The Canada - Telefilm Canada


The Canada - Telefilm Canada
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Canada - Europe
Forum for financing
November 18 - 22, 2002 in Paris
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Since its creation in 1995, Immersion
has been a unique force for the development
of coproductions between Canada and
Europe. Telefilm Canada is proud to have
contributed to stimulating the growth of
alliances between producers that have
spawned films that speak to international
audiences. Upcoming releases such as
Bleeding, The Republic of Love and Folle
Embellie are eloquent examples of
Immersion's pivotal role in bringing new
partners together.
is produced by / est produit par
Te l e f i l m C a n a d a
For Immersion 2002:Europe, we are
welcoming 37 producers from all regions of
Canada along with 60 European producers
from France, Belgium, Germany, UK, Spain,
Italy, Holland, Greece, and the Nordic
Countries. While each of these producers
bring their individual experience and vision to
Immersion, all are looking to partner
internationally on an exciting new film.
Participants will have access to a variety
of decision makers including national film
funds, broadcasters and sales agents.
Immersion takes place in an informal but
structured environment that offers an inside
glimpse on the major issues that shape
artistic and financial decisions on feature film.
Immersion 2002 could not have taken place
without the generous support of our
European partners as well as our numerous
sponsors from Canada, each of whom have
contributed in important ways to shaping this
Any event is a meeting of minds. But now,
more than ever, it is networks of people, not
just individuals, that keep the Immersion
flame alive. These networks have nourished
the content and fuelled the creativity needed
to make Immersion a reality. Everyone
brought their own special energy to the
making of this event and I am very proud of
what we have all worked together to create.
Welcome to Immersion 2002. I wish you all a
productive experience.
Depuis la première édition en 1995,
Immersion s'est avérée une force unique
pour le développement des coproductions
entre le Canada et l'Europe. Téléfilm Canada
est fier d'avoir contribué à renforcer les liens
entre producteurs et aidé à la coproduction
de films destinés à un public international.
Les sorties prochaines de Bleeding, The
Republic of Love et Folle Embellie sont
autant d'exemples éloquents du rôle central
d'Immersion dans la coproduction entre le
Canada et l'Europe.
Pour Immersion 2002:Europe, nous accueillons près de 100 producteurs dont 37 venus
de toutes les régions du Canada et environ 60
producteurs européens venus de France, de
Belgique, d'Allemagne, du Royaume-Uni,
d'Espagne, d'Italie, des Pays-Bas, de Grèce
et des pays nordiques. Chacun de ces
producteurs apporte son expérience individuelle et sa vision à Immersion. Ensemble
ils envisagent tous d'être associés à l'échelle
internationale à un nouveau film qui
s'annonce déjà passionnant. Les participants
auront accès à une sélection de décideurs
incluant des agences nationales de soutien,
des diffuseurs et des vendeurs à l'étranger.
Immersion offre un environnement informel
mais structuré et propose un aperçu des
principales questions qui se posent quand
vient le moment de prendre les décisions
artistiques et financières pour la production
d'un long métrage.
Immersion 2002 n'aurait pu avoir lieu sans
l'appui généreux de nos partenaires
européens et nos nombreux sponsors
canadiens, chacun ayant contribué de façon
importante à la réalisation de cet événement.
Chaque événement est une réunion de
talents. Mais aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, ce
sont des réseaux de gens et pas seulement
des individus, qui ravivent la flamme
d'Immersion. Ces réseaux ont nourri le
contenu et ont alimenté la créativité
nécessaire à la réalisation concrète
d'Immersion. Chacun y a apporté sa propre
énergie et je suis très fière de notre travail en
Bienvenue à Immersion 2002:Europe et je vous
souhaite à tous une expérience des plus
Sheila de la Varende
Director, International Development and Promotion
Directrice, Développement et Promotion à l’International
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A cultural investor, Telefilm Canada is a federal
agency dedicated primarily to the development and
promotion, both domestically and internationally, of
Canada's television, cinema, new-media and, more
recently, music industries.
Investisseur culturel, Téléfilm Canada est un
organisme fédéral voué principalement au développement et à la promotion nationale et internationale des
industries canadiennes de la télévision, du long métrage,
des nouveaux médias et, plus récemment, de la musique.
The Corporation acts as one of the government's principal
instruments for providing strategic leverage to the
Canadian private sector.
La Société s'avère un instrument privilégié du
gouvernement comme partenaire du secteur privé
With an annual budget of $230 million, the Corporation,
through its offices in Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver and
Halifax, allocates the major part of its funds to the
production and distribution of projects in all regions of the
country. Telefilm Canada focuses its investments on highquality productions that reflect Canada's rich cultural
diversity and that are likely to reach a wide audience.
Dotée d'un budget annuel de 230 millions de dollars,
la Société attribue la plus grande partie de ses fonds à
la production et à la distribution de projets provenant
de toutes les régions canadiennes par l'intermédiaire de
ses bureaux à Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver et Halifax.
La Société investit dans des projets de qualité, qui
reflètent la riche diversité culturelle canadienne et qui
peuvent rejoindre de vastes auditoires.
Telefilm Canada Offices / Bureaux de Téléfilm Canada
Head Office / Siège social
Offices in Canada / Bureaux au Canada
360, rue Saint-Jacques
Bureau 700
Montréal (Québec)
H2Y 4A9
T : (514) 283-6363
F : (514) 283-8212
2 Bloor Street West
22nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3E2
T: (416) 973-6436
F: (416) 973-8606
European Office / Bureau européen
5, rue de Constantine
75007 Paris
T : (33-1) 44 18 35 30
F : (33-1) 47 05 72 76
1684 Barrington Street
3rd Floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2A2
T: (902) 426-8425
F: (902) 426-4445
Program / Programme
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Welcome drinks for all participants
Day 1
9:00am - 10:00am
10:00am - 11:30am
11:45am - 12:30pm
1:00pm - 2:30pm
3:00pm - 4:30pm
4:30pm - 6:00pm
7:30 - 9:00pm
Monday, November 18, 2002
Welcome breakfast
Surviving the turmoil in Europe: new directions, new perspectives
Take off! - Producers' Pitch
Lunch for all participants
Breaking the code: accessing talent - a round-table with casting directors and agents
The Talent Drive - the story behind "Spider" by David Cronenberg
Opening Night Reception at the Residence of his Excellency Mr. Raymond Chrétien,
Ambassador of Canada in France
Day 2
9:30am - 10:30am
10:30am - 11:30am
11:30am to 12:30pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
7:30pm onwards
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Breakfast with Guest speaker
Co-producing with Canada: overview on the principles
Is co-production with Canada still in favour?
Lunch for all participants
2 x 60 minutes: Meetings with decisionmakers from Canada and Europe
"Cinéma du Québec in Paris" - Screening followed by a reception
Day 3
9:30am - 10:00am
10:30am - 12:00am
12:30pm - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm
3:30pm - 4:30pm
4:45pm - 6:00pm
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Special presentation by Filmstiftung NRW and Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Making films in a more sober German market
Presentation followed by a brief screening
Lunch for all participants
French Distribution under the lens
Tips on markets and festivals
Open House at Atelier Richelieu!
Day 4
9:30am - 10:30am
11:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
7:30pm onwards
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Diverse financing voices from the UK and Ireland
UK Production: A bigger bang for the buck!
Lunch for all participants
Keys to the tax puzzle
Producers Diner
Day 5
10:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Friday, November 22, 2002
Micro-Meetings with International sales companies
Lunch for all participants
Landing: On day 1 of the Immersion, four producers presented their projects.
Hear all about their experiences at Immersion 2002 and their next goals - a brief presentation
Free Afternoon
Closing night dinner and party
310-440 Cambie Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 2N5
T: (604) 666-1566
F: (604) 666-7754
Page 6
The partners / Les partenaires
Contact: Sophie Bourdon
Atelier du Cinéma Européen
29 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75009 Paris
T: +33 1 42 46 64 24
F: +33 1 42 46 64 22
The sponsors / Les commanditaires
The producers / Les producteurs
p 111
Thank you / Remerciements
Contact: Thierry Vandersanden
Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel
Communauté française de Belgique
44, Boulevard Léopold II
1080 Bruxelles
T: + 32 2 413 22 19
F: + 32 2 413 20 68
Contact: Juliette Duret
Wallonie Bruxelles Images
13, Boulevard Adolphe Max - Porte 6
1000 Bruxelles
T: + 32 2 223 2304
F: + 32 2 219 3424
Centre National de la Cinématographie
12, rue de Lubeck
75116 Paris - Cedex 16
T: + 33 1 44 34 38 17
F: + 33 1 44 34 37 23
ACE a ne wo o o e
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om mo e han
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Cu u e e
the partners
les partenaires
31/10/02 16:50
Page 8
Contact: Ido Abram
Public relations IFFR & Cinemart
Cinemart / International Film Festival
P.O. Box 21696
3001 AR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31.10.890.9090
F: +31.10.890.9091
Contact: Christian Berg
Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg
August-Bebel-Strasse 26-53
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg
T: +49 331 743 87-0
F: +49 331 743 87 - 99
Contacts: Jo Maurice
Events and Marketing Manager
Film Council
10 Little Portland Street
United Kingdom
T: + 44 20 7861 7501
F: + 44 20 7861 7863
The CineMart, the world's first
market platform for works-inprogress, invites select number of
directors and producers to present
their latest projects to potential
co-producers, TV-stations,
distributors, financiers, sales agents
and funding bodies. The five-day
event has grown into a very
effective instrument that brings
together money and ideas.
Cinemart est le plus important marché
pour les projets en développement.
Il invite chaque année une sélection de
réalisateurs et producteurs qui viennent
présenter leur plus récent projet à des
coproducteurs potentiels, des diffuseurs,
des distributeurs, des financiers, des
vendeurs internationaux et des agences
de soutien. L'événement, d'une durée
de cinq jours, est devenu un instrument
unique et efficace, rassembleur d'idées
et d'argent.
The Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg, a
public limited company, has been in
existence since 1994. It was founded by
the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, and
administers in trust the monies both states
make available for film funding. The
overriding goal of the Filmboard is the
constant and sustained
professionalisation of the industry in the
Berlin-Brandenburg region. Our basic rule:
we fund what makes economic sense and
what is culturally valuable.
Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg est une
société ouverte à responsabilité limitée
fondée en 1994 par les états de Berlin
et Brandebourg. Elle administre en fiducie
les sommes que les deux états
consacrent au financement du cinéma.
L'objectif premier de la société est de
s'assurer du professionnalisme de
l'industrie de la région BerlinBrandebourg. Elle a pour règle de
financer les projets viables sur le plan
économique et culturellement valables.
The Film Council is the strategic body for
film in the UK with the goal of creating a
thriving UK film industry; Initiatives and
activities in which the Film Council is
involved, often with other industry
organisations and commercial partners:
·Identifying areas where changes would be
productive and working with the film
industry to produce and implement
strategies regionally, nationally and
internationally to build a stronger, more
diverse UK film industry.
·Providing film development and production
finance to filmmakers through funds geared
towards broadening the range and number
of popular films made in the UK.
·Providing funding for the distribution and
exhibition of a broader range of films to
audiences and working with the distribution
and exhibition sectors to enable a broader
range of films to reach new and existing
·Attracting inward investment by working to
ensure that any film from anywhere in the
world that could be made in the UK is made
in the UK.
·Working with the British Film Institute (bfi),
industry and government to place visual
literacy at the centre of education.
·Providing training opportunities for people
and organisations.
Le Film Council a été créé en tant
qu'organisme de stratégie pour l'industrie
cinématographique pour développer une
industrie cinématographique durable
Royaume-Uni. Souvent menées en
coopération avec les organisations du métier
et des partenaires commerciaux dans tout
le Royaume-Uni, les initiatives et activités
du Film Council sont les suivantes: identifier
les domaines pour lesquels des adaptations
se révèleraient être une amélioration, et
travailler avec l'industrie cinématographique
afin d'élaborer et d'appliquer des stratégies
au niveau régional, national et international
dans l'optique de construire une industrie du
cinéma britannique plus forte et diversifiée,
attribuer au développement et à la production
cinématographiques une source de
financement destinée aux réalisateurs grâce
à de nouveaux fonds pour élargir
la panoplie et accroître le nombre de films
à grand public réalisés au Royaume-Uni,
attribuer des fonds à la distribution et à
l'exposition d'une plus vaste gamme de films
au public et travailler avec les secteurs
de la distribution et de l'exploitation pour
permettre de produire une variété plus
étendue de films visant à toucher un nouveau
public ainsi que l'audience déjà existante,
évaluer l'efficacité, proposer une aide
stratégique d'orientation et représenter les
intérêts de l'industrie devant le
gouvernement, attirer l'investissement
étranger en s'assurant que tous les films
pouvant être réalisés au Royaume-Uni, quelle
que soit leur provenance dans le monde, le
soient bien, travailler avec le British Film
Institute (bfi), l'industrie et le gouvernement
pour placer l'apprentissage visuel au cœur
de l'enseignement afin de créer un public
plus informé, proposer des possibilités de
formation aux personnes et organisations.
Contact: Claudia Droste-Deselaers
Head of production
Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Filmstiftung NRW
Kaistrasse 14
40221 Dusseldorf
T: +49 211 93 05 00
F: +49 211 93 05 05
Contacts: Philippe Raynaert
Stéphanie Hugé
6 rue du Onze Novembre
7000 Mons
T:+32 (0)65/40.40.33
F: + 32 (0)65/40.40.39
The film industry in North RhineWestphalia (NRW) is booming. Within a
few short years the State between the
Rhine and the Ruhr rivers has developed
into an ideal location for European film and
television production. There are several
reasons for this: an active an ambitious
production scene, the political commitment
to undertake structural change, a steadily
increasing amount of work stemming from
both public and private broadcast stations
and last but not least, the efforts of the
Filmstiftung North Rhine-Westphalia
The Filmstiftung was founded in 1991 by
the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and
the TV broadcast company WDR in
Cologne. In 1997 broadcaster ZDF joined
the ranks. RTL is set to follow the suit in
summer 2002. The Filmstiftung is the first
promotional film organization in Germany
to combine economic and cultural
objectives. Its goal: creating jobs through
great filmmaking. This goal has since been
adapted by several other promotional film
organizations in Germany.
The Filmstiftung is commited to supporting
writers, directors, producers, distributors
and cinema owners, as well as low and big
budget films and outstanding international
television productions. In order to react
flexibly to filmmakers' needs, the
Filmstiftung assists in all phases of
production, including script development,
pre- and post production, production itself
and the sales and distribution of the final
La Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie est
en plein essor. En quelques années,
la région entre le Rhin et la Ruhr est
devenue un important centre international
de production de films de cinéma et
de télévision. Il y a plusieurs raisons pour
ce boom : un milieu de producteurs
engagés de moyenne envergure, la
volonté politique du land, le nombre en
augmentation croissante de commandes
de production de chaînes de télévision
publiques et privées et le travail de
la Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen GmbH.
La Fondation du film de la Rhénanie-duNord-Westphalie a été créée en 1991 en
tant que promotrice de films organisée en
société de droit privé. Ses deux sociétaires
fondateurs sont le land de la Rhénaniedu-Nord-Westphalie et la chaîne WDR
Cologne. En 1997, la chaîne ZDF les a rejoint
en tant que sociétaire. L'entrée du nouveau
sociétaire RTL s'effectue en été 2002.
Walloon Regional Investment Fund for
Audiovisual works.
After the Dardenne brothers' Palme d'Or
and the international success of
personalities such as Emilie Dequenne,
Marie Gillain, Benoît Mariage and Benoît
Poelvoorde, one thing is clear: Wallonia is
a region blessed with a wealth of
cinematic talent. It is altogether logical
therefore that the region's government has
chosen to do everything within its power to
facilitate the emergence and structural
development of a real Walloon audiovisual
Après la Palme d'Or des frères Dardenne
et les succès internationaux de
personnalités telles qu'Emilie Dequenne,
Marie Gillain, Benoît Mariage ou Benoît
Poelvoorde, une évidence s'est imposée :
la Wallonie est une région riche en talents
cinématographiques. C'est en toute
logique donc que son Gouvernement
a décidé de tout mettre en oeuvre pour
que s'ancre et se structure en Région
Wallonne une véritable industrie
de l'audiovisuel.
Consequently, at the initiative of Minister
for the Economy, New Technology and
Tourism Serge Kubla, the WALLIMAGE
investment fund has been available to
Walloon professionals since 16 February
2001 for the funding of their activities, and
also to welcome their European partners
under optimum conditions, by pre-financing
up to 66% of expenditure incurred in filming
or post-production on Walloon soil.
" Créer de l'emploi avec des films de
qualité ", c'est l'idée-clé de la Fondation
du film NRW qui fut la première en
Allemagne à réunir des objectifs culturels
et économiques. Entre temps, toutes les
fondations de film en Allemagne se sont
organisées autour du même principe.
La Fondation NRW soutient les auteurs,
les producteurs, les réalisateurs,
les distributeurs et les propriétaires de
cinéma, les productions à gros et à petits
budgets ainsi que les films de télévision
internationaux et d'intérêt exceptionnel.
Afin de s'adapter aux besoins des
producteurs, la Fondation apporte
son soutien à presque toutes les phases
de la réalisation d'un film : le scénario,
la préparation du projet, la production
jusqu'à la distribution et la diffusion.
C'est ainsi que, depuis le 16 février 2001
et à l'inititiative du Ministre Serge Kubla
en charge de l'Economie, des
Technologies Nouvelles et du Tourisme,
le fonds d'investissement WALLIMAGE
se tient à la disposition des professionnels
wallons pour leur permettre de renforcer
leurs activités mais aussi d'accueillir leurs
partenaires européens dans les meilleures
conditions : en pré-finançant jusqu'à 66%
des dépenses engagées en tournage ou en
post-production sur le sol wallon.
the partners
les partenaires
31/10/02 16:50
the partners
les partenaires
Page 10
Alliance Atlantis Communications
121 Bloor Street East. Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3M5
T: +1 416 967 1174
F: +1 416 960 0971
Contact: Guy Mayson
Canadian Film and Television Production
Association (CFTPA)
605 - 151 Slater St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H3
T: +1 613 233 1444
F: +1 613 233 0073
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
P.O. Box 500 - Station A
Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1E6,
T: +1 416 205 3500
F: +1 416 205 3482
Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc.
is a leading vertically integrated Canadian
television broadcaster, creator and
international distributor of filmed
entertainment content with significant
ownership interests in the Canadian
specialty broadcast industry.
Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc.
est une société entièrement intégrée
à la verticale et est reconnue comme le
leader canadien tant à titre de diffuseur,
de créateur que de distributeur
international de contenus télévisuels et
cinématographiques. La société détient
aussi des participations dans plusieurs
chaînes thématiques canadiennes.
The CFTPA is a non-profit, trade
association representing almost 400
Canadian companies involved in the
media content production industry. With
offices in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver,
the association promotes the interests of
media content producers by lobbying
government on policy matters, negotiating
labour agreements, offering mentorship
programs, copyright initiatives (including
the Canadian Retransmission Collective),
holding an annual conference, and
producing industry publications.
L'Association canadienne de production
de films et de télévision est une
association à but non-lucratif qui
représente près de 400 maisons de
production canadiennes oeuvrant dans
le domaine de la télévision, du cinéma
et du multimédia. Avec des bureaux à
Ottawa, Toronto et Vancouver, l'ACPFT
défend les intérêts de ses membres en
faisant pression sur les divers paliers
de gouvernement sur des questions
politiques, elle négocie des contrats
de travail et des conventions collectives,
offre des stages de formation et oeuvre
dans le domaine des droits d'auteur.
L'association organise également un
congrès annuel et publie chaque année
répertoire de l'industrie canadienne
intitulé Guide.
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's public
broadcaster which provides a national
broadcasting service in English and in
French, the country's two official languages,
on Television, Radio and the Internet.
CBC's English Television Network plays a key
role in supporting Canadian feature films
through a broad range of activities, including
project development, pre-licencing,
acquisition, promotion, telecast and festival
and event sponsorship and participation.
In addition to financing and exposure, CBC
often provides creative support and assists
producers in securing key creative
CBC also showcases the Canadian feature
film industry by financing, telecasting and
promoting the Genie Awards and
documentaries and specials about Canadian
filmmakers, film festivals and Canadian
cinema, as well as presenting Canadian
filmmakers and actors as hosts for CBC's
prime-time schedule and hosted series such
as Opening Night.
For development and pre-licencing, CBC
seeks high-impact quality films in the English
language that are suitable for conventional
broadcast viewership during prime time or
peak children's viewing periods. Completed
films are acquired both for prime time, late
night and daytime viewing, in both French
and English.
CBC/Radio-Canada est le radiodiffuseur
public du Canada qui offre un service
national de radiodiffusion en français et en
anglais, les deux langues officielles du pays, à
la Télévision, à la Radio, et dans Internet.
Le réseau anglais de Télévision de RadioCanada joue un rôle fondamental en
soutenant le cinéma canadien dans le cadre
d'activités très diverses : développement
de projets, achats de droits de diffusion,
acquisition, promotion, télédiffusion,
commandite de festivals et d'événements
et participation à ces initiatives. En plus de
financer les projets et d'assurer leur visibilité,
il fournit souvent un soutien à la création
et aide les producteurs à s'entourer du
personnel clé de création. Le réseau anglais
de Télévision de Radio-Canada constitue
aussi une vitrine pour l'industrie canadienne
du long métrage grâce au financement, à la
télédiffusion et à la promotion des prix Génie,
de documentaires et d'émissions spéciales
sur des cinéastes canadiens, de festivals
de films et du cinéma canadien, et en invitant
des cinéastes et des acteurs canadiens
comme présentateurs d'émissions diffusées
aux heures de grande écoute comme
Opening Night. Pour ce qui est du
développement de projets et de l'achat
de droits de diffusion, le réseau anglais
de Télévision de Radio-Canada est à la
recherche de films de qualité, qui font forte
impression et qui seront diffusés sur les
chaînes traditionnelles ou sur les chaînes
destinées aux enfants, aux heures de grande
écoute. Les films montés sont achetés en vue
d'être diffusés aux heures de grande écoute,
en fin de soirée et pendant la journée, en
français et en anglais.
Contact: Sheonagh Friend
TMT Marketing Manager
Denton Wilde Sapte
Five Chancery Lane
Clifford's Inn
Londres EC4A 1BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7320 6267
F: +44 (0)20 7320 6647
Denton Wilde Sapte is a leading law firm,
with an expanding network of offices and
associates in Europe, Central and SouthEast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
We combine world-class industry skills
with cutting-edge financial and corporate
capabilities. We are recognised for our
sector strengths particularly in banking
and finance and technology, media and
By understanding our clients' businesses
and the industries in which they operate,
we can provide creative, yet practical,
advice of the highest quality based on
expert local knowledge. As the largest
film finance practice outside Los Angeles,
we are one of the leading practices in
terms of our size and client base,
representing leading UK and international
banks and financial institutions, Hollywood
studios and production companies.
Contact: Sonya Thissen
Department of Foreign Affairs & International
125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
T: + 1 613-992-6104
F: + 1 613-992-5965
Toll Free / Sans frais : 1-888-757-7752
The Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade (DFAIT) works to
promote the economic prosperity of
Canada and to project Canadian values
and culture abroad. DFAIT provides
assistance to the film and television
sector through a number of international
business development programs and a
grant program that assists directors,
producers and Canadian festivals. A team
of trade commissioners works to promote
the trade interests of the cultural sector
internationally, market Canadian
capabilities abroad and help companies
realize their export development
objectives. Through our international
network of representatives, DFAIT offers
foreign market intelligence, potential
business opportunities and on-site
business support. DFAIT also supports
industry events like Immersion 2002 that
act as an important meeting point for
Canadian and foreign industry players in
Denton Wilde Sapte est un important
cabinet d'avocats qui possède un réseau
grandissant de bureaux et d'associés en
Europe, en Asie centrale et du Sud-Est,
au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique.
L'entreprise se distingue par une
connaissance approfondie de l'industrie
et des capacités financières et
administratives avant-gardistes. Elle est
réputée pour ses forces sectorielles, en
particulier dans les domaines des
banques, des finances, des technologies,
des médias et des télécommunications.
En comprenant les entreprises de nos
clients, et les industries dans lesquelles ils
évoluent, nous pouvons offrir des conseils
créatifs et pratiques de très haut niveau,
basés sur une très grande connaissance
du milieu. En tant que plus grand cabinet
oeuvrant dans le domaine du financement
de films à l'extérieur de Los Angeles, nous
comptons parmi les chefs de file pour ce
qui est de la taille de notre société et de
notre clientèle, qui comprend les grandes
banques et institutions financières du
Royaume-Uni et d'ailleurs, ainsi que les
principaux studios et maisons de
production d'Hollywood.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et du
Commerce international (MAECI) a pour
mandat de favoriser la prospérité
économique du Canada et de faire
connaître les valeurs et la culture
canadiennes à l'étranger. Le MAECI
appuie le secteur du cinéma et de la
télévision par le biais d'un certain nombre
de programmes de développement des
entreprises et d'un programme de
subventions visant à aider les
réalisateurs, producteurs et festivals
canadiens. Une équipe de délégués
commerciaux s'affaire à promouvoir les
intérêts commerciaux du secteur culturel
et l'expertise du Canada à l'étranger,
et à aider les sociétés à atteindre leurs
objectifs en matière d'expansion des
exportations. Grâce à son réseau
international de représentants, le MAECI
peut fournir des renseignements sur les
marchés étrangers et sur les occasions
d'affaires ainsi qu'un soutien opérationnel
sur place. Le MAECI appuie entre autres
des évènements pour l'industrie comme
l'Immersion 2002 qui offrent un point de
rencontre important pour les leaders de
l'industrie du film du Canada et de
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Contact: Marcus Handman
Ontario District Council
890 Yonge Street - 9th floor
Toronto, ON - M4W 3P4
T: + 1 416 925 8200
F: + 1 416 425 8400
Contact: Mark Brennan
Ex-Centris / Propriétés Incoghita
3536, boulevard St-Laurent,
Montréal, Québec H2X 2V1, Canada
T: +1 514 847 3536
F: +1 514 847 09 66
Contact: Martin Katz
Grosvenor Park
5 Hazelton Avenue - 4th Floor
Toront, Ontario M5R 2E1
T: +1 416 926 1815
F: +1 416 926 9594
Contact: Chris Chrisafis
Grosvenor Park
53-54 Grosvenor Street
United Kingdom
T: +44 207 529 2507
F: +44 207 529 2511
The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC)
is a national labour organisation
representing key creative and logistical
personnel in the film and television
industry. DGC Ontario has more than 1800
members in 48 categories
including: Directors, Production
Designers, Editors, Production Managers,
Assistant Directors, Location Managers,
Accountants and all their assistants.
DGC Ontario rates are based on tiered
structure related to budget, and the Guild
is always willing to work within the
parameters of international coproduction treaties. The Guild maintains
an up-to-date web site with information
on our members, and
a cd rom with contact numbers for
all our "Keys" can be mailed to you.
A mecca for the avant-garde,
Ex-Centris showcases the best
independent film productions from home
and around the world as well
as works of art using digital
Grosvenor Park specializes in the
structuring, financing, and management
of international co-productions that
combine British, Canadian, Australian
and European sources of financing.
Grosvenor Park has been the leading
supplier of co-production services to the
film and television industry since 1986. In
that time, Grosvenor Park has coproduced and raised financing for over
400 film and television titles representing
in excess of US$3.0 billion of production.
Grosvenor Park is the first established
continuing supplier of film and television
financing in North America and is the
originator and largest syndicator of saleleaseback financing in the United
Kingdom under the rules established in
1997. Grosvenor Park created the firstever Anglo-Irish co-production under the
European Convention and continues to be
the world's largest independent coproducer.
Grosvenor Park's client base includes
virtually every major studio and numerous
independent producers from the US,
Canada and Europe.
La Guilde canadienne des réalisateurs est
un syndicat national qui représente les
principaux créateurs et employés de
soutien de l'industrie du cinéma et de la
télévision. La Guilde de l'Ontario compte
plus de 1 800 membres répartis dans 48
catégories, notamment : réalisateurs,
directeurs artistiques, monteurs,
directeurs de production, assistantsréalisateurs, régisseurs d'extérieurs,
comptables et tous leurs assistants.
Contact: Ann MacKenzie
Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation
1724 Granville St.
Halifax Nova Scotia
B3J 1X5 Canada
T: +1 902 424 7177
F: +1 902 424 0617
Les taux de la Guilde de l'Ontario sont
basés sur une structure étagée liée au
budget, et la Guilde est toujours prète
à travailler dans les paramètres des
traités de coproduction internationale.
Elle offre un site Internet à jour où l'on
trouve de l'information sur ses membres
ainsi qu'un cédérom contenant les
coordonnées de ses membres " clés ", qui
peut être expédié par la poste.
"Lieu d'avant-garde de grande qualité
unique en son genre. Ex-Centris a
pour mission de diffuser les meilleures
productions de cinéma indépendant local
et international ainsi que
des œuvres utilisant les nouvelles
technologies numériques.
Grosvenor Park se spécialise dans la
structuration, le financement et la gestion
de coproductions internationales qui
combinent des sources de finan-cement
britanniques, canadiennes, australiennes
et européennes. Grosvenor Park est le
principal fournisseur de services de
coproduction de l'industrie du cinéma et
de la télévision depuis 1986. Depuis sa
fondation, Grosvenor Park a coproduit et
obtenu du financement pour plus de 400
œuvres cinématographiques et
télévisuelles, pour un total de plus de 3,0
milliards de $US. Grosvenor Park est le
premier fournisseur permanent de
financement pour l'industrie du cinéma et
de la télévision en Amérique du Nord,
ainsi que l'initiateur et la plus impor-tante
agence de souscription de finan-cement
par cession-bail au Royaume-Uni, en
vertu des règles établies en 1997.
Grosvenor Park a créé la première
coproduction anglo-irlandaise de tous les
temps en vertu de la Convention
européenne et elle est encore aujourd'hui
le plus grand coproducteur indépendant
au monde.
La clientèle de Grosvenor Park comprend
la plupart des grands studios et de
nombreux producteurs indépendants des
États-Unis, du Canada et de l'Europe.
Contact: Gail Thomson
Ontario Media Development Corporation
175 Bloor Street East, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario M4W3R8
T: +1 416 642 6616
F: +1 416 314 6876
Contact: John McVay
Producers Alliance for Cinema & Television PACT
45 Mortimer St.
London W1W 8HJ
United Kingdom
T: +44 20 7331 6000
F: +44 20 7331 6700
The NSFDC's mandate is to grow the film,
television, and new media industries in
Nova Scotia by stimulating investment and
employment, and by promoting Nova
Scotia's locations, skills and creativity in
global markets. In order to achieve its
mandate, the NSFDC administers several
economic incentive programs. The
Corporation's programs include
Development Loans, Equity Investments,
Training Assistance, Travel Assistance,
New Media funding, and the Nova Scotia
Film Industry Tax Credit.
As well, the NSFDC maintains a Locations
department, which markets the province as
a place to film. An extensive library of
photographs representing the entire
province is maintained, and the Corporation
fills numerous location requests throughout
the year. Location packages include
information on Nova Scotia, services
available, location photographs, and the
much sought after Nova Scotia Film and
Video Production Guide. The Guide is a key
tool used by producers and production
companies when considering shooting
in Nova Scotia.
Le mandat de NSFDC est de soutenir l'industrie du film, de la télévision et des nouveaux médias en Nouvelle-Ecosse afin de
stimuler les investissements et l'emploi
dans ce secteur. NSFDC fait également la
promotion à l'international des possibilités
de tournages en Nouvelle-Ecosse ainsi que
de l'expertise et des talents de son industrie.
NSFDC administre plusieurs programmes de
soutien économique incluant : des prêts au
développement (" Development Loans "),
des investissements (" Equity Investments "),
des programmes de formation (" Training
Assistance "), des programmes de soutien
au voyage (" Travel Assistance "), un Fonds
pour les nouveaux médias (" New Media
funding "), et un crédit d'impôt à la production (" Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit ").
NSFDC agit également comme commission
du film pour promouvoir les lieux de tournage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Elle met à la disposition des producteurs une banque
d'images et répond chaque année à
de nombreuses demandes pour des tournages dans la province. Elle met à la disposition des producteurs un dossier complet
incluant les informations générales sur la
province, une description des services disponibles, des photographies de lieux de
tournage et un guide sur l'industrie du film
et de la vidéo en Nouvelle-Ecosse. Ce guide
est un outil efficace pour les producteurs
qui souhaitent tourner en Nouvelle-Ecosse.
The Ontario Media Development
Corporation (OMDC), an agency
of the Ontario Ministry of Culture,
was established in 2001 to build strategic
partnerships among all the cultural media
industries - book publishing, film, music,
magazine publishing, interactive digital
media, and television. The OMDC's
programs and services flow out of our
strategic directions: Business Development,
Marketing/Promotion, Innovation, Content
Convergence and Tax Credit Administration.
La Société de développement de l'industrie
des médias de l'Ontario (SODIMO), un
organisme relevant du ministère de la
Culture de l'Ontario, a été créée en 2001
pour nouer des partenariats stratégiques
entre toutes les industries des médias
culturels : édition de livres et de revues, film
et télévision, enregistrement sonore et
produits multimédias interactifs numériques.
La SODIMO offre des programmes et des
services liés à ses orientations stratégiques
: développement d'affaires, marketing/
promotion, innovation, convergence
en matière de contenu et administration
de crédits d'impôt.
PACT is the UK trade association
representing independent television, feature
film, animation and interactive media
production companies. PACT is an active
lobbying organisation, representing the
interests of its members when dealing with
government. PACT provides a
comprehensive range of production related
services for its members who also have
access to the Producers Rights Agency. This
is a PACT associate company which
negotiates standard production agreements
and contracts. There are a number of free
business services available to PACT
members as well as representation at film
and television markets throughout the world.
PACT is actively involved in training initiatives
which support the continued development of
the independent production sector. PACT
publishes annually a directory of its
independent production companies, and a
series of specialist publications.
PACT est l'association des producteurs de
films et de télévision au Royaume-Uni.
Elle représente les sociétés de production
dans les secteurs de la télévision, du cinéma,
de l'animation et des nouveaux médias.
PACT représente les intérêts de ses
membres auprès du gouvernement et est un
lobbyiste actif. PACT offre une gamme de
services aux producteurs qui ont notamment
accès à la
" Producers Rights Agency ". Cette société,
associée à PACT, négocie les contrats et
ententes standard de production. PACT offre
plusieurs services gratuits à ses membres et
les représentent sur les différents marchés
du film et de la télévision à travers le monde.
PACT offre également plusieurs programmes
de formation pour le développement continu
du secteur de la production indépendante
au Royaume-Uni. PACT publie chaque année
un guide de la production indépendante
et plusieurs publications spécialisées.
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les commanditaires
Page 14
Contact: Valerie Creighton
Saskfilm Video Development Corporation
1831 College Ave
Regina Saskatchewan
S4P 1B8
T: +1 306 798 3456
F: +1 306 798 7768
Contact: Laura Michalchyshyn
121 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3M5
T: + 1 416 967 0022
F: + 1 416 967 0044
Contact: Suzanne Laverdière
Directrice générale des programmes
(télévision générale) par intérim
Louise Lantagne
Directrice des émissions dramatiques
et Responsable par intérim des longs
Société Radio-Canada
1400 boul. René-Lévesque Est
Montréal, Québec
H2L 2M2 Canada
T: +1 514 597 4886
F: +1 514 597 5459
Established in 1989, SaskFilm is the
provincial funding agency whose mission
is to enable the film, video and new media
industry in Saskatchewan to continually
enhance the quality, quantity and
marketability of its products and resources.
Through its role as the provincial Film
Commission, SaskFilm promotes the
province as a location for out-of-province
filmmakers. SaskFilm actively encourages
international and inter-provincial
co-production opportunities with
Saskatchewan producers.
Successful co-production relationships
have been established by Saskatchewan
producers with Ireland, England, China,
Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Israel,
Singapore, Switzerland, Germany, the US,
and other Canadian provinces.
Our favorable exchange rate, low location
costs, exceptional tax credit labour
incentives, a state-of-the-art soundstage
and exceptional crews all contribute to
making Saskatchewan an efficient,
creative, and cost-effective place to do
Créée en 1989, SaskFilm est une agence
provinciale de soutien dont la mission est
de soutenir l'industrie du film, de la vidéo
et des nouveaux médias en
Saskatchewan et de promouvoir la qualité,
la quantité et le marketing des produits et
ressources de la Province.
SaskFilm agit comme Commission du film
et fait la promotion de la Saskatchewan
comme lieu de tournage pour les
productions étrangères. SaskFilm
encourage la coproduction avec des
producteurs de Saskatchewan.
