Revival Joy - Jesus Loves You Ministries


Revival Joy - Jesus Loves You Ministries
on Revival Wisdom
“Wilt thou not revive us again: that
thy people may rejoice in thee?”
(Psalm 85:6)
Ralph D. Koehler
Revival Joy
REVIVAL JOY: Quotations on Revival Wisdom
Copyright © 2014 – 2016 by Ralph D. Koehler
With all rights reserved
Web Update: October 3, 2016
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission from the author.
For quality paper copies of this book, please contact:
Ralph D. Koehler
PO Box 201
Collingswood, NJ 08108
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Scripture quotations are from the King James Version (KJV)
of the Holy Bible.
Jesus Loves You
Books by Ralph Koehler
Signs of the Times: Four Volumes
RDK Family Portrait: Genealogy, Biographies, and Pictures
The Journey: Stories of Christian Miracles
Christian Anthology: Miscellaneous Readings
Revival Joy: Quotations on Revival Wisdom
Christian Quotations: Inspirational Readings
Memoirs: With Signs Following (Editor)
The Mo[u]rning of the Flight – Research on Islam and Jihad
Christian Bible History
2D/3D Graphics and Splines
God bless you!
Revival Joy
This book is dedicated to my wife, Ruth Marie Koehler (nee
Kalesse), who has prayed faithfully for Christian revival for many
God bless our three children Sara, Julia, and Ralph Jr., and our five
grandchildren. Amen.
Jesus Loves You
Table of Contents
Books by Ralph Koehler .........................................................................3
Dedication ...............................................................................................4
Table of Contents ....................................................................................5
Table of Figures ......................................................................................6
Chapter 1: ................................................................................................7
Christian Revival Quotations ..................................................................7
Chapter 2: ..............................................................................................53
On the Reformers and Evangelists ........................................................53
Bibliography .........................................................................................67
The Gospel Message .............................................................................72
Motivation to Share the Word...........................................................72
The Quintessential Salvation Message .............................................74
Profession of Faith ............................................................................76
Growing in Christian Maturity..........................................................77
INDEX ..................................................................................................80
Revival Joy
Table of Figures
Figure 1: John Wycliffe (1331 – 1384) – Morning Star of the Reformation .............. 55
Figure 2: John Hus – Reformer and Martyr, VHS cover photo ................................. 56
Figure 3: John Hus (c. 1369 - 1415) – legacy of the Moravian Church .................... 57
Figure 4: Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) - legacy of the Lutheran Church .................. 58
Figure 5: William Tyndale (c. 1494 – 1536), a Christian hero, who translated the
Holy Bible into English, and suffered as a martyr...................................................... 59
Figure 6: The burning of a 16th-century Dutch Anabaptist, Anneken Hendriks, who
was charged by the Spanish Inquisition with heresy .................................................. 60
Figure 7: Dirk Willems saves his pursuer. This act of mercy led to his recapture, after
which he was burned at the stake. Luyken, Jan (1685), Dirk Willems (picture). ........ 60
Figure 8: John Wesley (1703 – 1791) – founder of the Methodist Societies, who
emphasized sanctification, or the motive toward Scriptural Holiness ........................ 61
Figure 9: Count Ludwig Zinzendorf (1700 - 1760) – Prophet of the Heart, Bishop of
the Moravian Church, great and early supporter of foreign missions........................ 63
Figure 10: George F. Muller (1805 – 1898), pastor, and founder of orphanages and
many Christian schools .............................................................................................. 64
Figure 11: Charles Fox Parham (1873 – 1929), independent Holiness evangelist,
founder of the Apostolic Faith Movement, who taught that the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost was evidenced by speaking in tongues ............................................................. 66
Jesus Loves You
Chapter 1:
Christian Revival Quotations
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will
I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt
stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy
right hand shall save me.”
(Psalm 138:7)
“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose
name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is
of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to
revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
(Isaiah 57:15)
“O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy
work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in
wrath remember mercy.”
(Habakkuk 3:2)
Revival Joy
“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the
Lord.” (Acts 3:19)
Over the years, I have had the privilege of reading books on
Christian revival history. Along the way, I have entered selected
quotations from these revival books that seemed interesting or
instructive to me into a Revival Joy file. This booklet presents these
sagacious quotations in the order read and entered by me. In the second
chapter, interesting information is presented regarding Revivalists and
Following these chapters, I have included a
Bibliography; a biblical rendition of the Gospel Message; and an Index.
The Christian faithful have enjoyed uplifting revivals along their
Pilgrim’s journey, even throughout the course of Christian history.
Through moves of the Spirit of God, the attitudes and understandings
of Christian theology were brought, Nearer My God to Thee, resulting
in further interpretive clarity and faithful action… As a representative
overview, we might suggest the following incremental timeline that
may well lead us into modern Revival Joy.
Grace: the Reformation under Martin Luther (1483-1546) involving the
observation that we are saved by Grace through Faith...
Sanctification: the importance of Righteousness and separation unto
scriptural holiness, as exhorted by John Wesley (1703-1791)…
Duty: the call to March into Glory by helping the poor and the afflicted,
as commanded for example, within the Salvation Army under General
William Booth (1829-1912)…
Missions: the biblical directive to Go ye and preach the Gospel to every
creature, including foreign missions (1799 early societies founded),
expanding the frontiers of the Gospel’s outreach around the world…
Pentecost: the outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit upon the independent
Holiness people, as led by Charles Parham (1873-1929), and
manifesting at the Azusa Street revival (1906-1909) with William
Seymour (1870-1922)…
Jesus Loves You
Healing: the supernatural ministry of the Seer and Prophet William
Branham (1909-1965), seeking to turn the hearts of the children back to
the original Christian founding fathers…
Repentance: The Brownsville Revival (1996-2000) at Pensacola
Florida, calling multitudes of precious people to the Mercy Seat…
Father’s Heart: ushered in through the Toronto Blessing (1994-1999),
bringing a focus upon the Love of God for his children…
We might well ask, what will be the biblical basis for the next
outpouring of Revival Joy among Christian people? Our work on Signs
of the Times (Four Volumes, in draft online) may be instructive,
especially regarding Daniel’s prophetic timeline… Yet, we seem to
perceive that a Revival of truth will be forthcoming by the mercy of
God, bringing exuberance and jubilation to faithful Christian people…
Perhaps through the heritage of the modern revivals, the Lord Jesus
Christ has been maturing His children in preparation for a Bloom of
Perfect Faith. May the truth of God’s word be preached to every
creature and may the Lord Jesus Christ confirm His word, with signs
following. Amen.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
“And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with
them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mark
“While in Cincinnati, Seymour was ‘sanctified,’ a spiritual
experience claimed by Holiness people [Evening Light Church of God
Holiness]. Sanctification was considered ‘an instantaneous work of
God wrought in the soul of the regenerated man or woman in answer to
perfect consecration, unswerving faith and importunate prayer… That
Revival Joy
work, which cleanses the heart from all sin, no matter how preceded by
mortification of spirit and crucifying of the flesh, is done in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, by the mighty power of God.’ …Their
scripture theme was Zechariah 14:7, ‘but it shall come to pass, that at
evening it shall be light.” (Martin p. 76-77)
“Persons are sanctified by the cleansing and empowering work of
the Holy Spirit who establishes the lives of believers in perfect love and
enables those lives to be lifted above the domination of sin.” (Martin p.
“Later, he [Seymour] would be able to recite Parham’s teachings:
‘word for word.’” (Martin p. 93)
“Bartleman continued to work hard for revival, praying, preaching,
writing and distributing G. Campbell Morgan’s tract, ‘Revival in
Wales’ and S. B. Shaw’s book, The Great Revival in Wales. He had
also begun writing correspondence with Evan Roberts in Wales. The
Welsh revivalist responded, ‘Congregate the people who are willing to
make total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s promises. Hold
daily meetings. May God bless you is my earnest prayer.” (Martin p.
“Seymour would lead the service from a chair behind the makeshift
shoe box pulpit. Often he would bow low with his head inside the
crates or leaning against their side, praying as the service progressed.
Witnesses remembered him as ‘very prayerful, a very quiet man.’ The
Azusa leader believed, ‘Our highest place is low at His feet.’
Like Evan Roberts in Wales, Seymour did not preach long or often,
allowing things to go their own way, or more appropriately ‘the Lord’s
way.’ E. S. Williams, a regular participant said, ‘His preaching was
very limited.’ Yet when he spoke, he ministered under such an
anointing that his words changed the world.
What kind of preacher was Seymour? A. G. Osterberg described
him ‘as slow speaking, humble, unpretentious, Bible loving, God
fearing minister.’ In another interview, Osterberg described Seymour
and his preaching: ‘He was meek and plain spoken and no orator. He
spoke the common language of the uneducated class. He might preach
for three-quarters of an hour with no more emotionalism than the post.
Jesus Loves You
He was no arm-waving thunderer, by any stretch of the imagination.
The only way to explain the results is this: that his teachings were so
simple that people who were opposed to organized religion fell for it. It
was the simplicity that attracted them.’” (Martin p. 184-185)
“They repeatedly sing the same song, The Comforter has Come”
(Martin p. 249): Footnote: Art Glass, ‘The Comforter has Come;”
available from; Internet; accessed
December 1998. [See also p. 354 for the sheet music]” Note; Bonnie
Brae means Church of the Beautiful Hill…
[Seymour often said,] “Never doubt your God and never disappoint
him.” (Martin p. 332)
Martin, Larry E. The Life and Ministry of William J. Seymour and a
history of the Azusa Street Revival. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life
Books, 2006.
“For further reading, New International Dictionary of Pentecostal
and Charismatic Movements (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001).”
“The definitive history of the oneness movement is Talmadge L.
French’s excellent book Our God is One: the Story of the Oneness
Pentecostals (Indianapolis, Ind.: Voice and Vision, 2000).”
“I prayed, ‘Lord, if this is a true language, then You can reveal it to
me.’ I went out the door and down one of the many paths that lead into
the surrounding woods. As I walked along the path, my new prayer
tongue was flowing, an artesian spring within me, of praise and
Coming up the path was a pretty, flaxen-haired girl of about eleven.
When she came to me, she stood and cocked her head and then
laughed, ‘You’re speaking Polish.’
I wrote on a slip of paper, ‘Where is there a Polish man? I want to
speak to him.’ I was afraid to start speaking in English for fear that I’d
never be able to begin again in this tongue. The girl led me to a man
who was standing on the front steps of his cabin; he was squat and
Revival Joy
muscular, maybe a Pennsylvania miner. I thought, ‘Just think, I’ve
never met this man, but in Christ we are brothers.’
He exclaimed, ‘Bracia, Bracia! You call me Brother.’ He said, ‘You
are praising God, going from one Slavic dialect to the other.’
When I left him, my heart was overjoyed.” (Synan p. 160,
testimony of Harald Bredesen)
“By the end of the Civil War, Methodists were accounted the
largest denominational family in America.” (Synan p. 179)
“Methodist churches turned to an emphasis on education and social
action.” (Synan p. 180)
“Then suddenly, through Harald’s [Bredesen] lips the words came,
‘I am doing a new thing in the earth. Why will you be bound by fear?
Hold nothing back. Hold nothing back!” (Synan p. 189)
Synan, Vinson. The Century of the Holy Spirit – 100 Years of
Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewal. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson,
“True repentance will produce fruit in our lives as we experience
the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. He will give us
grace to stand before Him. True repentance produces a change in
behavior, which is a result of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the fruit that
we begin to bear in keeping with our repentant attitude.” (Gallagher p.
Gallagher, Vincent. Revival Fires: The Coming Revival, Judgment,
and Return of Christ. Kearny, NE: Morris Publishing, 1999.
“When I went away from home to hold my first revival at the age of
sixteen, my father told me that every church does things differently and
that it was not my responsibility to change the way they did things. My
Jesus Loves You
only responsibility was to bless the people when it came my time to
minister. I have attempted to heed that wise advice.” (Heflin p. 223)
Heflin, Ruth Ward. Revival Glory. Hagerstown, MD: McDougal
Publishing, 1998.
Recrudescence: a revival… to break out or become active again
after a dormant period…
“Professor William Gibson, who the next year was elected
moderator, wrote that the prostrations: ‘served to my certain
knowledge, very much the purpose of the ‘rushing mighty wind’
preceding the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
They roused the slumbering mass; they startled whole streets; they
called special attention to the deep conviction of the person affected;
they awed and awakened the minds of many whom curiosity had
brought to ‘come and see’; and they overruled to send many back to
their homes and churches to think of their own lives, to cry to God for
their own souls, and to look for Christ for pardon and acceptance as
they had never looked before.’” (Duewel p. 160)
“[Evan] Roberts taught the people to pray, ‘Send the Holy Spirit
now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.’ Throughout the revival period he
repeatedly emphasized four points: (1) confess openly and fully any
unconfessed sin; (2) put away from your life anything doubtful; (3)
obey promptly anything the Spirit tells you to say and do; (4) confess
Christ openly.” (Duewel p. 189)
“Evan Roberts spoke ‘simply, unaffectedly, earnestly, now and
then, but he makes no sermons, and preaching is emphatically not the
rule of the revival… The revival is born along by the billowing waves
of sacred songs… It is the singing, not the preaching that is the
instrument which is most efficacious in striking the hearts of men.’”
(Duewel p. 196)
Revival Joy
“Repeatedly [Evan] Roberts expressed his concern over three
things: (1) that all the glory be given to God, (2) that the people pray,
and (3) that all obey God.” (Duewel p. 201)
[From By My Spirit by Jonathan Goforth,] “Goforth then asks, ‘Are
we ready to pay the price of Holy Ghost revival?’ He outlines what he
considers to be the indispensible factors in preparing God’s way in
revival: (1) prayer, (2) a ‘back-to-the-Bible’ movement, and (3)
exalting Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The old Presbyterian minister and prayer warrior, the man of
unshakable faith in the Word of God, concluded his book with these
words: ‘Brethren, the Spirit of God is with us still. Pentecost is yet
within our grasp. If revival is being withheld from us it is because some
idol remains still enthroned; because we insist in placing our reliance in
human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth
that ‘it is not by might, but by my Spirit.’’” (Duewel p. 267-268)
[Rev. Duncan Campbell ministry,] “Suddenly the sky was filled
with the sound of angelic voices singing. Everyone [about two hundred
people] heard it, and they fell on their knees in the field. Some were
saved as they knelt there.” (Duewel p. 312)
“Dr. J. Edwin Orr… [was the] the greatest historian of revival.”
