april 2014 - Osman Shrine
april 2014 - Osman Shrine
April 2014 Vo l u m e 1 2 9 • N u m b e r 4 Osman Shrine Officers 2014 Divan Roger Berge (Jennifer) Potentate rberge2@yahoo.com Jeffrey Olsen (Julie) Chief Rabban jjolsen12@gmail.com Directors Staff, Winona Area Shrine Club, Crown Jewel Bruce Thomas (Terri) Assistant Rabban partsxpress@charter.net Osman Cycles, Pipe Band, St. Paul Zagalas Rich Purcell (Sharon) High Priest & Prophet Ill Sir Roger Berge presenting Russ Christofk his certificate for Treasurer Emeritus purcellrs@aol.com Drum & Bugle, East Central Shrine Club, Friendly Valley Shrine Club, Mighty Mites Mike Nehm (Sandy) Oriental Guide smnehm@comcast.net Blooming Prairie Shrine Club, Cannon Valley Shrine Club, Clubs & Units, Provost Russell Christofk (Pauline) Treasurer rchristofk@comcast.net Tom West (Rose) Recorder twest212@hotmail.com Anders Haugen (Adriana) 1st Ceremonial Master ajhaugen@gmail.com Austin Oriental Band, Austin Area Shrine Club, Clowns, Patrol Larry Norte (Audrey) 2nd Ceremonial Master mn442man@yahoo.com St. Cloud Go-Karts, St. Cloud Shrine Club, St. Cloud Zagalas, Legion of Honor Sean Gardiner (Tracy) Marshal sean.gardiner@stigardiner.net Chanters, Hi-Hats, Mankato Shrine Club, Mankato T-Birds, Sheiks Mark Galloway (Lori) Captain of the Guard markgalloway65@yahoo.com Alexandria Shrine Club, Alexandria Calliope/Four Wheelers, Nomads Club, Cigar Club Jim Gratias (Connie) Outer Guard jgnapa@earthlink.net Albert Lea Shrine Club and Cars, Rochester Cycles, Rochester Dragons, Merry Medics, Rochester Shrine Club, Rochester Zagalas Russ’ son, Alan Christofk, proudly presents him with his new Treasurer Emeritus Fez Pote’s Notes As I move into the year I reflect on friends. Friends I have and friends I’ve had. Someone told me recently that the Roger Berge hardest part of being a Shrine Mason is you lose so many good friends. I agree, it can be sad but even sadder is the fact that some of the new members didn’t get a chance to meet those who came before them. I am a much better person for having known these men and women and would not be standing here today without their support and guidance. This is one more important reason for us to focus on membership. We have had a decline in membership for 34 years and That Stops Today! We want you to be part of us, we want you to Parade with us, we want you to participate in the social functions, and I want to keep you as a Shrine Mason. The biggest reason we decline is suspension from unpaid dues. Check your wallet for your 2014 dues card. Make sure you renewed your membership. I personally want to grow our Blue Lodges and build on the foundation. I also want to maintain or grow what we have here. I have for the past 9 years dedicated myself to membership and will continue to do so. Mike Yankovec is working hard to accomplish our goal of 99 new creations. But he needs the help of the membership team THAT MEANS YOU. All of us need to be part of membership from the newest Noble in to the oldest one around. We all need to be part of the team, the team that saves Osman. I survived my first Stated meeting from the front of the room as Potentate and Servant to you. It was an exciting meeting as we created 7 new Nobles and with the addition of those men to the room the room was packed. Congratulations to all the new Shrine Masons that just came in. We had a visit from the Grand Master who came to us with a candidate also and was kind enough to say a few words. I also was honored to present a certificate of Emeritus status to Russ Christofk who has been one of my Mentors over the years. His son Noble Al Christofk presented him with his new Treasurer Emeritus fez, Congrats Russ, Osman is a better place because of what you and Pauline do for it. We are getting ready for a busy year. I would like to remind everyone of the Osman Picnic July 27th at the Cannon Falls River Park. MSA in Sioux Falls (a registration form is in this issue), Potes trip September 18 - September 21 and the Potentates Ball on September 13 which will have some incredible entertainment and fun for all. The theme of the Ball is Jacked Up For Osman, will be based off some old 60s Rat Pack era fun, we have an incredible band called the Senders that will perform late into the night. We have a block of rooms reserved just around the corner at a Great rate and the office has the details to reserve them. We will have many more details coming soon on these and will get information on the website soon about it. Yours in Faith Roger H. Berge Potentate 2014 In This Issue... Stated Meeting.............................................................................. 4 Club & Unit News........................................................................... 6 April Birthdays............................................................................... 7 Club & Unit News........................................................................... 8 Midwest Shrine Association Summer Session................................ 13 Hospital Day................................................................................ 16 Your Gift at Work.......................................................................... 17 Osman Paper Supporters............................................................. 18 Club & Unit Heads........................................................................ 19 Daughters of the Nile................................................................... 20 Notes from the Ticket Booth.......................................................... 21 Osman Womens Auxiliary............................................................. 22 Shrine Santa’s............................................................................. 23 SHC Athlete’s Compete in Paralympics.......................................... 24 Calendar of Events....................................................................... 26 April 2014 Official Monthly Publication of Osman 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, St. Paul, MN 55121 (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 osmanshrine.org • E-mail: doreen@OsmanShrine.org All communication regarding editorial content or advertising should be addressed to the Editor or at the address above. Published in the interest of Osman Shrine. Osman Shrine Office Staff Doreen Lynch Ellen Maine Office Manager Assistant Office Manager Doreen@OsmanShrine.org Ellen@OsmanShrine.org Page 3 Osman Shrine Stated Meeting, March 11th, 2014 Meeting called to order at 7:10. There was a mini ceremonial prior to the start of the meeting. The Shrine Pledge was led by 1st Ceremonial Master Anders Haugen. The Invocation was given by Illustrious Sir Roger Berge. n Good Cheer – P.P. Marv Edelstein, Bob Hoffman, Travis Roether, John Drake, Robert Meyer, Bill Hubbard, Roger Taylor, Art Stambaugh, Mark Hughes, Dave Barker, Daryl Hirschel, Chris Ingles, Burt Rovner, Ron Williams and P.P. Roger Robinson. Past Potentates present were; Faye Hassie, Peter Ekholm, Hank Paulson, Frank Peterson, Roger Robinson, Jim Berg, Michael Awada, Frank Spevak and Don Harmsen. n Honored Guests; Grand Master of Minnesota, Most Worshipful, David E. Olson, Consistory Master of Kadosh, Dayton Berg, Osman’s seven new Nobles and Matt Peterson from Zuhrah. The minutes from the last stated meeting were approved as published. n Treasurer’s Report: Given by Treasurer Russ Christofk. The report was approved. n Trustee’s Report: Given by Trustee Rich Johnson. The report was approved as given. n Demits - James Love asked for a demit. It was voted on and approved. n Associations – none. n Affiliations –David McCormick II and Gerald Campbell. Voted on and approved. n