Plusieurs coproductions ont été réalisées
entre des producteurs de Saskatchewan
et des producteurs d'Irlande, du RoyaumeUni, de Chine, d'Ukraine, de Pologne, de
Hongrie, du Danemark, d'Israël, de
Singapour, de Suisse, d'Allemagne, des
Etats-Unis et d'autres provinces
canadiennes.Le taux de change favorable
du dollar canadien, les coûts avantageux
de production, le crédit d'impôt provincial
exceptionnel, l'expertise de son industrie
et de ses artisans, sont autant d'éléments
qui font de la Saskatchewan un centre
de production rentable tant sur le plan
économique que créatif.
Showcase -- Television without Borders -is the number one destination in Canada
for uncut movies and provocative series
from around the world.
Showcase -- Television without Borders est la première destination au Canada
pour les films en version intégrale et les
séries télévisées provocantes en
provenance du monde entier.
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's public
broadcaster which provides a national
broadcasting service in English and in French, the
country's two official languages, on Television,
Radio and the Internet. With it's contribution of 20
million dollars over a five year period, RadioCanada's French television network is a crucial
partner in developing, producing and promoting
the Canadian francophone film industry. RadioCanada's involvement encourages
screenwriters, directors, producers and
performers to attain their creative goals and give
audiences in Canada and around the world
productions of outstanding quality. It's
participation in international coproductions of
unique, personal and popular high-quality films is
constantly expanding. Radio-Canada has
contributed to the development of 40 scripts and
the production of 45 films since 1999. Several of
the projects are coproductions such as La
Répétition, Au plus près du paradis, Les Fils de
Marie, La Turbulence des fluides, Mariposa Azùl,
Père et fils, Littoral and Les Invasions barbares.
Our interest in projects is diverse but always
based on the quality of scripts whether it's for the
novice or the seasoned filmmaker. We also
believe in continued support to filmmakers. The
success of our films is dear to us, whether it be in
the theatres with box-office returns or on the
podium with critical recognition through prizes
and awards obtained in national and international
festivals. To maximise our films exposure and
promotion, we cross-advertise via our French
Radio and Television networks, our programs and
our websites.We contribute to our films' visibility
through sponsorship of various activities during
film festivals. We also celebrate scriptwriting
achievement with awards at industry events. We
believe that cross-pollination of television and
cinema is beneficial to all, especially the public
which rediscovers on the silver and the small
screen it's authors, directors and performers.
Radio-Canada's passion for it's cinema has been
long standing and has a bright future as we
celebrate. it's 50 years of broadcasting.
Radio-Canada/CBC est le radiodiffuseur public
du Canada qui offre un service national de radiodiffusion en français et en anglais, les deux
langues officielles du pays, à la Télévision, à la
Radio, et dans Internet. La télévision française de
Radio-Canada est un partenaire incontournable
de la production cinématographique canadienne
tant dans son développement et sa production
que dans sa promotion. Cet engagement pour le
long métrage canadien est assorti d'une somme
de 20 millions de dollars pour une période de
cinq ans. La participation de Radio-Canada permet aux scénaristes, artistes, réalisateurs et producteurs d'approfondir leur travail de création et
d'offrir au public d'ici et d'ailleurs dans le monde
des œuvres de qualité exceptionnelle. De plus,
Radio-Canada développe des partenariats en
s'associant à des coproductions internationales
qui privilégient un cinéma d'auteur, populaire,
original et de qualité. Depuis 1999, Radio-Canada
a soutenu l'écriture d'une quarantaine de scénarios et la production de 45 longs métrages dont
plusieurs sont en coproduction tels La Répétition,
Au plus près du paradis, Les Fils de Marie, La
Turbulence des fluides, Mariposa Azùl, Père et
fils, Littoral et Les Invasions barbares. Le succès
de nos films sur nos écrans avec les recettesguichet et sur les podiums avec ses prix obtenus
dans les festivals nationaux et internationaux,
reflète les choix diversifiés de nos projets qui
sont toujours ancrés dans la qualité du scénario.
Nous avons aussi à cœur d'encourager la relève
tant dans ses premières œuvres que dans sa
continuité. Notre soutien à la promotion se
déploie via une publicité croisée sur nos chaînes
de radio et de télévision ainsi que sur nos sites
Internet. Nous sommes également partenaires
de nombreux festivals à l'occasion desquels
nous soutenons la présentation de nos films. De
plus, nous y octroyons des prix qui récompensent la scénarisation. Nous croyons que la
synergie entre la télévision et le cinéma est profitable pour tous y compris le public qui retrouve
ses auteurs, réalisateurs et artistes au petit et au
grand écran. Radio-Canada fête ses 50 ans cette
année et la passion du cinéma y est depuis longtemps et pour encore longtemps !
Producers at
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Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Fondée en 1971, l'ACPAV a à son actif plus de trente longs métrages lancés en salle. L'ACPAV soutient le film
d'auteur et manifeste un intérêt particulier pour les films qui suscitent une réflexion, entre autres les films de Paul Tana
: " Caffè Italia Montréal ", " La Sarrasine " (Berlin 1992), " La déroute " ; de Pierre Falardeau : " Le party ", " Octobre ", "
Miracle à Memphis - Elvis Gratton II ", " 15 février 1839 " ; de Richard Desjardins et Robert Monderie : " L'erreur boréale
" et de Bernard Émond : " La femme qui boit " (Semaine internationale de la critique, Cannes 2001).
L'équipe de producteurs est composée de Marc Daigle, Bernadette Payeur et René Gueissaz.
ACPAV was created in 1971. Its catalogue includes more than 30 full-length films released in cinemas. ACPAV has
supported art films and shown particular interest in films that incite reflection like the films of Paul Tana: "Caffè Italia",
"La Sarrasine" (Berlin 1982), "La déroute"; and Pierre Falardeau: "Le party", "Octobre", "Miracle à Memphis - Elvis Gratton
II" and "L'erreur boréale" by Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie. "15 février 1839" by Pierre Falardeau and "La
femme qui boit" by Bernard Émond (Semaine internationale de la critique, Cannes 2001), both produced in 2000.
The production team is made up of Marc Daigle, Bernadette Payeur and René Gueissaz.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Poursuivre des rencontres et discussions avec les producteurs et les différents partenaires de la production et
de la distribution européenne. Acquérir une connaissance actualisée des acteurs et des programmes de financement.
Proposer une participation dans un ou deux projets à titre de producteur principal, choisir un ou deux projets à titre de
coproducteur minoritaire. Dans l'ensemble établir des relations continues avec quelques partenaires œuvrant dans
des créneaux de production semblables et intéressés par la coproduction.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
La lune viendra d'elle même
Marie-Jan Seille
1,8 M CA$
> Atteinte du Sida, Aimée sort d'un nouveau séjour à l'hôpital. Son amie Francine la conduit à la Maison Bleue pour sa
convalescence… Mais l'état de santé d'Aimée ne s'améliore pas: elle tombe dans la confusion mentale et devra rester à la
Maison Bleue jusqu'à sa mort.
L'ogre d'Anticosti
Benoit Pilon
2,7 M CA$
> L'ogre d'Anticosti raconte l'histoire de Gabrielle, jeune musicienne qui part à la dérive et se perd complètement avant de se
retrouver plus forte et plus sereine.
Ce qu'il faut pour vivre
Benoît Pilon
3,8 M CA$
> Au début des années cinquante, un chasseur inuit atteint de tuberculose est arraché à son milieu et doit passer un an dans
un sanatorium de Québec.
Fleur de Cobalt
Alain Chartrand
4,9 M CA$
> 1930, en hiver. Deux prospecteurs partent à la recherche d'une mine d'argent dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, au péril
de leur vie.
Marc Daigle
1050 boul René Levesque est,
bureau 200, Montréal, Québec,
Canada H2L 2L6
T: + 1 514 849 2281
F: + 1 514 849 9487
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Films in production / Productions en cours
Les immortels
20h17, Rue Darling
Feature film
Feature film
Paul Thinel
Bernard Emond
2,4 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
Bernard Émond
Pierre Falardeau
Pierre Falardeau
Paul Tana
1,6 M CA$
3,3 M CA$
3 M CA$
2,1 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
La femme qui boit
15 février 1839
Miracle à Memphis
La Déroute (Mr Aiello)
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
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Page 18
Agitprop Films
Amérique Film
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Agitprop Films is a Calgary-based production company specializing in feature and documentary films. Recent
projects include the 35mm feature film Solitude staring Lothaire Bluteau (Black Robe, Jesus of Montreal) which was
invited to the 2001 Montreal World Film Festival and the 2001 Vancouver Film Festival among others. This September,
2002, Agitprop Films will be producing The Girl Who Married A Ghost, a 35mm film that features an all-Aboriginal cast.
Recent documentary productions of his include The Breath of God, about bible translation, Writing Icons, about
modern day icon painters, and a 90 minute feature documentary about the Bhopal gas disaster called The Heart
Becomes Quiet.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Agitprop Films has one Canada-France feature co-production in development that, if all goes well, will be
produced in 2003. This will be our first international film co-production. As such, we've just started to understand how
to constructively put together an international co-production project. By attending the European Immersion, we are
looking to continue this learning curve begun last year at the Mannheim Meeting and carried on through this year
at the Berlin and Cannes Film Festivals - namely how to develop feature projects with co-producers from France, the
United Kingdom and Germany. As part of Agitprop Film's growth, understanding and implementing international
co-productions is a primary goal. Attendance at the above Festivals has been very rewarding. But attending the
Immersion and having coordinated contact with both European Producers and Funders (as opposed to trying to secure
meetings during the chaos of the Festival Markets) is an ideal opportunity, especially now when we have a
co-production in the works and are looking to for further development opportunities. Attending the Paris Immersion
would give us a solid platform with which to continue securing further deals at Berlin and Cannes Markets next year
and help us to grow the international projects we are currently developing.
David Christensen
Agitprop Films
Calgary, Alberta
58 River Rock Green SE
Canada T2C 4C2
T: +1 403 720 2811
F: +1 403 279 2519
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, some French
Directed by
Réalisé par
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Our primary focus at Immersion 2002 is in discovering new European projects that can benefit from Canadian
financing in development our production. We are one of the very few Canadian productions Co who have made this
goal its priority. In the pursuit of this objective, we don't intend to bring our projects to Immersion 2002.
For the past few years, Amérique Film's growth has been the development and production of feature films in Coproduction. The key to it's success is a consistent presence on the independent international feature film market.
Through this presence, it has acquired: experience, knowledge and a network of contacts in financing, co-production
and marketing of projects on the international scene. For European producers looking for a Canadian partner
Immersion is becoming a crucial meeting point. Attendance at Immersion is a developing component of this strategy.
During the course of the last four years, through its representative Martin Paul-Hus, it has had a constant presence at
all the major feature film co-production markets: IFFCON in San Francisco, Cinemart in Rotterdam, Berlin, Cannes,
Moscow, Filmart in Hong Kong, Montreal, Toronto, No Borders in NYC and Mannheim-Heidelberg.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Six figures
David Christensen
2,45 M CA$
> There isn't one part of Warner Lutz's life that's going the way he'd planned. But are his disappointments with work and
frustrations with his family powerful enough to trigger murderous anger? When Megan, his wife, is viciously attacked and
Warner emerges as the prime suspect, the answer might be yes. Now, as disbelief and distrust poison relations with family,
friends, and colleagues, Warner struggles to understand how he has become a man whom others - and, more appallingly, he
himself - could believe capable of committing such a crime. With realism and emotional honesty, Six Figures tells a story both powerful and disturbing - of a family caught in complex and ambiguous turmoil.
> Our primary focus is in discovering new European projects that can benefit from Canadian financing in development or
production. We don't intend in bringing our projects to Immersion 2002.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Wind Chimes
The Girl Who Married a Ghost
Sandra Sawatzky
1,3 M CA$
> Nevertheless, we are presently negotiating with a UK Co on a project to be shot in France in September 2002 and the
acquisition of the rights for a Canadian script that we hope to bring to the international market shortly. As part of our on going
business, we are also studying several European proposals.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Feature Fiction Drama
Feature Fiction Drama
Benjamin Paquette
François Aubry
Not available
Not available
Peter Sehr
Renny Bartlett
Isabelle Hayeur
Isabelle Poissant
13 M CA$
6 M CA$
750 000 CA$
1 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Amérique Film is a Canadian company based in Montreal focused on the development, financing and
production of feature films. Since its creation in 1987 Amérique Film prides itself in its investments in new talent and
its ability to make distinctive, original and high-quality productions. In 2002, the Canadian Academy nominated its
production, Eisenstein, for five Genie Awards.
Eisenstein, directed by Renny Bartlett and inspired by the life of the famous Russian director, is a good example of the
kind of expertise and knowledge Amérique Film has acquired over the years. Originally developed with Adventure
Pictures in the U.K. (producer of Sally Potter's Orlando) with the support of British Screen, the film was entirely shot
on location in Russia, the Ukraine and Mexico and cast out of London. The financing successfully brought together the
Canadian Agencies, Canadian tax incentives, a German investment fund, VIF Filmproduktion, and Fortissimo Film Sales.
Eisenstein premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, followed by screenings at a number of prestigious
international films festival including the Berlinade 2001 and the Moscow Film Festival 2001.
Amérique Film is also a production service company. The company purchases distribution rights as part of its financial
participation in projects.
This year, during the 22nd Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, Martin Paul-Hus, it's representative, will moderate the panel
Spotlight on Feature Film including guests: Ira Deutchman, Emerging Pictures, Michael Donovan, Salter Street Films,
Jessica Levin, Madstone Films, Charlotte Mickie, Alliance Atlantis, Jon Marcus, Killer Films and Peter Wetherell.
Robin Schlaht
960 000 CA$
Love The Hard Way
Les Siamoises
La Fabrication d'un meurtrier
Feature Fiction Drama
Feature Fiction Drama
Feature Fiction Sci-Fi
Feature Fiction Drama
Martin Paul-Hus
Amérique Film
#507-3575 Saint-Laurent
Montréal Québec
Canada H2X 2T7
T: + 1 514 844 0302
F: + 1 514 844 5184
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
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Page 20
Brightlight Pictures
Cirrus Communications
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Brightlight Pictures, a feature film and television production company based out of Vancouver, BC, develops,
finances and produces independent feature films and television projects. Producers Stephen Hegyes and Shawn
Williamson are the principles.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
I would like to take this opportunity to establish relations with European producers for the purpose of seeking
out co-production opportunities both with our current development slate as well as future projects. The Immersion
program also provides an important forum for assessing and exploring the various strengths of European partners
while allowing them to better understand the contribution that Canadian producers can offer those from the European
Stephen Hegyes
Brightlight Pictures
3605 Grandview Hwy.,
3rd floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V5M 2G8
T: + 1 604 453 4710
F: + 1 604 453 4711
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
À peine six ans après sa fondation par Jacques Blain en 1996, la maison de production Cirrus Communications
inc. s'impose déjà dans l'industrie par le caractère novateur et audacieux de ses productions, et un souci exceptionnel
apporté à la qualité et la rigueur dans l'exécution. Établie à Montréal, au Canada, Cirrus produit pour des chaînes de
télévision locales, nationales et internationales, privées ou publiques, des émissions et des séries de types
Documentaire ou Magazine (Des Bêtes et des Hommes, Pour le Meilleur ou pour le pire, Arnaques, Fais-en ton
affaire!), Fiction (Tabou, Asbestos, La Vie la vie, 2 frères), Jeunesse (Génération W, Lapoisse et Jobard) et Long
métrage (Secret de banlieue, La Loi du cochon). Des réalisations significatives et diversifiées, couronnées de
nombreux prix tant au Canada qu'à l'étranger, qui témoignent de son expertise et de son rayonnement à l'international.
Forte de son engagement à contribuer à l'imaginaire collectif d'un public toujours plus sollicité, exigeant et sélectif,
Cirrus met un point d'honneur à créer, pour chacun de ses projets, une étroite synergie entre la créativité des auteurs
et les exigences de ses partenaires et investisseurs.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
La grande qualité d'Immersion est de fournir l'opportunité aux producteurs de faire des rencontres dans un
cadre détendu sans la pression constante d'un marché de films. Mon arrivée récente chez Cirrus correspond à la
volonté pour nous de prendre une place importante dans le long métrage canadien et cette place ne peut se faire sans
tisser des liens étroits avec des partenaires étrangers. Nous avons déjà des projets susceptibles d'être très
intéressants pour des coproducteurs européens et Immersion est le forum idéal pour les présenter. Il s'agit également
pour moi en tant que responsable du nouveau secteur long métrage chez Cirrus de positionner l'entreprise rapidement
comme un choix incontournable pour les producteurs européens qui recherchent un partenaire canadien. Une
nouvelle génération de producteurs a déjà vu le jour en France et en Angleterre et tarde un peu à venir au Canada.
Comme je pense en faire partie, je crois pouvoir profiter d'Immersion pour tisser des liens avec des producteurs avec
qui j'aurai des atomes crochus pour développer de véritables relations à plus long terme.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Romantic Comedy
5 M CA$
> A hot blooded Spanish dance instructor arrives in the sleepy town of Peachland leaving behind a trail of lust and passion.
Princess Blade
> English language re-make rights to a highly successful Japanese action adventure film about a female warrior who seeks
revenge on the death of her mother.
Jean-Marc Vallée
5 M CA$
> Through the passage of time, we follow the story of a young boy named Zachary and his acceptance of his father and four
brothers as they are. And most of all, his self-acceptance, so different but so close to his roots.
Grounded in Eire
> True story of Allied soldiers held in internment camps in neutral Ireland during the Second World War.
Films in production / Productions en cours
In Too Deep
Mina Shum
3,5 M CA$
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Last Wedding
Double Happiness
L'Ile au phare / Beacon's Island
4 M CA$
> Pushed away from Germany after the Nazis took away his mother, Samuel and his father hope to have found a happier life
in Quebec city. But came along World War II and all German citizens are put in prison. With the help of his newfound friend,
Simone, Samuel will have to use all the resources of his imagination to find his father imprisoned near Beacon's Island.
The Take
Anton Linecker
Élaine Dumont
Guy Bennet
Bruce Sweeney
Mina Shum
2 M CA$
2,5 M CA$
1,5 M CA$
Vendus / Sold
Éric Tessier
Hommes en quarantaine Série dramatique/drama series (13x30')
Les Aventures tumultueuses de Jack Carter Série dramatique/drama series (8x60')
Tabou II
Série dramatique/drama series (13x60')
Série dramatique/drama series (13x30')
L'Ombre d'un doute Série documentaire/documentary series (13x30')
Des bêtes et des hommes Série documentaire/documentary series (6x30').
1,3 M CA$
1,3 M CA$
1,3 M CA$
Pierre Even
Cirrus Communications
5100, rue Hutchison
Bureau 200
Outremont, Québec
Canada H2V 4A9
T: + 1 514 270 1918
F: + 1 514 270 1825
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films completed / Crédits de production
La Loi du cochon
Secret de banlieue
Érik Canuel
Louis Choquette
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Page 22
Conquering Lion Pictures
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Cité is a Canadian producer of drama television programming and feature films. Among its major and more
recent feature film productions are: "Eldorado", directed by Charles Binamé (selected at the Director's Fortnight
Cannes Festival 1995), "Dans le ventre du dragon", directed by Yves Simoneau (winner of the Outstanding Film of the
Year Award at the London Film Festival 1989), "Le Coeur au poing", directed by Charles Binamé (winner of Best Director
and Best Film Crystal Global award at the 1998 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival), "Emporte-moi", directed by Léa
Pool (winner of the Special Prize from the Ecumenical Jury for the official competition at the Berlin Film Festival 1999,
"Four Days" (winner of the Bronze Award for best feature film (Suspense) at the Flagstaff International Film Festival
1999), "Lost and Delirious", directed by Léa Pool, which was selected in the prestigious Premiere section at the
Sundance Film Festival 2001. The film, sold in more than 30 countries. Cité is currently completing post-production of
its last feature film, "Séraphin - Un homme et son péché", to be released next November by Alliance Atlantis Vivafilm.
Vivianne Morin
5800 St-Laurent, Montreal
Quebec, H2T 2T3, Canada
T: + 1 514-278-8080
F: + 1 514-278-4000
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
One of the goal is to achieve to raise our level of knowledge of the different financing options offered from the
various countries in Europe.
We also want to develop business relationships with feature film co-producers among the European market and also
take this opportunity to meet with foreign distributors and Sales agent. We also want to better understand the
obstacles and challenges in financing feature films, we think that Immersion will permit us to achieve this. It should
also make us aware of any other factors that should be considered in the financing of a feature film and make sure we
consider those other factors in the business approach. Furthermore, we want to take this opportunity to meet the
various key people in the European and Canadian agencies and gain knowledge from their expertise.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
As a producer of dramatic, adult-oriented, arthouse feature films, it feels like European players are the best fit
creatively for my company when it comes to securing co-production partners. Presently, I am working in tandem with
ACE Producer, Janine Marmot of Hot Property Films on the feature, Dogfight. We have just attached Ben Kingsley and
Gael Garcia Bernal (Y Tu Mama…) to star in the film, and are now seeking an international sales representative in
order to secure the required 9 M CA$ budget.
At the 2001 Immersion, I was able to meet a number of bona fide European Sales Agents and Distributors who I then
followed up with in CINEMART 2002. The Immersion would allow me to build on relationships started last year with my
current slate of projects which, in turn, could potentially lead to pre-sales. In this structured environment, foreign sales
agents who are not aware of our films can take the time to better familiarize themselves with Canadian work.
I would be open to looking at any new co-production proposals that interested me coming from other European
participants in the Immersion. From both cultural and economic perspectives, this jaunt to Europe will lay the
groundwork for future international growth of Conquering Lion Pictures.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Piggy in The Middle
Science fiction feature
Simon Pummell
8,5 M CA$
> A science fiction feature about a young drifter (Gael Garcia Bernal) who learns a forbidden flight-simulation game from a
crippled ex-fighter pilot (Ben Kingsley). Adapted from the short story by international best-selling writer, William Gibson.
Special effects to be handled by The Mill, Ridley Scottís FX-House in London.
Lie With Me
Clement Virgo
3,5 M CA$
> A highly sexualized young woman discovers the dangers and distortions of casual sex on her quest for love. Coping with the
recent break-up of her parents' long-term marriage, she finds unexpected solace in a series of illicit encounters with strangers.
Based on the critically acclaimed first novel by Tamara Faith Berger.
John N. Smith
6,5 M CA$
> Feature film based on the novel from Michel Tremblay entitled "Les Belles Soeurs".
It is a UK/Canada co-production
Happy Prince
To be determined
15 M CA$
> Feature film based on the tale from Oscar Wilde.
Various options to co-produced are in analysis.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Un Homme et son Péché
Charles Binamé
6 415 000 CA$
Léa Pool
Charles Binamé
Curtis Wehrfritz
Léa Pool
Charles Binamé
Charles Binamé
Yves Simoneau
4,7 M CA$
2,7 M CA$
3,3 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
1,9 M CA$
1,5 M CA$
2,3 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Lost and Delirious
La Beauté de Pandore
Four Days
Le Coeur au Poing
Dans le Ventre du Dragon
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Conquering Lion Pictures is a dynamic independent Canadian feature film company based in Toronto, Canada
with its eyes on the international market. Under the leadership of producer, Damon D'Oliveira and director, Clement
Virgo; Conquering Lion has a reputation for developing and producing innovative films for both theatrical and television
markets. Our films have been distributed internationally and have been shown at festivals around the world including
Cannes, Berlin, Sundance, Toronto and Rotterdam.
Poor Boy's Game
Clement Virgo
5 M CA$
> Set in present day Halifax, Nova Scotia, Poor Boy's Game, is the story of Donnie McFee, a young white boxer with a violent
and racist past, who must come to terms with his prejudice when he is paired with a black coach for an upcoming title fight.
Winner of the Telefilm Canada Pitch This! Contest at 2001 Toronto Intnl Film Fest.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Damon D'Oliveira
Conquering Lion Pictures
18 Gloucester Lane
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4Y 1L5
T: + 1 416 967 1055
F: + 1 416 923 8580
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Conversational French
Digital Historical Drama
John Greyson
1 M CA$
> The true story of two prisoners executed for sodomy off the shores of Cape Town's Robben Island in 1735. Despite their
vast differences, a Khoi herder and a Dutch sailor begin a tentative affair, breaking vast sexual and racial taboos to discover a
love and desire neither has words for.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Love come down
Law of enclosures
Clement Virgo
John Greyson
3,5 M CA$
2,5 M CA$
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Page 24
Crescent Entertainment
Crescent Entertainment
(continued / suite)
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Crescent Entertainment is an award winning, film and television production company based in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada. Formed in 1990, Crescent develops and produces indigenous feature films, documentaries
and television programs. Crescent also provides full production services and has earned a reputation for delivering
high quality productions, on time and on budget. Selected clients include ABC, Alliance Atlantis, Castle Rock
Entertainment, CBC, CBS, Fox Family Channel, The Konigsberg Co., Lifetime Network, NBC, Paramount Television, Pax
TV, TNT, Universal, Viacom, Victor Television, and Warner Brothers. As well, Crescent has formed a partnership with
Lions Gate Entertainment to provide consulting and production services on all Lions Gate shows in British Columbia.
The company directors are Harold Tichenor, Gordon Mark, and Jayme Pfahl. With the expertise of these three
filmmakers, Crescent offers a combined 75 years of film and television production experience from development to
Jayme Pfahl
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Over the past few years Crescent Entertainment Ltd. has focused its development efforts on projects that lend
themselves to being international co-productions. The simple economics of our times dictate that it is financially
necessary to work with partners in order to produce quality programming. The obvious additional pay off is the
injection of these new creative forces that brings a depth and life to all our projects. We have been building these
relationships with various producers and broadcasters in Europe but due to the distance and financial limitations these
meetings are often limited to conference calls and emails.
Additionally, many of these contacts have been with the British and German markets and while these continue to be
positive experiences, we are very interested in expanding our contacts into the rest of Europe. Our attendance at
Immersion 2002 will enable us to renew contacts made in the past and also to hopefully make new ones.
Our development roster has a variety of genres that we feel have universal appeal and it is necessary that we find
European partners to help us tell our stories.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Dead Zone
Dramatic Feature Film
Stephen Surjik
Series for TV
9 M CA$
13 M CA$
The Last Shot
Dramatic Feature Film
Michael Robison
6 M CA$
Moving Malcolm
Dramatic Feature Film
Ben Ratner
1 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
The Dead Zone
No Boundaries
Mysterious Ways
Cabin Pressure
The Void
K-9 Corrections
13-part TV Series
13-part TV Series
TV series (22x60'), Seasons 1/2
2-hour MOW
Two hour MOW
Half hour documentary for CTV Sharon Bartlett
Without Warning
13x30' for TV
Storm Warning II
13x30' for TV
Best in Show
Feature Film
Marine life
Feature Length Documentary Irene Angelico
Christopher Guest
Theatrical dramatic feature Anne Wheeler
Two-hour MOW
Higher Ground
TV series (22x30')
TV series (22 x60')
The Crow Stairway to Heaven
Naked Frailties
Peter Lhotka
Theatrical Feature Film
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Night Man
TV series (22x60')
Back of Beyond
4-hour mini-series for TVLooking for EU Director
12 M US$
> Back of Beyond recounts the saga of the doomed Franklin expedition that set out from England in 1845 in search of the fabled
Northwest Passage. Trapped for two winters in the sub-zero climate of Canada's unforgiving Arctic and plagued by scurvy,
starvation and lead poisoning, the surviving crewmembers embark upon a final desperate march south in search of rescue.
Shadows Warriors II
Two-hour MOW
City of Birds
Feature Film
Florian Gallenberger
> City of Birds is the story of Andrei, a teenager forced to grow up quickly when his parents join the wave of European RussianJewish emigration of the late 1980's.
Crescent Entertainment
555 Brooksbank
Avenue Building 9, Suite 330
North Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada V7J 3S5
T: + 1 604 983 5992
F: + 1 604 983 5015
The Mermaid's Dance
Feature Film
Florian Gallenberger
> Inspired by the collected true stories of women transported to the Antipodes to serve life sentences for often trivial crimes,
this story belongs to Sarah Burke, a spirited 16 year old servant girl who finds herself caught up in a ambitious silk heist that
goes wrong.
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
The Attendant
Feature Film
European director
> Lincoln Rutherford is the bathroom attendant in a sleazy strip club. Every night, straight from the bathroom, Lincoln delivers
his intense, driven, and strange comic routine, for anyone who will listen to him.
An act of desperation and near-violence against one of the strippers, brings Lincoln and Natalie, undercover security,
together. Later that night, Natalie confesses something about herself and her dreams. Things begin to happen.
Spider In a Glass
Feature Film
> When a radical environmental group tries to publicize the polluting practices of a large corporation, they decide to kidnap
the granddaughter of the company's CEO. However they underestimate the how far he will go to preserve the status quo in
this shrewd psychological thriller.
A Gift For The Little Master
Feature Film
European director
> The near future, a west coast city. Local TV is dominated by media lowlife. News stations buy footage from "night crawlers",
freelance ENG crews up all night tuning into scanners and stalking for pictures, willing to create news on a slow night, in a
world where everyone is an actor. But what happens when one of these "night crawlers" become the victim of a stalker and
possible murderer - having 'created' the news once too often now no one will believe you.
31/10/02 16:51
Page 26
Earth Films Investments
49 th Parallel Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Earth Films Investments Ltd. is the holding company for the productions in which the above named producer has
been involved. These films include the first two films of Deepa Mehta's Indian Trilogy (Fire and Earth) as well as the
aborted third film in the series Water. Water was discontinued in the middle of production when Hindu fundamentalists
burned and destroyed a number of the sets and threatened the director and actresses with death if the film continued.
The most recent production in which we have been involved is Bollywood/Hollywood, a romantic comedy filmed in
Toronto late last year which is opening the Canadian Perspectives program of the Toronto International Film Festival
on Sept 6, 2002.
David C. Hamilton
Earth Films Investments
221 Lyon Street, Suite 2603
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1R 7X6
T: + 1 613 782 2220
F: + 1 613 782 3131
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
The plan is simple: produce good quality, edgy films and television programs, which deliver profit. While utilizing
the resources available to Canadian producers, 49th Parallel fosters relationships with international financiers and
distributors to produce a steady mix of home-grown and treaty co-productions.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
The intent would be to continue to immerse ourselves with possibilities of co-production with European
partners. With the current state of film financing, co-productions, twinning and international finance seem to be the
best way of making films. Networking with possible European partners, and getting as much information as possible
on rules and regulations of each territories would ensure we achieve in goals in this respect.
We intend to remount the film Water in 2003 with a new shooting location out of India. In order to do this we will
require a co-production with a European producer. Our company has always funded and produced without production
partners and thus this is a new potential experience for us. We expect to gain enough knowledge and exposure to the
co-production environment so as to approach the re-launch of the Water as a co-production with greater intelligence.
We have already identified potential partners but it remains to negotiate the appropriate relationships in a manner
which provides the highest likelihood for success.Being very active.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Drama feature
Deepa Mehta
3,7 M CA$
> Water is set in the House of Widows in Banaras in 1930. Seven-year-old Chuyia is the catalyst whose presence causes a
complete upheaval in the lives of its inhabitants, changing forever the hapless existence of two widows in particular:
Shakuntala, thirty years old, devout and intelligent, who goes through a crisis of faith that eventually places her at the crossroads of a radical choice; and Janaki, eighteen years old, innocent and beautiful, who finds the courage to embrace the love
of the fiery idealist Narayan. Resigned to living out lives prescribed by ancient religious laws, Chuyia's presence amongst the
widows results in a shift of moral codes and in eventual redemption. Woven in the background is Gandhi's struggle for the
liberation of India; not only from the British, but also from antiquated religious interpretations that impede India's social and
moral progress.
Ginger Snaps - The Sequel
Brett Sullivan
5,5 M CA$
> Picking up where the original film left off, a tough mournful Bridget has fled the suburbs of Bailey downs for the lonely
streets of the big city. Mistaken for a junkie, Bridget is picked up and taken to a rehabilitation centre. As her transformation
increases so does the body count. Bridget must find a way to escape to save everyone from herself and whatever the f***
has followed her into these hallowed halls.
Ginger Snaps - The Prequel
Grant Harvey
5,5 M CA$
> Following the critical success of the first Ginger Snaps, The Prequel will take our death obsessed teenage sisters, Bridget
and Ginger, to a place even more bleak than the suburbs… the 18th century New World. Living in a backwards, bible-thumping
European settlement, the Fitzgerald sisters have their work cut out for them. With accusations of witchcraft, a plague of
livestock killings and unplanned pregnancy, how's a girl supposed to deal with a werewolf transformation in peace?
Films in production / Productions en cours
Lucky Ho
Bruce MacDonald
5,5 M CA$
> A John Waters does 'The Matrix' chicks-in-prison Kung-Fu fighting action flick. Wrongfully accused of murder, Lucky Ho
gets thrown into a backwater prison jail controlled by a corrupt warden who runs a deadly underground girl fight-club and the
only way to survive is to fight for your life. If she thought her life was bad luck before, it just got worse.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Lunch With Charles
Drama feature
Deepa Mehta
Drama feature
Deepa Mehta
Drama feature
Deepa Mehta
Feature Romantic Comedy Michael Parker
Feature Romantic Comedy Deepa Mehta
2 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
2,8 M CA$
2 M CA$
4 M CA$
Untitled Winter Zombie Project
Bruce MacDonald
5,5 M CA$
> In the small town of Pontypool, Les Reardon has retreated to find peace and solace only to be caught in the middle of an
epidemic. The townspeople are turning into zombies and the deadly disease is being transmitted through the English
language. A terrifying ta… Shhh! Don't say a word. It could be your last.
Mack & Beth
Phillip Kates
5,5 M CA$
> Following in the footsteps of "The Godfather" and "The Gangs of New York", Mack & Beth questions the inevitability of
ambition over loyalty. Mack Glamis is the right-hand man to the gang chieftan of the widely feared Blood Brothers but when
his ambitions are enflamed can he do the unthinkable? This stylish, modern re-telling of MacBeth set in the hyper-violent
world of biker gangs is dark crime drama classically told.
Noah Segal
49th Parallel Films
4 Pardee Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6K 3H5
T: + 1 416 516 4950
F: + 1 416 516 1712
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, a little French
Films in production / Productions en cours
Science Fiction/Comedy
Vincenzo Natali
Chris Landreth
5,625 M CA$
1,3 M CA$
John Fawcett
Jesse Warren
5 M CA$
4,1 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Ginger Snaps
Paper, Scissors, Stone
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Page 28
Galafilm Productions
Arnie Gelbart
Galafilm Productions
5643 rue Clark
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2T 2V5
T: + 1 514 273 4252
F: + 1 514 273 8230
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French,
Spanish, other
Highwire Entertainment
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Galafilm Productions, founded by Arnie Gelbart in 1990, is a Montréal-based, independent film, television and
multimedia production company specializing in feature films and television documentaries and drama.
The company regularly produces programs for CBC, Radio Canada, CTV, the Global Television Network, TV Ontario,
History Television, YTV Canada, Discovery Channel, Showcase, A&E, PBS, Channel 4, BBC and ITV in the United
Kingdom and F2 and La Cinquième in France.
Galafilm has produced or co-produced three critically-acclaimed feature films, and is currently completing a CanadaUK co-production of director Lea Pool's latest dramatic feature film, The Blue Butterfly. Galafilm also regularly
produces documentary programming, and award-winning children's drama series.
Galafilm is also associated in a new independent children's and family program production company, the Londonbased INDIE KIDS, and is currently co-producing Fungus a technologically groundbreaking animation series for BBC
and CBC.
More information about GALAFILM is available at the company's website:
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Considering the strong cooperative ties which have historically existed between the European and Canadian
industries, and in light of the increasingly precarious position of the respective national industries of these territories,
the international pooling of knowledge and resources within and amongst these markets is more than ever becoming
a necessity.
This financing forum would provide Galafilm with a privileged access to distributors, producers and industry
professionals alike, enabling us to participate in and learn from professional development, market and network
activities. This type of exchange is vital to stimulate new financing and co-production opportunities and to facilitate
new and innovative international dissemination opportunities within Europe.
The forum will provide us with the opportunity to increase our knowledge of various European industries and integrate
ourselves in a way that is beneficial to both partners. It will enable us to create advanced networking and professional
development opportunities, to increase our market intelligence (in particular that of the European markets), and to
strengthen partnerships with key European producers. The financing forum will be key in identifying current
possibilities for our feature projects in development and will lay out the groundwork for future ones.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
In 1995, Scott expanded into feature film production with the creation of Highwire Entertainment (formerly
Cadence Entertainment). The inaugural production in that same year was the CBS movie-of-the-week, A Dream is a
Wish Your Heart Makes: The Annette Funicello Story. In 1997, Scott executive produced writer/director Gary Burns'
feature film Kitchen Party, starring Scott Speedman (Felicity) and Laura Harris (The Faculty). Scott produced the
feature film Rupert's Land in 1998, starring George Wendt (Cheers), Samuel West (Howard's End) and Ian Tracey
(DaVinci's Inquest). The film was nominated for five Genie Awards, and won a handful of Leo Awards, including Best
Picture and Best Director.
