The Messenger
The Messenger
Volume 26, Issue 3 March 2015 St. Paul Church ~ A United Methodist Community where It’s all about God’s love!” The Messenger Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can! John Wesley preached that. I saw an article in the Washington Post by Michelle Singletary, February 12, 2015. When I mentioned the story in my sermon Sunday, I mistakenly said Ronald was a janitor – my apologies for this error. Here is how the article begins: Ronald Read, a Vermont gas station attendant who worked in retail later in life, was a frugal man. He died a multimillionaire at 92. Read had stock holdings and property valued at almost $8 million, most of which was left to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, Vt., Howard Weiss-Tisman reported in the Brattleboro Reformer. “Not only did he refuse to flaunt his wealth; his estate included a 2007 Toyota Yaris valued at $5,000, but his closest friends and family members did not know he had even a tiny sliver of the fortune he left behind,” Weiss-Tisman wrote. Most of Read’s investments were found in a safe deposit box, Read’s attorney, Laurie Rowell, told CNBC. Those investments included AT&T, Bank of America, CVS, John Deere, GE and General Motors. Inside this issue: Clergy Appointments 2 Mission Update 3 Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction 3 Inside Story 3 UMYF 4-6 Family Fun Page 7 Calendar 9 The article goes on, but allow me two points. First, frugal living and saving can produce amazing results over time. Second, the majority of this wealth was in a safe deposit box when Mr. Read died. Think of what even a fraction of this wealth could have done if used for the kingdom of God. As it is, a library and a hospital will receive the bulk of the inheritance. But imagine the joy Mr. Read could have experienced in seeing the wealth applied to sharing God’s love. I believe that we are blessed as we bless others. $50,000 would generate almost daily joy if our activity center has a decent athletic surface. $50,000 will go a long way toward new roofs for the Sanctuary and Activity Center, both of which are in failing health. $25,000 is the annual budget of Ecole Guerny Filostin in Haiti for 70 students. $350 will afford a child an education for a year and set a child on course for a better future. I know you are no stranger to fund raising appeals. Don’t let the list of needs deter you from storing up treasures in heaven and using the blessings you have received to multiply God’s love. Pastor David The Messenger 2015 Clergy Appointments As announced in church and on the 2015 Clergy Appointments page of the Baltimore Washington Conference website: “Rev. David Graves is appointed to an extension ministry with the Institute of Grace, a non-profit organization ministering in Haiti, from St. Paul UMC in Lusby.” “Rev. David Graves is appointed to an extension ministry with the Institute of Grace, a non-profit organization ministering in Haiti, from St. Paul UMC in Lusby.” Page 2 It is with both excitement and sadness that I tell you our bishop has approved my request for an appointment to extension ministry so that I can be more completely engaged in the task of missions work, especially with the people of Haiti. I am excited because this is something that God has been guiding and calling me toward over many years. I have been to Haiti eight times in the past eight years supporting the work of the Institute of Grace and I have longed for the opportunity to more fully support the work the body of Christ is doing there. It is with sadness because I will truly miss being pastor at St Paul in Lusby. This has been in many respects a better appointment than I dared dream for. I have been blessed by the four years I have been here. The hardest part is saying good bye to so many of you. I will continue to pray for you and the ministry you are so actively engaged in. I have been honored to be a part of the continuing life of the believers at St Paul. I ask that you pray for St Paul and for me and Julia as we make this transition, effective 1 July, 2015. Bishop Markus Matthews and District Superintendent Rebecca Iannicelli are actively working the assignment of a new senior pastor to St Paul with the Staff Parish Committee and I am praying for God’s guidance for them in this process, as well. Change can be difficult, but it also brings the opportunity for growth and greater effectiveness in sharing God’s love. The IOG is an ecumenical non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. We will be moving to Leesburg, VA, which is conveniently located near the Dulles International Airport and our oldest son Rick and his wife Jody. While I will be spending more time in Haiti, we will not be living there on a permanent basis. As the process unfolds we will have opportunities to discuss the coming transition. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. And I thank you for your continued support as I take this next step in ministry. Pastor David Volume 26, Issue 3 Mission Update This Lent we are considering ways we can give ourselves more fully to Jesus, our Lord. We are called, each one of us, to be everyday missionaries with Him. I hope you are reading the testimonies in the Lenten devotions and praying about how Jesus is calling you to be on mission with Him. If you have a story you would like to share, there are still a few days open. Drop your story off at the church office or send to my email. What gifts has God given you? What is a need that the Holy Spirit is placing on your heart? Is there a friend that can join you in serving Jesus today? Blessings ~ Beth Rogers Recent missionary activities: Sock of Love project completed with warm socks and personal care items going to the homeless in Calvert County. 18 homeless guests fed and given a warm, clean and safe place to sleep. Spare change donated to Heart F.E.L.T. backpack ministry and S.M.I.L.E. Passion Play preparations begun. Contact if you would like to be a missionary by sharing the Good News to our neighbors as part of the play. Missional idea: Fix broken things. This can be a symbol of our spiritual brokenness which Jesus came to heal. Help a neighbor mend a fence or repair something around the house or yard. Pick up trash or grab a group of believers and not-yet-believers to clean up a park. Pray to understand how the gospel is echoed in your cleaning, fixing, renewing and serving. Always be ready to explain this when asked. (From A Field Guide to Everyday Mission by Ben Connelly and Bod Roberts Jr.) St. Paul Youth Ministries Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction Fundraiser March 21, 2015 Be sure to join our Uprising Uth! students and their advisors for yet another evening of great food and entertainment on Saturday, March 21, 5:00-7:30pm, for this, our biggest fundraiser of the year! Cost for dinner is a freewill donation…pay what you want! You will be able to browse all the fabulous Silent Auction items concurrently with dinner until 7:00, at which time the auction closes and items will be paid for and distributed. If you’ve never attended this crucially fun event, ask someone who has and we’re sure they’ll encourage you to come by telling you what great food and phenomenal Silent Auction items we have. Silent Auction items include terrific usable crafts, CDs, and gift certificates from many GREAT local establishments among other great items you’ll definitely want a crack at! The Spaghetti Dinner will again feature a “Best Dessert Contest.” Debby Showalter will accept the first 20 entries, so don’t delay in entering! This evening has been a real joy for all who attend and we hope you will join us this year and that you’ll invite family, friends, peers and those we don’t yet have the blessing to know just yet! Please please pray this event up and mark your calendars. All proceeds will go toward our Youth Ministry activities, events, “live-2-give” missions, and trips. Student families who take advantage of cost offsets to youth activities are asked to assist with preparation for this event and the event itself. Contact Debby Showalter at 410-326-2150 or Youth Pastor Dave through the Church office to help with any of the following: Page 3 March 18/19/20: March 18/19: March 21: Silent Auction Item Basket set up Activity Center Set Up Final set-up // Conducting Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Shifts: 3:00-6:30pm Set up/Serve, 5:00-8:30pm Serve/Break Down The Messenger Schedule of Events March Sun March 1 6-8pm Uprising Uth in The Zone 7 5:45-10pm Skating (roller/ rollerblades) @ Leonard Hall Rec. Center, Leonardtown, MD (Leave St. Paul @ 5:45, return at 10) 15 6-8pm Uprising Uth in The Zone 18/19/20 Various setting up for Silent Auction. See our detailed article in this Messenger edition! Anyone, student or adult who can help, please do! Contact Miss Debby for times/ details. 