January Osman - Osman Shrine
January Osman - Osman Shrine
January 2014 Vo l u m e 1 2 9 • N u m b e r 1 Osman Shrine Officers 2013 Divan Roger Berge (Jennifer) Potentate rberge2@yahoo.com Jeffrey Olsen (Julie) Chief Rabban jjolsen12@gmail.com Directors Staff, Winona Area Shrine Club, Crown Jewel Bruce Thomas (Terri) Assistant Rabban partsxpress@charter.net Osman Cycles, Pipe Band, St. Paul Zagalas Rich Purcell (Sharon) High Priest & Prophet purcellrs@aol.com Drum & Bugle, East Central Shrine Club, Friendly Valley Shrine Club, Mighty Mites Mike Nehm (Sandy) Oriental Guide smnehm@comcast.net Blooming Prairie Shrine Club, Cannon Valley Shrine Club, Clubs & Units, Provost Russell Christofk (Pauline) Treasurer rchristofk@comcast.net Tom West (Rose) Recorder twest212@hotmail.com Anders Haugen (Adriana) 1st Ceremonial Master ajhaugen@gmail.com Austin Oriental Band, Austin Area Shrine Club, Clowns, Patrol Larry Norte (Audrey) 2nd Ceremonial Master mn442man@yahoo.com St. Cloud Go-Karts, St. Cloud Shrine Club, St. Cloud Zagalas, Legion of Honor Sean Gardiner (Tracy) Marshal sean.gardiner@stigardiner.net Chanters, Hi-Hats, Mankato Shrine Club, Mankato T-Birds, Sheiks Mark Galloway (Lori) Captain of the Guard markgalloway65@yahoo.com Alexandria Shrine Club, Alexandria Calliope/Four Wheelers, Nomads Club, Cigar Club Outer Guard Albert Lea Shrine Club and Cars, Rochester Cycles, Rochester Dragons, Merry Medics, Rochester Shrine Club, Rochester Zagalas Ill Sir Roger Berge’s family. Roger, Jennifer, daughter Brittney and son Austin. Pote’s Notes Nine years and 3 days. That is the length of time since I stood before you all for the first time as your Outer Guard. A lot of time has passed since that cold Roger Berge and icy January day in 2005 and a lot of things have changed. We have a new building, some new units and clubs and many many new Nobles. I have grown personally and professionally thanks to all of you, I have learned to be a better Shrine Mason because of you, I have learned a greater value and importance of family because of you. Osman has done many things for me and I would like to think I am giving something back. I have held many positions in Osman and in the Masonic Lodge during my years on the Divan and while going through the chairs at Lodge, but one thing has not changed; I still have a strong focus on Membership. I saw a need to change and grow in 2005 and picked my theme that year and I was told I was being kinda bold naming my theme the day I was appointed as Outer Guard. I’ll tell you it may have been bold but it is the same theme today as it was in January 2005. “ABC-123 Back to the Basics”. Back to the Basics doesn’t mean we need to do what we did 20, 50 or even 100 years ago. Back to the Basics simply means we need to be New and Innovative like the 13 Masons that started this Great Shrine. Come up with new ideas, new units, new games, new parties and pretty soon we’ll have New Nobles. Friends want to have fun with friends and if we provide fun we will grow and keep the Nobles we have. This year we are going to create 99 new Nobles, How? Simple, Just Ask. One way to build Osman Shrine is to build the Blue Lodges within our area. Just think if every one of us brought in 1 new Bother Mason to Lodge and saw them through the degrees we would have 275 new Nobles. How you ask? Simple, it’s proven that appx. 25% of all Masons will join the Shrine and with almost 1200 strong in Osman we can surely get a 10% jump on new creations. Osman’s Membership Chairman Mike Yankovec and I are looking forward to attaining this goal and working with you to make it. I look forward to serving you over the next twelve months and will not take for granted the trust you have all put in me to serve as Potentate of Osman Shrine. Fraternally Yours Roger H. Berge In This Issue... Osman State Meeting.................................................................. 4 Club & Unit News........................................................................ 6 Breakfast with Santa................................................................. 12 Enter Shriners Essay Contest..................................................... 13 Osman Paper Supporters.......................................................... 14 Club & Unit Heads..................................................................... 15 Parade to Glory......................................................................... 16 Daughters of the Nile................................................................ 18 Osman Womens Auxiliary.......................................................... 20 Zagalas Holiday Party................................................................ 22 Notes from the Ticket Booth....................................................... 24 Calendar of Events.................................................................... 26 January 2014 Official Monthly Publication of Osman 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, St. Paul, MN 55121 (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 osmanshrine.org • E-mail: doreen@OsmanShrine.org All communication regarding editorial content or advertising should be addressed to the Editor or at the address above. Published in the interest of Osman Shrine. Osman Shrine Office Staff Doreen Lynch Ellen Maine Office Manager Assistant Office Manager Doreen@OsmanShrine.org Ellen@OsmanShrine.org Page 3 Osman Stated Meeting, December 3, 2013 Motion made to accept report. Motion was seconded and passed. n Oriental Guide: Rich Purcell Rich Purcell reported there were four demits: Darwin Meyers, Stephen Leinen, Dr Ralph Magnusson , and Bob Holly and 52 suspensions will take effect on December 31, if their 2013 dues are not paid. Prior to the meeting, there was a presentation by Don Ingles from Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities regarding the various ways to make contributions to the Hospital. n Meeting called to order: Illustrious Sir Donald Harmsen called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. All present were Nobles. Pledge recited, invocation given by Chaplin Dan Skoog. n Chief Rabban: Roger Berge Roger Berge gave the report on the associations, affiliations, restorations and new creations. All were voted on in the affirmative. An affiliation voted on was Harold King. New Creations voted on were: Michael Kauss, Ben Kellogg, James Beavers, Houssam Abou Mourad, Shawn Carlson, Tyler Cooley, Chris Chopp, Riley Brolsma, Robert Corwin, Trevor Faundeen, and Kurt Walleser. n Introductions of Past Potentates: Faye Hassie PP 1982, Jerry Plachecki PP 1999, Henry Paulson PP 2003, Franklin Peterson PP 2007, Roger Robinson PP 