In 1999, Scott executive produced the feature film Tail Lights Fade, starring Denise Richards (The World Is Not Enough),
Elizabeth Berkley (Showgirls), Breckin Meyer (Go), and Jake Busey (Contact). After screening at the American Film
Market, Tail Lights Fade was quickly picked up for US distribution by Trimark Pictures, which is now owned by Lion's
Gate Entertainment.
The latest film that Scott produced was On The Nose, an Irish/Canadian co-production starring Dan Aykroyd (Stardom,
Blues Brothers), Robbie Coltrane (Cracker, Harry Potter), and Brenda Blethyn (Secrets and Lies, Little Voice, Saving
Scott is currently in development on a number of feature film projects; The Smoking Man written by Paul Shapiro and
Jeff Cohen, Paul Shapiro to Direct and Heart of a Dragon in development with Mark Gordon, David Foster and Michael
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Attending Immersion 2001 was a great learning experience for me. I was able to get valuable insights on what
was happening in the European market and how to best utilize our co-production treaty with the various countries.
Another great benefit to the Immersion 2001 was meeting and eventually building a very strong relationship with a
couple future co-production partners. My objective would be very much the same as last year, to learn more of what
the co-production landscape is in 2002 and what we can expect for 2003.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Louise Arbour
St. Urbain's Horseman
The Smoking Man
Feature film
Paul Shapiro
10,5 M CA$
> A Woman risks everything when she pursues the truth behind the haunting past-life memories of her four year old son who
recalls his own murder.
Feature film
Gregory Shepard
4,5 M CA$
> The people of Blackpool encouraged by a TV crime show and an incompetent police investigation led by a vain Inspector,
embark on a misguided vigilante hysteria that leads to two long lost twins who are forced on the run for their pathetic lives.
The Maggie Rose
Feature film
Bruce Marchfelder
3,5 M CA$
Drama / MOW
Léa Pool
12,5 M CA$
John Greyson
Tom Fitzgerald
Arto Paragamian
Michel Poulette
1,6 M CA$
4,825 M CA$
4,225 M CA$
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Blue Butterfly
Dramatic Narrative
Films completed / Crédits de production
Hanging Garden
Two Thousand and None
Agent of Influence
MOW / Drama
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Kitchen Party
Ruperts Land
Tail Lights Fade
On the Nose
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
Gary Burns
Jonathan Tammuz
Malcom Ingram
David Caffery
1,5 M CA$
3 M CA$
3 M CA$
6,5 M CA$
Scott Kennedy
Highwire Entertainment
Suite 546, 1489 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada V7T 1B8
T: + 1 604 922 4303
F: + 1 604 648 9280
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
31/10/02 16:51
Page 30
I3 Entertainment
IMX Communications
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Since 1985, imX communications has carved out a place among Canada's most respected, innovative and
prolific film productions companies. From the beginning, the company has been an industry leader in forging coproduction relationships, both nationally and internationally. imX communication has worked with Dutch, German,
British, Venezuelan, Spanish and American partners. Recent feature co-productions include: Una Casa Con Vista Al
Mar, Love and Death on Long Island, Margaret's Museum, New Waterford Girl.
In 2001, imX was co-producer on several features including Julie Walking Home, The Pilot's Wife and Wise Girls. In
addition, two of a projected five features from the digital series Seats 3a & 3c will be premiered at the Toronto
International Film Festival in September 2002: The Wild Dogs (director Thom Fitzgerald) and Past Perfect (director
Daniel MacIvor). All films will be transferred to 35mm for a theatrical release.
imX communications's first french language feature, Folle Embellie, a co-production between imX in Canada, Les Films
de la Croisade in France and Tarantula in Belgium, began principal photography in July and will wrap in midSeptember.
Best known for its impressive and growing slate of feature films, imX communications has also produced made-for-TV
movies, animated series and documentary concert specials. The company has played an instrumental role in
transforming Atlantic Canada into a fertile environment for film and television production.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
To pursue future Canada-Europe co-productions and connect with European feature film producers interested
in international co-production.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Christopher Zimmer
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Life and Times of Sam Langford
Knight's Castle
Fantasy / Adventure
John Boorman
25 M US$
> Knight's Castle invites you into a parallel world that criss-crosses between fantasy and reality. An adventure story,
Knight's Castle leaps from the here-and-now to every child's dream of a kingdom where nightmares, battles for power, and
unimaginable obstacles are powerfully resolved by the wisdom of wizards.
The Magician's Wife
Period piece / Drama
Francois Girard
29 M US$
> Emperor Napoleon III and his envoy, Colonel Deniau, plan to enlist the aid of a magician in a scheme to control the newly
conquered peoples of Algeria. After being fooled by Napoleon, the Magician must test his magical talents against an
Algerian mystic, in an attempt to sway the people into believing their God is on the side of Napoleon's France, not Algeria.
The Lighthouse
Drama, Thriller
Fredrik Thorsen
2 M CA$
> It is 1850. John Jacob Moran, a Nobleman's son, suffers from Tourette's Syndrome. John finds place as a lighthouse
keeper on an isolated island. However, a shipwrecked sailor washes ashore and disturbs his solitary, peaceful lifestyle,
provoking old demons to return with a vengeance.
David Sutherland
> In the early 1900s, a young man from Weymouth Falls, Nova Scotia fought his way to become one of boxing's most ferocious
contenders. Sam Langford made his career winning bouts fought passed the 12th round and became famous for predicting
where and when in a fight his opponents would hit the mat. In his quest to challenge and beat black heavyweight champ, Jack
Johnson, Langford travelled the globe, breaking down barriers both socially and within the ring.
IMX Communications
4th Floor, 1190 Barrington
Street Halifax, Nova Scottia
Canada B3H 2R4
T: + 1 902 422 4000
F: + 1 902 422 4427
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
I3 Entertainment is a successful entertainment company with offices in West Vancouver, B.C. Canada. The main
activities are in motion picture production, co-productions and financing. A Canadian company, I3's goal is to produce
high quality feature films, internationally (focusing on co-productions) and Canada-wide.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Folle Embellie
Feature Film - Drama
Dominique Cabrera
Films completed / Crédits de production
Julie Walking Home
Seats 3a&3c
Wise Girls
The Pilot's Wife
My Little Eye
Una Casa con Vista al Mar
Songs in Ordinary Time
The Weight of Water
New Waterford Girl
Divine Ryans
The Real Howard Spitz
For Better or For Worse
Clothesline Patch
Feature film
Agnieszka Holland
5 feature length films
Feature Film
Feature Film
Judy Cairo
Feature Film
Feature Film
Alberto Arvelo
Feature Film
Rod Holcomb
Feature Film
Kathryn Bigelow
Feature Film
Alan Moyle
Feature Film
Stephen Reynolds
Feature Film
Vadim Jean
16x30' animated series TV
30' drama TV
30' drama TV
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Snow Walker
Charles Martin Smith
10,2 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Here's To Life!
Dead Heat
Arne Olsen
Mark Malone
4,2 M CA$
6,9 M CA$
Rob Merilees
I3 Entertainment
1086 Park Royal South
West Vancouver,
British Columbia,
Canada V7T 1A1
T: + 1 604 922 9777
F: + 1 604 922 8992
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
31/10/02 16:51
Page 32
La Coop Vidéo de Montréal
Kickham East
Jennice Ripley
Kickham East
38 Pearson St., Ste 127
St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada A1A 3R1
T: + 1 709 738 6474
F: + 1 709 738 6475
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Kickham East Inc., based in St. John's, Newfoundland, was incorporated to develop a slate of film and television
projects, with a concentration on feature films. Diverse in subject matter, the stories appeal to international audiences,
though told primarily from the perspective of Newfoundland writers Kickham East Inc. is built on the productive and
creative 15-year career of producer Jennice Ripley. Ripley has successfully sought to work with established writers
and at the same time to cultivate new and exciting talent. Outside of Kickham East, she holds the rights to additional
television (children's and comedy) properties. Through her company Passage Films Inc., she has just completed
Random Passage, an 8x60' mini-series for CBC, written and directed by Boys of St. Vincent team Des Walsh and John
N Smith. Kickham East Inc. has interests in: original screenplays for feature film and television, options for adaptations
from literary properties providing production services to international partners, projects in development with coproducers, broadcasters and distributors.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
I am an independent producer with a commitment to creating a wide range of stories that are told from the
heart, whether they fall in the genre of comedy or period drama or are told through feature film or television series.
In attending the Immersion my objective is to meet with like- minded production companies of a similar size and style
to explore business relationships that would benefit both companies.
I would like to explore the possibility of finding partners that could provide, through a minority interest, production
equity and distribution avenues for my projects. I am also interested in the reverse: in functioning as a minority investor
in one of their projects by bringing Canadian money and access to the marketplace.
I would also, of course, like to meet with broadcaster buyers and theatrical distributors to get a sense of the market
appetite in their territory and to meet with related industry people to get an overview of how things work in their system.
I had the great opportunity to attend the UK Drama Immersion in 1996 and I believe that I am prepared to take
advantage of the equally intense, rewarding experience that will no doubt be provided by this initiative.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
La Coop Vidéo de Montréal est une maison de production de fictions d'auteurs et de documentaires. Créé en
1977, " La Coopérative de production vidéoscopique de Montréal " produit des oeuvres d'auteurs tels que Robert Morin,
Louis Bélanger, Bernard Émond, Catherine Martin, André line Beauparlant, Richard Jutras. Les oeuvres des auteurs
sont produit autant en film qu'en vidéo, et de tous formats. La Coop Vidéo est toujours animée par les mêmes principes
: rejoindre un plus vaste public en lui proposant des sujets qui le préoccupent, des images qui le bouleversent et des
mots qui le touchent.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Immersion 2002 est une occasion unique pour notre entreprise dans le développement de nos projets de coproduction. Actuellement, nous sommes à la recherche d'un producteur européen (britannique et français) pour le
long métrage de fiction de Robert Morin " Closed captions ". Aussi, nous développons deux autres projets de coproduction. De pouvoir rencontrer les décideurs de l'industrie du film en Europe et des producteurs européens serait
un atout certains pour le développement de nos projets.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Boughwolfen
Feature film -drama
5 M CA$
> Boughwolfen: a small temporary shelter in the woods, constructed of conifer branches woven into a frame (Dictionary of
Newfoundland English)
It's the summer of 1953 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, a blue collar mill town full of recruited fishermen who are realizing
the monotony of their lives - day in, day out in the grinding paper mill. For Jerry, thirteen years old, this is the summer of
boughwolfens: secret forts in the woods that boys build to hide their baseball cards, smoke their stolen cigarettes, taste
their first home brew and bring girls. It is the summer that Jerry faces the discovery of his sexuality, the defeat of heroism,
the loss of a friend and the face of God. Through this summer of curiosity, helplessness and betrayal, Jerry, partly through
fight and partly though surrender, finds the man in himself.
Fidel's Gift
Feature film - Romantic Mystery
5 M CA$
> Set primarily in Costa Rica and Cuba, Fidel's Gift is a character - driven romantic mystery that unfolds around two overlapping stories:
Kate O'Brien is a promising, young print journalist form St. John's, Nfld. Kate's progressive ideals and aspirations have
quickly foundered on the sunkers of local corporate newspaper reality. She looks to revive them through engagement with
the wider world. While on holiday in Costa Rica her observational skills lead her to spot an intrigue that leads to murder.
Locally based British journalist Simon Bell is being forced to confront the demons that derailed his life. During the Central
American wars of the late 1980's, Simon survived the terrorist bombing of a guerrilla press conference. Now Kate brings to
him not only the romantic charge of a bright young woman journalist, but an intrigue involving the same mysterious man who
Simon knows planted the press conference bomb. Both stories reach their climax in the politically-charged streets of
Closed Captions
Long métrage, Drame
Robert Morin
8 à10 M CA$
> The star of a famous long-running television series is murdered. The crime, curiously, was videotaped, and the police
quickly arrest Joey Mullins, a sales clerk and a very ordinary young woman, until recently - now a heroin-addicted
prostitute. Suffering from withdrawal and unforgiving memories, she recoils inside herself, offering no reason for her crime.
She is committed to detox and the file is closed for everyone except Annie Lubock, a Detective-Sergeant whose own
memories compel her to take an unpaid leave and investigate, rather than let this tragic mystery go unsolved. She is helped
by a neighbour, Henry Duckworth, a philosophy professor with throat cancer. Together they gradually uncover the true story
underlying the transformation of Joey.
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Bread Maker
Feature film - Romantic Comedy Anita McGee
Films in production / Productions en cours
Le Début de la Fin
Long métrage, Comédie dramatiqueLouis Bélanger
3,1 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Le Nèg'
Long métrage, Drame policier Robert Morin
Long métrage, Drame d'époqueCatherine Martin
Trois Princesses pour Roland
André-Line Beauparlant
Le Temps et le Lieu
Bernard Émond
Post Mortem
Long métrage, Drame
Louis Bélanger
Quiquonque meurt, meurt à Douleur Long métrage, Drame
Robert Morin
L'Épreuve du Feu
Bernard Émond
1,3 M CA$
1,8 M CA$
100 000 CA$
300 000 CA$
930 000 CA$
440 000 CA$
350 000 CA$
Réal Chabot
La Coop Vidéo de Montréal
1124, Marie-Anne,est,
bureau 21,
Montréal, Québec,
H2J 3B7, Canada
T: + 1 514 521 5541
F: + 1 514 521 0543
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
750 000 CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Random Passage
Extraordinary Visitor
Tv Mini-series - Drama
Feature film - Drama
John N Smith
John Doyle
17 M CA$
2 M CA$
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Page 34
Luc Déry
Les Films de l’Isle
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Les Films de L'Isle is an independent film production company with a penchant for the adventurous, the fresh
idea, the new face. We produce films - features, feature length documentaries, television programming - which are
original, progressive, thoughtful and thought-provoking. We work in close collaboration with our writer-directors,
many of whom are first-timers, to help bring their strong personal visions to the screen.
Les Films de L'Isle has worked with writer-directors Lea Pool, Rodrigue Jean and Charles Najman. In five years we
have produced four features and one feature-length documentary. They were all co-productions, two of them
international, and their critical acclaim led to their being widely selected by international film festivals. Our most recent
film, Royal Bonbon, co-produced with Les Films du Requin (Paris), won the coveted Jean Vigo prize (2002). Our
documentaries have centred on the arts but not exclusively so. Our latest production takes a rollicking look at
Quebec's world music ambassadors, La Bottine Souriante. We have a broad slate of projects currently in development.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Les Films de L'Isle has consistently produced interesting, challenging films which have frequently featured the
work of first-time directors. Modestly budgeted, these films have found their audience amongst cinephiles
everywhere. The time has come for us to broaden our public, expand our budgets and call upon proven creative teams.
We have the experience to make this next step. We have cut our teeth on coproduction - two international and three
domestic in the past five years. And we have projects in development highly suitable to the international coproduction
Scarecrow has deep Celtic and Acadian roots; Ayiti se tè glise is set in the French and Creole world of modern Haitian
politics; Kiss of the Fur Queen is a northern Cree fable with a universal message. In each case participation by
European creative personnel - directors, actors, composers, cinematographers and editors - would genuinely enrich
these films.
Immersion 2002 is the platform from which we shall advance our production goals.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Ian Boyd
Les Films de l’Isle
4067 boul. St-Laurent, #201
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2W 1Y7
T: + 1 514 842 2055
F: + 1 514 842 9858
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
4,5 M CA$
> 1994. Haiti. Aristide is returned to power. Martha, a seconded Canadian police officer, is investigating a crime. But in Haiti
truth is all smoke and mirrors. Martha sinks deeper into uncertainty until, suddenly, she's faced with a terrible decision.
Coming-of-age Drama
3,5 M CA$
> 17 year old Camille's emotions are running wild. But she expresses them in a strange way. She builds them into scarecrows.
Which is fine until Rex, the local (handsome) layabout, steals one. Now Camille's got to get it back-and survive Rex as well.
Kiss of the Fur Queen
5,5 M CA$
> Two Cree brothers from the Great North are thrown into a hostile white world. Abused and besieged, their bond of culture
and mutual love is in tatters. Their last remaining hope is the Fur Queen but she is a whimsical, capricious trickster.
Feature Length
Feature Length
Roger Manley,
and Peter Friedman
Pierre Guimond
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Trouver un coproducteur européen pour Underground man (France, Allemagne, Angleterre, pays de l'Europe de
l'est), de Joshua Dorsey (projet sélectionné à Cinemart et à No borders), et pour Congorama (Belgique ou France), le
nouveau projet de Philippe Falardeau.
1,7 M CA$
1,25 M CA$
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Underground man
Joshua Dorsey
Philippe Falardeau
3 M CA$
5 M CA$
Bertrand Bonello
2,2 M €
André Turpin
Philippe Falardeau
Stéphane Lafleur
1,7 M CA$
825 000 CA$
125 000 CA$
Luc Déry
(404 6862 Canada Inc.)
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Un Crabe dans la tête
La Moitié gauche du frigo
Films in production / Productions en cours
Mana : le pouvoir des choses
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Ayiti se tè glise (Haiti, terre qui glisse) Psychological Drama
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
La société fondée le 15 avril 2002 par le producteur Luc Déry (404 6862 Canada Inc.) est une société de
production indépendante oeuvrant principalement dans le secteur des longs métrages de fiction.
L'entreprise a pour mission principale la mise en branle et la production de projets novateurs, inventifs et accessibles.
La société veille également à ce que ces projets bénéficient une fois produits d'un rayonnement à la hauteur de leur
Bien qu'encore anonyme, l'entreprise a déjà cinq projets de longs métrages en développement et deux co-productions
en financement.
Parmi les projets-phares de l'entreprise, les prochains longs-métrages d'André Turpin et de Philippe Falardeau, qu'on
attend pour 2003 et 2004. La société développe également le premier long-métrage du réalisateur Patrice Sauvé (La
Vie, la vie).
Depuis janvier 2002, l'entreprise participe au développement d'Underground Man, long-métrage du cinéaste Joshua
Dorsey (Here Am I), seul projet canadien présent à Cine-Mart (Festival de Rotterdam) cette année.
Le projet Familia, de Louise Archambault (Atomic Saké), achève son développement et sera tourné à l'automne 2003.
En 2002, l'entreprise co-produira deux longs-métrages : d'abord Tiresia, troisième long-métrage du cinéaste Bertrand
Bonello (Le Pornographe), produit par Carole Scotta de la maison Haut et court; puis A Problem With Fear, du Canadien
Gary Burns (Waydowntown), en co-production avec Shirley Vercruysse de Burns Films.
Luc Déry a débuté sa carrière en distribution, occupant notamment le poste de vice-président aux acquisitions et à la
distribution en salles pour Malofilm.
Depuis 1997, Luc Déry se consacre à la production. À titre de producteur chez Quatre par Quatre Films, il produit avec
Joseph Hillel les courts métrages Décharge de Patrick Demers, Mensonges de Louise Archambault et Snooze de
Stéphane Lafleur. Il y produit également La Moitié gauche du frigo de Philippe Falardeau et Un Crabe dans la tête
d'André Turpin. Cette année, Un Crabe dans la tête raflait sept prix Jutra, dont celui du meilleur film.
Comédie dramatique
Comédie dramatique
Court métrage
55 Mont-Royal Ouest
Bureau 802
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2T 2S6
T: + 1 514 844 4554
F: + 1 514 844 4112
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films completed / Crédits de production
Royal Bonbon
Contemporary Fable
Charles Najman
Psychological Drama
Rodrigue Jean
La Bottine Souriante : Comme des démons Performing
Rénald Bellemare
Arts Documentary
Full Blast
Contemporary Drama
Rodrigue Jean
Les Casablancais
Dramatic comedy
Abdelkader Lagtâa
Gabrielle Roy
Feature Length Documentary
Léa Pool
1,7 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
400 000 CA$
1,87 M CA$
1,95 M CA$
1 M CA$
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Page 36
Massey Productions
Mortimer and Ogilvy Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Massey Productions is an independent producer of feature films primarily for theatrical release. Raymond
Massey and Cheryl-Lee Fast share development, finance and producing duties. In addition to independent production,
MPL provides producing services for hire with complete tax credit and facilities management from financing through
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Wish to meet potential co-producing partners for a range of projects we currently have in development.
Raymond Massey
or Cheryl-Lee Fast
Massey Productions
249 E. St. James Rd.
North Vancouver, BC
Canada V7N 1L3
T: + 1 601 990 9044
F: + 1 604 990 9066
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Mortimer and Ogilvy Productions and rave films inc are jointly owned and operated by Producers Sharon
McGowan and Peggy Thompson.
Feature films produced by the company include Better than Chocolate which premiered at the Berlin Film Festival. It
was released by Trimark Pictures in the US and opened on over three hundred screens there. Canadian distribution
was through Motion International, Alliance Releasing handled international and TiMe Media handled Germany.
The company's first film The Lotus Eaters, was nominated for 11 Genie Awards and sold around the world. Their new
feature, Saint Monica, a co-production with Sienna Films will premiere this fall at the Toronto International Film
Festival and is distributed in Canada by Seville Pictures.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
I am looking for producing partners for our feature film The Painter, I am also interested in co-producing a Euro
based production. Our company has a performance envelope from Telefilm Canada.
Directed by
Réalisé par
One Tin Soldier
Feature film - Black comedy Davor Marjanovic
5 M CA$
> A social worker working in a poverty stricken community accidentally kills the local drug dealer and goes on a killing
spree to better mankind.
Swamp Angel
Gillies Mackinnon
6 M CA$
> Period piece set in the 1950'S. An abused wife leaves her husband to become a fly fisher in the backwoods in British
Colombia Canada.
Comedy feature film
Kenny Hotz
2,5 M CA$
> Comedic Duo Kenny & Spenny 'pilot' picked up by Michael Greene of Saturday Night Live in the USA. Seen as the next Tom
Green : Their feature is to be shot in this def : Two dysfunctional best friends get lost in the woods, to survive, they must resolve
their bizarre issues with each other.
> Kenny goes on the road as God, to find disciples in order to better understand why his best friend joined a cult.
5,5 M CA$
> Its 1969, and Eddie the MC host of one of the last standing burlesque houses struggles as free love nudie bars threaten to
erase him from history.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Feature film
Feature film, 86'
Feature film
Nick Racz
Mina Shum
Nic Racz
David Mackay
Lynne Stopkewich
Davor Marjanovic
Mort Ransen
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Burial Society
Long Life, Happiness & Prosperity
Burial Society
Black Point
Suspicious River
My Father's Angel
The Painter
Feature film, drama, 100'
5 M CA$
> We have development financing from City TV. BC Film, Harold Greenberg Fund and Telefilm. Our company has a performance
envelope with Telefilm. We are looking for a co-production partner as we move into production. In addition, we are also open
to partnering co-productions driven from outside Canada. The Painter tells the story of the last painting trip of the eccentric
and reclusive, artist Emily Carr. In the last years of her life, with the vast majority of her paintings still unsold, Carr became
famous as a writer. But her success as a writer only galled her. She wanted to be a famous painter. As the film opens, she's
seventy, with a bad heart. Another painting trip will kill her. She will go anyway.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Better than Chocolate
Saint Monica
Romantic Comedy
Sharon McGowan
Anne Wheeler
Terrance Odette
1,8 M CA$
1,9 M CA$
Mortimer and Ogilvy
Suite 201
1431 Howe Street
Van BC, Canada V6Z 1R9
T: + 1 604 408 1693
F: + 1 604 408 1670
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
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Page 38
Muse Entertainment
Jesse Prupas
Muse Entertainment
4670 St. Catherine Street
West Westmount, QC
Canada H3Z 1S5
T: + 1 514 866 6873
F: + 1 514 876 3911
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Perfect Circle Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Muse Entertainment Enterprises, established in June 1998, has become a major force in the Canadian film and
television industry. Muse's head office is located in Montreal. Muse has three production operations in Montreal,
Toronto and Vancouver. In Vancouver it operates under the name Dogwood Pictures.
Muse's management has an in depth knowledge of development and production as well as of legal, financial and
business matters relating to the Canadian television and film business.
Muse provides the services of legal and management consultants who specialize in financial structuring, tax credit
collection and simplified access to tax credits and other government incentive funds. Muse also has a sales arm with
special strength in the French and English Canadian markets, Muse Distribution International.
Joint ventures, international co-productions and production services are Muse's forte. Muse has pooled its creative,
artistic, technical and financial resources with foreign counterparts from the U.S., Great Britain, Germany, The
Netherlands and France.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Perfect Circle Productions is a newly formed production company established by producer Dean English. Based
in Vancouver, the Company's mandate is to produce feature length projects that are creative and innovative, both in
story and medium, while always maintaining a commercial appeal.
English's previous producing credits include one of Canada's most successful independent films, Kissed” (director by
Lynne Stopkewich) which played festivals such as Cannes Director's Fortnight, Toronto and Sundance while being
theatrically released worldwide by companies such as Samuel Goldwyn in the US. Other projects include “lilith on
top” (director Lynne Stopkewich), which played the Toronto and Berlin festivals, and an hour long film for American
theatrical troupe GWAR (director William Morrison) for which English garnered a GRAMMY nomination.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Identify and Secure co-production partners for two projects, meet like-minded producers for future projects.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
With its successful theatrical release of Savage Messiah (Moïse : L'Affaire Roch Thérriault), which grossed
$1.2M in Canada and was financed as a British/Canadian copro, Muse Entertainment is searching to partner with likeminded, commerically-orientated European producers who are familiar with the complexities of international finance.
However, while Muse currently aims to produce high-qualtiy, low-to-medium budget features, its activities are not
exclusively directed at the theatrical market; Muse also develops and produces television-movies and televisionseries destined for both American and European audiences. In regards to its television business, Muse therefore aims
to partner with European television producers who are familiar with the needs and expectations of Europe's
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Love Rack
Film Noir
Steven Goldman
3-4 M CA$
> Cuba: land of music, love and despair. This film noir tells the story of two Western businessmen who have fallen for the same
Cuban girl. As the love-triangle becomes more entangled, she is forced to choose: Money? Love? -Or both?
In The Flame
6-9 M CA$
> The Greatest Boxing Story (Never Told): In 1983, three brothers, The Hilton Brothers, won three world championship-boxing
titles in one night. This true story recounts their stunning rise to the top of the boxing world and then follows their tragic,
senseless demise.
Pandora's Closet
Children's Television Series Kathy Slevin
11-12 M CA$
> Pandora has a really weird closet; whenever she opens its door, a mysterious (CGI Animated) premonition appears! -Each
episode thus functions like a weekly mystery: young Pandora is challenged to find the premonition's meaning and then must
stop it before it comes true.
Edison and Neemo
Films in production / Productions en cours
Silent Night
Chasing Cane II: Three to the Heart
Family Movie
Police Thriller
Rodney Gibbons
Jerry Chicoritti
3,7 M CA$
3,3 M CA$
Mario Azzopardi
Adam Weismann
Rodney Gibbons
Mario Azzopardi
Anne Wheeler
3,7 M CA$
14,3 M CA$
4,9 M CA$
3,4 M CA$
3,8 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Savage Messiah
True-life drama
Tales from the Neverending Story Children's Television Series
The Case of the White Chapel Vampire
The Stork Derby
True-life drama
The Investigation
True-life drama
Stop Motion James Dunnison, William Morrison
3,5 M CA$
Animation - Feature
> Thomas Edison is the summation of his time, the age electric, when everything and anything seemed possible. This mythical
and comedic look at an 'alternative' view of the life of Thomas Edison, together with his 'electrified' son Neemo, weaves and
twists in a fantastical manner that only animation could possibly allow.
The Stone of Scone
3 M CA$
> In 1293, the English army tried to break the spirit of the rebelious Scots. They did so by capturing the Scot's symbol of national
Dean English
pride, a 200 kilogram rock known as the Stone in Scone, and sequestering it away in Westminster Abbey. In 1950, four Scottish
students decided it was time to 'right' this centuries old 'wrong' in a mid-night raid fueled by a lot of national pride and a little
strong whiskey.
Perfect Circle Productions
2350 Bellevue Avenue,
West Vancouver, BC,
Canada, V5V 1C8
T: + 1 604 926 6246
F: + 1 604 925 9661
Your Ride Sir
Comedy - Adventure
2,5 M CA$
> Start with one thoroughly disenfranchised accountant looking to change his life who receives an assignment in Bangkok.
Add one scruffy over-the-hill hit man looking to save his faltering career with an 'easy assignment' in Bangkok. Combine with a
mix-up of drivers at the airport, three 'seemed like a good idea at the time' decisions, four shady characters, one city that does
not stop, two confused bosses, fourteen nuns who lost their luggage, and far too much money. Now mix....
Films in production / Productions en cours
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, poor French
Films completed / Crédits de production
Looking For Leonard
Lilith On Top
Flower and Garnet
Feature length doc
Lynne Stopkewich
Matt Bissonotte
Steve Clark
Lynne Stopkewich
Keith Berhman
750 000 CA$
850 000 CA$
1,2 M CA$
1,85 M CA$
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Page 40
Picture Plant
Pope Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Picture Plant Ltd. was incorporated in Halifax in 1981 and is one of the most experienced production companies
in Atlantic Canada. Its principals are writer/director William D. MacGillivray and producer Terry Greenlaw. Picture
Plant's six feature films and several documentaries have been released both theatrically and on free and pay
television, have been invited to festivals around the world and are on the curricula of several university film studies
More recently the company has expanded into television production, having created and produced the thirteen-part
CBC Network comedy series, Gullage's as well as a CBC Movie of the Week, One Heart Broken Into Song. Picture Plant
has a slate of five feature films, an MOW for the CBC Network and a feature length documentary in active
development. Picture Plant Limited partner, Terry Greenlaw is currently co-producing a CBS M.O.W., being broadcast
on that network in October of this year.
William D. MacGillivray
Picture Plant
983 Kingsburg Beach Road
RR1 Rose Bay NS
Canada B0J 2X0
T: + 1 902 755 0174
F: + 1 902 766 0175
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
While Picture Plant has spent many years writing and producing film and television, we have not entered into
the larger arena of international co-production. At this time however, we have projects in development with Telefilm
Canada, the Provinces of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and The Harold Greenberg Fund whose scope, style,
international appeal and budgets demand that we look off shore to establish mutually beneficial relationships with likeminded production houses. Further, we would like to be able to take advantage of both the technical and creative
talents available outside Canada to increase the international appeal of these and future projects. In return, we can
offer over 20 years of expertise in writing, producing and directing culturally significant Canadian feature film, feature
documentary and television programming.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Pope Productions produces film and television for the international marketplace. With a repertoire that spans
the gamut of feature film, documentary, television series, multimedia and short film formats, we are a growing company
with a wealth of experience; our award winning productions have garnered national and international attention. Our
primary activity is the creation and production of original film and television. Our most recent feature, Rare Birds,
starring William Hurt, Andy Jones and Molly Parker, opened to critical acclaim in Canada and at festivals
internationally. Other significant productions include My Left Breast, Gerry Rogers' double Gemini Award winning
documentary for CBC Newsworld, a youth multi-media show for web and television, and the
Bravo!Television shorts, The Plumber's Waltz and Baking Lessons. We have a number of projects in development, the
largest of which is Gander, a six-hour dramatic mini series for CBC Television, set in wartime Newfoundland.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Our primary objective is to find suitable partners for our television miniseries Gander. This will include both coproduction and broadcast opportunities.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Dreams of Jinkie Drover
Love Story
William D. MacGillivray
5 M CA$
> When a lonely street-wise young woman is left for dead in a Lisbon alley way, she is taken in by her her estranged aunt.
Thus begins a journey of self discovery that takes her across the Atlantic to Newfoundland, where she is re-united with her
mother and a mysterious young man who could be her lover, or someone even closer.
Jack Meets The Cat
Children's Comedy
> Simply put; "Young Jack goes out into the world to seek his fortune." But, to quote Canada's prestigious Harold Greenberg
Fund, "This script is the product of a very fertile imagination. It is funny, charming and original and has the potential to be
great… The only drawbacks are that it may require a Hollywood-size budget and Terry Gilliam in the director's chair to pull it
TV Miniseries (Dramatic)
9,5 M CA$
> Gander is a six-hour dramatic miniseries for television being developed in association with CBC Television. Set at Gander
Airport 1940-41, the series tells the extraordinary story of those who risked their lives to deliver desperately needed aircraft
across the icy North Atlantic to the Allies in Europe.
Feature film (Romantic Comedy) Ed Riche
4,9 M CA$
> The last unrenovated Victorian pile on Cromwell Street has just been bought and to the great relief of the yuppie neighbors,
by an architect, one Kitty Devereaux. But Patrick Joyce at number 16 has seen Ms. Devereaux in his capacity as a lawyer for
the City of St. John's (she once proposed farming a empty lot downtown) and suspects everyone may be in for a surprise.
Man Overboard
Feature film (Romantic Comedy)
4,9 M CA$
> Running from trouble and heartbreak, Aaron Fraser has left Toronto and is holed up in an abandoned church in the tiny
Newfoudland outport of Crants Cove. However, he has a hard time keeping a low profile when he falls for Ruth Farrell, a single
mother with a "troubled child", and the locals soon grow suspicious when Aaron seems to know more about the Cove's bizarre
past than he should.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Men Of The Deeps
Feature Documentary
John Walker
550 000 CA$
Clement Virgo
3,3 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
One Heart Broken Into Song
Movie Of The Week
Films in production / Productions en cours
TV Series/web site
Marian White
183 000 CA$
210 000 CA$
Feature film
Short film
Short film
Short film
Feature film
Sturla Gunnarsson
Lisa Porter
Gerry Rogers
John Doyle
Michael Jones
John Doyle
Mike Willoughby
Nigel Markham
4,9 M CA$
26 000 CA$
188 000 CA$
24 000 CA$
80 000 CA$
1,9 M CA$
230 000 CA$
170 000 CA$
Paul Pope
Pope Productions
P.O. BOX 5278
ST. John's, NF
Canada, A1C 5W1
T: + 1 709 722 7673
F: + 1 709 738 7285
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Films completed / Crédits de production
Rare Birds
Baking Lessons
My Left Breast
The Plumber's Waltz
Extraordinary Visitor
Rock Choral
Eye of the Storm
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Page 42
Principia Productions
Lael McCall
Principia Productions
2531 Bellevue Avenue
West Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V7V 1E1
T: + 1 604 834 8084
+1 604 926 2152
F: + 1 604 921 9134
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, rusty French
Productions Thalie
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Principia Productions Ltd. was established in the autumn of 1999, with a mandate to develop and produce
projects for theatrical and television audiences. In 2000/2001, while developing a number of new properties for
Principia, Lael McCall co-produced Hair, There and Everywhere and executive-produced The Orkney Lad: The Story
of Isabel Gunn, both documentaries, with Wheelwright Ink Ltd.
The company's first production, an adaptation of The Overcoat, a feature-length performing arts program for CBC and
Radio Canada went to air in January, 2002, and is distributed internationally by Rhombus International Inc. The
Overcoat was nominated for the Vienna Television Award, the Hors Concours at Banff, 2002, and has currently been
selected by the CBC for submission for the Prix Italia.
Prior to establishing Principia, Lael McCall spent seven years with Alliance Communications (now Alliance Atlantis),
most recently as Vice President of Alliance Pictures. During her time at Alliance, she served as producer on Turning
April (starring Tushka Bergen), a Canada/Australia co-production; as Executive Producer on The Boys CLub (starring
Chris Penn); and as executive producer of On My Own (starring Judy Davis), a Canada/Italy/Australia co-production,
as well as overseeing development of in-house production and independent acquisitions.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Productions Thalie a été fondée il y a quatre ans par Jacques Turgeon, un producteur chevronné de Québec.
La continuité des projets développés par ce dernier, a été assurée par trois associés dont Yves Fortin, producteur en
fiction et documentaire, André Mailly, producteur et Michel Martel, administrateur
Productions Thalie produit actuellement la télésérie Entrée Côté "Court", qui est télédiffusée sur les ondes de Radio
Canada depuis juin 2002 et qui sera diffusée à l'automne 2002 sur les ondes de Télé-Québec. En seulement quatre ans,
Productions Thalie a déjà à son actif deux longs métrage terminés dont Un petit vent de panique de Pierre Greco, Le
ciel sur la tête de André Melançon et Geneviève Lefebvre. Outre plusieurs projets en développement Productions
Thalie termine en post production le long métrage Le Marais du réalisateur Kim Nguyen.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Avec la création de deux longs métrages en 2 ans et d'une série documentaire (Entrée Côté " Court ") pour la
Société Radio-Canada et Télé-Québec, Productions Thalie a prouvé que si les grandes idées prennent forme à
Québec, elles pourront aussi bien se concrétiser en Europe!
