May 28, 2013 From The Pastor`s Study


May 28, 2013 From The Pastor`s Study
May 28, 2013
From The Pastor’s Study:
Recently Vandee sent out an email with information about the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) organization of the
PC(USA) in reference to the tornado tragedy in Moore, Oklahoma. This was another reminder to all of us of the ways that
the Presbyterian Church reaches out with God’s love to those in need and how we can be involved in that ministry. The
tornado in Moore was a devastating event that touched hearts all over the world but it was only the most recent one. The
tornados that hit Granbury and Ennis, the fertilizer company explosion in West, and so many other tragedies throughout the
United States and the world remind us of the fragile nature of this world that we live in. PDA has been involved in the work/
ministry of helping put communities back together after each of these events. We, as a church, are involved with the work
of PDA through our One Great Hour of Sharing offering during the Easter season and other offerings designated to PDA’s
work. You can provide extra help by giving to PDA through the church or directly online at
Synod of the Sun designated the offering taken at our recent Assembly to help the areas of our Synod affected by the
storms in North Texas and Oklahoma. I know that there are other organizations and groups that are doing the same thing.
The unpredictable nature of our world calls us to accept responsibility as God’s children to be connected in ministry after
tragedies but it also calls us to be involved before tragedies occur. One of the things that helped these last tragedies have
as few deaths as they did was the preparation that had been done in preventative measures. Early warning systems,
emergency broadcast systems and sirens, practice drills in schools and work places, and people’s willingness to heed
these warnings have helped reduce the loss of life. If these safety aspects had not been in place the casualty count would
have been much higher. Paying attention to these safety features and helping others understand and respond
appropriately to them are ways that we accept the responsibility of being prepared. We should also spend time daily in
prayer asking for God’s protection for humanity in this fragile world. We can also reach out to those who are hurting from
loss of loved ones, friends and belongings that are around us. You may have a neighbor whose children or friends live the
areas affected who needs someone to talk to about it. You may be able to help with food, money or clothing. We can also
help by reminding ourselves and others that disasters have long lasting effect on the area and the people who live there;
it is not over in a day or even years sometimes. The PCUSA invites us to jump into the “GAP.” In this case, GAP stands
for “Give, Act, Pray.”
All of us are going to be involved in disasters at some time in our life, no matter how good or faithful we are. God’s
promise is not that we will never have to deal with disasters but that God will be there to help us through them. Some of
that help comes by helping us be better prepared beforehand, while other times it comes after the disaster in forms of
help, comfort and peace. God told Adam and Eve that they had dominion over creation. God did not say control.
Dominion, in this case, refers to care of and for all aspects of the world around us. Remember to follow through with
that care because we are called to be part of the universal church and to serve as God’s hands and feet in the world.
Page 2
Westminster News
Presbyterian Women
Then Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves;
for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
Joshua 3:5
Next Newsletter
will be
June 6, 2013
On behalf of Connie Bosworth and
myself, I want to thank all of you who
donated things, Worked at the sale and
made purchases at this years Garage Sale.
The total sale had made approximately
All of you were wonderful in your hard work of many,
many hours this past week. The guys of Building and
Grounds picked up donated items and carried things out to
people's cars and trucks and others organized, priced and
sold and purchased things.
Connie Bosworth spear headed this great and successful event and a special thanks to her for all she did and a
special thanks to Maxine for making all those phone calls
to our members.
The Session will be discussing the best use of the money
raised from the sale. The money goes to help our church
and is used for things needed. In the past for example, the
Garage Sale helped pay for the expansion of the sidewalk
outside Fellowship Hall.
God Bless You All,
Hal Leeds,
Outreach & Mission Committee
First Quarter Giving Statements
are available for you to pick up in the Narthex area. If you have any questions
regarding your financial statement please contact
Larry Atkinson, Treasurer
is available for you !
At this time, we do not need anymore
used books, but we do need donations
to purchase new books. —Thank you
What is acceptable:
Mail, Newspapers,
Magazines, School
& Office Papers,
Please keep these police officers
S. Hernandez
DA Hopper
C Jenkins
BD Kammer
Please remember to pick
up a Bear from the Bear
Basket in the Narthex
and pray for a child at
Cook Children’s
Medical Center.
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Mission Statement:
Because of God’s grace and the
transforming gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ,
the vision of Westminster Presbyterian Church
is: to worship the Lord; to serve the needs of
our congregation, community, and world;
and to experience and share the power of
God’s love.
"Session challenges all to
continue to join us in
daily prayer at noon (or
as close as possible) as we lift
collective prayer for God’s will
for our church."
Fathers, Brothers
and Friends….
Join us on Saturday,
June 29th
8:00 AM
Men's Breakfast
@ Rise and Shine
on Alta Mesa.
