December 7, 2014 - Fort Street Presbyterian Church
December 7, 2014 - Fort Street Presbyterian Church
Worship at Fort Street Presbyterian Church Second Sunday of Advent Sunday December 7 2014 Sermon: “So, What Needs to Change?” Texts: Mark 1: 1-8 Philippians 4: 8-19 To Ponder Before Worship: Caregiving God, Providing for our needs, as you long to fill the hungry with food, so also fill our imagination with people and things that are just and true, excellent, noble, and worthy of praise, that by dwelling on the beauty of goodness, we may grow into it day by day as students of the Living Christ . . . —Brian Wren -Gather together for Worship -Reconnect during Coffee Hour -Enjoy Handel’s Messiah, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Fort Street Presbyterian Church 631 W. Fort Street (at Third Street) Detroit, MI 48226 ● ● (313) 961-4533 Gathering the Community ORGANPRELUDE Ray Staroscik Organist Dr. Sharon L. Mook WELCOME *CALL TOWORSHIP Kalu Uduma One: Raise your voices, lift up your hearts. Praise the One, the only One, life-giving God of Israel: Women: You have turned to your people and set them free. You have raised a strong deliverer from the house of your servant David. One: Raise your voices, lift up your hearts. Men: Thank God for the messengers of hope, who bring knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of sins. One: Raise your voices, lift up your hearts. All: An ancient promise is fulfilled: On people who live in a dark night, under the shadow of death, the dawn from heaven breaks to free us all from fear and guide our feet into the way of peace. Praise God! Praise God! Amen! *HYMN # 1 (PH) "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" liGHTING THESECONDADVENTCANDLE Don and Virginia Lorimer One: The Gospel of Luke speaks about God's messenger: In the fifteenth year of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius, ... the word of God came to John son of Zechariah .... He went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Luke3:1-3) Many: God comes to us through particular people, in particular places and times in the past, and here and now. One: Our second candle reminds us to look for the light of God in God's messengers today. (Ught the second candle.) One: Living Christ, give us faith to trust you and hope to follow you. Many: We trust you, we love you, we praise you. Amen. 2 RESPONSE IN SONG "Let All Motte! Flesh Keep Silence" Let all moral flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling stand; Ponder nothing earthly minded, For with blessing in the hand, Christ our God to earth descending, Our full homage to demand. ADVENT PRAYER OF THE COMMUNITY Kalu Uduma One: Living Christ, do you want us to love the people we avoid? Many: The people we avoid in embarrassment, anxiety, or anger, revulsion, or disgust? One: Will we be shocked and offended if you embrace them and bring them to your table? Many: And are you expecting us to do the same? One: Are you the One who is to come? All: Or shall we look for another? INDIVIDUALPRAYERS RESPONSE IN SONG or guilt, (in silence) "Let All Mottel Flesh Keep Silence" Rank on rank the host of heaven Spreads its vanguard on the way, As the Light of light descending From the realms of endless day, That the powers of hell may vanish As the shadows clear away. *SHARING THE PEACE The Peace of the Living Christ be with you. And also with you. Kalu Uduma THE WORD THE FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Mark 1: 1 - 8 (pp. 32-33 in pew Bible) God's Word for us. Thanks be to God. SPECIAL TIME WITH THE CHILDREN SECOND READING 4: 8 - 9 Philippians (p. 187 in pew Bible) God's Word for us. Thanks be to God. 3 Kalu Uduma Ray Staroscik ANTHEM "So, What Needs to Change?" SERMON Dr. Sharon L. Mook '''Behold,' Said God, 'I'm Sending one: *HYMN (see insert) THE RESPONSE *A PRAYER OF REPENTANCE Kalu Uduma (in unison) Life-changing Spirit, as we prepare the way for the Christ Child, outline the contours of our repentancein our life together as church, in our relationships, in our homes and beyondthat our lives may be turned around, more than we bargained for but not less than we dared to hope, through the Living Christ. Amen. *RESPONSE IN SONG # 9 "0 Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel" (PH) (v. 3) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE PRAYER JESUS TAUGHT (Feel free to use the language and words closest to your heart) OUR OFFERING TO GOD (Loose offering will be used by the Deacons for their work.) Ray Staroscik OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY # 591 (PH) Praise Praise Praise Praise *PRAYER God, from whom all blessings flow; Christ, all people here below; Holy Spirit evermore; Triune God, whom we adore. Amen. Kalu Uduma OF DEDICATION "All of You Who Walked in Darkness" *HYMN (see insert) *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION (Please sit quietly enjoying the postlude as part of your worship experience.) Ray Staroscik ORGAN POSTLUDE Organist + + + *You are invited to rise in body or spirit at your discretion 4 Caregiving God: A Collect; Raise Your Voices, Lift Up Your Hearts: A Call to Worship from Luke 1:68-79; Second Sunday in Advent: Lighting the Second Advent Candle, year C; The