

No.28 Autumn 2014
The quarterly magazine for the whole of
l Village News l Social Events l Parish Council News l Clubs & Societies l School & Church
Parish Council News
Your Update on Council Activities
Edinburgh Rally
Just a reminder that the Edinburgh Rally will be
coming through Saltersford and Rainow on Saturday
4th October. Anyone interested in vintage cars and
motor vehicles may like to watch them navigate Bank
Lane for the first time in over 20 years. This has been
made possible with help from KRIV volunteers
improving the road. Read the article later in this issue.
WW1 Commemoration
We are pleased to announce that we have been
awarded a War Memorial Grant of £2,500 from
Cheshire East Council. We hope to action works
before the Remembrance Day Service.
Protect yourself this Winter
Have your flu jab and encourage your friends and
For most people, flu is an unpleasant illness, but it's
not serious. If you are otherwise healthy, you will
usually recover from flu within a week. However, for
some people having your flu jab could stop you being
seriously ill this winter. Flu is much more serious than
a cold and it may lead to a hospital stay. Protect
yourself by making sure that you get your flu jab. If
you are over 65 years old or have a long term health
condition, this is FREE. Call your local GP surgery to
ensure you get yours. Throughout this winter there
are a number of key actions which can help people to
keep well and we hope that all of you will help to
spread the message amongst your neighbours,
friends and families. The first of these key messages
is to encourage people to have flu jabs to protect
The Parish Council would ask everyone in the
community to keep vigilant. PLEASE help us to stop
vandalism by ensuring that all incidents are reported
to the Police. If you have any information you can
phone the police anonymously on their
non-emergency number Tel: 101 We would also
remind you that if you see any damage to local seats,
fencing, bus shelters and so on, please contact the
Clerk so that we can get repairs put in place as soon
as possible. If the item is not the responsibility of the
Parish Council, we can pass the request on to the
relevant authority.
Police non-emergency contact number Tel: 101
Homewatch contact number Tel: 01606 362725
Parish Council contact number: 01625 850532
Civic Service 28th September
The Civic Service will have taken place by the time of
publication of this newsletter. We hope everyone who
attended, enjoyed themselves and we hope to have
photographs available in time for the next issue of the
Raven and on the website. You may also see some
pictures from the service in the Macclesfield Express.
Remembrance Day
The Remembrance Day
parade will be on Sunday 9th
November this year. The
procession leaves the
Church at approximately
10.40 am and returns after
a short service at the War
Memorial. Traffic will be
stopped during the two minutes
silence at 11.00 am.
Best Kept Village Competition
Rainow Parish Council would like to thank ALL of the
unsung heroes in the community who support us by
helping tidy our village in preparation of the
Community Pride Competition.
Can we please ask that, where possible, overhanging
hedges are cut back from the footpath allowing
access for pedestrians. We really appreciate your
co-operation in this matter. Thanks to everyone who
helped with the never ending task of litter picking.
This is an on-going issue and we appreciate as much
help as possible. If you live on the main road please
help us by picking up litter in front of your property.
Can you HELP with co-ordinating, keeping public
areas tidy, weeding, planting and litter picking??
IS YOUR TIME LIMITED? We would appreciate
your help and would work around whatever you
can offer.
or email
Dangerous Parking
Please be responsible when parking and try not to
use the pavements as this makes it dangerous for
pram users who have to be pushed onto the road.
Thank you for your co-operation.
If you would like to join Rainow E-NEWS and get all
the latest news and updates please email your
address to the Clerk at
Agenda, minutes and any notices are also available
on the web site for your information.
Responsible Dog Ownership
We continue to receive
complaints about dog
fouling on footpaths
and grass verges.
Please, please pick
up your dog’s waste
and keep our village
a clean and healthy
place to live in.
Cover photo by Keith Perriss shows KRIV volunteers at work on Kerridge side
Your Parish Councillors
John Cantrell (Chairman)
Alan Brett (Vice Chairman)
Richard Balment
Katherine Beswick
Ken Butler
Geoff Cooper
Sue Frith
Nathan Gabbutt
Carole Harvey
Mary Marsh
Pat Mellish
Alan Taylor
Clerk: Sarah Giller
Cheshire East Councillor:
Hilda Gaddum
Future Meetings and Dates
01260 252456
for your diary
Parish Council Meetings 8.00 pm
21st October
18th November
16th December
Civic Service - Sunday 28th September 2014
Tree Lighting and Carol Service - usually held on
the first Sunday in December.
Keep an eye out for the notices and on our website.
If you have any issues that need raising, contact the
Clerk, any member of the Parish Council or just turn up
at one of our meetings.
Welcome to
A Harvest Too Soon
The organisers of the Great War commemorative
exhibition “A Harvest Too Soon” (see back
cover) would like to say a big “Thank You!” to all
who have helped create what we believe will be
a truly significant nine-day event.
Once each year Rainow remembers the men it
lost in battle. Their names are read out as we
gather in the Memorial Garden to sing hymns of
thanksgiving and to pay our tribute of silent
In this special centenary year “A Harvest Too
Soon” will reveal the men behind the names
carved on the Rainow War Memorial. Also
honoured in this commemorative exhibition will
be those who served and returned to tell the
horrific tale, and the people of Rainow who had
no choice but to endure the personal and
collective grief of separation and loss.
What was Rainow like during the Great War?
How many men served, how many died?
Who were they, where did they live and work?
Where did they serve and where did they fight?
Where and how did they die?
Where are they buried or commemorated?
How did those left behind cope with the
parting and the loss?
“A Harvest Too Soon” will tell their stories.
Harry Carlisle
Bob Langstaff
Editorial Team for this issue:
Ian Brammer
Sheila Brammer
Jim Kennelly
Bob Langstaff
Louise Leigh
Raph Murray
Design by Mel Wilcox (01625 576182)
The Rainow WI Chester Trip
by a member of the male sex
en happily became honorary members of the WI for a visit to Chester in August.
Could this have been because there was mention of a visit to a pub in the
itinerary? Whether this was the incentive or not, all four of us enjoyed the whole
trip. Arriving on a local “Golden Green” bus, entrusted to a woman driver, we
were soon in the capable hands of another woman, Lynn, our Blue Badge guide,
who imparted a great deal of local history and topography in a short time. We climbed onto
the ancient walls, crossed the bridge with its Victorian Diamond Jubilee clock (only two
years late for the 1897 event!) and toured the Rows before dropping down to the
Amphitheatre, Britain’s biggest. The men were persuaded to walk past the sign pointing to
the Albion Inn but were soon allowed inside where we found a very appropriate World War
One theme and evidence (through his notices) of a distinctly eccentric landlord. We also
soon discovered the WI’s capacity for ale to be in no way inferior to our own! An excellent
trip – perhaps second only to last year’s visit to Robinson’s Brewery…………where will
they go next year?
Contact Liam on:
07762 825537 or 01625 578070
Zach Wilcox
Gardening & Maintenance
Weekly Garden Maintenance
Dry Stone Walling
Tree Felling
Hedge Cutting
Gutter Clearing
& Replacement
Flag Laying
01625 576182
Keep a
look out
the New Journal from
Rainow History Group
ainow History Group is proud to announce the imminent publication of
Patchwork, the first in a series of journals focusing on the history of our village.
