December - Captain John C. Post FOP Lodge #44


December - Captain John C. Post FOP Lodge #44
Fraternal Order of Police
Captain John C. Post No 44
Volume 11, Issue 12
December 2007
Special points of interest:
Policeman’s Ball info
Sick and Injured
Children’s Christmas Party
Election Results
Stop! Don’t read
any further until
you check to
make sure your
address on the
mailing label is
correct. Please
let us know if Aegis is going to
the wrong address or if you are
receiving duplicate copies. We
are trying to keep mailing costs
down and save a few trees in the
process. Thanks.
Inside this issue:
FOP Children's Christmas Party
Sunday, December 9, 2007
2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
FOP Lodge Hall
All children and grandchildren, 10 years of age and under, of Dayton FOP members are invited to join in this holiday celebration.
There will be entertainment, goodies, gifts and a visit from the big
man himself!
RSVP before Sunday, December 2, 2007 by calling any of the
members below:
Heather Steckel - 237-4797
President’s Message
Chaplain’s Corner
FOP Retirees
FOP Associates Lodge
FOP Auxiliary Lodge
Heather Knedler - 236-4390
Linda Hennie - 898-3322
Page 2
PRESIDENT President’s Message
Randy Beane phone 333-4538
or pager 940-5735; e-mail
Arbitration Decisions
We received the arbitration decision on Ken Quatman. Unfortunately, the Arbitrator amazingly
ruled against Ken getting his job back. I would have bet the farm on getting a favorable ruling in
this case. The Arbitrator completely whiffed in making her decision. I feel extremely bad for
Ken, but we did everything we could to get his job back. For the most part Arbitrators do a good
job of analyzing the evidence presented and making the right decision. This was not the case in
this situation.
All the President is, is a
glorified public relations
man who spends his time
flattering, kissing and
kicking people to get them
to do what they are
supposed to do anyway.
Harry S Truman
Published Monthly
Official Publication of
Fraternal Order of Police©
Captain John C. Post No 44
P.O. Box 422
Dayton, OH 45401-0422
4275 Powell Road
Huber Heights, OH 45424
Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,
Timothy D. Kennaley
PO Box 851
Dayton, Ohio 45401-0851
Bob Keen
We did get a favorable ruling in the Phil Adams case. Phil was ordered re-instated with full back
pay, overtime, pay for incidental expenses caused by his termination, and management must
present him with a written apology in front of union officials. After reading the Arbitrator’s
Award, it was obvious he was miffed at the City for how they handled Phil’s case.
Don’t forget to vote for Executive Board members. The ballot box will be at the Lodge
following our December meeting and will then be taken to the FOP office for a 24 hour vote. I
am excited that we have several younger Officers running for offices. Congratulations to Paul
Saunders for running unopposed for the Secretary’s position vacated by Patty Tackett who chose
not to run for the Board.
Patty Tackett, Mike August and Mike Galbraith chose not to run for office this term. I would
like to take this time to thank all three for their countless hours of dedication and loyalty to our
Lodge. I would also like to thank all three for the help they have given me the last four years. I
trusted their advice and they never let me down. These are tremendous voids that we must fill on
our Executive Board and those newer Officers that will be elected to fill those positions have big
shoes to fill. I will miss Patty, Mike and Homie (Galbraith) but I look forward to working with
the new members elected. For those of you who were on the Board for many years, you know
that there comes a time when you just need to step back and take a rest. There is a lot of work
and stress that accompanies these positions that most
of our members are unaware of. I think the three
departing members are at that point and I wouldn’t be
surprised to see them back on the Board in the future.
