Festival Special


Festival Special
psychedelic trance music & culture
#179 May/June 2013
Festival Special
Trance Fashion | Musikmesse News
Happy Birthday !
A birthday present we have already received, because
starting with this edition we finally show the long
overdue new mushroom logo. Our thanks here go to the
creator Nico Psyart from France.
Another present we have for our readers, because for subscribers,
with this edition and after five years break, you will have a new
Trancers Guide To The Galaxy coming to your door. This
Trance travel guide wants to be your devoted companion during
all your explorations of foreign and friendly Trance cultures. The
Trancers Guide features 35 country profiles of the most important
Trance nations worldwide and keeps you posted about the state of
Trance in these countries. If you are no mushroom subscriber you
can find the Trancers Guide in our online-shop www.mushroommagazine.com/shop, grab it at your local shop (have a look in at
the magazine‘s shopguide), or wait until an area agent will bring
the Trancers Guide to your favourite party.
Also, one further present is about to be unwrapped. After more
than 10 years we are shortly folding mushroom-online.com and
start a freshly designed mushroom-magazine.com with modern functionalities. In order that you receive proper information
like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/mushroommagazine
But now, have lots of fun reading. This magazine is so very stuffed
with information about so many festivals, that we had to
shorten some columns. We will make good for those in the next
edition, because the upcoming July/August/September summer
edition will be primarily dedicated to the artists and labels of our
scene and will be distributed at the big festivals as for example
OZORA, Summer Never Ends, Freedom Festival, and mand many
more. If you want your promotion to be published in this edition
please contact us.
Until then, I wish you an unforgettable start into the
summer and maybe best party of your life.
Mat Mushroom & Crew
Herzlichen Glückwunsch...
können wir uns selber wünschen,
denn im Mai ist Dein mushroom magazine 19 Jahre alt geworden und
steuert nun ganz gewaltig auf die
große Jubiläumsparty im nächsten
Jahr zu. Ein Geburtstagsgeschenk
hatten wir auch, denn ab dieser
Ausgabe gibt‘s endlich das längst
überfällige neue mushroom Logo.
Ein weiteres Geschenk gibt‘s für
unsere Leser, denn für unsere Abonnenten flattert mit dieser Ausgabe
nach fünfjähriger Pause wieder ein
Trancers Guide To The Galaxy
ins Haus. Der Trancers Guide wartet
mit 35 Länderprofilen der weltweit
wichtigsten Trancenationen auf und
sagt Dir, wo was los ist. Falls Du kein
mushroom Abonnent bist, kannst
Du Dir den Trancers Guide z.B. unter
shop besorgen oder ihn in einem
lokalen Shop bzw. einer Party abgreifen – wenn Du Glück hast :-)
Aber nun viel Spaß beim Lesen.
Dieses Heft ist so dermaßen vollgestopft mit vielen Festival Infos,
das wir einige Rubriken kürzen
mussten. Diese holen wir aber in
der nächsten Ausgabe nach, denn
die kommende Juli/August/September Sommerausgabe ist dann
größtenteils den Artists und Labels
unserer Szene gewidmet.
Bis dahin wünsche ich Dir einen unvergesslichen Start in den Sommer!
Mat Mushroom & Crew
pic: Mat Mushroom with interstallar Cellotager mask (c) Solja
Congrats...in fact we might congratulate
ourselves because this May your mushroom
magazine became 19 years old and is now
steering full throttle towards the big jubilee
party next year.
On the road again
Useful equipment, gimmicks
and knowledge for
the modern
Trance nomad
Travelling is at
least as characteristic for Psytrance
as fluorescent paintings and hypnotic
electronic music. In
fact there are few
if any other scenes where
people frequently travel
thousands of miles just to
meet their international
fellows for an open air.
Now, during summer, many
Trance freaks live a real
nomadic lifestyle, hopping
from one festival field to
the next. And quite a few
have already plans for a
winter trip to Asia, for instance. “Life is a book and
those who do not travel
read only one page”, as
the saying goes! But it’s
not always easy reading…
In this unusual lead article
we want to share with you
some ideas, inspirations
and tips how to arrange
your modern nomadic
adventures as convenient
as possible.
Festival gadgets
Solar Charger
Calls, apps, photos,
videos... the mobile
phone has long become
an essential festival buddy.
The more important to keep your
personal cybernetic interface charged
with energy. Solar panels are not only ecofriendly, but probably also the easiest way
to provide energy on any remote festival field.
Available with countless design features.
Anrufe, Apps, Videos, Fotos… das Mobiltelefon ist schon längst ein essentieller Festivalbegleiter geworden. Umso wichtiger, es ständig unter
Strom zu halten. Genau den produzieren kompakte Solar-Ladegeräte.
Sie sind nicht nur eine umweltfreundliche, sondern vermutlich die einfachste Möglichkeit, auf einem Festivalacker Ladestrom zu bekommen.
Erhältlich in vielen Ausführungen und Preisklassen.
BioLite CampStove
Ein stylisches, tragbares
Öfchen, das es dir erlaubt
mit Hölzchen, Tannenzapfen,
Pellets oder sonstigem Biomaterial zu kochen. Unspektakulär? Nun, warte bis du den
USB Anschluss entdeckst. Das
kleine Ding erzeugt nämlich
auch Strom. So kannst du dich
am prasselnden Feuer erfreuen,
während dein Mobiltelefon
geladen wird.
BioLite Wood Burning CampStove
A stylish, portable stove which
allows you to cook water or meals
using sticks, pine cones, pellets or
any other biomass. No big deal?
Well, additionally this little outdoor
gadget is producing electric energy
and has a USB port. So while you
enjoy the crackling warmth of the
fire your smartphone might
enjoy a recharge.
GSI DuKJug water bottle
What are the 2 most important things
you need to survive in any given environment? The answer: Water and duct
tape, also known as gaffer tape. This
bottle allows you to carry both. You
can remove the rubber band around
its “waist” and store conveniently up
to 2 metres of duct tape, the universal
answer to all technical problems.
GSI DuKJug Wasserflasche
Was sind die zwei wichtigsten
Dinge, um in freier Wildbahn
zu überleben? Wasser und
Gaffertape. Mithilfe dieser
Flasche hast du beides stets
griffbereit. Das Gummiband
um die „Taille“ kann nämlich
entfernt werden, um stattdessen
2 Meter Gaffertape um das
Behältnis zu wickeln.
Did you know…
Wusstest du…
… that it is practically impossible to pushstart a car with a completely empty battery? This might be the case if you forgot to
switch off the headlights during the night,
for instance. If not a thing happens when
you turn the ignition, you will need jumper
cables. If there still is a feeble noise from
the motor, push-starting might work.
…dass es praktisch unmöglich ist, ein Auto durch
Schieben wieder zum Laufen zu kriegen, dessen
Batterie komplett entladen ist? Das passiert z.B.
wenn du über Nacht vergessen hast, die Scheinwerfer auszuschalten. Wenn sich beim Drehen des
Zündschlüssels rein gar nichts tut, brauchst du ein
Starterkabel und ein anderes Auto. Sollte es noch
ein stotterndes Geräusch aus dem Motorraum
geben, lohnt sich das Anschieben.
… that frequently disinfecting your hands
is a very efficient way to avoid any kind
of sickness? Especially at festivals, where
water for washing your hands might not
always be available, it is a good idea to
carry a small spray bottle filled with 70%
alcohol or any other disinfectant.
... dass die regelmäßige Desinfektion deiner Hände
sehr effektiv vor vielen Krankheiten schützt? Gerade
auf Festivals, wo nicht immer die Gelegenheit besteht,
sich die Hände zu waschen, ist es daher eine gute Idee
immer eine kleine Sprühflasche mit 70%igem Alkohol
oder anderem Desinfektionsmittel dabei zu haben.
Festival Apps
Mesmerised by a
particular track but you
had not enough drinks
yet to storm the stage
and ask the DJ what it is?
This is where Shazam comes
into play. This app checks
the current sound against a
huge database, providing the
artist and the name of the
title. Available for BlackBerry,
iPhone, Android.
St John
First Aid
Du bist begeistert von
dem Track, der da
gerade läuft, aber
noch nicht betrunken
genug, um die Bühne
zu stürmen und den
DJ zu fragen, was er gerade
spielt? An dieser Stelle ist
Shazam ziemlich praktisch.
Die App vergleicht den Sound
mit einer großen Datenbank
und liefert dir anschließend
den Interpreten und Titel.
Verfügbar für BlackBerry,
iPhone, Android.
St John
First Aid
In case of
sickness or
this app leads
you through
a provisional
diagnosis and gives you
instructions for first aid.
Of course no substitute for
professional medical care,
but quite handy anyway.
Das Rote Kreuz, die
Malteser und der ArbeiterSamariter-Bund bieten
kostenlose Apps an, die
dir im Notfall eine provisorische Diagnose stellen
und dich durch die nötigen
Erste Hilfe-Maßnahmen leiten.
Kein Ersatz für professionelle
ärztliche Hilfe, aber trotzdem
praktisch. Verfügbar für iPhone
und Android.
Travelling to and, even more
so, leaving from a festival
can easily become a drama
since cars are packed, people
decided not to go, etc. This
app helps you to find people
going from anywhere to
Available for
Die Reise zu einem Festival kann
manchmal zum Drama werden.
Die Abreise noch viel häufiger.
Autos sind plötzlich voll, Fahrer
wollen nicht fahren, usw. Diese
App hilft dir, Mitfahrgelegenheit
von A nach B zu kommen.
Verfügbar für‘s iPhone.
Arriving via public transport.
Not as comfortable as by car,
but safer, more social and
more eco-aware. Carpooling
is a nice alternative.
Hats. Cowboy style, sunhelmet, beer can holder,
tricone, top hat... 2013 is the
year of the mad hatters!
Support the local business.
Preferably small shops, but
even by going shopping in
local discounters you support
the people of the region - and
the reputation of the festival.
Artists doing heart shapes
with their hands. Sure, we all
love one another… but this
is just unbearably cheesy and
Ballgames on the dance floor
forcing random party folks
to participate. Also known as
Oddball Dodgeball.
Holding up “like thumb” signs.
If you ain’t got no other way
to express you feelings, you
should probably see a shrink.
Holding up “no more
Minimal” signs. Instead: Go to
the Chillout. Sulk. Prepare an
outraged forum comment. Return to the dance floor when
the music has changed.
Open Air Packing list
The purpose of this packing list is to never again forget anything important when
going to an open air festival or outdoor party which could last several days.
Some of these things could ease the festival life dramatically. Feel free to
send additions to: Richard Cattien rc.foreign@gmx.net. For the latest list
update please go to www.bit.ly/packlist_en
Diese Liste soll dazu dienen nichts mehr zu vergessen, wenn man eine
mehrtägige Outdoor Party oder ein mehrtägiges Festival besucht.
Einige Sachen können das Festivalleben erheblich erleichtern. Ergänzungen oder Anregungen bitte an: Richard Cattien rc.foreign@gmx.
net. Eine aktuelle Liste gibt es unter www.bit.ly/packlist_de
 tent - with enough pegs / Zelt + Heringe
 mallet or hammer / Gummihammer
 cable ties / Kabelbinder
 blankets / bemalte Tücher
 small padlocks / kleine Vorhängeschlösser
 sleeping bag / Schlafsack
 sleeping pillow / Kopfkissen
 canvas tape / Gewebe-Klebeband
 garbage bags / Müllsäcke
 stable base, e.g. a chopping board / feste
Unterlage wie z.B. ein Küchenbrett
 Swiss army knife / Taschenmesser
 flashlight / Taschenlampe
 lanterns/lampions / Laternen/Lampions
 a long rod with a marker for recovering the camp /
Langer Stab mit Markierung zum Wiederfinden des Lagers
 folding chair / Klappstuhl
 camping mattress / Isomatte/Luftmatratze
 matches or lights / Streichhölzer oder Feuerzeuge
Body care & protection
Körperpflege & Schutz
 something against headache / Aspirin™ oder Paracetamol™
 medications / sonstige benötigte Medikamente
 first aid kit / Erste Hilfe Koffer
 travel health insurance documents / Auslandskrankenschein
 sunscreen / Sonnencreme
 sunglasses / Sonnenbrille
 hat or scarf against the sun / Sonnenhut oder Kopftuch
 ChapStick™ or lip balm / Lippenbalsam
 Vitamin tablets / Vitamine Brause-Tabletten
 magnesium pills / Magnesium Tabletten
 sticking plaster against blisters / Leukoplast™ gegen Blasen
 toothbrush, tooth paste / Zahnbürste, Zahnbecher, Zahnpasta
 anti-perspirant, soap, shower gel, shampoo / Deo, Seife, Duschgel, Shampoo
 washrag / Waschlappen
 makeup & face&body paint, glitter / Schminke
 wet wipes / Feuchttücher
 comb/hairbrush / Kamm/Bürste
 towels / Handtücher
 disposable seat pads for the latrines / Einweg-
Sitzunterlagen für Dixi-Toiletten
 condoms / Kondome
 insect protection: mosquito net + repellant / Insekten
schutz: Moskitonetz + diverse Mittel wie Autan™
 tampons, panty liners / Tampons, Binden
 birth control pills / Pille
 razor / Rasierer
 ear protection, ear plugs / Gehörschutz, Ohrstöpsel
 tissues, toilet paper / Taschentücher, Klopapier
 ointment against sun burn / Salbe gegen Sonnenbrand
 ointment against insect bites / Salbe gegen Insektenstiche
Eating, drinking
Essen, Trinken
 canteen/ Besteck
 camping dishes / Camping-Geschirr
 cups / Becher
 small + big plastic refillable bottles / kleine +
große Plastikflaschen zum Wiederauffüllen
 resealable freezer bags / wiederverschließbarer Gefrierbeutel
 dishtowel / Trockentuch
 packetsoup/noodles, gravy / Tütensuppen, Nudeln, Soßen
 fruit / Obst
 fruit juices / Obstsäft
 water / Wasser
 chewing gum / Kaugummi
 bottle of Jägermeister™ / Flasche Jägermeister™
 barbecue, coal / Grill, Kohle, Grillanzünder, Rost, Alufolie, Grillbesteck
 stove + alternative gas bottle / Camping-Kocher + Ersatzgasflasche
 sponge / Schwamm
 salt, pepper, spices / Salz, Pfeffer, sonstige Gewürze
 washing-up liquid / Spülmittel
 case for cutlery / Besteckbehälter
 can opener / Dosenöffner
 Tetra-Pak (no-glass-policy on most festivals!) /
Tetra-Pak wegen Glasverboten auf vielen Festivals!
 comfortable clothes / bequeme Sachen
 warm sweater / Pullover
 2 pairs of warm socks minimum / mindestens
2 Paar dicke Socken
 raincoat / Regenjacke
 umbrella / Regenschirm
 swimming things / Badesachen
 shoes for: dancing, travelling & bad weather condi
tions i.e. gumboots / Schuhen fürs Tanzen, Reisen + schlechtes Wette z.b. Gummistiefel
 bathing shoes, flip-flops / Badeschlappen,Flip-Flops
 hair-ties / Haargummis
 belt / Gürtel
 key for the fuel tank cap / Schlüssel für den Tankdeckel
 replacement key for the car / Ersatzautoschlüssel
 CDs/music for the journey / CDs/Musik für die Fahrt
 EC or credit card / EC oder Kredit-Karte
 sufficient hard cash / genügend Bargeld
 small purse (for cash only) / kleines Portemonnaie (nur für Bargeld)
 camera, film/memory cards, recharger, tripod /
Fotoapparat, Filme, Akkus, Stativ
 juggling balls, devil-stick, poi, frisbee, etc. / Jonglier
bälle, Devil-Sticks, Poi, Frisbee, etc.
 soap bubble gear / Seifenblasen Gerätschaft
 chess, backgammon, ludo, etc. / Schach, Back-
gammon, Mensch-ärgere dich nicht, etc.
 massage ball (for sharing good vibes) / Massageball
 clothes and deco to decorate your camp / Tücher
und Deko zum Verzieren des Lagers
 glow sticks / Knicklichter
 MP3 player / MP3-Player
 multiple lighters / Genug Feuerzeuge
 cigarettes, tobacco, papers / Zigaretten, Tabak, Papere
 small bag or backpack / kleine Tasche oder Rucksack
 ashtray (a closeable one would be best) / Aschen
becher (am besten verschließbar)
 musical instruments / Musikinstrumente
 pen and paper! / Schreibzeug!
 something to read / evtl. etwas zu Lesen
 CLEAR directions to location / Wegbeschreibung
 locality information about lakes / Ortsinfos
besorgen über Badeseen
 area map / Landkarte der Gegend
 printed festival information from their website /
Festival-Infos ausdrucken
 ticket/voucher / Eintrittskarten
 Timetable, lineup / Timetable
 mobile phone numbers of people you want to meet
/ Mobiltelefon, Tel.-Nummern von Bekannten
 folding spade / Klappspaten
 small mirror / kleinen Spiegel
 joss/incense sticks (e.g. nag champa) / Räucherstäbchen
 torches / Fackeln
 tea light candles, lanterns / Teelichter, Windlichter
 sparklers / Wunderkerzen
 old metal bars/wooden posts for camp building / alte Metallstangen oder Holzstäbe
 costumes and dress-ups / Kostüme
 mobile phone charger / Handy Ladegerät
 sheet protector for essential documents / Klarsicht-
hülle für die wichtigsten Dokumente
 plastic hand-scrubber / Plastik-Handbürste
 watch / Uhr
Checks before leaving home
Vor der Abfahrt zu beachten
 stove and heater off / Ofen und Heizung aus
 windows closed / Fenster geschlossen
 lights off / Licht ausgeschaltet
 answering machine / Anrufbeantworter eingeschaltet
 empty garbage / Müll rausgetragen
 houseplants watered / Pflanzen gegossen
 video timer set / Video Timer gestellt
 car fueled / Auto getankt
 arrangements for your pets / Haustiere versorgt
 written will (in the unlikely case of something
happening) / Testament verfasst
Festival Map
17 Hamburg
The Festival Maps list big international festivals which are presented from mushroom magazine and make no claims of being complete.
Tree Of Life Festival
13-18 • Izmir (TR)
Summer Dream OA
15-16 • Parchim (D)
NOMAD Sundance Festival
19-23 • Antalya (TR)
Burning Mountain Festival
20-23 • Zernez, Engadin (CH)
Freqs Of Nature
04-09 • Niedergörsdorf (D)
Life Celebration Festival
04-08 • Fort Punta Christo (HR)
Paradise Festival
11-14 • Falkenstein (AT)
Believe Freedom Festival
11-15 • Whistler (CA)
Tangra Festival
Halkidiki Dance Festval
13-17 • Halkidiki (GR)
Spirit Base
21-30 • Rajka (HU)
20-24 • Sandanski (BG)
Antaris Project
19-22 • Stölln (D)
09-11 • Stemwede-Wehdem (D)
10-11 • Meck-Pomm (D)
Freedom Festival
13-18 • Vila Fernando\ Elvas (P)
Lost Theory Festival
14-19 • Gracac (HR)
Modem Psytrance Festival
21-25 • Primislje (HR)
Kannibalen Massaker
22-25 • Pfaffing Oberbayern (D)
Hadra Trance Festival
22-25 • Lans-en-Vercors (F)
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
06-11 • Ozora-Dádpuszta (HU)
Hafengrün Festival
02-04 • Hamburg (D)
Transylvania Calling
19-26 • Rasnov (RO)
Summer Never End Festival
01-04 • Mulegns Graubünden (CH)
Sonica Festival
01-05 • Albanella (I)
S.U.N. Festival
24-28 • near Budapest (HU)
CZ 22-23 • Ruigoord, A‘dam (NL)
Shamballa Festival
29-01 • Morocco
Universo Paralello
27-04 • Bahia - Brasil (BR)
Thema GEMA
Der VR-Ö Tarif
VR-Ö. An diesen Buchstaben kristallisiert sich aktuell die öffentliche
Kritik. Sie stehen für einen neuen
Tarif, den DJs für die Vervielfältigung von Musik zwecks öffentlicher Aufführung zahlen müssen.
Warum die GEMA diesen Tarif
bereits zum 01. April eingeführt
hat, daraus macht sie keinen Hehl:
„Der Zuschlag, den Veranstalter,
Diskotheken- und Clubbetreiber
bislang als sogenannten LaptopZuschlag für die Wiedergabe von
vervielfältigten bzw. kopierten
Musikwerken bezahlt haben, wird
durch den Tarif VR-Ö ersetzt“, heißt
es auf der Webseite.
Für jeden Musiktitel, der für die
öffentliche Aufführung kopiert
wird, fallen 13 Cent an. Egal, ob
er letztendlich gespielt wird oder
nicht. Du kaufst einen Trackl im
Netz und brennst ihn auf CD?
Gebührenpflichtig. Du kopierst
einen Titel vom Heimrechner auf
deinen Aufleg-Laptop oder einen
USB-Stick? Gebührenpflichtig.
Du machst ein Backup deiner
digitalen Plattenkiste? Gebührenpflichtig. Für alle Titel, die vor
dem 01. April kopiert wurden,
gibt es eine Pauschale in Höhe
von 125 Euro. Hier eine erste
Fragwürdigkeit: Vor dem 01. April
wurde doch seitens der Clubs
bezahlt...? Auch für Backups
gibt es eine 125 Euro Pauschale.
