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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Student Attendance Line
Student Services
Office Hours
7:00AM - 3:30PM
School/Student Hours
August 21st: 7:40am-2:30pm (6th Grade ONLY)
August 24th—May 27th, 7:40am-2:30pm
I would be willing to help with School Pictures on August 28, 2015
Responsibilities: Guide students through picture line and help collect picture packets.
Parent name
Follow Blevins on Facebook!
Email address
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Principal’s Pen
Dear Blevins Students and Parents:
Welcome back! I hope you are enjoying your summer, finding ways to keep cool, and spending
quality time with your family and friends.
A strong educational experience cannot occur without all invested partners working together to
achieve common goals. As the school year progresses, you as parents/guardians will find opportunities to share in the responsibility of partnering with the Blevins staff to support your child in his/her
learning experiences and achievement. As we work together, I encourage you to take an active approach in supporting your child and the Blevins staff. The goals we have set forth are important to
the success of your child, and they are equally important to the success of Blevins. Together, we all
want a very successful and positive learning experience for our students.
Blevins set goals last school year to improve overall communication, customer service and to make
our building as welcoming as possible. I am happy to report that Blevins received a tremendous
amount of positive feedback from our parent community in relationship to these goals! Thank you to
all for taking the time to provide us with the positive feedback. Please remember though, whether it
be positive or negative, please notify me with any feedback you may have regarding Blevins customer service, communication and/or our welcoming culture.
Currently, Blevins is seeking parent and community volunteers to serve on the Poudre School
District Advisory Board (DAB), Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and School Accountability
Committee (SAC). Please contact Michele Trujillo, Blevins Office Manager, or myself at 4884004/4001 if interested in assisting with one of these committee positions.
For community and student safety, Blevins will continue to focus on traffic flow, parking, bus
drop-off/pickup and student drop-off/pickup. Enclosed in this newsletter is a flier outlining traffic
flow around the building for all users. Please, please, please continue to use the designated student
drop-off on the west side or behind Blevins. Please, please, please do not use the east/front cul-desac for student pickup or drop-off before and after school and especially when busses are present.
We ask that everyone observe the guidelines set forth in the traffic flier for the safety and security of
students, staff and community users of the Blevins building site and Taft Hill Road access.
In this newsletter you will find all the information you will need to start the school year. Please pay
particular attention to the specifics of 6th, 7th and 8th grade schedule/locker distribution. Please
note that only the 6th graders will be attending school on Friday, August 21st, while 7th and 8th
graders get one more day of summer and begin classes on Monday, August 24th. I encourage you
to read each page carefully for all details pertaining to you and your child(ren). We want all students
and parents informed and ready to begin the year successfully!
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Things to note:
1. PSD has made several adjustments to athletics and the 2015-16 athletics schedule, so please
pay special attention to athletic information included in this document.
2. For the last 6 years PSD middle schools have been utilizing a standards-based grading system,
however, due to technology/software issues, we were unable to report the progress of our students in a standards-based format. I am excited to report that Blevins, along with other PSD middle schools, will be able to report the progress of our students (report card) in a standards-based
system for the 2015-16 school year. More information to come.
3. After many years of discussion, planning, and with the majority of Blevins students already opting into 7th and 8th grade Pre-Advanced Placement classes, Blevins will schedule all 7th and 8th
grade students into Pre-AP titled classes - social studies, language arts and science for the 201516 school year. More information to come.
4. Poudre School District has moved to an enhanced email communication process through the
student database system. Schools will be able to text parents starting August 3 providing you
have opted in. More information will be provided on this process
It is an honor for me to be the principal of Blevins, and it is my continued hope that together we
can provide meaningful learning experiences in a socially and developmentally supportive environment for all students. It is our goal to help prepare our students with the strategies, skills, and
knowledge necessary to be prepared, engaged and well-informed citizens in the 21st century.
You have my commitment to work hard, be thoughtful and to listen. Enjoy the remaining weeks of
your summer, and I look forward to meeting and working with you in the upcoming school year.
David W. Linehan, Principal
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Dear Blevins Community,
For several years, the Blevins’ Leadership Team (SchOp) and staff have been having an on-going
conversation about our Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) and non-Pre-AP student placement
model for 7th and 8th graders. We have concluded that having all 7th and 8th grade Blevins students included in Pre-AP classes is not only best for kids, but there exists a moral imperative to do
so. Having high expectations and exposing all students to the best available teaching and learning
experience, with support if necessary, is simply the right thing to do for students. (I.e. Pre-AP for
all). Much like we do in the 6th grade, Blevins will schedule every student into Pre-AP heterogeneous classes. This philosophy and approach is based on giving every student the opportunity to
access the highest level of pedagogy (curriculum and teaching/learning strategies), higher levels of
classroom engagement and conversation, and “raise the bar” for all students. Our current model is
antiquated and therefore, does not align with best-practice, current research, and the movement of
secondary schools across the district, state and country. It also does not align with the current
awareness that all students can learn at high levels. I would like to remind everyone that unlike
Advanced Placement high school courses, Pre-AP is not a curriculum. Pre-AP is a set of academic
strategies that encourage and support pedagogical best practices and student learning, (e.g. inquiry
skills, thinking strategies, reading and writing strategies, inference, determining importance, synthesis and monitoring comprehension). At Blevins, Pre-AP labeled classes are offered in Science,
Social Studies and Language Arts. However, all curricular areas are encouraged and expected to
utilize Pre-AP Strategies.
Several staff members attended the College Board (Pre-AP) Summer Institute. (College Board is
the parent company of Advanced Placement, Pre-AP, and SAT). By attending, we learned at a
deeper level, the answer to the question… what is Pre-AP?
“Pre-AP is not a sanctioned course from College Board like the AP courses are. Pre-AP is anything that comes before AP which builds strategies to help all students read, write, and think in a
way so that they can be successful in AP courses. Every class should be a pre-AP class regardless
of what you call it. College Board wants us to open our doors to more and more students. Some
students may enter AP not fully prepared, but we should do all we can to open that door for them,
setting them up for the greatest levels of success possible. Pre-AP is not just a label- it's a philosophy, a concept.