Restorations -Gregory Smith and Jeffrey Bester. Voted on and approved. Grand Master David E. Olson n Hospital Report: Given by P.P. Roger Robinson. The hospital is in great shape. They have approval to hire two new Doctors. They have made an offer to one and are still looking for a second. As always, we need more patients. That is always our biggest issue. Roger welcomed P.P. Jim Berg as the newest Hospital Board member. Congrats Jim! Hospital Day is May 16th. It is open to all, please plan to attend. Call the hospital to let them know you will be there. n Circus Report: Given by Circus Director, John Davenport. We are having a circus in two weeks. All of our acts are top notch. Please come out and lend a hand. We are all volunteers and more hands make lighter work for all. If you have never helped at the circus, come out to the Coliseum, we have many great Nobles and Ladies that would love to teach you the ropes. John fielded questions from the Nobles in attendance. n Membership Report: Given by the Membership Chairman, Mike Yankovec. Mike shared that he believes there are four ways that men become Shriners: 1. Curious about the Shrine 2. They are referred by a friend. 3. Referred by a Brother Mason 4. Referred by a family member. Mark Hughes added another reason, being a former patient. Mike encouraged everyone to ask a friend or relative. Let’s spread the word. We all need to be asking. Osman will be having at least two rush parties. We are modeling them after El Riad’s very successful format. The first “Rush Party” is April 6th. It is $10.00 for all Nobles and their Ladies. Ladies are welcome. The candidates and their Ladies meals will be on Osman. n Chief of Staff Report: Given by Chief of Staff, Rique Beslin. Currently Osman has four Temple parades on the docket, with three more in the process. The confirmed Temple parades are; South Saint Paul – June 27th, July 9th – White Bear Ave, July 12th – Lakeville’s Pan-O-Prog, and River Falls in October, date to be determined. The Imperial is in July. Zuhrah needs our help. The MSA is August 21st – 23rd in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. There will be two n New Creations – Michael Schultz, James Niehoff, Mark Kujama, Clinton Christensen, Collin Dahl, Tyler Stockinger and Patrick McCarthy. Voted on and approved. n Black Camel – John Cokinos Sr. 12/16/2013, Daniel G. Davis 12/16/2013, Lynn Johnson 1/12/14, Bert Alexander 2/10/2014 and P.P. Earl Holcomb 2/12/2014. A moment of silence was observed in their memory. Page 4 April 2014 such as the Chanters or the Drum & Bugle, to entertain us all and the public on stage. They have numerous time slots, hundreds if memory serves. (Mine, not Matt’s). n Good of the Order: Nothing offered. New Nobles with Grand Master David E. Olsen and Ill Sir Roger Berge. parades. Watch the Osman for details. There can be no Ladies or Kids in either parade because they are both Shrine Parades. Get your room reservation into Doreen or Ellen in the office by July 7th. n New & Old Business: Potentate Roger Berge presented Treasurer Russ Christofk with a Treasurers Emeritus Certificate of Appreciation, along with a new Fez. Roger assured us that Russ is still our Treasurer and will remain as Treasurer. Russ spoke of all the friends he has made along the way in Blue Lodge and in the Shrine, and how great it has been. P.P. Frank Spevak also thanked Russ. Frank said that the Certificate was well deserved and that Russ has been a “Rock” to numerous Divan members. Frank then shared that the Cycle Corps will be having a Fun Run on June 7th. They will start at Shriners Hospital, tour for a few hours and then end at the Osman warehouse, where food and refreshments will be served. Zuhrah will be hosting their 2nd Annual Kids Fishing Day at the Hospital that day as well. Illustrious Sir Roger spoke about Osman’s upcoming events and special dates, including the Pote’s Trip August 18th – 21st. The Potentate’s Ball with the theme “All Jacked Up”, and the upcoming Lynnhurst Dinner. Osman currently has one table of eight reserved for that. Illustrious Sir asked Matt Peterson from Zuhrah to speak about his guest, Bart the Bear. Matt explained that Bart is an Ambassador from the St. Louis Hospital and Mulla Temple in Missouri. Bart is one of 2,700 bears. He has been around the world and is working his way back to St.Louis. Please like the Imperial 2014 page on Facebook, as well as Bart’s page. World famous comedian Louis Anderson will be performing during the Imperial in Minneapolis this July. Zuhrah is asking for our help in July. They are also seeking performing acts, Most Worshipful, Grand Master David E. Olson spoke to us after a standing ovation. Most Worshipful shared with us that he crossed the hot sands 35 years ago. “I am here tonight to celebrate the seven new Nobles of Osman”. Most Worshipful shared that he has 24 days left in his term as Grand Master. Most Worshipful then asked Dayton Berg and Joe Kivens to stand and be recognized for their great work for Masonry. They received a round of applause. Most Worshipful closed with “Brethren live in peace”. Osman was recessed by Illustrious Sir at 8:08pm. Respectfully submitted by: Mike Nehm Minutes taken with a pen given me by Larry Norte. Thank you Larry. BLACK CAMEL n Jay Kane 2/9/2014 P.P. Roger Robinson Norm Hecimovich New members Mark Kujawa, Clinton Christensen, Collin Dahl, Michael Schultz, Patrick McCarthy, James Niehoff, Tyler Stockinger with Ill Sir Roger Berge. April 2014 Page 5 The Chief’s Corner Spring is here, and Parade season is fast approaching!! By the time you get this we will have completed our 91st Osman Shrine Circus!! Rique Beslin I know many of you have tired bodies and tired feet, but it is really and truly the hardest fun you will have all year. But I will say, good thing it only happens Once a Year!! The Circus workers party was a great deal of fun and a nice way to say Thank You to all of you for the hard work that you put in every year to ensure that our Circus is one of the best in the country. Backing up a bit to March, it was nice to see so many of you at the Stated meeting on March 11th; where we welcomed 7 new Nobles into Osman Shrine. Please make sure to introduce yourself and get to know these new members of our temple. It was also a pleasure to join many of you in the annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Lost Spur on March 15th. A great time was had by all, and a few green beers or two were consumed. Our Parade schedule is shaping up nicely, and what we have so far is as follows: June 27th - Kaposia Days - South St. Paul. Line up at 5, step-off at 6:30. July 8th - Imperial Parade Downtown Minneapolis - No details yet as to parade line up or start time. July 9th - White Bear Ave - Lineup is at 6 (may be moved to 5:30), step-off is at 7. July 12th - Pan-O-Prog - Downtown Lakeville - line up at 4:30, step-off at 5:30 Details for all Oasis’ are still being finalized. of the best MSA’s in some time, El Riad Temple has put a great deal of work into planning this session. Please make every attempt to join us. We have 2 hotels reserved for MSA, they are the Springhill Suites and the Courtyard (both are owned by Marriott) and are right next to each other for both Thursday night and Friday night. We’ve set aside 35 rooms in each hotel for both nights. Hotel Reservations must be to Doreen no later than July 7th. Room rates will be $134/ night. Until we meet on the street for a parade, or at another stated function, please consider “getting back to the basics” and visiting your Masonic lodge. Fraternally Yours, Rique Beslin Chief Of Staff, Osman Shrine riquebeslin@gmail.com MSA will be August 