEW, AUSTRALIA XAVIER NOEL, FRANCE S. RANDOLPH WALDMAN, USA DANA JIANU, ROMANIA HEMA SUNDARAM, USA HEMA SUNDARAM, USA CHAIR: PHILIPPE BERROS, JACQUES LAGIER, WEI HE • What is it? An anatomical explanation / La vallée des larmes : Qu’est-ce anatomiquement ? • Unveiling the beauty secrets in eyes with HA and botulinum toxin injections Dévoiler la beauté secrète d’un regard avec les injections d’acide hyaluronique et de toxine botulique • Hyalurostructure: Anatomic study and clinical advancement in oculofacial injection using cannula Hyalurostructure : étude anatomique et avancées cliniques dans les injections occulofaciales à la canule • Updates in oculofacial lipostructure / Progrès en lipostructure oculofaciale • Mini invasive surgery treatment for tear troughs / Chirurgie mini invasive pour le traitement de la vallée des larmes • Tips on handling complications and adverse events / Les astuces pour gérer les complications et les effets secondaires • Colors and valleys: What can be done for periorbital dark circles? / Couleurs et vallées : que peut-on faire pour les cernes foncées ? THIERRY LEMAIRE, FRANCE WAYNE CAREY, CANADA PHILIPPE BERROS, MONACO JACQUES LAGIER, FRANCE JAVIER BEUT, SPAIN HYUNGJIN MOON, SOUTH KOREA MARINA LANDAU, ISRAEL ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 14:00 - 16:00 When Bad Things Happen To Good Physicians (in Dermatology) Quand les problèmes arrivent aux bons médecins (en dermatologie) CHAIR: ECKHART HANEKE, ASHRAF BADAWI • Filler injection complications / Les complications des produits de comblement • Botulinum toxin complications / Les complications de la toxine botulique • Chemical peels complications / Les complications des peelings chimiques • Laser complications / Les complications des lasers • Complications of fractional resurfacing / Les complications du relissage fractionnel • Treatment of aging skin on phototypes 5 and 6: Safety rules Traitement du vieillissement cutané chez les phototypes 5 et 6 : règles de prudence pour éviter les complications 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 ECKHART HANEKE, GERMANY LUITGARD WIEST, GERMANY NICOLAS BACHOT, FRANCE ISABELLE CATONI, FRANCE HEIDI WALDORF, USA JEAN-MICHEL MAZER, FRANCE Coffee break Lasers & Lights Treatments - Specific Treatments Lasers & luminothérapies - les traitements spécifiques CHAIR: LEONARDO MARINI, NEIL SADICK • Fractional radiofrequency / Radiofréquence fractionnelle SERGE DAHAN, FRANCE • Hair removal: Which systems and why? / Épilation: quels systèmes et pourquoi ? CHRISTINE DIERICKX, BELGIUM • Pigmentation and IPL system / Pigmentation et IPL PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE • Striae management combining fractional infrared wavelengths / Traitement des vergetures combinant laser et ondes infrarouges fractionnelles MAURICE ADATTO, SWITZERLAND • Leg veins: Invasive and non invasive laser techniques / Les veines de la jambe : les techniques invasives et non-invasives au laser MARTINO NEUMANN, NETHERLANDS • Facial rejuvenation with fractional CO2 Laser: Which choice for which efficiency? Rajeunissement facial avec les lasers fractionnés ablatifs CO2 : quels choix pour une efficacité avérée ? JEAN-MARIE DALLARA, FRANCE • Rejuvenation with fractional Erb:YAG Laser and PDT / Le rajeunissement avec le laser fractionnel Erb:YAG et le laser PDT LEONARDO MARINI, ITALY • Retrospective analysis of non-ablative scar treatment in dark skin types using the sub-millisecond Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser Analyse rétrospective du traitement non ablatif des cicatrices sur peaux foncées avec la laser Nd:YAG ASHRAF BADAWI, EGYPT 19:00 - 21:00 10 WELCOME COCKTAIL IN THE PRESENCE OF H.S.H. THE PRINCE ALBERT II OF MONACO Thursday March 29 Jeudi 29 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 14:00 - 16:00 DETOX: The real scientific facts & evidence DETOXIFICATION : faits et évidences scientifiques CHAIR: JEAN-FRANÇOIS NARBONNE, LUTZ SCHOMBURG • New genetic panel to optimize detox / Nouveaux outils génétiques pour optimiser la détoxification • Selenium, selenoproteines and the thyroid gland: Interactions in health and disease Le sélénium, les sélénoprotéines et la glande thyroïde : interaction sur la santé et sur la maladie • Detox & hormones ? Guidelines / Détoxification et hormones ? Lignes directrices • Glutathione, a crucial guardian / Glutathion, un gardien essentiel • 2012 Update in pollution / La pollution : mises à jour en 2012 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 EVA SCHAEUFELE, GERMANY LUTZ SCHOMBURG, GERMANY CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE PAKPILAI THAVISIN, THAILAND JEAN-FRANÇOIS NARBONNE, FRANCE Coffee break Senses & Aging Les sens & le vieillissement CHAIR: JEAN ABITBOL, CLAUDE DALLE • Hormones for brain rejuvenation / Les hormones pour le rajeunissement cérébral • Voice changes while aging: Are there potential efficient treatments? La voix change en vieillissant : des traitements efficaces potentiels existent-ils ? • Aging process starts in our hormonal emotions / Le processus de vieillissement commence dans nos émotions hormonales • Aging vision prevention / Prévention du vieillissement oculaire • Outer beauty as a reflection of inner harmony in Chinese medicine La beauté extérieure comme reflet de l'harmonie intérieure en médecine chinoise • Emotions and anti-aging / Émotions et Anti-âge ANOOP CHATURVEDI , USA JEAN ABITBOL, FRANCE YANN ROUGIER, FRANCE DAVID SAYAG, FRANCE HAMID MONTAKHAB, SWITZERLAND DENIS LAMBOLEY, FRANCE ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 14:00 -15:00 PREVENTION OF AGING BRAIN PREVENCIÓN DEL ENVEJECIMIENTO DEL CEREBRO CHAIR: RUBEN MUHLBERGER, OCTAVIO VIERA Session conducted in Spanish - Translation in English • Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases by food / Prevención de las enfermedades neuro degenerative por la alimentación • Prevention by neurotransmitters / Prevención por los Neurotransmisores • Prevention by hormones / Prevención por las Hormonas • Prevention by exercise against sarcopenia / Prevención mediante el ejercicio y contra la sarcopenia 15:00 -16:00 RUBEN MUHLBERGER, ARGENTINA MIGUEL MARTINEZ DEL CAMPO, UK OCTAVIO VIERA, SPAIN IVAN IBAÑEZ, SPAIN CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC & ANTI-AGING MEDICINES LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN MÉDECINES ESTHÉTIQUE & ANTI-ÂGE WORLD AWARDS SELECTION CHAIR: PIERRE ANDRÉ, CLAUDE DALLE, PATRICK TRÉVIDIC AESTHETIC MEDICINE • Minimally invasive alternative to a facelift. Reverse aging with volume reduction of the lower face and neck • Photomorphometric analysis of the youthful brow shape and position • End results of a double blind, randomized study comparing onset, persistency and efficacy between Xeomin/Boccuture®, Dysport/Azzalure® and Botox/Vistabel® ANTI-AGING MEDICINE • Foetal origins of degenerative diseases. Back to the future – Enter the Epigenome • The new urinary and genetic test for serotonine and dopamine evaluation in your practice • Influence of Life Style on genes expression – Preventive Genomics and Life Style Medicine interventions 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 -18:30 HARON Y. GIESE, USA VINCENZO PENNA, GERMANY THOMAS RAPPL, AUSTRIA KARL NESSER, THAILAND MOHAMED BESSASSI, FRANCE ZULYA MAIZETOVA, UK Coffee break CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE CHAIR: CLAUDE DALLE, CLAUDE CHAUCHARD • Epigenomic approach – the basis of personalized anti-aging • Dining at the “Epigenetic Café”: How nutrients affects skin • How to control Hormonal Release to Speed Up Fat Burning and Muscle Mass. The Role of DHEA, T3, IGF-1 and Testosterone • Molecular therapies to slow down the skin aging process • Wharton jelly protein P199 as a stimulant of skin stem cells • A novel monotherapy – Hyperimmune caprine sera in the treatment of pathological fibrosis/vasculitis and neurological disease – implications for aging • Depression and metabolic variations favoring obesity in 65-85 women: results of the Ristomed study • Brain enhancement and neurotransmitters • Dietary modulation of cell signaling 19:00 - 21:00 HELENA BARANOVA, MONACO ANNE MARIE FINE, USA XANYA WEISS, USA JOHN IONESCU, GERMANY BORIS M. PETRIKOVSKY, USA SYED HAQ, UK PATRICIA D’ALESSIO, FRANCE ANOOP CHATURVEDI, USA LAVINIA IONITA, FRANCE WELCOME COCKTAIL IN THE PRESENCE OF H.S.H. THE PRINCE ALBERT II OF MONACO 11 NEW RESTYLANE FOR LIPS IRRESISTIBLE SOFTNESS Thursday March 29 Jeudi 29 mars ROOM NIJINSKI LEVEL -1 COGENT MEDICAL 15:00 - 16:00 Low-level laser therapy at 635nm: An Efficacious Approach for Non-Invasive Body Contouring Low-level laser therapy à 635nm : une approche efficace et non invasive pour le remodelage du corps ROOM RAVEL 1 LEVEL +1 14:00 - 15:00 PALOMAR MEDICAL Fractional laser: Impressive results on scars, stretchmarks and wrinkles Laser fractionné : résultats impressionnants sur les cicatrices, les vergetures et les rides MAURICE ADATTO, SWITZERLAND 15:00 - 16:00 COFFEE BREAK 16:30 - 17:30 A Q-MED, GALDERMA DIVISION Skinboosters: Restylane skinboosters – a unique