Precious Blood Cathedral
Precious Blood Cathedral
. Precious Blood Cathedral 778 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 2B1 Tel: 705-256-8474 / Fax: 705-945-8287 / Email: Journey Office: 705-450-GIVE (4483) / Email: Pastor: Rev. Father Hamish Currie Assistant Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Xavier Parish Secretary: Lisa Wyer Office hours: 8:30AM-12:30PM Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 8:30 PM Mission Statement We are a welcoming Catholic community; the Cathedral Church in the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, empowered by the Holy Spirit, for the transformation of ourselves and the world, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We reach out to all people and work to preach the Good News through the Liturgy and Sacraments. We shall achieve our mission through faith formation initiatives for those of all ages and outreach to those with spiritual and material needs. Pentecost Sunday June 8, 2014 Weekday Masses: 7:55 A.M. No Mass on Wednesdays Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 P.M. Baptism: Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please make arrangements one month in advance by contacting the Parish Office. Marriages: Please make marriage arrangements six months in advance by contacting the Parish office. Papal Blessing: Please allow at least 6 months for Papal Blessing to arrive after the request has been made. Prayer Line: Cecile Pavoni, 759-2856 Diocesan Order of Women: Dorothy Yadivisiak CWL President: Louise McGuire, 254-7869 Liturgical Music/Choir: Nicole Dugas, 206-8226 Bulletin Announcements Please email your announcement to before 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire...they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (Gospel) Page 2 Precious Blood Cathedral Scripture Readings: June 9- June 15 Monday 1 Kings 17.1-6; Matthew 5.1-12 Tuesday 1 Kings 17.7-16; Matthew 5.13-16 Wednesday Acts 11.21b-26; 13.1-3; Matthew 10.7-13 Thursday 1 Kings 18.41-46; Matthew 5.20-26 Friday 1 Kings 19.9a, 11-16; Matthew 5.27-32 Saturday & Sunday Exodus 34.4b-6, 8-9; 2 Corinthians 13.11-13; John 3.16-18 Monday, June 9 7:55 A.M. + Peter & Anne Furac by Martin Furac & Family & Mary Intentions of Tony Martin & Family by Eileen Fagan Tuesday, June 10 7:55 A.M. + Annette Larouche by Marie Claude Brassard + Gord Brady by Denis LaRochelle Wednesday, June 11 No Mass Thursday, June 12 7:55 A.M. + Walter Zagrobelny by Bertelaine & Ken Frechette Special Intentions by Jean Lajambe We offer our prayers and condolences to the family of Rose Chiappetta and our prayers and condolences to Dawn Malone on the death of her brother-in-law. Altar flowers this week donated in loving memory of Agathe & Joseph Bichler (parents), Gertrude & Agathe Bichler (sisters) by Joe & Louise Bichler Friday, June 13 7:55 A.M. + John Brassard by Sandy & Angelo Cavicchiolo + Dorothy Lemay by Jean Scott Saturday, June 14 + Jack Ostroski by The Family + Guido & Eda Verdone by their daughter 5:00 P.M. Sunday, June 15 9:00 A.M. + Vincent Caicco by his wife Franca & Family + Edward Yadivisiak by Dorothy Yadivisiak & Dawn Malone 11:00 A.M. Intentions of Parishioners 8:30 P.M. + Artie Esposito by Ed Schaefer & Family Congratulations to Tori Micomonaco who was baptized May 31, 2014. May her parents and godparents be examples of faith to inspire her. REMINDER Please do not leave valuables visible in your car and lock your vehicle. Sunday, June 1 Building/Journey Fund YTD $5037 $382,502 Thank you for your continued generosity! Precious Blood Cathedral Page 3 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers Greeters Saturday 5:00 P.M. Jill Micomonaco Lorna Connolly Robert Dugas Louise Adams Monique Staruck Bernard Lysiak Neil Conway John Slobodecki Richard Bubinas Phyllis Delaney Edna Miskiw Sunday 9:00 A.M. Louise Bichler Terry Bos Louise McGuire Barbara Klesh Clare Lennox Rudy Wheatley Brian Lidstone Agnes Cote Donna Bos Sunday 11:00 A.M. Vinnie Greco Sonya Masotti John Bruno Myrtle Corelli Bambi Alexander Ted & Norma Wall Phil Bellerose Myrtle Corelli Kerrie Tuckett Sunday 8:30 P.M. Ivan McCaig John Stadnyk Martial Moreau Gino Filice June 14/15 After the wind there was an earthquake… but the Lord was not in the earthquake...The Lord was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak. 1 Kings: 19 This week at Precious Blood Cathedral Wed. June 11 6:00 pm Fundraising Committee Meeting in the Church Thurs. June 12 7:00pm Communications Committee Meeting in the Boardroom CWL Sick and Shut In Please remember in your prayers, all the sick and shut in especially Mae Roberts, Bernice Corcoran, Margaret Nicholson, Gerald Nolan & Larry Ducharme June 16: Keep that date open for Sister Roberta Low’s Spiritual Reflection at 1:30 p.m. at St. Ambrose Parish in Thessalon. We could car pool and have an enjoyable uplifting afternoon with Sister and other ladies of the Parish. Dinner Meeting: We were very pleased to have had 28 CWL members attend our dinner meeting on June 3 at Grand Gardens. Twenty five ladies received Pins and Certificates for their years of service from 5 yrs. to 60 yrs. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do for the League. Correction –regarding June 7 potluck. It is cancelled. Executive meeting: Aug. 25 at 12 noon at the Sacred Heart Center. This is the last CWL news until the end of August, unless something special arises. We wish all of you an enjoyable summer and safety to those persons who will be travelling. May God Bless you all Liturgy Have you seen the beautiful artwork? The Children’s Liturgy group have been busy. Take a few minutes to look at the artwork in Ste. Anne’s Room. The children are very proud of their work. Page 4 Precious Blood Cathedral Remember to join us on Sunday, June 8th, for the 2nd annual bbq from 12 noon to 4pm at the rear of the Cathedral. This family oriented bbq will include the sale of tasty food items from M&M’s, coffee and tea courtesy of Dick Brownlee at Tim Horton’s and thirst quenching beverages. There will be a children’s play area, music and stimulating activities for adults. May 31 Journey Lottery Winner Gayle Petrocco Very Important Note for Eucharistic Ministers All Eucharistic Ministers who take communion to homebound parishioners are asked to contact Mairead Nicholls. 705-945-8554 This is very important as we want to update our list of homebound parishioners. Precious Blood Cathedral Page 5 In the Community ARCH 30TH, 2 Joe Zambon: A Summer Praise & Worship Concert: Precious Blood Cathedral, together with all Catholic parishes in Sault Ste. Marie are hosting a summer praise and worship concert for the entire family! Joe Zambon is one of Canada’s leading young Catholic musicians and will be stopping in Sault Ste. Marie during his cross-Canada tour. Joe’s inspiring music, together with his witness of faith in God, make for a night of uplifting music and celebration for the whole family. Join our parish and all Catholics from the Sault, Thursday, July 3 at 7:30pm at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion. Admission is FREE and ALL are welcome! This event is proudly presented by the Catholic Parishes of Sault Ste. Marie. Joe Zambon has just released his fourth album entitled “Brothers”. When he is not on tour across Canada, Joe is instrumental in the work of the Catholic Chaplaincy at York University in Toronto. Visit Joe on the web at Otto Volpe 705-949-4409 Tenth Week of Ordinary Time Sunday, June 8 is Pentecost Sunday, as the readings and the whole Church celebrate the coming and ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit among us. Jesus breathes on his jittery followers and tells them, "Peace be with you" and fills them with courage. Wednesday is the Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle. Friday is the Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church. During the week, we begin a three week period of looking at the Books of Kings. Elijah follows the Lord's direction and changes the hearts of many. The week ends as Elijah calls Elisha into service for the Lord. This week we begin reading the Gospel According to Matthew, starting with the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is the new Moses, and offers us a new and radical teaching. It begins by his telling a small group of followers that they are blessed - not because they have their acts together, but because they are spiritually poor, meek, those desiring justice, the merciful, the clean of heart, the peacemakers and the persecuted. Salt and light explain who they are as disciples. They are to obey the law and prophets which Jesus came to fulfill. Whereas the law forbad killing, Jesus calls his disciples to be reconcilers. The law forbad adultery, but Jesus warns about lust and whatever is an occasion for sinning. The law forbad taking false oaths, but Jesus calls his disciples to a deeper fidelity and integrity. The week closes with Trinity Sunday, which always follows Pentecost. It celebrates the un-knowable relationship between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - and their loving support for us in our lives. **********
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Precious Blood Cathedral
778 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 2B1
Tel: 705-256-8474 / Fax: 705-945-8287 / Email:
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