2008, James Berg PP 2009, Frank Spevak PP 2012. n Nobels attending their first meeting: James Beavers n Recorder: Tom West Motion made to accept the minutes from the Stated Meeting held September 10, 2013, as printed in the Osman. Motion seconded and passed. n Treasurer’s Report: Russ Christofk Treasurer Russ Christofk gave the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made to accept the report as given. The motion was seconded and passed. n Treasurer’s Report: Rich Johnson Trustee Rich Johnson gave the report. Page 4 report. These Nobles are now or have recently been ill: P.P. Marv Edelstein, Bert Aikens, Al Rieder, Merlin Mattson, Richard Seppala, Mike Nehm, Gary Ness, and Roger Taylor. n Black Camel Report: Assistant Rabban Jeff Olsen Jeff Olsen read the list of Nobles who have passed since our last meeting. A moment of silence followed the reading of their names, and the Chanters honored their memory with a song. They were Lester Strouse Jr., Elmer Malinen, Mike Elwell, Louis Gerald Wagner, David Wick, Warren Nelson, Gerald Wrubel, Orvis Alberts, and Wally Ask. n Good Cheer Report: Marshal Larry Norte n Hospital Report: PP Roger Robinson Roger reported that PP Hank Paulson will complete his term on the Shriners Hospital Board at the end of the month. This will result in an opening for an Osman Shriner on the Hospital Board. Candidates were interviewed and the Hospital Board appointed PP James Berg to the position. Roger also reported that the Hospital is hiring a new physician. There is also another physician who is working part time one weekend per month at the Hospital. Roger stated that we always need more kids. Our Hospital is growing, and it is one of the highest rated Hospitals in the system. n Circus Report: Assistant Rabban Jeff Olsen and John Davenport John introduced the 2013 Circus Banner. The cost is the same as last year, $50. He also has plaques available for the same amount. John stated that we need to sell ads for the Circus Coloring Books. He also stated that Shriners can sell all of these items plus tickets. Bikes were donated to the Circus tonight by the Chanters, the Cycle Corps and the Cigar Club. Larry Norte gave the good cheer January 2014 n Membership Report: Warren Lynch Warren stated that there are 52 members to be suspended for nonpayment of dues. He stated that we desperately need new members and he would welcome any ideas or suggestions as to what we can do to increase membership. Deadwood, SD. The trip will be 4 days and 3 nights. The bus will pick up at Albert Lea, Rochester and the Osman Temple. Some of the sights that we will see are the Corn Palace, Mount Noble Dave Tabor asked for the Nobility to make sure they RSVP for the Club and Unit meeting which will be on Dec. 10. n Chief of Staff Report: No report. n New and Old Business: Rushmore, Bear Country, the Badlands and Deadwoods Boot Hill. The cost will be $499 per person, which includes some meals. Oriental Guide Rich Purcell reported that the Children’s Holiday Party will be Dec. 8, 2013, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Bring your children and grandchildren. There will be games, crafts and entertainment. Budget. The Budget was presented and moved for adoption. Motion was seconded and passed. Treasurer Russ Christofk moved for a vote for the expenditure from the Pilgrimage Fund for 2014 Midwest Winter Session. There shall be appropriated from the Pilgrimage Fund the sum of $9,000 or as much there of as is necessary, for the Divan, the nobility, and the seven elected Midwest Representatives to attend the Midwest Winter Session in Sioux Falls, SD., February 20 -22, 2014. The motion was seconded and passed. Noble Mark Hughes announced that Dec. 11, 2013, will be Mark Hughes day in St. Paul. The ceremony will take place at the Ramsey County Court House at 3:30 PM. First Ceremonial Master Mike Nehm reported that the Directors Staff are selling pies. It was suggested that we form a transport club to provide rides for patients and parents to the Hospital. Illustrious Sir Harmsen asked Chief Rabban Roger Berge to present his 2014 n Good of the Order: Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen stated that the New Year’s Brunch will be from 10 Am to 1:00 PM on New Year’s Day. Nobles are free with their 2014 dues card, Ladies are $10.00. It was also reported that the contract for adding to the parking lot has been signed and work may start soon, weather providing. Illustrious Sir Harmsen recessed Osman Temple at 7:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Tom West, Recorder BLACK CAMEL n John Cokinos Sr. 12/16/2013 n Daniel G. Davis 12/16/13 Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen announced that the Annual Meeting will be January 7, 2014, at 6:30 PM. Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen presented a 60 year pin to Noble Marv Wolf. P.P. Marv Edelstein Bob Hoffman Travis Roether Chief Rabban Roger Berge stated that the Osman trip for next year is scheduled September 18 – 21, 2014. It will be a bus trip to the Black Hills and January 2014 Page 5 The Chief’s Corner Chanters Rique Beslin Happy New Year and Happy 2014!! For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself, I am Rique Beslin, and I am your new Chief of Staff. I will keep this fairly short for now, as there are not a ton of activities coming up, but those that you need to take note of are as follows: New Year’s brunch was January 1st and well attended, with good food and great friends. Open Installation of Officers Saturday, January 11th, 1:00 Potentate’s Reception - Saturday, January 11th, 2-4 P.M. Both to be held at the Osman Event Center We are really into winter now, with snow and cold all over the place. Christmas will have come and gone when you read this. We surely hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy 2014. The Holiday Brunch was as usual, with excellent food and good fellowship. Our next big event is to elect our new Potentate in January. December 2nd we had our Christmas party at Darwin and Barbara Korum’s house. We had a grand time, and were glad to bring the party to Darwin, who has a bit of difficulty getting around. The Chanter guys are always willing to help one another out. December 14th we gave a concert for residents of a retirement home. All of the active Chanter members showed up to sing. Barb Korum was at her usual place at the piano. Following the concert, we adjourned to Joseph’s restaurant for dinner before heading home after a very satisfying evening. We were surprised to see the Sheiks there too, having their Christmas party. We raided their party to sing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and