Spring 2009 - Sacred Heart Cathedral School


Spring 2009 - Sacred Heart Cathedral School
A newsletter for the SHCS community
Page 4
President’s Awards
Summer 2009
Page 9
Winners from SHCS
Page 10
The Eagle Eye
The Summer Issue
SHCS Class of 2009
August 2009
August 13
Administrative Day
August 14
Administrative Day
August 17
Administrative Day
August 18
Registration Day
The SHCS Class of 2009 gathered with family and friends on May 14, 2009 at the Crowne Plaza
for a breakfast buffet, video presentation and academic awards ceremony. The Baccalaureate
Mass was held at Sacred Heart Cathedral that same evening. Congratulations to the graduating class of 2009 and best wishes from the entire SHCS community for continued success in all
future endeavors! Photo Courtesy of Dan Barile Photography
Principal’s Award
Home and School Association Awards
August 19
Half Day of School
August 20
First Full Day of School
John Clary
Jacqueline Chavez
Sister Georgeanna Service Award
Clare Conaty
Kathleen Conaty Erik Kropilak
Monsignor Edward Dolan Awards
September 2009
September 7
Labor Day
School Holiday
Maggie Smith
Angeline Morris
Dakota Raines
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
A Letter From The Principal
Dear families and friends,
Sedonna J. Prater, Principal
Pam Rhoades, Editor
Anita Poore,
Photos courtesy of Big Orange
Professional Photography, Dan
Barile Photography, Patrice
Staley, and Pam Rhoades
ACTIONS is published by the
Office of Development and
Communications for its students,
parents, grandparents, faculty,
staff, and friends.
Inquiries can be made to
ACTIONS, Sacred Heart
Cathedral School, 711
Northshore Drive, Knoxville, TN
37919, call (865) 558-4106, or
email rhoadesp@shcschool.org
A few weeks ago, Patty West, the chairman of the eighth grade Graduation Reception
committee, requested that I have the 8th grade students write a few lines along the theme of
“Footprints on the Heart”. As I prepared for graduation, I have given considerable thought to
that sentiment. The students wrote of the pride that they have felt over the accomplishments
experienced throughout the years----how proud many of our students felt to be inducted into the
National Junior Honor Society, or to have taken part in the Rose Receptions and Upward Trend.
Middle school helped many of them realize that hard work and consistent effort are the basis of
achieving good grades. I read in the lines that they felt prepared for high school. Students in the
Class of 2009 have demonstrated leadership by being involved in student government, the tech
team, and scouts. They have won speech contests and competed in a wide variety of scholastic
events. Our students have participated in science fairs and lived through cow’s eye dissections.
Our eighth graders remembered the excitement of attending Wesley Woods, Space Camp, and
Camp Greenville. They have worked backstage and center stage to put on school plays. All of
our students have created art and music, and raised their voices in song. Some of our students
will be forever remembered for their interesting talent show acts! So many of our eighth graders
talked about the huge accomplishment of being original members of the Liturgical Music
ministry, and how proud they were to help bring it to fruition.
In the area of sports, our students have brought honor to our school on every playing field
and court. They have demonstrated that whether it is a winning season or not, goals can be met
when you worked together as a “team”.
I fondly read as the eighth grade students recalled being the “little kids”, and being in awe of
the older students. And, as I have watched them take their turn at being the oldest, they have
worked with buddy classes and camps created for the younger ones, served as tutors, provided
encouragement and kindness, and were inspired to be positive role models. Our students have
contributed by serving at Mass, completing thousands of service hours, and working on many
projects for the school and in the community beyond its doors. They told me in their statements
that they could see the impact of “being the body” in terms of the positive influence this school
has had on them. They expressed appreciation for our Catholic school education, learned much
about their faith and, as one student wrote, try to “ be more Christ-like in everything I do”.
Whether they had been a member of this school community since attending the preschool or
only for a single year, our students have made great friends and found that they have had amazing teachers. I was impressed by the number of students that said they would carry on the values,
enthusiastic attitude, and self-confidence learned at Sacred Heart to high school and throughout
their lives. What most of the eighth graders recognized is the importance of everyone’s presence
and individual contributions to the school! Especially during their final year, through all the
achievements and hard work, they realized that they helped transform a brick and mortar facility
into a “place of heart”.
William James said, “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” Our
eighth grade students understand that they have made a lasting and wondrous impression on
those who follow. They feel the importance of doing so. What a thought as they continue life’s
journey. . . Congratulations to the class of 2009!
