the Bulletin for this week here.


the Bulletin for this week here.
Cathedral of
Mary Our Queen Parish
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Most Rev.
William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven
because she has shown great love. But the one to
whom little is forgiven, loves little. —Luke 7:32
Msgr. Richard W. Woy
Fr. Andrew T. DeFusco
Associate Pastor
Msgr. Robert Armstrong
Rector Emeritus
7am, 8:15am, and 5:30pm
8:15am and 5pm
Confessions: 4pm
8:00am, 9:30am and 11am
Next Sunday
Twelfth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Zechariah 12:10-11, 13:1
Psalm 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
Galatians 3:26-29
Luke 9:18-24
Woman washing Jesus’ Feet, South Bay 9 windows
5200 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21210–2098
111 Amberly Way
Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Msgr. Woy’s Message for the Week
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 11/12, 2016
Dear Friends,
School is over and we now settle into the long warm days of summertime – my favorite time of the year! One of
the great successes this year has been the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) at the 9:30 AM Mass. This
Sunday marks the last CLOW until September. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Cathy Lobo and Brigid
Wilder who have coordinated and led the CLOW experience. Cathy is the school nurse and Brigid a 5 th grade
teacher at the School of the Cathedral. However, their work on CLOW has been strictly volunteer. Between
them, you can count on one hand the number of Sundays they have been absent since last September. I want to
thank them and the middle schoolers who helped them for their wonderful service over the past year. CLOW has
been a great success with 45-70 kids participating weekly! More adult help is needed next year since the number
of children has grown. Please give Fr. Andrew a call if you can help – PLEASE!
We can rightfully be proud of our parish school. This past week, twenty-nine 8th graders graduated from the
School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. They were awarded $545,000 in academic leadership and
scholarship awards from various high schools and foundations! This is huge compliment not only to their hard
work, but to the quality of education provided by our parish school. Congratulations to our new graduates and
thanks to principal Michael Wright and his faculty and staff for a job very well done!
Eleven couples celebrating wedding anniversaries this month renewed their wedding vows after Mass last weekend. We will provide this opportunity for renewal on the first weekend of each month for couples celebrating
anniversaries. I would encourage them to invite their families and friends to attend. There is plenty of room in
the chapel. Coincidently, eleven parishioners also celebrated the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick last
weekend. Celebrating the Anointing of the Sick has become a wonderful addition to our weekend Masses.
Congratulations to Joe Holzman and Anthony Price of Boy Scout Troop 1000 sponsored by the parish for
achieving scouting’s highest achievement – Eagle Scout. The rank was conferred upon them at a court of honor
on Friday evening. I am grateful to Scout Master Alastair Mackay and the adult leadership of our troop for
supporting and encouraging these young men in their scouting journey.
Don’t forget we have two sessions of Vacation Bible School (VBS) taking place this summer: June 27th — 30th &
August 7th — 10th. You will find details in a separate flier in today’s bulletin.
Have a Good Week!
Msgr. Woy
Following the practice of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center, and in an effort to reduce our parish energy
and utility costs, this summer our parish employees will work an expanded four-day work week schedule.
The Parish Center will be open for service Monday through Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, and will
be closed on Fridays, effective the weeks of June 17th –August 19th. While the Parish Center building will be closed, emergency services and key personnel will remain available in the same manner as
happens currently during weekend and overnight periods. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with our modified summer schedule.
June 4th & 5th:
Offertory: $13,072.75
Poor Box: $826.76
Food Program: $81.00
Attendance: 985
2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
The 2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is well underway at Cathedral of Mary
Our Queen. So far, 381 parishioners have participated, and together, we have
raised $225,805 surpassing our parish appeal goal of $99,300. Thank you to all who
have participated up to this point.
Funds that are raised from the 2016 Appeal will support the Cathedral of Mary Our
Queen in the following ways:
Faith Direct
 Hire a social media/communications coordinator for the church and school
Parishioners are invited to consider
our Faith Direct program as it pro-  Begin the process to wire the Cathedral for webcast
vides a convenient way to support the
Cathedral of Mary Our Queen by As a reminder, the parish receives 25% back of pledges up to goal and a 50% rebate
electing to use direct debit for your from pledges over goal. Since we have exceeded our goal, Cathedral of Mary Our
offertory giving. Thank you to our Queen has the opportunity to maximize our funds received, making it easier for our
parishioners who are already using
Faith Direct. If you elect to partici- parish to meet its needs, like those mentioned above. It’s not the size of the gift
pate, you may register online at that’s important, but your willingness to participate. and use MD500
If you have yet to participate in the 2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please
for the Cathedral.
pledge online at or complete a pledge form available in
the back of the church. Please note that you may make a pledge payable in monthly
installments up until January 31, 2017.
Music Notes
Musical Invitations
Music is an experience. It requires people to create it, give it life, and to absorb or listen to it. It has power beyond words
to touch people and share deep emotions such as joy and grief. It can build community by bringing people together to
share in the same experience.
