the praise pulse - Praise Lutheran Church
the praise pulse - Praise Lutheran Church
The Praise Pulse A Publication of Praise Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana April 2015 In This Issue YOU ARE INVITED!!! Pastor Randy 1-2 Thank You, Shepherd’s House 2 News from Little Praisers, Newsletter Deadline, Voter’s Meeting 3 Women’s Luncheon, Help Wanted, Prayer Chain 4 Holy Week 5 A Salute to Those Who Serve 6 Praise Property Ministry, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Facebook 7 Concordia Newsletter 8 Calendar 9 Kids Page 10 Anytime we hear those words it compels us toward the offer. Back on February 8 the message that day was from the Gospel of Mark. In that message, we were "invited" by Mark to: • receive freedom from sins guilt and power • receive healing from Him - in body, mind or spirit. • PRAISE This invitation to PRAISE can have a double meaning. First, that we are always and in everything that we do give honor and praise to God our heavenly Father for all He has done for us. Second, we can invite to Praise (the physical place on Dupont Rd.) others who can come to know the love of Jesus as we do. We can invite others to vibrant, relevant worship that draws everyone attending into the presence of God the Father. INVITE! INVITE! INVITE! We do the most good when are inviting to others and with others because it fulfills part of our commission as believers to: "... go and make disciples of all nations ..." Matt. 28:19 At our March Council meeting Kristen Saurer did a short presentation on media and gave some interesting demographics about what younger people are saying and feeling about church. These younger generations do not want to be told to come, they want to be INVITED to come and be a part of something great; dynamic; worth while. As others at Praise Lutheran Church have expressed a desire to bring in more young families, this fact I believe is absolutely key to that process. If we want younger families to come to Praise let's "invite them." In fact, let's be inviting in almost everything that we do. For example, invite others to take advantage of volunteering services at church and through church. (I know many of you do already and what you do does not go unnoticed. Thank you.) Invite others to be a part of the mission hear at Praise, Invite others to experience the presence of God as they worship, study and serve at Praise. We can be inviting in every part of our existence here at Praise so that others will be lifted up in faith, God's people will serve and be serve, and God will get the glory and all the people will be blessed! Continued next page The Praise Pulse Page 2 SO, YOU ARE INVITED! TO SEE WHAT GOD IS GOING TO DO IN THE DAYS AHEAD. YOU ARE INVITED! TO WATCH HOW GOD WILL REVEAL HIS PLAN TO US AND FOR US. YOU ARE INVITED TO ...." whatever it is that God has planned for you and for us. Hear the words of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (stack in the ground) So invite someone to be a part of what God is doing in and around Praise Lutheran Church YOU ARE BLESSED! I AM BLESSED! PASTOR RANDY Outreach continues to collect donations for Shepherd's House. Collection basket in the narthex. List of donations that are needed is next to the basket, please take one. We have requested an updated list of needs, so watch for a new list soon. Thank you for those that have brought much needed items for this ministry. They sure appreciate our monthly care package. The family of Jean Hofacker wants to thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers during the illness and passing of our dear sweet mother. As many of you know David and I had the privilege of mom living with us for almost one year. What a blessing we have had, and to experience the love of our mother. You all were such a very important part of her life and, we thank you for that. Pastor Randy, there are not enough words to express our gratitude, the weekly visits, communion, prayers, and just the opportunity to talk to you and share some of the life of mom. The "widows" row, well you ladies meant the world to mom. So many times she would say I sure miss my "girlfriends", and she would tell Pastor to tell you all hello. We miss mom terribly, but also know that she is at peace, and she is dancing or giving lessons on dancing. God Bless you all. In His Holy Name, David and Marsha Gutierrez Karl and June Bredemeyer Mark and Sharon Bredemeyer The Praise Pulse Voter’s Meeting Sunday April 19th Page 3 E-mail your articles for the May Pulse by April 15th to: or call Karen in the church office The Praise Pulse Page 4 WOMEN'S LUNCHEON By Sandy Wright The fourth annual Women's Luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 25th here at Praise. Doors will open at noon and we will eat at 12:30. Tickets are $9.00 each and will go on sale Easter Sunday (April 5th). All women of Praise and their guests are welcome to attend. So mark your calendars and start asking special females in your life to come with you. You can bring sisters, mothers, mothers-in-law, daughters, granddaughters, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, girlfriends or anyone else you can think of. Join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship. Wanted: Men who are willing to lend a hand to the women of Praise. When: Sat., April 25th for 45 minutes Job Description: Salary: Application Time: Helping clean up kitchen and tables used for Women's Lunch Huge amount of gratitude, thank you's and perhaps some hugs Before or after worship services through April 19th Qualifications: Must be hard-working, dedicated and honest Contact Person: Sandy Wright: 637-1132 or Our Prayer Chain