People We Avoid: A Meditative Prayer; and Contours of Repentance are from Brian Wren, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Liturgies and Prayers for Public Worship (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press,200B) and are reproduced by permission. Copyright © 2007 by Brian Wren. (adapted) The hymns, "'Behold,' Said God, 'I'm Sending One" and "All of You Who Walked in Darkness," purchased for use by the Fort Street Presbyterian Church for use in its worship services. have been A NOTE ABOUT OUR HYMNALS To clarify which hymnal we are using for a particular hymn, please note that when (PH) follows the hymn number, we are singing from The Presbyterian Hymnal (blue). When (GG) follows the hymn number, we are singing from Glory to God (new, purple hymnal). At this time, we have a limited number of new hymnals, so please share with someone sitting near you. When we are using Glory to God, you will receive a copy as you enter the sanctuary. Please return all Glory to God hymnals to the Narthex as you leave the sanctuary. The Meditation before Worship; Awake! Rejoice!: A Call to Worship; Lighting the First Advent Candle, year C; A Prayer for the Candor to Complain; and Today's Captivities are adapted from Brian Wren, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Liturgies and Prayers for Public Worship (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press,2008) and are reproduced by permission. Copyright © 2007 by Brian Wren." Liturgist Kalu Uduma Acolyte Emeka Uduma Sound Technician Nancy Jackson Videographer Randy Commissaris Reception Coordinator Community Fellowship Worship Coordinator Beth Brown FORT STREET STAFF: Judith Sheldon, Director of Christian Education; Ben Ogden, Director of Open Door; Edward Kingins, Music Director; LaMonica Harris, Finance Office Temp; Lola JF Davidson, Secretary; Kenneth McCoy, Building Engineer; Donna Bryant, Bob Haynes, Parking Security; Marilyn Moore, Karen Wright, Donlin Center Staff; Stacey Kershaw, Johnnie Hester, Cheryl Glidden, Open Door Staff. Ushers are available to provide assistance with particular needs: Large Print Hymnals Hearing Assist System Wheelchair Access Ramp Wheelchair Seating--Iocations available in the sanctuary Handicap Restroom--using elevator to second floor We are delighted that you are here! * * * * * Visit the information and display tables in the Church House. Large print bulletins and hymnals are available. Capable and loving nursery attendants are ready to care for little ones through age 4 during the service. Ask an usher for directions. A tape recording and CDs of today's service and/or previous services may be ordered in the Church House after worship @ $3.00 each. You may add to the beauty of our weekly worship by contributing a floral donation. Flowers are usually given in memory of or in honor of persons or events. Contact Pam Sharrow at The church office will contact you for your floral dedication. 5 ADTURS :HE 8EU$,P$ 9HAPNM4$5NNJ# 7H$,$ PEUDP5NNJ(FNPSRSPEES$NPG 8577# FACEBNNJ$ CNL'FNPSRSPEES ADTURS7OHSMUWT1 :HE 8EU$ ,P$ 8NBEPS0$ +PIKKEX ASDaHSTIRS ?MNMUDSa NRYHGRPHT" 4S$0APPIRNM4 +NKELAM ;96# :AXKNP0AMREM;95+# 2NMASHAM 0EXKEP# 99/: 9HAMEKK 0NVAPD ).*# 9GS$ +HPIRSNOHEP 3IMG#+AOS$5ICHAEK3TPSSI# 4S$:HEN 5NPAM;9).# )KSA5NPPIRNM# 4S$2NM7AKLEP ;9)# 4S$5APSX 7AKLEP ;9)# +HAPKER)MDPEV 7APRNMR11;96# ;95+ +AOSAIM3ASX 9OICEP0ERR#)KEWAMDEP 9YEKERSEX# ;95+# 4S$5APJ @EBRSEP$ ASDaHSNMTU IRS ULHORPUL RI 4HFHOEHS .,-0 ,NM'4NIR *APDVEKK# 4XMME*IEMIEJ#:HE +KAIPEFALIKX#4NPPAIME'0APPIRNM +NKELAMFALIKX#,NLBPNVRJI FALIKX# *NBBIE -DVAPDR'FALIKX#.97+# ,AUID .EPPASN# 8NRE /PNRRCTO#9HAMMNM0NVAPD#5APIA 0TGHKEX#5APINM 2EMJIMR'FALIKX# 5APX -SSA2NHMRNM# /EPAKDIME)DALR 2NMER#?AKEPIE3ILBPNTGH#4ELTR FALIKX#4EVIR FALIZ KX#,NM6IPGIMIA 4NPILEP#3APEM5APCIK#,P$ 5NNJ'FALIKX#,AM 5TEMCH#+HEPXK5XEPR#2EPPX6APAGNM# +KATDIA 6NUISYRJX#,EPPICJ 7APJEP'FALIKX# 3ASHX7AXME'FALIKX#8ICHAPD7ESPIE#-ARSEP7NMDEP#2EMMIEK,AUID7NNKE# 8NDIMRNM FALIKX#8ICHAPD'9TEKKEM 9AKEFALIKX#+ASHX:NOOIMGAMD,EBPA ?IMRNM'FALIKX$ ?WTMFDUIRSU"SPEES 3DC.MPW2WPCCW ,DMP4FC ("'),! " WDC ,D4I6CP 1P8DCSWP4 !?7CC<2;! B":" ;DPGHN eo<m8o f15t159. g;91n c18rn:68 *51.+6( )/-/0,/3 6( 3-15 +4 49-- 2)0) 3;3;59o 2:©S66S43 ")$#$$ 697543 ",-#$$ k;8nwm9r :1n2r:9 15 :wr s865: 6ss1nr/c6689 <133 67r5 m: ab:: 7/4/ 1 J"" ----------------------------------------------------~ ORDER YOUR POINSETTIAS The Worship and Arts committee is again asking for ~ •..•. donations towards the purchase of poinsettias to decorate the church for the Christmas season. The charge is $15 per plant and you may donate in honor or in memory of a family member or friend. The deadline for donations is Sunday, December 14th, as we need to see how much money we collect before we order the flowers. Please fill out the form below and turn it into the church office or place form in the Secretary's mailbox in the front office. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Given by: _ In loving memory of: _ Iin honor of: _ Checks should be made payable to : Fort Street Presbyterian Church and mailed to 631 W. Fort St. Detroit, M148226. On check memo please state it is for: Christmas Poinsettias. Number of Poinsettias Total $ amount Orders after December 14th will not be accepted. J,