New Consultant Packet


New Consultant Packet
Dear New Fast & Foxy Unit Member,
Allow me to be the first to WELCOME you to our unit! You have just made an empowering
business decision, and I am so proud of your commitment! Your someday is NOW. Congratulations
on taking ACTION on this pivotal and empowering NEW thought. Having a career with MARY KAY
cosmetics will be a turning point for you... your family… your life! You have just changed
your future forever!
Realizing that you are very excited about your new business, I also understand your fears, as well.
In fact there are 4 stages you will go through as a Consultant, EXCITEMENT, FEAR,
FRUSTRATION, and RE-COMMITMENT. Let me reassure you, these feelings are normal. All new
Consultants go through stages, including myself. I promise, we will work with you hands-on, to
move quickly through these stages in order to keep you in “excitement mode”. It's that easy!!
I would now love to share with you a little bit about my Mary Kay journey. I began my Mary Kay
business in October of 2011 while owning and operating a full time business in dental lab product
manufacturing and distribution. I was also traveling all over the country giving lectures on various
products for corporate. I loved teaching and helping people learn how to make their businesses
more productive, but with company changes I wasn't speaking anymore and lost that form of job
recognition. When I joined Mary Kay I wasn’t looking for a career change or to add anything more
to my schedule. I fell in love with the products after attending a skin care class. I realized how
much money I had been spending blindly walking through store cosmetic aisles grabbing whatever
I hoped would work for me. Well that developed a makeup graveyard! Months later I joined my
friends again for a glamour night and became truly hooked on Mary Kay quality and confidence.
With the 100% product quarantee, I knew Mary Kay was different from the rest.
Something needed to change in my life!
Skeptically, I joined Mary Kay as "personal-use only." I wanted my favorite products for wholesale
prices and since I lived two hours away from my consultant and unit I figured I'd learn on my
own. At that point I didn't really understand whan being an Independtant Beauty Consultant
meant for me yet! I learned about Mary Kay during my lunch hour at work via In Touch. I enjoyed
learning about the product research, company prizes, and generous donations made by the Mary
Kay Foundation. I finally decided I wanted to provide access to this amazing company for others.
In April of 2012, I participated in Pink Boot Camp Training on the phone with my Sr. Sales
Director, Kristi Mathre, and held my business debut in May. I thought it would be a fun way to
make some guilt-free shopping money and a great excuse to get together with friends. I
immediately loved how my business weaved into my everyday life! I enjoyed meeting positive
business women, making friends, and sharing the Mary Kay opportunity. In June of 2013 I earned
the use of a shiny, new white Chevy Cruze! In November I debuted as a Sales Director. While I
love my nerdy day job making dental stone for labs, I feel more fulfilled teaching skin care and
makeup artistry.
Having my own business allows me to be more flexible with my time
and energy. What I enjoy most is teaching women to be positive, selfmotivated, and the best they can be. I am so proud to be the director
of The Fast & Foxy! My focus is moving women up the career path,
into red jackets and cars of their very own! My mission in life is to use
my business to share my God-given talents and be a positive role
model to other women, helping them reach their true potential while
making their dreams come true.
Sincerely, Your Sales Director…..Tara Harms
Here is what you can expect from Me:
We are all given the same 168 hours, so we must spend our time wisely! You need to know how I spend my time & I
need to know how you want to spend yours so that we respect each other’s time.
My main time priorities are:
1. My family. My parents own and operate a horse ranch so I believe animals are family, including my dog (Dublin) and cats.
2. My personal business. I have a goal to see 30 personal faces a month and hold 10 personal interviews.
3. New Consultants. I focus on getting YOU off to a POWER START and teaching you to grow your business.
4. Top Consultants. Those who have a desire to move up the Career Path & who are attending a weekly meetings
somewhere. I spend a lot of time mentoring & coaching them into leadership positions in our Unit.
I am always available to you 4 ways:
1. Weekly Success Meetings every Monday 6:30-8:30pm which are held at my home, 3808 Hickory Hills Rd.
Sterling, IL 61081
1. Download Voxer. Voxer is a free app for your phone that lets you send instant audio, text and photo messages
to your friends (both individuals and groups) Messages stream live as you talk, you can choose to speak
instantly or listen to recorded audio later.
