Student Life - National Technical Institute for the Deaf


Student Life - National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Spring/Summer 2003
Student Life
RIT/GALLY Weekend a Winner!
Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz
Today, leadership skills are more
important than ever. If you ask
government leaders, or question the
chief executive officers of corporate
America, or even chat with officers of
our own student groups on campus,
I’m sure they would agree that
leadership qualities can be the key
to success.
Even though our quarter system
perhaps makes life busier than on
some other campuses, every year our
student leaders find time to step up
and stand tall, and I am proud of them.
We have many excellent student
organizations on campus that enrich
the social and educational experiences
of our students, but because it
represents the entire student body,
I’d like to focus on the NTID Student
Congress (NSC ) in this column.
NSC was established more than 30
years ago by student leaders to help
students get the most from their
college experience. NSC leaders and
advisors encourage students to
interact with faculty, staff, and
administration and create events and
organize retreats designed to make
NTID a better institution. Next year’s
NSC leaders, newly elected, are
Continued on Page 2
pril was a busy month
for the Student Life
team! Students
celebrated Brickfest,
a 30-year tradition in which
Gallaudet and RIT take turns
every other year hosting a
day of fun competition in
sports and mind challenges.
A large trophy is the prize that
the winning school keeps for
the year. This year, WE WON!
More than 175 student
Left to right: Chris Peterson, assistant chairperson of the RIT/Gally
athletes competed, and then
Weekend, and Dimitri Gadaev, chairperson, display the winner’s
900 students attended the
trophy with fellow NTID students Brian Strother, Phetsakhone
Bounbanga, and Vicki Cronmiller, head coach of the RIT/Gally
Brickfest celebration at
Weekend women’s volleyball team.
Jillian’s, a downtown
Rochester restaurant with great food,
Gallaudet, California State University at
bowling, and other games. There was
Northridge, and Southwest Collegiate
also an after hours party at the Student
Institute for the Deaf spent the weekend
Alumni Union on campus.
attending educational workshops and
discussions of topics like political
advocacy, leadership, and parliamentary
procedure. Students learned about
leadership skills and volunteer pursuits
From April 10-13, NTID/RIT hosted the
designed to help young deaf persons
first-ever Collegiate National Association
develop into responsible and
for the Deaf (CNAD) conference.
contributing citizens.
“Building Bridges: Bringing Awareness
“Being involved in CNAD gave me a
and Unity Among Deaf and
opportunity to learn about
Hard-of-Hearing Students Nationwide”
says Nikki Soukup, NTID
was the theme, and students from NTID,
Social Work student and vice-president
of the national CNAD chapter. “I learned
to lead a diverse group of students from
In this issue:
a variety of backgrounds, enabling them
Spoken Communication Club
to work together to create a successful
Home for the Summer
conference. It’s important to have
common goals to work towards. In the
Pitfalls of Credit
end, we share the successes together.”
Training Leaders
Dean Hurwitz /continued from page 1
President Christopher Samp, a third-year
public policy major and Vice-President
Amanda Sievers, who will complete a
criminal justice degree and then begin a
master’s program here.
I will meet with Christopher and
Amanda and other student leaders regularly
as part of the Dean’s Student Leadership
Advisory Group (DSLAG) where we cover a
variety of topics including access services,
campus life, quality of teaching, academic
conduct, leadership development and more.
DSLAG includes presidents and vice
presidents of 18 student organizations that
serve deaf and hard-of-hearing-students.
We all participate in community building
events with other students, faculty, and
staff and enjoy the time we spend together
exchanging ideas and getting to know
one another.
Each year, I am impressed by the
degree of commitment your young people
bring to their school, both in and out of
the classroom. As I meet with them and
participate in the events they organize,
I can see their leadership qualities
developing. I observe them becoming
ready for the challenges of life beyond
college, and I take pride in knowing we
will continue to have many successful
graduates from NTID/RIT.
Home for the
by Lee Twyman, chairperson,
NTID Counseling Services Department
A Bus with a Purpose
collaboration between a
Rochester area non-profit
agency, Prevention
Partners, and the NTID/RIT
organization, Substance and
Alcohol Intervention Services for
the Deaf (SAISD),
brought Jerry
Bennett and
his “Prevention
Extension” bus to
campus to educate
and offer students
a forum to talk
about alcohol,
tobacco and drugs.
Bennett travels all
over Western New
York and makes
about 200 stops at
schools, churches
and community
centers each year.