The topics for volume 1 have been chosen to provide something of interest for
everyone. Each article deals with a different historical period and each is
illustrated with an abundance of coloured pictures and maps, most of which will
be new to the reader. The contents are as follows:
‘Life in a Medieval Forest’ by Jane Laughton
‘Withinlow, the story of a Cheshire hill-farm’ by Louise Baylis and Mary Meecham
‘Dereliction and Disregard, the last days of Rainow Workhouse’
by Robert Langstaff
‘Farming in Rainow in the 1940s. The National Farm Survey of England &
Wales 1940-1943’ by Tessa Heyworth
The volume contains 70 pages, is priced at £6.50 and would make a perfect gift for
anyone interested in Rainow, wherever they live.
Mob : 0 7 7 5 8 2 4 9 5 8 7
58 Sugar Lane, Rainow
Keep your eyes open for the launch date!
Rainow Village Bus Update
e have presented the bus to the village on two separate occasions in our
quest for volunteers to both drive the bus and administer the scheme and to
help everyone know how the bus is to be used. Overall, some 23 people
volunteered to help, 13 of these being potential drivers. We are still seeking
more drivers which will give a more flexible rota.
By the time you read this, we will have carried out a two day MiDAS (Minibus Driver
Awareness Scheme) for 6 of our volunteer drivers. We anticipate using the lessons
learned to pass on to our other drivers.
The Rainow Parish Plan Implementation Group (RPPIG) is currently working its way
towards setting up everything required to run the scheme. This will include booking
systems, timetable, drivers’ rota, financial control, Health and Safety systems,
maintenance schedules and insurances. We are looking to use IT where possible to
coordinate these. We are also registering the Group with the Charity Commission as
a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) which is taking a lot longer than
anticipated but is necessary to put the group on a proper business footing.
The bus logo competition was held at the school and the winner (Edie Bairstow) was
announced at the Fete. Her winning design is being developed for the side of the bus.
Initially we plan to run a scheduled service on Friday and Saturday evenings with a
Sunday service to coincide with the Treacle Market. There have also been discussions
about running day trips out to neighbouring towns and villages on non Treacle Market
days and this is being explored as a possibility.
We expect this service to begin on Friday 17th October, which is a bit later than initially
anticipated but we considered it was vital to start off with everything in place.
We will run this as a combination of pre-booked and pay to ride systems. The success
will be assessed after 3 months. Fares are £2 single and £3 return. Pick up points will
be: Round Meadow (opposite Sugar Lane), Mount Pleasant and King Edward Street
in Macclesfield.
Harrop Fold Farm
Tel: 01625 560085
Somewhere very special...
A Quintessentially English Experience,
Delightful Award Winning
5 Star Guest Farmhouse and
Self-catering Cottage Accommodation
set in 20 acres with breathtaking
views over the Cheshire Plain.
We offer ’Cupcakes Galore’ hands on cookery courses as well as a
‘Cornucopia of Canapés’ hands on Canapé courses along with
Cookery Demonstrations with Lunch or
Dinner using the finest local ingredients
led by our own Cordon Bleu trained Chef.
Day & Residential Art Courses
with our Resident Professional Artist.
Gift Vouchers available and Corporate and
Group Bookings welcome.
Once the CIO is registered with the Charities Commission, the minibus will be
available for hire by village groups through a booking system when the vehicle is not
required for the timetabled services. We have some knowledge of who these groups
and their requirements will be, but we are keen to hear from any village group not yet
registered or one that has firmed up on their proposed use so that we can incorporate
these into the timetable.
Friday and Saturday
On Treacle Market days ie
the last Sunday in each month
Times out from
7.00 pm
9.45 pm
10.45 pm
10.00 am
12.15 am
2.15 pm
Times back from
7.15 pm
10.00 pm
11.00 pm
10.15 am
12.30 am
2.30 pm
We have bought some additional seats which should allow us to configure the bus to
have up to 13 or possibly 15 seats.
For further details and interest in booking the bus as a group or for booking seats on
the scheduled service or for volunteering to help either with the administration and/or
for driving the bus see contacts below.
Contacts: Alan Brett (576108), Ian Brammer (426059), Ken Butler (433168).
Carole Harvey Telemarketing
New Business Development
Appointment Setting
Telephone Marketing
22 Millers Meadow, Rainow, Macclesfield
01625 573576
Out of School – Autumn Term
by Mark Bertinshaw, Headteacher
t the end of last term, the children in the infant classes enjoyed a fantastic day
travelling to Brazil as part of the world cup celebrations. Well, technically they
remained in school, but having brought their suitcases to school, made their own
passports which were duly stamped, received flight tickets and then taken their
allocated seats on the ‘plane’ to be greeted and hosted by a real flight attendant, it
certainly felt real to them. Having touched down safely in Rio, they then enjoyed a
brilliant day visiting the rainforest, playing beach volleyball, taking a tour of the city and
experiencing Brazilian culture before returning ready for home time!
The year 5 pupils had an excellent experience playing alongside the Halle Orchestra
in Manchester at the Bridgewater Hall. Really, this one is true! They took part in the
Wider Opportunities programme which gives school pupils in Cheshire a chance to
learn a musical instrument for a year, culminating in a fantastic concert supporting
some of the country’s finest musicians.
Recipe of the Month
The children who left us over summer have now begun to attend a variety of
secondary schools. They have also left us with some wonderful memories. The
highlight of their last few weeks was their outstanding performance in our version of
‘Oliver Twist’, ably supported by the year 5 pupils. Some of the stars of the show are
pictured below.
Date Bars
4 oz. Margarine
1 Large tablespoon Golden Syrup
5 oz. Chopped dates
6 oz. Demerara Sugar
3 oz. Desiccated Coconut
4 oz. Self-raising Flour
1 Medium egg, beaten
1. Melt the margarine and syrup.
Cool for 5 minutes, then stir in
the egg. Mix all the dry ingredients
together, add the egg mix, stir well
and spread into a Swiss roll type tin
which you have lined with non-stick
2. Bake at 160 C (325F, Gas Mark 3)
for about 30 minutes until risen
and golden brown. It should still
be a little soft in the centre. Cool
and slice into bars.
The year 6 leavers finally bade farewell to us at the traditional end of year service at
Rainow Church. We also said goodbye to a number of families who have been with
us for many years and I know that they will continue to feel part of the Rainow School
We have also welcomed a new group of twenty five young pupils into our Reception
class. They have made a great start to Rainow School under the care of Mrs Daley
and her team and we are delighted that they and their families will be joining our
school community.
Readers’ Letters
Please send any letters or correspondence to The Editor:
Dear Editor
shire County Council
It is a pleasure to see the old Che
sant, with its distinctive CCC
fingerpost sign at Mount Plea
ld on the main support post,
(Cheshire County Council) shie
with the black and white ‘Cheshir
cleaned and re-painted. Along
and boundary signs which are
railings, milestones, mileposts
e landscape, they do
distinctive part of the Cheshir
for future generations.
d on a job well done.
Congratulations to those involve
Colin Serridge, Cesterbridge
Hello Raven Editors
I thought you might like to see the attached photograph taken on 5th
August at 6.55 am on my way to work at Astra Zeneca.
I pass through your lovely village at around the same time every
morning and am appalled by the number of heavy wagons that are
allowed to use such a narrow village road. This incident stopped a
large amount of traffic for fifteen minutes while they scraped by each
other. The wagon on the right was up on the pavement and probably
missed the house wall by about half an inch. I’m sure this should be
a matter of discussion for the Parish Council and the powers that be.
Kind Regards,
Paul Swindell.