(Duewel p. 325)
Duewel, Wesley. Revival Fire. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan,
“If this is true, then, the millions of Pentecostals and Charismatics
around the world can claim a rich historical heritage in addition to a
sound biblical foundation. Their historical counterparts include the
revival movements of church history that consistently preserved
elements of divine truth that were often rejected or neglected by the
institutional church. Courageous men and women in every generation
have kept alive the truth of a vital, living, biblical faith empowered by
the Holy Spirit. That the twentieth-century Pentecostal/Charismatic
movement is mainstream Christianity is confirmed, not only by the
Jesus Loves You
New Testament, but also by two thousand years of charismatic
Christianity.” (Hyatt p. 193)
Hyatt, Eddie L. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity. Lake
Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2002.
“Azusa was taken from an American Indian tribe’s settlement.
Literally translated, it means ‘blessed miracle.’” (Borlaise p. 124)
“Later the young man described what followed as being like a
sphere of fiery white-hot radiance falling upon him, melting his heart
with divine love.” (Borlaise p. 126)
“Some time near the end of the meeting he heard a man at the side
hall start to talk about the future. He spoke of the ‘awful destruction’
for Los Angeles unless the city turns to God” (Borlaise p. 126-127)...
“As the very words were being printed and delivered to the readers,
San Francisco was shaken by an earthquake that was felt as far away as
Los Angeles and Nevada. Awful destruction, you say? As many as
three thousand people were dead and three-quarters of the city’s
population were homeless by the most powerful earthquake in living
memory.” (Borlaise p. 127)
“This inversion of hierarchy, this toppling of worldly values is at
the very heart of the story, feeding through to the very muscle that
moved it forward. The unremarkable building in the undesirable
location where unimpressive people served unplanned meetings was
the vehicle of choice. Despite – or perhaps because of – the decision to
avoid advertising, announcing, or preparing meetings, the power
increased and the crowds kept coming… ‘It was a tremendous
overhauling process. Pride and self-assertion, self-importance, and selfesteem could not survive there [in the revival]. The religious ego
preached its own funeral sermon quickly.’” (Borlaise p. 140)
[Per William Seymour,] “Pentecost power, when you sum it all up,
is just more of God’s love. If it does not bring more of God’s love it is
simply counterfeit. Pentecost means to live right in the 13th chapter of
Revival Joy
first Corinthians, which is the standard… This is Bible religion. It is not
manufactured religion. Pentecost makes us love Jesus more and love
our brothers more. It brings us into one common family.” (Borlaise p.
“Seymour would urge people to, ‘Let the tongues come forth;’ to,
‘Be emphatic! Ask for salvation, sanctification, the baptism with the
Holy Ghost, or divine healing.’” (Borlaise p. 148)
“The appraisal of the situation is typical of Seymour. The hallmarks
are easy to spot: the inclusive language, the self-deprecation, the
emphasis on lessons learned, and the final focus toward a positive
statement about pursuing a closer relationship with Jesus.” (Borlaise p.
Borlaise, Craig. William Seymour: A Biography. Lake Mary, FL:
Charisma House, 2006.
“Above all, let us honor the blood of Jesus Christ every moment of
our lives, and we will be sweet in our souls. We will be able to talk of
this common salvation to everyone that we meet. God will let His
anointing rest upon us in telling them of this precious truth. This truth
belongs to God. We have no right to tax anyone for the truth, because
God has entrusted us with it to tell it. Freely we receive, freely we give.
So the gospel is to be preached freely, and God will bless it and spread
it Himself, and we have experienced that He does. We have found Him
true to His promise all the way. We have tried Him and proved Him.
His promises are sure.” (Seymour p. 32-33, November 1906)
Seymour, William. Azusa Street Sermons – The Words That
Changed the World. Joplin, Missouri: Christian Life Books, Series
Editor Dr. Larry Martin, 1999.
“Then, suddenly, the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to us. He seemed
to directly stand between us, so close that we could have reached out
Jesus Loves You
our hands and touched Him. But we did not dare to move. I could not
even look. In fact, I seemed all spirit. His presence seemed more real, if
possible, than if I could have seen and touched Him naturally. I forgot I
had eyes or ears; my spirit recognized Him. A heaven of divine love
filled and thrilled my soul. Burning fire went through me. In fact, my
whole being seemed to flow down before Him, like wax before the fire.
I lost all consciousness of time or space, being conscious only of His
wonderful presence. I worshipped at His feet. It seemed a veritable
Mount of Transfiguration. I was lost in the pure Spirit.” (Bartleman p.
“Divine love was wonderfully manifest in the meetings… The
baptism of the Holy Spirit, as we received it in the beginning, did not
allow us to think, speak, or hear evil of any man. The Spirit was very
sensitive, tender as a dove. The Holy Spirit is symbolized as a dove.
We knew the moment we had grieved the Spirit by an unkind thought
or word. We seemed to live in a sea of pure divine love. The Lord
fought our battles for us in those days. We committed ourselves to His
judgment fully in all matters, never seeking to even defend the work or
ourselves. We lived in His wonderful, immediate presence. And
nothing contrary to His pure Spirit was allowed there.” (Bartleman p.
“Nothing hinders faith and the operation of the Spirit so much as
the self-assertiveness of the human soul, the wisdom, strength, and selfsufficiency of the human mind. This must all be crucified, and here is
where the fight comes in. We must become utterly undone, insufficient,
and helpless in our own consciousness, thoroughly humbled, before we
can receive full possession of the Holy Spirit. We want the Holy Spirit,
but the fact is that He is wanting possession of us.” (Bartleman p. 76)
“Through prayer and self-abasement, God will undertake for the
meetings. This was the secret in the beginning. We held together in
prayer, love, and unity, and no power could break this. But self must be
burned out. Meetings must be controlled by way of the throne. A
spiritual atmosphere must be created, through humility and
prayer, that Satan cannot live in. And this we realized in the
beginning. It was the very opposite of religious zeal and carnal,
religious ambition.” (Bartleman p. 86, bold added)
Revival Joy
Bartleman, Frank. Azusa Street. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker
House, 1982.
“If, as you proceed with this project, you find that your spirit is still
not rejoicing, search yourself. You will see there is still sin blocking
your full awareness of the Spirit of God within you. This lack of joy is
your signal that you have not been faithful and thorough. Your selfexamination requires a full attack – it is not a gentle pastime. It is
tearing sin away from yourself, revealing what may be painful.”
(Finney p. 30)
“A man has not forsaken his sins until he has made as much
reparation for them as is in his power… He must make restitution to the
extent of his power.” (Finney p. 104)
“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)
Finney, Charles G. How to Experience Revival. Springdale, PA:
Whitaker House, 1984.
“I had intellectually believed the Bible before, but had never known
that faith was a voluntary trust instead of an intellectual state. I was
conscious at that moment in God’s veracity. I cried to Him, ‘Lord, I
take You at Your Word. You know that I am searching for You with all
my heart and that I have come here to pray to You, and You have
promised to hear me.’” (Finney p. 21)
“I found myself utterly unable to accept doctrine on the ground of
authority [of men]. If I tried to accept those doctrines as mere dogmas, I
could not do it; I could not respect myself in doing it. Often when I left
Mr. Gale [a theological teacher and minister]; I would go to my room
and spend a long time on my knees over my Bible. Indeed, I read my
Bible on my knees a great deal during those days of conflict, asking the
Jesus Loves You
Lord to teach me His mind on those points. I had nowhere to go but
directly to the Bible and to the workings of my own mind.” (Finney p.
“The doctrines preached during the revival were those I have
always preached as the gospel of Christ. I insisted on the voluntary,
total moral depravity of the unregenerate, and on the unalterable
necessity of a fundamental change of the heart by the Holy Spirit and
by means of the truth.
I laid great stress upon prayer as an indispensable condition for
promoting the revival. The atonement of Jesus Christ, His divinity, His
divine mission, His perfect life, His vicarious death, His resurrection,
repentance, faith, justification by faith, and all the kindred doctrines
were discussed as thoroughly as I was able, were pressed home, and
were evidently made effective by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The means used were simple preaching, prayer and conference
meetings, much private prayer, much personal conversation, and
meetings for the instruction of earnest inquirers. These, and no other
means, were used for the promotion of that work and the work of many
revivals to come. There was no appearance of fanaticism, no bad spirit,
no divisions, no heresies, and no schisms. At that time, and certainly as
long as I was at that place, there was no regrettable or questionable
result of that revival.” (Finney p. 64)
“I borrowed my illustrations from the occupations of farmers,
mechanics, and other classes of men. I also tried to use words that they
would understand by addressing them in the language of the common
people, and I thought to express my ideas in few words.
People have often said, ‘You do not preach. You just talk to the
people. Anybody could preach as you do.’ A man in London, who had
been a great skeptic, went home from one of our meetings greatly
convicted. His wife, seeing him greatly excited, said to him, ‘Husband,
have you been to hear Mr. Finney preach?’ He replied, ‘I have been to
Mr. Finney’s meeting. He doesn’t preach; he only explains what other
people preach.’ Others have said about my preaching, ‘It doesn’t seem
like preaching. Rather, it seems as if Mr. Finney took me alone and was
conversing with me face to face.’” (Finney p. 67)
Revival Joy
“I talked to the people as I would have talked to a jury… We are set
on getting a verdict.” (Finney p. 70)
“Seminaries are spoiling the ministers to a great extent… Saul’s
armor… Men cannot learn to preach without practice… calculated to
win souls… to preach extemporaneously… I simply sketch an outline
of the remarks I plan to make and the inferences with which I will
conclude… I almost always get my subjects on my knees in prayer.”
(Finney p. 72-75)
“The doctrines preached in these revivals were the same ones that I
had always used. Instead of telling sinners to pray for a new heart, we
called on them to make themselves a new heart and a new spirit (see
Ezekiel 18:31), and we pressed the duty of instant surrender to God.
We told them the Spirit was striving with them to induce them to give
Him their hearts, to believe, and to enter at once into a life of devotion
to Christ – a life of faith, love, and Christian obedience. We taught
them that if they would yield at once to their own convictions of duty,
they would be Christians. We tried to show them that everything they
did or said before they had submitted, believed, and given their hearts
to God was all sin; it was not what God required of them to do but was
simply deferring repentance and resisting the Holy Spirit. This teaching
was, of course, opposed by many; nevertheless, it was greatly blessed
by the Spirit of God.” (Finney p. 133)
“We kept to our own business [of revival] and felt our strength was
to sit still and ignore the opposition. In this we were not mistaken. We
felt confident that it was not God’s plan to allow such opposition to
prevail.” (Finney p. 225)
“Since then I have felt a religious freedom, a religious buoyancy
and delight in God and in His Word, a steadiness of faith, a Christian
liberty and overflowing love, which I had only experienced
occasionally before. I do not mean that such things had been rare to me
before, but they were never as constant as they have been since. My
bondage seemed to be entirely broken at that time, and since then I
have had the freedom of a child with a loving parent. God is within me
in such a sense that I can rest on Him and be quiet, lay my heart in His
Jesus Loves You
hand, nestle down in His perfect will, and have no worry or anxiety.”
(Finney p. 248)
“It was not uncommon for me to hear that my reasonings had
convinced people of what they had always doubted; and that my
preaching was logical instead of dogmatic and therefore met the needs
of the people.” (Finney p. 301)
“One day I was on my knees, communing with God on the subject
of my wife [who had died]. All at once He seemed to say to me, ‘You
loved your wife, didn’t you?’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Well, did you love her for
her own sake or for your sake? Did you love her or yourself? If you
loved her for her own sake, why are you sad that she is with Me?
Should not her happiness with Me make you rejoice instead of mourn,
if you loved her for her own sake? Did you love her for My sake? If
you loved her for My sake, surely you would not grieve that she is with
Me. Why do you think of your loss instead of thinking of her gain? Can
you be sorrowful when she is so joyful and happy?
I can never describe the feelings that came over me after this. It
produced an instantaneous change in the whole state of my mind. From
that moment, sorrow on account of my loss was gone forever. I no
longer thought of my wife as dead, but as alive and in the midst of the
glories of heaven.” (Finney p. 249)
Finney, Charles G. Holy Spirit Revivals – How You Can Experience
the Joy of Living in God’s Power. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker
House, 1999.
[Rev. Ansel Howard Post wrote circa 1907,] “Surely the glorious
coming of our blessed Lord is very near, and all this supernatural work
of God is needed for the work to be completed. This is only the
beginning of the gracious latter rain, which our risen Lord will pour out
upon all flesh, and as the Holy Spirit shall temper each vessel, meet for
service, He will fully restore all the gifts, or rather manifest each as
needed. For all is inherent in Himself, and all thus baptized will indeed
be one. The Holy Spirit is now leading us into much prayerful study of
His Word. He makes Christ increasingly, all in all, the flesh nothing.
Revival Joy
God’s children one, and the coming of Jesus intensely real, Beloved in
the Lord, don’t criticize us, but join us in prayer.” (Martin p. 73)
[A. G. Osterberg wrote,] “Before the Word of God can reach its
zenith – so far as our consecrated efforts can be used of Him to bring
that to pass – I do believe we shall have to be ‘of one accord’ in our
prayers and seeking, as were the disciples in the Upper Room. I believe
there must be less dry-eyed ‘reasoning’ toward the deep things of God,
and more tears of repentance and seeking in deep humility. When first
finding the Lord as my Saviour, I had a good deal of repenting to do;
but when seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I did a great deal more
deep repenting than when finding salvation. When one throws open the
door of his heart and invites the Holy Spirit in, it is astonishing how
much undesirable debris the light of His presence reveals.” (Martin p.
[Florence Crawford who was mightily healed, wrote,] “As I lay on
my bed at night I would open my soul to God, and every avenue of my
life to the heavenly streams that seemed to flow through every fiber of
my being. And when I would awake, I would renew my consecration,
and tell God He knew my heart and knew that my life was in His
hands; that all I had or ever expected to have was at His disposal;
everything that I had given Him, in all the deep consecrations that He
demanded of me when I was seeking my sanctification and baptism,
was all on the altar and was His, and what He gave me was not mine
but only lent to me; it was His…
Do not be afraid to trust in God. His Word is true. If you will pay
the price, you can have the Word wrought out in your life for healing,
for sanctification or anything you desire of Him.” (Martin p. 141-142)
Martin, Larry E. The True Believers – Eye Witness Accounts of the
Revival that Shook the World. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life Books,
“Along with a great gift of speaking in tongues came an outburst of
the incredible power of God. Parham saw more than a thousand people
healed in a three-month period.” (McIntosh p. 30)
Jesus Loves You
“Most church members are confused about revival. Literally, to
revive means:
 To recover from loss or death.
 To recall from a state of apathy or lethargy.
 To recall to obedience forgotten validations of God’s heart.
 To reinvigorate or revitalize.
 To restore to an awareness of God’s truth and power.
When this takes place, then the world is affected by the revelation
of a revitalized Church.” (McIntosh p. 56)
“The reason repentance is the primary key to revival is that without
it, prayer is impossible. Sin prohibits God from ever hearing our
petitions. There is only one real obstacle to revival: sin. Repentance is
the key to unlock the door of God’s unlimited light.” (McIntosh p. 64)
“In Los Angeles, just before the Azusa Street revival broke out, the
people were called to prayer. As I mentioned earlier, Pastor Smale of
First Baptist wrote to Evan Roberts in Wales to ask him the secret of
the Welsh Revival.
Roberts wrote back, ‘My dear brother in the faith… I am impressed
by your sincerity and honesty of purpose. Congregate the people who
are willing to make a total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s
promises. Hold daily meetings. May God bless you in your earnest
prayer! Yours in Christ, Evan Roberts.’” (McIntosh p. 72)
“[Faithful people must be] focused in on recourse to God in order to
give birth to the deliverance of a nation.” (McIntosh p. 74)
[Evan Robert’s wrote,] “We are teaching no sectarian doctrine, only
the wonder and beauty of Christ’s love. I have been asked concerning
my methods. I have none. I never prepare what I shall speak, but I leave
that to Him. I am not the source of the revival, but only one servant
among what is growing to be a multitude. I wish no personal following,
but only the world for Christ. I believe the world is on the threshold of
a great religious revival, and pray daily that I may be allowed to help
bring this about. Wonderful things have happened in Wales in a few
weeks, but these are only the beginning. The world will be swept by
Revival Joy
His Spirit as a rushing mighty wind. Many who are now silent
Christians will lead the movement. They will see great light, and will
reflect the light to thousands now in darkness. Thousands will do more
than we have accomplished, as God gives them power.” (McIntosh p.
“The key to revival is the heartfelt, fervent, intense prayers of
God’s people.” (McIntosh p. 89)
“Salvation is a one-time entrance into an ongoing growth
experience. You and I were not saved simply to go to heaven, but also
to destroy the works of the devil and to retrieve others from the jaws of
hell and to secure their heavenly abode.
Similarly, the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a one-time entrance
into an ongoing relationship of communion with the Holy Spirit. It is
the secret nearly every great revivalist understood and demonstrated in
the operation of miracle ministry.” (McIntosh p. 109)
“Nine times in the King James Version of Scriptures the word
compassion is used of the Lord in describing His motive in action. In
all nine of the occurrences of the word compassion as related to Jesus, a
miracle followed… Operating in God’s love and compassion is
operating in God’s motivation.” (McIntosh p. 146-147)
“The missing ingredient to revival is momentum.” (McIntosh p.
“…unrelenting in his pursuit of everything of God… authentic…
Every revival was initiated through people who hungered for all of God
at any price.” (McIntosh p. 157)
“Every revival of history is simply the restoration of God’s
presence among His people.” (McIntosh p. 167)
“We had a mighty downpouring of the Holy Spirit last Saturday
night [at the Welsh Revival in 1904]. This was preceded by the
correcting of the people’s view of true worship: (1) to give unto God,
not to receive. (2) To please God, not to please ourselves. Therefore,
Jesus Loves You
looking to God, and forgetting the enemy, and also the fear of man, we
prayed and the Spirit descended.” (McIntosh p. 169)
“It is safe to say that worship has been a vital and viable key to
revival in history. Worship helped to break up ‘fallow ground,’ bring
the people into submission to God, and promote the presence of His
Spirit. This is an old truth that we must rediscover again in new
proportions, if we desire to see the next wave of God’s move.”
(McIntosh p. 171)
“God dwells in the praises of His people. In that presence is fullness
of joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and strength is the ability of
God to give birth to revival. Joy is the force of God in revival to release
heaven in our midst.” (McIntosh p. 197)
“While it is true that those factors of faith, works, and effort are
necessary, it is also true that it is far more important to live in a joyfilled relationship with Jesus. That allows us to follow His direction
and trust Him to produce what He promises.” (McIntosh p. 278)
“The time has come that we must inquire of the Lord for His plans
and then to place ourselves under His management in order to
accomplish them… Trust is something committed to the care of another
person.” (McIntosh p. 280-281)
“That is why materialism and humanism have had such a profound
influence on this century. These philosophies are man’s attempt to take
care of himself… What is destiny? Destiny is a design or appointment
to a distinct purpose or end. It is the understanding of a preordained
plan of God for a person’s life. No one will ever do anything truly great
without a sense of destiny. That feeling is a realization of a call that
God has placed squarely and distinctly upon him or her as an
individual. No two people’s destiny is quite alike.” (McIntosh p. 286287)
“That was the first time I realized that God does not want to heal an
individual simply so he will be well, but [also] because He has a
wonderful plan for his life, a destiny to destroy the works of the devil.”
(McIntosh p. 296)
Revival Joy
McIntosh, Ron. The Quest for Revival - Experiencing Great
Revivals of the Past, Empowering You for God’s Move Today! Tulsa
OK: Harrison House, 1997.
[Regarding the ministry of George Whitefield, mass evangelism’s
true father,] “The sleeping giant was awaking. Hard-line
denominational walls began to come down. Entire towns came to Christ
as a mood of genuine tolerance attracted new followers. Fresh
excitement replaced cold formalism and sterile theology. Spiritual
renewal and commitment to prayer overtook the colonists.” (Balsiger p.
“Revivals, camp meetings, circuit riders, and mission societies – all
part of the Second Great Awakening. What an exciting time to be one
of God’s people! Lives were changed; denominations grew; religion
became a part of family’s day-to-day activities. The Second Great
Awakening energized not only the antislavery movement but also
prison reform and the temperance movement. Christians began using
printed material to further their cause, and Bible societies were formed.
Circuit riders brought along thousands of pamphlets to leave with those
they met.” (Balsiger p. 237)
“In 1856 William Arthur published a book, The Tongue of Fire,
which emphasized the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. Arthur
called for earnest, united, persevering prayer that would bring an
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This was the final prayer of the book:
And now, adorable Spirit, preceding from the Father and the Son,
descend upon all churches, renew the Pentecost in this our age, and
baptize the people generally – O baptize them yet again with the tongues
of fire! Crown the nineteenth century with a revival of ‘pure and
undefiled religion’ greater than in the last century, greater than that of
the first, greater than any ‘demonstration of the Spirit’ ever yet
vouchsafed to men!” (Balsiger p. 249)
“As we have looked at the prayer heritage of our country, we have
noticed three trends that generally occurred before God sent a spiritual
Jesus Loves You
awakening: (1) Small revivals often preceded a great awakening. This
was true for the First Great Awakening in the 1700s. (2) A greater unity
between denominations and other religious groups was forged. That
was evident when the circuit riders began reaching the West with the
gospel regardless of the denominations of their listeners. (3)
Widespread prayer movements rose up spontaneously. The first
example of this was Jonathan Edwards and the Concert of Prayer
during the First Great Awakening. Of course the most dramatic
example was the Prayer Revival just before the Civil War.” (Balsiger p.
“Evan Roberts told them, ‘I have a message for you from God. You
must confess any known sin to God and put any wrong done to man
right. Second, you must put away any doubtful habit out of your life.
Third, you must obey the Spirit promptly.’ Finally he said, ‘You must
confess your faith in Christ publicly.’” (Balsiger p. 306)
“But how can we pray in such a way that we will help bring on the
revival? Dan Hayes, in his book Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening,
gives several steps we can take to prepare for a revival:
‘First, God’s people must recognize the need for revival. Second, God’s
people must humble themselves before Him. Third, God’s people must
confess their sins and repent of them, making restitution where
necessary. Fourth, God’s people must begin to pray fervently and
consistently for spiritual awakening. Fifth, God’s people must call
others to pray as well.’” (Balsiger p. 396-397)
Balsiger, David W., Whims, Joette, Hunskor, Melody. The
Incredible Power of Prayer – Amazing stories of how people changed
America through prayer. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers,
“Rule number one is that the [core] group exists to bring revival;
that each one is there for that one reason.” (Murillo p. 7)
“Stage one of revival is where we find our identity. ‘If my people’
[referring to II Chronicles 7:14] means that the people who are God’s
Revival Joy
possession have been identified. Identity is the real issue in forming a
revival core. The fact of our being children of God is our supreme
confidence.” (Murillo p. 9)
“The eyes of the Lord see everything but they focus on what is
going on with His people. Let us come before Him now, aware of our
total helplessness. Let us announce that we are His people and that we
do not fear our time, but we fear the Lord, and we have come to stand
before His presence on behalf of a new demonstration of His glory on
earth.” (Murillo p. 12)
“The first steps have been taken; we have declared ourselves to be
the chosen people of God. We have made known our intention to be set
apart, to willingly depart from anything that blocks our way to power
with God.” (Murillo p. 13)
“We have witnessed the dawn of techno-barbarians, people who are
reduced to savage instincts in a computer nation. They are numb from
chemicals; they are ignorant of God and glued to television sets.”
(Murillo p. 16)
“In revival prayer, a person presents himself before God to give
birth to an act of God in his city. He is not muttering requests; he is
suspending his very being between God and man. At first it is just
words and petitions, but soon it envelops the person. He is reduced to
one long, all-consuming declaration. His whole body becomes the
This is the first issue. We have come to worship and pour out our
deep grief over a specific evil in a specific place at a specific time…
The second quality of this kind of prayer is that we radically change
our way of knowing when to stop… The object is to take all the time
that is needed to bring forth a new life [as in childbirth]…
We must stay in prayer until God is satisfied that this particular
season of prayer has fulfilled its purpose…
The third aspect of this kind of prayer is that it is also a military act.
It is an act against a supreme villain in your neighborhood.” (Murillo p.
Jesus Loves You
“There are many definitions of revival. Yet there is one that is
central: revival is the defeating of the local demonic authority by
prayer. Jesus referred to it as binding the strong man (Matthew 12:29).”
(Murillo p. 28)
“If the children of God demonstrate that they won’t go by what they
see or feel, God will know that He has vessels that can be trusted with
revival. In the heat of battle, they will not rely on circumstances or
feelings to keep them on a straight course.
If the prayer of the revival core continues during this dark night,
their true motives surface. The only thing that will hold us when the
nucleus depresses is a pure heart of love for the lost and a true desire to
see God glorified. God wisely observes that anyone who survives this
night is rightfully suited to invade enemy territory.” (Murillo p. 43)
“Presently a deliberate, sophisticated conspiracy exists. It cruelly
submerges people’s minds in confusion and misunderstanding. Its goal
is to prevent the good news of who Jesus really is from being seen.
Invisible liars infest our land, biasing everyone against Christ.”
(Murillo p. 54)
“Jesus is not a momentary relief from the stress of modern life. He
is the leader of a cosmic prison break. [I first read this sentence after
returning from inspiring ministry at the county Youth Prison.] He is not
here to redecorate people’s jail cells, but rather to be the king of a new
kingdom that exists in this world but is not of this world. The entire
motive that energizes a believer in Christ is absolutely foreign to this
world.” (Murillo p. 64)
“We are to submit to God daily. He will bring into focus a part of
our old nature every day and as we repent in faith, we can move on,
forgiven and improved.” (McIntosh p. 72)
“Most importantly, however, the reason for continuous prayer is
that the miracle of prayer must be passed on by example. First
impressions are lasting, and going into an awakening, young believers
should see us praying and praying always. Reproducing prayer
warriors is the ultimate task [emphasis added]. The apostles were so
wise in implementing these three continuous acts: the pursuit of
Revival Joy
sanctification, service to the needy, and prayer. If only the church
would realize the momentum of blessing these three acts in concert
create!” (Murillo p. 75)
Murillo, Mario. Seven Stages to Critical Mass – The timeless
masterpiece on the how and why of revival. Danville, CA: Fresh Fire
Communications, 1985 and 1997.
“These manifestations are given as manifestations among those
involved with [Hindu] Kundalini/Shakti.” (Strom p. 20)
“But sadly I have to say that to me it has always seemed more akin
to the ‘Kundalini’ manifestations of the New Age than anything
Christian – and I have to seriously wonder what spirit is behind it all.”
(Strom p. 33)
“The following is a description of some of the Revival prayer
meetings that took place in the Welsh Revival of 1858-59 (typical of
many Revivals): ‘It was in its terrors that the eternal became a reality to
them first. They seemed plunged into depths of godly sorrow… For
some weeks it was the voice of weeping and the sound of mourning
that we heard in the meetings. The house was often so full of the divine
presence that ungodly men trembled terror-stricken; and at the close,
sometimes they fled as from some impending peril.’” (Strom p. 47,
Source: Eifion Evans, ‘When He is Come’, pg. 55)
“John Wesley said, ‘Have you any days of fasting and prayer?
