Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart & St. Stanislaus Catholic Churches


Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart & St. Stanislaus Catholic Churches
February 15, 2015
St. Stanislaus Parish
Warsaw, ND
Est. 1900
Sacred Heart Parish
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor: Father John Kleinschmidt
Cell: 701-520-3451
Minto, ND
Est. 1905
Office #: 701-248-3589
Secretary: Doreen Gruchala
Website: www.sh-ss.org
PO Box 316, Minto, ND 58261 Office Hours: 9am-4pm, Tues.-Fri.
The penitential days for the universal Church are each Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent. Ash
Wednesday (February 18, 2015) marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is an opportunity to prepare our hearts and minds
for the celebration of Easter. The following regulations are observed in this sacred season:
Catholics 14 years of age or older must abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the
Fridays of Lent. It is only on the other Fridays of the year that abstinence may be substituted by another form of penance.
Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 (inclusive) are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. There is a limit of
one full meal and no food between meals on those days. Two smaller meals are permitted as needed to maintain one’s strength.
Sacrament of Penance
All the faithful who have reached the age of reason are bound faithfully to confess their grave sins at least once a year. Lent is a good
time to fulfill this precept of the Church. Anyone who is aware of having committed a mortal sin must not receive Holy Communion
without previously having been to sacramental confession (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), 1457).
Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion are obliged to make a worthy reception of Holy Communion at least once a
year during the Lenten or Easter seasons. In the United States, this reception of Holy Communion may take place from the first Sunday in Lent (February 22) through Trinity Sunday (May 31).
Each weekday of Lent is also an obligatory day of penance. Some recommendations include the participation in daily Mass, increased
prayer or spiritual study, self-imposed fasting or abstinence, works of charity, and participation in traditional Lenten Devotions
(parish missions, Stations of the Cross, rosary).
The proper context for all Lenten discipline is the conversion of our hearts. As the Catechism states, however, “interior conversion
urges expression in visible signs, gestures, and works of penance.” These penances help us to redirect our whole life to God and away
from sin and the evil we have committed (CCC, 1430-1439).
As we celebrate our Lenten penitential practices, may we experience this conversion of heart and be strengthened in our faith in God’s
mercy. May our discipline, through God’s grace, lead us to full participation in the eternal Easter.
(Taken from the Diocesan website http://www.fargodiocese.org/) Also printed in the February, 2015, New Earth, page 8.
DAILY MASS IN WARSAW: Masses in Warsaw celebrated by Fr. Joseph Christensen will be at St. Gianna’s Maternity Home Mon.-Sat. at 9:00am. Confession is before daily Mass 8:45-8:55am. Ash Wednesday Mass will be at 8:00am.
mass schedule
Feb. 14
5:00 pm (Minto)
For all parishioners of Minto & Warsaw.
Feb. 15
8:30 am (Minto)
+ August Gerszewski by Isabel Niswonger.
10:30 am (Warsaw)
+ Beatrice, Walter, & Adrian Kosmatka by Mike & Arlene Deitz.
Feb. 16
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Catherine Langowski by Degree of Honor.
Feb. 17
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Deon Frost by Pam Anderson & family.
Feb. 18
7:45 am (Minto)
+ Alvin Miskavige by Isabelle Webster.
8:00 am (St.
7:00 pm (Warsaw)
Living & deceased Christensen, Gregoire, Sylvester, Revord
+ Steven & Joann Slominski by Harold Grabanski.
Gianna’s Home)
Feb. 19
8:00 am (Minto)
+ James Kosmatka by Ernestine Ebertowski.
Feb. 20
7:45 am (Minto)
Special Intention by a parishioner.
7:00 pm (Minto)
— Stations of the Cross —-
7:00 pm (Warsaw)
Stations, exposition, night prayer, & procession, 7pm to 8pm.
9:00 am (Minto)
+ Onufry Lizakowski by Garry & Irene Evenson.
5:00 pm (Minto)
+ Eleanor Grzadzielewski by Kay Theroux.
