February 2013 Newsletter.pub - Captain John C. Post FOP Lodge #44
February 2013 Newsletter.pub - Captain John C. Post FOP Lodge #44
Fraternal Order of Police Captain John C. Post No 44 www.fopdayton44.org Volume 17, Issue 2 February 2013 Stop! Don’t read any further until you check to make sure your address on the mailing label is correct. Please let us know if Aegis is going to the wrong address or if you are receiving duplicate copies. We are trying to keep mailing costs down and save a few trees in the process. Thanks. THE AEGIS RETIREMENTS Officer Bill Parsons Major Larry Faulkner 09/10/1987 - Police Officer 01/02/2013 - Retirement 11/10/1980 - CSO III 02/27/1981 - Police Officer 05/18/1990 - Sergeant 11/12/2008 - Lieutenant Inside this issue: 01/31/2011 - Major 01/07/2013 - Retirement President’s Message 2 Chaplain’s Corner 3 FOP Retirees 4 FOP Associates Lodge 5 FOP Auxiliary Lodge 6 Info 9 Dayton Police History 11-12 09/10/1987 - Police Officer Monthly Calendar 15 01/18/2013 - Retirement Officer Toby Caserta THE AEGIS Page 2 PRESIDENT President’s Message Michael Galbraith phone 333-2134 or pager 940-5735 Greetings, I just wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude to the membership, for supporting me as President. I am looking forward to working for this Lodge, and providing assistance to the membership. I have previously served on the Executive Board, for 10 years, in different capacities. I realize this is the most challenging and demanding position, within the Board. I am willing to take this responsibility and lead us into the future. President Beane has done an outstanding job directing the Lodge, over the last nine years. He has completed many of the goals, he set forth and still has some unfinished. After consulting with President Beane, I agreed to try and fulfill a few of the unfinished goals. Many of the same events and some new, will continue at the Lodge Hall, for all members to enjoy and be part of. Schedules of events are as follow; The AEGIS© Published Monthly Official Publication of Fraternal Order of Police© Captain John C. Post No 44 P.O. Box 422 Dayton, OH 45401-0422 WEB SITE www.fopdayton44.org Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293, 937.286.1378 AEGIS EDITOR Timothy D. Kennaley PO Box 851 Dayton, Ohio 45401-0851 tkennaley@hotmail.com PUBLISHER EMERITUS Bob Keen �� SUPER BOWL PARTY FEB. 3 �� 3RD RELIEF PARTY, FOLLOWING LODGE MEETING FEB. 12 �� AWARDS BANQUET MARCH 23 �� MOVIE NIGHTS �� OKTOBERFEST OCT. 5 �� POLICEMAN’S BALL NOV. 9 APRIL 26, MAY 17, JUNE 14, JULY 12, AUG. 16, SEPT. 20, �� AUXILARY CHRISTMAS DEC. 7-8 LODGE OFFICERS 2012-2013 �� FOP CHRISTMAS PARTY DEC. 10 PRESIDENT Michael Galbraith IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Randy W. Beane SECRETARY Rick Oakley TREASURER Paul Saunders FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Derric D. McDonald 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Dix INNER GUARD H. Kelly Hamilton OUTER GUARD Paul Price CONDUCTOR Mark Ponichtera CHAPLAIN Christopher Fischer TRUSTEES Jason Tipton Tim Gould Aaron Fraley TRUSTEE EMERITUS Gary Melson �� NEW YEARS EVE PARTY DEC. 31 REGULAR LODGE MEETING NIGHTS JANUARY 8 JULY 9 FEBRUARY 12 AUGUST 13 MARCH SEPTEMBER 10 12 APRIL 9 OCTOBER 8 MAY 14 NOVEMBER 12 JUNE 11 DECEMBER 10 Again, I look forward to helping this Lodge continue the fraternalism, and progress in a positive direction from here forward. Fraternally, Mike Galbraith President Page 3 Volume 17, Issue 2 CHAPLAIN Chaplain’s Corner Chris Fischer 24/7 Phone 829-1657 Book Sale Brothers and Sisters: If you didn’t already know, there is an extraordinary book, which has been offered for the last couple hundred years to non-members and loyal subscribers alike. It is also available at every Barnes & Noble down to the grittiest discount bookstore. Some are bound in leather with intricate gold detail; others are plain with dog-eared pages. If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s The Bible. This Good Book Collection contains magnificent non-fiction stories on how to conduct your life, the proper way to maintain a healthy life style and, most importantly, spiritual tips for becoming closer to The Almighty Creator of the Universe called GOD. This Book of books includes universally recognized documentation of an imperfect people transforming their lives into individuals capable of receiving the grace that our righteous