all in all everyone had a nice evening. When the first light of sun Bless you When the long day is done Bless you In your smiles and in your tears Bless you Through each day of your years Bless you. Es Selamu Aleikum The Scribe One Day to Masonry - Saturday, January 18th - Minneapolis Scottish Rite St. Paul Winter Carnival - Saturday, January 25th, watch your Parade Blast for step off time. Oasis to be BEFOREHAND at St. Paul Masonic Center, 200 East Plato Blvd. Club and Unit Seminar - Saturday, February 1st - Twin Cities Children’s Hospital MSA Winter Meeting - February 2022 - Sioux Falls, SD That’s all for now, more information coming your way next month!! Looking forward to a great year ahead! Fraternally Yours, Rique Beslin Chief Of Staff, Osman Shrine riquebeslin@gmail.com Page 6 Ray Hobot, Bob Meyer, Dean Strand, and Ill Sir Don Harmsen January 2014 Provost The upcoming Provost meetings/dinners: January’s meeting on Monday January 20th will be at the Little Venetian in Little Canada, social Eric Seavey at 6:00pm, dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:00pm. The February meeting will be our Valentine’s Party and will be held at Kozlak’s Royal Oak in Shoreview, 6:00pm social and 7pm dinner. The March meeting will be back at the Little Venetian. Please try and make it to our meetings to socialize and to plan upcoming events. Treasurer Alan Christofk Secretary Jerry Johnson First Sergeant Dave Langer Sergeant TBD Quartermaster Mike Werth Chaplain Tom West The MPA (Midwest Provost Association) will be holding its winter meeting concurrent with MSA (Midwest Shrine Association) winter meeting this year in Sioux Falls, SD, hosted by El Zagel temple. If Provost members wish to go to the MPA meeting 10:30 on Friday 2/21/2014 they can join the Osman Divan going up for the MSA session and stay at the same hotel, hospitality room will be provided by Upcoming Events Osman. The hotel room is $135.13/ • New Year’s Brunch, Jan 1st – Provost night and meals are available if the noble are needed for parking. Shriners are would like to dine with the MSA group. free with paid 2014 dues. Reservation Friday breakfast $14.11, lunch $12.81, required. dinner $37.17, Saturday breakfast $10.90, lunch $12.81 or Total for all 5 • Annual Meeting Jan 7, Provost meals $87.80. needed for tyling. Remember that your Osman dues must be paid to This is the first time the MPA has attend! Dinner Buffet in Spur 5-6pm, tried meeting concurrent with the MSA Meeting 6:30pm Winter Session. This is also a great time • Potentate’s Reception Jan 11 • One Day to Masonry Jan 18th • Winter Carnival Parade, Jan 25th. I love this parade! • Club and Unit Officers Seminar, Feb. 1. 9am – 2pm at the Shriners Hospital for Children. Rolls and Coffee at 8:30am, lunch will be served, tours of the hospital will follow the seminar. All officers should attend. to meet all the Divan and aids from the other 14 temples. Check-in is Thursday night social time that evening. MSA business meeting starts at 8am Friday, the MPA meeting is at 10:30am, lunch is at noon, general session business meeting in the afternoon. Awards and steak dinner is that night with a short meeting Saturday morning. Attendees are typically on the road by noon. The cost for 2 night’s hotel and 5 meals totals $358.06. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Tom West at the Shrine Office. Fraternally, Erik Seavey Provost Secretary Email: erik.seavey@gmail.com Phone: 651-263-4744 ATTENTION Dave Tabor, President of Club & Units would like to start up a Go-Kart unit in the St. Paul area. If you are interested please contact Dave Tabor at 651-206-8574 or shrinerdave1@yahoo.com • Feb 20 – 22nd MSA and MPA Winter Session. (See below for MPA details). The Christmas Party was nice. We had a good turnout and it was good to talk with everyone. The party ended with installation of 2014 officers. Officers: Captain Erik Seavey First Lieutenant Paul Kuehl Senior Second Lieutenant TBD Junior Second Lieutenant Kelly O’Neil January 2014 Clowns Holiday Party Page 7 Mighty Mites Greetings from the Mighty Mites The annual Mighty Mites Christmas party was held at Joseph’s Grill in St. Paul this year with most of our members in attendance. In addition to our members, we enjoyed the company of three of our officers from Osman. Our Potentate, Donald Harmsen along with High Priest and Prophet, Bruce Thomas and his Lady Terri in addition to our Oriental Guide, Rich Purcell and his Lady Sharon were kind enough to share their busy holiday season with us. It was truly a great evening planned by Art Lemke and Gary Hoven. Gatherings of this size and significance take time, planning, and follow-through. We as members thank Art for bringing us together to share this social event with our Ladies and Shrine friends. Also, Gary as our MC was exceptional with his wit and attention to detail. Membership in this group allows me to reflect on a life style that I have attempted to maintain over the years. My philosophy of life is simple. It’s my belief that the world is made up of two types of people, those that give energy, and those that take energy. It’s always been my goal to spend time with the energy givers. This unit continues to provide each of us with an abundance of associates that have similar goals and continues to give each other the energy needed to carry out our mission of caring about kids and each other. Next month I look forward to sharing the progress that the Mighty Mites have made with their plans for the future. One change as you may have noticed is the new logo displayed with this article. Until then, we wish all clubs and units the best in 2014 as we continue to serve the Temple in the name of kids. Wally Larsen Austin Area Shrine Club & Oriental Band Neil Hanson Nobles were busy during the Holiday Season as they have a partnership with the Austin Area Salvation Army to help them reach their goal. For over 50 years Nobles in Austin attempt to cover as much of Austin as possible on the first Friday of December. Some of our Nobles were out as early as 4:00 a.m. to be at the main gates of the Hormel and QPP Plants. Others worked sites such as Hy-Vee Foods, the Post Office, Jim’s Market Place, Shopko and others as needed. And, the ladies stepped up to help us out. Potentate Donald Harmsen, and Divan Representatives Roger Berge, Mike Nehm, Bruce Thomas and their Ladies. Introductions, other than the Divan Representatives included four widows, and Riley Brolssma, our newest member. Other guests included Riley’s father Gary, and Mike Dodge. Following a delicious dinner we were entertained by the Austin High School Mariachi Band. Then, door