Page 3
Westminster News
WPC Youth Ministry
JUNE Calendar
Youth Director: Eric Varnon
Join us for a covered dish luncheon,
great fellowship and interesting program
in Fellowship Hall
on Wednesday, June 26, 2013
at Noon.
Please bring your favorite
covered dish to share.
Please join Mariners as we enjoy
a taste of Italy at
Johnnie Carino’s
on Saturday, June 22, 2013
6:30 PM
Please RSVP to
Bill and Mary Jane Heiss
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
Jr. High Youth Journey to
Colorado Sign-up deadline
Vacation Bible School
No Youth Activities
8:45 AM Worship, 9:45 Sunday
School, 11:20 Out to lunch
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
No Youth Activities
Jr. High Journey to Colorado
Wednesday Night OPEN Youth
will break for the summer.
Summer Youth Trips: (See Eric for trip info.)
June 30—July 7: Jr. High Youth Trip to Colorado
Sign up deadline: June 5th
July 23—28: Sr. High Youth Synod Workshop
in Tulsa Ok, Oklahoma State University
Keep Up with What’s Going on in Youth Ministry at
Westminster. Contact Eric Varnon, DCE/Y to be
added to the Youth Update Email List:
Westminster’s Summer of Service
This June and July, be a part of our efforts to
reach and love our community
We’ll be providing meals to families at Cook
Children’s Medical Center, handing out bottles
of water on a hot days, and providing safe
and fun play-dates for children.
Vacation Bible School
June 9-12
for ages 3 through 5th grade
and Adult VBS
5:45—8 PM
Dinner for VBS Volunteers
will be served
at 5 PM in Fellowship Hall
“Kingdom ROCK!”
Sponsored by the WPC
Christian Education
VBS Coordinators:
Polly Pooler,
Jule White
Page 4
Westminster News
Men’s Bible Study on Wednesdays,
Join us at 7:00 PM in the Pathfinders classroom,
For a interesting and educational study
of the Book of John.
Contact Larry Atkinson or Eric Varnon
for more information.
On behalf of my family and myself,
I want to thank our church family for all the
support you provided during Beryl’s final
days. There is no way I can adequately
express my gratitude for all your cards,
telephone calls, and prayers. Your
memorial gifts are truly inspiring. Dr. Hogg spent nearly
all of Beryl’s last day with us. And I can’t thank him
enough for his compassion and for the courage he
brought out in all of us.
May God bless you all, Jim Marx and Family
As we remember those who have your presence as they stand in
made the ultimate sacrifice for the the gap for our protection.
freedoms we enjoy every day, we
think of how they have followed in
the footsteps of your son, our
Savior, Jesus Christ. Please hold
our servicemen and women in
your strong arms. Cover them
with your sheltering grace and
We Have Just What You
Are Looking For In
Time: 9:45 AM
Director of Christian Education,
Eric Varnon
Christian Community Assistance
FOOD SUNDAY— June 2, 2013
sugar, flour, oil, canned meat,
toilet paper, macaroni &
cheese, bar soap, canned
Join us this Sunday for the first ever
YAC event.
Once a month the
youth of the church
will plan & lead fun
games and
activities with the
young children of
the church. We’ll
play games, lead
Energizers, and
have Bible lessons.
Children should attend the 11:00 Worship
Service and will be invited to YAC
following the Children’s Sermon.
What is a POD?
A POD is a nurture group made
up of Westminster Presbyterian
Church Members. It is a way to
stay in touch and be of help to
others. If you have a need that
we can help you with, please let your POD leaders
know. Every member is in one of 12 PODs.
Mike and Lisa Francis, 817.294.7125; 817.253.9945
“Word Studies”
Leader: Wayne Schuman
Friendship Class
“Invitation To John”
Disciples Bible Study
Leader: Becky Bittle
Pathfinders Class
“God’s Story”
by Max Lucado
Leader: Class Discussion
Motley Crew Class
“Veggie Tales”
Early Elementary (K-2nd)
Leader: Mindy Dyer
Assistant Leaders: Robert & Kathy Nance,
817.932.9839; Carol Edley, 817.294.2227;
Gordon and Linda Couch, 817.863.3939
Elementary (3rd-5th)
Leader: Jule White
“Am I Happy?”
Youth (6th—12th)
Leaders: Cal Miyatake
Mike Francis
Members: Ann Clair, Kirsten Adams & Family,
Peggy Kresse, Paul and Belinda Halicki, Fred
Fluery, Annette Boyd, Ray & Betty Rector, Barbara
Westminster News
WPC Site
9:30—11:30 AM
Monday: Bill Heiss
Tuesday: Ray Gibbons, Jim Marx
Wednesday: Neil Van Geem
Thursday: Robert McClendon
Friday: Gordon Couch
Substitute site Coordinators:
Joanne McClendon, Ray Gibbons
*If you are interested in serving this
community outreach, please contact
Robert McClendon or the church office.
