Update Perusahaan Juli 2016
Update Perusahaan Juli 2016
Listed and traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange STOCK CODE: MNCN PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk. Corporate Update July 2016 Disclaimer By attending this presentation, you are agreeing to be bound by the restrictions set out below. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws. The information and opinions contained in this presentation are intended solely for your personal reference and are strictly confidential. The information and opinions contained in this presentation have not been independently verified, and no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of, the information or opinions contained herein. It is not the intention to provide, and you may not rely on this presentation as providing, a complete or comprehensive analysis of the condition (financial or other), earnings, business affairs, business prospects, properties or results of operations of the company or its subsidiaries. The information and opinions contained in this presentation are provided as at the date of this presentation and are subject to change without notice. Neither the company (including any of its affiliates, advisors and representatives) nor the underwriters (including any of their respective affiliates, advisors or representatives) shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for the accuracy or completeness of, or any errors or omissions in, any information or opinions contained herein nor for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation. In addition, the information contained in this presentation contains projections and forward-looking statements that reflect the company's current views with respect to future events and financial performance. These views are based on a number of estimates and current assumptions which are subject to business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies as well as various risks and these may change over time and in many cases are outside the control of the company and its directors. No assurance can be given that future events will occur, that projections will be achieved, or that the company's assumptions are correct. Actual results may differ materially from those forecast and projected. This presentation is not and does not constitute or form part of any offer, invitation or recommendation to purchase or subscribe for any securities and no part of it shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract, commitment or investment decision in relation thereto. This presentation may not be used or relied upon by any other party, or for any other purpose, and may not be reproduced, disseminated or quoted without the prior written consent of the company. Any investment in any securities issued by the company or its affiliates should be made solely on the basis of the final offer document issued in respect of such securities. The contents of this presentation may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose. 2 Section 1 MNC Media Corporate Structure MNC Media Corporate Structure Global Mediacom Tbk 64.6% Content and Advertising Based Media PT Sky Vision Network Subscription Based Media 84.4%* Media Nusantara Citra Tbk MNC Sky Vision Tbk Online Media 100% PT MNC Kabel Mediakom * including MNC Investama (BHIT) share ownership of 5.93%, total group ownership is currently 90.3% 4 Section 2 Indonesia‟s Media Industry Update Macro drivers support industry growth Population (2014) A Young Population : 80% - Below 50yr 7% Millions 1,362 What are the macro drivers? 