April 2015 - Fraternal Order of Police


April 2015 - Fraternal Order of Police
Fulton County FOP Lodge #64
Fulton County FOP Lodge #64
n Cou 64
# V O L U N T E E R S
With the weather breaking, we are approaching the busiest time for our Lodge.
Volunteering time! We need you -- our brothers and sisters -- to volunteer. Fulton
County FOP Lodge #64 is known throughout the Metro Atlanta Area. Who gets the
word out? Volunteers. We have members who represent our Lodge while volunteering with different organizations. We have members who faithfully represent our
Lodge at homegoing services for our fallen comrades. We even had a delegation of
our members to represent our Lodge at the Homegoing Celebration of one of our
members in North Carollina. We have formed the Lodge’s Motor Unit, who is Howard Billingslea
spreading a good word about our Lodge and we serve, as volunteers, in a lot of local President
events. We have enough members who can step up to the plate to assist so the
faithful few will not suffer from the burnouts. All can learn to be volunteers -- the experienced or the
Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on our community. But did you know that it can have
many benefits for you, too? Here are some reasons to volunteer:
1. Learn or develop a new skill: If you volunteer to spearhead an event, you could enhance your present
organizing, supervising and training skills or learn how to develop goal setting, planning and budgeting skills.
2. Be part of your community: No man or woman is an island. Volunteering is ultimately about helping
others and having an impact on people’s wellbeing. What better way is there to connect with your commmunity
and give a little back? As a volunteer, you can return to society some of the benefits that society gives you.
3. Motivation and sense of achievement: Fundamentally, volunteering is about giving your time, energy
and skills freely. It may be true that no one person can solve all the world’s problems, but what you can do
is make that little corner of the world where you live just that little bit better.
4. Boost your career options: If you are thinking of a career change then volunteering is a perfect way to
explore new fields. This holds true for retirees exploring other options.
5. New interests and hobbies: Sometimes we do get locked into the “rat-race” of life and volunteering can
give that escape to everday routine and create a balance in our lives.
6. New experiences: Volunteering is a brilliant way to get life experience. You can experience the real
world through hands-on work and also and raise funds to help the charity continue its work.
7. Meeting a diverse range of people: Volunteering brings together a diverse range of people from all
backgrounds and walks of life. Networking is an exciting benefit of volunteering and you can never tell
who you will meet or what new information you will learn and what impact this could have on your life.
Inside This Issue
Anniversary Badge .............2
Anniversary Decals ............5
DeKalb Co/Fulton Co Info ....4
Employment Opportunities..8
FOP Calendar of Events ....10
FOP Credit Union .............8
FOP Lodge #64 Exec. Brd....7
Insurance Info ..................9
Legislative Team ...............5
Lodge Attorney Message .....7
Payroll Authorization .........3
Pres.Chuck Canterbury ......2
Secretary Notes ...............3
Sick and Shut-ins (Known)....5
State Trustee Message ........6
Training Info ....................8
URGENT Payroll Deduct. Info.6
2896 East Point Street • East Point, GA 30344 • (404) 767-0501
Our Website: www.fultoncofop64.com
Chuck Cantebury
National President
In commemoration of the FOP’s 100th Anniversary, a specially approved commemorative
badge has been designed and is being custom manufactured in the U.S.A. by Collinson Enterprises exclusively to benefit the Grand Lodge Auxiliary. Badges are one piece, die struck in
.102” solid brass, finished in multiple enamels and pure gold plate. Badges are dapped and
have a heavy duty safety pin and catch attachment and exceed the quality of uniform duty
badge standards.
The badges will be numbered on the back with a production sequence number, making each
badge unique. The badge is available by itself or presented in a deluxe presentation box
along with a 1” badge lapel pin andfrom
1-3/4” coin.
The FOP Lodge #64
Executive Board
Badge, coin, and mini badge lapel pin set - $80 each
Badge only - $70 each
Coin only - $10 each
Mini badge lapel pin only - $6 each
To order go to: http://www.collinson.biz/badges_for_sale/fop100.html
Pg. 2
Notes from the Secretary
Sec. Cynthia Dunn-DuHart
New Member Information
You should receive your membership card within three
(3) weeks after you join. If not, please notify Bro.