The Congregation of Westminster
Presbyterian Church
is invited to join
Samantha Hogg and Nathan Logsdon
at their wedding in the Sanctuary,
June 15th at 3:00 pm. Please join us for
cake in Fellowship Hall after the
ceremony. If you are planning to
attend please let us know at
Please see our Wedding page:
Page 5
Kids Hope 2013 school year
is coming to an end.
We all have enjoyed our time every
week mentoring to our children and
all have received the blessings that
come with mentoring these very
special children. If you are
interested in being a child mentor
for Kids Hope for the 2013/2014 school year please
contact our Kids Hope Director for WPC, Hal Leeds.
Hal has done an amazing job keeping us all posted
with Bruce Shulkey school events and informing us
of important Kids Hope information.
The 2nd Annual Kids Hope school Picnic will be
May 30th, from 12-1 PM at
Bruce Shulkey Picnic Pavilion.
To Presbyterian
students at Brite
Divinity School at TCU
for winning awards at
the 2013 Spring
Honors Convocation. Dale Montgomery (Central,
Waxahachie) and Dana Jones (First, Fort Worth)
were named to the Fall 2012 Dean's List. Faculty
Book Awards were given in New Testament to
Dale Montgomery, in Practical Theology to Karen
Montgomery (First, Fort Worth) and by the
Presbyterian Studies Program to Kate Hogue
(John Calvin Presbytery).
• Session joins the Marx family in mourning the loss of Member Beryl Marx on April 30.
• Session is grateful for the great success of our Annual Garage Sale, under the umbrella of the
Outreach and Mission Committee and Chair Hal Leeds. Director Connie Bosworth and the huge
involvement of our membership to advertise, donate, transport, organize, sell, buy, pray and much,
much, more were amazing. Thank you to all!! Proceeds exceed $3,000!
• Our CE Committee and children and youth will be attending summer camps in June. Please pray for
safe travel, team-building, and great faith-growing experiences!
• Session approved “Kingdom Rock” as Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum for the children.
VBS will be June 9 through 12 from 5:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be at least one adult opportunity
for learning during this time as well. So, mark your calendars to come and have fun celebrating
summer and growing our faith!
• Please be in prayer as Session and its committees work toward building our Children’s Ministry
offerings in existing and new ways.
• Please continue to join our Session in Daily prayer – at noon or as close to then as possible –
as they continue to lift collective prayer for God’s will for our church.
• Reminder: Session minutes are available, upon request, through the church office.
May 2013
Early Learning Place
Westminster Presbyterian Church
TAX EIN NUMBER 75-094-5945
May Events
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Happy Mothers Day!
May 12 Mothers Day
May 16 Graduation 1:00 p.m.
May 21&22 May Bike-a-thon
May 30, Last Day Preschool
Year End Bike-a-thon
Was a huge success with no injuries!
Our four year class celebrated their Graduation Ceremony on Thursday, May 16 at 1:00
p.m. in the Church Sanctuary.
Cookies and punch were served
in the Narthex following the ceremony. Please look for sign-up
sheets. We appreciate your support!
Class of 2013
Special Thanks to YOU!!
Early Learning Place
Openings still available
For Fall 2013. Please see the
Director for remaining availability or
visit our website: for information about our
Meet the Teacher: Thursday,
August 29, 2013 9:30-10:00 a.m.
First Day Back to Preschool:
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A very sweet and special Thanks to Kinzie
Heinrich, all the parents and children who
contributed to “Teacher Appreciation.!” We
cannot express how much it means to us to
be appreciated by you!! Thanks for taking
time out of your busy day to appreciate us
four days in a row!!! Thank you from the
bottom of our hearts!!!
First Day Back to Preschool
Tuesday, September 3
Have a great Summer!
See you in September!
Westminster News
Page 7
Food Sunday—CCA
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
12 PM Chancel Choir
12 PM Boy Scout—
Eagle Reception
9-10 AM Exercise
6:30 PM Committee
7 PM Committee
3:30-5:30 PM Meals on
Wheels Ice Cream
Social (Fellowship Hall)
7-9 PM Boy Scouts
Troop 499 (FH)
5-8 PM Open Youth
7 PM Men Bible Study
7 PM Ensemble
9-10 AM Exercise Class
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
12 PM Chancel Choir
5-5:45 PM VBS
Volunteer’s dinner
5:45-8 PM VBS
9-10 AM Exercise
Class (FH)
11 AM Staff Meeting
5 PM VBS Volunteers'
5:45—8 PM VBS
7 PM Finance Meeting
2 PM Newsletter
5-5:45 PM VBS
Volunteer’s Dinner
5:45—8:15 VBS
7-9 PM Boy Scouts
Troop 499 (Courtyard)
7 PM Men Bible Study
No Ensemble
5-5:45 PM VBS
Volunteer’s Dinner
5:45—8:15 VBS
Father’s Day
Men’s Sunday
Hymn Fest
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
12 PM Chancel Choir
9-10 AM Exercise
Class (FH)
No Session Meeting
7-9 PM Boy Scouts
Troop 499 (FH)
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
12 PM Chancel Choir
No Exercise Class (FH) 2 PM Newsletter
7 PM Social Media
7-9 PM Boy Scouts
Troop 499 (FH)
Jr. High Youth journey
to Colorado through
July 6th
Dr. Hogg will be on
vacation leave
June 14— 22.