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Beavers make animal friends
by Karen Roberts
1st Rainow
ncreased Brownie numbers meant we started our programme
for 2014 by having to re-form our 4th Six Group the Elves
which caused much excitement as Brownies were selected
as Sixer and Second and others were given the responsibility
of looking after some of our newest Brownies.
ven though there are only a few weeks to report on since the
last issue of the Raven, the Beavers managed to keep very
busy in that time. In the middle of June, we visited Pets at
Home and had a great time learning about a variety of
animals, as well as being given a tour of the vet facilities. This
evening kickstarted our Animal Friend badge, which the Beavers
worked on in the lead up to the summer holidays. Following this,
we took advantage of the good weather and had an evening of
outdoor games on the pitch at school; after starting with some
fitness exercises, we had some obstacle races and finished with
a game of rounders. Now into July and with scarecrow fortnight
quickly approaching, we spent an evening perfecting our entry
with multicoloured hand prints and some large hands; hopefully
not too many of them went home with multicoloured clothes. The
end of term brought us the eagerly awaited talent show, which
the Beavers planned themselves. Many of them worked together
on their acts, which included dancing, joke telling and sporting
skills and was an enjoyable evening for all that took part. With
the school term almost over, the only event left for the Beavers to
participate in was the parade to the Church Fete. As many of you
may recall, the lead up to the parade was very wet and we were
all feeling a little bedraggled by the time we set off, as can be
seen in the photo. En route the weather did start to dry out a little
and on arrival at the field, we were really pleased to find out we
had won the youth group entry for our ‘Farm Hands’. Well done,
Beavers – the perfect end to a very enjoyable year.
Now we are at the start of a new school year and looking forward
to having lots more fun.
We celebrated Burns Night with tasting Haggis and craft activity
making wooden spoon Scottish dancers complete with tartan
kilts and lace. We also held a roller blade/skate and pizza
evening in the hall and it was nice to see so many Brownies
helping each other stay upright and share skates. To get into
the spirit of the Winter Olympics we held our own alternative
evening of team races with ski jumping, tobogganing etc.
We worked on our Circus Badge following the Circusology
evening held last year, making juggling balls, clown face
painting and entertaining. In addition to this we have started our
Big Brownie Birthday badge as Brownies celebrate 100 years.
The Brownies chose and held a democratic vote to select
various activities for the areas to be completed and we have
already completed 4 of the 9 challenges which involved finding
out about their parents’ and grandparents’ family tree and jobs
and discussing what job they might want to do in the future, a
James Bond evening creating and deciphering secret codes
and making cocktails, an evening with RSPB wildlife Explorers
building insect homes, and Six team building exercises.
for the
by Akela Sue Grimes
he weather wasn’t too kind to us at the beginning of the
term although we only retreated inside once it took three
attempts to cook our tea by the stream. It was worth the
wait though and was a very successful night with six fires
soon alight and a variety of foods cooked and eaten.
On one of the nights we intended to cook we had a bivouac
(a shelter made from natural materials) making competition
instead as it seemed more appropriate!!
The following three weeks we split into groups of ten and in
turn went to Astbury Mere and chose between sailing, bodyboarding and windsurfing. These evenings were lovely and
parents and Leaders enjoyed sitting in the sun watching them.
The Cubs also followed the orienteering course at Teggs Nose
– the Duke of Edinburgh helpers were particularly useful at this
as they were able to go round in small groups competing
against each other.
For Mothers Day the Brownies arranged mugs of flowers and we
held an Easter egg trail solving clues around the village to find
the pieces of Easter egg and later some Easter egg tasting!
At the end of April we went on a trip to Crocky Trails where the
Brownies tackled swing ropes and wobbly bridges, to name just
a few activities, followed by a picnic.
In May we had an evening of Rounders, French Cricket and
Hide and Seek on the school playing field. We also went to
Pizza Express for a meal. When our eldest Brownies were away
on a school trip the younger Brownies held their own Brownie
Bake Off making decorative and flavoured bread rolls and the
aroma from the hall got all the parents taste buds going when
they came to collect them.
The Brownies designed tea coasters and varnished them for
Father’s Day and at a following meeting our seven eldest
Brownies ran the entire evening for their Entertainers badge with
their version of “Frozen”, which included singing, dancing, a
Compere, lighting, costumes and refreshments. Due to the large
influx of new Brownies we had to split them into two groups
where five were enrolled following their pre-promise programme
and the others will be enrolled this autumn. They also completed
their Hostess badge and entertained the Brownies. Our eldest
Brownies went to two Guide taster evenings in Rainow and
Bollington to decide which Guide Unit they would like to join and
The third activity was abseiling, again at Teggs Nose with
Moorland Adventure. Nearly every Cub had a go thanks to the
patience of Pete Parker and Tim Grimes and were justly proud of
Our last meeting we spent in the grounds of Eddisbury Hall (with
thanks to the Haywards) on zip wires, rope swings, climbing
frames and so on. We also finished off our Backwoods Cooking
badge by making stuffed apples and toasting marshmallows. It
was also quite a sad evening as we said goodbye to Cubs from
families that have been associated with us for some years,
hopefully we shall see them at Scouts.
A group of 21 Cubs went to Kingswood Activity Centre near Mold
in North Wales, this included a lot of the younger new Cubs as
well as being the last trip away with us for some older ones. As it
was an inset day at School on the Friday we went to the Crocky
we said goodbye to Beatrix and Edie as they joined Rainow
Guides. Our other five Brownies will join Rainow and Bollington
Guides in September when places become available.
The summer term was a happy and sad occasion as we held
our Big Brownie Birthday party and said goodbye to our leader in
training, Kirsten, and daughter Hannah, as their family starts a
new life in Switzerland. Gifts were presented from the Brownies
and me. Although we shall all miss them both I shall particularly
miss Kirsten’s help in helping to prepare activities and her
regular attendance in running the Brownie meetings with me.
That leaves me once again requesting the help of anyone who
would spare time on a regular basis or to train as a leader to
help out with our Brownie pack on a Thursday evening. If you
are not sure what’s entailed call in and have a chat with me.
Our final outing for the summer was a day at Tatton Park
‘Brownie Splash Day’ where most of the Brownies took part in
sailing, canoeing, Kayaking and Coracles. Some had that sinking
feeling but everyone had a fantastic time and once again a great
way to start the summer holidays.
To join Brownies or get your name on our joining list and for
anyone who is interested in finding out more about girlguiding
whether children or adults you can access www.girlguiding
Susan Norman
Trail near Chester on the way where several boys got rather wet
and muddy but had a great time. The rest of the weekend was
also full of challenges with the Cubs (and some Leaders) caving,
raft building, trying the high rope course, going down the giant zip
wire and most scary climbing up to the leap of faith. They also
followed a trail blindfolded and completed a team challenge. The
weather couldn’t have been better, it was a wonderful weekend
altogether. Think one of my highlights of the weekend was when
a Brownie Leader there complimented me on my polite well
behaved Group.
I also took a small group to Senior Camp at Barnswood, again a
pleasure and they enjoyed a range of activities including Dragon
boating, low ropes, archery and a Campfire.
We dressed up as Tractor Drivers for the fete procession and
gained second place, a good end to a busy fun term.
Thank you!
A big thank you to everyone who supported our Strawberry
Sparkle Lunch, where an amazing £1487 was raised for the
NSPCC. And don’t forget our Punch & Mince Pies Event on
2nd December at 24 Manchester Road, Tytherington!
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Rainow's Role in
Motoring History
Comes Alive!
Phil Moss takes up the story...
amazing how what starts off as a
regarding the history
and merits of Old Speckled Hen in
the Robin Hood can move from beer
to motor sport and on to one of our
famous motoring land-marks in next
to no time.