The key to pre-AP is using strategies to push students to higher levels of thinking: Collaboration,
discourse, and inquiry.”
The Pre-AP model was established nearly 16 years ago at Blevins to meet the growing need of
preparing high school students for Advanced Placement classes at the high school level. At that
time, Blevins was a Junior High School, and Blevins taught 9th grade high school students. Since
then, Blevins has become a middle school and no longer educates 9th grade students.
The Pre-AP/non-Pre-AP model also does not align with the mission and vision statements of many
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August 2015
Ends Policy and College Board - please see the mission statements at the end of this document.)
What is really surprising is that our current system of student placement does not align with the
College Board/Advanced Placement and Pre-AP standard of: Preparing Every Student for College and/or post-secondary readiness. Pre-AP is based on the following premises: the first is the
expectation that all students can perform well at rigorous academic levels. This expectation
should be reflected in curriculum and instruction throughout the school, such that, all students
are consistently being challenged to expand their knowledge and skills to the next level. The
second important premise of Pre-AP is the belief that we can prepare every student for higher
intellectual engagement by the development of skills and acquisition of knowledge as early as
possible. Addressed effectively, the middle and high school years can provide a powerful opportunity to help all students acquire the knowledge, concepts, and skills needed to engage in a
higher level of learning.
Nearly two years ago, the Blevins Leadership Team and staff had intense discussions about PreAP for all students in the 7th and 8th grade, but did not have the “critical mass” to move forward. Since then, we piloted two 7th grade classes which had a balanced mixture of our traditional Pre-AP and Non-Pre-AP students. The outcomes that we experienced are very encouraging. Students spent more time on task, classroom disruptions were reduced or eliminated, students started to relate to good student role models and most importantly, achievement improved
for both the traditional Pre-AP students and the non-Pre-AP students.
Late this spring, there has been an internal movement by staff to bring the Pre-AP discussion
back to the Blevins Leadership Team and make the change to Pre-AP for all. The conversation
was brought to the entire staff, Leadership Team, the Blevins Parent Teacher Organization and to
our SAC Team (School Accountability Team – parents and staff.) The outcome was 100% support to move to a Pre-AP for all model with heterogeneously scheduled classes in the 6th, 7th
and 8th grades in Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. Therefore, Blevins will make this
transition for the 2015-2016 school year.
Blevins staff is quite aware of the implications of this change and how we must design our lessons to accommodate students that will need additional support systems in place in order to be
successful. In addition, we will also have to adjust lessons to meet the needs of students who are
excelling in the curriculum. This is called differentiation and MTSS or Multi-Tiered System of
Blevins staff also understand the need for additional training and staff development related to
Pre-AP strategies and pedagogical practices. Blevins has begun this process by sending four
staff members to the College Board Pre-AP National Conference in July. Our staff is obligated
to support the needs of all students and provide the remediation or challenge necessary to support students.
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August 2015
There is no question there will be growing pains; however, Blevins is committed to delivering an
education that is inclusive of all students and preparing them for 21st century expectations of college and career.
Related Mission, Vision Statements and District Policy
* PSD Mission Statement: Educate…Every Child, Every Day
* Blevins Mission Statement: Blevins Middle School will create a safe, relevant and challenging
learning environment where students, staff and community collaborate to help all students
achieve their highest potential.
* College Board Pre-AP Mission: Preparing Every Student for College Pre-AP is based on the
following premises: the first is the expectation that all students can perform well at rigorous academic levels. This expectation should be reflected in curriculum and instruction throughout the
school, such that, all students are consistently being challenged to expand their knowledge and
skills to the next level. Secondly, Pre-AP has the belief that we can prepare every student for
higher intellectual engagement by starting the development of skills and acquisition of
knowledge as early as possible. Addressed effectively, the middle and high school years can provide a powerful opportunity to help all students acquire the knowledge, concepts, and skills needed to engage in a higher level of learning.
* CEL/5-Dimension of Teaching and Learning Mission Statement:
This is the district wide adopted model for teacher evaluation and supervision: The Center for
Educational Leadership, or “CEL”, is dedicated to eliminating the achievement gap that continues to divide our nation’s children along the lines of race, class, language and disability. Our
work is premised on the evidence that with high-quality learning opportunities, all students, regardless of back-ground, can and will achieve at high levels. We believe that the gap will be
eliminated as instructional leaders and teachers develop the will, knowledge and skill to dramatically improve the quality of instruction for each and every student
* AVID Mission Statement: - AVID is one of Blevins’ school improvement strategies: to close the
achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in the global society.
* PEBC Mission Statement: PEBC is one of Blevins’ school improvement strategies (also known
as Thinking Strategies - PEBC drives cutting-edge practices, and informs and provokes the public to improve education for all.
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August 2015
* PSD Board of Education Vision Statement: The vision of Poudre School District is: “Poudre
School District exists to support and inspire every child to think, to learn, to care, and to graduate
prepared to be successful in a changing world.”
* PSD District Ends Policy 1.0: In order for students to graduate and be post-secondary ready
with minimal post-secondary remediation and to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world,
Poudre School District children will demonstrate levels of achievement consistent with high individual expectations.
o 1.0 Foundations for Success: PSD students attain milestones to ensure long-term academic success. PSD measures and monitors individual student progress against these milestones.
o 2.0 Success in a Changing World: PSD students are prepared for college and workforce success.
PSD ensures access and encourages participation in a wide range of experiences that reflect expectations of a changing world.
o 3.0 Above and Beyond: PSD students are challenged, motivated, and inspired to reach their personal level of excellence. PSD offers students a broad and diverse set of opportunities that cultivates their talents and offers multiple pathways to high levels of success.
o 4.0 Connections: PSD students feel academically and socially connected to their school and
community. PSD provides engaging opportunities to support students’ individual pursuits and interests.