God wishes to bestow upon us at this very moment. Now, through this exclusive invitation, salvation is being granted to everyone who acknowledges (wholeheartedly) that God has a Son known as Jesus Christ. Next time you pass the local bookstore, stop in with your Starbucks and a Bible and ruminate over these stories: How to touch fire and not get burnt God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. Martin Luther Author: Daniel I. M. Prophet (Daniel Chapter 3) Real characters: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Theme: “Follow the leader” tactics aren’t cool whether you’re great or just a grunt. When the “heat” is on, will you do the right thing? Fee: Priceless A lustful eye for the straight gal Author: David B. King (2 Samuel Chapters 11&12) Real characters: David, Uriah, and Bathsheba Theme: Views from a balcony may look good, but keeping it to yourself (or wife) is the better option. And don’t make an attempt to cover your sins; confessing is the way to go… Fee: Priceless Don’t turn your back on me! Author: Jonah (Jonah Chapter 1-4) Real characters: Jonah, Yahweh, and BF (Big Fish) Theme: When the Man Upstairs tells you to do something, take the initiative, follow his lead, and walk the narrow path. Otherwise, you might find yourself as fish bait. Fee: Priceless (Continued on page 7) THE AEGIS Page 4 Retiree’s Secretary Message Kevin Nichols kevine1500@sbcglobal.net Home 937.236.8787 The Honor Guard system has now been finalized, and is ready for use. Last month’s Aegis included an outline and request information. I want to reprint the contact information for when the need arises. CONTACT Virgil McDaniel (Retirees Pres.) TELEPHONE # 937-312-0751/ 937-654-6643 Gary Tipton (Retirees Chaplain) 937-293-6960/ 937-470-2574 Ron Labatzky 937-350-7149/ 937-689-1021 Whitney Butler 937-212-1119/ 937-235-2430 Sgt. Mark Ponichtera (Active) 937-673-1292 Sgt. Monica Evans (Active) 937-623-2632 The Retirees also have several members trained and certified by the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund. These members are able to assist member’s survivors fill out the necessary paperwork for receiving further Benefits from the Pension Fund. These HOST volunteers can also complete the paperwork for Healthcare Benefits from United Health Care. The HOST volunteers from our Lodge are: Virgil McDaniel, Gary Tipton, Ron Labatzky, and Kevin Nichols, (937-2368787) e-mail: kevine1500@sbcglobal.net. These forms are required to be at the Pension Board within 30 days. Documentation needed is a copy of the Death Certificate, copy of the Marriage Certificate, and previous year’s tax return for income information for United Health Care. Steve Grismer, of The Dayton Police History Foundation, and Steve Crews are working on the Sports in Dayton Exhibit at Carrillon Park. They are working to have the Dayton Police Softball Teams and Tournaments included in the exhibit. If you have items that could be included in the exhibit contact Steve Grismer or Steve Crews. Next Retiree’s Meeting is Tuesday Feb. 19, 2013 at 7:30 pm, Larry Albert will be cooking the pre-meeting meal. See ya at the meetin’ Page 5 Volume 17, Issue 2 Associate Lodge Message Andrew McKenna APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Captain John C. Post Fraternal Order of Police Associates Lodge # 1 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Date of Application ___________, 20_____ I, ______________________________the undersigned, hereby make application to join Lodge No. 1, Fraternal Order of Police Associates, Inc., and hereby state that I am more than 18 years of age, a person of good repute legally residing in the United States of America. I further swear or affirm that I am not and have not been convicted of a felony and never have been a member of any subversive or un-American organization. I AGREE, If found qualified, to abide by all laws, rules, regulations, of the Lodge providing they do not conflict with my religious or political views or my rights under American Law, and that the DECAL, MEMBERSHIP CARD, METAL EMBLEM, etc., are the property of the Lodge and can be recalled by the Lodge of this Order, for misuse or non-payment of dues, or other valid reasons. _________________________________________________________________ First Name Middle Name Last Name ______________ _____/____/_________ Birthplace Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) _____-____-__________ Social Security Number _________________________________________________________________ Residence Address City State Zip Code _________________________________________________________________ Phone Number Cell Number Email Address _________________________________________________________________ Place of Business Title Type of Business _________________________________________________________________ Business Address Send Mail To: Are You a U.S. Citizen? City [ ]Business State Zip Code [ ]Residence YES [ ] NO [ ] If NO, give country of your citizenship:________________________________ Married: Yes ______ No ______ Number of Dependents _______ Enclosed is my check for $100.00 to cover initiation, fee assessments, & current year dues. To Whom It May Concern: I hereby give any law enforcement agency or organization the authority to investigate or furnish any information (including a background and/or credit check) concerning me as may be required by the Fraternal Order of Police Associates of OHIO, Inc., without recourse, for consideration of application to become a member. This will be held confidential. If your application for membership is denied the $50 initiation is nonrefundable. ___________________________________________ Date ________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date ________________ Witness Please remit this form along with payment to: Dayton Fraternal Order of Police Associates #1 P.O. Box 971 Dayton, Ohio 45401-0971 THE AEGIS Page 6 Auxiliary News February 2013 Hoppin’ Down the Bunny Trail Easter Party Sunday, March 10, 2013 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. FOP Lodge Hall Children of all ages are invited to Visit with the Easter Bunny at the Dayton FOP Lodge Hall on Sunday, March 10 between 2-4 p.m. There will be an Easter egg hunt, light snacks and a visiting with the Bunny. Reservations are not required and we look forward to seeing you all there! February Meeting - Tuesday February 19th The Auxiliary will next meet at the Lodge Hall on Tuesday, February 19th at 7:00 p.m. to begin planning for this year’s coloring contest for the Montgomery County Memorial Service as well as our Spring and Summer activities for our police families. Come join us to learn more about the Auxiliary’s plans. 2013 Auxiliary Officers President – Heather Knedler Kned1@hotmail.com Trustees – Bridgett Bartlett Denise Campbell Vice President – Nicole Farkas Bonney Hall nclfrks@yahoo.com Mandy Poe Secretary – Debbie Nichols DJN1155@sbcglobal.net Treasurer – Linda Hennie Past President - Cherie Siehl clhs373@gmail.com lshennie@aol.com Dayton Police Pride Throws on sale now We still have a supply of the Dayton Police Pride Throw which depicts the Dayton Police badge and proudly notes Captain John C. Post Lodge #44, on a background of a waving American Flag. The throw, commissioned by the Auxiliary especially for Dayton Police Officers and Retirees is a wonderful keepsake for any family member and at the Holiday price of only $50. Please reserve your throw by contacting Heather Knedler at 307-9358. Dayton Police T-Shirts The Auxiliary has designed a tee shirt that is just perfect for family members. The shirt depicts the Dayton Police Badge and proudly proclaims your love for a Dayton officer. They are only $15 each. We also have personalized Dayton Police T-shirts that will include your name, badge and division. Order adult long/short sleeve T-shirts ($15), sweatshirts ($20), hooded sweatshirts ($20) denoting your division or the family t-shirt by contacting Mandy Poe at 937-305-6316. Come Join Us on Facebook Come join us on Face book under the Dayton Auxiliary to learn more about upcoming events and happenings. 2013 Membership Dues Membership dues for the Dayton Auxiliary are still only $15 for the year. Make your check payable to: Dayton Auxiliary #11 and forward to: Linda Hennie 4101 Honeybrook Ave., Dayton OH 45415 You are Invited to Join Us….. The auxiliary extends an open invitation to all family members of any Dayton F.O.P. member to join us at any of our meetings or events. We welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our many programs and projects that promote and assist police officers and their families. Join us to see what we have to offer you. If you would like further information please feel free to contact any auxiliary officer. Never Let Them Walk Alone Page 7 