21 3-8:30pm Set up/Serve/Break Down 2015 Youth Ministries Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction. For the Dinner, we’ll again work 2 shifts: 3:00-6:30 Set up & Serve / 5:00-8:30-ish Serve & Break Down Cleanup from both Dinner and Silent Auction. 29 6-8pm Uprising Uth in The Zone (we may look for something else this weekend…watch UR email & Our Uprising Uth! Facebook page for changes) April 5 EASTER SUNDAY – NO UPRISING UTH! EVERYBODY COME TO WORSHIP EASTER MORNING!!! 12 6-8pm Uprising Uth in The Zone 19 6-8pm Uprising Uth in The Zone 24 2015 “30 Hour Famine” begins: Stay tuned for exact gathering time… we’re looking at beginning our Famine at the Patuxent High Harlequins’ Spring Play! 25 6:30pm 2015 “30 Hour Famine” ends 1 6-8pm Mon Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 5 6 UMYF Sat 7 5:45-10pm Skating 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6-8pm 16 17 18 19 20 21 5-7:30pm UMYF Spaghetti dinner & Silent Auction 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 UMYF 6-8pm UMYF All “Uprising Youth!” meetings & activities are open to any interested youth entering school Grade 7 thru Senior summer. Senior High Life Group weekly gathers every Thursday at “1 Showalter Place,” 2060 Briansway in Lusby during the school year to chill/decompress/eat/play/”go no agenda” and is open to all students in grades 9-12!! April Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 30 hr Famine begins 25 6:30pm 30hr Famine Ends 27 28 29 30 6-8pm UMYF 19 6-8pm UMYF 26 Page 4 Fri Volume 1, Issue 1 Youth Ministry “Praise God’s”….. Praise God for our Uprising Youth who consistently live your faith in your homes, neighborhoods, and to all the places and peers where and to whom God takes you!! God help us to take Your “Uprising” of love to all the people in all the places You lead us, especially among our peers who don’t know of Your love on our school campuses! May we be Your “Trust Jesus for Every Next Step” love to others as we “Change The World!” for Your glory! Blessings on all our students and your school work, activities, and extracurriculars! Praise God for our incredible school teachers, administrators, and staff who live lives of faith within our school systems and provide such worthy examples to our students! You have the prayers of your St. Paul Family are also wished a great school year. All God’s Best blessings upon your work and ministries among our students…Praise God for Each of U!! Praise God for all our wonderful families…who are living lives of thankful active discipleship…and make up Page 5 our St. Paul Family. Blessings on your journeys of faith with your children and young people and thanks to God and you all for allowing the rest of our St. Paul family to share this journey of faith as we all live under God’s adoptive love for all people! Praise God for our dedicated, unwavering adult Uprising Youth! Advisors and all of those of you adults who make yourselves available in compassionate, caring, trustworthy ways to our youth in our journeys of faith together! “Adoptive love” flowing from God through you creates true families in God who can Change The World for God’s glory! Praise God for all of you who continue to nurture our children and youth into LIFELONG discipleship through teaching Sunday School in the past and present as you continue to “step up and step in” to teach our children! Blessings upon you, both our “new” teachers, our veterans” who have taught for years and our dear substitutes on any given Sunday morning as you make sure our Sunday school students see, hear, feel and learn of God’s love for them each Sunday through your teaching and actions! Praise God for all who invest your lives into the lives of our teenagers and children to show them God’s love and grace in and by your actions where ever God places you among His young people! Praise God 4 and Thanks 2 U all 4 a GREAT 2014 