prizes and an auction of items followed. Officers for 2014 were Installed by Potentate Harmsen and they are: Nobles Brad Stout, President; Tim Bass, Vice President; Bill Newell, Secretary, Norm Hecimovich, Treasurer; Neil Hanson, Business Mgr; and Forrest Miller, Band Director. Donations from the Shrine Club and Oriental Band were presented by Norm Hecimovich, Treasurer, and President Stout summarized our activities during 2013, and thanked everyone for attending. The evening ended with remarks from Potentate Harmsen. We had a good year!! Neil Hanson Business Manager As the day ended, several Nobles canvassed some of the bars in Austin, and then we enjoyed either Chili or Oysters at the Salvation Army. This year our efforts raised $4,182.90. And this amount will be matched by a grant from Minnesota Masonic Charities. This is needed support for the Salvation Army Food Shelf, but we wish it had been a warmer day, as wind chills were -20 degrees. The month of Shrine activities came to a close with our annual Holiday Dinner held at the Austin Country Club. Forty Nobles and Ladies attended including Page 8 January 2014 Albert Lea Shrine Club and Albert Lea Cars Greetings Nobles, Ladies and Friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2013 is gone and 2014 is HERE. Noble Mark Galloway, Divan Outer Guard, Installed our new officers for 2014. President Noble Lynn Davis, Vice President Noble “Jake” Loper, Secretary/Treasurer Noble Greg Morfitt, Director (Past President) Noble Clarence Schroeder, Director (Past President) Noble Jerry Pineau (not present Director Jack Brown). The party was wonderful. Past President Clarence gave us some parting words and new President Lynn will be taking the helm in January. Gifts for the Shrine Hospital were received, TOYS and CAN TABS. We were entertained by the Northwood Kensett high school music department singers. The Christmas Season is a GREAT time of the years. May your new year bring you happiness and Love. Greg Morfitt, Secretary/Treasurer Divan Noble Mark Galloway installing officers Clarence Schroeder (Director) Lynn Davis (President) Greg Morfitt (Sec./Trea) Jake Loper (Vice Pres.) and Jerry Pineau (Director) Noble Paul Foss and his Lady Genevieve who donated over 50,000 can tabs!!!! Past President Clarence Schroeder and his Lady Dorothy President Noble Lynn Davis and his Lady Karen January 2014 Northwood Kensett music department singers Page 9 Alexandria Shrine Club and 4 Wheelers Greetings All... I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! The Alexandria Shrine Club Calliope and 4-Wheelers had Brion Golde an awesome year this year! The Holiday party was a great success and I want to thank everyone that came and everyone that helped! I want to thank Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen, Chief Rabban Roger Berge, Recorder Tom West and Lady Rose--Head of Women’s Auxiliary, Captain of the Guard (Our Divan Rep) Sean Gardiner, and Outer Guard Mark Galloway and Lady Lori for all making the trip up for the Holiday Party! Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen had the great pleasure of installing all of the 2014 officers. To help promote the 10 Million Charity Miles Giveaway, Amelia Golde had everyone take a guess of how many votes the Shriners Hospital for Children had at 7pm that night. There were people that had very close guesses to the actual number that was 68,066 at the time. Even though Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen guessed 68,146, he went over so that made Loren Van Wyck the winner of the apple pie and Alex Shrine beanie, with a guess of 68,000! Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen made the comment of, “I didn’t realize that this was the Price is Right and you can’t go over”! Amelia Golde also read a paper that she wrote for an English paper. She had to write a commentary and she decided to do one on Parade Etiquette and how watchers should give respect to our Country’s flag as it goes by. It was an amazing paper that was greatly received by everyone there. A standing ovation was given for her. Great work, Amelia! Trailer Update...The trailer is still being worked on but will be ready to go for Winter Carnival! We want to thank Osman for granting our request; it truly shows that the support goes both ways. As we were gathering during our social hour with Fezzes on, a gentleman walked by and had seen all the fezzes. He stopped and asked what was going on. We found out that he is a Shriner and his dad who is staying in Grand Arbor is a Zuhrah Shriner! Illustrious Sir Don and Captain of the Guard Sean invited them in to join in on the dinner. They enjoyed some socializing and at the end of the dinner, they proceeded to leave. As they were leaving, I stopped and talked with the son and he stated that his father was really excited to be able to come and join in on our Shrine function. The son also stated that because of this he wants to become more active in his Shrine Club. Want to remind everyone that the Valentine’s dinner will be Sunday, February 16th at Grand Arbor. Respectfully Submitted, Brion Golde Secretary Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen enjoying the cheesecake. He only claimed that he ate two... The Jefferson High School Carolers sang Christmas songs Roger Berge and Amelia Golde at the Alex Shrine Holiday Party Page 10 Going left to right for 2014 Officers...Jim Bridenstine (Co Captain), John Phillips (Captain), Brion Golde (Secretary), Dale Graff (President), Rudy Denke (Vice President), Jim Gratias (Treasurer) and Illustrious Sir Don Harmsen. January 2014 Legion of Honor Happy New Year!! My hope for all of you in 2014 is for happiness and good health!! This will be my last article for the Osman as the Commander of Rique Beslin the LOH. It has been both a pleasure and an honor to serve as Commander for the LOH for not only one but the past two years!! I have learned much in the past two years. I thank you for your patience with me as I learned the ropes and made my mistakes along the way. We sure are lucky to be Shriners! December was a busy one for us, as we had a stated meeting on December 3rd, the Children’s Christmas party on December 8th, Parade of Glory on December 10, and our own LOH Christmas Party and Installation of offices on December 19th. All were well attended by so many. At our Installation, we installed the following officers for 2014: Commander - Jim Moore, Vice Commander - Todd Swedberg, Adjutant - Wiley Davis and Treasurer - Jim Smeby. Congratulations fellow Nobles - you will serve this Legion well!! January meeting will be at 7th street grill. Fellowship at six followed by dinner and meeting January started out with the annual New Year’s Day brunch, and while the food is always good, much attention was on the TV’s behind the bar as we tried to catch a glimpse of our very own Sean Gardiner’s son Ian as he and the rest of the Rosemount High School Marching band took part in the Rose Bowl Parade! Ian and the rest of the band worked so hard to get to where they are, we are so proud of you!! taking on within Osman Temple. If you are new to Osman, and are proud to carry the flag of this nation, please consider being a member of the Legion of Honor. We would love to have you. Happy New Year everyone!! We have also elected a new Potentate for 2014, congratulations to the 2014 divan line. I’m sure we are in for a wonderful year of fun and activities. January 11th was the Open Installation of Officers and the Potentates Reception. What a great turnout for this event. Rique Beslin, Commander 2012-2013 With Pride and Honor, Our Parade season kicks off on January 25th with the Winter Carnival parade. Oasis will be beforehand at Plato Boulevard, check your Parade Blast or the Chief ’s corner for additional details. So some good news to report on the Beslin family front; demo and construction rebuild started on our home the first week of December! We are looking for a possible completion date of Early April - post Circus!! My lady Kim and I would like to thank you all for your love, support, encouragement and that needed hug or two that we’ve received from all of you since July. I really don’t know where we’d be without the support of this great Shrine Family. So, while this will be my last article for the LOH, please know that I’m not going anywhere, though I just may not be involved in as many LOH activities due to some new responsibilities I will be Alexandria Shrine Club & Four Wheelers ALEXANDRIA, MN Meeting the Third Tuesday of Every Month January 2014 Page 11 Breakfast with Santa Shriners Hospitals for Children - Twin Cities’ annual Breakfast with Santa event was a huge sucess again this year thanks to the planning and organizing of Judy Carns, hospital staff, and the support from Zuhrah and Osman Shriners. The Bloomington Area Shrine Club took over the cooking this year and made pancakes and sausage for everyone. Santa’s lap was visited by around 175 children (and even some adults too!). Photographers Rick Kessler and Emily Fishman volunteered their time and talent to capture the spirit of the holidays on camera. Despite the 2 degree weather, Santa’s reindeer, Donner and Blitzen gave sleigh rides around the front circle and everyone was thrilled to visit Ruby and “D”, the South African Black Footed Penguins who were in the clinic. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success. Save the date for next year...December 6th, 2014. Scott Hippert - Service Dept. Direct: 507-424-1957 scotthi@lupient.com Scott Hippert - Service Dept. Direct: 507-424-1957 scotthi@lupient.com 4642 Hwy. 52 North Rochester, MN 55901 Page 12 January 2014 Enter the 3rd Annual Shriners International Personal Essay Contest Shriners believe in fun, fellowship and philanthropy. For this year’s essay contest, we want to focus on the fellowship and brotherhood you have experienced during your time as a Shriner. organization. We hope that you share your story of friendship, brotherhood and fellowship with us and, in doing so, remind yourself and others how great it is to be Shriner. Did your fellow nobles go out of their way to help you or someone else in a time of need? Shriners are brought together by shared values and interests, whether it’s a love of motorcycles, playing music in a band, planning a circus or volunteering at a hospital. Over time, this camaraderie often grows into deeper long-lasting friendships that last a lifetime. Shriners love to get together and have fun, but they also stand by each other during times of struggle, providing comfort and support. What should I write about? Did you meet your best friend through the Shriners? The people that you surround yourself with shape who you are as a person. As a Shriner, your life has been influenced by some of the great men that make up our *Please note: Your essay does not have to answer one of these questions. These are just writing prompts to inspire you. Have you had an experience as a Shriner that exemplifies the true meaning of fellowship & brotherhood? Do you and your Shriner friends have a special tradition that you take part in? Are you part of a tight group of friends that met through the Shriners? Are you part of a unit that shares a special bond or connection? How will the winners be recognized? The top three winning essays will be printed in the new quarterly fraternal publication. The winners will also receive plaques, pins and Amazon.com gift cards. How do I submit an essay? Essays must be submitted to shrinepr@ shrinenet.org by February 28, 2014. Download the entry form at www.shrinersvillage.com/News/ ShrinersEssayContest2014.aspx and a complete list of rules and guidelines. Please call 813-2818162 with questions. AmazonSmile Andover Wrestlers Do you like to shop on Amazon? There is a fabulous new program through Amazon called AmazonSmile. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice, and Shriners Hospitals for Children is one of the options. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service...so check it out today! January 2014 For the second time this year, wrestlers from Andover High School offered a special treat to patients in our clinic lobby. The wrestlers received donations of wooden crafts from Home Depot and spent the afternoon assembling them with patients. The patients and wrestlers enjoyed this noisy project and all look forward to the next visit. Thanks for the fun, team! Page 13 2 0 1 3 O S M A N PA P E R S U P P O RT E R S MEMORIALS Warren & Doreen Lynch In Memory of P.P. Mike Hildebrand, Dick McNary, P.P. Tom Huppert & Doris Plachecki Leonard Schrade In Memory of Carole Schrade Wayne Longwell In Memory of Jerry Longwell & Richard K. Brown Henry L Gleason In Memory of Henry L. Millis & Charles R Gleason SUPPORTERS Bill & Bonnie Newell In Memory of Heidi & Carter Newell Dennis & Elaine Boom Art Lemke Art Lemke In Memory of Shieks and Might Mites Arthur & Janice Lingo Betty Porter Leonard Hislop P.P. Frank & Beverly Peterson Lloyd & Pat Rogers Cannon Valley SC Austin Oriental Band Dr. Alyn & Anna Dull Austin Shrine Club P.P. Charles & Judee Ferguson Dorthee Angel In Memory of Husband Harold Angel Trudy Harper In Memory of Oscar Olin HONORARIA PP Charles & Judee Ferguson In Memory of PP Robert Ferguson Ernie & Becky Flury: In honor of Jim Flury Ernie Flury & Becky In Memory of P.P. John Brockman Osman Cycle Corps In Memory of Dale Roberge SUPPORT YOUR OSMAN PAPER Honoraria and Memorials are $35.00 and a Supporter is $25.00. Call the office at (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 Email: doreen@osmanshrine.org. Thanks! Men’s Suits/Tuxes/Blazers/Sports Coats Richard N. Purcell, Divan Page 14 Dennis W. Boom PP Earl J. Holcomb January 2014 CLUB & & UNIT UNIT HEADS CLUB HEADS OFFICERS ALEXANDRIA CALLIOPE & OFFICERS President: President: Dave Tabor Dave Tabor 651-206-8574 651-206-8574 shrinerdave1@yahoo.com shrinerdave1@yahoo.com Vice President: MikePresident: Yankovec Vice 320-493-0776 Mike Yankovec mikeyanko@gmail.com 320-493-0776 mikeyanko@gmail.com Secretary/Treasurer: Dan Mueller Secretary/Treasurer: 763-295-8797 Brent Metcalf daninmout@aol.com 651-739-3653 brent.metcalf@comcast.net CLUBS & UNITS ALBERT LEA&SHRINE CLUB CLUBS UNITS ALBERT LEA CARS ALBERT LEA SHRINE CLUB Lynn Davis, President ALBERT LEA CARS 507-325-4683 Clarence Schroeder, President landkdavis12@gmail.com 507-373-2778 ALEXANDRIA AREA clarenceschro@yahoo.com SHRINE CLUB ALEXANDRIA AREA Dale Graff, President SHRINE CLUB 320-759-4682 Mike Denke, President 320-491-8381 madsmdbdjd@hotmail.com ALEXANDRIA CALLIOPE & 4-WHEELERS FOUR-WHEELERS John Phillips, President John Phillips, Captain 320-762-0474 320-762-0474 donnajohnphillips@charter.net donnajohnphillips@charter.net AUSTIN AREA SHRINE CLUB AUSTIN SHRINEBAND CLUB AUSTINAREA ORIENTAL AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND Brad Stout, President Brad Stout, President 507-433-8294 507-433-8294 bradstout1957@hotmail.com bradstout1957@hotmail.com BLOOMING PRAIRIE SHRINE BLOOMING PRAIRIE SHRINE CLUB CLUB Andrew Weiss, President Andrew Weiss, President 507-528-2533 507-433-8294 CANNON VALLEY SHRINE CLUB bradstout1957@hotmail.com Dennis Monroe, President CANNON VALLEY SHRINE CLUB 507-789-6399 Dennis Monroe, President CHANTERS 507-789-6399 Dean Strand, President monroed@myclearwave.net 651-770-2159 CIGARCLUB CLUB CIGAR President Mike Ordorff, Mike Ordorff, President 612-919-0475 62-919-0475 anawesomecarpenter@ anawesomecarpenter@ yahoo.com yahoo.com ACACIA P ARK CEMETERY A non-profit perpetual care cemetery serving all faiths since 1925. Stop by to view our picturesque grounds, the old stone chapel and our impressive Veterans Memorial. You’ll like our majestic view. 2151 Pilot Knob Road Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1198 651-452-1555 January 2014 CHANTERS PATROL CLOWNS Dean Strand, President Wade Brooks, President 651-770-2159 952-447-5702 dmnspmn@webtv.net wbrooks@facilitechservices.com PROVOST George Carlson, Captain Gary Winter, Captain 651-774-7793 651-484-1763 northinlino@hotmail.com gwwinter@comcast.net DIRECTORS STAFFPresident Wade Brooks, Ronald Clarstrom, President 952-447-5702 763-754-5547 wbrooks@facilitechservices.com rcclarstrom@gmail.com ROCHESTER AREA SHRINE CLUB Erik Seavey Captain President Larry Norte, 608-738-37879 (507) 250-1855 erik.seavey@gmail.com mn442man@yahoo.com DRUM & BUGLE CORPS Kent Swedberg, President Dean Brown, Captain 763-755-6011 612-963-9159 seniorswede@comcast.net dhbrownco@comcast.net ROCHESTER CYCLE PATROL SHRINE CLUB Josh Allen, President Larry Norte, President 507-272-7323 507-250-1855 allen146@hotmail.com CLOWNS DIRECTORS STAFF DRUM & BUGLE CORPS EAST CENTRAL SHRINE CLUB Joe Saad, Captain Don Vaughn, President 651-486-7743 320-358-4040 sandy@grayowlfarms.com EAST CENTRAL SHRINE CLUB Don Vaughn, President FRIENDLY VALLEY SHRINE CLUB 320-358-4040 Jim Smith, President sandy@graywolfarms.com 651-459-8320 psmith8320@msn.com FRIENDLY VALLEY SHRINEOFCLUB LEGION HONOR Jim Smith, President William Beslin, Commander 651-459-8320 651-322-4562 psmith8320@msn.com riquebeslin@gmail.com LEGION OF HONOR MANKATO AREA SHRINE CLUB Jim Moore, Steve Igou,Commander President 952-892-6815 507-546-3827 jj22@charter.net tbirdsigou@yahoo.com MANKATO AREA SHRINE CLUB MANKATO T-BIRDS MichaelMeyer, Meyer President Michael 608-395-7609 507-608-395-7609 meyerauctions@aol.com meyerauctions@aol.com MIGHTY MITES MANKATO T-BIRDS John Watson Crew Chief Steve Igou, President 651-639-9357 507-546-3827 watsonays@yahoo.com tbirdsigou@yahoo.com NOMADS MIGHTY MITES BobRover, Golder,Crew President Burt Chief 651-777-3781 763-286-2075 Email curlerbob@aol.com mnrov@comcast.net OSMAN CYCLE CORPS NOMADS Dennis Sherwood, Captain Bob Golder, President 952-937-5054 651-777-381 dennis@hometechniques.com curlerbob@aol.com PAST POTENTATES OSMAN CYCLE CORPS Mike Awada, President Peter Staloch, Captain 612-723-4864 651-343-3152 mikeawada@hotmail.com staloch@gmail.com PATROL PAST POTENTATES George Carlson, Captain Mike Awada, President 651-774-7793 612-723-4864 mikeawada@homail.com PROVOST ROCHESTER AREA mn44man@yahoo.com ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL ROCHESTER Doug Brick,CYCLES President Mark Anderson, President 507-254-6715 507-254-3129 dbrick@rclbus.com msnanderson@charter.net ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL Ryan Colligan, President Dan Rasmussen, President 507-250-2730 608-520-4237 colliganman79@gmail.com danrasmussen@centurylink.net ST. CLOUD AREA SHRINE CLUB ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS Roger Robinson, President Ryan Colligan, President 320-420-8142 507-250-2730 rrobinson@globalcolliganman79@gmail.com continuum.com ST.CLOUD CLOUDGO-KARTS AREA SHRINE CLUB ST. Mike Captain MikeYankovec, Yankovec,President 320-493-0776 320-493-0776 mikeyanko@gmail.com mikeyanko@gmail.com SHEIKS ST. CLOUD GO-KARTS SteveMathews, Hoyer, Captain Steve Captain 651-487-1089 320-309-6437 steve.hoyer@thermofisher.com sjmathews@hotmail.com WINONA SHEIKS AREA SHRINE CLUB Robert Stedman, President Steve Hoyer, Captain 507-454-7209 651-487-1089 rdstedman@yahoo.com steve.hoyer@thermofisher.com ZAGALAS ROCHESTER WINONA–AREA SHRINECHAPTER CLUB Steve Groteboer, President Robert Stedman, President 281 467-9333 507-454-7209 steve@groteboer.com ZAGALAS – ROCHESTER ZAGALAS CHAPTER– ST. CLOUD CHAPTER RogerGroteboer, Robinson,President President Steve 320-420-8142 281-467-9333 rrobinson@ steve@groteboer.com global-continuum.com ZAGALAS – ST. CLOUD CHAPTER ZAGALAS – ST. PAUL CHAPTER Dan Mueller, President David Gagnon, President 612-802-3790 651-436-6765 daninmonti@aol.com dd.gagnon@hotmail.com ZAGALAS – ST. PAUL CHAPTER Dave Gagnon, President 651-436-6765 dd.gagnon@hotmail.com Attention Clubs & Units: Make sure you have a person appointed to Attention Club & Units: Make sure you have a person appointed to make a make a monthly report to The Osman. Return your report by the monthly report to(usually The Osman. Return the deadline deadline around the your 15threport of thebymonth) to (usually around the 15th of the month) to doreen@osmanshrine.org or mail to doreen@osmanshrine.org or mail to Sibley Memorial Highway,St. St.Paul Paul55121 55121 27502750 Sibley Memorial Highway, 651-452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 Page 15 Parade to Glory 2013 SHRINERS HOSPITAL – TWIN CITY UNIT ALBERT LEA SC (350.00 FROM NOBE DAVID STEFFENS) OSMAN CYCLE CORPS ROCHESTER ZAGALAS OSMAN CLOWNS MAKATO T-BIRDS MAKATO SC ST CLOUD GO-KARTS (RENIDEER FOR HOLIDAY PARTY) ROCHESTER CYCLE DIRECTORS STAFF TOTAL SHRINERS HOSPITAL – TC CHILD LIFE ROCHESTER ZAGALAS ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS DONOR MATCH – MERRY MEDICS ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL TOTAL 850.00 1000.00 900.