Board Meeting - EvergreenHealth
Board Meeting - EvergreenHealth
King County Public Hospital District No. 2 d/b/a EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners Meeting EvergreenHealth Medical Center, Kirkland, WA October 21 , 2014 Minutes Comms. Present: Comms. DeYoung, Greenfield, Hirt, Kempf and Pilcher Medical Staff Leadership: Scott Burks, MD; Bob Geise, MD Others Present: Bob Malte; Greg Allen; Laurene Burton; Jim Fitzgerald; Jeff Friedman ; Nancee Hofmeister; Neil Johnson; Tom Martin ; Monique Ruyle; Bob Sampson; Kay Taylor; Jeff Tomlin, MD; Chrissy Yamada; Cheri Doner; Rachel Gordon; Marlita Mingaracal Guests: Liz Oaksmith (see Exhibit A) PUBLIC MEETING and EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm . DeYoung called the October 21 , 2014 Regular Public Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. 2 to order at 5:00 p.m. and announced that the Board would immediately adjourn into Executive Session to con sider and discuss pending litigation, property acquisition, personnel matters and medical staff privileges. Comm. DeYoung further announced that the Executive Session would adjourn at approximately 6:30 p.m. and that the open Public Meeting would resume at approximately 6:35 p.m. The Executive Session commenced at 5:01 p.m. The Executive Session was conclud ed at 6:25 p.m., at which time a short recess was taken. Comm. DeYoung reconvened the Public Meeting, calling it to order at 6:31 p.m. and welcoming those present. Order of Business There were no changes to the agenda. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21 /2014 Public Comment page 2 of 14 Rachel Gordon, an EvergreenHealth Diagnostic Imaging employee, introduced herself as a member of the SEIU bargaining team and expressed her concern about receiving fair wages. Cheri Doner, an EvergreenHealth Unit Tech working on 5-Blue and also a member of SEIU, expressed her feelings about staffing ratios and wages. She was followed by Marlita Mingaracal, an EvergreenHealth Health Unit Coordinator also working on 5-Blue and a member of the SEIU bargaining team, expressed her concerns regarding medical insurance coverage. The Board thanked the members of the SEIU bargaining team for sharing their viewpoints. PRESENTATION Biannual Information Technology Report Tom Martin, CIO, presented the Biannual Information Technology Report. He stated that his presentation was a longrange view of how IT has evolved over time, automating functions and moving away from paper. He observed that this automation has improved many areas, including nursing. He also provided information about the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) completion; integration and focus over the next three years; the future state for the Revenue Cycle System; IT capital projects planned for 2015; new initiatives; IT Operating Budget trends; FTE benchmarking in the IT Department; and information on Meaningful Use. The Board thanked Mr. Martin for his very informative report. ACTION ITEMS MINUTES Regular Board Meeting of September 16, 2014, Study Session of October 7, 2014 and Leadership Educational of October 10, 2014 Comm. Greenfield made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for the September 16, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, the October 7, 2014 Study Session and the October 10, 2014 Leadership Educational. Comm. Kempf seconded the motion . The motion carried unanimously, with the exception that Comm . Hirt abstained from voting on the October 7 Minutes due to her absence from that meeting. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 Consent Agenda page 3of14 Comm. Greenfield made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda included: A) Voucher No. 510, September 2014, totaling $39,201 ,693.64 (Exhibit 8) B) Contractor Pay Requests o o EHMC - Silver Cafeteria/Kitchen Remodel o Andersen Construction Co. $ 169,412.66 EHMC - HR & 5-Blue Flooring Replacement o G&W Commercial Flooring, Inc. $ 49,427.27 TOTAL CONTRACTOR PAY REQUESTS $ 218.839.93 C) Disposal of Surplus Equipment (as identified in Exhibit C) Comm. Hirt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 865-14 2006 LTGO Bonds Refunding Comm. Kempf made a motion to approve Resolution No. 865-14 - 2006 LTGO Bonds Refunding: A RESOLUTION ("Resolution') of the Board of Commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. 