Volume 17, Issue 2 Chaplain’s Corner cont. (Continued from page 3) How I survived on bugs and honey Author: Luke C. III (Luke Chapter 3) Real characters: John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit Theme: Baptism allows a rebirth (Titus 3:4-7) of your identity. Baptism guides your mission in life as it did with Jesus (Isaiah 42:1-4); and baptism systematically tells you where your destiny lies (John 14:14). Fee: Priceless You’d be better off skimming stones Author: Matthew O. R. Levi (Matthew 14:22-33) Real characters: Peter, Jesus Christ, and the Disciples Theme: The Son of God controls everything on earth and in heaven. Furthermore, stormy weather may be in your forecast but, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) Fee: Priceless Brothers and Sisters: How much would you withdraw from deferred comp., savings account, or DROP accruals in order to be a placeholder in His Book of Life? Don’t worry and keep your earnings because the gift of salvation is free. All you need to do now is to read His Book and live His words for everlasting glory. Please don’t delay and order now… God bless, THE AEGIS Page 8 RETIREMENTS Lt. Randy Beane 10/30/1978 - CSO III 02/01/1979 - Police Officer 11/13/1985 - Sergeant 11/03/1988 - Lieutenant 01/14/2013 - Retirement Officer Chris Beane 09/18/1978 - CSO III 12/14/1978 - Police Officer 01/14/2013 - Retirement Officer Marylou Kash 08/08/1988 - Police Officer 01/31/2013 - Retirement Page 9 Volume 17, Issue 2 INFO As much as Chief Whitaker had done to promote and develop local law enforcement, he was forced from of fice for “conduct unbe coming an officer and gentleman” like Chief Thomas Farrell before him. On October 30, 1908 he was dismissed from service after hear ings were held the two previous days for a se ries of incidents in late evening and early morn ing hours of October 7 8. THE AEGIS Page 10 Please Cut Out and File October 25th, 2012 Soon after the public safety director became aware of the early Octo ber incidents, he di rected Capt. John Alla back to initiate an inves tigation into the actions of Chief Whitaker. Eight een (18) witnesses were interviewed and when completed, the chief was charged with 12 counts of misconduct. The trouble started for the chief on a trip home from the Queen City. To the families of Dayton Police Retirees: This letter to the families of Dayton Police retirees is to notify you of the process for requesting the presence of members of the Dayton Police Department (DPD) Honor Guard to attend funeral services or other memorial ceremonies. The Dayton Police Department has assigned two sergeants and ten officers to the reorganized Honor Guard. One function of the Honor Guard is to stand at the viewing of a deceased Dayton Police Department Retiree. These Honor Guard personnel can respond within a 50 mile radius of Dayton. Should your family lose a DPD retiree, please contact any one of the below people. Inform them of the name of the funeral home, date and time of the viewing. Virgil McDaniel: 937-312-0751 or 937-654-6643: vmcdaniel@projectcureinc.org Gary Tipton: 937-293-6960 or 937-470-2574: gtipton@woh.rr.com Ron Labatzky: 937-350-7149 or 937-689-1021: labatzky@aol.com Whitney Butler: 937-212-1119 or 937-235-2430 Sgt. Mark Ponichtera: 937-673-1292 or E-mail: DPD-Honorguard@Daytonohio.gov Sgt. Monica Evans: 937-623-2632 Once contact is made with one of these individuals, the Honor Guard will contact the funeral home and arrange their presence at the viewing. Please retain this page in your special documents because not only can this information be used to request the Honor Guard but will also notify the FOP Retirees to contact the surviving spouse/family at their convenience to assist in filing paperwork with the Ohio Police & Fire Pension System. Sincerely, Virgil F. McDaniel President Dayton FOP 44 Retirees Page 11 Volume 17, Issue 2 In January, the Lodge moved the police display cases in the Club 44 back barroom to either side of the fireplace. The cases are exceptional show pieces and were built from scratch many years ago by then Lt. Jim Finnigan and Sgt. Dave Maynes. They are now packed with police and FOP items, so much so that they are starting to look cluttered. Many of the paper items (books, photographs, reports, pamphlets, etc.) are taking space away from ‘threedimensional’ items. The paper will eventually be stored to preserve them from damage from