Randy W. Beane
Kevin Temple
Patricia L. Tackett
Doug Roderick
Derric D. McDonald
Michael A. August
Robert J. Knox
Paul Price
Michael D. Galbraith
Christopher Fischer
R. Chris Weber
Jerry Dix
Mark Ponichtera
Steve Grismer
Retro Pay for Recent Retirees
The City has agreed to pay retro pay to retirees who
retired after the expiration of our last contract. If you
retired after May 18 of 2007, you should have
received a retro pay check in the mail. This check
should have included a 3% increase on all of the hours
you cashed out. If it didn’t, call me and I will get it
done. However, the City’s position is that they will
not pay two retirees who left after the expiration of
our contract but before the ratification vote. I am
negotiating with the City to get this changed. If we
can not get this changed, I will file for arbitration.
If you haven’t been to a meeting in a while, the
December meeting would be a great time to come out!
The Associate Lodge will once again be sponsoring
the December meeting with great food, drink, and
raffle prizes. Come out and share the camaraderie.
As Always, Stay Safe
Page 3
Volume 11, Issue 12
Chaplain’s Corner
Chris Fischer 24/7 Phone 829-1657
A Night at the Movies
Brothers and Sisters,
My annu al gift this year to give all p olice officers w ho com p lain that m y
colu m n is too long, is a shorter version of A Christmas Story w ith angels (the
complainers usually are the guys with the G.E.D. diplomas and who have their knuckles
drag the ground after exiting the cruiser).
The Christm as season is here (holid ay season for the A.C.L.U. attorneys) and
this article’s them e is abou t tw o very sp ecial angels; one introd u cing a Star w ith H is
center stage being ou r u niverse. A God -Infant Who w as born in hu m an flesh that
created a p athw ay for sinners like m e to enter God ’s kingd om . The other angel is w ell
know n to u s cop s becau se he battles it ou t w ith evil, sim ilar to u s resp ond ing to a large
d istu rbance call in the Desoto Bass hou sing p roject on a hot Ju ly night. This angel
m entioned here had a bad attitu d e rem iniscent of Scrooge and extingu ished the flam er
called Beelzebub like the fire team from John Wayne’s Hell Fighters.
To introd u ce the existence of angels m ay it be held that they’re cited 273 tim es
in 34 books of the Bible. An angel is mentioned first in Genesis 16:7 and lastly written in
Revelation 22:1. The tw o m ost highly renow ned angels w ho m ad e u s a Wonderful Life
are Michael and Gabriel.
Michael is consid ered the Mel Gibson of Road Warrior and p rotector over
ind ivid u als w ith au thority (p olice and m ilitary). H e is the John Travolta of angels or the
God-one of the chief p rinces D aniel 10:13, 21; 12:1 and is consid ered the archangel 1
Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 1:9. Michael w as the Nightmare Bef ore Christmas w hen he
op ened u p a can of w hoop -ass on Satan in Revelations 12:7-8 and war broke out in heaven:
Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not
prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
Now Gabriel is the mighty one of God D aniel 8:16; 9:21; 10:13, and he came into
the p ictu re like a Polar Express train to announce to Mary H is birth: Now in the sixth month
the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, Then the angel said to her, “Do not
be afraid , Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and
bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus Luke 1:26, 30-31.” And w hen the baby Jesus w as
d elivered an angel of the Lord appeared : And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward
men Luke 2:13-14!”
In this abbreviated ad d ition, as you see, the involvem ent of angel Gabriel w as a
great p art of the Gosp el concerning the birth of Jesu s. Michael w as Arnold
Schwarzenegger’s Terminator of the devil and his allies in Revelations. You also could say
that on the first Christm as night there w ere Angels in the Outfield gu id ing the w ise men
w ith their treasu res w hen Jesu s, A Star, was born. Everyone in the manger w as Touched
by an Angel’s p resence annou ncing the Chosen One.
This noel tim e of the year, I ask the brothers and sisters of ou r lod ge to follow
the rad iant light; the face of ou r H eavenly Father and em erge as an angel of p eace. We
are blessed w ith gifted treasu res of love, hop e and faith from ou r Lord and m u st
continue to be of assistance to the citizens of Dayton and beyond.
Please keep in your prayers: Ted Moraites, David Donnell, David Sherrer,
Maurice Louderback and Larry Davis
Merry Christmas
Be sober, be vigilant; because
your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about
seeking whom he may devour.