will gladly offer prayers for you or a loved one who is suffering a crisis in their life. Requests should be directed to: Lois Gumbert at 637-3010 or “Keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18 TLB The Praise Pulse 7 p.m. 7 p. m. 7:30-8:45 a.m. Page 5 The Praise Pulse Page 6 A SALUTE TO THOSE WHO SERVE Dear Friends of Our Armed Forces, ARMAD is an event that honors and shows appreciation to our troops, veterans and first responders with a short program that includes elected officials, active duty troops, veterans and members from military support groups. We also include live two way communication with troops and veterans worldwide. We offer people from our community an opportunity to speak to those on the air if they desire to do so. ARMAD will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015 (V-Day) from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Praise Lutheran Church, 1115 West Dupont Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46825. This is a free event with lunch being served. Please mark your calendars and help spread the word. We would love to see you there. Our websites: -or- Sincerely, Michael Lehman Praise Outreach Chairman 260-442-4400 Emery McClendon ARMAD Founder 260-418-4073 The Praise Pulse Page 7 April Birthdays Praise Property Ministry Property Ministry moves forward with your help. Wonderful news! Are We Redeemed? You Betcha! Even with the problems that we face as human beings our Lord and Savior has forgiven us ~ and we move FORWARD not backwards. We are being Sanctified in Him. We are working on some property issues and we appreciate all the hard work each part of this body puts forth. You may feel it is not easy when you are doing the work of the Lord. Satan continues to bombard us with his arrows dressed as "problems". Stay on course, Pray, Study His Word, worship and praise Him ~ He blesses His own. Thank you for praying for all we do at Praise. Please contact me with any concerns. 260-637-3443 Susan Till Property Ministry 1-Chris Hufford 2-Kyle McLellan 5-Mallory Leeper Sandy Wolff 9-Kathy Mildred 10-James Prachar, III 13-Rachel Peterson 14-Sherry Hand 15-Susan Peterson 17-Joe Dager, Debbie Tannehill 19-Elena Marcom 20-Bill Wenk 23-Nick Johnson, Lauren Prachar 25-Seth Lehman, Bob Stiefel 26-Maryanne Logan 29-Michele Prachar, Jackie Strasser 30-JoAnne Fox April Anniversaries 4-Cal & Sandy Wolff 5-Omar & Jackie Schibley 16-Matt & Leigh Meinerding 17-Larry & Diana Coss 18-Phillip & Michelle Gresham Kevin & Amanda Hess 23-Ed & Renee Carr Dan & Maryanne Logan 24-John & Kathy Mildred 29-Nick & Shannon Scheumann Become our friend on Facebook. The Praise Pulse Page 8 Concordia Lutheran High School Newsletter Information Summer Programs at Concordia Lutheran High School Concordia Lutheran High School will host a number of summer camps and programs for all ages this year. For any questions or to register for camp, please contact Dean Doerffler, athletic director, at (260) 969-6868 or All information is available online at Donate to CANstruction team Build day is just around the corner for the CLHS CANstruction team! From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 17, the team will be building the design they have planned for the school’s theme “CANcordia CAN Conquer CANcer.” To illustrate this theme, the students will be building Concordia's seal. The annual can drive will take place during the first two weeks of April (after Spring Break) at the high school. The goal this year is 1,500 cans of food. Collected cans will be used in the structure along with 2,000 cans that have been purchased. At the end of the event, all cans will be donated to Community Harvest Food Bank. The structures will be open for viewing at Glenbrook Square Mall from April 18-26. In 2014, the Fort Wayne CANstruction event donated more than 75,500 pounds of food to Community Harvest. That donation put Fort Wayne fifth in the world behind New Orleans, Houston, Chicago and Dallas. Thank you to the support of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Concordia to celebrate the fine arts Concordia will celebrate Fine Arts Week from April 13-19 with a special Fine Arts Festival on April 19. The festival, “Rejoice in the Lord Always,” will run noon to 4 p.m. Art work will be on display from several area Lutheran elementary school students during this time on the main floor of the high school. The band, choir and orchestra will host a concert at 2 p.m. in the CLHS gym. Lunch will be served in the CLHS cafeteria at noon. The cost is $5 in advance (available at participating schools) and $6 at the door. CLHS to celebrate its volunteers on April 13 CLHS is blessed to have so many parents, grandparents, alumni and friends help to make all that we do throughout the year possible. We want to say thank you for the services you have provided through the various activities and events that occur throughout the year. If you are on our long list of volunteers, we invite you to stop by the Development Office (just past student services) for a treat and small token of our appreciation any time between 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on April 13. Run with CLHS at Fort 4 Fitness The high school is a Charity Partner for this year's 2015 Fall Festival for Fort 4 Fitness. This is taking place over Alumni Weekend on Sept 25-26. When you register, make sure to select Concordia Lutheran High School as your Charity Partner choice. If we get at least 50 people registered with CLHS, we will get a designated area at Parkview Field for our group, and if we get 100 or more people to register with CLHS, we will get a portion of the registration fees donated back