Al Garrett or Sis. Anita Cody.
When you join the FOP and you request that we
bill you for your dues, please be advised that the
membership process is not completed until your
dues have been received.
Payroll Authorization
Please notify the secretary:
 If you have signed up for payroll authorization
and your dues have not been deducted.
***Members or Members’ Family Members
Who are Deceased, Sick or In Distress ****
So that the Lodge can respond in a timely manner,
please notify the chaplain or any board member, if:
•You, or a member of your immediate family, becomes ill or in distress.
•A member of your immediate family dies.
•You know of a fellow brother/sister, or their immediate family member, who is deceased, sick or in
Changes in Your Work Status
If you have been paying your dues via payroll authorization AND:
 you RETIRE, just contact the secretary to
change your status and for your dues payment.
 If you discontinue your membership, please send
our Lodge a copy of the paperwork that you send
to the Fulton County Finance Office.
If ANY of your personal information changes, i.e.
name, address,Benefits
telephone number, it will be your
responsibility to log on to the National website
(www.fop.net) and make the changes, yourself. If
there are any changes in your beneficiary information, please notifiy the secretary and she will mail
you out a new form.
 you RESIGN from Fulton County to go and work
for another law enforcement agency, you can
still maintain your membership with the Lodge,
just contact the secretary to change your sta
tus. At that time you can pay your dues forward
or you can elect to pay them on a monthly payment plan via Paypal.
Let’s Keep Our Members in the
U. S. Armed Forces
in Our Thoughts & Prayers
If you have enrolled in the FOP Legal Defense and
you have not received your FOP Legal Defense card
and membership booklet in three weeks, please notify the secretary.
Please regularly visit our website for updated information:
If you are not receiving any email or calling post
notifications, please notify the secretary so that
our records can be updated.
Pg. 3
(You must present your membership card for ALL classes.)
TRAINING at 5:00 p.m. Please Be On Time!!! NO LATE ADMITTANCE!!!
Sis. Cynthia Dunn-DuHart at
(404) 310-5475 or Sis. Sherry Grant at (770) 861-1649
Job Openings
DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department
If you would like for
the Lodge to host a
specific training
class, please contact
one of the training
coordinators. Our
training is designed
with you in mind.
National Member of the Year Nominations
Please send Nominations for Member of the Year to
the President Billingslea by June 1, 2015. This year's
award will be presented at the Biennial National
Conference in Pittsburgh, PA during the 100th year
We Honor Our Senior Lodge Members
Sis. Joan Paschal
FCSO (77+)
Bro. John Morton
FCSO (77+)
Pg. 4
Our Known Sick and Shut-Ins
Legislative Team in Atlanta
Bro. Obie Norris’ brother, Samuel Norris
Bro. Thomas Barnes, FCSO
Bro. Claude Terrell, FCSO
Bro. Thomas Howard Connally, FCSO
Bro. Reuben Kindred, FCSO
Bro. Cecil Pace, FC Sol
Col. Arthur Reid, FCSO
Bro. H. Rees Trammell, FCSO
From left to right are Scott Lafranco, Mo Thrash and John
Bro. Raymond Johnson, FCSO
Haliburton. These guys are at the Georgia State Capitol
Cpl. Freddie Aquino, FCSO
every day working for the FOP.
Bro. Ronald Burgess’ mother
Sis. Sherry Grant’s mother
Ms. Tamara Orange (Sis. D. Orange’s sister)
Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Bro. Renaldo Weekes’
Sis. Carla Anderson’s brother, Mr. Larry Anderson
Please remember our sick and shut-in brothers As we approach the year 2015, the Fraternal Order of Police
and sisters in your prayers. Don’t forget to visit, will soon reach the century mark. It is important that we embrace our rich heritage and show our pride in achieving this
call or send them a card.
About the FOP Star
The emblem adopted by the
National Fraternal Order of
Police is designed to remind the
membership of the duties that
are expected of them as a citizen, a police officer and a
member of the lodge. The
five-cornered star tends to remind us of the allegiance we owe to our Flag and is a symbol of the
authority with which we are entrusted. It is an
honor the people we serve bestow upon us. They
place their confidence and trust in us; serve them
milestone in America's history. Born from the passion of a handful of forward thinking police officers in the Pittsburgh Police
Department we now boast a following of 320,000 members
Collectively as one united voice and locally in our respective
jurisdictions, we stand united defending our members, protecting their rights, and fighting for fairness in equity pay, benefits, working conditions and retirement benefits - just as we
in the FOP have done for 99 years. Cops representing cops,
320,000 of us, building value to the FOP name.