the lights and to make room for current and acquired artifacts. Rather than try to place every item in the police collection in the cases, the pieces need to be inventoried, boxed according to subject (or era), labeled, stored and, later, rotated in and out of the cases to give the display periodic fresh looks. The first phase of the project is to comprehensively inventory the books, paperwork, and photographs and then place them by date order in storage. These are important resource materials that recount the history of the Dayton police force and Dayton Fraternal Order of Police. This first phase will be a sizeable undertaking and time-consuming (days as opposed to hours). But, there is no deadline. It would work best if a small team was assembled. Anyone interested in working on this project, please contact retiree Steve Grismer or send an e-mail to info@DaytonPoliceHistory.org. November, December and January saw the donation of many new items. DPH Foundation, Inc. is grateful for items provided by retired members. Thanks go to: Gary Lincks for a circa 1913 police hat with shield, the 1939 Rules and Regulations book that was issued to Chief Paul Price as a patrolman, 10 international police hats, and other police artifacts, articles, photos and collectibles too numerous to name; Bruce Osborn for the funeral service programs for both Off. Eddie Hobson (1-14-1981) and Off. Steve Whalen (3-26-1991) as well as the ‘In Loving Memory’ program for Off. Hobson; Randy Beane, for a February 1976 NAO Observer newsletter featuring a story on then Capt. Robert “Pappy” Reed (1939-79); Mike Sammons for a 1965 FOP money clip from the Grand Lodge convention in Pittsburgh he attended on the golden 50th anniversary of the Fraternal Order of Police (1915-65); Don Hopper for four 1971-73 books on constitutional and criminal law and community-police relations; Wally Henry for a full set of 1961 pay stubs; and Bruce May for a circa 1980 leather notebook and an NCR factory lead-filled wooden riot baton made for the company’s use when labor strikes surfaced. Our appreciation also goes to: Tom Grundish for a forthcoming 1909 portrait photo of his grandfather, Inspector Thomas Grundish (1905-34); Det. Patty Tackett for circa 1960-70 Intelligence-MVRCL booklets used by Det. Terry Pearson (1968-98); Sgt. Jason Hall for two embroidered uniform jackets – a Spiewak coat and a windbreaker – that belonged to deceased Day(Continued on page 12) Chief Whitaker was re tuning home from Cin cinnati on October 7, 1908 and arrived in Day ton shortly before mid night on the “No. 28” [the train arriving at Un ion Station]. The chief encountered a watch man at the Ludlow Street crossing about 11:50 p.m. The watch man saw the chief “stagger against his shanty”, hat flying off and then almost falling over picking it up. THE AEGIS Page 12 (Continued from page 11) ton Chief Ron Lowe, Sr. (1974-93 & 1995-2000); Sgt. Jon Ross for blueprints to the City Workhouse that he came across (it is forthcoming); and retired Dayton firefighter Bill Sayers, who donated a 1980s police hat, two commemorative softball tournament bats, including the first year 1974, and police IDs from the past. Chief Whitaker "staggered" south from the train depot to McCloud’s Place at 308 W. Ludlow. He entered a few minutes before midnight. Nearby, Pa trolmen Harry Spurgeon and Phillip Sauers heard the chief yell that “he was tired of them keep ing open after midnight and… to close up.” Upon seeing the chief exit the saloon, the officers sa luted and he returned the salute. An artifact of unknown origin on display at the Dayton Police Academy has been identified, thanks to a chance meeting with Bill Sayers’ first cousin, Tim Collins, the brother of the co-producer of the Heroes Behind the Badge. The local screening took place at Fairhaven Church on January 14, 2013. The 1896 ‘pocket pistol’, the (Iver) Johnson Arms & Cycles Works .32 cal. front-break handgun, had been donated by Collins in the 1980s; it had been passed down from his grandfather. Bill filled in the background. It belonged to their twicegreat uncle, Sgt. Walter Hughes, who was Dayton’s ‘Chief of Detectives’ from 1903 to 1920. Now a photograph and more information can be placed with the displayed pistol. A closing thank you goes to all of the retired officers who donated their John Vaile Trust Fund checks to DPH Foundation, Inc. There were 28 members who donated a total of $1,512.33 from their 2012 dividends (as well as a bit extra in a few cases). The funds will be used as noted in last month’s Aegis. A thank you also goes to active-duty Off. Ron Swank for recently locating an obscure B of I record regarding serial killer Neal Bradley Long and the 1975 murder of Dr. Charles Glatt; researching suspects from the 1992 Christmas Killings; and providing a comprehensive walk-through explanation of the B of I and Records Section filing systems. Finally, on the college front, two Dayton police-related research projects are being initiated. 