WAB Annual Report 2015 - Western Association of Broadcasters
WAB Annual Report 2015 - Western Association of Broadcasters
Annual Report 2014-2015 Platinum Sponsor Message from the President Presented by Cam Cowie 2014-15 WAB President Dear Members, It is my privilege to present the Annual Report of the Western Association of Broadcasters. Please take a few minutes to review this Report and join me in reflecting on another great year for the WAB. Since our first strategic planning meeting in September, your board of directors have been hard at work for this year’s Conference. As mentioned at last year’s AGM, this was also the first year of new management of the association and Conference. We started the year by re-evaluating the objectives of the association and focused on the content of our Conference. Our board has been working closely with Vanessa, the new Manager to implement some changes and are also eagerly looking ahead at some progressive changes in future years as well. It has been an enjoyable year for me serving as President. Though it has been another busy year for the board, it has been a very enriching and positive experience. I encourage you to consider putting your name forward in future years if you are indeed interested in joining the board. Volunteering on boards such as WAB are a great way to give back to the broadcasting industry. 1 We were pleased to host our 5th Annual CRTC Meet & Greet at our Conference, and really appreciate the CRTC showing up every year and connecting with broadcasters at WAB! It is always great to end our Conference on a high note and we did just that by honouring the very best in Prairie broadcasting at the President’s Dinner & Gold Medal Awards Gala. Those in the room were certainly fortunate to witness four very worthy inductees into the WAB Hall of Fame - David Dekker, Al Friesen, Randy Lemay and Bill Wood. Thank you for attending our recent Conference, especially our new attendees and member organizations. Cam Cowie 2014-15 WAB President Minutes of the WAB 81st Annual General Meeting June 3, 2015 Banff, Alberta President Cam Cowie called the meeting to order at 8:05 AM Alberta time. There was a quorum present. Nominations The minutes of the 80 AGM were reviewed. Heidi Rasmussen for a one year term remaining th Cam Cowie presented an amendment to the minutes. In Section #4 of the minutes to amend the sponsorship amount “of just under $92,000” to just under $92,000 which includes the $15,000 FACTOR artist fee which is a flow through in the WAB accounts. Moved by Neil Shewchuk and seconded by Rick Arnish. Carried. The minutes of the 80th AGM were accepted as reported following amendment. Motion: Moved by Neil Shewchuk and seconded by Robin Hildebrand THAT the minutes be accepted as reported. Carried. President’s Report The President’s Report was presented by Cam Cowie Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Rick Arnish Special Resolutions Cam Cowie put forward the motion to present the Special Resolutions that the WAB, in the conference assembled, ratify and endorse all actions of the Board of Directors and Officers of the WAB during the past year. Moved by Elmer Hildebrand and seconded by Verna Lenton. Carried. On behalf of the membership, Cam Cowie thanked the 201415 board of directors and officers for their hard work and contribution. Industry Reports Brigitte Rothe for a two year term remaining Craig Letawsky for a one year term remaining Karl Johnston for a two year term remaining Rick Arnish for a two year term remaining Robin Hildebrand for a two year term remaining Verna Lenton for a two year term remaining Vinka Dubroja for a two year term remaining Glenn Ruskin for a two year term remaining Jason Huschi for a two year term remaining John Vos for a two year term remaining Motion: Moved by Elmer Hildebrand and seconded by Neil Shewchuk THAT nominations cease. Carried. Those nominated are elected by acclamation. 