To help celebrate our rich, proud heritage, we have ordered
100th Anniversary decals to affix to our letters.
These can be ordered by Lodge Presidents or Secretaries
only. They are sold in sets of 100 for $10.
To order call the Grand Lodge at 1-800-451-2711
Pg. 5
Our State Trustee’s Report
Bro. Mark S. Johnson
Since our last meeting, I attended the Fraternal Order of Police Southern States
meeting in Ashville, N.C. Several of the FOP
Grand National Lodge officers were in attendance. There were several topics of discussion but one that caught my attention
was the talk of heightened security for the
upcoming National Conference this Summer in Pittsburgh.
I believe we, as a local lodge, as well as
local FOP Lodges across the nation, need to
be aware of the changing times in which we find ourselves.
Unfortunately a growing segment of society view the law enforcement community as unworthy of trust or respect. This
increases the difficulty of an already difficult profession. It
also emboldens those who would harm us and has led to violent attacks in various locations from one coast to the other.
Whether still actively employed or retired, when we gather together at an
FOP meeting or when we wear the insignia of the FOP we are identifying
ourselves as proud members of the
Fraternal Order of Police and thereby
making ourselves targets of cowards
who ambush and attack with no provocation. I say all this as a reminder that we cannot afford to be
complacent as we come together whether for a meeting, training or community events. BE AWARE and stay safe.
Fraternally Yours,
Bro. Mark S. Johnson
Fulton County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 64
State Trustee
The National Center for Civil and
Human Rights
Simply go to our website and click on the PayPal page for instructions. All of your information is between you and PayPal ONLY. Our
Lodge is not priviledged to any of your personal information.
Fulton County Employees
Who Have Signed Up to Have Their
FOP Dues Deducted via
Payroll Deduction ...
If your dues are not coming out of
your pay check, please contact the
secretary at (404) 310-5475.
Your continued membership and
enrollment in the FOP Legal
Defense Plan is in jeopardy!!!!!!!!
Your 2015 Membership Card ...
Fulton County Lodge #64
Fraternal Order of Police
Newsletter Editor
Sec. Cynthia Dunn-DuHart
...is your passport for the FOP. training classes and meetings.
(404) 310-5475
If you have not received your 2015 Membership Card, please
contact the secretary ASAPfrom
at (404)
the 310-5475 or at:
POST Credit Hours, You Must Attend BOTH the Training Class
and Meeting!!
pg. 6
Our 2014 Executive Board
President - Howard Billingslea ........... (770) 861-0912 ..............billingsleah@bellsouth.net
Vice President - Albert Garrett...........(770) 634-9657......................ajgarrett@cloud.com
Secretary - Cynthia Dunn-DuHart ........(404) 310-5475 ....................captjailbird@fop.net
Treasurer - Gregory Lauth .................(404) 314-9997 ..............captgdlauth@hotmail.com
Sgt.-at-Arms - Samual Dilworth ...........(404) 641-2021 ...............samdilworth@yahoo.com
Chaplain - Anita Cody ......................(770) 256-2669 ..............jethrotwin12@gmail.com
State Trustee - Mark Johnson .............(404) 630-5629 ....................mark_j5@yahoo.com
Lodge Attorney - Derek Jones, Esq. .....(770) 716-1306/(404) 549-3036
From the Desk of Our Lodge Attorney -- Derek Jones, Esq.
On February 27, and 28, Alternate Lodge Attorney
Quinton Spencer and I attended the FOP Legal Counselors Seminar. As in the past, Lodge 64 paid our travel,
accommodation, and seminar costs: both Mr. Spencer
and I greatly appreciated the Lodge
sending us to the seminar. Apart
from the State Lodge Attorney, we
were the only Georgia lawyers at the
The seminar topics were informative and well presented. The presentations included talks about Use
of Deadly Force Investigations, Labor Issues Facing Public
Employees, Privacy Rights, Body Cameras, Medical Testing, and an address from the FOP General Counsel on
Crisis Management. FOP National President Chuck Canterbury spoke candidly about the issues facing law enforcement officers ("LEOs") in the current political climate.
