the Bulletin for this week here.
the Bulletin for this week here.
Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Most Rev. William E. Lori Archbishop of Baltimore “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. - Mark 10:15 Msgr. Richard W. Woy Rector Fr. Andrew T. DeFusco Associate Pastor Msgr. Robert Armstrong Rector Emeritus MASS TIMES Weekdays: 7am, 8:15am, and 5:30pm Saturday: 8:15am and 5pm Confessions: 4pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am and 11am Next Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wisdom 7:7-11 Psalm 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 Hebrews 4:12-13 Mark 10:17-30 Respect Life Sunday 5200 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21210–2098 410-464-4000 111 Amberly Way Baltimore, Maryland 21210 410-464-4100 Monsignor’s Message for the Week 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3/4, 2015 Dear Friends, We welcome Archbishop Lori to the Cathedral this weekend as celebrant of the 11:00 AM Mass for Respect Life Sunday. Next weekend the Archbishop will mark the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart at the 5:00PM Saturday Mass. Please make our Archbishop and guests welcome during their visit with us. It’s hard to believe that I have been rector for nearly 15 months. When I arrived, I outlined five goals for my initial year as your pastor: 1. Listen to the concerns, hopes, and aspirations of the parish community; 2. Instill a sense of confidence in the parish community; 3. Bridge the gap between the school and the parish communities; 4. Hire a new director of liturgical music; 5. Hire a new youth minister. By and large, I think we have made good progress together on each of these items. I’ve been mentioning to various groups what I hope to accomplish in my second year as Rector. These five goals are not exclusive of my work but succeeding in these goals, I believe, will have the most impact on the wider parish: 1. Continue to Listen to Parishioners: It’s hard to lead a community unless you know the community’s thoughts and concerns. To this end, I hope to revitalize the Pastoral Council. I am working with current council members in redrafting the council’s constitution and by-laws so that it might be an efficient and effective means in helping me understand the parish’s pastoral and spiritual needs. 2. Financial Stability: In recent years, offertory income has dropped significantly. However, with your generous response to my stewardship appeal last fall, we have begun to reverse that trend. But we are still not yet paying all our bills. I’ll be speaking to the parish about this later this month. My goal is to make sure we can cover our payroll expenses from offertory proceeds to assure that will have the necessary staff to provide the pastoral programs and outreach needed to be a strong parish. Again, my primary concern is the “living stones of the church.” 3. Homecoming 2015: We have so much to celebrate as a parish family. For nearly 60 years we have been the spiritual home to countless families and individuals. Ours is a proud past and we have a bright future. I would like to celebrate our life as a parish through a homecoming celebration each year to mark the dedication of our magnificent church in 1959. 4. New Principal for the School of the Cathedral: Hiring the next principal of the SCMOQ is critically important to the health and future of our Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School. The school is an integral part of our parish’s mission. 5. Hiring a Director of Faith Formation: This is the one position still needed to round out our pastoral staff. A competently trained director will oversee a comprehensive program of faith formation from cradle to grave with a primary focus on evangelization and adult faith formation. We were not successful in our search earlier this year. This position is in the current budget. So these are my primary goals for this academic/work year. Please feel free to offer feedback/comments on my goals. Please keep in your prayers the repose of the soul of Shirley Daniels, the mother of our sacristan Shirley Davis. Mrs. Daniels was buried from her church, the Bibleway Baptist Church on Wednesday. Also, remember Charlotte F. Nayden, a long-time parishioner whose Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Friday. Finally, the RCIA is forming for this year. Now is the time to invite someone to consider becoming Catholic. Call Fr. Andrew or me for details. Have a good week! Msgr. Woy STEWARDSHIP September 26h & 27th Offertory 2nd Coll. (Pres. Trust) Poor Box Food Program Attendance $8,469.90 $1,484.74 $119.34 $150.00 1,049 Faith Direct Parishioners are invited to consider our Faith Direct program as it provides a convenient way to support