8% A large & young population 26% 1,248 200mn people below age of 50 A rising middle class 251 99 71 30 24 Strong economic growth driven 6 17% 42% 0-14 Source: MPA 2015 25-54 55-64 65+ Source: Indonesia Bureau of Statistics 2014 Completed Education Level NA 22% 15-24 University 4% Monthly Household Expenditure (Rp1,000) E <600 5% Academy 3% D 601900 13% Senior High 29% C2 9011250 21% Elementary 23% 3500 9% 60mn TV household Only 4% of population has university degrees Indonesians prefer to watch TV than to read, watching 5 hours of TV per day. B 17512500 20% C1 12511750 26% Junior High 19% Source: Indonesia Bureau of Statistics 2012 A1 3500 6% A2 2501- by domestic consumption Source: Nielsen Media Research 6 Net ad spend growth in the region Media Partners Asia forecasts net ad spend growth of 10% in 2015 Growth is among the highest in the region Indonesia‟s ad spend is growing from a small base; we expect growth to be sustainable Asia Pacific Net Adspend (2015 – 2016F) Asia Pacific Net Adspend Growth (2015-2016F) In USD billion 18% 2015 70.00 11% 60.00 56.9 2016E 50.00 11% 8% 8% 43.1 42.1 40.00 9% 9% 5% 3% 2015 61.9 2016E 30.00 5% 3% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 4% 2% 1% 3% 2% 20.00 1% 10.00 7.2 1.92.0 -3% 12.7 12.3 8.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 8.68.9 8.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.5 -3% -3% -82% Source: Media Partners Asia 2016 7 Well Positioned in a Conducive Growth Environment Net ad spend as % of GDP is the lowest in the region indicating solid growth potential The price for a 30 seconds prime time spot is cheap compare to other ASEAN countries Net Adspend as a Percentage of GDP (2013) 30 seconds prime time spot In USD/spot 0.9% $80,000 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% $40,000 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% $16,400 Source: Media Partners Asia 2014 $5,400 $5,950 $6,600 Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam $10,600 Thailand Philippines Singapore Australia Source: Media Partners Asia 2016 8 Industry Dynamics Prime time advertising slots are limited; strong demand for advertising Local brands have been aggressive in advertising to compete with multi national companies We expect automotive and financial companies to increase TV advertising budget Demand (More brands advertising on TV) Limited Supply : Only 11 FTA TV stations 11% 4% 14% 48% MNCN SCMA VIVA Trans 23% Others Source: Nielsen Prime-Time all demography 1st week April 2016 9 ource: Nielsen based on GROSS Advertising Rate Card Top Brands Advertising Spending FY2015 & FEB 2016 10 Low Penetration Rates in Key Segments Asia Pacific TV Penetration of Total Households (2013-2014) 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 96% 96% 99% 99% 97% 97% 97% 97% 93% 93% 85% 86% 82% 84% 61% 62% 58% 60% 2013 Korea Japan Singapore Hong Kong Malaysia Australia Newspaper Circulation in Indonesia 6.0 Millions China Thailand Taiwan Vietnam Philippines India 2014 Indonesia Internet Household Penetration in Indonesia 6.0 30.2% 27.1% 5.9 23.7% 5.8 18.0% 20.5% 5.7 2010 2011 Source: Media Partners Asia 2015 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 11 Media viewership in 2015 Consumer Media View 2015 (%) TV 96 OOH 52 People Owning Smartphone (%) Internet 38 30 Radio 16 Print Cinema 14 10 14 12 2013 Source: Nielsen Consumer Media View 2015 2014 2015 12 TV still Outweighs Growing Digital and Internet Consumption % of daily internet user 71% 61% Time Spent Internet in Daily (%) vs TV average of 5 hours per day >3 hours 27% 32% 3 hours 73% 2011 2014 Source: Nielsen Consumer Media View 2015 2015 13 More People Are Watching TV Now Than a Decade Ago, and millennials will come around, too The average American watches an astonishing 5 hours and 4 minutes of TV a day according to Nielsen. This includes Live TV and Time-Shifted TV. TV’s cumulative audience or reach increase, to 213.5 million people, or 87.9%. A year ago, reach was 210.3 million, or 