Jan 31 2016


Jan 31 2016
Healing Prayer
January 31th, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Day for Consecrated Life and
the Closing of the Year for Consecrated Life:
On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 7:00 PM, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord,
Bishop Stephen Jensen will celebrate a Solemn Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral with the
religious men and women of the Diocese. Everyone is welcome to attend and show appreciation to those who have chosen to live the consecrated life. This day will also mark
the closing of the Year for Consecrated Life, which began on November 30, 2014. Please
bring goodies to share for the reception which will take place in the lower church hall.
At this Mass there will be a blessing of candles. You are invited to bring
any candles you wish blessed. They can either be put on a table provided
or kept with you.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no 12:10pm Mass on Tuesday
February 2nd .
Door of Mercy
The Holy Door of Mercy at Sacred Heart Cathedral will be open at all liturgical
celebrations and especially on every Friday from 6pm until 7pm for Eucharistic
Adoration and the Sacrament of Confession, followed by Holy Mass at 7pm
throughout this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Let us make the best use of
this opportunity.
St. Patrick’s Ireland
Join Fr. Chris Lynch on a tour of the Shrines of Ireland from October 8 – 18, 2016 with
Uniglobe Sunburst Travel Limited for Collette Faith Religious Tours. Double fair: $4,199,
Single fair: $4,744: Triple fair: $4,174. Included in price is a round trip air from Prince
George, air taxes, and all fees.
Representative from Collette Tours will give a slide show presentation at I.C. Feb. 16 th
at 7pm. Brochures are available.
The Prince George Pregnancy Care Centre is offering volunteer training February 18 -20 & 2527 . Preregistration by Monday February 15th is required.
This event introduces a biblical view of life / development, as well as peer counsel skills; We
also provide foundational knowledge of abortion practices and of the issues faced by both
women and men post-abortion. Our training is useful for both those who wish to become involved in the day – to – day of our ministry and for those who simply want to understand what
we do as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Call 250-562-4464 or email Alison@pgpcc.ca for more
Please remember these
people in your prayers:
Suzanne Aubichon
Emma Baptiste
Elizabeth Burke
Randy Case
Leo Chevrefils
Wayne Cornett
Olivia Langdon-Davies
Darlene Doherty
Jim Dumont
Bob Gustafson
Larry Hebert
Darrin Huzar
Randy Ivers
Tony Jenkins
Linda Johnnie
Simone Kwast
Agnes Leslie
Tom Letchford
Rita Madam
Martha McCloskey
Dan Michell Jr.
Maureen Moran
Nellie Nooski
Axel Norman
Anna Pavlik
Sheena Poole
George Rivard
Kathy Spuzak
Germaine Stalnick
Ralph Tessier
Pauline Udengwu
Frank Walter
Helen Wildeman
Victorine & Joe Williams
Lynda Worbecky
Zastre Family
Bobby, Leonard, Brenda &
Morgan, Christian , Ramona,
Austin, Petra, Kathy,
Kurt, Sole, Miriam, Jordan,
Landon & Camille,
Phil & Vera Roy and Family
If you or someone you
know would like to be on
this list, or if you know of
someone that should be removed from the list please
call the parish office at 250
Rite of Election at Sacred Heart Cathedral
On Sunday, February 14, the first Sunday of Lent, the Rite of Election of Catechumens will be celebrated by the Bishop at Sacred Heart Cathedral at the 11:00 AM Mass.
The Church highlights the various stages of the initiation process for those who are to be baptized
into the Catholic community and marks key moments with special rites. One of the most significant
is the Rite of Election. This step marks the “beginning of the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation, during which the elect will be encouraged to follow Christ with
greater generosity.” (#105)
We invite catechumens from the city parishes to gather with their sponsors, family members, catechists and members of their parish communities to celebrate this rite in the mother church of the diocese. Candidates who are already baptized in other denominations and who seek admission to full
communion in the Church will also be welcomed. A reception will follow in lower hall after the
Additional Note: Pastors of parishes outside the city of Prince George are delegated by the Bishop
to celebrate the Rite of Election with their catechumens and to welcome candidates for full communion.
Vocations Retreat
On the weekend of February 12 - 14, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.
For more information call 604-826-8715 or
Father Mark Dumont, OSB
Tel: 604-826-8975
Vocations Awareness Committee
Fax: 604-826-8725
Seminary of Christ the King
PO Box 3310 Mission BC V2V 4J5 website: http://www.sck.ca/
Monthly Day of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Emmanuel Hermitage invites you to a Personal Date with Jesus on February 9, 2016 in the
Domano Chapel, 6500 Southridge Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and the Blessed
Sacrament will be exposed from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a day of silent prayer and adoration. We will pray for the universal Church and the world, and the people and needs of our
Diocese. In particular we will pray for the protection of all human life, for vocations, and for
the intentions of those participating in the day. Please mark your calendar on the second
Tuesday of each month for Personal Dates with Jesus days.