21-23, in Sioux Falls, SD and is shaping up to be one Directors Staff Hope you all got a chance to get away for some warm air and sunshine during this winter of all winters. Another Osman Circus has come and gone. Kent Swedberg We have overheard nothing but good reviews and remarks. Thank you to our Chief Rabban, Jeff Olsen, and our Circus Director, John Davenport, for arranging a great show, and thanks to all of the Director’s Staff who helped at our novelty booth. The second parade of the 2014 season will be in Roberts, Wisconsin on Page 6 June 1st. Line-up is at 12:00 and the parade is at 1:00 pm sharp. We’ll keep you updated on future parades, and as soon as the weather permits, we’ll get the parade vehicles washed, waxed, and ready. We are pleased to announce that Gene Dunn is moving back to Minnesota this spring. We are happy to have him back and active in the Director’s Staff. Welcome back Gene. don’t march, we ride in the parades. Members of the Director’s Staff wish to extend their deepest sympathy to Bob Misner and his family upon the passing of his wife, Darlene. Keep on rollin’ with the Director’s Staff Kent Swedberg Our next dinner meeting will be on April 15th, at 6:00 pm, at DeGidio’s on West 7th street in St. Paul. Ladies are always welcome. If you are interested in becoming a new member, remember, we April 2014 Mighty Mites Greetings from the Mighty Mites Every organization from time to time steps back and reviews the building blocks of their club or unit. With that thought in mind, we, the Mighty Mites, have taken a look back to our past with the goal of listing the components that we regard as contributing to the growth of our unit. During our assessment, it became clear that we have many things and people to be thankful for. With the above in mind, I would like to share with our Osman brothers the thoughts from one of our members, Gary Hoven. Gary, I believe, has clearly captured how we understand the influence Nancy Fish had with this brotherhood. Our thoughts of Nancy A shutter lens clicks as the camera scans a typical street in America on a hot summer’s day. Along the street are lines of citizens reaching out with enthusiasm waiting for the parade to begin. Nancy’s shutter captured the moment and forever the essence of community is frozen in time. Through her lens we have witnessed our clowns greeting young children, our motorcycles passing the crowd, amazed as they weave on by. She captured the face of one of our chanters singing a familiar song, and the crowd as the Mighty Mites whizzed April Birthdays: Ross Alexander • Roy Alexander • Ken Arehart • Richard Arends • Fred Austin • Adam Barker • Robert Bay • John Becvar • Theodore Billy • Charles Borneman • Harold Bosshart • James Broberg • Thomas Callies • Todd Cannon • Dean Carlson • Curtis Coltrain Jr • Estevan Cortinas • Donald Deringer • Brad Drake • Thomas Elden • Harold Erickson • P.P. Charles Ferguson • Daniel Flicek • Robert Flood • Earl (Pete) Goodwin • L. G. ‘Jerry’ Goplin • Kevin Griebel • Dr. Kenneth Guidera • Robert Gulbrandson • Daniel Hansen • Jon Haugan • Karl Haugen • Clifford Helgeson • Robert Hoffman • Thomas Ireland • H James Jacobsen • P.P. G Robert Jagusch • Robert Jones • Roy Jones Jr • Steven Keister • Ben Kellogg • E Gary Klein • Peter Kloskowski • Christopher Koenig • Sean Krauss • Glenn Kruckeberg • Arthur Kuhlman • Dennis Lacquay • Fred Lantz • Lawrence Lauber Jr • Donald Leslie • Warren Lynch Jr • Thomas Maine • Malcolm Mcdonald • Dennis Mecl • Dennis Mehrer Jason Moran • Jack Ingram Morehouse • Derald Morfitt • Byron Nelson • Melvin Neren • Milton Olsen • Newman Olson Jr • Buddy Overcashier • Ramond Pederson • David Peterson • Lyle Pettey • Michael Pray • Tom Redmon • Curt Richter • P.P. Roger Robinson • John Ross • Thomas Rubenstein • Wayne Ruhl • Jeffrey Ryan • Gregory Smith • Scott Smith • Mike Stavros • Samuel Stee • William Rosenberg Sturtz • Roger Taylor • Gilbert Thoele • Terry Thorvilson • David Tompsett • Larry Tyson • Leland Walkky • Jason West • Richard Wilson • Jerry Winnick • Richard Witte April 2014 by. She was always there to capture the Fez with its tassel blowing in the wind. The shutter clicks, capturing a group laughing on a corner sharing the camaraderie between brothers, what a great memory! In honor of Nancy, and how we understand the difference maker she was, the Mighty Mites have designed a pin that will soon be available to all Osman clubs and units for purchase allowing us to display on our shirts and caps. All income from the Nancy Pins will be donated to the Osman Auxiliary. Wally Larsen Nobles, Just a reminder Bring in two new nobles (be the first line signer) and get your Osman dues paid for 2015 and remember make every event this year a membership event. Page 7 Provost The upcoming Provost meetings/ dinners: The April 21 Provost meeting will be at the Little Venetian, 2900 Jerry Johnson Rice St., Little Canada. The location of the May 19 Provost meeting is to be determined. Other Upcoming Events • 161st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, April 4-5, Marriott Brooklyn Park, 7025 Northland Drive North, Brooklyn Park, MN., Osman Shrine will have a membership booth at this event. • Osman Shrine Rush Party, April 6, St. Paul Masonic Center, 200 East Plato, St. Paul, 4:00 PM Social, 4:30 PM program; $10 nobles and wives and prospects and wives are free. • Osman Circus Party, April 7, 2014, 5:00 PM, Lost Spur/Osman Event Center. All Osman Shrine Circus workers are invited to this event; complementary food will be served. • Annual Lynnhurst Turkey Dinner, April 8, 6:00 PM, Lost Spur/Osman Event Center, Eagan. This is a good time to get together with Masonic brothers from throughout the greater Minneapolis and St. Paul area. The incoming Grand Master will speak at this event. • St. Paul Scottish Rite All-Masonic BBQ, April 30, 5:00 PM, St. Paul Masonic Center, 200 East Plato, St. Paul. Besides dining on great BBQ food, there will be ample opportunity to meet Masons well-versed in Freemasonry and its appendant bodies. The $10 fee is waived for all non-Masons and non-Scottish Rite Masons. Contact Jerry Johnson at 651.739.3812 if you and your guest (s) are interested in attending. Note, Page 8 this is a men’s only event. • Annual Shrine Children’s’ Hospital Day, May 16, 2014, Shriner’s Hospital Twin Cities, 2025 East River Pkwy., Minneapolis, MN. • Osman Cycle Corps Fun Run, June 7, 2014, Shriner’s Hospital Twin Cities, 2025 East River Pkwy., Minneapolis, MN. The Osman Cycle Corps Fun Run is a motorcycle ride beginning at the Shriner’s Hospital and ending at the Lost Spur Warehouse. Ride participants will be required to donate a toy to the hospital. Provost assistance is requested for traffic handling and other duties as needed. More information will be made available in the near future. 