DCI(RN) 10 Introduction of the a New Warfare Branch specialisation
DCI(RN) 10 Introduction of the a New Warfare Branch specialisation
RESTRICTED DCI RN 4 - 142004 Defence Council Instructions <' "\ I MINISTRY OF DEFENCE - 16 Janu 2004 10/04 RN10 Introduction of the a New Warfare Branch specialisation - OM(HM) (U) [DINAVSEC/37411314; (9)380x28642] Reference: RNTM 152/03 - Introduction of the New Warfare Branch Specialisation OM(HM) Introduction 1. This DCI announces the creation of a new specialisation within the Warfare Branch (WB), namely the Operator Mechanic (Hydrographic, Meteorological and Oceanographic) (OM(HM)). The new specialisation will eventually subsume the capabilities of the current OM Survey Recorder (OM(SR» and Naval Airman Meteorological & Oceanographic (NA (METOC» specialisations (henceforth known as the source specialisations). However, it has been recognised that the source specialisations should co-exist alongside the OM(HM) for some time to come, maintaining individuals' present career patterns and conditions of service. The source specialisations are key in maintaining and delivering Operational Capability over the coming years as the OM(HM) rating cadre grows. The first HM specialisation ratings will join HMS Ra/eigh for Phase I training in March 2004, with their first experience of sea service in September 2004. Recruitment into the source specialisations will cease from January 2004. Background 2. The new OM(HM) specialisation has been created to reflect the evolving nature of environmental support req1lired by the Command. Modern Expeditionary Warfare, with the emphasis on joint operations needing a broader range of environmental advice, is already drav.,;ng SR and METOC skills together. The use of Digital Technology and Information Systems will further increase in the future and, with some of the skill sets of the source specialisations, will adapt and evolve accordingly. As the prime customer, FLEET N7HM has drawn up a new set of skills which could be held by one individual. A Maritime Warfare School (MWS) led Extraordinary Course Changes Working Group (ECCWG), and latterly an HM Implementation Steering Group (HMlSG), have taken this work forward and developed the new specialisation, together with the training solution based on the modified customer requirement. The new HM specialisation will take time to grow through the rank structure but is expected to be fully integrated by 2014, by which time new technology will be embedded into the Royal Navy. Source specialisations will continue to deliver an important role, noting their long term employment will be more localised along their extant areas of expertise; importantly their future is secure alongside the OM(HM) and they will be fundamental in the delivery of overall HM Operational Capability as the new specialisation grows. Way Ahead 3. HM ratings will be part of the Warfare Branch (WB), wearing the standard WB badge with the lettering HM underneath. Recruitment will be by direct entry. MWS HM Training Group (HMTG) at HMS Drake will conduct all professional Phase IT HM training and manage the HM training pipeline. Following Phase IT training, the ratings will join the Fleet as OM(HM)2s to achieve their Operational Performance Statement (OPS). These OM(HM)2 billets will be transferred from existing OM(SR)2 Scheme of Complement (SOC) lines 1, with a modified Job Description (]D) reflecting the newly acquired meteorological observer capability. The length of this First Sea Draft (FSD) will vary, typically 6- 12 months, to be followed by task specific training delivered as a Targeted Employment Module (TEM) prior to their next job. 4. FLEET N7 has initiated a]D review of all current OM(SR)1 and NA(METOC) billets. In parallel with the modification of these ]Ds, their respective SOC lines will be changed to OM(HM) 1 billets in three phases2, in each instance with a second line of either OM(SR)l or NA(METOC). OM(HM)ls, with a short TEM in most cases, will be capable of filling the entire range of current SR and METOC billets and therefore will enjoy a much more flexible and varied career. 5. The framework for the Leading Operator Mechanic HM (LOM(HM» has been developed (including a provisional OPS and a probable training solution) but further refinement is required. FLEET N7HM will be reviewing all LOM(SR) and Leading Airmen METOC (LA(METOC)) billets over the next two years3 . This Review will take account of the changing emphasis on environmental issues and the installation of new technology. All billets will then change to LoM(HM)4, with a second SOC line stating either LOM(SR) or LA(METOC). However, second and subsequent LOM drafts may stream the LOM either towards the role of a forecaster or surveyor, with the recognised skills of LOM(SR)s and LA(METOC)s remaining fully ; A sma!J number of additional OM(HM)2 billets are being sourced from organic OM(W) sac lines. 3 Phase I - April 2004; Phase 2 - January 2005; Phase 3 - January 2006. 4 At least one year ill advance of the first OM(HM) being ready for promotion to LOM. An illcremental sac progression is expected, similar to the OM(HM) I soe amendment. 17 - RN 10 . . f LOM(HM) are under development and being . th·1S peTlo . d . The tram mg be a employed dunng . . packages ord HMTG It is expected that th ere w~" w . , ·th all trammg conducte a t · d d' R OM steered by the L eVlev., W] I t d b TEMs of variable length epen mg generic LOM(HM) course of about four w~kS s~pp e~e~r~gra~hic skill sets respectively. A further on the first LOM billet, reflecting meteoro ogle orft ~ t I If rr s with an Anti Submarine Warfare oceanographic TE~ will be offered~o th~~ r~rn;gs draede by ~:q:ir~::nt but it is likely that only a small capability. Completion of these TEwiJ] sw I ~ ~ ~r~M pipelines providing a potential mechanism for number of the bTlghtest ratmgs comp e e o , future Senior Upper Yardman extraction. 