Außerdem günstigere Pakete
mit 500 Lizenzen. Verschieben
(ausschneiden & einfügen) ist
zwar erlaubt, aber nur innerhalb
einer Festplatte, eines USB-Sticks,
etc. Im großen und ganzen heißt
das: Wer die Musik dort speichert,
von wo er sie auch abspielt, wer
gekaufte CDs oder Vinyls auflegt,
muss keinen VR-Ö dafür bezahlen.
Viele Fragen tauchen auf, und
viele davon sind nach wie vor
unklar. In der Tat wurde der
VR-Ö Vertrag der GEMA in den
letzten Wochen immer wieder
aktualisiert. Wie soll das ganze
z.B. kontrolliert werden? LaptopDurchsuchungen wird es nicht geben. Playlists, eine sehr sinnvolle
und faire Möglichkeit um die
echten Urheber zu unterstützen,
werden weiterhin abgelehnt.
Das eigentliche Kernproblem ist
aber ein anderes, und ein altes.
Die Grundidee der GEMA ist gut:
Wer die Musik anderer Leute
spielt und damit Geld verdient,
soll ein Stück vom Kuchen an den
Urheber abgeben. Leider sehen
aber selbst die meistgespielten
Künstler der Psytrance Szene
keinen einzigen Cent – Obwohl
von hier durchaus Geld an die
GEMA fließt.
Auf Facebook bildet sich übrigens
gerade ein neuer DJ-Verein: facebook.com/groups/GermanDJC
Roberdo Raval
German DJs now have
to pay 13 cent to the
national royalty agency for
every title which they copy
from one data medium
to another. It surely is a
good idea that those who
make money playing the
music of others should
give back part of their
revenues. However, even
the most-played German
Psytrance producers do not
receive one penny - though
a considerable amount of
fees is paid by the Psytrance
scene. A major deficit in this
pic: maxoido - Fotolia.com
Die drastische Erhöhung jener Gebühren, welche die
GEMA von Clubs und Bars für die öffentliche Aufführung
von Musik einfordert, ist vorerst vom Tisch. Die Tarifreform
aber nicht. Nun betrifft sie eine neue Personengruppe: DJs.
Roberdo asks:
Back To The future?
Today I wanna ponder on an old subject. Literally old - I’ll
write a little about oldschool sound.
The phenomenon can be
watched especially at big
festivals. Pioneers of the scene
who have been producing
since ages present a “special
retro set” of their greatest
hits. Even if this term does
not appear on the line-up, it is
quite evident that many of the
biggest names have… let‘s
say: A rather homogenous
production style. When I interviewed a label owner some
time ago, he said: “We feel
the need to go back in order
to proceed to the future.”
Is it just another chapter of
that story about „the good
old days“? Is oldschool sound
just a sentimental memory
of a time when drugs, sex,
simply everything used to be
better? At least memories
seem to be an interesting
cue. However, they aren’t
always sentimental – just the
opposite. Many philosophers
agree: Memories of positive
experiences are one of the
most important sources of
happiness. That moment
of uttermost ecstasy you
experience on the dance floor
– isn’t it a raw diamond until
the moment you remember
it, the moment it is refined?
Does oldschool sound remind
us of those greatest moments
– does it create new greatest
moments at the same time? A
self-oscillating mechanism?
It’s not quite that easy. Obviously there are many people
who are still pretty new on
the scene but who enjoy
the retro sound anyway.
This reminds me of another
very interesting statement
I recently heard in an interview with a popular artist: “I
think my sound is a classic,
timeless sound that many
pic: Vuuv Experience (c) Udo Herzog
people will recognise as
having archetypal elements
of Trance from the older
days up to the modern era.”
Here it is again, that selfoscillating happiness. Is there
something like an algorithm
in Trance music that makes
us smile inevitably, just like a
reflex – independent of past,
present or future?
You’ll get the answer next
weekend - Right in the middle
of the dance floor.
Roberdo fragt sich:
Zurück in die Zukunft?
Heute möchte ich über ein altes Thema sinnieren. Buchstäblich alt - denn es soll um Oldschool-Sound gehen.
Eindruck, wir müssen zurück in
die Vergangenheit, um in die
Zukunft zu kommen.“
Besonders auf großen Festivals
lässt sich das Phänomen beobachten. Produzenten-Pioniere,
die schon seit Jahr und Tag in
der Szene aktiv sind, geben
ein „Retro Set“ ihrer alten Hits
zum Besten. Und selbst wenn
das ganze nicht immer explizit
so bezeichnet wird fällt doch
auf, dass viele der ältesten
Namen... sagen wir mal: Einen
sehr homogenen Produktionsstil verfolgen. Im Interview mit
einem Label-Betreiber hörte
ich neulich: „Wir haben den
Lässt sich das alles als Unterkategorie von „Früher war alles
besser“ verbuchen? Ist Oldschool-Sound die sentimentale
Erinnerung an eine Zeit, in der
die Drogen, der Sex, einfach
alles besser war? Erinnerung
ist zumindest ein interessantes
Stichwort. Aber sie muss nicht
sentimental sein, ganz im
Gegenteil. Erinnerungen an
positive Erlebnisse sind eine
der wichtigsten Quellen für
Glück, so die Meinung vieler
Philosophen. Jener Moment
höchster Ekstase auf der Tanzfläche – wird er nicht erst in
unserer Erinnerung vergoldet?
Erinnert uns Oldschool-Sound
an diese großartigen Momente
– und schafft er gleichzeitig
süße, neue Erinnerungen?
Selbstoszillierend quasi?
Ganz so einfach ist es wohl
nicht. Denn auch Leute, die
erst seit ein paar Jahren in der
Szene sind, haben viel Spaß an
Retro-Sound. Ein sehr interessantes Statement begegnete
mir kürzlich in einem anderen
Interview. Da sagte ein ziemlich
angesagter Künstler: „Ich
denke mein Sound ist klassisch,
zeitlos und viele Leute
erkennen darin archetypische
Elemente von Trance – von
den alten Tagen bis hinein
in die Neuzeit.“ Da ist sie
wieder, jene selbstoszillierende
Glückseeligkeit. Gibt es in der
Trance Musik einen akustischen
Algorithmus, der uns unwillkürlich ein dickes Grinsen auf die
Backen zaubert – unabhängig
von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart
und Zukunft?
Die Antwort kriegst du nächstes Wochenende - Mitten auf
der Tanzfläche.
How Cellotager bewitched a swearing bigmouth
story & pictures:
Andrey Balandin
Once upon a time there was
a Cellotager. At the top of a
mountain in the Urals he led
his simple life. During the day
he slept in a hammock below
two synthetics quilts and
during the night he looked at
the stars and other celestial
bodies while pondering about
the meaning of life. But then
another Cellotager from a
neighbouring white-topped
mountain felt like visiting him.
So they sat on the top, each
applied the magic hammer to
their heads and enjoyed life
by looking at the infinite universe. In this manner, in the
evening and in the night they
spent their time. But then the
other Cellotager started to misuse his hospitality, knocked
more often and stronger on
its head, and in such a hard
manner that it really wasn‘t,
it just wasn‘t acceptable and
he also began swearing. Our
well-mannered Cellotager
was fed up and therefore,
he spoke his magic spell and
now, instead of swearing, his
neighbour blew very large
air bubbles out of his mouth,
almost transparent and silver
coloured of metallised latex.
And since Cellotagers inhale
oxygen while exhaling helium
the air bubbles flew immediately high up and eluded a fantastic, spooky beautiful silver
light which naïve inhabitants
of the next habitations of the
Urals mistook for UFOs.
Andrey Balandin
Wie Cellotager ein fluchendes Großmaul verzauberte
Es war einmal ein Cellotager.
Auf der Spitze eines Berges
im Ural lebte er einfach so vor
sich hin. Am Tage schlief er in
einer Hängematte unter zwei
Synthetikdecken. In der Nacht
betrachtete er die Sterne und
andere Himmelskörper und
philosophierte dabei über den
Sinn des Lebens. Aber dann
kam ein anderes Cellotagerchen von einem benachbarten,
uralischen weißbegipfelten
Berg auf den Geschmack
ihn zu besuchen. Sie saßen
also auf dem Gipfel, klopften
sich nacheinander mit dem
magischen Hammer auf den
Kopf und genossen das Leben,
indem sie das unendliche
Weltall betrachteten. So
verbrachten sie abends und
nachts ihre Zeit. Doch dann
fing der benachbarte Cellotager an, die Gastfreundschaft
zu missbrauchen, sich immer
häufiger und stärker auf die
Birne zu klopfen, so sehr, dass
es „also gar nicht“ ging, und
begann dabei zu fluchen. Unser
gut erzogener Cellotager hatte
es satt, und so sprach er seinen
Zauberspruch und anstatt zu
fluchen, pustete sein Nachbar
riesige Luftblasen aus dem
Mund, halbdurchsichtig und
silberfarben, aus metallisiertem Latex. Und da Cellotager
Sauerstoff ein-und Helium ausatmen, flogen die Luftblasen
sofort hoch und verströmten
dabei ein fantastisches,
unheimlich schönes, silbernes
Licht, das naive Bewohner benachbarter Uraler Siedlungen
mit UFOs verwechselten.
Andrey Balandin
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Miro Moric aka Sketch Inc.
Cover Artist
A chat with a highly productive mind from the visual side of the scene.
Tell us about your workflow!
Usually the artwork materialises in front of my inner
eye. Additionally, I do some sketches to check the
composition of the elements. Since 20 years my
favourite choice for the execution of my ideas is
CGI [Computer Generated Imagery]. Any vector-,
bitmap- or 3D-based software is my tool!
What do you do when the work ain‘t flowing?
I am using different techniques every time the idea
flow gets stuck. I change my point of view or try
to get inspired by music or pictures. But a state of
inspiration can also be forced by doing something
that has to do with flowing and liquid things, for
example by simply taking a bath.
What is the first work you are really proud of?
The former Natraj Temple, a Munich based Psytrance club, had relied on my artwork for more than 7
years. Since 1995 I have done hundreds of flyers,
posters and compilations for the Natraj family.
High quality artwork and continuity were always
associated with the name Natraj Temple.
Are you working exclusively for the psychedelic scene?
Currently I am doing almost the complete artwork for
different venues, organisers and labels. Transylvania
Calling, Transition Festival, Schmox Family, Harmonia
Records and Headroom Productions are some members of the Psy scene I am working for right now. In
the past artists like Gabriel le Mar, Human Blue, Entheogenic and many others had their covers designed
by Sketch Inc. My daily life profession is creative art
director at a big German advertising agency, where I
have been working for 15 years right now.
Is it true that you are also part of the
graffiti scene?
Yes, my roots and my fascination for design reach
back to the 80s, when I used to be a part of the
early Munich graffiti scene. The only thing I regret is
that I never continued to do big-format pictures like
in graffiti, like doing huge backdrops for Psytrance
parties, but maybe in the future!
Any other future projects?
I do have a new project focused on producing music. PsyBuddy brings all the experience of 20 years
of Psytrance to an acoustic expression.
Interview: Roberdo Raval
Wenn wir über die visuelle Erscheinung der Szene
reden, kommen wir an der Arbeit von Miro Moric
aka Sketch Inc. nicht vorbei. Er hat zahllose Albumcover und Flyer designt und ist aktuell für die Optik
diverser Festivals, Clubs und Labels verantwortlich.
Seine kreativen Wurzeln hat er in der Münchner
Graffiti-Szene der 80er, seit zwei Jahrzehnten hat
er sich auf rechnergestütztes Arbeiten spezialisiert.
Neuerdings ist Miro übrigens auch zu hören, unter
seinem Produzenten-Synonym PsyBuddy nämlich.
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Progressive News
served by Bakke (Echoes Records)
Zyce and Flegma teamed up, formed Orison and released debut
album (Tesseract Studios), with Liquid Soul they remixed FREq‘s
classic „Dreambody“.
Liquid Soul though busy touring found time to produce music,
besides a remix of FREq and of Major 7‘s „Relevation Dawned“
he teamed up with the Captain (Hook) for another monster track
Liquid Hook “Polished Chrome” (all Iboga). His album will hit
the shelves before summer.
German duo Meller announce some Progressive releases with a
serious trippy attitude coming up on BMSS Records, Ovnimoon,
Per-vurt and Plusquam. Including remixes for Duca, Glitter,
Hypnotic Duo, ­Tectum. Catch them live at the SUN Festival
Afterparty in Hungary (28 July).
Spintwist announce a huge Interactive Noise album, as well
as new albums from Kularis and Normalize. Also Neelix and
Day.Din are working on albums and Coming Soon has remix
album shortly plus an EP. And Day.Din also makes movies! He
just released a 26 minute long youtube documentary called „Day.
Din - A Life Documentary“.
Iono Music released pretty neat app for iPhone...listen to it at
Spotify or buy it on Beatport.
Israeli act LOUD are in the studio full time practicing for a new
way of performing, with everything done live and on the spot with
some help from Native Instruments MASCHINE, Livid Instruments
Cntrl-R and Ableton Live. Each performance different which takes
practice, so they practice like a live band should. :)
Orison (Zyce und Flegma) mit Debut (Tesseract Studios) + Remix mit Liquid
Soul von FREqs „Dreambody“ +++ Liquid Soul remixte FREq und Major 7s
„Relevation Dawned“, mit Captain Hook Liquid Hooks “Polished Chrome”
(alle Iboga) +++ Meller mit trippy Releases bei BMSS Records, Ovnimoon,
Per-vurt + Plusquam +++ Spintwist mit Alben von Interactive Noise, Kularis
+ Normalize. Neelix und Day.Din folgen demnächst sowie Coming Soon mit
Remix Album + EP +++ Day.Din hat Youtube Dokumentarvideo +++ Iono
Music mit App für iPhone +++ LOUD proben im Studio mit Native Instruments
MASCHINE, Livid Instruments Cntrl-R und Ableton Live für neue Performance.
N.R.G. Cell
Progressive, Trance, Fullon,
house, electro, breakbeat, techno,
minimal or psychedelic? All in
one! N.R.G. Cell blurs the borders
between styles creating a new
harmonic, a well balanced and
unique mixture of all electronic
music. His tunes are transmitting
positive energy, make people feel,
think and smile while they are
traveling through universes on the
waves of sound. His debut album
is upcoming now from Phoenix
Groove Records, the Progressive
Trance label from Athens, Greece,
founded in 2010.
Progressive, Trance, Fullon,
House, Electro, Breakbeat,
Techno, Minimal oder Psychedelic
alle zusammen! N.R.G. Cell
verwischt die Stilgrenzen, kreiert
eine neue Harmonie, eine gut
ausbalancierte und einzigartige
Mixtur elektronischer Musik. Seine
Tunes versprühen positive Energie,
Menschen fühlen und lächeln,
während sie auf den Wellen des
Sounds durch das Universum
reisen. Sein Debutalbum erscheint
bei Phoenix Groove Records, dem
2010 gegründeten Progressive
Trance Label aus Athen, Griechenland.
Psytrance News
served by DJ Dala
As the vibes for northern summer are warming up, so the psysonic alchemists worldwide are fine-tuning their creations to share
in another EPIC season of merry madness ;-p
Among them the Everblast duo, who snuck out their album in
stealth mode on Zero1 containing a solid collection of top tunes
that will be rocking the dance floors for a long time to come!
Dickster & Tron’s ‘The Shrubbery’ is out on Liquid Records
ALPHA OMEGA: STAGE1 with thumpers from Earthling,
Hynocoustics + an Eat Static Rmx of Beatnik’s
Scissormatic. Catalyst Records unleashed their Predators
VA with a great mix of upcoming artists including Tera, 2012,
Holon as well as an Intelligence Rmx of Mindfolds Unsane.
Mechanimal’s next EP will be released on Grasshopper
Records, which has shared Brainiac’s lessons in Japanology
with Cylon, Mirok & Spectra Sonics, who himself is
putting out an EP with Antu Records, who are also releasing a collection of Hypnoise remixes + something special
on route from Ital & JoshLive.
The Ying Yang Monks have compiled their 2013 VA packed with
the treats from Space Vision, Mental Broadcast & Labirinto for
Maharetta Records, while 24/7 Records are set to release a
2nd album from Ilai as well as an EP from Astralex.
Spinal Funsion’s ‘You R We’ VA out on Profound Records
includes a funkadelic delight by Earthspace + other chargers by
Saga, Breathhead, Endevour, M-Theory & Sonic Species.
Solar Tech Records are bringing us EPs from Tulk, Kriya,
Shockwave, Dynalogic & Silent Sphere.
Alchemy Records will release the 3rd album from Burn in
Noise + an EP from KiM & keep an eye out for 2 EPs from Polaris,
Expectations and Tears of Joy, on Neurobiotic Records.
The variety packed LOUD ‘Small Talk’ Rmx EP has just come out
on Nano Records who are also excited to share some fresh
sounds from Shayman and a storming EP from Tristan and
Burn in Noise
Everblast bei Zero1 +++ Dickster
& Trons ‘The Shrubbery’ (Liquid
Rec.) +++ ALPHA OMEGA mit
STAGE1 +++ Predators VA
(Catalyst Rec.)+++ EP von Mechanimal (Grasshopper Rec.) +++
EP von Spectra Sonics (Antu Rec.,
dort auch Hypnoise Remixes +
Ital & JoshLive) +++ 201ૐ VA von
Ying Yang Monks +++ 2.Album
von Ilai (24/7 Records) + Astralex
EP +++ Spinal Funsion mit ‘You
R We’ VA (Profound Rec.) +++
EPs von Tulk, Kriya, Shockwave,
Dynalogic & Silent Sphere (Solar
Tech Rec.) +++ 3.Album von
Burn in Noise (Alchemy Rec.)+ EP
von KiM +++ 2 EPs von Polaris,
Expectations und Tears of Joy
(Neurobiotic Rec.) +++ LOUD mit
‘Small Talk’ Rmx EP (Nano Rec.,
dort auch Shayman + EP von
Tristan and Outsiders).
Chill News
served by Roberdo Raval
Bonobo did it again. His latest album The North Borders
is a timeless masterpiece of laid-back grooves- incredibly
musical, incredibly versatile, incredibly catchy. Clearly one of the
highlights 2013!
If you fancy heady, multilayered sound collages full of intricate
psychoacoustics you should give a listen to the new Amos
album out on Ovnimoon. Barely any beats, yet lots and lots of
space. The title is agenda-setting: Lost In Sound.
A young Russian band named I Am Waiting For You Last
Summer combines epic Post Rock with Dubstep, Breaks,
Drum’n‘Bass and other electronic rhythms. A very intriguing
Blue Tunes released an extended reissue of Koan’s When The
Silence Is Speaking. The full original album is complemented
by another CD, presenting 9 pleasantly progressive, inspiring,
sometimes even danceable re-interpretations of the original
Tomorrow’s Harvest is the first Boards of Canada album
in 8 years. The intoxicating deepness of analogue sound
synthesis meets electric guitars, cinematic instrumentations and
dynamic drum grooves. A highly promising release scheduled
for 10th June on Warp.
On his new album, Gaudi explores the acoustic space In
Between Times. A great variety of styles and moods, shifting
between heavy Dub, stimulating percussions, and weightless
pad textures. Out on Six Degrees.
The One Dub Connection is back with Silent Revolt, their
2nd album on Diversified Music. Not exactly silent, but full of
heavy beats ‘n basses, sitar chords, various quotes from the
field of World Music and sunlit synthesizer entries.
Video Links:
Bonobo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFMjJNJOk7U
Gaudi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hoJouvNKkI
Bonobo setzt mit seinem neuen
Album The North Borders erneut
einen unglaublich musikalischen
Meilenstein *** Amos präsentiert
auf Ovnimoon berauschendverpeilte Soundcollagen voller
vertrackter Psychoakustik: Lost
In Sound *** Die jungen Russen
von I Am Waiting For You Last
Summer mischen atmosphärischen Post Rock mit Dubstep,
Breaks, DnB und anderen
elektronischen Rhythmen ***
Blue Tunes hat eine Neuauflage
von Koan’s When The Silence Is
Speaking veröffentlicht. Neben
der Original CD gibt’s eine zweite
voller Remixes. *** Das neue
Gaudi Album In Between Times
hält den hohen Standard des
Produzenten. Sehr abwechslungsreich, sehr dubbig, immer wieder
auch tanzbar. *** Die One Dub
Connection legt ihr von Sitar- und
World Music-Klängen geschwängertes zweites Album vor.
BAM/FAM Records
For the sake of quality
Asarualim and DJ Tschan will be familiar names for you party-goers out there.
Recently the guys started their own imprint: BAM and it’s up-tempo sublabel FAM.
Tough times to start a new label.
Who are the go-getters doing so nevertheless?
Indeed it‘s tough, but we believe there still is a market for quality. Of course you don‘t start a venture like this to get rich. BAM/
FAM are our two A&R‘s, Dustin Henze (BAM), Jan Steinert (FAM)
and myself, Thomas David. Dustin and I are actually the guys
behind Asarualim and Jan is maybe better known as DJ Tschan.
Do you think there still is a market for CDs?
I think CDs still have a market, mainly collectors and DJs who
still like to have something in their hands. So we are doing all of
our albums on CD, a very limited number each. Mainly to cater
those two groups, and for promotion. Everything is also released
digital, EPs only digital. We are trying to get out 1 or 2 releases
per month and mainly rely on digital promotion. There is a plan to
expand the merchandising, but one step at a time.