Bible, 1 Peter v. 8.
Page 4
Secretary Message
Virgil Mc Daniel home-312-0751 or
Attendance: Larry Smith, Ted
Rayney, Mike Sammons,
Connie Mullins, Bob Littleton,
Joe Tye, Larry Kincaid, Chuck
Killian, Shakey Hayes, Chuck
Moberly, Ralph Nichoson, Don
Hopper, Tom Andrews (retired
from Oakwood), Bob Hahn, Ed
Jackson, David Hennie, Bill
Hamblin, Robert Keen, Jack
Hahn, John D. Moore, Bruce
Osborn, Gene Knisley, Monica
Hunt, Chuck Greenamyer, John
Dunlap, Charles Pinney, Larry
Grossnickle, Bill Kingston, Don
Stewart, Ernie Fleming, Harold
Pleiman, Bernard Puller (DMS),
Marshall Manning, Gary
Melson, Steve Grismer, Virgil
McDaniel, J. C. McWain, Karl
Claus, Bill Knisley, Bob
Higgins, Brooks Kirkland, Leo
The FOP 44 Retirees had its
Attendance Raffle drawing at
the November meeting. Jim
Hensley, Jr.'s name was drawn
but he was not in attendance
and did not win $184. Next
month, the attendance raffle pot
will be $184 plus whatever
amount is collected on the evening of our Retirees' meeting.
Please remember that there is no
Retirees' meeting in December.
The active retired members
meet with the with active-duty
members for the annual Christmas celebration at the regular
Lodge meeting on Tuesday,
December 11, 2007 beginning at
8:00 p.m. The election for Trustees will begin after the general
membership meeting.
Reminder to all retiree’s, spouses and widows, if you need any assistance or have questions about
health care benefits from the Police and Fire Pension Fund, feel free to contact me at my home
phone number or email address. We have met with several widows and retirees over the past 30
days; I hope that our assistance with your insurance needs was helpful.
Sick and Injured
Ted Moraites had surgery at University Hospital in Cincinnati. Approximately 90% of the malignant tumor was removed from his brain. He is home again and all reports are that he is doing well.
Ted will be undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. If his health progresses well enough, the doctors indicated that Ted could possibly return to work as early as January 2008.
You may still mail cards with words of encouragement to: Ted S. Moraites 7206 Wieland Way Centerville, Ohio 45459-3501
One of our Dayton PD retirees, Larry Davis, age 53, died, Saturday, November 10th. Larry struggled for many years with a rare muscle disorder, Polymiocitis, a disease that causes bones and muscles to waste away. Larry had a heart attack but suffered serious brain damage. Larry remained at
Miami Valley Hospital until the decision was made today to remove him from life support. Larry was appointed to the Dayton Police Department on April 4, 1977. He served 25 years
and retired as a member of the homicide unit on March 20, 2002. Larry is survived by his home
companion, Anna Thomas. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to her at: Ms. Anna Thomas 4874
Becker Drive Dayton, Ohio 45427-3018
Margene Robinson heard from Barb Terrell that L.D. Terrell, who has suffered with lung cancer and
was recently informed that the cancer was in remission, is in Ohio State University Medical Center
because he is choking on his own saliva and unable to eat or drink. The family had hopes that his
esophagus would heal but it has not. Cards can be sent to Lemyal D. Terrell 2295 Federal Road
Xenia, Ohio 45385-9419
On November 8th Fred Lickert had surgery at Grandview Hospital on his left Achilles tendon,
which was torn 50-60%. The surgery required that the tendon be cut in half and the calf to be used
to wrap the tendon after surgically repaired. Cards can be sent to Fred at 16 Dunnington Court
Springboro, Ohio 45066-1573
Ernie Fleming advised that one of our retired Dayton PD members, Claude "Bud" Spitler, suffered a
loss in his family with the death of his mother, Margaret Keziah Spitler, age 90, who passed away
Monday evening November 5, 2007 at Hospice of Dayton. Margaret was preceded in death by her
husband, Claude. She is survived by her two daughters, her son, Bud, and their
spouses; grandchildren, great grandchildren and other family and friends. Messages of condolence and comfort can be sent to the family at: Claude Spitler & Family 507 Helene Court Woodstock, Georgia 30188-7086
Jim Newby advised that retiree Robert Stevenson has been under the weather and was recently hospitalized at Upper Valley Hospital in Miami County suffering complications from pneumonia. Jim
reported that Bob is improving and he is no longer on a ventilator or being heavily sedated. He still
is not able to have visitors or phone calls but he is now able to receive cards. If you would like to
send Bob your best wishes in his recovery, his mailing address is: Robert E. Stevenson 5780 TroyFrederick Road Tipp City, Ohio 45371-9645
Dave Williams and Mike Friedman, advised that former Dayton police officer, William 'Bill' Brown, age 71, died on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 after a lengthy battle with cancer.
Bill was a veteran of the army, a Dayton PD officer for 10 years and owner of Miami Valley Shooting Grounds which was recently donated to the Police Athletic League for the benefit of youth
sports. There was no funeral. Anyone wishing to send condolences to Bill's wife Linda, can mailed
to: Miami Valley Shooting Grounds c/o Linda Brown & Family 7771 S. Cassel Road Vandalia, OH
The Retirees Executive Board also received reports about two retired members who were recently
hospitalized: Oakwood PD retiree, Rus Muntz and Dayton PD reContinued next page
Page 5
Volume 11, Issue 12
Secretary Message
Dave Brewster
Nothing Submitted this month, see ya next month
State FOP Lodge Report
Derric McDonald
Last month was the Fall Board Meeting, which was held in Put-In-Bay, Ohio.
There were several items discussed at this meeting. By now you should have received a little yellow
card in the mail from Police and Fire notifying you of an open Board Seat on the Pension Fund.
Tony Gorsek from Cleveland FOP 8 resigned his seat. The State Lodge has endorsed Dave Hughes
from Columbus FOP 9 as the FOP candidate to fill this seat.
The 2008 Law Enforcement Expo will be held in Columbus, Ohio August 12th and 13th, 2008.
Cincinnati Queen City Lodge 69 will be putting in a bid for the 2013 National FOP Conference.
The State FOP has endorsed Lodge 69’s bid for the Conference. I know Dayton FOP 44 will support Lodge 69 in any capacity.
Legislation: Cleveland is still waiting for a decision from the Appellate Court on Residency. Senate Bill 6 deals with County Auditors and the removal of Police Officer’s names from the Auditor’s
website. The FOP Legislative Team is watching this because there is misleading information being
disseminated by the Press on this. I will keep you posted.
The next Winter Board Meeting will be in January and I will update you after that meeting.
If you are doing any traveling this season, make sure you check out OHIO FOP Travel at for travel savings.
I would like to take this opportunity to say that it has been an honor and a pleasure serving you as
your 1st Vice. I look forward to continuing to work with the Board and to work hard for you the
next two years as your 1st Vice.
Stay Safe and Happy Holidays.
continued from Retirees Sick and Injured Column previous page
tiree, Ken Kreitzer. Rus Muntz was released from Kettering Medical Center after undergoing a
stent procedure to open up an artery. Ken Kreitzer had his right leg amputated. Back in September
Kenny was in the local hospital in Morehead, Kentucky and had his left leg amputated. Kenny is
78 years old and retired at the end of 1981 with 29 years service.
If you would like to send these two members your best wishes, their mailing addresses are: Russell
Muntz, 8881 Clearwater Court
Dayton, Ohio 45424-7006… and Kenneth E. Kreitzer, 4145 Clearfork Road, Morehead, Kentucky
When our members are suffering poor health conditions, particularly serious problems, receiving
cards from their brother and sister retired officers can be very meaningful to them. Many of our
members who have received get well cards in the past, have expressed this sentiment.