2, King County, Washington, relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $75,000,000 aggregate principal amount of limited tax general obligation refunding bonds to provide the funds necessary to advance refund certain of the District's outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation Improvement and Refunding Bonds, 2006; fixing or setting parameters with respect to certain terms and covenants of the bonds; appointing the District's Designated Representative to approve the final terms of the sale of the bonds; and providing for other related matters. Comm . Pilcher seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 page 4 of 14 Proposed Employment of Comm . Kempf made a motion to authorize the CEO, or his designees, to complete negotiations of the final terms of and a Podiatrist execute the employment agreement with Dr. Peter Lallas at a cost not to exceed $60,000. Comm . Greenfield seconded the motion . The motion carried unanimously. EvergreenHealth Human Resources & 5 Blue Flooring Replacement Acceptance of Completion of Work Comm. Greenfield made a motion for final acceptance of the EvergreenHealth - Human Resources & 5 Blue Flooring Replacement project performed by G & W Commercial Flooring, Inc. Comm. Pilcher seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Medical Staff: New Appointments, Reappointments and Status Changes Comm. Hirt made a motion to approve the New Appointments, Reappointments, Status Changes, Privileges and Designated Scope of Practice pertaining to the EvergreenHealth Medical Center Medical Staff and AHPs, as stated in Exhibit D. Comm. Kempf seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS Quarterly Vendor Report Ms. Yamada presented the 2014 03 Quarterly Vendor Report and answered questions from the Board. Rolling Agenda: November, December and January Ms. Burton presented the rolling agenda for the months of November, December and January, noting that the 2015 Budget Hearing would be held on November 14th, 2014. It was suggested that the Physician Recruitment Plan be the proposed topic for the January 2015 Educational. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 Medical Staff Report Dr. Scott Burks, President of the Medical Staff, reported on and gave notice of the following: • • • Executive Team Reports page 5of14 Flu immunizations - Dr. Burks commented that all the great work related to Ebola has overshadowed the regular work on influenza immunizations of the Medical Staff. At this time, only a small percentage of providers have been immunized and a plan has been created to increase that number. 68% of the total employees have been immunized thus far. Physician Wellness - Dr. Burks stated that this important concept is gaining traction and is under discussion at the MEC. With stressors related to the practice of medicine increasing, it is important to identify at-risk physicians. He commended Ors. Handley and Brown for their leadership with this task and for spearheading the process. Dr. Burks commented that he was looking forward to the Leadership Retreat in November, noting past meetings have been great learning experiences. Mr. Malte invited Nancee Hofmeister, Dr. Jeff Tomlin, Dr. Bob Geise and Kay Taylor to provide an update on EvergreenHealth's Ebola preparedness: • • • Ms. Hofmeister provided a presentation that has been shared with leaders at Evergreen Health. Dr. Geise has been providing training in basic Personal Protective Equipment ("PPE"), noting that it was a constantlyevolving situation. Both he and Dr. Riedo have received advanced PPE training as recommended by the CDC. In the event a potential Ebola patient presents at EvergreenHealth, the Emergency Department will be the point of entry. Ms. Hofmeister noted that this is not a singular responsibility and community coordination is essential, utilizing multiple resources. She also stated that in the next two weeks we will conduct a full Ebola patient simulation, with incident command and actual transfer to CCU. Kay. Taylor and her team have developed an information package for the staff to help them feel comfortable, safe and knowledgeable about the preparedness steps EvergreenHealth has taken. Ms. Hofmeister also noted the good outcome for the recertification Trauma Survey, stating that the surveyors had very positive things to say about EvergreenHealth's ED. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 Executive Team Reports, cont. page 6 of 14 o Greg Allen • The first retreat for EvergreenHealth Medical Group Leaders from all physician specialties was held 10 days ago, and it was very positive and encouraging. There is a strong desire to work together with great camaraderie, as well as a commitment to provide patients with high quality and a full continuum of services at EvergreenHealth. o Dr. Jeff Tomlin • Dr. Tomlin echoed Mr. Allen's comments about the EMG Leadership Retreat. The leaders also appreciated the financial information from Ms. Yamada. • One of the great benefits from the Ebola preparation is the overall sense of preparedness of the staff - he believes that EvergreenHealth's healthcare workers are feeling very prepared to care for