What has been the most difficult task while setting up
your label?
We‘ve been in the scene very long but never published ourselves,
so we had to get a grip on that part first which was a bit of an
up and down. And we are still learning. It also took a while to
find our own sound in terms of mastering which I think we have
finally cracked with the last releases.
What has been most fun while setting up your label?
Getting together the team and the artists around it. We met
great people along the way and have seen some great support
from people who stood behind us and believed in us from the
beginning. As we are mostly working with newcomers it‘s nice to
see how the guys have improved during the production process.
What’s crackin music-wise?
Eleven releases are out on various online platforms. Our first CD
release will come in a few weeks, it will be Blind Fury‘s debut LP
on FAM. This will be followed by Asarualim‘s next album on BAM.
In between we will have a few more EPs as download-only.
Asarualim und DJ Tschan
werden dem einen oder der
anderen sicher ein Begriff
sein. Vor kurzem gingen die
Jungs mit dem eigenen Label
BAM an den Start, inklusive
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Sublabel FAM. Da sie ja schon eine
ganze Weile in der Szene
aktiv sind und sich auch viel
im Untergrund tummeln, darf
man auf eine Reihe spannender musikalischer Neuentdeckungen gespannt sein.
Das erste CD-Release auf
FAM kommt von Blind Fury,
im August folgt auf BAM das
neue Album von Asarualim.
Dazwischen natürlich noch
eine Reihe digitaler EPs,
wobei BAM/FAM durchweg
den Ansatz „Spaß durch
Qualität“ verfolgt, denn
das Label ist ausdrücklich
ein Leidenschafts- und kein
binaryaudiomachinery.com • fractalaudiomachinery.com • soundcloud.com/bam-fam-records
Novation Bass Station 2
Here we have novation again bringing some
nice tasty analogue flavor to the table.
The already well known Bass Station
back from the early nineties got a total
makeover spiced up with some modern
features all wrapped in a compact yet fully
ergonomic 2 octave package ready to be tweaked. It‘s an analogue monosynth with 2 osc‘s
and a sub oscillator. Full analogue effect section
and an array of different filter types.
It‘s a bass synth alright...but capable for so
much more with its arp/sequencer section, full
analogue signal path, patch recall and midi
implementation. I‘m really looking forward to
get one of these sweet beasts in my studio.
bringt uns
wieder leckeren
analogen Geschmack
auf den Tisch. Die bereits
gut bekannte Bass Station aus
den 90ern bekam eine komplette
Überarbeitung, gewürzt mit einigen
modernen Features, zusammengepackt in ein kompaktes
und doch voll ergonomisches 2 Oktavenpaket bereit zum
Tweaken. Es ist ein analoger Monosynthie mit 2 OSCs
und einem Suboszillator. Volle analoge Effekte sowie eine
Reihe verschiedener Filter. Ein Basssynthie, aber hallo und
doch fähig für so viel mehr mit seinem ARP/Sequenzerbereich, vollem analogem Signalpfad, Patch Recall und Midi
Anwendung. So ein süsses Biest will ich für mein Studio.
Arturia Mini Brute
The French are back but this time it‘s no software or
digital synth, this one is pure analogue brute. I can tell
you it‘s phat, gritty and takes no prisoners. Analogue
signal path, multiple filter types, gritty effect section
and all packaged in a small yet totally controllable 2
octave box. Make no mistake here...this is not a toy,
this is a fat and dirty sounding
little beast aimed at the bass
Die Franzosen sind
and lead section of your tunes.
zurück mit einem rein analogen
It‘s 100% analogue audio signal
Grobian. Ich sage euch, er ist fett, roh und nimmt
path features a VCO wave mixer,
keine Gefangenen. Analoger Signalpfad, multiple Filter, kernige Effekte
und alles gepackt in eine kleine, aber total kontrollierbare 2 Oktavenbox.
the classic Steiner-Parker multiIrrt euch nicht...das ist kein Spielzeug, sondern ein fett und schmutzig
mode filter, as well as numerous
klingendes kleines Biest für den Bass- und Leadbereich eurer Tunes. Der
analogue innovations such as
hundertprozentig analoge Audiosignalpfad glänzt mit einem VCO Wavethe Metalizer, Ultrasaw, and the
mixer, dem klassischen Steiner-Parker Multimode Filter sowie zahlreichen
Brute Factor. Need a brute in your
analogen Erneuerungen wie dem Metalizer, Ultrasaw und dem Brute
music? Than waste no time!
Factor. Braucht ihr rohe Wucht in eurer Musik? Dann vergeudet keine
Wir erleben eine Renaissance
analoger Monosynthies.
Dieser ist von den üblichen
Verdächtigen: MOOG ! Dieser
Sub Phatty ist das Sub Bass
Monster eurer Träume. Ein
monophoner, analoger Monosynthie mit Suboszillatoren
und Geräuschgenerator. Macht
mehr Töne als nur Bass, obwohl
wir alle MOOG Synthies für den
vollen, fetten Bass, den sie so
mühelos hinkriegen lieben. Als
ob das nicht genügte, legen
die MOOG Techniker noch
ein paar Extras obendrauf.
Der Sub Phatty ist der erste
analoge Synthie, der Moogs
umformenden neuen Multidrive
hat, bei niedrigen Einstellungen
steuert Multidrive Wärme und
Volumen hinzu, angetrieben,
teilt es schreiendes Knurren
aus, auf Resonanz, Wellenform
und Oszillatorlevel reagierend.
Experimentiert mit der neuen
Schaltung und erschliesst unentdeckte, lebendige analoge
Moog Sub Phatty
I think we live in the renaissance of analogue monosynths. This
one is from a usual suspect though.. MOOG ! The sub phatty is
your sub bass monster you always wanted. A monophonic analogue monosynth with a sub oscillator and noise generator. It gives
more tones than just bass tones but we all love MOOG synths
for that deep round and phat bass they produce so effortlessly.
But like this was not enough MOOG engineers added some very
sweet extras to the game...The Sub Phatty is the first analogue
synth to feature Moog’s transformative new Multidrive section, at
low settings Multidrive adds warmth and girth, but when pushed,
it delivers a screaming snarl that is highly reactive to resonance,
waveshape, and oscillator level. Experiment with this new circuit
and unlock an undiscovered world of vivid analog tonalities.
Korg MS20 Mini
I‘m sure most of you synths geeks
know the legendary MS20 semi
modular monosynth from Korg.
If you do and you always wanted
to have one but the price and
condition of the old analogue
was putting you off...now it‘s
your time. Korg finally put out the
MS20 MINI a faithful recreation
of the oldie in a smaller size but
packing the same full analogue
signal path and semi modular
functionality. It sounds as you
expect the original to sound, looks
as the original, and packs the
same functions as the original.
Bestimmt kennen Synthiegeeks den legendären MS20, den semimodularen
Monosynthie von Korg. Falls ja, dann wolltet ihr stets einen haben, aber
der Preis und Zustand des alten analogen haben euch abgeschreckt...
aber jetzt ist eure Zeit. Korg schmeisst endlich den MS20 MINI auf den
Markt, eine getreue Kopie des Oldies und obwohl kleiner mit dem selben,
voll analogen Signalpfad und semimodularer Funktionalität. Klingt wie
man es vom Original erwartet, sieht auch so aus und enthält die selben
Funktionen. Schon für sich krass gut oder ein grosses Kompliment für euer
existierendes modulares Setup. Ein Muss für alle modularen Freaks.
Traktor DJ App
Music is tangible again
Twelve years ago Traktor started to turn the world of djing
upside down. Now the popular software embraces another
revolutionary technology: The iPhone and the iPad.
When Traktor was first introduced in 2001 it might have looked
like a gimmicky thing. However, during the following years the
advantages of digital djing became more and more obvious.
With the progression of technology these advantages eventually
became superior, making Traktor an extremely popular tool among
bedroom DJs and professionals alike.
Now Traktor is embracing a technology that made a huge impact
itself during the past years: The iPhone and the iPad. Since Native
Instruments has long become a leading figure in the field of digital
djing and studio technology, the new Traktor App has everything it
takes to turn the world of djing upside down once again.
Using Traktor on the iPhone or the iPad is an entirely new experience. It’s reminiscent of using a handheld video game device – in
other words: It’s heaps of fun and very addictive. While the workflow is pretty much “playing around”, the features clearly provide
a highly professional approach towards djing, including a multitude
of well thought-out functionalities that have the signature quality
of NI technology. A straightforward tutorial walks you through the
vast realm of possibilities, a small but ingenious feature.
The multi-touch functionality of the iPad and the iPhone is completely different, yet similarly intimate and direct as playing classic
vinyl. For instance, you can casually adjust the beat grid with a
wipe of your finger if it is not 100% in sync. Working with cue
points has never been more fun, you can even trigger single segments of the beat grid with your fingertips,
just like playing a sampler or a keyboard.
Also the classic Traktor filter and the other
effects are incredibly vivid when modulated
on the touchscreen. DJing has indeed
become a tangible issue again, definitely a
quantum leap of technology!
www. native-instruments.com
Traktor hat die DJ-Welt
revolutioniert. Nun macht
sich die beliebte Software
eine Technologie zu eigen,
die ebenfalls eine neue
Epoche eingeläutet hat: Das
iPhone und das iPad. Wenig
überraschend: Die Traktor App
ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug,
sondern hat alle Funktionen
um professionell genutzt
zu werden. Nun gut, der
ausgeklügelte Workflow ist
in der Tat ähnlich spielerisch
wie ein Gameboy. Auf einem
Multi-Touchscreen aufzulegen
fühlt sich einerseits komplett
anders an als klassisches
Vinyl, aber gleichzeitig fast
genauso unvermittelt und direkt. Auflegen ist wieder eine
greifbare Sache geworden
– sieht ganz so aus, als hätte
Native Instruments hier eine
neue Revolution angezettelt!
Numark Orbit
Numark is well
known for its dj
equipment and this is no exception but surely is not your usual
dj controller. ORBIT can be whatever you
want it to be as a controller and should be
a great tool for any dj. It has all the illuminated buttons you
need in that dark club, a huge main aluminium control wheel
with up to 4 different functions. But that is not all: This little
thingy has a full MIDI-assignable accelerometer for you to assign many different functions to help you mix with your hand
movement. And to top this this nice gizmo it can function
through standard usb or wireless.. So
nothing can come between you and
your mix!
Numark wird für DJ Equipment
geschätzt. ORBIT ist weder
Ausnahme noch üblicher DJ Kontroller. Es macht, was ihr einen
Kontroller machen lassen wollt,
ein grossartiges Tool für jeden
DJ. Mit all den beleuchteten
Knöpfen, die ihr im dunklen Club
braucht, einem riesigen Hauptbedienrad aus Aluminium mit bis
zu 4 verschiedenen Funktionen.
Weiter hat dieses kleine Ding
einen vollen MIDI-zuweisbaren
Beschleunigungssensor, um
viele verschiedene Funktionen
festzulegen, die euch helfen
mit einer Handbewegung zu
mixen. Überdies läuft dieses
coole Dingens mit Standard USB
oder drahtlos. So kommt nichts
zwischen den Mix und euch!
Novation Lauchpad S
Novation released the
Launchpad S for Ableton
Live, Flstudio or any grid
based music application.
In the box it includes the
Launchpad Live edition for
you to work out of the box
on your live or dj sessions.
Apart from the high quality
there is the distinguished
Ableton certification on the
controller itself by printed,
easy to follow parameters
for Live on the controller.
Not to forget it works with
the ipad‘s Launchpad app
for triggering effects and
loops. A good product from
Novation getting better
every time.
Novation bietet den Launchpad S
für Ableton Live, Flstudio oder jegliche elektronische Musikanwendung. In der Box legt es die Launchpad Live Edition,
damit ihr aus der Box an euren Live oder DJ Sessions arbeiten könnt.
Neben der hohen Qualität ist das ausgezeichnete Ableton Zertifikat mit
einfach erkennbaren Parametern für Live auf den Kontroller gedruckt. Zudem läuft es mit der Launchpad App auf dem ipad, um Effekte und Loops
zu triggern. Ein gutes Produkt von Novation, die immer besser werden.
Pioneer DDJ-WeGo
Hochwertiger Einstieg ins digitale DJing
Wenn es um DJ Equipment geht, gilt Pioneer als
Maßstab in Sachen Qualität. Spannende Neuigkeiten
also, dass es nun auch einen preiswerten Controller für
Einsteiger gibt. Ich habe ihn testgeflogen.
Fühlt sich eindeutig nach Pioneer
an. Das ist mein erster Eindruck
als ich den DDJ-WeGo aus der
Packung nehme. Wenn du schon
mal an einem Gerät dieser Marke
zugange warst, weißt du was ich
meine: Die Potis, Fader, Knöpfe
und Jog Wheels verhalten sich zu
den Bewegungen meiner Hand
wie das Schloss zum Schlüssel.
Gleichzeitig habe ich den
Eindruck, dass ich schon groben
Unfug anstellen müsste, um das
Teil kaputt zu kriegen.
Cue Punkt setzten, einpitchen,
mixen – all das fühlt sich an wie
auf den klassischen CDJs und
DJMs von Pioneer, an denen ich
mich vornehmlich ausgetobt
habe. Allein deshalb überzeugt
der kompakte DDJ-WeGo.
Natürlich kann er aber noch viel
mehr. Zum Beispiel macht das
Loopen mächtig Laune,
weil der Beat immer
wie Arsch auf
dem Eimer sitzt,
und weil man die
Länge und Position
der Endlosschleife elegant
über einen Poti bedient. Auch
die vielen Soundeffekte, die sich
über das Jogwheel modulieren
lassen, sind extrem spaßig und
lassen sich spontan ganz wun-
derbar mit den Hot Cue Punkten
Das Teil blinkt in allen Farben des
Regenbogens, so dass ich es bei
Damenbesuch als Stimmungsleuchte benutzen kann. Spaß beiseite: Die auffällige Beleuchtung
ist nicht nur Effekthascherei.
Pioneer hat sich ein paar clevere
Features ausgedacht, um gerade
Anfängern zu zeigen, wo der
Beat lang läuft. Buchstäblich:
Zum Beispiel leuchten die LEDs
um die Jog Wheels umso heller,
je perfekter die beiden Tracks
synchron laufen. Ich habe den
DDJ-WeGo mit der mitgelieferten
VirtualDJ Software getestet,
die noch viel mehr Funktionen
bietet als diese Seite Platz zum
The DDJ-WeGo has the quality
that makes Pioneer a major
reference for all DJ equipment,
but a price tag that belongs to
the budget sector. A compelling,
yet not the only reason why this
plug-and-play controller is highly interesting for aspiring beginners. The DDJ-WeGo comes
with some really smart features
for newbies. For instance, the
LED ring around the jog wheel
provides optical information
about how perfect the two
tracks are in sync: The better,
the brighter. The straightforward
loop section and hot cue points
provide exciting possibilities
for real-time remixing. The DDJWeGo comes with VirtualDJ,
but is also compatible with the
iTunes portal Algoriddim djay.
Schreiben. Alternativ kann
auch Algoriddim djay benutzt
werden, um direkt aus der iTunes
Mediathek zu mixen. Fazit: Für
299 Euro bekommen nicht nur
Anfänger ein hochwertiges
Gerät das durch Kompaktheit,
Verarbeitung und Bedienspaß
Pioneer DJM-750
Mit dem Nachfolgemodell des DJM-700 setzt Pioneer einen
neuen Standard für kleinere Clubs und Bars sowie ambitionierte Hobby-DJs. Die erste Neuheit nennt sich Boost FX. Wie
dieser Name erahnen lässt, möbelt sie die eingebauten Effekte
noch mal ordentlich auf. So bekommt beispielsweise der
ohnehin schon sehr schöne Hoch-/Tiefpassfilter bei aktiviertem
Boost FX zusätzlich ein Echo, dessen Parameter raffiniert an
die Drehdynamik des Potis gekoppelt sind. Eine neue Klangsdimension des Schraubens quasi. Nicht nur aus diesem Grund
ist der DJM-750 auch wirklich spannend für Liveacts. Das
gute Stück verfügt nämlich über eine eingebaute USBSoundkarte mit 4 Stereokanälen und ist voll MIDIfähig. So kannst du den Mixer z.B. aus Ableton
Live mit Audiospuren füttern, die du dann
mit den verschiedenen Effekten in Echtzeit
veredelst und mit den soliden Fadern
und Potis mischst. Auch für rechnergestütztes Auflegen eröffnen sich spannende
Möglichkeitshorizonte, und zwar wahlweise
in schwarzem oder silbernem Gehäuse.
Reloop is out with a new fully digital dj mixer. It has all you expect from
a club mixer but also packs some punch in terms of functionality. 4+1
Channels of full digital signal path. A vast array of high quality effects,
a usb hub for the laptop djs that need extra usb ports, an upgradable
firmware system to be always up to date with its digital functionality,
direct access to effect modulation (trigger, LFO, time, pitch) via time bar
buttons, 2 Independent beat
counters among many
other features. Solid
work from reloop.
Hope to see it
in the clubs
Pioneer’s DJM-750 sets a new
standard for small clubs, bars,
hobby DJs… and probably even
live acts, as the mixer comes
with an internal 4-channel USB
soundcard. Boost FX allows you
to enter a new dimension of
creative sound manipulation.
Available in black and silver.
Reloop RMX-80
Reloop kommt mit einem
neuem, voll digitalen DJ Mixer.
Er hat alles, was man von einem
Club Mixer erwartet und einigen
Punch in Sachen Funktionalität.
4+1 Kanäle mit voll digitalem
Signalpfad. Eine ganze Reihe
von qualitativ hochwertigen
Effekten, einen USB Hub für
Laptop DJs, die extra USB-Ports
brauchen, eine upgradefähige
Firmware, um stets up-to-date
mit der digitalen Funktionalität
zu sein, direkten Zugang für
Effektmodulation (Trigger, LFO,
Time, Pitch) über Time Bar
Knöpfe, 2 Independent Beat
Counter und vieles mehr. Solide
Arbeit von Reloop.
25.06.2013 – Westfalenhallen, Dortmund
Die neuste Hard- & Software, Workshops zu allen Bereichen der Musikbranche, sogar große Labels sind vor Ort.
Frei zugänglich für jedermann, ohne Altersbeschränkung!
Ein entscheidender Grund für den buchstäblich vollen Erfolg des
letzten Jahres ist sicherlich, dass die Organisatoren einen wichtigen
Trend verstanden haben: Nämlich dass die Welt des DJing und die Welt
des Producing zunehmend fusionieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund kann
das DJ & Producer Meeting in der Dortmunder Westfalenhalle als Stelldichein der gesamten Branche bezeichnet werden, mit spektakulärer
Vollständigkeit. Die Ausstellerliste ist im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr
noch mal ordentlich gewachsen, diesmal sind praktisch alle relevanten
Hersteller vertreten. Um ein paar Schmankerl herauszupicken: Pioneer
reist mit einem ganzen Truck voller technischer Raffinesse an, Elektron
& Teenage Engineering aus Schweden stellen ihre analogen Synthies
vor und Jay Frog präsentiert in der Dunkelkammer den transparenten
Tochscreen-Controller „Emulator“.
Neben der Möglichkeit die neuesten Produkte fürs Studio und die
Bühne auszuprobieren bietet das DJ & Producer Meeting eine Vielzahl
von Workshops. Einige davon Technik-bezogen, z.B. über die kreativen
Möglichkeiten des DJing mit einem Controller. Andere zielen darauf ab,
Neulingen erste Kenntnisse in allen Tätigkeits- und Fachbereichen der
Musikbranche zu vermitteln und bereits fortgeschrittenen Künstlern
und Talenten die Chance zu geben, ihre Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen
The organisers of this technology fair have understood
an important development:
The ongoing fusion of the
world of djing and the world
of producing. So it’s quite a
complete meeting of all relevant
manufacturers, presenting the
newest hard- and software for
both stage and studio. Pioneer
arrives with a truckload of gear,
Elektron & Teenage Engineering
present their analogue synthies,
and you have the chance to see
the transparent touchscreen
controller “Emulator” in action.
Another very interesting aspect
of the DJ & Producer Meeting
are numerous workshops about
technology, but also music
distribution, promotion, etc. The
fair is open to everyone, without
any age restriction!
zu nutzen und weiterzuentwickeln. Stichworte sind hier etwa
Vertrieb, Verlagswesen oder
Promotion. Extrem wichtiges Hintergrundwissen für die Karriere!
Es sind sogar verschiedene große
Labels vertreten, die dir professionelles Feedback zu deinen
Produktionen anbieten. Zuletzt
sei noch erwähnt, dass das DJ &
Producer Meeting frei zugänglich
ist, obwohl es voll und ganz den
Anspruch einer Fachmesse erfüllt.
www. djmeeting.de
©2012 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc., all rights reserved. Studio One is a trademark of PreSonus Software Ltd. Pro Tools is a registered trademark of Avid. Logic is a registered trademark of
Apple, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, and figments of our imagination are the property of their respective companies.
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Studio One Workshop
Part 3: Transform... with the J & B Project
The increasing popularity of StudioOne has a simple reason: Rather
than introducing exotic new features, PreSonus aims to make the
workflow of their DAW as smooth and easy as possible.
