V. - The Superior Shave
V. - The Superior Shave
Key to the symbols Zeichenerklärung Expliquation des sigles Dibujo orientativo Spiegazione NI verg. fl. nickel-plated Nickel nickelé niquelado nichelato R stainless Rostfrei acier inox acero inox inossidabile SAT satin finished satiniert satiné satinado satinato POL polished poliert poli pulido lucido L coloured lackiert coloré lacado laccato gold-plated vergoldet doré dorado dorato V solid steel Vollstahl acier entier acero entero acciaio completo ger. straight gerade droit recta dritto geb. curved gebogen courbe curva curvo sp. pointed spitz pointu aguja a punta flat flach plat plana piana corrugated gezahnt micro-dentelé micro dentado microdentata hollow ground and honed Hohlschliff + gehont lame évidée et aguisée par honing cóncavo con filo "honing" concavo con affilatura honing adjustable screw Stellschraube vis réglable tornillo ragulable vite regolabile screwed-in fingerrest Schraubhaken poucette à visser rabillo a rosca poggiadito a vite plastic pouch Kunststoffhülle etui en plastique estuche plástico bustina plastica case Kassette casette estuchado cofanetto blister packing Blister Verpackung emballage blistère en blister blister gift box Geschenkkarton boîte de cadeau estuche regalo scatola regalo plastic sheath Kunststoffscheide gaine en plastique funda plástico custodia plastica cardboard sheath Pappscheide gaine en carton cartonaje custodia in cartone metall box Metall-Kassette boîte en métal estuchado de metal cofanetto di metallo Verpackung leather sheath Lederstulpe etui en cuir estuche de piel bustina pelle The technical descriptions in our catalogues, price lists and bidding documents, as well as any technical modifications are subject to change without engagement and without prior notice. Die in Katalogen, Preislisten und Angebotsunterlagen enthaltenen Angaben zu Austattungsmerkmalen sind, ebenso wie technische Änderungen, freibleibend. Leather colour scheme Lederfarbskala Gamme des couleurs de cuir Gama de colores de cuero Scala cromatica pelle 2 -011 -015 -016 -017 -018 black schwarz noir negro nero -021 -025 -026 -027 -028 burgundy weinrot bordeaux rojo bordeaux rosso bordo -031 -035 -036 -037 -038 red rot rouge rojo rosso -041 -045 -046 -047 -048 green grün vert verde verde -051 -055 -056 -057 -058 brown braun marron castano marone -061 -065 -066 -067 -068 tan nuß noisette castano claro avana -111 -115 -116 -117 -118 grey grau gris gris grigio -121 -125 -126 -127 -128 purple violett violet violeta violetta -141 -145 -146 -147 -148 blue blau bleu azul azzurro -151 -155 -156 -157 -158 light blue hellblau bleu clair azul claro azzurro chiaro -171 -175 -176 -177 -178 white weiss blanc blanco bianco Table of contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Sommaire Indice Indice I. Hairdressing tools Friseurwerkzeuge Outils de coiffure Herramientas para peluqueros Strumenti per parruchieri II. Shaving and thinning instruments Rasier- und Effiliergeräte Instruments à effiler et à raser Instrumentos para entrecortar y afeitar Strumenti per sfoltire e fare la barba III. Scissors Scheren Ciseaux Tijeras Forbici IV. Manicure and pedicure instruments Hand- und Fußpflegeinstrumente Instruments de manucure et pédicure Instrumentos para manicura y pedicura Strumenti per manicure e pedicure V. Manicure sets Manikür-Etuis Trousses de manucure Estuches de manicura Astucci per manicure VI. Accessories and repairs Zubehör und Reparaturen Accessoires et réparations Accesorios y réparación Accessori e riparazione Item numbers in consecutive order Artikel-Nummern aufsteigend sortiert Codes d'articles par ordre consécutive Numero d'articulo par orden consectivo Numero d'articolo in ordine consecutivo 3 I. Hair scissors Haarscheren Ciseaux de coiffeur Tijeras para peluqueros Forbici per parrucchiere Inch 16 506 16 556 16 606 20 506 20 556 20 606 20 656 20 706 48 846 200 506 200 556 200 5585 200 606 200 656 200 706 204 5085 Price € per pc. 35,38 35,38 35,38 59,34 59,34 59,34 69,43 69,43 61,97 57,30 57,30 57,30 57,30 63,80 63,80 58,64 5 5½ 6 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 8¼ 5 5½ 5½ 6 6½ 7 5 R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, "Water drops" R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, L 204 5585 232 506 232 556 233 5085 237 555 715 506 715 556 715 606 238 506 238 556 238 5585 239 546 240 456 240 506 240 556 240 606 243 605 244 5085 96,58 96,58 71,61 61,75 59,16 59,16 59,16 59,16 137,41 122,50 5 5½ 5½ 5¼ 4½ 5 5½ 6 6 5 R, SAT R, SAT R, "Water drops" R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, POL R, POL 244 5585 244 6085 245 5585 246 5585 Item No. Execution Item No. Price € per pc. 58,64 64,03 64,03 71,60 82,67 44,10 44,10 44,10 Inch 5½ 5 5½ 5 5½ 5 5½ 6 Execution R, L R, SAT R, SAT R, L R, POL R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT Linkshandmodelle Lefthand scissors Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 229 555 119,06 5½ R, POL 409 505 53,63 5 R, POL 409 506 53,63 5 R, SAT 122,50 122,50 103,98 107,37 5½ 6 5½ 5½ R, POL R, POL R, POL, SPECTRAL RED R, POL, SPECTRAL RED Linkshandmodelle Lefthand scissors Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 2449 505 116,60 5 R, POL 2449 555 116,60 5½ R, POL Thinning scissors Effilierscheren Sculpteurs Tijeras para entrecortar Forbici per sfoltire Item No. 8 23606 50 40546 50 40547 50 405485 50 46656 532 40556 538 32558 544 406085 Price € per pc. 50,29 55,19 63,42 56,86 66,42 Execution Inch 6 5¼ 5¼ 5¼ 6½ R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, L R, SAT 73,88 5½ R, SAT 83,56 5½ R, ½ POL, ½ SAT 133,52 6 R, POL single-sided with number of teeth 1-seitig mit Anzahl der Zähne 1 tranchant nombre des dents esculpir 1 hoja con (cantidad) dientes 1 lama dentata 4 Execution Price Inch € per pc. Lefthand scissors Linkshandmodelle Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 509 40546 78,77 5¼ R, SAT Item No. Lefthand scissors Linkshandmodelle Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 5449 40555 119,94 5½ R, POL double-sided with number of teeth 2-seitig mit Anzahl der Zähne 2 tranchants nombre des dents entresacar 2 hojas con (cantidad) dientes 2 lame dentata II. Nose and moustache scissors Scheren für Nase und Bart Ciseaux pour le nez et moustache Tijeras para nariz y barba Forbici per naso e baffi Item No. 43 450 43 454 43 456 44 356 44 359 44 406 44 409 46 400 46 409 Price € per pc. 22,80 27,77 38,88 30,09 31,71 32,05 33,68 24,65 25,80 Inch 4½ 4½ 4½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4 4 Execution Item No. NI, moustache scissor oxy., moustache scissor R SAT, moustache scissor R, SAT, nose scissor straight R, SAT, nose scissor curved R, SAT, nose scissor straight R, SAT, nose scissor curved NI, nose scissor straight NI, nose scissor curved 46 4016 46 4096 217 010 385 006 9385 006 386 050 Price Inch Execution € per pc. 32,51 4 R, SAT, nose scissor straight 32,51 4 R, SAT, nose scissor curved 10,65 black, leather sheath for 385 006 24,06 R SAT, Klipette 38,40 set: 385 006 + brush + leather case 6,45 Accessories Zubehör beard comb/brush combination, brown Shaving and thinning instruments Rasier- und Effiliergeräte Instruments à effiler et à raser Instrumentos para entrecortar y afeitar Strumenti per sfoltire e fare la barba Item No. 189 000 201 006 201 081 201 087 201 0140 Price € per pc. 20,83 29,81 23,33 25,79 24,39 Item No. Execution Aluminium shaper Shavette, R, POL, handle: R SAT Shavette, Alu silver, handle: black plastic Shavette, Alu silver, handle: R SAT Shavette, Alu blue, handle: black plastic 201 002 201 003 201 004 201 014 201 015 90 910 000 Price € per pc. 1,82 1,82 1,82 10,49 11,15 52,94 Execution blade holder, long, black, with serration blade holder, short, transparent blade holder, long, black Shavette blades, long, packing unit: 10 pcs. Shavette blades, American, packing unit: 5 pcs. Shavette blades, short, packing unit: 100 pcs. Razors Rasiermesser Rasoirs Navajas para afeitar Rasoi Item No. 2 6810 2 6820 3 580 4 580 5 58130 6 6810 7 6820 25 5831 41 5815 41 5835 41 5855 41 5875 42 385 98 5810 98 5850 100 581 100 681 101 581 105 5835 105 5865 Price € per pc. 132,29 115,74 231,05 102,90 110,83 147,90 129,12 100,51 139,90 120,88 232,00 120,88 86,67 123,06 207,42 77,70 81,96 71,16 175,76 175,76 cellidor ® Cellidor ® cellidor ® cellidor ® celluloid ® Execution Inch 6/8 6/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6/8 6/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Conc avity N, ebony N, white acrylic N, horn N, ebony N, ebony, w/ engraving plate N, grenadille N, Pakkawood, burgundy N, ebony, square head R, m.o. pearl imitation R, ebony R, horn R, olive R, French type blade N, m.o. pearl imitation N, large horn N, black N, black N, black R, colour: anthracite R, colour: ivory buffalo horn Büffelhorn corne de buffle cuerno búfalo corno 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 flat 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 1/1 wood Holz bois madera legno Item No. 106 5831 106 5851 106 5861 114 583 115 5861 116 5851 117 6810 118 6810 119 6860 120 5860 121 5860 141 583 141 584 141 588 415 5846 1516 580 1885 680 Price € per pc. 164,76 164,76 164,76 118,04 145,71 132,13 166,90 217,81 160,46 117,31 132,13 121,57 121,57 121,57 132,98 107,17 160,46 mother of pearl imitation Perlmutt-Imitation imitation nacre cachas nacaradas imitazione madreperla Inch 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6/8 6/8 6/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6/8 Execution Conc avity N, Red Wood N, Violet Wood N, Bocote (fair) N, Multiwood, red N, oxy., olive, white N, Cocobolo N, Grenadille N, Grenadille N, Spanish Oak N, Bamboo N, Yew Wood N, oxy., Pakka, red N, oxy., Pakka, green N, oxy., Pakka, brown R, handle: R, SAT N, tortoise shell imitation N, Spanish Oak tortoise shell imitation Schildpatt-Imitation imitation écaille cachas imit. concha tartarugato Sound Sound Sound 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 Micarta ® Micarta ® Micarta ® Micarta ® Micarta ® 5 II. Shaving brushes Rasierpinsel Blaireau Brochas de afeitar Pennelli per barba Item No. 918 052 918 096 918 106 918 115 Price € per pc. 58,90 80,54 53,64 152,53 Execution pure badger silver tip badger, travel brush pure badger silver tip badger Acrylic, black R SAT Olive Wood Buffalo horn Item No. 918 117 918 118 918 285 Price € per pc. 56,99 pure badger 41,39 pure badger 145,34 silver tip badger Execution Grenadille Acrylic, white ebony Strops and pastes Riemen und Pasten Cuirs et pâtes Suavizador de navajas / pasta suavizadora Coramelle e pasta Item No. 152 40001 180 80002 183 45002 Price € per pc. 37,42 hanging strop 88,20 hanging strop "XL" 80,31 hanging strop Execution cowhide Russian type cowhide Russian type cowhide Item No. 185 35001 515 171 Price € per pc. 42,48 hanging strop 6,73 leatherbalm Execution cowhide white Shaving Sets Rasier-Etuis Trousses à barbe Estuches de afeitar Astucci per barba Item No. 271 010 368 016 400 010 506 010 508 051 553 056 554 016 555 056 556 056 570 050 570 051 574 056 575 056 576 016 Execution Price € per pc. 122,89 black, leather zipper case for 7 straight razors, empty 233,18 black, chrome matt, leather zipper shaving set contents: MERKUR razor 700, brush 918 110 28,83 