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Blevins Important Dates and Information
Schedule and Locker Distribution/Student Planners:
On Wednesday, August 19th students will receive schedules and locker assignments. The locker assignments
will be automatically generated by our “Synergy” Information System. No need to arrive early as lockers are
already assigned! Students can pick up their schedules and locker assignments at their designated
times (see below for times). If your student is unable to attend on this date, they may pick up
schedules/lockers between 7:00 and 7:30 am on August 21st for 6th graders and between 7:00 and 7:30 am on
August 24th for 7th and 8th graders. If your schedule is tight this day, please let a staff member know and they
can do a quick check-out with you!
7th and 8th Grade Schedule and Locker Distribution–8:00-9:30am ;
6th grade students should pick up their schedule and locker assignments as indicated by their last name:
Last Name A-L: 10:00am, Last Name M-Z: 10:30am.
6th Graders will not have access to their lockers during this time; however, they will have several other
options for accessing the building to practice their locker combinations. Minimal staff assistance will be
available. If students are having trouble with their locker combination, please advise them to come to the
front office for assistance.
Wednesday, August 19th: 1:00-4:00pm, Building open for 6th graders to practice locker combinations.
Thursday, August 20th: 8:00am-4:00pm, Building open for 6th graders to practice locker
Thursday, August 20th: 6th grade Locker Load/Open House from 4:00-5:30pm. This is an “ Open
House” and there will be NO formal program or presentation. It is a chance for 6th grade students to
practice their locker combinations, load their lockers and provide an opportunity for parents to see the
building and their student’s classrooms. Staff will be available to assist with locker access.
Student Planners are available for purchase for $3.00. Every student should have a Blevins Planner on the
First Day of School*. Parents are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the Blevins student planner
and the Parent/Student Handbook located in the front of the Blevins Student Planner.
Friday, August 21st: 6th Grade ONLY First day of school 7:40am-2:30pm. (Buses will run and school lunch
will be served)
Monday, August 24th: All Students in school 7:40am-2:30pm. (First day for 7th & 8th graders)
Friday, August 28th: School Pictures, Information packets will be sent home with students.
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August 2015
School Lunch Information
Lunch Meals: $2.70 (Those who qualify for “Reduced”- $0.40)
Breakfast Meals: $1.25 (Those who qualify for “Free”– No Charge)
Paying for Meals: Parents may pay for meals several ways. Students may bring cash or checks
(students must bring lunch checks to the Blevins front office first thing in the morning), cash can be
given directly to the cashier in the lunch room at lunch time. Parents may pay for meals through our online payment program. There is a $1.00 transaction fee charged for on-line payments. There is no
charge to register on-line. Features include: viewing of your student’s account activity and low balance
email alerts. Payments made before 9:00am will post that business day. All payments received after
9:00am will post the following day. Lunch will be served
beginning August 21st and Breakfast will be served beginning August 24th from 7:00-7:30am in the
Blevins Auditeria.
Free and Reduced School Lunch Program
Parents must apply online for Free/Reduced lunches. Applications must be renewed every year at Students who participated the previous school
year will be automatically enrolled in the program for the first 30 days of school. Parents need to
complete only one application per household, but must submit a new family application each school
year. The application may be returned to your school or to the Child Nutrition office. Identity of students
participating is confidential. Eligible families should turn in the form even if they don’t plan to participate
in the lunch program. Students who qualify for the federal free and reduced-price school lunch program
may also be exempt from other fees and charges. A letter of eligibility for free and reduced-price meals
will be sent home to qualifying students. An information release form will be included with the letter and
should be completed and returned to your school office. Information: (970) 490-3557.
School Bus Information
Parents can access the PSD BUS SCHEDULE listing bus stops and times for each school on the
PSD web site in early August at
Please encourage your child to ride the bus the first day of school so they can learn the
Route numbers will identify busses: Students will determine their morning and afternoon
bus based on the route number. In most cases, the route number for your child’s morning bus
will be different than the route number for your child’s afternoon bus. The route number will be
posted in the window near the entrance door of each bus.
Cards to help students determine correct bus -Students will be given a card or label on their
morning bus at the beginning of the school year. The card will list students’ morning and afternoon bus route numbers to help them find their correct busses. School staff, bus drivers, and
additional transportation staff will also help students find their busses the first days of school.
Additional information and Space Available/Alternative Bussing applications:
Applications for space available and alternative busing may be submitted beginning Aug. 1, and are
found on the PSD website. Information about bus routes and ridership eligibility is also available on
Transportation web pages or, if you can’t find the information you need, call 970-490-3232 or 970490-3155.
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Blevins Sports Information
Cross Country (Grades 6, 7, 8) (No Cut): August 24th – October 10th
Tennis (No Cut): August 24th - October 17th
Volleyball (Select 16): August 24th – October 17th
Football (No Cut): August 24th – October 24th
Boys Basketball (Select 16): October 26th – December 18th
Girls Basketball (Select 16): January 5th – March 4th
Wrestling (No Cut): January 11th – March 5th
Softball (No Cut) March 7th – April 23rd
Golf (No Cut) March 21st – May 13th
Track (Grades 6, 7, 8) (No Cut) April 11th – May 18th
Cross Country (Grades 6, 7, 8) (No Cut): August 24th – October 10th
Golf (No Cut) March 21st – May 13th
Track (Grades 6, 7, 8) (No Cut): April 11th – May 18th
Athletic Physicals: Every athletic participant must have a physical and proof of insurance on file at Blevins in order
to practice or compete. The physical forms are valid for a year from the examination date. It is advisable to arrange
physicals well in advance of the sport in which your student is interested. Please note: Athletic Physical forms are
available on the Blevins website or in the Blevins Office. Physical forms are not available in the physician’s
offices. Physical forms are available on the Blevins website at:
Athletic and School Insurance Information: PSD insurance does not cover student injuries due to accidents at
school or during school-sponsored activities, such as field trips. A voluntary accident insurance program is available
through Nationwide and serviced by K & K Insurance Group. If you don’t have other insurance, this plan may be a
resource to consider. Even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive “gaps” caused by deductibles
and co-pays. All athletes are required to have insurance in order to participate in athletics. Please visit the website
for more information:
Athletic Fees for 2015-2016 are - $75/sport, with a Family Maximum of $300. Athletic fees are waived for
individuals who have been approved for Free & Reduced lunch who have completed their
waiver. Player fees are due by the first game/meet.
Athletic Game Schedules are available on the Blevins website and will be distributed at the team parent
meetings. All athletic events start at 3:30pm unless otherwise noted.
Athletics for 6th graders is coordinated through the City of Fort Collins Recreation Dept.
(with the exception of Blevins Track and Cross Country, Tennis and Golf).
Please visit the following website for information
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August 2015
Athletic Physicals Information
Starting July 22 and running through August 21, 2015, the Health and Wellness Center at
Centennial High School will be open to any Poudre School District Middle or High School student,
including uninsured or underinsured, who need a Sports Physicals/Well Child exam.
Students/families can call the center’s main number at 970-488-4950 to schedule an appointment. Although the Center can and does bill insurance if available (including Medicaid and CHP+),
our hope is to meet the needs of students/families that are uninsured or underinsured and/or
having a difficult time scheduling this annual exam. Families will be asked to provide insurance
information and if none is available, to self-report income to be put on a sliding scale. The Center
does not currently collect any cash copayment/ payment of any type. No student is ever turned
away for inability to pay and all students who enroll in the Center can be seen AT NO COST
TO the student/family.
To schedule, parents will need to:
Call the Center’s main number, 970-488-4950, to request/schedule an appointment. Students MUST have a scheduled appointment to be seen. (While we may be
able to accommodate some walk-ins, this will only happen if an appointment time is
Log on to the PSD athletic page under high school or middle school athletics to download enrollment documents including health history, registration and consent forms. If you
do not have internet access, ask them to call 970.488.4950 and request an enrollment
packet be mailed to them.*
Parents, (or the student if s/he is 18 years of age or older), must complete and sign all documents and bring them, along with any, (if available), insurance cards, to the scheduled appointment time.**
Appointments are available from Wednesday, July 22 – Friday, August 21 during the
following times: Mondays and Fridays 7:30 – 3:30, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 – 5 and Wednesdays
11 – 7. If you would like to help book multiple students/athletes, please call the center number 970488-4950 and ask about booking a block of times.
The Center is located in Centennial High School’s main office building, located at 330 East
Laurel Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524. The City of Fort Collins TransFort bus stops on the corner of
College and Laurel just two blocks away or the MAX stops at Mason and Laurel, which is just three
blocks away from the school. Ample street parking is also available.
For questions, please call the center Monday – Friday at 970.488.4950 or email (Merry Hummell) at or the Physician Assistant (Mary Beth Thorn) at
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Blevins Football
The Blevins Football Team is open to all Blevins 7th and 8th graders. We do not make cuts.
Football is fun and all players that practice with us will play in games. Last year our 8 th grade
team competed for the District Championship, won the Championship the year before, and our
teams have won 6 Championships since 2006. Please consider playing football at Blevins and
continuing our great winning tradition.
Here’s some info about the 2015 Football season:
>Parent/Player meeting Thursday, August 20th at 6:15 pm in Gym 101.
>Every athletic participant must have a physical and proof of insurance on file at Blevins in
order to practice or compete. The physical forms are valid for a year from the examination date.
It is advisable to arrange physicals well in advance of the sport in which your child is interested
in. Please note: Athletic Physical forms are available on the Blevins website or in the Blevins
Front Office. Physical forms are not available in the physician’s offices.
>The athletic fees for 2015-2016 are: $75/sport, Family Maximum - $300. Athletic fees are
waived for individuals who have been approved for Free & Reduced lunch who have
completed their waiver. Player fee is due by the first game.
>Blevins 2 Week non-contact football camp from Aug 10th-14th and Aug 17th-21st (4pm-6pm).
Report to the back of the school at the NW entrance for athletics.
>The 1st official 2015-2016 practice is on August 24th from 2:45-5:30pm.
>Practice is Monday-Friday 2:45-5:30pm on all days school Is in session.
>Spirit Packs forms are attached to the newsletter and need to be turned in by August 11 th at
4pm in order to receive the items for the season. Spirit packs cost $25 and include t-shirt,
shorts, and game socks.
>All football equipment is provided for each player with the exception of the mouth guard and
cleats. Players are responsible for the purchase of these two items.
>Football protective girdles are encouraged and players can buy one from a sporting goods
store or rent one from Blevins for the season for $10. The rental fee is on the spirit pack form.
Contact Coach Mike Dwyer
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August 2015
Spirit Pack Order Form
Turn in no later than August 11th
Player Name:
Cell Phone:
Parent Cell Phones:
Adult Sizes
T-Shirt Size:
Shorts Size:
Girdle Size: _____Small
Spirit Packs (this form is due by August 11th at 4pm):
$25 for shirt, shorts, and game socks.
$10 rental fee for a girdle for the season. (Highly recommended)
2015 Important Season Info:
Parent/Player Meeting Thursday, August 20th at 6:15pm in Gym 101
Camp Begins August 10th @ 4pm
Each player must have a current physical on file with the school, in order to participate in camp/practice.
 Each player must have their athletic fee for the season paid, before they can participate in a regular season football game.
Practice times:
Camp - August 10th-14th 4pm-6pm (Please bring cleats, water, and a healthy snack.)
First Official Practice August 24th - 2:45pm-5:30pm
Head Coaches:
Dominic Jones – 8th Grade – 970-481-2416 & Mike Dwyer – 7th Grade – 602-770-9479
Please return this form/payment to:
Blevins Middle School Front Office, you may pay with cash, credit card or check.
Make check or money order payable to: BLEVINS MIDDLE SCHOOL
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Blevins Tennis
Tennis is open to all 7th & 8th Graders
Tennis is a non-cut sport - all athletes will be placed on a team and able to play.
Interested Player Meeting Friday, August 21st at 3:00 pm in gym 101
Tennis is a non-cut sport - all athletes will be placed on a team and able to play.