to the school. You can register now for this fall's Fort 4 Fitness at CLHS band auction set for April Get ready for "Rockin' Out with the Bulldogs," the CLHS Band Boosters annual silent auction fundraiser! In addition to the ever-popular Bulldogs, our guests will enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres catered by The Orchid, a live auction, and, of course, the fun of bidding on hundreds of items silently! It's a terrifically fun night out for you and your friends while benefitting the band as well! A limited number of tickets are available and so order yours early. The ticket order form is available online at Rockin' Out with Spike and The Bulldogs Saturday, April 25, 2015, 6:30-10 PM The Orchid in New Haven Auction items this year include certificates and discounts from great area restaurants such as Hall’s Restaurant, Paula’s on Main and Bandidos; great themed baskets filled with chocolate and other fun items; certificates for oil changes and tire rotations; decorative items including a glass birdbath from Armstrong Flowers, practical items like a Bluetooth shower speaker; a Thirty-One brand CADET bag; an Indiana Beach gift package; Putt-Putt Golf certificate; tickets to Cinema Grill; a gift certificate to Holiday World & Splash Safari, and a one week voucher for Camp Lutherhaven. As previous attendees will know, this list is a fraction of the many wonderful items we have available for every taste and need. The $25 ticket includes great music, heavy hors d'oeuvres, bid number and cash bar. Tickets also may be ordered by contacting Dianne Moellering at (260) 483-1102, ext. 198 or The Praise Pulse Page 9 April 5, 2015 – 1 Corinthians 15:10 “By the Grace of God” by Rev. Paul E. Shoemaker, Emanuel Lutheran Church~New Haven, IN In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 we read words from the Apostle Paul that sound very much like a part of the Apostles Creed. In those words the apostle to the gentiles affirms the greatest truth of God’s love for us; that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised on the third day. This pivotal act in history give us a sure and certain hope that we shall not die, but live, live for all eternity. April 12, 2015 – John 20:19-29 “All Locked Up” by Rev. James L. Elsner, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church~Stroh, IN Life changes. And its changes can lock us into fear, doubt, and uncertainty. But Jesus comes to us – as He always does – with His gifts of forgiveness and new life! April 19, 2015 – 1 John 3:1-7 “Children of God” by Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Concordia Theological Seminary~Fort Wayne, IN Through faith in Christ you are a child of God. This is due to God’s great love for you. Your status as child gives you comfort and encouragement for the present, and means exciting realities for you in the future. April 26, 2015 – 1 John 3:20 “God Trumps Our Hearts!” by Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN The sinful human heart is far too clever and prone to diminish sin's consequences or God's forgiveness. Look to God. Listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd conveyed in the Word of God. He is greater than our hearts. Sundays 6:30 a.m. WPTA, Channel 21 Sundays 11:30 AM TCT Network Channels, Direct TV 377 Sundays 4:00 PM & Mondays 10:00 AM Comcast 55 & FiOS 25 Worship for Shut-Ins is able to be seen online via our website at Sunday programs are posted online generally by the day before the Sunday date. A great way to watch at a more convenient time or more than once. 6 PM ChildCare Board 28 22 10 AM Chapel 6 PM Praise Team 7 PM Worship 29 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Bible Class, Sunday School & CC 27 21 10 AM Chapel 6 PM Praise Team 7 PM Worship 15 26 20 19 14 10 AM Chapel 6 PM Praise Team 7 PM Worship 8 1 Wednesday 10 AM Chapel 6 PM Praise Team 7 PM Worship 7:00 PM Council 6:30 PM Spiritual Care 6:30 PM Outreach (Edge) 7 Tuesday 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Bible Class, Sunday School & CC 13 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Bible Class Sunday School & CC 6 Monday 12 9:00 AM Worship 5 Easter Sunday 10 AM THUMBS 7 PM Women’s Bible Study 30 10 AM THUMBS 7 PM Women’s Bible Study 23 16 10 AM THUMBS 7 PM Women’s Bible Study 10 AM THUMBS 7 PM Women’s Bible Study 9 7 PM Worship Service 2 Maundy Thursday Thursday April, 2015 24 17 10 7 PM Worship Service 3 Good Friday Friday 25 18 11 4 Saturday The Praise Pulse Praise Lutheran Church 1115 West Dupont Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Praising God in vibrant Worship Reaching out with Christ-centered witness Anchored in God's Word and Sacraments Interceding for others Stewards of God's varied gifts for the building up of His Kingdom Equipping the saints for works of service PRAISE LUTHERAN CHURCH VISION STATEMENT "Praise Lutheran Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, strives to be a joyous body of Christ-followers, united by God's grace to P.R.A.I.S.E. Him; equipped to passionately serve and witness." PRAISE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 1115 West Dupont Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 PHONE: 260-490-7729 FAX: 260-490-0364 e-mail: website: VACANCY PASTOR Rev. Randall Glander CELL: (260) 918-5777 E-MAIL: LITTLE PRAISERS CHILD CARE OFFICE: (260) 490-9529 E-MAIL: PRAYER CHAIN: Lois Gumbert (260) 637-3010 E-MAIL: OUR WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays 9:00AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Bible Class & Sunday School Wednesdays 7:00 PM Worship Service Holy Communion: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday