notice of decision
notice of decision
1. 40 HILLSIDE DR File Number: A0977/14TEY Owners: ELIZABETH CUDDY Ward: DAVID CUDDY[ CAROLYN MOSS Community: 40 HILLSIDE DR PLAN 2967 PT LOT 46 & PT LOT 47 Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Zoning RD (f12.0, a370, d0.6) & R1 B (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) East York PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey detached dwelling by constructing a front one-storey addition, a side two-storey addition, a rear second-storey addition, a rear deck, a pool and to convert a portion of the basement into a second residential unit. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building length is 17.0 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a building length of 19.64 m 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (172.41 m²). The lot coverage will be 36% of the lot area (181.7 m²). 3. Chapter By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth is 19.0 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a building depth of 19.64 m. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (295.56 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.70 times the area of the lot (343.7 m²). 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required front yard setback is 4.59 m. The altered dwelling will be located 2.12 m from the east front lot line. 6. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback 1.2 m. The altered dwelling will be located 0.45 m from the north side. 7. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs providing pedestrian access to a building or structure may encroach into a required building setback if the stairs are no closer to a lot line than 0.6 m. The side reconstructed stairs will be located 0.0 m from the north side lot line. 8. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A secondary suite is a permitted use provided that an addition or exterior alteration to a building to accommodate a secondary suite does not alter or to add to a main wall or roof that faces a street. The addition will alter the main front wall that faces a street. 9. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 If the Toronto and Region Conversation Authority determines that a shoreline hazard limit or stable top-ofbank crosses a lot, a building or structure on that lot must be setback a minimum of 10 m from that shoreline hazard limit or stable top-of-bank. The rear deck will be located 6.52 m from that shoreline hazard limit or stable top-of-bank. 1. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.0 m. The altered dwelling will be located 2.12 m from the east front lot line. 2. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required north side lot line is 0.9 m. The altered dwelling will be located 0.45 m from the north side lot line. 3. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (172.41 m²). The lot coverage will be 36% of the lot area (181.7 m²). 4. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 A minimum of two parking spaces is required to be provided. In this case, one parking space will be provided. 5. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted building length is 16.75 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a building length of 19.64 m. 6. Section 7.1.3, By-law 6752 A second suite is permitted if there is no addition or substantial alteration to exterior appearance of the front of the dwelling. The additions will alter the front of the detached dwelling. MOTION: It was moved by John Tassiopoulos (signed), seconded by David Pond (signed), and carried unanimously, that the subject Minor Variance Application be closed and the application fee NOT be refunded, in accordance with the Committee of Adjustment refund policy. Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1073/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: DAVID USHER Ward: ROBERT GREEN Community: 1267 QUEEN ST W PLAN 418 BLK B LOT 8 PT LOT 7 CR 2.5 (c1.0; r2.0) SS2 (x2609) & MCR T2.5 C1.0 R2.0 (ZZC) Parkdale-High Park (14) [ Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing three-storey mixed use building by constructing a rear three-storey addition with a mezzanine level on the top floor and to increase the number of dwelling units from 7 to 13. The building has a commercial unit on the ground floor. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter 600.50.10.(1)(G), By-law 569-2013 as amended by By-law 1050-2013 The aggregate surface area of all windows and doors of an eating establishment, take-out eating establishment, place of assembly, club, and any use that is ancillary to these uses, in a main wall that faces a rear lot line or a street other than Queen Street West may be no greater than 4.0 square m. The aggregate surface area of all windows and doors will be 15.94 m² along Elm Grove Avenue. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Where the main wall of a building has windows or openings, the main wall must be set back at least 5.5 m from a side lot line that is not adjacent to a street or lane. The eastern main wall will be setback 1.44 m from the east side lot line. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 If a lot abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category, every building on the lot in the CR Zone may not penetrate a 45 degree angular plane projected over a deep lot, along the entire required rear yard setback, starting at a height of 7.5 m above the average elevation of the ground along the rear lot line. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will penetrate the angular plane. 4. Chapter &, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum combined residential and non-residential floor space index is 2.5 times the lot area (1,439.25 m²). The altered three-storey mixed-use building will have a combined residential and non-residential floor space index equal to 2.74 times the lot area (1,576.24 m²). A1073/14TEY 2 5. Chapter &, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum residential floor space index is 2.0 times the lot area (1,151.4 m²) The altered three-storey mixed-use building will have a residential floor space index equal to 2.09 times the lot area (1,207.34 m²). 6. Chapter 900.11.10.(2609), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum number of parking spaces for a mixed-use building is 9. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will not provide parking spaces on site. 7. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 In the CR zone, all residential use portions of a mixed use building must be located above non-residential use portions. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will have residential uses on the same level as the nonresidential use. 8. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 In the CR zone a platform with no roof, such as a deck, porch, balcony or similar structure, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building with a floor level no higher than the floor level of the first storey of the building may encroach into the required minimum building setback the lesser of 2.5 m or 50% of the required minimum building setback, if it is no closer to a lot line than 0.3 m and is not located between the building and a lot line that abuts a street. The balconies above the first storey will be 0.0 m from the west side lot line that abuts Elm Grove Avenue. 9. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 In the CR zone, the building must be set back where the rear lot line abuts a lane, at least 7.5 m from the lot line of the lot abutting the lane on the opposite side of the lane. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will be setback 5.32 m from the rear lot line abutting the laneway on the opposite side of the lane. 1. Section 8(3) Part II 4(C)(iii), By-law 438-86 No person shall erect a building or structure unless it is within 45 degree angular plane projected over a lot from an elevation of 10.0 m above the average elevation of the ground at a distance of 7.5 m from a lot in a residential or park district. The altered two-storey detached house will penetrate the angular plane. 2. Section 8(3) Part II 4(A), By-law 438-86 The minimum required building setback is 7.5 m from a lot in a residential or park district. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will be setback 5.32 m from the rear lot line abutting the residential district. 3. Section 8(3) Part I 3(A), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 2.0 times the lot area (1,151.4 m²) The altered three-storey mixed-use building will have a residential gross floor area equal to 2.32 times the lot area (1,333.86 m²). 4. Section 8(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The permitted maximum combined residential and non-residential gross floor area is 2.5 times the lot area (1,439.25 m²) The altered three-storey mixed-use building will have a combined residential and non-residential gross floor area equal to 3.01 times the lot area (1,730.54 m²). A1073/14TEY 3 5. Section 8(3) Part II 1(A)(II), By-law 438-86 Where the main wall of a building has windows or openings, the main wall must be set back at least 5.5 m from a side lot line that is not adjacent to a street or lane. The eastern main wall will be setback 1.44 m from the east side lot line. 6. Section 8(3) Part XI 1, By-law 438-86 No person shall erect or use a building or structure fronting on or gaining entrance from the flanking street for non-residential uses. The ground floor retail unit will have an entrance from the flanking street, Elm Grove Avenue. 7. Section 4(3), By-law 438-86 The required minimum number of parking spaces for a mixed-use building is 9. The altered three-storey mixed-use building will not provide parking spaces on site. 8. Section 12(2), By-law 438-86 as amended by By-law 1049-13 The aggregate area of all operable windows and doors located in any ground floor wall facing the rear lot line or street other than Queen Street West shall not be greater than 4.0 square m. The aggregate area of all operable windows and doors will be 4.22 m². IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) The applicant/owner shall comply, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, with the following: (i) Enter into one or more Agreements with the City to secure the rental tenure of the new and replacement residential rental units; and (ii) Enter into one or more Agreements to secure the approval conditions of the Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application as recommended by City Council. (3) The alterations to the mixed-use building, described above, shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the revised plans SK-3.3, SK-5, SK-6 date stamped received by Committee of Adjustment on February 19, 2015 and the revised first floor plan date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment at the Public Hearing on February 25, 2015. Any changes to these plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, Executive Director City Planning. (4) The owner shall lease 3 parking spaces off-site, within 300 m of the subject site, and surplus to the requirements of the Zoning By-law for the donor site, to the satisfaction of the Manager, Traffic Planning, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1073/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: DAVID USHER Ward: ROBERT GREEN Community: 1267 QUEEN ST W PLAN 418 BLK B LOT 8 PT LOT 7 CR 2.5 (c1.0; r2.0) SS2 (x2609) & MCR T2.5 C1.0 R2.0 (ZZC) Parkdale-High Park (14) [ Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Toronto Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1173/14TEY Zoning Owners: JODIE FOX MITCHELL FOX MITCHELL FOX 70 ALCINA AVE PLAN M54 LOT 142 Ward: R (d0.6) (x252) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto [ Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a front one-storey infill addition with a new front porch with stairs and a rear two-storey addition to the existing three-storey detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum building depth is 17.0 m. The altered three-storey detached house will have a building depth of 17.66 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the lot area (156.9 m²). The altered three-storey detached house will have a floor space index equal to 0.81 percent of the lot area (212.9 m²). 