Hamburg’s J & B Project is
among the early adopters of
StudioOne. Working as a duo,
they are frequently facing
a double rush of new ideas
and things can get busy. The
highly customizable drag &
drop philosophy of StudioOne
accommodates this situation
just perfect. So does the
Transform functionality which
allows them to keep a maximum of CPU performance
while at the same time being
flexible and able to go back
and make major or intricate
changes in instrumentation.
Basically the Transform function is a mixdown that can
be undone at any time. “We
love virtual synthesizers. Unfortunately that often brought
us to the performance limits
of our computer in the past.
So we had to do a mixdown
- which is a one-way procedure”, the J & B Project explains.
“In StudioOne, this problem
is history thanks to the Transform function – it works for
MIDI as well as audio tracks!”
Step 1
When we feel satisfied with a lead synth for instance, we
transform it into an audio track.
Step 2
StudioOne keeps the MIDI notes and all the settings of the
virtual synthesizer. However, it now only requires the economic
performance of an audio file!
J&B Project
Step 3
We can now work on with this audio file, proceed with the
Step 4
If we feel like doing some changes on that lead synth, we can
transform it into a MIDI track plus a virtual instrument again,
giving us back all the creative options without any loss.
Even though today’s
computers provide lots of
performance quite every producer will see the advantages
of this core feature. “We
really love the workflow of
StudioOne since we first used
it”, the J & B Project sums up.
“Everybody is talking about
‘intuitive’ music creation, but
the PreSonus guys really do
react to the basic needs of
a creative mind in front of a
Ajna Organic
...inspired by nature
Clear perception and creativity make for terrific clothing by AJNA - inspired by
nature and compiling with the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
Tanja Vana, head of AJNA calls
nature her home and also inspiration for new models and
collections. As an independent
entrepreneur she respectfully interacts with natural
resources and also ensures
sustainability. The name of
her label AJNA is derived from
the Indian expression Ajna
meaning „the
third eye“.
This chakra
stands for clear
perception and
Clear perception and
creativity made AJNA go
natural by deep conviction and
gratitude. The label‘s combination of fashion and spirit into
exceptional natural fashion
has been inspired by Tanja‘s
travelling to marvellous places,
exotic and foreign cultures
around the world. Thereby she
developed and established
her own style, acquired skills
and techniques. For her, knowledge, quality and sustainability are one. AJNA‘s specific
respect of nature encompasses
both the careful use of
organic materials as well as
using those materials in a
sustainable way. Therefore,
the wearer of Ajna clothes will
not only feel very comfortable
and truly naturally attired but
also feel good with regard to
manufacture and production
Since the label commits itself
voluntarily to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS),
they only use organically
cultivated and treated cotton
as well as ecologically compatible colours. Moreover, all
steps in the production chain
are socially compatible and
fair traded. In this way AJNA
does accept responsibility
for the environment with its
creations. It need not be said
that long lasting pleasure and
high wearing comfort are guaranteed. While wearing clothes
by AJNA you will make more
than just a fashion statement
you also express a spirit.
A novel feeling in natural
harmony is implemented.
Der Name des Labels AJNA
bedeutet „das dritte Auge“.
Das Chakra steht für klare
Auffassung und Kreativität.
Mit aussergewöhnlicher
Naturmode vereint das
Label Mode und Spirit. Tanja
Vana, Kopf von AJNA nennt
die Natur Zuhause und
Inspiration. Sie nutzt deren
natürliche Ressourcen, legt
Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und
hält mit der nachhaltigen
Nutzung der organischen
Materialien den
Global Organic Textile
Standard (GOTS) ein.
So übernimmt AJNA
Verantwortung für
die Umwelt. In
Ajna Mode fühlt
ihr euch nicht nur
natürlich und gut
gekleidet, son-
dern auch in Bezug auf die
Produktionsweise gut. Sozial
kontrollierter, fairer Handel.
AJNA ist über das Modestatement hinaus vielmehr
Ausdruck eines Spirit.
Der Aurinshop
Mode und
Accessoires für
mit Hang zu außergewöhnlicher
und nachhaltiger
Mode. Ob für den Alltag oder die nächste Party, hier wird fündig, wer das
Besondere sucht. Verschiedene
Labels, die mit ihren einzigartigen
Designs bezaubern, laden ein, die
individuelle Persönlichkeit mit
hochwertiger Kleidung zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Vertreten sind
z.B. Ajna-Design, Luna-Design,
Chapati-Design, Fraggletribe,
Miss Be, Public Beta Wear, PsyloFashion, Plazmalab. 498
AURINSHOP offers fashion and
accessories for the ecologically
aware individualist looking for
exceptional and sustainable
fashion. Whether it should be
for every day or the next party
here you will sure find something
extraordinary. Different labels
enchanting with their exceptional
design await your visit. Express
your individual personality with
high-quality clothing by AjnaDesign, Luna-Design, ChapatiDesign, Fraggletribe, Miss Be,
Public Beta Wear, Psylo-Fashion,
and Plazmalab for example.
Kirchengasse 25, Wien, Austria
Tel.: 0043 1 890 65 65
Open: Mo-Fr: 12:00 - 19:00
Sa: 12:00 - 18:00
Rainforest Creations
from New South Wales, Australia
Brad and Katie are the
creators of IzWoz art and
clothing. Working together
on bouncy ideas and guiding
each other the studio is based near Nimbin, Australia.
They specialize in conscious
clothing, handmade, one
of a kind, custom hoodies
and t-shirts, with a focus on
quality, organic, fair wear
and eco printing. A fusion of
many mediums keeps their
work dynamic as they create
new and unique clothing designs every week. Available
from the IzWoz webstore or
Etsy shop, all clothing ships
Brad und Katie sind die
kreativen Köpfe hinter
IzWoz. Vergnügt und munter
zusammen arbeitend, sich
gegenseitig leitend haben
sie sich in ihrem Studio
nahe Nimbin, Australien auf
handgemachte, bewusste
Kleidung, maßgefertigte
Kapuzen und T-Shirts
spezialisiert. Diese werden
als Unikate in Qualität, organisch und fair hergestellt
sowie ökologisch bedruckt.
Ihre dynamische Arbeitsweise lässt sie jede Woche
neue und einzigartige
Design erschaffen. Erhältlich
bei IzWoz oder Etsy bei
weltweitem Versand.
Optisch reizvoll laden die Thaikissen von handelsturm.de mit verführerischen
Farben und einer Füllung aus dem Naturrohstoff Kapok zum Chillen ein.
handelsturm.de sucht als
kleiner Direktimporteur
Produkte und Hersteller vor
Ort gezielt aus und legt viel
Wert auf die Besichtigung
der Werk- und Arbeitsstätten.
Hauptsächlich Kissen und
Matten aus dem Norden
Thailands bilden ein farbenund formenreiches Sortiment,
zu dem auch andere
wie z.B. Tatami gehören. Der
organisierte Direktimport
gewährleistet sowohl in
Europa als auch in Thailand
faire Bedingungen und
gleichzeitig eine exklusive
Auswahl hochwertiger
Wohnaccessoires. Alle
Thaikissen, von gedeckt bis
knallbunt, werden in kleinen
Handwerksbetrieben im Dorfverband im Rahmen eines
OTOP Projektes gefertigt.
Dieses sichert einerseits den
Menschen ein angemessenes
Einkommen und andererseits
den Kunden ein hochwertiges
Produkt. Alle Thaimatten und
Kissen sind mit Kapok gefüllt,
einem natürlichen Füllmaterial mit vielen positiven
handelsturm.de ships highquality living accessories
from fair trade, mainly
cushions and mats. All Thai
cushions, filled with the material Kapok are produced in
small villages within a OTOP
project context.
Leser des mushroom
magazines erhalten
10% Rabatt auf alle
Artikel bei der Eingabe
des Rabattcodes
„mushroom“ im
Warenkorb bis zum
mushroom readers
receive 10% when
entering the code
„mushroom“ until
the 1st of October.
Flowtoys presents Podpoi:
The next evolution in poi and festival lighting!
Consciously designed in every
aspect, podpoi feature many
modes and functions ranging
from awesome poi trails to scientific strobing to stunning mood
lighting. Each mode is adjustable
in color, speed, brightness or
pattern. Micro-USB charge-port,
all-night runtime, and mobile
charging options make it easy
to keep your poi running during
festivals and travel. Light up your
backpacks, campsites and outdoor dining. Use them to see in
porta-potties! Made of silicone –
the most environmentally-friendly plastic available – podpoi
pic: Flow Toys (c) Max Pagel
are super-cushy on impact and
virtually indestructible. Podpoi
also feature “Kinetic Awareness”, so they’re not flashy when
you’re not spinning. Podpoi are
created by California-based
Flowtoys, which produces quality
glow movement props and has
its roots in the US west coast
festival scene. Perfectly-weighted
podpoi also fit in the Flowtoys
Modular System of staffs,
juggling clubs and martial flow
props! Find your flow. $99.95/
pair with USB cables.
Flowtoys aus Kalifornia, gegründet von Flow Künstlern
stellt leuchtende Poi her. Die
Poi verfügen über viele Modi
und Funktionen. Farben,
Geschwindigkeit, Leuchtkraft
und Muster können eingestellt werden. Mit Mikro-USB
Port und Saft für die ganze
Nacht sind Silikon-Poi die
Ergänzung zum Festivalkit.
Question Of Time Events
Die Question Guys (Arnox, Frisk
und Braindance) rufen tun alles,
um eine entspannte Partyatmosphäre zu schaffen und den
Progressiven Sound in Hamburg
beizubehalten. So veranstalten
sie Question of time Partys in
unterschiedlichen Locations
in Hamburg (z.B. Fundbureau,
Catonium, Umdenkbar). Zu
ihren Partys mit wechselnden
Mottos zählen die Next Area,
Project X, Question of time und
die Dance for Friends OA. Dazu
reihen sie nun eine Compilation
an: VA, Question of time vol.5
(compiled by Dj Arnox).
The Question guys (Arnox, Frisk and Braindance) do everything in
order to create a relaxed party groove and to maintain the Progressive
sound in Hamburg. So they run the Question of time parties in different
locations in Hamburg (e.g. Fundbureau, Catonium, Umdenkbar).
Amongst their parties with changing mottoes are the Next Area, Project
X, Question of time and the Dance for Friends OA. Additionally there is
now the compilation: VA, Question of time vol.5 (compiled by dj Arnox).
Antaris Project – Laugh & Dance
A legendary open air will
be held under the July full
moon just outside Berlin: the
19th Antaris. Around 100
international djs and liveacts
are invited to rock the two
blacklight active dance floors
of this mega party. Some of
the highlights: Man With No
Name (UK), X-Dream (D),
Crazy Astronaut (RUS) and
Ace Ventura (ISR). Don‘t miss
this magic festival, one of the
best and oldest Trance events
ever! On the website you will
find more info and discounted
online tickets for 70 Euro.
pic: Antaris Project (c) Robert Conrad
19. - 22th of July 2013, Otto Lilienthal Airfield near Berlin
Unter dem Juli-Vollmondhimmel steigt in diesem Jahr die 19.
Edition der Antaris. Das legendäre Viertages-Open-Air bietet
auf dem Flugplatz Otto-Lilienthal alles, was ein Festival der Superlative braucht: echten Spirit, eine ausgeklügelt fluoreszierende
Tag- und Nachtdeko auf zwei fetten Dancefloors und natürlich ein
internationales Spitzen-Line up, unter anderem mit Man with No
Name (UK), X-Dream (D) und Crazy Astronaut (RUS). Vergünstigte
VVK-Tickets und Infos auf der Website: www.antaris-project.de
Burning Mountain
20.-23.06.2013 – Zernez, Switzerland
After last year’s edition was quite packed, the organisers are going to expand
the festival considerably – in terms of space, infrastructure, and cultural
Seems like you decided to
expand the festival this year?
to offer besides Progressive and
True, we found a new place 4
times bigger than the last one. So
everyone should find a nice spot to
camp close to the action. But the
whole infrastructure has been improved. We now have 4 times more
toilets than last year, switched to
Funktion One sound systems and
improved the camping concept.
I think last year we got a bit overrun as the only big festival here in
Switzerland. This year, things will
be more organised and all services
are included in the festival ticket:
Free shuttle from the train station,
free parking, free recognized
drinking water, free workshops.
Some words for all the Psy
travellers out there, please!
Also, you have a „participate“
section on your website...
Yes, we don‘t want spectators, we
want participants. People can register for an art camp or installation.
We are encouraging artists to use
the festival as a platform. This year,
registration for art camps went up
400%. It took a while to get started,
but now it seems like it‘s rolling.
Our venue is simply stunning! The
Engadin is the highest inhabited
valley in Europe and its lush green
nature and the Alps have attracted
travellers since ages. You can reach
Zernez from Austria / Germany /
Liechtenstein quite quickly via the
Dreiländereck. If you come from
Italy, it‘s via Bolzano. If you come
from Zürich, you drive to Davos
Vereina and take the train or drive
via the Fluela pass. It‘s a 20 minute
walk from the train station in
Zernez. Hotels are available in town.
Parking on site. Campsite for vans
available. Closest airport is Zurich.
Which DJs / live sets are you
looking forward to?
Astrix, Neelix, Krama, Symphonix,
Headroom, Zen Mechanics are
surely worth listening. But there
are many exciting new names on
the line up, as well. We also just
added a 3rd floor with Electro /
Minimal beats to have something
pic: Burning Mountain (c) Mysticalpics.ch
Nachdem das Buring Mountain
Festival im letzten Jahr als
einziges großes Open Air der
Schweiz offenbar etwas überrannt wurde, gibt es diesmal
viele Neuerungen: Das Gelände
ist 4x so groß, es gibt 4x so viele
Toiletten, soundtechnisch wird
nun auf Funktion One gesetzt.
Außerdem sind der Shuttle-Bus
vom Bahnhof Zernez und Parken
im Ticketpreis enthalten. Wer
sich als Künstler auf dem Festival präsentieren möchte, ist ausdrücklich eingeladen, über die
Homepage ein Art Camp oder
eine Skulptur anzumelden. Die
atemberaubende Postkartenidylle des Engadin, wo das Burning
Mountain Festival stattfindet, ist
mit dem Auto über Davos oder
umweltfreundlich mit der Bahn
zu erreichen.
Tangra Festival
20 - 24 June, Sveti Vrach, Bulgaria
Prepare to fractalise music-wise and get blasted at mind-bending
Tangra Festival, sacred by name and nature
This 3rd edition of Tangra,
Europe‘s biggest festival secret, celebrating the full moon
& solstice from 21 - 24 June
in the midst of the stunning
Bulgarian mountains will be a
special one. It unites the strongest and most vibrant spirits
from the psychedelic tribe,
marking a powerful beginning
for the festival season!
Sacred by name and by nature,
Tangra derives its name from
the philosophy of Tangrism:
Tan (Universe), Nak (Human)
and Ra (God).
The spiritual land of Sveti
Vrach in the Bulgarian region
of Sandisnksy gives the festival
a special energy which takes
place in the same location as
its second edition: a wonderful
42-acre natural park, at the
foothills of the jaw-dropping
Pirin mountains, with clean air
and spring water, and amongst
cascading lakes, botanical
gardens and more than 200
types of trees and plants. By
night, the Bulgarian star-lit sky
is so graphic and close you
can almost touch it, literally
making it a cosmic experience.
A sophisticated production
features installation art by
Quantum Tribe and Looney
Moon Visions Gallery. Art
comes to life at night with a
series of mind-bending visual
shows. The Spiritual Garden
defines the Zen of Tangra with
opportunities to learn, practice
and share spiritual knowledge.
This chilled, shady area will
host lectures and a full-power
raw food cafe. Prepare to
fractalise music-wise as artists
as Artmospheric, Vertigo, Looney Moon, Yggdrasil, Zenon
and Parvati blast it from the
main & alternative stages. You
can camp and enjoy the hot
springs or ‚glamp‘ it by going
for a room in the historic, Sveti
Vrach hotel. The third and final
phase of tickets are available
until 5 June at €70 while the
price at the gate will be €90.
Die dritte Tangra, Europas grösstes Festivalgeheimnis steigt
an der selben Location wie im
Jahr zuvor, in der bulgarischen
Region Sandisnksy. Vollmond
und Sonnenwende inmitten
bulgarischer Berge. Tangra
entstammt der Philosophie des
Tangrismus: Tan (Universum),
Nak (Mensch) und Ra (Gott).
Eine ausgeklügeltes Konzept
bietet Installationskunst von
Quantum Tribe und Loony
Moon Visions Gallery, der
Spiritual Garden das Zen das
Tangra: spirituelles Wissen mit
Gelegenheiten zum Lernen,
Üben und Teilen. Bereitet euch
zum Fraktalisieren zur Musik
von Artmospheric, Vertigo,
Looney Moon, Yggdrasil, Zenon
und Parvati vom Main &
Alternativefloor vor. Vor dem
5.Juni kosten die Tickets 70,
danach 90 Euro.
22.-24.06.2013 – Ruigoord, Netherlands – Party in the village of dreams
Solstice festival is inevitably connected with Ruigoord, an alternative commune
just outside Amsterdam. The 40th anniversary year of this place coincides with
the 10th anniversary of the open air spectacle.
It was the 24th July 1973 when
the pastor of Ruigoord locked
his church for the last time and
handed over the keys to the
hippies who had been squatting
the abandoned village for some
time. This moment marks the
beginning of a turbulent history
about alternative culture, how
it struggled, survived and eventually flowered in full bloom.
Interesting as an industrial area,
Ruigoord saw a lot of conflict.
The peak was 1997 when 80
protesters stood their ground
against 800 special police
forces, dogs, and bulldozers.
They succeeded. In 2000 the
European Court of Justice
attributed a part of the village
to the visionaries. Since then this
magic place is officially a free
port for alternative life in all its
magnificence. Do you know the
Amsterdam Balloon Company,
the psychedelic travelling circus
with the blue bus? Well, that’s
only one example of Ruigoord
Another example is Solstice
festival. Besides the unusual
venue in a village with a church,
it is that squat-house vibe
that makes it a one-of-a-kind
experience. The fact that it is
a festival held in a 40-year
old commune explains why
there are infrastructures and
possibilities barely seen on a
temporary open air. “Personally
I look forward to the return
of Psymmetrix”, says Roland,
co-founder of the Vrije Soul
School Ruigoord (SOUL). “They
performed here in 2006, for the
first time out of shady squat
parties in the UK underground.
And of course Jules doing Aphid
Moon, Flooting Grooves’ ultra
psychedelic sounds, Talamasca
being the sweet desert...to name
a few!” As Amsterdam is just
around the corner, it’s a perfect
opportunity to combine the festival with a visit in the beautiful
metropolis. Friday, 21st June
a poi/hoop/juggling gathering
with workshops will be held.
Camping officially opens Saturday 10 AM. From Amsterdam
Sloterdijk train station, just hop
on bus No. 82 towards Ijmuiden.
Once at the stop called Ruigoord
Dorp, just follow the beats…
www. ruigoord.nl
Das 10-jährige Jubiläum des
Solstice Festival fällt mit dem
40-jährigen Jubiläum der
alternativen Kommune Ruigoord
zusammen, wo das Open Air
stattfindet. In der Siedlung vor den
Toren von Amsterdam herrscht
einzigartiges „Dorfbesetzer-Flair“.
Das eröffnet für ein Festival
kreative Möglichkeiten und eine
Infrastruktur, die es auf einem
entlegenen Acker nicht gibt.
Freitag geht’s mit einem Poi- /
Hoop- / Jonglier-Workshop los, am
Samstag öffnet das Camping und
die Party beginnt in der Kirche von
Ruigoord. Aus Amsterdam Sloterdijk mit dem Bus Nr. 82 Richtung
Ijmuiden zu erreichen.
Paradise Festival
11. - 14.Juli 2013 Burgruine Falkenstein/Niederösterreich
Eine märchenhafte und farbenfrohe audiovisuelle Reise der Extraklasse
Von 11.-14. Juli 2013
feiert das Paradise Festival
seinen fünften Geburtstag im
Steinbruch und der Burgruine Falkenstein bei Wien. In
familiärer Atmosphäre und
umgeben von wundervoller
Natur präsentiert Österreichs
größtes Psytrance Festival
dieses Jahr ein spektakuläres
und stark erweitertes Line Up
und zahlreiche organisatorische Verbesserungen. Auf
insgesamt 3 Bühnen dürft ihr
euch auf Acts wie Raja Ram,
Sphongle (DJ Set), Liquid Soul,
Symphonix, Crazy Astronaut,
U-Recken, Azax Syndrom, Kashyyyk oder DJ Lucas freuen.
Außerdem warten unzählige
Neuerungen wie ein vollkommen neues Deko Konzept,
neue Security Crews und
ein überarbeitetes Umwelt
Konzept. 5 Internationalen
Top – Dekorationsteams und
eine ganze Armada an Projektionskünstlern und Visualisten
verzaubern zusätzlich den
Steinbruch 4 Tage lang in eine
farbenfrohe Märchenwelt und
katapultieren in vollkommen
neue Sphären. Während die
„Dream Stage” ganz dem
Fullon und ProgressiveTrance gewidmet ist, bleibt
die „Moon Stage”, hosted
by Lucid Dreams, ganz
dem Dark Psy und Hi Tech
gewidmet. Die „Sun Stage”
wiederum bietet Abwechs-
lung quer durch die Bereiche
Techno und Progressive.
