October 2015 - Cedar Bayou Baptist Church
October 2015 - Cedar Bayou Baptist Church
Volume 72 Issue 10 October 2015 The Herald October 28th 6:00 pm— pm—8:00 pm A safe alternative to trick-or-treating! Enjoy inflatable games as well as booths and food! SMBS Departments Here is a list of donations needed for HallowHim. All candy must come individually wrapped! Please place your donations in the HallowHim box in the CLC. Preschool – Smarties, sweet tarts, gummies- PLAY AREA and Moonwalk Children's – Skittles, Starbursts, Dum Dum suckers- DUCK POND BOOTH Youth – Large bag/box Nacho chips- Obstacle Course & Face Painting Booth Adult 2 – Assorted Chocolates- Giant Inflatable Slide & Golfing Green Adult 3 – Assorted Chocolates- Plinko Booth Adult 4 – #10 cans of Cheese and/or Chili- Football Toss Adult 5 – #10 cans of Cheese and/or Chili- Sucker Tree Pull Adult 6—large bags of Fritos- Registration entrance Ladies & Z.H. – Large bags/box of Nacho chips- Registration Entrance R.A's – Noodle Toss booth G.A's – Bake sale tables We need kitchen volunteers! Please contact Tisma Bradford if you would like to help The Girls in Action will begin their annual collection for the Seafarer Center in La Porte on October 18th. October 17th 8 AM Anchor boards will be available in both foyers. Please select an anchor, purchase the item(s) and return all items to the collection bins no later than November 15th. Ladies Soup & Bread Supper October 23, 2015 6:30 PM November 13th-15th, 2015 in Latham Springs CLC 119 $50 per camper Special devotional time presented by Sonia Barrett Permission slips are due before the trip! N ov em be r 6 - 8 Cost is $112 Partial payments accepted All ladies, ages high school or older Register at baytownchurch.com or contact Michelle in the office. FAMILY DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT October 10, 2015 6 PM — 9 PM $5 entry fee per team Register on our website P a s t o r ’s Wo r d s Dear Church Family, We have begun the new schedule on Sunday evenings with worship beginning at 5:00 p.m. The Spanish ministry will hold a soccer outreach event on Saturdays, October 3, 17, and 24, at 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. See Ricky Davila for details. The children’s ministry will hold a family dodge ball event as well in the evening. See Johan Richards for more details. We are also having a pancake breakfast this month as an in-reach ministry. A work day is scheduled at the church on Saturday, October 17, at 8:00 a.m. The annual meeting of the San Jacinto Baptist Association is scheduled to meet at First Baptist, La Porte, October 20, at 6:30-8:30 p.m. The annual HallowHim event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Take note on Halloween night this year to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed. We will have a “good” time change for Sunday, November 1. Remember to continue your one-hour extended prayer time each week as part of the Watchman Prayer Ministry. Remember to give consistently and give a word of witness at every opportunity. God bless you, Bro. Mark News from the Jesus Mafia T h e Fa m i ly L i f e Hello from the Family Life! As September leaves us behind, along with hot weather we hope, there is a lot to look forward to in October! Cooler weather, actual autumnish temperatures and new ministry opportunities! Beginning on Oct. 6th my wife and I will be hosting a small group study about parenting from a biblical perspective. This is something we have wanted to do for a long time and we cannot wait to begin this study. We will also be playing soccer with kids in the trailer park behind the church almost every weekend this month in order to build relationships! One more thing going on in October is a fundraiser to help support our Disaster Relief team. All of our children's mission groups are joining together to ask for your help in collecting pocket change to donate to purchasing new water filters for our Disaster Relief trailer. There will be water bottle/piggy banks available for you to pick up beginning Sunday, Oct. 4th, and return on Wed. night November 4th at a Luau party celebrating the end of the collection. Everyone is asked to participate! Thank you all and God bless! Johan Richards Hello to all As we start the month of October, it is easy to see the upcoming holiday season that is beginning. With HallowHim on the 28th of October the students ministry will be leading an inflatable as well as a face painting booth so students be ready to work some when you are at HallowHim. Parents please remember to encourage your students to find time to serve. In addition, the student ministry has been asked to help supply nacho chips so be on the lookout for those good deals on chips and help us feed all the people that will come through this year’s event. Also, there are many other activities and events coming up as we finish out this year so if you’re not already serving in an area please be in prayer about where you might be able to fill a need here at CBBC. Yours in Christ Shaun Leverton The Herald (UPSC-088590) * Published Semi-Monthly * Cedar Bayou Baptist Church * 3116 N. Alexander Dr. * Baytown, Texas 77520 * Periodicals Postage Paid at