2015-2016 WAB Board of Directors President Vice President Rick Arnish Director Craig Letawsky Director Karl Johnston Director Brigitte Rothe Director Jason Huschi Past President Cam Cowie Secretary & Treasurer Robin Hildebrand Director Heidi Rasmussen Director Verna Lenton Director Glenn Ruskin Director John Vos New President’s Address The Canadian Association of Broadcasters Report was presented by Kevin Goldstein The New President’s Report was presented by Vinka Dubroja The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council Update was presented by Andrée Noël There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Any Other Business Meeting adjourned. 2 Vinka Dubroja 2015 Conference Overview The WAB 2015 Conference was memorable for many reasons and contained several highlights. We are pleased to provide a summary on the Conference. Golf Classic Speakers There was a bit of drizzle on June 3, 2015 as our group of 50+ eager golfers set out to play in our popular annual WAB golf tournament at the Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course, but for those participating it did not deter them from having a fun experience! Our 2015 Conference was stacked with many speaker standouts including CRTC Chairman Jean-Pierre Blais, special Keynote presenter Bob Hoffman and Fred Jacobs. We rounded out our Conference with presentations by RadioPlayer Canada, Numeris, Jim Bottomley and our industry panel. Entertainment With the support of FACTOR and its partnership with Canada’s private radio broadcasters and the Government of Canada, we were excited to have country star Brett Kissel perform exclusively for our delegates and guests. At the President’s Dinner & Gold Medal Awards Gala, we heard the “The 3 Sides of Brett Kissel”, a one-of-a-kind experience showcasing his top hits, favourite cover songs from the past, and a sneak peak at his new songs. 3 The WAB congratulates the following 2015 WAB Award winners who have enhanced and improved the broadcast industry in Western Canada, while making significant contributions to their communities and province. Gold Medal Awards The Gold Medal Awards are presented to WAB member stations for outstanding contribution to the Canadian broadcasting industry in the area of community service. Nominations are judged on the benefit to the community, magnitude of the effort, staff support and participation and sustainability of the initiative/program. Television “Woman of Vision” Radio 150,000 & Up “Stuff a Bus” “Caring for Kids Radiothon” Leader of Tomorrow Jayme Vandenberg is 2015’s Leader of Tomorrow. This award is given to those Leaders of Tomorrow who are under 30 and have demonstrated leadership and skill in broadcasting. The purpose of the award is to honour employees of WAB member stations who have reached a significant level of success in their young careers, and to promote mentorship and professional development by introducing these leaders to the established business community and promoting them as role models for others. 4 Radio Under 150,000 Broadcast Hall of Fame The WAB Hall of Fame is the most prestigious award given to a Canadian Broadcaster and honours excellence at the regional level. On June 4, 2015 the board of directors was pleased to induct 4 worthy recipients into the WAB Hall of Fame. 2015 Inductees David Dekker David was born into broadcasting and has been in radio his entire life. Following his graduation from the University of Saskatchewan in 1975, he started in the newsroom, and after 40 years, has had almost every single job there was to do in a radio station. David is one of the most well-known and well-respected broadcasters in Saskatchewan. Al Friesen Al Friesen began his radio career with CFAM Radio 950 in Altona, Manitoba on June 21, 1974. After an illustrious 41-year career in radio broadcasting, he is STILL the voice of CFAM Radio 950. Al learned early on that a good radio broadcast meant putting the audience in front of the audience. That may explain why he was often hard to find in the studio. He preferred to be out in the community telling the stories of local residents. Randy Lemay Randy began his radio career