Pensions and job security are threatened, and LEOs face
increased dangers in the performance of their duties and
are seconded guessed on a regular basis in how they perform their duties. He was pessimistic about the U.S. Legislature passing any effective bills aiding LEOs due to the
grid lock in Congress and Republican opposition to President Obama.
In light of the recent publicity over police shootings,
Body Cameras was one most interesting topics at the seminar. A number of departments across the United States
have begun using these devices. Several officers from
some of those departments were at the seminar and provided their input on the subject. There are many issues
involved in the use of this technology among them being
privacy concerns, retention of footage, cost, and effectiveness. The privacy concerns involve both the general
public and the LEOs. Some jurisdictions prohibit visual
recordings being made without the consent of all parties.
LEOs are concerned whether the cameras would run continuously or be activated when needed. Obviously, a continual running of the cameras during a LEO’s shift would greatly
impact on the officer's personal privacy.
One of the officers at the seminar whose
department uses the cameras said that
their units have a slider switch to activate the camera when needed.
The cost factor is significant not only in
terms of initial purchase (this coming at
a time when not all law enforcement
agencies have vests for their LEOs) but in the retention and
management of the film footage. In St Louis the estimated
yearly cost for retaining and managing the footage runs into
millions of dollars. Thus, as a practical matter, the body cameras may not be in standard use across the Country as smaller
departments may not be able to afford them. Also, at a time
when governmental spending is being questioned at every turn
and many voters and politicians have a pronounced fear of
raising taxes, body cameras may be a item that people do not
want to pay for even if they are for them in principle.
The FOP has a drafted a Body Worn Camera Recommended Best Practices memorandum. By drafting this policy
the FOP does not endorse the use of body cameras, but feels
that it should have a voice in deciding whether or not these
devices should be used, and if the technology is put in place
that it is done in a proper manner.
If a Department does opt to use body cameras the FOP
policy would be a good model. The Policy sets out that LEOs
should be trained in the use of the cameras, that they only
should be used in on duty incidents and activated at the beginning of the incident or when the LEO can safely to activate the
camera. The cameras should not be used in Departmental
locker rooms, restrooms or (see Body Camera on pg. 8)
Pg. 7
The National Secretary Speaks
Patrick Yoes
Warrick Dunn Charities in partnership with Bank of America
and CFCares (a non- profit), has launched its “Homes For
Service” program designed to revitalize neighborhoods and
give low-income working families access to affordable housing. As Bank of America donates vacant properties to
Warrick Dunn Charities, CFCares will manage the renovation or reconstruction with the help of countless volunteers
so that families and entire communities can build stronger
foundations on which to thrive.
This homeownership program targets applicants who serve
or have served our communities and country by putting their
lives on the line everyday to keep us safe and protect our
freedom. Warrick Dunn’s mother, Betty Smothers, was a
Baton Rouge, Louisiana police officer who lost her life in the
line of duty. “Homes For Service” extends Dunn’s mission to
help families achieve homeownership, a dream his mother
never achieved. The program will launch in Atlanta, Georgia
with plans to offer homes in other markets that Warrick Dunn
Charities serves.
• U.S. citizens or legal residents
• Currently employed
• Active or retired Armed Services, Police Officer, Firefighter
• Meet the qualifications for a VA or conventional mortgage
To learn more about Homes For Service, please contact
Wayne DeSilva by Email: wdesilva@wdc.org, or by Phone:
(404)249-4634. For more information about Warrick Dunn
Charities’ missions and programs, please visit
Sign up today for your 5-5-5 FOP Campaign
The Grand Lodge has entered into an agreement that will
make it easy for members to support the National FOP
Foundation, the National FOP PAC Fund and their State
and Local FOP Foundations. The program is called
GiveBack, and it provides a web-based platform for FOP
Members to raise and donate money to the charitable and
political action committees that are most important to them.