black, leather zipper case for 1 razor, long, empty 28,83 black, leather zipper case for 1 razor, short, empty 136,96 brown, leather zipper moustache grooming set 261,89 brown, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: shaving brush 918 096, MERKUR razor 38 002, MERKUR razor blades 910 257,12 black, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: shaving brush 918 096, Klipette 385 006, MERKUR razor 23 001, MERKUR razor blades 910 401,93 brown, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: shaving brush 918 096, MERKUR razor 23 001, MERKUR razor blades 910 nose scissor 44 406 537,37 brown, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: shaving brush 918 096, straight razor 120 5860, razor strop 185 35001, nose scissor 44 406, nail clipper 504 006, balm 515 171 47,94 brown, empty, for safety razors 94,17 brown, NI contents: MERKUR razor 38 001, razor blades 910 130,48 brown, R SAT contents: MERKUR razor 23 001, razor blades 910, nail clipper 504 006, beard brush/comb 386 050 138,96 brown, R SAT contents: MERKUR razor 23 001, razor blades 910, nose scissor 44 406, beard brush/comb 386 050 74,02 black, R SAT contents: Shavette 201 006, 2x razor blades 910 Item No. 577 056 578 051 767 011 768 051 806 011 857 050 857 051 860 110 860 115 1028 056 4004 056 4016 066 5003 126 9022 011 9022 021 9022 051 Execution Price € per pc. 69,63 brown, R SAT contents: Shavette 201 006, razor blades 910 73,47 brown, R SAT contents: MERKUR razor 23 001, razor blades 910 10,99 black, leather sheath for MERKUR FUTUR 12,39 brown, leather sheath for MERKUR VISION 71,40 black, NI, leather beard grooming set contents: 43 450, beard brush/comb 386 050 82,63 brown, leather frame case for 2 razors, empty 344,67 brown, leather frame case, contents: 3 580, 98 5810 192,91 grey, leather zipper shaving case, empty 497,23 grey, leather zipper shaving case contents: 2 pcs. 41 5875, 918 107 505 171, 185 35001, glass bowl with DOVO-Logo 60,85 brown, R SAT, leather beard grooming set contents: 43 456, beard brush/comb 386 050 182,67 brown, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: Klipette 385 006, nail clipper 502 006, MERKUR razor 38 002, MERKUR razor blades 910 128,95 camel, R SAT, leather zipper shaving set contents: Klipette 385 006, nail clipper 502 006, MERKUR razor 23 001, MERKUR razor blades 910 173,32 violet, R SAT, leather zipper Lady shave set contents: MERKUR razor 3200 003 + pocket manicure set 10,76 black, straight razor leather sheath, empty 10,76 burgundy, straight razor leather sheath, empty 10,76 brown, straight razor leather sheath, empty Shaving accessories Rasierzubehör Accessoires de rasage Afeitar los accesorios Accessori degli rasatura Item No. 499 206 499 216 499 906 6 Execution Price € per pc. 74,06 razor stand, R, SAT, for safety razor and shaving brush, normal opening 74,06 razor stand, R, SAT, for straight razor and shaving brush, normal opening 53,64 razor stand, R, SAT, for 2 pc. Item No. 505 171 507 000 507 001 514 001 514 002 514 004 Price € per pc. 10,30 20,25 30,66 14,73 14,73 14,73 Execution OSMA - Alum bloc shaving soap, Golddachs, in Aluminium tin refill pack, 2 pc. of shaving soap, Golddachs shaving cream, menta shaving cream, eucaliptus shaving cream, lavender III. Household scissors Haushaltscheren Ciseaux pour le ménage Tijeras para uso doméstico Forbici lavoro Item No. 29 450 40 503 40 603 42 451 255 606 255 706 255 7085 280 500 280 600 281 506 281 507 281 606 281 607 285 407 285 408 285 506 285 507 285 508 285 606 285 608 Price € per pc. 26,97 51,03 53,00 47,34 41,19 46,17 50,92 22,80 25,34 20,25 20,25 22,44 22,44 34,36 32,51 34,60 37,95 35,53 36,80 37,95 Inch 4½ 5 6 4½ 6 7 7 5 6 5 5 6 6 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 Execution NI NI, gold plated NI, gold plated NI R, SAT R, SAT R, L, USA flag NI NI NI, L, burgundy NI, L, cobalt blue NI, L, burgundy NI, L, cobalt blue R, POL, sp. sp. R, SAT, sp. sp. R, SAT R, POL, sp. sp. R, SAT, sp. sp. R, SAT R, SAT, sp. sp. Item No. 285 655 285 656 285 657 285 658 295 607 3000 400 3000 500 3000 600 3000 700 140 013 141 003 450 066 547 031 552 176 Price € per pc. 43,50 40,27 43,86 40,15 43,16 12,26 13,43 15,62 16,90 207,94 87,94 160,38 113,14 170,07 Inch 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6 4 5 6 7 Execution R, POL R, SAT R, POL, sp. sp. R, SAT, sp. sp., paper scissor R, ½ POL, ½ SAT, sp. sp. NI NI NI NI black, NI, gold plated, set: 40 / 3½", 5", 6" NI, gold plated, set: 40 / 3½", 5", thimble R, SAT, 255 606, 285 408, 285 506 NI, 270 350, 29 450, 29 650 R, SAT, 255 606, 285 408, 285 506 Lefthand scissors Linkshandmodelle Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 259 701 43,74 7 NI 289 500 28,93 5 NI 289 600 31,01 6 NI Scissors for tailoring and professional use Schneider-, Papier- und Berufsscheren Ciseaux professionels, à papier et de tailleur Tijeras sastre -papel y professionals Forbici da sarto, carta e professionali Item No. 60 901 61 709 61 809 61 909 69 701 69 801 Price € per pc. 106,45 39,23 44,67 56,70 48,37 53,11 Execution Inch 9 7 8 9 7 8 NI, POL, „Atelier” L „Tiegelguss” L handle: red L NI, L, „Facharbeit” NI, L, „Facharbeit” Item No. 69 901 69 101 82 450 84 401 84 404 Price € per pc. 67,00 78,33 26,73 25,72 24,65 Inch Execution 9 10 4½ 4 4 NI, L, „Facharbeit” NI, L, „Facharbeit” NI, buttonhole scissor NI, weaver's scissor blue ground, weaver's scissor Cork screws Korkenzieher Tire-bouchons Sacacorchos Cavatappi Item No. 404 000 Price Inch € per pc. 22,68 R, SAT, curved Execution Item No. Price Inch € per pc. Execution Accessories Zubehör Accessoires Accesorios Accessori Item No. 389 011 389 021 389 031 389 141 391 010 391 140 Price € per pc. 1,97 1,97 1,97 1,97 12,63 12,63 Execution embroidery sciss. sheath, black embroidery sciss. sheath, burgundy embroidery sciss. sheath, red embroidery sciss. sheath, blue leather sheath for 6" and 7", black leather sheath for 6" and 7", blue Item No. 495 010 496 010 1111 1121 1131 Price € per pc. 10,65 12,96 3,70 3,70 3,70 Execution leather sheath for 3½", black leather sheath for 4", black embroidery sciss. sheath for 1-2 pc., black embroidery sciss. sheath for 1-2 pc., burgundy embroidery sciss. sheath for 1-2 pc., red 7 III. Embroidery scissors Stickscheren Ciseaux à broder Tijeras para bordar Forbici ricamo Item No. 25 353 40 351 40 353 44 350016 44 350026 44 3500256 44 350526 44 400026 44 4000256 44 408526 Price € per pc. 48,14 52,66 39,69 32,05 31,94 36,10 34,18 34,83 36,91 40,50 Inch 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4 Item No. Execution NI, gold plated NI NI, gold plated R, SAT, lace scissor R, SAT R, SAT, ½ POL R, SAT, Hardanger R, SAT R, SAT, ½ POL R, L 200 350 201 350 201 353 202 353 202 453 202 603 205 350 208 351 270 350 286 355 Price € per pc. 20,83 20,83 24,42 27,20 29,86 51,03 21,06 32,65 20,25 36,22 Inch 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 4½ 6 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ Execution NI NI NI, gold plated NI, gold plated, stork scissor NI, gold plated, stork scissor NI, gold plated, stork scissor NI NI NI R, POL, handles: red Sewing sets and desk accessories Nähsets und Schreibtischbestecke Trousses de couture et coutellerie de bureau Estuches de costura y cuchillería del escritorio Astucci con utensili per cucire e set da scrittoio Item No. 227 016 501 066 544 141 548 001 Price Inch Execution € per pc. 109,57 R, SAT, sewing set, black 90,25 R, SAT, sewing set, taupe 59,36 NI, sewing set, blue 17,36 NI, letter opener Item No. 549 005 549 015 580 031 Price Inch Execution € per pc. 13,07 R, letter opener 78,80 R, desk set, black 65,69 NI, sewing set, red Special scissors Spezialscheren Ciseaux spéciaux Tijeras especiales Forbici speciali Item No. 47 355 90 400 90 409 Price € per pc. 61,33 26,97 26,97 Inch Item No. Execution 3½ R, POL, folding scissor 4 NI, straight, silhouette scissor 4 NI, curved, silhouette scissor 700 401 Price Inch Execution € per pc. 13,31 4 NI, children's scissor IV. Cuticle scissors Hautscheren Ciseaux à peau Tijeras para pieles Forbici pelle Item No. 31 346 31 349 34 359 38 305 230 352 234 355 234 356 310 359 325 356 360 359 8 Price € per pc. 39,96 31,01 29,86 47,22 66,30 38,42 38,42 20,72 45,59 19,09 Inch 3¼ 3¼ 3½ 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ Execution R SAT, curved, pointed NI, curved, pointed, point gold plated NI, curved R, POL, curved, baby scissor R, burshed, curved R, POL, curved R, SAT, curved NI, curved R, SAT, curved, DOVOPICA NI, curved Item No. 380 309 3610 359 3650 355 3650 356 36150 356 Price € per pc. 20,25 22,80 23,38 23,38 25,80 Inch 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ Execution NI, curved, baby scissors NI, curved, pointed R, POL, curved R, SAT, curved R, SAT, curved, pointed Linkshandmodelle Ciseaux pour gauchers ara zurdos Forbici per mancini 379 356 32,64 3½ R, SAT, curved IV. Nail scissors Nagelscheren Ciseaux à ongles Tijeras para unas Forbici unghie Item No. 51 351 51 359 55 359 55 409 55 459 58 359 250 352 251 355 251 356 251 405 251 406 254 406 510 359 Price € per pc. 29,16 29,16 30,20 32,86 35,06 31,52 66,30 37,72 37,72 39,69 39,69 42,23 19,44 Inch 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 4 4 4 3½ Execution NI, straight NI, curved NI, curved NI, curved NI, curved NI, curved R, brushed, curved R, POL, curved R, SAT, curved R, POL, curved R, SAT, curved R, SAT, curved NI, curved Item No. 520 359 525 356 560 359 5610 359 5650 355 5650 356 56150 355 56150 356 Price € per pc. 21,40 44,31 19,09 23,14 23,38 23,38 25,80 25,80 Inch 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ Execution NI, curved R, SAT, curved, DOVOLANZA NI, curved NI, curved, pointed R, POL, curved R, SAT, curved R, POL, curved, pointed R, SAT, curved, pointed Lefthand scissors Linkshandmodelle Ciseaux pour gauchers Tijeras para zurdos Forbici per mancini 579 356 32,64 3½ R, SAT, curved Cuticle nippers Hautzangen Pinces à peau Alicates corta-cuticula Tronchesini Item No. 190 001 190 041 190 051 190 081 190 101 191 051 402 041 402 051 402 101 1830 006 1830 056 1830 106 1900 056 Price € per pc. 39,34 31,94 31,94 31,94 31,94 45,01 24,88 24,88 24,88 64,69 64,69 64,69 46,29 Execution Inch FL 1/4 1/2 1/8 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/1 FL 1/2 1/1 1/2 NI, fl. NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI R, SAT, fl. R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring scissor handles scissor handles scissor handles leaf spring Item No. Price Inch € per pc. 1/4 1/2 1/8 1/1 1/1 Execution DOVO CONTOUR R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT 10900 0426 10900 0526 10900 0826 10900 1026 10910 1026 46,29 46,29 46,29 46,29 61,67 double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring 10902 0526 10902 1026 DOVO CONTOUR INTEGRAL double spring 52,59 1/2 R, SAT 52,59 1/1 R, SAT double spring Nippers for ingrown nails Eckenzangen Pinces pour les ongles incarné Pinzas para los uñeros Tronchesi per unghie incarniti Item No. 127 556 127 557 127 558 10662 506 10662 507 10662 509 Price Inch € per pc. 78,89 5½ R, SAT, sp. "Haptikos" CE 78,89 5½ R, SAT, sp. sp. "Haptikos" CE 78,89 5½ R, SAT "Haptikos" CE Execution Item No. Price Inch € per pc. leaf spring leaf spring leaf spring DOVO CONTOUR INTEGRAL 