August 21 2016 - St. Francis Xavier Church
August 21 2016 - St. Francis Xavier Church
607 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 • 513-721-4045 Saint Xavier Church INWARD REFLECTION “STRIVE TO ENTER ST XAVIER PRAYER MINISTRY THROUGH THE NARROW GATE” Please offer prayers for the sick: Doug Lange, Helen Sievers, Bob Fennell, Bob and Jean Scheid, Judy Dyer, Pat Corry, Barbara Meridieth, Sharon Dearwester, Gene Parker, Joan Perone, Tamie Faye Weissinger, Debbie Garnett, Tom Miller, Jeanne Miller,Patty Noll, Tim Robinson, Tony Santori, and Sheila Novacich. What does Jesus mean by “gate”? Jesus himself is the Gate. His way is the only way. Todays’ Gospel teaches that we are saved by identifying ourselves with Christ even if that means we must die to ourselves. Die to the world’s way. In Krakow last week, Pope Francis spoke to hundreds of young people at World Youth Day. His message to them can also be a message for us older folks. “The times we live in do not call for young ‘couch potatoes’ but for young people with shoes, or better, boots laced. It only takes players on the first string, and it has no room for bench-warmers,” Young or old, the narrow gate calls us to walk forth with vigor and energy. This weekend, our prayers go with a member of St X parish who has decided to enter the Jesuits. Josef Rodriguez has answered the call of Christ and will be entering the Jesuit novitiate in St. Paul, MN on Saturday. You may not have seen Josef at Mass because he sat up in the choir loft. For two years, Joe volunteered to sing (and play cello) in our choir. If you recall our solemn service on Palm Sunday and Good Friday, it was the sound of Josef’s slow cello guiding us along the Passion narrative. Josef taught for several years at Royalmont Academy in Mason, and I was privileged to serve as his spiritual director as he discerned the call to priesthood. Josef received word last May that he had been accepted into the 2016 class of Jesuit novices. He is expected to be one of about a dozen other young men entering for the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus. To support him, I will be making a brief trip to St. Paul this weekend to accompany Josef as he enters this first stage of religious life. All these new novices have chosen to identify themselves with Christ. They have chosen the narrow gate. In what ways might you choose the narrow gate? How could YOU identify with Christ and let go of what the world tells you is the means to salvation? Each person, young and old, has a particular calling into the Gate which is the very life of Christ. ENTER through him and become all you are capable of being. − Fr. Patrick Fairbanks, S.J., Pastor To read more about the new Jesuits who have chosen the narrow gate, please visit the Jesuit vocations website at . PARISH STEWARDSHIP Sunday offerings for Aug. 14 $ 10,543.31 On-line donations for Aug. 14 2,220.50 Week of August 14 $ 12, 763.81 All financial donations are greatly appreciated. I also send a special THANK YOU and BLESS YOU to all those who have responded to my plea last year and INCREASED your donation by 10%. Please remember St Xavier Church in your will. VOLUNTEER REQUEST Two of our Monday morning counters are moving out of town this fall, so we are looking for a couple of new volunteers. The counting begins on Monday mornings at 7:30 and can take from one to two hours to complete. We have a fun group of people and this is a non-taxing, non-pressure job! Please call the church office at 513-721-4045 to let us know if you would be interested. Presiders for this weekend: August 21 4:00 PM Fr. Cy Whitaker, SJ 7:00 AM Fr. Bob Ross, SJ 9:00 AM Fr. Cy Whitaker, SJ 10:30 AM Fr. Matthew Gamber, SJ 12:00 PM Fr. Matthew Gamber, SJ 5:00 PM Fr. Bob Ross, SJ Presiders for next weekend: August 28 4:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM Fr. Patrick Fairbanks, SJ Fr. Bob Ross, SJ Fr. Sossy Luyembe, SJ Fr. Matthew Gamber, SJ Fr. Sossy Luyembe, SJ Fr. Patrick Fairbanks, SJ _______________________________________________________________ OUR SINCEREST CONGRATULATIONS And many years of joyful love … to Jacob and Bridget (Selhorst) Bolden and … to Wesley and Megan (Hartmann) Conley and … to Matthew and Allison (Jung) Warner who celebrated their marriage at St Xavier Church last weekend! Blessings to you. 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time OUTWARD ACTION Religious Education Classes St Xavier Parish prepares our school aged children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. We also offer classes to foster their continued growth in the faith. As we need to prepare for teachers and order materials, we ask you to register now. Call Diane at 513-721-4045 Do you know someone who would make a great addition to the Catholic community? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation program for anyone who desires to join the Catholic faith or perhaps complete and confirm the training of earlier years. Our program runs September through Easter. Weekly meetings are Wednesday nights at 7 PM here in the St. Xavier Parish Center beginning September 21. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming fullyinitiated into the Catholic Church please email Fr. Matthew Gamber at PARISH PHOTO DIRECTORY: a great gift Our parish is compiling a NEW and updated photo directory. Appointments and photo sessions will be available for you starting September 8 and continuing through the month. We have two simple steps you need to take to participate in this newest 2016 photo directory: 1) Go to the home page of the parish website ( and click on the square link you see here (Sign Up Now) and follow the directions to set an appointment. 2) Next, you show up at your appointed time for the photo! Smile and know that you have served your community well. If you don’t have internet access to complete step one, please call the office at 513.721.4045 or stop in to the office and we will be happy to set you up. At this time, we will also be updating our parish database. You will be able to check the spelling of your name, update your address, list any new family members, or include your email with us. TENDER MERCIES – AUGUST 28 If you can donate a food item for this month’s trip to Tender Mercies, please call the office. All food items need to be at the back of church by 11 AM. If you sign up for a main dish, please make sure it is hot when you bring it to church. There is no way to heat up items at Tender Mercies. THANK YOU! Xpressions Book Club will meet Tuesday, August 30 at 3:30 PM. Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander will be discussed. There are copies available at the public library. All are invited! August 21, 2016 MASS SERVERS NEEDED We are in need of more altar servers for Sundays. Weddings. Funerals. Holy days. Easter. Christmas. Men and women, girls and boys, young and old, experienced or not, Send your name and number to Deacon Tim Crooker at CATHOLIC REVIVE CINCY – CINTAS CENTER Faith is not a rule book; it is a relationship. We all yearn to find our way and choose our path on our faith journey. We all have days with obstacles and snags, and there are also great days when Jesus comes off the shelf and into our lives. Men, women, couples and singles are welcome to join us at XU Cintas Center Saturday October 29 for Catholic Revive Rally. This is a day of prayer, music, inspiration, and talks to give you new focus, meaning, and direction. 9 to 2 For info: Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. will hold a conference on Mirroring Mercy in Today’s World, on Saturday, September 17th from 9:30AM-2:30 PM at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Ft. Thomas, KY. One of the foremost experts on MERCY regarding scripture, tradition and Church teaching, Fr. Mitch is a world renowned priest and scripture scholar who is fluent in 12 languages and best known for his appearances on EWTN. Tickets are $15 and seating is limited. Tickets can be bought at St. Catherine’s parish office or on line at The workshop counts for 3 CE hours for the Diocese of Covington & 1 skills workshop hour and 1 personal, spiritual growth activity hour for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. OPEN HOUSE at the JESUIT SPRITUAL CENTER in Milford Come one, come all to visit and tour the beautiful campus of the Jesuit Retreat Houses in Milford on Tuesday, August 30th from 4-7 pm. See their website or our Facebook page for details: THE ATHENAEUM OF OHIO The Adult Spirituality Institute offers short term non-credit courses at the Athenaeum of Ohio.. Classes run 4 weeks on Mondays, 10am to noon. Our 2016-2017 schedule has just been posted. For more information and to register, please go to our PREGNANCY CENTER WEST Special preview performance of GODSPELL at the Covedale Center for Performing Arts. Wednesday, September 7th at 7:30pm Tickets are $20. Half of all proceeds will benefit Pregnancy Center West. To reserve your seats, call PCW and ask for Karen Mueller at 513-244-5700, or email her at GODSPELL is a musical based upon the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Living downtown is the best move we ever made! RALPH GINOCCHIO Attorney and Parishioner 513-977-5578 36 E. Seventh St. • RECLAIM YOUR BASEMENT Telecommunications & Electrical Contractors 1031 Meta Dr. 513-242-8300 Fax 513-482-7054 513-874-7200 • 800-783-7202 WWW.EVERDRYCINCY.COM Christine Schoonover (513) 235-8662 George Verkamp (513) 608-1208 1123 S. Ft. Thomas Ave. Ft. Thomas 859-441-2378 Richter & Phillips Craig & Carolynn Reis Parishioners Since 1896 • Remodeling • Roofing/Gutters • Plumbing/Electric • Drywall • Concrete • Int./Ext. 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