the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen by electing to use direct debit for your offertory giving. Thank you to our parishioners who are already using Faith Direct. If you elect to participate, you may register online at and use MD500 for the Cathedral. EVANGELIZATION What does the Eighth Commandment require of us? The Eighth Commandment teaches us not to lie. Lying means consciously and intentionally speaking or acting against the truth. Someone who lies deceives himself and misleads others who have a right to know the full truth of a matter. Every lie is an offense against justice and charity. Lying is a form of violence; it introduces the seed of division into a community and undermines the trust on which every human community is based. Fellowship Sunday Social The Service Commission will host this Sunday’s Social after the 9:30AM Mass in the Undercroft. The organ is too loud. I can’t hear the cantor. I can’t hear the choir. The cantor is too loud. I’ve heard all these complaints here and virtually everywhere I’ve played for an extended period. Musical balance can be very subjective and can also change from place to place in the building depending upon the acoustics (another very subjective science). While these complaints may be legitimate at times, I often find the problem may not be musical balance but rather a difference in expected musical role. During the celebration of Mass, there are times when instruments can play solo, accompany a single singer (cantor or other soloist), or accompany the entire congregation. Likewise with singers, there is a time when the cantor or choir sings with the congregation and a time when the choir or cantor sings apart from the congregation. In our modern culture, music has become a very passive activity where we spend more time listening than doing. We have also become very dependent upon modern electrical amplification systems. When someone complains that an instrument or singer was too loud or soft, my next question is always during what part of Mass the imbalance occurred. When the congregation sings, the organ will need to be louder than when it only accompanies the cantor or choir. When the congregation sings, the choir and cantor should blend into the overall sound, not dominate it. With a familiar song, the cantor should be completely unnecessary. Our modern ears and habits have turned us into listeners rather than doers. When we gather here to worship, the Liturgy is the work of all the people gathered together. We may have different roles, but do not hand your musical role over to the cantor or choir. That’s when the musical balance gets out of whack. Make your contribution to the celebration and sing, not only to keep the musical balance, but because we are here to praise the Lord. Glenn Mass Intentions for October 4 - October 10, 2015 Sun., Oct. 4 Mon., Oct. 5 Tues., Oct. 6 Wed., Oct. 7 Thurs., Oct. 8 Fri., Oct. 9 W O R S H I P Sat., Oct. 10 8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 8:15AM 5:30PM (*) Living Archer Senft* Donald J. D’Ambrogi, Jr. Lillian Guiffre Herbert Turk Ella Peter Margaret Kenney Louis Paris Lee Warfield Danny Beckenholdt James Mutsceller Frances Cain Josephine Rubera John Helldorfer Donald D’Ambrogi, Jr. Patricia Brannan* Hipolit Basil Kris William Flattery Sr. Peggy McGaffney SSND Maria Covatta Frances Blusiewicz Gorecki* Sacrament of Baptism We would like to congratulate and welcome Amelia Foster Boughan, Elizabeth Passano Wiggs and Davide Luciano Marcozzi on celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism. DAILY MASSES IN OCTOBER Our daily Masses will be in the Lady Chapel for the month of October, except for the school Mass on Thursdays at 8:15AM. BISHOP MADDEN’S PRAYER WALK Please join Bishop Madden’s next Prayer Walk at St. Peter Claver on October 6th (1546 N. Fremont Avenue). This is at the epicenter of the April riots. We can also say that this is now at the epicenter for efforts at rebuilding and reconciliation. Plan to gather at 5:30PM for a light meal before beginning with prayer in the church. The prayer walk will end before 7:30PM. Let us continue to pray for the City of Baltimore. ANNUAL WHITE MASS—SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18TH Save the date for The Catholic Medical Association Baltimore Guild’s Annual White Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday, October 18th at 11:00AM. The Mass is celebrated in honor of St. Luke and in recognition of all medical professionals. Mass is open to all. READING CENTER CareNotes can be found at the Parish Center or on the Reading Center rack at the side door of the Church. These small pamphlets offer hope to those who have lost a loved one, are coping with anxiety, depression, or addiction, or dealing with illness. Please feel free to take