C'est dans cet esprit que nous désirons consolider des liens avec l'Europe via le Forum 2002, ce qui servira à bannir
les frontières de la production documentaire française de qualité.
Sprouts and Mushrooms (working title) was conceived as a potential Canada/Europe co-production, with the
possibility of becoming a tri-partite co-production with New Zealand. A fourth draft of the script is in progress and will
be ready for presentation to the marketplace by mid-September.
The next step is to identify a European co-producing partner and possible director, to work with us to further develop
the script, packaging and financing for the film. We will be ready to begin this work this autumn, and I see The
European Immersion in November as an important opportunity to solidify both financial and creative partnerships, and
to meet with producers, distributors and other potential financiers.
While I am familiar with the European feature film marketplace, as my brief at Alliance was theatrical films, the
Immersion would help to bring me back up to speed as I haven't been active in Europe since 1997 (when working with
Ron Maxwell - Gettysburg; Gods and Generals - on a potential project with Little Bear). I would benefit, tremendously,
from the support and expertise offered by the Immersion.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Sprouts and Mushrooms
5-7 M CA$
> This is the story of Irving Stowe, once dubbed "a saint with warts", who set out to stop a nuclear weapons test and, with a
handful of "ecofreaks and beardies", founded Greenpeace. It is a coming-of-age story when radical activists stopped being
polite and the world grew up. They married the age-old spiritual axiom of Bearing Witness with photo-journalism and created
a dynamic force that captured the attention of the world and changed it forever.
Le Marais
Films in production / Productions en cours
This is a development year for the company. Our next production is slated to begin principal photography in June, 2003.
Films completed / Crédits de production
The Overcoat
The Orkney Lad
Hair, There and Everywhere
The Boys Club
Turning April
On My Own
Feature-length performing arts filmMorris Panych
Television Documentary
Theatrical feature
Theatrical feature
1,2 M CA$
1991 - 1995
Long métrage
Kim Nguyen
2,2 M CA$
Films in production / Productions en cours
Yves Fortin
Films completed / Crédits de production
Entrée Côté " Court "
Le Ciel sur la tête
Série docu-fiction
Long métrage
Un Petit Vent de panique
La Triade de Shangaï
Long métrage (90')
Court métrage (18')
André Melançon,
Geneviève Lefebvre
Pierre Greco
Pierre Greco
2,7 M CA$
2,6 M CA$
1,1 M CA$
130 000 CA$
Productions Thalie
C.P 2800 Terminus Postal
Québec, Québec
Canada G1K 8H4
T: + 1 418 694 3005
F: + 1 418 694 1115
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Frensh, English, Spanish
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Page 44
Rampage Entertainment
Remstar Corporation
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Rampage Entertainment is a Canadian production company, with seven features produced. Mostly we produce
'commercial' films, with theatrical releases in various territories.
We have solid funding connections in North America, and are looking to expand our relationships internationally.
Carmen Bonnici
Gavin Wilding
Rampage Entertainment Inc.
2412 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC
Canada V5Y 3E6
T: + 1 604 684 8618
F: + 1 604 684 8689
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
To create relationships with international partners to co-produce, and co-fund mid -range features, bugeted
between 5 - 15 M CA$.
In particular, we have a thriller entitled I Accuse which has partial financing, and we are looking for the a foreign
partner. I Accuse is the new project for Producer John Ketchum, producer of The Hurricane starring Denzel
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
La Société Remstar, qui tient son siège social à Montréal, est l'une des entreprises de divertissement les plus
importantes au Canada. Elle a été fondée en 1998 par les frères Julien et Maxime Rémillard. Remstar affiche l'une des
croissances les plus rapides parmi les entreprises de ce type. Son mandat principal est de créer, produire et de
distribuer des productions cinématographiques et télévisuelles destinées au marché canadien et international.
Remstar bénéficie d'une équipe de gestion et de création qui a plus de 20 années d'expérience totale en production
et distribution. Cette expérience permet à l'entreprise de continuer à forger de nouveaux partenariats locaux et
internationaux, afin d'attirer au Canada les meilleures sources de programmation. En conséquence, l'entreprise s'est
rapidement établie comme l'un des fournisseurs les plus importants de programmation cinématographique et
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Remstar entend augmenter les activités du secteur de production de l'entreprise.
À cet effet, Remstar profitera de Immersion 2002 Europe pour rencontrer de nouveaux producteurs européens et les
informer sur les ressources de Remstar aux niveaux financement, distribution et production, afin d'évaluer avec ceuxci les possibilités de co-production.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
I Accuse
John Ketchum
2,8 M CA$
> A woman is viciously raped by her doctor, who manages to avoid capture by surgically implanting a fake vein into his arm,
and filling it with another man's blood.
Detour to Austin
Gavin Wilding
5 M CA$
> Three college teens accidentally discover they have a winning ticket … but they have to cash it in within 15 hours, or they
lose the money… but they are 1500 miles away!
Corto Maltese - The Ballad of the Salted SeaAventure
Pool Hall Prophets
House Swap
Romantic comedy
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
The wisher
Gavin Wilding
3,4 M CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Suddenly naked
Christina's house
Anne Wheeler
Gavin Wilding
Gavin Wilding
Gavin Wilding
Gavin Wilding
3,8 M CA$
3,5 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
3 M CA$
2 M CA$
Keoni Waxman
13 M US$
7 M US$
John Duigan
15 M US$
Josée Dayan
Bob Rafelson
30 M CA$
24 M US$
André Rouleau
Films in production / Productions en cours
Head in the Clouds
Les Liaisons Dangereuses
The House on Turk Street
Remstar Corporation
85 St- Paul Ouest, Suite 300
Montréal, Qué.
Canada, H2Y 3V4
T: + 1 514-845-1414
poste 315
F: + 1 514-847-1163
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English, Spanish
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Page 46
Screen Siren Pictures
Riverside Entertainment
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
New feature film production company based in Toronto with development funding from Wall Street financier in
NY. Producing both Hollywood Studio and independent films. Projects with directors in US, Canada, UK, Greece,
France, Russia, India.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
After 20 years producing Hollywood features, 10 years as President of American Zoetrope (Francis Ford
Coppola's production company) I have immigrated to Toronto. Would like to meet European producing partners to work
with my new independent feature company.
Fred Fuchs
Riverside Entertainment
7 Riverside Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6S 1G6
T: + 1 416 427 7433
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Screen Siren Pictures Inc. is a privately owned independent film and television production company based in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1997 by Trish Dolman, Screen Siren develops and produces feature
films and documentaries that tell emotionally provocative stories, paint extraordinary pictures of the natural world or
offer compelling insights into lives and cultures.
Screen Siren is committed to working with the highest quality talent and production resources in Canada and abroad.
We bring energy, creativity and established industry and financial relationships to all our projects. Our way of doing
business is characterized by respect for others, intelligence, innovation and a commitment to excellence.
The company's focus for 2002-2003 is to build on past success and add value to our production capacity by not only
creating excellent films but also new media products that support, extend and add value to those films. Strategies to
achieve this goal include:
- Maintaining an intelligent, sustainable model of growth;
- Pushing the creative envelope in all our feature films, documentaries and new media products;
- Recognizing the global trend of broadcaster investment in value-added new media products such as Web sites and
iTV data streams which support traditional broadcast and theatrical content;
- Nurturing our existing broadcaster, distributor and production partnerships and forming strategic new ones;
- Building on our existing international co-production and co-financing opportunities and forming new ones.
As we expand our operation and strengthen our reputation as one of Canada's premier independent producers of high
quality, internationally marketed feature films, documentaries and value-added new media products, now is an
exciting time for Screen Siren Pictures and its partners in creativity.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Immersion 2002 is a perfect way to implement some of the strategies listed above, specifically to :
- Forge relationships with new co-production partners in France, UK and Germany
- Build on existing partnerships in the UK and the rest of Europe
- Find potential co-production and financial partners for our development slate
- Learn more about financing possibilities in the UK, France, Germany and other European countries
- Look at the feasibility of shooting a feature film in Canada, France and the UK
·- Find European partners with whom we can act as the Canadian co-producer on their feature film or documentary
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
As She Climbed Across The Table
Guided by Wire
Feature Film - Sexy road movieKeith Behrman
3-4 M CA$
> A story of sex, love, antidepressants and the open road. When Matt and Cheryl meet on a cross-country bus trip, they fall
in love and embark on an intimate sexual journey, but a mysterious bottle of pills and a dark past may soon unravel their newly
spun fantasies.
My Superstar
Feature Film - Edgy romantic drama TBA
4-5 M CA$
> What do you do when the love of your life is your brother? For Katie Mersey, a country singing prodigy, the only way out of
her home town of Climax, Saskatchewan and her aunt's overzealous plans is a spot on the TV show Star Seach. But, when her
brother shows up in town, her spot in the limelight may be overshadowed.
Jet Lagged
Feature film
Ryan Bonder
4 M CA$
> A stream of consciousness film about a writer who receives a videotape in the mail of a woman in Paris. Struck by her beauty
and vitality, Philip journeys to France to find her. But who does he find? A real person, an hallucination of his dead wife or a
figment of his imagination?
Matthew Jacobs
metaphysical comedy
Sudden Enlightenment
Spiritual marital
Pan Nalin
arts romantic adventure
> Next film by Indian filmmaker of Samsara
Steve Surjik
House of Churchill
Alexander Uchitel
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
John Grisham's The Rainmaker
Francis Ford Coppola
45 M CA$
The Third Miracle
Agneska Holland
4 M CA$
The Virgin Suicides
Sophia Coppola
4 M CA$
Films in production / Productions en cours
Attila's Journeys
One-hour documentary
One-hour documentary
David Vaisbord
Leah Mallen
350 000 CA$
300 000 CA$
Keith Behrman
Chad Lowe
Keith Behrman
1,97 M CA$
David Vaisbord
315 000 CA$
Trish Dolman
Screen Siren Pictures
Suite 450 - 380 West 1st
Avenue Vancouver,
British Columbia
Canada V5Y 3T7
T: + 1 604 687 7591
F: + 1 604 687 4937
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, Spanish
Films completed / Crédits de production
Flower & Garnet
The Space Between
White Cloud, Blue Mountain
Ice Girls
Britannia Beach
Short film - Drama, 19'
Feature film - Drama, 30'
Documentary, 90'
One-hour documentary
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Page 48
Shaftesbury Films
Serendipity Point Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Serendipity Point Films is a boutique motion picture production company formed in 1998 by Robert Lantos
following his sale of Alliance Communications Corporation, of which he was Chairman, CEO and controlling
shareholder. Serendipity has produced feature films including Ararat, written and directed by Atom Egoyan, starring,
Charles Aznavour, Eric Bogosian, Brent Carver, Marie-Josée Croze, Bruce Greenwood, Arsinée Khanjian, David Alpay
and Christopher Plummer which premiered at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival; Men With Brooms directed by Paul Gross
starring Paul Gross, Molly Parker and Leslie Nielsen; Picture Claire, directed by Bruce McDonald, starring Juliette
Lewis and Gina Gershon which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival; Stardom, directed by Denys
Arcand, starring Jessica Pare, Dan Aykroyd, and Thomas Gibson (Official Closing Night Selection, Cannes Film Festival
and Opening Night Gala, Toronto Film Festival); Sunshine, directed by Istvan Szabo, starring Ralph Fiennes, Jennifer
Ehle, and Rosemary Harris (a Toronto Film Festival Gala, winner of three European Film Awards, three Genie Awards
including Best Picture and nominated for three Golden Globe Awards, including Best Picture); and eXistenZ, directed
by David Cronenberg, starring Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Willem Dafoe (winner of a Silver Bear at the Berlin
Film Festival and a Genie Award).
Serendipity Point Films
9 Price Street,
Ontario M4W 1Z1
Canada, V5V 1C8
T: + 1 416 960 0300
F: + 1 416 960 8656
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Having previously attended the Children's Programming Immersion in the UK several years back, it is clear that
the Immersion offers a wonderful opportunity to meet well-placed industry professionals. Shaftesbury has a very
ambitious development slate of feature films (as well as television) many of which are at a critical packaging stage.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Gain an improved understanding of the various European financing opportunities currently available and the
relevant requirements, considerations, benefits and issues. Meet representatives of relevant investors, financiers,
program administrators, etc.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Feature film - historical drama
15 M CA$
> A sprawling epic film set in the Badlands of Alberta following an expedition searching for dinosaur bones. Based on the novel
by Charles Kroach.
Head Hunter
Feature film - science fiction Jeremy Hole
10 M CA$
> Based on the novel by Timothy Findley, Lilah Kemp inadvertently releases Kurtz from page 92 of Heart of Darkness. As he
stalks the city, Lilah desperately tries to find Marlowe to deal with this literary villain. Meanwhile, the city is becoming
increasingly chaotic and terrifying and Kurtz seems to be at the center of it.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Mark Musselman
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Shaftesbury is a Toronto based developer, producer and distributor of high quality dramatic programming for the
theatrical, television (long form and series) and large format markets. Shaftesbury has been very active producing
official treaty co-productions with the United Kingdom (Camilla, Swann, Painted Angels and Conquest) as well as
developing co-productions with France, Australia and Spain.
Palm Trees in the Snow
Feature film - comedy
3 M CA$
> A cross-cultural comedy blending the hot Latin rhythms of salsa music with the wild exuberance of Celtic fiddling, Palm Trees
in the Snow follows a group of Toronto salsa musicians who find themselves on a winter tour of the small towns and backroads
of Northern Ontario.
Petty Crimes
Feature film - thriller
Kelly Makin
5 M CA$
> "Hinky" Petty, underground surveillance drug fiend and paranoiac, is missing. And Nondo, his best friend, is about to find out
Films in production / Productions en cours
Being Julia
Istvan Szabo
The Statement
Norman Jewison
David Cronenberg
Fugitive Pieces
Jeremy Podeswa
The Atwood Stories (1 - 6)
Hemingway and Callaghan
The Monkey Puzzle Tree
Barney's Version
Mordecai Richler
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Men With Brooms
Picture Claire
Romantic Comedy
Atom Egoyan
Paul Gross
Bruce McDonald
Denys Arcand
Istvan Szabo
David Cronenberg
TV - half hour anthologyKim Todd, Laura Harbin
TV mini-series - 2x120' Michael DeCarlo
TV mvoie
Long life Happiness and Prosperity
Feature film
Mina Shum
Scar Tissue
TV movie
Peter Moss
Verdict in Blood and a Killing Spring
TV movie (2x)
Steven Williams
Screech Owls (Episodes 14-26) TV series - Half hour Episodic
Torso : The Evelyn Dick Story
TV movie
Alex Chapple
Criminal instinct :
TV movie (2x)
Brad Turner
The wandering soul murders and criminal instinct :
a colder Kind of death
Criminal Instinct :
TV movie (2x)
George Bloomfield
Deadly Appearances and Criminal Instinct :
Love and Murder
Screech Owls (Episodes 1-13) TV series - Half hour Episodic
External Affairs
TV movies
Peter Moss
Jacob Two Meets the Hooded Fang Feature film
George Bloomfield
Feature film
Piers Haggard
5 M CA$
8 M CA$
3,5 M CA$
3,3 M CA$
2 M CA$
6,5 M CA$
Scott Garvie
3,7 M CA$
6,5 M CA$
6,8 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
4 M CA$
3,5 M CA$
Shaftesbury Films
100 - 163 Queen Street
EastToronto, Ontario
Canada M5A 1S1
T: + 1 416 363 1411
F: + 1 416 363 1428
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
31/10/02 16:51
Page 50
Strada Films
Six Island Productions
Paul Scherzer
Six Island Productions
106 Euclid Ave
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6J 2J9
T: + 1 416 3651606
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, Spanish, Japanese
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Established in 1998, Six Island Productions and its president Paul Scherzer set out to produce dramas and
documentaries that push boundaries as well as entertain.
Six Island has produced the multi award-winning and critically acclaimed features No More Monkeys Jumpin' on the
Bed and Khaled, recently voted one of Canada's Top Ten films for 2001, and awarded Best Director at Europe's
prestigious Karlovy Vary International Festival by a jury consisting of top international industry professionals including
Roger Ebert and Jean-Marc Barr. Six Island has also produced numerous award-winning short dramas including
Babette's Feet, The Miracle and "untitled".
In its drama slate, Six Island is currently developing the feature screenplays East of Yonge, an East meets West film
about South Asian immigrants in Canada who discover that the grass is brown on both sides of the fence, Grace, the
story of a woman who takes on another's identity to learn how to come to terms with her own, Survivors, a dark
comedy about a Holocaust survivor and a gay man thrown together as reluctant housemates, and also Siblings, a
perversely dark view of suburban life seen through the eyes of four young siblings as they trying to cover up the fact
that they may have killed their parents.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Strada Films (formerly the East Side Film Company) has been successful in bringing critically acclaimed
Canadian feature films to the screen. From John L'Ecuyer's urban-fuelled dramas Curtis's Charm and Saint Jude to
Robert Lepage's enigmatic and beautiful Possible Worlds, starring Tilda Swinton and Tom McCamus, the company is
committed to directors whose work is decidedly individual.
Most recently the co-producer of Atom Egoyan's Ararat, Sandra Cunningham brings to the company an extensive
production background (Atom Egoyan's The Sweet Hereafter, Exotica, The Adjuster; Patricia Rozema's When Night Is
Falling, and Scott Elliott's A Map of the World), as well as a two year stint as a programmer for the Toronto International
Film Festival.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
In addition to its continued support of uniquely Canadian stories, Strada Films is looking for creative
partnerships in which the company's knowledge of the Canadian landscape for feature film production and financing
can contribute to quality international feature films.
To this end, the company is actively pursuing co-production opportunities with Europeon based producers.
Six Island Productions Inc. is an award-winning production company currently with numerous drama and
documentary projects in its development slate in the low to mid budget range (1 to 3 M CA$).
Six Island is forming both intra-national and international co-production partnerships with like-minded film producers
to create stories designed with international audiences' tastes in mind.
In its development slate, Six Island has a number of projects suited for international co-productions, including the
features Survivors, Grace and East of Yonge.
Six Island is looking to establish broader business relationships to more effectively access financing from diverse
sources in order to pool international and domestic resources and produce its own properties and those of other
similarly focused companies striving to push boundaries as well as entertain.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
East of Yonge
Srinivas Krishna
1,5 M CA$
> When Doc's nephew Amir arrives from Pakistan and ends up staying with his call-girl girlfriend, things start getting
complicated. An East meets West film about South Asian immigrants in Canada who discover that the grass is brown on both
sides of the fence.
Asghar Massombagi
2 M CA$
> After a failed suicide attempt, Sara assumes the identity of another young woman, Grace, and in the course of following
through with the scheduled events of Grace's life, finds she can go back to her own life and her own identity.
Dramatic comedy
Jackie May
1 M CA$
> When dad's body appears one morning on the front lawn, Margaret and Joe along with their little brother and sister have to
find some way to get his body back into the car wreck to cover up their involvement.
Harry Killas
2,6 M CA$
> A dark comedy about the perils of memory when a Holocaust survivor obsessed with her past and a gay man trying to escape
his own are thrown together as reluctant housemates.
The Good Life
Daniel Brooks +TBA
3-4 M CA$
> The Good Life is a tale of love in modern times. The lives of Dan and Eve and their friends Chris and Mary come under the
microscope of the searingly funny and fiercely honest pen of Canada's preeminent playright and dramaturge. In The Good Life,
Daniel Brooks draws a very fine line between marital bliss and betrayal.
Films in production / Productions en cours
> During 2002, Strada Films has been hired by Serendipity Point Films to consult on a slate of at least three feature film projects,
two of which are being configured as European co-productions.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Possible Worlds
Saint Jude
Atom Egoyan
Robert Lepage
John L'Ecuyer
Sandra Cunningham
Strada Films
9 Price Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4W 1Z1
T: + 1 416 967 7090
F: + 1 416 960 0871
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, Italian
Films in production / Productions en cours
Greek to Me
Harry Killas
850 000 CA$
Ross Weber
Asghar Massombagi
360 000 CA$
500 000 CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
No More Monkeys Jumpin' on the Bed
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Page 52
Summit Films
Triptych Media
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Summit Films Ltd. Is a Canadian production company based in Winnipeg, Manitoba producing creative-driven
dramatic feature films and television movies, series and documentary programming. Lorne incorporated Summit Films
in 1992, under which banner he executive produced Solitaire (feature film), Road to Saddle River (feature film),
Midsummer Nights Ice Dream (television special) and In the Manner of a Woman (television documentary). Lorne
MacPherson is president of Buffalo Film Company as well as Summit Films Ltd. Buffalo Film Company is currently
producing Magnificent Obsessions, a television series for Life Network. Summit Films Ltd. is in pre-production of the
$5.5 million CTV television movie, The Mad Trapper. Additionally, Summit's production slate for 2003 includes; feature
film, Florence (Anne Wheeler directing a Sharon Riis script), Indian Outlaws, one-hour television dramas scripted by
Jordan Wheeler and directed by Gil Cardinal for CBC and APTN and renewal episodes of Magnificent Obsessions.
Lorne MacPherson
Summit Films
712 - 70 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 1G7, Canada
T: + 1 204 956 4404
F: + 1 204 956 7999
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Principally to find an Italian co-production and European distributor for our $10 million feature film called
Florence. Our Distributor, Dominion Film and Television are working to bring Italian producers and distributors to
Immersion to work with Summit/Tele-Action on preparing co-producers and distributors. Florence is currently being
written by Anee Wheeler and Sharon Riis. This is a Quebec/Manitoba co-production with Tele-Action in Montreal. The
project is slated for a summer 2003 shoot.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Since its inception in 1994 after producing the feature film Zero Patience, Triptych Media has developed a
reputation for producing high quality, award winning drama. In 1996 Lilies won 4 Genies (Canada's Oscar) including
Best Film of the Year. In 1997 The Hanging Garden won Best Canadian Film and Most Popular Film at the Toronto
International Film Festival as well as 4 Genies, including Best First Feature and Best Screenplay. The Hanging Garden
has been released in Canada by Cineplex Odeon Films, in the U.S. by MGM and in the U.K. by Alliance U.K., playing to
packed houses and stellar reviews. The Tale of Teeka, winner of the Golden Spire at the San Francisco International
Film Festival, also received the 1998 Banff Television Festival Rockie for Best Children's Program and the Telefilm
Canada Prize for Best English Language Production. The French language version, L'Histoire de l'Oie, won 3 Prix
Gémeaux including Best Director and Best Dramatic Program. The company has made two prime time television
movies for CTV, The Bookfair Murders, a Canada-Germany co-production and Lucky Girl winner of 2 Geminis for Best
Actress and Best Supporting Actress and the Writer's Guild of Canada Top Ten Awards. Just completed is the feature
film The Bay of Love and Sorrows based on the novel by Governor General's Award winner David Adams Richards and
directed by Tim Southam.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
My objectives are to build on existing UK and European contacts and to further discussion on my next project,
High Life, which I am viewing as a potential Canada/UK co-pro.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Indian Outlaws
6 x 1hr drama series
Gil Cardinal
1 M CA$ / hour
> The story of six native Canadians who broke the colonizing white man's laws and paid the ultimate price but in the process
led the law on some of the most dramatic and unbelievable chases in Canadian history.
Feature Film
Anne Wheeler
10 M CA$
> The true story of a young Italian immigrant woman during the prohibition era, who refused to live the traditional role,
demanded of her by her family, community and the Catholic Church. She died on the gallows along with her bootlegging
mentor, the infamous "Emperor Pic". The Distributor, Dominion Film and Television are working to bring Italian producers and
distributors to Immersion to work with Summit/Tele-Action on preparing co-producers and distributors.
Feature Film
4 M CA$
> A recently optioned story of a pet parrot that escapes from a downtown Winnipeg office building in -30 degree weather. He
was found by a 16 year old boy who sells him for $600.00 into the most vicious gang of thugs in the city. For 3 months his owners
and the police conduct an unbelievable and dangerous search and rescue. We have every excruciating fact of the search and
we are busily creating Oscar's concurrently running experiences for a CGI - live action feature for the youth and family
theatrical market.
High Life
Feature film - Comedy / Drama
> A story about bonding and male pattern stupidity. Four crooks who also happen to be morphine addicts, plan the bank job
that will put them on 'Easy Street' forever. Problem is their group is so ripe with loathing that getting to the bank's front door
would be their first major achievement.
Emotional Arithmetic
> Anchored by the eccentric, courageous and unpredictable Melanie Winters, this epic romance spans forty years and traces
the longings that have connected Melanie with two men from her childhood. From Nazi concentration camps, through a love
triangle on an archeological dig, to a Soviet 'hospital' this is ultimately a love story which reveals the shadows that the past
throws upon the present.
The Biggest Modern Woman in the World Drama
> A wildly ribald yet poignant Victorian romance featuring legendary giantess Anna Swan. Put on display by P.T. Barnum and
surrounded by midgets, giants, dwarves and royalty, Anna struggles to find her place as a 'normal' woman in a world that
views her only as a freak.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
Magnificent Obsessions
The Mad Trapper
Shereen Jerrett
Jean Beaudin
600 000 CA$
5 M CA$
Andy Blicg
400 000 CA$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Blood Ties
Falling Angels
Feature film - Comedy / Drama Scott Smith
4,3 M CA$
> The wickedly funny story of 3 sisters' coming of age in a wildly dysfunctional family, set against the backdrop of the 60's, free
love, the Cold War, LSD and the dawn of feminism. Affectionately dubbed "Little Women on acid", this is a story about the
destructive effects of secrecy and the bonds of duty between parents and children.
The Republic of Love
Feature film - Romantic comedy Deepa Mehta
6 M CA$
> This enchanted romance set in the coldest city on earth is a contemporary look at the awkward road to love. As quickly as
Tom and Fay meet, nerves tear them apart. Will they be able to abandon themselves to love, to something greater than they
Louise Garfield
Robin Cass
Triptych Media
788 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5V 1N6
T: + 1 416 703 8866
F: + 1 416 703 8867
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Films completed / Crédits de production
The Bay of Love and Sorrows
Lucky Girl
The Bookfair Murders
The Hanging Garden
Feature film - Drama
MOW - Drama
MOW - Drama
Feature film - Drama
Tim Southam
John Fawcett
Wolfgang Panzer
Thom Fitzgerald
2,9 M CA$
3,2 M CA$
3,9 M CA$
1,58 M CA$
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Page 54
Water Pictures
Karen Lee Hall
Water Pictures
2 College Street
Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 1K3
T: + 1 416 922 4303
F: + 1 416 922 9967
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, slight French,
West Wind Pictures
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Water Pictures' mission is to produce singular independent Canadian entertainment that reaches the world
market. Our method relies on collaborating with the best talent to create work that surprises and delights its audience.
Incorporated since 1989 under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Water Pictures is wholly owned by producer Karen
Lee Hall. The corporation re-purposed its mandate from a production services company to an independent production
company in 1997 with the low-budget independent feature film House, written and directed by Laurie Lynd (I Was A
Rat) and starring Daniel MacIvor (Past Perfect).
House premiered at the 1995 Toronto International Film Festival, screened at festivals worldwide including Sundance
and London, and was invited into competition at Tokyo and Mannheim. House was released theatrically in Canada in
In 2000, Water Pictures premiered its second feature film Ginger Snaps to critical and audience acclaim. Produced
with Steve Hoban and his production company Copper Heart Entertainment, Ginger Snaps sold in 20 territories, with a
strong box-office showing in the UK, and earning its place as a top grossing Canadian film that year.
Currently in development at Water Pictures are the feature films: Dishman, The Self-Avoiding Walk, May I Buy You
Ladies A Shooter?, The Columbia Icefields (working title), Skater(working title), Harry & K. (working title); and the comic
drama television series Love Is All Around by co-creators Cassandra Nicolaou & Karen Lee Hall.
Water Pictures is currently in negotiation on other projects and expects to be announcing further additions to its slate
at the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
WestWind's two Canadian offices and staff in Regina and Toronto provide a sound base for all forms of
television production and co-production. The company has successfully mounted seven television series since 1991 more than 800 episodes - including a Canada-wide daily information series "What on Earth"; two North American hit
design series "Designer Guys, This Small Space", natural science documentaries "Wild Lives, Out in the Cold", low
budget feature film production "Shot in the Face", documentary series "The English Teachers, Family and Friends" and
several short dramas. Its producers have between them over 70 years of experience in program development and
production, marketing and distribution. Its business affairs department brings extensive experience in budgeting,
financing, and tax credits.
West Wind has expanded its corporate focus to include Dramatic programming and have made their first feature
length dramatic program entitled "Shot in the Face".
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
An expanded knowledge base about the marketplace, broadcast requirements, purchasing procedures and
evaluation procedures
Find and secure co-production participants for products developed by West Wind and other production companies.
A database of distribution routes and contacts, key to developing strategic alliances.
A working rapport with distributors, finance resources and key licensing agents throughout the television industry.
An established marketplace presence and confidence in West Wind and its products.
Water Pictures is interested in finding British-Canada co-production partners as well as exploring other
European co-production possibilities, particularly with Spain.
Water Pictures is seeking to learn the current state of Canada-Europe co=production to better develop properties that
would be suitable.
Water Pictures hopes this will be a great networking experience.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
May I Buy You Ladies A Shooter?
Laurie Lynd
3-4 M CA$
> A frantic comedy about a gay architect who struggles mightily to pull off his fortieth birthday party - finally roping together
a colourful assortment of eccentric and orny friends.
Alexie Berteig
> What if your life was not your own. What is you where a clone and your life was an experiment? Would you have a soul?
Harry & K
Romantic Comedy
7-10 M CA$
> A single Canadian woman at the height of her career meets and falls for a much-younger gypsy artisan on the beach in
southern Spain (or Latin America). They impetuously decide he should visit Canada and the joys and frustrations of such an
arrangement are played out in full.
TV Series
Clark Donnelly,
Mary Darling, Al Mcgee
Laurie Lynd
John Fawcett
350 000 CA$
4,7 M CA$
Shot in the Face
Borderline Normal
Feature film
Feature film
David Hansen
Jeff Beesley
Stephen Onda
West Wind Pictures
402 - 2206 Dewdney Ave,
Regina, SK S4R 1H3, Canada
T: + 1 306 777 0160
F: + 1 306 352 8558
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films in production / Productions en cours
Desinger Guys
Films in production / Productions en cours
Ginger snaps
Sandra Schmirler
TV Movie
> Sandra Schmirler lead the Canadian Curling team to the Gold metal during the Olympics. Sandra battled cancer and died a
year after her team's win, An everywoman who reached her highest goal.
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Joseph Rouschop
112 rue Auguste Donnay
4000 Liège, Belgique
T: + 32 4 225 90 79
F: + 32 4 225 90 79
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Page 56
Versus Production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Tarantula est un réseau européen de sociétés indépendantes et autonomes regroupées sous un même sigle. Son principe
est de rassembler l'expérience de professionnels de la production et de la réalisation au sein d'unités basées dans différentes
régions européennes afin d'unir les réseaux de connaissances et de compétences. Il est né de la rencontre d'individus tous issus
de la pratique de la production.
Historique :
Tarantula communications a été créée en 1992 par Marco Giusti et est orientée vers la production publicitaire et le design
audiovisuel. Tarantula Luxembourg est née en 1995 de la rencontre entre Eddy Géradon-Luyckx et Donato Rotunno, associés à
Marco Giusti, ils installent la deuxième société portant le nom Tarantula.
Tarantula Belgique voit le jour en 1996 avec l'association de Tarantula luxembourg à Joseph Rouschop, permettant à celui-ci de
s'appuyer sur les relations humaines et professionnelles des membres des autres sociétés
Tarantula France fin 1999 est née de la rencontre de Eric Tavitian et Felix Sorger et de la volonté des autres membres du réseau de
s'implanter à Paris.
Tarantula est un réseau qui se construit non pas à partir d'une stratégie financière pure, mais au travers de rencontres.
Le réseau Tarantula est avant tout la mise en commun d'expériences individuelles au service d'une vision collective de la
production en Europe.
Les sociétés composant ce réseau sont des pôles de production, travaillant de manière autonome, entièrement libres de leur
décision mais inscrivant leur développement local au sein d'une stratégie globale.
Tarantula en tant que réseau n'est pas refermé sur lui-même. Chacune des sociétés entretient des liens avec d'autres producteurs
et concrétise de nombreuses coproductions de niveau international.
Les films défendus par Tarantula sont des films que ses producteurs accompagnent depuis l'écriture du scénario jusqu'à la
diffusion. Notre politique est de lancer et d'accompagner le talent des réalisateurs et réalisatrices qui nous sollicitent, qu'ils ou
elles soient jeunes ou moins jeunes, inconnus ou confirmés.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Mon premier objectif dans le cadre de Immersion 2002 est de rencontrer d'autres producteurs indépendants et
particulièrement des producteurs canadiens dans un contexte propice puisque nous sommes réunis pour échanger des projets.
Mon second objectif est lié à un projet de long-métrage que nous développons actuellement et qui s'intitule Hapax.
Ce projet d'auteur est coécrit par Thomas Gunzig (prix Rossel 2001 pour " Meurtre d'un parfait bilingue ") et par Michel Jakar qui
en est également le réalisateur. A la fois film d'anticipation puisqu'il situe son action dans un futur proche et film noir car la violence
et la mort traversent ce récit qui parle de l'immigration clandestine et d'une chasse scientifique impitoyable aux " clandestins ", aux
" sans-papiers ". Arsinée Khanjian interprète le rôle principal et j'espère qu'un producteur canadien trouvera un intérêt au projet.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Michel Jakar
2 400 M€
> A la fois film d'anticipation puisqu'il situe son action dans un futur proche et film noir car la violence et la mort traversent ce
récit qui parle de l'immigration clandestine et d'une chasse scientifique impitoyable aux " clandestins ", aux " sans-papiers ".
La Vallée des Éléphants
Marie-Anne Thunissen
300 000 €
> Dans le Congo des années 60, à partir d'une photo souvenir noir et blanc de sa classe dans l'enseignement primaire, la
réalisatrice interroge cette différence que l'enfant d'alors ne comprenait pas.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Folle Embellie
Le prix de rester un homme
Un long métrage
Un documentaire
Dominique Cabrera
Michael Sturminger
Jean-Pierre Lledo
2.7 M€
2.4 M€
600 000 €
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Versus Production a été créé le 9 avril 1999 par Jacques-Henri et Olivier Bronckart. Jacques-Henri avait produit en
4 ans une douzaine de documentaires et quelques courts pour Latitudes Production, il est gradué d'EAVE en 2000. Olivier
est producteur exécutif aux Films du Fleuve où il a notamment assuré cette fonction sur Le Fils de Luc & Jean-Pierre
Dardenne et sur Le lait de la tendresse Humaine de Dominique Cabrera.
Versus Production développe ses activités tant dans le domaine du documentaire que dans celui de la fiction en
privilégiant une politique d'auteur que nous suivons du court ou du documentaire au long-métrage. En trois ans, nous
avons terminé un long-métrage dont nous avons assuré la production exécutive, cinq documentaires et trois courtsmétrages. La plupart de ces films ont été sélectionnés dans les festivals internationaux les plus importants (Cannes,
Locarno…) et ont gagnés plusieurs prix. Aujourd'hui deux long métrages, un téléfilm et un documentaire sont en
production et nous développons quatre projets majoritaires. 2002 est une année importante dans le développement de
notre société, celui-ci passe par un déploiement de nos contacts internationaux.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
En trois ans, nous avons développé des relations privilégiées avec principalement des producteurs
indépendants français et italiens, avec des chaînes de télévision et avec des partenaires institutionnels européens.
Alors que nous développons plusieurs projets majoritaires au cinéma et en télévision, notre souhait, aujourd'hui, est
de s'ouvrir à des partenariats avec d'autres pays et notamment avec un grand pays de la francophonie. Autant les
coproductions franco-belges sont naturelles et fréquentes, autant les coproductions avec le Canada sont, a priori,
compliquées et beaucoup plus rares. Nos projets de long-métrages ont une réelle envergure internationale, nos
projets télévisions un potentiel francophone. Cette initiative peut-être l'occasion idéale de se rencontrer et
d'envisager des partenariats à long terme qui permettront à nos films de rayonner plus largement.
Découvrir ensemble les possibilités de coproduction, envisager des réciprocités et partager des expériences et des
projets, sont autant de motivations à se participer à ce forum.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Bouli Lanners
2 M€
> Le premier long-métrage du réalisateur de Muno (15 prix et une sélection cannoise) poursuit et développe les thématiques
abordées dans ses courts-métrages : indifférence, apathie et solitude des personnages. Un regard juste et amusé de nos petites
misères contemporaines.
Cathy Mlakar
2,5 M€
Ce premier long-métrage de Cathy Mlakar met en scène Iscuit, jeune fille confrontée à la guerre civile qui sévit au Tadjikistan,
qui recherche désespérément son frère aîné enrôlé de force par un groupe armé islamiste.
Jolival, Terre d’accueil
Bouli Lanners
1,2 M€
> A partir d'un fait divers réel, l'arrivée dans un village des Ardennes belges d'une famille rwandaise pour satisfaire aux quotas
de l'école primaire locale, les auteurs nous proposent une chronique sociale sur l'intégration de réfugiés dans une communauté
Le capharnaüm
Philippe Richelle
1,6 M€
Une comédie de situation qui met en scène le quotidien croustillant d'un restaurant très particulier… avec le parti pris d'être
caustique et irrévérencieux.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films in production / Productions en cours
Une Part du Ciel
Bénédicte Liénard
2.1 M€
Les mesures du rectangle
Donato Rotunno
150 000 €
Sur Les Cendres du Vieux Monde
Laurent Hasse
300 000 €
Zapatiste: Histoire du Mexique
Juan Pablo Lozano
75 000 €
A la recherche du marin inconnu
Roy Lekus
275 000 €
André et les voix dissidentes
Donato Rotunno
150 000 €
Terra Mia
Donato Rotunno
150 000 €
Chercheur de silence
Eddy Géradon-Luyckx
100 000 €
Le dernier amour d'un Casanova
Jean-Claude Adelin
100 000 €
De 1996 à 2002 17 courts-métrages:
Little Lady et Tête de Piaf de Tonio Decanvelle, Sue's Last Ride de Nicholas Elliot, Lacryma-Christine de Sylvain Gillet, La fin de la
Guerre de Andi Rogenhagen, Ere Mela Mela de Dan Wiroth, Garota de Ipanema de Danièle Rivière, Besame Mucho de Alfredo
Diaz Perez, Adesso Basta de Claude Mourieras, Ya Rayah de Claudio Pazienza, La Habanera de Pascal Magnin, Daïté de Catherine
Maximoff, Charlie de Syrus Neshvad, Vie rêvée de Alfredo Diaz Perez, Quatrième palier de Marie Anne Thunissen, On ferme de
Isabelle Costantini, La vie intérieure de Eddy Géradon-Luyckx, Fishtrip de Donato Rotunno.
Dans les champs de bataille
Toutes ces belles promesses
La Chaine sans Fin
Catherine Corsini
Danielle Arbid
Jean-Paul Civeyrac
Claude François
4,3 M€
2 M€
1,2 M€
162 320 €
Lionel Epp
Danielle Arbid
Michel Follin
Bouli Lanners
Akram Safadi
Jacques Donjean
Danielle Arbid
Henri Colomer
Joël Warnant
2,7 M€
368 186 €
341 275 €
66 782 €
270 510 €
80 533 €
277 495 €
338 611 €
67 142 €
Belgium / Belgique
31/10/02 16:51
Belgium / Belgique
Jacques-Henri Bronckart
Versus Productions
6, rue Pouplin
4000 Liège,Belgium
T: + 32 4 223 18 35
F: + 32 4 223 21 71
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films completed / Crédits de production
En Territoire Indien
Aux Frontières
Corps accords
La Chambre noire de Jérusalem
La Grimace
Seule avec la Guerre
Le Fruit défendu
Page 58
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Zeitgeist wishes to expand its network to Canada as two of the 8 features in development can be partly shot in
Canada. The WW2 project The Sledge Patrol takes place in Greenland and can be shot in northern Canada as well.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Inheritance
Kjell Sundvall
5,5 M€
> As a kid Mark Hunter witnesses the suicide of his mother. He apparently spends many years in a mental institution recuperating
from the traumatic experience. When his wealthy father dies several years later, Mark returns to his hometown to claim the
inheritance and get some answers as to why his mother killed herself. Mark is quickly reacquainted with old friends and relatives
and on the surface all appears fine. But when Mark starts to ask questions, he is involved in a high stakes game, where deception
and lies are the rules, robbery and murder are the bets and The Inheritance is the lottery ticket out of town.
Full Bloom
Drama / crime
4,8 M€
> Bloom, a cold-blooded killer, has to stop the killing if he wants his family back. But then his father-in-law - a small-time
gangster - gives him a nasty job: A killing that prevents Max's son is put behind bars. Now Bloom has to make a choice.
The Sledgepatrol
WW2 Thriller Drama
5 M US$
> In 1943 a group of brave Danish and Norwegian hunters carried out a not well known but a very important operation of WW2.
Using dogsleds to patrol a stark 500-mile stretch of the Greenland coast, their wartime mission was to guard against Nazi
interlopers - an unlikely scenario given the cruel climate. But one day a nazi footprint is spotted… (based on a true story).
Harvey & Joan
Feel Good Drama
2 M US$
> Glasgow 2002. The two about to be pensioners Harvey & Joan are about to lose their house but by accident they discover
that by making a bank robbery they might be able to save it…
Films in production / Productions en cours
Marcus Imboden
There's Nothing To It
1,6 M€
Polle Fiction
feature film
Soren Fauli
Ulvepigen Tinke (Little Big Girl)
Feature film
Morten Kohlert
Short fiction film
Peter Norn Gornstein
Beck II
Swedish feature films& TV-films Kjell Sundvall
and Harald Hamrell
Monas Verden (Mona's World)
Feature film
Jonas Elmer
Feature film
Erik Wedersøe
Feature film
Hans Kristensen
Expedition Sirius 2000
Stig Andersen
Bornholms Stemme (Gone With The Fish) Feature film
Lotte Svendsen
Klinkevals (Two Penny Dance)
Feature film & TV-series Hans Kristensen
Spor I Morket (Night Vision)
Swedish feature film
Morten Arnfred
Der Blonde Affe (The Blond Baboon) German TV-Film
Thomas Jauch
Swedish feature film
Pelle Seth
Beck TV-Series
Swedish TV-films
Pelle Seth,
Kjell Sundvall and Harald Hamrell
Skal Vi Vaere Kaerester…? (Sweethearts…?)Short film
Birger Larsen
Ornens Oje (Eye of the Eagle)
Feature film
Peter Flinth
Bryggeren (The Brewer)
Kaspar Rostrup
Anderned Hus (House of Spirits) International feature Film
Bille August
Morfars Rejse (Grandpa's Journey) Swedish feature film
Staffan Lamm
Drama Comedy
Oliver Kanafani Ussing
600 000 US$
Thomas Borch Nielsen
1,3 M US$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, Danish, German
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Our objective by attending Immersion 2002 is to build up relations to Canadian producers, distributors and other private
and public funding entities. We are currently developing two international feature film projects and we plan to shoot both
of them in Canada. The first project The Inheritance is being co-developed with UK based Spice Factory and Toronto based
49th Parallel Films with acclaimed Swedish director Kjell Sundvall. The production is planned to be a Canadian, UK and Danish
co-production and production start is scheduled to spring 2003. The second project Full Bloom is still in the early development
phase. Canadian Andrew Bryan and Danish Poul Johannes Kristiansen have written the script and besides being a great script
we find this mixture of a Canadian and Danish writers very interesting. Both in terms of storytelling and location know how.
Since we haven't produced in Canada so far we hope that we will get a better knowledge of the Canadian film industry by
attending Immersion 2002. We also think it is a very good opportunity to build up further contacts in Canada, which we think is
the key to International co-productions, and of course to hear about other producer's experiences with producing in Canada.
Finally a number of our colleges in Denmark have had good experiences with producing in Canada with their
recommendations we're very keen to produce in Canada.
Vester Farimagsgade 41
1606 Copenhagen, Denmark
T: + 45 72 21 52 71
F: + 45 72 21 52 70
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Founded in 1997 Copenhagen based production company Zeitgeist develops and produces low budget Danish
movies (max $1,5 mill) as well as English language features ($2-5 mill).
Staff of three people lead by Soren Juul Petersen.
Has 8 feature projects in development summer of 2002. Got Media Plus slate funding in 2001. Is in post production with
Danish feature There's Nothing To It in co-production with Zentropa and Scandinavian distributor Sandrew
Metronome and to be sold internationally by Trust Film Sales.
Will start production of first English language picture Under The Stars in January 2002.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Peter Bose
FilmPeople is a Danish production Company. Our core business is focused on development, financing and production
of Danish and International feature films. FilmPeople has a professional take on every aspect of the process - from
development and production of the project to the final marketing and distribution.
FilmPeople sticks to the good old traditions of filmmaking but acknowledge at the same time that new forms of communication
and new media are going to have a larger impact - also on the filmmaking process. FilmPeople is open towards these new
changes in the marketplace. Acknowledging the Scandinavian talents' huge potential FilmPeople's philosophy is to combine
the creative players and our industry know-how to take original filmmaking to a higher level - to produce quality pictures to
the International market. FilmPeople are managing director & producer Thomas Lydholm, executive producer Peter Bose and
producer Jonas Allen. With different backgrounds they have specialized in different areas that gives FilmPeople the possibility
to cover the main aspects of the film business ranging from developing the idea, financing, production and marketing.
FilmPeople is a part of PeopleGroup - a very strong alliance that include advertising and commercial production house Wibroe,
Duckert & Partners, PR company RelationsPeople, Internet company NetPeople, b-t-b advertising bureau AdPeople and the
digital programming company CorePeople.
Denmark / Danemark
31/10/02 16:51
Denmark / Danemark
1,18 M€
2,15 M€
13 300 €
9 M€
2,1 M€
2,4 M€
1 M€
1,6 M€
2,15 M€
2 333 000 €
1,5 M€
1 83 M€
1,4 M€
5 366 000 €
280 000 €
3 M€
13 333 333 €
26 666 000 €
2 M€
Sci-fi thriller
Soren Juul Petersen
Filmbyen Avedore
Tvaervej 10
DK-2650 Hvidovre,
T: + 45 36 86 87 47
F: + 45 36 78 88 78
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, Danish
Membre ACE Member
31/10/02 16:51
Page 60
Alterego Production
Agat Films & Cie
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Created in 1984, Ex Nihilo is now associated with Agat Film & Cie. This new company has become one of the
leading independent film and television production company in France. The company is held by 5 associate producers
: Dominique Barneaud, Nicolas Blanc, Yvon Davis, Robert Guédiguian, Blanche Guichou, Patrick Sobelman.
The company works actively in both TV and feature film production.
Ex nihilo / Agat Films & Cie has become a recognized player in France thanks to big successes as Marius & Jeannette
(1997), Vénus Beauté, Institut (1999), Haut les Coeurs (1999), Roberto Succo (2001), Marie Jo et ses 2 amours by Robert
Guédiguian selected at the Official Competition Cannes 2002, Terra Incognita by Ghassan Salhab selected at the
selection Un Certain regard Cannes 2002 … which were also released in many countries including the United States
and the UK - Ma Vraie Vie à Rouen by Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau selected at the Locarno Film Festival
and Toronto Film Festival - 2002.
In 1997, Ex Nihilo / Agat Films & Cie was awarded Best French TV producer of the year by the Procirep.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
We will look for potential Canadian co-producers on our three projects that are open for "transatlantique"
We will also very interested in meeting sales agents and distributors that could eventually participate in the financing
of the projects.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Le Silence d'Alexandrie
Comédie dramatique Jean-Jacques Andrien
4 045 370 €
> Two loners with fractured destinies meet in the vast, mysterious Tanami Desert and share a haunting journey through the
Central Australian outback ; and for both of them, it becomes a poignant homecoming out of exile.
Le Trésor / The Treasure
Film fantastique
Jean-Michel Roux
4,2 M€
> Angèle is a 10 year old child. She has lost her father, a scientist in the French Navy, during a mysterious submarine accident
that occurred in the Barrent sea. Her mother decides to taker her and her brother on a trip in memory of their father in the
North of Europe.
The Scape
Science fiction Philippe Vartan Khazarian
2,8 M€
> 400 years from now, after that the Earth has recovered from a severe cataclysm, the new order rules over people
unconsciousness. Lucie is part of the powerful Dream Enforcement Agency and she reveal the truth behind the dark scheme
of the so called democratic power.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Dominique Barneaud
Agat Films & Cie
52 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud
75011 Paris, France
T: +33 1 53 36 32 32
F: +33 1 43 57 00 22
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Membre ACE Member
Loup y es-tu?
Stormy Weather
Au Ciel, etc…
Comédie musicale
Olivier Ducastel,
Jacques Martineau
Comédie dramatique
Solveig Anspach
Comédie dramatique
Laure Duthilleul
Comédie dramatique Lucile Hadzihalilovic
Comédie dramatique Jean-Jacques Zilberman
4 264 215 €
2 770 388 €
3 103 232 €
3 747 217 €
Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau
Robert Guédiguian
Ghassan Salhab
Robert Guédiguian
Serge Lalou
Cédric Kahn
Zaïda Ghorab Volta
Robert Guédiguian
Solveig Anspach
Jean-Louis Milesi
Dominique Cabrera
Tonie Marshall
Robert Guédiguian
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Les objectifs que je poursuis sont doubles.
- Confirmer ma démarche de partenariat avec des producteurs canadiens, démarche entamée avec profit pour Des
Chiens dans la Neige et que je souhaite poursuivre avec Les Démons du Lac, film qui sera entièrement tourné au
- Confronter avec des collègues canadiens et européens nos stratégies et nos ressources de production de façon à
optimiser nos relations futures, tant d'un point de vue économique qu'artistique.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Les Démons du Lac
4 M€
> Au bord d'un immense lac cerné d'une forêt impénétrable, un ex-joueur de hockey, traumatisé par un accident mortel
dont il est responsable, va affronter la démence psychologique d'un gourou d'une secte, qui veut absolument récupérer son
butin, coincé dans la soute d'un avion de tourisme tombé au fond du lac.
Comédie dramatique
5 M€
> Après 20 ans d'exil médiatique, loin de l'agitation et de la futilité du show bizz, Clovis Reynolds, ex-journaliste musical, va
brutalement revenir sur son passé pour les beaux yeux d'une midinette vengeresse, qui pourrait bien être sa propre fille, et
pour élucider une série de meurtres étranges qui déciment les gloires passées du Rock'n'Roll.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Au Pied de l'Arc en Ciel
Comédie Dramatique
Eric Jollant
1,2 M€
Michel Welterlin
1,6 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Ma Vraie Vie à Rouen
Marie-Jo et ses deux Amours
Terra Incognita
La Ville est Tranquille
Entre Nous
Roberto Succo
Jeunesse Dorée
A l'Attaque !
Haut les Cœurs !
Nag la Bombe
Nadia et les Hippopotames
Vénus Beauté, Institut
A la Place du Cœur
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Alterego Productions existe depuis 1985. Après avoir produit pendant plus de dix ans des court-métrages et des
documentaires, une nouvelle étape a été franchi en assurant la production exécutive de deux long-métrages: Krim de
Ahmed Bouchaala (1995) et Le Double de ma Moitié de Yves Amoureux (1999).
En 2001, c'est le premier long métrage de Michel Welterlin: Des Chiens dans la Neige, une coproduction francocanadienne (François Pouliot-Yul Films), avec Marie José Croze, Jena Philippe Ecoffey et Romano Orzari (sortie salles
France en avril 2002).
Au pied de l'Arc en ciel, premier long métrage de Eric Jollant, sera en tournage à la fin de l'année 2002
La politique de production engagée par Alterego répond à une triple démarche:
- Faire travailler ensemble des jeunes et/ou nouveaux auteurs/réalisateurs avec des scénaristes confirmés pour
garantir un niveau élevé de développement des scénarii.
- Développer le partenariat artistique et financier par des coproductions européennes et/ou internationales: Des
Chiens dans la Neige avec le Canada, Au Pied de l'Arc en Ciel avec la Belgique et la région du Nord.
- En termes de démarche artistique de production, accompagner les auteurs et leurs oeuvres sur le long terme et sur
plusieurs projets.
Des Chiens dans la Neige
Film noir
Eric Porcher
Alterego Production
103 rue Villiers de l'Isle Adam
75020 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 43 64 04 07
F: + 33 1 43 64 07 30
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
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Page 62
Films à Trois
Euro American Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
After devoting several years to theatrical distribution and international sales of films by famous directors (Jean-Luc
Godard, André Techiné, Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen, Lino Brocka…), Pierre Assouline began producing feature films with his
companies Delfilm SA (Geneva) and then Euro American Films SA (founded in Paris in 1995). The most notable productions
are Pigalle, a feature film by Karim Dridi, in co-production with UGC, which has developed a cult status and has received
numerous accolades: Official Competition in the 51st Venice Festival, nomination at the 1996 Césars for "Best First Film", Prix
Michel Simon for "Best Young Actor" and "Best Young Actress", and selected at several other festivals (Toronto, Johannesburg,
Seattle, Avoriaz…), Un Chien sur la route by Jean Jeanneret, presented in official competition at the Cairo Film Festival in 1993,
followed by Forza Roma, by Garbuglia and Orano, which obtained the Franco Solinas prize for "Best Original Italian Screenplay"
and was selected at the 49th Locarno Film Festival.
Pierre Assouline then chose to produce a totally different kind of film that uses stop-motion animation and live action: The
Conspirators of Pleasure, directed by Jan Svankmajer, the Czech master of cinema animation. The film was present at numerous
festivals: London, Rotterdam, Brussels, Gerardmer, Annecy… and at the Locarno Film Festival where it received the Premier
Prix du Jury. Then, in co-production with Dan Films Ltd, London, he produced L.A. Without a Map, a film by Mika Kaurismäki,
based on Richard Rayner's best-seller, starring Vanessa Shaw, Vincent Gallo, Julie Delpy and Johnny Depp. His next film,
Vanaprastham, The Last Dance, directed by Shaji Karun and starring Mohan Lal and Suhasini, was internationally acclaimed.
The music was composed by the talented Zakir Hussain and the images filmed by the great D.O.P.'s, Renato Berta and Santosh
Sivan. The film was presented in the Official Selection at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival as well as in more than 40 international
festivals. It was awarded "Best Film of the year 2000" at the National Indian Awards. In 2001, Euro American Films broke new
ground by producing Lulu by Jean-Henri Roger, the first art-house film in the world to be filmed in High Definition Digital.
Euro American Films SA is currently developing and preparing a number of films aimed at international audiences:
Based on the novel by Pierre Loti, Aziyadé is a film which uses orientalist aesthetic. It is a story of a secret love affair against
the backdrop of a 19th century historical epic. Big Brewer, a satirical comedy set in Great Britain; prey to the aggrandizement
of globalisation, the tenant family of a village pub stars in a Big Brother style web-site. Out of Maya, the story of the spiritual
homecoming of a famous Indian male model, adopted as a baby by a British family in Manchester.
Barefoot in Bollywood, a dreamlike musical by Kamal Musale in which an Indian filmmaker revolutionizes cinematography. The
Grameen Bank Project, to be directed by Shaji N. Karun, depicts the friendship between a peasant woman and an upper-class
woman, against the backdrop of Muhammad Yunus' Bank for the Poor, for a fairer world.
Sarah, a feature film about the life of Sarah Bernhardt, the great actress acknowledged as the first ever international star.
Sharing Destiny, a psychological drama about Paul, a young New York photographer and Nina, a reclusive, elderly Russian
immigrant, whose meeting throws Paul's life into chaos as he loses grip on his own reality and is swept up in the twists and
turns of an unforgettable and tragic love story that took place on Ellis Island 80 years before.
Pierre Assouline
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Sharing Destiny
Canadian Director
11,6 M€
> Sharing Destiny is a psychological drama about Paul, a young New York photographer and Nina, a reclusive, elderly Russian
immigrant, whose meeting throws Paul's life into chaos as he loses grip on his own reality and is swept up in the twists and
turns of an unforgettable and tragic love story that took place on Ellis Island 80 years before.
7,5 M€
> A feature film about the life of Sarah Bernhardt, the great actress acknowledged as the first ever international star.
6,5 M€
> Based on the novel by Pierre Loti, Aziyadé is a film which uses orientalist aesthetic. It is a story of a secret love affair against
the backdrop of the 19th century historical epic.
Big Brewer
Kamal Musale
3,35 M€
> A satirical comedy set in Great Britain; prey to the aggrandisement of globalization, the tenant family of a village pub stars
in a Big Brother style web-site.
Out Of Maya
Pierre Assouline
1,6 M€
> The story of the spiritual homecoming of a famous Indian male model, adopted as a baby by a British family in Manchester.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Emmanuel Laurent produces and directs since 1985 in Les Films Du Bouc and Films à Trois. The productions ranging from art to science, from politics to society, in both, fiction and documentary - reflect personal points of view.
Emmanuel Laurent is president of Association Science et Télévision and co-chairman of the World Congress of
Science Producers (WCSP). He has also written a novel "Mademoiselle V." to be published in January 2003 and to be
adapted for the screen in 2004.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
To promote a French-Canadian project currently in development, Six Figures, directed and co-produced by
David Christensen (Agitprop), starring Marianne Denicourt.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
We have been developing several feature films in the last 3 years and at least for 5 of them (which are made for
international audience) we are now at the financing stage : Sharing Destiny, Sarah, Aziyadé, Big Brewer, Out of Maya.
Therefore our objectives in attending Immersion 2002 is mainly to be able to find Canadian co-producers.
Among our projects the most important is Sharing Destiny :
We have been developing the feature film Sharing Destiny for more than two and a half years. We are convinced of its
international potential and the quality of the current screenplay is evidence of our know how in development.
We presented this screenplay to the prestigious screenwriters' workshop, "Equinoxe". Sharing Destiny was selected, out of
600 other screenplays.
The film takes place in New York at 2 different times and an important par will be shoot in studio. That is one of the reason why
we will be interested in a Canadian co-production.
Euro American Films
34, rue de Penthièvre
75008 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 56 43 38 80
F: + 33 1 56 43 38 81
I Love L.A.
Mika Kaurismäki
Shaji N. Karun
Jean-Henri Roger
7,5 M€
2 M€
1,3 M€
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Six Figures
Feature film
David Christensen
1,6 M€
> Six Figures is a deft portrait of contemporary society and the frustrations of those who aren't quite 'making it'. An engrossing
portrait of a husband and wife left in the wake of a booming economy and an examination of what each is willing to believe
about the other in order to stay together.
Stalin's Gift/ Le Cadeau de Staline
Emmanuel Laurent
40 000 €
> In the former Soviet city of Tbilisi, lies a glass vial. Insite it is an amber liquid holding one of the most remarkable discoveries
of modern medicine, a potential lifesaver of immense importance: the bacteriophages. Paradoxically, the discovery made in
the Pasteur Institute of Paris, was continued in the USSR under the darkest period of Stalin's regime. Now with the growing
resistance to antibiotics, we need it back.
Feature Film
Emmanuel Laurent
3,4 M€
> Else, an 'haughty' beauty of 19 years of age, tries to escape an awful blackmail her parents use in Vienne society in the early
XX century.
Emmanuel Laurent
Films à Trois
58, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 48 24 12 17
F: + 33 1 48 24 12 73
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films in production / Productions en cours
A Sex Affair
Sailer's Yarn
Short film - fiction
Sébastien Burnet
Bettina Clasen
27 000 €
155 000 €
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Man From Kennewick
Emmanuel Laurent
Death By Design &
Science documentary
Peter Friedman,
The Life and Times of Life & Times
Jean-François Burnet
The Phantom Virus
Science documentary
Anne Georget
310 000 €
1,2 M€
300 000 €
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Page 64
Harpo Films
Les Films de la croisade
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Harpo Films est la filiale long métrage du Groupe Antefilms, un des premiers producteurs français d'animation.
Antefims a déjà tissé de nombreux liens avec des producteurs canadiens comme Cinar ou Nelvana pour la
coproduction de séries d'animation. Ces contacts soutenus et fréquents ont été très fructueux pour permettre le
développement, la production et le financement de nouveaux programmes qui sans cette collaboration n'auraient pas
vu le jour. Lors de l'édition 2001 de Immersion, j'avais été convié par l'intermédiaire de ACE à un cocktail de rencontres
entre producteurs français et canadiens. J'ai ainsi pu me rendre compte de l'opportunité ainsi créée d'initier de
nouveaux contacts avec des producteurs et distributeurs canadiens. En septembre 2001 je me suis également rendu
au Festival de Toronto pour tisser de nouveaux liens avec des producteurs canadiens. Ce travail de prospection à long
terme se double de la recherche pour nos prochaines productions de partenariats avec des producteurs canadiens
en particulier pour notre prochain film qui sera le quatrième produit par les producteurs de Harpo Films après la Finale
de Patricia Mazuy, Jojo la Frite (Accidental Saint) de Nicolas Cuche et Quand tu descendras du ciel de Eric Guirado
(César du court métrage 2001 pour son film Un petit air de fête).
Victorien Vaney
Harpo Films
103, rue de Miromesnil
75008 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 53 53 06 30
F: + 33 1 53 53 06 29
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Français, anglais
Membre ACE Member
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Aujourd'hui, nous avons un film en financement dont le sujet de société, l'ambition du casting pourrait faire
l'objet d'une coproduction internationale entre la France, le Canada et la Belgique. Ce film est une comédie qui
s'intitule l'Enfant. Le casting prévisionnel (négociations en cours mais accord de principe des comédiens) inclut
notamment Catherine Frot (Chaos, Dîner de cons, la Dilettante, …) et François Cluzet.
Très tournés vers l'international, les producteurs de Harpo Films ont notamment suivi les ateliers EAVE et ACE du plan
MEDIA. L'inscription à Immersion s'inscrit donc dans cette démarche volontariste à long terme.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Les Films de la Croisade est un société de production de films de long métrage. Fondée en 1995 par Emmanuel
Giraud, elle a produit des films d'auteur sortis en salles et diffusés sur les chaînes nationales et étrangères.
Nous sommes orientés vers les coproductions avec les pays étrangers pour renforcer les structures financières mais
aussi pour assurer une plus large distribution de nos films et proposer en retour une fenêtre française à des projets
initiés à l'étranger.
Dans ce sens nous développons et produisons actuellement plusieurs films avec la Belgique, le Canada, l'Allemagne,
l'Espagne et l'Angleterre.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Emmanuel Giraud a suivi le programme ACE en 2000, participant ainsi aux manifestations organisées
conjointement avec la représentation de Telefilm Canada à Paris (dont Immersion 2001). C'est ainsi que nous avons eu
l'opportunité de rencontrer Chris Zimmer de la société ImX Communication (Halifax) avec qui nous coproduisons Folle
embellie le cinquième long-métrage de Dominique Cabrera.
Cette heureuse expérience, nous incite à nous ouvrir d'avantage aux coproductions avec le Canada. Nous
développons actuellement un projet avec Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem (A private View, Belgique) pour lequel il nous
serait précieux de rencontrer des partenaires Canadiens potentiels (distributeur, vendeur etc..).
Et pourquoi ne pas imaginer d'accueillir des projets initiés par nos homologues Canadiens ?
Immersion 2002 se présente comme la manifestation idéale pour concrétiser tous ces désirs !
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Life Is Too Short DramaSophie Laloy
> Marie and Emma have known each other since they were kids without their being close friends. Aged 20, they now study
and share a flat in Lyon. Their life together rapidly turns into a nightmare when Emma becomes obsessed with Marie to a no
return point.
A Family Affair Comedy
> A Family Affair is a contemporary Romeo and Juliet set in Paris: two families, the Safras and Fratuccis, fight for the
supremacy of the cannabis illegal market whilst our young hero Cy falls in love with beautiful Samantha.
Mondo Vino
L'Ami Hollandais
Pieter Jan Smit
Films in production / Productions en cours
Trois Petit Tours
Anne Faisandier
L'Enfant / Two Women And A Child
Comedy Irene Sohm, Jean-François Gallotte
Thirty-something Marie and Clara love each other and want a baby. Clara's best friend Pierre offers them to be the genetic
father but he has no idea of the consequences this decision will have on his life.
Maison de famille
Laurent Roth
Films completed / Crédits de production
Folle Embellie
Mon Voyage d'Hiver
Quand tu Descendras du ciel / From Heaven Drama
Jojo la Frite / Accidental Saint
Eric Guirado
Nicolas Cuche
La Finale / The Final
Un Petit Air de fête / A Touch of Party
Patricia Mazuy
Eric Guirado
Long-métrage documentaire Jonathan Nossiter
Les Sentiments sont toujours Réciproques Comédie sentimentale Pascal Kané
Catherine Hannoun
Emmanuel Giraud
Thomas Bidegain
Deux Filles…
Judith Cahen
Bride of a Thousand Weeks
Yilmaz Arslan
Les Films de la croisade
6, Boulevard de Strasbourg
75008 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 53 53 06 30
F: + 33 1 53 53 06 29
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Français, anglais, portugais
Films in production / Productions en cours
Dominique Cabrera
Vincent Dieutre
Membre ACE Member
Films completed / Crédits de production
Leçons de Ténèbres
The Girl
Le Sud d'une Passion / El Sur de una Passion
La Révolution Sexuelle n'a pas eu Lieu
La Croisade D'Anne Buridan
Vincent Dieutre
Sande Zeig
Cristina Fasulino
Judith Cahen
Judith Cahen,
31/10/02 16:52
Page 66
Les Films d’Ici
Les Productions Bagheera
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Les Films d'Ici, created in 1984, is one of France's largest documentary film production companies and like to
produce the feature films of the directors they use to work with. All together the three associates Richard Copans,
Frederic Chéret and Serge Lalou, have produced over 400 hundred films directed by filmmakers such as Robert Kramer,
Nicolas Philibert, Luc Moullet, Denis Gheerbrandt, Mark Kidel, Richard Dindo, Laurent Chevallier, Stan Neumann, Alain
Fleischer, Claire Simon, Marc Huraux, Eliane de Latour, Edgardo Cozarinsky...
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Après avoir produit plus de 35 courts métrages et 7 documentaires, les Productions Bagheera sont passées au
long métrage en 1998 avec le premier film d'Erick Zonca : La Vie Rêvée des anges suivi d'autres productions et
coproductions françaises et internationales.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Mise en place de liens dans le cadre de futurs partenariats sur les projets en cours.
Virginie Vallat
Serge Lalou
Les Films d’ici
12, rue Clavel
75019 Paris, France
T: + +33 1 44 52 23 23
F: +33 1 44 52 23 24
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Anglais, Italien, Allemand
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Les Invisibles
Fiction Cinéma - Comédie dramatiqueThierry Jousse
En cours d'évaluation
> Bruno, musicien, est attiré par la voix de Lisa sur un réseau de rencontres téléphoniques. Ils s'engagent à se rencontrer
une seule fois dans l'obscurité d'une chambre d'hôtel. Commence alors une étrange liaison. Mais un jour Lisa disparaît . Bruno
se lance alors dans une recherche obsessionnelle de cette femme dont il ne sait rien…
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Les Oiseaux du Ciel
Comédie dramatique
Eliane de la Tour
3,8 M€
> Shad et Otho, deux amis ivoiriens s'embarquent pour la grande aventure en Europe. A la poursuite de leur rêve de combler
les désirs de leurs proches et de revenir en héros, l'un va échouer et l'autre réussir…
Si Lente
Terreur psychologique Danielle Shirman
1 525 000 €
> Une adolescente s'installe seule, pour l'été, dans la maison de famille abandonnée au bord de la mer du Nord. Elle passe
son temps à naturaliser des animaux. Elle est l'objet d'une attention trouble de la part du garde-chasse qui la relie au monde
en la ravitaillant mais à qui elle oppose un mutisme absolu…
La Communiste et le Hippie
Comédie documentaire Claudine Bories,
915 000 €
Patrice Chagnard
> A 20 ans ils n'avaient rien pour se plaire. Elle était communiste, il était hippie. Aujourd'hui ils se rencontrent et ils s'aiment.
Un film en forme de récit croisé à deux voix sur les traces en Inde et en Russie de leurs idéaux passés. Car le monde a changé
et ils ne sont plus les mêmes…
Drame historique
Djamila Sahraoui
46 000 €
> Accompagnée par une ancienne maquisarde, une jeune femme médecin cherche son mari disparu pendant la deuxième
guerre d'Algérie.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Dans le Rouge du Couchant
Edgardo Cozarinsky
1 525 000 €
Films completed / Crédits de production
Hors Saison
Comédie dramatique Bernard Queysanne
En cours d 'évaluation
> Elle a 30 ans. D'un milieu modeste, elle a du mal à vivre, à comprendre le monde. Elle n'a qu'un seul repère : l'amour quelle
porte à ses deux petits, Stan et Kevin, qu'elle élève seule. En dehors de ce trio, elle est perdue. Elle n'est pas ce qu'on appelle
une mère modèle, elle fait ce qu'elle peut avec tout cet amour. Elle a 30 ans ; et elle raconte . elle a décidé que ce soir ils vont
quitter la cité pour la première fois. Même si c'est l'hiver. Même s'il y école. L'Hôtel est réservé, l'argent pour " la fête " a été
soigneusement mis de côté… Ensemble ils vont prendre le car. En pleine nuit, sous la pluie, faire le voyage… Les enfants sont
inquiets : partir en pleine période scolaire …Et se taire, Surtout ne pas pleurer, emporter toutes leurs affaires pour se rassurer,
pour ne plus avoir peur de la nuit. Car demain, tout ira bien, demain ils seront heureux. Ils iront voir la mer…
Adorables Créatures
Comédie dramatique Maria Dolorès Payas
5,3 M€
> A la fin du 19ème siècle, dans le sud de la France, l'irruption d'une nourrice traitée comme un animal et crainte comme une
sorcière disloque l'ordre d'une riche famille bourgeoise et la fait sombrer dans la tragédie. A travers le destin de quatre
femmes s'écrit la fin de l'ancien ordre social et l'avènement du féminisme.
Les Saignantes
Comédie dramatique Jean Pierre Bekolo
2,3 M€
> Majolie, une " saignante " d'une vingtaine d'années, couche avec un haut fonctionnaire pour obtenir un contrat. Mais
l'homme meurt sur elle. Dégoûtée et énervée par le manque de rentabilité de son acte, Majolie aidée d'une autre " saignante
" Chouchou, décide de découper le corps. Funeste idée. Comment faire croire à un accident si il n'y a plus de corps? Avec la
complicité d'un " morguier ", du culot , des pots de vin et beaucoup de cynisme, les deux filles nageant comme des poissons
dans l'univers corrompu qui les entoure, s'en sortent avec en prime un gros chèque. C'est en voulant le partager avec les
pauvres qu 'elles commettent leur seule erreur. Une erreur que le pouvoir ne pourra supporter…
Les Ames émigrent aussi
Comédie dramatique
Karim Boulila
En cours d 'évaluation
> Jalil, un jeune homme de 25 ans, revient précipitamment à Lyon à l'occasion du coma de son père, d'origine algérienne. Il
n'est pas revenu dans cet ville depuis l'enterrement de sa mère, lyonnaise. Se pose pour lui comme pour son frère et ses deux
sœurs la question du rite musulman qu'ils ne connaissent pas. Révolté et démuni, pris par le temps dans une situation sans
issue, Jalil va choisir une voie personnelle pour approcher son père, et lui même.
Fin de partie
Fiction - comédie dramatique Christian Dor
En cours d 'évaluation
> Une histoire de passion destructrice, racontée comme un thriller selon trois points de vue. Trois versions qui se superposent,
s'emboîtent à la façon d'un puzzle et modifient à chaque instant la perception du spectateur. 1ère partie : Martin bouleverse
sa vie pour une relation passionnée avec Clara, mais la jeune femme lui échappe sans cesse et il devient vite fou de jalousie.
2ème partie : Le détective engagé par Martin découvre en Clara un personnage mystérieux, il devient son amant et continue
l'enquête pour son propre compte. 3ème partie Clara rencontre martin avec de très bonnes raisons de le détruire.
Bronx Barbès
Comédie dramatique
Eliane de Latour
2 744 000 €
Avec Tout mon Amour
Comédie dramatique
Amalia Escriva
2 744 000 €
La Parole de mon père
Francesca Comencini
2 287 000 €
(Entre Nous)
Serge Lalou
1 220 000 €
Films in production / Productions en cours
Richard Copans
915 000 €
Le Cinéma selon Sautet
Le Bruit, l'Odeur et quelques étoiles
Etre et Avoir
Eric Pittard
Nicolas Philibert
915 000 €
1 067 000 €
Films completed / Crédits de production
La Vie rêvée des anges
Le Secret
La Folie des hommes
Le Ventre de Juliette
Documentaire cinéma
N.T Binh
Fiction cinéma- comédie dramatiqueErick Zonca
Fiction cinéma - comédie dramatiqueVirginie Wagon
Fiction cinéma - comédie dramatiqueRenzo Martinelli
Fiction cinéma - comédie dramatiqueMartin Provost
Nous n'avons encore jamais coproduit de long-métrages fiction avec le Canada et développons cette production.
