March 30, 2016 Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church


March 30, 2016 Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Do Justice • Love Kindness • Walk Humbly
March 30, 2016
Friends and fellow disciples,
Happy Easter!
It was a joyous Sunday morning, despite the weather! I am so
grateful for the extraordinary crew of faithful folks who helped the
culmination of Lent and Holy Week be so special. Tremendous thanks
to the choir and wonderful team of musicians; and thanks, too, to the
Flower Guild for their beautiful work with pottery, palms, dogwood
blooms, and lilies. I am grateful to the elders for serving communion
on Maundy Thursday, and to the readers at that powerful service.
We had teams of ushers helping to set up chairs beforehand and to
pack us into the pews during services. It truly takes a village, and I am grateful.
Now that we are through Easter, there are two updates I want you to note:
1. You all are a church that is gracious to your staff. Part of the wonderful support you give
us involves a sabbatical policy. Sabbaticals, based on a thread in the Hebrew Scriptures
that builds on notions of Sabbath rest, come every seven years and last for three
months. Both Monica Rossman and I will take a sabbatical this summer. I’ll be away
from May 9-August 8, and Monica will be away in June, July, and August. There will
be more details in coming newsletters, but rest assured that your staff and Personnel
Committee have been working hard to make sure all of the bases are covered. In my
seven and a half years on staff, I have been here for sabbaticals for Monica and for
Betty. We have surely missed them, but the work is done well in advance to assure that
the ministry of the church continues.
2. The Session’s discernment process on marriage continues. We‘ve been working hard,
and I can certainly say I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer for this congregation and its
leaders. Please see the update inside on page 3. I am especially grateful to all of you
who took the time to write to the Session on this. Thank you.
In this Issue
Concerns & Celebrations
April Collection: CASA
Donate to CROP Walk!
Sign Up to Serve at Inasmuch
Marriage Discernment Continues
WOW: First Wednesdays
Get Your Free WPC Car Decal
In the Library
Faith Seeking Understanding
Westminster School for Children
Welcome, New Members!
Neighborhood Mission Team
Westminster Community Garden
Church Finance Overview
Congregational Care Corner
Session Notes
Youth Ministry News
Glimpses of Holy Week
Community Opportunities
Preaching Schedule
Worship Volunteers
Register for VCS Today!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
The deadline to register for
Vacation Church School
Thursday, March 31!
Print your registration form from or pick one up
in the Mission Center lobby and
return it to Barb Schmidt with your
payment as soon as possible.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
March 30, 2016
Concerns & Celebrations
Please remember the following in your prayers this week.
Ken Diehl
Judy Lamon's friend
Ken Lundstrom's friend
David McQuay's friend
Donald & Shirley Rufty's friend
The birth of Cathy & Dave Snider's grandson
Dave Snider
Ray Soloe
Betty & Judd Staples' nephew
Cody Ziccolella
Volunteer Opportunities
Donate to CROP Walk!
April Collection: CASA
It's not too late to donate to CROP Walk! Donations can still be
made at or by submitting a check to the
church office.
Construction of Phase II of CASA's Denson Apartments is well
underway. You can check out the progress at the intersection of
Guess Road and Sedgefield Street. This new building will provide
safe and affordable housing for twelve honorably discharged
veterans who have experienced homelessness.
Big thanks to all who participated in and supported CROP Walk
on March 20! Walkers, please collect and return all donations to
the church office in your envelope by Sunday, April 24.
The tentative date for completion of the apartments is June. The
veterans will move into their apartments with very few material
goods, in particular the items that everyone needs to set up
housekeeping. During the month of April, Westminster will
collect donations of the following in the green collection bin in
the Mission Center lobby:
Paper towels
Small dish soap
Small or medium size
laundry basket
Kitchen towels
Small laundry detergent
Multi-purpose cleaner
Trash bags
Toilet paper
Can opener
Basic kitchen utensils
Light bulbs
Sponges/pot scrubber
Bath towels/washcloths
Notepads and pens
Kitchen towels
Canned soup
Bar soap
Small wastebasket
Sign Up to Serve at Inasmuch
Westminster will again take part in Inasmuch United Durham,
a day of community service in partnership with neighboring
churches. Last year, we worked with more than 25 local
organizations, including Hope Valley Elementary School, Urban
Ministries, and Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN).
Crews are making great progress on Phase II of the Denson Apartments for
Veterans in Durham.
Inasmuch United Durham takes place on Saturday, April 23,
this year. View project descriptions and sign-up online at We hope to see you there, serving
Durham and working alongside our neighbors!
Westminster Presbyterian Church
WOW: First Wednesdays
Square Dance on Wednesday, April 6
Dinner at 5:45pm; Program from 6:30-7:30pm
Back by popular demand, WOW: First Wednesdays
on April 6 will be a Square Dance! Professional square
dance caller Bo Bierley will lead us once again in a
dance for all ages and skill levels. In addition to square
dancing, we'll get to learn how to do a:
• Reel
• Sicilian Circle, and
• Quadrille!
Childcare will be available for children under age 3 by
RSVP. Please sign up at by
Monday, April 4.
Discernment on Marriage Continues
In response to Chris’s letter on February 25, the Session has engaged in a season of discernment with regard to issues of welcome,
inclusion, and same gender marriage. The elders have been reviewing a set of resources, which can be found on WPC's website at
In addition to this study, two things have taken place:
1. The Session and Diaconate had a joint retreat on Saturday, March 19. They shared a meal and spent time in worship. Much
of the time was spent sharing experiences in small groups and talking through the articles from the set of resources on the
website. What biblical and theological assumptions frame why you believe what you believe? Who are we called to be?
What is most important to us about Christian marriage? At the end of the retreat, all three pastors took time to share their
testimony on why they believe what they believe. Those have been added to the resources on the website.
2. The congregation was given until March 27 to share anything they felt was important for our leaders on the Session to
consider. We received 40 responses, which will be compiled for the Session to discuss and will be kept confidential.
On April 10, the Session will gather for its monthly stated meeting. On that date, the Session will read the packet of letters from the
congregation, assess where they believe we are being led, and begin to talk about logistics and a potential timeline.
Get Your Free WPC Car Decal!
Share Micah 6:8 with the world by putting a Westminster decal
on your car! These reusable decals use static cling instead of
adhesive to stick to your car window. They are best used on the
inside of windows and cling most smoothly to cool/cold surfaces,
so we recommend applying your decal in the morning before the
sun warms your windows.
The decals are a "thank you" to the congregation for the
invaluable feedback you all provided during the logo
development process. You can pick one up in the lobby of the
Mission Center at any time.
May these simple decals help us remember our collective call
to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly" with God in
Durham and beyond!
March 30,
16, 2016
Christian Education news
Faith Seeking Understanding:
Islam and Christianity
In the Library
Sundays, April 3 - May 15 from 9:45-10:45am in Room 204
Facilitated by Church Staff and Guests
"What Everyone Needs to
Know about Islam" 2nd Edition
by John L. Esposito Call number: 297 ESP
Since the terrorist attacks
of September 11, there
has been an overwhelming
demand for information
about Islam, and recent
events – the war in Iraq,
terrorist attacks both failed
and successful, debates
throughout Europe over
Islamic dress, and many others – have raised new questions
in the minds of policymakers and the general public. This
updated edition of "What Everyone Needs to Know about
Islam" is the best source for clearly presented, objective
information about these new developments, and for answers
to questions about the origin and traditions of Islam.
Editor of "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern Islam" and
author of "The Future of Islam" and many other acclaimed
works, John L. Esposito is one of America's leading
authorities on Islam. He is a Professor of Religion and
International Affairs at Georgetown University and the
Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin-Talal Center
for Muslim-Christian Understanding. This brief and
readable book remains the first place to look for up-to-date
information on the faith, customs, and political beliefs of the
more than one billion people who call themselves Muslims.