and an even GREATER 2015 in God’s Youth Ministry at St. Paul to our community and world! Praise Be To God the Father, our Risen and Living Lord and Saviour Jesus, and our Guide and Counselor the Holy Spirit for helping us to be a Christcentered church family that offers H.O.P.E. by responding to God’s love and grace as Christian disciples! Awesome teenagers, Awesome adults, Awesome God! “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:3-6 The Messenger UMYF/UPRISING On February 2, St. Paul Youth Ministries hosted the first St. Paul Families & Friends Super Bowl Party and Chili Cook-off in several years. It was a GREAT TIME in the joy of the Lord as we ate/visited/cheered/moaned together (still can’t believe the Seahawks didn’t run the ball!) as we also enjoyed some KILLER Chili recipes! Thanks to all who had any part of putting on and attending the event and HUGE WELCOME/GLAD U CAME to those who we were blessed to meet for the first time. AWESOME to now be a larger and more effective church family as you are with us! Oh yeah, Chili Cook-off winners were all us who got to eat! Favorite recipes went to: Dennis Mulvey, Ben Mead, and Sarah Miller. Each of the “fave cookers” received a can of chili ingredients to encourage them (and we mean heavily encourage them!) to “bring the soup” again next year! If you were “assigned” to do one small thing in order to start a revolution of God’s love, what would you do? Page 6 February 6, 7 and 8 found 30 of our group in Ocean City, MD for the annual Baltimore Washington Conference Youth “ROCK Retreat!” The weekend consists of sick…and “sick” is “good”…3.5 hour rides together in a van pool, fully “decorated” revealing our destination, Friday night/2 Saturday/Sunday morning “Big Room” worship and learning sessions with speaker Reggie Dabbs and two separate praise bands, student drama ministry, a mass intergenerational choir, break-out learning sessions, and Holy Communion with Bishop Marcus Matthews. Oh yeah, we did our traditional Saturday lunch at Dumser’s Drive In and time on the boardwalk and on the ice rink at our hotel. Some notable quotes from the weekend: “Jesus sees in the dark, because before there was light, Jesus IS light.” “If you can’t see the answer, Jesus IS the answer.” “What makes you young is ‘hope.’ The future doesn’t belong to the young, the future makes you young!” “The most significant two days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why!” Huge Praise God’s to all of you in our St. Paul Family who helped make this trip possible with your prayers, love, and support. A very special thanks to the adult advisor team who journeyed through the weekend with our AWESOME UPRISING UTH! If you want to see some of the “goings-on” at ROCK2015, go to: On February 15th we gathered our families as one big family at our St. Paul Youth Ministries Quarterly Pot Luck Dinner Meeting. After eating together and visiting/catching up with one another, we took a look at the Uprising Uth Ministry schedule for the rest of 2015, then joined forces to form the “St. Paul Uprising Uth Safe Nights Sandwich Factory,” preparing lunches for St. Paul’s Safe Nights Ministry guests for the coming week. The group also gathered several times during the week to prepare additional lunches. We remain blessed to be part of this all-church ministry to our homeless friends as our St. Paul Family provided much needed warm spaces during one of the, if not the, coldest week of winter 2015 as we journey together to “Change The World” for our Savior Jesus Christ! February 22, we joined in The Zone for Uprising! to begin a series of meetings that will focus on “Jesus as Rebel.” Based on Pastor Mike Slaughter’s “The Renegade Gospel,” we’ll be exploring the Jesus presented in the gospels with a particular look at how “that Jesus” differs from Jesus as we picture and perceive Him. We began by simply discussing “who and what” we see and think about whenever we hear our Savior’s name. Proceeding from there, we observed both pictures of Jesus we had brought in from our homes as well as a slide show collection of about 30 pictures from other sources. Using those to center us, we broke into smaller groups and discussed questions such as: What picture “looked most like Jesus” to you? Why do U think that is? Do you ever think of Jesus as a “rebel?” If so, what makes you think of Him that way? If not, how do you think of Jesus? Sometimes we call “rebels” whose actions change the world “revolutionaries.” Would anyone describe you as a “revolutionary?” Would you describe yourself that way? If you were “assigned” to do one small thing in order to start a revolution of God’s love, what would you do? Volume 26, Issue 3 Family Fun Page Stacy Langley Bill Miller John Mefford II Harold McCready Bruce White Thomas Crowder Maya Horton Katie Lewis Jennifer Minin Cindy Shippert Hannah Willis Charles Crowder Sharon Nicholson Dana Shepherd Carson Ebert William (Jeff) Wood James Bliss Harold Stout Sherrie Bell Caitlyn Mitchell Stacy Wills Wayne Carper Judy Lafferty Shirley Lavish Rileigh Yetter Kathy Kindsvater Megan Shaw Sandra Younger Shannon Montgomery Zachary Reemtsen Beth Rogers Mary Sullivan 03/01 03/01 03/02 03/04 03/04 03/05 03/05 03/05 03/05 03/06 03/06 03/07 03/07 03/07 03/09 03/09 03/10 03/10 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/12 03/12 03/12 03/12 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/15 03/15 03/15 03/15 Jamie Szewczyk Matthew Dennis Celine Fisher-Flaherty Tom Lathrop Lori Peck Brian Grabarek Gabbi Jones Carolyn Kennedy Eula Mae McCready Ann Marie Pinkowski Michelle Roberts Mike Stewart Stephanie Dunn Shawna Welch Kaylee Curran Dae'Zhan Johnson Brian Rudell Emily Pouncey Marlene White Chris Moe Ruth Harris Stacie Kackley Harrietta Keller Lynda Shippert Aidan Miller Adam Colvin Dani Langley David Tustin 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/18 03/18 03/19 03/19 03/19 03/20 03/20 03/20 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/30 03/31 03/31 03/31 St. Patrick's Day Trivia You may know that St. Patrick used shamrocks to teach about the Trinity, but did you know these other facts about him? • St. Patrick wasn’t Irish. (His parents were Roman citizens living in either Scotland or Wales.) • He was kidnapped and sold as a slave at age 16. After escaping six years later, he joined a monastery in England. • March 17 is the date of St. Patrick’s death, not his birth. He died in 461 A.D. • The color originally associated with St. Patrick is blue, not green. • The harp, not the shamrock, is the national symbol of Ireland. The Messenger Immediate Prayer Request Jim Baynham Ashlyn Barrett Tommy Tettimer Dorothy Gaylord Charlie Rivers Helen Wirick Tom Hance Winnie Moore Jeff Reynolds Martha Bliss Martha Jefferson & family Darrell Dengerud Elmer Atherton Jim Sypult Jean Barrett Rufus Milor Treatment for cancer Jeannie Speer Gail Anderson Joe Fordham Diana Welch Evan Dinopoulos Brenda MacNair Marjorie Hall Vicki Hawes-Izzi Keith Kretchman Jason Solberg Darlene Bowen Maxwel Guidoitz Joyce Mudd Sue Mackey Beth Acevedo Nancy Bischoff Romaine Kramer Homebound or in Nursing Homes Teresa Gibson Winola Moore Doris Tettimer - Calvert Nursing Center Marie Weems - Calvert Nursing Center Ginny Burns - Solomons Nursing Center Eula Mae McCready - Hermitage ST. PAUL SERVICE MEMBERS Army Angela Christel CJ Christel - CO Mykael Charlton Matthew Kline - SC Kevin Campbell United States Coast Guard Scott Leins - MA Navy Dustin Givens - GA Abraham Darrow - FL Sam Fulks Marines Matt Anderson Air Force Ben Kindsvater - TX Military Andrew Webb Jason Williams Robert Wilson Heath Cornelius Scott Hall THIS PRAYER CHAIN HAS BEEN UPDATED — PLEASE CUT OUT AND USE THIS AS REFERENCE. THANKS Call the Prayer Chain when you need prayer for yourself or others. Activate it by calling anyone on the list, anytime, day or night. When called, they will pray for your concern and pass the concern on to the other prayer chain members. Do not hesitate to use the power our gracious Lord has given us. Call on Him for help and guidance. Susan Leins Baker John & Sessaly Boyd Cal & Carolyn Colvin Ben & Vonnie Dansberger Ruth Dixon 410 326-6234 410 326-4390 301 862-3273 410 326-2994 410 326-3821 Ruth Humphreys Shannon Willis Morley John & Robin Read Andy & Beth Rogers Dave & Debby Showalter Rich & Mary Ulrey 410 326-4687 443 968-2411 443 404-8559 410 326-6346 410 326-2150 410 326-6446 Your name here… If you wish to add your name to the telephone prayer chain, please contact the church office at 