Board Meeting - EvergreenHealth
Board Meeting - EvergreenHealth
King County Public Hospital District No. 2 d/b/a EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners Meeting EvergreenHealth Medical Center, Kirkland, WA May 19, 2015 Minutes Comms. Present: Comms. DeYoung , Greenfield, Hirt, Kempf and Pilcher Medical Staff Leadership: Scott Burks, MD (Bob Geise, MD excused) Others Present: Bob Malte; Greg Allen; Laurene Burton ; Todd Buxton; Jim Fitzgerald; Jeff Friedman; Sheila Green-Shook; Neil Johnson ; Tom Martin; Richard Meeks; Monique Ruyle; Jeff Tomlin , MD Guests: None present PUBLIC MEETING and EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. DeYoung called the May 19, 2015 Regular Public Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. 2 to order at 5:00 p.m. and announced that the Board would immediately adjourn into Executive Session to consider and discuss property acquisition , personnel matters and medica l staff privileges. Comm. DeYoung further announced that the Executive Session would adjourn at approximately 6:30 p.m. and that the open Public Meeting would resume at approximately 6:35 p.m. The Executive Session commenced at 5:01 p.m. The Executive Session was concluded at 6:23 p.m., at which time a short recess was taken. Comm . DeYoung reconvened the Public Meeting, calling it to order at 6:30 p.m . and welcoming those present. Order of Business Comm . DeYoung announced the addition of one agenda item: CEO Compensation Payment Authorization. Public Comment There were no members of the public present that wished to make a comment at this time. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 2of13 PRESENTATIONS Five Year Gold Badge Presentation In recognition of Mr. Malte's five year anniversary at EvergreenHealth, Comm. DeYoung presented him with his gold employee name badge. Comm. DeYoung stated that that it is hard to believe that five years have passed since Mr. Malte came on board and that it seemed like only yesterday. On behalf of the Board, Comm. DeYoung expressed appreciation to Mr. Malte for accepting the position and for all he has done for EvergreenHealth. Mr. Malte thanked the Board and shared his gratitude for being selected as the CEO five years ago. Sheila Green-Shook, Director of Health Information Management and Annual HIPAA and the EvergreenHealth Privacy Officer, presented the annual HIPAA Corporate Compliance Reports and Patient Privacy Report. Richard Meeks, Corporate Compliance and Internal Audit Officer, then presented the annual Compliance Report. Following the informative presentations, Ms. Green-Shook and Mr. Meeks answered questions from the Board. The Board thanked them for the reports. Annual Environment Todd Buxton, Director of Support Services, presented the annual of Care Report Environment of Care Report for 2014. The Board thanked Mr. Buxton his report, noting they had learned a lot and that it was one of the best Environment of Care reports they have heard. ACTION ITEMS MINUTES Regular Board Meeting of April 21, 2015; Study Session of May 5, 2015; and the Leadership Retreat of May 14-15, 2015 Comm. Hirt made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for the April 21, 2015 Regular Board meeting; the May 5, 2015 Study Session; and the May 14 & 15. 2015 Leadership Retreat. Comm. Pilcher seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, Comm. Greenfield abstained from the approval of the April 21, 2015 Regular Board meeting due to her absence that evening. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 Consent Agenda page 3of 13 Comm. Kempf made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda included: A) Voucher No. 517, April 2015. totaling $46,360,101 .69. (Exhibit A) B) Contractor Pay Request • EHMC Radiation Oncology Remodel o Western Ventures Const. Inc. TOTAL CONTRACTOR PAY REQUEST C) $67,740.98 $67 ,740.98 Disposal of Surplus Equipment (as identified in Exhibit 8 ) Comm. Greenfield seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. KPMG 2014 Financial Audit Report Comm . Hirt made a motion to approve the KPMG 2014 Financial Aud it Report as submitted. Comm. Greenfield seconded the motion . The motion carried unanimously. EHP Participation with Puget Sound High Value Network Comm . Pilcher made a motion to delegate the authority to the CEO or the EHP Executive Director, or