The next adult Church School elective will engage participants
in learning about the basics of Islam and in thinking about the
distinctive ideas and practices of Christianity. Each of the six
classes is built around a question that Muslims often ask about
Christianity, providing material for participants to come to a
beginning understanding of the Islamic views and affirmations
that lie behind the question. The focus of each class is to help us
come to a clearer and more articulate understanding of our own
faith and practice as Christians.
To talk with Muslims, as with women and men of other religious
traditions, Reformed Christians need to be able to talk about
their own faith and way of living as Christians. While it is possible
to learn to do this by trial and error, these classes offer a way to
prepare for talking about our religious lives with Muslims. Trial
and error will still be a part of entering into this dialogue, but
participants in this class will be better equipped to listen and to
talk to their Muslim neighbors.
Like Christians, Muslims are a diverse group. They may be
liberals, moderates, or fundamentalists; peacekeepers or
soldiers; Shia or Sunni in orientation; wealthy or poor; scholars
or illiterate; clerics or common folks who blend the teachings of
Islam with elements of their culture of origin.
April is the Month of the Young Child at Westminster School!
The National Association for the Education of Young Children celebrates the "Week of the Young Child" each year to bring national
attention to children's issues. This year, April 10-16 has been designated as the week to celebrate. The theme is "Celebrating Our
Youngest Learners. Our staff is planning a number of events in which our parents and friends are encouraged to participate.
Walk down the hallway and take a tour of our school-wide art gallery. Each one of our students will have a beautiful piece of art
on display.
Visit our Fit Kids classes and enjoy being active with our students. Our Fit Kids instructor, Allison Alderman, will hold an open
house for each of our classes during the week of April 18.
Music teacher, Judy Stover, welcomes parents and friends to come in and sing and dance with our students.
We hope to have lots of visitors coming in and out during the month of April, enjoying our young learners and our wonderful staff.
Call the school office if you'd like to come in and take part in any of the activities listed above (919-489-8432).
Let your friends and neighbors know that there are spaces available at Westminster School for every age group between 2½ and 5
years old next year.
Presbyterian Church
Mercer and Amy Stanfield have lived in Durham for 13 years.
new members!
Bill Stokes Sr. grew up
in Durham and graduated
from Durham High School.
He played football,
basketball, and baseball;
attended VMI; and then
graduated from Pratt
School of Engineering at
Duke University with a BS
in Civil Engineering. Bill
married Constance Downs
in 1955 and spent two
years in the Marine Corps
before working for JA
Jones, Carolina Steel Corp,
and George W. Kane Inc.,
where he was President
and CEO. Bill served in the Marine Corps Reserve for 20 years,
and retired as Lt. Colonel. Connie and Bill have two children (Bill
Jr., who is married to Lucy, and Mollie Platt, who is married to
Jim) and three grandchildren. Connie and Bill recently returned
from Cape Cod, MA, after twenty years of happy retirement,
where they were active in the Federated Church of Orleans.
They have been members of Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill.
The Stanfields have four children: Mercer, Jim, May, and Wren.
Amy is a physician with The Women's Wellness Clinic and Mercer
works at Brame Specialty Company.
Our remaining new members will be introduced in later
Strategic Planning Progress
Westminster Community Garden News
In each newsletter, we'll update you on the progress of WPC's
strategic plan. Learn more at
Neighborhood Mission Team
Here are some ways you can get involved in the community
surrounding Westminster. Contact: Monica Nichols
(, 919-672-5316).
Be a lunch buddy to a student at Hope
Valley Elementary
45 minutes every
other week
Meet with a Githens student to help them
get organized so that learning is easier
About one hour
Hope Valley Elementary Family Fun Day:
Saturday, April 9, from 11am-3pm. This
fun community event will be a great way
to spend time with neighbors. Volunteer
One-time event
Donate clothing for Hope Valley and
Githens students (middle school sizes
especially needed)
Thank you to the Cub Scouts for coming out to revamp the
winter soil, dig up weeds, and clean out the garden beds for
As soon as the weather warmed up some, we planted tomato
plants and squash, along with flower bulbs.