And so, during a conversation
between me, John Guy and his wife
(visitors to the pub), it turned out
that we all shared a passion for cars
and motor sport. When John
mentioned that since he retired from
his competition duties with Dunlop
he had become heavily involved in
car trials, I immediately went for the
Summer 2012 edition of the Raven
and the article that Raph Murray had
written on Jenkin Chapel aka the
Corkscrew and its use as a trials
venue in the early part of this
century. John's face lit up as he read
about it and told me that the Motor
Cycling Club (MCC) were looking
for historic trials venues to keep open
and to use in the future.
Knowing that the Corkscrew still
retained a licence for motor sport, I
told John that I would be happy to
look into the matter for the future
and he passed me contact details for
the Clerk of the Course and
organiser of the Edinburgh Trial
which, despite the name, is now
centred on the Peak District.
Cutting a reasonably long story
short, after asking the question
informally with members of the
Parish Council to ascertain more of
the logistics and possible objections, I
introduced Roy Newton of the MCC
to John Stagg and from there matters
accelerated. Meetings with other
locals, including Geoff Cooper, led to
an inspection of the track, fact
finding discussions with Cheshire
East Council and Peak Park and
ultimately the go ahead for the
inclusion of Jenkin Chapel in the
route of this years' Edinburgh trial.
Of course, as was pointed out in the
Raven's second article about the hill
(not to mention other doubters in the
bar of the Robin Hood), the passage
of time has seriously eroded the
paving and nature has squeezed the
width of the track. In fact, reports of
the 2003 event stated that the route
was getting impassable which led to
its demise. That does not daunt
motor trialists - have you seen what
they ride or drive? - and work has
started on widening the trackway. In
the word of the MCC's July
newsletter, "We have Rob Preedy, a
long time competitor and supporter
of the MCC, heading up a team of
local volunteers drawn from the area
around Jenkin, carrying out
sympathetic repair work, to try to
restore it back to its old formidable
Such restoration does not mean that
it will be paved, widened too much
or made easy because by definition a
trial is a challenge. Let the MCC
" In the early days of motoring,
manufacturers were keen to prove
the reliability of their products by
undertaking long runs with
observers in the cars to establish that
the vehicle could complete the course
within the time schedule and
without the vehicle coming to an
involuntary halt. As time moved on,
cars became mechanically more
reliable and the organisers of these
"Reliability Trials" took to siting their
controls at the bottom of notoriously
steep hills to challenge the underpowered machines of the day to
ascend the hill from a standing start.
It was then a short step to making the
competitors attempt unsurfaced hills
where the mud and rocks might
defeat the driver's attempts to
maintain forward motion. From this
concept the "Classic" Trial as it is
known today has evolved".
By the time you read this, the early
morning start and the sight of classic
motorcycles and cars tackling a bit of
our motoring heritage will have
taken place (the event returned to
Rainow on October 4 with the first
competitor at the track at 7.30 am.).
Maybe next year we can give you
more notice!
Find out more
In his article Raph Murray
mentioned the January 1935
edition of "the MG Magazine",
forerunner of today's "Safety
Fast", the magazine of the MG
Car Club. In it, an article gives a
detailed account of how to climb
the hill and this is still available on
the internet at MG_magazine/
Being a petrol head, Phil has a
copy of the article saved to his
PC and if anyone would like a
copy just let him know.
hese photos show the indomitable spirit of Rainow!
Despite the rain and wind in the morning, the
Church Fete attracted the crowds and the sun even
came out to reward the competitors and spectators.
The scarecrows were as ingenious as ever and most
survived their pre-fete wetting, notably the winner
(The Wurzels by the Warringtons) which had a canopy!
All who slaved over the preparation and clearing up deserve
the thanks of us mere spectators for another
successful Fete.
Down on the Farm
Drink Beer - it does us all good!
by David Hasler
s a long term CAMRA
member and part time brewer,
it goes without saying that I
(and Jill, and my daughter, and
son in law etc, etc,) am obviously
very keen on real ale, but despite
the rise in micro-breweries and the
development of a huge range of
beers, I am convinced that many
people just don’t realise what a
natural, and varied, choice beer is.
At the annual Macclesfield Beer Festival this year, the good
people of Macclesfield and the surrounding areas had the
choice of 200 different casks of beer. The beer was all from
micro- breweries, brewed the traditional way, just water, malt,
hops and yeast (in varying proportions and types of malt and
hops). Real ale is completely natural and stored without the
addition of gas, it is a living product, and varies accordingly.
We have four award winning breweries less than 5 miles away
(Bollington Brewing, Happy Valley, Redwillow and Storm).
During the run up to the festival, I was visiting these, and our
other Cheshire brewers. And what a great lot of guys (and girls)
they are. I visited farms, a fish farm, industrial estates, an old
pub, barns, an old mill, even someone's garage!
TEL: 01625 572654
MOB: 07860 106901
All are producing great local beers for you to buy at your pub or
off licence, with a fantastic diversity of styles. Most brew not only
golden beers, but also traditional bitters, milds, stouts and some
special brews (beetroot, anyone?) Most of the beer is sold in
casks to local pubs and served on hand pump, and some are
also using keykeg (NOT the same as the old gassy keg
dispense). Most bottle their beers and these can be bought at
the pub or at off licences (or, in Macclesfield’s Redwillow’s case,
on Virgin Trains!). More and more people want to try different
beers at home, so many off licences, such as Brewtique in the
Castle Quarter of Macclesfield, now specialise in beer and cider,
where a wide range of beers from different breweries is
stocked… and advice will be given if you are overwhelmed by
the choice! If you want to know more about brewing, most
brewers will host brewery trips or may visit a pub to let you
‘Meet the Brewer’. They are all enthusiastic about brewing, so
Lynne Eardley
12 Charter Road, Bollington. SK10 5NU
Savignac de Duras, France
Sleeps 12
Swimming Pool
u 11/2 hrs from Bordeaux
So where can you find these local beers? Getting all these
lovely, local beers into pubs is not as easy as you might expect.
After all, we have four breweries less than five miles away, so
surely simply pop a cask in a van or fetch it by car? Not unless
the pub is a Free House (by the way, does the Lamp and
Candle have a restrictive tie?) Pub groups insist the landlord
buys from them, from their list, at inflated prices, to try and hang
onto what little profit they are making. Hurdsfield Road is now a
microcosm of the state of pubs in Britain, one free house,
another free house for sale on a long lease and two tenanted
pubs, one having undergone a full refurbishment from
Robinsons (a family owned independent brewery, as Rainow WI
discovered recently on their brewery trip.) Pubs are at great risk
at the moment andl need your custom if we're to halt the current
26 pub a week closure rate.
So, drink bottled beer at home, or in the restaurant (Wincle’s
Northern Lights at the Salt Bar, for example, or Happy Valley at
the Balti Kitchen). But, most importantly, GO TO THE PUB!
Beers from the breweries of Macclesfield and Bollington are all
regularly available, in free houses and in some tied houses.
Places where you are almost sure to be able to find local beers
are: Redwillow (Redwillow Bar, the Macc), Storm (Snowgoose,
Cock and Pheasant), Bollington Brewery (Vale, Park Tavern) or
Happy Valley (Poachers, Wharf), as well as other many other
local pubs (Windmill, Whiteley Green, Waters Green Tavern,
Treacle Tap, Baths, Ship). Look out for the CAMRA Locale
marker on the hand pump. All these will be easier to reach (and,
more to the point, come back from) when our community village
bus starts running.