“We consider this bus a
worthwhile approach to prevention,”
says Wendy DiMatteo, SAISD staff
specialist at RIT. “Jerry and his staff
Left to right, Di Matteo, Jean Spence,
community educator for SAISD,
Jerry Bennett, and Diana Williams,
SAISD counselor, discuss set-up and
prepare for visitors.
lthough you may eagerly have
anticipated your son or
daughter’s return home this
summer, what if she or he
walked through the door with blue hair,
combat boots and a nose piercing? Is this
your worst nightmare? It doesn’t have to
be. In fact, it’s perfectly normal for
students to act and behave differently
once they experience the independence
of living away from home.
from home and parents. It’s wise to
anticipate snarls and work through
possible solutions before they occur.
In addition, be patient if your student
comes home with changes such as
different hair color or clothing style.
These are normal activities that are part
of the growing experience for students,
and parents should do their best to
weather the changes patiently instead
of reacting negatively.
There are many opportunities to make new
connections and renew old bonds when
your student comes home. However,
different expectations on both ends about
rules and what’s acceptable can create
challenges for families. While some parents
expect behaviors to revert back to precollege patterns and routines, students may
exhibit new behaviors that can cause the
whole family to bristle.
This has been a stressful year for everyone,
between the country waging a war, and
experiencing a dragging economy, and, at
least for your student, living through a
long, cold winter. Students and their
parents should look at the summer as an
opportunity to reunite, and appreciate the
feeling of being together again, as a family.
Communication is vital when living with a
student who has experienced freedom
talk about alternatives to alcohol,
cigarettes and drugs. He averages
about 100 visitors at each stop so
there is much interest in the topic all
over the state.”
If you have any questions about some
aspect of your student’s college experience,
contact me at 585-475-2876 (v/TTY) or
e-mail me at
Spoken Communication Club
ecause of the diversity of
educational backgrounds
of our student population,
NTID classrooms have a
broad mix of students with various
skills in American Sign Language
(ASL), English, and spoken
communication. Some students
prefer to use ASL, some prefer to
use spoken communication, and
some prefer both.
The Spoken Communication
Club offers opportunities for
students to use and continue
to develop their spoken
The club provides an
opportunity to socialize and
interact with students who have
similar communication preferences.
Club advisor John Conklin,
Speech and Language Department
faculty member, says, “The club is
fun and mostly social. It gives new
students a way to use their preferred
mode of communication as they
adjust to life on campus.”
The club is active in mentoring
new students within the NTID/RIT
community and works to educate
others about the use of spoken
language by deaf and hard-ofhearing students. It was established
five years ago by students and
currently has about 25 members
with a board of three students who
organize meetings and events such
as the bake sale (see photo below).
New Book Available for
Parents and Teachers
hree NTID faculty members
share authorship of a new
book, Educating Deaf Students:
From Research to Practice,
which offers a comprehensive look
at education. Published by Oxford
University Press and written by
Department of Research
Professors Marc Marschark,
Harry Lang and John Albertini,
the book is intended for
educational administrators,
teachers and parents.
It’s available through RIT’s
bookstore, Campus
Connections at, and local
bookstores as well as at
As credit card companies
target students with
increasing intensity,
students need to become
savvy about the pitfalls of
credit. The RIT Center for
Residence Life offered a
program about
understanding credit and
bankruptcy and how they
affect a student’s future.
The presenters were
Rochester federal
bankruptcy Court Judge
John Ninfo II and RIT’s
own Professor Robert
Manning, Gannett
Professor of Humanities,
and author of the critically
acclaimed book, Credit
Card Nation. Dr. Manning
has appeared widely on
television news shows
such as CNN, “60
Minutes”, “ABC Money
Talks” and also has
appeared before Congress
to urge development
of new credit card and
debt laws.
Ninfo and Manning’s
presentation focused
on understanding credit
and bankruptcy and
how those things will
have an impact on a
student’s future.
We proudly
acknowledge the
achieved a
4.0 grade
for the
fall and/or
Garth Arnold, Applied Computer Technology
Stephanie Chester, Applied Computer Technology
Christy Clarke, Administrative Support Technology
Erin Conneely, Nutrition Management
Emily Diehm, Criminal Justice
Joseph Dosch, Art & Computer Design
Nicole Dugan, RIT Exploration Program
Ryan Ellis, Art & Computer Design
Jennifer Feger, ASL-English Interpretation
Trisha Fries, ASL-English Interpretation
Megan Gehlbach, Ophthalmic Optical Finishing Technology
Maria Hammond, Social Work
Sara Harrington, Social Work
Stephen Hilburn, Digital Imaging & Publishing Technology
Vicki Houseknecht, ASL-English Interpretation
Christen James, Accounting Technology
Steven Janosi, Laboratory Science Technology
Mathew Jenkins, Undeclared Science
Laura Joslyn, ASL-English Interpretation
Elizabeth Kalis, Accounting Technology
Beth Karbowski, Major Undecided
Steven Karlan, Accounting Technology
Joseph Kelly, Computer Aided Drafting Technology
Pawee Kiratiya-Angul, Career Preparation/Foundation
Julie Kramer, ASL-English Interpretation
Kiran Lad, Applied Computer Technology
Rachel Lai, Career Exploration/Undecided
Marisa Lalomia, Applied Computer Technology
Michael Lawson, Social Work
Ashley Leave-Grimsley, Career Exploration/Undecided
Alexandra Ling, Psychology
Sara McCormick, Illustration
Kimberly Mitchell, New Media Information Technology
Pascal Mutabazai, Social Work
Danielle Nemec, Business Technology
Jennifer Oka, Applied Arts & Sciences
Nora Owen, Art & Computer Design
Jingjing Pan, Applied Computer Technology
Rachel Parker, Psychology
Jessica Petty, Art & Computer Design
Jonathon Poe, Applied Computer Technology
Joseph Kelly, Computer Aided Drafting Technology
Quin Quan, Information Technology
Lori Poole, Laboratory Science Technology
Melissa Potolsky, Career Exploration/Undecided
Juan Quintana, Digital Imaging & Publishing Technology
Jason Ricci, Computer Science
Ernie Roszkowshi, Art & Computer Design
Deborah Sanders, ASL-English Interpretation
Ernie Roszkowshi, Art & Computer Design
Timothy Sanger, Social Work
Jennifer Scheffler, College Exploration/Undecided
Kristen Segedi, Art & Computer Design
Sherry Shimizu, RIT Exploration Program
Michael Short, Applied Mathematics
Stephanie Shubert, Imaging Science
Pam Siebert, Information Technology
Amanda Sievers, Criminal Justice
Kushal Pal Singh, Computer Aided Drafting Technology
Adam Stone, Professional & Technical Communication
Danielle Stoskopf, Career Exploration/Undecided
Allison Ucci, Graphic Media
Timothy Vail, Computer Science
Jonathon Warren, Digital Imaging & Publishing Technology
Jillian Welks, Applied Arts & Sciences
Eyob Zerayesus, Business Technology
Applying for Financial Aid
by Gail Brown, coordinator of NTID Financial Aid Counseling Services
f your son or daughter has not
already done so, it’s time to
apply for financial aid. All
students are required to
complete a Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) yearly. This form
can be completed online at To apply online,
you first will need a PIN (Personal
Identification Number). Your PIN serves
as your electronic signature. If you
never have received a PIN from the US
Department of Education, simply log
onto Please be sure to
add RIT’s school code, 002806, so we
receive your information.
We understand that some applicants
prefer to complete a paper FAFSA. If
you would like us to mail you a FAFSA,
send an e-mail to or call
us at 585-475-2186 (voice) or 585-4756909 (TTY).
Continuing undergraduate NTID/RIT
students also must complete the RIT 20032004 Financial Aid Application for
Undergraduate Students. This also can be
submitted online at
financialaid/forms.html. If your son or
daughter would prefer to fill out a paper
copy, he or she can stop by the Office of
Financial Aid. We have simplified this
application, and no parent information or
signature now is required.
New York State residents: To apply for
New York State grant applications (i.e. TAP)
the New York Higher Education Services
Corporation (HESC) will send you a preprinted application once they receive
information from your FAFSA.
The Financial Aid Award Letter
Once you receive your son or
daughter’s award letter, please look it over
carefully and read the Financial Aid Basics
that are provided. There is a checklist
designed to help you decide what to do
next. If your student receives Vocational
Rehabilitation (VR) support, you should
send a copy of the award letter to the VR
counselor. We are aware that certain states
are experiencing budget issues, and the VR
counselor needs the award letter to
determine what level of support he or she
can provide. Once VR has determined their
funding, please have them contact the RIT
Office of Financial Aid in writing. We then
will make any necessary adjustments to the
Financial Aid Award letter.