patients in times of emergency. Chief Executive Officer Report No further report at this time. Commissioner Reports Comm. Hirt reported that she had received information related to the possible closing of the Seattle-King County Public Health Clinic in Northshore and the impact it is having upon WIC clients. Public Health is asking for help to support this clinic. Comm. Hirt commented that she hopes this is a community effort. Adjourn The October 21, 2014 Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for King County Public Hospital District No. 2 was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. SUBMITTED: AIF. DeYoung, C ATTEST: KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 Rebecca D. Hirt, Commissioner Approved as to content and form: page 7of14 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 Exhibit A - Guests I Name Liz Oaksmith I Address Seattle page 8of14 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21 /2014 page 9of14 Exhibit B - Monthly Voucher Summary KING COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 2 d/b/a EVERGREEN HEALTH VOUCHER SUMMARY #510 September 2014 6-MONTH ROLLING CURRENT MONTH PATIENT & INSURANCE REFUNDS AVERAGE $355,803.55 $453,794.78 $13,614,424.22 $15, 115,350.40 $3,037,472.86 $3,788,565.67 RISK MANAGEMENT CLAIMS -Wire Transfers * $46,830.16 $17,677.72 WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS $84,894.76 $104,904.54 $1,352,312.87 $1 ,508,910.60 $279,428.33 $487,054.62 $14,256, 703.53 $15,125,872.51 $5,710,129.74 $6,297,627.92 $463,693.62 $469,778.44 $39,201,693.64 $43,369,537 .20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -Warrants/Refunds ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -Wire Transfers FIRST CHOICE PPO CLAIMS PAYROLL - Warrants PAYROLL - Direct Deposit PAYROLL TAXES B&OTAXES * August and September invoices paid in September KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 page 10of14 Exhibit C - Surplus Equipment DESCRIPTION SideTask Chairs Incubator Incubator Incubator Floor Lamp Floor Lamp File Cabinets Book Shelf Recliner Task chairs Towel Dispenser QTY AGE 40 1 1 1 1 1 15 5 20 3 3 3 7 7+ 20 5 5 10 10 8 6 7 EST. VALUE LOCATION $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $10 $10 $0 $0 $0 $5 Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Reuse Reuse CPC Surplus Surplus Comments Donate Recycle Recycle Recycle Sell/Recycle Sell/Recycle Recycle Recycle Scrap Scrap Sale/wronq size KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 page 11 of 14 Exhibit D - Medical Staff/AHP Appointments/Reappointments/Scope of Practice October 21. 2014 INITIAL APPOINTMENTS: The following individuals are approved for appointment to the Provisional Medical Staff with privileges as delineated in their credential fields or as Allied Health Professionals with the designated scope of practice as delineated in their credentials files: NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS APPNT PERIOD Battaglia, Michael J., Orthopedics Surg Prov.Active 10/21/14-10/21/16 MD Dhesi, Satvinder, MD Pain Med Surg Prov.Courtesy 10/21/14-10/21/16 Fletcher, Corrie, DO Peds PC Prov.Active 10/21/14-10/21/16 Kim, Samuel Jisoo, DO Anesthesia Surg Prov.Active 10/21/14-10/21/16 Mambalam, Praveen, MD Pain Med Surg Prov.Active 10/21/14-10/21/16 Mcintyre, Andrew S., PA-C PA-C - Ortho Surg Prov.AHP 10/21/14-10/21/16 Neill, Megan, MD Dermatology Med Prov.Act ive 10/21/14-10/21/16. Parker, Anne, ARNP OB/Gyn W&C Prov.AHP 10/21/14-10/21/16 Stursova-Wolff, Peds PC Prov.Active 10/21/14-10/21/16 Katerina, MD DELEGATED CREDENTIALING: The following practitioners are approved pursuant to the delegated credentialing process. The [practitioners are not new applicants, nor up for reappointment. NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS APPNT PERIOD None PROVISIONAL/YEARLY REVIEW : Pursuant to Medical Staff Bylaws §S.5-l(a), all provisional Medical Staff members of AHPs are to be reviewed at lea st every 12 months. The activity and any quality data of all the following practitioners were reviewed : NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS ACTION Boboc, Georgiana, MD Family Practice Orthopedic Surg Pediatrics PC Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active Surg Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active PC Prov. Consult Continue to Prov. Consult Brown, Alan, MD Buddhe, Sujatha, MD KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014 page 12 of 14 Caso, Carlos, PA-C PA-Ortho Surg Prov. AHP Continue to Prov. AHP Day, Travis, ARNP PC Prov. AHP Continue to Prov. AHP Surg Prov. AHP Continue to Prov. AHP PC Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active Khalsa, Gagan, MD Family Practice Surg, OB/GYN Internal Med. Pediatrics PC Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active