Feuershows, Akrobatik
Performances, Bodypainting
und Feuerwerke ergänzen
diese audiovisuelle Reise der
Extraklasse. Außerdem lädt
die weitläufige Market-Area
lädt mit Marktständen aus
aller Welt zum Shoppen und
flanieren ein. Neben modischen Kreationen aus aller
Welt wartet ein reichhaltiges
Angebot an nationalen so wie
internationalen Speisen und
Spezialitäten auf euch. Tickets
für das Paradise Festival sind
für 59 € erhältlich. Weitere
Infos findet ihr auf den unten
stehenden Webseiten.
From 11.-14 of July, Paradise
Festival celebrates it’s fifth
birthday in the picturesque
quarry of Falkenstein 50
km from Vienna. Austria‘s
biggest Psytrance festival
is proud to present you this
year a more interesting line
up than ever and many improvements. Expect 3 stages
and artists like Raja Ram,
Sphongle (DJ Set), Liquid
Soul, Symphonix, Crazy
Astronaut, U-Recken or
Azax Syndrom. Furthermore
a whole new deco concept,
new security crews and
an improved eco concept
will make your stay an
unforgettable experience.
In addition some of the
world’s most famous visual
and multiple international
deco teams join forces
to rock your bodies and
senses with unique visual
S.U.N. Festival
24.-28.July – Hungary
When Balazs Bubbles left the original OZORA team last year together with some other
protagonists, he announced to organise
another festival. This year S.U.N. is rising for
the first time.
We never wanted to rush
into something. Many people
would have labelled us as
the “Anti-OZORA” which of
course is not the case. We
also had to look for a land
that would mesmerise the
people. So we decided to
take a year off and continued
all the development we had
started. The family that came
together is made of the
most creative, loving people
which I am sure will mean a
lot to the visitors of the first
S.U.N. Festival. No amount
of money can substitute the
love and passion that is put
into this project.
Tell us some notion
about the festival
The land is hidden in a
valley with a small lake, small
streams within its forest and
of course a main stage area
that is surrounded by the
mightiest of trees.
pic: location expedition
You took your time
for the début of S.U.N.
Let’s talk about music.
We all grew up listening
to Goa Trance when it still
existed and we believe that
this festival has to be about
psychedelic music, psychedelic arts and culture, and
nothing else. As much as we
acknowledge great musicians
in other genres we do not feel
it‘s an appropriate addition
in a purely psychedelic environment. So if people really
want to see an unspoiled
psychedelic festival - this is
the one!
Is it true that people can
vote on the line-up?
We have seen how festivals
work, having done 8 editions
of OZORA, and we always
had great ideas but a lot of
them never became reality.
This one is finally ours, we
make the decisions, we
shape how things work. We
wanted to have the people
more involved. Why shall the
organisers tell you what to
listen to? You tell us instead!
So why not give the visitors a
chance to shape the festival?
We came up with a voting
system. It exists exclusively
for S.U.N. presale ticket
holders who can vote on
their favourite act or DJ. We
believe that it is the absolute
minimum that we listen to the
people and act upon it.
Read the full interview on
Roberdo Raval
Summer Never Ends Festival
01.08.-04.08.2013 – Switzerland – At the peaks of festival experience
The legendary Swiss
mountain festival
returns after a 1-year
break. A chat with
promoter Corinne.
Summer Never Ends 2011
has been a full success –
why has there been no
festival in 2012?
The main reason is that we just
don’t want to do the same all
over again; we want to surprise
our visitors and to create a
significantly more intense experience with each new festival.
So 2013 shall be a quantum
leap, in terms of quantity but
especially in terms of quality. We
extended the workshops and
live shows, also the decoration
has been refined. There will be
2 new floors, 5 altogether, plus
lots and lots of new details like
a covered food area, internet,
and a quiet camping area.
Alpine mountain views,
line-up, atmosphere… I’ve
heard a lot about Summer
Never Ends. But I’ve seen
the brightest eyes when
the words “Kling & Freitag” were mentioned…
... oh yes, indeed! Actually a
magic listening experience, it’s
the brand of 2 of our sound
systems. It’s hard to describe...
pure expansion of consciousness without any drugs!
You as the promoter:
Which artists are you
looking forward to?
We have invited more than 150
artists, among them countless
great talents like Grouch, Der
Dritte Raum, Ajja & Cosmosis,
Ace Ventura, Atmos, Talpa…
Another thing I’m really excited
about are the 7 decoration
teams. For instance there will
be the Extradimensional Space
Agency, known from OZORA,
IV 3D and The Frogz. Android
Jones will surely provide some
visual highlights.
Lots of Trancers will be
backpacking during the
summer – any hints for those arriving without a car?
Switzerland has excellent public
transport, of course always on
time. There are amazing nature
views along the railways, so
travelling by day is an experience on its own! You need a
Ticket to Rona and back. On our
website, there is more info. Also
carpooling might be an option,
for instance via goabase.de
Obwohl das Festival 2011 ein
buchstäblich voller Erfolg war,
haben sich die Veranstalter
letztes Jahr eine Auszeit gegönnt.
Offenbar um den Besuchern nicht
nur immer wieder das Gleiche,
sondern immer wieder ein neues,
echtes Highlight zu präsentieren.
Dazu gehört ein erweitertes Workshop- und Live Show-Programm,
eine überdachte Food Area,
Internet, 2 neue Floors (insgesamt
nun 5) und brandneue Deko, u.a.
von der Extradimensional Space
Agency, bekannt durch die OZORA. Viel wird auch über die Kling
& Freitag Anlagen gesprochen, die
ein einzigartig klares Hörerlebnis
ermöglichen. Und das lohnt sich,
denn unter den mehr als 150
musikalischen Gästen sind viele
große Talente.
Gut 70 km südlich von Berlin
wartet ein buntes Treiben namens Freqs Of Nature auf euch.
Hervorgegangenen aus der
Fullmoon ist das F.O.N. mehr
als ein reines Musikfestival. Es
versteht sich als einzigartiges Gesamtkunstwerk und
bietet einem überwiegend
internationalen Publikum neben
psychedelischer und elektronischer Musik viel Kunst, Kultur
und Unterhaltung gepaart mit
einem detailverliebten Ambient.
Schon im Frühjahr wurden die
ersten Pflanzen ausgesäht, kleine
Teiche und Wasserspiele sind
geplant. Land-Art-Projekte, wie
z.B. Kogan Tribe aus Rumänien
oder das Kollektiv Zonenkinder,
unterstreichen den naturverbundenen Charakter.
5 Floors und ein Line-Up das
die aktuelle Entwicklung des
Psychedelic-Trance wiederspiegelt (Line Up siehe Partyplener
in diesem Heft. Erstmalig lädt
z.B. die neue Icosmos-JamStage mit Jens Zygar zum Mitmachen ein. Der französische
Bildhauer Patrice Hubert stellt
riesige Metall-Objekte aus, die
Freqs Of Nature (c) OsnafoTos & Rohan Dev & Ale In Wonderland
Freqs Of Nature – 4.-9. Juli – Germany – ehem. Airbase Niedergörsdorf
Ein Gesamtkunstwerk aus psychedelischer Musik, Kunst, Kultur und Workshops
mit ihren rotierenden und sich
bewegenden Teilen an allen
Floors vertreten sein werden.
ARTESCAPE, ein Dekorationsprojekt aus Südafrika,
dekoriert den Groovefloor und
das Dekoteam FREE OPTICS
arbeitet fieberhaft an einem
detailverliebten, speziell für das
F.O.N. kreierten Forestfloor.
Der Campingplatz öffnet am
3.Juli - inkl. warmer Duschen
for free ;-) Shuttlebusse werden
zwischen Bahnhof Jüterbog und
Festivalgelände verkehren.
70 km south of Berlin the Freqs
Of Nature will offer more than
psychedelic music. 5 Floors and
the most recent Trance-Music,
loads of art, culture, and workshops await you.
Take part in and play on the
Icosmos Jam Stage with Jens
Zygar, gape at the huge metal
objects of Frenchman Patrice
Hubert (base of the overall
decoration concept), and find
your way through a groove floor
by ARTESCAPE from South Africa
and a forest floor by FREE OPTICS, with many lovely details.
Camping opens on July 3rd, free
hot showers incl. ;-)
There will be shuttles from the
train station Jüterbog.
Lost Theory Festival
14-19th August 2013 – Croatia
The Lost Theory festival crew
is currently cooking the 2013
edition. The new chapter of
this extraordinary adventure
will again take place on the
grassy banks of a gently
flowing river. On their festival
menu are only the best ingredients: sunny atmosphere,
interesting workshops, wacky
cinema, mad circus, spiritual
healing, touristic excursions, ecological awareness,
beautiful mountains but
above all music, arts, and
friendly people. A new feature
this year will be the second
stage hosted by two of the
finest beat concepts: Roots
of Minimal and Feestgedruis.
A selection of quality performers will please your greedy
ears with blistering minimal
and progressive tunes.
For the crew the festival is
only the beginning of a long
creative journey. They have a
long term vision of building
a self-sustainable community
on the festival grounds.
They envision building a
place where people will live
throughout the whole year,
creating a unifying womb
of creative forces. A unique
spot on this planet that will
provide permanent and
temporary living for seekers
and travellers, for people like
you and them. Their concept
comprises individual and
group based activities, a
music and art research centre,
the promotion of adventure
& ecotourism, a multidisciplinary event space, workshop
and retreat facilities, and an
agricultural & ecological study
and fieldwork unit.
All these self sustaining
concepts will be integrated
with a maximum of ecological
awareness and ethical values.
They happily invite you to
be part of this integration of
lost knowledge. Let the Lost
Theory Festival be your first
step in a quest towards a new
Die neue Ausgabe des Lost Theory
Festivals wird 2013 erneut die
grasbewachsenen Ufer des sanft
fliessenden Flusses beglücken. Mit
besten Zutaten wie sonniger Stimmung, lockenden Workshops, abgefahrenem Kino, verrücktem Zirkus,
Spiritual Healing, Exkursionen,
ökologischer Bewusstwerdung und
wunderschönen Berge, aber vor
allem Musik, Kunst und freundliche
Menschen. Auch auf der zweitem
Floor von Roots of Minimal und
Feestgedruis werden gierige
Ohren mit glühendem Minimal
und Progressive auf ihre Kosten
kommen. Das Festival ist nur ein
erster Schritt auf dem Weg zu einer
selbst-versorgenden Kommune, ein
erster Schritt auf der Suche nach
einem fröhlichen gemeinsamen
Leben auf dem Gelände.
and bright way of communal
living. Love & Light, the Lost
Theory crew.
Momento Demeto Festival
21-25 August, Vrela Mreznice, Croatia
Set in an idyllic location in
the heart of Croatia, surrounded by crystal clear waters
and lush green woodland,
Momento Demeto Festival
will leave a mark on the
international Psytrance scene.
Everyone left last year’s
successful first event full of
praise and good feelings so
word has spread fast and far
of this festival.
Momento Demento aka MODEM has a simple vision: To
present you with a powerful
line up, both day and night,
with carefully handpicked
quality psychedelic music.
Only the best underground
artists and djs that Psytrance
has to offer are delivered. The
MODEM crew know how to
mingle well-known names
and some of the newest musical gems from around the
world, nestled between key
players of the underground
psychedelic scene.
This year’s location is only
4km from the bubbling spring
source of the Mreznica River.
You will find many waterfalls
and pools to cool yourself in
which might be a welcome
reprieve from the hot Croatian Sun. However, you may
find yourself unable to leave
the dance floor at all. For
one it is shadowed by trees
forming a natural auditorium,
also the fully confirmed line
up includes Grouch, EVP,
pic: MODEM festival location & night shot
Jahbo, Loose Connection,
Dust and many more!
The MODEM crew left no
detail unregarded and will
see to it that your stay will be
as comfortable as possible.
The festival will feature
a Chillout and Visionary
Art Gallery run by ‘Looney
Moon’, compost toilets and
specially made showers,
immersive decoration and
lights throughout the site,
also good food and drink,
and an impressive ‘line array’
sound system from highly
experienced ‘Clear Sound’.
MODEM 2013 will surely be
one of the highlights of this
year. Tickets are on sale, until
1st June they are 70Euro.
Umgeben von kristallklarem
Wasser, in einer idyllischen
Location mitten in Kroatien,
schickt sich das Momento
Demeto Festival an 2013 ein
Highlight zu werden. Nach
der letztjährigen, super aufgenommenen Premiere folgt das
Momento Demento aka MODEM einer einfachen Vision: Ein
phattes Line up mit sorgsam
ausgesuchter psychedelischer
Musik, eine gekonnte Mischung
bekannter Namen mit einigen
neuen. Wasserfälle und Becken
nahe der Quelle des Mreznica
erfrischen in der kroatischen
Sonne, ein breiter Blätterwald
beschattet die Floors; eine
Visionary Kunst Gallerie von
‘Looney Moon’, umfassende
Deko sowie ein imposantes
Soundsystem runden ab. Der
Vorverkauf läuft, vor dem 1.
Juni 70Euro.
Hadra Trance Festival
22.-25.08.2013 – Lans-en-Vercors – France
Looking at the artwork of
Hadra Trance Festival one
might think: Well, another
design based on a fairyland
that has been spiced up with
psychedelic details. However,
as turns out in this case the
fantastic mountain scenery
displayed on the flyer is in
fact a pretty realistic depiction of the venue. Also this
place will indeed be spiced
up with psychedelic culture,
visual-wise and music-wise.
Quite a bit of South African
flavour this year: Many musicians from the vibrant scene
hotspot, a flyer design by
StarSpine and the stunning
decorations of ArteScape.
After Russia, Mexico and Croatia, South Africa is Hadra’s
“sister scene” this year.
Another striking feature
of the festival is its music
concept. Quite obviously
Hadra Festival is held by the
same-named French record
label. Browsing its release
catalogue, it’s almost impossible to pinpoint a particular
style - although all the music
is clearly from the Psychedelic
genre. Exactly this philosophy
is reflected in the line-up.
There is the full-throttle party
sound of Broken Toy and Hy-
pic: Hadra Trance Festival (c) Bobby C. Alkabes
A most colourful summer flower sprouts every year in the French Alps: Hadra
Festival has a unique venue – and an extraordinarily rich music programme.
per Frequencies. There are the
melodic departures of Protonica. There is the weightless
Progressive groove of Carbon
Based Life Forms, Aerospace
and Golkonda, the perfect
sound for sunlit hours. Besides a great variety of artists
from the core of the Psy &
Progressive genre, there is
also lots of great music from
the psychedelic periphery.
For instance the dope and
danceable Dub Reggae of
Soom T or deep and heady
Dubstep tunes from Japan’s
grandmaster Goth Trad. One
exciting booking from the
chilled out side of psychedelics is Sync24.
The first set of 500 tickets
was sold within 25 minutes
in February, but the advance
sale is still up and running.
From Grenoble, there will be
a bus shuttle running to the
nearby festival site.
In der malerischen Kulisse der
französischen Alpen öffnet sich
jeden Sommer eine besonders
prächtige Blüte der psychedelischen Tanzkultur: Das Hadra
Trance Festival zeichnet sich wie
das gleichnamige Label durch
eine einzigartige musikalische
Vielseitigkeit aus. Neben haufenweise spannenden Künstlern
aus den Bereichen Psy und Progressive gibt es auch jede Menge
groovigen Tiefgang aus anderen
Genres zu entdecken. Dieses Jahr
wurde Südafrika als Partnerszene
gewählt, deshalb reisen viele
Künstler von dort an, u.a. auch
das ArteScape Deko-Team.
pic: Tree Of Life Festival (c) Bobby C Alkabes
Aid, www.actionaid.org.uk, the
nominated charity of: ‚2Blokes on
Bikes‘...two Brightonians fundraising cycle journey from Istanbul
to Bangkok visiting the work of
ActionAid projects.
Info: www.bit.ly/groovy-bazaar,
freakbazaar@yahoo.com, start:
23:00:00, end: 05:00:00
Orga: Freak Bazaar & Somethin‘
Do, 30.05.
Mushroom Night
@ Atisha
Fr, 24.05. - So, 26.05.
So, 26.05.
Eco Cat, 5 minutes from
Urubamba´s gas station.,
Urubamba, Sacred Valley of
the Incas/Peru
Live: Disfunction, Elowins, Gao,
Josh Live, Naked Tourist, Rollercoaster, Sea Weed, Sumerian Droids,
Swarup´s Brain, Zartrox
DJs: Andean, Cosmic Sound, Gargamel, Iguana, Mallki, Noreia, Nuyarao,
Rifs, Swarup, R23P, Psy Tactic
Chill: Igu, Squid, Milky Vs Mallki
Info: psylosabe@hotmail.com,
price: 40 $ from the 12 of april till
the 23rd of may, 50 $ @ the gate
Concorde2, Madeira Drive,
Brighton Seafront, England,
Brighton/United Kingdom
DJs: Boom Boom Whooosh Room:
Addsimeon, Nigel, Scorb, Neuroplasm, Clayton b2b Dave Chemical
Ass Wigglin‘ Groovy Beats Room:
Iain Dub, Incredible Tide, Sergical
Spirit, Luqas, Nimbus
Deco: Effects projections, lighting
& stage decor from the super
experienced international crew:
Somethin‘ Groovy‘
Xtra: all proceeds will go to
international aid charity: Action-
Arkana Festival
Groovy Bazaar
Atisha, Barmbeker Str. 62,
Hamburg / U-Bahn: U3 Borgweg (2 min.), Hamburg
Live: Toxic Universe
DJs: Mat Mushroom, Chaotix,
Dean Vigus
Info: www.trancerspacy.net,
spirit@trancerspacy.net, start:
20:00, end: 04:00
Orga: Atisha & Trancer Spacy
Fr, 31.05. - So, 02.06.
Fractalia Open Air
Schlaubetal,120 km away
from Berlin
Live: Atriohm, Whiptongue,
Tantrix, MarkDay, Ataro, Sychotria,
DJs: Jazzmine, Daksinamurti,
Ankur, Dsompa, RaOuL, sG4rY,
Rami & Phil
Deco: surprise
Info: www.goabase.net/69884,
Tree of Life Festival
Amazing resort in Karagol
lake, Izmir/Turkey
Live: Absolum, Ace Ventura, Ajja,
Basic, Bliss, Braincell, Bitkit, Born
sleepy, Darma, Digicult, Driss, Dust,
Duat, Darwish, Eat static, E.V.P.,
Electrypnose, Entropy, Emok, Even 11,
Fog and Phobos, Grouch, Hypogeo,
Illumination, Jaia, Koxbox, Lunarave,
Lucas, Loud, Merkaba, MayaXperience, Para Halu, Pantomiman,
Psysex/Goblin, Perfect Stranger,
Protonica, Psytotix, Reality Grid, Sonic
Species, Solar spectrum, Symphonix,
Symbolic, Sychotria, Sensient,
Sebastian Kos, Talpa, Total eclipse, The
Riddler, Trold, Tmx mind vs Emo-V,
Tristan, U-Recken, Whiptounge, Spiros
Wom vs El-Mahico, X-Piral, Yotopia,
Zen mechanics, Zirkin
DJs: Chill: Astropilot, Ajja, Antares,
Bayawaka, Bahana, B.e.n. vs Kaizer,
Cybersound, Cygna, Darwish, Dee
Aura, Deej, Dj Zen, Entheogenic, Eat
static, Electrypnose, Eitan Reiter,
Ehuty/Duat, Edell, Fishimself, H.U.V.A.
Network, James Monro, Jaia, Johnny
Blue, Junior X, Kayla centilla, specialkii, Katmirr, Kodomo, Kukan dub
Lagan, Liminal Roots, La kumpania
beats, Magick, M.U.T.E, Naaz, OTT,
Opales Adn, Psydstep, Raijin Gaijin,
Roztal Jiva, Sama, Solar fields,
Shulman, Shahar, Sorian, Therapist,
True Lies, Trickster, Voodoo Mantra,
Zero cult
Deco: Tree of Life and the university
of arts@Istanbul Visuals: El Geko,
Funny Astronaut, Hakan Hisim,
Looney Moon Crew
Xtra: Soundsystem by Clear
Sound, International food market
improved facilities healing area And
Info: www.electreelife.com, info@
electreelife.com, price: 100,- €
Presale. 130,- € @ the gates
Juice Club
Stresemannstr. 204,
5 min from S21/S31 Underground station Holstenstrasse
Please check out the Juice
Club website for Friday/
Saturday party info.
/ Psytrance)
from 08 Uhr to 20 Uhr
entry 3€, with clubcard free!
Please check out the Juice
Club website for info.
pic: Boom Festival 2012 – The next Boom is scheduled for 4.-11.8.2014
Do, 13.06. - Di, 18.06.
Do, 20.06. - So, 23.06.
pic: Burning Mountain Festival (c) Mysticalpics.ch
Burning Mountain
Sa, 15.06.
Summer Dream OA
Segelflugplatz, Parchim
Live: Captain Hook, Querox,
Klopfgeister, Alter Nature, Coming
Soon, 2Nd Circle
DJs: Klopfgeister, Connrox, Syncron, Intellifex, Timmi-Sun, Nikki
Deco: Uhu-Crew
Mi, 19.06. - So, 23.06.
Sundance Festival
near Antalya/Kemer, www.