Baytown, Texas * POSTMASTER: Send change of address notice to The Herald * Attention: Michelle Hollingsworth, 3116 N. Alexander Dr. Baytown, Texas 77520. SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 9:30 AM OFFICE 10:30 AM LAFF CLOSED Soccer OutClub reach 5 4 8:00 AM Children’s Pancake Breakfast 8:15 AM Praise Practice 9:00 AM SMBS 10:15 AM WORSHIP 3:00 PM Deacons' Mtg 6:00 PM 4:15 PM Praise Team Visitation 5:00 PM WORSHIP 5:30 PM Discipleship 5:30 PM Youth 6:00 PM FAITH 6 7 11:00 AM Love Class 2:45 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 7:30 PM 7:00 Grace 8:00 Based Parenting 12 13 11 8:15 AM Praise Practice 9:00 AM SMBS 10:15 AM WORSHIP 4:15 PM Praise Team 5:00 PM WORSHIP 5:30 PM Discipleship 6:00 PM 5:30 PM Youth Visitation 6:00 PM FAITH 14 19 20 18 8:15 AM Praise Practice 9:00 AM SMBS 10:15 AM WORSHIP 4:15 PM Praise Team 5:00 PM WORSHIP 5:30 PM Discipleship 6:00 PM 5:30 PM Youth Visitation 6:00 PM FAITH 21 26 27 25 8:15 AM Praise Practice 9:00 AM SMBS 10:15 AM WORSHIP 4:15 PM Praise Team 5:00 PM WORSHIP 5:30 PM Discipleship 6:00 PM 5:30 PM Youth Visitation 6:00 PM FAITH 28 2:45 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 2:45 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 8 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Staff Mtg ESL Classes Ladies Prayer Mtg Men's Study Mission Groups Pastor's Study Youth Choir Praise Practice 6:00 PM Dodgeball Family Tournament Staff Mtg ESL Classes Ladies Prayer Mtg Men's Study Mission Groups Pastor's Study Youth Choir Praise Practice 16 17 OFFICE 8:00 AM CLOSED CBBC Work Day 10:30 AM Soccer Outreach 22 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 10 OFFICE CLOSED 15 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 9 Staff Mtg ESL Classes Ladies Prayer Mtg Men's Study Mission Groups Pastor's Study Youth Choir Praise Practice 23 OFFICE CLOSED 24 10:30 AM Soccer Outreach 6:30 PM Ladies Soup & Bread Supper 29 2:45 PM Staff Mtg 30 31 OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 PM HallowHim The Record Speaks for September 11-28, 2015 Tithes & Offerings (September) Budget Received YTD (As of 9/28/15) Budget Spent YTD (As of 9/28/15) $71,874.84 $736,779.32 $663,883.69 Under / Over Budget UWB (September) UNITED WE BUILD TOTAL Reach Texas $72,895.63 $8,769.00 $326,798.46 $1,098.00 3116 N. Alexander Drive Baytown, Texas 77520 Church Phone: 281-422-9200 Pastor’s Phone: 281-422-2434 Fax: 281-422-4916 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday - Office Closed E-mail: mail@baytownchurch.com www.baytownchurch.com Our Staff Pastor Dr. Mark E. Broussard Pastor Emeritus Thank You So Very Much! DEACONS ON CALL Thank You All, For the beautiful ser vice, the tons of delicious food, cards, calls, support, and Prayers for our entire family to see us through such a horrible time! The family of Betty Myers September 26th-October 2nd Billy Pounds 281-303-0252 / 281-543-8686 (cell) Don Cunningham 281-422-9725 / 713-828-0384 (cell) My Church Family, Thanks for making a gift-memory of Gene Schwarz, my son. Thanks to all who prepared the food that was sent to Gene & Geri’s home. It was a lovely meal and enjoyed by all. May God continue to bless all! Thanks for the prayers. We appreciated it so much! Eva May Smith (Gene’s mother) & Jeri Schwarz October 2nd-8th Jerry Malone 281-385-0150 / 281-728-6840 (cell) Wayne Jones 281-422-4016 / 713-253-0322 (cell) October 9th-15th Larry Payne 281-420-3432 / 281-543-2552 Ray Watson 1-576-5544 / 281-615-6695 (cell) Don Hillier 281-421-1562 October 16th-22nd Bobby Reid 281-385-0612 / 361-648-1428 (cell) Bubba Norris 281-573-1798 / 281-384-4455 (cell) October 23rd-29th Bill Adams 281-422-9469 / 281-731-3244 (cell) Russell Reid 832-472-6219 (cell) CBBC, Thank you so much for the gift presented in Sheri’s name to the Media Center. She would be honored that CBBC gave such a gift! We also appreciate all the prayers and Bro. Mark’s visits while both Sheri and Ivas were in the hospital. Sincerely, The White & Montgomery Families Dr. E. Richard Steel Interim Worship Leader Jason Buchanan Minister to Students Shaun Leverton Minister to Families & Children We l c om e Ba by G i rl ! S y lv i Lou Ma l one September 4, 2015 8lbs 19 3/4 inches Proud Parents: Glenn & Kalli Malone Proud Big Brother: Ethan Malone Proud Grandparents: Jerry & Denesse Malone Proud Grandparents: Jimmy & Laura Sylva Johan Richards Preschool Director Jamie King Our Mission Statement Cedar Bayou Baptist exists as a loving fellowship of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, who corporately worship God, equip believers to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and meet the needs of people. We l c om e Ba by Boy ! G r a nt Pa rk er Br um ley S e pte m be r 28 , 2 015 7 l bs 11 oz 1 9 1/ 2 i nc hes P ro ud P ar ent s: J as on & La ce y Br um le y P ro ud B ig Br ot he r: S eth Br um le y P ro ud G ra ndm ot he r: Rob er ta M il le r October 30th-November 5th Andy Bradford 281-427-9888 / 832-247-0810 (cell) Eddie Capps 281-422-4892 / 281-798-3103 (cell) Remember to set your clocks back on October 31st Before Bed! PERIODICAL Please wish “Happy Birthday” to Jamie King, our Preschool Director, on October 17th.