1) Patrick Potyondy, an Ohio State University graduate student is conducting research on Dr. Glatt, the “midnight slayer”, Neal Long, and the story of the two as relates to 1970s Dayton desegregation and race relations. Potyondy was placed in contact with retiree Dan Baker who was at the Glatt murder scene and Long’s arrest. He can provide background to Potyondy for an article he intends to have published in a history journal, separate and apart from his doctoral dissertation. And, 2) retiree Pete Willis contacted DPH Foundation to advise that the Sinclair Community College Criminal Justice Department will be doing in-depth research on the history of black Dayton police officers for a Black History Month project. More will be related on both research projects as information is learned. Page 13 Volume 17, Issue 2 Ludlow & Sixth Streets; The Antler Hotel (northeast corner; hotel at the far right) Police Chief John Whitaker in buggy; at St. Clair Street Patrol House Ludlow Street; Union Train Depot & Station Tower (looking northwest from Antler Hotel on Sixth Street) Chief Whitaker then headed south toward Bob Mallory’s Place [a hotel at 314 S. Ludlow], circled north through the Talley and crossed over the railroad tracks. He entered the Antler Hotel at 25 W. Sixth be tween Ludlow and Main Streets. The chief “butted” into the res taurant, took the hotel telephone, made a loud call, and began a series of missteps that would be his undoing. THE AEGIS Page 14 EXTRAS DAYTON AUXILIARY #11 �� Reception �� Parties MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION �� Corporate Events NAME ________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP _________________________________________ FOP MEMBER __________________________________________ Relationship to FOP Member ______________________________ PHONE ___________________E-MAIL __________________ Mail to: Linda Hennie 4101 Honeybrook Ave., Dayton OH 45415 Make $15 check payable to: Dayton Auxiliary #11 □ 2013 FOP 44 Retirees □ Year (s) _____ Membership Dues Member: ______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code If you are not receiving Retirees’ Announcements via e-mail, please provide your e-mail address: _________________________________________________ If your home address has changed, please enclose your new mailing address. Make Check Payable to: FOP 44 Retirees Send to the Treasurer: FOP 44 Retirees $22.00 Annual Dues and/or P.O. Box 20104 $ ___________ Contribution Dayton, Ohio 45420-0104 Bruce Osborn, Treasurer e-mail address: DPS33@mybluelight.com �� And More Seating for 200+ Choice of your own Caterers DAYTON FOP LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Rd (937 237.7293 Check out our website www.fopdayton44.org 11 18 25 17 24 4 10 SUPER BOWL PARTY @ Lodge 3 Sun Mon 26 @ 7:00 pm FOP Auxiliary Meeting FOP Retirees @ 7:30 pm 19 Squad Three Party after the Meeting FOP Meeting @ 8:00 pm FOPA Meeting @ 7:00 pm 12 5 Tue 27 20 13 6 Wed 28 21 14 7 Thu February 2013 22 15 8 1 Fri Patrolman William T. Wilson EOW: Thursday, February 23, 1928 23In Memoriam 16 9 2 Sat Volume 17, Issue 2 Page 15 FOP Lodge 44 NON-PROFIT ORG. PO Box 422 US POSTAGE PAID Dayton, OH 45401-0422 PERMIT 294 DAYTON, OHIO Fraternal Order of Police Captain John C. Post No 44 www.fopdayton44.org CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED We’re on the web at: www.fopdayton44.org & www.facebook.com /lodge44 Scheduled Meetings This Month LODGE HALL RENTALS 237-7293 286-1378 FOP #44 FOP Associates #1 FOP Retirees #44 FOP Auxiliary #11 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday February 12 February 12 February 19 February 19 8:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm Lodge Hall—4275 Powell Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424
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