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum side yard setback for a detached house is 0.45 m. The altered three-storey detached house will have an east side yard setback of 0.42 m. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Roof eaves may project a maximum of 0.9 m into the required building setback provided they are no closer to a lot line than 0.3 m. The roof eaves will project 0.25 m and be setback 0.15 from the east side lot line. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs providing pedestrian access to a building or structure may encroach into a required building setback if the stairs are no wider than 2.0 m. The stairs of the new front porch are 2.1 m wide. A1173/14TEY 2 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (156.9 m²). The altered three-storey detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.81 times the area of the lot (212.9 m2). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for the portion of the building exceeding a depth of 17.0 m is 7.5 m. The 0.66 m portion of the altered three-storey detached house, exceeding the 17 m depth, will be setback 0.94 m from the west side lot line and 0.42 from the east side lot line. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 3.C(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 0.45 m where the side wall contains no openings. The altered three-storey detached house will have an east side yard setback of 0.42 m. 4. Section 6(3) Part III 4, By-law 438-86 The maximum width of a walkway located between the front lot line and any wall of the building facing the front lot line is 1.06 m In this case, the front walkway will have a width of 2.1 m at the widest point. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1173/14TEY Zoning Owners: JODIE FOX MITCHELL FOX MITCHELL FOX 70 ALCINA AVE PLAN M54 LOT 142 Ward: R (d0.6) (x252) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto [ Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1178/14TEY Zoning Owners: MARIANNE TOUCHIE LUKE WINDISCH LIA MASTON 116 MORSE ST PLAN 416 PT LOT 73 Ward: R d1.0 & R3 Z1.0(WAIVER) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear partial third storey addition with a rear third floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (2)(A)(ii), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of all rear exterior main walls is 9.5 m. The rear exterior main wall will have a height of 10.87 m. 1. Section 6(3) Part II 3.(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side yard setback from the side wall of an adjacent building that does not contain any openings is 0.9 m. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 0.419 m from the side wall of the adjacent building at 114 Morse Street. 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3. (II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side yard setback from the side wall of an adjacent building that contains openings is 1.2 m. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 0.419 m from the side wall of the adjacent building at 114 Morse Street. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 3.C(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.45 m where the side wall contains no openings. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 0 m from the south side lot line. A1178/14TEY IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1178/14TEY Zoning Owners: MARIANNE TOUCHIE LUKE WINDISCH LIA MASTON 116 MORSE ST PLAN 416 PT LOT 73 Ward: R d1.0 & R3 Z1.0(WAIVER) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1182/14TEY Zoning Owners: CHRIS KASPIRIS CHRISTINE BARTSIOCAS TREVOR GAIN 22 HARCOURT AVE PLAN E169 PT LOT 14 Ward: R (d0.6)(10m)(x736) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey detached dwelling by constructing a third floor addition, a new front porch, a new front basement walk-out, a rear deck and to convert the basement into a secondary suite. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1)(A), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum building height is 10 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a height of 11.53 m. 2. Chapter (2)(B)(ii), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of all side exterior main walls facing a side lot line is 7.5 m. The side exterior main walls will have a height of 11.32 m. 3. Chapter (1)(A), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (151.29 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.83 times the area of the lot (210.62 m²). 4. Chapter (1)(A)(i), By-law 569-2013 A platform without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a floor no higher than the first storey of the building may encroach into the required front yard setback 2.5 m if it is no closer to a side lot line than 0.45 m. The front platform will encroach 2.41 m and will be located 0.30 m closer to the east side lot line than the required setback. A1182/14TEY 2 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum projection of the roof eaves into the minimum building setback is 0.90 m if the eaves are no closer to a lot line than 0.3 m. The eaves of the altered detached dwelling will project 0.10 m and will be located 0.02 m from the east side lot line. 6. Chapter (1)(D), By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% (13 m²) of the required front yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 67.3% (11.71 m²) of the required front yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping. 7. Chapter (3)(A), By-law 569-2013 A secondary suite is a permitted use provided that an addition or exterior alteration to a building to accommodate a secondary suite does not alter or add to a main wall or roof that faces a street. The addition will alter a front wall that a faces a street. 8. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 A secondary suite is a permitted use provided that the entire building was constructed more than 5 years prior to the introduction of a secondary suite. The entire building was not constructed more than 5 years prior to the proposed introduction of the secondary suite. 1. Section 6(2) 1.(iii) A., By-law 438-86 A converted house is a permitted use provided there is no exterior alteration to the front wall and provided the increase in gross floor area does not exceed 0.15 times the area of the lot (37.8 m²). The addition will alter the front wall and will have a gross floor area equal to 0.19 times the area of the lot (48.44 m²). 2. Section 6(2) 1.(v), By-law 438-86 A converted house is a permitted use provided there is no substantial change in the appearance of the dwelling as a result of the conversion. The additions will substantially change the appearance of the dwelling. 3. Section 6(2) 1.(ii), By-law 438-86 A converted house is a permitted use provided the whole of the building as it stands before the conversion is at least five years old. The whole of the building prior to the conversion is not five years old. 4. Section 6(3) Part I 1., By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (151.29 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.83 times the area of the lot (210.62 m²). 5. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.45 m for the portion of the building not exceeding the 17 m depth where the side wall contains no openings. The altered detached dwelling will be located 0.12 m from the east side lot line. 6. Section 6(3) Part II 5.(I), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building depth is 14 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a depth of 14.3 m. A1182/14TEY 7. 3 Section 6(3) Part III 3.(d), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 75% (19.31 m²) of the required front yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 45% (11.71 m²) of the required front yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1182/14TEY Zoning Owners: CHRIS KASPIRIS CHRISTINE BARTSIOCAS TREVOR GAIN 22 HARCOURT AVE PLAN E169 PT LOT 14 Ward: R (d0.6)(10m)(x736) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1184/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ZHICONG LIANG LEO MASTRANDREA 52 LANKIN BLVD PLAN 3119 PT LOT 4 PT LOT 5 Ward: RD (f9.0; a280; d0.45) & R1A (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing one-storey detached house by constructing a front integral garage, a complete second floor addition and a rear two-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (107.21 m²). The coverage will be 43% of the lot area (133.81 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of a building or structure is 8.5 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a height of 8.98 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of all side exterior main walls facing a side lot line is 7.0 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a side exterior main wall height of 7.61 m. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.45 times the lot area (137.84 m²). The altered two-storey house will have a floor space index equal to 0.73 times the lot area (223.85 m²). 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Roof eaves may project a maximum of 0.9 m into the required building setback provided they are no closer to a lot line than 0.3 m. The roof eaves will project 0.13 m and be setback 0.12 from the north side lot line. 1. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.45 m. The altered two-storey house will have a north side yard setback of 0.35 m. A1184/14TEY 2 2. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted height of a building is 8.5 m. The altered two-storey house will have a height of 8.98 m. 3. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The permitted maximum lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (107.21 m²). The coverage will be 43% of the lot area (133.81 m²). 4. Section 6(3) Part II 8 F(I), By-law 438-86 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.45 times the lot area (137.84 m²). The altered two-storey house will have a floor space index equal to 0.73 times the lot area (223.85 m²). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1184/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ZHICONG LIANG LEO MASTRANDREA 52 LANKIN BLVD PLAN 3119 PT LOT 4 PT LOT 5 Ward: Gillian Burton (signed) RD (f9.0; a280; d0.45) & R1A (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A1186/14TEY Zoning RA (Waiver) ONTARIO COLLEGE OF ART Ward: Trinity-Spadina (20) & DESIGN PETER LASHKO Community: Toronto 230 & 240 RICHMOND ST W PLAN 155 LOTS 31 TO 39 PT LOTS 30 AND 40 RP 63R3691 PARTS 1 AND 2 Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To remove non-residential gross floor area restrictions; and, to permit a range of new non-residential uses within the existing buildings at 230 and 240 Richmond Street West. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 1(3), By-law 314-86 The maximum non-residential gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing commercial uses is 2.5 times the area of the lot (4,225 m2). In this case, the maximum non-residential gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing commercial uses is 7.0 times the area of the lot (11,830 m2). 2. Section 1(4), By-law 314-86 The maximum permitted non-residential gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing commercial uses is 50% of the non-residential gross floor area of such buildings (5,915 m2). In this case, the maximum non-residential gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing commercial uses will be 100% of the non-residential gross floor area of such buildings (11,830 m2). 3. Section 1(5), By-law 314-86 The maximum number of storey's above grade permitted to contain commercial uses is three (first, second and third storey). All storeys above and below grade will be permitted to contain commercial uses. A1186/14TEY 4. 2 Section 16(1)(156) By-law 20623 The maximum gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing office commercial purposes is 2.5 times the area of the lot (4,225 m2) and the gross floor area erected or used for office commercial purposes is contained in a building which also contains an equal or greater amount of gross floor area used for industrial purposes. The maximum gross floor area of the portion of the buildings containing office commercial purposes will be 7.0 times the area of the lot (11,830 m2) and no corresponding gross floor area used for industrial purposes will be required (0.0 m2). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A1186/14TEY Zoning RA (Waiver) ONTARIO COLLEGE OF ART Ward: Trinity-Spadina (20) & DESIGN PETER LASHKO Community: Toronto 230 & 240 RICHMOND ST W PLAN 155 LOTS 31 TO 39 PT LOTS 30 AND 40 RP 63R3691 PARTS 1 AND 2 Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A1187/14TEY JENNIFER BAICHWAL NICHOLAS DE PENCIER JENNIFER BAICHWAL 58 PALMERSTON GDNS PLAN 1287 PT LOT 54 Zoning Ward: R (d0.6) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (20) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached house by constructing a rear ground floor addition and a partial rear third floor addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of all exterior main walls is 7.5 m. The altered three-storey house will have a rear and side exterior main wall height of 9.73 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted house, are permitted provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (90.39 m2). The altered three-storey house will have a floor space index equal to 1.56 times the area of the lot (203.7 m2). 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted house, are permitted provided the residential gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (90.39 m2). The altered three-storey house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 1.56 times the area of the lot (203.7 m2). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved A1187/14TEY 2 It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A1187/14TEY JENNIFER BAICHWAL NICHOLAS DE PENCIER JENNIFER BAICHWAL 58 PALMERSTON GDNS PLAN 1287 PT LOT 54 Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning Ward: R (d0.6) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (20) Community: Toronto David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1188/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 2421494 ONTARIO INC JAMES TRAN 594 BLOOR ST W PLAN 219 PT LOTS 22 & 23 Ward: CR 3.0(c1.5;r2.5) SS2 (x1438) PA 3 & MCR T3.0 C1.5 R2.5 (Waiver) Trinity-Spadina (20) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing mixed use building with ground floor commercial, and two dwelling units above by constructing rear second and third floor additions with three new residential dwelling units. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Bicycle parking spaces must be provided at a rate of 1.0 space per dwelling unit, and allocated as 0.9 longterm bicycle parking spaces per dwelling unit, and 0.1 short-term bicycle parking spaces per dwelling unit. In this case, there will be no bicycle parking spaces provided on site. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required rear yard setback is 7.5 m. The altered mixed use building will be located 5.29 m from the north rear lot line. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The main wall of a building that has windows or openings must be setback a minimum of 5.5 m from a lot line that is not adjacent to a street or lane. The main wall of the altered building will be located 1.26 m from the east side lot line. 1. Chapter 4(5)(B), By-law 438-86 A minimum of five parking spaces are required to be provided on the lot. In this case, only one parking space will be provided on the lot. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition A1188/14TEY 2 It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1188/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 2421494 ONTARIO INC JAMES TRAN 594 BLOOR ST W PLAN 219 PT LOTS 22 & 23 Ward: CR 3.0(c1.5;r2.5) SS2 (x1438) PA 3 & MCR T3.0 C1.5 R2.5 (Waiver) Trinity-Spadina (20) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1189/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ASTRINOS KOZORONIS DAVID LANG 14 SPARKHALL AVE PLAN 764 PT LOT 9 Ward: R (d0.6) (x736) & R2 Z0.6 (PPR) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a two-storey rear addition, a third floor addition and a rear deck. The front roof will be re-constructed and interior alterations to the basement, the main and second floors will be undertaken. In addition, a skylight will be added and windows will be re-located. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (137.96 m2). The floor space index is 0.95 times the area of the lot (218.43 m2). 2. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (137.96 m2). The residential gross floor area of the building is 0.95 times the area of the lot (218.43 m2). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1189/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ASTRINOS KOZORONIS DAVID LANG 14 SPARKHALL AVE PLAN 764 PT LOT 9 Ward: R (d0.6) (x736) & R2 Z0.6 (PPR) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1190/14TEY Zoning Owners: PETER SOLOMOS GEORGEA SOLOMOS MURRAY FEARN 33 ST HUBERT AVE PLAN 3015 PT LOT 21 TO 24PT Ward: RD (f9.0;a280;d0.45) & R1A (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing 1-storey detached dwelling by constructing a second-storey addition, a rear two-storey addition and a rear ground floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of all side exterior main walls facing a side lot line is 7.0 m. The height of the side exterior main wall facing a side lot line will be 8.04 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.45 times the area of the lot (128.34 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.65 times the area of the lot (187.13 m²). 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (99.98 m²). The lot coverage will be 35.2% of the lot area (100.62 m²). 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% of the required front landscaping must be maintained as soft landscaping (26.01 m²). In this case, 65% of the required front landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping (22.54 m²). 1. Section 7.2.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.45 times the area of the lot (128.34 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.65 times the area of the lot (187.13 m²). A1190/14TEY 2 2. Section 7.2.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (99.98 m²). The lot coverage will be 35.2% of the lot area (100.62 m²). 3. Section 7.1.6(a), By-law 6752 A minimum of 75% of the front yard not covered by a permitted driveway or a permitted parking pad shall be maintained as soft landscaping (26.01 m²). In this case, 65% of the front yard will be maintained as soft landscaping (22.54 m²). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1190/14TEY Zoning Owners: PETER SOLOMOS GEORGEA SOLOMOS MURRAY FEARN 33 ST HUBERT AVE PLAN 3015 PT LOT 21 TO 24PT Ward: RD (f9.0;a280;d0.45) & R1A (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0001/15TEY MANUEL EIRAS REGINA EIRAS MARCO VIEIRA 95 AVA RD PLAN M511 LOT 72 Zoning Ward: RD(f12.0, d0.4) & R1 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two-storey single detached dwelling, and a new rear detached garage. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 For an ancillary building or structure containing a parking space, is located on a corner lot, and vehicular access is from the street abutting the side lot line, the minimum required side yard setback is 6.0 m. The new rear detached garage will be located 4.03 m from the east side lot line, measured to the eavestrough. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.4 times the area of the lot (181.40 m²). The new two-storey dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.64 times the area of the lot (288.86 m²). 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback for a corner lot where there is an adjacent lot fronting on the street abutting the side lot line is 3.0 m. The new two-storey dwelling will be located 1.22 m from the east side lot line. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% of the required side yard landscaping must be maintained as soft landscaping (16.53 m²). In this case, 66% of the required side yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping (15.24 m²). 1. Section 3(I), By-law 1-83 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.4 times the area of the lot (181.40 m²). The new two-storey dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.64 times the area of the lot (288.86 m²). A0001/15TEY 2 2. Section 3.4.11.(c), By-law 1-83 The maximum permitted height for a garage or accessory structure with a flat roof is 3.1 m. The new rear detached garage will have a height of 3.7 m. 3. Section 3.4.11.(a), By-law 1-83 Where an accessory structure is erected in the rear yard of a corner lot and has access across the flank of the lot, it shall not be erected closer to the rear lot line than two-thirds of the distance by which it projects in front of the established building setback of the adjacent 30.0 m of side street, but in no case shall be erected closer than 0.5 m to the rear lot line. In this case, the rear detached garage will be located 0 m from the south rear lot line, measured to the eavestrough. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0001/15TEY MANUEL EIRAS REGINA EIRAS MARCO VIEIRA 95 AVA RD PLAN M511 LOT 72 Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning Ward: RD(f12.0, d0.4) & R1 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0002/15TEY Zoning ADAM DEAN FRANKLIN Ward: ISSAC MICHAELOV Community: 870 MANNING AVE PLAN 680 S PT LOT 50 N PT LOT 51 R (d0.6) & R2 Z0.6 (Waiver) Trinity-Spadina (20) Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a duplex and a detached garage at the rear of the building. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (A)(iii), By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs which provide pedestrian access to a building, or structure, may encroach into a required building setback if the stairs are no closer to a lot line than 0.6 m. The front stairs are 0.34 m from the northerly lot line. 2. Chapter (A)(i), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of at least 60% of all front exterior main walls is 7.5 m. The height of the front exterior main walls is 10.0 m. 3. Chapter (A)(ii), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of at least 60% of all rear exterior main walls is 7.5 m. The height of the rear exterior main walls is 10.0 m. 4. Chapter ( B)(ii), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of all side exterior main walls facing a side lot line is 7.5 m. The height of the side exterior main walls facing a side lot line is 10.0 m. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth of 14.0 m. The building depth is 20.65 m. 6. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (147.27 m2). The floor space index is 0.94 times the area of the lot (227.95 m2). A0002/15TEY 2 7. Chapter, By-law 569-2014 The minimum required front yard setback is 4.11 m. The front yard setback is 3.50 m. 8. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The minimum required rear yard soft landscaping is 50%. The rear yard landscaping area is 45%. 9. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback is 1.2 m. The north side yard setback is 0.34 m. The south side yard setback is 0.63 m. 1. Section 6(3) Part II 5(I), By-law 438-86, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building depth of 14.0 m. The building depth is 20.65 m. 2. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (147.27 m2). The residential gross floor area is 1.34 times the area of the lot (330.45 m2). 3. Section 6(3) Part II 2(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required front lot line setback is 4.11 m. The front lot line setback is 3.50 m. 4. Section 6(3) Part II 3(I), By-law 438-86 The by-law stipulates a building is to be located a minimum of 0.90 m from the side wall of an adjacent building that contains no openings. In this case, the new building is located 0.56 m away from side wall of the adjacent building to the north. 5. Section 6 (3) Part II 3.E (1), By-law 438-6 The minimum required side lot line setback is 0.45 m where the side wall contains no openings. The north side lot line setback is 0.34 m. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Refused It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to NOT approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is not maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is not maintained. The variance(s) is not considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is not minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0002/15TEY Zoning ADAM DEAN FRANKLIN Ward: ISSAC MICHAELOV Community: 870 MANNING AVE PLAN 680 S PT LOT 50 N PT LOT 51 ABSTAINED Gillian Burton R (d0.6) & R2 Z0.6 (Waiver) Trinity-Spadina (20) Toronto DISSENTED David Pond (signed) Yim Chan John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at 14. 35 PARKVIEW HILL CRES File Number: A0005/15TEY Zoning Owners: AGAPI ZEGAS GEORGE ZEGAS ARISTOTLE CHRISTOU 35 PARKVIEW HILL CRES PLAN 3434 LOT 17 Ward: RD(f12.0, a370, d0.6) & R1B (ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two-storey detached dwelling with front carport. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building length for a detached dwelling is 17.0 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a building length of 20.7 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth for a detached dwelling is 19.0 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a depth of 29.51 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 An ancillary building or structure is not permitted to be located in the front yard. In this case, the new carport will be located in the front yard. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 An ancillary building or structure with a height greater than 2.5 m, or a gross floor area greater than 10.0 m² must be located a minimum of 1.8 m from the residential dwelling on the same lot. In this case, the new carport will be located 1.5 m from the new two-storey dwelling on the lot. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of an ancillary building or structure located less than 1.8 m from the residential building on the lot is 2.5 m. In this case, the new carport will have a height of 2.9 m. 6. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor area of an ancillary building or structure located less than 1.8 m from a residential building on the lot is 10.0 m². In this case, the floor area of the carport is 36.6 m² 1. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted building length for a detached dwelling is 16.75 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a building length of 20.7 m. 2. Section 5.6(f), By-law 6752 An accessory structure is not permitted between the front lot line and the main front wall of a building. In this case, the new carport is located beyond the main front wall of the building. MOTION It was moved by Yim Chan (signed), seconded by John Tassiopoulos (signed) and carried unanimously that the application be deferred, for a maximum of 3 months. The deferral would provide the applicant with an opportunity to revise the proposal in consultation with City Planning staff and the area residents. The applicant would be required to pay the minimum deferral fee prior to being rescheduled for public hearing by the Committee of Adjustment Toronto & East York, Panel B. Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0006/15TEY Zoning Owners: EKATERINI KOURETAS ARGIRIOS DIMAKOPOULOS ARGIRIOS DIMAKOPOULOS 218 INGLEWOOD DR LOT 19 PLAN 1474 Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Community: RD (f12.0; d0.6) & R1 Z0.6 (BLD) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a rear one-storey detached garage with a canopy. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback for ancillary building or structure containing a parking space where it is on a corner lot, and vehicle access is from the street abutting a side lot line is 6.0 m. The rear detached garage will be located 4.81 m from the east side lot line. Section 6(3) Part II 7(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for an accessory structure is 3.0 m from all lot lines. The rear detached garage will be located 0.914 m from the south lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0006/15TEY Zoning Owners: EKATERINI KOURETAS ARGIRIOS DIMAKOPOULOS ARGIRIOS DIMAKOPOULOS 218 INGLEWOOD DR LOT 19 PLAN 1474 Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) Community: David Pond (signed) RD (f12.0; d0.6) & R1 Z0.6 (BLD) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0007/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ALEXANDER KOLODZIEJ GLENN RUBINOFF 397 HILLSDALE AVE E PLAN 866 PT LOT 131 Ward: R (d0.6) (x930) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two storey detached dwelling with an integral garage. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (224.4 m2). The residential gross floor area is 0.734 times the area of the lot (274.5 m2). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B (II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 7.5 m for that portion of the building exceeding 17.0 m in depth. The side lot line setbacks are 0.9 m on the west side and 0.46 m on the east side for the 2.0 m portion of the building exceeding 17.0 m building depth. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 8 D(I), By-law 438-86 An uncovered platform may projects into the required setbacks to a maximum of 1.2 m above grade. In this case, an uncovered platform projects into the required setbacks to a height of 2.6 m above grade. 4. Section 6(3) Part III 3.(d) (i), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 75% (44.43 m²) of the front yard area (area between the front lot line and the main front wall of the dwelling and extending to the side lot lines), shall be maintained as soft landscaping. In this case, 65% (19.5 m²) of the front yard area will be soft landscaping. 5. Section 6(3) Part II 2(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required front lot line setback is 7.6 m. The front lot line setback of the current proposal is 5.37 m. A0007/15TEY IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0007/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: ALEXANDER KOLODZIEJ GLENN RUBINOFF 397 HILLSDALE AVE E PLAN 866 PT LOT 131 Ward: R (d0.6) (x930) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0008/15TEY Zoning Owners: QI HUAN TANG MATTHEW FONG ANGXUAN SUN 64 BARKER AVE PLAN 1587 LOT 247 Ward: RS(f10.5;a325;d0.75)(x312) & R2A(ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two-storey detached dwelling with a rear parking pad. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1)(C), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum driveway width is 2.6 m for parking spaces located in the rear yard. The driveway will have a width of 2.43 m. 2. Chapter (1)(A), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (108.9 m²). The lot will have coverage equal to 36.5% of the lot area (113.59 m²). 3. Chapter (2)(A)(i), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of all front exterior main walls is 7.0 m. The front exterior main wall will have a height of 8.5 m. 4. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum building length is 17.0 m. The new detached dwelling will have a length of 18.6 m. 5. Chapter (3)(A), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum side yard setback is 0.9 m. The new detached dwelling will be located 0.49 m from the east side lot line, and 0.73 m from the west side lot line. 1. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted building length is 16.75 m. The new detached dwelling will have a length of 18.6 m. A0008/15TEY 2. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.0 m. The new detached dwelling will be located 5.15 m from the south front lot line. 3. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the lot area (108.9 m²). The lot will have coverage equal to 36.5% of the lot area (113.59 m²). 4. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.6 m. The new detached dwelling will be located 0.49 m from the east side lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0008/15TEY Zoning Owners: QI HUAN TANG MATTHEW FONG ANGXUAN SUN 64 BARKER AVE PLAN 1587 LOT 247 Ward: RS(f10.5;a325;d0.75)(x312) & R2A(ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0009/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: AMELIA MCCONNELL WILLIAM HARRISON 24 MACLEAN AVE PLAN M490 PT LOT 163 Ward: R (d0.6) (x356) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Beaches-East York (32) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a basement walkout under the covered front porch of the existing two-storey semi-detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum front yard setback is 4.53 m. The altered two-storey semi-detached house will have an east front yard setback of 2.24 m. 1. Section 6(3) Part II 2 (II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required front yard setback of a building on an inside lot is 4.53 m. The altered two-storey semi-detached house will have an east front yard setback of 2.24 m. 2. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (117.05 m²). The altered two-storey semi-detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 1.0 times the area of the lot (196.88 m2). 3. Section 6(3) Part III 3.