February 14, 2016 14 de Febrero 2016
February 14, 2016 14 de Febrero 2016
Culto De Alabanza Y Adoración, 11am Alabanza Salmos 133 Oración de Bienvenida Saludo de la Congregación Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración Testimonios Predica: “Una Casa Dividida” Marcos 3:23-35 Rev. Edith Salazar Diezmos y Ofrendas Oración de Envio ACTIVIDADES: Estudios Bíblicos: Domingos 9:45 am (Abajo en el salón C113) Servicios: Domingos 11:00 am Coro para niños: Domingos 4:30 pm Curso de Matrimonios: Domingos 4:30 pm-6:30pm Noche de Oración y Estudio Bíblico: Miércoles 6:00pm Té para niñas de TODAS las edades Sábado 20 de Febrero a las 10:00 am (Registrarse) *Boda de Sandra y Sergio Domingo 28 de febrero a las 4:00 pm En el Santuario Principal *Vigilia de Mujeres Viernes 26 de febrero a las 9:00 pm *Clases de Música Para niños y adolescentes de 7 a 15 años Comienza sábado 5 de marzo *Cena de Matrimonios Domingo 13 de marzo a las 4:30 pm TE INVITAMOS A SER PARTE DE NUESTRA FAMILIA Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración. Al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar. Ministry in Action- Announcements Welcome to Michael John Trotta– Guest Conductor, as he conducts the choirs in worship today at 8:20am. Game Night– February 19th from 7 to 9pm in the Chapel. Please bring a board game and snack to share. ALL ages are welcome. The Teddy Bear Tea is February 20th from 10am-Noon in the CLC. Girls of all ages are invited to enjoy crafts, nail painting, story time, and “high tea”. Registration ends TODAY: www.wpumc.com/register. Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network– Evening and overnight hosts are needed for February 21st-27th. Help meet the needs of homeless families in our community by volunteering a few hours of your time. Contact Cheryl Phillips for info: cherylphil919@gmail.com. Square Dance– On February 26th in the CLC at 7pm, come try some square dancing with a professional caller or enjoy watching others. Bring a snack to share and a donation for mission trips to Haiti and Peru. Henry and Lisa Speaking– February 28th at 10am, CLC. Just as He promised He would, the Lord God has been faithful to work in the lives of many in South Asia. Henry and Lisa S. are home from their field of work and will be here to share with us stories of God’s handiwork. Missions Yard Sale- Saturday, March 5th, in the CLC from 8am to Noon. Donations may be brought to the CLC on Friday, March 4th, 10am-7pm. For a list of items to donate, check the website. Questions? J. D. Fish at jdfish51@gmail.com. Shuttle Service- Effective March 6th, both shuttle buses will run from the Carolina Pottery lot on Maynard and Kildaire Farm Rds. ONLY and will drop off in the Maynard Rd. parking lot loop near the Chapel. Lenten Weekday Worship and Lunch -- Join us for a time of song, scripture, reflection, and communion on Mondays during Lent. Worship will begin in the Sanctuary at 11:30am. You are invited to bring a lunch and join in a time of fellowship afterwards. If you are interested in helping lead this worship through scripture reading or music, please email jen@wpumc.com. Save the Date…. Square Dance for Missions Missions Yard Sale February 26 March 5 ASP- 40 Year Celebration March 12 Palm Sunday Celebration March 20 Palm Sunday March 20 Meal Bag Distribution March 21 Holy Thursday Service March 24 Tenebrae Service March 25 Easter Sunday March 27 www.wpumc.com (919) 467-9394 info@wpumc.com February 14, 2016 14 de Febrero 2016 White Plains United Methodist Church Iglesia Metodista Unida White Plains Our Vision: To be the Eyes and Ears, Heart and Hands, Word and Witness of Christ’s Love in the World for the Glory of God. Nuestra Visión: Ser los ojos y oídos, el corazón y las manos, testigos del amor de Cristo en el mundo para la gloria de Dios. Traditional Worship, 8:20am Anthem “Behold, How Good” Welcome and Announcements Prelude “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” “Lift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains)”— Crowder Dale Wood Message “A House Divided” Greeting Scouting Mission Celebration Rev. Ray Warren God comes into a world filled with uncertainties and darkness. God seeks out places of emptiness and pain. God embraces the wounded and the broken. God knocks down the walls of division and strife. God is the light shining in the darkness. God is the light of our lives. God is the one who makes all things new. Praise be to God, now and forever. “Courageous”— Casting Crowns Hymn of Response “Cast My Cares”— Tim Timmons “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” UMH #557, Vs. 1 and 3 The Offertory “Once He Came in Blessing” Michael Burkhardt Please sign the attendance book in your row so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship. *Hymn of Praise UMH #540 Scouting Mission Celebration *Passing of the Peace *Dedication of Gifts, The Doxology UMH #95 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. *Dismissal with Blessing *Affirmation of Faith, The Apostle’s Creed Postlude UMH #881 I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead: He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. UMH #71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Offering “From The Inside Out”— Joel Houston + Please sign the attendance book in your row so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship. Scripture Mark 3:23-35 Message *Closing Hymn Time of Prayer *Gloria Patri Contemporary Worship, 11:00am Chancel Choir, Credo, Grace Notes; Michael John Trotta, Guest Conductor *Call to Worship “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” Michael John Trotta TFWS #2223 “A House Divided” Rev. Ray Warren *Response “Benediction” Michael John Trotta Chancel Choir, Credo, and Grace Notes; Michael John Trotta, Guest Conductor “House Divided”— Cason Cooley and Josh Wilson Children 3 years through 2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the Message and will re-enter the service after the Message. “We All Praise God Together” Healey Willan Prayer Concerns *Congregation standing Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing for nursery care at any time during the 8:20 service. Flower Dedication The flowers on the altar are dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of Karen Byrd by Kimberly, Sammy, and Linda Byrd. Jane and Ernie Miller, Lucy Lowry, Phyllis Lang, Peter Murray, David and Lorraine Perkinson, Porter Richardson, Anna Avery, Roy Carawan, Steve Fulghum, Cyndy Fettig, Harlen Van Sloten, Dylan Harrell, Jim Payne, and those serving in the Armed Forces. At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front corner of each worship space. Prayer for Illumination Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that, as the scriptures are read and Your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us today. Amen. Scripture Mark 3:23-35 NT #35 Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with hearing the service. Please silence your cell phone before the service of worship begins.
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White Plains United Methodist Church Iglesia Metodista Unida White
available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front
corner of each worship space.