Nous souhaitons donc :
Elargir les rencontres avec des producteurs européens et canadiens afin de trouver les bons partenaires pour
les projets nécessitant un financement international.
Comprendre les attentes et les envies des producteurs canadiens.
Richard Malbequi
Les Productions Bagheera
90, rue d'Amsterdam
75009 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 48 74 41 41
F: + 33 1 48 74 44 11
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
732 123 €
1 662 521 €
2 175 433 €
9 146 941 €
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Page 68
LGM Cinéma
Nord-Ouest Production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Créée en 1994, LGM a développé une activité de production cinématographique et de fiction télévisuelle.
Co-fondateur et gestionnaire avec la SGAM de la Sofica Sogécinéma (collecte de 5 M≠), qui est opérationnelle depuis
janvier 2002.
Parallèlement, LGM est aujourd'hui leader de la captation de spectacles vivants (opéras, ballets, concerts, théâtres)
avec plus de soixante heures produites depuis 1998 et diffusées à travers le monde entier soit à la télévision soit sous
forme de DVD.
Jean-Baptiste Dupont,
Cyril Colbeau-Justin
LGM Cinéma
53, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75009 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 53 34 99 34
F: + 33 1 53 34 99 35
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
L'objectif principal que nous souhaiterons poursuivre lors d'Immersion 2002: Europe sera de rencontrer les
principaux acteurs et producteurs canadiens et européens en vue de coproductions de longs métrages d'envergures
Mais également d'être soutenus avec les décideurs canadiens et européens (financiers, distributeurs…) que nous
rencontrerons pour des projets à venir.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Nord-Ouest acquired a real expertise in the financing of French projects. On the other hand, we do not have a
knowledge about what exists in other countries (in terms of fabrication : studios, technical industries, etc. as well as
financing : co-production company, investment fund, tax shelters, etc). However our line-up shows clearly in evidence
that we need to develop in this subject (see among others further Joyeux Noël, Night Dogs and Mathieu Kassovitz
So, we are persuaded that Immersion could permit us to :
understand what's happening in other countries (and especially in Canada) to optimize sources of financing and
developed partnership (from shooting to exploitation) from which pictures will benefit.
To begin to create constructive contacts in that way.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
> Alive
Comédie musicale
7 622 000 €
Comédie musicale dont la bande originale est composée par Maxime Nucci (compositeur des musiques du programme TV
Popstars diffusé sur M6) en partenariat avec Universal. Projet pour lequel nous sommes à la recherche d'un coproducteur
canadien pour s'associer à Gaumont et notre société.
La Clinique de l'Amour
Artus de Penguern
7 622 000 €
> Comédie burlesque sur fond de soap opera dans le milieu hospitalier. Projet pour lequel nous sommes à la recherche d'un
coproducteur canadien pour s'associer à Gaumont et notre société, en vue d'un tournage au Canada.
Olivier Marchal
7,62 M€
M. Jean
Comédie sociale
Alain Berbérian
6,1 M€
Pars Vite et Reviens Tard
10,5 M€
Conduite Accompagnée
Comédie d'aventure
15 M €
Madame Edouard
Polar décalé
Nadine Monfils
4 573 500 €
> Une enquête policière sur une série de meurtres, lors de laquelle des personnages drôles et humains évoluent dans un
univers baroque et déjanté, teinté d'humour noir.
90 minutes)
scénario de Laurent Roggero. Signature d’une convention d’écriture et de développement avec M6.
Le Secret de Thomas
(90 minutes)
scénario de Marie-Christine Charmier, adaptation d’Ivan Calbérac. Signature d’une convention d’écriture et de
développement avec M6.
(4 x 52 minutes
scénario de Simon Jablonka, Robin Barataud et Jean Reynard.
Joyeux Noël
Fait historique
Christian Carion
7, 5 M €
> Ce film se déroule sur le front Franco-Allemand pendant noël 1914. La magie de noël va réunir les soldats des deux fronts
pour faire une trêve, le temps d'un soir…
Night Dogs
Film noir
Tran Anh Hung
8,5 M €
> Hanson, vétéran des forces spéciales au Vietnam est affecté comme simple flic de patrouille dans les rue macabres et
délabrées de Portland Oregon. Le film raconte la descente aux enfers de ce flic poursuivi par son passé au Vietnam.
Film d'anticipation
30 M €
> Dans un futur proche, l'homme a régulé le climat pour améliorer l'équilibre économique international. Un dérèglement de la
technologie mise en place plonge l'Europe dans une ère glacière. Les Etats situés hors de l'Europe condamne ce continent à
l'isolement, aux maladies et sa déliquescence en installant un bouclier électromagnétique autour de l'Europe que nul ne peut
traverser. Une brèche peut cependant être créée, il faut pour cela réunir plusieurs clefs réparties dans différents pays
d'Europe. Le sujet du Film décrit la quête de ces clefs.
Génération Perdue
Comédie dramatique
Michel Spinoza
> La vie de Scott Fitzgerald lors de ces 30 ans dans le sud de la France : Amour, création et alcool.
Film d'anticipation
C. Prédignac
5 000 €
> Dans un futur proche, un jeux de real TV sur Internet : un parcours dans les Catacombes où se trouvent de multiples pièges.
Confidentiel : Mathieu Kassovitz, 35-40 M≠. Tournage en Europe de l'Est et Canada
Films in production / Productions en cours
Bullit et Riper 2
Eric Lartigau
4,27 M€
Grégoire Moulin contre l'humanité
Artus de Penguern
Olivier Marchal
3 401 250 €
4 268 600 €
Philip Boeffard
Nord-Ouest Production
41, rue de la Tour d'Auvergne
75009 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 53 20 47 20
F: + 33 1 53 20 47 21
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films in production / Productions en cours
Jeux d'enfants
Comédie dramatique
Comédie sentimentale
Thriller psychologique
Olias Barco
Yann Samuell
Gilles Bourdos
5 350 000 €
5 835 000 €
5,2 M €
Tran Anh Hung
Christian Carion
Gaspard Noé
4,3 M €
3,8 M €
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Nord-Ouest; Nord-Ouest Production (whose main shareholders are Christophe Rossignon, Benoît Jaubert and
Philip Boëffard) and MNP Entreprise (Mathieu Kassovitz is the main shareholder) compose the Nord-Ouest group.
- Nord-Ouest is an holding company which main activity is to carry the shares of Nord-Ouest Production and MNP
Enterprise as well as to assure these two companies management.
- Nord-Ouest Production is a movie production company in which Christophe Rossignon, Benoît Jaubert (both in
charge of the artistic department) and Philip Boëffard (mainly in charge of finance) dedicated to any kind of movie
except the ones directed by Mathieu Kassovitz.
- Christophe Rossignon exclusively co-produces the latest with MNP Entreprise Kassovitz also develops projects in
Christophe Rossignon has been producer and partner for ten years in Lazennec's group. He's partially responsible for
this company's fame by producing pictures like La Haine ("Best Director" award at Cannes Film Festival), L'Odeur de la
Papaye Verte and Cyclo (Gold Lion at Venise).
A la Verticale de l'été
Une Hirondelle a fait le printemps
Comédie dramatique
Comédie rurale
Comédie dramatique
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Page 70
Rezo Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Playtime, société de production indépendante, membre de ACE, existe depuis 1996 et a produit huit films à ce
jour. Notre société a pour politique la fidélisation des auteurs/réalisateurs (Laurent Bouhnik, Nabil Ayouch), et
développe parallèlement des projets de films à vocation plus commerciale.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Notre objectif est de confronter aux réalités d'une éventuelle coproduction Canadienne, le projet de film
Thorgal, adaptation live de la bande dessinée de Van Hamme et Rosinsky, dont le tournage est prévu pour 2003-2004.
Ce serait une coproduction France / Canada / Allemagne, avec un budget de 25 M≠.
Etienne Comar
94 rue Saint-Denis
75001 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 40 26 74 00
F: + 33 1 40 26 74 01
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Membre ACE Member
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Rezo Productions a été créée en 1998 et Rezo Films existe depuis 10 ans.
Rezo Films et Rezo Productions sont deux sociétés sœurs dont les actionnaires sont les mêmes ainsi que le gérant.
Rezo Productions constitue notre structure de production et Rezo Films notre structure de distribution salles France.
Jusqu'en 1998, Rezo Films était également notre société de production.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Nous développons actuellement deux projets de grande envergure : l'un (film romantique) se déroule au 18ème
siècle sous Louis XV ; l'autre (film d'aventure et d'émotion) se passe au 19ème siècle dans les montagnes de l'Atlas
au Maroc.
Arrivés au stade de financement, nous envisageons de nous associer à des co-productions étrangères. Immersion
2002 est, pour nous, l'occasion de rencontrer des partenaires canadiens et de connaître leurs stratégies de
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Comédie romantique historique Francis Girod
7 M€
Paris, 1762. Louis XV, en colère, veut faire taire les écrivains qui s'attaquent à sa monarchie. Joncourt, un des écrivains de
l'Encyclopédie trouve refuge dans la demeure d 'une ancienne maîtresse qui le fait passer pour le précepteur de sa fille, âgée
de vingt ans à peine… Enjeux et jeux de la séduction, éloge du discours amoureux sont les instruments, la partition et la
musique de ce film.
Bourlem Guerjou
6 M€
Maroc, 19ème siècle. Zaïna, 13 ans, retrouve son père inconnu. Poursuivis par un douloureux passé, ils partent pour un
périple à cheval, aux accents de western, dans les montagnes de l'Atlas. Forte de ses origines et grandie par ce voyage,
Zaïna poursuivra la tradition équestre que son père lui a transmise. De l'indifférence à l'amour, c'est d'abord l'histoire d'une
initiation et d'une filiation…
Jaco Van Dormael (TBC)
25 M€
Films in production / Productions en cours
Thriller psychologique
René Manzor
4 M€
Laurent Bouhnik
11 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
24 Heures de la Vie d'une Femme
Films in production / Productions en cours
Petites Coupures
Comédie dramatique
Pascal Bonitzer
6,2 M€
Jean-Paul Andrieu
Claire Denis
Claude Mouriéras
Pascal Bonitzer
Albert Dupontel
610 000 €
5,3 M€
3,7 M€
3,5 M€
5 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
Etats de Service
Trouble Every Day
Tout va bien, on s'en va
Rien sur Robert
Le Créateur
Comédie dramatique
Comédie noire
Philippe Liégeois
Rezo Productions
29, rue du Fbrg Poissonnière
75009 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 42 46 46 30
F: + 33 1 42 46 40 82
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Membre ACE Member
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Page 72
Sépia Production
3B Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Sépia production a été crée il y a 10 ans par Philippe Jacquier, rejoint aujourd'hui par Béatrice Mauduit. Nous
produisons principalement pour le cinéma (longs-métrages et courts-métrages).
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Nous connaissons parfaitement le marché français et désirons maintenant co-produire avec des partenaires
étrangers. Nous avons déjà eu une collaboration avec un partenaire canadien il y a quelques années pour un film qui
n'a malheureusement pas pu aboutir.
Parmi, les projets que nous avons à ce jour en développement, deux d'entre eux se prêtent parfaitement à une
coproduction avec le Canada.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Philippe Jacquier
& Béatrice Mauduit
Sépia Production
5 Passage Piver
75011 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 48 07 29 15
F: + 33 1 48 07 29 82
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Membre ACE Member
Bruits blancs
Mathieu Gérault
2 M€
> Des truands et un policier véreux sont à la recherche d'un butin de bijoux volés. Celui qui l'a caché est mort. Son fils,
Armand, connaît le secret et à son tour se lancera dans cette quête sans savoir qu'elle conduira sur les traces de son propre
Zoé Galeron
2 M€
> Mathilde est enceinte mais n'est pas sûre d'assumer sa prochaine maternité. Elle affirme progressivement sa volonté d'être
mère contre sa propre famille et en précipitant le destin de ceux qui l'entourent.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Nous sommes actuellement en phase de transition. Après avoir produit majoritairement des films à petits
budgets (entre 1,5 M≠ et 2,5 M≠) nous souhaitons avec les réalisateurs qui nous accompagnent évoluer vers des
projets plus ambitieux nécessitant plus de moyens. Les auteurs attachés à notre société souhaitent maintenant
développer des scénarii se tournant résolument vers un public plus large et nous nous devons de les accompagner
dans cette voie. Cependant nous souhaitons rester fidèles à notre ligne de conduite initiale : nous recherchons avant
tout un fond social et politique pour les sujets que nous décidons de développer.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Find co-producers for our movies, specially with Canada. Meeting new people.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Man in the Middle
Thriller Politique
Ziad Doueiri
12 M€
> Henry Harper has two weeks to make Shamir and Arafat recognize each other (based on a true story 1992)
Sabine El Gemayel
1,2 M€
> Nasrin will be married with an old man as soon as she gets her period. Born in a small Lebanese village she will try to escape
her destiny
Bruno Dumont
2,5 M€
> Three boys from a small town in Flandre have to fight in a modern war somewhere in the east of Europe. They will be
changed forever.
Les Filles ne savent pas nager
Dix sept fois Cécile Cassard
Femmes en miroir
Long métrage
Long métrage
Long Métrage
Long Métrage
29 Palms
Anne Fontaine
Anne-Sophie Birot
Christophe Honoré
Kiju Yoshida
1,5 M€
2,5 M€
3 M€
Bruno Dumont
1,5 M€
Ziad Doueiri
Bourlem Guerdjou
Bruno Dumont
Anne Villacèque
Rachid Bouchareb
François Armanet
1,4 M€
2 M€
2 M€
1,5 M€
2,5 M€
2,5 M€
Muriel Merlin
3B Productions
83A, rue Bobillot
75013 Paris, France
T: + 33 1 43 13 10 60
F: + 33 1 43 13 10 66
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
French, English
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
West Beirut
Vivre au Paradis
Petite Chérie
Little Sénégal
La Bande du Drugstore
Comédie dramatique
Comédie dramatique
Comédie dramatique
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Page 74
TS Productions
Miléna Poylo,
Gilles Sacuto
TS Productions
73, rue Notre-dame-des-Champs
75006 Paris,France
T: + 33 1 53 10 24 00
F: + 33 1 43 26 92 23
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Français, Anglais, Espagnol
Membre ACE Member
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Miléna Poylo et Gilles Sacuto travaillent dans l'industrie cinématographique depuis 1986.
En tant que directeurs de production ou producteurs exécutifs, ils ont travaillé avec de nombreuses sociétés de
productions et de réalisateurs (Claire Denis, Jim Jarmush, Aki Kaurismaki, Elaine Proctor, Paolo Barzman, Christian
Vincent, Jean-Paul Salomé, Bernard Stora, Mathieu Kassovitz).
Depuis 1995 Miléna Poylo et Gilles Sacuto ont produit une vingtaine de courts-métrages (parmi lequels Solène change
de tête et Roule ma poule de Caroline Vignal, Le Premier Pas de Florence Vignon, Le Livre de Minuit de Thierry Binisti,
Ayrton la Bête de Remy Burkel et Le Tailleur Autrichien de Pablo Lopez-Paredes), six longs-métrages et six
documentaires. Depuis 1999, une productrice est venue les rejoindre : Valérianne Boué en charge des documentaires.
Je prépare actuellement la production de trois films de long métrage dont le développement est achevé ou en
voie de l'être. Je suis exclusivement centré sur la production de films de long métrage de fiction, et plus
particulièrement sur des projets internationaux
Je suis producteur depuis 1983 et j'ai produit une cinquantaine de courts métrages et 4 longs métrages (dont
L'annonce faite à Marie, une coproduction franco-canadienne où Téléfilm Canada a participé en 1990-1991). Depuis
quatre ans, mon objectif a été de réunir des fonds de développement (700 000 ≠ réunis) et de prendre le temps
nécessaire de développer des projets avec des réalisateurs très différents.
ACE producer depuis 2001.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Nous souhaitons, par l'intermédiaire d'Immersion 2002, rencontrer les producteurs canadiens en vue d'elaborer
des projets communs.
Un projet potentiel : Je prépare la production pour fin 2003 d'un western dont l'action se passe en Argentine à
la fin du 19è siècle. Le projet a été sélectionné au Marché de la coproduction IFP-NO Borders à NYC fin septembre. Il
me paraît tout à fait possible d'envisager une coproduction avec le Canada pour ce film.
Du networking : d'autre part, si je commence à connaître assez bien le milieu de la production indépendante
européenne, je ne connais pas suffisamment celle du Canada pour travailler rapidement avec. Immersion 2002 est le
moyen d' y remédier.
Un partenaire français : Je serais heureux de participer à une coproduction avec le Canada en tant que coproducteur
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé
Caroline Vignal
> Si Adèle rompt subitement avec Sébastien, son compagnon depuis 10 ans, est-ce en écho à la tentative de suicide de sa
mère, ou bien parce qu'elle vient de croiser Paul, récemment séparé de sa femme ou plus simplement que l'amour pour
l'homme qui partage sa vie et qui lui réclame un enfant, s'est usé ? Ou tout simplement veut-elle se lancer à la poursuite de
ses rêves de conquêtes, d'aventures, de passions…
La théorie des dominos
Stéphane Brizé
> Jean-Claude Delsart, 55 ans, huissier de justice, souffre d'une incapacité chronique au bonheur. Verrouillé
émotionnellement, il traîne sa mélancolie au quotidien, fruit de tous les ratages affectifs qu'il a collectionné au cours de sa vie.
Et puis un jour, Jean-Claude pousse la porte d'un cours de tango. Là, il rencontre Françoise, 36 ans, qui, pour d'autres raisons,
souffre également à peu près des mêmes maux. À moins qu'ils prennent conscience que le train ne repassera pas deux fois,
le plus simple et le plus logique pour eux serait de se rater…
Comme un Nuage
Drame comique
Mikhaïl Kobakhidzé
2 M€
> Un film sans dialogue et en noir et blanc. Tournage en France et en Allemagne en mars 2002. Sélectionné à Emergence 2002.
Lauréat de la Fondation Gan (avril 2002).
L'Homme Cheval
Fernando Spiner
5- 8 M€
Une Etrangère au Paradis
Comédie dramatique
Christian Greiner
> Le film sera tourné en France (nous l'espérons en 2003). Lauréat de la Fondation Beaumarchais. Un film sur la condition de
Films in production / Productions en cours
Jean-Marc Moutout
2 387 000 €
Films completed / Crédits de production
Un Oso Rojo
Israel Adrian Caetano
L'attente des pères
Daniel Cling
René Vautier, cinéaste franc-tireur
DocumentaireSabrina Malek et Arnaud Soulier
Je ne suis pas un homme pressé
DocumentaireFrançoise Arnold et Daniel Cling
La Cienaga
Lucrecia Martel
Libre circulation
Téléfilm 90mn / Film For TVJean-Marc Moutout
Une autre route
DocumentaireSabrina Malek et Arnaud Soulier
Les autres filles
Caroline Vignal
Avant de partir
Marie de Laubier
Dernier navire
Jean-Marc Moutout
Le Bleu des villes
Stéphane Brizé
Invierno, mala vida
Grégorio Cramer
93 566 €
122 739 €
103 311 €
1 145 000 €
103 100 €
2 210 510 €
90 027 €
166 150 €
2 150 000 €
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Hughes Desmichelle
52 rue Galande
75005 Paris, France
T: + 33 6 80 630 700
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Membre ACE Member
Annette Pisacane
Cameo Film Und
Luebecker Str. 6
50668 Koeln, Germany
T: + 49 221 9128120
F: + 49 221 9128133
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, Italian
Page 76
Cameo Film Und Fernsehproduktion
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
CAMEO was founded in 1991 to develop, research and do editorial work for TV entertainment formats. Since
1993 CAMEO also produces documentary and feature films for TV and cinema. CAMEO operates independently with a
small highly qualified staff within a broad network of professional contacts to guarantee a high level of flexibility and
creativity. CAMEO produces art-house films with young and new talents as well as commercial products like TVMovies.
In the near future CAMEO will be engaged more and more in international co-productions.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Berlin-based but international operating CINEMAKERS is one of the leading young producers in Germany.
Making up its reputation with high-quality and outstanding TV-Movies and German co-productions, CINEMAKERS is
now working worldwide to package, finance and produce English-speaking Feature Films and TV-Movies. Its
developed projects were nominated three times in a row for the "National German Script Award" (2000-2002).
CINEMAKERS is led by its founder and CEO Alexander Dannenberg (born 1967) and its line producer Ralph Brosche
(born 1962), who was running more than 30 national and international Feature Films and Movies (including the wellknown Run, Lola, Run). He is now also managing annual master-classes for the EUROPEAN FILM ACADEMY for
example with the directors Jan de Bont or Tsui Hark.
Firstly I would like to get in contact with Canadian producers to build up co-productions with my own projects.
Then I am very interested in projects which are presented by other international producers.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Feature film
Stephan Epmeier
Min. 1,5 M€
> A science fiction story about a young computer-hacker who is struggling against a big computer company and has to
discover at the end that the boss of this company is his father. First movie of a young talented director. Target group: young
computer-kids who like hiphop-music
Feature film
Thomas Freundner
1,5 M€
> A story about a 36 year old married man who meets his big love every five year at the same place where they first met when
they were 14 years old. This time everything will be different: there will arrive two other friends from the past . At the end of
the story in a showdown they all will know the truth what happened exactly in these holidays where they met for the first time.
Maya & Melian
Feature film
5 M€
> A fairy-tale-like story of a great love, the love between MAYA & MELIAN, who won't accept the end of their togetherness
dealt to them by a bitter twist of fate. Because at the end of every life there is a second chance. Except that Melian makes a
tragic wrong decision which puts Maya in danger. The danger of losing each other forever...
Quox Aquam
Feature film
12,5 M€
> Quox Aquam, the legendary mythical creature from the sea, has been discovered and is in great danger. The eight year-old
orphan boy Ronny helps the injured creature. In doing so he not only wins the love of Quox and a new home but also embarks
on the biggest adventure of his life.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Nomi Song
Skinhead Attitude
Love in Concrete
Gib mich die Kirsche !
Idoru Island
Feature film
Andrew Horn
Daniel Schweizer
Franco de Peña
Peter Hüls, Oliver Gieth
- Die 1. Deutsche Fußball-Rolle
Documentary Nina Fischer, Maroan El Sani
The Loving Heart
The Dark House
500 000 €
700 000 €
400 000 €
750 000 €
200 000 €
15 000 €
350 000 €
500 000 €
20 000 € each
250 000 €
25 000 €
1,2 M€
1,3 M€
250 000 €
750 000 €
85 000 €
Feature film
Michelle Yuni Cho
2002 - 2003
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Feature film
Periclés Hoursoglou
Susanne Ofteringer
Alles auf die Siebzehn
Feature film
Kai Christiansen
Musik hat ihn kaputt gemacht
Short film
Marija Erceg
Die Hässliche
Wenn eine Mutter ihr Leben verspielt
Das weisse Rauschen (The White Sound) Feature Film
Hans Weingartner
Feature film
Züli Aladag
Virtual Love
Shortfilm with virtual characterSelma Brenner
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Gomez - Head or Tail
Fatal Online Affair
Blue From Heaven
Access Denied
Seven Moves to Checkmate
Short film
Feature film
Bianca Jobs
Edward Berger
Michael Karen
Jörn Hintzer
Dirk van den Berg
Jörg Grünler
Thomas Roth
Alexander Dannenberg
Stresemannstr. 128
Potsdamer Platz
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 201655 33
F: + 49 30 201655 34
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Page 78
CMW Film Company
Egoli Tossell Film
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
CMW Film Company GmbH is the new Berlin based company of the producer Christoph Meyer-Wiel. Christoph
Meyer-Wiel produced in the past 10 years 18 international movies. His Cologne based company under that he has
produced until the end of 2001 is Schlemmer Film GmbH. Our future focus is on our own development to be able to
create more prime time product on one side but on the other side to follow our successful route of producing
exceptional independent movies with a strong presents on A-Festivals worldwide.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Being very active as Producer in Europe in the past 11. years I would like to expand my network and product
profile in the future as well towards the North American Market. The most interesting country for potential co
productions is Canada. Nearly all our films we are having in development are in English language which should give
us an interesting possibility to find new partners and/or to find new projects were we could co produce and participate.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Oliver Schmitz
> Adapted from the original play written by Williams Shakespeare
Pin money
Chang-Mu (Jamil) HANG-MU (JAMIL)
Sid Robertson
Mauro Borelli
The Demon
A Heart so white
Agnes Merlet
Edzard Onneken
Oliver Schmitz
Laila Pakalnina
Space Comedy
Soft Targets
The Minotaur
CMW Film Company
Oranienburger Strasse 15,
10178 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 28876460
F: + 49 30 28876470
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German and English
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Secrets of Siberia
Large Format Film 40'
Frank Müller
> The first IMAX film about Siberia and the world famous Trans-Siberian Railway, Secrets of Siberia takes the audience on the
most stunning railway ride in the world: 10.000 kilometres through fascinating landscapes of vast forests, lakes, ice and snow.
Beginning with Sir Peter Ustinov is carrineg the audience into the fantastic story of the railroad through Siberia to connect
Moscow with the Pacific, we experience an exciting, spectacular journey across the Taiga with huge steam engines, stopping
over at mysterious Lake Baikal and ending in the forbidden port of Vladivostok.
Pierced Hearts
Documentary Andrea Schuler, Oliver Ruts
> 81-year-old Herbert Hoffmann is Germany's oldest living tattoo artist. The legendary owner of the tattoo parlour on the
Hamburg Reeperbahn wants to fulfil his last wish: a journey to America. For Herbert, it's a journey towards the myth of tattoo
history as well as a journey back to his own past: Herbert, a vivid, larger-than-life character, covered in ink from head to toe, is
now travelling around Europe, visiting old friends and young colleagues. The film is a journey into the weird and wonderful world
of tattoos, both trendy and traditional. It deals with the fascination - even addiction - of tattooing and the desire to modify one's
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
Christoph Meyer-Wiel
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Our two innovative, young, independent production companies - Egoli Films and Tossell Pictures merged early
in 2001 to create a single, more active, more influential, more adventurous film enterprise - Egoli Tossell Film AG.
Now that the merger has been firmly implemented, we are building on our strong track record of producing engaging,
high profile, original films, as well as enlarging the family of filmmakers surrounding the company.
We are active in four distinct areas of production: International Feature Films, German and Debut Films, TV-Movies and
Non-Fiction, including many feature-length documentaries and our first IMAX-film. New films will be directed by wellknown filmmakers such as Oscar-nominee Nana Djordjadze, Agnieszka Holland and as well as promising newcomers
such as Achim von Borries and Maria von Heland.
Our outlook has always been international, with numerous co-productions across Europe, Russia, the USA and other
territories. With offices in Berlin, Munich and Leipzig, our own post-production facilities, and a permanent staff of
sixteen, we hope to continue making award-winning films that sell throughout the world.
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Jonathan English
5 M$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Semana Santa
Pepe Danquart
Hijack Stories
Oliver Schmitz
Just the beginning
Pierre Franckh
The Smile of the Clown
Eric Besnard
Love & Rage
Cathal Black
Francis (Rückreise)
Angelika Mönning
The Shoe
Laila Pakalnina
Ghosts of Tangier
Edgardo Cozarinsky
Agnès Merlet
"Golden Globe Award" 1998 Nominated for best foreign picture
"Cesar Award" 1998 Nominated for best camera and best costume
George Milton
The Harpist
Hansjörg Thurn
Hello Dachau!
Bernd Fischer
> A name (in) famous like few others. Yet this cosy little Bavarian town yearns to be just another place name on a map of
Germany. Alas - there is no magic solution for disconnecting Dachau from its troubled past. But this does not stop the good
citizens of Dachau from trying: They are fighting a strange and hopeless battle to keep the ghosts of the past at bay. This
film is a surprising, tragi-comic portrait of a unique place. Seen through a highly incongruous collage of townspeople:
former prisoners, right-wing politicians, the Don Quixote of Dachau, the son of a former concentration-camp guard and the
landlord of a strange pub... A bizarre, moving and often shockingly humorous journey into a place called Germany - forever
connected with its past, forever trying to escape it!
Beyond Belief
Roger Manley, Peter Friedman
> Beyond Belief - About the power and meaning of things. Belief is a mental process, so it's invisible. But it's manifestations
can be seen - and filmed. Belief is visible in the objects we endow with historical, religious, economic or artistic importance.
Juxtaposing radically diverse objects valued by different groups for very different reasons reveals belief as the fundamental
building block of culture and consciousness. An entertaining search for an answer to the question: What is belief? Beyond
Belief is the first in a series of four high quality documentaries on 24p HD CAM co-produced with KoppFilm.
Jens Meurer
Egoli Tossell Film
10178 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 246565 0
F: + 49 30 246565 24
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Membre ACE Member
Films completed / Crédits de production
Russian Ark
Big Girls Don't Cry
Queens of Dust
27 Missing Kisses
One-shot feature film Alexander Sokurov
Feature film
Maria von Heland
Debut feature film
Katalin Gödrös
Judith Keil, Antje Kruska
Martin Baer
Feature film
Nana Djordjadze
Debut feature film
Achim von Borries
Wolfgang Katzke
Sophie Bernier-Katzke
e-Motion Picture
Rotweg 7
76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
T: + 49 7221 9965 430
F: + 49 7221 9965 431
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English, French
Membre ACE Member
Page 80
e-Motion Picture
Flying Moon Filmproduktion
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
La société de production e-MOTION PICTURE est sise à Baden-Baden depuis sa fondation en 1997 (depuis 2001,
elle possède une filiale à Ludwigsbourg).
e-MOTION PICTURE peut se considérer comme étant polyvalente, ayant travaillé en tant que producteur de films
documentaires (surtout documentaires longs métrages) et producteur exécutif de longs métrages. Au fil des ans, eMP s'est constituée une solide réputation dans le milieu des producteurs indépendants du Baden-Württemberg, d'une
part à cause de sa longue collaboration avec la SWR (surtout comme producteur de plus de cent films documentaires
35 mm pour la série "Trésors du Monde" et comme coproducteur pour le long métrage "Ein Schiff wird kommen".
e-MP continue de se développer tant au niveau national (projets de documentaires avec WDR/MDR/ARTE et
ZDF/ARTE et de deux TV Movies avec SAT.1 en développement), ≠péen (expériences de coproductions avec la France
et membres de ACE) qu'au niveau international (deux projets de coproductions avec le Canada sont actuellement en
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Flying Moon was founded in 1999 and is involved in international co-productions with a focus on new talents.
We seek projects with an emphasis on artistic value, which are nevertheless viable for their particular market.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
We are constantly looking for new partners and projects. We stringly believe in the idea of networking and hope
to widen our contacts and possibilities.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
e-MP souhaite participer à Immersion 2002 pour les raisons suivantes:
nous avons déjà tourné trois documentaires au Canada (2x ARD/SWR, 1 x ZDF/ARTE), nous avons actuellement deux
projets de coproductions avec le Canada en développement (un film d'aventure pour petits et grands en 2 parties: "Le
Gardien du Talisman" et comme co-producteur, un long métrage avec Ken Pittman: " Mina's Journey"). Quoiqu'il y ait
"un élément québécois" dans notre société (Sophie Bernier, épouse de Wolfgang Katzke), il nous manque les
connaissances nécessaires concernant les ententes de coproduction entre le Canada et l'Allemagne.
Les objectifs que nous désirons atteindre à Immersion sont donc de réunir le plus d'informations possibles venant des
différentes instances qui seront alors présentes afin de mener à bien nos projets. Nous désirons entrer en contact
avec d'autres producteurs canadiens qui ont, comme nous, le désir d'en apprendre davantage sur les rouages des
coproductions avec le Canada.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Le Gardien du talisman
TV-Movie primetime 2 x 90' Henry Bernadet
2,5 à 3 M€
> Théo, jeune Québécois d'origine amérindienne, fait partie d'une ligue de hockey junior de Schwenningen en Forêt Noire.
Accompagné de sa demi-sœur Marie-Anne et de son copain allemand Florian, il va rendre visite à sa grand-mère
montagnarde sur la Côte Nord... C'est alors que l'aventure commence pour nos trois compagnons: ils doivent retrouver un
talisman volé, quête qui les amènera à découvrir leur propre identité et les richesses de la culture amérindienne.
Mina's Journey
feature film, 100'
Ken Pittman
4,5 M€
> Mina Hubbard a perdu son mari dans une expédition au Labrador. Accompagnée de trois guides autochtones, elle décide
de refaire le parcours initiatique de son mari afin d'élucider les raisons de sa mort et de poursuivre sa quête inachevée
jusqu'aux confins de la Baie d'Hudson
Nora Hoppe
1,3 M€
> A small-time smuggler opens a box to find a woman fugitive inside… a desperate love story between two displaced people
Susann S. Reck
1,8 M€
> Jo, charming, unpredictable and lesbian, works as a contract killer. After several years she goes back to her hometown
Berlin and has to understand that her life is based on a terrible misunderstanding.
Hollywood Filter
Alfred Behrends
1,5 M€
> Maja is almost 30. One day she wakes up and is certain that her life went totally wrong. She has the wrong job, the wrong
partner and the wrong dreams. Her entire life she followed the wrong path. From that moment on nothing remains the same neither for her nor those near to her.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
Ein Schiff wird kommen
Lost Birds
Modern Urbain Fairy Tale Pepe Planitzer
Documentaire Grand Format Jo Béranger,
Doris Buttignol, Sally Tisiga
1,5 M€
660 000 €
800 000 €
300 000 €
750 000 €
65 000 € par film
360 000 €
Sabiha Sumar
1,8 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Le Photographe
Documentaire Grand Format Darek Jablonski
My life as Philip Roth
Documentaire 52'
Christa Maerker
Derrière la forêt
Documentaire Grand Format Gulya Mirzoeva
Trésors du Monde
Série documentaire internationaleDifférents auteurs
Das Ministerium für
Documentaire Grand Format Jan Lorenzen,
Staatssicherheit-Alltag einer Behörde
Christian Klemke
Ma Terre étrangère
Documentaire 52'
Tami Gross,
Yuval Cohen
Les Ponts du monde
Série de 8 films documentaires à 26'Viktor Stauder,
1997 à 2002
210 000 €
91 000 € par film
Havanna, mi Amor
Uli Gaulke
Michael Baumann
250 000 €
500 000 €
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Helge Albers
Flying Moon Filmproduktion
Burgstr. 2710178
Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 240 70 30
F: + 49 30 240 70 311
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, German
Rose-Marie Couture
Frame Werk Filmproduktion
Oberföhringerstrasse 186,
81925 Munich, Germany
T: + 4989 9599 522
F: + 4989 9599 5205
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, German,
Spanish, Italian
Page 82
Frame Werk Filmproduktion
Hope & Glory Pictures International
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Founded in 2000 by Stefan Jonas, (co-founder of DAS WERK in Germany (3rd largest postproduction company in the world);
Silhouette Media Group inToronto; SRO-Entertainment AG in Munich) FRAME WERK is a production company run by Mr. Jonas; RoseMarie Couture (Development & Production) and Jérôme Brunaud (Sales). We are in the unique position as we have an incomparable
network of financing, production and postproduction resources - with facilities all over Europe and in Toronto; equity funds in England
and Germany, German public funding, and many personal connections in all areas of the business. These resources make it possible
for FRAME WERK to offer filmmakers around the globe a reasonable and technically superb basis, to develop and produce films of all
kinds: from drama to high-tech adventure to animation. FRAME WERK offers ist filmmakers and co-producers the biggest platform to
make their visions come true on a reasonable budget with very diverse creative expertise at all levels of financing and production. The
links to postproduction companies also provide an additional financing tool.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Frame Werk has a number of highly interesting projects - both feature and documentaries (which I have not included here). I
would like to close financing on several before the end of the year if possible. Thus Immersions could be a chance to meet with
colleagues and financiers to further this end. In addition, it is always a great pleasure to meet old friends and colleagues and new ones
in such a setting. It often leads to collaboration on old and new projects, as one establishes the level of common interest one company
may have with another. As I have worked at film festivals (notably Berlin and Vancounver) and on coproductions in Europe (notably at
Road Movies) for almost two decades, but remain a Canadian, I hope I can also provide insights for both sides of the Immersion Group.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Hope & Glory was founded in July 1998 in Berlin. Three years after opening its doors, the triving company now
operates as Hope & Glory Pictures International GmbH out of Berlin and London.
The founders, Raphael Socha, producer, director and head of the company, as well as Anja Padel, creative producer,
share both a thourough knowledge of television and film productions, as well as practical experience. In addition to
their personal qualifications, both brought numerous national and international connections to Hope & Glory, a ready
resource from the company´s very start.