97,50 5 R, SAT, sp. double spring 97,50 5 R, SAT, sp. sp. double spring 110,74 5 R, SAT, extra sp. double spring 1073 506 1098 506 10650 456 10650 457 10650 458 10650 459 10660 504 10660 506 10660 507 10660 508 10660 509 10660 608 10900 0026 10900 0027 75,63 98,82 61,10 61,10 61,10 69,43 71,98 70,28 70,28 70,28 79,73 77,29 59,33 59,33 5 5 4½ 4½ 4½ 4½ 5 5 5 5 5 6 FL FL Execution DOVO CONTOUR R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT, sp. R, SAT, sp. sp. R, SAT R, SAT, extra sp. R, SAT, flame shape R, SAT, sp. R, SAT, sp. sp. R, SAT R, SAT, extra sp. R, SAT R, SAT, fl. R, SAT, sp., fl double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring 9 IV. Pedicure nail nippers Pedikürzangen Pinces à pédicure Pincas para pedicura Tronchesi per pedicure Item No. Execution 160 541 162 551 1590 506 Price € per pc. 66,30 66,30 86,21 Inch 10602 546 10632 556 DOVO CONTOUR INTEGRAL 104,02 5¼ R, SAT double spring 121,50 5½ R, SAT double spring 5¼ NI 5½ NI 5 R, SAT double spring double spring double spring Item No. 1064 456 1072 506 10600 006 10600 546 10630 006 10630 556 Price Inch € per pc. 82,85 73,13 90,60 90,60 109,70 109,70 4½ 5 5¼ 5¼ 5½ 5½ Execution DOVO CONTOUR R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT, fl. R, SAT R, SAT, fl. R, SAT double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring double spring Pedicure nail nippers for diabetics Pedikürzangen für Diabetiker Pinces à pédicure pour des diabétiques Pincas para pedicura para los diebéticos Tronchesi per pedicure per diabetici Item No. 10601 546 Item No. Price Inch € per pc. DOVO CONTOUR 89,10 5¼ R, SAT double spring 10631 006 10661 506 Price Inch € per pc. 109,12 5½ R, SAT, fl. 67,92 5 R, SAT Execution double spring double spring Nail nippers Nagelzangen Pinces à ongles Alicates corta unas Tronchesi Item No. 125 506 126 556 126 5516 148 501 148 506 1500 451 Price € per pc. 83,42 88,36 78,89 30,09 47,33 30,78 Inch 5 5½ 5½ 5 5 4½ Execution R, SAT, DOVOTORRO, special leaf spring R, SAT, "Haptikos" leaf spring R, SAT, "Haptikos" CE leaf spring NI wire spring R, SAT wire spring NI barrel spring Item No. 1510 501 1540 441 1550 451 1560 501 1570 541 Price € per pc. 33,90 22,57 24,65 29,16 30,78 Inch 5 4¼ 4½ 5 5¼ Execution NI NI NI NI NI barrel spring wire spring wire spring wire spring wire spring Accessories Zubehör Accessoires Accesorios Accessori Item No. 607 141 763 011 Execution Price € per pc. 19,21 nipper sheath, blue 7,87 manicure nipper sheath, black Item No. 766 011 Execution Price € per pc. 8,22 leather sheath for nail scissors, black Nail clippers Nagelknipser Coupe-ongles Corta-uñas Taglia unghie Item No. 501 001 501 011 502 006 9502 006 Price € per pc. 10,18 10,30 23,03 25,80 Execution NI, smooth NI, striped R, SAT R, SAT, with leather sheath lap-joint aufgelegt jointure à vis remachado sovrapposto 10 Item No. 503 001 504 006 9504 006 Price Execution € per pc. 11,92 NI 26,73 R, SAT 29,50 R, SAT, with leather sheath box-joint durchgesteckt jointure-boite encajado incassato IV. Tweezers Pinzetten Pinces à épiler Pinzas Pinzette Item No. 450 301 450 351 450 353 450 355 457 3515 457 3516 457 3525 457 3526 457 3535 457 3536 457 3545 457 3546 457 3555 457 3556 458 506 459 2511 459 2521 459 2531 459 3011 459 3021 459 3031 459 3511 459 3521 459 3541 460 2511 460 2521 460 2531 460 3011 460 3021 460 3025 460 3026 460 3031 460 3041 Price € per pc. 5,67 7,40 7,87 13,07 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 9,37 20,72 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,55 2,55 2,55 4,86 4,86 4,86 5,44 5,44 7,36 7,36 5,44 5,44 Inch 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 5 2½ 2½ 2½ 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 3 3 3 3 3 3 Execution NI, curved inwards NI, curved inwards NI, gold plated, curved inwards R, POL, curved inwards R, POL, wide-straight R, SAT, wide-straight R, POL, wide-slanted R, SAT, wide-slanted R, POL, narrow-straight R, SAT, narrow-straight R, POL, narrow-slanted R, SAT, narrow-slanted R, POL, pointed R, SAT, pointed R, SAT, autom. Tweezer with set screw NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, narrow-straight NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, narrow-straight NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, narrow-slanted NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, narrow-straight NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted R, POL, wide-slanted R, SAT, wide-slanted NI, narrow-straight NI, narrow-slanted Item No. 460 3511 460 3521 461 4011 461 4021 461 4051 465 3011 465 3013 465 3021 465 3023 465 3071 465 3073 465 3511 465 3513 465 3521 465 3523 465 3571 465 3573 466 3015 466 3016 466 3025 466 3026 466 3035 466 3036 466 3045 466 3046 476 651 477 501 479 355 480 386 481 386 482 386 491 356 Price € per pc. 5,78 5,78 6,82 6,82 6,82 2,43 3,24 2,43 3,24 2,43 3,24 2,55 3,36 2,55 3,36 2,55 3,36 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,70 17,13 10,65 25,11 14,24 14,24 14,24 13,66 Inch 3½ 3½ 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6½ 5 3½ 3¾ 3¾ 3¾ 3½ Execution NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, wide-straight NI, wide-slanted NI, pointed NI, straight NI, gold plated, straight NI, slanted NI, gold plated, slanted NI, curved inwards NI, gold plated, curved inwards NI, straight NI, gold plated, straight NI, slanted NI, gold plated, slanted NI, curved inwards NI, gold plated, curved inwards R, POL, wide-straight R, SAT, wide-straight R, POL, wide-slanted R, SAT, wide-slanted R, POL, narrow-straight R, SAT, narrow-straight R, POL, narrow-slanted R, SAT, narrow-slanted NI, professional tweezer, offset NI, professional tweezer R, POL, Original Epilmatic ®, slanted R, SAT, professional tweezer, pointed R, SAT, professional tweezer, slanted R, SAT, professional tweezer, straight R, SAT, with wide grip Manicure and pedicure instruments Manikür- und Pedikürinstrumente Instruments pour manucure et pedicure Instrumentos para manicura y pedicura Strumenti per manicure e pedicure Item No. 350 005 351 000 353 001 353 005 353 008 354 001 354 005 354 008 355 001 355 005 355 008 356 001 356 005 356 008 Execution Price Inch € per pc. 6,82 R, cuticle planer 8,91 DOVO corn shaver 7,40 NI, cuticle pusher 10,07 R, POL, cuticle pusher 31,36 R, SAT, V, cuticle pusher 7,40 NI, nail cleaner 10,07 R, POL, nail cleaner 31,36 R, SAT, V, nail cleaner 11,80 NI, cuticle knife 10,07 R, POL, cuticle knife 31,36 R, SAT, V, cuticle knife 9,37 NI, nail knife 10,76 R, POL, nail knife 31,36 R, SAT, V, nail knife straight gerade droit recta diritta slant schräg oblique sesgada obliqua Item No. 357 001 357 005 357 008 360 008 362 000 363 000 465 445 370 000 371 000 wide straight breit gerade large-droit ancha diritta larga Price Inch Execution € per pc. 12,50 NI, double instrument 16,43 R, POL, double instrument 36,34 R, SAT, V, double instrument 36,34 R, SAT, V, double instrument, small 4,17 pusher with rubber 5,21 pusher with rubber and brush 10,52 4¼ R, double loop instrument Different accessories Diverses Zubehör 2,53 NI, ear cleaners on card of 12 pc. 6,31 NI, SANIDENT tooth picks on card of 12 pc. wide slant breit schräg large-oblique sesgada ancha obliqua larga pointed spitz pointu aguja a punta 11 IV. Nail files Nagelfeilen Limes à ongles Limas para uñas Lime unghie Item No. 313 350 313 550 318 30010 318 30170 318 30210 318 45010 318 45170 318 45210 318 50010 318 50170 318 50210 318 60010 318 60170 Price € per pc. 9,14 10,76 3,12 3,12 3,12 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,32 5,32 5,32 6,14 6,14 Inch 3½ 5½ 3 3 3 4½ 4½ 4½ 5 5 5 6 6 Execution Item No. glass file glass file sapphire file, black sapphire file, white sapphire file, tortoise sapphire file, black sapphire file, white sapphire file, tortoise sapphire file, black sapphire file, white sapphire file, tortoise sapphire file, black sapphire file, white 318 70010 318 70170 318 70210 318 80010 318 80170 318 80210 319 700 319 800 405 356 405 506 405 606 405 706 407 405 Price € per pc. 6,25 6,25 6,25 6,82 6,82 6,82 7,29 7,52 6,45 6,80 7,17 8,51 9,95 Inch 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 3½ 5 6 7 4 Execution sapphire file, black sapphire file, white sapphire file, tortoise sapphire file, black sapphire file, white sapphire file, tortoise forming file, pointed forming file, pointed R, SAT, cut file R, SAT, cut file R, SAT, cut file R, SAT, cut file R, pocket file, strong V. Pocket sets with scissors Taschen-Etuis mit Schere Trousses de poche avec ciseaux Estuches de bolsillo con tijera Astucci tascabile con forbici Item No. Colour 278 016 426 016 759 016 863 016 960 011 960 015 960 016 960 031 960 035 960 036 960 111 960 115 960 116 960 000 Price € per pc. 72,78 77,29 51,96 76,37 24,65 32,74 32,74 24,65 32,74 32,74 24,65 32,74 32,74 296,34 960 005 393,31 assorted 960 006 393,31 assorted 1001 126 1002 016 1014 016 black black black black black black black red red red grey grey grey assorted 47,34 viola 87,62 black 55,35 black Execution Filling R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI, 12 pc. in pillow packs R, 12 pc. in pillow packs SAT, 12 pc. in pillow packs R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS O Item No. 1019 031 1019 035 1019 036 1019 041 1019 045 1019 046 1019 141 1019 145 1019 146 1019 001 1019 005 1019 006 1024 016 1026 121 1029 076 1038 016 1039 016 1041 056 1042 016 1047 056 1052 151 1052 155 1052 156 Price € per pc. 32,25 40,03 40,03 32,25 40,03 40,03 32,25 40,03 40,03 387,00 480,36 480,36 52,44 46,12 44,24 176,35 153,81 38,59 84,16 60,44 29,62 38,88 38,88 Colour red red red mint mint mint blue blue blue 12 pc. 12 pc. 12 pc. black rosé terracotta black black brown black brown light blue light blue light blue Execution Filling NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Pocket sets with two scissors Taschen-Etuis mit zwei Scheren Trousses de poche avec deux ciseaux Estuches de bolsillo con dos tijera Astucci tascabile con due forbici Item No. 253 031 344 011 344 016 425 016 469 011 469 016 2008 016 2008 056 12 Price € per pc. 85,98 67,00 88,75 86,09 57,16 73,02 80,68 80,68 Colour red black black black black black black brown Execution NI NI R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT Filling HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS O Item No. 2018 031 2018 036 2027 121 2038 016 2039 016 2051 061 2051 066 Price € per pc. 53,83 67,27 102,48 210,98 203,56 131,04 155,37 Colour red red lavanda black black taupe taupe Execution NI R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT Filling HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS 2xNS HS 2xNS V. Pocket sets with scissors and nippers Taschen-Etuis mit Schere & Zange Trousses de poche avec ciseaux et pinces Estuches de bolsillo con tijera y alicates Astucci tascabile con forbici e tronchesi Item No. 404 051 800 016 Price Colour € per pc. 69,31 brown 105,19 black Execution NI R, SAT Filling HS NS O Item No. NZ NZ 957 051 Price Colour € per pc. 70,94 brown Execution NI Filling HS NZ Sets with nail clipper Etuis mit Knipser Trousses avec coupe ongles Estuches con corta-uñas Astucci con taglia unghie Item No. 216 016 217 016 283 016 407 066 438 011 9470 056 507 016 511 011 511 016 515 016 654 011 Price € per pc. 39,93 46,17 63,76 