the ones you need, but we do ask for a donation of $1 each. Place envelopes marked “CARENOTES” in the votive light money boxes or in the collection basket. CATHEDRAL LIBRARY Please don’t forget to visit the Cathedral Library on Sundays, 9:30AM to 1:30PM and Mondays, 10:00AM to 2:00PM. The library is located downstairs below the narthex. No fees are involved for book circulation. EDUCATION This Week * Sunday, October 4th - Respect Life Sunday. * Monday, October 5th - Grade 8 students will take the ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis and Religious Education). * Tuesday, October 6th - Our Daily Bread casseroles (must be frozen) may be dropped off in the School Circle from 7:45 to 8:00AM. Please do NOT leave casseroles if there is no one there to receive them. * Wednesday, October 7th - Schoolwide Assembly, 8:00AM. * Thursday, October 8th - School Liturgy, 8:15AM in the Cathedral. Confirmation Parent Meeting, 7-8:30PM. *Friday, October 9th - Fit Family Night! Look for details to come on our website. Next Week * Monday, October 12th—Winter Uniform Required for all students. * Tuesday, October 13th —School Board Executive Committee meeting. 8:00AM. * Wednesday, October 14th —CASPA Board meeting, 7:00AM. * Thursday, October 15th —School Liturgy, 8:15AM in the Cathedral. Interims will be sent home with all students in K-2. Confirmation class, 7:00-8:30PM. * Friday, October 16th—School is CLOSED for Archdiocesan Professional Day. Applications for 2016-2017 School Year Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are now available! Please visit our school website to complete and submit an application for your child. All applications will be acknowledged via email. Admissions testing dates are Saturday, January 9th and 16th. The exact date and time for each child’s testing will be communicated via email by the middle of December. Parishioners, if any of your neighbors or friends have children who may be interested in our school, please ask them to contact Mrs. Mia Reilly White at 410-464-4117 or to set up a time for a tour. Tours are conducted each Tuesday morning, by appointment. Be sure to check the school website for any calendar updates: Follow us on Facebook! Sunday School We have started and we are still accepting registrations. Please note our new start time is 10:45-11:45AM. Please remember, if your child is going to celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion (2nd grade) or Confirmation (8th grade), they must be enrolled and complete the prior grade (1st & 7th grade) before they can celebrate the Sacrament. Sunday School classes are held September – May at 10:45-11:45AM for grades Kindergarten through 8th grade in the school. A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is needed for new applicants. Family Life We will include the Catechesis for Family Life during the Sunday School program. The book we use is Family Life by RCL Benziger. We will start teaching this program on October 18th during Sunday School of Religion class. The books will be sent home the first week of school for you to review. While we are teaching these chapters to your child, we ask that the material in these books also be covered by the parents at home along with the family resource book. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sherri Rachuba 410-464-4010 or e-mail: The dates are marked on the Sunday School calendar. From 10:45-11:15AM Religious Education will be taught and 11:1511:45AM Family Catechesis will be taught on those designated dates. Little People’s Church We are in need of a teacher for Little People’s Church. If you are interested, please contact Sherri Rachuba at 410-464-4010 or YOUTH MINISTRY Want to know what’s going on in Youth Ministry? Follow us on Twitter @CMOQ_YouthMin High School Youth Group: First social event of the year for 9th-12th grades! Join us on October 10th at 6PM in the Youth Room for food and fun. Contact Siobhan Cooney if you have questions at or 410-464-4012. Middle School Youth Group: First social event of the year for 6th – 8th grades! Join us on October 11th at 3PM in the Youth Room for food and fun. Contact Siobhan Cooney if you have questions at or 410-464-4012. Confirmation: Parent meetings are Thursday, October 8th at 7-8:30PM or Sunday, October 11th at 10:30AM-12PM. Parents must attend one of these meetings if their child is being confirmed this year. Contact Siobhan Cooney with questions at or 410-464-4012. September was full of activity and adventure with the Haiti Carnavale, a caving and whitewater rafting campout. The fun and adventure continues in October. Cathedral’s Troop 1000 offers one of the best all-around scouting programs in the area and no other troop can top our high adventure activities! To join Troop 1000 you must be 11 years old or