Lane, Daniel, PA-C PA-Ortho Surg Prov. AHP Continue to Prov. AHP Larsen, Janet, MD Family Practice NP-Surg PC Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active Surg Prov. AHP Continue to Prov. AHP Surg Prov. Active Continue to Prov. Active Surg Prov. Courtesy Continue to Prov. Courtesy Haller, Melanie, RNFA Kaur, Navdeep, MD Sherwin, Sara, ARNP Sidhu, Ramandeep, MD Whalen, Raymond, MD Vascular Surg Urology REAPPOINTMENTS: The following individuals are approved for reappointment to the Medical Staff with privileges as delineated in their credential s files, or as Allied Health Professionals, with the designated scope of practice as delineated in their credentials files: NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS REAPPNT PERIOD Liviakis, Lea, MD Internal Med HM Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Maas, Rachel, ARNP Cardiology Med AHP 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Marlow, David, MD DI Med Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 McAllister, Craig, MD Ortho Surg Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Michaelson, Robert, Bariatric Surg Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 MD Migita, Darren, MD Peds Hospitalist PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Miyauchi, Dale, MD Family Practice PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Mosby, Jill, MD Hospice/Palliative PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Munoz, Xiomara, DO Family Practice PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Neal, Craig, DDS, MD Endodontics Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Nguyen, Khanh, MD Neurology Med Consult 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Park, Hyu ng, MD Psychiatry Med Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/2 1/2014 page 13 of 14 Parsons, Phillip, MD Emergency Med HM Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Powers, Glenn, MD Anesthesiology Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Rice, Ashley, PA-C PA-Surg Surg Prov. AHP 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Ryan, Kathrine, MD Pediatrics PC Courtesy 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Saluja, Sunil, MD Neonatology W&C Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Salama, Sam, MD General Surg Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Schaengold, Howard, DPM Podiatry Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Schweizer, Lauren, ARNP NP-Gyn W&C AHP 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Sharma, Pratima, MD Internal Med PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Shih, Lorena, MD Pediatrics PC Courtesy 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Shively, Stewart, PA- PA-Surg W&C AHP 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Smith, Connie, MD Geriatrics Med Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Srikanth, Myur, MD General Surg Surg Courtesy 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Swartz, Mia, MD Urology Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Taylor, Eric, MD Rad One Med Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Tsai, Albert, MD Psychiatry Med Prov. Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Ummat, Sunil, MD ENT Surg Courtesy 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Veith, Ryan, MD Anesthesiology Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Wall, Martin, MD Urology Surg Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Winch, Roberta, MD Pediatrics PC Courtesy 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 Zhu, Liqun, MD Family Practice PC Active 10/21/14 - 10/21/16 c REQUESTS FOR STAFF STATUS CHANGES: The following practitioners have requested a staff status change, which are approved. NAME None SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 10/21 /2014 page 14 of 14 REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL/CHANGE OF PRIVILEGES: The following practitione rs have requested additional privileges, and provided documentation of current competency in requested privilege(s) unless otherwise noted. Additional privileges shall be granted for the remainder of the current appointment period. NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS Steinberg, Orly, MD OB/GYN W&C Courtesy Welcome, Anna, MD OB/GYN W&C Courtesy SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RESIGNATIONS: The following resignations from the Medical Staff are accepted and approved : NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS Anonsen, Cynthia, MD ENT Surg Courtesy Plaskon, Brian, MD Gen eral Surg Anesth esiology Family Med Surg Courtesy Surg Act ive PC Active Scurlock, James, MD Wien, William, MD I
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