One must know oneself, if this
does not serve to discover
truth, it at least serves as a rule
of life and there is nothing
Blaise Pascal
Page 6
Auxiliary News
D ecember 2007
December meeting
Auxiliary Christmas Project
The Dayton Auxiliary's holiday celebration event will be Sunday evening, December 9, 2007 at O'Charley's Restaurant on
Miller Lane at 6:00 p.m. Auxiliary members and their families are invited to join in the festivities. Please call Heather
Steckel at 237-4797 or Linda Hennie at 898-3322 to make your
reservations. See you there!
The Auxiliary will again be delivering snacks and other goodies to the Care House as our holiday welfare project. We will
also be providing Care House with several small gifts for the
children visiting them.
The Auxiliary is also participating in the FOP's Angel Tree project. We encourage you to donate either your time
or money to the charity of your choice this holiday season.
Dayton Police Pride Throws
The Auxiliary has placed a new order for the beautiful throw,
commissioned by the Auxiliary, especially for Dayton Police
Officers and Retirees and expect delivery before Christmas.
This special keepsake is still only $60 and would be a wonderful gift for any officer or family member. Please reserve your
throw by contacting Heather Knedler at 236-4390.
Wrap It Up!
During this Holiday Season… we are so
appreciative of…
An organization which works diligently for the
rights of law enforcement officers and their
Continued support from our parent lodge and
its officers who are always there to assist when
We will get "all wrapped up" in the holiday events by wrapping gifts for the Children's Christmas Party on Friday, December 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lodge Hall. Pizza and pop will
be provided, so bring your scissors and join in the fun!
Our auxiliary officers who unselfishly give of
their time and energy for the good of the
Holiday Greetings...
Our many friends who truly become family
within the auxiliary and the lodge.
to all our members. It is not possible to visit with all of our
members during the holiday season but we want everyone to
know that we think of them often and hope that you will be
able to join us again soon
Policeman’s Ball
Auxiliary Members were happy to help at the Policeman's
Ball on November 9 by selling raffle tickets. Everyone had a
wonderful time.
Never Let Them Walk Alone
Our members who experience the many
benefits of being an auxiliary member;
Best Wishes for a Wonderful and Safe Holiday
Next Meeting
Tuesday, December 9, 2007 6:00p.m.
at O’Charley Resturant
6744Miller Lane
Page 7
Volume 11, Issue 12
Death Notifications
William “Bill” Brown
Dave Williams and Mike Friedman, advised that
former Dayton police officer, William 'Bill'
Brown, age 71, died on Tuesday, November 13,
2007 after a lengthy battle with cancer. Bill was
a veteran of the army, a Dayton PD officer for 10
years and owner of Miami Valley Shooting
Grounds which was recently donated to the Police Athletic League for the benefit of youth
sports. He is survived by his wife, Linda, a
daughter and son-in-law, three grandchildren,
and other family and friends. The family requests donations be made to House of Bread,
P.O. Box 60277, Dayton, Ohio 45402 or to Hospice of Dayton, 324 Wilmington Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45420.
Dave Williams advised that Bill donated his
body to the Wright State School of Medicine.
There will be no funeral; however, the family
will hold an open house for friends at the Brown
residence next Saturday, November 24, 2007
from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Dave Williams advised
that anyone wishing to send condolences to Bill's
wife Linda, they can be mailed to: Miami Valley
Shooting Grounds c/o Linda Brown & Family
7771 S. Cassel Road Vandalia, OH 45377 If you
would prefer to e-mail you words of sympathy,
they can be sent to Dave at and he will forward them to
Larry Davis
Retired Dayton Police Detective Larry Davis,
age 53, passed away at Miami Valley Hospital
on Saturday, November 10, 2007. Larry retired
after 25 years of service with the Dayton Police
Department. He attended Central State University, and was a graduate of Patterson Co Op
High School. He loved his family, fast cars,
Church's Fried Chicken, music; gin pop (VFW)
and the soap operas. Larry was preceded in
death by brother, Gilbert (Sonny), and his sister
Shirleen (Sis). He is survived by nieces, nephews, three step children, and former wife Celestine Taylor-Davis as well as close friends Nathan Williams, Robert Estelle, T.J. Graham, and
Anna Thomas.