Page 2
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Top of the Chart for Sacred Heart
Grade Level
Above: Sacred Heart Cathedral School’s performance chart on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills Nationally
Normed Achievement exam. SHCS students performed in the advanced range in all content areas
and across all grade levels 1-8.
On Tuesday, April 21, Speaker Pro
Tempore Jamie Woodson met with
a group of 7th graders from Sacred
Heart Cathedral School who traveled
to Nashville to tour the State Capitol.
Their teacher, Mr. Torregiano, recognizes the importance of educating the
students on governmental practices
and procedures, and we commend him
for his commitment. From Tennessee
State Senator Jamie Woodson’s website: http://www.jamiewoodson.com/
Page 3
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
President’s Award for Academic Excellence
The President’s Education Awards
Program, sponsored by the U. S.
Department of Education, in partnership with the National Association of
Elementary School Principals and the
National Association of Secondary
School Principals, was developed to
help principals recognize and honor
those students who have achieved
high academic goals by their hard
work and dedication to learning. Sacred Heart Cathedral School is blessed
to have 35 eighth grade students honored this year by the President’s Award
for Academic Excellence. They are, in
alphabetical order:
A.C. Cabrera
Jacqueline Chavez
John Clary
Clare Conaty
Kathleen Conaty
Jack Connors
Christopher Cox
Kathryn Culhane-Eberenz
Martha Dinwiddie
Matthew Ducote
Andy Fox
Christian Gash
Ashley Gensheimer
Evan Gilhula
Caroline Hendee
Olivia Hoffman
Emily Holloway
Alexa Jostes
Erik Kropilak
Ben Longnecker
Caroline Macrae
Riley McMillan
Angeline Morris
Ben Mosrie
Photo courtesy of Big Orange Professional Photography
SHCS Faculty Awards
On the last day of school,
Mrs. Prater, Father Al and Father
Michael honored faculty and staff
for their service to Sacred Heart.
Those receiving recognition this
year are the following:
5 years: Theresa Buckman, John Gensheimer,
Kristin Peters, Misty Ridings
10 Years: Susan Clifton,
Chris Gilliland, Debbie Jackson, Deacon Jim Lawson
15 Years: John Chandler
20 Years: Jan Byers, Melanie
Mundy, Connie Schmidt
Mr. John Chandler receives his 15 Year
award plaque from Father Al on May
22, 2009 for his dedication and service
to Sacred Heart Cathedral School.
Page 4
Richie Mrozik
Anastasia Nassios
Megan Patterson
Dakota Raines
Hannah Raines
Preston Spalding
Reese Staley
Shannon Sullivan
Ashley Welborn
Jonathan Woo
Emma Zibas
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Fifth Grade Blasts Off
The Sacred Heart fifth grade class visited Space Camp at The U.S. Space and
Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama,
April 1st-3rd. Fifth grade teacher, Ms.
Maria Harnett, said, ”At Space Camp,
spatial technology of the past and present is showcased, and students see how
math and science can come together in
fun and exciting ways. There are unique,
hands-on learning opportunities and attractions, such as the Space and Rocket
Center Museum, which is home to the
United States’ largest collection of rockets and space memorabilia including the
Apollo 16 capsule.” Other attractions
include simulators such as the air-defying Space Shot, which shoots people 140
feet straight up in the air in less than 5
seconds, the Lunar Rover, and the centrifuge, which can simulate up to five
times the force of gravity. Harnett also
said, “the students enjoyed IMAX movies, rocket building, and scientific experiments. Everyone had such a great time
while visiting The Space and Rocket
Center; perhaps we have some future astronauts among us!”
L to R: Emma Kate Spalding, Ella Mosrie,
Leena Adkins, and Meg Jardine are all
smiles in the rocket field at Space Camp.
German Saturday School Receives Partnership
On May 12, the German Saturday
School of Knoxville, hosted by Sacred
Heart Cathedral School, received the
esteemed recognition and honor to be
named one of the forty-one schools
in the Partners of the Future initiative
by the German Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Dr. Lutz Hermann Gorgens,
Consul General of the Federal
Republic of Germany presented the
plaque and the corresponding grant
designating the German Saturday
School of Knoxville as a recognized
PASCH School (partner school)
at a reception held at Sacred Heart
Cathedral School.
program was started by the German
government in 2008 to promote
and foster the study of the German
language and culture.
