April 12, 2015 - Shafter Mennonite Brethren Church


April 12, 2015 - Shafter Mennonite Brethren Church
April 12, 2015
We welcome all who have come to
worship today. Let’s encourage each
other in our walk with the Lord
and give Him thanks for all things.
Call to Worship
Before the Throne of God
Church Life
Pastor Grayson
Worship in Giving
Sara & Julia Paul
Worship in Song and Word
Our God
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Scripture Reading - Mark 8:22-30
More Than Amazing
The Story: Jesus, the Son of God
Judy Neufeld
Robbie Cronin
Closing Song
We Will Glorify
Each week following our worship service, there will be a prayer couple in the prayer area
near the organ to pray for any needs or concerns that you may have.
FOR THE CHILDREN - Nursery is available for children under 4 years
old. There will be no nursery during Sunday School hour until further notice. There will be nursery at 10:30 for Worship Service.
Children’s Church is available each Sunday morning for children 4
years old through 3rd grade. Watch the screen for dismissal time.
NURSERY workers for today are Charis Franz and Mackenzie Toews.
Workers for next Sunday, April 19, are Robin Butterfield and Claire Moreno.
6:00 PM West Coast Mennonite Mens Chorus Concert at Riverpark
Bible Church, Fresno
400 Kern St., Shafter, Calif., 93263
WELCOME LUNCH If you are new to our congregation and have not
Aerobics - 8:30 AM
Prayer for Our Church - 8:30 AM
NiteTimers I Bible Study - 6:45 PM
Coed Volleyball - 7:00 PM
Men’s Prayer with Pastor Pat - 6:00AM
DayTimers Bible Study - 9:30 AM
Trustee Meeting - 7:00 PM
Basketball - 5:30 AM
Meal (Burgers & Hot Dogs) - 5:30 PM
AWANA Crazy Hair Night - 6:25 PM
Jr High HiLife - 6:30 PM
Church Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 PM
Men’s Bible Study @ Toni’s Firehouse - 7:00 AM
Koffee Klatch
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Worship Service 10:45 -12:00 PM
We are looking to hire a Nursery
Worker. If you are interested or know of someone interested in working
in the Church Nursery every Sunday, please contact the church office
or Toni Frantz for more information. Thank you.
NEED HELP? If you have any jobs, big or small, that you need help
with and would like to hire one or more of our high school students to
earn money to go to summer camp please see Pastor Brent.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS are available for Hartland Christian Camp
Summer Camps. Application forms are available from the church office.
THE NKCS BBQ/AUCTION/CARNIVAL is coming up on Saturday,
Welcome Lunch
West Coast Men’s Chorus at Faith Community Church in Lodi
College/Career Singles Bible Study/Dinner @ Kroeker’s
NiteTimers I Bible Study
Daytimers Bible Study
Ladies Fellowship and Quilt Tying
Pilot Lights Sunday School Class to Carrington
Christian Education Board Meeting
Community Musical Recital @ SMBC
Deacons Meeting
Ladies Coffee Shop Bible Study
Sunday Schedule
yet been to one of our Welcome Lunches please consider yourself invited next Sunday, April 19. The lunch will be in the Fellowship Center
immediately following the morning worship service. Hope to see you
Telephone Numbers
Church Office 746-4969
Kiddie Kollege 746-4960
Email- smbc@shaftermb.org
Website - www.shaftermb.org
Patrick Coyle - Senior Pastor
Brent Cummings - Youth Pastor
Grayson Piepgrass - Pastor of Care Ministries
To build the body of Christ at Shafter MB Church by equipping
people for Christ-like maturity and for reaching unbelievers
in our community, nation and world.
May 2! Tickets are on sale now by calling the school at 758-5997. We
encourage you all to come to North Kern Christian School for a great
deep pit BBQ dinner and for a chance to see a little of what God is doing in the ministry of NKCS.
Vacation Bible School - JUNE 15-19, 2015
Thank you so much for your milk carton donations!