Real ale has no added artificial chemicals, is only on average
3-5% alcohol by volume (as opposed to wine at around 12%),
is made on our doorstep, and has a variety of flavours…. Don’t
say you don’t like beer, or beer from one brewery, until you’ve
tried several. Don’t moan about the lack of choice, or the closure
of a local pub, if you haven’t tried the beer and used the pub.
To quote CAMRA - ‘Use it or lose it’.
More on the brewing process and styles may follow, if I can drag
myself away from the Lamp and Candle, which has still to
embrace the local brewing revolution.
Rainow Cattery
we need to be as enthusiastic in drinking it.
Contact: Mary Marsh on
01625 573508
Old Post Office Cottages,
Church Lane, Rainow, Macclesfield,
Cheshire SK10 5XE
Established over 30 years
‘A home from home for cats’
Centrally heated accommodation
with a radiator in every pen
Climate controlled environment
We can take cats on medication
Open all year round
Tel: 01625 575129
The Old Hall, Sugar Lane, Rainow, SK10 5UJ
News from the
Lamp and Candle
Hello All,
Lots to write about following an action-packed summer. Mind you, the
weather is racing on so much this year – we’d picked pounds of
blackberries in the spinney before August was three quarters done! So
by the time you settle down with a mug of tea and a hob-nob to read
this article we’ll have had ice and snow for a fortnight.
Well, him as used to live at Harrop and is still hanging on to the public
purse says things are on the mend and everybody’s better off, though I
don’t see new shops opening in the town or more pennies coming over the
bar in my establishment. However, I can report one sign of growth in the
economy – a huge increase in the sales of day-glo white and yellow road
line paint, most of it bought up by Cheshire East Council for splodging
on the roads of Rainow! It was all very good resurfacing the road, but
blinding us with paint is another thing altogether. Ginger Dave has
stopped taking his tractor down the main road until he finds his
sunglasses, and what are all the pointy bits painted on the road at
If you ask me what they SHOULD be doing is getting rid of about three
quarters of the signs on the roads around Macclesfield. Half of them
have been hidden for months because nobody cuts back trees and
bushes any more, so nobody’s missed them. On the way to Knutsford
the other day I counted six signs for motorists to read in the space of
twenty yards. I would be interested if you readers could better this score
– just leave a message with the Editor of the “Raven” I may even start a
campaign and form the Association for the Removal of Stupid and
Excessive Signs, so watch this space.
Cycling seems to have been the flavour of the summer, what with the
Tour de France starting in Yorkshire. The Tour de Rainow is also a good
idea but I wouldn’t want any organisers to get any ideas about starting
future races at any of the Rainow pubs except the Robin Hood.
Well done to the two Rainow athletes mentioned in the last issue and
especially Seonaid Murray in the Commonwealth Games – a charming
and plucky Rainow lass. Seonaid is the daughter of that splendid Mr.
Murray who is no longer looking for the whereabouts of the Lamp &
On a serious note my heart goes out to all those people in Scotland. By
the time you read this we will know the results of the referendum. I
don’t hold out much hope of a ’Yes’ vote – I’m having the devil’s own job
trying to keep one pub independent from the rest of Rainow so what
chance have they got? There’s been a lot of discussion on Scottish
independence in the snug, ranging from the ‘anti’ voters (“Why was the
Rainow Fete procession led by a Scottish piper?”) to the ‘pro’ vote (I’m all
for changing the name of our town to McElsfield).
had a word with his mother.
I’m also helping him by banning
crisps from the Lamp. To be
honest I’ve never been keen on
selling crisps in a pub – the tip of the ice cube
if you ask me. It’d be Twiglets and Cheesy Wotsits next and we don’t
want any of that Delilah Smith stuff in this neck of the Rainow woods.
The fete was as grand as ever despite the rain, led by a Samba Band
that beat, shook, danced, splashed and smiled all the way to Billy’s field.
The proceedings were brightened up no end by the appearance of the
new Mayor who spoke up handsomely for this treasured Rainow event.
Although her Worship could never be invited into the snug at the Lamp
we will keep her in mind for the next male/female event, probably the
mixed arm-wrestling and shin kicking competition. Mind you, this
might be the last time I mention ‘segregation of the sexes’ in my column.
I have been accused, not for the first time, of lacking political correctness
and respect for women. Apparently, someone has referred to me as a
‘male shoulderless pig’ which is very hurtful but if you are in the public
eye, as I am with my column, I suppose this is an occupational hazard.
Recently I was discussing the loyalty of animals with Riley across the
field. He’d been to Chelford market and while he was discussing tractor
parts with a dealer he remembered that he had accidentally left Mrs.
Riley and his dog, Sam, locked in the back of his van for almost an hour.
“When I opened the van doors”, he said, “who do you think was most
pleased to see me?” Speaks for itself if you ask me but I think I might
stay away from gender issues for a while.
Well, the executed Highwayman and the fallen Rising Sun are
beginning at last to look like the houses they will soon become. A sad
farewell to many memories. The Robin Hood, on the other hand, seems
to be doing well – a goodly selection of beers and a welcome party
evening thrown in! They even had an award-winning entry in the
brilliant scarecrow festival. It was so effective that an occasional visitor to
my Best Room (too embarrassed to give his name) asked the fellow at
the bar for a drink three times before he realised it was what I can
exclusively report was the first ever indoor scarecrow in Rainow!
Anyway lots for you to be thinking about. Please remember to send your
comments re: signs to the Editor, and whilst you’re at it you might send
a word of thanks to those who have been scrubbing the grimy signs
around the place.
All for now
The two Rainow cyclists have inspired Kevin to take up the sport. He
found an old Raleigh bike in the shed and spent hours removing the rust
and giving it a coat of gloss paint. Apparently it has Sturmey-Archer
gears, which Kevin tells me is cutting edge technology where bikes are
concerned. Now Kevin’s a bit unfit so I persuaded him to go to Bollington
Leisure Centre.
After three weeks he called in to tell me there was an amazing new
machine at the gym – it had Kit-Kats, Mars bars and crisps. I have
It’s a Dog’s Life
Muppet tells Richard Stocker
the thoughts of the mature canine
am confused, and before you say, no
it’s not because of my age. Golden
years, since you ask. My 2Legs keep
telling other 2Legs that I’m “in the
Autumn of my years”, and next thing I
hear that “he’s got a Spring in his step”.
Make your mind up. What season are
we in? I thought it was still summer –
at least it was when I barktated this.
As usual we all enjoyed our fête. Did all
your 2Legs enjoy it as much as us? Lots
of scoobie snacks and attention for me –
dogtastic. The flowery ribbony thing on
my collar – with a number 1 I’ll have you
know – is a little feminine (Ed forced me
to translate that last word into 2Legs
speak). But it seemed to please my
2Legs, and there were plenty of us
having to wear them so it wasn’t so bad.
But this year they went back out again in
the evening. Without me. On Fête Day.
They came home, eventually, all smiley
faced and tired. But don’t they know?
- - -
Robin Hood
Paws for thought: Chocolate Labradors.
Are they the new black?
I could dye myself to be part of the
young scene around here, but then I
would lose my gentrified panda eyes and
fluffy paws. Both of which seem to do
wonders for attention and pats and
tickles and stuff.
Question: why are there so many stiles
and walls around here that us older dogs
have to negotiate? Must have a bark
with the Parish Council - my walk routes
are getting seriously limited. There’s a lot
to be said for kissing-gates.
As an elder statesdog of the village I’ve
a lot in common with the other
nonagenarians of Raven Hill. Shorter,
slower, flatter – which isn’t easy around
here - walks. Stopping to ‘take in the
Tuesday - Steak Night
including drink £13.95
Traditional country pub on the cusp
of the beautiful Peak District.