6. An abbreviated time line for new OM(HM) entrants is as follows: - March 2004. Commence Phase I training at HMS Ra/eigh. - May 2004. Commence Phase IT training, comprising two-week Sea~anship tr~g (HMS Ra/eigh), 3-week Mechanic module (basic electrical safety, fault dIagnOSIs and key skIlls) (MWS Collingwood), 8-week generic HM module (HMTG - HMS Drake), finally 2-week common FSD training (Basic Sea Survival Course, Small Arms/ ShIp Protection Course). - September 200-1. Join either the Ice Patrol Vessel or a Survey Vessel for FSD, when all their skills will be consolidated by the platform, usmg a task book to ach1eve OPS as OM(HM)2. - March 20OS. First OM(HM)2s should achieve OPS and be rated OM(HM) 1. They will then move to HMl billets (completing a TEt'vI at HMTG as required) in either Hydrographic Survey Squadron (HSS) pools or Typed Air Station (TAS) or Fleet Weather & Oceanographic Centre (FWOC). - From April 2005. The ratings ".;u move among the OM(HM) 1 billets to build experience prior to selection LOM(HM). - April 2007. Commence LOM(HM) training pipeline (end of LA(METOC) / LOM(SR) training pipelines). 7. The current LOM(SR) and LA(METOC) courses will continue in their present format and frequency until April 2007, thereafter being replaced by the new LOM(HM) courses. In the event that Leading Hands of either source specialisation have not completed their predetermined career courses in this rate, they will be dovetailed onto the new courses in accordance with their original skill sets. The option to complete the generic module will be determined by Service requirement and limited by resources at HMTG. This will constitute the preferred way alJead, although it will not result in any rebadging of any such individuals 8. Initially, there is no requirement to cross-train those in the source specialisations and it is anticipated this ".;u remain the situation.5Individuals employed in source specialisations will continue to enjoy their current promotional aspirations and service conditions and their employment will be unaffected for at least the first five years, probably longer, depending on their rate and seniority. Senior ratings will be unaffected; the expectation is that junior ratings will progress within their source rate structures towards higher rate. One of the key targets of the ECCWG and the HMISG was to remain retention positive; as such, the ratings' tel ms and conditions of service (TCOS) will be preserved, thereby avoiding any negative impact. 9. Whilst the ECCWG was tasked with developing a solution for junior ratings, it was recognised as unpractical to consider this in isolation. One of the early conclusions (based on assumptions of current tasking) is that a degree of specialisation is inevitable and most likely at the senior rate level. Whilst only th~ junior rating billets will be changed to OM(HM) initially, new initiatives from the Equipment Capability area ~re expected to increase HM employment at the senior rate level within ten years. Until that time, the skills of the SOurce specialisations ".;u be essential to meet the needs of FLEET. It is likely tha.t the ne.w Petty Officer (J:lM) ".;u need to bias towards experience in either meteorology or surveying if he lS to build the skills reqUired for the Chief Petty Officer (HM) and Warrant Officer (HM) billets, strongly sugges:mg that the new specialisation will develop along separate career paths at and above this level. ThlS will allow the source specialisations secure employment and assist with retaining the essential deeper skills in the medium term. 18 RN 10 OM(HM) Career Structure 10. Th~ caree~ strucru~ of the . OM(HM) wil~ be laid out in BR1066 Chapter 15 (Change 16 onwards). In outlme, ratings will. Jom b) dIreCt entry mto the specialisation and be designated OM(HM)2 at the comme~cement o~ theIr Phase I trarrung at HMS Rnleigh. Advancement to OM(HM)1 will follow on co~plehon of th~u Task Books and a minimum of one year as an OM(HM)2. This will be around the pen~d I~'hen theu FS~ I~ completed and they rerum to HMTG for additional TEM training, prior to mO\ .mg mto more speclahsed areas of employment, including service at the TAS, returning to the HSS or ser\'lce at ~OC Follow on drafts will then be part of larger TopMast pools which will also contain the source speclalisatlOn. There will be no enforcement to ensure that each OM(HM) completes the extremes of employment, with some individuals inel'itably gaining a limited degree of specialisation even at this junior stage, whilst others receive a more balanced spectrum of employment. Importantly, however, at this junior level, eAl'osure to a wide range of employment is less important with most of the tasks being under some fom, of supen·ision. 11. In branch management terms, the new specialisation will see a steady migration of NA (METOC) manpower from the current Fleet Air Arm plot into the General Arm of the WE. Such ratings are currently managed by DNLM/BMXAV and drafted by CND/D3A. BMXAV s will continue to manage the diminishing METOC plot and D3A will retain drafting responsibility although, in the case of Leading Hands, this will be reviewed in 2007 with the advent of the LOM(HM). SR ratings, who are already part of the WE, are managed by DNLM/BMXR and drafted by CND/DIA; these desks will continue to administer this group together with the evolving OM(HM) plot. For coherence, DIA will assume NA(METOC) drafting responsibility from April 2004, with D3A retaining an advisory function. One aspect of the multi-skilled OM(HM) that will require careful consideration is the drafting process; this ,,>ill need to take account of the developing skill mix (both professional HM and mechanical) and be more akin to appointing. 12. This is a forward looking initiative to develop a new specialisation for furure evolution, adding to the respective skill sets of two well established specialisations. The framework has been developed based on TopMast principles and will be adaptable to furure change in the WB. The OM(HM) will be more versatile and employable in a far wider range of drafts than either of the source specialisations and will continue to provide both generic and specific warfare support to FLEET across the whole enl'ironmental field. Publications and Documentation 13. A copy of this DCI is to be kept inside the front cover of BRI066 until the next fOllnal amendment to the publication. 19 RESTRICTED