Live: Allaby, Alle Farben, Atmos,
Atyss, Avalon, Captain Hook,
Cyklones, Dejavoo, Dick Trevor,
GMS, Headroom, Inner State,
Lightsphere, Maelström, Minfeel,
Neelix, Prometheus, Protonica,
Riktam & Bansi, Rinkadink, Ritmo,
Sensifeel, Sheff, Sygnals, Symphonix, Taylan von Aygar, Tenka, Toxic
Universe, True Lies
DJs: Alkan Ruller, Bahar Canca,
Bim, Cunort, Doc, Dovla, Drenan,
Driss, Dudu Galvao, Egokind, Emok,
Flow, Gaby, Gandalf, Gino, Gotshalk, Guido, Bourley, Joanna, Kick
& Base, Klangkuenstler, La Nina,
Mapusa Mapusa, Max, Million,
Mizoo, Pin, Regan, Robert Leiner,
Sagma, Shane Gobi, Shove, Tamer
Gür,Vanja, Zendium
Deco: The Dream Team + Friends,
Mae Moa, Jamin Murphy, Gansedoline, Maxi
Xtra: Special fire performance by
Phönix Firedancer, Mapping and
Visuals, international food & turkish
delights, workshops, location directly
at a beautiful private beach surrounded by mystic mountains at fullmoon
Info: www.nomad-festival.info,
www.electriccircus.de, contact@
nomad-festival.info, price: presale
100€, at the gate140€
Orga: N.O.M.A.D. Sundance-Crew
Zernez, Switzerland
Live: Ace Ventura, Astrix,
Audiomatic, Audiostatik, Captain
Hook, Class A, Coming Soon,
Copycat, Day.Din, Dualism &
Meeloo, Egorythmia, 8Th Sin,
Fabio & Moon, Feeding Spring,
Frechbax, Freakulizer, Headroom,
High & Mighty, Human
Element, Ice-Effect, Interactive
Noise, Khainz, Kopel, Krama,
Kularis, Liquid Soul, Morten
Granau, Monod, Neelix, Osher,
Phaxe, Pixel, Protonica, Querox,
Rinkadink, Ruback, Shinouda,
Sideform, Sleek, Sokrates, Sonic
Species, Suspect One, Symphonix,
Synsoniq, Terahert, Tezla, Toad,
Twice, Vaishiyas, Vertex, Waio,
Zane, Zen Mechanics, Zentura,
Zyce & Flegma
DJs: Akustik, Bassforscher,
Bassjunkie, Benjamin Halfmann,
Cämix, Carola, Cheeky Ears,
Clari Ann, Creator, Dani W., Djane
Alice, Fabio & Moon, Face Design,
Gameboy, Giradon, Human
Element, JackAtek & Bongo
Dani, Kara Maehl, Kaylee, La
Luna, Lampenfieber, Martin Baur,
M!GuZ, Montagu & Golkonda,
Monica Dias, Natron, Ollin, PowLow, Quinto Elemento, Scotty,
Shane Goby, Two Face
Deco: B.O.T.N, Buju, Psy
Pix Intelligent Lightning By:
Illuminated Art Full Led Show By:
Live Vision
Xtra: 3D Laser Show, Fire Performances, Jugglers & Hoola Hoop
Info: burningmountain.ch, price:
Presale from CHF 79.- - CHF 120,
gate CHF 140
Orga: Burning Mountain Crew
pic: Solstice Ruigoord (c) www.thehospages.com
Do, 20.06. - Mo, 24.06.
Tangra Eco Art
Dance Festival
Picturesque location in Pirin
mountains of Bulgaria, Sandanski region/Bulgaria
Live: Chill: Alphaspiral, Anub1s,
Asoma, Astropilot, Atom based,
Aura, AuroraX, Aquarius, Bakshish,
Bayawaka, Bird & Whales, Bjorn
Alpha, Cosmic Cowboy, Deep
in Mind, Delirium Theatre, Dina
& Shev, Duat, Elastic Vision,
E.U.E.R.P.I., Faura, George Kapar-
delis, Homfoo, ILic, Incredible tide
vs Fog, IooN-Cosmic Downtempo,
John Sweet, Johny Blue, Kelt,
Kliment, Kukan dUb Lagan,
Latam, Liminal Roots, Maharishi,
Matt_with_an_S, Mental, Mote,
Nikroma, Okapi, Pablo Selecta,
Psycow, Samsara, Spiky, Stealth,
SuKhush, Surbahar, Tetrachromac,
Therapist, Trillobeat, TubeFx Project, TRD, Vataff Project, Woodlook,
DJs: Acts: Aodioiboa, Ankur,
Anub1s, Anymel, Arjuna, Astropilot,
Bakshish, Becar, Cosmic Dimension, Cosmic Cowboy, Delirium
Theatre, Dina & Shev, Dsompa,
Duat, Edenea, Elastic Vision, EVP,
Fog, Goatika&Kliment, Giuseppe,
GND Machines, Hutti Heita, HypoGeo, Jahbo, Kabayun, Komarchiki,
Klangmassage, Kloud9, Kliment,
Kromagon, Kundalini, Loke, Lill
Li, Looney, Maitryk, MoFu, Mirror
Me Naaz, Nainita, Niki, Once
Upon a Time, Organica, Osman
Gayatree, Otkun, Pojon, Phase,
PHaSenVerScHiEbunGeN, Rami,
Reality Pixie, Samodelia, Sama,
Surbahar, Stealth, Sunshine, Trikoze,
Trillobeat, Tripitale, TRD, Tulsi,
Wingman, Yudhisthira, Younion,
Yonagual, Zanskar
Deco: Quantum Tribe, Free Trance
Form, Looney Moon, Janis Lipstovs
Visuals: Aksvenur, Georgi Christov,
Stoyan Stoyanov, Todorwarp,
Info: www.tangrafest.com
Orga: Tangra Family
Fr, 21.06. - So, 30.06.
Spirit Base Festival
Rajka, Hungary
Acts: Tristan, Para halu, Avalon,
Koxbox, X-noize, Zen mechanics,
Killerwatts, Neelix, Ital, Headroom,
Major 7, California sunshine,
Interactive noise, Blisargon Demogorgon, Hi Profile, Egorythmia,
Querox, E-clip, Reality gread, Dust,
Funky dragon, Life Extension,
Mole, Digicult, Foam, Ephedrix,
Fog, Manmachine, Assioma, Drukverdeler & Bim, Electronic grind,
M-theory, Champa, Fire Starter,
Cimi, Phase, Aerospace, Aquafeel,
Heterogenesis, Neuroplasm, Pragmatix, Materia, Cosmos Vibration,
Hatikwa, Dansko, Echotek, Phaxe,
Zyce, Kingpink, Alternative Control,
Alion, Dual Vision, The Chromatic,
Green Cosmos, The Freakshow,
Shx, Cortex, Nerso, Middle Mode,
Sensifeel, Dezibel, Sideform,
Jackinthebox, Ianuaria, E.V.P.,
Southwild, Cyklones, Minfeel, Silver
Sun, Dejavoo, Etic, Human Groove,
Klangmassage, Mat Mushroom
and many many more
Deco: The Extradimensional Space
Agency, Psypix & Calaquendi
Xtra: Many many extras ...
Info: www.spirit-base.at/
island-map/ & www.spirit-base.
at, Spiritbase1@gmail.com, price:
Presale 10 Days Ticket 120€ On
The Gate 10 Days Ticket 150€ 05
Days Ticket 100€ (from wednesday
26.06 till the end 30.06.013) no
presale for 5 days
Sa, 22.06.
Solstice The Psychedelic Gatherer
The psychedelic gatherer, village of Ruigoord, at the very
edge of Amsterdam‘s western industrial expansions
Live: Talamasca, Aphid Moon,
Psymmetrix, Flooting Grooves, Earthling, Dirty Saffi, Emok, Magoosa,
Brujos Bowl, The Light Shifter
Chill-church: Dhuna,N.A.S.A.,Jon
Sangita,Brujos Bowl, Easily
Embarrased, Dat Is Dat, Harmonic
DJs: Psibindi, Tiefenrausch, AliceD,Arkadius & Lil`Momo,Riches,
Dsompa, Zen, Osho, Gino Sonica &
Nika, Mebjar, Poli, Nuky
Chill-church: Ada,Robin Triskele,
Sjahar, Nik Sequenci, PsyOnEar,
Alex Descroix, Jamez23, Jasper,
Resi Beatz, Bliepertronic, Khandroma White Monkey, Sefs and much
more to be announced!!!
Deco: Blacklight Nature, Fun
LabZ, Vera Bombera, Airplain
Visuals, D.A.F.
Xtra: 40 years of freaking at
Info: www.tranceorientexpress.
nl, luvnLugh@yahoo.co.uk, tickets:
Orga: Trance Orient Express
Sa, 22.06.
United Beats &
Spectral Night
Isabel Saint-Léger 12, Lisboa
Live: Mad Maxx, Mekkanikka,
Menog, Audiolize
DJs: Juggler, Tamiris
Deco: Space Tribe and More
Info: www.facebook.com/NeptuneGlobalEvents, start: 23:00
Orga: Neptune Global Events
Sa, 29.06.
Hundread Sound Accompany,
Pop Dijkemaweg 31b, Groningen/Netherlands
DJs: Goa/Psytrance: Askari,
Harmonic Disaster, Rob, D-lerium,
Audio terrorist, Madwin, Lange
Kale Dwerg, Aquatone
PsyChill: Mafcello, Kayrunchy,
Audio Terrorist, Paul B, Andvari
Max, Steely RoundBeat
Dark-psy: Dark euforia, Pahute
Mesa, Utu, Andvari Max, Paul
B, Nilezz
Deco: Yoki, De-Co Assistent Sound
& Light: Visuanetics Visuals: Wouz
Xtra: Bruiloft Feest/Psyloft
Party:We, Tim Veenstra en AnneMarie Skirl want to celebrate our
wedding together with you guys
Info: www.bit.ly/psyloft
Orga: Start a Freakend
Do, 04.07. - Mo, 08.07.
Freqs Of Nature
14913 Niedergörsdorf, 70km
south of Berlin / Germany
Acts: Groove Floor:
Anoebis, Audiomatic, Circuit
Breakers, Cosmo Vibration,
Copycat, Dataura, DeeLuna,
Dickster, Dick Trevor, Dimension
pic: Seda @ Freqs Of Nature (c) osnafoTos
Psyloft - psychedelic wedding
5, Electrypnose, E-Mantra, Goa
Jonas, GhostOnAcid vs Soulstone,
Green Nuns Of The Revolution,
Heterogenesis, Hux Flux, Hypnocoustics, Igor Swamp, J&B Project,
Kained & Able, Krumelur, Loopus
In Fabula, Merkaba, Neuroplasm,
Nikroma/Kromagon, Nolan
Shmolan, Pspiralife, Raoul, Reality
Pixie, Pragmatix, Relativ, Ridden,
Salakavala, Sensient, ShaMane,
Sideform, Sonic Tickle vs Zeamoon,
Talpa, Techyon, Texas Faggott,
The Riddler, Tom Cosm, U-Recken,
Zeigeist, Zen Mechanics, Zyce
Forest Floor: Abrahadabra, Ala-
nita, Alien Mental, AnnoyingNinjas,
Bastel, Chromatec, Darkol Trinity,
Derango & Purosurpo, Dohm, Electrypnose, Encephalopaticys, Fagin´s
Reject, Farebi Jalebi, Frantic Noise,
Frodohm, Gotalien, Hallucinogenic
Horses, Hawaiikas, Hellquist, Hutti
Heita, Hypogeo, Jahbo, Jairam,
Kaos, Kasakta, Kulu, Loke, Lova,
Loose Connection, Makadam,
Mark Day, Medhorinum, Mirror Me,
Orestis, Otkun & Kloud Nin9, Pick,
Procs, Psykovsky, Radioactive.Cake,
Schizoid Bears, Sonik Scizzor, Tarun,
Torog, Whrikk, 604FX
Deco: Artescape, Free Optix,
Re:sorb, Psy Pix, Freqsteam,
Landscaping & Gardening (Waterfalls, Pools, Fontaines) Special:
Lots of real Sunflowers at the
Xtra: Chill / Relaxperimental Floor
/ Kreuz & Quer Floor / Icosmos
Jam Stage
Performances: Cenc, VJ Super,
Mushin/Fireshow, Økapi Opera,
Marlene Kiepke - Aerialist
Workshops: Tom Cosm (Ableton
Live), Poi Pattern Forming, Staff
Workshop --> Special Guest:
RicoLoop !
Healing Area / Energy Village: Yoga,
Yoga for Kids, Gong Meditation,
Fusion Massage, Contact Dance,
Seres Family, Shiatzu
Playground: Slackline Park, Juggling Workshops, Bouncing Castle,
Hula hooping
Extended Visionary Art Gallery
2013: Live Paintings, Robert Steven
Art-Projects: Patrice Hubert,
Matthew Crabb, Kogaion Tribe,
Zonenkinder Art Kollektiv
Info: www.freqsofnature.de,
(Presale: € 80,- after 31st of May:
€ 85,-) € 95,- at the gate
There will be shuttle busses
from trainstation Jüterbog to the
Do, 04.07. - Mo, 08.07.
Life Celebration
Festival 2013
Fort PUNTA CHRISTO, Štinjan,
Live: Zen Mechanics, Akd, Solar
Fields, Journey, Omsphere, E-Clip,
Vertex, Pion, Man Machine,
Sonic Entity, Sonic Wave Control,
Suduaya, Aioaska, Eli, Plasma
Corp., Psilocybian, Greenscreen,
Riodario & Neonsky
Chill: H.U.V.A. Network, Grains
of Sound, Suduaya, Blue Forest,
Marko J., Toofar, Neural Driver
DJs: Dowla, Latam, Soofa, Jack In
The Box, Merlin, Dapeace, Mozza,
S.D.Fact, Vlada, Psycrow, O.M.S.,
Zvuk, Shanti Shambo, Twisted
Twins, Val Vashar, Peacedefender,
Pila, Si, Nard, Radical Fusion,
Imry, Thaitoytom, Marino, Nesho,
Alen, Sale, Obeah, Microhell,
Psycho, Rio
Chill: Dopese, Beeman, Dunja, Soofa, M.Chilln, Alchemy Of Sound,
Nard, Rea Tas, Roots Daughters,
Photosynthesis, Hex, Bati(Ni)Ce,
Free Lemonade, Zdrakla, TeddyLee, Limbo Indigo, Jah-Panths
Deco: Tribal Gypsies, Dirty South
deco team, Meho, Micky... Visuals
by Zeko NS & AnaMaRLey, Diaprojections by Alexander Sikanda
Xtra: free camping, workshops,
foods, drinks, chai, beach, stalls,
fun... Tribal/Freestyle/Roots +
Workshops Floor with special
guest Silvia Sir Shiva.+fire shows,
juggling, etc.
Info: www.myspace.com/
lifecelebrationfestival, www.lifecelebrationfestival.com, rioirad@
gmail.com / lcfsbija@gmail.com,
start: 20:00:00, end: 08:00:00
Orga: LCF crew
Sa, 06.07.
Kannibalen Weltmusik Festival
alte Kiesgrube in 83539
Pfaffing, Bavaria
Live: Od*chi & Spiritchaser,
Dr. Phil & Phil & Friends, Gaya,
Squiver, Django S., el Zitheracchi
& Band
DJs: Djane Funydalia, Mahodin,
Miss Butterfly aka Djane Nicoletta, Djane Gaby Sunlight, Akira
Indika, Taliesin, Bionic and more
Chill: comming soon
Deco: comming soon
Xtra: www.facebook.com/akira.
Info: www.kannibalen-massaker.com
Orga: Cannibal Crew
Do, 11.07. - So, 14.07.
Sa, 13.07. - Mi, 17.07.
Fr, 19.07. - Mo, 22.07.
Austria, Steinbruch, Ruine
Falkenstein, Falkenstein 1,
2162 Falkenstein (Bezirk Mistelbach) 50km northeast of
Vienna, by car (from Vienna):
in 40 minutes from Vienna
on the new A5 motorway
Live: Shpongle Dj-Set, Captain
Hook , Symphonix, Gms Dj-Set,
Liquid Soul, U-Recken, Raja Ram,
Furious, Crazy Astronaut, Azax
Syndrome, Kashyyyk, Burn In Noise,
Dj Lukas, Riktam & Bansi Dj-Set,
Bombax many more t.b.a. soon ...
Xtra: New Deco Concept, Mindblowing Visuals & Projections, New
Security Crew, 3 Stages, New Eco
Concept, Big Market Area, Wonderful nature, and much more :)
Info: www.paradise-festival.at
Orga: Verein Digital Paradise
Halkidiki, Greece
Live: Psygasus Live Band, Angry
Luna, Altruism, Aquafeel, Arjuna,
Atriohm, Avalon, Burn in Noise,
California Sunshine, Circuit Breakers, Conwerter, Dark Elf, Deviant
Species, Dickster, Drip-Drop, Dust,
Egorythmia, Eunoia, Farebi Jalebi,
Fasma, Flooting Grooves, Hellquist
– Uroboros Rec., Hypogeo, Hypnoise, Ilai, Ital, K.I.M., Kyma, Lovpact,
Lunarave, Materia, M-Theory,
Orestis, Outsiders – Alchemy Rec.,
Paratech, Protonica, Ridden, Ritmo,
Sirion, Sonic Species, Vertical –
Parvati Rec., Waio, Waveform,
Zik, Zikore
Chill: Astropilot, Alpha-Tek & Nortoel, Alwoods, Bjorn Alpha, D-ther,
Deep In Mind, Duat, Feel, Flooting
Grooves, Psypunk, Sephira, JP
Illusion, Vlastur Full Band, Zik,
DJ: Absolut Zero, Alexsense,
Balliou, Black Noise, Confo, Dick
Trevor, Doc, Iraklis Mindphaser,
Murus, Pannick, Shane Gobi,
Steve Sai, Suntaken, Wingman,
Xp Voodoo
Chill: Aeneas, Alkan Ruller, Astro
D, Aura, AuroraX, Dalton Trance
Teleport, Djane Invisible, Duat,
Exosomatica, Foose, Invisible Intelligence, Junior X, Kristina Aqua,
Optimus, Oxytocin, Pannick,
Psypunk, Redragon, Sotokkan,
Spiritual Silence, Spiky, Therapist,
Underverse, Wingman vs Balliou,
Info: www.halkidiki-dance-festival.com, halkidikidancefestival@
Orga: psychedelic.gr & Artificial
Otto-Lilienthal Airport,
Live: Special Live sets by: Man
with no Name, X-Dream, Star
Sound Orchestra feat.Irina
Mikhailova, Johan Bley
Live: Ace Ventura, Ajja, Altruism,
Broken Toy, Burn in Noise,
Crazy Astronaut, Cubixx , Day
Din, E-Clip, ECT, Ectogasmics ,
Egorythmia , Farebi Jalebi, Filteria,
Gaudium, Gu, Jahbo, Liquid Soul,
Materia, Master Blasters, Master
Margherita, Morphin Tunes, Protonica, Psymmetrix, Sonic Species,
Techyon, Tristan, more tba
DJs: Alice D Joanna, Aliji,
Axel,Andreas Pfeiffer, Back to
Mars, Banel,Dj Seroto aka Buzz
T, Catfish + Phil, Cosmix, Chris
Zippel, Chicago, Deeluna, Gandalf,
Ilse, Jaume, Javeed, Jonas, Krähe,
Lill`li, Louis Ley vs. Capowne,
Mat Mushroom, Melburn, Mike
Maguire, Naveen, Namaskar, Nigel
Shiva Valley, Nomatic, Philipp
Lammers, Robin, Rohan, Schrami
Gralshüter, Thata, Trevor, Zen,
Zimon More tba
Xtra: Ambient-Area, Spiritual
Circle with Yoga&more, Market
Area, Live-Performances ... Laugh
& Dance for your eyes, your ears
and your heart! For Friendship,
Peace and Freedom!
Info: www.antaris-project.de,
Orga: Antaris Project
Paradise Festival
Do, 11.07. - Mo, 15.07.
Believe Freedom
Whistler Olympic Park 5
Callaghan Dr, Whistler BC,
Callaghan Valley/Canada
Acts: Julian Marley & The Uprising, Liquid Stranger, Luminaries,
Protonica, Mindwave, Egorythmia,
Ritmo, Lish, Rocky, Cubixx, Atmos,
Flexus, E-Clip, Suntree, Allaby, Time
in Motion, Mat Mushroom and
many more ..
Deco: Special deco concept for
every floor ...
Xtra: Several Floors, Artist, Live
music and many many specials
Info: www.facebook.com/
believefreedomfestival, www.
believefreedomfestival.com, price:
Starting at $175 for 5 days.
Halkidiki Dance
Festval 2013
Antaris Project
Laugh & Dance
pic: Mysticalpics.ch
Mi, 24.07. - So, 28.07.
