November 9, 2014


November 9, 2014
November 9, 2014
St. Stanislaus Parish
Warsaw, ND
Est. 1900
Sacred Heart Parish
Pastor: Father John Kleinschmidt
Cell: 701-520-3451
Minto, ND
Est. 1905
Office #: 701-248-3589
Secretary: Doreen Gruchala
PO Box 316, Minto, ND 58261 Office Hours: 9am-4pm, Tues.-Fri.
St. Peter's Square
Wednesday, 5 November
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In our catechesis on the Church, we have seen
that the Holy Spirit constantly bestows his gifts
for the upbuilding of the Body of Christ. Among
these gifts are the ordained ministries. Through
the sacrament of Holy Orders, bishops, priests
and deacons are called to guide and protect
Christ’s flock, above all though the celebration of
the sacraments which give us new life in Christ.
The Church is thus both hierarchical and maternal: her ordained ministries are at the service of
her spiritual motherhood. This is especially clear
in the case of bishops, who are called to lead the Christian community as living signs
of the Lord’s presence in our midst. Like the Apostles whose successors they are, the
Bishops form one college in communion with the Pope. This collegiality is seen not only in special assemblies like the recent Synod but also in the daily communion of Bishops throughout the world. Let us ask the Lord to draw us nearer to himself and to one
another through the ministry of our bishops, priests and deacons, in the unity of “our
Holy Mother the Hierarchical Church”.
(To read more, go to
DAILY MASS IN WARSAW: Masses in Warsaw celebrated by Fr. Joseph Christensen will be at St. Gianna’s Maternity Home Mon.-Sat. at 8:00am. Confession is before daily Mass 7:45-7:55am. No Mass in Warsaw on Nov. 14 & 15.
mass schedule
Nov. 8
5:00 pm (Minto)
+ Karen Farder by Tina Oosterwijk.
Nov. 9
8:30 am (Minto)
For all parishioners of Minto & Warsaw.
10:30 am (Warsaw)
The Dedication of the Lateran
+ Beatrice Kosmatka by Arlene & Mike Deitz.
Nov. 10
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Onufry Lizakowski by Dan Narlock.
Nov. 11
9:00 am (Minto)
For all Veterans by Minto American Legion & Auxiliary.
St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
Nov. 12
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mondry by Earl & Anne Mondry.
St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr
Nov. 13
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Leo Misialek by Elmer & Doris Altendorf.
6:00 pm (Minto)
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini,
——-- Holy Hour of Adoration ——-
Nov. 14
8:00 am (Minto)
+ Robert Plutowski by Walter & Evelyn Paschke and Karen Blaser.
Nov. 15
9:00 am (Minto)
Nurses who serve in the military by Anonymous.
5:00 pm (Minto)
+ Gregory "Guy" & J. D. Miller by Brian & Mary Schuster family.
8:30 am (Minto)
For all parishioners of Minto & Warsaw.
Nov. 16
10:30 am (Warsaw)
St. Leo the Great, Pope &
Doctor of the Church
St. Albert the Great, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
+ Benjamin, Julia, & Luke Schuster by Larry Czapiewski.
CONFESSIONS Sat. 3:45-4:45 pm (Minto), before weekday Mass from 7:30-7:50 am (Minto); & anytime… just call.
Also Confession Time: 1/2 hour before Sunday Masses (8-8:20am Minto & 10-10:20am Warsaw)
Minto = $2,729
Warsaw = $1,554
MINTO Saturday, November 15: Altar Servers: Volunteers needed. Lector: Volunteer needed.
Ushers: Lenny Schanilec & Michael Wysocki. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Intinction with the Precious Blood.
Sunday, November 16: Altar Servers: Grant Gerszewski & Anton Osowski. Lector: Irene Evenson.
Ushers: Donald Rudnik & George Kozel. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Intinction with the Precious Blood.
WARSAW: Sunday, November 9: Altar Servers: Julian, Dominic, & William Schuster. Lector: Sandy Schuster.
Ushers: Maurice Feltman, Dennis Slominski, George Wosick, Greg Feltman. Gift Bearers: Irene Mozinski and Mary Pat Jahner.
Sunday, November 16: Altar Servers: John Stanislowski, Josh Stoltman, Joachim Kazmierczak, Beau Feltman. Lector: Sandy
Schuster. Ushers: Maurice Feltman, Dennis Slominski, George Wosick, Greg Feltman. Gift Bearers: Rodney & Lorraine Riskey.
PARENT WORKSHOP ABOUT KEEPING OUR KIDS SAFE ONLINE. UNFILTERED is a one-session DVD-based workshop that helps parents understand the hidden issues families face online. It will be held on Sun., Nov. 9, at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Minto. All parents
and interested individuals are invited and encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES for grades K-8 on Wed., Nov. 12, 6:15-7:30pm at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Warsaw, for both
Sacred Heart and St. Stanislaus parishes together.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, December 21, after the 10:30am Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, Warsaw. Children from both Warsaw and Minto are asked to participate. A potluck for all parishioners from both parishes will follow the pageant.