Saturday 12 - 8.30 pm.
Sundays lunch served 12 - 6 pm.
Come and sample our selection of
real ales.
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Beer gardens to the side and rear with
views to Kerridge Ridge.
Give us a call or see our website:
Fête Day is all about our dog show, our
socialising. But apparently Fête Day now
equals Fête Night.
Te l : 0 1 6 2 5 5 7 4 0 6 0
view’ a lot. Even use the car to get
around occasionally. But hey, we never
tire of the village. We just get tired. And
as for my Christmas Day trip to White
Nancy – setting off the week after next,
I’ll see you there.
I’m also looking forward to March 2015 –
hit the Big Barkday. 00 of the finest dog
years, and all of them spent in Rainow.
Do you suppose I’ll get a card from the
Corgis? And I’m not the only one with a
big birthday soon, there’s an 80th in the
2Legs community soon but I’m my jowls
are sealed about which farmer it is.
Finally, a bark out to all the new pups in
the village. Yes I know its great to get out
together when we take the 2Legs for a
walk. But have a bark with yourself –
remember to respect us older dogs, all
that jumping around, pulling my ears.
I never used to do that.
Or did I? Can’t quite remember that far
A Musician s Life in “Egypt”
respect son, otherwise you can
cross pianist off your list of career options! Earlier, I had watched
the ravens’ feeding time. As befits veteran Defenders of the Realm, dining was formal. Another
Veteran, a Beefeater in full uniform, served
Derrick and Pat Margerson of Blaze Hill write ..
he idea of this article came from a piece in the Spring
edition of the Raven about speaking ‘Rainer’. It was to
have been written in that parlance but proved too
challenging. There may be someone willing to translate
this piece, perhaps for a future edition. Derrick writes about
Rainow’s fabled “Egypt Café” and provides the “Raven” with
the first known photograph of this legendary watering-hole.
In the 1960s my wife Pat and I were living in Stockport, but we
were not natives of the town. Pat was raised in Cheadle Hulme
and I was from the depths of Manchester where I had learned to
play the cornet in a Church band in Ancoats (see the picture of
me aged about 18 and ready to play for the Whit Walks). We
met when I was sent by a contracting firm from Manchester to
work at A. V. Roe in Woodford where Pat worked in the offices.
I hated my job and being able to play reasonably well (the Hallé,
BBC and other major orchestras were offering me work as an
extra trumpet player) I decided to try earning a living as a full
time musician.
At the suggestion of Pat’s mother we put an advertisement in
the Stockport Express seeking a country cottage and received
a reply from the owner of Prospect Cottage on Blaze Hill,
Rainow. We bought it (people didn’t want to live ‘way out’ in
those days) and moved into Prospect Cottage or “Egypt Café”
as it was known locally, in March 1966. There was no bathroom
or flushing toilet, or indeed any running water at all: water was
carried from a well a quarter of a mile up the road. The steps to
it, 32 in all, and handrail can still be seen looking south over the
wall towards Rainow.
Our toilet (did people use the word lavatory then?) was up the
garden (more steps) and was emptied once a fortnight by
Macclesfield Rural District Council – anybody remember them?
They used to employ ‘lengthmen’ in
those days, responsible for keeping a
section of road clean and tidy as well as
making small repairs. Things were
supposed to get better by amalgamating
smaller councils into bigger units and
now we have the giant
Cheshire East
Council, who
do not mend or sweep the road
or tidy verges. Our Council
rates in those days were £16
per year and now they are over
£40 per week. This is progress!
Anyway, back to Prospect
Cottage, which older residents
will know as Egypt Café (see
picture). The property nearest
to us was derelict and was the
site of the Methodist Chapel
built by James Mellor of Billinge Head Farm in 1781 with a
cottage and stable for the travelling preacher and his horse. The
cottage and stable I believe to be Prospect Cottage. An incorrect
sign claiming to be where John Wesley preached has been built
into the wall of a property further down Blaze Hill when those
properties were rebuilt a few years ago. History books,
particularly the one compiled by Rainow W.I. in 1974 and page
14 in the spring 2013 edition of The Raven, confirm the site of
the Chapel.
Having settled into Prospect Cottage we started to have our
family, one boy and two girls, who were educated initially at the
excellent Rainow Church School by Mr. Robinson and his staff,
not forgetting the visits of the Rev. Lewis, his dog and his
wonderful puppets. We have had to enlarge the place of course,
as two of us became five. They have grown and moved away
having got married and have families of their own. Now we are
back to two rattling around in a biggish house.
In the early days Billinge Quarry was still being worked and
winter generally brought lots of snow with deep drifts. Not so
much these days (perhaps due to global warming) bringing, in
itself, a more comfortable life and Pat no longer rinses
the washing in the field.
Egypt Café, I believe, was a regular stopping place for
cyclists and walkers. After we took up residence I found
two metal plaques in an old shed. These were for the
National Cyclists Union. One was very much rusted
away but I still have the other, which is made from
some non-rusting material.
We are now happily retired and consider ourselves to
be locals. Pat is a keen gardener and I spend quite a
lot of my time reading and doing a bit of cooking.
I no longer play, except for the Last Post etc.
on Remembrance Day.
respect son, otherwise you can
cross pianist off your list of career
the ravens’ feeding time. As befits veteran Defenders of the Realm,
Veteran, a Beefeater in full uniform, served
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ur village has the sonorous, if rather twee
name of Rainow. Often mail is misaddressed
to “Rainbow, Cheshire” as if we were an outpost
of the Merry Old Land of Oz. When you say you live
in Rainow, people quip “So it rains a lot there – Hur hur”.
It’s great that the Wildean tradition of ready wit lives on.
Naturally, any community clinging to Pennine fellsides at 1000plus feet in Northwest England will be soggier than most, but
not uniquely so compared with our near neighbours.
The Raven issue 12 cited the true origin of the village name;
Hræfn Hoh (Ravens Height in Old English). The name
mutated over the centuries from gruff Hræfn Hoh, via Raven’s
Howe, then Ravenho, finally to emollient Rainow.
The Raven derivation is commemorated by the badge of
Rainow School, the church youth group and, of course, this
magazine. With its large size, jet black iridescent plumage and
heavy calibre beak, the Raven cuts an impressive figure.
Ravens are largest of the corvid or crow family; a handsome
robust bird, a swaggering gangster in a sharp dinner suit.
The Raven has an unusually long lifespan; pampered
specimens at the Tower of London have lived beyond 40. Long
life experience, shrewd hunting strategies in the wild and the
mischievous tricks and speech mimicry of tamed birds have
earned the Raven a reputation for craftiness and cunning.
Indeed biologists evaluate corvids, Ravens in particular, as the
most intelligent of birds, essential for their opportunist lifestyles.
Corvid intelligence is recognised by collective nouns implying
knowledge; storytellings of Ravens, Rooks and Crows and
tidings of Magpies. Other nouns label corvids as bad
characters; a group of Jays is a scold, Ravens an unkindness;
surprisingly, the worst press applies to the Raven’s smaller
cousins, Crows and Magpies; their groupings are murders.
Wariness of the Raven derives particularly from its occupation.
Hot countries have vultures as carrion birds; in colder climates
other species fulfil this role, most notoriously the Raven. Carrion
removal is essential, but in men’s minds its practitioners are
tainted with evil.