S.U.N. Festival
Acts: Boom Shankar, Bumbling
Loons, Cosmosis, Daksinamurti,
Darwish, Derango, Djane Gaby,
Eat Static, E-Clip, Egorythmia,
Emok, Filteria, Görg, Infinity
Project by Raja Ram, James Monro,
Killerwatts, Liquid Ace, Liquid Soul,
Logic Bomb, Loud, Man With No
Name, Mindwave, Oleg, Omka,
Ovnimoon, Penta, Perfect Stranger,
Pleaidians, Protonica, Robert Elster
aka Vibrasphere, Shane Gobi, Sonic
Species, Space Tribe, Subconsciousmind, Tetrameth, Ticon, Transwave,
Tristan, Tsubi, Union Jack, Younger
Brother, Zen Mechanics, -Z- by
Alpha & Antagon, Zenon Records
Special Surprise.
Info: www.sunfestival.info
Do, 25.07. - So, 28.07.
Tonträger Open Air
17209 Jaebetz, Weidenweg,
Marienhof , MecklenburgVorpommern
Live: Goa Floor: Apsylem On &
Psy´n Tology, Complexx, Connexx,
Chorea Lux, Cybergrass, Dansko,
Dual Effect, Estefano Haze, Hatikwa, KULARIS, J&B Project, Lexa,
Magoon, Moontales, Waveform
Elektronische Tanzwiese: In Concert: Douglas Greed feat. Nagler
& Kuss, Jan Blomqvist & Christian,
Sound 8 Orchestra
Live: Balkan Vision & Mashina,
Felkon, Jerzy Spin, Manou De Jean,
Schäufler & Zovsky, Ryan Dupree,
Theory & Praxys with RAW SAX
DJs: Goa Floor: Algiz, Arkardius-Lil
Momo, Bazooka, BlueSpacE,
Chromee, Connexx, Complexx,
Clockwork, Darkruss, Dean Vigus,
Dj Fernando, Dj Goazilla, Hathi,
K-Isuma, Mabiranon, Magoon,
Melburn, Mercy, Murus, Psyfonic,
Psynatix, Samoht, Scotty, Sternengucker, T-Mo, Ritanis, Zosma
Elektronische Tanzwiese: Alex
Del Mar, Andlee, Audio Stunts &
Mahumba, Beatamines, Christian
Klangschneider, Cultureprock, Dirty
Frequenz, freeKout, Glanz & Ledwa,
Holly aka Holly, James Meward,
Karl Kirschmayer, Kollektiv KlangGut, Mark Synth, Nachtwanderer,
Rich vom Dorf, Rockethead, SoKool,
Stephan Funkmann, THE GLITZ,
Tiefdruck, Ultramarin
Ambient/Dark Stage: surprise
Deco: Dreamwörx, Diarambidia
Projekt Dekoration, KlangWald Dekoration, Northern Gateway Crew
Xtra: A huge Chillout Area, Shops,
Vegan food, Fire performances,
Two big Sound System‘s, Opening
Shows, Free Camping, Free Water,
Info: www.tontraeger-openair.de
Festival, tontraeger_open_air@
gmx.de, price: VVK / Pre-Sale: 35
€ auf 800 Tickets limitiert, AK / At
the Gate: 40 €, start: 14:00:00,
end: 22:00:00
Di, 30.07. - Di, 06.08.
OpenMind Festival
La Patrie, Quebec/Canada
Live: Vision: The true vision of
OpenMind Festival is not only
to create and share a unique,
immersive, magical environment, but
also to cultivate a significant positive
impact on the Earth, its inhabitants
and global consciousness, with resourceful gatherings that both inspire
and support the rebirth of positive
personal and collective change.
DJs: Concept: Transformational
eco-gathering that celebrates life by
creatively and collectively breathing
spirit and connection through
ecstatic celebration and intentional
well-being. It’s an invitation and
reunification to harmonious communities from all corners of the globe, to
share these inspiring celebrations of
life in a wondrous natural paradise!
Deco: Activities: Transcendental
organic music, workshops, wellbeing and healing, performance
and visionary arts, children’s village, enchanted forest and labyrinth,
positive ceremonies, and more
Info: www.OpenMindfestival.com
Do, 01.08. - So, 04.08.
Summer Never
Ends Festival
php/location, Mulegns/Rona/
Live: Ace Ventura, Tristan, Grouch,
Ajja, Cosmosis, Talpa, Ital, Atmos,
Avalon, Yotopia, Burn In Noise, Al-
truism, Time In Motion, Killerwatts,
Dark Nebula, Liquid Soul, 28,
Goasia, Der Dritte Raum, Quantica,
Secret Vibes, Sonic Species, Shove,
Zen Mechanics, Klopfgeister,
Heterogenesis, Pragmatix, Cosmos
Vibration, Liftshift, Static Flow,
Sidhartha, Ancient Core, Helber
Gun, BigBang (Ital & Labirinto), Aerospace, Laughing Buddha, Yar Zaa,
Atma, Colorshape, Keemiyo, Elegy,
Sensual Squeak, Suduaya, Human
Element, Flugbegleiter, Bigeneric
aka Marco Repetto, Andrej, NYAH,
Shinouda, Maua, Orgon Groove,
Mahi, Lachfalter, Torma In Dub,
Prime, Casa Show Band, Share, Old
Dirty Shrooms, Adda, Giranda
DJs: Djane Gaby, Miss Butterfly,
Lucas, Dark Nebula, Shore Bar
Axel, Anatta, Murus, Outland,
Simon Baring, Sebastian Kos,
Slater, Phobos & Fog, Styx, Cubixx,
Tim&Timo, Frontal, Father Oblivion,
Terranostra, Akustik, Antares, Marcosis, Heinz, Macru and more
Chill: Ancient Core, Suduaya and
many more
Deco: IV-3D (Biolive), Extradimensional Space Agency, Frogz, Trudis
Tribe and more Visuals: Android Jones, Impact
Vision, Deltaprocess and more
Art & Workshops: Andrew Jones,
Luke Brown, Luminokaya, Mark
Lee, Mugwort, Subliquida and
many more
Xtra: 4 days and 5 floors in
beautiful swiss alps! Huge chill, art
and workshop area! Free water,
soundsystems by kling & freitag
Maximum 10.000 visitors. Get your
tickets now!
Info: www.summerneverends.ch,
start: 10:00, end: 18:00
Orga: Verein Klangwerk
mushroom 10 years ago
Zusätzlich zum aktuellen
mushroom kursiert gerade
der neue Intershroom. In
seiner 3. Ausgabe berichtet
dieses Heft ausschließlich
auf Englisch über das
internationale Szenegeschehen *** NANO Records hat
gerade ein neues Vinyl draußen, diesmal Rinkadink ***
Die mushroom Redaktion
ist aus Hamburg Eimsbüttel
gerade in die Arnoldstraße
in Hamburg-Ottensen
umgezogen, weil die bisherigen Räumlichkeiten zu
klein geworden sind ***
Tobias Lampe, Gründer des prestigeträchtigen Labels Superstition:
„WAV-Dateien sind viel zu groß und Ogg ist noch nicht weit genug
verbreitet. Das MP3 Format ist das beste Format und wird es
bleiben.“ *** In seinem Artikel über den gerade sehr populären
UK Sound stellt Redakteur Sascha fest: „Interessant zu beobachten
ist, dass die DJs der wichtigste Entscheidungsgrund sind, eine Party
zu besuchen“ *** Im Sommer 2003 findet ein mushroom Open Air
statt. Es bietet neben jeder Menge Musik auch 3 Workshops: Digital DJing, Visuals mit Lightmotiv und Wellness *** Im ProducingBereich ist das Thema ReWire gerade sehr aktuell
Additionally to mushroom, the new Intershroom is just out. In its
third edition, the English-only magazine reports about the global
scene culture *** In his provocative article “The Flop Industry”
Yaniv of Hadshot Records concludes: “In a scene that demands
new sound every day – you can’t expect big sales from just a
single product. In a scene where a DJ requires only ‘new’ sound to
be able to play – you can’t expect to hear amazing innovative sets.
In a scene where all consumers look like pirate drug addicts – you
can’t expect positive support by the media *** NANO Records just
released a new vinyl, this time it’s Rinkadink *** Tobias Lampe,
founder of the prestigious label Superstition Records: “WAV files
are much too big and Ogg is not yet widespread enough. The MP3
format is and will still be the best format in our opinion *** In
summer 2003 there is a mushroom festival. Besides lots of music it
presents 3 workshops, about digital djing, visuals with Lightmotiv,
and wellness *** The new ReWire technology is an exciting issue
for all producers *** Iboga just announced the release of the
highly anticipated debut albums by Phony Orphants and Antix ***
mushroom magazine just moved to another office after the old
one became too small
Fr, 02.08. - So, 04.08.
Live: Psychedelic Floor: Kashyyyk,
Antagon, Eremit, Gastraxx, Semi
Sound System, Pororoca, E.T.P.
Techno: Biodub, Racecorner
Bands: Powder For Pigeons,
DJs: Psychedelic Floor: BrOth3rYs
- sG4rY & Merry, Mezcalito, Blasted
Bindi, Ancient Ghul, Marok, KiBa, Bastel, Fantasma, Zottel, Quetzaquatel,
Hashbury, Villatropia, Symbiont, E.T,
Mukri, KahFau feat. KaiPie, Huautla,
Frutz, Cue, Jens, PsyBär
Techno: John Spring, Tanith, Marlose, Klang AG, DJ Pult, Verschnibbt &
Zugenäht, Michael Lieb, BonjourBen,
Der Klient, Danco Lewin, Pavlov,
DJ Denger, Kristian Funkel, Major
Groove Complex, Niemand&Keiner,
Kinder vom Bahnhofs Klo, Klang &
Wer, saHne
Drum ‚N Bass: Jensize, Freakk Red,
Herr Kallenbach, Hanfred High, Flaschengeist, Aksi0m, BlackShark, Big
M, RiseAb, Tulku, flow, Izzy, Acoasma
Deco: Dreamwörx, VisualNoiseArtworX, Are You Experienced?, Optical
Surface, Space Brotherhood
Xtra: 20 Kw Soundsystem Auf Beiden Floors, Kleinkunstbühne, Stände
mit Essen, Getränken, Feuershow,
Filmvorführung, großes Workshop-Angebot: Wildkräuterwanderung, Steckbankbau, Räuchern, Diabolojonglage,
Slagline, Poi-Jonglage, Lampenbau,
Naturheilkunde, Kreatives Malen,
Didgeridoobau, Gemeinschaftsbild,
H-Gen Art, Dreadlocks
Info: www.simsalaboom-festival.de,
Orga: Kreativwochenende e.V.
pic: Mysticalpics.ch
Festival 2013
Fr, 02.08. - So, 04.08.
Hafengrün Festival
Neuhöfer Damm 98 / 21107
Live: Open Air: Wareika, Butze
Katze, Channel X, Demir & Seymen,
Microtrauma, Raumakustik, Tinush,
Wolfgang Lohr
Halle: Psy/Progressive: Metronome,
Phaxe, Slackjoint, Vice
Halle Techno: Rausch & Metrik,
DJs: Open Air: Alex Klar, Andlee,
Animal Trainer, Arts & Leni, Bodega,
Chick & Dick, Clark Davis, Click Click,
Conrad & Schuster, Dembowski, Drauf
& Dran, Hanne & Lore, Merok, Paul
Harbour, Pauls’s Büro, Stereophonie,
Tony Casanova, Toomanyfaces
Halle Psy/Progressive: Dean Vigus,
Goazilla, Mat Mushroom, Metronome
Halle Techno: Basstek, Contest Winner, Im Prinzip, Joran Van Pol, Minoru,
Norg, Stereosphere, Tom Eye, Wilhelm
Tekk, Zucker
Chill: Gmo Vs. Dense (Live), Aquarius,
Dj T.Erra, Chaotix
Deco: ABSNP, Blackout Showlaser,
Meister Lampe, TIG-Art Team
Xtra: fließend Wasser, Strompunkte,
Steinofen-Bäckerei, vegetarisches
Essen, große Bars, Chai-Oase, Fire Juggling, Hängematten und Liegestühle,
Beach-Spielzeug, Palmen, Grog &
Info: www.ticketmaster.de/event/
hafengrun-festival-02-04082013Tickets/61235; www.hafengruen.de,
start: 18:00, end: 21:00
Orga: Hafengrün Festival
Fr, 02.08. - So, 04.08.
F.L.O.W. on the way
to Ozora
Die Location befindet sich
ca. 5 Minuten von der Wiener
Neustadt - Richtung Eggendorf
(Flugfeld Ost)/Austria
Live: Bevatron, Breathead, Silent
pic: OZORA Festival
Sphere, Sonic Sense, Spirit Architect,
Star Sound Orchestra feat. Irina Mikhailova, Tulk, Aioaska, Human Groove,
Klangmassage, MayaXperience, Taliesin
Chillzone by Astralzone & Friends +
Flow Team
DJs: Anneli, Natron, Alux, Caban, Cougar, Ganjie, Dreamdoctor, Gobayashi,
Kajola, Magus Solaris, Pinoccio, Pius,
Sabsunshine, Wolle
Deco: Leon Martin, Holodeck, Klangwelt, Spectacular Fireshow
Xtra: Ein kleiner idyllischer Fluß liegt
direkt neben der Location. ein See ca.
20 Gehminuten entfernt.
Info: +4369916600501, www.flowfestival.at, info@flow-festival.at, price:
Freitag 40,- € Samstag 25,- €, Orga:
F.L.O.W. Team
Di, 06.08. - So, 11.08.
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
Ozora/ Hungary
Main-Stage: Ace Ventura, Ajja,
Audioform, Avalon, Beardy, Big Scary
Monsters, Braincell, Celli, Chris Rich,
Cimi, Circuit Breakers, Cosmosis & Ajja,
Dejavoo, Dick Trevor, Digoa, Dirty Saffi,
DJ Thatha, DJ Zen, Dr. Space, Drumatik,
E-Clip, Earthling, Electric Universe, Farebi Jalebi, Fasma, Flikpnot, FREq, Future
Frequency, Giuseppe, Grouch, Hatta,
Hopi, Hux Flux, Hypnoxock, Hypogeo,
Illegal Machines, Irgumburgum, Joti
Sidhu, Justin Chaos, Kalumet, Kashyyyk,
Kim, Lucas, Megalopsy, Merkaba, Mindfold, Onkel Dunkel, Otezuka, Para Halu,
Parasense, Peaking Godess Collective,
Peter Didjital, Plasmotek, Regan, Ritmo,
Rob Fog, Rowan & Nigel, S.T.U, Sensient, Shpongle, Simon Posford vs. Raja
Ram, Southwild, Space Cat, Star Sounds
Orchestra, Symbolic, System 7, Tristan,
Tron, Tweakers, Wegha, X-Dream, X.P.
Voodoo, Zen Mechanics, Zentura
Chill Out: A Guy Called Gerald, Aliji,
Alexr, Ashirvad, Antonio Giampietro,
Aurafood, Banco De Gaia, Bayawaka,
Beta, Brando Lupi, Carbon Based
Lifeforms, Celt Islam, Clairvo, Comsat
& Petar, Darren Sangita, DJ Nod, Dub
War, Dubuddha, Green Beats, Greg
Hunter, Hataken, Hibernation, Humanik,
Jasper Dubmission, Jon Sangita, Josko,
Justin Chaos, Kaya Project, Master
Margherita, Mirror System, Naga,
Naked Nick, Nanda, Nick Interchill, Nick
Manasseh, Nuno, Okapi, Organismic,
Pitch Black, R.A.T.M, Solar Fields,
Solar Quest, Sync24, T‘ale, Third Ear,
Tripswitch, Trotter
Pumpui: Adam & Yuri, Almond Lama
& Disandat, Aslan, Bahar, Djane Katamii, D-Nox & Beckers, Goran, Grove
Attack, Heliostaff, Henzi, Minilogue,
NaTi, Psyletzky, Shoyd, Spiral Exit, Tom
Real, Visionary Mind Crew
Deco: Special Deco Concept
Xtra: many many X-tras
Info: www.ozorafestival.eu, price:
EUR 110 – ’til 20th July EUR 130 – at
the gate.
Fr, 09.08. - So, 11.08.
Wonderland 17
Waldfrieden Events, Bergstraße, Stemwede-Wehdem
Live: Aho, Breathead, D. Kuhl, E.V.P.,
Expect, Flow Job, Ital, Jiser, Lani,
Nobusan, Nok, Rinkadink, Querox,
Shekinah, Sonic Tickle, Zane
DJs: Alice D Joanna, Anneli, Apnea,
Atmos, Bakke, Capowne, Conrad und
Schuster, Daniel Krau, ElekTrigger,
Ishtar, Ital, Jazzmine, Jiser, Kevin Schubert, Kokmok, Lucy and her Diamond,
Lufttrockner, Magic Star, Murus, Nok,
Querox, Raoul, Rocksteady und Bebob, Schnuppchen, Shekinah, Sascha
Flux, Shove, Tussy B
Deco: Surprise
Xtra: Opening by Spielmannszug
Wehdem, Free shuttle bus from
Lemförde / Rahden train station, Neue
Chill Out Area am See, 2 Outdoor
Floors // Psychedelic - Progressive //
Alternative - Techno, Surround Sound
by Tongallerie, Indoor Club, Feuerwerk,
Feuerkünstler, Seifenblasenkünstler,
Fire Space, Market Area, Organic
Food, fresh fruits for free, originell
verkleidete Gäste erhalten eine
Überraschung an der Cocktailbar
Info: www.wald-frieden.de, ranger@
Orga: Waldfrieden Events
Sa, 10.08.
Zapel siedlung near Crivitz ,
Meck-Pomm, Germany
Live: Main Stage: LOUD, D-Addiction,
Animalis, Animato, Drukverdeler &
Dj Bim, S.U.N. Project, PTX, Marco
Alternate Stage: Elay Lazitkin,
An-dré Lehmann, Klang-geschichten
DJs: Main: Psydiggen, Tivo &
Ollom, Janus, Bim, Darwish, Scotty
Alternate Stage: Rich Vom Dorf, Karl
Kirschmayer, Josh, Gebzound, Kajobi
Deco: ForRest-Explosion, Dreamwörx
Visuals: Ben Kirschenbaum
Xtra: Faire Getränkepreise, Einzigartiges Big-Soundsystem in Deutschland, Cocktail Bar & Absinth Drinks,
Food Stände, Schmuck & Kleidung
Info: crew@forrest-explosion.de
Räucherware - Schmuck - Lampen
Kleidung - Tücher - Taschen - mehr
Hahnenkamp 12 • Hamburg
Mo-Fr 11 - 19 und Sa 12-18
Find us at Facebook: OM SHANKARI
Di, 13.08. - So, 18.08.
Freedom Festival
Coming soon .../Portugal
DJs: Live Concert: Star Sounds Orchestra feat Irina Mikhailova, Ott
Live & Dj Sets: Hallucinogen, Shpongle,, Juno Reactor, Tristan, Talamasca,
Raja Ram, Space Tribe, U Recken,
Lucas, Azax Syndrom, Rinkadink,
Bizzare Contact, Vibe Tribe, Spade,
Filteria ,Sonic Species, Cosmosis,
Dejavoo, XSI, Bionix, Painkiller, Bliss,
Orca, Digicult, Highko, Neelix,Behind
Blue Eyes, Day Din, Khainz, Symphonix, Ritmo, Protonica, Naked tourist,
Liquid Ross, Whicked hayo, Antagon,
Ajja, Cosmo, A-Mush, Alienn, Myrah,
Tryambaka, Karma Crop, Skunk Tribe,
Khopat, Sidharta, Brainwash, Dark
Face, Mecanikal Mind, Evollov3,
Blazing noise, Klacid, Akés, Mimic
Vat, XP Voodoo, Anneli, Shane Gobi,
Xanex, Sally Doolally, Alpha, Iguana,
Mind Distortion, Audiact, Giuseppe,
Juggler, Guapa Lee, Sonyk&Gadjet,
Candy Flippers, Diogo, Hipnotik
Attack, Gnommos, Jaako, Cheve,
Berberan Gizmo, Nigel, Sparker, Surya
Namaskar, Frostbite, Last Call
Deco: special deco ...
Xtra: Warm up party & After party
Info: www.freedom-festival.eu &
pt, Info@freedom-festival.eu, price:
01st January 2013 untill 2nd April
2013- 65€ 16th April untill 23th July
2013-85€ At the gates: 115€
Mi, 14.08. - Di, 20.08.
Lost Theory 2013
Same as last years. Come with
us and flow along the river
vibes in the green heart of Croatian nature., Gracac, Croatia
Live: Antix, Atriohm, Boris Brejcha,
Boxcutter, Derango, Dickster, Dimen-
sion5, Eat Static, Emok, Encephalopaticys, Ephedrix, Extrawelt, Farebi
Jalebi, Green Nuns, Grouch, Hux Flux,
Ianuaria, kalya scintilla, Kox Box,
Laughing Buddha, Merkaba, Ocelot,
Pick, Procs, Psykovsky, Salakavala,
Sensient & many more!
Xtra: 4 Stages, 6 Days, Art Installations, Dub Forest, Performance,
Lectures, Workshops, Healing Garden,
Cinema, Funktion One Sound,
Children Area, Full Nature
Info: www.losttheoryfestival.com,
start: 07:00, end: 23:30
Orga: Lost Theory
Mo, 19.08. - Mo, 26.08.