concept for a true rejuvenation from within Skinboosters : skinboosters Restylane - Un concept unique pour un vrai rajeunissement PRIMEQUAL Botulinum Toxin Automatic Injection System Système d’injection automatique de Toxine botulique DAVID WEILL, SWITZERLAND 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 COFFEE BREAK MD SKIN SOLUTIONS Une approche anti-âge globale : Les injections de Pluryal combinées aux traitements Mesoline GABRIEL SAAB, LEBANON 17:30 - 18:30 SOFTFIL New approach of facial skin tightening with SoftFil® micro-cannulas Nouvelle approche du raffermissement de la peau du visage avec les micro-canules SoftFil ® SANDRINE SEBBAN, FRANCE PHILIPPE KESTEMONT, FRANCE 14:00 - 15:00 14:00 - 15:00 CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE 17:30 - 18:30 • Perioccular dilemmas AMIT LUTHRA, INDIA • Development and validation of a new clinically meaningful rating scale for topical botulinum toxin in phase 2b clinical studies MICHAEL KANE, USA • Addressing the facial changes and challenges throughout the female life cycles GERTRUDE HUSS, UK • Dot technology of the face volume rejuvenation ALEXANDER TURKEVYCH, UKRAINE • Synergistic effects of Cryolipolysis and shock waves for GHISLAINE BEILIN, FRANCE noninvasive body contouring • New break-through diode-pumped laser technology for aesthetic treatments NIKOLAUS LINDE, SWITZERLAND • Oral supplementation of silicon and its impact on quality of hair VALCINIR BEDIN, BRAZIL 15:00 - 16:00 A global anti-ageing approach: Pluryal injections combined to Mesoline treatments MARTINA KERSCHER MAGDA BELMONTESI ROOM RAVEL 2 LEVEL +1 CHAIR: OLIVER KREYDEN, INÈS VERNER, LUITGARD WIEST RYAN MALONEY, UK 16:00 - 16:30 Afternoon / Après-midi MAC PHARMA A new patented technology for skin delivery of anti-aging molecules: SKIN SHUTTLE TM. Histological and clinical evidences. Une nouvelle technologie brevetée pour l'apport de molécules anti-âge dans la peau : SKIN SHUTTLE TM. Preuves histologiques et cliniques. ANDREA FRATTER, ITALY ANTONIO PAOLI, ITALY FILORGA When Mesotherapy finds benefits from the most innovative techniques Quand la Mésothérapie bénéficie des techniques les plus innovantes PHILIPPE PETIT, FRANCE 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 COFFEE BREAK SYNERON-CANDELA Syneron & Candela's advanced technologies Technologies avancées de Syneron & Candela JAMES BARTHOLOMEUSZ, SPAIN - INÈS VERNER, ISRAEL SARIT COHEN, ISRAEL - HEMA SUNDARAM, USA LUIGI POLLA, SWITZERLAND -SABINE ZENKER, GERMANY 17:30 - 18:30 CUTERA The new Excel V Laser: breakthrough technology, sophistication and excitement for vascular treatments. Le nouveau Laser Excel V : dernière avancée technologique pour le traitement vasculaire GÉRARD TOUBEL, FRANCE - RIEKIE SMIT, SOUTH AFRICA Friday March 30 Vendredi 30 mars Morning / Matin AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 8:30 - 10:30 Beauty & Healthy Skin Une peau belle et saine CHAIR: MARTINA KERSCHER, PHILIPPE HUMBERT • Skin talks: Look at it! Mechanisms of skin ageing and the emerging role of human skin as a signaling organ Regardez la peau : elle parle ! Les mécanismes du vieillissement cutané et le rôle de la peau dans le diagnostic prématuré de maladies • Comparison between Asian and Caucasian beauty Comparaison entre beauté asiatique et beauté caucasienne • Ethnic skin and ageing skin: which differences and why? Peau ethnique et peau vieillissante : quelles différences et pourquoi ? • Skin and diet / Peau et nutrition • Environment and skin aging: Biological effects of daily doses of UVA Le vieillissement cutané et les facteurs environnementaux : effets biologiques des UVA quotidiens • How to maintain a healthy face? / Comment conserver un visage sain ? 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 PHILIPPE HUMBERT, FRANCE SANG DUCK KIM, KOREA MARTINA KERSCHER, GERMANY CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE ANDRÉ ROUGIER, FRANCE CHRISTOPHER ROWLAND-PAYNE, UK Coffee break The aging lip: a difficult area La lèvre vieillissante : une zone difficile CHAIR: TATIANA PAVICIC, S. RANDOLPH WALDMAN • Lips anatomy: Orbicularis Oris vascularisation / Anatomie et vascularisation des lèvres • How lips age? / Comment les lèvres vieillissent-elles ? • Why fillers should be injected in certain areas? / Pourquoi injecter des produits de comblement à certains endroits ? • Wrinkles reduction: Direct approach or transversal coating with cannula Comblement des rides : abord direct ou nappage transversal à la canule ? • Lasers and aging perioral area / Lasers et zone