In the Biblical story of Noah, a raven was sent to report whether
the Flood had receded but it never returned. An addendum to
the story is that the Raven, originally all-white, was punished for
its faithlessness by being blackened and forced to feed on
carrion. In Old English epic poetry, the Raven is one of the
Beasts of Battle which feast on war dead. Norse
contemporaries referred to the Raven as the Swan of Blood
and a deadly warrior was signified as a “Feeder of Ravens”.
A creature present at scenes of deaths for purely pragmatic
purposes, the Raven grows in human imagination as a
harbinger of death, then a mediator between the dying and the
afterlife. Ravens become messengers of deities; Odin had two
Magic, Malevolent or
merely Misunderstood?
r options! Earlier, I had watched
dining was formal. Another
by Jim Kennelly
ravens Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory) bringing him
news from the world of men. The Raven progresses from
mimicking speech to speaking its own thoughts and
prophesying in human languages. Ravens are said to be the
souls of murder victims or the damned. Magical powers are
ascribed to the Raven by many folk traditions.
The most famous superstition is that the presence of ravens at
the Tower of London prevents the destruction of the Tower, the
fall of the throne of England and the end of the British Empire.
Well, two out of three is not too shabby – good work lads.
My own first encounter with ravens was at the Tower of
London. Substantial, silky and sleek ravens strutted their stuff
on Tower Green, under the gaze and zoom lenses of admiring
tourists. A teenager decided to liven things up by prodding the
birds into further activity. The youth’s finger bobbed an inch
away from a beak adapted for shearing flesh and cutting
bone. Show some respect son, otherwise you can cross
pianist off your list of career options! Earlier, I had watched the
ravens’ feeding time. As befits veteran Defenders of the
Realm, dining was formal. Another Veteran, a Beefeater in full
uniform, served dinner from a salver. No birdseed here greasy fatty hunks of raw pork were flung into the air. The
ravens plucked them out of mid-flight and gulped them down
Fortunately for the annoying adolescent, the pork-sated raven
declined the proffered finger buffet. He sidestepped, cocking
his head towards me. His coal black eye flashed – the
coincidental sweep of a nictitating membrane perhaps, but I
had the distinct impression of being tipped a roguish wink.
The eerie properties of the Raven have been a literary motif
since Shakespeare. JRR Tolkien, drawing on Old English and
Norse traditions, uses an ancient talking raven (Roäc) as a
pivotal plot device in the Hobbit. The most influential work,
however, was Edgar Allan Poe’s 1845 gothic poem The
Raven. A raven enters the narrator’s house late at night. The
man experiences, by turns, remembrance, regret, anger and
finally mad despair, prompted by the raven’s shadow and its
one repeated word “Nevermore”. The poem made Poe world
famous and has inspired a whole genre of supernatural horror
stories and films. Poe is likely to have been the unwitting initiator of the Tower ravens; his poem made Ravens popular and
coincided with the rise of Victorian romantic medievalism. The
first recording of “mediaeval” legends concerning the Tower
ravens and earliest documentation of the Tower raven colony
both postdate publication of Poe’s poem.
The Raven is just a bird looking after business. Routinely
culled until the late 20th century, the Raven is now protected,
so raven populations in Britain are recovering; it is now
possible to see our signature bird flying locally. What will you
see; a winged marauder, Master Spy of a Norse God, or a
displaced soul?
No, you will be seeing a spectacular bird, the returning
prodigal child
My Day at the Games
by Seonaid Thompson
his is it, this is really it, this is what I've trained for, this is the Commonwealth
Games". These were the thoughts going through my mind as I dived into the
loch in Strathclyde Country Park on Saturday 26th July 2014. For the first few
seconds it seemed a bit surreal that after days, months, weeks and years of
training the moment was finally here. But I quickly refocused on the task in hand,
to swim, cycle and run around the Commonwealth Games Triathlon Relay course
as fast as I could.
To give an insight into what it was like to be a part of the Commonwealth Games,
I have tried to describe my day at the Games as it happened:
I woke up and went down to the hotel restaurant for some
breakfast, porridge with honey and a cup of tea, but I was quite
nervous so I didn't manage to eat all that much. At 9.00 am I
started to get hungry again though and this time I managed to
eat a bit more. I cycled over to the race course with team mate
Natalie and coach Chris to check in our equipment, collect our
numbers and be presented to the crowd. The support was
amazing, I'd never experienced anything like it before. Over the
noise of the crowd, I heard my Mum shout "Go Seonaid!" - now
that was something I had heard before and it made me smile.
Natalie was off first and as soon as she set off I had another flurry
of nerves; we had started now, it was nearly my turn. I did my run
warm up - a 10minute jog, put my tri suit on and did my swim
warm up - a 10minute swim. I then stood on the start line ready to
go, jumping up and down a bit to try and shake off some of the
nerves. When my team mate Grant came in, we tagged hands
and I was off 'Don't fall over, don't fall over' I thought to myself.
I ran down the ramp into the Loch, dived in and tried to swim as
fast as I could in a straight line. Coming out of the water, the noise
from the crowd hit me but I stayed calm and focussed on what I
had to do; threw my hat & goggles into the box, put my helmet on
and took my bike out of its stand. People were cheering all the
way round the bike course. I tried to go as fast as I could; I
couldn't feel my legs, did they hurt? I heard my Aunty Clare shout
"Go Seonaid"; I kept pedalling. Before long I was back in
transition, I put my run shoes on and ran as fast as I could 'Uh oh
my legs don't want to run, I feel so slow, they feel so heavy, how
am I going to get round?' 'Every second counts' I told myself, 'just
keep pushing'. Finally I finished my leg, I tagged hands with our
final team member David and collapsed in a heap.
When my legs had recovered enough for me to stand up, I was
whisked over to the finish line to see the rest of my team mates
and wait for David to finish. Just as he crossed the line the
heavens opened and we stood in the rain while reporters from
various newspapers asked us questions. Back in the athletes’
lounge, I spotted my family at the window. I'm not sure how long
they'd been there for but they were absolutely soaked. I climbed
down to say "hello" and it was lovely to see how happy they were.
As the crowds dispersed and the grandstand began to empty,
Natalie and I cycled back to the hotel to shower and change
before heading to the athletes village to drop off our bags and
have some food, a healthy meal of chicken with pasta and salad
but followed by a giant chocolate muffin.
We attended a Triathlon Scotland reception where I had chance
to catch up with my husband and my coach before returning to
the village for some more food - well it would be rude not to make
the most of the 24hour food hall! Now down to just a small group
of Natalie, Chris, team manager John and mechanic David, we
went to the bar for a drink. They didn't sell champagne, so I
settled for a glass of red wine. What a day!
English Tuition
Individual support at
KS2, KS3 and GCSE
Wellington Road, Bollington SK10 5JR
For jazz l For comedy
l For chamber music
l For professional & amateur
theatre productions
l For talks
l For art exhibitions
l For poetry readings
l For rehearsal space
l For classes l For hire
including Year 6 SATs
I am an experienced
English teacher with
BA Hons. in English from
Durham Univ and PGCE.