The German Saturday School
of Knoxville Board is comprised of
representative leaders in the field
of language including Dr. Stefanie
Ohnesorg, President of the German
Saturday School, Dr. Charles Mellor,
a University of Tennessee professor of
German language, and Mrs. Sedonna
Prater, Principal of Sacred Heart
Cathedral School.
There are eighty-five students from
both SHCS and the larger community
currently enrolled in the German
Saturday School and ten highly
qualified teachers. The students meet
weekly at Sacred Heart and study
German language and culture. It is Dr. Lutz Hermann Gorgens, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of
outstanding preparation for travel, Germany (L), and Dr. Stefanie Ohnesorg,
study or work in German-speaking President and Principal of the German
countries. As Dr. Gorgens stated in Saturday School of Knoxville, Inc. (R)
his presentation speech, “one can not present Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Principal Mrs. Sedonna Prater with the
truly know oneself until one knows Partners of the Future Education award.
another language”. If the students
complete the year in good standing,
the students receive credit on their complete international German
SHCS cumulative record. With this exams for entrance in German uniaddition of the PASCH network versities.
status students will now be able to
Page 5
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
8th Grade Rose Award Winners
The Upward Trend program recognizes middle school students for
achievement in the areas of academics, service, and/or leadership,
throughout the academic year. This program is
designed to promote,
support, and celebrate
the efforts of students
each nine-week term.
The recognition criteria for Upward Trend are
Achievement of First
or Second Honor Roll
for a nine-week period
(Academics) and four
outside - of-school- day
service activities (or 4
hours) for a nine-week
term (Service). Students
who receive Upward Trend recognition both quarters of a semester are recognized at the semester Rose
Reception. This year’s Rose Award recipients are the following:
Caroline Adam, Anna Avalos, Cecelia Bryant, A.C. Cabrera, Jacqueline Chavez, John Clary, Clare Conaty, Kathleen Conaty, Jack Connors, Chris Cox, Kathryn Culhane-Eberenz, Martha Dinwiddie, Matthew Ducote, Sam
Erickson, Andy Fox, Philip Garner, Christian Gash, Ashley Gensheimer, Nick Giecek, Evan Gilhula, Patty Greer,
Caroline Hendee, Emily Holloway, Krissy Holvey, Alexa Jostes, Erik Kropilak, Christopher Masuo, Zach Mathien,
Riley McMillan, Marlee Montgomery, Kristiana Moore, Angeline Morris, Ben Mosrie, Anastasia Nassios, Megan
Patterson, Keller Poore, Dakota Raines, Hannah Raines, Tabitha Smalley, Maggie Smith, Preston Spalding, Reese Staley, Preston Tucker, Ashley Welborn, Jonathan Woo, Emma Zibas.
Photo courtesy of Big Orange Professional Photography
Buddies! 8th grader Gabriel
Saavedra and 2nd grader
Andrew Della-Rodolfa enjoy
popsicles during their last
Buddies visit of the year.
Mrs. Rhae Nell Poteet’s 6th grade science class recently
studied recycling. Winners of the recycling Power Point
presentation project were from left to right: Katie Goodwyn, Andy Nguyen, Christen Torres, Monica Montgomery,
Matthew Dovgan, Brian Curtin, Christopher Jackson, Augie Fortune, and Matt Holloway.
Page 6
Bridges! 7th graders Andrew Saah and Nick Dorsten
test the bridge they built
during Mrs. Lisa Koch’s science class.
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Spring Scenes from Sacred Heart
Left: 2nd grader Trey Ridenour with his grandfather Dr. Ben Muldong at Grandparents/Special Friends Day. Middle: 3rd graders Meg Cathey and
Walker Smith portray an overwhelmed waitress and Jesus in the Grandparents Day Play, “The Waiter.” Right: 4th grader Delaney Brennan practices
etiquette with her mother Cindy in Mrs. Anne Young’s classroom. The 4th grade hosted a tea party for their mothers.
May Crowning Court from left - Ben Mosrie, Philip
Garner, Anna Avalos, Cecelia Bryant, Christopher
Masuo, Kathleen Conaty (front)
The 3rd Annual Men and Sacred Heart
(MASH) ice cream extravaganza was
a huge success. Pictured above are
MASH scoopers from left to right-- Najwan Natour, Robert Bryant, Stephen
Wilson, Rick Davis, John Patterson,
Mick Connors, Marty Velas, Ed Mackle,
and Jeff Elliott... with just a small
sample of the ice cream, syrup, m&m’s
and whip cream that was served.