Attention Former Frontier Apostles
The Frontier Apostolate, established by Bishop O’Grady in 1956, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary
of its founding with a reunion of former Frontier Apostles on August 19-21, 2016 at the Diocesan
Pastoral Centre. For more information contact PGFAreunion@gmail.com.
Domano Renewal Centre
Please see the bulletin board for complete description of
All programs require registration. To register, please
contact the Domano Renewal Centre or register online at
Christian Meditation
Mondays February 1 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Welcome the Stranger Series
6 week program
Thursdays, 12:00—1:00pm
February 4, 11
Mass Schedule/Intentions
Mon, Feb. 1 @ 12:10 pm— INT Linda Gibbons
Tues, Feb. 2 @ 7 pm—
Wed, Feb. 3 @ 12:10 pm Thurs, Feb. 3 @ 12:10 pm—
Fri, Feb. 5 @ 12:10 pm— RIP Lucy Rezendes
Fri, Feb. 5 @ 7:00 pm—INT—Santana Stewart
Sat, Jan. 30 @ 9 am—
Sat, Jan. 30 @ 5:30 pm—Pro Populo
Sun, Feb. 7 @ 9:00 am—RIP– Tony Zwiers, Sr.
Sun, Jan 31 @ 11:00 am— RIP Ernest Schlup
An Armchair Visit to the Holy Land
Thursday, February 4
7:00—8:30 pm
Falling Upward Richard Rohr (DVD)
Tuesday, February 9 7:00—9:00 pm
Annual Diocesan Appeal
January 24th, 2016 Total: $3,060.65
102 Envelopes: $2,521.00 Loose: $364.65
19 Initial Offering: 30.00
9 P.A.D.’s: $400.00
2 Credit Card Donations: $65.00
Parish Goal:
Pledged to Date:
Amount To Goal
$ 47,784
$ 23,607
$ 24,177
Holy Childhood January 24th: $11.70
Total to date: $365.50
Come and Rest
All are welcome to…Come and Rest (Mt 11:28): The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) in cooperation
with Christ Our Saviour Parish is hosting a series of Sabbath Day Encounters with Jesus. These are gatherings where
we will welcome Him in prayer, adoration, teaching, and fellowship. Each session begins with coffee and fellowship
in the basement of Christ Our Saviour in Prince George. A presentation will follow for the various generations (adult,
teens, and children). Child care will also be provided.
The topic for these sessions will be: PRAYING WITH THE HEART OF JESUS, an ongoing series where we will explore the riches of the Heart of Jesus and it’s connection to the Year of Mercy. After the teaching time, we will have a
potluck dinner (bring a dish to share) followed by an evening of Adoration and Worship before the Blessed Sacrament. These days will take place on the Sundays of Jan 24, Feb 21, March 20, April 17, May 15, 3:00 - 7:30 pm. For
more info. call Tracy at 250-640-0251 or email her at sacredmission@icloud.com.
"Jesus, let me enter Your Heart as I would a school." — St Margaret Mary
Sacred Heart School News
The "Jump Rope for Heart" program headed by Mr. Wey came to a conclusion on Friday, January 29th following
two weeks of heart pounding jumping completed by the students. Sincere thanks to Mr. Wey for his great work organizing this community outreach event. Thanks also to those who were able to support this initiative.
Our skating program will continue this week with a trip to the Coliseum for Intermediate students. Thank you to all
the helpers.
The students and staff are looking forward to the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast on February 9th. School
Mass is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Ash Wednesday, February 10th. Please join us for this solemn celebration. Our next
Parish School Mass will take place on Sunday, February 14th at 11:00 a.m. All welcome!
Primary students will mark St. Valentine's Day with a rotation of seasonal activities on February 12th. This will be
The Prince George Pro Life Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting/Elections on Monday, February 8, in the
lower meeting room at Sacred Heart Cathedral beginning at 7:30 pm. All members, and others who wish to learn more
about the Society and/or to become members, are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served immediately following
the meeting.
Family Faith Formation
Our next meeting for Family Faith Formation is this Sunday, January 31 st from 2:30pm-4pm at St. Mary’s in the School
Youth Group
Our next youth gathering will be on Sunday, February 7 th from 7-9pm at St. Mary’s Gym. All youth in grades 7-12 are
welcome to attend. We will be exploring how to live out the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and are diving
deeper into the Mass with the “Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed” video series. Bring your friends!!!
Last Year’s Palms—Please bring in last year’s palms, to be used to make ashes for Ash Wednesday.
There will
be a basket in the foyer for the palms.
Saturday & Sunday, February 6th & 7th
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Sat. 5:30 pm
M. Bates, C. Puga
S. McLean, P. Beaudry, D. Earles
K. Nielly, D. Zastre, E. Desnoyers
Sun. 9:00 am
M. Ferreira, S. Fowler
J.Cotter, H. Dery, L. Fowlie
E. van Roode, S. Ymbol,
E. Fortsch, J. Mendonca, G. Spooner,
Gilliard Family
Sun. 11:00 am F. Caffrey, S. Castelli
P. Spooner, A. Stewart