`The power of make up`: la campaña que defiende maquillarse (o no)
`The power of make up`: la campaña que defiende maquillarse (o no)
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En este caso, el triunfo de Internet ha llegado de la mano de una videobloguera, o vlogger, llamada NikkieTutorials, que se dedica a hacer tutoriales con trucos y consejos de maquillaje y a subirlos a su canal de YouTube, en el que tiene más de 1.250.000 suscriptores. Hace aproximadamente un mes, Nikkie colgó un vídeo en titulado The Power of MakeUp (El poder del maquillaje) en el que defendía el derecho a maquillarse. "Siento como si últimamente avergonzar a la gente por ir maquillada se hubiera puesto de moda. Como si maquillarse para pasárselo bien tuviera que avergonzarnos. Por eso he pensado que sería interesante mostraros el poder que tiene el maquillaje. Una transformación", escribe en su vídeo. Nikkie afirma que últimamente "parece que solo te maquillas para los chicos, o si eres insegura, o si no te quieres a ti misma. Últimamente, maquillarte es como cometer un crimen", algo que niega, afirmando que el poder del maquillaje es enorme y que puede servir a muchos razones. Para demostrarlo, y enseñar cómo puede el maquillaje cambiar a una persona, Nikkie decidió pintar solo la mitad de su rostro y mostrarlo en su canal y en sus redes sociales. Así, frente a sus 200.000 o 300.000 reproducciones de media (aunque es cierto que tiene algún vídeo que supera los dos millones), este alegato ha superado los 17 millones de reproducciones, mientras que su foto de Instagram tiene casi 40.000 Me Gusta. nikkietutorials • 2 months ago Follow "You only wear makeup because you're insecure", "why so much makeup? Boys don't like that! ...NO! Enough of that. I wear makeup because it is FUN. It is a way for me to put my mind at rest and let my creativity flow. Today's video is now live on my channel, and to see this transformation come to life, please watch it (direct link in bio) Ὁ #nikkietutorials 39.3k likes 3,118 comments Y no solo es cuestión de cifras: Nikkie y su vídeo se han convertido en la inspiración para miles de mujeres, y también de hombres, de todo el mundo. Bajo la etiqueta #ThePowerOfMakeUp, Instagram muestra cientos de fotos de personas que se han lanzado a mostrarse con media cara maquillada y la otra media sin una gota de pintura, para demostrar que pueden estar fantásticos de los dos modos. Porque ir sin maquillaje no debe ser objeto de burla, pero ir con él, tampoco. arielle_and_cleo • 2 days ago Follow #thepowerofmakeup #makeup #halffacemakeup #crueltyfree #acne #halfface #nomakeup #beauty #fun #bareface #sugarpill #elf #urbandecay #everydayminerals #bodypositive #loveyourcurls #curlyhair #makeover #falselashes #milani #lipstick 55 likes 3 comments raeofsunshine98 • 2 days ago Follow Embracing both sides of my face because I'm comfortable either way. If a woman (or a man) wants to wear makeup, let her! I wear makeup for myself, and that's it! Let's stop makeup-shaming. #ThePowerofMakeup 80 likes 4 comments glam.zilla • 2 days ago Follow Make up is beautiful. But underneath all that? That's where our true beauty lies. I believe we should all be judged based on our character and not the way we look. I mean, you're bombarded with messages everyday about how to contour this and how to get the perfect brow shape that... and you know what? At the end of the day we screenshot all these beautiful make up looks that we want to re-create - but shouldn't there be more? I have 26,000 followers...besides just inspiring someone to look better… I want to inspire people to feel better - to be better and just love themselves with every fiber of their own being. So this post is dedicated to my BAD BITCHES out there - YOU GO GIRL!!! (I was getting too emotional) 768 likes 49 comments itcosmetics • 2 days ago Follow Inspired by @nikkietutorials' Power of Makeup video that's gone viral (if you haven't already seen it, you should check it out), #AU #beautyvlogger and IT Girl @stephanielangemakeup created her own #Makeup #Transformation video using #Itcosmetics . We love the message these ladies are spreading: Makeup is an empowering form of #expression and an #art; at the end of the day, if it makes you more confident and happy, that is ALL that matters! #regram #beauty #empowerwomen #naturalbeauty #embraceit #thepowerofmakeup #beautifulbeforeANDafter 2,891 likes 113 comments hellobatty • 2 days ago Decided to try this out. #thepowerofmakeup 247 likes 3 comments Follow breaunajohnson • 2 days ago Follow So I decided to post a photo for the trending topic going on right now... In my opinion, Makeup is art. There's no reason to feel ashamed for wearing it or not wearing it. And it doesn't mean you're insecure or trying to impress someone if you do wear it. Live and let live. Be free, and just continue to be the badass chick you are REGARDLESS of what people or society says. Be all natural everyday, or contour the hell out of your face for the rest of your life! Just do you boo. #thepowerofmakeup #nomakeup ὈὊὉ 63 likes 2 comments j_ethan • 2 days ago Follow It's not too hard to realize that we are all the same, on the same team, all struggling, and all in need. #equal #balance #ThePowerOfMakeup photo by @alysonlouise 97 likes 4 comments kitsune_delacruz • 2 days ago Follow I have never ever