410-326-4475. The prayer chain email address is: Page 8 Volume 26, Issue 3 March SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:20 AM Casual Worship - S 9:15 Brunch - AC 9:30 AM Sunday School - CLC/FH 9:40 AM Traditional Worship - S 11 AM Contemporary Worship - AC 12 PM Brunch - AC 6 PM UMYF - AC/R 15/16/17 6 PM Trustees Meeting - L 7 PM Women’s Bible - R 16 7 PM Hangtime BB - AC 7 PM Emmaus Reunion - FH 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM Colvin’s Bible - FH 6 PM Parenting Class - R 11/13 6 PM Praise Band - AC 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM New Member Class - L 8 PM AA Mtg - FH 8 9 10 11 12 13 8:20 AM Casual Worship - S 9:30 AM Sunday School - CLC/FH 9:40 AM Traditional Worship - S 11 AM Contemporary Worship - AC 6 PM Friends for Christ - R 11/13 6 PM UMYF - AC/R 15/16/17 7 PM Women’s Bible - R 16 7 PM Hangtime BB - AC 7 PM Emmaus Reunion - FH 10:30 AM Faith Circle - R 5/7 7 PM Worship Mtg - R 6/8 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM Colvin’s Bible - FH 6 PM Parenting Class - R 11/13 6 PM Praise Band - AC 7:30 PM AA Mtg - FH 6 PM Lay Pastor R 15/17 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 8 PM AA Mtg - FH S - Sanctuary CLC - Christian Life Center FH - Fellowship Hall L - Library MR - Music Room AC - Activity Center R - Room 7:30 PM Choir Practice - S 6:30 PM Church Council - L 7:30 PM AA Mtg - FH 7:30 PM Choir Practice - S 14 7 PM Optimist Club -L 7 PM New Member Class - L 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8:20 AM Casual Worship - S 9:30 AM Sunday School - CLC/FH 9:40 AM Traditional Worship - S 11 AM Contemporary Worship - AC 2:30 PM Solomons Nursing 6 PM UMYF - AC/R 15/16/17 6 PM Trustees Work Night 6:30 PM Finance Meeting - L 7 PM Women’s Bible - R 16 7 PM Hangtime Basketball - AC 7 PM Emmaus Reunion - FH 6 PM Mission Meeting - R 6/8 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM Colvin’s Bible - FH 6 PM Praise Band - AC 7:30 PM AA Mtg - FH 6 PM Evangelism L 8 PM AA Mtg - FH UMYF Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8:20 AM Casual Worship - S 9:30 AM Sunday School - CLC/FH 9:40 AM Traditional Worship - S 11 AM Contemporary Worship - AC 6 PM Friends for Christ - R 11/13 7 PM Women’s Bible - R 16 7 PM Hangtime Basketball - AC 7 PM Emmaus Reunion - FH 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM Colvin’s Bible - FH 6 PM Parenting Class - R 11/13 6 PM Praise Band - AC 7:30 PM AA Mtg - FH 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 8 PM AA Mtg - FH 29 30 31 8:20 AM Casual Worship - S 9:30 AM Sunday School - CLC/FH 9:40 AM Traditional Worship - S 11 AM Contemporary Worship - AC 6 PM UMYF - AC/R 15/16/17 7 PM Women’s Bible - R 16 7 PM Emmaus Reunion - FH 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7 PM Colvin’s Bible - FH Page 9 7 PM Passion Play Rehearsal - R 15/17 7:30 PM Choir Practice - S 7:30 PM Choir Practice - S 7:30 PM Choir Practice - S St. Paul United Methodist Church 11000 H.G. Truman Road Lusby, MD 20657 St. Paul United Methodist Church 11000 H.G. Trueman Road, Lusby, MD 20657 410-326-4475 Rev. David Graves, Pastor Rev. Dave Showalter, Youth Pastor 2015 Newsletter Deadline Wednesday, March 25 is the deadline for submissions for the next issue of the Messenger. Please get us your announcements early so we can include all our special events! Minipistle Announcements - All announcements approved for the Minipistle must be turned in to the office by 12 Noon on Wednesday. Inserts are due, copy ready, by 4:00 PM on Tuesday. Unless otherwise arranged, inserts will be run for two weeks only. Rev. Charles Harrell, Pastoral Care & Visitation Teri Herren, Office Manager & Accounts Payable Regular Sunday Worship Hours Jody Purcarey, Receptionist & Newsletter Editor Jennifer Wood, Choir & Praise Band Director Fred Musengo, Organist Jack Greene, Sunday School Superintendent Patty King, Nursery Attendant Daniel King, Asst Nursery Attendant Phil & Missy Garber, Custodians 8:20 a.m. Informal - Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. Sunday school for all ages Christian Life Center & Fellowship Hall 9:40 a.m. Traditional choir & hymns -Sanctuary 11:00 a.m. Contemporary praise music - Activity Center
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