(d), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 50% (16.92 m²) of the area between the front lot line and the main front wall of the dwelling and extending to the side lot lines shall be maintained as soft landscaping. In this case, 32.9% (11.15 m²) of the front yard area will be soft landscaping. 4. Section 6(3) Part III 3(C), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 75% (8.36 m²) of the required front yard landscaped open space shall be in the form of soft landscaping. In this case, 39.6% (4.4 m²) of the required front yard landscaped open space will be in the form of soft landscaping. A0009/15TEY 2 IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) The alterations to the dwelling described above shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the revised site plan date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment at the Public Hearing on February 25, 2015. Any other variances that may appear on these plans that are not listed in the written decision are NOT authorized. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0009/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: AMELIA MCCONNELL WILLIAM HARRISON 24 MACLEAN AVE PLAN M490 PT LOT 163 Ward: R (d0.6) (x356) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Beaches-East York (32) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0010/15TEY Zoning Owner: JOHN VARGHESE Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: MIKIO NAKASHIMA 181 CRESCENT RD PLAN 208E LOT B Community: RD(f15.0; d0.6)(x1438) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing three-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a rear second storey addition, and a rear ground floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building length for a detached dwelling is 17.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a building length of 20.38 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth for a detached dwelling is 19.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a depth of 23.21 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A maximum of one platform is permitted to be located on the rear wall at or above the second storey of a detached dwelling. In this case, there will be two platforms located on the rear wall at or above the second storey of the altered dwelling. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted area of each platform at or above the second storey of a detached dwelling is 4.0 m². In this case, the rear second storey platform will have an area of 6.0 m², and the rear third storey platform will have an area of 12.36 m². A0010/15TEY 1. 2 Section 6(3) Part VI 1(V), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted dwelling, are permitted provided the depth of the residential building including the addition or additions does not exceed 17.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a depth of 23.21 m. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, building permit drawings, including plans, elevations and details shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services and a heritage permit shall be obtained under the provision of Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0010/15TEY Zoning Owner: JOHN VARGHESE Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: MIKIO NAKASHIMA 181 CRESCENT RD PLAN 208E LOT B Community: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) RD(f15.0; d0.6)(x1438) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0011/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 1239019 ONTARIO INC ROHAN WALTERS 999 A DOVERCOURT RD PLAN 622 BLK W PT LOT 6 Ward: CR 1.5 (c1.0; r1.0) SS2 & CR T1.5 C1.0 R1.0 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (19) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To convert the one-storey garage into a duplex and to construct a second and third floor addition with a roof walkout. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 1.5 times the area of the lot (64.80 m²). The converted garage will have a floor space index equal to 3.11 times the area of the lot (134.46 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted residential floor space index is 1.0 times the area of the lot (43.20 m²). The converted garage will have a residential floor space index equal to 3.11 times the area of the lot (134.46 m²). 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required number of parking spaces for a duplex is 2 spaces. In this case, 0 parking spaces will be provided. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A duplex is not a permitted building type. In this case, the converted garage will be a duplex. 1. Section 8(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted combined non-residential gross floor area and residential gross floor area is 1.5 times the area of the lot (64.80 m²). The converted garage will have a combined gross floor area equal to 3.11 times the area of the lot (134.46 m²). A0011/15TEY 2 2. Section 8(3) Part I 3(A), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 1.0 times the area of the lot (43.20 m²). The converted garage will have a residential gross floor area equal to 3.11 times the area of the lot (134.46 m²). 3. Section 4(4)(b), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 2 parking spaces are required to be provided on the lot. In this case, 0 parking spaces will be provided. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0011/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 1239019 ONTARIO INC ROHAN WALTERS 999 A DOVERCOURT RD PLAN 622 BLK W PT LOT 6 Ward: CR 1.5 (c1.0; r1.0) SS2 & CR T1.5 C1.0 R1.0 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (19) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) DISSENTED John Tassiopoulos DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0012/15TEY Zoning Owners: TEENA DEJAK RUI AMARAL RUI AMARAL 12 ARLINGTON AVE PLAN 1390 PT LOT 4 PT LOT 5 Ward: R (d0.6)(x730) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey detached dwelling by constructing rear ground floor and second floor decks and to convert the basement into a third dwelling unit. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1)(C), By-law 569-2013 A platform without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a floor no higher than the first storey of the building much encroach 2.5 m into the required rear yard setback if it is no closer than 1.0 m to a side lot line. The rear platform will encroach 6.5 m into the required rear yard setback. 2. Chapter (1)(D), By-law 569-2013 A platform without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a platform with a floor higher than the first storey of the building above established grade may encroach 1.5 m into the required rear yard setback if it is no closer than 2.1 m to a side lot line. The rear platform will encroach 6.3 m into the required rear yard setback and will be located 1.2 m from the north side lot line. 3. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 A secondary suite is a permitted use provided that the interior floor area of the secondary suite is less than the interior floor area of the dwelling unit. The basement secondary suite will have an interior floor area that is greater than the interior floor area of the ground floor dwelling unit. 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1., By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (118.1 m²). The altered detached dwelling including the basement will have a gross floor area equal to 1.33 times the area of the lot (262 m²). A0012/15TEY 2 2. Section 6(3) Part II 4., By-law 438-86 The minimum required rear yard setback is 7.5 m. The altered detached dwelling measured from the second floor deck and supporting structure will be located 1.23 m from the west rear lot line. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 5.(I), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building depth is 14 m. The altered detached dwelling will have a depth of 15.1 m. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0012/15TEY Zoning Owners: TEENA DEJAK RUI AMARAL RUI AMARAL 12 ARLINGTON AVE PLAN 1390 PT LOT 4 PT LOT 5 Ward: R (d0.6)(x730) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0013/15TEY Zoning Owners: ERIK LAROSE RENE LAROSE ERIK LAROSE 213 BELSIZE DR PLAN 1787 PT LOT 21 Ward: R(d0.6)(x930) & R2 Z0.6 (Waiver) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a partial third storey addition with rear third floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of all front and rear exterior main walls is 7.0 m. In this case, the front and rear main walls of the altered dwelling will have a height of 10.0 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of all side exterior main walls is 7.0 m. In this case, the side exterior main walls of the altered dwelling will have a height of 10.0 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (186.13 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.69 times the area of the lot (214.06 m²). 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.0 m. The altered dwelling will be located 5.40 m from the north front lot line. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building height is 9.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a height of 10.0 m. A0013/15TEY 2 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (186.13 m²). The altered dwelling will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.726 times the area of the lot (225.26 m²). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 2(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.0 m. The altered dwelling will be located 5.40 m from the north front lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0013/15TEY Zoning Owners: ERIK LAROSE RENE LAROSE ERIK LAROSE 213 BELSIZE DR PLAN 1787 PT LOT 21 Ward: R(d0.6)(x930) & R2 Z0.6 (Waiver) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0014/15TEY 2343770 ONTARIO INC. ANNETTE GILGAN 54 FRASER AVE PLAN 684 LTS 18 TO 21 Zoning Ward: IC D3 (PPR) Parkdale-High Park (14) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To convert a 43.66 m² portion of an office building into a take-out restaurant. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Section 12(2)298, By-law 438-86 In a building zoned IC D3 the conversion of a portion into a take-out restaurant is not a permitted use. In this case, the applicant is proposing the conversion of 43.66 m2 into a take-out restaurant. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) That the floor area of the proposed take-out restaurant does not exceed 44 square m and that it be restricted to the ground floor. (2) That the location of the proposed take-out restaurant remains substantially in accordance with plans on file with the Committee of Adjustment, date stamped January 8, 2015. (3) That the additional permissions provided in clause (iv) under the definition of "restaurant" in Zoning Bylaw 438-86, including: dance floor, stage, teletheatre gambling, disc jockey, sound room and gaming machines be prohibited on this site. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0014/15TEY 2343770 ONTARIO INC. ANNETTE GILGAN 54 FRASER AVE PLAN 684 LTS 18 TO 21 Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning Ward: IC D3 (PPR) Parkdale-High Park (14) Community: Toronto David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0015/15TEY Zoning Owners: JONATHAN COOPERMAN ALLISON COOPERMAN SHAVONNE HEDDERSON 190 BELSIZE DR PLAN 1787 PT LOT 70 Ward: R (d0.6)(x930) & R2 Z.06 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear second-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Roof eaves may project a maximum of 0.9 m provided that they are no closer than 0.30 m to a lot line. The roof eaves will project 0.45 m and will be located 0.19 m from the west side lot line. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Floor levels within an addition, extension, or enlargement to the rear of a residential building may not be higher than the uppermost floor level in the existing building. The floor level of the rear second-floor addition will be higher than the existing upper most floor level of the existing dwelling. 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(II), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear if a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided no floor level of an addition is higher than the uppermost floor level, whether finished or not in the existing residential building. The floor level of the rear second-floor addition will be higher than the existing upper most floor level of the existing building. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved A0015/15TEY 2 It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0015/15TEY Zoning Owners: JONATHAN COOPERMAN ALLISON COOPERMAN SHAVONNE HEDDERSON 190 BELSIZE DR PLAN 1787 PT LOT 70 Ward: R (d0.6)(x930) & R2 Z.06 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0016/15TEY Zoning Owner: KATHERINE CRAY Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: CHRISTOPHER WALKER 125 WELLAND AVE PLAN E581 PT LOTS 21 & 22 Community: RD (f12.0; d0.6) (x1397) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey detached house by a new front porch, front bay window and a rear two-storey addition with a deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the lot area (216.85 m²). The altered two-storey detached house will have a floor space index equal to 0.757 times the lot area (273.71 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum front yard setback is 6.94 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a west front yard setback of 6.37 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum side yard setback is 0.9 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a south side yard setback of 0.63 m. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs providing pedestrian access to a building or structure may encroach into a required building setback if the stairs are no longer than 1.5 horizontal units for each 1.0 vertical unit above grade at the point where the stairs meet the building or structure. The stairs of the new front porch are 4.07 horizontal units for each 1.0 vertical unit above grade. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% of the required front yard landscaping must be soft landscaping, 24.97 m². The front yard will have 72.15% soft landscaping, 24.02 m². A0016/15TEY 2 6. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required number of parking spaces is 1. The altered two-storey detached house will not provide a parking space. 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (216.85 m²). The altered two-storey detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.758 times the area of the lot (273.96 m2). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 2 (II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required front yard setback of a building on an inside lot is 6.94 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a west front yard setback of 6.37 m. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for the portion of the dwelling not exceeding a depth of 17 m is 0.9 m. The altered two-storey detached house will have a south side yard setback of 0.63 m. 4. Section 4(4)(b), By-law 438-86 A minimum of one parking space is required to be provided for on-site. The altered two-storey detached house will not provide a parking space. 5. Section 6(3) Part III 3(C), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 75% (42.02 m²) of the required front yard landscaped open space shall be in the form of soft landscaping. In this case, 47.42 % (26.57 m²) of the required front yard landscaped open space will be in the form of soft landscaping. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0016/15TEY Zoning Owner: KATHERINE CRAY Ward: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: CHRISTOPHER WALKER 125 WELLAND AVE PLAN E581 PT LOTS 21 & 22 Community: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) RD (f12.0; d0.6) (x1397) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0017/15TEY Zoning Owners: PATRICK RYDING KATHERINE RAMSEY ANDREW TROTTER 661 BROCK AVE PLAN 923 PT LOT 51 Ward: R(d0.6)(x740) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a rear three-storey addition with rear ground floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted dwelling, are permitted provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (164.49 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.76 times the area of the lot (181.58 m²). Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted dwelling, are permitted provided the residential gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (164.49 m²). The altered dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.76 times the area of the lot (181.58 m²). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. A0017/15TEY This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0017/15TEY Zoning Owners: PATRICK RYDING KATHERINE RAMSEY ANDREW TROTTER 661 BROCK AVE PLAN 923 PT LOT 51 Ward: R(d0.6)(x740) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at 27. 22 FERN AVE File Number: A0018/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: DAVID KEELING DAVID KEELING 22 FERN AVE PLAN 468 PT LOT 39 Ward: R(d0.6)(x296)(H10m) & R2 Z0.6 H10m(ZR) Parkdale-High Park (14) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the 2½-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter (2)(A), By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (169.05 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.85 times the area of the lot (209.06 m²). Section 6(3) Part VI 1.(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of the a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (169.05 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.85 times the area of the lot (209.06 m²). MOTION It was moved by David Pond (signed), seconded by John Tassiopoulos (signed) and carried unanimously that the application be deferred to the public hearing of March 25, 2015 with Panel B. The deferral would provide the applicant with an opportunity to revise the proposal to address the neighbours concerns. The applicant was advised that in order to be heard on March 25, 2015, revised plans needed to be filed with the Committee of Adjustment office no later than March 2, 2015. Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0019/15TEY Zoning Owners: FREDERICK WILLIAMSON JOHN COXHEAD RICHARD OVERING FREDERICK WILLIAMSON 115 SPARKHALL AVE PLAN 685 PT LOT 21 Ward: R(d0.6)(x736) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey row house/townhouse by constructing a rear second storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1)(A), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (90.99 m²). The altered townhouse will have a floor space index equal to 0.71 times the area of the lot (107.8 m²). 2. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 A minimum of one parking space is required to be provided on-site. No parking spaces will be provided on-site. 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1., By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (90.99 m²). The altered row house will have a gross floor area equal to 0.71 times the area of the lot (107.8 m²). 2. Section 4(5)(B), By-law 438-86 A minimum of one parking space is required to be provided on-site. No parking spaces will be provided on-site. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition A0019/15TEY It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0019/15TEY Zoning Owners: FREDERICK WILLIAMSON JOHN COXHEAD RICHARD OVERING FREDERICK WILLIAMSON 115 SPARKHALL AVE PLAN 685 PT LOT 21 Ward: R(d0.6)(x736) & R2 Z0.6(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0020/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: MARIAN HOFFMANN CARY LINDEN 60 EASTBOURNE AVE PLAN 569E PT LOT 40 Ward: RD (f9.0; d0.6) (x1402) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a rear two-storey addition and a partial rear third floor addition to the existing 2½-storey detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum height of a building or structure is 9.0 m. The altered three-storey detached house will have a height of 10.06 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the lot area (292.0 m²). The altered three-storey detached house will have a floor space index equal to 0.71 times the lot area (343.92 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (292.0 m²). The altered three-storey detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.71 times the area of the lot (343.62 m2). 2. Section 4(2)(a), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building height is 9.0 m. The altered three-storey house will have a height of 10.35 m. 3. Section 4(4)(b), By-law 438-86 The minimum required width of an access driveway leading to a parking facility is 2.6 m. In this case, the driveway access will have a width of 2.0 m. A0020/15TEY 2 IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) The alterations to the dwelling, described above, shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment on February 2, 2015 with the revised rear elevation date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment at the public hearing of February 25, 2015. Any other variances that may appear on these plans that are not listed in the written decision are NOT authorized. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0020/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: MARIAN HOFFMANN CARY LINDEN 60 EASTBOURNE AVE PLAN 569E PT LOT 40 Ward: RD (f9.0; d0.6) (x1402) & R1 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0023/15TEY Zoning Owners: RINESTY SUMARGO IAN KLINCK BRIAN ABBEY 516 ARLINGTON AVE PLAN 1527 LOT 46 Ward: RM (f12.0;u2;d0.8) & R2 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the one-storey detached dwelling by constructing a second storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Section 3(a), By-law 1-83 as amended by By-law 3623 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.5 m on one side and 1.2 m on the other side. The altered detached dwelling will be located 0.91 m from the south side lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0023/15TEY Zoning Owners: RINESTY SUMARGO IAN KLINCK BRIAN ABBEY 516 ARLINGTON AVE PLAN 1527 LOT 46 Ward: RM (f12.0;u2;d0.8) & R2 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0024/15TEY Zoning Owners: QIONGLI JIA JIANGUO ZHANG BRIAN ABBEY 132-134 ATLAS AVE PLAN 115 S PT LOT 11 Ward: RM (f12.;u2;d0.8)(x252) & R2(ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To convert the two-storey mixed use building into four dwelling units by removing the ground floor retail unit and constructing four surface parking spaces. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (3)(B), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum driveway width for an individual private driveway that does not lead directly to an individual dwelling unit is 6.0 m. The driveway will have a width of 10.38 m. 2. Chapter (1)(E)(ii), By-law 569-2013 A fourplex is a permitted building type if the zone label has a numerical value of 4 or greater following the letter "u" in the zone label. The fourplex is not permitted in a RM (u2) zone. 3. Chapter (2), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum number of dwelling units on the lot is two. The lot will have four dwelling units. 