2. Email This is my hardest mode of communication because I don’t always have time to sit down & type back.
Rest assured I will read & respond though. Text me. If you need to talk to me live, call my cell (815)441-0146.
3. Add friend me on Facebook and I will add you to our Fast & Foxy group page for motivation and event info.
I will be your BEST MK Mentor, but I can’t be your marriage counselor, your psychologist, tax advisor or anything
that I’m not trained or qualified to be. I am SO HAPPY to listen, pray for you, and if you need help in these areas, I
will pass along some great resources that have helped me with these challenges in the past.
Here is what I expect from You:
To be your very best…
Be professional. Wear MK business attire, which is a suit or a skirted outfit. We want to
project a professional image to our customers and it is proven that the best dressed person in the
room will have the most control. Women who are dressed in a skirt or dress are more respected than
those who dress in pants. I once read an article about that & wished I would have saved it.
Be accountable. Turn in your weekly results (using Boulevard or online on InTouch). This does many
things: 1. It keeps your sales organized for the end of the tax year. 2. It is how you get recognition
in our newsletter & meetings 3. It is my BEST way of helping you with your business! Submit online
at under Business Tools, Weekly Accomplishments. Write down your faces
on your Consultant Focus Card which is in this packet. This will help you stay organized!
Be a POSITIVE PERSON, and an ENERGY GIVER. No week is ever might be
unbelievable, but not horrible! We do not share negativity at the meeting. Always talk to your
Director or Recruiter in private if you need support. We are here to help. You would hate it if you had
a new recruit prospect attending your meeting only to have someone complaining about her
cancellations in front of her when she’s considering this business for herself! Yikes!
Be polite. At the meeting, please give the speaker, whether your Director or another Consultant, your
full attention. If you’re talking you may miss something important, and we always want to use the
Golden unto others as you’d have them do unto you. This includes phone ettiquette.
Be a good student. Participate in the Pink Boot Camps. Learn about products and events on In Touch
Weekly Success Meetings will include training and some weeks will be guest events.
Every Wednesday we have a conference call with our National area. These allow you to meet
and learn about other consultants building their businesses, as well as get your questions
answered. Remember, school is never out for the pro!
Be SMART and NEVER miss a meeting! Remember this... the banana that
gets separated from the bunch gets skinned! So don’t monkey
around with your BUSINESS. Treat it like a business and it will PAY you
like a business.
It is great to hear that you have made a decision to become a
Mary Kay beauty consultant!! Your starter kit you have purchased is on its way. Below
are a just a few things you can get started with NOW, to get your business off to a
successful start! In our unit we are all about CHECKLISTS, so here is your first one!
Keep following your lists and you will SOAR!
Complete this checklist and turn it in to
Tara to redeem your prize!
Checklist #1
□ Print this document and put it in a binder, your new MK portable office.
□ Send me an EMAIL to
□ Friend me on Facebook and I will add you our unit group page- Fast & Foxy.
□ Listen to the Hotline by Jeanie Martin. Listen to INVENTORY OPTIONS & SAFETY NETS recordings
by calling 641-715-3800 access code 58013#. Press 1 for Inventory and 2 for Safety Nets. Contact Tara once
you have listened.
□ Do the “Business Power Plan” worksheet, which will guide you through making the best inventory
decision for you and your business. A grocery store needs products on the shelves to sell to customers.
□ Download Voxer!
It is our primary source of communication and you will not want to miss out on anything
that could make your business soar!! It is a free app you can download on your phone. Let me know when you
have it and I will add you to our distribution list to receive training messages.
□ Schedule your new consultant orientation with Tara after completing the above
□ Write down your initial CONTACT LIST of at least 75 people!!
Include everyone you know
who has skin... EVERYONE. This will be the foundation of your future clients, and you will soon see those
numbers grow!
□ Attend your first SUCCESS MEETING!
This business is so much fun! Just follow your NEXT STEP and you will be successful!
After completing this checklist #1, you will immediately get started on list 2-3 and your
vouchers to earn fun prizes and when you’re finished, you will be totally set for success…
having fun and making money!
Checklist #2
□ Yes! I signed up for my Mary Kay email address and website. (Go to
□ Yes! I contacted my director to place my first inventory order.