péribucale • Surgery of the aging lips / Chirurgie des lèvres vieillissantes • Errors to be avoided: Clinical cases and analysis / Erreurs à éviter : analyse de cas cliniques THIERRY LEMAIRE, FRANCE - PHILIPPE GARCIA, FRANCE NIKLAS IBLHER, GERMANY - VINCENZO PENNA, GERMANY OLIVER KREYDEN, SWITZERLAND PHILIPPE GARCIA, FRANCE PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE MALCOLM PAUL, USA PANEL EXPERTS: TATIANA PAVICIC, GERMANY - INÈS VERNER, ISRAEL XAVIER NOEL, FRANCE - NIKLAS IBLHER, GERMANY - OLIVIER KREYDEN, SWITZERLAND S. RANDOLPH WALDMAN, USA - PHILIPPE GARCIA, FRANCE ROOM VAN DONGEN LEVEL -2 8:30 - 10:30 FACIAL REJUVENATION: Enhancing and resurfacing the face (without or almost no downtime) RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL : amélioration et relissage cutanés de la face techniques pas ou peu invasives) CHAIR: MARINA LANDAU, CHRISTOPHER ZACHARY • Clinical aspects and indications / Les indications et les aspects cliniques • A new treatment option through mechano-stimulation / Une nouvelle option thérapeutique : la mécano-stimulation • Which superficial peel I like to use? / Quel peeling superficiel j'aime utiliser ? • Micro dermabrasion alone or combined to improve the skin / La micro-dermabrasion seule ou combinée pour améliorer la peau • A customized approach to radiofrequency for facial skin tightening / Traitement customisé du relâchement cutané facial par la radiofréquence • Non invasive fractionated face rejuvenation: a review / Le rajeunissement facial fractionné non invasif : une revue • Collagen regeneration by pressurized HA-delivery into the dermis: An effective microinvasive approach for skin-remodelling Acide hyaluronique sous pression pour régénérer le collagène 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 NICOLAS BACHOT, FRANCE PHILIPPE HUMBERT, FRANCE JEAN-LUC VIGNERON, FRANCE INÈS VERNER, ISRAEL SHELDON POLLACK, CANADA JEAN-LUC LEVY, FRANCE SABINE ZENKER, GERMANY Coffee break FACIAL REJUVENATION: Enhancing and resurfacing the face (more invasive techniques) RAJEUNISSEMENT FACIAL : amélioration et relissage cutanés de la face (techniques plus invasives) CHAIR: CHRISTINE DIERICKX, ALINA FRATILA • Meso-cannula / Meso-canule • Dermal needling and collagen induction therapy / Needling dermique et induction de collagène • Indications and results of medium-depth peels / Les indications et les résultats de peelings de profondeur moyenne • Indications and results of deep peels / Les indications et les résultats du peeling profond • Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing vs C02 laser resurfacing / Relissage cutané avec le laser fractionnel CO2 vs avec le laser CO2 • Fractional Erb:YAG resurfacing vs Erb:YAG resurfacing / Relissage cutané avec Erb:YAG fractionnel vs avec Erb:YAG • Photo-dynamic therapy and IPL / La thérapie photo-dynamique et la technique IPL • Photo-Peel: Sequential combination of IPL and 15-20 % TCA peel vs IPL alone in facial rejuvenation: A retrospective cohort study Photo-Peel : combinaison séquentielle IPL et peeling TCA vs IPL seul dans le rajeunissement facial : étude rétrospective 13:00 - 14:00 14 Lunch break PHILIPE PETIT, FRANCE ASHRAF BADAWI, EGYPT JEAN-LUC VIGNERON, FRANCE MARINA LANDAU, ISRAEL ALINA FRATILA, GERMANY CHRISTOPHER ZACHARY, USA PETER BJERRING, DENMARK LEONARDO MARINI, ITALY Friday March 30 Vendredi 30 mars Morning / Matin AUDITORIUM CAMILLE BLANC LEVEL -2 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 8:30 - 10:30 JAPAN SPECIAL – Surgical Procedures SESSION SPÉCIALE JAPON – Les procédures chirurgicales CHAIR: YUKIO SHIRAKABE, YOSHINORI NAGUMO, PATRICK TREVIDIC • Change in the body shape of Japanese people over 400 years and its causes Changements morphologiques chez le peuple japonais en 400 ans et causes • Breast augmentation by echo-guide injection of hyaluronic acid / Augmentation mammaire par injection écho-guidée d’acide hyaluronique • Japanese way of lifting and blepharoplasty / Approche japonaise de lifting et de blépharoplastie • Cosmetic use of adipose derived stem cells / Utilisation cosmétique des cellules souches graisseuses 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 YUKIO SHIRAKABE, JAPAN YOSHINORI NAGUMO, JAPAN YUKIO SHIRAKABE, JAPAN KOTARO YOSHIMURA, JAPAN Coffee break JAPAN SPECIAL – Dermatological Session SESSION SPÉCIALE JAPON – Session dermatologique CHAIR: HIDEKAZU YAMADA, CHRISTOPHER ROWLAND-PAYNE • What is anti-aging for looking? / Anti-âge et apparence • Blepharoptosis causes facial aging and headache / La ptose de la paupière