Right: 1st Grade teacher Mrs.
Laura Sharbel with Emma Coffey
(L) and Eleanor Mancini (R) enjoy ice cream on the pavilion.
WBIR-TV Weatherman Mike Witcher visits with 3rd
Grade. Front L to R: Erica Patterson, Joey Sewell, Walker Smith, Isabella Klitzke and Aerin Rhoades. Back L to
R: Mike Witcher and Father Michael Maples
Page 7
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Lend A Hand Fund Update
In the midst of the difficult economic
times that our country is facing, our
Catholic schools became concerned about
the number of families that experienced a
dramatic change in household finances. For
most of us, we do not have to look very far
to find a family member, friend, or neighbor
who has lost a job because of the declining
economy. Because of growing concern that
our Catholic families may have to choose
between Catholic school education and
other family needs, the Knoxville area
region organized a drive entitled the Lend
a Hand Fund. Area Pastors and Principals
joined efforts to collect contributions that
could be distributed to those families that
have had a change in circumstance since
the beginning of the year and may benefit
from tuition assistance. It was collected
in offertory baskets or by the school and
given to the Knoxville Regional Catholic
School Operating Fund so that it could
be equitably distributed among Catholic
students in any of the regional schools,
Sacred Heart Cathedral, St. Joseph School,
St. John Neumann, and Knoxville Catholic
High School.
The effort was extremely successful
and raised more than $95,000. Funds
were contributed from parishioners of
the following parishes: Sacred Heart
Cathedral, St. Albert the Great, Holy
Ghost, Immaculate Conception, All Saints,
Our Lady of Fatima, and St. Joseph in
Norris. In addition, the Principals from
SHCS, St. Joseph, St. John Neumann,
and Knoxville Catholic High schools
encouraged donations through their
respective communities. On behalf of all of
the Principals and Pastors, we would like to
thank all of you that may have contributed
to this fund. Sacred Heart Cathedral
parish and Sacred Heart Cathedral School
combined raised $37,036. KCHS had the
next highest contributions with $29,239,
followed by All Saints with $11,015.
Families in Sacred Heart Cathedral School
benefited by this effort by receiving
approximately $29,000 in tuition assistance.
If anyone would like to continue to
donate to the Knoxville Regional Schools
Operation Fund for tuition assistance,
please contact the Sacred Heart Business
Office at 558-4101.
First Holy Communion
Sacred Heart Cathedral School second graders made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 1st. Teachers Ms.
Fran Herrick, Mrs. Kristin Peters, and Mrs. Monica Chrysandreas, along with Religious Education Director Brigid Johnson
prepared the 53 Communicants throughout the year. In addition to Father Al Humbrecht, Deacon Jim Lawson, and Deacon Joe Stackhouse, pictured below are:
Nicole Arnone, Brooke Bellinghausesn, Riley
Belt, Noelle Beswick, Alec Bindner, David
Bush, Hutton Butler, Audrey Champelli, Caitlin Christiansen, CeCe Coakley, Olivia Cunningham, Andrew Della-Rodolfa, Christian
Dempster, Dakota Dickinson, Alex DiFelice,
Rencey Dunlap, Will Dupree, Bridget Greer,
Beny Guerrero, Sean Halstead, Sydnee Hansraj, Hannah Heckler, Emma Kochanowski,
Lainie Lacey, Alex Lensgraf, Hansel Lin, Isaias
Luna, Yareli Mata, Emmanuel Mata, Justin
Maynard, Daniel Maynard, Chloe Merry, Max
Mizerski, Valerie Monarrez, Lucy Moore,
Jordan Natour, Jasmine Osuna, Natalie Perry,
Michael Ray, Trey Ridenour, Lydia Simerlein,
Hannah Sorenson, Hannah Southall, Justin
Stackhouse, Christopher Torres, Grace Trzeciak, Paul Velas, Zoe Velas, Saymo Velazquez,
Michael Wells, Ashleigh Williams, Tommy
Williams, Maggie Zibas.
Photo courtesy of Dan Barile Photography
Page 8
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Heart-to-Heart Players
The SHCS Theater Department presented two very successful productions
this year! The fall play, “It’s a Bird, It’s a
Plane, It’s a Nerdman”, was a silly spoof on
Superman, and the spring presentation,
the classic drama, “Pollyanna”, showcased
the wide spectrum of the talents of our
Producer/Director Mrs. Libby Talley
says, “Actor selection is the most difficult
of all the decisions a Director must make.