Contact Katy James on
01625 576390
For more information visit our website:
or ring 573863
David Band
Windows cleaned inside and out
Conservatory Roofs cleaned
l Fascia boards and Soffits cleaned
l Gutters repaired or renewed
35 Moorhill Road, Macclesfield, SK11 7TS
Professional Decorator
Call Michael for a free quote on:
Macclesfield (01625) 431839 or 07932 868623
References available 24 Conway Crescent, Hurdsfield, Macclesfield. SK10 2RU
For a
free quotation
Ring Dave
Window Cleaning Services Est. 1998
on (01625)
or Mobile:
07903 790046
References available
01244 - 851200
D U N K I R K E S TAT E , D U N K I R K , C H E S T E R ,
Studio/Gallery@Kerridge End
Cesterbridge Cottage Kerridge End Rainow
Telephone: 01625 612478
J. Kirk & Co
Established in 1933
Approved Diploma Coal Merchant
Top quality British Coal
Smokeless Fuel l Logs l Kindling
Coaches for every occasion
Palmerston Street,
Tel: 01625 572202
114 Wellington Road,
Tel: 01625 573172
5 Fountain Place, Poynton
Tel: 01625 872154
35 - 70 Seaters
Oliver on 01625 573131
Hedgerow, Rainow SK10 5DA
Your local doorstep
Delivery Service
u Milk
u Organic Milk
Please call us for our 2014 brochure
u Free Range Eggs
with details of our holiday tours
and day excursions
u Orange Juice
Tel: Macclesfield (01625) 425060
u Cream
W B Moss & Son
Hough Hole Farm
Tel: 573320
What’s On
What’s On in Rainow and Bollington
October 2014
2.30 pm
12 to
Sundays 2.00
9th Nov - 4.00 pm and
during events
The Costume
Talk on Fashion in the 1940s and 50s
Tickets £5. Contact 01625 575287
Arts Centre, Bollington
In the Gallery
– Work by Julie Hamer and a local 3D artist
Arts Centre, Bollington
11.30 - 2.00 pm
Rainow Village Walk
– Big Low and Beyond. See this issue for full details
Robin Hood car park
7.30 pm
Rainow WI
– Food4Macc – Colin Townsend
Arts Centre, Bollington
14 - 18
7.30 pm
Bollington Festival Players
– “Second from Last in the Sack Race”
Contact 01625 875326
Arts Centre, Bollington
18 - 27
Daily events
Bollington Walking Festival
- Walking in the area
Information from
Download brochure
from website
7.30 pm
Mothers Union Service
- Hannah Booth and Jane Mellor
– Paramedic & Emergency Technician
Rainow Church Centre
11.30 am onwards Rainow NSPCC
Autumn Fashion Show with Delia Metcalfe.
Tickets £24. Contact: Sue Frith 01625 573802 or
Lyn McCarthy 01625 427896
Hunting Lodge,
7.30 pm
Arts Centre, Bollington
25 - 2
Sat/Sun 10.00 am “A Harvest too Soon”
Rainow Institute
to 4.00 pm &
World War 1 Commemorative Exhibition
7.00 - 9.00pm
with Multi-media Presentation. Refreshments available.
Free admission. Enquiries 01625 573761
11.00 - 4.00 pm
Micron Theatre - “Troupers”
Tickets £11. Contact 01625 574687
Craft Fair
- free admission
Arts Centre, Bollington
8.00 pm
Jazz at the Arts Centre
- The Adrian Cox Quartet with Tom Kincaid.
Tickets £9. Ring 01625 574410
Arts Centre, Bollington
7.30 pm
Rainow WI - AGM
Rainow Institute
7.30 pm
Mothers Union
- Christmas Decorations - Claire de Ruiter
Rainow Church Centre
8.00 pm
Bollington Chamber Concerts
- Trio Eblana
Tickets: £15, tel: 01625 576402 or 574435
Arts Centre, Bollington
10.30 - 12.00
Rainow NSPCC Punch & Mince Pies
24 Manchester Road
8.00 pm
Jazz at the Arts Centre
- Dave Mott’s Jazz Classics with Suzanne
Tickets £9 01625 574410
Arts Centre, Bollington
Friends of Rainow School Christmas Fair
Rainow School
7.30 pm
Rainow WI
Christmas Party
Rainow Institute
All Day
Christmas Market
Rainow Church
7.30 pm
Messiah for All
- join in the choir. Admission £6. Booking essential
Contact 01625 261933
Arts Centre, Bollington
We have made this list as comprehensive as space permits & it is necessarily a selection of the events we know about.
If you have anything planned that you would like us to list in the next issue, please call 01625 426059.
ig Low is one of Rainow’s
most well known landmarks
but it lies on private land and
there is no public right of way
to its summit. Rainow residents and
guests have a unique opportunity to
visit Big Low’s top on 12th October this
year when the Raven editors have
arranged for limited access on that day
only, to form part of a walk held in
memory of Andrew Renshaw. The
section of the walk which is on private
land will be marked with “Raven”
arrows and forms a self-contained loop
to and from the public bridleway
(Jumper Lane) just past Clarke House.
The rest of the walk is on public paths
and can be enjoyed at any time; allow
about 20-30 minutes less if you can’t
Big Low.
By Bowstones
Walk 23
Distance: 3 to 4 miles
Time allowed: two hours plus time
to enjoy the views
Maps: Rainow Parish Paths
The paved path
by Ingersley
Heading for Rainowlow
The Rainow Village Walk
A Unique
Visit to
Big Low
tart at the Robin Hood and walk
along Smithy Lane and at the
junction with Oakenbank Lane
continue uphill on Kiskhill Lane.
Shortly after passing Clarke House, turn
right through the second gate onto a
grassy track winding upwards to the
summit of Big Low. Here the broadranging views make you realise that this
Rainow peak at 347 metres is higher
than White Nancy! Take time to look
around and notice the stony remains
(can you tell where the Quebec
open-cast coal mine was? It provided
coal for Gin Clough Mill). Then retrace
your steps back downhill to Back-of-theCrofts Farm. Take the path at the corner
of the barn (sign-posted Rainowlow) and
pass through two kissing gates to
Rainowlow. Turn left downhill through a
gate and over a stile onto a rather overgrown path (possibly muddy). After
crossing the stile at the end of this track
continue for a short distance until you
see a sign directing you to the left. Cross
the field and drop down over a stile to
stepping stones across a stream.
Continue, heading in the direction of
White Nancy ahead of you (tall people
can just see the top) until reaching
Oakenbank Lane. Cross the lane and
follow the signs across the field to Savio
House (Ingersley Hall). Carry on downhill on the paved “trod” (the “Milkmaid’s
Path”) past the hall to reach the bridge
over the River Dean. Cross the river to
the tarmac track and turn left to
Waulkmill. Admire the waterfall and then
go up some stone steps leading to the
right of the waterfall and into Waulkmill
Wood (preserved by the Woodland
Trust). Climb the woodland path –
pausing for a breather on the
conveniently placed bench at the end of
the wood. Emerging from the wood,
another “trod” leads you along the side
of Kerridge to pass the rear of
Kerridgeside House. From here descend
to the left; here you can catch a glimpse
of Mellor’s Garden through the trees at
Hough Hole House. Built by James
Mellor in the nineteenth century, the
garden (private, but open twice a year)
illustrates the story of Pilgrim’s Progress.
More Rainow history is around you as
you go down the field since this is the
Cali Field, so-called because the site of
the California coal-mine was close by,
and you are close to the site of the
Wedding Steps. Until the building of
Rainow Church in 1846, Rainow people
sometimes crossed the Kerridge Ridge
to Prestbury Church to be married and
the steps were a landmark on the route.
After crossing the flat wooden bridge
over the River Dean, the path to the
village is obvious, so follow it until you
cross a stile to tumble down a steep
flight of steps onto the end of Sugar
Lane. Go uphill and retrace your steps to
the Robin Hood for a well-earned pint!
Note: this route involves climbing stiles
and walking on uneven ground with old
mines and badger setts. You cross
fields with sheep, cattle and horses, so
if you take a dog please keep it on a
lead and under control at all times.