4. Chapter (3)(A), By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 50 % (47.5 m²) of the rear yard shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 23 % (21.6 m²) of the rear yard will be maintained as soft landscaping. 5. Chapter (2)(A), By-law 569-2013 A lot with a residential building may have an ancillary outdoor area used for parking or storing of more than 3 vehicles if no portion of the ancillary outdoor area is closer to a residential building on the same lot than 6.0 m. The ancillary outdoor area used for parking or storing vehicles will be located 0 m from the residential building on the same lot. A0024/15TEY 2 6. Chapter (2)(B), By-law 569-2013 A lot with a residential building may have an ancillary outdoor area used for parking or storing of more than 3 vehicles if the ancillary outdoor area is fenced, excluding the portions used for a vehicle or pedestrian access. The ancillary outdoor area used for the parking or storing of vehicles is not fenced in. 7. Chapter (2)(D), By-law 569-2013 A lot with a residential building may have an ancillary outdoor area used for parking or storing of more than 3 vehicles if the ancillary outdoor area is no closer to a lot line that abuts a street than 6.0 m. The ancillary outdoor area used for the parking or storing of vehicles will be located 1.6 m from a lot line that abuts a street. 8. Chapter (2)(A), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum width of a parking space that is obstructed on one side is 2.9 m. The parking space closest to the building is obstructed on one side and will have a width of 2.6 m. 1. Section 3.2 (F)(D)(2), By-law 1-83 No vehicle shall be parked closer than 1.5 m to any portion of any wall of any residential building containing any window in the second floor or higher floor, measured perpendicular to such portion of the wall. The parking spaces will be located 0 m from the rear wall of the residential building containing a window on the second floor. 2. Section 3.2.3 (B)(a), By-law 1-83 The maximum permitted driveway width leading to a parking garage or parking space located in the side or rear yard is 4.0 m. The driveway to access the rear yard surface parking spaces will have a width of 10.38 m. 3. Section 3.2.1 (a)(i)(1) &(4), By-law 1-83 The minimum required width of a parking space that is obstructed on one side is 2.9 m. The parking space closest to the building is obstructed on one side and will have a width of 2.6 m. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall obtain a landscape construction permit to relandscape the front and flanking side municipal boulevard to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor and the Director of Community Planning, Toronto and East York Division. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0024/15TEY Zoning Owners: QIONGLI JIA JIANGUO ZHANG BRIAN ABBEY 132-134 ATLAS AVE PLAN 115 S PT LOT 11 Ward: RM (f12.;u2;d0.8)(x252) & R2(ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0025/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: JEREMY GUTH JORGE SILVA 66 HILLCREST DR PLAN D1366 LOT 80 Ward: RD(f12.0; d0.35) & R1 Z0.35 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a rear one-storey addition with rear ground floor deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.35 times the area of the lot (259.53 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.40 times the area of the lot (295.57 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.35 times the area of the lot (259.53 m²). The altered dwelling will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.40 times the area of the lot (295.57 m²). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.A(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required setback from a flanking street is 6.0 m. The altered dwelling will be located 3.07 m from the west flanking street Bracondale Hill Road. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. A0025/15TEY 2 This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0025/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: JEREMY GUTH JORGE SILVA 66 HILLCREST DR PLAN D1366 LOT 80 Ward: RD(f12.0; d0.35) & R1 Z0.35 (ZZC) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0026/15TEY 1093 QUEEN STREET WEST DEVELOPMENTS INC. IAN MACLEOD 1093 QUEEN ST W PLAN 878 PTBLK E BLK F Zoning Ward: 87-2014 (OMB) (waiver) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To reduce the required number of parking spaces for the nine-storey mixed-use building that has been approved under By-law 87-2014 (OMB). REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 2 (h), By-laws 87-2014 (OMB) The minimum required number of parking spaces for the one-bedroom units is 85 spaces. In this case, 25 parking spaces will be provided for the one-bedroom units. 2. Section 2(i), By-law 87-2014 (OMB) The minimum required number of parking spaces for the retail use is 10 spaces. In this case, 5 parking spaces will be provided for the retail use. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): The applicant shall make a financial contribution, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in the amount of $50,000 to cover the cost of installing a Bike Share Station on the subject property. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A0026/15TEY 1093 QUEEN STREET WEST DEVELOPMENTS INC. IAN MACLEOD 1093 QUEEN ST W PLAN 878 PTBLK E BLK F Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning Ward: 87-2014 (OMB) (waiver) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) DISSENTED John Tassiopoulos DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0028/15TEY Owners: JANE SPROTT Ward: DARIN HINTON JOHN SIBENIK Community: 188 ONTARIO ST PLAN 127 PT LOT 38 RP 64R14416 PART 3 Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Zoning R(d1.0)(x984) & R3 Z1.0(ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (28) Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a rear detached carport. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter (5)(A), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum rear yard setback for an ancillary building or structure containing a parking space where the rear lot line abuts a lane and the vehicle access to the parking space in the ancillary building is from the lane is 1.0 m. The new detached carport will be located 0.52 m from the west rear lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0028/15TEY Owners: JANE SPROTT Ward: DARIN HINTON JOHN SIBENIK Community: 188 ONTARIO ST PLAN 127 PT LOT 38 RP 64R14416 PART 3 Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning David Pond (signed) R(d1.0)(x984) & R3 Z1.0(ZZC) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (28) Toronto Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0029/15TEY Zoning Owners: JEANETTE DE BOER MARK VREUNGDENHIL JOHN SIBENIK 210 GOWAN AVE PLAN M39 PT LOT 178 Ward: RM (f13.5;a420;u3)(x269) & R2B(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To legalize and to maintain the front porch and basement addition below the porch that were constructed without a permit. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1)(A)(i), By-law 569-2013 A platform in a front yard, without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a floor no higher than the first storey of the building, may encroach 0.84 m into the required front yard setback. The front platform will encroach 1.38 m into the required front yard setback. 2. Chapter (1)(D), By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% (4.7 m²) of the required front yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 0% (0 m²) of the required front yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping. 1. Section 2. (c), By-law 6752 as amended by By-law 974-2006 A minimum of 75% (4.7 m²) of the required front yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 0% (0 m²) of the required front yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping. 2. Section 5.6 b) iii), By-law 6752 Steps or stairs required for access to the first storey of a permitted building may encroach into any yard, provided the steps or stairs are set back a minimum of 1.5 m from any lot line adjacent to the street. The front stairs will be located 0.55 m from the south front lot line. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved A0029/15TEY It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0029/15TEY Zoning Owners: JEANETTE DE BOER MARK VREUNGDENHIL JOHN SIBENIK 210 GOWAN AVE PLAN M39 PT LOT 178 Ward: RM (f13.5;a420;u3)(x269) & R2B(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0055/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: WILFRED BELL TONY HENRIQUES 8 CHESLEY AVE PLAN 690 LOT 12 Ward: R(d1.0)(x810) & R4 Z1.0 (ZZC) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new rear detached garage. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor area of all ancillary buildings or structures on a lot is 40.0 m². The new garage will have a floor area of 43.75 m². 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 50% of the rear yard must be maintained as soft landscaping (47.38 m²). In this case, 24% of the rear yard will be maintained as soft landscaping (22.76 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part III 1(a), By-law 438-86 A minimum of 30% of the lot area shall be landscaped open space (64.10 m²). In this case, 24% of the lot area will be landscaped open space (51.4 m²). IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0055/15TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: WILFRED BELL TONY HENRIQUES 8 CHESLEY AVE PLAN 690 LOT 12 Ward: R(d1.0)(x810) & R4 Z1.0 (ZZC) Davenport (18) Community: Toronto Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1171/14TEY Zoning Owners: STUART CHAMBERLAIN ERIKO DE MARTINO ERIKO DE MARTINO 79 GORE VALE AVE PLAN 758 PT LOTS 31 & 32 Ward: R (d1.0)(x806) & R4 Z1.0 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (19) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing semi-detached dwelling containing two residential dwelling units by converting the basement into a third dwelling unit for a total of three-dwelling units. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 An addition or exterior alteration to a building to accommodate a secondary suite is permitted if the does not alter or add to a main wall or roof that faces a street. The main wall will contain two front entrances. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 One parking space is required to be provided on the lot. In this case, 0 parking will be provided on the lot. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 1.0 times the area of the lot (177.08 m²). The converted semi-detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 1.4 times the area of the lot (249.24 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 1.0 times the area of the lot (177.08 m²). The converted semi-detached dwelling will have a residential gross floor area equal to 1.4 times the area of the lot (249.24 m²). 