Following the guideline " know and respect your audience ", Hope & Glory develops and produces international
relevant pictures out of Germany and the U.K. Most are English language films, co-produced with international
partners. The criteria are simple : the story must be powerful, and so must its creative package- - the director and the
cast. The project must be universal, emotionally-touching, and inspiring. On every level. Hope & Glory custom-tailor
each story, each film, to its target audience, from concept, to budget, to creative packaging.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Seeking co-producing and financing partners for several projects.
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Frost & Fire ROST & FIRE
Science Fiction
Buz Alexander
10 M$
> The story of the descendants of a group of space travelers who crash land on a planet that is scorching hot in the day and glacial
at night. In addition, the planet radiation speeds up the human life span so that an entire life lasts only seven days. Years after the
crash, a boy is born who is determined to lead his people back to the disabled space ship and escape from the deadly planet.
Five Fingers
Political Thriller
Laurence Malkin
> Five Fingers, a psychological thrill ride in the same vein as The Usual Suspects and Reservoir Dogs. It's a gutsy, intense
drama about Martijn, a young Dutch idealist whose apparent love of humanity propels him forward on a mission to help
disadvantaged Muslims in his girlfriend's native Indonesia. When Martijn is kidnapped by a group of Indonesian terrorists, he
is forced to explain the nature of his visit. Under threat of death, Martijn engages in a mental chess match with Ahmat, trying
to learn his captor's true objective and avoid a horrible fate.
Historical Drama
Vic Sarin
7,5 M$
> A dramatic love story in which love triumphs over hatred, as well as over religious and nationalistic fervour. Partision is set
in 1947 at the time when India and Pakistan had just been partitioned by the British Empire. The film stars Val Kilmer as a Hindu
soldier-farmer, who is fed up with the army life and willing to risk his life to protect a young Muslim girl.
The 2nd Horseman
Supernatural Thriller
Laurence Malkin
> Adam, an aspiring reporter for CNN, is heating dinner with his mother when a package arrives at the door: it contains the
cell phone and 2 bloody eyeballs belonging to her estranged son David. A note threatens: The Time is Near. Determined to
the the man who murdered his brother, Adam searches unsuccessfully for clues. However a call on David's mobile sends him
to the forgotten mining town of Jolo, West Virginia. As Adam investigates, he comes to suspect that both his brother and the
woman who called him have been murdered by the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Family Entertainment Comedy
10-15 M$, depending on above the line
> When a n'er-do-well poacher catches a koala, the aboriginal ancestor in the Blue Mountains of Australia is convinced that
it can take care of itself. Indeed the koala causes his heavy wooden cage to fall on the poacher - when he wakes up his human
body is in a coma, and his spirit in the koala. Shipped to Vancouver, he must rely on a traumatized girl who has spoken to noone in a year to save him…
Sword of Peter
Historical Feature
Jacob de Boer
10 M$
Family Entertainment ComedyMandie Fletcher
15 M$
> Computer errors and the unexpected demise of his mistress, a nice old lady, lead to a parrot inheriting 15 million pounds.
Needless to say her badly indebted niece is not amused: she sends some undertalented crooks to kill the parrot who is in a
lawyer's care. In the vein of A Fish called Wanda, many hilarious situatiojns and a hair-raising pursuit culminating in a rooftop
conclusion on the top of a high-rise building under construction ensue.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Feature Pilot for Science Fiction SeriesDaryl Rood
4 M$
> Two earthlings set out on a quest to the furthest colonized planet in their solar system. They are searching for women who
can reproduce after a virus has made most people on earth, except for themselves, infertile. To their surprise they find the planet
ruled by a matriarchal system: the men have been banished to the mines for having brought "the evil" over the planet…
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Martial Arts Thriller
Ivo Wejgaard
5 M€
> Lee, the young daughter of a diplomat, becomes the only surviving witness of the gruesome murder of her parents at a
very young age. After the completion of her training with a master of an Asian art of self-defence in a Chinese circus the
eighteen-year-old sets out to the city to find and execute her parent's murderers. In the process she gets caught up in a
whirl of political conspiracy and soon the huntress becomes the hunted.
How To Be An American
Romantic Comedy
Alex de la Iglesia
7,5 M$
Sam Mendes
> How To Be an American is the "funny" love story of two immigrants in the promised land: Robbie Stark, an immigrated,
unsuccessful German actor, and Anna Deluvian, born Mexican and in America 3 years longer than Robbie.
Angela Pope
7,5 M$
> 1999: Summit meeting in Berlin with the leading statesmen of Germany, Russia and USA. The opportunity for an exhibition
of Russian avant-garde. Prepared by the Boston art specialist Francesca and her Russian colleague, Alexej between whom
more than just a working relationship soon develops. What was foreseen as a unique event turns out to be a relentless pay
back between the ex-manipulators of past politics and their ambitious successors in East and West.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Helen Of Peckham
Family Drama
Emily Young
2 M£
Films completed / Crédits de production
Das Amt in Berlin
Shoes from America
City Lives
Cheerleader Stories
The Seagulls Laughter
TV Movie
Feature film
TV Docu-Soap
Feature Film, 105'
1999 - 2000
2000 - 2001
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Raphael Socha
Hope & Glory Pictures
Münzstrasse 15
10178 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 28 404 350
F: + 49 30 28 404 355 or
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English, French,
Italian, Spanish.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Rave Macbeth
Legion of the Dead
Klaus Knösel
22-part Science-Fiction TV Series
Olaf Ittenbach
Essay Spielfilm
Ralph Schmerberg
3 M$
3 M$
1.8 M$
Page 84
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Founded in 1984, LICHTBLICK belongs today to one of the leading independent productions in Germany. Over all
these years the company has worked with partners from more than 20 countries worldwide and got several national
and international prices such as the jury award in Cannes 02 for Divine Intervention and the Grimme Preis for Five
Fighting the Flab (one out of 5). On the one hand the company is producing artehouse feature films and on the other
hand documentaries.
The two producers Carl Ludwig Rettinger and Joachim Ortmanns manage LICHTBLICK. Since 1991 Mr. Ortmanns is
producing feature films after he joined the European producer training EAVE, managed by the European Media
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
It is our main goal to find new projects. We have a strong interest in international co productions and would like
to find partners to participate in Canada-Europe co-production projects.
Joachim Ortmanns
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, French
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
MagicWorx is a German-based independent film and television production company formed early 1999
concentrates on development, production and financing of international fiction program for the world-wide market.
Lead by the managing director Christian Arnold-Beutel.
The internationally trained management and especially skilled and motivated staff provides full service in creating
original fiction program and copyright to meet highest industry standards. One important asset is the effective working
relationship with our international partner companies. We get involved in all projects from scratch and are competent
partners through out the process from development to "hands on" production and financing.
So far MagicWorx has co-produced an international feature film with Original Voices, USA and Muse, Canada. The
Whole Shebang is a romantic comedy starring Bridget Fonda, Stanley Tucci and Giancarlo Giannini produced with a
US$ 16 million budget shot on location in Vancouver and Naples. We currently have 10 film projects in active
development both international and national, feature and television with three projects reaching the production stage
in 2002. The genres range from thriller to comedy, family entertainment and epic drama and therefore provides a well
balanced slate of films with a highly commercial potential.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
From my current experience in independent film production it already has been an important advantage to get
to know other producers and creatives from other countries to exchange know-how and experiences and eventually
join forced to create synergy between different countries and systems in order to survive in a market that is pretty
much controlled by global corporations.
Ultimately it is a people´s business and in bringing together producers, creatives, potential buyers or representatives
of distributors and financing institutions I would expect Immersion Europe 2002 to be instrumental in generating new
ventures, collaboration and exchanges. In the best case it may-be possible to initiate or advance a few actual projects
in terms of creative, logistical or financial progress and eventually make them happen. In any case will it be an exciting
opportunity to meet new people, learn about new projects and offer one´s own contribution in order to meet the
challenges of this complex industry.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Lichtblick Film und
Aposteln Str. 11
50667 Köln, Germany
T: + 49 221 92 57 52 0
F: + 49 221 92 57 52 9
MagicWorx Filmproduction
Lichtblick Film und Fernsehproduktion
Flamenco Clan
Solstice (Sonnenwende)
Feature film
Michael Meert
Nuran Calis
652 460 €
850 280 €
Claire Devers
Stijn Coninx
Rudolph Jula
7 815 000 €
2 670 600 €
986 470 €
Mika Kaurismäki
Volker Anding,
Stephan Koester
Werner Schweizer
Solveig Klaßen
Andreas Rogenhagen
Pawel Lungin
Florent Siri
Alejandro Saderman
Claudia Richarz
872 816 €
632 000 €
Films in production / Productions en cours
The Lost Sailors
Sea of Silence
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
Films completed / Crédits de production
Moro no Brasil
The White Whale
Von Werra
Out of Tibet
The Woman who doubts Dr. Fabian
La Noce
Une minute de silence
Little Thieves, Big Thieves
Five Fighting the Flab
Documentary music film
Documentary film
Documentary film
Documentary film
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
Feature film
852 310 €
267 820 €
952 030 €
2 612 275 €
2 000 000 €
750 000 €
695 360 €
Directed by
Réalisé par
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Coming-of-Age Drama Friedemann Fromm
4 M US$
> Whim is about a very special boy who is sent by the gods to discover Ultimate Truth and to save his Montauk Nation, a bizarre
Indian tribe which has only a few dozen members.
John Goldschmidt
10 M US$
Films in production / Productions en cours
Savage Surf
Days of Fear
Epic Drama
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Family Entertainment
Music Drama
Simon Hunter
John Goldschmidt
John Stephenson
Markus Goller
4 M U S$
10 M US$
24 M US$
1,5 M US$
Romantic Comedy
George Zaloom
16 M US$
MagicWorx Filmproduction
80805 Munich, Germany
T: + 49 89 360 351 33
F: + 49 89 360 351 32
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Films completed / Crédits de production
The Whole Shebang
Christian Arnold-Beutel
Page 86
Meyer Films
MMM Filmproduktion, Zimmermann & Co.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
I am an Independent Producer, since August 1st of this year, after working with one of the leading German film
and television production and service companies, Studio Hamburg for ten years. The first five years I was an in-house
producer, then I built up the subsidiary Letterbox Films as its President. I recently left the studio to become more
independent with my projects. I want to continue to cultivate the relationships with my artists. I have produced four
films with director Miguel Alexandre and three films with director Rainer Kaufmann. Two of those films by each
director where written by the U.S. writer Ben Taylor, including the romantic comedy Talk of the Town which became
the most successful German motion picture released in 1995. I have not set up a new company yet. I am currently
producing one feature film with Studio Hamburg and I am developing one project with Warner Bros. Germany.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
There are two objectives which I wish to pursue. First, I would like to intensify my search for a Canadian coproducer. This is for the above mentioned project I am developing together with Warner Bros. Germany. Due to its very
universal story and its all-children cast, we want to produce this film internationally in English language. Canada would
be our first choice for many reasons. Second, I am planning more Canadian-German co-productions in the future and
I am even considering to focus on them. I am already in contact with some Canadian producers and agents to evaluate
the opportunities of co-ventures and want to boost that at Immersion 2002: Europe.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Henrik Meyer
Meyer Films
Eppendorfer Weg 269
20251 Hamburg, Germany
T: + 49 40 47195666
F: + 49 40 47195667
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Films in production / Productions en cours
Historical Drama
Margarethe von Trotta
6,2 M€
Miguel Alexandre
Miguel Alexandre
Rainer Kaufmann
Political Thriller
1,2 M€
3,5 M€
4,0 M€
1,3 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
Looking for a Guardian Angel
Gran Paradiso
Long Hello and Short Goodbye
Romantic Drama
Neo-Noir Thriller
A Tale of Morals
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Immersion 2002 offers us the ideal platform to intensify our contacts to European Co-production- and funding
We are keen not only to expand in the field of acquisition but also to research the possibility of international coproduction on a European and world-wide level.
We hope that this event will develop - as complementary to Rotterdam and Cannes, offering, as it does, a congenial
atmosphere for the further development of contacts.
It is a particular interest for us to avail ourselves of this opportunity to become aquatinted with the Canadian coproduction scene.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Kid City
Family Entertainment Miguel Alexandre
6,8 M€
> Kid City is based on a best-selling German children's book. All adults disappear and the kids realize that their favourite video
game has turned real. They have to follow the game's rules and learn to trust in their abilities and friendships.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
MMM Filmproduktion produces high-quality feature films, documentary films and mixed format films for the
European TV and cinema market.
Under the direction of Ulrike Zimmermann we have built up a network of contacts and connections to European TV
stations and to co-production partners. Alongside the owners of the company - Frank Westhoff (Media Business
Manager), Ulrike Zimmermann (Producer) and Dietmar Siebert (Head of Media Technology) we have working for us
Peter Sibley (ex-PolyGram) as Co-ordinator for international co-productions and Maite Woköck and Katje Brinckmann
as trainees. In legal matters we co-operate with the law firm Zimmermann, Scholz & Partner.
We have a regular presence at the European film events and markets and also take part in European co-production
meetings and MEDIA training seminars (1999 Vertical Strategies, 2001 EAVE).
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Feature, 100'
Hermine Huntgeburth
2,5 M €
> If it's white it could be anything. A dead child for instance. The tiny body, stripped of clothing, lies, as if cast in synthetic
resin, in a block of ice and is purely and simply the first victim of an obviously perverse serial kill,er who freezes children in
In Orbit
Angelina Maccarone
2 M€
> Mere survival is not enough. In Germany the Iranian refugee Fariba is forced to assume the identity of a man in order to
avoid the threat of deportation. How does Fariba live not only in this external but also in an internal state of exile?
Haunted (Verfolgt)
Feature, 90'
Angelina Maccarone
> A contemporary story of sexual desire.
Short feature, 5'
Documentary, 52'
Documentary, 52'
Docu-Drama, 80'
40 000 €
100 000 €
150 000 €
Peter Sibley
Calle Overweg
David Aronowitsch
Johan Kling
Claudia Richarz
400 000 €
Helke Sander
Jochen Hick
Helke Sander
Caspar Stracke
Volker Einrauch
350 000 DM
1,2 M DM
350 000 DM
600 000 DM
800 000 DM
MMM Filmproduktion,
Zimmermann & Co.
Schönhauser Allee 123
10437 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 171 415 5621
F: + 49 30 486 23 171
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Films in production / Productions en cours
Desert Island Jokes
Um mich wurde es dunkel
In the mind of a terrorist
Ulrike Zimmermann
Films completed / Crédits de production
Nessun Dorma - No One Sleeps
Circles's Short Circuit Experimental
Die Mutter des Killers
Documentary, 90'
Feature film, 106'
Documentary 60'
Feature film, 80'
Feature film, 80'
Gabriela Pfändner
Alexander Thies
NFP teleart
Kurfürstendamm 57
10707 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 32 90 93 12
F: + 49 30 32 90 93 19
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English, Spanish
Page 88
NFP teleart
Osiris Media
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
NFP teleart and the NFP Group
The NFP Corporate Group employs over 40 experienced media professionals. The parent company, NFP TV, was
founded in 1956 by Franz Thies in Frankfurt. Today, the NFP Group consists of a number of companies sharing one
corporate aim: to meet the challenges and fast paced developments of the 21st century media marketplace with a
variety of products and content feature films, documentaries, and animation, as well as Internet content.
NFP teleart GmbH & Co. KG is part of the NFP group and concentrates on sophisticated film adaptations of timeless
stories from literature and history for the German and international market. Productions include the twelve-part film
adaptation of the historic Klemperer journals, Victor Klemperer's Diaries, commissioned by ARD, the TV movies The
Just Judge, based on Anna Segher's novel (ARD) and the German-US-Canadian feature length film Bonhoeffer : Agent
of Grace, an award-winning film enjoying success on television, in cinemas, and on the video market. Prizes for the
film include the Golden Nymph for the Best Television Movie at the TV and Film Festival in Monte Carlo. NFP teleart is
lead by its Managing Director Alexander Thies together with Dr. Gabriela Pfändner, General Manager.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
We are interested to get in contact with production companies of aboard and get to know how we can
collaborate with them. Also we would like to present our feature film project " The Executioner in Love " and " Code
Name : Pastorius " to Canadian production companies and see if they would be interested in a coproduction.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
As a Germany based medium sized TV and film production company NFP teleart GmbH & Co. KG has recently
expanded its activities in the international market. The co-production Bonhoeffer : Agent of Grace together with a
Canadian Partner showed the creative parallels between the two countries. We are currently working on different
projects which could have a natural development, production or distribution partner in Canada. We are interested in
exploring the creative potential and synergies of international partnership by working together on a project right from
the beginning.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Prisoner of Peace
Historical Drama
3 M€
> An American investigator reveals the Nazi-past of Wernher von Braun who has been illegally smuggled into the United
States by the US Army to build rockets for the US and who gradually becomes a national hero.
Four Points
Feature film - Romantic Comedy
2,6 M€
> Bittersweet, dreamy romance of lost loves, found futures and a New Year's Eve spent at the office.
No Snow
Robert Young
3 M€
> A mad, sad love story and a complex tale sibling rivalry set amongst the facts of the real life body-snatching and ransom
of Charlie Chaplin's coffin in 1977.
The Executioner in Love
Black Comedy
Jasmin Dizdar
5 M€
> A romantic comedy about a death-row corrections officer in the throes of a mid-life crisis.
Le Cercle de Babel
Mystic Thriller
Tony Baillargeat
5 M€
> Un caïd passé maître dans l'art du pari décide d'initier un jeune disciple au monde du jeu, sous toutes ses formes. Ce
dernier découvre l'existence du mystérieux "Cercle de Babel", censé le mener dans les sphères du pouvoir.
Code Name Pastorius
World War II Drama
Peter Koper
7 M€
> The true story of a bungled Nazi invasion of the United States in 1942
Historical Drama
Eric Till
20 M€
> A small town priest's personal struggle with God and the Devil leads him to go against the political and religious authorities
of the day. Martin Luther's visions of life and his religious faith end up turning the current order upside own and impacting our
own lives, 500 years later.
Bonhoeffer - Agent of Grace
Historical Drama Kai Wessel, Andreas Kleinert
Historical Drama
Eric Till
Iris Sommerlatte
Osiris Media
Knobelsdorffstraße 49
14059 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 32 65 516
F: + 49 30 32 65 516
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
99euro-films - The European Project
9 M€
2,3 M€
Asia Argento, Richard Stanley,
RP Kahl, Benjamin Quabeck,
Harry Kümel, Nacho Cerda, Tony Baillargeat, Xawery Zulawski
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English, French
Films completed / Crédits de production
Les Déclassés / A Class Apart
Films completed / Crédits de production
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Osiris Media GmbH has been created to position itself in a fast growing production sector still open to innovative
approaches to filmmaking from both the artistic and financial point of view. By drawing on its international network of
relations with producers, distributors, world sales agents, directors and actors, Osiris Media GmbH is in a position to
engage in international and in particular European coproductions and to pursue themes of international appeal with
international directors, production crews and casts. Our aim is to fully exploit the international market and therefore
the majority of our films will be produced in the English language.
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Gangster film
Tony Baillargeat
1 M€
Jürgen Biefang
Smallfish Productions
Rumfordstr. 17
80469 München, Germany
T: + 49 89 2424 3854
F: + 49 89 2424 3855
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, German
Page 90
Smallfish Productions
Studio Berlin
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
JB is an independent producer who has produced or co-produced a variety of national and international film
and TV productions, either with former production outlet TRAUMWERK or as Executive Producer for other companies.
Smallfish Productions is the label of his new independent venture.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Strengthen my knowledge of the Canadian market, meet producers I haven't met, deepen existing relations,
look for new projects, especially event mini series (2x90') or low budget creative-driven feature films.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Doris Zander, Managing Director Studio Berlin Atelier/Studio Berlin Produktion:
If you're looking for the highest technical standards and the perfect creative environment for your production, you'll
find them at Adlershof - Berlin's prime location for film and television production.
Tradition and progress are our biggest selling points: having been in operation since 1952, the studio underwent
complete revitalisation and modernisation when Studio Hamburg decided to branch out to Germany's capital. The
historical buildings were soon turned into an ultra-modern, innovative media-complex with 6,500 square meters of
studio space - all air-conditioned, sound-proof buildings and equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
Studio Berlin's three major cornerstones are:
the Television Production Centre, owned by Studio Berlin Atelier GmbH (6 studios 640m≈-920m≈, 1 à 2.400m≈)
Studio Berlin Produktion für Film und Fernsehen (SBP) GmbH, which has successfully emulated the US-majors
as an all in one production-house for film, television and event-productions.
the Studio Berlin Mobil (SBM) GmbH, which has rapidly become Berlin's number one service-provider for
television, offering five vans with satellite uplink and two editing vans.
We can cover all your bases from script-development and set-design craft shops to digital post-production. Our unique
logistics, our know-how and the multitude of professional services provided will ensure 'smooth sailing' for your show,
event, film or television-production.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Co-Operation and Co-Produktionen with the Studio.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Back of Beyond
12 M US$
> 1844: John Franklin departs into the Arctic, searching for the North West passage. His expedition turns into disaster.
Stefanie Sycholt
7 M US$
Ily Huemer
Stefan Schneider
Martin Weinhart
Stefanie Sycholt
Alberto Venzago
2 M US$
2 M US$
2 M US$
3 M US$
1 M US$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Daddy's best friend
Schöne Biester
Crazy Crush
Mounted by the Gods
Feature Documentary
11 M US$
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
Bridal Gown
Romantic Comedy
Doris Zander
Who's Affraid of The Black Man
Mystical crime, 90'
Pit Rampelt,
Uljana Havemann, Oliver Elias, Lutz Winde
Kein Mann für eine Nummer
Romantic Comedy
Jakob Schäuffelen
Films completed / Crédits de production
His last Chance
The Wedding Present
Love conquers Death
Virgin Goddess
Love Makes Blind
Final Season
In Love with Bigfoot
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
Hartmut Griesmayr
Bernd Fröhlich
Dominique Othenin-Girard
Markus Bräutigam
Thorsten Näter
Drama, 90'
Stefan Krohmer
Family Entertainment, 90' Thorsten Schmidt
Studio Berlin
Agastr. 20
12489 Berlin, Germany
T: + 49 30 6704 5666
F: + 49 30 6704 5671
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English, Dutch
Thomas Springer
Tradewind Pictures
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 26
50668 Koeln, Germany
T: + 49 221 91 25 61 0
F: + 49 221 91 25 61 2
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Page 92
Tradewind Pictures
Wüste Film West
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Tradewind Pictures was founded in Cologne in 1998 out of Delta Media to produce and co-produce high quality
national and international feature films. In 2000 Tradewind Pictures established an office in Erfurt in Middle Germany,
which also is involved in the development, financing and realization of feature films.
The Producers:
- Thomas Springer: Since 1982, Thomas worked as an author (TV movies + shows). In 1989 he founded Delta Media
and produced TV shows/series as well as feature films, e.g. Girlfriends and Other Monsters, which was a notable
success at German box offices. Together with Lynda Myles, Simon Perry and Dieter Kosslick, he developed the
"International Producing" programme at the IFS Internationale Filmschule Köln.
- Helmut G. Weber: Helmut got his first experiences in post production and documentary films, before concentrating
on producing feature films, especially European co-productions in 1992. He worked with Schlemmer Films and
Hauskunst Movie Production, realizing a.o. the feature films Baby of Macon (Peter Greenaway), Decadence (Steven
Berkoff), The Passion of Darkly Noon (Philip Ridley), I Love You, I Love You Not (Billy Hopkins).
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Tradewind Pictures would like to extend its contacts to other producers with experience in international coproduction of feature films. Canada seems to be a very interesting co-production country especially for projects to be
shot in English and targeting for the world market.
Tradewind Pictures has a number of projects in development with a special focus on children's films and family
entertainment. We want to set up a long-term relationship with one or two Canadian producers who also have
experience in the field of children's films / family entertainment. Our aim is to form a network of producers from some
of the European key territories and from Canada in order to co-produce these projects on a higher level.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
My Brother Is a Dog
Family Entertainment
4,9 M€
> All that 8-year-old Marietta wants is a dog, but her parents won't buy her one. With the help of a magic stone, she turns her
nerve-wrecking brother into a dog - but consequences grow over her head.
The Red U
Children's film
Isabel Kleefeld
3,5 M€
Family Entertainment
> Three Boys and a girl receive messages from the mysterious "Red U". Following his instructions they track down and convict
a criminal.
Juvenile Drama
Peder Norlund
4,7 M€
> When a plane carrying a group of teenagers crashes in the Siberian Taiga, the need to survive in the vast, primeval
wilderness tests the group's most basic sense of humanity.
Dr. Uwe Boll
4,5 M€
> After being shipwrecked in the Atlantic ocean and rescued by the huge oil tanker "Monsoon", Jessica discovers a
treacherous plot involving mutiny and murder on board. In a race against time and death, Jessica has to face her own worst
Teenage Comedy
Mika Kallwass
Thriller / Buddy Movie
Uwe Janson
Inga Lisa Middelton,
Àsgrìmur Sverrisson,
Dagur Kari Petursson,
Ragnar Bragason, Einar Thor Gunnlaugsson
Ragnar Bragason
Films in production / Productions en cours
Anita Elsani
Wüste Film West
Lütticher Straße 38
50674 Cologne, Germany
T: + 49 221 5105067
F: + 49 221 567499
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
German, English
Films completed / Crédits de production
Films completed / Crédits de production
Girlfriends and Other Monsters
At Night in the Park
Life Is Not a .Pipe Dream
Feature Film / Drama
Ben Verbong
3,5 M€
> Hardi Sturm is an emotional drama which is set in the Ruhrgebiet (Germany) of the 70s. It centres around Irmchen - her first
love, weekends with soccer and camping, her children, kitchen and her confined environment of family and friends. When she
gets the opportunity to train as a photographer, her life could change. But because of her family's modest expectations, her
husband's intolerance and alcohol, her life is doomed to failure. All that is left of Irmchen are two plastic bags. The contents
of these bags tell her story.
Death and the Devil
Feature Film / Action - Thriller
15 M€
> This film is an historical thriller which is set in Cologne in 1260, during the time when Cologne Cathedral was under
construction. Jacob, a thief and flute player with blazing-red hair, is the only witness to a murder. Gerhard, the master builder
of the Cathedral, is killed by the assassin Wolf, who has been charged by the Patricians to eliminate the archbishop. Ruthlessly,
Wolf starts hunting Jacob and killing off all potential witnesses. Jacob is inclined to run away, as ever, but the Wolf kidnaps
his new love, the beautiful cloth-dyer, Richmodis. Jacob has to face himself, his past and a clearly hopeless fight against his
too powerful enemy. The story is based on the bestselling novel "Death and the Devil" by Frank Schätzing, which was published
by Emons. The screenplay is written by Karin Howard who has already adapted several novels (i.e. Heinz Konsalik, Michael
Ende, Jürgen Lodemann) for the screen.
Hero For One Day
Xao Seffcheque
2 M€
> Hero For One Day is a "fish out of water" story and takes place in the late 70s in the punk-scene. Jürgen, a hippi from a small
town has trouble with his girl friend and his family also does not understand him. He decides to visit his cousin Lukas in
Düsseldorf. But Lukas has changed - he has a new name, Lloyd and is leader in a punk band. Jürgen has a tough time, because
hippies are the last thing they want there …
Membre ACE Member
Films in production / Productions en cours
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Wüste Film West was founded by the Cologne publisher Hermann Josef Emons and Stefan Schubert and Ralph
Schwingel, the associate producers of Wüste Filmproduktion Hamburg. Since July 1999, Anita Elsani has also
belonged to the team of Wüste Film West.
During the first years of Wüste Film West 's activity, the three associates devoted their work to achieving first business
results. With the support of Anita Elsani, project-manager and assistant managing director, they were able to develop
projects of high quality and profitability. Three of these projects have already been realised as co-productions.
Wüste Film West can rely on two experienced film producers: Stefan Schubert, focussing on line-producing and
financing, and Ralph Schwingel, focussing on acquisition and development. The third partner is Hermann Josef Emons
who has been successfully working with his publishing company in proving an excellent awareness of the market.
Together, the three associates present a powerful team.
Germany / Allemagne
31/10/02 16:52
Germany / Allemagne
2,1 M€
3,4 M€
1,7 M€
1,6 M€
Kurz und Schmerzlos / Short shock sharp Drama
Fatih Akin
Im July / In July
Road Movie
Fatih Akin
Ein göttlicher Job / God dam´n Job
Thorsten Wettcke
Geschichten aus dem Lepratal
Andrej Schwarz
/ tales from the leper valley
Buket Alakus
Comedy - Short Film, 10'
Sinan Akkus
Fatih Akin
1 200 DM
5,7 M DM
3,2 M DM
700 000 DM
1,3 M DM
34 000 €
10,2 M DM
Athena Sakellariou
31 Koletti Str.
106 77 Athens , Greece
T: + 3010 3304957 8
F: + 3010 3811945
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French, Greek
Page 94
Ideefixe Audiovisual Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Attika SA, parent company of distribution co Prooptiki SA, was founded in 1987 as an advertising marketing and
subtitling company with an emphasis on the promotion of audio-visual works. In 1993 it took its first steps in the
production of motion pictures, contributing to the production of Lefteris Dimakopoulos by Pericles Hoursoglou and in
The Peacock of Wyoming by Dimitris Indares (1996). As co-producer, Attika SA participated in the production of the
highly successful The Cow's Orgasm by Olga Malea (1996) and The Man in Grey by Pericles Hoursoglou (1997). It has
been the principal producer of: The Mating Game by Olga Malea (1998), the year's greatest box-office hit, Fading Light
by Vassilis Douros (2000),One Day in August by Constantine Giannaris (2001), official selection Berlin Festival 2002 and
was also involved in two international co-productions: My Sweet Home by Fillipos Tsitos (2001), official selection Berlin
Festival 2001 (Germany-Greece) and Under the Stars by Christos Georgiou (2001) (Britain-Greece-Cyprus),
encouraging young, talented up-coming directors and working creatively with them. The company' s goal is to
increase its production activity in the fields of film, television and theatre, to enter into both national and international
co-production agreements with other local and international producers and to expand its activities to the handling of
foreign productions shooting on location in Greece.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Attika SA is particularily willing to participate in IMMERSION 2002, considering this forum a unique opportunity
to get in touch with European and Canadian producers, decision makers and financiers, reinforcing pre-existing
contacts as well as establishing new ones, in order to find some common ground that could lead to a creative and
productive collaboration.
We do believe that we have projects suitable for a Canada-Europe co-production and we are very much interested in
discovering projects in which we could actively participate.
As we also intend to attend, hopefully, ACE's 12th Session we consider that our presence in both networks could only
reinforce our positioning and provide valuable feedback.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Greece and Canada for years now have a co-production agreement for making films together. Unfortunnately
not much happened until now and after have done a reserach in the field of projects which will give us the opportunity
to get close to a collaboration (creative and financial) with co-production partners from Canada now we have in our
hands the right project to move things into this direction.
The project came up giving us the chance to look for the right partners in Canada hopefully through IMMERSION 2002.
We believe that this meeting could be the start for a future and fruitful collaboration between professionals of the
audiovisual field from both countries.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Drama - Romance
Pantelis Voulgaris
3 756 267 €
> Summer 1922, the transatlantic liner King Alexander with 700 mail order brides sails from Constantinople to New York. A ship,
full of brides, is crossing the ocean to an unknown fate. On this trip hearts will flutter, souls will grow warm, some people will
discover themselves, some will be lost.
Fugitive Pieces
Waiting for the Clouds
Mama Santissima
Romantic Comedy
2 130 000 €
> On their way to Sicily two newlyweds from Greece find themselves obliged to offer an old lady a ride. Their adventures begin
when they realize that their car is stolen, the old woman still asleep in the back of the seat and the Mafia is running after them.
1 250 000 €
> A charming coming of age story of a thirteen year old girl, her family and her first experience with infatuation.
Signs and Wonders
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
One Day in August
Fading Light
The Mating Game
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
CIn a time where nations are getting closer and globalization is not a gimmick anymore, we created a fixed idea
in our heads to bring Greece closer to this process of "getting together". Being world travelers ourselves, we enjoy
mixing cultures, going abroad and inviting friends to our city. This is exactly what Ideefixe is all about. Producing for
abroad, bringing our audiovisual products outside Greece, or helping other people come here and do IT. Open the
gates or being the gate of an endless Input/Output of audiovisual exchange. This is the way we think, the way we see
the world. And …It's more than a vision. It's Ideefixe.
Constantine Giannaris
Vassilis Douros
Comedy - Romance
Olga Malea
1 000 000 €
400 000 €
580 000 €
Jeremy Podeswa
Yesim Ustaoglu
4 M€
2, 5 M€
Dennis Iliadis
700 000 €
Yorgos Tsemberopoulos
1,2 M€
Jonathan Nossiter
4,5 M€
2,5 M€
900 000 €
300 000 €
1,5 M€
600 000 €
200 000 €
Fenia Cossovitsa
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Fiction - Drama
Pierre Alain Meier
Athens Blues
Fiction - Drama George Panoussopoulos
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on MeDocumentary
Nikos Trindafyllidis
My Sweet Home
Fiction - Drama
Filippos Tsitos
Tomorrow is Another Day
Fiction - Drama
Dora Masklavanou
Guardians of Time
Margarita Manda
Greece / Grèce
31/10/02 16:52
Greece / Grèce
Ideefixe Audiovisual
25 Adrianiou Str.
11525 Athens, Greece
T: + 3010 6771428
F: + 3010 6742756
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English and French
Lorianne Hall
Samson Films
76 The Barracks
Irishtown Road
Dublin 4, Ireland
T: + 35 31 667 0533
F: + 35 31 667 0537
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Page 96
Pegasus Pictures
Samson Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Samson Films is one of Ireland's leading independent film and television production companies. Over the last
five years it has produced and co-produced film and television projects with a cumulative budget of nearly 100 million
dollars. Samson's objectives are focused n commercially attractive feature films with the best of Irish and International
talent attached. In addition, Samson is developing a slate of low budget digital projects featuring breaking talent in
Ireland and Europe.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
To raise the profile of Samson Films in Canada and to establish links with Established and new Canadian Talents.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Pegasus Pictures was established in 1992. The company develops and produces quality feature films, TV
programs and commercials, and provides production services to foreign companies wishing to film in Iceland and
Recently, the company secured a 3-year Slate Funding deal from the MEDIA Plus Development Agency for the list of
feature projects, encompassing comedy, epic drama and action/adventure. Most of these films are English language
and the locations for these will be Iceland, Canada, Europe and Australia.
Pegasus Pictures has a number of affiliated companies including - PanArctica Productions, which specialises in
producing commercials for the international market; NMA, a Nordic talent and casting agency, and Lanterna Magica
Film Production GmbH, a production company based in Berlin.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Blind Fight
Johnny Furse
2,75 M€
> The remarkable account of Brian Keenan and John Mc Carthy's 4 and a half year captivity in the Lebanon.
Empty Days
Digital Remake
Aileen Ritchie
of Rien A Faire by Marion Vernoux
> One man, one woman, both married but not to each other. An affair begins but will it change their lives for ever? Set in Glasgow
and shot on Digital.
> Western set in Ireland during the Famine. Based on one man's drive to save his people from destruction at the hands of the
cruel land lords.
Independant People
Epic Drama
> Based on the Icelandic novel, Sjálfstætt Fólk, by Nobel Laureate Halldor Laxness. Selected as one of the "top 100 books of
the 20th century" by The N.Y. Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, Die Welt and the people of Iceland.
Action Adventure
Mark Dippé
> Kevin, a young American pilot flying between St Petersburg and New York gets entangled in a fatal web of events when he
discovers that the Charity Organization he is flying for is smuggling human organs for the Russian Mafia to America.
White Lies
> Residents of a remote Icelandic-fishing village conspire to rekindle a phoney Cold War to prevent the local NATO base from
False Bird
> A film about a Native American Family. When Aron finds out the reason for the untimely death of his younger brother he
decides to take revenges according the old Native American custom.
The Napoleon File
Thriller / Action
> Based on the Icelandic novel Naopleonskjölin, by Arnaldur Indridason. A US Delta-Force is sent to Iceland to recover secret
documents relating to the US / German governments negotiating a secret packed with Hitler to end WWII, before they fall into
the wrong hands.
East of the Moon
WWII Psychological Comedy
> Iceland 1943: A group of Allied Soldiers are sent to build a military installation on a mountain rumoured to be inhabited by
elves known as the "Hidden People."