I agonize over each role, trying to make
sure that every actor fits the role. The students must choose a skit, reading, or poem
that they feel will make them competitive
for a role. Every student tries to show her/
his talents, and just by auditioning tells
me how much being in the play means
to them. I want to include as many students in a production as I can, and usually
stretch the number of roles.”
own lines and their cues from other actors’
lines. If there is music, dancing or singing
in the play, the actors must also learn all
the lyrics and choreography.
Technology Coordinator, Ms. Ann Wayburn and Associate Technology Coordinator, Mr. Robert Gatton have assembled a
wonderful “Tech Team” comprised of fifth
through eighth graders that run lights,
sound, and help on-stage. The tech crew
is an integral part of our productions.
The Cast of “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane,
It’s Nerdman” included: Caroline Adam,
Michael Erpenbach, William Ewell,
Christian Gash, Ashley Gensheimer,
Parker Gensheimer, Natalie Hatfield,
Charlie Higdon, Frances Higdon, Allie McLaughlin, Angeline Morris, Ben
Mosrie, Ritchie Mrozik, Bailey Poteet,
Sienna Prater, Alex Robinson, Hayden
The Cast of Pollyanna included: Camille Baker, Abby Blevins, Madelyn
Collins, Victoria Crawford, Michael
Erpenbach, William Ewell, Christian
Gash, Ashley Gensheimer, Parker Gen-
Once the role selection is made, the
process of “putting on a play” is fast paced
with rehearsals after school every Monday through Thursday for one and a half
to two hours. There are some weekend
practices, including the essential technical rehearsals on the Saturday and Sunday
before the dress rehearsal that are the first
blending of the cast and the tech crew. The
cast is responsible for learning all of their
Page 9
sheimer, Natalie Hatfield, Erica Heilbronn, Charlie Higdon, Frances Higdon, Krissy Holvey, Elise Klug, Nicole
Larsen, Helen Martin, Angeline Morris,
Bailey Poteet, Dakota Raines, Alex Robinson, Sienna Prater, Tabitha Smalley,
Katie Templeton, Hayden White.
The cast and crew of all the plays always
wish to thank our parents who get us to
practices, provide treats at practice, get
our costumes, and love us. -Libby Talley
Editor’s Note: The spring play, “Pollyanna”
was Director Libby Talley’s twentieth production at SHCS! Thank you, Libby!
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Winners From Sacred Heart
On May 16, Kathleen Conaty became
the Tennessee Optimist Oratorical
Girls State Champion. Her journey
started when she first won the speech
class contest, then won from Sacred
Heart, and then took the award from
the Knoxville Optimist’s Club. From
there she advanced and won the East
Tennessee District, before going to
the state level in Nashville to compete.
QSP, Inc. and Catholic Digest are
pleased to announce that Sacred
Heart Cathedral School eighth grade
student, Jacqueline Chavez, is the
winner of their $1,000 scholarship.
The winners of the National Level
Scholastics Arts competition have
been selected and out of 585 winners from across the United States,
East Tennessee received only seven
The competition concluded at the
state level where she competed
against others from Memphis, Nashville, and Chattanooga. She was
awarded a $1500 scholarship!
The theme for this year’s contest was
“For Me, Optimism Is...” Congratulations to Kathleen and thank you for
representing Sacred Heart Cathedral
The scholarship is called the “QSP/
Catholic Digest Leadership Award”
and is awarded to a deserving student who exemplifies the essence of
the award, “Inspiration through Leadership.”
The winner must demonstrate strong
leadership qualities, good character,
positive attitude, class attendance,
class participation, community involvement, and must be advancing
to a Catholic high school.
Congratulations, Jacqueline!
Speech students at SHCS are coached
by Mrs. Connie Schmidt and Mrs.
Susan Clifton.
Page 10
Out of those seven, Sacred Heart
8th grade art student Preston
Spalding won a Silver Medal for
this “Heart and Sole” Shoe Sculpture. Congratulations to Preston for
representing our school and our region. Preston was the ONLY middle
school student in our area who was
recognized. The other six winners
were high school students. All National medal winners like Preston
will be honored at Carnegie Hall in
New York City, June 4th, 2009.