2. Section 4(4)(b), By-law 438-86 One parking space is required to be provided on the lot. In this case, 0 parking will be provided on the lot. A1171/14TEY 3. Section 6(2) 1(v), By-law 438-86 No result in substantial change in the appearance of the dwelling house as the result of the conversion. In this case, the alteration to the front wall will result in substantial changes in the external appearance of the building as a single family dwelling. 4. Section 6(2) 1 (iii), By-law 438-86 A converted house is permitted provided there is no exterior alternation of or addition to the house. In this case, exterior alterations will be done to the front wall of the building. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1171/14TEY Zoning Owners: STUART CHAMBERLAIN ERIKO DE MARTINO ERIKO DE MARTINO 79 GORE VALE AVE PLAN 758 PT LOTS 31 & 32 Ward: R (d1.0)(x806) & R4 Z1.0 (ZZC) Trinity-Spadina (19) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0746/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 1765372 ONTARIO LTD DEVENDRA RAMDIN 1405 WOODBINE AVE PLAN 1696 LOT 450 Ward: RD (f6.0;a185;d0.75) & R1C (ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Community: East York Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey building by converting the first floor from a retail/restaurant to a hair salon. REQUESTED PERMISSION: The property has lawful-non conforming status under the Planning Act, as the two-storey building existed prior to the passing of the Zoning By-law, which does not permit the retail/restaurant use in a RD (f6.0;a185;d0.75) & R1C zone. Any change of use, alterations or additions to the building requires the permission of the Committee of Adjustment. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 The existing retail/restaurant constitutes a non-conforming use. Any change of use, extension, or enlargement is not permitted. The retail/restaurant unit on the first floor will be converted into a hair salon which is not permitted in a RD zone. Section 7.4.1., By-law 6752 The existing retail/restaurant constitutes a non-conforming use. Any change of use, extension, or enlargement is not permitted. The retail/restaurant unit on the first floor will be converted into a hair salon which is not permitted in an R1C zone. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance and Permission Application is Approved A0746/14TEY It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. The requirements of subsections 45(2)(a)(i)(ii) of the Planning Act have been met. 2 SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0746/14TEY Zoning Owner: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: 1765372 ONTARIO LTD DEVENDRA RAMDIN 1405 WOODBINE AVE PLAN 1696 LOT 450 Ward: RD (f6.0;a185;d0.75) & R1C (ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Community: East York Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A0836/14TEY Owner: DUNDAS SQUARE GARDENS Ward: INC KIM KOVAR Community: Toronto 200 DUNDAS ST E PLAN D99 LOTS 6 TO 9 PT LOT 5 AND PRIVATE LANE RP 66R13305 PARTS 3 AND 4 << ENTRANCE ADDRESS FOR 241 JARVIS ST Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Zoning CR T2.5 C2.0 R1.5(WAIVER) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the re-development plan for a 47-storey mixed use building approved under site specific By-law 1341-2013 by reducing the number of parking spaces, increasing the height of the building, and to alter the definition of residential amenity space. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 5., Site Specific By-law 1341-2013 A minimum of 405 parking spaces shall be provided on-site of which a minimum of 267 parking spaces shall be for residents, a minimum of 51 parking spaces shall be for visitors and/or commercial public parking, a minimum of 82 parking spaces shall be for resident and/or commercial public parking, and a minimum of 5 parking spaces shall be used as car-share parking spaces. A total of 232 parking spaces will be provided on-site of which a minimum of 103 parking spaces shall be for residents, a minimum of 51 parking spaces shall be for visitors and/or commercial public parking, a minimum of 73 parking spaces shall be for resident and/or commercial public parking, and a minimum of 5 parking spaces shall be used as car-share parking spaces. 2. Section 8.(a), Site Specific By-law 1341-2013 A minimum of 1,240 square m of indoor residential amenity space per unit shall be provided on the lot. A minimum of 1,240 square m of indoor residential amenity space shall be provided on the lot. 3. Section 4(e), Site Specific By-law 1341-2013 No portion of any building or structure on the lot erected above grade shall exceed the height limits indicated by the numbers following the symbol H on Map 2 of By-law 1341-2013. In this case, the building and structures will be constructed in accordance with the numbers following the symbol H as shown on revised Map 2, date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment on January 30, 2015. A0836/14TEY 4. 2 Section 4(f), Site Specific By-law 1341-2013 No portion of any building or structures on the lot erected above grade is located other than wholly within the areas delineated by heavy lines on Map 2 of By-law 1341-2013. In this case, the building and structures will be constructed in accordance with the areas delineated by heavy lines as shown on revised Map 2, date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment on January 30, 2015. IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) The minimum unobstructed clear height of the portion of the building to be conveyed to the City for Community Use Space shall be 6.05 m on the second floor. (2) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the owner/applicant shall make a financial contribution, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in the amount of $150,000 to be allocated, as follows: $20,000 for the Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto and/or Food Forward to create a new community/medicine garden at Allan Gardens; and/or $20,000 for mural art projects at Allan Gardens or Moss Park and/or community gardening projects for the Garden District Residents Association along Sherbourne, George, Pembroke or Jarvis Streets; and/or $110,000 for leasehold improvements in the new City-owned community and culture spaces located at 200 Dundas Street East. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A0836/14TEY Owner: DUNDAS SQUARE GARDENS Ward: INC KIM KOVAR Community: Toronto 200 DUNDAS ST E PLAN D99 LOTS 6 TO 9 PT LOT 5 AND PRIVATE LANE RP 66R13305 PARTS 3 AND 4 << ENTRANCE ADDRESS FOR 241 JARVIS ST Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) Zoning David Pond (signed) CR T2.5 C2.0 R1.5(WAIVER) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at Committee of Adjustment Toronto and East York District City Planning Division st 100 Queen Street West, 1 Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION (Section 45 of the Planning Act) File Number: A1107/14TEY Zoning Owners: ALESSANDO MUNGE GRACE ZEPPILLI[ MICHAEL LAFRENIERE 46 POPLAR PLAINS CRES PLAN M493 PT LOTS 4, 5, & 6 Ward: RD (f12.0; d0.35) (x1247) & R1 Z0.35 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Notice was given and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, as required by the Planning Act. PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a partial fourth floor addition and side addition to the existing four-storey detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 If a detached house in the RD zone has a roof with a slope of less than 1.0 vertical unit for every 4.0 horizontal units, for more than 50% of the total horizontal roof area, the permitted maximum height of the building is 7.2 m. The altered four-storey detached house will have a height of 14.64 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 If a detached house in the RD zone has a roof with a slope of less than 1.0 vertical units for every 4.0 horizontal units, for more than 50% of the total horizontal roof area, the building may have no more than two storeys. The altered detached house will have four storeys. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum building depth is 19.0 m. The altered four-storey detached house will have a building depth of 23.7 m. 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.35 times the lot area (339.36 m²). The altered four-storey detached house will have a floor space index equal to 0.53 times the lot area (518.0 m²). 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum rear yard setback is 8.85 m. The altered four-storey detached house will have a rear yard setback of 8.0 m. A1107/14TEY 1. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.35 times the lot area (339.36 m²). The altered four-storey detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.53 times the lot area (518.0 m²). 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for the portion of the building exceeding a depth of 17.0 m is 7.5 m. The 7.17 m portion of the altered four-storey dwelling, exceeding the 17 m depth, will be setback 2.38 m from the west side lot line. 3. Section 4(2)(a), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building height is 10 m. The altered four-storey house will have a height of 13.22 m. 2 IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT THAT: The Minor Variance Application is Approved on Condition It is the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve this variance application for the following reasons: The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained. The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained. The variance(s) is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land. In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) is minor. This decision is subject to the following condition(s): (1) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to City and privately owned trees, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. (2) The additions to the dwelling, described above, shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans date stamped received by the Committee of Adjustment on January 27, 2015. Any other variances that may appear on these plans that are not listed in the written decision are NOT authorized. (3) Prior to the issuance of a demolition and/or building permit, the applicant shall satisfy all matters relating to Ravine and Natural Feature Protection By-law, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Urban Forestry, Tree Protection and Plan Review. SIGNATURE PAGE File Number: A1107/14TEY Zoning Owners: ALESSANDO MUNGE GRACE ZEPPILLI[ MICHAEL LAFRENIERE 46 POPLAR PLAINS CRES PLAN M493 PT LOTS 4, 5, & 6 Ward: RD (f12.0; d0.35) (x1247) & R1 Z0.35 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Gillian Burton (signed) David Pond (signed) Yim Chan (signed) John Tassiopoulos (signed) DATE DECISION MAILED ON: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LAST DATE OF APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Anita M. MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer Toronto and East York Panel To appeal this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send a completed OMB Appellant Form (A1) to the Manager & Deputy Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment. You must pay a filing fee of $125.00, by certified cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, payable to the Minister of Finance. An additional reduced fee of $25.00 is required for each connected appeal filed by the same appellant. To obtain a copy of Appellant Form (A1) and other information about the appeal process please visit the Ontario Municipal Board web site at