cause de vieillissement facial et de migraine • How to diagnose skin texture, skin laxity and rhytids? / Comment diagnostiquer la texture de la peau, le relâchement cutané et les rides ? • Rejuvenation of appearance by supplement intake: Ceramide and anti-glycaion ingredients / Rajeunissement externe par les nutraceutiques • Advanced facial injection treatments in Japan / Techniques avancées d’injection au Japon ROOM AURIC LEVEL -2 ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 8:30 - 10:30 HIDEKAZU YAMADA, JAPAN HIROYUKI OHJIMI, JAPAN HIDEKAZU YAMADA, JAPAN YOSHIKAZU YONEI, JAPAN SHINICHI SOYANO, JAPAN FATIGUE: Various origins & potential solutions FATIGUE : origines diverses & solutions potentielles CHAIR : PETER KONTUREK, MARIO KRAUSE • Chronic fatigue syndrome: Is there a real solution? / Syndrome de fatigue chronique : une solution existe-elle réellement ? MARIO KRAUSE, GERMANY • Stress-related alterations in gastro-intestinal tract : diagnostic approach and treatment options PETER KONTUREK, GERMANY Altérations du système gastro-intestinal liées au stress : approche diagnostique et traitement • Adrenal fatigue / Fatigue surrénale PAUL MUSARELLA, NETHERLANDS • The ianus-face of glucose metabolism: its impact on malignant development / Double facette du métabolisme du glucose : impact sur le développement du cancer ALFRED WOLF, GERMANY • Hashimoto: What doctors don’t tell their patients / Hashimoto : ce que les médecins ne disent pas à leurs patients JOHN Van LIMBURG STIRUM, SWITZERLAND • What do the « -syndromes » share in common? / Les point communs de tous les “-syndromes” THEODORA MANTZOURANI , UK 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break SKIN AND ANTI-AGING: transversal session PEAU ET ANTI-ÂGE : session transversale CHAIR : PHILIPPE PICCERELLE, TIINA KARU • Skin treatments and international legislation / Les traitements cutanés et la législation internationale • Easy and practical hormone treatment for the skin / Traitement hormonal facile et pratique pour la peau • Genetic testing for individualised prevention of skin aging / Test génétique pour la prévention individualisée de la peau vieillissante • LED therapy applications update / Les mises à jours sur les applications de la thérapie par LED • Is Resveratrol a present and future molecule to prevent skin aging? Le Reverastrol est-il une molécule d’actualité et d’avenir pour empêcher le vieillissement cutané ? • Stem cells for skin / Cellules souches pour la peau 13:00 - 14:00 SYLVAIN-ROMAIN COTTE, FRANCE CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE BERNARD WEBER, LUXEMBURG TIINA KARU, RUSSIA PHILIPPE PICERELLE, FRANCE - ERIC SEREE, FRANCE DAVID LAI, HONG KONG - CHRISTOPH GANSS, GERMANY Lunch break 15 EXPERT 2 EXPERT OPENING COURSE AMWC MONACO 2012 / MARCH 29th, 9:00 am until 12:30 pm E2e For the 1st time, international experts = 1 smart topic & 2 experts Experts / Dr Xavier Noel, France, Dr Hema Sundaram, USA, Dr Tatjana Pavicic, Germany, Dr Hervé Padey, France, Dr Fabio Ingallina, Italy, Dr Frederic Braccini, France, Dr Philippe Berros, France,Dr Christopher Rowland-Payne, UK, Dr Marc Lefebvre-Vilardebo, France, Dr Uliana Gout, UK « IN STEREO » « in stereo » on stage Scientific director / Dr Patrick Trévidic, France « IN STEREO » PRESENTATION OF 2012’S EXPERT 2 EXPERT‘S OPENING COURSE SUCCESSFUL LIP ENHANCEMENT - Dr Tatjana Pavicic with Dr Xavier Noel Objective / Natural & balanced lips, sitting pretty on the face Theory • How to achieve full and beautiful lips and avoid the « duck lip » look • How to treat vertical upper lip lines : my tried and tested technique • Botulinum toxin and lips • Tips on aging lips Live demo / Treatment of vertical upper lip lines by Dr Xavier Noel HYALURONIC ACID / Full facial treatment with light filling - Dr Hema Sundaram with Dr Herve Padey Objective / How to select the right HA for the right treatment; how to achieve an instant radiant look. Theory • Rheological Properties of Viscosity and elasticity in Hyaluronic acid • Combined injections paired with new mesotherapy • Light filling : micro bolus and micro papules Live demo / Midface treatment by Dr Hervé Padey 360 ° REVIEW OF PERI ORBITAL TREATMENT - Dr Philippe Berros with Dr Fabio Ingallina Objective / Anatomy (tear-trough, eyebrow, temples) Theory • Anatomy of the region • How to handle eyebrow corrections with cannulas • Successful deep-injection, tear-trough treatment with cannulas • Temple treatment with the « gun-shot » technique Live demo / Tear-trough, eyebrow and temples by Dr