posted a picture of my face without makeup. Like absolutely not one trace of makeup! On the left side is my makeup from work and the right side is my bare skin no makeup! #thepowerofmakeup so all you makeup shamers need to back off because with or without makeup. I love myself! Jump on board with me and let's end makeup shaming! Everyone is beautiful with or without makeup!!! #selfie #motd #makeupartist 70 likes 6 comments sashapash • 2 days ago Follow Two selfies is as many days?! Well, kind of. Apparently "#makeupshaming" is a thing. And in response to that thing, #ThePowerOfMakeup became a thing. And I'm really more into that second one. Personally, makeup's not usually for me. Most of this image was #photoshopped because when I try to do eyeliner I look like I Olga, when Helga fudged her report card. But all #women (and #men and #nonbinary people) should feel comfortable looking however they want. Be plain, be natural, be #fuckingfabulous if you feel like it. Our bodies are just weird, creepy shells. Decorate them however you want, have fun, it's only what's inside that should be taken seriously. #beauty #whatever kriscappuccino • 2 days ago Follow I took this a long time ago (made apparent by the hair), but now there's a place for it! #thepowerofmakeup As a person, I don't wear it often but as a makeup artist I'm obviously all about it! Makeup is a beautiful art and a fantastic form of expression (for both men and women!). You do you, ladies and gents! #makeup #makeupartistpittsburgh #mua #browgamestrong #wingedliner 48 likes 4 comments jedi.avenger.geek • 2 days ago Follow Love this trend, get dolled up on one side and stay natural on the other, to show that makeup doesn't change who you really are...#thepowerofmakeup #nofilter #redefineperfect #halfmakeup 15 likes 0 comments ladyloki69 • 2 days ago Coming soon to a youtube near you (in like two weeks) #powerofmakeup #thepowerofmakeup 29 likes 1 comment Follow casslundy • 2 days ago #thepowerofmakeup #makeup #redhead #redhair #ginger #tattoo #tattoos #girlswithtattoos #septum 77 likes 2 comments Follow poisondarling • 2 days ago Follow I've always been obsessed with makeup, from the bright colors to the soothing process of applying. I do my makeup for myself and always have. #thepowerofmakeup #makeupoftheday #motd 30 likes 0 comments taydron • 2 days ago Follow Not all women wear makeup to hide their insecurities. A lot of women wear makeup because they like it - it's fun! But, you're beautiful with or without it. #thepowerofmakeup 29 likes 2 comments ssooter • 2 days ago Follow Read an article about #thepowerofmakeup and how you shouldn't be ashamed of glamming up with makeup to feel extra sassy, but neither should you be ashamed to switch from a glam to naked face. Loved the article and video. Some days I wear makeup (admittedly, never this much) and some days none. And that's nice. What a fun experiment, only working with half my face... 41 likes 14 comments alyleigh123 • 2 days ago Follow #thepowerofmakeup #powerofmakeup I don't do this for you, my fiancé, or because I hate me, I do it because I love it and it is fun! I love me, with or without makeup, I do it for me! 23 likes 4 comments loveleicurls • 2 days ago Follow Retake filter free.. I had to participate on the #thepowerofmakeup how could I not? I'm a MAC makeup artist. I'm confident in my own skin with or without makeup. But it's fun and exciting. #sorrynotsorry for those who always want to say you must need it. Actually I don't I just love to wear it. We all get that boost once we put on our favorite lipstick or mascara. Life is too short to tip toe around someone else's emotions. Live your life and do you!!! #myartistcommunityoc2 #leggo 66 likes 8 comments svobsi • 1 day ago Follow Leider gibt es Menschen die andere beleidigen weil sie sich schminken, in meinen Augen sind diese Menschen nur neidisch weil sie es nicht so schön können, nicht dürfen oder aber auch nicht wollen, keine Ahnung, ist für mich einfach nur traurig. Denn jeder soll sich so wohl fühlen wie er ist, manche können das leider nicht und gerade dann ist es doch gut wenn man es mit so leichten Mitteln doch kann. Andere aber auch schminken sich einfach nur weil es ihnen Spaß macht, so wie ich! Ich könnte stundenlang am Schminktisch sitzen und etwas Neues ausprobieren, für mich ist das auch Kreativität! Ich finde jeder sollte so aussehen können wie er möchte und sich wohl fühlt, ohne deswegen beleidigt zu werden! #thepowerofmakeup Ὂ ὈὈ 64 likes 5 comments heidimolarius • 2 days ago Follow #ThePowerOfMakeup 48 likes 23 comments Famosas sin maquillaje 1 de 49 Gtresonline Y TAMBIÉN... Los errores de maquillaje que siempre cometes (y cómo solucionarlos) Cambio radical con maquillaje: antes y después de mujeres anónimas Gwyneth Paltrow sin maquillaje: la actriz publica su antes y después Transformarse con maquillaje: cómo convertirse en Angelina Jolie o Scarlett Johansson Estrellas porno sin maquillaje 1 de 83 Melissa Murphy Ve a nuestra portada Facebook MÁS: Tendencias Maquillaje YouTube Virales Belleza Mulheres Mujeres Blogueras Sugerir una corrección Conversaciones Twitter Instagram Pinterest Añade un comentario... Publicar también en Facebook Publicar como Lalo Cornejo ▾ Comentar Plugin social de Facebook ¿Debes más de $35,000? 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