We have at least 200 to date but we still need more
so please keep them coming! Washed, one-gallon
milk jugs with lids is what we need! We will be having a
brief informational meeting for all leaders on Wednesday,
May 6th right after the Awana Awards program (about 7:15
p.m.) with child care provided! Please plan on being there
if at all possible. If you have any questions, please contact
Debbe Haley or Cheryl Isaac .
The Bergen Blip newsletter from Phil & Carol Bergen
March Newsletter from Tom & Bev Gooldy
March Newsletter from the Beltran Castillo Family in Mexico
Our Daily Bread and Rejoice devotional guides for March-May 2015
MMA Toolkit newsletter for March/April
Church Picnic - May 31
Church Business Meeting - June 14
Vacation Bible School - June 15-19
Backpack Trip - June 26-28
SMBC Wrestling Camp - July 20-24
Hartland Christian Summer Camps Junior - July 5-10; Jr. High - July 12-17; High School - July 26-31
Our Praise & Petitions
April 12, 2015
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the
Living God.” (Matthew 16:15-16).
Because You Prayed:
Sandra Bloemhof and Pete Lowry are both home following successful surgeries and the Lord blessed us with more rain this
past week (Psalm 147:7-9)!
Health Needs:
Continue to pray for Nicolas Bergen (rehab), Josie Ramirez
(shingles), Belva Warkentin (left corneal transplant, back pain),
Esther Melendrez (rehab), Johnathon Smith (pain management),
Dan Dykstra (melanoma), Ron Neufeld (liver transplant), Sandra
Bloemhof (stomach surgery), Sam Twibell (heart attack) and
Pete Lowry (back surgery) as they are cared for (Psalm 100:4-6).
Church Life and Ministries:
Remember the Trustee Board as they meet this week and the
High School Group traveling home from Denver today. Also remember Oliver Mulligan and the California School Project Outreach to Wasco High this coming Monday through Thursday and
Stan Enns with the loss of his sister, Erlene Toews, this past
week (Matthew 16:15-16).
Community, National and International Concerns:
Pray for the ongoing need for rain in our area as well as State
and Local leaders giving guidance during this time of drought
(Psalm 121:1-2).
MB MISSION *Church Prayer Bulletin*
Doug & Deanna Hiebert MB Mission in Burundi
Pray for: strong family relationships, team unity and effective
ministry partnerships (Romans 15:5-6).
Join us in our battle against
the disease that has touched all of us in some way. The
American Cancer Society Relay For Life will be held on
April 25 at 10:00 AM to April 26 at 7:00 AM at Wasco High
School. If you would like to be on our team contact Rick
Penner. We need your help to keep someone on the track for the entire
time. If not, just come out to the event at some time on Saturday to enjoy some good food and fun entertainment while helping a great
cause. Details at www.relayforlife.org/wascoca.
MDS ANNUAL MEETING You are invited to attend the California
Unit of Mennonite Disaster Service annual meeting on Saturday May
30, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. The
meeting will be held at Kingsburg Mennonite Brethren Church, 1301
Stroud Ave., Kingsburg. Learn from our guest speakers how California
MDS volunteer workers have been responding to disasters in support of
the MDS mission. Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend!
is a choir of nearly 200 men from the Mennonite Brethren
Churches of the Pacific Coast. The concerts are free, with
the opportunity to make donations towards the Mennonite
Central Committee world relief efforts. Their final concert for this year is
next Sunday, April 19, Vinewood Community Church, Lodi, CA, 6 pm.
Monday, April 27, 2015 will be the 18th annual
This event benefits Hartland Christian Camp and
will be located at the Ridge Creek Dinuba Golf
Club. Email info@hartlandcamp.com Or call 559-337-2349 for more
ALSOHartland Christian Camp now offers a brand new
seasonal location in the High Sierras. At 7,500
feet, CAMP SAN JOAQUIN enjoys incredible
vistas and beautiful facilities for groups up to 85
people. Camp San Joaquin maintains all the
same great values as Hartland including clean, well maintained facilities, great food, lots of fun activities, and a team of staff who are eager
to serve you in the name of Jesus Christ. If you have wanted to hold a
family camp, youth camp, leadership conference or another type of ministry event , NOW is the time to act. Dates are limited - Camp San Joaquin is only open from June through August. Call or email or visit online
April 12, 2015
Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, and perfect plea
A great High Priest whose name is “Love”
Whoever lives and pleads for me
My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart
I know that while in heav’n He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart
When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the Just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me
Behold Him there! The risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless Righteousness
The great unchangeable I AM
The King of glory and of grace!