Storm the throne of grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come
down.’ And Charles Finney declared: ‘Revival comes from heaven
when heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win – or die if need
be, to win and die!’ Brothers, sisters, we need to get DESPERATE
about Revival.” (Strom p. 57)
“As Pentecostal pioneer Frank Bartleman wrote: ‘Many are willing
to seek ‘power’ from every battery they can lay their hands on, in order
to perform miracles… A true ‘Pentecost’ will produce a mighty
conviction for sin, a turning to God. False manifestations produce only
Jesus Loves You
excitement and wonder… Any work that exalts the Holy Ghost or the
‘gifts’ above Jesus will finally end up in fanaticism.’” (Strom p. 65)
“So how do you avoid being deceived in this way? Very simply,
you do not go along to these meetings in a ‘gullible’ frame of mind.
And you do not allow yourself to be carried along with the crowd. You
listen carefully to the preaching and make sure that it is truly biblical.
Then you watch the ministry happening down the front of the meeting
and discern whether it really is of God or not. You do not ‘override’
any feelings of unease or any ‘alarm bells’ going off inside you. And
you do not allow yourself to be swayed by ‘peer pressure.’ Even if the
whole church is getting into something, it does not mean that you have
to. If you do not feel quite ‘right’ about it then DO NOT GET
INVOLVED. If you need to, make some excuse and get out of there!
You do not have to get involved in things that do not feel spiritually
‘right’ to you.” (Strom p. 78)
“So we see that God is definitely a supernatural God. He does
‘unusual’ things. Angelic visitations do happen. Prophetic signs do
occur. But please notice that all of these things have a certain holy
‘character’ about them. And that is the key right there. They have a
holy character, because they come from the holy God… I believe that
we need to draw the line at ‘weird’ or ugly. Some of the deception that
is around right now has a ‘touchy-feely’ New Age sense about it.
Remember that the New Age movement majors on ‘inner healing’ and
unusual spiritual experiences. I do not believe in ‘guided visualization’
or anything of that kind.” (Strom p. 79)
Strom, Andrew. True and False Revival. Revival School,, Wholesale distribution by Lightning Source,
Inc., 2008.
“A very great portion of modern revivalism has been more of a
curse than a blessing, because it has led thousands to a kind of peace
before they have known their misery; restoring the prodigal to the
Father’s house, and never making him say, ‘Father, I have sinned.’
How can he be healed who is not sick, or how can he be satisfied with
Revival Joy
the bread of life who is not hungry? The old-fashioned sense of sin is
despised… Everything in this age is shallow… The consequence is that
men leap into religion, and then leap out again. Unhumbled they came
to the church, unhumbled they remained in it, and unhumbled they go
from it.” (Spurgeon via The Berean Call p. 5)
Spurgeon, C. H. The Berean Call Newsletter. Bend Oregon.
February 2012.
“When I saw Branham in 1954, I was only eleven years old. I saw
the halo thing on top of his head when he was in Houston.” (Welchel p.
“Some of the greatest miracles were when the flames were above
the building. Bones that were cracked or broken were totally healed.”
(Welchel p. 35)
“Sister Carney did go out one time to see the flames for herself.
Remember, the fire department had been called on several different
occasions, as passers-by would report seeing flames leaping up from
the roof of the building [at the Azusa Street mission]. Finally, Sister
Carney asked John Lake why the fire department kept coming and
looking for the fire. He explained that the fire was coming down from
heaven into the building and fire was going up from the building and
meeting the fire coming down. Fascinated, Sister Carney went out,
walked about a half a block and saw the awesome sight for herself. To
her, this divine connection of fire coming down from heaven and going
up to heaven was just another evidence of God’s mighty Presence in
that place.” (Welchel p. 37)
“One event, confirmed by others, that Anderson noted was that
whenever the people worshipped by singing in tongues, the power was
greater. Every time this happened the anointing fell on the service.”
(Welchel p. 50)
“Soon after the singing started, Seymour would instruct the people
to ‘Sing in the Spirit.’ Whenever that happened, heaven itself came
Jesus Loves You
down and filled the room. The music was beyond description, pure and
yet powerful. This heavenly music became known as the ‘new song’
[Psalm 149] as the crowd began to sing in a heavenly language,
sometimes in tongues, sometimes without words. At times it seemed as
if angels joined in the singing. ‘Singing in the Spirit’ was a new song
led by the Spirit of God.” (Welchel p. 53)
“When Brother Seymour was there, and they would sing in the
Spirit, Sister Lucille told me that the Shekinah Glory would just rise
and fill the whole room, and you could breathe so much better – as if
the room were filled with pure oxygen.” (Welchel p. 91)
“Brother Garcia told of the 100 year prophesy by Brother Seymour
concerning the fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit… Charles Parham also
prophesied that another great revival would happen in about 100 years.
Seymour, who made the prophecy around 1909 or 1910, may have
made his prophecy after Parham
“Azusa had global ramifications. Not only did people come to
Azusa from all over the world, many went back home to their native
countries, healed, renewed, inspired, transformed, and ready to be used
of God. Azusa was a hands-on workshop for the miraculous led by God
Himself. God used this great outpouring not only to meet immediate
needs but also for preparation to serve Him throughout the world. He
brought young people there to train them for the mission field both at
home and across the world. Men and women alike discovered the
awesome power of God and how to be used of Him to perform mighty
works.” (Welchel p. 113)
Welchel, Tommy. They Told Me Their Stories: The Youth and
Children of Azusa Street Tell Their Stories. Dare 2 Dream Books (405)
410-9201, 2010.
“Others during those years had a profound conviction that a distinct
infilling of the Holy Spirit is needed. They also had powerful
experiences with the Holy Spirit. One such person was Fanny Crosby,
Revival Joy
the prolific hymn writer. She was baptized in the Holy Spirit in
November of 1850.” (Wright p. 160)
“‘We must obey the Holy Spirit,’ was the continual admonition of
Roberts. The most significant feature of this revival was its
concentration on the gift of the Holy Spirit. Even when Evan Roberts
was present, the meetings were conducted with complete spontaneity.
People were urged to pray, testify, confess, or sing as the Spirit moved
them. It was a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit.” (Wright p. 164)
Wright, Fred and Sharon. The World’s Greatest Revivals.
Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2007.
“I cannot stress enough the need to be completely subject to the
Lord in this [intercessory acts]. Intercessors must never initiate these
assignments. They must simply respond when they hear the voice of
the Lord and there is confirmation. If these acts are to have an effect on
the spiritual realm, and not be merely meaningless antics, they need to
be done in faith in the Lord’s command, not as impulsive responses to
our imaginations. The Lord’s commands to us have come in various
forms, including scriptural precedent, prophetic dreams, confirmed
prophetic words, and symbolic events. Very often they are linked with
a spiritual battle to reclaim or protect our land of inheritance.” (Engle p.
“Rise up, oh Nazarite generation. Redig the wells of revival that
have long been forgotten: And may the same spirit of consecration and
the powerful clean fear of the Lord fall on all of us mightily. May we
be propelled by His Spirit to loose the gushers and geysers of our
forefathers all across the land: for ourselves and for our children. And
may the Lord Himself be provoked to show mercy to us in this hour of
jubilee.” (Engle p. 205)
Engle, Lou. Digging the Wells of Revival: Reclaiming Your
Historic Inheritance through Prophetic Intercession. Shippensburg,
PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 1998.
Jesus Loves You
“Arthur T. Pierson has said, ‘The most alarming peril of today is
naturalism – the denial of all direct divine agency and control. Science
is uniting with unbelief, wickedness and worldliness, skepticism and
materialism, to rule a personal God out of the universe. This drift
toward materialism and naturalism demands the supernatural as its only
corrective. In Enoch’s time human sin was fast making atheists, and
God ‘took him,’ spirit, soul, and body, that men might be startled with
the proof of Divine Being, and an invisible world. In Elijah’s day,
general apostasy was rebuked by the descent of horses and chariots of
fire; and if ever men needed to be confronted with fruits of power
above nature – a living God back of all the forces and machinery He
controls, who does answer prayer, guide by His providences, and
convert by His grace, it is now.’” (Bartleman-2 p. 40)
“[From the pen of Dr. W. C. Dumble, of Toronto, Canada] ‘Next an
exhortation in ‘tongues’ comes from Pastor Bartleman’s lips in great
sweetness, and one after another make their way to the altar quickly,
until the rail is filled with seekers. Whatever criticism may be offered
to this work it is very evident that it is divinely endorsed, and the Lord
is ‘adding to them daily such as are being saved.’ It is believed that this
revival is but in its infancy, and the assurance has been given that a
great outpouring is imminent, and that we are in the evening of this
dispensation. The burden of the ‘tongues’ is, ‘Jesus is coming soon.’’”
(Bartleman-2 p. 57)
“The word translated ‘former rain’ here [Joel 2:23], in its root
means ‘teacher rain’ [which this writer associates with Azusa Street
and its outgrowth]… The meaning of the word ‘latter rain’ in its root is
‘eloquence,’ designating oratory, inspiration, the real living witness –
that divine and manifest glory of God flowing through the Spirit of
prophecy. So to finish up this restoration of the church, God has given
us A NEW THING, a latter rain – something that would put a capstone
on the restoration of these closing days, and bring about a great witness
to this world of the soon-coming Jesus Christ – leaving the world
without excuse when the Lord comes.” (Bartleman-2 p. 89-90)
Revival Joy
Bartleman-2, Frank. What Really Happened at Azusa Street?
Northridge, CA: Voice Christian Publications, 1962, edited by John
“Strictly defined, revival means a movement of God’s Spirit
through which multitudes of believers are renewed (revived) in their
zeal and commitment to the Lord, while awakening is when nonbelievers move from death to life (conversion).” (Hayes p. 12)
“The foundational requisites for revival in this passage [2
Chronicles 7:13-14] are the following: One, God’s people must
recognize that there is a desperate need for spiritual awakening. Two,
God’s people must humble themselves before Him. Three, God’s
people must confess their sin and repent. Four, God’s people must
continually and earnestly pray. And Five, God’s people must call others
to join with them to meet these prerequisites.” (Hayes p. 42)
“But sometimes sins [faults, KJV] are best confessed only to the
Lord. As J. Edwin Orr says, the amount of public confession should be
‘just enough to enlist the prayers of people right with God. The public
confession of secret private sins might be dangerous.’ We don’t want to
release the burden of our sin at the expense of the weaker brother or
sister who might be hurt or tempted by what we’ve shared. Revival is
never an excuse to dispose of discretion, for voyeurism [observer of
scandals] is a part of everyone’s sin nature.” (Hayes p. 84)
Hayes, Don. Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening. Orlando, FL: Cru
Press of Campus Crusade for Christ, 2007.
“There were many instances of persons who came from abroad on
visits, or on business, who had not been long here, before, to all
appearances, they were savingly wrought upon, and partook of that
shower of divine blessing which God rained down here, and went home
rejoicing; till at length the same work began evidently to appear and
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prevail in several other towns in the country... more had been done in
one week, than in the seven years before.” (Edwards p. 15-16)
“It is wonderful that persons should be so suddenly and yet so
greatly changed. Many have been taken from a loose and careless way
of living, and seized with strong convictions of their guilt and misery,
and in a very little time old things have passed away, and all things
have become new with them.” (Edwards p. 21)
“I have abundantly insisted, that a manifestation of sincerity in
fruits brought forth, is better than any manifestation they can make of it
in words alone: and that without this, all pretences to spiritual
experiences are vain.” (Edwards p. 40)
“And it is observable that there never was a time of great
reformation, to cause a revival of zeal in the church of God, but that it
has been attended, in some notable instances, with irregularity, and a
running out some way or other into an undue severity.” (Edwards p.
“The surest character of true divine supernatural love –
distinguishing it from counterfeits that arise from a natural self-love –
is that the Christian virtue of humility shines in it; that which above all
others, renounces, abases, and annihilates what we term self. Christian
love or true charity is a humble love.” (Edwards p. 117)
Edwards, Jonathan. Jonathan Edwards on Revival. Carlisle, PA:
Banner of Truth Trust, original 1736, printed 1999.
“The principle of revival is scriptural (see, for example, Psalm 85:6;
Psalm 138:7; Isaiah 57:15; Habakkuk 3:2). Revivals came often to the
Israel of Old Testament times, notably under Josiah (2 Kings 22-23), in
Zerubbabel’s day (Ezra 5-6), and under Nehemiah (Nehemiah 8-9, 13).
In the New Testament the awakening that came upon God’s people at
Pentecost (Acts 2) became an inaugurating paradigm for the Holy
Spirit’s work of awakening. This first great period (Acts 4:23-27)
Revival Joy
prepared the infant church for subsequent fierce persecution.”
(Hardman p. 16)
“Solomon Stoddard (1643-1729) confronted the theological
problems of America with new answers that pointed toward effective
evangelism… He urged the acceptance of the following as a proven
methodology of revival: One, the preaching of damnation; two, the
teaching that only God knows who is regenerate anyway, so all should
respond to the gospel invitation; three, the requirement of humbling as
the sinner examines his life and passes through the successive stages of
preparation; four, the preaching of spiritual illumination and the germ
of faith implanted by the Holy Spirit; five, the subsequent ability of the
sinner to respond in faith to the gospel; and six, the shattering
experience of conversion as a dateable event upon which some
assurance of salvation could be erected…
Previously it was thought by many to be absurd to persuade people
to seek salvation if they were as lost and helpless as Calvanism seemed
to decree. Stoddard resolved the apparent contradiction between
Calvanist theory and his evangelistic practice by insisting on the
unknowability of it all. He clung tenaciously to the spiritual picture of
total inability before God, but at the same time Stoddard developed
concepts of ‘undertaking,’ ‘holy violence,’ ‘coming,’ and ‘choosing,’
by explaining in great detail exactly what his hearers and readers could
do in the stages leading to regeneration. He rationalized this
‘contradiction’ between theology and practice by arguing that humans
are free only to prepare themselves to receive God’s grace, but that the
actual granting of grace is entirely in God’s power. This was precisely
the breakthrough that mass evangelism needed, and it was to be
followed by his grandson Jonathan Edwards, by Jonathan Dickson, and
by every other evangelist of consequence in the Great Awakening.”