Memorial Services will be held today, Saturday, November 16th at 11:00 a.m. at H.H. Roberts Funeral Home, 38 S. Gettysburg Ave.
Larry's family will receive friends one hour
prior to Memorial Services. In lieu of flowers
send donations to Dayton FOP Lodge No. 44,
PO Box 422, Dayton, Ohio 45401-0422.
This notice is to advise our membership that Maurice "Reese" Louderback, age 48, died tragically
on Friday, November 2, 2007 in Xenia, Ohio. Reese was a Dayton police officer over 15 years and,
even though he had a troubled history, remained friends with many of our members. He is survived
by his wife of 16 years, Linda; six children and one grandson. Please keep the Louderback family in
your thoughts and prayers.
What can you say about a
society that says that God is
dead and Elvis is alive?
Irv Kupcinet
Page 8
REQUEST S Holiday Plans are in the Works
A lot of people mistake a short
memory for a clear
It’s that time of year!!
Christmas Greetings! We are in the planning stages of this year’s “Angel
Tree” project. We are in a great need of Christmas Cards for our name tags
and we most certainly need volunteers to call families, wrap gifts and deliver the gifts in December. This year, the lodge is working on a new
“Shopping with the Kids” Program. More details are to follow! If you can
help, contact Liza Martinez @333-1198 or Chris Beane @333-1166
Doug Larson
Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!!
Santa Claus is looking for Christmas Elves to help deliver to our adopted
families on Monday December 17, 2007 @ 9:00 am.
Shop with COPS Program
Santa Claus has selected out Lodge and its members for the SHOP FOR
COPS Program for 2007 Christmas season. Santa has checked his list, not
once but twice, and found many elves within our Lodge to go shopping
with children, ranging in ages 2-11. Santa needs two officers per child for
the day’s events, which includes Breakfast with Santa, shopping, wrapping
gifts, and hot chocolate/cookies to close the day. Tentative dates are
12/8/07 or 12/15/07.
Come out and make this event the BEST CHRISTMAS for a young child.
To sign up, contact Liza at 333-1198 or Chris at 333-1166
Page 9
Volume 11, Issue 12
Things You Should Never Say To A Cop
I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer.
Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize e my radar detector wasn't plugged in.
Aren't you the guy from the Village People?
Hey, you must've been doing' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!
Are You Andy or Barney?
I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer.
You're not going to check the trunk, are you?
I pay your salary!
Gee, officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too!
10. Do you know why you pulled me over? Okay, just so one of us does.
11. I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are no other cars around. That's how far
ahead of me they are.
12. When the Officer says 'Gee. Your eyes look red, have you been drinking?' You probably
shouldn't respond with,' Gee Officer your eyes look glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?'
Policeman’s Ball in Review
I would like to thank all the people who bought tickets and sponsored tables for the ball this year.
As you probably know the past three years there have been some changes made to the ball. We
have tried to make it more like a “Ball” Atmosphere. We have had it at different places and have
needed to change the locations due to a number of reasons. This year it was at the Presidential
Banquet Hall and the price included dinner and drinks. People seemed to have had a wonderful
evening. Due to the size of the Banquet Hall and the wonderful food we have decided to continue
having the ball at the Presidential Banquet Hall. The Date for next year will be announced soon
so you can save a date and plan on attending next year.
I would like to thank the committee who worked very hard to make the ball a success.
Thanks everyone,
Patty Tackett
F.Y.I .
When I was a boy I was told
that anybody could become
President. Now I'm beginning
to believe it.
Clarence Darrow
Page 10
Volume 11, Issue 12
First Class
Rental Facility
If you would like something
to appear in the Aegis it
must be submitted in
Word© format, received by
the 20th of the month prior
to when it is to appear
Corporate Events
F.O.P. member Frank
Navarre was not there
and did not win the
$916.00 at the November
13th meeting.