Topics to be included during meeting on Friday, August 21st:
Player emergency contact info
Proper equipment
Practice/Match expectations
First official practice will start Monday, August 24th at 2:45-5:15
* Every athletic participant must have a physical and proof of insurance on file at Blevins
in order to practice or compete. The physical forms are valid for a year from the examination date. It is advisable to arrange physicals well in advance of the sport in which your
child is interested in. Please note: Athletic Physical forms are available on the Blevins
website or in the Blevins Office. Physical forms are not available in the physician’s offices.
*The athletic fees for 2015-2016 are: $75/sport, Family Maximum - $300. Athletic fees are
waived for individuals who have been approved for Free & Reduced lunch who have completed their waiver. Player fees are due by the first match.
For more information please contact
The Blevins office, 488-4000.
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August 2015
Blevins Cross Country
Our Blevins Cross Country Team is open to all Blevins 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Cross
Country is a non-cut sport. All runners participate in all races. Cross Country is great place
to experience the fun, teamwork and challenge of middle school sports. Cross Country
Team information for the 2015 season:
Pre-Season Camp: August 17th-21st from 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm at Cottonwood Glen Park.
First Official Team Practice: Monday August 24th 2:45 - 4:00 pm in gym 101.
Parent/Runner Meeting: August 24th at 4:00 pm in Room 305.
Practice is Monday-Friday 2:45 pm-4:30 pm on all days school is in session.
Cross Country meets start at 3:30 pm
District Championships Race on October 10th.
Contact Coach Alex May ( with questions.
* Every athletic participant must have a physical and proof of insurance on file at Blevins in order to practice or compete. The physical forms are valid for a year from the examination date. It is advisable to arrange
physicals well in advance of the sport in which your child is interested in. Please note: Athletic Physical
forms are available on the Blevins website or in the Blevins Office. Physical forms are not available in the
physician’s offices.
*The athletic fees for 2015-2016 are: $75/sport, Family Maximum - $300. Athletic fees are waived for
individuals who have been approved for Free & Reduced lunch who have completed
their waiver. Player fee is due by the first cross country meet.
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August 2015
Blevins Volleyball
Our Blevins Volleyball Team is open to 7th and 8th grade girls.
Date: August 17th
Time: 2:30 pm-3:30 pm
Room: Gym 101
Dates: August 18th - 20th
Time: 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Location: Main gymnasium room 101 @ Blevins Middle School
THE CLINIC WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: Skills development, Position training, Injury prevention, Tactical
systems and Rotations. Please bring water bottle, knee pads and PMA!
TEAM TRYOUT DATES: August 24th-26th - 2:45 pm to 5:30 pm
FIRST OFFICIAL PRACTICE WILL START: August 24th after school at 2:45 pm
Date: August 28th
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
Location: Blevins Auditeria
Topics discussed: Player emergency contact info, Proper equipment, Practice/Match Expectations and Schedules
* Every athletic participant must have a physical and proof of insurance on file at Blevins in order to practice or
compete. The physical forms are valid for a year from the examination date. It is advisable to arrange physicals well
in advance of the sport in which your child is interested in. Please note: Athletic Physical forms are available on the
Blevins website or in the Blevins Office. Physical forms are not available in the physician’s offices.
*The athletic fees for 2015-2016 are: $75/sport, Family Maximum - $300. Athletic fees are waived for
individuals who have been approved for Free & Reduced lunch who have completed their
waiver. Player fee is due by the first match.
For more information please contact
Coach Sarah Goodfellow @ OR 970-488-4048
Coach Dr. Da Matta
2015 Summer highlights: Dr. Da Matta published a chapter in the AVCA Coaching Volleyball Bible book
Coach Goodfellow and Dr. Da Matta have coached the international volleyball camps in Fort Collins this summer
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
CHAMP/PCA Workshops for Coaches and Parents
CHAMP (Character in Athletics – Make it a Priority) is sponsoring a series of training workshops to be
conducted by PCA (Positive Coaching Alliance) for all PSD high school and middle school coaches and
the parents of PSD student-athletes. These workshops will be conducted at various PSD high schools
on the dates listed below. All middle school coaches are encouraged to attend one of the high schools
that their school feeds into, while middle school parents should attend at the high school their student(s)
plan to attend, but all coaches and parents are welcome to attend any of the workshops that fit into their
Coaches Workshops (All workshops run from 6:00 to 7:15 PM)
Wednesday August 19th: FCHS (Mini Theatre) & RMHS (Media Center)
Thursday August 20th: FRHS (Round House) & PHS (Event Center)
Elevating Your Game and Developing Competitors
 This workshop builds on PCA’s Double-Goal Coach Workshop, which teaches “Honoring the Game”
through respect for all participants, focusing on effort over results, learning and bouncing back from
mistakes, and “filling athletes’ emotional tanks” with encouragement and positive reinforcement.
As student-athletes get older and become more competitive, winning takes on greater importance.
But regardless of the age group and level, it is still important to be a Double-Goal Coach and teach
life lessons through sports as student-athletes mature toward adulthood.
This workshop also addresses issues like dealing with steroid use, hazing and bullying, nutrition
concerns, sleep and time management, sensible use of social media, and many other social issues
unique to teenagers.
This workshop will encourage coaches to help their athletes become Triple-Impact Competitors,
committed to impacting their sport on three levels by improving themselves, their teammates, and the
game as a whole.
 Attendees will receive the book “Elevating Your Game: Becoming a Triple-Impact Competitor” and
gain free access to the Elevating Your Game Coach’s Guide.
Parents Workshops ( all workshops will run from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm)
* Tuesday August 25th: FCHS (Mini Theatre)
* Wednesday August 26th: RMHS (Media Center)
* Thursday August 27th: FRHS (Round House) & PHS (Event Center)
The Second-Goal Parent: Developing Winners in Life Through Sports
This workshop will focus on:
 This workshop will focus on how parents can ensure their student-athletes' experience yields
healthy, developmental outcomes that will serve them far beyond the playing field
 Guidelines for developing positive Coach/Athlete/Parent/Official relationships
 What is expected of you as a sports parent
 Understand the parents' goals, with relationship to your student-athlete's goals
 How to support your children in success and mistakes and setbacks
 Teach your children about the importance of a growth mindset
 How to handle, and not be, the confrontational parent at the game
For more information, visit PCA at [], CHAMP at , or contact
Korin LaPlante, CHAMP Coordinator, at (970) 222-9280 or
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
2015-2016 Blevins Middle School 6th Grade Supply List
1- Blevins Planner – Blevins Planner (Purchased at Blevins for $3.00) Student Planners will be available for purchase on August
19th. Every student should have a Blevins Planner on the First Day of School.
2 – 3 ring Binder - 3 inch, heavy-duty (D-ring binders are preferred)
2 - boxes/24 count #2 pencils
2 - packages of white, loose leaf lined paper (wide or college ruled)
2 – packages of 3x5 lined index cards
1 – big eraser
1 – pencil pouch
1 – plastic pencil/art supply box
1 – hand held pencil sharpener
2 – durable plastic pocket folder
5 – composition notebooks
1 – graph paper composition notebook
1 – package of sturdy plastic dividers (8 tabs)
1 - pair adult scissors
1 – package of colored pencils
1 - package of highlighters (4 colors)
1 – package of Markers No sharpies.
4 – glue sticks (no bottles or rubber cement)
2 – rolls of Scotch tape
1 – 12 inch ruler
1 – standard calculator
1 – set of earbuds or headphones (for personal use in class with netbooks)
1 – flash drive
1 – Ream of white copy paper
4 – dry Erase Markers
3 – large boxes of Kleenex
*Supplies must be replenished when needed throughout the entire school year
**We do not require book covers for text books.
***Individual teachers may request other supplies or class fees
Required PE Supplies
Crew Cut T-Shirt
Athletic Shorts or Pants
Tennis Shoes
Optional Donation Supplies (Turn in to Front Office)
Additional Reams of White Copy Paper
Additional Boxes of Kleenex
Optional Donation Supplies (Turn in to 6th Grade Teachers)
Clear plastic page protectors
Bright colored card stock
Hand sanitizer
Rolls of duct tape
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
2015-2016 Blevins Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Supply List
**It is highly recommended to purchase more than the required amount of the starred items**
1- Blevins Planner – Blevins Planner (Purchased at Blevins for $3.00) Student Planners will be available
for purchase on August 19th. Every student should have a Blevins Planner on the First Day of School.
2 – 3 ring Binder - 3 inch, heavy-duty (D-ring binders are preferred)
1 – zippered pencil pouch
1 – package of 8-12 tab PLASTIC subject dividers (pocket-less)
2 –pencils**
2 –pens**
2 – highlighters**
1 – eraser**
1 – package notebook paper**
8 – spiral notebooks OR composition notebooks
Optional Supplies:
1 – hand-held pencil sharpener
1 – package colored pencils
1 – pair adult scissors
1 – tape dispenser
1 – package of markers (No sharpies)
1 – scientific calculator for math (TI-32 suggested)
2 – glue sticks (not bottles or rubber cement)
1 – 12 inch ruler
1 – set of earbuds or headphones (for personal use in class with netbooks)
1 – flash drive
2 – dry erase markers
1 – package 3x5 notecards
*Supplies must be replenished when needed throughout the entire school year
**All textbooks issued by the school will need to be covered
***Individual teachers may request other supplies or class fees
Required PE Supplies
Crew Cut T-Shirt
Athletic Shorts or Pants
Tennis Shoes
Optional Donation Supplies (Turn in to Front Office)
Reams of white copy paper
Boxes of Kleenex
Additional Dry Erase Markers
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:006:00PM @ Blevins
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:006:00PM @ Blevins
Football Camp (7th & 8th
Grade) 4:00-6:00PM @
Football Camp (7th & 8th
Grade) 4:00-6:00PM @
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:00-6:00PM
@ Blevins
Interested Volleyball
Player Mtg (7th & 8th
Grade) 2:30-3:30 gym
Volleyball Pre-Season
Clinic Aug 18th-Aug
21st (6th,7th & 8th
Grade) 1:30-3:30 gym
7th & 8th Schedule/Locker
8:00 - 9:30am
6th Grade Locker
Load/Open House
4:00– 5:30pm.
First Day of School
6th Grade Only
6th Schedule/Locker
10:00 – 11:00 am
Football Player/Parent
Mtg 6:15 pm gym 101
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:00-6:00PM
@ Blevins
Cross Country PreSeason Camp (6th, 7th
& 8th Grade) @ Cottonwood Glen Park 4-5:15
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:006:00PM @ Blevins
Football Camp (7th &
8th Grade) 4:006:00PM @ Blevins
All Grades Start
Volleyball Team Tryouts
Aug 24th-26th
2:45 gym 101
Football Practice Starts
2:45 gym 200
Cross Country Practice
Starts 2:45-4:00 gym
Cross Country Parent
Mtg 4:00 Room 305
Tennis Practice begins
2:45-5:15 Gym 101
Football Camp (7th & 8th
Grade) 4:00-6:00PM @
Football Camp (7th & 8th
Grade) 4:00-6:00PM @
Tennis Player Meeting
for all interested 7th &
8th Graders and their
parents; 3:00 Gym 101
School Pictures
Volleyball Parent Meeting 4:00-5:00 pm Auditeria
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Back-To-School Night
We hope parents will plan to attend the Back-To-School Night that will be Thursday, September
3rd. Beginning at 5:45pm, we will have an informational meeting in gym 101 and then
report to classes by 6:00pm. We believe that you will benefit from visiting your child’s classes,
meeting teachers, and learning about the programs available at Blevins.
You are Invited:
Blevins PTO Open House, September 8th at 6:30 pm
On behalf of Blevins PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) - welcome to Blevins Middle School! We are a group of
parents that meet once a month on Tuesday evenings with Blevins administrators to provide support for Blevins’
teachers and staff. As you begin your family’s journey with Blevins, please consider becoming involved with PTO
and/or registering as a volunteer. Although middle school is a time when your child is taking steps towards
greater independence, the needs of the school are similar to elementary school, if not greater. Often Blevins’
volunteers are asked to contribute to teacher appreciation luncheons, help chaperone a dance, provide input on
school decisions being considered by Blevins' leadership, or participate in field trips when possible (as well as a
few other things that come up through the year!) Teachers and staff need families' support to make these
activities possible for Blevins’ students. Participation on the PTO is also a way of hearing what is happening
“behind the scenes” at Blevins, as well as sharing ideas and providing feedback. Blevins’ PTO is currently in the
process of planning some new fundraisers for fall to help raise money to support the needs and programs
identified as most important by teachers and staff. It is the support and involvement of families that takes a school
from a good one to a great one, so please consider becoming involved!
If you are a registered volunteer at a different school, you must log on to the PSD website
( to add Blevins to your school choices (a step that many forget!). We
also would like to invite you to the Blevins PTO Open House on Tuesday, September 8th at 6:30pm.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, welcome to Blevins Middle School!
Donna Boudreau, Volunteer Coordinator
(970) 689-9167
Be a Part of Our Blevins Community
Volunteers can make a difference.
We welcome and appreciate your help no matter how small. Volunteer your time, talent and expertise
with students and staff. Volunteer opportunities may range from classroom participation to school-wide
special events and fundraisers, including school photos, vision and hearing screening, homeroom
teacher support, individual/small group support, music support, school dance chaperones, teacher
appreciation, and more. It is MANDATORY that all PSD volunteers be registered. To register, or add
Blevins to your profile visit the following website: or call the
Partnership Office at (970) 490-3208
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Student pictures will be Friday August, 28th. Students will be given picture packets during the
first week of school. Students must bring their completed picture packet with payment included on the day of pictures. Please do not send picture money to school before Friday August
Back to School Night
5:45 pm
(Yearbooks available to
Labor Day
PTO Meeting/Open House
4:00-7:30 pm
October 1
4:00-7:30 pm
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
We have an amazing year ahead of us at Blevins Middle School, and our yearbook will capture
all the big events of the school year. Don’t let your student miss out on our yearbook designed by
our students, for our students. The past two years, we have been honored with the Josten's National Program of Excellence Award.
2015-16 PRICES
Now through December 2015 - $32
January 2016 until sold out - $37 (We have sold out the past 3 years and last year we sold out
before the last day of school)
Order today and save! You can place your order for the yearbook at or
with our school bookkeeper with cash, check or charge. Thanks for being a part of our yearbook
tradition! Personalize your yearbook and receive 4 incons free!
Please email Gaby Wymore with any questions,
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Immunization and Student Health Information for 2015-16:
For students who require immunizations before the 2015-16 school year: Prior to the 1st day of
school you must provide one of the following to your current school in order to comply with the
state law. Please submit proof of these immunizations as soon as possible to your current school. If
this is not done, your child will be excluded from school. You may fax immunization records or request your
doctor’s office to fax this information to Blevins at (970) 488-4011 Attn: Janet Diack. We appreciate your
prompt attention and help.
1. A Completed Certificate of Immunization certifying your student has received the minimum immunizations
as indicated below:
5 doses
 Tdap booster
1 dose (6th - 12th grade)
 Polio
4 doses
 Hepatitis B
3 doses*
*A 2 dose series is now available for children ages 11-15.
 MMRs
2 doses
 Varicella 2 dose grades K-12 (or disease history from health care provider, parent/guardian.)
2. Statement of Exemption to Immunization Law.
A Tdap booster is required for all 6th-12th graders
This is different than the DTaP vaccinations they received as infants and pre-K. The “p” (pertussis) has been
added to the standard Td booster in order to protect teens against whooping cough.
Health Care Action Plans:
Your child is unique. Please give us details about any health concerns that your child may have so we may
be of assistance to your child at school. The school nurse will review any information you provide and a
Health Care Plan may be developed. Health Care Action Plan forms are available online at,
or on the Blevins website (and must be renewed yearly). This form must be signed by a parent/guardian and
a physician. Parents/Guardians may fax Health Care Action Plans to the physician to sign. Return the signed
forms to Blevins for the 2015-2016 school year.
 Migraines or frequent headaches, Diabetes, Seizures, Asthmas (especially Inhaler users), severe
allergies (especially Epi Pen users) or any other conditions needing special attention and/or care.
Medication at School:
All medications (doctor prescribed or over-the-counter) given at school or school sponsored activities
must be accompanied by a PSD Medication Release Form for the 2015-2016 school year. This form must be
signed by a parent/guardian and a physician. The medication must be provided to Blevins in the original
prescription or manufacturer bottle, accompanied by the completed PSD Medication Release Form.
Medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian. Students may carry their inhaler or Epi
Pen/antihistamine for a severe allergic reaction, but a medication permission form must be completed and
kept on file in the health office for the current school year. If your child requires a rescue medication at
school, please provide the medication and medication authorization the 1st day of school. The Medication
Authorization Form requires both parent and doctor signature. Students may not carry any other medications
besides inhalers and Epi Pens, as per the Code of Conduct, as this can lead to suspension. Health Care
Action Plans and medication forms are available online at or the Blevins website.
The School Nurse and Blevins Health Tech want to meet the needs of your child to insure a safe and healthy
school year. For any questions please call the Blevins Health Clinic at 488-4007.
Thank you for your assistance,
Melissa Grentz, RN, BSN, School Nurse
Janet Diack, Health Technician
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Blevins Attendance Office: (970) 488-4044
If a student must be absent from school, a parent/guardian must call the 24 hour attendance line before 8:00 a.m. If a call is not
received, the attendance secretary will attempt to contact a parent/guardian to verify the absence. If contact is not made, the
student must bring a note, signed by their parent/guardian, to the attendance secretary when he/she returns to school. This is to be
done prior to the start of school at 7:40am. A call will be made for each day the student is absent.
For each day of an excused absence, a student will be granted two days to complete all missed work.