Music is used in worship. We pray to God in song. We study scripture when we sing psalms. We recall and form our own faith
when we sing other hymns and spiritual songs. Uniting our voices in song reinforces our own sense of community.
Music can also be used as a tool for evangelization. Some people choose where they worship based upon the music used. Even
here at the Cathedral, our Sunday morning Masses demonstrate different musical choices: no music at 8:00 AM, contemporary at
9:30AM, and traditional at 11:00AM. I like variety more than any one style, so hope that we can continue to expand the repertoire
and instruments used for worship here.
One of the other ways that music can evangelize is through concerts. The Cathedral has a long history of hosting musical events
outside of Mass. Several concerts were already planned and scheduled when I began here. Unfortunately, they did not seem well
attended, so I reduced the number of special musical events this year in an effort to focus energy on events that would have a
greater impact.
As this programming and school year comes to a close, as I see this Cathedral filled with people for graduations, and as I listen to
all the speeches about the future, my thoughts have turned to the musical plans for next year. What concerts could we offer to fill
this space as we do for graduations? What music could we do to bring new people here to introduce them to our building and
community? What sort of musical event would you come to attend here? What sort of musical event would you bring your friends
here to attend?
How can I help you be an evangelist with a musical invitation to share? Send me your answers by email (,
catch me after Mass, or give me a call (410-464-4020).
Looking forward to your responses!
Mass Intentions for June 12 - 18, 2016
Sun., June 12
Mon., June 13
Tues., June 14
Wed., June 15
Thurs., June 16
Fri., June 17
Sat., June 18
(*) Living
Brian Cosgrove
Bob Berndt
John J. Coyle, Sr.
Bernadette S. Dougherty
Emelda Din*
Doris Charlotte Keys
Lucy Rubera
Rudy Leone
Geoffrey MacSherry
Kathleen A. Mikoloski
Erma Rumsey
John Melanson, Jr.
Lillian Giuffre
Margaret Goldsborough*
William Leo Barry
Gail McCurdy*
Raymond Jones
Dr. Michael L. DeVincentis
Dr. Steven Kopits
For the Parish
Sacrament of Baptism
We would like to congratulate and welcome
Benjamin Charles Federico
on celebrating the sacrament of Baptism.
Love and Mercy Win the Day
The power of forgiveness is something that hopefully all of us have experienced. It can touch us and transform
us, especially when the offense is great. Today’s gospel gives an illustration of the transforming power of God’s
forgiveness. Jesus, invited to dine at Simon the Pharisee’s home, was not offered the customary water to wash
his feet upon entering, nor the customary kiss of welcome nor the anointing with olive oil used to refresh and
invigorate the body of travelling guests. The absence of this customary greeting is highlighted by Jesus to justify
the actions of the sinful woman.
Clearly, the woman is an uninvited guest. Simon mentions her sinfulness and highlights her shame. Jesus, on
the other hand, notices her goodness and giving nature. He highlights her dignity as a person by naming what
she has done in contrast to what Simon has not. The biggest part of the story, however, is when Jesus says her
many sins have been forgiven. Note the past tense. This is something that has already happened by way of her
faith. The gratitude she displays results from the transformation she experiences due to being forgiven. Since
her sins were great, her gratitude is great. This story illustrates that God’s offer of love and mercy is generous
and greater than any sin we can commit. Like the ointment in her jar, God’s love and forgiveness are lavishly
poured out and offered to us, even before we can ask. This is good news indeed.
The Catholic Church in the United States will observe a Fortnight for Freedom, June 21 st-July 4th. The Fortnight
is a time for prayer, education, and action to support and defend religious freedom in our nation and around the
world. This year’s Fortnight will celebrate past and present “witnesses to religious freedom.” The Archdiocese
of Baltimore will host events to mark the Fortnight, beginning with the nationally televised opening Mass, celebrated by Archbishop William E. Lori, at the Baltimore Basilica on June 21st at 7:00PM. Relics of St. Thomas
More and St. John Fisher will be on display during and after the Mass for veneration. More information about
the Mass and about the other events taking place in the Archdiocese can be found at
Luncheon/Talk by Jan Graffius, Stonyhurst College (UK) Curator for relics of St. Thomas More and St. John
Fisher at Cathedral Parish Center, June 22 nd. Luncheon at 12:30PM with talk at 1:00PM. $5.00 fee to offset cost
of lunch. Space is limited. RSVP required by June 17 th to or 410-746-5743.
Summer Office Hours
During the summer, the main office will be open MondayThursday, 10AM-3PM. Please call first before stopping by (410464-4100), however, as we are sometimes out of the office in
other areas of the building.
Spread the Good News!
Please be our ambassadors in the community and spread the
good news about our Parish School! We have limited openings
in several grades for the 2016-2017 school year. Interested parents may contact Mrs. Mia White at 410-464-4117 or to arrange for a tour. Parents may also complete an application online for their child by visiting our website,
Be sure to check the school website for any calendar updates:
Follow us on Facebook!