Transylvania Calling
2013 Gathering of
the Tribes
Rasnov, Transylvania, Romania
Live: Atma, Braincell, Dark Whisper,
Elepsy, Haraburda, Hellquist, Kalumet,
KoxBox, Kryptamine, Loopus in
Fabula, Leftism, Minimal Criminal,
Ork Monk, Ozmali, Psykovsky, Shakta,
Talpa, The Riddler, Tiger Punch, Tristan,
Tron, Yara, Z-Cat
Chill: Ancient Core, Durangama,
Goya, Hibernation, Kalumet in Dub,
Kryptamine, The Beaupreau Project,
Logical Elements, Tanmayata, More to
be Announced
DJs: Barbaleku, Between the Lines,
Dharma, Dj Ine, Dr Sammy, Frank-E,
Giuseppe ,Goa Jonas, Horizon, Icaruz
vs Kofot Leif, Ine, Kristian Dejavoo,
Latam, Liquid Ross, Loopus in
Fabula, Moika, Ordo Ab Chao, Pixie,
Padawan vs Decatrance, Psyco Zaika,
Pura, Rastaliens, Styx, Silent Bob,
Starling, Solar Spektrum, Tim Duster,
Terranostra, Tommes, Tom Orion, Tron,
Trans Humantza, Yara, Z-Cat, More to
be Announced
Chill: Ajna Vitamin, Chaotix, Hell-
quist, Horizon, I-Mike, Kalumet, Kaya
Project, Liquid Ross, Loopus, Moika
vs Monike, Nashra, Om Garuda,
Padawan, Raman, Saranankara Project, Silent B, Styx ,Thal, Tim Duster,
Zenocao, Buluk Etznab, Martian Arts,
Underwing, Overder, more t.b.a.
Deco: + VJ´s: Imix Jaguar, El
Geko,Fullkolor, Vvvvlad, Full Kolor
Visual, Vortex, Dekotronixx
Xtra: Music runs from 19-26 Aug
NONSTOP on Chill Out Floor but only
from 21-25 Aug on the Main/Dance
Floor. Lost Theory to Transylvania
Calling direct Bus Shuttle
Other Activities: Workshops,
Healing Area, Open Air Night Cinema
9pm-3am, Kids Space, Sweat Lodge,
Visionary Art Gallery, Performances,
Visual Projections
Facilities: Rasnov Town Shuttle, OTP
Airport Shuttle, Camping, Parking,
Showers, Toilets, Spring Water,
Accomodation nearby, International
Security, 24hr First Aid, Maintained
Comunity Fires
Info: 800 m Altitude
little stream running trough all of
location, fon: +50685271868
www.transylvania-calling.com, info@
transylvania-calling.com, www.dmt.
ro, Location:
Orga: Dreamtime Productions
Mi, 21.08. - So, 25.08.
MoDem Psytrance
Festival 2013
galerija.html, Robinson camp
on the river/Croatia
Live: Arjuna, Asimilon, Ataro,
Chris Rich, Dataura, Dirty Saffi,
Disintegrated Circuits, Dust, Ellis
Thomas, Endeavour, Evp, Flipknot,
Grouch, Harmonic Rebel, Hutti Heita,
Holon, Hypogeo, Ianuaria, Jahbo,
Kabayun, Kim, Kindzadza, In Lak
Ech, Isochronic, Loose Connection,
Magic Seeds, Malice In Wonderland,
Mark Day, Mirror Me, Module
Virus, Nomad 25, Nargun, Paralocks,
Parasense, Phase, Project Sketch,
Psymmetrix, Pspiralife, Rev, Synthetik
Chaos, Soutwild, Sprocket, Tijah, Tron,
Whiptongue, Xpiral, Zoolog
DJs: Alanita, Amazon, Astralex,
Bakshish, Beardy Weardy, Fidel, Fog &
Phobos, Hisrav, Hopi, Microdot, Merry,
Mofu, Nigel, Na-Ti & Or-Dwauw,
Oddicon, Pila, Pelks, Si, Toto, Val
Vashar, Vert3X
Deco: Neil Gibson, Free Tranceform,
Quantum Tribe, Looney Moon Visuals:
Delta Process
Info: www.modemfestival.com,
price: till 10th February 50 EUR till
1st april 60 EUR till 1st of June 70
EUR till 1st of August 80 EUR at the
gate : 95 EUR
Do, 22.08. - So, 25.08.
Hadra Trance
Lans-en-Vercors (next to
Grenoble), France
DJs: Artists: Aerospace, Broken
Toy, Chris Rich, Earthspace, Gino,
Golkonda, Groove Inspektorz, Hatta,
Hyper Frequencies, Loïc, Malice in
Wonderland, MayaXperience, Merkaba, Protonica, Stretch, 6NoK, Carbon
Based Lifeforms, James Copeland,
Kalya Scintilla, Shotu, Soom T, Sync
24, Trio Bassma, More artists soon…
Xtra: www.hadra.net
Info: +33 (0)6 20 59 64 32
www.hadratrancefestival.net, hadra@
Orga: Hadra Association
Do, 22.08. - So, 25.08.
8. Kannibalen
Pfaffing, Bayern, Germany
Live: -Z- (Alpha & Antagon) feat. Mc
Coy, Antagon, Feuerhake, Mc Coy‘s
S.U.N. Project, Rinkadink, Od*Chi &
Spiritchase, Shroomix
DJs: Bim, Bull, Kindzadza, Padawan,
Doc. P. Schock, Philoso, Akira Indika,
Twisted Kala, MHE, Mademoiselle
Chaoz, Quadrivium, Raschka vs.
Xerion, Space Tribe, Wa-Huu, Kajola,
Iken & Nono, Daksinamurti, Cannibal
Crow, Arkadius & Li‘l Momo, Prosonic
Deco: Cannibal Crew, MXM,
Info: www.facebook.com/
price: Tickets limitiert auf 1600 Stück
Fr, 23.08. - Mo, 26.08.
Hadinka, Klokocov, near Opava, Czech Republic
Live: Darkol trinity, Spatial feature,
Manga, Gappeq, Chors, Jayex
Chill: Boomanga, Smoke visions,
DJs: Petrix, Ondrej Psyla, Ejczka,
000333, Psyrix, Ink Flo, Kerray,
Dacube, Rachetik
Chill: Darjeel, Eklektit Fluidum,
Shantiboy 108, Kapec, Psygor, Harry,
000333, Kashmir, Petrix, Mihail,
Dacube , Kubis
Deco: Troo too too, TranceCarpathiArts, Cosmic frog team (Cyreal &
Elemental crew)
Visuals: Mimo Tv, Kashmir & Alisa,
Piotr Serafin, Eklektik Fluidum
Xtra: Fire/Uv shows, Tearoom,
Food:Vege/nonvege, camping,
parking, children area
Info: www.cyreal.eu, wintdemon@
gmail.com, price: 20 Eur/Weekend,
14 Eur/Day
Orga: Cosmic Frog Team
Fr, 30.08. - So, 01.09.
Midgard Fest
Midgard , Northern Germany
Live: 604Fx, Already Maged, Ant,
Audiodidakt, Darkshire, Derango
Ft. Purosurpo, Digitalist, Dohm,
Dsompa, Enichkin, Goch, Hutti Heita,
Jahbo, Jairam, Joshi, Kiriyama, Krazy
Kris, Loke, Magic Seeds, Makadam,
Mutaro, Nagual, Sator,Arepo,Stealth,
Taigan, Sunse, Vlastur, Whrikk, Zoon ...
DJs: Chill: Big Chill Area hosted by
Baba Gnohm
Deco: Quantum Tribe, Free Optics,
Para Paintings, 3D Mapping Show
Xtra: FUNKTION ONE powered by
303.BG , Only deep dark psychedelic
tunes over 2 nights and 3 days... Stay
tuned and be prepared for a special
decoration- and festivalconcept based
on Scandinavian mythology and
mother nature.
Info: www.realvisionmusic.com/,
start: 10:00, end: 22:00
Orga: Real Vision Music & Friends
Sa, 28.12. - Fr, 03.01.
Universo Paralello
Pratigi - Bahia / Brazil
Universo Paralello renews its
invitation and calls to all those filled
with a spirit of love and celebration,
to share your best energy, so that we
can be back together, in a true piece
of paradise, enjoying ourselves and
the incredible structure that will be
placed at our disposal so that we, in
these days of festival, exercise the full
potential, sacred, profane and always
playful, a true Parallel Universe.
Info: www.universoparalello.org
Kafkaesque: Bureaucracy blocks authorised magic mushroom study – British
researcher Nutt calls regulations “totally inappropriate and harmful”
Have you ever asked yourself
just how magic mushrooms
got their name? Because these
mushrooms can work magic!
Obviously this fact has branded
a name many companies would
kill for. There is no magic car,
no magic laptop and no magic
phone for a start. The magic
mushrooms‘ special power has
been known since the beginning
of man. Maybe man knew about
this magic even earlier than he
used cannabis and alcohol. So
actually it comes as no surprise
that modern research has found
out about this magic...again,
after decades of ignorance and
repression. Anyway, in recent
years many researchers have
become more outspoken on
the beneficial powers of the
psychedelic ingredients of
magic mushrooms with regard
to medical treatment of people.
Small wonder, similar beneficial
studies with LSD and MDMA to
help people are also underway
or to be done. But ignorance
has not been overcome yet.
The forces of evil are still out
there, now they camouflage
as bureaucracy. The renowned
English researcher David Nutt
was granted £550,000 to study
if psilocybin could be used to
help depressed patients. Now
saying that “the whole field is
so bedevilled by primitive oldfashioned attitudes” he vents
frustration. Because despite findings
that ingredients
derived from magic
mushrooms could
really help treat
people with severe
depression by
stopping patients‘
from dwelling on
themselves and
their own perceived inadequacies
bureaucracy is successfully blocking
the study‘s start.
Even for the necessary tiny amount
of the drug, a few
hundred euros
worth, Nutt would
have to pay a
hundred fold that
sum to some producer because
of Class A drugs‘ regulations.
Which Nutt calls “totally inappropriate and harmful.“
Den Zauber der Zauberpilze
schätzen die Menschen seit der
Vorzeit. Daher überrascht es
nicht, dass nach Jahrzehnten
der Ignoranz und Repression
auch die moderne Forschung
die psychedelischen Zutaten der
Psilos im Hinblick auf medizinische Behandlung zu schätzen
lernt. Ähnliche Studien mit LSD
und MDMA, um Menschen zu
helfen, sind angedacht oder
sogar am laufen. Doch die
Ignoranz ist nur halb besiegt,
die dunklen Mächte zäh, die Bürokratie mauert. Der bekannte
britische Forscher David Nutt
bekam 550,000 Pfund, um die
positiven Kräfte für Depressive
zu nutzen. Aber ein kleine Menge der Pilze dafür zu erwerben,
das blockiert die Bürokratie.
Nutt nennt das ‚absolut unangemessen und schädlich.“
PLZ 10000
THC Headshop
01099 Dresden
Alaunstr. 43
www.thc-mfg.deHead, Grow, Freak
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 93
034130397744 Head, Grow, Pierc
07545 Gera
Heinrichstr. 52
0365-2147461 Head, Grow, Pierc
Udopea Berlin
10178 Berlin
Panoramastr. 1
030 30875302 Books, Head, Grow
Kaya Growshop
10437 Berlin
Schliemannstr. 22
+49 (0) 30 4478677 Grow, Head
Gras Grün
Bong Bong
22525 Hamburg Kieler Str. 563c
040-67381508 Head, Glasbläserei
24103 Kiel
Sophienblatt 42 A
0431 672254 Head, Textil, Jewels
Headshop Bremen
30519 Hannover Hildesheimer Str. 85
0511 - 833688
Günstiger Headshop
31135 Hildesheim
Roonstr. 19
Magic Head- & Growshop
12277 Berlin Großbeerenstr. 171
www.der-acker.de Head & Grow
33602 Bielefeld Wilhelmstraße 9
magic-bielefeld.de Shisha Head Grow
Jelly Joker
PLZ 20000
Udopea Headshop
20357 Hamburg Schanzenstr.95
Grow, Smart, Head, Herbs
37081 Göttingen Königsstieg 94a
0551 5007700www.bloomtech.de
Der Acker Growshop
13347 Berlin Amsterdamer Str. 23
030 45606171 Head, Grow, Gifts
Bloomtech Growshop
PLZ 30000
Magic Trend- & Headshop
Sun Seed Bank
35037 Marburg
Schulstr. 18
06421/303380 Head, Grow, Shisha
www.patchouliworld.com Clothes
28217 BremenLandwehrstrasse 89
www.headshop-bremen.de Head
10999 Berlin
Oranienstr. 183
030 6113190 Grow, Books, Head
grasgruen.de mail@grasgruen.de
12435 BerlinKarl-Kunger-Straße 28
030 - 54 733 733
Patchouli Marburg
Räucherware - Schmuck - Lampen
Kleidung - Tücher - Taschen - mehr
Hahnenkamp 12 • Hamburg
Mo-Fr 11 - 19 und Sa 12-18
Find us at Facebook: OM SHANKARI
32423 Minden
Simeonstr. 25
magic-minden.de Grow, Head, Shisha
understand the
for the shop
product line ups
34117 Kassel
Neue Fahrt 3
38100 BraunschweigLanger Hof 2e
jelly-joker.de Head, Grow, Tattoo
DJ =
Eso =
Fash =
Grow =
Hemp =
Pierc =
Smart =
Party =
www =
DJ equipment
grow stuff
hemp products
smart shop
party accessories
online shop
PLZ 40000
Headshop Time Out
44287 Dortmund Ringofenstr. 37
PLZ 60000
Limited Edition
Lumen Max GmbH
Green Galaxy
46149 Oberhausen Max-Eyth-Str. 47
Sitting Bull
48153 Münster
Hafenstr. 56
0251 522068 Grow, Head, Gifts
PLZ 50000
Echt Grandios
51545 Waldbröl
Kaiserstr. 34
www.echtgrandios.deHead & Grow
Echt Grandios
51643 Gummersbach
Hindenburgstr. 17
www.shop.echtgrandios.deHead & Grow
53111 Bonn
Franzstraße 37
Near Dark Gmbh
53773 Hennef (Sieg)Bonnerstr. 11a
Cheech & Chong Head/Grow
54290 Trier
Zuckerberg 21
0651 1453762
Head, www.
58507 Lüdenscheid Knapperstr. 71
www.krinskram.comHead & Grow
60311 Frankfurt/Main Fahrgasse 97
069-59609591 Head, Smart, Grow,
neutral-shop.de neutral-ffm@gmx.de
BONG Head- & Growshop
60594 Frankfurt Elisabethenstr. 21
069-624242 Head, Grow, Smart,
New Asia Headshop
71634 Ludwigsburg Kaffeeberg 12
headshop-timeout.deHead, Shisha,
72764 Reutlingen Museumstr. 10
www.psykopat.dePierc, Head, Fash
Planet Blunt
76646 Bruchsal Wilderichstr.13-21
planet-blunt.deShisha & Growshop
PLZ 80000
Hanf Lager & Hemperium
89073 Ulm
Zinglerstr. 1
www.hanflager.de Head & Grow
68159 Mannheim
F1, 10
Hanf Lager & Hemperium
Bock Shops
PLZ 90000
68165 MannheimKepplerstrasse 33
www.bock-shops.com Head, Grow
Green Paradise
Mannheim Schwetzinger Str. 46
89073 Ulm
Zinglerstr. 1
www.hanflager.de Head & Grow
Nürnberg Albrecht Dürer Str. 35
0911 - 2857000Spiel, Jonglier, Eso
holzkopfnbg@arcor.deHead, Grow
PLZ 70000
91054 Erlangen
Hauptstr. 50
www.hanf-center.deHead, Grow, Fash
Udopea Headshop
70178 Stuttgart
Marienstr. 32
www.udopea-stuttgart.de Head,
96052 BambergObere Königstr. 27
www.hanf-center.de Head, Grow, Fash
97070 Würzburg
Aurin Fairy Shop
Peterstr. 4
Head & Grow
97493 Bergrheinfeld Hauptstr. 69
Head, Grow
1070 Wien
Kirchengasse 25
www.aurinshop.at fairy fashion &
Hanfoase Hanfexpress
1190 WienVersand Hanfstecklinge
stecklingsexpress.at Head Grow
Green Mile
Secret Nature GmbH
3600 Thun Obere Hauptgasse 11
secret-nature.ch CD, Herbs, Smart
Grünhaus AG
8048 Zürich
www.gruenhaus-ag.ch Head,Grow
BioTop Center
8040 Zürich
Konradstr. 28
Puff and Stuff
5020 SalzburgMüllner Hauptstr. 12
www.puffandstuff.at Head, Grow
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Haggenmüllergasse 12
www.green-mile.at Head & Grow
2700 Wr. Neustadt Wienerstrasse 115
www.hugs.cc Head & Grow
6845 Hohenems Friedhofstraße 7
Rain 26, Aarau www.phoenyxfox.ch
Clothing for boys&girls,
Homedeko, Accessoires
Schall & Rauch im Zentrum
6911 Lochau Bregenzer Straße 49
www.miraculix.co.at smart, head
Hanf Tempel GmbH
4020 Linz
www.schall-rauch.at Head, Grow
Flowery Field
Euphoria Grow und
Seedshop Graz
Sow & Grow Green
Technology GmbH
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Johann-Steinböck-Str. 10
+43 (0) 676 64 58 870Zierpflanzen
Flowery Field
1070 Wien
Schottenfeldg. 28/2
0043/699/100 40 727 Zierpflanzen
Puff and Stuff
5020 SalzburgMüllner Hauptstr. 12
www.puffandstuff.at Head, Grow
Hanf & Hanf
1020 Wien
Lassallestrasse 13
6063 Rum
Bundesstrasse 35
Aurin Fairy Shop
1070 Wien
Kirchengasse 25
aurinshop.at fairy fashion & more
Energethiker Esoterik Shop
1070 Wien
Lindengasse 37/3
Eso Gifts
8010 Graz
Grazbachstraße 14
+43 316 842199 euphoria-graz.at
phoenyx & fox
Fashion & Lifestyle
4056 BaselSt. Johanns-Vorstadt 18
www.hanftempel.ch onlineshop
3053 Lätti b Münchenbuchsee
Bürenstrasse 14a
Speedgrow Distributor of Switzerland
Kosmic Kitchen
7511 Enschede
Korte-Haaksberger-Str. 34
+31 53 4344894 Smart, Head, Rec
Access All Areas
London2nd Floor, 30c Camden Lock
Info, Tickets, CDs
+44 (0) 207 267 8320
Fourtwenty Trendshop
3011 Bern
Kramgasse 3
www.fourtwenty.ch Head & Grow
Werners Head Shop
8005 Zürich
Langstrasse 230
www.wernersheadshop.ch Head &
Delta Grow AG
8404 Winterthur St. Gallerstr. 119
Hadra Shop
Tickets, CDs, Sweats, T-Shirts
38000 Grenoble www.hadra.net
Rechtsanwalt Boldt030 - 2181196
10777 Berlin Spichernstraße 15
Fair & Global
Blumen per Lumen
1070 Wien Neustiftgasse 88-90
www.blumenperlumen.at Grow
Alternative clothes + accessories
for adults and children
Avalon Magic Plants
mushrooms, herbals
mushrooms & truffles
www.azarius.netherbals and more
Green-Heaven Online Shop
www.green-heaven.deGrow, Head,
UV-Dekotücher StHaal
Trend, Fash
Urban Future
Kunst und Magie
96047 Bamberg
Kleberstr. 5
magic mushrooms
Manisha Yoga Wear
Goa und Ethno Kleidung
Naturbelassen und Fair produziert
with healing intention
mushroom Abo Shop
mushroom subscriptions and more
Full & Halfprint T-Shirts
Basil Bush
+44 20 8545 0978
www.basilbush.co.uk smokeware
Ajna Design
Kosmic Kitchen
kosmickitchen.nl Smart, Head, CD
The Newways
Headshop, Bongs
Thai-/ Chillkissen & more
fash, eso, living, WWW
Verlagsanschrift / Address
FORMAT Promotion GmbH
Holstenstraße 103, 22767 Hamburg,
HRB 98417 Hamburg
fon: +49 40 398417-0
fax: +49 40 398417-50
Herausgeber / Publisher
Matthias van den Nieuwendijk (V.i.S.d.P.)
Redaktion / Editorial Team
Roberdo Raval, Uwe Scholz
Matthias van den Nieuwendijk
Redaktionelle Mitarbeit / Editors
TomRom, Regan, Dale, Bakke,
Michael Mangels, Lenny Groß, Olga
Sapyanova, Akis, Marc Chaotix,
Olaf Mauer
Patrizia Hernacki, Mat Mushroom,
Dirk Rexer
Nicole Jesse, Nike Kirst
„Lenny“ Groß, Nike Kirst
Titelbild / Cover Artwork
Miro Moric
Anzeigen / Adverts
Fashion, Party, www
Mat Mushroom (+49 40 398417-0)
Mat (Head Of Sales)
Jörn (D/A/CH)
Dean (international)
Nike (international)
Marc (Parties)
Talisman Goa-Onlineshop
15. des Vormonats / 15th of prev. month
Dave GOA
Fashion, Jewels
Redaktionsschluss / Deadline
Vertrieb / Distribution
mushroom magazine
Hamburg: Cartel X 040 39902771
NRW: Vibes Events 0172 9243222
Europe: Psyshop .com
Europe: Near Dark (www.neardark.de)
UK: Basil Bush (www.basilbush.co.uk)
PLUS: A lot of area agents out there.
Abo / Subscription