Philippe Berros and Dr Fabio Ingallina N FOR NOSE - Dr Frederic Braccini and Dr Christopher Rowland-Payne Objective / Definition; do’s and don’ts, accuracy when injecting hyaluronic acid in this region Theory • Definition • Nose corrections with hyaluronic acid : which plane, which product, which area to achieve expected results Live demo / Injecting the nose with hyaluronic acid by Dr Frederic Braccini DORSAL HANDS REJUVENATION / Planes inventory - Dr Uljana Gout with Dr Marc Lefebvre -Vilardebo Objective / How to achieve pain-free hand rejuvenation using soft-filler injections Theory • Myths and truths of the region • Bibliography review • How to perform a simple regional anesthesia of the dorsal hand ? • Which technique ? Live demo / Dorsal hands rejuvenation with cannula injections by Dr Marc Lefebvre-Vilardebo GENERAL INFO _________________“AMWC 2012 GRAND PRIX” LOTTERY__________________ An entertaining LOTTERY will offer the participants of the AMWC 2012 the ______________________CONGRESS LOCATION______________________ possibility to win prizes (like full supported Congress Packages 2013 including hotel and registration). The Principality of Monaco is located on the French Riviera, about 25 minutes from Nice. Its exceptional location _____________WOSIAM MEETING_________________________ allows it to enjoy 310 days of sunshine per year. Monaco’s Open to Medical Scientific Societies and Associations Representatives exceptional location, between mountain and sea, its gardens, its entertainment, its athletic and cultural events The WOSIAM - World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine will all qualities which make it an unforgettable destination. organize a private meeting for representatives of all medical national and The Grimaldi Forum, close to all the hotels, is ideally located by the seaside. The International scientific associations involved in the field of Preventive & Antiaverage temperature in March is 19-21°C and the weather is often sunny. Aging medicine, on March 30th at 6:30 pm. For more information, please connect to ________VISA INFORMATION AND OFFICIAL LETTERS OF INVITATION________ IMPORTANT: To join this private meeting it is necessary to be the President or an officially mandated representative of the medical or scientific Association. The passport and visa requirements for persons visiting Monaco as tourists To get your INVITATION, please send your request and personal information by are the same as for France. For further details, contact any French consulate fax: +331 56 837 805 or email: in your country. Official letters which may be necessary in some countries for administrative reasons (VISA) can be sent by e-mail: ___________________________HOTELS_____________________________ These letters do not engage the congress secretariat to any financial support neither obligation nor responsibility relative to the Visa. Hotels close to Grimaldi Forum have been booked especially for the AMWC delegates at negotiated prices through our partner. __________________________EXHIBITION__________________________ On-line reservation is available at Hotels informations: Conferencia Travel Over 7000 m2 of exhibition space (250 exhibiting companies) of interest in Aesthetic Dermatology and Medicine, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Tel: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - E-mail: Medicine, Nutrition, Well Being, Medical Spa, etc. will be on permanent display. For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates only available through our partner). _______________________AIR TRANSPORTATION______________________ Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment - All prices are breakfast and taxes included. Other hotels will be proposed later. INDENTIFIER CODE: 1068S Please regularly visit: Valid date range for discount: 24 March 2012 / 05 April 2012 The airlines of SKYTEAM, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer attractive ____________________REGISTRATION FORMALITIES____________________ airfares for participants. SKYTEAM comprises 10 leading international airlines: Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, Registration confirmation KLM, Korean Air, Northwest Airlines, serving 728 cities in 149 countries with Each attendee registered in advance will receive a confirmation of registration over 15 000 flights daily. by the congress office. Please bring a copy of your registration confirmation To benefit from these special offers, link up with letter at the on-site registration to