(Hardman p. 48-49)
“Thus Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) prepared the way for free
will by attempting to break the log jam of human inability that had
stymied and brought ridicule upon Calvanism. He heightened the role
of human choice in salvation, and reduced the prolonged period of
convictions, believing conversion could come after a brief time of
crisis. In reducing the time span between the first conviction of sin and
the final conversion, and giving rationale for the sinner’s own will to
Jesus Loves You
choose God, Dwight mounted a program of evangelism behind which
he hoped Calvinists could unite. It was, of course, an ‘Arminianized
Calvanism,’ which would erode crucial doctrines of the Reformed view
and fall in behind John Wesley’s ideas. But it was the wave of the
future for American Protestantism and set the stage for the teachings of
Nathaniel William Taylor (1786-1858) and Charles Grandison Finney
(1792-1875).” (Hardman p. 116)
“It was a great vision. To a remarkable degree the [social
benevolence] reform movements achieved their goals in the middle
third of the nineteenth century, eliminating much evil, and bringing
important Christian values into the mainstream of society. By coupling
awakenings with the reform impulse, Charles Finney (1792-1875)
deserves much of the credit, sharing it with a host of lesser known but
equally devoted figures.” (Hardman p. 160)
“Once, Henry Moorhouse [1840-1880, British evangelist of the
Plymouth Brethren] preached seven nights in Moody’s Chicago church
on the theme of the love of God, using John 3:16 as his text. Moody
was astounded; until then, he had always called upon sinners to repent
and to flee the wrath to come. Instead of emphasizing what sinners
should run from, Moorhouse reversed this – without suggesting that
God would not judge. Moody saw the important difference, and began
to teach that sinners should be drawn to God by love – for God wants
sons, not slaves.” (Hardman p. 202)
“Plainness certainly contributed to Dwight Moody’s success. He
shared several characteristics with the other most successful early
evangelists: (1) He was absolutely sincere, as even his worst critics
admitted; (2) He had a fiery love for Christ and for people that was
evident in everything he did; (3) He was unshakably sure of his own
salvation, and believed that God’s grace had gone to the utmost limits
to save all people who would only believe.” (Hardman p. 208)
“Billy Sunday emphasized that America had been built upon work,
patriotism, concern for one another, rugged individualism, and
Christian faith. When World War I came and these virtues were much
needed, Sunday was at the pinnacle of his fame. Even skeptics had to
admit that he stressed all the right things.” (Hardman p. 236)
Revival Joy
Hardman, Keith J. Seasons of Refreshing: Evangelism and Revivals
in America. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stuck Publishers, original 1994,
and 2006.
“And here they stand tonight [eight people who professed faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ] in this audience, the Presence of God here. Even
a little handful of people in this arena, but yet You've come from glory
to manifest Yourself. You come all the way across a stormy ocean one
night to heal one maniac over in Gadara, returned back without a
revival in that country. O God, You'll come any time or any place that
people will call on You. You went plumb down to the belly of the
whale in the bottom of the ocean to deliver Jonah when he turned
himself over and begin to pray. You went into the lions' den with
Daniel, into the fiery furnace with the Hebrew children. You're in
Saskatoon tonight in this meeting, the same Jesus: the fourth Man of
the fiery furnace, the Angel Who was with Daniel, the Spirit of God
with Jonah in the belly of the whale. You're here tonight.” (Branham,
“Paul said those days would be. We got it. It's here. It's on us, and
we look and see it. We hear it from everywhere and what do we do? It
ought to draw us together. The Bible said, ‘Assembling ourselves
together, and that the more when you see that day approaching.’ It
ought to be one revival after another and bonfires of God's glory built
in every church and every place: a great coming together where all the
churches with one heart and one accord assemble themselves together
and forget their man-made theology and cry out to God for spiritual
power and spiritual discernment. That's the hour we need.” (Branham,
“Oh, how we need today a reawakening, a revival of awakening.
But we cannot have it, because that hour is done lived a past. The
nations has sinned away their day of grace. I do not believe we'll never
have a great universal revival any more. It'll be amongst the Jews, but
Jesus Loves You
no more for the Gentiles; there's not a Scripture for it. And many of the
things that you are looking forward to, was promised to the Jews after
the church has done gone home. So we are looking for the coming of
the Messiah at any time. We don't know just what time it'll take place;
but it behooves us to be ready and listening to the warning voice. Oh,
how I thank God for His goodness and His fellowship.” (Branham,
“Old fashioned Holy Ghost revival… universal revival of the Holy
Spirit… [Revival] to cause churches to be filled with Your glory…
sweeping revival… God sent revival… of Fire… and stirring…
Depends on the attitude we take [toward supernatural revival]”
(Branham, William, phrases regarding revival, from The Table an
online collection of his sermons, search matching “revival and glory”
with 160 matches)
“What is needed is spiritual awakening. We need prayer for revival,
but we also need fresh God-given passion. Passion, if it is truly from
God, is born and nurtured in an atmosphere of truth. Truth is birthed
and fanned into a flame by the clear understanding of the Bible and its
message of covenant and grace. Ultimately the Word of God, used
directly by the Spirit of God, is the only proven means for bringing
about the reformational revival needed in our time.” (Kaiser p. ix)
“Wholehearted, genuine worship of the living God became the
chief delight and one of the foremost desires of each person who was
truly restored to spiritual vitality.” (Kaiser p. 12)
“A revival is a time when believers witness an extraordinary work
of God enlivening, strengthening, and elevating the spiritual life and
Revival Joy
vitality already possessed, but which life is now in a state of decline
and is feeble, mediocre, and dull in its outworkings.” (Kaiser p. 21)
“This raises the question of what it means to pray. Briefly, when we
pray we make our request known to God by the help of the Holy Spirit;
in the name, authority, and the mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ; with
faith, fervency, and submission to the will of God; and with sole
reference to his honor and glory.” (Kaiser p. 104-105)
“But the work of entering into prayer as a ministry of intercession,
praying for the world and its problems and needs, is a task that is rarely
entered into by believers. In intercession we participate with God in the
great conflict between God and our archenemy, the devil. True
intercession takes the persons and places in the world where evil is
assaulting the kingdom of God and pleads that the strong hand of God
might defeat evil. It prays that the lost might see the glorious offer of
grace given by our Lord Jesus and that they might come to trust him
personally.” (Kaiser p. 235)
Kaiser, Walter. Revive Us Again: Biblical Principles for Revival
Today. Ross-shire, IV20 1TW, Scotland: Christian Focus Publications,
“On January 20, 1994, the Holy Spirit descended in power on a
small church near Toronto International Airport in Canada. From that
event has sprung a worldwide revival that has touched the lives of
millions of people all over the world. In fact, it was the British press
that first named this great revival ‘The Toronto Blessing.’” (Disc 1
“Pensacola, Florida became a lightning rod of spiritual power on
Father’s Day, June 18, 1995, when the Holy Spirit came in
unprecedented power into the sanctuary of the Brownsville Church.
Over the next six years, more than four million people came from every
state and many nations to experience this dynamic move of God.” (Disc
3 cover)
Jesus Loves You
Marcus, Warren. Great North American Revival Series. Charlotte,
NC: New Day Pictures, DVD seven disc series, 2003.
“An irresistible move toward disestablishment gathered momentum.
In nine of the thirteen colonies at the [American] Revolution’s
beginning there was an established, tax-supported church, so that the
sovereignty of the law backed up the already over-powering respect for
the [priestly] cloth… By the end of the war, the Anglican Church
[historically connected with England], with the sanctions of patriotism
against it, was deprived of state support in those colonies which had
maintained it. The Congregationalists hung on as a tax-supported
church in New Hampshire until 1817, in Connecticut until 1818, and
until 1833 in Massachusetts... The unestablished, or ‘dissenting,’
denominations were understandably interested in putting an end to
public support for rival faiths.” (Weisberger p. 8-9) “Note 23:
…Anglicanism was established in Maryland, the two Carolinas,
Virginia, Georgia, and parts of New York.” (Weisberger p. 278)
“A revival was a joyful thing. It was also an extraordinary thing – a
miracle within a miracle. For conversion itself was a supernatural
affair. The Holy Spirit purged away the corruptions of a soul and
changed it from black to white. It was clearly a work of God outside the
sequence of natural events, even when it took years. When the work of
grace occurred in a flash, it was even more visibly a divine
intervention. A true believer, watching such a conversion, trembled at
the nearness of God.” (Weisberger p. 28)
“The state-supported churches in the colonies were tightly
controlled by the upper-class descendants of the first-comers. In the
course of a century they had taken over the best lands, the richest
trades, and the front pews in the houses of worship. Recently arrived
Scotch-Irish, German, and other immigrants were resentful. When they
flocked to revival meetings, they were, in part, registering a protest
against the idea that salvation, too, was a monopoly of the colonial
aristocrats.” (Weisberger p. 55)
Revival Joy
“Revivals stood out in a new light. They could kindle the flame of
enthusiasm in masses of people. That enthusiasm could then be directed
into societies for moral improvement. Moral improvement would create
a society of better men – men riper for regeneration, if not already
regenerated. The hosts of hell would be routed, the community of the
righteous would expand, and who could say, then, that the millennium
might be in the offing?” (Weisberger p. 78)
“There was nothing sacerdotal or remote about Finney in the pulpit.
The man in the front pew recognized another edition of himself up
there, speaking a language elevated enough for respect, but plain
enough for comprehension.” (Weisberger p. 88)
“For when the revival movement successfully ‘rebuked infidels’
[and launched moral reformation societies] and when it began to seek
new enemies: it changed somehow… Revivalism was cradled in a
grass-roots revolt against formalism in religion [becoming more
inoffensive through popularization]; but in organizing itself to reach
great masses of people it developed forms of its own… In a sense,
revivalism was delivered of various reforms [tax support for churches,
formal clericalism such as Calvanism with its extreme election
doctrine], and then left barren [without a sufficiently inspiring cause for
revival]… What is conceived in ecstasy must [due to human
contrivance] be reduced to form, doctrine, ritual and organization in
order to perpetuate itself. The tension between organization and
inspiration – between priest and prophet – lasts through the life of the
religion. Up to 1830, revivalism had known an era of prophets. As it
became accepted and urbanized, it entered the age of priests.”
(Weisberger p. 130)
“Now, however, he [Dwight Moody] went to hear [Henry]
Moorhouse, whom the deacons had asked again for Sunday night. To
Moody’s surprise, he chose the same text [John 3:16]. What was more,
he had asked the audience to bring Bibles with them and to follow the
sermon. Wide-eyed, Moody listened as he ‘just took that whole verse,
and then went through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to prove
that in all ages God loved the world. God had sent prophets and
patriarchs to warn us, and then he sent His Son, and after they killed
Him, He sent the Holy Ghost. I never knew up to that time that God
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loved us so much. This heart of mine began to thaw out; I could not
keep back the tears. It was like news from a far country.’” (Weisberger
p. 196)
“[Moody] did not waste time in attacking critics. His own
enormous faith insulated him from doubts… His specialty was
vividness, directness, and brevity.” (Weisberger p. 213)
[Regarding Billy Sunday’s popular revival meetings of c. 19091920, they incorporated aspects including:] “Pep rally atmosphere…
song fest… altar call… shaking Billy’s hand at the front of the
assembly, and decision card counting.” (Weisberger p. 254-256)
Weisberger, Bernard. They Gathered at the River: The Story of the
Great Revivalists and Their Impact upon Religion in America. Boston,
MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1958.
“A personal word: I have found no message over the years that God
has consistently blessed as the message of the second coming of Christ.
Eddie Martin, Hyman Appleman, Jack Shuler, Billy Graham, and other
evangelists have made that same statement.” (Bisagno p. 12)
Bisagno, John R. The Power of Positive Evangelism: How to Hold
a Revival. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1968.
“[Evan] Roberts was widely known as a young man who spent
many hours praying each week both personally and at group prayer
meetings. Several character studies have noted his unusual zeal and
warmth of character. His prominent involvement in the Welsh revival
followed a period of religious awakening across the region, but most
biographies assert that its spark seemed to fly from Roberts. He
reported having experienced visitations from the Holy Spirit depicting
‘all Wales being lifted up to Heaven,’ at one time asking his roommate
(and later brother-in-law) if he believed that God could then ‘give us
100,000 souls.’ Within a few months of October 1904 this was indeed
Revival Joy
the case. The numbers of conversions were chronicled daily in the
Western Mail, the National newspaper of Wales. Famous journalists,
preachers, and even the future Prime Minister Lloyd George, vouched
for the genuineness of the revival and of Evan Roberts…
The four ‘points’ of his message were: one, confess all known sin,
receiving forgiveness through Jesus Christ; two, remove anything in
your life that you are in doubt or feel unsure about; three, be ready to
obey the Holy Spirit instantly; and four, publicly confess the Lord Jesus
In one of the most carefully chronicled of all revivals there are
common themes. People gathered in large numbers with a sense of
expectancy. Meetings lasted hours but from the beginning there was a
sense of conviction of sin. Wrongdoing was confessed and lifestyles
were affected. The pubs went from full to empty.
There were thousands of conversions that brought tremendous joy.
Some of the toughest characters in the valleys were converted. It was a
revival that especially was begun and sustained by the young.”
“As a rule, the [revival] movement bursts out all at once, sweeps
across its field like a prairie fire, and everywhere leads to a deepened
sense of sin. Then comes an outburst of joy through assurance of
pardon and cleansing, with peace of heart and eagerness to serve. As a
consequence of such a revival believers begin again to ‘possess their
possessions’ in the form of doctrines dear to the heart of God. There
also comes a transformation in the morals of persons and congregations
whose hearts have been touched with cleansing fire from above.”