2014 Osman Shrine Provost Unit Annual Valentine’s Party Notes The Annual Provost Valentine’s Party was held on February 17, 2014 at Kozlak’s Royal Oak Restaurant, Shoreview with 26 Nobles and wives in attendance. The social hour began at 6:00 PM with a cash bar. At 7:00 PM, Captain Seavey called on Tom West, Chaplain to lead the Nobles and guests in prayer. The dinner was then promptly served. The dinner consisted of the following main entrees: Saut’eed Chicken Breast, Back Loin Barbecue Ribs or Beef Medallions. The food was judged as excellent by those in attendance! Noble Mike Nehm, Unit Liaison and his lady Sandy attended as guests of the Provost. Unfortunately, Gee Winter could not attend as she had begun procedures to prepare her for medical treatments. Thoughts and prayers were extended to Gary and Gee as they deal with this issue. It was noted that Provost and Past Potentate Earl Holcomb, 330 had recently passed to the Celestial Lodge Above and his visitation was scheduled the same evening as the Valentine’s Party. A Memorial Service was held on Tuesday, February 18. The Provost sent a memorial, in the name of Ill. Bro./ Ill. Sir Holcomb, to the $100 Million Dollar Club. After dinner a few comments were made by Captain Seavey. He thanked Gary Winter and Lady Gee for preparing the Valentine’s gifts for the ladies in attendance. He also thanked Nobles Al Christofk and Jerry Johnson for their assistance with the Valentine’s Party preparations. Captain Seavey passed out Circus Schedule Sign-up sheets and encouraged Provosts to work at as many sessions as possible. Dates for the 2014 Circus are Thursday, March 27 – Sunday, March 30. Captain Seavey noted that a request had been made to the Provost to assist at the Imperial Session on Tuesday, July 8, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Copies of the newly published Provost Invitation to Join brochure were distributed by Captain Seavey. Information contained in the brochure include: updated Provost description; reasons to join, contact information and an application for membership. The updated Provost description has been incorporated in the Osman website and a link to the application for membership is included. Also, a copy of the brochure will be included in portfolios given to new candidates during their Ceremonial event. Copies of the brochure can be obtained from Jerry Johnson. Captain Seavey thanked Mike Nehm and his lady for attending the Valentine’s Dinner. Noble Nehm introduced his lady Sandy and issued greetings from Ill. Sir Roger Berge, Potentate of Osman Shrine. He stressed the importance of participation at the upcoming Osman Circus. Erik closed the evening by thanking April 2014 the ladies for their attendance and then gave them Valentine gifts. The Valentine’s Party ended at 8:03 PM. News Russ Christofk, Osman Shrine Treasurer Emeritus This month’s news begins with congratulations being extended to Russ Christofk, Osman Treasurer. At the Stated Meeting on March 11, Ill. Sir Roger Berge, Osman Potentate presented Russ Christofk a Certificate of Treasurer Emeritus. Al Christofk had the honors to present Russ with a new fez emblazoned with the words Treasurer Emeritus. Russ graciously accepted this honor and then made comments about all the friends he had gained in his many years as a Freemason and Shriner, which all began shortly after WWII. Osman Shrine Temple. This begins with participation in the Kaposia Days Parade in South St. Paul on June 27 with lineup at 5:30 PM and step-off at 6:30 PM. Other parades that Osman Temple will be participating in include: White Bear Lake (July 9), Lakeville (July 12), and River Falls (October date TBD). Russ Christofk is an outstanding example of a long-standing member of the Masonic Fraternity and its affiliated bodies. His testimony regarding the many friendships that he has acquired as a result of being active in Freemasonry is a good reason for the uninitiated to join the Blue Lodge and Osman Shrine. The Imperial Shrine meets in Minneapolis July 6 through July 10. Zuhrah Guardians have requested assistance from the Osman Provost to work on parade day which is July 8. If you have not already done so, please let Jerry Johnson know of your willingness to help on parade day. Regarding Masonic membership, Illustrious Sir Berge’s strategic focus of “Getting Back to the Basics” is centered on Osman Shrine membership development. At the last Osman Stated meeting, Ill. Sir Roger Berge and Mike Yankovec, Membership Chair welcomed seven new nobles into the Mystic Shrine. All in attendance were reminded to work with their respective Blue Lodges to increase membership. This also holds true for Osman Provost and so its members are challenged to identify potential candidates for Blue Lodge, Osman Shrine and the Provost Unit. As previously stated in this edition of Osman Shrine Provost Updates, an Invitation to Join brochure is available for distribution. MSA will be in Sioux Falls August 21 through August 23. El Riad Shrine has requested Provost Assistance from all participating temples and more information on specific assignments for Osman Provost will be made available at a later date. Al Christofk, Assistant Chief of Staff will be handling MSA hotel reservations and so your early response to his request for reservations will be appreciated. Provosts will be busy this summer performing their duties in support of I hope to see all of you this summer at one or more of the above mentioned events! Fraternally, Jerry J. Johnson Provost Secretary Email: johns777@q.com H: 651-739-3812 C: 612-839-4389 2014 Provost Valentine’s Party April 2014 Page 9 Rochester Area Shrine Club Nobles and Ladies. This month I send out my newsletter with brighter news and much much better weather here in Rochester! We Bob Gregor are getting warmer and the snow is slowly going away, so spring and parade season is getting closer. The Rochester Area Shrine Club had another successful Herberger community Days fundraiser this month! The club worked together selling books prior to the sale days and also during the sale dates at the Apache mall. I want to thank everyone who helped make this a success! We will be doing it again this fall. We also Lady Tina Gregor verifies the results with Nobles Steve Groteboer, Larry Norte and Scott Hippert. just held our 2014 (rescheduled from Feb) Sweethearts dinner at Michaels Restaurant in downtown Rochester! We had a great turnout and an awesome meal was served by the staff at Michaels. We had some good cheer and lots of fun. We held a little trivia contest with everyone and had 3 of our couples, Scott and Brenda Hippert, Steve and Bev Groteboer and Larry and Audrey Norte do a couple’s competition that was proudly won by the Norte’s. Those 2 can do things with “Red Solo” cups like I’ve never seen before!? CONGRATS Larry and Audrey! Once again, thank you to everyone that attended. Our club has its annual Father Daughter/son banquet coming up April 2nd at Willow Creek Golf club here in Rochester. We are hoping to have another huge Shrine club turnout for this event. I will be sending out more information on this as we get closer to the 2nd. Other upcoming events to remember are the club and unit meeting May 13th and also coming in May is Hospital day at the Shiners Hospital. If you have never been to the hospital, this is a great time to go check out our awesome hospital and meet everyone that works there. I want to congratulate our newest Steve and Bev Groteboer Rochester Shrine member, Tyler Stockinger who was brought into the Osman Shrine on March 11th 2014 CONGRATS Tyler!! Fraternally, Bob Gregor 2014 RASC President Rochester Dragon Patrol Greetings Nobles and Ladies, While Chang is still in hibernation, the days are getting longer and finally warmer! Parade season will be here before we know it. We already have five parades scheduled with more requests coming in. Also, we are planning for MSA and Imperial parades. It is shaping up to be a busy summer and the Dragon Patrol is looking forward to seeing all of Chang’s supporters at the many parades we participate in. We always look forward to a great time and the opportunity to socialize with other Shrine units while raising money for the Shrine Hospital and Kids. Our next stated meeting is April 23rd at the Clarion Inn in Rochester at 7:00 p.m. Contestants prepare for the solo cup drill. Left - Steve and Bev Groteboer, Center - Noble Larry Norte and Lady Audrey, far right – Noble Scott Hippert and Lady Brenda Page 10 Check us out at www.rochesterdragon. com