speed up the process. If you do not have a globalmeetings and quote the Identifier Code. Through this site you can also confirmation letter and there is no record payment receipt by the congress office, access the schedules of all SkyTeam partners to plan your flights on the airline you will be required to provide payment on-site, even if you think a payment was of your choice. remitted previously. Any duplicate payment resulting will be resolved following AIR FRANCE: Discounts are applied to a wide range of airfares, in all classes of the meeting. travel Espace Première (First), Espace Affaires (Business) and Tempo (Economy) on all flights of the Air France worldwide network. To access the preferential On-site registration, badge and congress material pick-up fares granted for this event, use this link: The congress office registration desk will be located in the Grimaldi Forum at This event brochure serves to justify the application for the preferential airfare. the Diaghilev level. Please keep in mind that on-site registration can be time Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point during your journey. To consuming. Everyone is strongly encouraged to register at least 15 days prior to locate your nearest Air France sales point, consult: the congress. You are reminded to bring your confirmation letter with you when you pick up your badge and meeting material. We recommend that attendees _________________FREE GROUND TRANSPORTATION___________________ allow sufficient time to pick up their badges prior to the meeting, to avoid the missing of a session. • Between Nice and Monaco: a free shuttle service will be provided by the organization to all participants from Nice airport (Terminal 1 and 2) to Monaco Please wear your badge! on March 28rd (from 12.00pm to 10.00pm) and March 29th (from 7.00am to Attendees are required to pick up and wear their conference badges at all times 3.00pm). From Nice station and Monaco, many trains are available (20 minute- throughout the meeting. No access into the Venue and Congress sessions will be trip) every 15 minutes. Transfers by helicopter and private pick-up service are allowed without wearing the badge. This allows us to ensure adequate security arranged by Conferencia Travel. Taxis: 45 minutes to 1 hour trip (average cost: for your safety. If you misplace your badge, a 300 Euros fee will be charged to 70 to 100 euros depending on the traffic). replace it. • In Monaco: only showing their badge, AMWC delegates will have free access to all bus networks in Monaco during all the meeting. Cancellation We will refund the complete registration fee less 50 Euros processing fee if _____LANGUAGES - SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION___ written cancellation reaches us +30 days prior to the congress, 30 % of the total payment if cancellation made between 30 to 15 days before. No refund The official congress languages are English and French. will be possible at less than 15 days prior to the event and in case of no-shows Simultaneous translation in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Russian will be or early departure. provided in the 2 main rooms. French / English in the other rooms. FOREVER YOUNG...THE GALA EVENING YOU WILL REMEMBER!!! For this 10th edition of the AMWC, we have again the exceptional pleasure of organizing the Gala Evening at the Salle des Etoiles of the Sporting Club of Monaco on saturday March 30th. We have prepared for you an unforgettable show you will enjoy with a delicious dinner. After the Show, let’s dance.... and feel Forever Young!!! With the official support of the WOSIAM (World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine) Dresden International University Visit EuroMediCom Booth for more information C1 International University Master in Preventive, Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine According to the Bologna Process (European Higher Education Area) 2-Year Program Total of 518 Hrs Seven 5-day seminars + E-Learning + Self-Learning This certification is a unique opportunity Worldwide to obtain an Official University Degree according to the Bologna Process (European Higher Education) covering over 45 European Countries including all the EEC ones DETAILS & REGISTRATION AT: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM scientific director: prof. alfred s. Wolf Modules and Learning Program: The first official International University DEGREE DELIVERED & RECOGNITION OF THE DIU MASTER OF Master of Science in Preventive, Anti-Aging SCIENCE (ACCORDING TO THE BOLOGNA PROCESS) and Regenerative Medicine in the World This first World international “Master program in Preventive, Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine” is a 2-year program. After completion of the full program,a Enrollment Master’s thesisall willyear have round to be defended orally to obtain the University Degree, Master of Science in Preventive Medicine. Participants can register separately to Admission requirements: each seminar. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS/ ELIGIBILITY Each 5-day seminar (8 hoursupon perregistration: day) = 2850 € The following document must be provided 1 2 Official DIU Application form for postgraduate education to be E-learning Modules (DVDs - 38 hrs) = 3500 € dowloaded from on Master DIU page EuroMediCom Registration Formsupervisor with personal=information Self Study & Thesis 2000 € (birth date and place, nationality) to be downloaded at 3 University 2-Year COMPLETE MasterofStudy fees equivalent are between Copy of Study level (Minimum 4-year study, to 240 CERTIFIED European Transfer 21.930 € to Credit 25.450 € and Accumulation System or ECTS) 4 Curriculum Vitae (Summary of academic professional experiences) (depending on the paymentand modalities) 5 Copy of passport (Minimum validity of 6 months) ADDITIONAL (NOT MANDATORY) 6 Copy of Professional License (if applicable, only for MDs) 7 High school/junior college diploma (corresponding to your degree after High school/Secondary school, attesting the ability to follow studies at the university level) MODULES AND LEARNING PROGRAMME • Basics of scientific working • Actual global situation of Preventive Medicine (PM) and perspectives • Organisation, legal and economic basis of PM: practice, institution, quality management • Physiology of aging and longevity, antiaging strategies • Genetics and epigenetics and impact on aging and disease • Regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy • Functional and laboratory diagnosis Scientific Director • Nutritional medicine • Sportsmedicine • Preventive Oncology: risk tests, general and specific methods • Preventive Cardiology • Stress, neurostress, consequences, related diseases • Preventive Psychiatry (depression, anxiousness, addiction) • Coaching and mentoring in PM • Preventive osteology, orthopedics • Men´s health and preventive urology • Women´s health and gynecology Alfred S. Wolf • Hormones in PM, endocrineProf. prevention • Immunesenescence and inflammaging • Environmental PM Gynecology and Obstetrics, • Preventing neurodegenerative diseases Endocrinology and Reproductive • Skinaging, Preventive Dermatology Medicine and Laboratory Medicine • Oral and maxillofacial prevention • Sleep medicine First World Premiere! Note: Only Medical professionals (but not only MDs) can register to the Master program in Preventive, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, justifying a minimum of 4-year university level study. Program structure: The Dresden International University (DIU) and EuroMediCom Verification: To confirm their eligibility, potential registrants must submit Complete training: 518 Hours consisting of: their application files to have joined tobe performed establish first International On-site seminars: 280 Hrs (aStudy minimum offor physicalthe presence to Once validated, the first payment shall in order tothe officialize the registration to the Dresden International University. 4 on-site seminars are mandatory) Master of Science in Preventive Medicine, including Anti-Aging Seven 5-day seminars in two years, 40 hrs each NON-DEGREE SEEKING PARTICIPANTS Participants to only one or several seminars do not have to fulfi ll the and Regenerative Medicine. E-learning Lectures: 38 Hrs above requirements and will obtain a “Certificate of Participation” issued by the Dresden International University (DIU) which will be delivered after each seminar. DVDs of 10 units of concentrated lectures (equivalent to a total of 38-40 hrs) will be available for the students Self Study and supervised thesis preparation: 200 Hrs Homework including Master Thesis preparation For more information, please contact EuroMediCom Tel: +33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 Email: Website: G L O B A L E X C E L L E N C E I N A E S T H E T I C M E D I C I N E the New Implant Philosophy of Dermal Filler Permeance™ Expandable Cohesivity into Tissues SYSTEMIC MULTIFUNCTIONAL PROGRAM OF BIOREVITALIZATION AMWC 2012 - DIAMOND SPONSOR R O M A
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