(Burns p. 12, Andrew W. Blackwood Sr. in Preview)
“It is not necessary, before we eagerly examine the signs of the
times for the advent of a revival, to wait until the old excesses have
been repeated, or until the church has sunk to the low level of these
other days. Each generation has its own level. There is ebb and flow,
but it is the ebb and flow of an ever-advancing tide. Yet, for all this, the
extent of the defection may be as great, for the fall has to be measured
from the fresh advance which has been reached.” (Burns p. 32)
Jesus Loves You
“Slowly this aching grows: the heart of man begins to cry out for
God, for spiritual certainties, for fresh visions. From a faint desire this
multiplies as it widens, until it becomes a vast human need; until in its
urgency it seems to beat with violence at the very gates of Heaven.”
(Burns p. 33)
“This new-born gladness finds among other outlets its most
characteristic one in an outburst of song. Song is the natural expression
of the jubilant heart; it is human nature’s way of escape for feelings
which are too rapturous to remain silent. Most of the great leaders of
revival have been poets as well, and the revival is borne along on the
wings of exulting praise. The Franciscans sang the ‘Canticle of the
Sun’; the Reformers in Germany sang the mighty strophes of Luther;
Scotland found in the Psalms that which answered to her triumphant
mood; while Wesley’s hymns remain to-day long after the revival has
spent itself. In recent times we have seen the same fact expressed in a
most striking way in the revival in Wales. And even in China, in the
revival which has lately taken place among some of the most degraded
tribes in the South-west, singing has been a prominent feature.” (Burns
p. 44)
“No less striking in their similitude are the phenomena which
appear when the revival movement is set hard in motion. Immediately
the voice of the leader is heard, vast forces, which seem hitherto to
have been lying dormant, are awakened; the revival spreads with wings
of fire, and huge numbers of men, women, and children are affected by
it. Wherever it moves, and into whatever heart it enters, it creates an
overwhelming sense of sin, and with sin’s forgiveness an intense joy, a
joy which expresses itself in jubilant song, and often in strange
outbursts of feeling. The chief effect, however, of the revival is felt in
the sphere of the inner life. It awakens new spiritual emotions; it
quickens the conscience; it brings thousands of lawless lives into
subjection to the will of God, while it brings the Church back to
simplicity, to sincerity, and to a quickened spiritual vitality.” (Burns p.
“With Christ, and the message of the Cross as its central fire, each
revival also is characterized either by the revivifying of some doctrine
Revival Joy
coldly held, or by the discovery of some new aspect of divine truth,
revealed in Scripture, but lost sight of.
The Reformation is the supreme example of the latter. Justification
by faith is one of the clearest of Pauline doctrines, but it was a doctrine
so utterly lost sight of that it ceased to exist in the Christian Church.
Ecclesiasticism so dominated men’s minds that for centuries men had
read Paul’s Epistles without discovering that the words they read were
diametrically opposed to the beliefs they held. And this is one of the
most curious facts connected with the human mind – its power to see
only that which corresponds with current opinion [because of
advantage, Jude 1:16], and of failing to see, not by conscious rejection,
but by a strange incapacity [strong delusion, 2 Thessalonians 2:11], all
that opposes it. Every age is imprisoned within its own conceptions,
and has to be set free by the [Christ-led, Romans 8:14] master minds
which refuse to be enslaved.” (Burns p. 62)
“To all such movements [of Reformation and Revival] the
organized Church adopts usually an attitude of suspicion or [increasing]
hostility. The reason for this is that all human organizations lose sooner
or later their [spark of] primitive enthusiasms, pass through the stage of
persecution to that of respectability [and authority], then, becoming
ease-loving and somnolent, learn to regard with suspicion and dislike
all that would interfere with their habits, and so slowly perish. The
Church would share the fate of other societies, since she shares their
other experiences, were it not that she is being constantly rejuvenated
by infusions of new spiritual life, of the very kind we are now
considering. But the process of rejuvenation is not welcomed by those
who have grown lax and sluggish in the old; the power of kindling
enthusiasms in them is gone, but the bitterness with which they oppose
its awakening in others [arises, reacts, and] remains. Hence the
awakening is frequently attended by the establishment of a new
organization outside the Church, since it has to encounter the
opposition of those who are within [as in the case in England of the
older Anglican Church versus the then new Wesleyan movement].”
(Burns p. 314)
“Each revival derives its power from the rediscovery of some
forgotten Biblical truth, and coming with all the power of a rediscovery
it awakens in the heart a joyful recognition of its power, and a fresh
Jesus Loves You
blessing in its acceptance. The doctrine itself is frequently overstated
and lifted out of contact with other truths, but the joy of its discovery
overrides all limitations which come through the wrong sense of
proportion; it bursts upon the world with the invigorating power of the
spring, and brings radiant happiness to tens of thousands of lives. This
is what happened through the rediscovery of those evangelical
doctrines already stated. They awoke in men’s hearts a radiant joy; they
transfigured tens of thousands of lives. [Concerning the Wesley
revival,] Men who were criminals before, who lived the most brutal
lives, who were drunkards and law-breakers, coming under the spell
[conviction] of the new preaching, were changed. A [Godly] miracle of
grace was wrought in them. Not many rich, not many mighty, were
called [or chosen], but the revival swept in upon the multitudes of the
people; upon the toilers of the workshop and the mine; into the
crowded tenements of the laborers and the poor.” (Burns p. 325-326)
Burns, James. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders. London: Hodder
and Stoughton, original 1909. Second Printing, with additional
chapters, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1960.
[Welsh Revival of 1904-1905] “It was a Revival of singing. The
Welsh are famous for their native gift of congregational singing. No
part in the harmony of a tune is missing and most of the singers sing as
those who have been thoroughly trained. Imagine, then, if you can, an
instrument with its every string swept by the Spirit of God! As blessed
R. B. Jones, a leader in the revival, said, ‘The fact is, unless heard, it is
unimaginable and when heard indescribable. There was no hymnbook.
No one gave out a hymn. Just anybody started the singing, and very
rarely did it happen that the hymn started – no one knew by whom –
was out of harmony with the mood of the moment. Once started, as if
moved by a simultaneous impulse, the hymn was caught up by the
whole congregation almost as if what was about to be sung had been
announced and all were responding to the baton of a visible human
leader. I have seen nothing like it. You felt that the thousand or fifteen
hundred persons before you had become merged into one myriadheaded, but simple-souled, personality. Such was the perfect blending
Revival Joy
of the mood and purpose that it bore eloquent testimony to a unity
created only by the Spirit of God’” (Stewart p. 16-17)
[On November 7, 1904] “Almost all were moved to tears and many
cried in agony. It was in this meeting that the ‘Revival Love song’ was
first sung – ‘Here is Love, vast as the ocean.’” (Stewart p. 38)
[Newspaper reports concerning the Welsh Revival, extracts]
“PENTRE: The ministers of all the chapels recently exchanged
pulpits for a day with the idea of breaking down denominalism.
MAESTEG: An insurance agent told a reporter that at practically
every house he called at after Christmas he was met by a wife with a
happy smile and these words, ‘This is the happiest Christmas we ever
had.’ Their husbands had been converted and stopped their wastage of
money in gambling and drunkenness...
Longstanding debts were paid, stolen goods returned, drinking
taverns forsaken, oaths ceased to be heard so it was said in the mines
the horses could not understand the language of the drivers. Political
meetings had to be postponed as members of the House of Parliament
were found taking part in revival meetings. Theatrical companies made
sure that they did not come to Wales as they knew that there they
would go bankrupt. Magistrates were presented with white gloves in
many places to signify that there were no arrests. The prisons were
empty. Even in the universities, revival scenes were commonplace day
after day for months.” (Stewart p. 57-58)
“Songs that became popular during the revival included: Tell
Mother I’ll be There; Ride in Triumph Blessed Jesus; Who is a
Pardoning God Like Thee.” (Stewart p. 71)
“One of the most significant results was that the old church
prejudices were broken down. The man-made denominational barriers
completely collapsed as believers and pastors of all denominations
worshipped their majestic Lord together. The quarrels of local
Christians were healed. One of the outstanding features of the revival
was the confession of sin, not among the unsaved alone, but among the
saved. All were broken down and melted before the cross of Christ.”
(Stewart p. 71)
Jesus Loves You
Stewart, James A. Invasion of Wales by the Holy Spirit through
Evan Roberts. Asheville, NC: Revival Literature, c. 1963.
“This latter part of the work, praying for the sick, I drew back from
and many were the severe punishments received from the Father for
this rebellion; how many times He withdrew His presence because I
refused to declare the matchless power of Him who bore our
sicknesses. Not then knowing that it meant no more to pray for the sick
that they might be healed, than to pray for a sinner to be saved. God
finally conquered; I yielded my life, not only to preach salvation from
sin, but healing as well.” (Parham p. 16)
“Paul did not recognize the baptism of John to repentance as
sufficient, but baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
before he would lay hands upon them that they might receive the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. These and other Scriptures were so
convincing that the next day I was baptized by single immersion.”
(Parham p. 19)
“Then how quickly we recognized the fact that we could not be
buried by baptism in the name of the Father, and in the name of the
Holy Ghost: because it stood to nothing, as they never died or were
resurrected.” (Parham p. 20)
“But by a careful study of Acts 1:8, we find that the power [of
Pentecost] was to make them witnesses [by speaking in foreign
languages to people who understood].” (Parham p. 25)
“As pardon is received as a result of sincere repentance, restitution
and surrender; sanctification is received as the result of entire
consecration; so the speaking in other tongues is received as a result of
this Baptism. The Holy Spirit, through witnessing to the work of
Calvary wrought in our lives, in justification and sanctification,
reserves the speaking in other tongues as the evidence of His own
incoming.” (Parham p. 34)
Revival Joy
Parham, Charles Fox. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness., Original 1902, Revised 1910, current Copyright
Jesus Loves You
Chapter 2:
On the Reformers and
“But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an
evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”
(2 Timothy 4:5)
Within the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church held
authoritative control over state churches. As outlined above, the Roman
Catholic Church upheld church traditions, even above Scripture. As
Roman Catholic Church traditions deviated from the plain truth of Holy
Scripture, serious errors in doctrine became evident.
In this context, individuals arose within the Roman Catholic Church
protesting the perceived errors in church doctrine, and seeking to
reform the church. Many of these people suffered as martyrs, and a
great many people separated from the Roman Catholic Church.
Together, they became known as Reformers, and their overall
movement has been termed the Protestant Reformation.
Within this section, we will present information, regarding leaders
of the Protestant Reformation, including the following people, along
with other later Christian leaders.
Revival Joy
John Wycliffe (c. 1329 – 1384): a scholar and the “Morning Star”
of the Reformation, who translated the Bible into English, and sought
to protect the rights of the poor.
John Hus (c. 1369 – 1415): a priest, who taught that the people
should have access to the Holy Bible in their native languages, and who
spoke against Roman Catholic non-Scriptural doctrines. John Hus was
burned at the stake as a martyr. His legacy includes the Hussite
movement and a founding influence within the Moravian Church.
Martin Luther (1483 – 1546): a priest and professor, who posted the
famous 95 Thesis. His legacy includes the Lutheran Church.
William Tyndale (c. 1494 – 1536): a scholar, who translated the
Holy Bible into English, and who suffered as a martyr.
The Anabaptist (c. 1525 and following): of the Radical
Reformation: who held to the truth of Holy Scripture including adult
baptism, and who suffered as martyrs.
John Wesley (1703 - 1791): founder of the Methodist Societies,
who emphasized the motive toward Scriptural Holiness, sanctification.
1. Wycliffe, John. John Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the
Reformation. Worcester, PA: Gateway Films, 1984, VHS.
“John Wycliffe is the dramatic biography of the life of the 14 th century
scholar and cleric who translated the Bible into English for the first
time. Wycliffe found himself in the middle of religious, political, and
social conflicts. An Oxford scholar, one of Europe’s most renowned
philosophers, he was a defender of English nationalism against the
power of the pope, and a champion of the poor against the injustices of
the rich [including the Roman Catholic Church, which owned one-third
of all the land of England].
John Wycliffe taught that God’s forgiveness cannot be bought with
indulgences. He preached that the only true authority is the Word of
God, and the Word could only be understood by all, if the people could
read it in their native tongue. John Wycliffe captures the trials and
Jesus Loves You
heroic struggles of this significant man of faith – the ‘Morning Star’ of
the Reformation.” (Wycliffe, VHS back cover)
Figure 1: John Wycliffe (1331 – 1384) – Morning Star of the
2. Hus, John. John Hus was the accused but his testimony put a
whole civilization on trial. Worcester, PA: Faith for Today, 1961, VHS.
“John Hus died singing, July 6, 1415. The history books make little
mention of this Bohemian priest and scholar who lived 100 years before
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Yet, John Hus was
convinced that the Bible should be presented in the language of the
people, that salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, and the Word of
God is the final authority. He taught openly in the University of Prague
and as a pastor, challenging the abuses of [Roman Catholic] medieval
Intrigue and false promises weave a powerful story of one man’s
commitment to faith in Jesus Christ. In the end, Hus was accused [by the
Roman Catholic clerics], imprisoned, and charged with heresy.
Ultimately, he was condemned [without objective evidence] and burned
at the stake as a heretic.” (John Hus VHS back cover)
Revival Joy
Figure 2: John Hus – Reformer and Martyr, VHS cover photo
Jesus Loves You
Figure 3: John Hus (c. 1369 - 1415) – legacy of the Moravian
3. Luther Martin. Martin Luther’s protest changed the course of
Western history. Luther Film Associates, original 1953.
“The original film classic of Luther’s life was released in theaters
worldwide and nominated for two Academy Awards. The film traces
Luther’s life from a guilt-burdened monk through the monumental
events that led to a break with the Roman Catholic Church…” (Luther,
VHS back cover)
Revival Joy
Figure 4: Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) - legacy of the Lutheran
4. Tyndale, William. God’s Outlaw – The Story of William
Tyndale. Worcester, PA: Grenville Film Productions, 1986, DVD.