in 1984 selling “air” at CJCA/K-97. It didn’t take long for him to become one of the top salesmen for the company and when Newcap purchased K-97 in 1998, Randy’s business and sales acumen were quickly recognized and he was on the management fast track. With his innovative systems and structures, with his teamwork style of leadership, Newcap Alberta continues to thrive due to his vision. Bill Wood Of Bill’s 42 years in radio, he has dedicated 41 years with the same employer, CJVR in Melfort, Saskatchewan. Throughout his forty plus years, the radio operations saw many positive changes, most of which relied heavily on Bill’s leadership qualities. Bill and our popular country music format moved to the new CJVR FM station where to this day, he continues to host the morning show. Bill has done just over 11,000 on-air shows in his illustrious career. 5 2015 Conference Sponsors Our WAB Conference would not be possible without the continued support of our generous sponsors. PLATINUM GOLD BRONZE SILVER MegaMusicCanada Closed Caption Services iBiquity Digital Corporation Marketron Broadcast Solutions Numeris Saskatoon Media Group SBL Engineering PATRON A H ILL C OM PA NY Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Novanet Communications Burli PromoSuite D.E.M. Allen and Associates RCS Canada Dentons Canada Integrated Tower Solutions 6 SaskTel Tim Hortons WideOrbit 2015 WAB Conference Program 2014-15 Board Members WEDNESDAY JUNE 3, 2015 Cam Cowie Heidi Rasmussen 1:30 pm WAB Golf Classic 6:30 pm Welcome Reception 7:30 pm Dinner and Prize Presentation Neil Shewchuk Verna Lenton Vinka Dubroja Robin Hildebrand Rick Arnish Brigitte Rothe Karl Johnston Doug Gunn THURSDAY JUNE 4, 2015 7:30 – 9:00 am Breakfast 8:00 – 8:45 am WAB Annual General Meeting – members only Includes CAB & CBSC Updates 8:45 – 8:50 am Cam Cowie, WAB President: Opening Remarks 8:50 – 9:05 am Lisa Eaton: Numeris: A Radio and TV Success Story 9:05 – 10:05 am Fred Jacobs: The 360-Degree View of the Connected Car 10:05 – 10:50 am Radioplayer Canada: Collaborating on Technology & Competing on Content 10:50 – 11:05 am Refreshment Break 11:05 – 11:30 am Jean-Pierre Blais: Special CRTC Report by the Chairman & CEO 11:30 – 12:30 pm Jim Bottomley: An Age of Innovation Broadcast: Tune Your Channels to the Future 12:30 – 1:25 pm Lunch 1:25 – 2:25 pm Keynote Speaker Bob Hoffman: The Golden Age of BS 2:25 – 2:40 pm Refreshment Break 2:40 – 4:00 pm Panel: Moving Forward in the Digital Era Panelists: Susan Andree (Red River College) Chris Gordon (Bell Media) Geoff Poulton (Vista Radio) Stephen Sienko (Target Broadcast Sales) Kathy Shapka (DSA Media) Moderator: Cam Clark (Westman Communications Group) 7 4:00 – 5:00 pm 5 Annual CRTC Meet & Greet 6:30 – 7:15 pm President’s Reception 7:15 – 10:30 pm President’s Dinner & Gold Medal Awards Gala with Special Feature Performer Brett Kissel th President Harvard Broadcasting Past President Fabmar Communications Vice President Newcap Radio Secretary & Treasurer Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Director Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Director Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Director Westman Communications Group Director Golden West Broadcasting Director CTV Associate Director Tim Hortons On behalf of its members the WAB Board of Directors hold regular meetings to organize the Conference and the direction of the association each year. There are several committees on specific areas of the Conference and association that board members volunteer their time on including sponsorship, membership, speakers and awards. The continued growth of the Western Association of Broadcasters would not be possible without the continued support of the Board of Directors who help make quality decisions regarding the Conference and association. If you are interested in holding a board position in the future, please email info@wab.ca. This is a wonderful way to give back to the industry. Treasurer’s Report Presented by Rick Arnish I am pleased to report on very