As always, if you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me at 585-4752186 (voice), 585-475-6909 (TTY), 585-4757270 (Fax). You also can contact our office
through e-mail at
Real World Career Advice
“Experience is very important,”
emphasized Melendez. An internship or
co-op in your field, plus a degree, is
much more attractive to an employer
than a degree only.”
It’s estimated that workers in the
“Y” generation, of which your student
is a member, will change jobs every
13-15 months.
In a recent survey,
the No. 1 reason why
employees chose to stay
with a company was
their relationship with
the person who directly
supervises them.
The No. 2 reason was
having the opportunity
for training and
Money was No. 11 on
the list of reasons why
employees stay.
Employers are
recognizing the value of
deaf and hard-of-hearing
workers much more so
than they did two or three
years ago; however, there still are
opportunities to further educate
employers about this community.
dvice from human resource
professionals is a very valuable
commodity, especially in the
current economic climate.
Students in an NTID employment
seminar had the opportunity to get
advice from the top when Augustin
Melendez, director and vice president for
Human Resources, Global Manufacturing
and Logistics at Eastman Kodak
Company was invited to share
perspectives on what is happening in
business and industry. He talked about
today’s job market and the changes in
the way both employees and employers
are viewing the workplace.
“Our society makes judgments based
on first impressions,” says Melendez.
“Dressing for success and having
researched the company beforehand
give a very good first impression.”
Here are a few of the facts he shared
that will give you some insight into the
marketplace that awaits your son
or daughter:
Students in the Employment Seminar class
dialogue with Augustin Melendez of Eastman
Kodak Company, a Fortune 500 company
and the Rochester area’s largest employer.
June 2 – August 15
September 8 – November 30
Daytime classes begin
June 2
Evening classes begin (6 p.m. or later)
June 2
Saturday classes begin
June 7
Last day to drop/add courses
June 9
HOLIDAY (No Classes)
July 4
Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”
July 11
July 4 makeup day
July 12
Last daytime class
August 8
Last Saturday class
August 9
August 9, 11, 12, 13 Final exams - day classes
Last evening class
August 15
September 8 Daytime classes begin
September 8 Evening classes begin (6 p.m. or later)
September 13 Saturday classes begin
September 15 Last day to drop/add courses
October 17
Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”
November 14 Last daytime class
November 15 Last Saturday class
November 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Final exams – day classes
November 21 Last evening class
November 22-30 Fall/winter break
Who to
contact ☛
NTID Student Affairs
Dr. Gerard Buckley,
Associate Dean
585-475-7496 (v/TTY)
Campus Safety
585-475-2853 (v)
585-475-6654 (TTY)
These resources are
available to help answer
questions you and your
student may have in
order to assure a
successful college
experience at RIT.
NTID Student Life Team
Karey Pine, Manager
585-475-6230 (v/TTY)
Student Health Center
585-475-2255 (v/TTY)
585-475-5515 (TTY)
NTID Counseling Services
Lee Twyman, Chairperson
585-475-2876 (v/TTY)
NTID Student Financial Services
Denise Hampton, Coordinator
585-475-6863 (v/TTY)
NTID/RIT Financial Aid
Counseling Services
Gail Brown, Coordinator
585-475-2186 (v)
585-475-6909 (TTY)
Office of the Dean
585-475-6317 (v/TTY); 585-475-5978 (FAX) (e-mail)
NTID ParentNews is a publication of the National Technical Institute for the
Deaf, a college of Rochester Institute of Technology.
Rochester Institute of Technology
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Office of the Dean
Lyndon Baines Johnson Building
52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604
Return Service Requested
Ellingson Hall
Information Desk
585-475-6149 (v)
585-475-2894 (TTY)
NTID First-Year Experiences
Dr. Ellie Rosenfield, Coordinator
585-475-6202 (v/TTY)
Substance and Alcohol
Intervention Services for
the Deaf (SAISD)
Wendy DiMatteo,
Staff Specialist
585-475-4978 (v/TTY)
RIT Residence Life
Wendy Hagele,
Residence Director
Ellingson, Peterson &
Bell Halls
585-475-5518 (v/TTY)
Editor/writer: Kathy A. Johncox;
Contributing Writer: Porsche L. Haag, third-year Marketing student
RIT will admit and hire men and women; veterans; persons with
disabilities; and individuals of any race, creed, religion, color, national
or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age or marital status in compliance
with all appropriate legislation.
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