□ Yes! I attended my first Weekly Success Meeting, and received my Mary Kay pin! I invited a friend along to
take pictures of me getting pinned.
□ Yes! I called the hotline (1-641-715-3800 access code 468963# and pressed the 2 key to hear about how to
have a great business debut)
□ Yes! I changed my answering
machine message to let people know I am a Beauty Consultant with Mary
Kay. “You have reached the Harms residence and home office of Tara Harms Independent Sales Director
with Mary Kay. Please leave a message and we will call you back. Have a great day!”
□ Yes! I purchased my office supplies and have my binder ready!
Complete this Checklist and turn in to
Tara to redeem your prize!
Checklist #3
□ Yes! I organized my starter kit and tried all the products inside it.
□ Yes! I ordered my business kit. (Go to
□ Yes! I have read the Mary Kay autobiography!
□ Yes! I have watched Kristi’s skin care class at (Click on Kristi Mathre’s picture on the home
□ Yes! I booked my business debut and began my power start!
Complete this Checklist and turn
in to Tara to redeem your prize!
Name ___________________
____Yes! I have completed:
□ Boot Camp # 1-4 completed
You can listen to these trainings on Click on Kristi's picture
and scroll to bottom to find the audio
□ Checklist 1-3 Completed and Turned In
Contact Tara to see when your graduation will be!
You will want to bring some friends along to cheer for you
and take some pictures!!
Power Start Pin
Senior Consulant
Name ____________________ Name ____________________
_____Yes! I have practiced on 30
faces (18 years or older) in 30 days.
Turn in to Tara to redeem
your prize!
_____Yes! I have my first active team
Turn in to Tara to redeem
your prize!
Red Jacket
Pin Enhancer
_____Yes! I am a Star Recruiter with
3 active team members.
Turn in to Tara to redeem
your prize!
Name ____________________
_________Yes! I have completed 6 career talks with my family members or
friends! List names of the 6 below:
1.__________________ 5.____________________
2.__________________ 6.____________________
3.__________________ Dripping in PEARLS is always the best way!!!
4.__________________ Turn in to Tara to redeem your prize!
Coupon Sheet Revised 11/13
I don’t know but I’ve been told….
Learning MK skills is good as gold…
So when you're new and feeling lost...
Come to training at no cost!
Hope to ...1...2….
See you...3….4..
Sign up….Call me….1,2,3,4!!!
I would love to have you attend
During these camps you will get lots of training and
assignments all designed to help get your business
in full swing!
You can listen to these four trainings at your convenience on Click on Kristi's picture and scroll to
bottom to find the audio recordings. After each boot camp
check in with me.
You can call in on Monday evenings at 9 pm CST The number
is 530-881-1300 access code 230912# or you can send me a
Voxer message with your takeaway and questions.
Think Pink!!
Let me help you customize your 1st order
to suit your business needs and to fullfill what you want. :)
Book your Debut with your Sales Director. Weekends are great, but sometimes week nights such as Thursdays work
great too!
Choose a location. Your home is best, but church halls, community centers, etc. will work if you don't have space
Make a list of 50 or more people to invite. The more the better.
Call the guests two or three days before the event. (See next page for your script!) Let them know you really need
them there for support. If for some reason they can't make it, go ahead and schedule them for a facial to help achieve
your Power Start Challenge. Remember: if they say they "might" come or will "try" to be there, you can bet they won't
be. Go ahead and book them for a facial!
Delegate the tasks of making simple refreshments and housecleaning, if you're having your Debut in your home.
Create a tabletop display of Mary Kay products, especially the Roll-up Bag filled with TimeWise Miracle Set, Color
Compact (filled), Satin Hands, and Skin Supplements like Eye Cream, Microdermabrasion, & Hydrators.
Set aside one set of Satin Hands to be used at the sink as guests come in.
Gather your supplies: You'll need your datebook, calculator, money bag with change, and hostess packets ready in a
“closing” area. (Hostess Packet can be purchased from your Director)
Have a Look Book, pen, profile card and sales slip ready for each guest.
As guests arrive, let them try Satin Hands.
Ask guest to fill out Customer Profile Card.
We will welcome everyone and thank them for coming.