Jr. High Youth journey
to Colorado—depart
8:45 AM—12:30 PM
Youth Programming
12 PM Chancel Choir
1 Michael Herbel
1 Glory Eone
1 Mark Judice
1 Jennifer Winn
2 Kaitlin Francis
5 Arlona Herbel
6 Bob Bruhn
6 Susan Green
9-10 AM Exercise Class
6 PM Hogg/Logsdon
Wedding Rehearsal
(Sanc./ Fellowship
3 PM Hogg/Logsdon
Wedding & Reception
(Sanc./ Fellowship
7 PM Men Bible Study
7 PM Ensemble
No Exercise Class (FH)
7 PM Men Bible Study
7 PM Ensemble
No Exercise Class (FH)
7 Lisa Francis
7 Charles Welsh
8 Paula Di Nicola
9 Herman Wardlaw
10 Joan Claus
11 Greg Williams
14 C.J. Werner
15 Carolyn Gregory
6:30 PM Mariners
Fellowship at
Johnnie Carino’s
15 Larry Bartlett
16 Vandee DeLeon
17 Kimberly Adams
18 Valerie Holland
18 Chuck Bosworth
19 Kathy Nance
20 Elaina Riedel
20 Tyler Green
8 AM
26 Curtis Van Geem
28 Roxann Ringnald
29 Patricia Bellingham
30 Alice Carter
30 Johnnie Sweeney
Westminster Presbyterian Church
7001 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Main: (817) 292-1155; Fax: (817) 292-5903
Contemporary Worship Service: 8:45 AM, Sundays
Traditional Worship Service: 11:00 AM, Sundays
Office Hours:
Office Phone:
Office Fax:
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
(817) 292-1155
(817) 292-5903
Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Director of C.E./Youth: Eric Varnon
Director of Music:
Dr. Don Timberlake
Office Administrator:
Vandee DeLeon
Kathy Moriarty
Larry Atkinson
Clerk of Session:
Patricia Klint
Eric Varnon
Early Learning Place:
Rose Wynne
Dionne Bagsby
Connie Bosworth
Jon Carter
Peggy Claus
Bob Craig (T)
Tony DiNicola
Judy Ewald
Lisa Francis
Celestine Kepgna
Harold Leeds (T)
Mike Moriarty (T)
Polly Pooler (T)
Linda Puckett (T)
Mickey Rigney (T)
Roselyn Tembiwa
Greg Williams
Jule White
Building & Grounds:
Mike Moriarty, Chairman
Bob Craig
Christian Education:
Polly Pooler, Chairwoman
Jule White
Finance/Stewardship: Mickey Rigney, Chairman
Greg Williams
Celestine Kepnga, Chairman
Linda Puckett
Roselyn Tembiwa
Outreach & Mission:
Harold Leeds, Chairman
Lisa Francis
Connie Bosworth
Tony DiNicola, Chairman
Jon Carter
Peggy Claus, Chairwoman
Dionne Bagsby
Judy Ewald
Serving the Church — Sunday, June 2, 2013
Doorstep Ministry:
Elder on Call:
Sound Room:
Usher Team:
Worship Team:
“A Servant Of Christ”
Luke 7:1-10; Galatians 1:1-10
Rev. Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Larry Bartlett, Vance Riedel
Robert and Rosie Vela
Tony DiNicola
Jon and Alice Carter
Bob Hill
Teddy Claus
Carl Ewald, Cory Tallman, Ellen White,
Cal Miytake, Gene Gumpher, Tucker Sullivan
Red and Carol Lindsay
Serving the Church — Sunday, June, 9, 2013
Doorstep Ministry:
Elder on Call:
Sound Room:
Usher Team:
Worship Team (8:45)
Westminster News
Presbyterian Church USA
7001 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76133
“Christ’s Compassion”
I Kings 17:8-16; Luke 7:11-17
Rev. Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Bob Craig, Rosie Vela
Mary and Neil Van Geem
Polly Pooler
Polly Pooler
Carole Edley
Vance Ridel
Robert Nance, Kathy Nance, Annette Boyd,
Gordon Couch, Susan Bennett, Patrick White
Bob and Layne Bruhn