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 1250.00 4,500.00 250.00 $ 9,750.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 $3,000.00 SHRINERS HOSPITAL – TWIN CITY OUTREACH & SCREENING ROCHESTER ZAGALAS 1,500.00 ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL 500.00 TOTAL OSMAN WOMEN’S AUXILIARY AUSTIN SC AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND ALBERT LEA SC ROCHESTER ZAGALAS MIGHTY MITES OSMAN CLOWNS PROVOST MAKATO T-BIRDS MAKATO SC EAST CENTRAL SC ALEXANDRIA SC & CALLIOPE 4-WHEELER (TOYS OVER $3000 & WHEELCHAIR) ROCHESTER CYCLE ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS DONOR MATCH – MERRY MEDICS ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL LEGION OF HONOR TOTAL $2,000.00 TRANSPORTATION & AID FUND AUSTIN SC AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND ALBERT LEA SC OSMAN CYCLE CORPS ROCHESTER ZAGALAS MIGHTY MITES OSMAN CLOWNS PROVOST WINONA SC MAKATO T-BIRD MAKATO SC DRUM & BUGLE CORPS ALEXANDRIA SC & CALLIOPE 4-WHEELERS LEGION OF HONOR SHEIKS ROCHESTER MERRY MEDICS DONOR MATCH – MERRY MEDICS ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL DIRECTORS STAFF TOTAL OSMAN SHRINE NEWSPAPER OSMAN CYCLE CORPS PROVOST ALEXANDRIA SC & CALLIOPE 4-WHEELERS TOTAL 500.00 500.00 250.00 1,500.00 500.00 250.00 100.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 4,500.00 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB AUSTIN SC AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND ROCHESTER ZAGALAS PROVOST ROCHESTER DRAGON PATROL TOTAL OSMAN SHRINE – CAPITAL CAMPAIGN AUSTIN SC AUSTIN ORIENTAL BAND 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,900.00 100.00 TOTAL $ 13,700.00 TOTAL DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE EAST CENTRAL SC DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE GRAND TOTAL Page 16 250.00 500.00 500.00 5,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 300.00 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 700.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 $14,350.00 35.00 100.00 25.00 $160.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $500.00 100.00 100.00 $200.00 100.00 150.00 $250.00 $43,910.00 January 2014 Parade to Glory January 2014 Page 17 Page 18 January 2014 ATTENTION! OSMAN NOBLES We are interested in restarting the Photo Club. Osman needs people to take pictures of Osman events for the newspaper and our files. We are looking for at least 5 people so one person doesn’t have to be at all events. You don’t need to be a professional – just enjoy taking pictures. Clubs and Units will be providing their own pictures for newspaper articles, so pictures would be needed for the general Osman events, like the picnic, Hufli, Ceremonials, etc. If interested, call Doreen Lynch in the Osman Shrine Office 651-452-5660 January Birthdays Happy Birthday to Nobles whose birthdays are in the month of January. Due to computer problems we can’t provide your names. January 2014 Page 19 Carolyn Loutzenhiser, Amy Loutzenhiser, Vickie Wolff, Kay Skoog, Assistant Rabban Jeff Olsen and Lady Julie, Diane Johnson and Darlene Strain at Holiday Party Dear Auxiliary Members and Friends of the Auxiliary, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends. As we begin the New Year, the Osman Womens Auxiliary wants to congratulate our newly elected Potentate, Roger Berge and his Lady Jennifer. We wish you a great year, and we are looking forward to working with you in 2014. Barb Anderson winning the raffle for the bowl that John Thordson crafted We ended 2013 with our Auxiliary Holiday Party at the Osman Event Center/Lost Spur. It was wonderful to see so many of our members and their guests enjoying all the fun activities. The Osman Womens Auxiliary Past Chairmen who attended were recognized for their dedication and service to the Auxiliary. The leadership these women Page 20 provided has contributed to the success of the Auxiliary over the past 90 years. Everyone went home with a gift plus there were drawings for additional prizes and the fabulous Holiday centerpieces made by Betty Porter and Kathy Flicek were given away. Barbara Anderson was the lucky winner of the raffle for the beautiful hand crafted wood bowl which John Thordson made and donated to the Auxiliary as a fund raiser. Several thank you’s are in order: to John Thordson for donating that fabulous bowl, to Linda Johnson for making all that delicious lefse and donating the proceeds to the Auxiliary, and to all the Auxiliary members who brought toys for the children at Shriners Hospital. A special thank you to Kathy Flicek, Betty Porter and Linda Johnson for planning and hosting this festive luncheon. Linda Johnson, Outreach Coordinator, and I attended the Osman Parade to Glory meeting on December 10th and the Rochester Area Shrine Club Holiday party on December 20th. I also attended the Alexandria Shrine Club Holiday party on December 17th. Once again, the Osman Nobles have been extremely generous with their donations to the Osman Womens Auxiliary. With an annual budget of $300,000, your gifts go a long way in helping us provide wheelchair, walkers, crutches and other equipment and supplies free of charge to the children at Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities. We appreciate all you do year round to support the Womens Auxiliary. Kathy Flicek, Betty Porter, Linda Johnson hosts for the Holiday Party I’m very pleased to announce that our current Osman Womens Auxiliary Board members have graciously agreed to continue to serve on the Board for 2014. These dedicated ladies have already planned exciting events for the upcoming year. The first event for 2014 will be on Saturday, February 8th. This will be a Valentine’s Party with a luncheon and entertainment. Roger Hellesvig will portray Ole Oleson, “The Trunk-Immigrants to the United States”. Please mark your calendar now; so, you won’t miss this interesting, entertaining event. The calendar of events for the full 2014 year is below, be sure to put all of these on your 2014 calendar. January 2014 Again, it is a pleasure and honor to serve as your Chairman, and thank you for all of your continued support to the Auxiliary. We would not be able to accomplish our work and make a difference in the lives of the children at our Hospital without your support. We appreciate everything you do. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Rose West, Chairman rwest330@hotmail.com 651-459-3813 2014 Osman Womens Auxiliary Board Members, Kathy Flicek, Linda Johnson, Betty Porter, Rose West, Marjorie Park, Elizabeth Ekholm & Kay Skoog (in attendance but not pictured Sue Doty & Kimberlee Remus Buck) 2014 Osman Womens Auxiliary Board Members Past Chairs of Osman Womens Auxiliary, Rose West, Marjorie Park, Linda Johnson, Darlene Strain, Florence Mitchell, Jackie Lallieer and Betty Porter (in attendance, not pictured Gloria Kullenkamp and Marge Zachow) Osman Womens Auxiliary Events for 2014 February 8, Saturday Valentine’s Day Luncheon – 11:30 AM Roger Hellesvig, portraying Ole Oleson, “The TrunkImmigrants to the United States Lost Spur/Osman Event Center Chairman........................................................ Rose West Past Chair, Hospital Parties........................Marjorie Park Treasurer/Membership.................................Kathy Flicek Gifts/Memorials/Honoraria................. Elizabeth Ekholm Recording Secretary.......................................Betty Porter Corresponding Secretary.............Kimberlee Remus Buck Auditor................................................... Sandy Simpson Community Outreach.............................. Linda Johnson Remembrance...................................................Sue Doty Reservations....................................................Kay Skoog April 3, Thursday Evening Third Annual Auxiliary sponsored BUNCO Night Lost Spur/Osman Event Center May 3, 2014, Saturday Luncheon – 11:30 AM Guest Speaker Joe Derthinger, Shriners Hospital patient and Special Olympic Skier - Lost Spur/Osman Event Center September 27, Saturday Luncheon and Style Show -11:30 AM Afton House, Afton, MN October 25, Saturday Luncheon and program to be determined December 6, Saturday Holiday Luncheon – 11:30 AM Mendakota Country Club January 2014 Page 21 Zagalas Holiday Party Page 22 January 2014 Door Prizes will be given out throughout the day January 2014 Page 23 January “Notes From The Ticket Booth” Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages The 2014 circus is about 90 days out, and Jeff Olsen is locking in more great acts! So far, we have return engagements of the “The Chicago Boyz” acrobatic team, and the extreme motorcycles. Also big cats and of course elephants. I will let you know as more performance details become available. You can also track our progress on the official circus website www.OsmanCircus.com or on Facebook. I have already seen many of the new Mommy and Daddy pins being worn. If your Mommy-Daddy mailing got lost in the snow, just let me know and I’ll send you another. Circus Mommys and Daddys receive a unique 91st year edition of the Mommy and Daddy Pins, recognition in the circus program/ coloring book, and the sincere thanks of many kids who otherwise would not get to see a circus. Pennants, Plaques, Tickets and Advertising Ticket Sales The sales season is open for pennants, plaques, tickets and advertising! Any Club, Unit , Noble, Lady or friend can participate. The goal again this year is for every Noble to sell two of anything, be it two tickets, two advertisements, or a couple of pennants. The key is, we really need is just a little help from everyone. Mommys and Daddys You should have received your Circus Mommy and Daddy letter last month. Ticket sales to the public via phone and internet will officially begin in February. Although our main advertising campaign does not start until March, we have loyal customers who will be on our website as soon as it opens! Our on-line customers are able to pick their own seats and even print their tickets at home. Of course personalized phone sales are still available too. Remember that great tickets are available right now through the Nobility Sales program. ATTENTION OSMAN NOBLES PHOTO CONTEST Email Doreen pictures of parades, events and parties. Top 15-20 pictures will be used in the next Osman. IF INTERESTED, EMAIL DOREEN LYNCH AT doreen@osmanshrine.org Page 24 Bicycles Thanks to the following Clubs, Units and Shrine businesses who have sponsored bicycles this year. • Chanters • Cigar Club (2 Bikes!) • Cycle Corps • Directors Staff • Drum & Bugle • Legion of Honor • Merry Medics • Mighty Mites • Provost • Rochester Dragon • Sheiks • St. Cloud Go Carts That’s it for now. In less than three months it will be SHOWTIME! “And may all your days be circus days!” John Davenport 651-452-5662 Now Hear This Osman Shrine Stated Meeting March 11th, 2014, 6:30 pm Osman Shrine Center/Lost Spur Buffet dinner before the meeting Attest. Roger Berge, Potentate Thomas West, Recorder Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm January 2014 January 2014 Page 25 JANUARY 2014 If your Club or Unit would like your activities listed on the calendar please contact the Osman Shrine office 651-452-5660, Doreen@OsmanShrine.org 5 6 7 1 19 26 13 8 14 20 21 Provost Director Staff 27 28 3 4 9 10 11 New Years Brunch Open Installation, Potentates receptions St. Cloud Go-Karts Annual Meeting 12 2 15 16 Albert Lea Cars & SC Legion of Honor, East Central SC, Sheiks 22 23 17 One day to Masonry 24 Rochester Merry Medics 29 30 18 25 Winter Carnival parade 31 St. Cloud Go-Karts Upcoming Events February Club & Unit Seminar 1st MSA Winter Session 20th-22nd March Stated Meeting 11th Osman Circus 27th-30th April MN Grand Lodge 3rd-5th Lynnhurst Dinner 8th Page 26 May Hospital Days 16th June Stated Meeting 10th July Imperial Session 6th-10th Mpls, Mn Club & Unit 8th January 2014 Past Potentate 1969 Earl Holcomb recently received this certificate recognizing his 75 years of Masonic membership from Tusler Summit Masonic Lodge #263 in Roseville. Presenting the award is Past Grand Master John Cook along with Frank King and Oriental Guide, Rich Purcell. Congratulations and well done to our Ill. Sir and brother PP Earl. 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway St. Paul, MN 55121 651/452-5660 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 2013 Kids Holiday Party Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities MN Permit No. 264
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