100% of the donations made to the FOP Foundations
through GiveBack will be delivered to the FOP. However,
should a credit card or the donor's financial institution charge
a processing fee for the transaction, that fee will be added
to the donation or contribution to the PAC. With the $1
admin fee, the monthly donation support all three Funds will
be only $16.
Go to: https://fop.giveback.org to begin Giving Back!
The Grand Lodge FOP Auxiliary &
The Albuquerque Lodge #1 FOP Auxiliary
are having a raffle for a Henry Golden Boy Rifle
'Special Law Enforcement Edition'
Valued at over $1000.00
Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00
DRAWING TO BE HELD August 2015 at the
National FOP Conference
Please contact:Linda Martinez
lam0426@msn.com or
call 505-385-2117
Body Camera (cont’d from pag. 7) other areas in which the officer has a reasonable expectation of privacy. The cameras
should not be used if they would compromise an undercover operation. Nor should the camera be used to conduct a
Departmental internal investigation without the written permission of the Chief/Sheriff. If a LEO is the subject of an
internal investigation into an incident, the LEO would be given the opportunity to review his body camera tape of the
incident prior to an IA interview.
The Policy sets out a records retention regimen and a procedure for which a LEO can self report minor policy
violations without fear of reprisal. If a civilian complaint is a result of the incident, the self reporting would mitigate any
potential punishment. LEOs would have unlimited access to their recordings which could not be reproduced or altered.
There would be a procedure to turn off the cameras in a given situation for officer protection or for confidentiality.
It remains to be seen if the cameras will become another standard piece of LEO equipment. While there is reluctance
on many LEOs to use the devices (which I personally share) there are suggestions that the device may have benefits.
Departments which use the cameras report fewer civilian complaints, less use of force, and that the cameras clear many
LEOs in conduct charges.
Angie D Williams, LUTCF
Primary: (770) 534-2705 x57239
Fax: (770) 532-3955
Cell: (770) 540-2734
Discounts on Insurance Services Offered:
Automobile  Home   Life
(Don’t forget to mention that you are a FOP member.)
To Our Retirees Who Pay Their
HR218 Coverage Through the
Beginning in 2015, it will be the responsibility
of the retiree to mail in his/her FOP Legal
Defense HR218 coverage fee. Our Lodge will
no longer be responsible for sending in your
annual coverage fee.
If you are a member of the
Fulton County Lodge #64 of
the Fraternal Order of Police and you have not received your membership
card or any U. S. Postal
Services mailed documents, please go to:
fop.net and update your
address or contact the secretary.
If you have any information that you would like to share with
your Lodge brothers and sisters, please feel free to do so.
Please contact the secretary at (404) 310-5475 or via email at:
"Education is key to the success of every FOP
member's career and this program will provide a
method of achieving their goals of obtaining higher
education while performing their duties as law enforcement professionals."
- National President Chuck Canterbury
Trident University, an FOP University school, offers its
students, an online college community committed to helping you achieve your degree. Our doctoral professors
provide a high quality education, with the flexibility to
complete courses on your schedule, with case based learning and no textbook or test requirements. Our tuition is
very competitive and we offer the savings to you, your
children or grandchildren.
For more info contact: John Brueck, Jr. at: 954-464-3878
or email: John.BrueckJr@trident.edu
New Lifetime and Retired
Member Cards
To place an order, please contact the
Lodge Secretary.
Each card is $5.
Fulton County Lodge #64
Fraternal Order of Police
2896 East Point Street
East Point, Georgia 30344
***Please Note OUR Meeting Location***
The Cafeteria on the Woodward Academy Campus
(Rugby Avenue in College Park, GA)
Please park in the parking lot.
Fulton County FOP Lodge #64 meets on the 4th Thursdays of the
month, except in November and December, at 6:00 p.m. POST
Training Classes start at 5:00 p.m.
April Meeting, Thursday, April 23, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
Georgia Police Memorial Ride, Saturday, April 25, 2015, at
Atlanta Expo Center, Jonesboro Road at I-285 at 8:00 a.m.
May Meeting, Thursday, May 28, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
June Meeting, Thursday, June 25, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
July Meeting, Thursday, July 23, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
August Meeting, Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
September Meeting, Thursday, September 24, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
October Meeting, Thursday, October 22, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.