Way to go, Preston, for being a National Winner for the Scholastic Art
Awards. SHCS Art Teacher, Mrs.
Tina Marchegianni is the faculty
sponsor of this annual art project.
Congratulations to Mrs. Marchegianni as well!
Sacred Heart Cathedral School
Eagle Eye on...Kelly Rexrode
Sacred Heart 3rd grade teacher Kelly
Rexrode is heading into her twentieth year
at SHCS, coming to Knoxville in the fall
of 1990. Kelly was born in Baltimore,
Maryland and attended Milligan College
in Johnson City, Tennessee. She did her
student teaching in second and fourth
grades at Happy Valley Elementary School
in Johnson City. After graduating, she
worked at a daycare, taught pre-school
summer music at a Methodist church, and
then landed at St. Mary’s School in Johnson
City, teaching 5th and 6th grades and
middle school fine arts classes.
When asked what keeps her motivated
as a teacher, Kelly says it is “the energy,
the excitement, joy, smiles, and laughter
from the students!” She believes that a
great teacher is “one who tries to love and
teach their students as Jesus would. One
who inspires the students to ‘reach for the
stars’ and to ‘never give up on themselves.’”
Her favorite aspect of teaching is simply
“interacting with the students all day.
Being able to watch their excitement for
learning and life every day - it’s contagious!
They make teaching so
Kelly also tries to keep
in touch with her former
students saying that “it’s
nice to have students come
back to Sacred Heart just
to stop by and tell you how
they are doing and what
they remember about 3rd
grade. Some students even
write and share what’s going
on in their lives!” A couple
of memories that jump out
at Kelly was the time she sat down in the
lunch room at the boys table. One of the
boys exclaimed to the other boys, “It’s okay
guys, she’s one of the good ones!” Another
time, a student prayed for her out loud
in the classroom saying, “May she use her
powers for good!” Other favorite things
are “directing the skits at Grandparents
Day, the students singing with me as I play
guitar at mass, or for Catholic Schools Week
celebrations!” Kelly is also instrumental
in the planning and organization of the
annual 3rd Grade Class
trip where the students
and teachers stay 3
days and 2 nights at
the environmental
education program at
Camp Wesley Woods in
Townsend, Tennessee.
Kelly believes in the
importance of Catholic
education. She says
“it is Christ-centered
and realizes that the
true source of all
knowledge and wisdom
comes from God. Its
Kelly Rexrode and her 3rd grade class dress up as their favorite book educators seek to instill
characters during their “Race to Read” class project.
Page 11
these Biblical principles in young hearts and
minds now and for all eternity!” She adds
that “SHCS is a special place because of the
wonderful students, parents, and staff who
are all striving to be like Christ. Together,
we have a loving, caring, faith-based school
and parish.”
Lastly, Kelly imparts that the verse she
tries to abide by each day is from Micah 6:8:
“Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly
with my God.” She adds that “all 613 Old
Testament precepts are included in this one
Sacred Heart Cathedral School is blessed
to have Kelly Rexrode inspire our 3rd grade
3rd grader Noah Bond shares a memory with
Ms. Rexrode and the class during Grandparents
and Special Friends Day.
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Class of 2009 Graduation Awards
Angeline Morris
John Clary
Reese Staley
Zachary Adams
Erik Kropilak
Tabitha Smalley
Clare Conaty
Kathleen Conaty
Natalie Hatfield
Jacqueline Chavez
Ashley Welborn
Ben Mosrie
Lizzie Hook
Riley McMillan
Dakota Raines
Erik Kropliak
Arik Stuvek
Maggie Smith
John Clary
Ashley Gensheimer
Kathleen Conaty
Christopher Masuo
Dakota Raines
Amanda Mann
Patty Greer
Angeline Morris
Dakota Raines
Hannah Raines
Angeline Morris
Erik Kropilak
Clare Conaty
Tabitha Smalley
Andy Fox
Emily Holloway
Maggie Smith
John Clary
Jacqueline Chavez
Angeline Morris
Jack Connors
Jacqueline Chavez
A.C. Cabrera
Evan Gilhula
Savannah Fox
Kathleen Conaty
Daisy Nassios
Kathleen Conaty
Nick Giecek
Christian Gash
Michael Erpenbach
Will Easley
John Clary
Dakota Raines
Angeline Morris
Emily Holloway
Preston Tucker
Note: President’s Awards
for Academic Excellence
and Rose Award winners
are listed on page 4 and 6.