Come out to help in the Westminster Community Garden on
Saturdays at 9:30am!
Contact: Malia Schwing
March 30, 2016
Session Notes: March 13
Church Finance Overview
Westminster shares an overview of its finances in the
newsletter each month. Contact Office Manager Elizabeth
Takla with questions (;
919-489-4974, ext. 122).
February Budget Actuals
$ 264,757
$ 175,894
$5,525 has been given this year for the Easter Offering
in support of Stop Hunger Now and One Great Hour of
Sharing! You can still make a gift to the Easter offering
online at
At the March 13 Session meeting, the members of the most
recent Inquirers' Class were interviewed, introduced, accepted,
and welcomed to Westminster.
The Local Missions Committee reported that it is busy preparing
for Inasmuch United Durham, a day of community service with
neighboring churches. They will be collecting housekeeping
items for the nearly-completed next phase of CASA's Denson
Apartments for Veterans.
The Youth Council shared that it will have an undergraduate
student from the Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UNC-Chapel
Hill serve as a youth intern in the fall.
Other updates included:
Congregational Care Corner
The Congregational Care Committee is seeking members who
are interested in being part of a Visitation Team that would
assist Associate Pastor for Congregational Care Betty Berghaus
in making monthly visits to members who are unable to get to
church. The committee is also considering forming a New Parent
Support Team that would provide assistance to members with
new babies. If you would like to be part of either ministry, please
contact Suzanne Graham (
Barbara Rynerson
Class of 2017
youth ministry
Westminster celebrates
the accomplishments
of its incredible,
and talented youth!
The Session had a retreat with the Diaconate on March 19
in preparation for the discussion on marriage discernment.
The Nominating Committee will be looking for candidates
for elders and deacons.
The Christian Education Committee is very busy around
Easter and activities for Wednesday evenings.
The nominee for Westminster's Outstanding Older Adult
Award was presented.
Updates to various church publications are in the works to
incorporate the new logo.
Youth Group: Flour War with First Presbyterian Church and Trinity Avenue
Presbyterian Church
Youth Group: Youth Sunday Prep, 5:30pm, Youth Suite & Fellowship Hall
Youth Council Meeting, 5:30pm, Youth Suite
Youth Group: Youth Sunday Prep, 5:30pm, Youth Suite & Fellowship Hall
Youth Sunday, 8:30 & 11am Worship Services, Sanctuary
Senior Send-off/Final Youth Group, 5:30pm, Youth Suite & Fellowship Hall
Frank Borden is playing JV tennis for Durham Academy.
Sarah and Daniel Falkovic are going to States in the Science Olympiad and Envirothon teams from Woods Charter School.
Thomas Hill has been selected for the 2016 Middle School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall.
He will perform with the Honors Junior Band at Carnegie Hall in June.
Betsy Kelly is in training to be a shift leader at Chick-Fil-A.
Holly Lockhead is playing the role of Abuela Claudia in Jordan's production of "In The Heights."
Anna Meyer is singing with the Durham School of the Arts Chorus in Italy this week.
Addie Woods is on a mission trip in South Africa teaching Vacation Church School.
-- 66 --
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Glimpses of Holy Week
From Palm Sunday to the we•form kids' Easter Pageant, Westminster was
a place for children of all ages to experience and understand the meaning
of Holy Week.
Community Opportunities
Support CASA in Durham's Great Human Race!
On April 30, CASA supporters will gather to walk or run in
the Great Human Race in Durham. The race brings together
thousands of people in downtown Durham to run/walk for
their favorite nonprofit. CASA invites you to join them! You can
participate in several different ways – by registering to run,
showing up to walk with CASA, and/or setting up a fundraising
page. Online fundraising pages are a great way to ask friends and
family to sponsor you in the Great Human Race with a financial gift to CASA.
You can learn more about the race and sign up to participate at thevolunteercenter. – just search for “casa” at the top of the page. You can also email for help getting registered. Be sure to let CASA know you plan
to attend so they can get you a CASA t-shirt!