“A simple God-seeking man, William Tyndale somehow became one of
the most wanted men in England and all Europe. Pursued by King
Henry VIII, Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas Moore, and the Pope’s
personal legate Cardinal Wolsey, Tyndale darted across Europe to avoid
capture – always pushing to complete the task that obsessed him.
The task was translating the Bible into English and publishing it for his
fellow countrymen – Englishmen who lived in a country where the
Bible and even prayers in English were outlawed [under penalty of
death by burning at the stake] by a harsh and religious establishment
[the Roman Catholic Church]. Today Tyndale is renowned as the
‘Father of the English Bible,’ and is recognized as one of the major
leaders of the English Reformation. But the tale of how he lived and
died [as a martyr] is a compelling story, and is a moving encouragement
for modern people of faith.” (God’s Outlaw – the Story of William
Tyndale, DVD back cover)
Jesus Loves You
Figure 5: William Tyndale (c. 1494 – 1536), a Christian hero, who
translated the Holy Bible into English, and suffered as a martyr
5. Anabaptist. The Radicals: To a world of fear, Anabaptists
introduced freedom, which was a crime punishable by death.
Worcester, PA, c. 1990’s, DVD.
“The year is 1525. Michael and Margaretha Sattler have fled their
religious orders. Their quest: restore the church to the purity of its early
days when communities of believers practiced peace, compassion, and
sacrificial love.
The Sattlers join a group called the Anabaptists and together challenge
the 1000 year control of the Church by the State. They call for baptism
to once again become, not a mark of citizenship, but an adult and
voluntary decision to follow Christ. As their movement grows, so does
the determination of their enemies to stop them, by any means.
In 1527, Michael is burned at the stake and Margaretha drowned. But
their movement survives and today is carried on by the Mennonites,
Mennonite Brethren, Brethren in Christ, the Hutterites, and the Amish.”
(Radicals… Anabaptists, DVD back cover)
Revival Joy
Figure 6: The burning of a 16th-century Dutch Anabaptist,
Anneken Hendriks, who was charged by the Spanish Inquisition
with heresy
Figure 7: Dirk Willems saves his pursuer. This act of mercy led to
his recapture, after which he was burned at the stake. Luyken, Jan
(1685), Dirk Willems (picture).
6. Wesley, John. Wesley: A heart transformed can change the
world. Worcester, PA, Foundery Pictures, year not listed, DVD.
“Step into eighteenth century England and experience the transformation
of one man whose heart-wrenching search for peace haunts him even as
he pours himself into a life of service and evangelism. Now, for the first
Jesus Loves You
time, Wesley’s fascinating spiritual struggle is presented in this awardwinning film based upon John’s own private journals.
Young John Wesley works hard to earn his own salvation, but still
cannot find lasting peace. His headstrong ways and self-righteous
attitude bring conflict and rejection wherever he goes. Follow his
journey across the stormy seas to the colony of Georgia, where he fails
as an evangelist, while breaking the heart of the beautiful Sophy. In
defeat, the newly humbled Wesley returns to England in search of
genuine faith, and the discovery of God’s grace.
John Wesley is well known as the spiritual father of Methodism. His
heartfelt struggles, his passion for authentic faith expressing itself
through meaningful kingdom work, and his message of saving grace
resonate with audiences of all ages and denominations.” (Wesley, DVD
back cover)
Figure 8: John Wesley (1703 – 1791) – founder of the Methodist
Societies, who emphasized sanctification, or the motive toward
Scriptural Holiness
7. “Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound
effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf [(1700 –
Revival Joy
1760), founding Bishop of the Moravian Church] was one of those
remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of
wealth, politics, and privilege to follow God’s call. He established a
refugee settlement for persecuted Christians. This remarkable
community experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
which led them to a passionate concern for worldwide missions. Under
Zinzendorf’s leadership they set the stage for the modern missionary
movement, as we know it today.” (Zinzendorf DVD back cover)
Zinzendorf, Count Ludwig. Count Zinzendorf: The rich young
ruler who said yes; His work set the stage for modern missions.
Worcester, PA: Vision Video, 2000.
“Out of this study and prayer, the community formed a document
known as the Brüderlicher Vertrag, the Brotherly Agreement, which
was a voluntary discipline of Christian community. This document, and
a set of rules laid down by Zinzendorf known as The Manorial
Injunctions were signed by the members of the community on 12 May
1727. This document, which has been revised over many years, is today
known as ‘The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living.’ The Moravian
Church is one of the few denominations, which emphasizes a code of
Christian behavior, over specific creeds.
Continued study and prayer in small groups known as banden resulted
in a sense of reconciliation in the community [at Herrnhut, Germany],
leading to a powerful spiritual renewal on August 13, 1727 during a
special communion service at the Berthelsdorf Church. This experience,
referred to as the ‘Moravian Pentecost,’ marked the beginning of a new
era of spiritual growth in Herrnhut. It also began a period of radical
experimentation with communal Christian living as expressed in
Zinzendorf's theology.
As the renewed community of Herrnhut grew, Zinzendorf obtained a
copy of Ratio Disciplinae, the church order of the early Bohemian
Unity. As he began to study the history of the Bohemians, he was
astonished to find powerful similarities between the theology and
practice of the early Unitas Fratrum and the newly established order of
Herrnhut. Zinzendorf and the Herrnhuters felt a strong identification
with the writings of Moravian Bishop John Amos Comenius and
incorporated many of the ideas of the early Unity. However, Zinzendorf
saw the new group as a spark for renewal of all denominations, not a
new and separate denomination. This theological bent was reinforced by
the legal structure of the Lutheran State church.”
Jesus Loves You
Figure 9: Count Ludwig Zinzendorf (1700 - 1760) – Prophet of the
Heart, Bishop of the Moravian Church, great and early supporter
of foreign missions
8. “George F. Muller (1805 – 1898) was a German playboy who
found Christ and gave his life to serve Christ unreservedly [as a pastor].
His mission was to rescue orphans from the wretched street life that
enslaved so many children in England during the time of Charles
Dickens and Oliver Twist. Muller did rescue, care for, feed, and
educate such children by the thousands. The costs were enormous for
such a great work. Yet, amazingly, he never asked anyone for money.
Instead he prayed, and his children never missed a meal. This
docudrama presents his life story and shows how God answered prayer
and met their needs. It is a story that raises foundational questions
regarding faith and finances.” (George Muller DVD back cover)
Revival Joy
Figure 10: George F. Muller (1805 – 1898), pastor, and founder of
orphanages and many Christian schools
Muller, George. The Prayerful Life of George Muller: Robber of
the Cruel Streets. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, 2006, DVD.
9. “Spurgeon brought to life… Here is the intimate story of one of
the greatest preachers in the history of the church. We follow him from
his youth where, as a young preacher he is surprisingly called to
minister in London and soon captures the love and respect of the
nation. He goes on to become one of its most influential figures. This
powerful, inspirational docu-drama faithfully recreates the times of C.
H. Spurgeon and brings the ‘people’s preacher’ to life as it follows his
trials and triumphs with historical accuracy.”
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. C. H. Spurgeon – the Peoples
Preacher. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, CTA, no date.
Jesus Loves You
10. “Robert Sayers Sheffey [1820 – 1902] was an American
circuit-riding preacher of the nineteenth century. The film tells the true
story of this unusual servant of God, who as a rowdy young man
followed his friends to a revival meeting and there found the Lord. A
man of prayer, tireless service, and great compassion, ‘Brother Sheffey’
rides through the Appalachian Mountains spreading the gospel.
Although he suffers the loss of his two greatest treasures in one day,
Sheffey still finds forgiveness in his heart for the person who caused
his sorrow. The film captures the warmth and compassion of a man
whose soul was on fire for God.”
Sheffey, Robert Sayers. Sheffey. Greenville, SC: Unusual Films,
Bob Jones University Press, 1978, and 2003, DVD.
“When Christian principles become socially unacceptable and
society moves to repress them, what will the Christians do? Witness the
Soviet Union [circa 1986] – before glasnost. Fear of the KGB secret
police pervades society. Christian faith is stifled wherever it is
discovered. Most believers cling to a hollow shell of Christianity
tolerated in ‘registered’ churches. However, some believers opt to
remain ‘unregistered,’ worshipping God openly and accepting the harsh
consequences. A brave few dare to print Bibles – right under the noses
of the KGB. This story is about them.”
Printing, The. Greenville, SC: Unusual Films, Bob Jones
University, distributed by Vision Video, 1990 and 2003, DVD.
11. “Charles Fox Parham (June 4, 1873 – c. January 29, 1929)
was an American preacher and evangelist. Together with William J.
Seymour, Parham was one of the two central figures in the
development and early spread of Pentecostalism. It was Parham who
associated glossolalia with the baptism in the Holy Spirit, a theological
connection crucial to the emergence of Pentecostalism as a distinct
movement. Parham was the first preacher to articulate Pentecostalism's
Revival Joy
distinctive doctrine of evidential tongues, and to expand the
movement.” (Wiki / Charles Fox Parham)
Figure 11: Charles Fox Parham (1873 – 1929), independent
Holiness evangelist, founder of the Apostolic Faith Movement, who
taught that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was evidenced by
speaking in tongues
Jesus Loves You
“2 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with
one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty
wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat
upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
(Acts 2:1-4)
1. Anabaptist. The Radicals: To a world of fear, Anabaptists
introduced freedom, which was a crime punishable by death.
Worcester, PA, c. 1990’s, DVD.
2. Balsiger, David W., Whims, Joette, Hunskor, Melody. The
Incredible Power of Prayer – Amazing stories of how people changed
America through prayer. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers,
3. Bartleman, Frank. Azusa Street. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker
House, 1982.
4. Bartleman-2, Frank. What Really Happened at Azusa Street?
Northridge, CA: Voice Christian Publications, 1962, edited by John
5. Borlaise, Craig. William Seymour: A Biography. Lake Mary, FL:
Charisma House, 2006.
Revival Joy
6. Bisagno, John R. The Power of Positive Evangelism: How to
Hold a Revival. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1968.
7. Burns, James. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders. London:
Hodder and Stoughton, original 1909. Second Printing, with additional
chapters, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1960.
8. Duewel, Wesley. Revival Fire. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan,
9. Edwards, Jonathan. Jonathan Edwards on Revival. Carlisle, PA:
Banner of Truth Trust, original 1736, printed 1999.
10. Engle, Lou. Digging the Wells of Revival: Reclaiming Your
Historic Inheritance through Prophetic Intercession. Shippensburg,
PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 1998.
11. Finney, Charles G. How to Experience Revival. Springdale, PA:
Whitaker House, 1984.
12. Finney, Charles G. Holy Spirit Revivals – How You Can
Experience the Joy of Living in God’s Power. New Kensington, PA:
Whitaker House, 1999.
13. Gallagher, Vincent. Revival Fires: The Coming Revival,
Judgment, and Return of Christ. Kearny, NE: Morris Publishing, 1999.
14. Hardman, Keith J. Seasons of Refreshing: Evangelism and
Revivals in America. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stuck Publishers, original
1994, and 2006.
15. Hayes, Don. Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening. Orlando, FL:
Cru Press of Campus Crusade for Christ, 2007.
16. Heflin, Ruth Ward. Revival Glory. Hagerstown, MD: McDougal
Publishing, 1998.
17. Hus, John. John Hus was the accused but his testimony put a
whole civilization on trial. Worcester, PA: Faith for Today, 1961, VHS.
Jesus Loves You
18. Hyatt, Eddie L. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity. Lake
Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2002.
19. Kaiser, Walter. Revive Us Again: Biblical Principles for Revival
Today. Ross-shire, IV20 1TW, Scotland: Christian Focus Publications,
20. Luther Martin. Martin Luther’s protest changed the course of
Western history. Luther Film Associates, original 1953.
21. Marcus, Warren. Great North American Revival Series.
Charlotte, NC: New Day Pictures, DVD seven disc series, 2003.
22. Martin, Larry E. The Life and Ministry of William J. Seymour
and a history of the Azusa Street Revival. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life
Books, 2006.
23. Martin, Larry E. The True Believers – Eye Witness Accounts of
the Revival that Shook the World. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life Books,
24. McIntosh, Ron. The Quest for Revival - Experiencing Great
Revivals of the Past, Empowering You for God’s Move Today! Tulsa
OK: Harrison House, 1997.
25. Murillo, Mario. Seven Stages to Critical Mass – The timeless
masterpiece on the how and why of revival. Danville, CA: Fresh Fire
Communications, 1985 and 1997.
26. Muller, George. The Prayerful Life of George Muller: Robber
of the Cruel Streets. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, 2006, DVD.
27. Parham, Charles Fox. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness., Original 1902, Revised 1910, current Copyright
28. Printing, The. Greenville, SC: Unusual Films, Bob Jones
University, distributed by Vision Video, 1990 and 2003, DVD.
Revival Joy
29. Seymour, William. Azusa Street Sermons – The Words That
Changed the World. Joplin, Missouri: Christian Life Books, Series
Editor Dr. Larry Martin, 1999.
30. Sheffey, Robert Sayers. Sheffey. Greenville, SC: Unusual Films,
Bob Jones University Press, 1978, and 2003, DVD.
31. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. C. H. Spurgeon – the Peoples
Preacher. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, CTA, no date.
32. Spurgeon, C. H. The Berean Call Newsletter. Bend Oregon.
February 2012.
33. Stewart, James A. Invasion of Wales by the Holy Spirit through
Evan Roberts. Asheville, NC: Revival Literature, c. 1963.
34. Strom, Andrew. True and False Revival. Revival School,, Wholesale distribution by Lightning Source,
Inc., 2008.
35. Synan, Vinson. The Century of the Holy Spirit – 100 Years of
Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewal. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson,
36. Tyndale, William. God’s Outlaw – The Story of William
Tyndale. Worcester, PA: Grenville Film Productions, 1986, DVD.
37. Weisberger, Bernard. They Gathered at the River: The Story of
the Great Revivalists and Their Impact upon Religion in America.
Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1958.
38. Welchel, Tommy. They Told Me Their Stories: The Youth and
Children of Azusa Street Tell Their Stories. Dare 2 Dream Books (405)
410-9201, 2010.
39. Wesley, John. Wesley: A heart transformed can change the
world. Worcester, PA, Foundery Pictures, year not listed, DVD.
Jesus Loves You
40. Wright, Fred and Sharon. The World’s Greatest Revivals.
Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2007.
41. Wycliffe, John. John Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the
Reformation. Worcester, PA: Gateway Films, 1984, VHS.
42. Zinzendorf, Count Ludwig. Count Zinzendorf: The rich young
ruler who said yes; His work set the stage for modern missions.
Worcester, PA: Vision Video, 2000.
Revival Joy
The Gospel Message
“For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not
God, It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that
(1 Corinthians 1:21)
The Lord Jesus Christ brought a message of love and hope for the
world. The Lord Jesus Christ brought redeeming power, for whosoever
would receive Him as Lord and Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ said that
He came, “to give his life to be a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28;
Mark 10:45). Through His blood atonement, the Lord Jesus Christ
provided a gracious way to receive forgiveness of sins and precious
salvation. Through His sacrificial love, the Lord Jesus Christ justified,
“such as should be saved” (ACTS 2:47). Christians are thankful that
their sins have been forgiven and that they have been set free by the
loving sacrificial blood of the Lamb of God. As such, Christians need
not fear the Judgment Day, but may rejoice in Jesus Christ, their
Motivation to Share the Word
A recurring theme throughout the Biblical Scriptures is a call for
men and women to be reconciled to the Lord Jesus Christ. The faithful
are often exhorted to preach and to share the word with compassion.
The following table presents some of the notable Scriptures that
motivate Christian evangelism. It is followed by a loving rendition of
the Christian salvation message.
Jesus Loves You
Soul-Winning Wisdom
Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from
the hand of the enemy.
(Psalm 107:2)
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and
weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
(Psalm 126:5, 6)
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is
(Proverb 11:30)
A true witness delivereth souls, but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
(Proverb 14:25)
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: For the day of the
LORD is near in the valley of decision.
(Joel 3:14)
[The Lord Jesus Christ said,] And the lord said unto the servant, Go out
into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my
house may be filled.
(Luke 14:23)
Let him know that he who converteth the sinner from the error of his
way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
(James 5:20)
And of some have compassion, making a difference; And others save
with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted
by the flesh. (Jude 22, 23)
Revival Joy
The Quintessential Salvation Message
Dear friend, May I ask you a question? If you were to die tonight,
where would you spend eternity? This is a solemn question intended to
evoke serious reflection, regarding your relationship with the Lord
Jesus Christ. As a foundation, we affirm and recognize that our current
and future blessings depend upon our faith and trust in His finished
work. Through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, a way has been made
to realize the truth, concerning salvation.
To establish a basis for discussion; Do you believe that the Bible
presents the inspired word of God? An affirmative answer is important,
since the Bible provides the foundation for discussing the teachings of
the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible declares, "Forever Oh Lord, Thy word
is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89). The Lord Jesus Christ also
prophesied, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not
pass away" (Luke 21:33). And wonderfully, the Bible assures us,
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the
Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).
The Bible clearly explains that we can know for certain and have a
confident assurance of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible finds no man excusable: for it clearly declares, "For all
have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
Again, the Bible plainly explains, "Whatever is not of faith is sin"
(Romans 14:23). In addition, the Bible brings conviction by asserting,
“To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin”
(James 4:17). Truly, that's why we are all in need of the Saviour, even
the Lord Jesus Christ, including each one of us, throughout the whole
The Bible says, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"
(1 Timothy 1:15). He came for you and for me, and for all people
throughout the entire world, yes even to show us, “the way, the truth,
and the life” (John 14:6).
Jesus Loves You
When the Lord Jesus Christ first came forth preaching, he exhorted,
“Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). He
further admonished, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish"
(Luke 13:3). We need to be willing to turn from a worldly way to a
Godly way. It is a decision or choice that we make in our minds and
hearts, to turn toward God. The Lord Jesus Christ explained that we
need to recognize our need for serious change, and that we need to be
willing to start a new life.
Have you ever heard of the Judgment Day? The Bible says, “It is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews
9:27). The Bible reveals, "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand
before God, and the books were opened and another book was opened
which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of the books
according to their works. And death and Hell were cast into the lake of
fire. This is the second death… And whosoever's name was not found
written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" (Revelation
20:11-15). So there is a Book of life, and we should earnestly desire
that our names be kept in it. The Bible further presages, “So then every
one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).
The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that radical deliverance is
needed. He explained, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be
born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). The Lord
Jesus Christ further gloriously revealed, "God is a Spirit and they that
worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). The
Bible also explains, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new
creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become
new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Concisely stated, we need a new start with a
new heart.
May I ask you this question? Do you believe that the Lord Jesus
Christ shed His blood, through sacrificial love, to wash away your sins?
The Bible plainly confirms, "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son
cleanseth us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive
ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness" (1 John 1:7-9).
May I ask you this question? Do you believe that the Lord Jesus
Christ rose bodily from the dead and ascended up into heaven? The
Lord Jesus Christ foretold, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will
come to you… because I live, ye shall live also" (John 14:18-19). The
Revival Joy
Bible triumphantly declares, "He is risen, as he said" (Matthew 28:6).
Glory to God!
Now when the Bible exhorts so great salvation, it declares, "If thou
shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For
with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever
believeth in him shall not be ashamed… For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:9-13). The Bible
exhorts, "Oh come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before
the Lord our maker" (Psalm 95:6).
Profession of Faith
At this time, you are invited to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for his
mercy and salvation: for “now is the acceptable time; behold, now is
the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). It is between you and the
Lord, and what matters is that you genuinely believe it in your heart.
The Bible beautifully summarizes, “For by grace are ye saved through
faith” (Ephesians 2:8). If you sincerely believe the following words,
please earnestly pray…
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner in your
sight, but I am willing to turn from my way to your way. I am
sorry for my sins, and I repent. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ
shed his blood to wash away my sins. I believe that the Lord Jesus
Christ rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven. Dear
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to save my soul, and to make me born
again, and to keep my name in the book of life, and to baptize me
with the Holy Ghost and fire, and to guide me into all truth. In
Jesus’ name I humbly pray. Amen.
Praise the Lord! The Bible rejoices, "There is joy in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner who repenteth" (Luke 15:10). The
Lord Jesus Christ declared, "My Father who gave them to me is greater
than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I
Jesus Loves You
and my Father are one" (John 10:29-30). When you're in God's hand,
no one can pull you out.
Growing in Christian Maturity
May I share seven thoughts to help strengthen and reinforce your
faith? God bless you!
Number one: As soon as practical, make a written record of your
profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps record the time and
place, and your feelings and thoughts toward the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your written record may serve as a reminder and reinforcement to you
in times to come. Also, please contemplate the question: How close do
you want to be to the Lord Jesus Christ? The Bible instructs, "Draw
near to God, and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8).
Number two: Pray, and ask the Lord to provide you with guidance
and direction for your life. The Lord Jesus Christ reassured, "I will pray
the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide
with you forever, even the Spirit of truth" (John 14:16); also called the
Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11). The Holy Ghost, the Spirit
of truth comes into our lives and guides us into all truth. The Bible
encourages, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not to
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall
direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5, 6). So we'll write it down, draw near,
and pray for direction.
Number three: Read your Bible and/or listen to a recording of the
Bible. The classic King James Bible should serve as your definitive
text. The Lord Jesus Christ said, "Sanctify them through thy truth thy
word is truth" (John 17:17). I suggest you begin reading with the book
of John: for John is, "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (John 21:20).
This amazing Gospel includes Jesus’ teachings about peace and being
born again. The book of John begins, "In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in
the beginning with God" (John 1:1, 2).
The Bible provides our spiritual food. As an illustration, please
consider how long can you continue without eating physical food?
After a couple of days, we become very hungry. It should be the same
with the Word of God. We need to nourish our minds and our hearts
Revival Joy
with the Word of God every day. The Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am the
bread of life" (John 6:35), and he also taught, "The words that I speak
unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63). So we'll write it
down, pray for direction, and study our Bibles.
Number four: Tell someone whom you love. Share this experience
with someone, namely, that you called on the Lord Jesus Christ to save
you and to make you born again. The Lord Jesus Christ said,
"Whosoever will confess me before men, him will I also confess before
my Father, who is in heaven" (Matthew 10:32). May the Lord Jesus
Christ be magnified!
Number five: As you walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, please seek
fellowship with other Christians. Diligently seek to find a Bible-based
Christ-centered church that you can regularly attend, where you may
grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ. By Biblebased, we mean a church that recognizes the Divine inspiration of the
Bible, (and regularly uses the King James Bible). The Bible says, “Let
us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25).
The Lord Jesus Christ said, "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you"
(Matthew 7:7).
Number six: Moreover, Dear friend, you should seek to be
baptized in water (immersion is biblical and preferred): for even Jesus
was baptized, as He said, “to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15).
The Lord Jesus Christ gave the apostle Peter the keys of the kingdom of
heaven, which he preached to the people on the day of Pentecost. Peter
exhorted, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost” (ACTS 2:38). Furthermore, the Lord Jesus Christ
commanded his disciples, “Go ye into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature. He who believeth and is baptized shall be
saved, but he who believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:15-16).
May you be encouraged! The LORD spoke unto Joshua and said,
“Be strong and of a good courage” (Joshua 1:6), and the Lord Jesus
Christ said to his disciples, “Be of good cheer; for I have overcome the
world” (John 16:33). The Bible says, "Follow peace with all men, and
holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).
Moreover, the Bible enjoins, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance;
against such there is no law" (Galatians 5:22, 23).
Jesus Loves You
The Lord Jesus Christ loves you. He has a plan for your life, and He
desires that you grow in Christian maturity. Moreover, the Lord Jesus
Christ has said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” (Hebrews
13:5). May the Kingdom of God abide within you as you hear the Word
of God and obey it! Walk in the Spirit!
And Number seven: Best of all the Lord Jesus Christ taught, "This
is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his
friends" (John 15:12-13). The Lord Jesus Christ emphasized, “By this
shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to
another” (John 13:35). With great compassion and mercy, the Lord
Jesus Christ said to a repentant and sorrowful sinner, "Thy faith hath
saved thee, go in peace" (Luke 7:50).
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit my
beloved! By the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we
humbly pray. Amen and amen.
Happy and Rejoicing!
Revival Joy
Anabaptist. The Radicals: To a
world of fear, Anabaptists
introduced freedom, which
was a crime punishable by
death. Worcester, PA, c.
1990’s, DVD, 59, 67
Anderson, Dr. Dale, 32
Rev. William, 26
Duewel, Wesley, 14, 68
Edwards, Jonathan, 37, 68
Engle, Lou, 34, 68
Finney, Charles G., 18, 68
Gallagher, Vincent, 12, 68
Balsiger, David W., 27, 67
Bartleman, Frank, 18, 67
Bartleman-2, Frank, 36, 67
Bisagno, John R., 45, 68
Borlaise, Craig, 16, 67
Branham, William, 40
Burns, James. Revivals: Their
Laws and Leaders. London:
Hodder and Stoughton,
original 1909. Second
Printing, with additional
chapters, Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker Book House, 1960, 49,
Hardman, Keith J, 40, 68
Hayes, Don, 36, 68
Heflin, Ruth Ward, 13, 68
Hunskor, Melody, 27, 67
Hus, John. John Hus was the
accused but his testimony put
a whole civilization on trial,
55, 68
Hyatt, Eddie L., 15, 69
Kaiser, Walter, 42, 69
Jesus Loves You
Rev. Ralph D., 1, 2
Ride in Triumph Blessed Jesus,
song, 50
Evan of Wales, 10, 13, 14,
23, 27
Roberts, Evan of the Welsh
Revival, 45
Luther Martin. Martin Luther’s
protest changed the course of
Western history, 57, 69
Marcus, Warren, 43, 69
Rev. Larry E., 11, 16, 22, 69,
Martin, Larry E., 11, 22, 69
McIntosh, Ron, 26, 69
Muller, George. The Prayerful
Life of George Muller:
Robber of the Cruel Streets,
64, 69
Murillo, Mario, 30, 69
Rev. William, 9, 10, 11, 15,
16, 67, 69, 70
Seymour, William J., 65
Sheffey, Robert Sayers, 65
Sheffey, Robert Sayers. Sheffey.
Greenville, SC: Unusual
Films, Bob Jones University
Press, 1978, and 2003, DVD,
65, 70
Spurgeon, C. H., 32, 70
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. C.
H. Spurgeon – the Peoples
Preacher. Worcester, PA:
Vision Video, CTA, no date,
64, 70
Stewart, James A. Invasion of
Wales by the Holy Spirit
through Evan Roberts, 51, 70
Synan, Vinson, 12, 70
Dr. Edwin J., 14
Rev. A. G., 10, 22
Parham, Charles Fox, 52, 65,
Printing, The. Greenville, SC:
Unusual Films, Bob Jones
University, distributed by
Vision Video, 1990 and
2003, 65, 69
Tell Mother I’ll be There, song,
The Berean Call Newsletter, 32,
Thomas, Cliff, 12, 70
Revival Joy
Tyndale, William. God’s
Outlaw – The Story of
William Tyndale, 58, 70
Who is a Pardoning God Like
Thee, song, 50
Wycliffe, John. John Wycliffe:
The Morning Star of the
Reformation, 54, 71
Weisberger, Bernard, 45, 70
Welchel, Tommy, 33, 70
Wesley, John. Wesley: A heart
transformed can change the
world. Worcester, PA,
Foundery Pictures, year not
listed, DVD, 60, 70
Whims, Joette, 27, 67
Zinzendorf, Count Ludwig.
Count Zinzendorf: The rich
young ruler who said yes;
His work set the stage for
modern missions, 62, 71