positive items for the WAB. This year your Board of Directors worked diligently to increase all income streams of the association. Please note the financial statements presented in this Annual Report are unaudited. Sponsorships are at an all-time high thanks to the support of our Prairie broadcasting companies and supporters who continue to be committed to the WAB. Your financial support is vital in helping our board provide an educational and impactful Conference each year. We are pleased to see that registration numbers trended with historical levels from 2011-2013 rather than last year’s lower Conference registration numbers. This year we began a new investing strategy laddering GICs for our excess cash flow, which while still conservative for our association, it does garner additional interest then our previous lower interest Money Market fund. This year we maintained our Conference Registration fee but increased our Golf Registration fee to be more in line with the current green fees of playing at the Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Club. We also introduced a slight increase to sponsorship fees which prior to this year, had remained consistent since 2008. Variance Report (Comparison with August 31, 2014) We’ve prepared the following chart to provide explanation for variances above $2,000 listed in the financial statement on the next page. Revenue Account Variance Explanation Sponsorship $13,717 This was a positive year for Sponsorship Revenue with the recommitment of many previous year sponsors, but also the association receiving sponsorship support from new supporters. Registration $21,022 In relation to paid registrations, we had 13 more delegates and 1 more spouses/companions than 2014. Another increase was $3,186 in extra tickets sold for functions as well as 8 additional golf participants than in 2014. Membership $4,122 Increased member dues collected following review of private radio and television stations in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The association is in great shape! Revenue Sources 2014-15 34% Registration 51% Expenses Sponsorship 14.6% Membership >1% Interest Total Operating Revenue $192,681 8 2014 Revenue $153,407 2013 Revenue $169,822 2012 Revenue $168,044 Account Variance Explanation Conference $10,920 Higher Conference expenses due to more delegates & spouses attending, Conference moving back to the Fairmont, higher speaker costs, more award recipients and addition of awards production costs. Management ($2,520) Back to normal contracted Fees management rates. In 2013-14 we had incurred additional management fees due to transition of new Manager. WAB Financial Statements Statement of Financial Position Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited - See Notice to Reader) (Unaudited - See Notice to Reader) As at August 31 2015 2014 Assets $ 4,810 $ 7,071 95,336 53,122 Accounts receivable 6,520 9,421 Deposits 2,500 5,000 Goods and services tax receivable 1,786 4,204 $ 110,952 $ 78,818 98,002 $ 84,285 Conference registrations 65,840 44,818 Membership 28,162 24,040 677 264 192,681 153,407 111,969 101,049 30,000 32,520 Office and miscellaneous 5,700 4,948 Directors' meetings and travel 4,932 6,344 Internet website 3,045 3,197 Insurance 1,977 2,050 Professional fees 1,850 2,363 Interest Expenditures Management fees Current liability $ $ Convention Liability and Fund Balances Balance 2014 Sponsorship Short term investments Accounts payable 2015 Revenues Current assets Cash Year ended August 31 1,700 $ 1,673 109,252 77,145 $ 110,952 $ 110,952 Bad debts 641 - Telephone 460 1,858 160,574 154,329 32,107 (922) 77,145 78,067 109,252 $ 77,145 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Balance, beginning of year Balance, end of year $ Notice to Reader On the basis of information provided by Management, we have compiled the statement of financial position of Western Association of Broadcasters as at August 31, 2015 and the statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year then ended. We have not performed an audit or a review engagement in respect of these financial statements and, accordingly, we express no assurance thereon. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. October 7, 2015 Kenway Mack Slusarchuk Stewart LLP Chartered Accountants 9 New President’s Address Presented by Vinka Dubroja 2015-16 WAB President The ultimate role of the President is to set the direction of an organization to achieve an incredible future and Cam Cowie has done that with the WAB. From attendance, sponsorship and content he has helped us create an amazing Conference this past year. Cam’s leadership has resulted in a vibrant, healthy, diverse and dynamic WAB that I am now honoured to be President of. Thank you Cam! Cam has made assuming the role of President easy, but topping this past year will be difficult. However, with the diverse board we have assembled, we are well positioned for the future. Our board includes high level executives, managers, programmers and sales professionals. Large and small markets - male and female. The board members understand the challenges we all face every day. But it is you, our members who set the course. We value your input. We need your feedback to help us continue to bring you the highest level and most relevant content to our membership. 10 For the 2016 Conference, we will be back at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel. The format will be the same with a day of golf at one of the world’s most beautiful courses followed by the conference and of course the President’s Dinner & Gold Medal Awards Gala. It is with your help, direction and participation we will continue to build our reputation as a must attend event for Canadian Broadcasters. I look forward to the role of President. 2014-15 WAB Members We are grateful to all those organizations who endeavour to be part of the Western Association of Broadcasters. For more information on becoming a member, please call 1-877-814-2719 or email info@wab.ca. ALBERTA RADIO Call Sign CKMX CJAY-FM CIBK-FM CFRN CFMG-FM CFBR-FM CKBD-FM CJOC-FM CJCY-FM CHQR CKRY-FM CFGQ-FM CHED CHQT CISN-FM CKNG-FM CIXM-FM CFIT-FM CHOO-FM CHRB CKUV-FM CFXO-FM CFEX-FM CKEA-FM CJNW-FM CHFT-FM CFVR-FM CKRI-FM RADIO City of Licence Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Lethbridge Medicine Hat Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Whitecourt Airdrie Drumheller High River High River High River Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Fort McMurray Fort McMurray Red Deer Owner Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Clear Sky Radio Clear Sky Radio Clear Sky Radio Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Fabmar Communications Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting TELEVISION Call Sign CICT-TV - Global CITV-TV - Global CISA-DT -Global CHAT-TV CKAL-TV - City CKEM-TV - City CJCO-DT - Omni CJEO-DT - Omni CFRN-TV - CTV CFCN-TV - CTV CFCN-TV-5 - CTV 11 City of Licence Calgary Edmonton Lethbridge Medicine Hat Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Lethbridge Owner Shaw Media Shaw Media Shaw Media Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Call Sign CHPK-FM CKCE-FM CIBW-FM CJXX-FM CIKT-FM CJBZ-FM CHLB-FM CHAT-FM CFMY-FM CHUB-FM CFDV-FM CHBW-FM CIUP-FM CKNO-FM CJUV-FM CKIK-FM CKMP-FM CFXL-FM CFCW CKRA-FM CIRK-FM CKGY-FM CIZZ-FM CKVH-FM CKSA-FM CHSL-FM CHLW CKWY-FM CKKY-FM CKWB-FM CKKX-FM CKHL-FM CKYL CHUP-FM CFFR CFAC CHFM-FM CJAQ-FM CHBN-FM CKER-FM CHDI-FM CFNA-FM CKLM-FM CJLT-FM CFRI-FM City of Licence Calgary Calgary Drayton Valley Grande Prairie Grande Prairie Lethbridge Lethbridge Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Red Deer Red Deer Rocky Mountain House Edmonton Edmonton Lacombe Red Deer Calgary Calgary Camrose Edmonton Edmonton Red Deer Red Deer High Prairie Lloydminster Slave Lake St. Paul Wainwright Wainwright Westlock Peace River High Level Peace River Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Bonnyville Lloydminster Medicine Hat Grande Prairie Owner Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group