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The Zapper
What you need:
• Styrofoam plate
• Styrofoam cup
• Piece of wool cloth
(wool works the best but you can try other fabrics too)
• Aluminum muffin tin
• Scotch tape
What you do:
Step 1: Rub the Styrofoam plate with the wool cloth for a full minute.
Step 2: Test if your plate is charged by placing it on the wall. It is charged if it sticks!
Step 3: Rub the plate to charge it some more and then place it upside down on a table.
Step 4: Tape the Styrofoam cup to the middle of the aluminum muffin tin to make a handle.
Step 5: Hold the cup and place the muffin tin on top of the charged Styrofoam plate.
Step 6: Bring your finger near the muffin tin and you will feel a little shock and hear a “snap.”
If the room is dark, you should see a little spark.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
What's going on:
When you rub the Styrofoam plate with a wool cloth, you charge it up! The Styrofoam attracts the electrons from the
cloth when the two are rubbed together, due to friction. The electrons cannot leave the muffin tin because it is
completely surrounded by insulating air and Styrofoam. If you touch the muffin tin while it is near the Styrofoam, the
moving electrons will be “pushed” off the pan and onto you causing you to feel a little shock, hear a snapping sound
and maybe even see a spark of electricity. Sparks of electricity can cause explosions. This may happen if faulty wiring
produces a spark that ignites nearby gases or flammable materials.
Now try this:
Try rubbing the plate with other materials such as cotton, silk or plastic.
Does it change the result?
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