133,65 35,30 62,60 90,25 95,82 110,27 157,89 83,90 Colour black black black tan black brown black black black black black Execution R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT NI Filling 502 006 504 006 NS, 502 006 504 006 501 001 + 503 001 502 006, 385 006 NS, 502 006 NS, 501 001 NS, 502 006 44 356, 505 006 NS, 505 005 Item No. 937 016 4001 126 4009 051 4009 056 4017 061 4017 066 4031 056 4032 066 4033 066 4048 056 Price € per pc. 79,61 90,25 39,76 58,27 28,14 44,89 52,19 83,99 79,15 58,19 Colour black viola brown brown camel camel brown camel camel brown Execution R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT Filling 502 006 + 504 006 NS, 502 006 501 001 504 006 503 001 504 006 502 006 44 356, 502 006 NS, 502 006 504 006 Manicure sets with two scissors Manikür-Etuis mit zwei Scheren Trousses manicure avec deux ciseaux Estuches de manicura con dos tijera Astucci per manicure con due forbici Item No. 223 016 301 011 301 015 301 016 301 021 301 025 301 026 301 031 301 035 301 036 301 111 301 115 301 116 301 121 301 125 301 126 301 141 301 145 301 146 Price € per pc. 185,95 77,53 97,08 97,08 77,53 97,08 97,08 77,53 97,08 97,08 77,53 97,08 97,08 77,53 97,08 97,08 77,53 97,08 97,08 Colour black black black black burgundy burgundy burgundy red red red grey grey grey lavender lavender lavender blue blue blue Filling Execution R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Item No. 505 016 510 011 510 016 6005 128 6006 066 6008 056 6009 056 Price € per pc. 166,51 94,89 116,18 176,40 123,70 129,49 259,82 Colour black black black lavanda beige brown brown R, SAT NI R, SAT R, SAT, V R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT 6013 016 6014 016 6026 121 6030 071 6030 076 6053 151 6053 155 6053 156 137,68 124,21 100,96 111,56 133,87 84,05 100,15 100,15 black black rosé terracotta terracotta light blue light blue light blue R, SAT R, SAT NI NI R, SAT NI R, POL R, SAT Execution Filling HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS 525 356, 44 406, 504 006, 385 006 HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS HS NS 13 V. Manicure sets with cuticle nippers Manikür-Etuis mit Hautzange Trousses manicure avec pinces à peau Estuches de manicura con alicates corta-cuticula Astucci per manicure con tronchesini Item No. 279 016 813 066 7010 121 7010 126 7018 031 7018 036 Price € per pc. 184,80 148,46 67,85 104,25 65,36 89,97 Colour black tan lavanda lavanda red red Execution Filling R, SAT R, SAT NI R, SAT NI R, SAT NS NS NS NS NS NS Item No. 7040 016 7043 036 7045 036 HZ HZ HZ HZ HZ HZ Price Colour € per pc. 219,80 black 93,93 red 151,27 red Execution Filling R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT NS NS NS HZ HZ HZ Manicure sets with nail nippers Manikür-Etuis mit Nagelzange Trousses manicure avec pinces à ongles Estuches de manicura con alicates corta uñas Astucci per manicure con tronchesi unghie Item No. 207 051 284 018 302 011 302 016 302 031 302 036 302 111 302 116 302 141 302 146 Price € per pc. 109,70 352,70 118,37 151,93 118,37 151,93 118,37 151,93 118,37 151,93 Colour brown black black black red red grey grey blue blue Execution NI R, SAT, V NI R, SAT NI R, SAT NI R, SAT NI R, SAT Item No. Filling HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 423 011 504 016 521 016 8007 016 8015 016 8017 066 8022 066 8046 118 8050 061 Price € per pc. 132,72 231,43 186,18 178,82 163,92 173,56 200,42 302,92 119,26 Colour black black black black black camel tan grey taupe Execution NI R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT R, SAT, V NI Filling HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ Manicure sets with two nippers Manikür-Etuis mit zwei Zangen Trousses manicure avec deux pinces Estuches de manicura con dos pinzas Astucci per manicure con due tronchesi Item No. 372 066 536 011 771 018 771 038 Price € per pc. 254,33 210,94 457,30 457,30 Colour brown black black red HS cuticle scissors Hautschere ciseaux à peau tijera para pieles forbice pelle 14 Execution R, SAT NI R, SAT, V R, SAT, V Filling HS HS HS HS NS NS NS NS NS nail scissors Nagelschere ciseaux à ongles tijeras para unas forbice unghie case with zipper Reißverschlußetui étui à fermetur éclair cierre cremallera chiusura cerniera case with metal frame Rahmenetui etui cadre estuche boquilla cerniera metallo Magnetverschluß folding case Rolle etui à en rouler enrollado rotolo HZ HZ HZ HZ Item No. NZ NZ NZ NZ HZ 803 018 9044 038 Price Colour € per pc. 317,17 black 309,42 red cuticle nippers Hautzange pinces à peau alicates de pieles tronchese pelle sheath case Stecketui etui pochette estuche con solapa bustina Execution R, SAT, V R, SAT, V Filling HS HS NS NS NZ nail nippers Nagelzange pinces à ongles alicates de unas tronchese unghie case with push button Druckknopfetui etui à fermetur à bouton-pression estuche cierre botón busta con bottone HZ HZ NZ NZ VI. Accessories Zubehör Accessoires Accesorios Accessori Item No. Price € per pc. 53 54 74 69 116 0,47 0,58 3,36 2,08 10,76 117 10,76 118 10,76 119 10,76 Execution for hair scissors für Haarscheren pour ciseaux de coiffeur NI, screws R, screws detacheable finger rest plastic insert for finger rings plastic inserts (2 ea. red, blue and green) made from soft rubber, inner Ø 19,0 mm, outer Ø 20,5 mm plastic inserts (2 ea. red, blue and green) made from soft rubber, inner Ø 20,0 mm, outer Ø 21,0 mm plastic inserts (2 ea. red, blue and green) made from soft rubber, inner Ø 17,5 mm, outer Ø 20,0 mm plastic inserts (2 ea. red, blue and green) made from soft rubber, inner Ø 18,5 mm, outer Ø 21,0 mm for scissors für Haushalt-, Schneider- und Berufsscheren pour ciseaux 55 3,15 NI, nut and screw for taylor's shears 67 1,26 NI, screw for household scissors 68 1,26 R, screws for household scissors 56 62 for poultry shears für Geflügelscheren pour cisailles 5,67 R, spiral spring for No. 98 5,67 R, barrel spring for No. 9500 Item No. 22 23 25 26 42 49 50 57 58 59 60 61 75 63 64 65 66 113 Price € per pc. Execution for cuticle and nail nippers für Haut- und Nagelzangen pour pinces manucure et pedicure 1,62 NI, barrel spring for 1500 + 1510 1,39 NI, wire spring for 1540 + 1550 1,15 NI, leaf spring for 191 1,04 NI, leaf spring for 190 + 402 3,01 R, double spring for 10660 R + 1098 R 6,25 R, double spring for 10602 R Integral + 10632 R Integral 3,01 R, double spring for 10662 R Integral 1,62 NI, wire spring for 158 1,97 R, wire spring for 148 R + 158 R 6,25 R, double spring for 159 R - 163 R, 167 R + 168 R, 10600 R + 10630 R 3,01 R, double spring for 10650 R, 10900 R + 10910 R 2,55 R, leaf spring for 190 R + 1900 R 1,74 NI, wire spring for 148, 156 + 157 0,34 NI, screws for springs for nail 0,58 R, screws and cuticle nippers 0,34 NI, screws for double springs for nail 0,47 R, screws and cuticle nippers accessories diverses Zubehör accessoires diverses 4,51 DOVO-Sterol, Paraffin oil for nippers and instruments, 50 ml Repairs Reparaturen Réparation Réparación Riparazione Item No. 10 11 12 13 14 17 52 71 72 73 Price € per pc. at cost 19,99 19,99 19,99 27,04 19,99 3,58 1,39 67,60 Execution repair - straight razor handles sharpening - straight razors sharpening - manicure scissors sharpening - manicure nippers sharpening - taylor's shears sharpening - scissors 6" - 8" deep etching, single color leather embossing tool costs for screen printing or etching dies and templates 78,00 printing stamp Item No. 102 Price Execution € per pc. gold platings Vergoldungen dorage 19,99 scissors up to 10" (min. requirement 100 pieces) repair of cutlery from other manufacturers at request (caveat emptor) Any item for hygienic purposes returned for repair will only be accepted in clean condition. This is to reduce the risk of infection for members of our staff. Uncleaned items, like hairdressers scissors, nail nippers and clippers, shaving items etc. still showing debris, shaving soap, traces of blood etc., will be returned untreated. 15 Item numbers in consecutive order Artikel-Nummern aufsteigend sortiert Codes d'articles par ordre consécutive Numero d'articulo par orden consectivo Numero d'articolo in ordine consecutivo Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 2 6810 132,29 5 25 2 6820 115,74 5 22 3 580 231,05 5 28 4 580 102,90 5 23 5 58130 110,83 5 23 6 6810 147,90 5 25 7 6820 129,12 5 24 8 23606 50,29 4 9 16 506 35,38 4 9 16 556 35,38 4 9 16 606 35,38 4 9 20 506 59,34 4 10 20 556 59,34 4 10 20 606 59,34 4 10 20 656 69,43 4 10 20 706 69,43 4 10 25 353 48,14 8 42 25 5831 100,51 5 23 29 450 26,97 7 31 346 39,96 8 51 31 349 31,01 8 51 34 359 29,86 8 52 38 305 47,22 8 40 351 52,66 8 40 353 39,69 8 43 40 503 51,03 7 43 40 603 53,00 7 43 41 5815 139,90 5 22 41 5835 120,88 5 23 41 5855 232,00 5 28 41 5875 120,88 5 23 42 451 47,34 7 45 42 385 86,67 5 20 43 450 22,80 5 32 43 454 27,77 5 32 43 456 38,88 5 32 44 3500256 36,10 8 44 44 350016 32,05 8 41 44 350026 31,94 8 44 44 356 30,09 5 32 44 359 31,71 5 32 44 4000256 36,91 8 44 44 400026 34,83 8 44 16 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ,,xc,-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mm--xc-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- m,ycnymm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ,-cyxxv-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --xxyx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --xxc,ny** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --xc.-,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --ccyx,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- nmy.,mvn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xv-nncy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vv-mvbn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vnbvnxx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bx-yxxv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xmyxbvx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmxxn.m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mxc.-xcn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mbc-xvm-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- nnccbvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bn-xbbmx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bb--n.vb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbyyx,b** 4 *pftwkf#- bycx* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 44 408526 40,50 8 44 44 406 32,05 5 32 44 409 33,68 5 32 46 400 24,65 5 32 46 4016 32,51 5 32 46 409 25,80 5 32 46 4096 32,51 5 47 355 61,33 8 48 48 846 61,97 4 8 50 40546 55,19 4 11 50 40547 63,42 4 11 50 405485 56,86 4 11 50 46656 66,42 4 11 51 351 29,16 9 51 359 29,16 9 55 359 30,20 9 51 55 409 32,86 9 51 55 459 35,06 9 51 58 359 31,52 9 51 60 901 106,45 7 37 61 709 39,23 7 37 61 809 44,67 7 37 61 909 56,70 7 37 69 101 78,33 7 37 69 701 48,37 7 37 69 801 53,11 7 37 69 901 67,00 7 37 82 450 26,73 7 48 84 401 25,72 7 48 84 404 24,65 7 48 90 400 26,97 8 48 90 409 26,97 8 48 98 5810 123,06 5 22 98 5850 207,42 5 28 100 581 77,70 5 20 100 681 81,96 5 20 101 581 71,16 5 20 105 5835 175,76 5 28 105 5865 175,76 5 28 106 5831 164,76 5 24 106 5851 164,76 5 24 106 5861 164,76 5 24 114 583 118,04 5 24 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- nbxy,bcn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbyyn,cm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbyx.-v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- nbyx-y,m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --cv.xmm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --vvcvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- -vv-nnbm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vv--m,vy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vv-y.-,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vbnxmc,y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbccn-y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbcv.mx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbvv,.vy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bb -bmx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bb nm.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbnnyxc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmccnmbx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmvvxbnm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmbbym,-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmb,,bmc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mm,,nm-** 4 *pftwkf#- ,ybm* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 115 5861 145,71 5 25 116 5851 132,13 5 25 117 6810 166,90 5 25 118 6810 217,81 5 26 119 6860 160,46 5 26 120 5860 117,31 5 26 121 5860 132,13 5 26 125 506 83,42 10 59 126 556 88,36 10 59 126 5516 78,89 10 59 127 556 78,89 9 55 127 557 78,89 9 55 127 558 78,89 9 55 140 013 207,94 7 47 141 003 87,94 7 47 141 583 121,57 5 24 141 584 121,57 5 24 141 588 121,57 5 24 148 501 30,09 10 59 148 506 47,33 10 59 152 40001 37,42 6 29 160 541 66,30 10 58 162 551 66,30 10 58 180 80002 88,20 6 29 183 45002 80,31 6 29 185 35001 42,48 6 29 189 000 20,83 5 19 190 001 39,34 9 54 190 041 31,94 9 54 190 051 31,94 9 54 190 081 31,94 9 54 190 101 31,94 9 54 191 051 45,01 9 200 350 20,83 8 41 200 506 57,30 4 10 200 556 57,30 4 10 200 5585 57,30 4 200 606 57,30 4 10 200 656 63,80 4 10 200 706 63,80 4 10 201 002 1,82 5 201 003 1,82 5 19 201 004 1,82 5 19 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ,,yy,.b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ,,nxcv,.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ,,nxvnbc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y,cx.mv-n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvv,.vnm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb--cnxc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ybx-my-n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xmnxcx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- mmnnm..c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yycc--cb,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y.cyxm,,y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yc.yx,,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..yx.cx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y.cxbn-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyccbbn,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyccnn-yy,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ycbnmvv.c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --nn-yy,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- y-bnxvb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --nncvx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..c.-vm** 4 *pftwkf#- .cyv* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 201 006 29,81 5 19 201 014 10,49 5 19 201 0140 24,39 5 19 201 015 11,15 5 201 081 23,33 5 19 201 087 25,79 5 19 201 350 20,83 8 42 201 353 24,42 8 42 202 353 27,20 8 43 202 453 29,86 8 43 202 603 51,03 8 43 204 5085 58,64 4 10 204 5585 58,64 4 10 205 350 21,06 8 42 207 051 109,70 14 84 208 351 32,65 8 216 016 39,93 13 217 010 10,65 5 217 016 46,17 13 82 223 016 185,95 13 89 227 016 109,57 8 229 555 119,06 4 230 352 66,30 8 52 232 506 64,03 4 10 232 556 64,03 4 10 233 5085 71,60 4 10 234 355 38,42 8 52 234 356 38,42 8 52 237 555 82,67 4 13 238 506 96,58 4 14 238 556 96,58 4 14 238 5585 71,61 4 239 546 61,75 4 15 240 456 59,16 4 15 240 506 59,16 4 15 240 556 59,16 4 15 240 606 59,16 4 15 243 605 137,41 4 14 244 5085 122,50 4 14 244 5585 122,50 4 14 244 6085 122,50 4 14 245 5585 103,98 4 246 5585 107,37 4 250 352 66,30 9 53 251 355 37,72 9 53 82 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..ccb,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y-.ycvnc.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..ccm.n-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbmmnmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- bbm,.-,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- b-,ny,m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- -nny.xv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y,n-vnbv-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx,byyccx-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,yxv-.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y,-x,-v.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- v-b,.xcc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --,,cv-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vvyyvbx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- -y,vcby** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- -y,b.vxm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --..yxb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --..cv.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- -y.xbmcy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- yyxc.-by** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- yyccyv,.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- yvcnb-n.** 4 *pftwkf#- vymc* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 251 356 37,72 9 53 251 405 39,69 9 53 251 406 39,69 9 53 253 031 85,98 12 74 254 406 42,23 9 53 255 606 41,19 7 35 255 706 46,17 7 35 255 7085 50,92 7 259 701 43,74 7 39 270 350 20,25 8 41 271 010 122,89 6 30 278 016 72,78 12 69 279 016 184,80 14 92 280 500 22,80 7 35 280 600 25,34 7 35 281 506 20,25 7 35 281 507 20,25 7 35 281 606 22,44 7 35 281 607 22,44 7 35 283 016 63,76 13 78 284 018 352,70 14 97 285 407 34,36 7 36 285 408 32,51 7 36 285 506 34,60 7 36 285 507 37,95 7 36 285 508 35,53 7 36 285 606 36,80 7 36 285 608 37,95 7 36 285 655 43,50 7 36 285 656 40,27 7 36 285 657 43,86 7 36 285 658 40,15 7 36 286 355 36,22 8 289 500 28,93 7 39 289 600 31,01 7 39 295 607 43,16 7 36 301 011 77,53 13 87 301 015 97,08 13 87 301 016 97,08 13 87 301 021 77,53 13 87 301 025 97,08 13 87 301 026 97,08 13 87 301 031 77,53 13 87 301 035 97,08 13 87 301 036 97,08 13 87 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vvyx,--c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yv,xvyx-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vxxccyvb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxc,..n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xbc,vcnb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xmy,cyvn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyxccxnc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxc.mc ** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xx..vb-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxy.cnnvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyxvv-b,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxvvn,.c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxvb.--n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxbbxv-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxbbny,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxbbm,bx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- nxcbx.-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xxnn-cbn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,bbnm.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyy,mbv,cc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx,ybm.b--** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,nn-ync** 4 *pftwkf#-xymnm* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 301 111 77,53 13 N12 301 115 97,08 13 N12 301 116 97,08 13 N12 301 121 77,53 13 N11 301 125 97,08 13 N11 301 126 97,08 13 N11 301 141 77,53 13 87 301 145 97,08 13 87 301 146 97,08 13 87 302 011 118,37 14 93 302 016 151,93 14 93 302 031 118,37 14 95 302 036 151,93 14 95 302 111 118,37 14 95 302 116 151,93 14 95 302 141 118,37 14 93 302 146 151,93 14 93 310 359 20,72 8 313 350 9,14 12 313 550 10,76 12 318 30010 3,12 12 63 318 30170 3,12 12 63 318 30210 3,12 12 63 318 45010 5,10 12 63 318 45170 5,10 12 63 318 45210 5,10 12 63 318 50010 5,32 12 63 318 50170 5,32 12 63 318 50210 5,32 12 63 318 60010 6,14 12 63 318 60170 6,14 12 63 318 70010 6,25 12 63 318 70170 6,25 12 63 318 70210 6,25 12 63 318 80010 6,82 12 63 318 80170 6,82 12 63 318 80210 6,82 12 63 319 700 7,29 12 63 319 800 7,52 12 63 325 356 45,59 8 52 344 011 67,00 12 73 344 016 88,75 12 73 350 005 6,82 11 63 351 000 8,91 11 353 001 7,40 11 63 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbyyvbmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbvy,nyy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvv,..-,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,nnxc-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyy,mnvv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxybm,nym** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb ,.y,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyb,nmy-b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyv,xyvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yymby-.ym,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbyy,.nc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbxx-y.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbxxcc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbxxvbmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbxxnmy,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbxc,-b,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbccyxb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbccv.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbccbnc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ybvcxmb,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,mmbn-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbvvxcy,** 4 *pftwkf#-ybv,c* 17 Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 353 005 10,07 11 63 353 008 31,36 11 63 354 001 7,40 11 63 354 005 10,07 11 63 354 008 31,36 11 63 355 001 11,80 11 355 005 10,07 11 355 008 31,36 11 356 001 9,37 11 63 356 005 10,76 11 63 356 008 31,36 11 63 357 001 12,50 11 63 357 005 16,43 11 63 357 008 36,34 11 63 360 008 36,34 11 63 360 359 19,09 8 53 362 000 4,17 11 363 000 5,21 11 368 016 233,18 6 30 370 000 2,53 11 62 371 000 6,31 11 62 372 066 254,33 14 98 379 356 32,64 8 52 380 309 20,25 8 51 385 006 24,06 5 32 9385 006 38,40 5 32 386 050 6,45 5 389 011 1,97 7 41 389 021 1,97 7 41 389 031 1,97 7 41 389 141 1,97 7 41 391 010 12,63 7 45 391 140 12,63 7 400 010 28,83 6 30 402 041 24,88 9 54 402 051 24,88 9 54 402 101 24,88 9 54 404 000 22,68 7 38 404 051 69,31 13 77 405 356 6,45 12 63 405 506 6,80 12 63 405 606 7,17 12 63 405 706 8,51 12 63 407 066 133,65 13 79 407 405 9,95 12 63 18 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbv.y-c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb xc-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb bny,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb m.b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbnn-ybx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbnncvnc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbnnbm-v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ybvnx.m,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybbmm-yv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xybcmnx,,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yxbmvc-bb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vvncc-c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..v,cm,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx-vxc--v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvvcynmy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvbcyx-v.