87.6%. Americans aged 18 to 24, still watch 16.2 hours a week, whilst the 35 or older watch double that in a week. About 50 percent of Americans now have subscription services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu in their homes whilst The DVR numbers have held steady for the past year. More platforms more content, benefitting content provider. http://www.nielsen.com/content/dam/corporate/us/en/reports-downloads/2016-reports/total-audience-report-q1-2016.pdf 14 Indonesia‟s Media Advertising Market Share Given the infrastructure constraint, TV is the only medium to reach a mass audience. TV advertising is expected to maintain a dominant market share Online advertising to take market share from Newspaper and Magazine 2019F 2014 OOH; 2.2% OOH; 2.0% Radio; 1.3% Online/Mobile; 7.3% Radio; 1.1% Online/Mobile; 10.5% Magazines; 2.6% Magazines; 2.4% Newspapers; 20.4% Newspapers; 18.2% TV; 65.8% TV; 65.5% Source: Media Partners Asia 2015 and Nielsen 2016 15 Section 3 MNC Update The Largest Integrated Media Company in Southeast Asia FREE-TO-AIR TV CONTENT SUPPORTING ENTERTAINMENT IN HOUSE PRODUCTION UNITS PRINT TALENT SEARCH/ NEWS/ VARIETY/ SPORTS DRAMA/ MOVIES/ FTV ANIMATION RADIO RCTI, MNCTV, GlobalTV, iNewsTV MNC Sports NEWS & SPORTS CONTENT LIBRARY PAY-TV CHANNELS TALENT MANAGEMENT Content library contains more than 270,000 hours and increasing by more than 15,000 hours per year 17 Our Key Growth Drivers RCTI, MNCTV, and Global TV grow significantly outperforming the industry iNewsTV a national network with focus on news, infotainment and sports 23 exclusive channels on MNC Sky Vision to generate ad revenue Integrated TV studios has been completed in 2015, is set to increase production capacity and quality of programming with efficient costs 18 Content is King Creating the best content is our top priority Content is the only way to capture audience share and monetize advertising dollars Indonesians love “Sinetrons” and we broadcast many of the top drama series We have licensed popular International programs such as Master Chef, Indonesian Idol and X Factor Exclusive programming with top Hollywood studios More than 270,000 hours of content library and increasing by more than 15,000 hours annually We also have 23 MNC branded Pay TV Channels. These channels are integral to our content strategy “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting. The television revolution that began half a century ago spawned a number of industries, including the manufacturing of TV sets, but the long-term winners were those who used the medium to deliver information and entertainment.” “Content is King” by Bill Gates in 1996 Prime-Time Nielsen TV stations ranking Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Station RCTI ANTV SCTV IVM MNCTV TRANS7 GTV TRANS TVONE METRO INEWS Target Audience Week II June 2016 ABC ABC ABCD ABCD ABCD ABC ABC ABC ABC AB AB 34.5 13.9 11.5 10.0 8.4 6.3 4.9 4.9 2.2 1.5 0.9 Source: Nielsen Prime-Time All Demographic Audience Share 19 Top 10 Drama Series as of YTD June 2016 • New drama series „Anak Jalanan‟ the #1 program • 6 out of the Top 10 Drama belongs to MNC No. Program Name Chn TVR SHR 1 ANAK JALANAN RCTI 7.9 34.1 2 TUKANG BUBUR NAIK HAJI THE SERIES RCTI 4.6 21.0 3 UTTARAN ANTV 4.1 25.6 4 TOP TUKANG OJEK PENGKOLAN RCTI 3.3 18.9 5 3 SEMPRUUUL MENGEJAR SURGA 4 SCTV 3.2 23.7 6 SENANDUNG MNCTV 3.1 13.5 7 MERMAID IN LOVE SCTV 3.0 13.4 8 CATATAN HATI SEORANG ISTRI 2 RCTI 2.8 15.5 9 KAU SEPUTIH MELATI RCTI 2.5 15.3 IVM 2.5 11.3 10 ADA APA DENGAN D Source: Nielsen 20 Biggest producer of in-house content in Indonesia Integrated end to end programming strategy drives highest margins • • • MNC produces over 15,000 hours of in house content every year. 41 hours per day! More than any competitors in Indonesia. Full control from