CASA develops and operates safe, affordable, and permanent apartments for people
living with disabilities and veterans who have experienced homelessness. CASA currently
owns and manages over 400 apartments in Wake, Durham, and Orange counties. At
CASA, tenants pay 30% of their income for rent. That means they have funds left for
other basic needs like food and healthcare. The average gap between what a CASA renter
can pay and the operating cost for an apartment is $250/month per apartment, and CASA
raises that money from the community – individuals, churches, and businesses – and
through events like the Great Human Race.
For more information about the good work of CASA in Durham, go to
or talk with WPC members Alex Denson or Nancye Bryan. See page 2 for another way to
support CASA in April.
-- 7 --
Pesbyterian Historical Society
Spring Tour
The North Carolina Presbyterian
Historical Society will hold its 2016
Spring Tour on Friday and Saturday,
April 1-2, in the village of Flat Rock and
in the historic towns of Mills River and
Hendersonville. We will meet at noon
on Friday at the Carl Sandburg Home
in Flat Rock, and will visit a number
of historic churches in this beautiful
area of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Registration is $20. The schedule,
registration form, and address are on
the website at
Contact: Sam Martin, Program Chair
March 30, 2016
3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: 919-489-4974
Fax: 919-493-4553
The next WPC newsletter will be published on April 13. The deadline to
submit material is April 6.
To submit material for publication, contact Communication Coordinator
Kara Pearce (; 919-489-4974, ext. 101).
The newsletter is emailed. If you would like to receive a paper copy by mail,
please contact Kara Pearce.
Preaching Schedule
April 3 - Communion Sunday, Birthday Sunday (rescheduled)
Preaching: Chris Tuttle
April 10
Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman
April 17
Preaching: Chris Tuttle
April 24 - Youth Sunday, Birthday Sunday
Preaching: WPC Youth
Worship Volunteers for April 3, 10, 17, and 24
4/3 Shannon Wylie, Rivers Oviedo-Sauls
4/10 Abbie & Lyndsay Mangum
4/17 Ella Brooks Tuttle, Georgia Vaughn
4/24 Molly & Henry McLaughlin
4/3 8:30
4/10 8:30
4/17 8:30
4/24 8:30
Andy Collins
Jeremy Trantham
Chuck Byrd
Gene Brannon
Volunteer Needed
Rachel Meyen
Mike Bunch
Judy Lamon
4/3 8:30 John High, Bill Whitt
11:00 Jeremy & Laurel Trantham
4/10 8:30 Blair & Laura Chesnut
11:00 Pam Smith, Laura Loehr
4/17 8:30 Blair & Laura Chesnut
11:00 Neil McElroy, Volunteer Needed
4/24 8:30 Blair & Laura Chesnut
11:00 Barbara Rynerson, Jules Taylor
4/3 8:30
4/10 8:30
4/17 8:30
4/24 8:30
Dean Lanier, Linda Van Gombos, Dave & Sara Pottenger
Volunteers Needed
Bill & Jackie Whitt, Gary Ferrell, Stephen Harward
Jeremy & Laurel Trantham, Volunteers Needed
David, Kathleen, David & Carter Lapp
Jennie & Robert Brame, Cathy Snider, Volunteers Needed
Andy, Erik, Madison, and Alex Dunk
Barb & Bill Burig; Frank & Margaret Falkovic
Every Sunday: Infants, Toddlers, 8:30 2-5 yr olds - WPC Nursery Staff
4/3 2-3: Brian & Katie Hanczaryk; 4-5: Ashley & Anne Vann
4/10 2-3: Erica Hill, Monica Nichols; 4-5: Jan & Holland Hale
4/17 2-3: Pat Gunter, Katie Walker; 4-5: Katie Donoway, Ray England
4/24 2-3: Jeff & Leigh Furman; 4-5: Lee & Melissa Katrincic
8:30 Derek Leadbetter
11:00 Mark Hill
If you can help fill an open lector or offering counter spot, please contact Blair Chesnut.
If you can help fill an open 11am usher spot, please contact Kevin Rosemond.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

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