We will ask guests to introduce themselves, how long they have known you and what their relationship is to you.
Director will share her Dream Book.
We'll use the Roll-up Bag to show the product line in addition to some extras.
Guests will earn tickets for coming, bringing friends, asking questions, making a purchase and booking facials/skin care
We will share your Power Start goal. You'll want to have a poster board, decorate it how you like, just have 1-30 lines
marked on the front ready for names.
We will book people for facials. 1 ticket for booking. 1 ticket per face they think they can have at their appointment.
Close with a heartfelt thank-you.
Hold the drawing for door prizes.
Serve refreshments (Delegate this task to a friend or family member).
Director will ask to see the person that needs to leave first to get their opinion of the presentation, help with product
selections, and schedule their facial/class. YOUR MAIN FOCUS IS TO BOOK APPOINTMENTS!!! Have your date
book filled with what you have going on. Highlight the times you are "available" to book their appointments. You never
want to show them an empty date book and ask "when do you want to get together?" Think of making a doctor
appointment and how they provide one option and then offer additional ones as needed. Too many options is confusing!
Send thank-you notes to everyone who attended and include your Business Card if you have them. If not, go ahead
and send a note… order your cards at and click on MK Connections.
Follow-up with everyone, whether they purchased something or not. This would be a great time to again invite each
guest to schedule an appointment for a facial or book a class if they haven't done so already.
You're probably going to reach about 60-70% voice mail... so I want you to really practice what you're going to say before you
get on the phone. I know you'll do a great job with your voice mail message. You will want to have a lot of energy when making
calls. You want to really pick up the tone but not go up an octave. Anytime you raise your voice an octave you sound phony and
fake so you just really want to have a smooth voice. Be excited! When people can feel that excitement and hear a lot of optimism,
enthusiasm, and positive expectancy in your words and voice... it’s very important. The conversation you want to have with people is obviously to confirm that they received your invitation, and "YES" they will be joining you. But if they say "maybe", you
have to assume that it is a "no". Then you can go ahead and explain the Power Start to her, and set a date for a facial. You may
also suggest inviting some other people that she knows that would want to join her, and help you with the 30 faces. Time management is so important for every business... so if she is unable to join your debut... make the best of your TIME and schedule
her during this call for your Power Start! If you get her voice mail leave this message:
Hi (her name) this is (your name) I just wanted to give you another quick reminder that my Mary Kay business debut is
(Date/Time). I'm really excited and this is very important to me. It would mean the world to me (her name) if you came. I know
Sunday (or whatever the day is) is a real busy family day but if you could spare an hour and a half and come by my business
debut it would be great! My debut starts at (time). You don't want to miss a minute of it. My Director is actually going to be
conducting the program. I think you'll find her very motivational. Then of course I'm having great food and you know we're all
about great food. Again, it would mean the world to me, (her name), if you came. If you can't come, one of my first goals in
Mary Kay is called a Power Start award, and that means I'm going to be practicing on 30 people’s faces in the first 30 days. So if
you can't come, I would love to borrow your face... and I think I know enough not to do any permanent damage right now! So if
you'll allow me to do that, it would really help me. Also, if you could get some friends or family together I could do everyone at
the same time and that would help me with my 30 faces. So, if you don't make it maybe we could set up a date, but I really want
you there because I think you'll love it and it will be a lot of fun. Also, I want my Director to meet you. So (her name), thank you
so much for being in my life and thank you so much for your belief and support in my Mary Kay business.
If you'd like to put the script in your own words, use the lines below to re-write it, but try to stay as close to the script as possible
because it’s been proven to work.
If you’re like I was when I started my Mary Kay business, you might not
have money sitting around to use to place an initial product order. Most
businesses aren’t started using personal money, and the same holds
true in Mary Kay. Here are a few options that most consultants use to finance their
initial inventory investment.
U.S. Bank
This bank works with many new MK consultants. Depending on your credit, they offer a 0% interest credit
card for 6-12 months that is an excellent. You can apply online.
Go to
Click on “Credit & Prepaid Cards” at the top of the home page, then “Credit Cards.”
Scroll down to the box that says, “Take Me to:” and click on the down arrow.
Scroll all the way down to the “1-2-3 Rewards Visa” and click go.
Then click “Apply Now” to apply. The picture of the card has Kroger on it.
After you’ve gotten approval, you can request that the card be rushed to you by calling Jennifer Maddox at
You may need a cosigner to get approved. They offer a wide variety of cards with different benefits and
incentives. Some are easier to get than others, depending on your credit score and history.
Mary Kay Visa Credit Card
Go to Click on MK Connections, then VISA MK Credit Card Offer, and then
apply. There are 2 card options: Rewards (on the left side) and No rewards (on the right side) – you’ll
want to apply for the No Rewards card because it has the instant approval. The other card takes several
weeks to arrive. Remember, that you can always upgrade to the Rewards card later. Also, the Rewards
card has a higher interest rate after the introductory 6 month period.
When you apply, make sure everything is perfect before you hit the submit button. Do not hit stop, back
or refresh button while they are processing your application. Once you are approved WRITE down the
credit card number and expiration date and THEN print the screen shot. If you lose the number for any
reason, federal law prohibits that CHASE give you the number over the phone and your card will not arrive
for approximately 2 weeks. You will receive a temporary limit (usually $1,000) so call immediately (866)
422-6566 to find out what your final approval limit is. You will also want to activate your CC at this time
before you place your order.
If your spouse has a higher credit score let him apply and order a 2nd card in your name. Also make sure
your GROSS household monthly income is your “before tax” income for the both of you & you may include
anyone’s income that lives in your home. If you or your spouses’ credit score is lower than 600 I would
not recommend that you apply. The underwriting guidelines are rather strict.
Why we recommend these cards:
a. All have instant approval so you can order your product and start your business immediately.
b. Keep track of all of your expenses together: website, business cards, and business supplies.
c. After the introductory period of 6 months, a good standing customer can call and request an additional
6 months at 0%.
After Your Inventory Arrives...
Label your inventory with your product labels, esp. skin care and skin
supplements. (Order the labels with the business kit from MK Connections.) I
do NOT recommend putting labels on products that would be defaced by a label
such as lipstick tubes, most color cosmetics and fragrances.
Use your name and address stamp to stamp all Look Books, Beauty
Books and team building materials. You want your information easily accessible
If you have extra funds, consider the following inventory cases from MK
Rolling Tote Wheeled Cosmetic Carrier Color Slip‐on Case (for starter kit and class supplies) (for carrying inventory to classes) (for carrying inventory to classes) A fishing tackle box (from Bass Pro, Wal-Mart or other fishing supply store) is perfect for
eye shadows, blushes, etc. Also good for samples. Take your product items with you to the
store to check fitting.
Organize and store
inventory both on office shelving and in carriers that you are taking to
your appointments. Product can safely be carried in car trunk except in times of extreme
heat or cold.
Discuss with your recruiter or director how much of each item to take to your
appointments. No need to have *everything* with you. You aren't selling from the back of
your car.
Before your business debut...
Listen to the Debut hotline several times 1-641-715-3800 Code: 468963# & press 2.
Follow the 2 page detailed check list in this folder.
After your business debut...
“If attitude determines 97% of a person’s success, then Follow-up is the remaining
3%.” NSD Linda Toupin
“ A party worth booking is worth coaching.” Mary Kay Ash
Ideally it is BEST to privately facial a hostess a few days or a week prior to her party, especially if she has
never had a facial or isn’t currently using MK products. I prefer this method as I want the hostess to be excited
and motivated about earning her free products.
Preliminary Coaching:
Some coaching will be given verbally during the debut however you will want to follow-up with each guest
24-48 hours after your debut to:
(Refer to her in all conversations as ‘YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER’)
Review the guest list she gave you. Encourage her to invite 15-20 to her party. If she
gives you 20 names, on average 5-7 will attend.
Explain the hostess program to her again. Go over each box in the Hostess Party
with her frequently.
Give her the words to say when she invites her guests.
Give her 5 order forms. Work with her diligently to get a minimum of $100 in outside
orders. Give her ideas and suggestions and mostly, believe in her. This is your job.
Coach her on refreshments. Keep it simple or if she loves to entertain let her be extravagant.
Send her a thank-you note in advance appreciating her for helping you in your business.