talent management to production to broadcast 4 in house production divisions: The programming strategy allows RCTI to achieve industry leading 55% EBITDA margins. MNC Animation Star Media Nusantara SineMart RCTI, MNCTV, GTV and Sport Productions MNC Pictures 21 MNC Has The Best Talent Search Format Lineup Pioneering the international scale talent search programs in Indonesia, such as Indonesian Idol - 8th season and running, X-Factor Indonesia - 2nd season and running, Rising Star Indonesia - The 1st Season with interactive talent search programs MasterChef Indonesia - 3rd season and running The Voice Indonesia – Aired February 2016 Our talent search programs are 3x more profitable than competing “In-house” dangdut singing competition 22 The most comprehensive Pay TV Channels line-up We have the most comprehensive Pay TV channel lineup in Indonesia Our customers prefer local content Producing content in Bahasa Indonesia is our competitive advantage We generate subscription revenue and advertising revenue Sports Movies Lifestyle News Entertainment Kids Local content means it is the leader in its Pay TV category 23 Top 20 Most Watched Pay TV Channels for 2015 NO. CHANNEL NO. CHANNEL 1 CARTOON NETWORK 11 FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 2 S-ONE 12 MNC COMEDY 3 DISNEY CHANNEL 13 MNC KIDS 4 MNC SPORTS 14 LIFE 5 DISNEY JUNIOR 15 AXN 6 DISNEY XD 16 MNC MOVIE 7 MNC MUSLIM 17 MNC ENTERTAINMENT 8 CBEEBIES 18 MNC SHOP 9 MNC DRAMA 19 SOCCER CHANNEL 10 MNC INFOTAINMENT 20 MNC NEWS Source: AGB Nielsen Report 24 Pay TV Channels to drive ad revenue for MNCN OPPORTUNITIES MNC Channels share of Pay TV audience in 2015 MNCN has produced and packaged 23 Pay TV channels exclusively for MNC Sky Vision. In return MNCN receives 100% ad revenue MNC Sports, MNC Infotainment, MNC News and MNC Business, MNC Music Channel are ranked #1 in their respective categories versus its International peers We expect MNC Channels to generate meaningful advertising revenue as subscribers grow FOX 15.71 MNC Channels 42.43 Rank Sports Channel Channel Share Rank News Channel Channel Share 1 MNC SPORTS2 5% 1 MNC NEWS 2% 2 MNC SOCCER 2% 2 Fox News 0% 3 FOX SPORTS 1% 3 CNN INTERNATIONAL 0% 4 FOX SPORTS 2 0% 4 MNC WORLD NEWS 0% Rank Lifestyle Channel Channel Share Rank Music Channel Channel Share 1 MNC INFOTAINMENT 3% 1 MNC MUSIC 1% 2 MNC LIFESTYLE 2% 2 CHANNEL V 1% 3 MNC FOOD AND TRAVEL 1% 3 TRACE 0% 4 MNC HOME AND LIVING 1% 4 NGC Music 0% Rank Entertainment Channel Channel Share Rank Business Channel Channel Share 1 S-ONE 7% 1 IDX CHANNEL 1% 2 MNC DRAMA 3% 2 CNBC Asia 0% 3 MNC Comedy 2% 3 Bloomberg 0% 4 AXN 2% Source : Nielsen TV Audience Measurement 2015 Disney 13.53 Turner 9.43 Others 4.83 NBCU 1.89 Discovery 1.90 HBO 5.53 Sony 2.25 AMC Networks 2.49 Source: Nielsen TV Audience Measurement YTD September 2015 25 iNews TV the Largest National Network TV Sabang Banda Aceh Lhokseumawe Medan Tarakan Pematang Siantar Batam Payakumbuh Bukit Tinggi Padang ■ Pekanbaru Pontianak ■ Jambi Bengkulu Lubuk Linggau Lampung Pangkal Pinang Tenggarong ■ Samarinda Palangkaraya Palembang Manado Gorontalo Manokwari Ternate Palu ■ Biak Mamuju Pleihari Kendari Makassar Cirebon Semarang Bojonegoro Jakarta Sumenep Bandung ■ ■ Surabaya ■ Tasikmalaya ■ ■ ■ ■Singaraja Purwokerto Madiun Magelang Kediri Bali Mataram ■■ Ambon Masohi ■ Nabire Merauke Kupang Total : 51 Stations Nationwide • iNews TV was launched on April 6th 2015 • Focusing on 24 hours news, entertainment and sports 26 Section 4 Financial Update Media Nusantara Citra Financial Performance from FY2012 until FY2015 (Audited) FY2012 to FY2015 Financials IDR trillion 13.61 8.96 6.27 6.52 6.67 14.47 9.62 9.40 7.29 6.44 9.57 7.74 2012 2013 2014 2.38 Revenue 2.72 2.78 2.40 2015 EBITDA Assets Equity FY2012 to FY2015 Solvency Metrics 66X 