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxby,.nv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyccnnm,-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ycbn..vvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,bm,,cyv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb,,bm,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yxb,..mn.** 4 *pftwkf#-yb.-x* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 409 505 53,63 4 42 409 506 53,63 4 42 415 5846 132,98 5 27 423 011 132,72 14 93 425 016 86,09 12 74 426 016 77,29 12 69 438 011 35,30 13 82 450 066 160,38 7 450 301 5,67 11 450 351 7,40 11 450 353 7,87 11 450 355 13,07 11 457 3515 9,37 11 457 3516 9,37 11 457 3525 9,37 11 457 3526 9,37 11 457 3535 9,37 11 457 3536 9,37 11 62 457 3545 9,37 11 62 457 3546 9,37 11 62 457 3555 9,37 11 457 3556 9,37 11 62 458 506 20,72 11 62 459 2511 2,43 11 459 2521 2,43 11 459 2531 2,43 11 459 3011 2,43 11 459 3021 2,43 11 459 3031 2,43 11 459 3511 2,55 11 459 3521 2,55 11 459 3541 2,55 11 460 2511 4,86 11 460 2521 4,86 11 460 2531 4,86 11 460 3011 5,44 11 62 460 3021 5,44 11 62 460 3025 7,36 11 62 460 3026 7,36 11 62 460 3031 5,44 11 460 3041 5,44 11 460 3511 5,78 11 62 460 3521 5,78 11 62 461 4011 6,82 11 461 4021 6,82 11 61 62 62 62 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- --..m,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y,,y-.v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxccvvm-y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx,nxxy,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb..nmvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yybb..,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn--cv.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn--bnc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn--m,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn-y.-ym** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnyyxvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnyybnx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnyym,nc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnyx.--n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnxxyc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnxxcvm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnxxbny,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnxxm,bx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynmxv..v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yymnccb-mb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnccyvxc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynncvb--v** 4 *pftwkf#-ynvy * Item No. Page Price € per pc. PL Cat 461 4051 6,82 11 465 3011 2,43 11 465 3013 3,24 11 465 3021 2,43 11 465 3023 3,24 11 465 3071 2,43 11 465 3073 3,24 11 465 3511 2,55 11 465 3513 3,36 11 465 3521 2,55 11 465 3523 3,36 11 465 3571 2,55 11 465 3573 3,36 11 465 445 10,52 11 62 466 3015 14,70 11 62 466 3016 14,70 11 62 466 3025 14,70 11 62 466 3026 14,70 11 62 466 3035 14,70 11 62 466 3036 14,70 11 466 3045 14,70 11 62 466 3046 14,70 11 62 469 011 57,16 12 73 469 016 73,02 12 73 9470 056 62,60 13 82 476 651 17,13 11 62 477 501 10,65 11 479 355 25,11 11 62 480 386 14,24 11 61 481 386 14,24 11 61 482 386 14,24 11 61 491 356 13,66 11 61 495 010 10,65 7 496 010 12,96 7 499 206 74,06 6 31 499 216 74,06 6 31 499 906 53,64 6 31 501 001 10,18 10 61 501 011 10,30 10 61 501 066 90,25 8 502 006 23,03 10 60 9502 006 25,80 10 60 503 001 11,92 10 61 504 006 26,73 10 60 9504 006 29,50 10 60 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnvvxn,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnvvm,c-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnvb.-mc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnbbyx-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnbbcvvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnbbn,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnbbm,x.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnb.-nx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn yx.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn cv-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn bnmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,..-mc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyvncmnyx,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnmmxvb.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynnmmbnnc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynmmv--y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvvxxnmc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..vvbny,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy-ny,by-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yxnv,bx-v,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynm,ycny** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yynn,,vb,** 4 *pftwkf#-ymymc* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 504 016 231,43 14 97 505 016 166,51 13 89 505 171 10,30 6 27 506 010 28,83 6 30 507 000 20,25 6 31 507 001 30,66 6 507 016 90,25 13 78 508 051 136,96 6 32 78,77 4 42 510 016 116,18 13 84 510 359 19,44 9 511 011 95,82 13 79 511 016 110,27 13 79 514 001 14,73 6 31 514 002 14,73 6 31 514 004 14,73 6 31 515 171 6,73 6 29 520 359 21,40 9 521 016 186,18 14 96 525 356 44,31 9 53 532 40556 73,88 4 15 210,94 14 99 538 32558 83,56 4 14 544 141 59,36 8 544 406085 133,52 4 14 547 031 113,14 7 46 548 001 17,36 8 47 549 005 13,07 8 47 549 015 78,80 8 47 552 176 170,07 7 46 553 056 261,89 6 31 554 016 257,12 6 31 555 056 401,93 6 31 556 056 537,37 6 31 560 359 19,09 9 53 570 050 47,94 6 N14 570 051 94,17 6 N14 574 056 130,48 6 N14 575 056 138,96 6 N14 576 016 74,02 6 N14 577 056 69,63 6 N15 578 051 73,47 6 N15 579 356 32,64 9 580 031 65,69 8 N15 607 141 19,21 509 40546 536 011 10 53 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,,..xcmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--x.vbbxx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- ..b,vncv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvvbbcv.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y-,..by,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yv,c.bnmb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy,-.mmxb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy--y,mxv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y-vycnnmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvvncxmyy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy.-y-v,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy.-ycvbn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xybcyxxbc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy..yybmc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx.by,,v,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb,..-by** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb..yx,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvncv,cv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnn--yxvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnn--cv,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnnxxvbc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvnnxvnmm** 4 *pftwkf#-xvcm.* Item No. Page Price € per pc. PL Cat 700 401 13,31 8 48 715 506 44,10 4 9 715 556 44,10 4 9 715 606 44,10 4 9 759 016 51,96 12 70 763 011 7,87 10 766 011 8,22 10 767 011 10,99 6 30 768 011 12,39 6 30 771 018 457,30 14 100 771 038 457,30 14 800 016 105,19 13 77 803 018 317,17 14 99 806 011 71,40 6 32 813 066 148,46 14 92 857 050 82,63 6 27 857 051 344,67 6 27 860 110 192,91 6 30 860 115 497,23 6 30 863 016 76,37 12 69 90 951 000 52,94 5 19 918 052 58,90 6 21 918 096 80,54 6 20 918 106 53,64 6 21 918 115 152,53 6 21 918 117 56,99 6 21 918 118 41,39 6 21 918 285 145,34 6 21 937 016 79,61 13 82 957 051 70,94 13 77 960 011 24,65 12 960 015 32,74 12 960 016 32,74 12 960 031 24,65 12 N12 960 035 32,74 12 N12 960 036 32,74 12 N12 960 111 24,65 12 N13 960 115 32,74 12 N13 960 116 32,74 12 N13 1001 126 47,34 12 67 1002 016 87,62 12 72 1014 016 55,35 12 67 1019 031 32,25 12 68 1019 035 40,03 12 68 1019 036 40,03 12 68 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- by.-mvxx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- yy--bn.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx.vnxb,,m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--x.v,n.mb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y..n-.yn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyn.v,-ccx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy..,,n.cv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx.-ybn ** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xx-vy,mbc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxv-,yv.cm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yx.ybb.v,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y.-ny-cvn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy--yy-,by** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y-.yn.,,-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xx--b.,-nn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxyy,,bn.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxyb,xm-c,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbxxybx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbnnxc,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbvnnvmxn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvbnx,cc.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbxxbnc-** 4 *pftwkf#-xbxm * Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 1019 041 32,25 12 68 1019 045 40,03 12 68 1019 046 40,03 12 68 1019 141 32,25 12 68 1019 145 40,03 12 68 1019 146 40,03 12 68 1024 016 52,44 12 71 1026 121 46,12 12 70 1028 056 60,85 12 32 1029 076 44,24 12 71 1038 016 176,35 12 N14 1039 016 153,81 12 N14 1041 056 38,59 12 N14 1042 016 84,16 12 N14 1047 056 60,44 12 N15 1052 151 29,62 12 N15 1052 155 38,88 12 N15 1052 156 38,88 12 N15 1064 456 82,85 10 57 1072 506 73,13 10 57 1073 506 75,63 9 56 1098 506 98,82 9 56 1111 3,70 7 1121 3,70 7 1131 3,70 7 1500 451 30,78 10 59 1510 501 33,90 10 59 1516 580 107,17 5 22 1540 441 22,57 10 59 1550 451 24,65 10 59 1560 501 29,16 10 59 1570 541 30,78 10 59 1590 506 86,21 10 58 1830 006 64,69 9 54 1830 056 64,69 9 54 1830 106 64,69 9 54 1885 680 160,46 5 25 1900 056 46,29 9 54 2008 016 80,68 12 75 2008 056 80,68 12 75 2018 031 53,83 12 75 2018 036 67,27 12 75 2027 121 102,48 12 N13 2038 016 210,98 12 N14 2039 016 203,56 12 N14 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbxx,.vy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbcc-ymv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbccxy,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbnnbm.c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb.nv,.-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnn--bnx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnn--m,nc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnnxxm,vy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnnxc.-,v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmmyxvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvv.c-xbb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvvc.-c.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xyvcmy-n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--ycmm,yymb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyccmmxcvy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyccmmvb,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvcy,.-n.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yycv,-ymnc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--y,cn,bvxm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbvc.,cm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbvv-ync** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbnm--.c-** 4 *pftwkf#-xny-n* 19 Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 2051 061 131,04 12 N15 2051 066 155,37 12 N15 2449 505 116,60 4 2449 555 116,60 4 3000 400 12,26 7 3000 500 13,43 7 3000 600 15,62 7 3000 700 16,90 7 3610 359 22,80 8 51 3650 355 23,38 8 52 3650 356 23,38 8 52 4001 126 90,25 13 78 4004 056 182,67 6 83 4009 051 39,76 13 80 4009 056 58,27 13 80 4016 066 128,95 6 80 4017 061 28,14 13 80 4017 066 44,89 13 80 4031 056 52,19 13 81 4032 066 83,99 13 81 4033 066 79,15 13 81 4048 056 58,19 13 N15 5003 126 128,95 6 5449 40555 119,94 4 5610 359 23,14 9 54 5650 355 23,38 9 53 5650 356 23,38 9 53 6005 128 176,40 13 89 6006 066 123,70 13 86 6008 056 129,49 13 86 6009 056 259,82 13 81 6013 016 137,68 13 86 6014 016 124,21 13 90 6026 121 100,96 13 90 6030 076 111,56 13 90 6030 076 133,87 13 90 6053 151 84,05 13 N15 6053 155 100,15 13 N15 6053 156 100,15 13 N15 7010 121 67,85 14 76 7010 126 104,25 14 76 7018 031 65,36 14 76 7018 036 89,97 14 76 7040 016 219,80 14 N14 7043 036 93,93 14 N14 20 83 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnnccyx,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- yyccnmc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xx,,yc-v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- xx,,vnyb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vv vm.-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvvm,-mn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvbm-yc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb-vyxm-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbvvcmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbmmyx-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbnmccvb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvymcx,-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vvb.-v** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xvvbmyvm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb--xvv,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb-vbby** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbbv,n-,x** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb.,,ym.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnnccvbx.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnbc-nm.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb-v,.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbny-bc** 4 *pftwkf#-xnyx-* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 7045 036 151,27 14 N14 8007 016 178,82 14 94 8015 016 163,92 14 94 8017 066 173,56 14 95 8022 066 200,42 14 85 8046 118 302,92 14 N14 8050 061 119,26 14 N15 9022 011 10,76 6 30 9022 021 10,76 6 30 9022 051 10,76 6 30 9044 038 309,42 10600 006 90,60 10 58 10600 546 90,60 10 58 10601 546 89,10 10 58 10602 546 104,02 10 57 10630 006 109,70 10 57 10630 556 109,70 10 57 10631 006 109,12 10 58 10632 556 121,50 10 57 10650 456 61,10 9 56 10650 457 61,10 9 56 10650 458 61,10 9 56 10650 459 69,43 9 56 10660 504 71,98 9 56 10660 506 70,28 9 56 10660 507 70,28 9 56 10660 508 70,28 9 56 10660 509 79,73 9 56 10660 608 77,29 9 56 10661 506 67,92 10 58 10662 506 97,50 9 56 10662 507 97,50 9 56 10662 509 110,74 9 56 10900 0026 59,33 9 56 10900 0027 59,33 9 56 10900 0426 46,29 9 55 10900 0526 46,29 9 55 10900 0826 46,29 9 55 10900 1026 46,29 9 55 10902 0526 52,59 9 55 10902 1026 52,59 9 55 10910 1026 61,67 9 55 36150 356 25,80 8 51 56150 355 25,80 9 56150 356 25,80 9 14 N14 51 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnby-c.mc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbb cvnc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxbn,ybvm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxnvcmxcc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xxvv cv-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--xynvy.bxy.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmmc,,c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmmnv.b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmmb.x-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmbmn,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvbb,.bx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvbn--x,b** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvnnyxb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvnncv.n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvn,m-n** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvnn,.vy** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvmb--m.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvv,bbyyn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvbbxcc-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvvb.vvmc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyvv.bbn-y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##-- vvbbcvy,** 4 *pftwkf#- vb b* Item No. Page Price € per pc. PL Cat EAN Safety razors with short handle in cardboard box with 1 sample blade Rasierhobel mit kurzem Griff in Faltschachtel mit 1 Probeklinge Rasoirs à manche standard en boîte en carton avec 1 lame MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 15 001 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 15 001 26,71 chrome-plated, open tooth comb; verchromt, Zahnkamm; chromé, peigne dentelé 30 011 90 30 011 35,06 chrome-plated, black, straight cut; 33 001 90 33 001 26,08 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite 34 001 90 34 001 35,85 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite 34 003 90 34 003 46,01 gold-plated, straight cut; vergoldet, Gradschnitt; 37 001 90 37 001 35,85 chrome-plated, slanted; verchromt, Schrägschnitt; 41 001 90 41 001 22,10 chrome-plated, open tooth comb; 42 001 90 42 001 22,10 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, schwarz, Gradschnitt; chromé, noir, coupe droite doré, coupe droite chromé, coupe en biais verchromt, Zahnkamm; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, peigne dentelé chromé, coupe droite Safety razors with long handle in cardboard box with 1 sample blade Rasierhobel mit langem Griff in Faltschachtel mit 1 Probeklinge Rasoirs avec manche long en boîte en carton avec 1 lame MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 20 011 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 20 011 35,06 chrome-plated, black, straight cut; verchromt, schwarz, Gradschnitt; chromé, noir, coupe droite 23 001 90 23 001 27,63 chrome-plated, straight cut; 25 001 90 25 001 28,02 chrome-plated, open tooth comb; 38 001 90 38 001 42,66 chrome-plated, straight cut; 38 011 90 38 011 46,03 Alu, black, straight cut; 39 001 90 39 001 42,66 chrome-plated, slanted; 43 002 90 43 002 47,90 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite 47 001 90 47 001 35,54 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite verchromt, Zahnkamm; verchromt, Gradschnitt; Alu, schwarz, Gradschnitt; verchromt, Schrägschnitt; chromé, peigne dentelé chromé, coupe droite Alu, noir, coupe droite chromé, coupe en biais Shaving Sets Rasiersets Sets rasoir DOVO € per pc. Best.-Nr. € pro St. Order No. € par pce. Réf. 90 2081 001 160,05 chrome-plated, polished, 3 pieces; glanzverchromt, 3-teilig; chromé, brillant, 3 pièces 3081 001 90 3081 001 160,05 chrome-plated, polished, 3 pieces; glanzverchromt, 3-teilig; chromé, brillant, 3 pièces 3881 001 90 3881 001 164,37 chrome-plated, polished, 3 pieces; glanzverchromt, 3-teilig; chromé, brillant, 3 pièces 3981 001 90 3981 001 164,37 chrome-plated, polished, 3 pieces; glanzverchromt, 3-teilig; chromé, brillant, 3 pièces MERKUR Best.-Nr. Order No. Réf. 2081 001 Accessories / Zubehör / Accessoires MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 3 000 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 900 3 000 5,66 plastic box; Plastiketui; étui en plastique Travel razors, demountable, chrome-plated, with 1 blade Reiserasierhobel, zerlegbar, verchromt, mit 1 Klinge Rasoirs de voyage, démontable, chromé, avec 1 lame MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 46 002 22 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 46 002 55,52 in leather case, straight cut; im Lederetui, Gradschnitt; en étui de cuir, coupe droite 933 000 90 933 000 35,22 in leather case, straight cut; im Lederetui, Gradschnitt; en étui de cuir, coupe droite 985 000 90 985 000 35,98 in leather case, open tooth comb; im Lederetui, Zahnkamm; en étui de cuir, peigne dentelé Safety Razors MERKUR PROGRESS with adjustable blade system Rasierapparat MERKUR PROGRESS mit Klingenregulierung Rasoir MERKUR PROGRESS ajustable MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per pc. € pro St. € par pce. chrome-plated, in cardboard box, with 1 blade 500 001 90 500 001 50,77 verchromt, in Faltschachtel, mit 1 Klinge chromé, en boîte en carton, avec 1 lame verchromt, in Faltschachtel, mit 1 Klinge 510 001 90 510 001 59,70 chrome-plated, in cardboard box, with 1 blade chromé, en boîte en carton, avec 1 lame chrome-plated, in plastic case, with 10 blades 570 001 90 570 001 56,68 verchromt, in Plastiketui, mit 10 Klingen chromé, en boîte en plastique, avec 10 lames Safety razor, standard handle, in plastic box with 1 blade Rasierhobel, mit kurzem Griff, im Plastiketui mit 1 Probeklinge Rasoir, manche standard, en boîte en plastique avec 1 lame MERKUR Best.-Nr. Order No. Réf. 45 030 DOVO € pro St. Best.