Films in production / Productions en cours
TV Comedy Drama
Digital Romantic Comedy
Kieron J Walsh
Karl Golden
1,2 M€
300 000 €
Stephan Schwartz
Tjebbo Penning
Dudi Appleton
Steve Barron
6 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
The Abduction Club
The Most Fertile Man in Ireland
Period Drama
Satirical Comedy
2,75 M€
6 M€
Films in production / Productions en cours
Iceland / Islande
31/10/02 16:52
Ireland / Irlande
Snorri Thorisson
Pegasus Pictures
Soltun 24
Reykjavik, Iceland
T: + 354 511 4590
F: + 354 511 4595
M: + 354 892 0885
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Films completed / Crédits de production
Judge Dredd
The Viking Saga
Tv Program
31/10/02 16:52
Page 98
Italy / Italie
Esse&bi Cinematografica
Renato Musillo
Esse&bi Cinematografica
L.go della Gancia, 5
00195 Rome, Italy
T: + 39 6 37511274
F: + 39 6 37511278
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Italian, English
First Floor Features
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Esse&bi Cinematografica is a movie production company born in 1997 and regularly enrolled, since July 1998,
in the official list of RAI and MEDIASET providers of production and post-production services. Currently Esse&bi is
shooting The Secret Guest and completing Little Bee Julie and Lady Life both movies have been formally
acknowledged and recognized as "a movie of national cultural interest" by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Assets and
Artistic Heritage. As of March 2002 Esse&bi Cinematografica decided to expand its business to distribution of its own
movies as well as of movies internationally produced.
Little Bee Julie and Lady Life, the first European 3D animation feature movie, and The Secret Guest will therefore be
distributed by Esse&bi Cinematografica, in movie theatres, on TV and in home-video, in collaboration with 20th Century
At the Cannes Film Festival Esse&bi Cinematografica bought theatrical, TV and home video rights for Italy for the
following movies:
Re-inventing Eddie, by Jim Doyle, with John Lynch produced by BBG Pictures
War Live, by Darko Baijc, official selection of the Accademy Awards 2001, produced by Cobra film, etc.
Rashida, by Yamina Bachir-Chouikh, produced by f for film, Arte Cinema, Fondation Gan, etc.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Esse&bi Cinematografica is looking for co-production partners for the two projects is working on, one of which
(The Bitter Root River) could be possibly based in Canada, and distribution partners for other movies
Directed by
Réalisé par
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
First Floor Features B.V. was founded in 1984 by Laurens Geels and Dick Maas. Since then, the company has
produced 16 feature films, most of which were highly successful, both commercially and artistically.
Since the release of Abel, a film by Alex van Warmerdam, in 1985, the films of First Floor Features have counted over
8 million admissions in the Benelux only. Over the years the films have won many awards at major festivals both in the
Netherlands and abroad, including the Italian Critics' Award in Venice, the Winner of the Avoriaz Festival, four Golden
Calfs, the European Academy Award (Felix) and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film (Oscar).
All produced films have been successfully distributed in the Benelux and internationally. Amsterdammed was the best
sold foreign film at the A.F.M. in 1988. Abel, Amsterdammed and Karakter had a successful U.S. domestic release.
Since 1997 the company mainly produced international English language films including most recently: Do Not Disturb,
Down (both written and directed by Dick Maas) and Tom and Thomas (written and directed by Esmé Lammers).
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
As our current projects are all cross border projects, we will look for possible co-productions abroad. Especially
for Views and Sounds, which is being shot in Montreal, Canada, London, U.K. and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. But
our other upcoming projects involve cross border activities as well; Scent of Books in London, U.K. and Northern Italy,
Canto in Paris, France and The Last Face in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, West Africa and San Francisco, U.S.
In the rapidly changing environment of the film industry, it is very important to stay involved in the international
developments. By participating in Immersion 2002 we wish to pursue an exchange of experiences, solutions and
strategies in order to anticipate the collective challenges all producers are facing because of the current
developments in the industry and the marketplace. And last but not least, we expect to meet interesting prospective
production partners in Canada as well as other European countries for our upcoming projects.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Bitter Root River
Paolo Modugno
3 M€
> The Bitter Root River is the story of Tommaso Colombo, a young Italian e-commerce specialist, who once in North America,
finds his roots and a reason to make his life better.
Rats' Paradise
Paolo Modugno
3,7 M€
> Rats' Paradise is a painfully dramatic story that takes place between Italy and Romania, about the condition of children who
live as abandoned animals among the hellish sewers of Bucharest. A story of hope, love and friendship.
Views and Sounds
Laurens Geels
12 M€
> After the cruel assault on the wife of a police-commissioner, Megan Joyce is assigned to investigate the case. More crimes
are committed and with the help of the two most important men in her life, Megan has to find her way out of an ever growing
web of complex intrigues.
Scent of Books
Alejandro Agresti
12 M€
> In London an old bookseller leaves his priceless book-collection to be divided between three old writer friends Casimir, Pablo
and Constant. In the > pile of books they all find their first novel and in secretly reading them, each of them is reminded of a
forgotten passionate past.
The Last Face
Erin Dignam
17 M€
> Compelling story of the great love between Michael, a dedicated doctor working among the refugees of the African wars
and Wren, his former colleague, now in charge of fund raising in San Francisco. Both of them face impossible challenges.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Little Bee Julie and Lady Life
The Secret Guest
Paolo Modugno
Paolo Modugno
4 M€
2,5 M€
Paolo Modugno
1,5 M€
Films completed / Crédits de production
Dancing with Witches
> Canto
Florence Strauss
12 M€
Three young historians, a beautiful woman, a missing opera diva and the mysterious birch tree planted overnight in the
garden are the ingredients of an exciting thriller set in an atmosphere of French mystery and opera music.
Todd Komarnicki
Alejandro Agresti
17 M€
3,5 M€
Esmé Lammers
Dick Maas
Dick Maas
Martin Lagestee
Mike van Diem
3,5 M€
12,5 M€
5,5 M€
5,5 M€
4,5 M€
Hubert A. Nieuwendijk
First Floor Features
Czaar Peterstraat 213
1018 PL Amsterdam,
T: + 31 20 330 22 22
F: + 31 20 622 72 82
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Dutch, English, French,
German, Spanish
Films in production / Productions en cours
Netherlands / Pays-Bas
Films completed / Crédits de production
Tom & Thomas
Do not Disturb
The Red Swan
Petter Venneröd
Merkur Film
Sofies gate 60
0168 Oslo, Norway
T: + 47 22 568 555
F: + 47 33 568 558
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Norwegian, English
Membre ACE Member
Page 100
Alta Produccion
Merkur Film
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Merkur Film, established in 1936 is specializing in development and production. Its subsidiaries are specializing
in line production and exhibition.
Currently Merkur Film AS is developing 9 features, one of them being the international fantasy film Facing The Trolls
based upon the ancient Norwegian fairy tales. This family film is the most ambitious and high budgeted film ever
planned in Scandinavia and Merkur Film is simultaneously developing a data game on the same concept.
The company is also developing a "horror film" for children called The Cannibal Summer and the contemporary drama
for young adults called. The genres of the other 6 films are comedy, thriller and drama and the target groups vary from
between young and mature adults.
Merkur Film recently produced the three first episodes of the animated political satire for TV, called Sixty Seconds, the
high budget short Kosmonaut, supervised the successful low budget feature Mongoland, co-produced the Nordic
police TV series Beck and associate produced the Norwegian police TV-series Fox Greenland.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Alta Produccion was created in August 1998. It is the production division of Alta films Group, headed by Enrique
Gonzalez Macho. For over thirty years, Alta Films has been one of Spain's most solid audio-visual groups, firmly
committed all along to mainingful, quality cinema. To date, they have taken part in several feature films
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
The objectives we wish to pursue at Immersion 2002 would be, in order to proceed with the production of our
film in development Angosto, to get the participation of, at least two international producers, that is, one of them should
be the real co-producer and the other should be the financial co-producer.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
In Paris, during Immersion 2002 I hope to meet competent future partners. Long term relationships intending to
develop projects together are ideal.
For the 15M≠ fantasy film Facing the Trolls: a partner, possibly from France, Luxembourg or Canada to fill 20% gap.
Experience in VFX and SFX as well as in family features is an advantage.
For the 4M≠ action packed drama Dollar Van: partners in Canada, Germany and UK.
For the 2M≠ documentary Looking for Wangerooge: Especially a German coproducer experienced in searching
archive footage and logs. For the 2,5M≠ youth drama Too old for candy: Scandinavian or German partners.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Facing The Trolls
Fantasy film
12 M €
> A fairy tale based upon the Ancient Norwegian treasure of fairy tales. The intelligent but outcast boy of 17 called "Cinder"
succeeds on an impossible quest rescuing his bellowed Princess Frieda from the clutches of the evil three-headed troll
Cannibal Summer
A children's horror movie
Robert Næss
> Ivan (10) spends his summer vacation at uncle Allister's farm. He enters a hidden door, and awakens Mescarafa, the dreadful
cannibalistic spirit his uncle brought back from the jungles of Borneo, two decades ago. This summer will be different
Too Old for Candy
2,5 M €
> 15-year-old Erica and her friends lack nothing, but love. Internet is a free zone for blind dates and false identities. Frozen
pizza and instant care, partying, drugs, sex, anxiety, mobile phones, rock'n'roll and hip-hop. Most of them come out alive.
You Reap What You Saw
Comedy thriller TBA (Shakey Gonzarles)
1,5 M €
> Two ex-drug addicts buy a camping site to get away from the temptations of the big city. A local entrepreneur has other
plans for the site, however...
The Illegitimate
WW Drama
Less than 3 M €
> During World War II, Jazz was declared illegitimate and the musicians played underground. In illegitimate clubs German
soldiers and members of the German Nazi party met members of the Resistance, Jews and homosexuals. Friendship and love
developed in spite of political and racial differences. The female lead a tall and beautiful vocalist realises this is the perfect
hide out for her double identity.
Jorge Sanchez Cabezudo
3 M€
> Angosto includes six stories connected with continuity of plot that could be classified as cine noir in a rural setting, or as a
story taken from the news of crimes.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Tweaks and Geeks
Fox Greenland
Montagna Con Forza
Robert Næss
Police drama
Jens Øvrebø,
Ulf Breistrand, Jarl Emsell Larsen
Fred Jonny Berg
200 000 €
Films in production / Productions en cours
Ken Loach
Jean Pierre Limosin
4 715 000 €
3 239 000 €
Miguel Albaladejo
Gonzalo Tapia
José Garcia
Ken Loach
Nacho Pérez de la Paz,
Nicolás Muñoz
Enrique Gabriel
2,7 M €
1 680 000 €
1 640 000 €
1 640 000 €
655 000 €
662 000 €
900 000 €
Flores de Otro Mundo
Iciar Bollaín
1 490 000 €
Un Banco en el Parque
Agustí Vila
680 000 €
Si Quiero
My Name is Joe
Carla’s Song
El Angel de la Guarda
Eneko Olasagasti
Ken Loach
Ken Loach
Santiago Matallana
680 000 €
900 000 €
Tomas Gutierrez Alea
Juan Carlos Tabío
1,2 M€
Sweet Sixteen
Spain / Espagne
31/10/02 16:52
Novway / Norvège
Films completed / Crédits de production
Bread and Roses
Marta y Alrededores
Las Huellas Borradas
Belen Bernuy
Alta Produccion
Cuesta de San Vicente, 4 - 2º
28008 Madrid - Spain
T: + 34 91 542 27 02
F: + 34 91 542 87 77
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Spanish, English
120 000 €
Films completed / Crédits de production
Fox Greenland
Tracks in the Darkness
Stephan Faldbakken
Jens Øvrebø,
Ulf Breistrand, Jarl Emsell Larsen
Morten Arnfred
Morten Arnfred
Jan Troell
240 000 €
Lars Jönsson
Memfis Film
Upplandsgatan 35,
113 28 Stockholm, Sweden
T: + 46 8 33 55 76
F: + 46 8 30 99 34
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, Swedish
Page 102
Memfis Film
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Memfis Film has produced many of last decade's most successful Scandinavian films. Films that have been
critically acclaimed and major box office hits.
The company´s focus has been on finding and developing new talents and working with filmmakers who have
originality and edge.
Many of Memfis Film´s productions have been distributed worldwide. Among these are all of Lukas Moodysson´s films
(Fucking Åmål, Together and Lilya 4-ever),
Colin Nutley´s House of Angels and Jalla! Jalla! by Josef Fares.
Memfis Film´s CEO Lars Jönsson also executive produced Lars von Trier´s Breaking the Waves and co-executive
produced Lars von Trier´s Dancer in the Dark.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Definition Films is a company that puts its main focus on script development of quality films for the International
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
At Immersion 2002: Europe Definition hopes to make contacts in order to set up a production partnership with a
Canadian Producer on a particular project which we intend to shoot between Canada and the United States.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Memfis Film is working with the most talented Scandinavian film-makers who sometimes will make films in the
English language. Immersion 2002 is a great opportunity to find out if and how we could co-produce with Canada and
shoot the films in Canada.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Lukas Moodysson´s America
Lukas Moodysson
Lukas Moodysson´s first English-language film will be set in North America.
9 M€
The Wind On The Moon
Feature / animation
Per Åhlin
Animated feature of Linklater´s classical children´s book " The Wind on the Moon ".
7 M€
Romantic Comedy
6 M US$
Five divorced men find themselves living on the same boat and join forces to win back the newest occupant's wife to
hilariously disastrous consequences.
The Touch
6 M US$
A teenage boy finds he has the power to rile an audience with his magic act but his life turns around when his mother
brings him to live with her in a religious cult where his sleight of hand becomes his only tool of survival.
Films in production / Productions en cours
Fares 2002
Bear´s Kiss
It´s All About Love
Josef Fares
Sergei Bodrov
Lars von Trier
Thomas Vinterberg
2,5 M€
6 M€
10 M €
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Feature Film
Lukas Moodysson
Lukas Moodysson
Ulf Malmros
Per Åhlin
Josef Fares
Lars von Trier
Leif Magnusson
Lukas Moodysson
Marsha Nuriya Lee
Definition Film
194-196 Finchley Road
London NW8 6HT, England
T: + 44 207 794 6500
F: + 44 207 483 1300
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Secret Agent
Films completed / Crédits de production
Lilja 4-Ever
Den Bästa Sommaren/A Summer Tale
Hundhotellet/Dog Days
Dancer in the Dark
Hela Härligheten/Love Fools
Fucking Åmål/Show me love
Definition Film
Short film - Comedy DramaMarsha Nuriya Lee
30 000 £
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
31/10/02 16:52
Sweden / Suède
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Richard Holmes
Gruber Films
Office, 2 Sheraton Street
London W1F 8BH, England
T: +44 8703 66 93 13
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Membre ACE Member
Page 104
Gruber Films
Martin Pope Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Gruber Films is managed by Richard, 39, a successful and creative independent producer. Richard co-founded
Gruber Films with the director Stefan Schwartz. He produced and co-wrote Shooting Fish (the third most successful
British Film of 1997 in the UK after the Full Monty and Bean), and Waking Ned (grossed $26m in the US and a further
$25m+ worldwide against a budget of $3m). Both films are now posting net profits. He recently completed The
Abduction Club in Ireland for Pathe, released in the UK July 2002.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Gruber Films would like to increase their depth of knowledge concerning UK/Canadian co-productions and to
broaden the depth of their contacts.
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Based in the UK, Martin Pope Productions makes high quality event films. The company has recently completed
the feature film love story The Heart Of Me, starring Helena Bonham Carter, Olivia Williams and Paul Bettany - sold
internationally by Pandora, the film premieres at this years Toronto Film Festival.
Previous productions include the award winning feature film Lawless Heart, which has recently opened to acclaim in
the UK ("one of the best new British films I have seen in the past few years" Guardian; "a brilliant piece of film…A gem
that's worth seeking out" The Times). The film has been to festivals from Locarno and Belgrade to San Francisco - and
opens in the US this fall. Other productions include The Turn Of The Screw (nominated for a BANFF Rockie, 2000) and
feature film Alive and Kicking.
Projects in development include comedies That Touch Of Pink, a co-production with Sienna Films, Toronto; and Wild
Thing, with Academy award nominee writer/director Paul Unwin. The company is also developing high end tv drama
films and miniseries.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
I wish to continue making connections with Canadian and European producers to see how we can best
progress our projects together.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in production / Productions en cours
That touch of Pink
Ian Iqbal Rashid
> A comedy drama about a man who thinks he's living with the ghost of Cary Grant.
Stefan Schwartz
8-10 M US$
The Heart of Me
Stefan Schwartz
Kirk Jones
William Marsh
Stefan Schwartz
3 M US$
3 M US$
1 M US$
6 M US$
2 M$
Martin Pope
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films completed / Crédits de production
Shooting Fish
Waking Ned
Dead Babies
The Abduction Club
Feature film - period love storyThaddeus O'Sullivan
8 M$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Alive & Kicking
The turn of the screw
Lawless Heart
Feature film - drama
Nancy Meckler
Tv film - classic adaptation
Ben Bolt
Feature film - drama
Neil Hunter
Tom Hunsinger
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
31/10/02 16:53
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
2 M$
2 M$
2,1 M$
Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Road
Iver Bucks SL0 0NH, England
T: + 44 1753 652778
F: + 44 1753 655043
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Membre ACE Member
Lee Thomas
Pipedream Pictures
3-5 Barrett Street
London W1U 1AY, England
T: + 44 207 486 7848
F: + 44 207 486 7748
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Membre ACE Member
Page 106
Pipedream Pictures
Saltire Film & Television Productions
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Pipedream Pictures was set up to make shorts and develop features back in 1996 while Lee Thomas and John
McKay were still at the National Film and Television School. Since then we have developed a slate of low to mid
budget range features that will appeal to a broad international audience. Recently rated in the press as 'two of the
strongest prospects among a crop of commercially oriented British filmmakers' (Financial Times, Creative Review: 4
September 2001). Our first feature was the comedy drama 'Crush' released worldwide, Summer 2002.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
To establish possible co-production partners for forthcoming productions, particularly 'Knickers' a WWII action
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Saltire Film's company objectives are :
to become a leader in the production and delivery of quality television programmes. Saltire aims to work across a
range of genres including documentary & drama. To become a natural UK Co-Production Partner for production
companies around the world. To develop a slate of feature film projects and ultimately own a library of rights in the
same projects. To be commercially focused, ensuring that any project investment risk (time and/or money) is balanced
by likely rewards. To retain a scale of activity and hence level of flexibility which allows the company to react quickly
to changes in the market. To build a core team of ambitious, talented individuals and work with the best film and
television practitioners in the UK.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
During our first 2 years as a company Saltire have commissioned several feature film scripts and have a slate
of documentary projects in development. 3 of these feature scripts are now in the process of being taken to the market
to raise production finance and we also hope to shoot our first low budget feature in November and December of this
year. Furthermore, we are keen to be involved as co-producers and have documentaries in development that would
benefit from co-production and would appeal to the international market. Our objectives at Immersion 2002 are to meet
with potential co-producers, to present our projects to the market and to build on contacts we have already made
within that market, in order to break into further financial partnerships and discuss new ventures.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
John McKay
> A high octane WWII set comedy about a beautiful nazi spy infilatrating the lingerie department of Selfridges in order to hear
Churchill's secret telephone conversations with Roosevelt.
Smoke on The Water
John McKay
> A Badlands style coming of age picture set in 1970's small town Scotland.
John Singer Sargent Untitled
John McKay
> In 1891 at the Royal Academy Exhibition, John Singer Sargent's portrait, Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, was unveiled making an
instant celebrity of its subject, and a fortune in commissions for the previously unpopular artist. But what did it take to make
such an arresting picture?
Eitan Arrusi
> When Alex stumbles across a scared woman's voice hidden in the layers of a pop record, it's the first chilling step on a
terrifying journey.
Train of Hope
Tony Stark
180 000 £
> Train of Hope investigates Africa's newest state - Eritrea. Reconstructing the hundred year old railway line, hard working exrebels attempt to unite a nation behind peacetime projects, not guerilla warfare.
Cone Gatherers
> Bernard Maclaverty's adaptation of Robin Jenkin's classic novel set in wartime Scotland.
4 M£
Lantern Bearers
3,8 M£
> Ronald Frame's adaptation of his original novel. A captivating story of trust betrayed and love's blind vengeance. Neil's
expulsion from his personal Eden has devastating consequences for all.
TV Drama
> Pilot in conjunction with Scottish Media Group for ITV and for an ongoing series.
1,6 M£
Films in production / Productions en cours
Man Dancin
Low budget feature.
Norman Stone
500 000 £
> A contemporary passion play set in Glasgow. When a man returns from prison and tries to go straight, his unexpected
behavious causes shock waves which threaten a very delicate status quo.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Brown Cow
3 M£
> A lyrical comedy about being somebody you're not, exploring the cultural divisions of East and West. The story of a man
whose world is blown apart by the return of his unknown past.
Wet and Dry
Doom and Gloom
The Linesman
Off the Ropes
> A romantic comedy set in the world of wrestling.
John McKay
4 M£
Mike Alexander,
Peter Barber-Fleming
Emma Davies
A. Findlay Macleod
390 000 £
147 000 £
150 000 £
Peter Barber-Fleming
Norman Stone
Fergus Mitchell
Ewan Morrison
Christophe Gerard
49 000 £
100 000 £
18 500 £
60 000 £
50 000 £
Films in production / Productions en cours
Blue Heaven
Documentary Series
God's Island
The Collectors
Documentary Series
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
31/10/02 16:53
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
Peter Barber-Fleming
& James Cosmo
Saltire Film & Television
5 Queens Crescent, Glasgow,
UK - G4 9BW, Scotland
T: + 44 141 332 3326
F: + 44 141 332 3327
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
Films completed / Crédits de production
Stairway 13, The Ibrox Disaster
The Tartan Pimpernel
Tied at the Tail - The Smokie Story
The Lovers
Short Film, Drama
Short Film
Michael Riley
Sterling Pictures
28 Goodge Street
London W1P 1FG, UK
T: + 44 20 7323 6810
F: + 44 20 7323 6811
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French
Page 108
Sterling Pictures
Ugly Duckling Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Sterling Pictures was established in 1995 by producer Michael Riley to develop and produce primarily feature
films. Michael graduated in 1989 with a BA (hons) in Media and began his professional career with stints directing
theatre and music promos. In 1991 he produced and directed a documentary about Tibetan refugees for SKY TV and
following this he acted as producer and director on a number of short films including Flush for Granada TV, Mother's
Day for Yorkshire/Tyne Tees TV and Everything's Fine for ZDF Television. This led to his feature debut with the awardwinning rites-of-passage film Boston Kickout in 1995. This was quickly followed by a succession of low-to-medium
budgeted British feature films from 1996 to 2000 including Respect - a love story, Loop - a romantic comedy, Hard Men
- a comedy spoof, and Out of Depth a thriller. From 1997 to 2000 he developed and produced the 10x50' family saga In
a Land of Plenty for BBC 2, at 7 M£ one of the largest budgeted dramas ever commissioned by the broadcaster. The
show aired in Jan 2001 to massive critical acclaim, was nominated as Best European Drama at the Cologne
Conference 2001 and was nominated for a RTS Award. His latest film, Lava - a controversial black comedy, received
its UK theatrical release in 2002. Michael recently Executive Produced the comedy sketch show pilot Please Kill Me.
The company has a number of feature films in development including projects funded by the The Film Council, EMDA,
The MEDIA Programme, Scottish Screen, Berlin FilmBoard and the NIPKOW Program (Berlin).
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
I am currently involved in a European-Canadian co-production and am very eager to will be producing a feature
film (Broken, listed below) which is scheduled to start production in Montreal this autumn. As a European producer, I
would very much like to learn about European-Canadian co-productions
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
My company has a number of films in development which I believe would benefit greatly from a financing
strategy that included a UK/Canadian co-production element. Having successfully made six feature films almost
entirely produced from within the UK without any international element I am well versed in the UK financing scene, but
with larger and more ambitious projects on my horizon I am very aware that I need to expand my knowledge, contact
base and experience with regard to the international scene. Two projects (The Paradox Man and Executioner In Love)
are both examples of films I am developing which I have always considered to be ideal as possible
UK/Canadian/European co-productions due to their creative content, financial scale and commercial ambition. My
longer-term goal as producer also includes establishing a Canadian office for the company and thus the Immersion
2002 event with its forums and individual representatives is an ideal opportunity for me in many respects.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Executioner in Love
Jasmin Dizdar
4 M US$
> A comic drama set in Texas about a state executioner who is experiencing a mid-life crisis. The project needs a Canadian
or US co-producer and already has a UK, German and French co-production element.
The Paradox Man
Scott Michell
5 M US$
> A futuristic thriller in the vein of Jacob's Ladder and Angel Heart the film is an dramatic and action-packed story about a
man on the trail of a serial killer in the near future. A Canadian co-producer is sought as the film is set in Canada. The film
already has a secondary UK co-producer (Visionview) and has been developed with Pathé Pictures.
Girl of The Moment
5 M US$
> A comedy satire of the PR industry. A disgruntled marketing executive creates a fake 'It Girl' who proceeds to take the world
by storm. At the point he decides to 'come clean' she appears in reality, and the adventure begins. Set in a busy, cosmopolitan
city the film is ideally suited for Canadian involvement and a co-producer is being sought.
Ghost Squad
Sean Ellis attached
15 M US$
> In post-World War II London, police form the secretive Ghost Squad, a arm dedicated to fighting crime from the inside.
Together, these infiltrate the shady underworld of organized crime, where money, power, and the law are twisted in a society
in turmoil and a changing city in.
Comedy Drama
Jannik Johansen
2 M US$
The Green Gate
Dominic Lees
2,4 M US$
Psycological thriller
Sean Ellis
6 M US$
Films completed / Crédits de production
Left Turn
Pond Puppies
Films in production / Productions en cours
Films in production / Productions en cours
Marion Comer
Short film - Psychological Thriller Sean Ellis
Short film - Comedy
Steve Graham
500 000 US$
60 000 US$
10 000 US$
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
31/10/02 16:53
U.K. / Royaume-Uni
Lene Bausager
Ugly Duckling Films
1a Hollywood Road
London SW10 9HS, UK
T: + 44 207 376 7730
F: + 44 207 376 7806
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, Danish
Films completed / Crédits de production
Joe Tucker
1,7 M US$
In a Land of Plenty
Hettie MacDonald, David Moore
10,5 M US$
Out of Depth
Simon Marshall
1,3 M US$
Romantic Comedy
Allan Niblo
1,1 M US$
Chris Curling
Zephyr Films
48A Goodge Street
London, UK
T: + 44 207 255 3555
F: + 44 207 255 3777
Languages spoken
Langues parlées
English, French,
Spanish (fair)
Membre ACE Member
Zephyr Films
Company profile \ Profil corporatif
Zephyr Films is a respected independent production company. We develop and produce our own films, which we often
finance as co-productions. We also act as British Co-Producer on international co-productions of British qualifying films. The
core team at Zephyr consists of two producers, Chris Curling and Phil Robertson and Head of Development, Pippa Best. We
adopt a collaborative approach to working with other companies. We enjoy working with other producers in development as
well as during the financing and production phases. The company has strong links with all UK financiers from Film4, BBC Films
and the Film Council to tax driven investment funds. We have a strong informal relationship with most of the UK financial
companies and have a formal relationship with two of them. The first, Scotts Atlantic, specializes in Sale and Leaseback
acquisitions. The second, Curzon/Aquarius, provides equity finance for UK qualifying co-productions.
Objectives at Immersion 2002 \ Objectifs pour Immersion 2002
Immersion 2002 provides a unique opportunity to meet with Canadian colleagues in an informal and friendly atmosphere
over a number of days. I will use the occasion for four main objectives. I will seek out projects to which I can bring finance as
the UK co-producer through my relationship with UK financiers, particularly Scotts Atlantic and Aquarius/Curzon. I will
increase my knowledge of the production and financing side of the Canadian industry. Zephyr has co-produced with France,
Germany, Spain, Italy and Ireland and we are working with a company in Holland, and we look forward to producing and coproducing British/Canadian projects. I will develop relationships with Canadian colleagues met at Immersion and in Cannes.
I will be looking for possible partners for Zephyr's own projects.
Directed by
Réalisé par
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
The Jenny Wagon
John Shahnazarian
6 M US$
> Hannah Jones will do anything to protect the family of travelling players that is The Jenny Wagon. When a murder, stolen
gold and the arrival of the uncompromising Judge William Begbie threaten to destroy her family, Hannah finds herself locked
in a battle that will test the loyalties of the Jenny Wagon to the limit.
Panic Beach
2-3 M US$
> A blurring of boundaries between imagination and reality as young teenager, Marlene faces up to the realities of home as
she experiments with hedonism on the sands of Biarritz.
Soft Shoe Shuffle
6-8 M US$
> Gawky Alnoor's love of screen musicals takes him to London, where he hopes to imitate his heroes. In return for dance
lessons, he frees film legend, Tom Clancy, from his retirement home…
Lively Up Yourself
Ed Herzog
> Helen has allways dreamt of singing at the "Bluebord Café" in Nashville. With just a few weeks left to live, it is now or never
and she heads for the airport. But fate has another twist in store for Helen who ends up with guitar and cowboy boots in
Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Devil's Algebra
Tom Shankland
> (w?z = Cov(w,z) + wzVz) is an equation that proves the impossibility of altruism in the human species - the foundation of much
contemporary genetic theory. Eddie Argo is a cynical and corrupt Detective Inspector: so what happens when a serial killer
forces him to face the ultimate test - love versus the selfish gene?
The Lifestyle
Jon Jones
Strangers When We Meet
Short film
Hanif Kurieshi
Bad Mouth
Brian Kirk
Films in development at Immersion / Projets en développement à Immersion
Nina Mimica
6,8 M US$
A moving and beautiful love story set during the aftermath of the Bosnian conflict, Mathilde is not about a love between a
man and a woman, but is about the love for life a young woman gives back to an older man.
Films completed / Crédits de production
Secret Passage
Ademir Kenovic
22 M US$
> This period drama tells a story of love and betrayal between two Jewish sisters in Venice at the time of the Inquisition. The
film stars John Turturro, Katherine Borowitz and Tara Fitzgerald.
Esther Kahn
Arnaud Desplechin
10,5 M US$
> The first English language film from acclaimed French director Arnaud Desplechin, Esther Kahn premiered in Competition at
the Cannes Film Festival. The film stars Summer Phoenix and Ian Holm. It tells the story of a young Jewish immigrant who sets
her heart on the stage. Her relationship with two strikingly different men lead her to what it takes to be an actor…
My Son The Fanatic
Udayan Prasad
3,5 M US$
> From an original screenplay by Hanif Kureishi, the film stars Om Puri and Rachel Griffiths. This bitter sweet comedy is a love story
set against a clash of cultures and generations. Western hedonism meets Islamic fundamentalism in an English northern city. The
film premiered in Directors Fortnight at Cannes
A Further Gesture / The Break
Robert Dornhelm
6 M US$
> Written by Ronan Bennett A Further Gesture starred Stephen Rea, Alfred Molina and Rosana Pastor. It tells the story of an
ex-IRA man who escapes from prison in Northern Ireland to start a new life in New York only to fall for a young South American
woman whose present life is too similar to his past.
> Canada
Agitprop Films
Amérique Film
Brightlight Pictures
Cirrus Communications
Conquering Lion Pictures
Crescent Entertainment
Earth Films Investments
49th Parallel Films
Galafilm Productions
Highwire Entertainment
ImX communications
I3 Entertainment
Kickham East
La Coop Vidéo
Les Films de L'Isle
Luc Déry
Massey Productions
Mortimer and Ogilvy Productions
Muse Entertainment
Perfect Circle Productions
Picture Plant
Pope Productions
Principia Productions
Productions Thalie
Rampage Entertainment
Remstar Corporation
Riverside Entertainment
Screen Siren Pictures
Serendipity Point Films
Shaftesbury Films
Six Island Productions
Strada Films
Summit Films
Triptych Media
Water Pictures
West Wind Pictures
> Belgium / Belgique
Versus Production
> Denmark
companies / sociétés
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U.K. / Royaume-Uni
/ Danemark
> France
Agat Films
Alterego Production
Euro American Films
Films a trois
Harpo Films
Les films d'ici
Les films de la croisade
Les productions Bagheera
LGM Cinéma
Nord-Ouest Production
Rezo Productions
Sépia Productions
3b Productions
TS Productions
> Germany / Allemagne
Cameo Film und Fernsehproduktion P.76
CMW Film Company
Egoli Tossell Film
e-Motion Picture
Flying Moon Filmproduktion
Framewerk Filmproduktion
Hope & Glory Pictures International P.83
Lichtblick Film und Fernsehproduktion P.84
MagicWorx Filmproduction
Meyer Films
MMM Filmproduktion/Zimmermann & Co P.87
NFP teleart
Osiris Media
Smallfish Productions
Studio Berlin
Tradewind Pictures
Wüste Film West
> Greece / Grèce
Ideefixe Audiovisual Productions P.95
> Iceland / Islande
Pegasus Pictures and PanArtica
> Ireland / Irlande
Samson Films
> Italy / Italie
Esse & bi Cinematografica
> Netherlands / Pays-Bas
First Floor Features
> Norway /
Merkur Film
> Spain
/ Espagne
Alta Produccion
> Sweden / Suède
Memfis Films
> UK / Royaume-Uni
Definition Film
Gruber Films
Martin Pope Productions
Pipedream Pictures
Saltire Film & Television Productions
Sterling Pictures
Ugly Duckling Films
Zephyr Films
Page 112
D'Oliveira Damon
Meurer Jens
Daigle Marc
Meyer - Wiel Christopher
Dannenberg Alexander
Meyer Henrik
Déry Luc
Morin Vivianne
Dolman Trish
Musillo Renato
Dummet Greg
Musselman Mark
Dupont Jean-Baptiste
Nieuwendijk Hubert.A
Elsani Anita
Onda Stephen
English Dean
Ortmanns Joachim
Even Pierre
Paul-Hus Martin
Fortin Yves
Petersen Soren Juul
Fuchs Fred
Pfahl Jayme
Garfield Louise
Pfändner Gabriela / Thies Alexander P.88
Garvie Scott
Pisacane Annette
Gelbart Arnie
Pope Martin
Hall Lorianne
Pope Paul
Hamilton David
Porcher Eric
Hannoun Catherine / Giraud Emmanuel P.65
Poylo Miléna
Albers Helge
Assouline Pierre
Hegyes Stephen
Prupas Jesse
Barber-Fleming Peter
Holmes Richard
Riley Michael
Barneaud Dominique
Hughes Desmichelle
Ripley Jennice
Rouleau André
Bausager Lene
Jacquier Philippe
Bernuy Belen
Jönsson Lars
Rouschop Joseph
Beutel Arnold
Katzke Wolfgang
Sakellariou Athena
Biefang Jürgen
Kennedy Scott
Scherzer Paul
Boeffard Philip
Laurent Emmanuel
Segall Noah
Bonnici Carmen
Lee Hall Karen
Snorri Thorisson
Bose Peter
Lee Marsha Nuriya
Socha Raphael / Ziemer Sonja
Boyd Ian
Liégeois Philippe
Sommerlatte Iris
Bronckart Jacques Henri
MacGillivray William D.
Springer Thomas
Chabot Réal
P. 33
Macpherson Lorne
Thomas Lee
Christensen David
Malbequi Richard
Vallat Virginie / Lalou Serge
Comar Etienne
Massey Raymond
Vaney Victorien
Cossovitsa Fenia
McCall Lael
Venneröd Petter
Couture Rosemarie
McGowan Sharon
Zander Doris
Cunningham Sandra
Merillees Rob
Zimmer Christophe
Merlin Muriel
Zimmermann Ulrike
Curling Chris
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producers / producteurs
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thank you
Julie Bergeron
Christian Clessi
Team / Equipe
Hayet Benkara
Gabrielle Béroff Gallard
Claire Laure
Elizabeth Siegler
Advisors / Conseillers
Ido Abram
Sophie Bourdon & Ace Team
Illan Girard
Bertrand Moullier
Jérôme Paillard
Simon Perry
Michael Schmetz
Alexander Thies
Graphic Design / Graphiste
Véronique Rolland
Caterer / Traiteur
Rollet Pradier
Artistic contribution / Scénographie
Louis Bouchard - Commissaire / Curator
The works of art exibited
at Atelier Richelieu were
created by four talented
Marion Inglessi
Iakinthon 10
Palio Psychiko
Athens 154 52, Greece
T : + 30 10 6712458
Jef Gravis
13, avenue du Maréchal Juin
93260 Les Lilas, France
T : + 33 1 43 63 21 20
Les oeuvres présentées à
l'Atelier Richelieu ont été
réalisées par quatre artistes
de talent :
André Fournelle
4361, rue de Bullion
Local 205
Montréal Québec, Canada
T : + 1 514 848 6221
Louis Bouchard
11, rue Pierre Curie
83670 Barjols, France
T : + 33 4 94 77 17 01
M : + 33 6 12 06 85 36
organized by / organisé par
Vi s i o n - i n - M o t i o n
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Forum de financement
de longs métrages :
Canada - Europe !
à Paris du 18 au 22 novembre 2002