Vacation Bible School
Registration forms are available online:
June 27th - 30th 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
SURF SHACK – Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love
In the School Gym/Cafeteria
Cost is $65
August 8th – 11th 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
DEEP SEA DISCOVERY – God is With Me Wherever I Go!
In the School Gym/Cafeteria
Cost is $65
Volunteers are needed for both weeks of Vacation Bible
Please contact Sherri at 410-464-4010 for more information.
Sunday School
The Office of Religious Education is accepting registrations for
the 2016-2017 school year. We need to order books and supplies for next year. In order to do that correctly, we need to get
the most accurate count of students , so please be sure to register as soon as possible.
Sunday School Registration:
We are going to do re-registrations via the website. This will
save money and time!
Here are the steps for re-registering your child for next year’s
(2016-2017) Sunday School Program:
1. Website:
2. Faith Word – select Sunday School of Religion.
3. In the middle of the page – select re-registration for returning
4. If you have a new child to register – select Registration for
new students.
Sunday School classes are held 10:45AM - 11:45AM, grades K-8. A
copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is needed for new applicants. If any parents are interested in helping or teaching Sunday
School next year, please contact me so we can get you STAND
approved over the summer. If you have any questions, please
contact Sherri Rachuba 410-464-4010 or
Adult Formation Classes: Concludes TODAY with: Confirmation: To What does this commit us? in the Parish Center after the 9:30
AM Mass.
Interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Contact
Chris McCullough at or 410-464-4014.
Follow Youth Ministry on Twitter @CMOQ_YouthMin and
Instagram at cmoqyouthmin.
Confirmation registration is now available. It can be found online
at Questions? Contact
Service Learning Camp (SLC)
August 1st – 5th
Spend a week with your peers serving in our Baltimore community, learning about Christian service, and having fun! Earn hours
toward your Confirmation requirement. Check out the website at for details about SLC.
Registration is now open! Questions? Contact
Happy Hour & Bowling
Friday, June 17th
Time: 6-8:30PM
Note: Change in location!
Mustang Alley’s Bar Bowling & Bistro
1300 Bank Street, Baltimore, MD 21231
*Please RSVP to by June 15th.
Hope to see you there!
The Poor Box for this Sunday will be used at Msgr. Woy’s discretion to support the Parish’s general
funding to help the poorest and most vulnerable individuals in our extended community. All donations
are greatly appreciated.
Our Daily Bread Hot Meal program, operated by Catholic Charities, is in need of people to prepare and
deliver casseroles each month. Our Daily Bread provides meals to between 700 and 800 people in Baltimore every day, 365 days a year, and has not missed a day of service in 32 years. If you would like to
join one of the groups going down to serve breakfast or lunch at Our Daily Bread, please call Carol
Gould at 443-956-9431.
We are so grateful for your faithful donations to the CARES FOOD program. We hope new and current contributors will pick up the flyers that highlight what CARES is doing with donations and what is
most helpful at this time. The flyers can be found at the entrances to the Cathedral. Please note that
there are baskets at all the entrances of the Cathedral for your donations but if you have a larger donation, you may call Keith at 410-532-6286 to arrange a possible pickup.
All-ages field trip! On Wednesday, June 22nd, we're headed to the Grotto at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg. Upon meeting at 10:30AM, we'll enjoy a tour led by our associate pastor, Fr. Andrew
DeFusco. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy afterwards. Directions can be found at
grot/plan-visit/; It's about 1 1/2 hours from Baltimore. Stay tuned for more summer fun! If you
would like to be kept up-to-date, please contact Sherri Rachuba at 410-464-4010 or
Friday, June 24, 7:30 to 9:30AM at the Radisson Hotel, 2004 Greenspring Drive, Timonium 21093
CBNB’s June speaker will be Frank Ryan, author and retired Marine Reserve Colonel who walked 2,800
miles across America. Meetings are open to all who want to share faith, friendship and business. The
first meeting is FREE. For more information, please contact Meg Ducey at Find
us online at and on Facebook.
Retrouvaille offers a welcoming and loving space to couples who have been living with the misery of a
failing marriage. Retrouvaille offers hope: hope that it is not too late, hope of a different and better marriage. Retrouvaille helps couples to show each other mercy through the opportunities it provides to listen, to forgive, to be reconciled and to move into their futures believing that God loves them and with
His help and their efforts, their marriages can be healed and restored. Retrouvaille provides help for
marriage problems/difficulties/crises. For more information about an upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend
program for couples, contact us, call (443) 400-7017, or email:
Listen to the Radio Mass of Baltimore on its new stations and times: Sundays at 9AM on Q1370 AM and
WCBM 680 AM and WCBM 690 AM and 6PM on WCBM 680 AM. Following each airing of the Radio
Mass will be a new locally-produced Catholic radio program, Catholic Baltimore, which will air interviews
and information relevant for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. For more information, visit
Mark your calendars for the Fourth Annual Haiti Carnavale to be held Saturday, September 17, 2016! We are looking for volunteers to help with this popular and fun fundraiser for our partner parish in Gonaives, Haiti. Please contact Donna McCann at dhmccann5@gmail if interested. We would love to
hear from you!