51% 45% 56X 48X 38% 42% 42% 37% 2012 2013 23% 24% 2014 12X Debt/Equity Source: Company Financials EBITDA/Interest 2015 EBITDA Margin 28 MNCN FS 1Q2015 VS 1Q2016 1Q2016 1Q2015 % 1,521,808 16,877 1,538,685 1,498,361 15,926 1,514,287 2% 6% 2% Program and content expenses Depreciation and amortization expense Total COGS 628,676 28,430 657,106 702,251 16,310 718,561 -10% 74% -9% Gross Profit 881,579 795,726 11% (363,923) (47,294) (264,837) (44,427) 37% 6% 137,903 26,919 (142,792) 76,786 -197% -65% (2,792) 12,645 (994) 25,725 181% -51% (236,542) (350,539) -33% Total Expense 893,648 1,069,100 -16% Profit Before Tax 645,037 445,187 45% (140,128) (136,060) 3% 504,909 479,552 309,127 285,163 63% 68% Revenue Adv&Content Others Total Revenue COGS OPEX SG&A Finance cost Loss on foreign exchange - net Other losses - net Equity in net loss of an associates Interest income Total OPEX Income Tax Expenses Net Profit Attributable Net Income to Parent Entity 29 RCTI Commands Highest Power Ratio Channel ADEX Nett Estimation 12M 2014 Revenue (in IDR billion) 2014 Revenue Audience 2014 2013 Growth Share Share Power Ratio RCTI 3,347 3,225 3.8% 21% 15% 1.4x MNCTV 1,584 1,579 0.3% 10% 10% 1.1x 928 855 8.5% 6% 6% 0.9x MNC Group 5,858 5,659 3.5% 38% 31% 1.2x SCTV 2,674 2,633 1.6% 17% 17% 1.0x IVM 1,390 1,073 29.5% 9% 12% 0.7x EMTEK Group 4,064 3,706 9.7% 26% 29% 0.9x Trans 1,567 1,899 -17.5% 10% 11% 0.9x Trans7 1,260 2,212 -43.0% 8% 8% 1.0x Transcorp 2,827 4,110 -31.2% 18% 19% 0.9x ANTV 1,296 647 100.2% 8% 12% 0.7x 936 609 53.7% 6% 5% 1.3x 2,232 1,256 77.7% 14% 17% 0.9x Metro 608 577 5.5% 4% 3% 1.4x TVRI1 32 16 104.0% 0% 1% 0.1x 641 593 8.1% 4% 4% 1.0x 15,621 15,324 1.9% 100% 100% 1.0x GTV TVOne VIVA Group Others Grand Total Source : AGB Nielsen Arianna / Annual Report IDX & Adex Nett Assumption 12M 2013-2014 (In Billion) • FY2014 advertising industry growth by 1.9% as advertisers held off spending due to election uncertainty and the debate on fuel price MNC Group outperforms with 3.5% growth on revenue share. • MNC Group has maintained its industry leading advertising market share and power ratio. 30 Strong revenue growth with increasing EBITDA Margins Room For Further Margins Improvement 47% - 48% 42% 42% 38% 37% 33% 2011A Source : Company information 2012A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2018E 31 Highly Qualified and Experienced Management Team Hary Tanoesoedibjo CEO, MNC Group Kanti Mirdiati Imansyah Director Faisal Dharma Setiawan CFO Diana Airin Director Group President & CEO of MNC since March 2004 Founding shareholder and Group Executive Chairman of PT Bhakti Investama Tbk. since 1989 Currently holds positions in several other companies, including Group President & CEO of PT Global Mediacom Tbk. since 2002, President Commissioner of RCTI since 2008, President Commissioner of PT MNC Sky Vision (Indovision), President Commissioner of Media Nusantara Informasi since 2008, President Commissioner of MNC Networks since 2008, President Commissioner of MNC Pictures since 2007, and many other companies within MNC Media and Bhakti Investama Group MBA degree from Ottawa University, Canada Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Director Sales and marketing of RCTI from 2010 – 2012 GM Sales and Marketing manager and Director Sales and Marketing of CTPI from 2006-2010 AVP Sales and Marketing of Duta Visual Mandiri from 2003-2006 Head of Acquisition Manager of RCTI from 2002 – 2003 Sales Group Head Trans TV from 2000 – 2003 Sales Group Head & Account Executive1990 – 2000 Bachelor Degree of Science from La Jolla Academy of Advertising Arts and Associate Degree Fashion Merchandising from IFS San Diego, USA Chief Executive Officer in PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana WanaArtha in 2012 Vice Chief Finance Officer – Strategy & Finance in PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. in 2009 Commissioner in PT CIMB Sunlife in2009 Commissioner in PT Asuransi CIGNA in 2009 Assistant General Manager in PT Indo Kordsa Tbk in 2000 Director of Pension Funds Indo Kordsa Director in 1996 Graduated from Prasetya Mulya, Graduate School of Management with “MM” degree in International Business in 2001 Graduated from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan with Civil Engineer Degree (Bachelor Degree) in 1984 President Director of PT. Media Nusantara Informasi, PT. MNC Networks (Radio), & PT. Cross Media International (Media Buying Agency) since 2013 Director of Sales Marketing of Seputar Indonesia, SUN TV, High End & High End Teen, and Network Magazine in 2010 Bachelor Degree of Economy – Management from Tarumanegara University 32 Highly Qualified and Experienced Management Team Ella Kartika Director Gwenarty Setiadi Director Charlie Kasim Independent Director Managing Director in PT Global Informasi Bermutu in 2013 Programming & Production Director in PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia in 2011 Programming & Production Director in PT Global Informasi Bermutu in 2010 Sales & Marketing Director in PT Global Informasi Bermutu in 2008 Obtained Master of Management Program from University of Indonesia majoring in Finance & Banking in 1998 Director of Human Resources and General Services in PT MNC Sky Vision Tbk in 2009 General Human Manager Human Resources and General Services in PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk in 2008 Vice President (VP), Human Resources and General Services in Citibank in 2007 Vice President (VP), Head of Direct Sales Training Academy & HRRM in Citibank in 2005 Vice President (VP), Outsourcing Management Head in Citibank in 2004 Assistant Vice President (AVP), Sales Human Resources and Compliance Manager in Citibank in 2000 Manager, Sales Recruitment and Training Manager in Citibank in 1998 Graduated from University of Satya Wacana with Bachelor degree in Agronomy in 1982 Deputy Finance and Technical Director in PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia in 2013 Finance Director, Technical Director, Operational Director and Head of Procurement of PT Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV) in 2011 Chief Finance Officer in PT. Visi Media Asia Tbk (VIVA) in 2007 Finance/HR/Sales Director & CEO at PT. Viva Media Baru (Previously vivanews.com, now VIVA.CO.ID) in 2008 Finance Director and Head of Procurement at PT. Lativi Media Karya (tvOne, previously known as Lativi) in 2007 Operational Director at PT. Fajar Bumi Sakti (coal mining company based in East Kalimantan) in 2005 Commissioner of PT. Bakrie Swasakti Utama (Bakrie real estate company handling Taman Rasuna Apartement, Pasar Festival and Klub Rasuna) in 2003 Vice President for Collection of PT. Bakrie Finance Corporation Tbk in 2002 Obtained MBA in Finance from University of Houston in 1997 President Director in PT Hikmat Makna Aksara (Sindo Weekly) in 2008 Corporate Secretary in PT Global Mediacom and PT Media Nusantara Citra in 2008 and 2010 Chief Editor in Global TV in 2011 Graduated from ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) with Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree in 1995 Arya M. Sinulingga Director 33 Integrated Studio Facilities 34 Thank You For further information, please contact Investor Relations Division: Christy Kusuma Atmaja christy.atmaja@mncgroup.com Teddy Pun teddy.pun@mncgroup.com David F. Audy david.audy@mncgroup.com PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk MNC Tower 29th Floor Jl Kebon Sirih No.17-19 Jakarta 10340, Indonesia Tel: 62-21 3913338 Fax: 62-21 3910454 Website: www.mncgroup.com
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