One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased with His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ, my Savior and my God
w/m Vikki Cook & Charitie Bancroft, C.1997 PDI Worship (adm. By Integrity Hosanna! Music), UBP, CCLI #221620
Water, You turned into wine
Opened the eyes of the blind
There's no one like You
None like You
Into the darkness, You shine
Out of the ashes we rise
There's no one like You
None like You
Our God is greater
Our God is stronger
God, You are higher than any other
Our God is healer
Awesome in power
Our God, our God
Worship Songs continued on other side
And if our God is for us
Then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us
Then what could stand against
W/M by Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin, Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves. C. 2010 Thankyou Music/SixSteps Music/
worshiptogether.com songs/Said & Done Music/Vamos Publishing/SHOUT! Publishing, UBP, CCLI #221620
O sov'reign God, O matchless Kingthe saints adore, the angels sing
and fall before the throne on grace
to you belongs the highest praise.
These sufferings, this passing tide
under Your wings I will abide,
and every enemy shall flee;
You are my hope and victory.
Praise the Father, Praise the Son.
Praise the Spirit, Three in One.
Clothed in power and in grace
the name above all other names.
To the valley, for my soul;
Thy great descent has made me whole!
You word my heart has welcomed home;
now peace like water ever flows.
Praise the Father, Praise the Son.
Praise the Spirit, Three in One.
Clothed in power and in grace
the name above all other names.
Praise the Father, Praise the Son.
Praise the Spirit, Three in One.
Clothed in power and in grace
the name above all other names.
Yours is the kingdom,
yours is the power.
Your is the glory forever.
Yours is the kingdom,
yours is the power.
Your is the glory forever.
Praise the Father, Praise the Son.
Praise the Spirit, Three in One.
Clothed in power and in grace
the name above all other names.
The name above all other names.
w/m by Chris Tomlin; c. 2008 worshiptogether.com songs
Worship Songs continued…..
Verse 1
You’re the One who walked on water
And You calmed the raging seas
You command the highest mountains
To fall upon their knees
You’re the One who welcomed sinners
And You opened blinded eyes
You restored the broken hearted
And You brought the dead to life
Forgetting all our sins
You remember all your promises
You are amazing
More than amazing
Forever our God,
You’re more than enough
You are amazing
Verse 2
With authority You’ve spoken
And You’ve set the captive free
You’re the King who came to serve
And You’re the God who washed our feet
You’re the One who took our burden
And You bled upon the cross
In Your kindness and Your mercy
You became the way for us
Forgetting all our sins
You remember all Your promises
You are amazing
More than amazing
Forever our God,
You’re more than enough
You are amazing
More than amazing
Forever our God,
You’re more than enough
Worship Songs continued on other side
Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful
Oh, how glorious, You are amazing
Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful
Oh, how glorious You are (repeat)
You are amazing
More than amazing
Forever our God,
You’re more than enough
W/M by Lincoln Brewster, Mia Fields, C. 2010 Integrity's Praise! Music/SHOUT! Music Pub., UBP, CCLI #221620
We will glorify the King of Kings; We will glorify the Lamb;
We will glorify the Lord of lords, Who is the great I Am.
Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty; we will bow before His throne,
We will worship Him in righteousness; we will worship Him alone.
He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth; He is Lord of all who live.
He is Lord above the universe; all praise to Him we give.
Hallelujah to the King of kings; Hallelujah to the Lamb;
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords, Who is the great I Am.
W/M by Twila Paris; C. 1982 by Singspiration