and Rochester Dragon on Facebook. April 2014 Legion of Honor What a Winter!! We had to cancel our Feb meeting due to the weather, and are way behind on planning and getting ready for the Circus! Hopefully Jim Moore we will catch up at our March meeting at O-Gara’s. The next newsletter will be all about the great Circus we had this year!! Congratulations to all 7 of the latest Osman Nobles FEZED at the Feb Mini Ceremonial. The LOH passed out 2 petitions and hopefully they were able to join us for dinner on the 20th of March. Our “Updated” Calendar for the next few months is; March 20th we met at O-Gara’s on Snelling and Selby and had a great time. Got a lot accomplished too! ATTENTION OSMAN NOBLES Photo Contest Mar 27th –30th at the Circus!!! Hardest fun anyone ever had!! April 7th is Osman’s Circus Workers Party at the Lost Spur April 8th the Lynnhurst Dinner April 17th LOH mtg is at the 7th St Social to celebrate our ladies, the Circus volunteers and the delayed recognition of over 150 years of service to the Legion of Honor. Email Doreen pictures of parades, events and parties. May 15th meeting will be at the Lost Spur, if open, for meeting and practice for Acacia on Memorial Day annual outing with the Potentate, Divan and our families. Our next big event is Acacia Memorial Day Service. We will be practicing at the Osman warehouse after the May meeting at the Lost Spur clubhouse grill. This is truly a moving and heart warming event. We will do a 21gun salute, besides presenting the colors at the Acacia Cemetery in Mendota Heights. If you have never been to one of these services, please try and attend. It will make you realize how thankful we all should be, for our freedom and the sacrifices so many made to protect it. God Bless America There are only 4 Osman parades this summer. South St Paul parade I believe in late June, White Bear Ave, in July, LOH parade in Hastings on July 20th, Osman and the LOH will be at Lakeville on July 12th, I believe, not sure of all the dates yet. Imperial is in July in Minneapolis and MSA in Aug along with the LOH Kenyon parade. More details on parade dates dates to follow. The Legion of Honor would like to invite any new Noble or Old Noble to attend one of our meetings, or events to see what it is we do, and the pride we all feel in doing it! With Pride and Honor, Commander Jim Moore June at the Spur and July will be our Top 15-20 pictures will be used in the next Osman. If interested email Doreen Lynch at doreen@osmanshrine.org Men’s Suits/Tuxes/Blazers/Sports Coats April 2014 Page 11 Austin Area Shrine Club & Oriental Band Nobles and ladies met on March 13th at Lansing Corners Supper Club North of Austin on Hwy 218. Following the Invocation, and Pledge to our Flag, a two Neil Hanson meat buffett dinner was enjoyed prior to the business portion of the meeting. Business items included minutes of the February meeting, treasurer’s report, and an update on the sale of Pennants and Plaques by Noble Otto Volkert. It was indicated that we still have approximately 10 sales that can be made. Noble Neil Hanson distributed a tentative parade schedule for 2014 and explained the dates that were confirmed or pending at this time. Communications included a thank you letter from the University of MN-Hormel Institute for the monetary donation during the PTTP Campaign. The sickness and distress report indicated that Noble Norm Hecimovich had been taken to St. Mary’s in Rochester on February 28th, as he was experiencing some chest pains. He had two stints inserted, and we were glad to see him at our March meeting. The “Paint the Town Pink” (PTTP) campaign in Austin during parts of February included two of our members participating in the Polar Plunge. Nobles Dan Hernandez and Riley Broisma were the two brave ones. Fidelity Lodge #39, the Shrine Club and the Oriental Band contributed $1800.00 to this project which was matched by Minnesota Masonic Charities. These dollars, as well as all money raised during the PTTP campaign goes to the Hormel Institute in Austin for Cancer Research. Nobles Bill Newell, Brad Stout and Les Buck, along with Lady Bonnie Newell delivered a trailer load of Toys to the Shrine Hospital on Saturday, March 8th. The toys are the result of gifts that are brought by members to the All Masonic Dinner in December, and donations from the Salvation Army in Austin. A huge thank you to all who donated a gift and made this activity successful. The children at the Shrine Hospital are the lucky recipients. President Brad Stout indicated that the Shrine Club would be working at the Pizza Ranch on Weds. June 4th. This is a good fund raiser for the Club, and workers will be needed. The next meeting will be April 10 at the Travel Lanes in LeRoy, MN. Neil Hanson Business Manager Chanters March has come in like a lion and a lamb. Some days cold some warm. Nice when we can see blue sky and sunshine, helps the brain too relax from all the gloom and the cold. Surely hope all this snow helps the crops and the grass and flowers, trees and all things associated with water and lakes also. We the Chanters are here and doing what we can. St Patrick’s Day has come and gone, surely hope everybody had good time at this party time of green Page 12 clothes and green beer. Party at the Lost Spur of Corned beef and Cabbage and a good time was had by all that were in attendance. Circus at the end of the month, we were at set up on Monday working with novelties, fun time. Circus ushering, some of us made all of the shows, Big crowds and good show. Potentate’s trip this year is going to be good. Rapid City, Bad Lands, Wall Drug, great doughnuts at Wall Drug., Try them. The monuments are terrific. How could you carve mountain into our faces, Tremendous. You can wear your boots and your (cowboy) hat. Always remember to forget The troubles that passed away But never forget to remember The blessings that Come each day Eselamu Aleikum The Scribe April 2014 April 2014 Page 13 Page 14 April 2014 make check payable to Heartland April 2014 Page 15 Page 16 April 2014 April 2014 Page 17 2 0 1 4 O S M A N PA P E R S U P P O RT E R S MEMORIALS Warren & Doreen Lynch In Memory of P.P. Mike Hildebrand, Dick McNary, P.P. Tom Huppert & Doris Plachecki Leonard Schrade In Memory of Carole Schrade Wayne Longwell In Memory of Jerry Longwell & Richard K. Brown Henry L Gleason In Memory of Henry L. Millis & Charles R Gleason Ernie Flury & Becky In Memory of P.P. John Brockman Osman Cycle Corps In Memory of Dale Roberge Bill & Bonnie Newell In Memory of Heidi & Carter Newell Art Lemke In Memory of Shieks and Might Mites Dorthee Angel In Memory of Husband Harold Angel P.P. Charles & Judee Ferguson In Memory of P.P. Robert Ferguson SUPPORTERS John E Raymond In Memory of Albert E Raymond (Tim) Dennis & Elaine Boom Mankato Shrine Club Corrine Bergstrom In Memory of Robert “Bob” Bergstrom Arthur & Janice Lingo Leonard Hislop P.P. John & Debbi Thorstad - Zor John & Arlene Thordson In Memory of Bill Huber, Bill & Dot Fadden Esther Olson Matthews In Memory of P.P. Robert Olson Osman Past Potentates In Memory of all Past Potentates Lloyd & Pat Rogers Peter & Dolores Kloskowski Austin Oriental Band Austin Shrine Club Art Lemke Betty Porter P.P. John & Pat Perkins In Memory of Nancy Fish Cannon Valley SC Hank Brimmer In Memory of P.P. Charles P. Brimmer & P.P. William Dodge P.P. Charles & Judee Ferguson Albert Lea SC In Memory of Nancy Fish P.P. Frank & Beverly Peterson Dr. Alyn & Anna Dull Provost Russ & Pauline Christofk Tom & Diane Brockman In Memory of P.P. John Brockman Neil & Mary Hanson Roger Berge In Memory of Vern Hanson Mankato T-Birds Edward & Audrey Highum Jim & Dianna Herriott P.P. Jerry Plachecki P.P. Jim & Joan Sweitzer Russ & Bev Boogren Heather Krastins Lambert Chet Harvey Legion of Honor Alexandria Shrine Club P.P. John & Pat Perkins George & Arline Carlson Ray & Dianne Hobot Bill & Donna Witte Daughters of the Nile Mat -Sha Temple No 62 Van & Jan Kellogg Russ, Ralph & Alan Christofk In Memory of Joe Christofk, Father & Grandfather HONORARIA Ernie & Becky Flury: In honor of Jim Flury SUPPORT YOUR OSMAN PAPER Honoraria & Memorials are $35.00 and a Supporter is $25.00. Send to: Osman Shrine Paper, 2750 Sibley Memorial Hwy., St. Paul, MN 55121 Your name as you want it listed: ________________________ _________________________________________________ q In honor of: _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ q In memory of: ___________________________________ _________________________________________________ Page 18 April 2014 CLUB & & UNIT UNIT HEADS CLUB HEADS OFFICERS ALEXANDRIA CALLIOPE & OFFICERS President: President: Dave Tabor Dave Tabor 651-206-8574 651-206-8574 shrinerdave1@yahoo.com shrinerdave1@yahoo.com Vice President: MikePresident: Yankovec Vice 320-493-0776 Mike Yankovec mikeyanko@gmail.com 320-493-0776 mikeyanko@gmail.com Secretary/Treasurer: Dan Mueller Secretary/Treasurer: 763-295-8797 Brent Metcalf daninmout@aol.com 651-739-3653 brent.metcalf@comcast.net CLUBS & UNITS ALBERT LEA&SHRINE CLUB CLUBS UNITS ALBERT LEA CARS ALBERT LEA SHRINE CLUB Lynn Davis, President ALBERT LEA CARS 507-325-4683 Clarence Schroeder, President landkdavis12@gmail.com 507-373-2778 ALEXANDRIA AREA clarenceschro@yahoo.com SHRINE CLUB ALEXANDRIA AREA Dale Graff, President SHRINE CLUB 320-759-4666 Mike Denke, President 320-491-8381 madsmdbdjd@hotmail.com ALEXANDRIA CALLIOPE & 4-WHEELERS FOUR-WHEELERS John Phillips, Captain John Phillips, Captain 320-762-0474 320-762-0474 donnajohnphillips@charter.net donnajohnphillips@charter.net AUSTIN AREA SHRINE CLUB AUSTIN SHRINEBAND CLUB AUSTINAREA ORIENTAL AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND Brad Stout, President Brad Stout, President 507-433-8294 507-433-8294 bradstout1957@hotmail.com bradstout1957@hotmail.com BLOOMING PRAIRIE SHRINE BLOOMING PRAIRIE SHRINE CLUB CLUB Andrew Weiss, President Andrew Weiss, President 507-528-2533 507-433-8294 CANNON VALLEY SHRINE CLUB bradstout1957@hotmail.com Dennis Monroe, President CANNON VALLEY SHRINE CLUB 507-789-6399 Dennis Monroe, President CHANTERS 507-789-6399 Dean Strand, President monroed@myclearwave.net 651-770-2159 CIGARCLUB CLUB CIGAR President Mike Ordorff, Mike Ordorff, President 612-919-0475 62-919-0475 anawesomecarpenter@ anawesomecarpenter@ yahoo.com yahoo.com ACACIA P ARK CEMETERY A non-profit perpetual care cemetery serving all faiths since 1925. Stop by to view our picturesque grounds, the old stone chapel and our impressive Veterans Memorial. You’ll like our majestic view. 2151 Pilot Knob Road Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1198 651-452-1555 April 2014 CHANTERS PATROL CLOWNS Dean Strand, President Wade Brooks, President 651-770-2159 952-447-5702 dmnspmn@webtv.net wbrooks@facilitechservices.com PROVOST George Carlson, Captain Gary Winter, Captain 651-774-7793 651-484-1763 northinlino@hotmail.com gwwinter@comcast.net DIRECTORS STAFFPresident Wade Brooks, Ronald Clarstrom, President 952-447-5702 763-754-5547 wbrooks@facilitechservices.com rcclarstrom@gmail.com ROCHESTER AREA SHRINE CLUB Erik Seavey, Captain President Larry Norte, 608-738-37879 (507) 250-1855 erik.seavey@gmail.com mn442man@yahoo.com DRUM & BUGLE CORPS Kent Swedberg, President Dean Brown, Captain 763-755-6011 612-963-9159 seniorswede@comcast.net dhbrownco@comcast.net ROCHESTER CYCLE PATROL SHRINE CLUB Josh Allen, President Bob Gregor, President 507-272-7323 507-261-7985 allen146@hotmail.com CLOWNS DIRECTORS STAFF DRUM & BUGLE CORPS EAST CENTRAL SHRINE CLUB Joe Saad, Captain Don Vaughn, President 651-486-7743 320-358-4040 sandy@grayowlfarms.com EAST CENTRAL SHRINE CLUB Mike Perreault, President FRIENDLY VALLEY SHRINE CLUB 651-343-4142 Jim Smith, President mikep@excelperformanceonline.com 651-459-8320 psmith8320@msn.com FRIENDLY VALLEY SHRINEOFCLUB LEGION HONOR Jim Smith, President William Beslin, Commander 651-459-8320 651-322-4562 psmith8320@msn.com riquebeslin@gmail.com LEGION OF HONOR MANKATO AREA SHRINE CLUB Jim Moore, Steve Igou,Commander President 952-892-6815 507-546-3827 jj22@charter.net tbirdsigou@yahoo.com MANKATO AREA SHRINE CLUB MANKATO T-BIRDS MichaelMeyer, Meyer President Michael 608-395-7609 507-608-395-7609 meyerauctions@aol.com meyerauctions@aol.com MIGHTY MITES MANKATO T-BIRDS John Watson Crew Chief Steve Igou, President 651-639-9357 507-546-3827 watsonays@yahoo.com tbirdsigou@yahoo.com NOMADS MIGHTY MITES BobRovner, Golder, Crew President Burt Chief 651-777-3781 763-286-2075 Email curlerbob@aol.com mnrov@comcast.net OSMAN CYCLE CORPS NOMADS Dennis Sherwood, Captain Bob Golder, President 952-937-5054 651-777-381 dennis@hometechniques.com curlerbob@aol.com PAST POTENTATES OSMAN CYCLE CORPS Mike Awada, President Peter Staloch, Captain 612-723-4864 651-343-3152 mikeawada@hotmail.com staloch@gmail.com PATROL PAST POTENTATES George Carlson, Captain Mike Awada, President 651-774-7793 612-723-4864 mikeawada@homail.com PROVOST ROCHESTER AREA btgregor@charter.net ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL ROCHESTER Doug Brick,CYCLES President Mark Anderson, President 507-254-6715 507-254-3129 dbrick@rclbus.com msnanderson@charter.net ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL Ryan Colligan, President Dan Rasmussen, President 507-250-2730 608-520-4237 colliganman79@gmail.com danrasmussen@centurylink.net ST. CLOUD AREA SHRINE CLUB ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS Roger Robinson, President Ryan Colligan, President 320-420-8142 507-250-2730 rrobinson@globalcolliganman79@gmail.com continuum.com ST.CLOUD CLOUDGO-KARTS AREA SHRINE CLUB ST. Mike Captain MikeYankovec, Yankovec,President 320-493-0776 320-493-0776 mikeyanko@gmail.com mikeyanko@gmail.com SHEIKS ST. CLOUD GO-KARTS SteveMathews, Hoyer, Captain Steve Captain 651-487-1089 320-309-6437 steve.hoyer@thermofisher.com sjmathews@hotmail.com WINONA SHEIKS AREA SHRINE CLUB Robert Stedman, President Steve Hoyer, Captain 507-454-7209 651-487-1089 rdstedman@yahoo.com steve.hoyer@thermofisher.com ZAGALAS ROCHESTER WINONA–AREA SHRINECHAPTER CLUB Steve Groteboer, President Robert Stedman, President 281 467-9333 507-454-7209 steve@groteboer.com ZAGALAS – ROCHESTER ZAGALAS CHAPTER– ST. CLOUD CHAPTER Roger Robinson, President Art Pavlish, President 320-420-8142 507-288-7303 rrobinson@ apavlish@charter.net global-continuum.com ZAGALAS – ST. CLOUD CHAPTER ZAGALAS – ST. PAUL CHAPTER Dan Mueller, President David Gagnon, President 612-802-3790 651-436-6765 daninmonti@aol.com dd.gagnon@hotmail.com ZAGALAS – ST. PAUL CHAPTER Dave Gagnon, President 651-436-6765 dd.gagnon@hotmail.com Attention Clubs & Units: Make sure you have a person appointed to Attention Club & Units: Make sure you have a person appointed to make a make a monthly report to The Osman. Return your report by the monthly report to(usually The Osman. Return the deadline deadline around the your 15threport of thebymonth) to (usually around the 15th of the month) to doreen@osmanshrine.org or mail to doreen@osmanshrine.org or mail to Sibley Memorial Highway,St. St.Paul Paul55121 55121 27502750 Sibley Memorial Highway, 651-452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 Page 19 Mat-Sha Temple No. 62, Daughters of the Nile We knew that 2013 would be a big year for Daughters of the Nile everywhere. We had no idea what a big year it would be. The theme has been Growth, Education, Motivation and Service. Mat-Sha temple has made strides Sara Malewitz, Queen in all of these aspects. We have thirteen lovely new princesses. Our Choir has expanded and we now have a Flag Corp. We instituted an Education committee to teach us about our order and its history. Our ladies are having a great time together, working, playing, meeting and learning. These ladies provide a huge service to their communities, serving other Masonic bodies (such as O.E.S., Job’s Daughters, Order of the Amaranth and Beauceant). They volunteer in churches, schools, hospitals, professional organizations, and with various philanthropic organizations. I am proud of the work of the ladies of our household. They are all exceptional ladies with so much to give. I would be remiss if I did not tell you the amazing time My Husband Donald, and I had at Homecoming in Grapevine, TX. What a fun event! Lots of social time, some shopping, and relaxing and only one meeting. It was wonderful to share the time with PQ Heather KrastinsLambert and PQ Gooch KrastinsMcKinnon. The informal dinner on Friday was a blast, with skits and the Rithmah Temple Unit performances. They have five units, including dancers, pageantry and a clown band. The Past Supreme Queens and Supreme Elective Officers dressed up and provided a skit on music throughout the decades. The Supreme Appointed officers gave a short account of some of their favorite stories from the “Love For The Children Tour”. Some of the Midwest ladies including our own PQ Heather and PQ Gooch performed a dance and threw “snowballs” commemorating the long winter and the many times SQ Margaret Ann Page 20 was snowed in at hotels while visiting temples. Of course, what would a party be without a song from PSQ Alice Thomas, who creates her own little masterpieces having us all buckled over in laughter. Saturday evening we shared in a beautiful Ceremonial where three ladies were welcomed into our order. This was followed by a banquet and entertainment from Ron Cole who sang and got us all out on the floor dancing and enjoying our last evening together. I am also happy to report that we are currently taking orders for Full-zip slub fleece jackets made by Port Authority. The Jackets are navy blue and have the Daughters of the Nile logo and our temple’s information on the breastplate. You can also have your name on the opposite breastplate if you wish. The cost is $50. To order please contact me at (sara@amalgamationnation.com or 651459-6787) before April 19th. We aim to have the jackets for distribution at our May Stated Session. As this is the last article that I will write as Queen, I must tell you all how blessed I feel to be a Daughter of the Nile. I have made some of my dearest friends and met some of the most wonderful people. I am especially grateful to the ladies who agreed to stand with me as officers this year, every one of you is exceedingly special to me, and I cherish the time that we get to spend together. To the Past Queens who have been supportive and helpful at every turn and the ladies of the household who have volunteered their time and energy when mine was running low, I am greatly appreciative. I am grateful to the staff of Shriners Hospital- Twin Cities, especially Charles Lobeck and Don Engel who attended events and wowed our guests reminding us that what we do is for the best hospitals in the country. I would also like to thank Illustrious Sir Don and Lady Terrie Harmsen. I feel greatly blessed to know you and am very proud to have served with you. Thank you for all of the support you have shown to all of us at Mat-Sha. To Illustrious Sir Roger (All events are at the St. Paul Masonic Center unless otherwise noted) Saturday, April 12th 2pm Open Installation Of Officers Guests welcome Saturday, April 19th 10am Stated Session Saturday, May 17th 10am Stated Session and Lady Jennifer Berge, I wish you a wonderful year. I hope that it is all that you have imagined and more. I know that as we move into a new Nile year, Mat-Sha is in good hands. We are moving forward with many great years to look forward to. I hope to see you soon! Sparkles of Nile Love, Sara-Marie Malewitz, Queen April 2014 Notes from the Ticket Booth Now Hear This WE DID IT AGAIN ! The 91st St. Paul Osman Shrine Circus is in the history books! Osman Shrine Stated Meeting June 10th, 2014, 6:30 pm We are working to get everything counted and put away and pay the remaining bills. We may have some general finance numbers by the circus party. We all deserve a good rest for a job well done. I hope you are relaxing at home recovering from “THE HARDEST FUN WE’VE EVER HAD!”. As always, Osman is as much a family as a fraternity, and that is what makes our circus the best Shrine circus in the world! On behalf of Potentate Roger Berge, Circus Director Jeff Olsen, Circus Comptroller Bruce Thomas and myself, THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR!!! Lost Spur/City View Buffet dinner before the meeting Notice of Vote Due notice is hereby given that, at a Stated meeting of Osman Shrine on June 10, 2014, the following will be voted upon: As required by Osman Bylaws, the Nobility will vote on the 2015 fundraiser. There shall be a 2015 fundraiser for the Osman Shrine, a Circus to be held at the State Fair Coliseum. Notice of Expenditure from Pilgrimage Fund There shall be appropriated from the Pilgrimage Fund the sum of $8,000.00 or as much thereof as is necessary, for the Divan, the Nobility, and the seven elected Midwest Representatives to attend the Midwest in Sioux Falls SD, August 21-23, 2014. There shall be appropriated from the Pilgrimage Fund the sum of $2,500.00 or as much as is necessary to send the Imperial Representatives to attend the Imperial Session in Minneapolis MN. July 6 – July 10, 2014. And Now - May All Your Days Be Circus Party Days! John Attest. Roger Berge, Potentate Thomas West, Recorder Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm Richard N. Purcell, Divan April 2014 Dennis W. Boom PP Earl J. Holcomb Page 21 in for a wonderful talk by “Ole Oleson” about the Norwegian immigration process to the US. “Betty Crocker” had stopped by before the meeting and left a few baking treats for each attendee. Our Potentate, Roger Berge and his lady, Jennifer, were our guests for the day. Thank you, Roger and Jennifer for attending our luncheon. We appreciate your support. Greetings to our members and friends, We want to thank all of you who renewed your membership for 2014. If you are just returning from your “winter home” and forgot, you can still send in your dues for 2014. The year has started really well. For the first time in several years, we held a February luncheon. Forty members and their guests joined The Osman Auxiliary participated in the Volunteer Expo at the Mall of America once again this year. It’s a great opportunity to meet with the general public and tell our story and our connection to Shriners Hospital for Children-Twin Cities. Our board members did a fine job sharing information of the services we provide for the children and their families. We’re busy planning for our Bunco event on April 3rd and of course, many of the members will be helping at circus again this year. Always a fun time! The General Auxiliary will be holding their annual meeting in April. Several of the Osman Auxiliary members will be participating in that two day event. This is the day when Auxiliary representatives come together from all over the six state area. We highlight the day by hosting a patient from our hospital and their family. It’s also when the Auxiliaries present checks to the Board for the monies they’ve raised throughout the year. It’s truly a blessing to see and hear how all these ladies and gentlemen support our kids at the hospital. Kay Skoog is looking for volunteers to model at our fall fashion show luncheon. Contact Kay if you’d like to volunteer – 651-653-0814 Our sympathy and prayers to our friends, Jerry Payne and Rosewitha Holcomb. As always, thank you for your continued support. Look forward to seeing you at upcoming events Rose West, Chairman rwest330@hotmail.com 651-459-3813 On Saturday, March 8th, Marjorie and David Park, Anders Haugen and Linda Johnson met members of the Austin Shrine Club at the Hospital to receive a 5 x 8 trailer load of toys. Bill and Bonnie Newell, Les Buck and Brad Stout delivered the toys they received from the Salvation Army. Every year, the Austin Shrine Club rings bells for the Salvation Army along with the Masons. Together they raised over $11,000. Thanks to our great club in Austin, the Salvation Army donates the extra toys they receive to the kids at our hospital. This is the fourth year the club has delivered toys. We appreciate your hard work and dedication for all you do for our kids. It was like Christmas all over again on Saturday. We know the kids will really love them! Thank you, Shriners and your ladies. For more information about the Auxiliary, go to our website: www.womens-auxiliary4kids.org. Marjorie and Linda Page 22 April 2014 Linda Johnson Helen Nutchals Chuck Nutchals Ginger Kreuger Winona Womens Auxiliary Theodore and Geraldine Jaros Please print or type q Memorial Gift q Tom and Rose West PP David and Marjorie Park Rosanna Ash Lori Galloway Gary and Ayrica Ash Helen Kosin Honorarium Gift Made by ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ________________________________________________ In Memory of In Honor of (circle one) ___________________________________________________________________ Send acknowledgement to: ___________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________________________ Address Make checks payable to: Osman Womens Auxiliary. Send check along with this form to: Elizabeth Ekholm, Memorial Chairman. 1703 Lilac Lane. Mendota Heights, MN 55118 SHRINE SANTA’S The Midwest Shrine Association has approved the start of a Shrine Santa Association. Whether you are a real bearded Santa or one that uses a artificial beard and hair you are welcome to join. As a Shrine Santa you can work with the Shrine Hospitals. Be a Santa for a child at home. Maybe a family member of a Shrine Patient is being deployed you are there for them, or maybe an early Christmas or a late one so they can have a Christmas with family. A few requirements must pass a back ground check once a year, cost around $50.00, and have insurance. No DRINKING as a Santa, always having a clean Santa suit. For more information you can contact me at home 715-688-2335, cell 651-491-2825 or emails crzpiper@baldwin-telecom.net or santawarren57@yahoo.com. Yours in the faith Santa Warren April 2014 Osman Womens Auxiliary Events for 2014 May 3, 2014, Saturday Luncheon – 11:30 AM Guest Speaker Joe Dertinger, Shriners Hospital patient and Special Olympic Skier - Lost Spur/Osman Event Center September 27, Saturday Luncheon and Style Show -11:30 AM Style Show by Baglios, The Afton House 3291 St. Croix Tr. S., Afton, MN October 25, Saturday Luncheon and program to be determined December 6, Saturday Holiday Luncheon – 11:30 AM Entertainment by the “Flute Cocktail” Mendakota Country Club Osman is Looking For A Few Good Nobles. Are you retired or have time during the day? Do you have a clean, safe and reliable vehicle? Would you like to help save the Temple money? Are you a safe driver and a timely person? If yes, Osman needs you. We are looking to set up a call list of Drivers to transport patients to Shriner’s Hospital Twin Cities Campus as needed. Please call Doreen or Ellen in the office for details on how you can be added to the approved drivers list. Your mileage would be deductible on your taxes or mileage reimbursement is available. Page 23 SHC Athletes Compete in Sochi, Russia, Paralympics’ Competition Nine current or former SHC patients from across our North American service areas have competed in the Sochi Paralympic Competition. These athletes include: Steve Cash (SHC – St. Louis) • Ice sledge hockey (rt, rt) Heidi Jo Duce (SHC – Salt Lake City) • Snowboarding Stephanie Jallen (SHC – Philadelphia) Alpine skiing Dan McCoy (SHC – Erie) • Ice sledge hockey Tatyana McFadden (SHC – Philadelphia) • Biathlon & cross country skiing Kevin McKee (SHC – Chicago) • Ice sledge hockey Nicole Roundy (SHC – Salt Lake City) • Snowboarding (rt, lt) Santiago Vega (SHC – Salt Lake City, competing for Chile) • Alpine skiing Many of these athletes were introduced to their sport and got their first taste for athletic competition through SHC adaptive sports clinics. Each of them has a remarkable story to tell of how hard work, determination, and an “accept-no-limits” mindset has helped to get them to where they are today. Dan McCoy is in the photo, left, and Heidi Jo Duce is in the photo, right. We are proud of all of these young men and women, who have distinguished themselves in such remarkable ways and who have honored our hospitals, which aim constantly to inculcate vision, courage, and going-beyond-your limits in our pediatric medical care. Brody Roybal (SHC – Chicago) • Ice sledge hockey—at 15, the youngest member of the team One day to Masonry Special Midyear Event set for June 21st at the Minnehaha Lodge #65 Cost $250 per person for all three degrees in One day including apron, Cypher, the book Freemasonry for dummies and all meals that day vvvvvvvvvvvv If you have a candidate to get into Lodge and limited time, here is your opportunity to do so. You must have your petition voted and accepted so you can notify Grand Lodge by June 13th (NO EXCEPTIONS) vvvvvvvvvvvv First come first serve. If you have a candidate please get the information to Grand Lodge 800-245-6050 or the Osman Office 651-452-5660 who will notify them no later than May 31st vvvvvvvvvvvv Building Masonry in MN is what will save the Lodges, Rites and Shrine. Please help us make a difference. Page 24 April 2014 April 2014 Page 25 APRIL 2014 1 6 7 Rush Party After Circus Party 13 14 20 21 2 3 4 Rochester SC Austin Oriental Band Grand Lodge Communication Grand Lodge Communication 9 10 11 Clowns, Rochester Zagalas Austin SC, Austin Oriental Band 16 17 Director’s Staff, Alexandria Calliope & 4-wheelers, Alexandria SC Albert Lea SC, Albert Lea Cars Legion of Honor, East Central SC, Sheiks, St Cloud Go-Karts 22 23 24 Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Merry Medics 8 Lynnhurst Dinner 15 Provost 27 28 29 30 St Paul Scottish Rite BBQ 5 12 Mighty Mites 18 19 25 26 Winona SC, Cannon Valley SC If your Club or Unit would like your activities listed on the calendar please contact the Osman Shrine office 651-452-5660, Doreen@OsmanShrine.org Upcoming Events May September June October Club & Unit Meeting 13th Hospital Days 16th Ladies Appreciation Brunch 18th Ceremonial 7th Stated Meeting 10th Alexandria Circus 20th July Imperial Session 6th-10th Mpls, Mn Club & Unit 8th Picnic 27th August Midwest Summer Session 20th-23rd Page 26 Stated Meeting 9th Potentates Gala 13th Potentates Trip 18th-21st Chili Cook Off 12th November Hufli 3rd Club & Unit 11th December Stated Meeting 2nd Club & Unit Holiday & Parade to Glory 9th April 2014 St. Patrick’s Day 2014 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway St. Paul, MN 55121 651/452-5660 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities MN Permit No. 264 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED RSVP by May 13th to Osman 651-452-5660
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