L.A. Radio Group L.A. Radio Group Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Newcap Broadcasting Peace River Broadcasting Peace River Broadcasting Peace River Broadcasting Rawlco Radio Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Rogers Communications Vista Radio Vista Radio Vista Radio Vista Radio 2014-15 WAB Members We are grateful to all those organizations who endeavour to be part of the Western Association of Broadcasters. For more information on becoming a member, please call 1-877-814-2719 or email info@wab.ca. SASKATCHEWAN MANITOBA RADIO RADIO Call Sign CHBD-FM CKJH CJVR-FM CKSE-FM CJSL CHSN-FM CHBO-FM CFYM CKVX-FM CHAB CILG-FM CJAW-FM CJYM CJSN CKSW CIMG-FM CKFI-FM CFSL CKRC-FM CHWY-FM CKRM CHMX-FM CFWF-FM CFWD-FM CJGX CFGW-FM CJNS-FM CJNB CJHD-FM CJCQ-FM CKBI CFMM-FM CHQX -FM CJME CKCK-FM CIZL-FM CFMC-FM CJDJ-FM CKOM CKBL-FM CJMK-FM CJWW City of Licence Regina Melfort Melfort Estevan Estevan Estevan Humboldt Kindersley Kindersley Moose Jaw Moose Jaw Moose Jaw Rosetown Shaunavon Swift Current Swift Current Swift Current Weyburn Weyburn Weyburn Regina Regina Regina Saskatoon Yorkton Yorkton Meadow Lake North Battleford North Battleford North Battleford Prince Albert Prince Albert Prince Albert Regina Regina Regina Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Owner Bell Media Fabmar Communications Fabmar Communications Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Harvard Broadcasting Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Rawlco Radio Rawlco Radio Rawlco Radio Rawlco Radio Rawlco Radio Rawlco Radio Saskatoon Media Group Saskatoon Media Group Saskatoon Media Group TELEVISION Call Sign CFRE-TV - Global CFSK-TV - Global CFQC-TV - CTV CICC-TV - CTV CKCK-TV - CTV CIPA-TV - CTV 12 City of Licence Regina Saskatoon Saskatoon Yorkton Regina Prince Albert Owner Shaw Media Shaw Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Call Sign City of Licence CHTM Thompson CFAR Flin Flon CJAR The Pas CKMM-FM Winnipeg CKXA-FM Brandon CKX-FM Brandon CFRW Winnipeg CFWM-FM Winnipeg CJGV-FM Winnipeg CJKR-FM Winnipeg CJOB Winnipeg CKDM Dauphin CFAM Altona CJRB Boissevain CFRY Portage la Prairie CJPG-FM Portage la Prairie CFRY-FM Portage la Prairie CHSM Steinbach CILT-FM Steinbach CJXR- FM Steinbach CKMW-FM Winkler CJEL-FM Winkler CHVN-FM Winnipeg CKCL-FM Winnipeg CFQX-FM Selkirk CHIQ-FM Winnipeg CKLF-FM Brandon CKLQ Brandon Owner Arctic Radio Arctic Radio Arctic Radio Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Bell Media Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Corus Entertainment Dauphin Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Golden West Broadcasting Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Westman Communications Westman Communications Call Sign City of Licence APTN Winnipeg CKY-TV - CTV Winnipeg CHMI-TV - City Winnipeg CKND-TV - Global Winnipeg Owner Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Bell Media Rogers Broadcasting Shaw Media TELEVISION Associate Members Applied Electronics Ltd. Aboriginal Multi-Media Society Canadian Broadcast Sales Community Radio Fund of Canada D.E.M. Allen & Associates Ltd. DDB Canada Dentons Canada LLP FACTOR Golden West Media Integrated Tower Solutions National Captioning Canada Nlogic Novanet Communications Limited Numeris Pippin Technical Service Ltd. PromoSuite RCS Canada SaskTel Southern Alberta Institute of Technology SparkNet StreamON Target Broadcast Sales Tim Hortons Inc TVB WAB Awards History WAB Past WAB Gold Medal Presidents Winners 1934Unknown 1975 Warren Holte 1985 CHED Edmonton 2005 Golden West Broadcasting 1935Unknown 1976 Gary Miles 1986 CKXL Calgary 2005 A-Channel Winnipeg 1936Unknown 1977 Bruce Cowie 1987 CJOB Winnipeg 2006 CH Red Deer 1937Unknown 1978 Lew Roskin 1988 CJCA Edmonton 2006 Country 105 1938Unknown 1979 Don Brinton 1989 CKBI Prince Albert 2007 CFMC Saskatoon 1939Unknown 1980 Gordon Rawlinson 1990 CJGX Yorkton 2007 Citytv Calgary 1940 George Chandler 1981 Norm Haines 1991 Golden West Broadcasting 2008 Peace River 1941 George Chandler 1982 Harv Davidson 1992 CHAB Moose Jaw 2008 CTV Winnipeg 1942 G.R.A. Rice 1983 Ted Eadinger 1993 Power 92 Edmonton 2009 Magic 99 - Edmonton 1943 G.R.A. Rice 1984 Jim Edwards 1994 Country 105 Calgary 2009 CTV Calgary 1944 G.R.A. Rice 1985 Peter M. Liba 1995 ITV Edmonton 2010 CTV Edmonton 1945 G.R.A. Rice 1986 Dennis Fisher 1996 LITE 96 CHFM Calgary 2010 CKBI Prince Albert 1946Unknown 1987 Terry Coles 1997 ITV Edmonton 2010 The Wolf Regina 1947 A.M. Bert Cairns 1988 John Cochrane 1998 CFQC Saskatoon 2011 CTV Winnipeg 1948 A.M. Bert Cairns 1989 Vern Traill 1999 RDTV Red Deer 2011 C95 FM Saskatoon 1949 William M. Guild 1990 Jack Little 2000 RDTV Red Deer 1950 William M. Guild 1991 Bill Gorrie 2001 RDTV Red Deer 2012 CHAT-FM Medicine Hat Citytv Calgary 1951 Ed Rawlinson 1992 Fred Filthaut 2001 CHSM 1260 Steinbach 1952 Ed Rawlinson 1993 Neil Edwards David Wiebe 2002 The Bear 100.3 Edmonton 1994 David Wiebe 2003 CIZL-FM Regina 1953 Gerry Gaetz 1954 Gerry Gaetz 1955 Sid Boyling 1956 Vern Dallin 1957 Bob Buss 1958 Bob Buss 1959 Jack O. Blick 1960 G. Blair Nelson 1961 Norm Botterill 1962 Don Hartford 1963 Don Hartford 1964 Don Hartford 1965 Bill Stovin 1966 A.J. “Red” Hopps 1967 Jack Davidson 1968 G. Blair Nelson 1969 Ted Soskin 1970 Rory MacLennan 1971 Tom Laing 1972 John McColl 1973 Elmer Hildebrand 1974 George Gallagher 13 1995 Bob Johnson 1996 Leon Brin 1997 Ron Kizney 1998 Doug Shillington 1999 Menno Friesen 2000 Wally Kirk 2001 Monte Graham 2002 Mark Olson 2003 Dennis Dunlop 2004 Don Kille 2005 Jim Haskins 2006 Lyndon Friesen 2007 Stan Schmidt 2008 David Dekker 2009 Bill Hanson 2010 Mitch Bozak 2011 Richard Kroeker 2012 Vic Dubois 2013 Tom Newton 2014 Neil Shewchuk 2015 Cam Cowie 2002 CKY-TV Winnipeg 2003 CFCN-TV Calgary 2004 900CKBI Prince Albert 2004 Global Television Calgary 2013 Big Country Radio 93.1 CTV Calgary 2014 Golden West Broadcasting Global Calgary 2015 KG Country and Zed 98.9 Country 105 Global Edmonton WAB Broadcast Order of Achievement 25 Years Al Lucas Kim Johnston Allan Lie Lyle McGillivray Barrie Vice Myron Dyck Clay Young Nancy Friesen Clayton Dreger Pat Cardinal Don McCracken Rob Carney Glenda Hildebrand Ron Zuke Glenda-Lee Allan Rosa Rawlings Jamie Moffat Ryan Simpson Jane Morrissey Susan Reade Keath Leask WAB Awards History WAB Leaders of Tomorrow Bert Cairns 1995 Ralph Warrington G.R.A. Rice 1996 Alan Anaka Jack Davidson (1970) 1997 Peter Warren Hal Crittenden 1999 Jim Bagshaw Pierre Camu 2001 Jim Scarrow 1978 Elmer Hildebrand 2002 Stuart Craig 2015 Jayme Vandenberg 1981 Bruce Cowie 2004 Elaine Ali 1983 Donald C. Brinton 2005 Don Kille WAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 1985 R.M. (Rory) MacLennan 2006 Dave Rutherford 1988 Blair Nelson 2007 Harry Dekke (In Memoriam) 2013 Darry Janz 1991 Peter Liba 2008 Lynda Steele 2014 Gerry Forbes 1992 Dr. Charles Allard (In Memoriam) 2009 Marty Forbes 2010 Al Thorgeirson 1992 John McColl (In Memoriam) 2011 Willie Cole 2012 Adam Wylde Patrick Burles 2013 Carly Meyer Katie Summers 2014 Patrick Dubois 2015 David Dekker Ail Friesen Randy Lemay Bill Wood 1989 Elmer Hildebrand 1993 Michael McCabe 2012 Ken Singer WAB Broadcaster of the Century WAB Broadcast WAB Friends Partner of the Year of Broadcasting 1984 Dr. G.R.A. Rice 2009 Tim Hortons 1997 Jill Douglas 2010 Kinsmen Foundation of Saskatchewan 1998 TELUS Corporation 2011 Albi Renova 2001 Howard Christensen WAB Broadcaster of the Past Decade 14 WAB Broadcaster of the Year 2000 Doug Allen 2002 Frank Palmer Peter Liba 2003 Patrick Grierson Elmer Hildebrand 2007 Bruce Hamstead Deirdre Hamstead For more information Western Association of Broadcasters 507, 918-16th Ave NW Calgary, AB T2M 0K3 Phone: (877) 814-2719 Fax: (877) 814-2749 Email: info@wab.ca Web:www.wab.ca Mark your calendars The 2016 WAB Conference will be June 8 - 9, 2016 at the Fairmont Banff Springs! www.wab.ca
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171 - 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW, Suite 860, Calgary, AB T3A 5R8
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