8:30 am (Minto)
For all parishioners of Minto & Warsaw.
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
10:30 am (Warsaw)
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Seven Holy Founders of
the Servite Order
Ash Wednesday — The
Holy Season of Lent begins.
Day of Fast & Abstinence
Abstinence—Fridays of Lent
St. Peter Damian, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church
1st Sunday of Lent
+ Robert Plutowski by Dorothy Plutowski and family.
CONFESSIONS Sat. 3:45-4:45 pm (Minto), before weekday Mass from 7:30-7:50 am (Minto); & anytime… just call.
Also Confession Time: 1/2 hour before Sunday Masses (8-8:20am Minto & 10-10:20am Warsaw)
Minto = $2,272
Warsaw = $1,580
MINTO Saturday, February 21: Altar Servers: Volunteers needed. Lector: John Mozinski.
Ushers: Lenny Schanilec & Michael Wysocki. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Intinction with the Precious Blood.
Sunday, February 22: Altar Servers: Grant Gerszewski. Lector: Sam Mondry.
Ushers: Donald Rudnik & George Kozel. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Intinction with the Precious Blood.
WARSAW: Sunday, February 15: Altar Servers: Lewis, James, & Andrew Plutowski Lector: Roger Schuster.
Ushers: Dennis Feltman, Roger Schuster, Dale Collette, Darrell Slominski. Gift Bearers: Merlyn & Dolores Grabanski.
Sunday, February 22: Altar Servers: Julian, Dominic, & William Schuster. Lector: Roger Schuster.
Ushers: Dennis Feltman, Roger Schuster, Dale Collette, Darrell Slominski. Gift Bearers: Dale & Annie Gerszewski.
SYNOD OF BISHOPS, OCTOBER, 2015—Last year Pope Francis asked the bishops of the Church to consult the local churches throughout the
world in preparation for the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops that was held last October, 2014 on the theme of Pastoral Challenges to the Family
in the Context of Evangelization. Once again this year, the Holy Father has asked for consultation in all the dioceses of the world in preparation
for the Ordinary Synod of Bishops to be held in October, 2015. AN OPEN MEETING for all parishioners from the Minto & Warsaw parishes
and for both parish councils to receive your input has been scheduled for Sunday, February 22, 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Minto. If you cannot make our local parish meeting or wish to offer your own ideas and thoughts to Bishop Folda as he prepares his report from the
Diocese of Fargo, please visit www.fargodiocese.org/synod2015 to review the preparatory questions from the Holy See. All responses need to
be sent into the Chancellor’s Office by March 10, 2015.
THE 2015 ANNUAL GOD’S GIFT APPEAL has started. The theme is “We are one body, the family of God.” The Appeal is an opportunity for
us to unite with all Catholics in the Diocese and in the universal church to share our blessings and to show our concern for one another. The
GGA gives us the opportunity to act together as a family and support programs and services no single individual or parish can offer by itself.
Your gift is very important. Every gift, regardless of the size, is vital to the success of the Appeal. Please be as generous as possible with your
pledge. For more information, look for the God’s Gift letter from Bishop Folda that was mailed to you this past week.
BABY BOTTLES FOR LIFE to benefit the Pregnancy Help Center of Park River. Please return your baby bottle to the church as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Thank you for your commitment to life.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: HUNGERING FOR THE JOURNEY: Join our parish community—and more than 13,000 Catholic communities
across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl from the back of the church
and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives.
WOMEN OF GRACE: No Women of Grace sessions on Thurs., Feb. 19, and Tues., Feb. 24. Women of Grace will meet for the Symbolon
DVD Study on Tues., Feb. 17 @ 8:45am (Session 5); Thurs., Feb. 26 @ 7:00pm (Session 6); and Tues., March 3 @ 8:45am (Session 6).
ST. JOSEPH’S MEN’S CLUB will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 6:30am in the Sacred Heart Church Auditorium, Minto. The program is the
Symbolon DVD series and is open to all men from both of our parishes and the surrounding area.
NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES for grades K-8 on Wed., Feb. 18, because of Ash Wednesday. All students (Grades K-12) are to
attend one of the Ash Wednesday Masses in any parish with their families. Classes for grades K-8 on Wed., Feb. 25, 6:15-7:30pm at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Warsaw, for both Sacred Heart and St. Stanislaus parishes together.
CONFIRMATION AND FIRST COMMUNION for Grade 3 will be on Sat., April 18, 10:00am at St. John’s in Grafton.
CURSILLO EVENTS: Women’s Grouping at Sacred Heart will be held by Mary's altar on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Next Women’s Grouping is on Feb. 26 following Women of Grace at about 8:30 PM.
IN CELEBRATION OF THE YEAR OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, Dec. 28, 2014 to Dec. 27, 2015, our parishes each have a
traveling icon kit. We are looking for 52 host individuals, couples, or families from each parish, one host for each week of the
year. As a host, you will have the icon in your home for one week, Sunday to the next Sunday. The kit includes prayers, activities, rosaries, pamphlets, and the framed icon. A schedule of prayers to be said each day of the week that the icon is in your
home is included and usually takes only about 15 minutes. Please celebrate the Year of Marriage & Family by hosting the traveling icon in your home. Sign-up sheets are at each church and the lines are dated. Choose the week that fits your schedule or
maybe a week that includes an important date for you or your family and sign up on that line. There are many weeks left to be
filled. Please consider taking part in this wonderful experience. In Minto if you choose not to receive the icon kit at Mass, then other arrangements can be made for you to pick up the kit. For information on how to purchase items contained in the Holy Family Traveling Icon Kit, please
see: www.fargodiocese.org/holyfamilyiconkit Note: most prayer handouts are available for free download. (others are available for purchase).
ROSARY CONVOCATION 2015: RESPONDING TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA: In preparation for the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of
Our Lady of Fatima, the Rosary Convocation 2015 will be held on Wed., May 13, 2015, at Our Lady’s Shrine, Old Crossing Treaty Park, in Huot,
MN. See poster for more information. Please consider fulfilling the First Saturday Devotion in preparation for this feast day. Pamphlets are
available in the church explaining this devotion.
STEWARDSHIP MOMENT: February 15, 2015 – The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or
whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If
He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me”
instead of “I want more”. For most people, gratitude leads to generosity.
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THANK YOU for the following donation: Sacred Heart Cemetery: In memory of Catherine Langowski by Ray, Kathy, & Randy Korynta.
Sacred Heart Building Fund: In memory of Catherine Langowski by Kenny & Evelyn Kilichowski.
LENTEN FOOD PANTRY DRIVE at Sacred Heart Church from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday for non-perishable food items & non-food
items for the Walsh County Food Pantry. No outdated items please. Your generosity is appreciated. Please put items in the Giving Tree area.
LECTORS ARE NEEDED: There are openings for lectors on Saturdays (five different months) and on Sundays (two different months). If you
would be willing to fill any of these openings, please call the parish office at 248-3589. New lectors are always welcome!
FEBRUARY CHURCH CLEANING: Lead family: George & Wilma Kozel. Colleen Alphson, Coleen Donelan, Deb Dunham, Harry & Shirley
Helmowski, Kenny & Evelyn Kilichowski, Mark & Sue Kilichowski, David Lizakowski, Greg & Nancy Lizakowski, John & Dawn Miller, Darrin &
Nicole Rudnik.
SPEAKER FUNDRAISER for Sacred Heart Church on Sat., Feb. 21, at the Minto Community Center starting at 5:00pm. We need everyone to
bring their donations for the live auction and silent auction to the Community Center by noon Wednesday, Feb. 18, to be included in the book.
Drop off items at the Center or call Chris 701-520-1596. To see auction items, go to the facebook page of Schuster Auctioneer. This is an allparish extravaganza and we need all parishioners to participate to make this a successful event. Come on out and join the fun!
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POINSETTIAS to be given away before Lent starts: If you would like a poinsettia, please take one or more home with you. Bags are provided.