Thank you for the beautiful
flowers... very much appreciated!
--Joan Kauffman & Family (of Guy
I appreciate the thoughts
of my fellow retired
officers and brother &
sisters in blue. Thank you
for your prayers. --Dennis
And More
Seating for 300
Choice of your own
4275 Powell Rd
Check out our website
FOP 44 Retirees
Year (s) _____
Membership Dues
Member: ______________________________________________
If you are not receiving Retirees’ Announcements via e-mail, please provide your
e-mail address:
If your home address has changed, please enclose your new mailing address.
Make Check Payable to: FOP 44 Retirees
Send to the Treasurer:
Steve Grismer
We would like to thank
everyone who helped to make
this month’s Aegis possible.
$22.00 Annual Dues and/or
401 Deauville Drive
$ ___________ Contribution
Dayton, Ohio 45429
|E-mail address:
Page 11
Volume 11, Issue 12
The nominations for the Dayton FOP Lodge No. 44 Executive Board were made at yesterday's membership meeting. All positions, with the
exception of the three Trustee positions, were uncontested. Consequently, many of the incumbents are returning to represent us again although two trustees have changed positions: Jerry Dix and Mark Ponichtera. Four (4) members of the Lodge Executive Board have stepped
aside after many years of dedicated service to the Lodge. Steve Grismer is stepping down as the Trustee Emeritus; the Retirees Executive
Board will confer and then recommend to the retirees membership one of its elected board members to fill that position. Mike Galbraith has
decided not to seek re-election as the Lodge's Conductor as has our 2nd Vice President, Mike August. They have been replaced by experienced members. Also, Patty Tackett, our long-serving Secretary (one of the Lodge's critical positions) is passing the torch to a brand new
Executive Board member. The newest E-Board member filling the position of Secretary is Paul Saunders; he has been with the DPD for
five years and is a military veteran. He will be joined by at least two other new members with the election of the three Trustees. There is
only one incumbent in that particular race. FYI - There will be no election for Supervisors' Committee because the nominees are uncontested: Chris Weber, Pat Welsh, Jon Ross, Michael Pauley, Mike McCune. The election for Trustees will begin at the regular Lodge meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2007. The ballot box will then be transferred to the Safety Building for a 24-hour election period. At yesterday's meeting, a motion was passed by the floor for a single vote by the secretary to officially elect those in uncontested positions. Those
positions and the nominees for the contested trustee race are listed below.
Dayton Lodge No. 44 Executive Board
(i) designates incumbent; * designates changed position
Uncontested Races
Randy Beane (i)
1st Vice President
Derric McDonald (i)
2nd Vice President
Jerry Dix *
Paul Saunders
Doug Roderick (i)
Mark Ponichtera *
Inner Guard
Bobby Knox (i)
Outer Guard
Paul Price (i)
Chris Fischer (i)
Immediate Past President
Kevin Temple (i)
Trustee Emeritus
To Be Announced by FOP 44 Retirees
Contested Race
Trustees (3 positions)
(5 nominees)
Nominations (subject to eligibility requirements)
Aaron Fraley
Michael Godsey
Rick Oakley
Jason Tipton
Chris Weber (i)
As reported last month, the following is the 2008-2009 FOP 44 Retirees Executive Board:
Brooks Kirkland
Vice President
Gary Melson
Virgil McDaniel
Steve Grismer
Joe Tye
Ted Rayney
Immediate. Past President
Ron Brandenburg
Virgil McDaniel remains on the FOP of Ohio Executive Board for the next three years as the Immediate Past State FOP President.
If you come across any of the members who are leaving the Executive Board, please take a moment to thank them for their years of work on
behalf of the membership.
Fraternal Order of Police
Captain John C. Post No 44
Lodge 44 FOP
PO Box 422
Dayton, OH 45401-0422
Scheduled Meetings This Month
No Meeting
December 11
December 11
December 9
Lodge Hall—4275 Powell Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424