their designees, to finalize and execute the Participation Agreement of EvergreenHealth Partners, LLC in the Puget Sound High Value Network, LLC in substantially the same form as presented to the Board , and to make an initial investment therein not to exceed $100,000. Comm. Greenfield seconded the motion . The motion carried unanimously. Proposed Physician Employment Agreement Comm. Greenfield made a motion to authorize the CEO, or his designee, to complete negotiations of and execute the employment agreements for neurosurgery and orthopedic spine surgery, at an incremental cost not to exceed $600,000, and to exclude such from the 2015 Reward and Recognition Program due to budgeted factors. Comm. Kempf seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 Rescinding Closure of Sleep Medicine Department page 4of13 Comm. Hirt made a motion that the CEO, or his designee, be allowed to open the Sleep Medicine Department and specialty such that the District and the EvergreenHealth Medical Center Medical Staff shall henceforth be allowed to accept applications from providers seeking privileges for such services. Applicable clinical privilege forms shall be modified to comply with this resolution. Comm. Pilcher seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Board Committee Appointment Construction and Planning Comm. Greenfield made a motion to approve the appointment of Todd Banks to the EvergreenHealth Construction and Planning Committee. Comm. Pilcher seconded the motion . The motion carried unanimously. Comm. Greenfield made a motion to approve the New Appointments. Medical Staff: New Reappointments. Status Changes. Privileges and Designated Scope of Appointments, Reappointments and Practice pertaining to the EvergreenHealth Medical Center Medical Staff and AHPs, as stated in Exhibit C. Status Changes Comm. Hirt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. CEO Compensation Payment Authorization Comm. Hirt made a motion authorizing a cost of living adjustment to the CEO compensation and the Reward and Recognition payment as earned , and authorizing the Chair to execute the memo to the Vice President of Human Resources. Comm. Pilcher seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS Rolling Agenda: June, July and August, 2015 Ms. Burton presented the rolling agenda for the months of June, July and August, noting that the August Leadership Educational is being planned offsite at the Recovery Center in Monroe. Further details will be forthcoming . KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 Executive Team Reports page 5 of 13 Executive team members reported on and gave notice of the following : o Dr. Tomlin • Thoracic and General Surgery continue to work on providing appropriate emergency back-up for each department. • EvergreenHealth Kirkland is working with EvergreenHealth Monroe ("EHM") on transfer protocols. Dr. Handley is doing a great job in his new role as CMO at EHM. o Mr. Friedman • The Lab had a very successful College of Pathology ("CAP") Survey, the first under new leadership in that department. The surveyors from PeaceHealth were very complimentary and the findings were very minor and immediately corrected. • EvergreenHealth will be meeting with PAML to learn more about its plans. o Ms. Ruyle • Starting May 22 Ms. Ruyle will be on maternity leave for several weeks but will attend the Rose Garden Ceremony on July 151h. • The turnout was great for a recent meeting with Regence. Tom Martin and a representative from Virginia Mason gave a presentation . Ms. Ruyle thanked Ms. Taylor and her team for a fantastic job for the meeting arrangements. • Mill Creek Family Practice just signed the Participating Provider Agreement with EvergreenHealth Partners. o Ms. Taylor • EvergreenHealth just concluded its celebration of Hospital Week and, concurrently, Nurses' Week. Very positive feedback was received. • "The Healthiest Best" theme is being integrated into all activities, including two exercising flash mobs. • A public awareness campaign has been developed for each key service line. • A new EvergreenHealth website will come online in July and feature a new spine services section. o Mr. Martin • Sites are being explored for an additional Primary Care and Urgent Care facility in the north market, as well as staffing models for that facility. A