Absences are identified as excused or unexcused by the administration. Absences, whether legitimate or unexcused, will most likely
negatively impact a student's performance and grades in all classes. Valuable classroom instruction cannot easily be duplicated
outside of the classroom.
An unexcused absence is considered a truancy. Absences will be determined "excused" or "unexcused" based on communication
between the Blevins attendance office and a parent/guardian. School administration reserves the right to determine whether an
absence is excused or unexcused. Truancy exists when a student is absent from school without the permission of a parent/guardian
or the school. No credit will be given for work missed on unexcused absences.
If a parent knows in advance when his child will be absent from school, written notification should be given to the
attendance office as soon as possible. The office will issue an Absence Request Form to give to the student's teachers.
Students are responsible for notifying their teachers of the upcoming absence and doing the work ahead of time if requested. There
are NO designated "ditch days" sanctioned by the school.
No schedule changes will be made prior to the first day of school. Please attend all
classes listed on your schedule.
Non-Permission Forms for Photos, Videos, Internet and Email
Classroom activities and events sponsored by school occasionally are photographed or video taped.
Use of the Internet and electronic mail are used as a tool to complete some assignments and projects.
If you do not want your child to be photographed, video taped, have access to the internet and/or have an email
account, you must sign and return a Non-Permission Form to Student Services.
*Forms may be obtained online at under School Information or in the Blevins Student Services Office.
***A new form must be submitted at the beginning of every school year.***
A big thank you to our Blevins PTO! They have offered to supplement the cost of the
Blevins planner again this year, so instead of paying $6.00, your student may
purchase their planner for only $3.00! If a planner is lost, or needs to be replaced,
the student will need to pay the full price of $6.00 for a replacement planner.
Planners and yearbooks will both be on sale during schedule and locker distribution
on August 19th.
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
In Case Of An Emergency:
During an emergency situation, PSD will communicate information and instructions directly with
parents through one or more of the following avenues:
PSD Website: For the latest and most accurate information about PSD, visit the website. The
homepage features articles, school features, district initiatives, calendars, video and more!
Critical communications regarding school closures, emergencies, etc… are posted on the
homepage during events and updated frequently to provide parents with the most current information.
School Messenger Automated Phone System: PSD uses School Messenger to call parents
district-wide or at specific schools with emergency information regarding their school (such as
closures, early release, power outage, etc…).
Emails and Text Messages: PSD is currently expanding the contact information for parents to
enhance communication options. Parents/guardians will be able to provide multiple emails and
phone numbers as well as opt into receiving text messages from the district. You will receive
more information about this in your Student Profile information.
Local media outlets
PSD Facebook and Twitter @PoudreSchools (Follow PSD for updates)
PSD Channel 10 (Comcast and US Cable)
Parents may call the Customer Service Center at 970-490-3333. Operators will have up-to
date information.
Student Rights
and Code of Conduct
The Student Rights and Code of Conduct will be distributed electronically for the 2015-16 school
year. Families will have access to the Student Rights and Code of Conduct via the PSD website.
A limited number will be available in print at each school and at the district office for families that
are not able to access it electronically.
Procedure for Use of Drug Detection Dogs
Blevins will enlist the use of drug detection dogs on a random basis to go through hallways, classrooms and
locker rooms. Students and staff have been informed that these searches will occur randomly throughout
the school year.
Legal issues you need to be aware of include: If a dog sniff indicates the presence of drugs in a student
locker or other confined space on the school premises, reasonable suspicion is established for an immediate further search of the space. When feasible, a videotape record of the search should be made. The student may be present at the option of the principal. The intent of this process is not to embarrass individuals, but to assure parents and the community that their school is free from drugs.
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
Before buying new school clothes for your student, please review the Blevins Dress Code
(taken directly from the Blevins Student/Parent Handbook, located in the front of the Student Planner).
DRESS CODE: In an effort to create an environment that focuses on student achievement, students are expected to
dress in a manner that does not disrupt education or constitute a health or safety hazard.
Rule of Thumb: if you have to ask yourself “Is my clothing school acceptable?” then it probably is not. School is the business
and professional work environment for students. Clothing should be appropriate for school and school activities. Clothing and
other forms of personal appearance should not distract from the learning environment and should not be intimidating. The
following Dress Code guidelines have been developed and can be found in the Blevins Student/Parent Handbook:
Short shorts and short skirts are not allowed. While standing with arms at your side and relaxed shoulders, shorts and
skirts must extend below the tips of your fingers. (At the discretion of Administration).
Clothing must cover underwear, midriff, chest, back and buttocks.
Half shirts, see-through shirts, mesh shirts, halter-tops, tube tops, or any tops without a back will not be allowed.
Tank tops are not permitted, it does not matter the width of the strap.
Caps, hats, bandanas, handkerchiefs, masks, chains, and sunglasses are not permitted to be worn during school hours,
unless specific permission has been given by the Administration
Heavy coats/trench coats are not to be worn in school. These items should be stored in a student locker only; it is your
responsibility to dress appropriately for the weather. Always have a sweater, sweatshirt or lightweight zip-up in your locker for cooler conditions.
Clothing or jewelry which promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sexuality, profanity or anything that could be used as a weapon will not be allowed. (All at the discretion of Administration)
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Drawings and/or writings on skin or clothing that are inappropriate for school, or are a distraction to the school environment, are not allowed.
Tattoos that are inappropriate for school, or a disruption to the school environment, are not allowed.
Any manner of grooming or apparel, including clothing, jewelry, hats, emblems, bandanas and badges, which by virtue of
color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute is associated with, or denotes membership in or affiliation with, any gang
will not be allowed. This includes color of clothing & brand names. (All at the discretion of Administration)
Torn clothing, tears above the knee in shorts, skirts or pants, is not allowed.
Sleep wear or lounge wear, including pajama pants, thin sweats and slippers are not allowed
Certain school activities may be exempt from these guidelines with Administrative approval.
Students found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Student dress will be subject to the review and discretion of the building Administrator (PSD JICA - Dress Code and
Dress Code Violations)
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Blevins Middle School Newsletter
August 2015
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