NOVEMBER CURSILLO EVENTS: Our next Mixed Reunion will be held on Sunday, Nov. 23 at 7 PM in the auditorium of Saint Stanislaus
Catholic Church in Warsaw. This event is for men and women and all are welcome to attend! The Women's Grouping will be held on Thursday,
Nov. 13 and Wednesday, Nov. 26 (due to Thanksgiving Day) at 7 PM in front of Mary's altar at Sacred Heart Church. Bring a friend!
ATTENTION ALL CURSILLISTAS! De Colores! A list of 2015 Cursillo weekends throughout the Diocese follows. Applications are available at Maryvale Men's-Jan. 29-Feb. 1. Maryvale Women's-Feb. 12-15. Belcourt Men's-Feb. 19-22. Belcourt Women's-Mar. 1922. Hankinson Men's-Mar. 5-8. Hankinson Women’s-Mar. 19-22. If you have questions, please contact Ben Seitz at (701) 540-8248.
125TH ANNIVERSARY MASS OF THE DIOCESE OF FARGO Sat., Nov. 15, 10:00am, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Luncheon and exhibition
of historical pictures, documents, and artifacts to follow the Mass. For more information, visit All are welcome.
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in
you?” The Spirit of God dwells in our marriage sacrament, also. What have we done to build up this temple? There will be a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on November 21-23 in East Grand Forks. For more information, visit our website at: or contact Kate
& Ryan Bleth at 701-347-1998.
STUDY THE NEW TESTAMENT VIA TV OR INTERNET: Free Catholic Bible Study Resources created by Dr. Jan George. The videos can be
viewed for free at, where accompanying lessons can be downloaded. Sacred Heart Productions is an apostolate dedicated to producing a Bible Study that can be used by individuals or study groups who desire to read Scripture and grow in knowledge
and the love of God through His Word. The New Testament Letters: Part I covering the early letters of St. Paul is currently being aired on local
access television. Check your TV listings. Lessons can be downloaded at under NT Letters Part I. The 15part schedule can also be found under “Television Programming.”
MINTO SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION November 11, 2014, 9:00am-7:00pm, Minto High School Library.
CANCERVIVOR RELAY TEAM is having a baked potato feed on Sun., Nov. 16, 11:00am-1:00pm, at the Minto Community Center. Free will
offering for the potato bake. Turkey Bingo starts at 1:00pm. Also mini-raffle and bake sale. All proceeds go to the Walsh County Relay for Life.
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CONGRATULATIONS to Bentley Thomas Ritzke, infant son of John & Terra Ritzke of Minto, who was baptized on Saturday, October 25,
2014, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Minto.
THANK YOU for to everyone who helped make our fall dinner a huge success. We served 751 people. Thank you for the donations of pies and
desserts, food, bake sale items, and mini-raffle items. Thank you to everyone who helped prepare and cook the food. Thank you to our fall
dinner chairmen, Helen Zikmund, Shelley Schuster, and Irene Evenson; to the organizers of the mini-raffle and bake sale and to the quiltmakers.
Thank you to all the workers and to everyone who helped in any way.
QUILT RAFFLE WINNERS: Quilt-Anna Montoya, Grafton. $100-Ann Jiskra, Minto. $50-Dennis Gerszewski, Manvel.
LECTORS ARE NEEDED for the Saturdays of November. Call the parish office at 248-3589 to volunteer.
CHURCH CLEANING: Thank you to everybody who came to clean last Tuesday night. About a dozen people came to clean the church and
basement and we thank you for all your help and hard work. Also, thank you to all those who cleaned the church and basement during the time
of construction. Your hard work is appreciated very much.
SACRED HEART PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Mon., Nov. 17, 6:00pm, church basement. All parishioners are welcome.
NOTE DATE CHANGE — SACRED HEART ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING will be held on Mon., Nov. 17, at 7:00pm in the church basement.
The date change is due to a conflict on our regular meeting date. All members are encouraged to attend.
NOVEMBER CHURCH CLEANING: Lead Person: Nicky Robinson. Marvin & Bea Bolek, Gary & Liz Grzadzielewski, Harry Hefta, Jr.; John
Kilichowski, Brad & Adrienne Narloch, Lisa Norton, Mike Oosterwijk, Rod & Annette Osowski, Donald & Bonnie Riske, Jim Riske, Shane & Nicky
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ST. STANISLAUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Tues., Nov. 18, 6:30pm, church basement. All parishioners are welcome.
VOCATION QUOTE: “Take God for your spouse and friend and walk with Him continually, and you will not sin, will learn to love,
and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you.” St. Teresa of Avila