Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 15 May 2016
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 15 May 2016
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 15 May 2016 Music at the Cathedral We welcome all visitors to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Docents are available for a tour of our Cathedral following the 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:00 & 11:15 am Masses. If you are interested in a tour, please wait next to the Pulpit after Mass. You may make at donation by text at (843)580-1719. Welcome Neophytes! The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist welcomes all those who have entered the Catholic Church this Easter and are attending the 11:15 am Mass this Sunday to celebrate with Bishop Guglielmone. May God bless you abundantly as you begin your new lives as Catholics! Thank you Fr. Patrick! Bishop Guglielmone has assigned Fr. Patrick Eylina to Christ Our King, Mt. Pleasant effective 30 May 2016. We thank Fr. Patrick for his service at Cathedral and St. Mary's and wish him well on his new assignment. Choral Mass 5 June! The 11:15 am Mass for the Cathedral Choir’s last Sunday of the season will be the Missa Bre vis in D Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Dr. Murry Somerville will be guest organist along with string players from the Charleston Symphony Orchestra. Bishop’s Concert 21 June 2016 7:00 pm Join the CSO Brass Quintet and Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist Music Director Daniel Sansone for an evening of music for brass quintet and organ. The brilliant sonorities of the brass and warmth of the French Romantic-inspired Bedient pipe organ will reverberate in the glorious acoustic and stunning architecture of Charleston’s largest Gothic church. To purchase tickets, please contact the Charleston Symphony Orchestra Box Office, or visit their website at: Scheduling of Events at Cathedral: Please note that all events that are to take place on the Cathedral grounds must be submitted in writing to the Parish Office for approval by the Rector. Events that have not been given approval do not end up on the Parish Calendar and may cause issues for other events that are already scheduled. It is especially important to have events submitted in writing as we continue to work with the Allegro Charter School who is leasing Cathedral Center and work with our already busy schedule of events for our Cathedral groups. Please contact the Parish Office for a new form that is required to be filled out for every event so that our parishioners and groups will be able to have priority and will assist parish staff to avoid last minute inconveniences. Request forms are now being accepted for June 2016June 2017. PT Secretary: The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is seeking a Part Time Morning Secretary to answer and route incoming calls and aid in clerical work. Applicants should be Catholic, people oriented, have excellent communication skills, friendly phone presence and knowledge and love of their Catholic faith. Must have proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Publisher) and Adobe InDesign. Ability to learn simple website updating a plus. Interested applicants should submit their resume to recto r@charletso ncathe m . Mary Meditation Garden bricks are available for purchase in the Mary Meditation Garden. An engraved brick is a wonderful way to celebrate a special event or honor a loved one. Brick order forms are available at the Parish Office. Bricks are $125 each. For additional information, contact Michaela Coleman at 843-725-9178. Pentecost Sunday Please Pray Paul Arena Pacifico Amaro Todd Armstrong Laura Bowers Susan Brannock Margaret Mary Brant David Caron Mabel Frances Caron Mary Carson Gay Carter George Catumas Trudie Cooper Theresa Corbin Mary Jo Daugherty Ella Deitch Carol Delisio Lillian DeSandolo Nancy DeSandolo The DeSandolo Family Sr. Mary Ann Donovan Irene Douglass Mac Dunbar Fr. John Dux Rob Everhart Amelia Finley Veronica Fisher Mary Ann Flack Donna Fread Cheryle Freiberger Sharon Frizzell Shirley Gadsden Joseph Gaglione Elizabeth Gallagher Peggy Geraty Fran Granger Richardeen Dent Joann Gustafson John Hathaway Zachary Healey Hilde Hensley Barbara Herman Nora Lynn Hoffman Ken Hoffman Cindy Hogan Alice Holmquist Bob Hosker Danielle Hosker Greg Hutto James Ingrassia Charles Olimpio Peggy Kanapaux Margaret Karafa Chris Keller John Kolaskinski, O.P. Nancy Kowalsky Shirley Lanford Kevin&Kailii Lyons Nancy Lynch Jack Lubbers Mary Magee Robert Mallard Christine Marci Jean Masonis Marcia Mathias Dave McCaffery Dave McGrath James Anthony Mellon Jeffrey Patrick Mellon Jay Michel, IV Beth Mullen Lee Mullinax, Sr. Hannah Murphy Michael Murphy Peter Murphy Bob Nebergall Annie Neese Carson Parker Sonoma Peterson Myrna Lane Piccione Margarite C Poulnot Frank Rose Becca Rowland De’Anna Scannel Gus& Mary Schill Janet Sherbine Linda Smith Elyse Sokol Margaret Mary Sprague Charlene Stuart Esther Tecklenburg Jane Thompson John G. Thornhill Carolyn Torlay Margaret Trubia Haley Tyrrell Patricia Van Marter William Viger Peter Winkler Nicholas Yeaw Kathi Zigli Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Religious Education News Cathedral Vacation Bible School Parents, don’t miss the bus! Put your kids, grades K4-4th grade, on board “The Vatican Express” Catholic Kidz Camp, and let them tour with St. Jerome! Camp dates are June 13-17th. Reserve your seats now! Registration forms are available online and in the Parish Office. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are interested in helping with our Vacation Bible School, please contact Karen McLaurin at Volunteers must meet all requirements of the Diocesan Office of Child Protective Services, the parish can assist volunteers with fulfilling these requirements. Register Now for the 2016-2017 Religious Education Year! Early registration is open now through 10 June 2016. Early registration fees are $25 per child with a $75 maximum. Registrations received after 10 June are $35 per child with a $105 maximum. Forms were sent home with Religious Education students last weekend, may be found online on the Religious Education Page, or in the Parish Office. Classes begin 14 August 2016! Teachers Needed for 2016-2017 Religious Education School Year: We are looking for people who love their Catholic Faith and are excited to pass it on to the next generation! Teachers needed for First, Fifth and Sixth Grades and Co-teachers needed for Third and Eighth Grades. Contact Karen McLaurin at: The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Parking Pass 14-15 May 2016 Tear along dotted line for the attendant. 15 May 2016 St. Vincent de Paul Society News: Due to the generosity of our parishioners, the St. Vincent de Paul Society of downtown Charleston was able to assist the following number of families on the peninsula during March and April. MARCH ASSISTANCE SCE&G bills $3,137.14 Housing $832.88 Medical $249.50 Food TOTAL Assistance $4,219.52 13 families 2 families 1 family 4 families APRIL ASSISTANCE SCE&G bills $3,804.36 15 families Housing $321.00 1 family Medical $200.00 1 family Food 4 families TOTAL Assistance $4,325.36 Give By Text! You can now make a contribution to the Cathedral with a quick text message! Simply send a text to (843)580-1719 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount (example: $25). Thank you for supporting our mission. Piccolo Spoleto Spotlight Series: Saturday May 28th at 2:00 pm, the Charleston Renaissance Ensemble will perform Monteverdi's 1610 masterpiece, "Vespro della Beata Vergine" (Vespers of the Blessed Virgin). The ensemble, under the direction of noted Charleston choral conductor Sam Sheffer, will be joined by the Orchestra of St. Claire. Tickets are $17 for adults ($13 for students and seniors) and can be purchased at the door 30 minutes prior to performance. For additional information contact the Piccolo Spoleto box office at 866-811-4111 or Fifth Annual “Fun Nun” Bowling Tournament and Silent Auction! Come one, come all to Lucis Via Charities’ Fifth Annual “Fun Nun” Bowling Tournament and Silent Auction. This family-friendly communitybuilding event originated in 2012 as a fundraiser to help the Sisters at the Daughters of St. Paul Bookstore complete their building renovations. Since then, it has blossomed into a muchanticipated yearly event that benefits not only the Daughters but also several other charities in the Lowcountry and beyond. This year’s festivities take place on Sunday, 5 June at Pinz Bowling in Mount Pleasant. Bowlers register at 1 pm and the first ball rolls at 2 pm. Registration is $40 per bowler and includes a t shirt, shoe rental, pizza and refreshments. Not a bowler? Join us anyway to enjoy food and drink specials, bid on Silent Auction items, and win prizes. There will also be free bowling for kids throughout the afternoon. Visit for more details and to register as a bowler or sponsor. Both Lane and King Pin sponsorships are available for local businesses. Questions? Contact The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is excited to announce the establishment of a Diocesan Missionary Team. The purpose of this groundbreaking program will be to evangelize youth in grades 6-12 and help them encounter Christ. Retreats will be offered beginning in September at our parishes and Catholic Schools. To learn more or to help with the funding of this dynamic new program, go to: Pentecost Sunday Charleston Catholic School Thank you to all who attended the 25th Annual Gala! We appreciate your support of Catholic Education! Graduation for the 8th Grade Class will be Wednesday, 1 June 2016. Awards ceremony will begin at 5:30 pm in Sacred Heart Church and Graduation will being at 6 pm in Sacred Heart Church. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 15 May 2016 Sunday, 15 May 2016 Thursday, 19 May 2016 Pentecost Sunday Weekday 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Cathedral Marty Jones+ 9:00 am Cathedral Msgr. Joseph Roth+ 9:30 am St. Mary Ryan Inabinett+ 11:15 am Cathedral Pro Populo 6:00 pm Cathedral Sunday Events 11:15 am Mass of the Neophytes with Bishop Guglielmone Reception to follow 1:00 pm Prayer Apostolate 4:00 pm Venture Crew Monday, 16 May 2016 Weekday 12:05 pm Cathedral Intentions of the Tecklenburg Family 12:05 pm Cathedral Rev. James K. Cunningham Thursday Events 10am-Noon Moms Group LC 7:00 pm Renaissance Ensemble MR Friday, 20 May 2016 St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest 12:05 pm Cathedral Francis M. Donlon, Jr.+ Saturday, 21 May 2016 St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest & Companions, Martyrs 5:30 pm Vigil Cathedral Rev. Matthew Gamber, SJ Sunday, 22 May 2016 The Most Holy Trinity Monday Events 5:30 pm Cathedral Men’s Club-LC Tuesday, 17 May 2016 Weekday 12:05 pm Cathedral Sophie Jaskula+ Tuesday Events 9:00 am Faith Sharing 119MR 10:00 am Bible Study 119 MR Wednesday, 18 May 2016 St. John I, pope & martyr 12:05 pm Cathedral Wednesday Events 5:30 pm SVDP LC 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal MR 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Cathedral Rev. Matthew Gamber, SJ 9:00 am Cathedral Pro Populo 9:30 am St. Mary Pro Populo 11:15 am Cathedral Sr. Joyce Munson, PC+ 6:00 pm Cathedral Robert Langan Sunday Events 1:00 pm Prayer Apostolate 4:00 pm Venture Crew For Daily Mass Readings Consult our Parish App Weekly Offertory Reports 8 May 2016 Offertory $10,761.01 Electronic Offertory $3,326.94 Ascension $151.06 Total Offertory $14,239.01 Sincere thanks for your generosity. Every gift matters! Did you know…. If you give electronically you no longer have to keep track of envelopes? That‘s right! All of the offertory categories covered with envelopes can now be done online! You can also now donate by text! Simply send a text to (843)5801719 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount (example: $25). Offertory Option: If credit cards and envelopes aren’t your thing, consider the easy automatic checking withdrawal. Don’t forget… Remember to update your electronic account with current credit card expiration dates. Remember: When giving to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, payments should be made to “Bishop’s Annual Appeal.” This will ensure that your payments go directly to your pledge. Thank you! Bishop of Charleston The Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, D.D. Cathedral Clergy Monsignor Steven L. Brovey Cathedral Rector (843) 724-8395 Rev. Patrick Eyinla Parochial Vicar (843) 724-8395 Rev. Patrick Allen Assisting Priest Charles J. Olimpio, Deacon (843) 724-8395 Thomas Baranoski, Deacon (843) 724-8395 Administrative Staff Mrs. Stephanie Stewart Executive Assistant to the Rector Mrs. Kay Phillip Bookkeeper Ms. Cheryl LaRose Pastoral Staff Mr. Daniel Sansone Director of Music &Liturgy Mrs. Karen McLaurin Director of Christian Formation Parish Office (843) 724-8395 Fax: (843) 724-6386 Charleston Catholic School Principal, Fred McKay (843)577-4495 Pentecost Sunday Sacrament of Marriage Either the bride or the groom must be a practicing Catholic and registered at the Cathedral for at least twelve months before scheduling a wedding date and beginning the six month marriage preparation. The bride/groom must be an active parishioner, regularly attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, and use of the envelope system in support of the parish. The Wedding Policy Booklet may be found on the Cathedral Website. For wedding information, please contact Mrs. Stephanie Stewart at: Baptisms To schedule to have your child baptized, please contact Ms. Cheryl LaRose at (843) 724-8395, or email: Active Membership Various facilities and services are available to our active members. This includes use of the church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events, and includes parishioner status in parochial schools. Active Membership Is determined by four things: Being properly registered in the parish for a sufficient period of time. Faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Use of the envelope system in support of the parish. Being active in at least one parish program, ministry or organization. Homebound? If you know someone who is homebound, and would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. After Hours Emergency Line In the event of a medical emergency or death after office hours, please call: (843) 469-3406 Cathedral Schedule Weekend Schedule 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Sunday Mass Times 9:00 am Family Mass 11:15 am Solemn Mass 6:00 pm Sung Mass Weekday Schedule 11:30 am Rosary 12 Noon Angelus 12:05 pm Mass St. Mary of the Annunciation Weekend Schedule 9:30 am Sunday Sung Mass Weekday Schedule 7:00 am Mass Confession Schedule Monday-Friday 11:15-11:50 am Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 pm Saturdays 4:00-5:00 pm