Talk with her as if she is already one of YOUR TOP HOSTESSES preparing her to be
honored in your unit’s quarterly hostess program.
Facial your Hostess privately a few days or week prior to her party if possible.
For our ‘tech savvy consultants’ whose hostesses are all about the internet and social
Click on Education (at top of page)
Click on Hostess Program
Click on Before the Party
Checkout the Beaute-Vite and creating the Hostess’s very own Party Webpage!!
Before your First Party or Facial...
Travel with your recruiter and/or director to view one of her parties and/or
review the skin care classes on
Practice your presentation by rehearsing in front of a mirror.
(You might review the videos of various directors on to find your style)
Keep in mind that you will,o ver the next few weeks, ‘rework the words’ on your flipchart,
personalizing it and making it your own. You want your presentation to be professional however at
the same time fun and a reflection of your personality. If you ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ and do
not follow the flipchart you may still have a successful class, however you just convinced the girl at
the table who does not have your personality type that she cannot do this. By using a flipchart (even
one you have reworked) your skill then becomes transferrable in the eyes of your future recruits.
Practice setting up your table display and trays. Take a picture and show/
send to your director. “You never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression.
When a guest walks in to your party she should go “WOW!” when she sees how
professional and pretty your table looks.” NSD Linda Toupin
Color coordinated placemats or tablecloth or both
Dark colored wash cloths or Facial Cloths from Section 2 of In Touch are preferred.
Want to win a guest over? Allow her to lay her head back in her seat, drape a
slightly hot wash cloth over her face just before she removes the cleanser. Trust
me she will love you and your products.
Roll-up Bag for display and close
Individual Quick Zips for each guest should include:
(mirror with tray, disposable mascara wand, 2 cotton pads, Beauty Book, and
mineral powder brush)
Set wash cloth, profile card, pen and quick zip at each spot.
Practice packing your cases to go to your appointment.
After First Product Sale, Facial
and/or Party...
By entering each customer in the myCustomers business tool at
you are populating a database for future use in customer-related applications.
This step is very, very important.
1. Enter each customer’s profile into myCustomers at
Click on Business Tools (top of home page)
Click on myCustomers
Click on ADD a Customer
2. Enter each customer’s sales ticket into myCustomers at
Click on Business Tools (top of home page)
Click on myCustomers
Click on Customer Orders
3. Submit your WEEKLY ACCOMPLISHMENT SHEET online at Your MK business week ends on Saturday night at
Click on Business Tools (top of home page)
Click on Weekly Accomplishments
Click on Enter Weekly Accomplishments
4. VOX Tara after each and every appointment telling her ALL the details! Some
things she'll want to know: How many people were there, what you think you did
great, what you want to work on, who bought skin care, what the total sales were,
how many career talks were booked, how many future appointments were
booked. THIS is how you improve QUICKLY and master the art of booking, selling,
Start your business as a PEARL GIRL! We want
you DRIPPING in pearls as you learn to answer
questions you'll be asked about your new
Mary Kay business!
Do 3 practice career
talks in your first 15
days as a consultant and
earn a gorgeous
What counts as a
Do 3 more practice
career talks before you
finish your power start
and earn a fun
Add your first team
member and earn a
GENUINE 36 inch
Meet with your sales
director and customer
live over a cup of tea!
Have your customer
listen to the recruiting
hotline by Sr. Director Kristi–
1.641.715.3900 access
code 29346# and then
call into our
marketing call (watch
email for times)!
• Bring a guest to a
customer event where
company information is
Director Information
Tara Harms, Independent Sales Director
Started MK in October 2011
Started MK Business May 2012
Earned Grand Achiever Car in June 2013
Debuted as Sales Director in November '13
Dazzling Dreamers Unit-Queen of Sales '13
"IT" National Area-Queen of Sharing Fall '13
"IT"National Area-Miss Go Give-Crown Jewel
Unit Information
Unit Name: Tara's Fast & Foxy National
Area: Jeanie Martin
Be sure to "Like" the Martin National Area
on Facebook!
"IT" National Area Unit #: HY26
Contact Information:
3808 Hickory Hills Rd
Sterling, IL 61081
Cell: 815-441-0146
Area Website:
Wednesday 9pm Conference Call: 530.881.1300
access code 803575#