-Nr. € per pc. Order No. € par pce. Réf. 90 45 030 26,05 Bakelite, straight cut, with 10 blades; Bakelit, Gradschnitt, mit 10 Klingen; Bakélite, coupe droite, avec 10 lames 333 001 90 333 001 31,74 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite 334 001 90 334 001 41,51 chrome-plated, straight cut; verchromt, Gradschnitt; chromé, coupe droite Razors F U T U R with Duoclip and adjustable blade system, in card board box with 1 blade Rasierer F U T U R mit Duoclip und Klingenfeineinstellung, in Faltschachtel mit 1 Klinge Rasoirs F U T U R avec Duoclip et position de la lame 6 fois réglable, en boîte en carton MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 700 002 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 700 002 64,52 chrome-plated, satin finished; mattverchromt; 701 001 90 701 001 64,52 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; 702 003 90 702 003 76,59 gold-plated; doré vergoldet; chromé, mat chromé, brillant Shaving sets F U T U R Rasiersets F U T U R Sets rasoir F U T U R MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 750 002 751 001 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 750 002 251,87 chrome-plated, satin finished, 4 pieces; 90 751 001 251,87 chrome-plated, polished, 4 pieces; mattverchromt, 4-teilig; glanzverchromt, 4-teilig; 780 002 90 780 002 194,43 chrome-plated, satin finished, 3 pieces; 781 001 90 781 001 194,43 chrome-plated, polished, 3 pieces; mattverchromt, 3-teilig; glanzverchromt, 3-teilig; chromé, mat, 4 pièces chromé, brillant, 4 pièces chromé, mat, 3 pièces chromé, brillant, 3 pièces 23 Double blade razors MII in card board box Doppelklingenapparate MII in Faltschachtel Rasoirs bi lames MII en boîte en carton MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per pc. € pro St. € par pce. gold-plated, with adaptors B and C to mount attached test blade 602 003 90 602 003 51,66 vergoldet, mit Adapter B und C sowie Probeklinge doré, mat, avec adaptateurs B et C pour utiliser la lame d'essai ajoutée Adaptors for razors MII Adapter für Rasierer MII Adaptateurs pour rasoir MII MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per pc. € pro St. € par pce. Swivel head adaptor A 100 000 90 100 000 2,06 Adapter A für Schwingkopfklinge Adaptateur A tête pivotante Swivel head adaptor B for SENSOR blades 100 100 90 100 100 2,84 Adapter B für Typ SENSOR Adaptateur B tête pivotante pour lames SENSOR Swivel head adaptor C for PROTECTOR blades 100 200 90 100 200 2,84 Adapter C für Typ PROTECTOR Adaptateur C tête pivotante pour lames PROTECTOR Shaving Brushes, pure silvertip Badger Rasierpinsel, rein Dachs, Silberspitz Blaireaux pur blanc MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 120 011 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 120 011 100,46 chrome-plated, polished, black; glanzverchromt, schwarz; chromé, brillant, noir 138 001 90 138 001 1700 002 90 1700 002 80,31 chrome-plated, satin finished; 1701 001 90 1701 001 80,31 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; chromé, brillant 93,43 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; chromé, brillant mattverchromt; chromé, mat Shaving Bowls Rasierschalen Bols de rasage MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 4000 000 24 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 4000 000 53,47 glass, hand blown; Glas, mundgeblasen; en verre soufflé Stand Only for razor, brush and bowl Standhalterung für Rasierer, Pinsel und Schale Support pour rasoir, brosse a barbe et bol MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 4750 002 4751 001 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 4750 002 78,65 chrome-plated, satin finished; 90 4751 001 mattverchromt; chromé, mat 78,65 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; chromé, brillant Stand for razor and brush, only Rasierständer für Rasierer und Pinsel Support pour rasoir et blaireaux MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 4780 002 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 4780 002 67,99 chrome-plated, satin finished; mattverchromt; chromé, mat 4781 001 90 4781 001 67,99 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; chromé, brillant 4002 001 90 4002 001 43,23 chrome-plated, polished; glanzverchromt; chromé, brillant CORN RAZOR in combi blister pack HORNHAUTHOBEL in SB-Blister RABOT A CORNE en blister MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per pc. € pro St. € par pce. chrome-plated, polished, with white handle, with 1 blade fitted 10 replacement blades 923 000 90 923 000 7,72 glanzverchromt, mit weißem Griff, mit 1 Klinge montiert und 10 Ersatzklingen chromé, brillant, avec manche blanc, avec 1 lame montée et 10 lames de rechange MOUSTACHE- AND EYEBROW RAZORS in cardboard box with 1 blade SCHNURRBART- UND AUGENBRAUENRASIERER in Faltschachtel mit 1 Probeklinge RASOIRS POUR MOUSTACHE ET SOURCILS en boîte en carton avec 1 lame MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 907 000 DOVO € per pc. Order No. € pro St. Best.-Nr. € par pce. Réf. 90 907 000 23,00 chrome-plated; verchromt; chromé MERKUR SUPER PLATINUM razor blades, stainless steel MERKUR SUPER PLATINUM Rasierklingen, rostfrei MERKUR SUPER PLATINUM lames de rasoir, inoxydables MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per packing unit of 100 blades € pro Verpackungseinheit von 100 Klingen € par pce. unité de 100 lames Sales by packing unit only Abgabe nur in vollen VE Vente par unite uniquement each blade packed in paraffin paper, 10 pieces in a plastic dispenser on blister card 10 x 10 = 100 pieces in a display box 910 000 90 910 000 53,45 einzeln in Paraffinpapier verpackt, 10 Stück in einem Klingenspender auf SB-Blisterkarte 10 x 10 = 100 Stück im Schaukarton chaque lame emballée de papier paraffine, 10 lames dans un distributeur en plastique sur carte blister 10 x 10 = 100 lames dans une boîte de présentation 25 CORN RAZOR BLADES HORNHAUTHOBELKLINGEN LAMES POUR RABOTS A CORNE MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per packing unit of 100 blades € pro Verpackungseinheit von 100 Klingen € par pce. unité de 100 lames Sales by packing unit only Abgabe nur in vollen VE Vente par unite uniquement made of Swedish steel, colourless laquered, each blade packed in paraffin paper, 10 blades in a small sales pack, 10 x 10 = 100 blades in a display box to fit corn razors No. 923 000 aus Schwedenstahl, farblos lackiert, einzeln in Paraffinpapier verpackt, 10 Stück in einer 920 000 90 920 000 16,19 kleinen Verkaufsschachtel, 10 x 10 = 100 Klingen im Schaukarton Für Hornhautrasierer Nr. 923 000 en acier suédois, laquées incolores, chaque lame en papier de paraffine, 10 lames dans une petite boîte de vente, 10 x 10 = 100 lames dans une boîte de présentation pour rabot à cor No. 923 000 MOUSTACHE RAZOR BLADES SCHNURRBARTRASIERKLINGEN LAMES POUR RASOIR MOUSTACHE MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. DOVO Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. € per packing unit of 100 blades € pro Verpackungseinheit von 100 Klingen € par pce. unité de 100 lames Sales by packing unit only Abgabe nur in vollen VE Vente par unite uniquement made of Swedish steel, laquered, each blade packed in paraffin paper, 10 blades in a small sales pack, 10 x 10 = 100 blades in bloc, in cellophan to fit for moustache razor No. 907 000 aus Schwedenstahl, lackiert, einzeln in Paraffinpapier verpackt, 10 Stück in einer 908 100 90 908 100 58,65 kleinen Verkaufsschachtel, 10 x 10 = 100 Klingen als Riegel zellophaniert Für Schnurrbartrasierer Nr. 907 000 en acier suédois, laquées, chaque lame en papier de paraffine, 10 lames dans une petite boîte de vente, 10 x 10 = 100 lames en bloque en cellophane pour rasoirs pour moustache No. 907 000 INDUSTRY BLADES - THREE HOLES each blade packed in paraffin paper, 10 blades in a sales pack, 10 x 10 = 100 blades in cellophan-bloc-packing INDUSTRIEKLINGEN - DREILOCH einzeln in Paraffinpapier, zu 10 Stück in Verkaufsschachtel verpackt, 10 x 10 = 100 Stück in Cellophan LAMES INDUSTRIELLES - TROIS PERFORATIONS chaque lame emballée en papier paraffine, 10 lames dans une boîte de vente, 10 x 10 = 100 lames sous cellophane MERKUR Order No. Best.-Nr. Réf. 951 000 26 DOVO € per packing unit of 100 blades Order No. € pro Verpackungseinheit von 100 Klingen Best.-Nr. € par pce. unité de 100 lames Réf. 90 951 000 19,67 white, 0,13 mm, weiß, 0,13 mm, Sales by packing unit only Abgabe nur in vollen VE Vente par unite uniquement blanc, 0,13 mm 952 000 90 952 000 19,79 white, 0,15 mm, weiß, 0,15 mm, blanc, 0,15 mm 953 000 90 953 000 23,13 white, 0,20 mm, weiß, 0,20 mm, blanc, 0,20 mm Item numbers in consecutive order Artikel-Nummern aufsteigend sortiert Codes d'articles par ordre consécutive Numero d'articulo par orden consectivo Numero d'articolo in ordine consecutivo Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 900 3 000 5,66 22 9 90 15 001 26,71 22 9 90 20 011 35,06 22 7 90 23 001 27,63 22 4 90 25 001 28,02 22 9 90 30 011 35,06 22 7 90 33 001 26,08 22 4 90 34 001 35,85 22 4 90 34 003 46,01 22 4 90 37 001 35,85 22 8 90 38 001 42,66 22 6 90 38 011 46,03 22 6 90 39 001 42,66 22 6 90 41 001 22,10 22 9 90 42 001 22,10 22 4 90 43 002 47,90 22 7 90 45 030 26,05 23 8 90 46 002 55,52 22 9 90 47 001 35,54 22 5 90 100 000 2,06 24 12 90 100 100 2,84 24 12 90 100 200 2,84 24 12 90 120 011 100,46 24 14 90 138 001 93,43 24 14 90 333 001 31,74 23 90 334 001 41,51 23 90 500 001 50,77 23 8 90 510 001 59,70 23 8 90 570 001 56,68 23 8 90 602 003 51,66 24 12 90 700 002 64,52 23 11 90 701 001 64,52 23 11 90 702 003 76,59 23 11 90 750 002 251,87 23 11 90 751 001 251,87 23 11 90 780 002 194,43 23 11 90 781 001 194,43 23 11 90 907 000 23,00 25 15 90 908 100 58,65 26 15 90 910 000 53,45 25 15 90 920 000 16,19 26 15 90 923 000 7,72 25 15 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy --cmvx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxm-.xn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxym-,x.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy yyc.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy yyvb-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxvnybc.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxvym.bb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxn-yn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxm,nb,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyx,-.bc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy --yx-m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxmv.,nx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxnnc.bm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxbmbv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy xcnxcv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy mmxb-y** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy m,,bx-** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy ,.mvvx** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyx.ynxc** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxyyvbmv** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxyynmy,** Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat 90 933 000 35,22 22 90 951 000 19,67 26 90 952 000 19,79 26 90 953 000 23,13 26 90 985 000 35,98 22 8 90 1700 002 80,31 24 13 90 1701 001 80,31 24 13 90 2081 001 160,05 22 7 90 3081 001 160,05 22 7 90 3881 001 164,37 22 6 90 3981 001 164,37 22 6 90 4000 000 53,47 24 6 90 4002 001 43,23 25 6 90 4750 002 78,65 25 90 4751 001 78,65 25 90 4780 002 67,99 25 90 4781 001 67,99 25 8 EAN 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxxy,-b,** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxx yxb** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxmcc.m** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxm,ny,.** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxx,,xcn** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyxx,bvv-c** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yyx,,-nxm** 44 **ppffttwwkkff##--yy ,.by.** 4 *pftwkf#-y .mc* Item No. Price Page € per pc. PL Cat EAN 27
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