have completed the 5th grade. Come visit us at a Friday night meeting to see what we are all about, talk to any of our scouts or their parents or call Membership Chairman Andy Fish (410-366-1491) or Scoutmaster Alastair Mackay (410 -321 -88 94) or vis it our w eb site at CUB SCOUT PACK 1000 Moms and Dads, if you are looking for something great not only to do for your son but with your son, Cub Scouts could be the answer! Pack 1000 is sponsored by the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen and meets monthly at the School of the Cathedral. We currently have 56 boys/ families in grades 1-5 in our Pack. We have a great program planned for the 2015-16 year. In October we have two overnight camping trips scheduled. We will camp in Patapsco State Park and also Camp Oest at Broadcreek. We have many more fun and engaging activities scheduled throughout the year. Come check us out! Our next monthly meeting is Friday, November 6th at 7PM in the school’s cafeteria. For further information, contact our Membership Chairman Bill McFaul at or Cubmaster Scott Murphy at You can also visit us at Hope to see you and your son at our November meeting! POOR BOX The Poor Box for this Sunday will be used at Monsignor Woy’s discretion to support the Parish’s general funding to help the poorest and most vulnerable individuals in our extended community. All donations are greatly appreciated. S E R V I C E CARES Now back in school, the demand for CARES items does not diminish for most families. Please consider making your donations of non-perishable items or toiletries to the CARES baskets at each of the doors of the Cathedral. If you have more than you can carry or for any other reason it is difficult for you to leave donations at any of the doors of the Cathedral, feel free to call Keith at 410-532-6286 and he will be happy to make arrangements for your donations to be picked up. TOURS of the CATHEDRAL We have all marveled at this magnificent Cathedral but how many of us really know it? Now is your chance! Each month Docents will highlight a specific area in the Cathedral. This is your opportunity to learn about the outstanding art and wondrous church history that abound in the Cathedral and that students and scholars have found fascinating for decades. During the month of October, Docents will provide a brief tour of the Lady Chapel, designed by Ramusch Studios. This lovely Chapel is located behind the altar. It will come alive in all its splendor as the Docents discuss the unique features, the stunning windows, and how the Cathedral received its name! Do you know how many shades of blue are in the Lady Chapel? Well, now you can find out! Docents will be in the Chapel after all Masses during the month of October to share its wonders with you. If you are interested in learning more about the Cathedral and sharing its wonders and that of the Catholic Church, join the Docents. The Docent Ministry gives tours of the Cathedral after Masses and for special groups and events, for example, Archdiocesan-wide events. The Ministry doesn’t require much time and is lots of fun! A full training course will be provided and assistance is always available. Please contact Sheila Peter at or 410-323-8526 to become a Docent today. MARYLAND CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference will be held October 10th and 11th at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmittsburg, MD. Please see the website,, for our mission statement, goals, conference details, and registration. Cost is $80 and includes all meals and events. Register now! For more information, call 443-324-8487. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND ANNULMENTS FROM A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE The Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be giving a presentation in our area concerning divorce and annulment from the Catholic perspective. This presentation will be helpful for divorced Catholics, those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, those parish leaders involved in the RCIA process, and any others who may have an interest because of family or friends. This session will be held on Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00PM at St. Joseph, Fullerton in the Parish Hall. No prior registration is required. For further information, please call 410-5475533. MOTHER SETON ACADEMY—9TH ANNUAL WINE HARVEST AND AUCTION Mother Seton Academy presents the 9th Annual Wine Harvest and Auction on Saturday, November 7th from 5:30 to 8:00PM at Loyola University. Join Grand Cru and Loyola University in support of Motor Seton Academy. Live music by Tuxedo Park Strings. All proceeds provide scholarships for Baltimore City youth. For information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 410-563-2833.