potential site has been located. o Mr. Johnson • Mr. Johnson thanked the Board for approval of employment for Dr. Mark Freeborn. He has met with Virginia Mason KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 6 of 13 surgeons to review models of care and his excitement is visceral! Employment of Dr. Freeborn is very exciting for many reasons and we are looking forward to the future. Mr. Johnson also mentioned that his work on neurosurgery is progressing and will result in a substantial upgrade in service to the community in partnership with VM and Overlake. o Ms. Burton • Ms. Burton attended the WASA Awards ceremony at Emerald Downs on behalf of EvergreenHealth and accepted the Community Partnership Awa rd from LWSD. o Mr. Fitzgerald • Mr. Fitzgerald noted that the Washington State Supreme Court argument on the Certificate of Need case will be televised May 26 on TVW and should be interesting to watch. • A draft of the new Medical Staff Bylaws is about ready to provide to the Board to become familiar with the changes. A contemporaneous review will be performed by Greeley. Chief Executive Officer Report No further report this evening. Commissioner Reports Comm . Hirt congratulated the Lab on its recent CAP survey. She also thanked Ms. Hofmeister for her assistance in recruiting nurses to participate in the Expanding Your Horizon's Conference for middle school girls that focuses on workshops related to STEM careers. Comm . Hirt was the moderator for the adult program for parents and had many tell her how great it was to work at EvergreenHealth. Comm . Kempf stated that he will be in England for the next two weeks and will look forward to seeing everyone upon his return . Comm . Greenfield noted that after a two-month tour to the Far East, it was interesting to observe the proliferation of store-front medicine there. She had the opportunity to visit several compounding pharmacies during her travels. She returned feeling appreciative for all that we enjoy in this country, including our medical system, despite its issues. Adjourn The May 19, 2015 Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for King County Public Hospital District No. 2 was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 7of13 SUBMITTED: Al F. DeYoung , qhair/Comnfs$ioner ATTEST: Rebecca 0 . Hirt, Corfunissioner Charles A. Pilcher, MD, Commissioner Approved as to content and form: J KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 8of13 Exhibit A - Monthly Voucher Summary KING COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 2 d/b/a EVERGREEN HEALTH VOUCHER SUMMARY #517 April 2015 CURRENT MONTH PATIENT & INSURANCE REFUNDS* ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - Warrants/Refunds* ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - Wire Transfers ** RISK MANAGEMENT CLAIMS - Wire Transfers WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS FIRST CHOICE PPO CLAIMS PAYROLL - Warrants PAYROLL - Direct Deposit PAYROLL TAXES B & 0 TAXES 6-MONTH ROLLING AVERAGE $603,648.65 $404,635.00 $17,631,158.11 $16,241,266.44 $4,689,484.32 $3,915,510.07 $0.00 $152,444.17 $66,125.98 $78,545.55 $1,530,670.47 $1 ,492,636.55 $257,426.70 $209,164.60 $14,823,465.36 $14,830,495.64 $6,312,536.08 $6,202,255.96 $445,586.02 $521 ,059.07 $46,360,101.69 $44,048,013 .05 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 9of13 Exhibit B - Surplus Equipment EST. VALUE LOCATION 1 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7703 7703 7703 7703 8431 8431 8431 7480 7480 7480 7480 7480 7140 7170 7170 7170 Recycle/D is pose Recycle /Dispose Donate/Recycle Donate/Recvcle Dispose properlv Dispose properly Dispose properly Donate/Recycle Dispose properly Donate/Recvcle Sell/Donate/recycle Sel I/Don ate/recycle Sell/Donate/recycle Sell/Donate/recycle Sell/Donate/recvcle Sell/Donate/recvcle 1 5 $0 7170 N/A DESCRIPTION QTY AGE File Cabinet Ultra Sound Unit X-Ray Generator Exam Table Scanner HP Scanner, Pro 3000 Scanner HP Scan Jet. Recliner Blue Chairs IV Poles Rolling Cart Cautery Unit Portable X-Ray unit Vacuum Pump Gen Probe Genprob Leader HC GenPro Target Capture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 15 10 5 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 Comments KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 page 10of13 Exhibit C - Medical Staff/AHP Appointments/Reappointments/Scope of Practice EvergreenHealth Medical Center May 19, 2015 INITIAL APPOINTMENTS : The following individuals are approved for appointment to the Provisional Medical Staff with privileges as delineated in their credentials files or as Allied Health Professionals with the designated scope of practice as delineated in their credentials files : NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS APPNT PERIOD Au, Brandon K, MD Int Med Hosp Med Prov. Active 05/19/ 15 - 04/30/17 Bender, John D, DO PM&R Med Prov. Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Bray, Jeffrey F, MD OB/ Gyn W&C Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Christensen, Deborah, ARNP Family Nurse Practition er PC Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Hu, Ellen G, MD Obstetrics W&C Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Koss, Katherine J, MD Pediatrics W&C Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 O'Brien, Leah E, ARNP Fami ly Nurse Practitioner W&C Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Pfleger, Mark J, MD Neuroradio logy Hosp Med Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Zeitler, Daniel M , MD ENT/ Neurot ology Surgery Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 DELEGATED CREDENTIALING: The following practition ers are being added to the delegated credentialing only. They are not new applicants, nor are they up for reappointment. NAME SPECIALITY DEPT STATUS None PROVISIONAL/YEARLY REVIEW: Pursuant to Medical Staff Bylaws §S.5-l(a), all provisional Medical Staff members or AHPs are to be review ed at least every 12 months. The activity and any quality data of all the following practitioners were reviewed: NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS ACTION Davalian, Faranek, MD Neonatology W&C Prov. Active Continue Prov. Active Demaline, Ashley, ARNP Home Hea lth PC Prov. AHP Nguyen-Vermillion, Annie, MD Neonato logy W&C Prov. Active Continue Prov. Active Patwari, Pariksha, MD Peds Hospitalist W&C Prov. Active Continu e Prov. Active page 11 of 13 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 REAPPOINTMENTS: The following individuals are approved for reappointment to the Medical Staff with privileges as delineated in their credentials files, or as Allied Health Professionals, with the designated scope of practice as delineated in their credentials files: NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS REAPPNT PERIOD Adams, Jeffrey, MD ENT Surg Active 05/19/ 15 - 04/ 30/ 17 Akselrod, Dmitriy, MD DI HM Prov. Active 05/19/ 15 - 04/30/17 Austin, Joseph, MD Thoracic Surg Surg Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Bowen, Kerry, PA-C Vascular Surg Surg AHP 05/19/15 - 04/ 30/ 17 Bradford, Heather, CNM Midwifery W&C AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Burks, R. Scott, MD Anesthesiology Surg Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Burnside, Monica, MD Pediatrics PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Burns-Vatter, Roxanne, RNFA General Surg Surg AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Caldwell, Douglas, MD DI HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Cardwell, Maura, MD OB/GYN W&C Active 05/19/15 - 04/ 30/17 Carter, Amy, MD Pediatrics PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Castango, Arthur, MD DI HM Active 05/ 19/15 - 04/ 30/ 17 Chattra, James, MD Pediatrics PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Chhabra, Mona, MD Pediatrics PC Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Collins, A. Thomas, MD Neurology Med Active 05/ 19/15 - 04/30/17 Colston, Howard, MD Anesthesiology Surg Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Cox, Patrick, MD DI HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Crosby, Ruth, MD Pediatrics PC Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Cufley, Travis Jo, ARNP Fam ily Practice PC Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Denny, Jill, MD Palliative Care PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Eckert, Buckley, MD Pediatrics PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 El-Ghazzawy, Adel, MD General Surg Surg Prov. Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Eng, Sue, MD Gastroenterology Med Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 page 12 of 13 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 Fournarakis, Bill, MD Pediatrics PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Go, Greta, MD DI HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/ 30/ 17 Goldberg, Russell, MD Family Medicine PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Gong, Bonnie, MD OB/GYN W&C Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/16 Hall, Joseph, DPM Podiatry Surg Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Hashisaki, Peter, MD Infectious Disease Med Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Heffron, Charles, MD OB/GYN W&C Active 05/ 19/15 - 04/30/17 Hill, Carter, MD Emergency Med HM Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Hill, Wayne, MD OB/GYN W&C Act ive 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Houser, James, MD Psychiatry Med Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Hunter, Michael, MD Cancer Med Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Isackson, Rebecca, DO Emergency Med HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Island, David, PA-C Emergency Med HM Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Johnson, Laura, MD Palliative Care PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Kaukonen, Larisa, MD Emergency Med HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Kiyasu, Elizabeth, MD Hospice/Palliative PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Koenig, Marc, MD DI HM Prov. Act ive 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Ken, Lynda, MD Peds Hospitalist PC Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Keys, Shaunie, MD OB Hospitalist W&C Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Koreishi, Aashiyana, MD Pathology HM Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Lampe, Ellen, MD Pediatrics PC Courtesy 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Le, Thuy, PA·C Family Practice PC Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Limb, Terrence, AUD Audiology PC AH P 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Lin, Yu Yu, MD Family Medicine PC Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 McCullough, Brendan, MD DI HM Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Myers, Kimberly, CNM Midwifery W&C Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 page 13of13 KCPHD #2 Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/2015 Nason, Laura, MD DI HM Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/ 30/17 Nelson, Monica, ARNP Neurosurgery Surg Prov. AHP 05/19/ 15 - 04/30/17 Overland, Alison, MD PM&R (ARU) HM Prov. Active 05/19/15 - 04/30/ 17 Ravani, Rhonda, ARNP Family Practice PC Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Rodgers, Mary, MD Pediatrics PC Prov. Active 05/19/ 15 - 04/30/17 Saly, Monirath, MD Anesthesiology Su rg Prov. Act ive 05/19/15 - 04/30/17 Shaftel, Solomon, MD Ophthalmology Surg Prov. Active 05/ 19/15 - 04/ 30/17 Sliker, Renee, CRNA Anesthesiology Su rg Prov. AHP 05/19/15 - 04/ 30/17 Stone, Vivian, MD Rheumato logy Med Prov. Active 05/ 19/ 15 - 04/30/17 Woo, Joan, MD Cardiology Med Prov. Active 05/ 19/15 - 04/ 30/17 Yore, Liam, MD* Emergency Med HM Prov. Active 05/ 19/ 15 - 04/30/17 REQUEST FOR STAFF STATUS CHANGES: The following practitioners are approved for a staff status change as stated in their credentials files. SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS Codsi, Michael, MD Orthopedics Surg Courtesy Ou, Chau-Su, MD Gyn W&C Resignation Corcoran, Helen PA Primary Care Prima ry Care Sus pension NAME REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL/CHANGE OF PRIVILEGES: The following practitioners are approved for additional privileges as stated in their Credentials File, which additional privileges are granted for the remainder of their current appointment period . NAME SPECIALTY DEPT STATUS Chock, Devorah, MD Michaelson, Robert, MD Bariatrics Surgery Active Bariat rics Surgery Active RESIGNATIONS: The following resignations from the Medical Staff are accepted and approved: SPECIALTY DEPT Anderson, Larry, MD DI HM Ashbach, Matthew, MD ENT Surg Brevig, James, MD Thoracic Surg Surg Fox-Barrow, Marne, PA-C Family Medicine PC Henson, John, MD DI HM Lasley, Mary, MD Allergy & lmmuno Med Potampa, W. M, MD Opthalmology Surg Repp, Daniel, MD Ophthalmology Surg Zipperman, Michelle, MD Psychiatry Med NAME
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